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Chapter 21: To Survive is to Kill

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:53 pm    Post subject: Chapter 21: To Survive is to Kill Reply with quote

Chapter 21: To Survive is to Kill

Exhaling deeply Lilleyn caught her breath as rain teemed down outside the cave mouth. The few goblins that had once breathed, cooked and played within the dry musty cavern lay dead in spreading pools of greenish red blood upon the floor. Water dripped from her hair to the floor as she tried to light some of the wood that had been gathered by the previous occupiers. I wonder if they’ve sent people to follow me? If so they will be close on my tail, I haven’t been able to hide my tracks anywhere near as much as I’d have liked thanks to the number of goblins I’ve had to fend off. She winced as she looked at the snaking scar on her right arm where a goblin trident had wounded her, drawing blood. The wound itself wasn’t too bad though, just painful. The valley outside was hidden behind the sheet of rain that streamed down with a rhythmic splattering. My progress has been too slow as well, because of John…at the thought of his name the tears all too easily began to flow again and she buried her rain smeared, tear stained face between her legs; dropping the twigs she’d been rubbing together and sobbing uncontrollably.

A little way back in an adjacent valley, the twenty brave men of the watch who had been sent to track down Lilleyn also stood within a cave, braving out the torrential torrent. The fierce looking figure of Krout, the leader of the watch, stood silently facing the rain, his glare seemingly piercing through it. Johannes, a short cropped blonde haired man whose face bore a nasty slash across the right cheek from a tussle with a street robber several years ago, flicked a pebble across the cold stone floor. It struck the far wall with a gentle tap as he spoke gloomily to the group at large,

“What hope have we of finding her in this weather, even assuming she’s had to take shelter, the rain will wash out her tracks.” A couple of other men nearby nodded their heads in silent agreement, not brave enough to voice their opinions out loud. Krout remained staring out into the rain without saying a word for a long while. By the time he looked round and dryly answered, their thoughts had already started to drift,

“We won’t lose her. She’s been bearing the brunt of the goblin attacks for us; therefore she’ll have been weakened. Also tracking by ground is but one way; we can track her from the air as well. As soon as the rain eases we’ll send out the black farnhawks. We’ll catch her.”

Johannes looked up into the charcoal grey eyes of his captain that optimised Krout's steely hardness, he knew the elf didn’t stand a chance of escaping them. You can run elf but you won’t be able to hide, he thought as he picked up another small sharp stone, rolling it in his palm before lazily flicking it after the others.

* * *

“Fine, we’ll come quietly, but who are you and what will happen to us?” Elvendor asked with a pretence at desperation hoping to lull the man into an elevated sense of superiority. The man answered, his smooth voice echoing out across the vast chamber.

“Who am I? Well I have many names but you can call me Stephen, and don’t worry - nothing too bad will happen if you come quietly. You’ll be detained and questioned, then we’ll establish where things go for there. There’s really no need to be afraid.” His face wore a calm smile that reeked of control. This guy isn’t used to having things go against him, Elvendor thought, but for him to have such confidence he must be good. Will he notice…?

“Ah I see, you’re stalling for time, but why…?” The man’s voice rang out, confused . “Never mind, lie down at once or the platform spins.” Elvendor glanced at Simeon who opened his eyes and mouthed the words ‘half-done’. Elvendor nodded, frowning, well that will have to do.

“Ok here’s what I want you to do, when I say go you all jump onto the half finished platform that will slide out from behind this one, you should just be able to fit onto it,” he whispered.

“But what…” Alex began. Elvendor raised his finger to his lips and whispered,

“That’s not important right now. Ok…Go!” Simeon’s half finished platform slid from the shadow of the real one and Simeon, Alex, Regan and Zeriach hopped over the rope barrier onto the new platform.

“What…!” The Kostenton spy muttered in surprise as he saw all but Elvendor apparently standing on thin air, “how…? Never mind, have the current platform ram them!” Remenus nodded and began to turn the wheel, directing the ropes and pulleys that controlled the platform. Already though Elvendor had cut through most of the pulley’s and connectors that attached the platform to the puppet like ropes that drooped and sagged across the chamber with the iron dagger. With an elegant flourish he cut the final couple of pulleys to send the platform spinning and plummeting to the bottom of the shaft where it could no longer cause havoc. Elvendor leaped from the falling lump of marble to a nearby rope to which he clung for his life. It seemed like an age before the faint tinkling sound rang out from below as cold blue fragments bounced and scattered upon the dented marble floor. Gasping Elvendor inched himself up the rope as the others watched on in fascinated horror, wondering what would happen next. Simeon had his eyes closed, nearly all his effort going into keeping the mock marble platform suspended in the air with four people upon it, the remainder intent on inching it slowly towards Elvendor. Elvendor’s eyes sought out Stephen who stood with a cruel smile playing out across his face as he pulled a handful of shiny, sharply curved and bladed disks.

“So you’ve made your move elf. A bold one too, I will be fascinated to find out how you managed to pull it off. I guess it has something to do with that old man of yours. I’ve heard rumours that he was behind the mirages in the Rusheldon Hills. Indeed he was to be kept under observation until your mission concluded. However from the fragmented echo’s I heard as you rose, that may not be necessary any longer. It seems that you’re information gathering hasn’t been in vain and that you are close to finding what you seek.”

“You have no real idea what we know,” Elvendor replied evenly, “and even if we did know anything at all, what makes you think we’ll tell you?” Stephen twirled one of the elegant blades about one finger,

“Shall I tell you elf? Because if you don’t I’ll pick you off one by one…I’m sure one of you will crack, will give up and spill the information. Regan for instance owes you no loyalty and serves our Mayor. Face it, you’ve lost the battle, we have the upper hand. Do you know how easy it would be for me just to slice the rope you’re hanging from and send you to your death?”

Is it all to end here, just as things were starting to pick up…just as I finally found some real clues to the Jade, to where my mother’s journey seems to end. No! There must be a way out of this, but I somehow need to remove Stephen. Closing his eyes he searched for a water source that he felt sure couldn’t exist. Yet as his mind searched the chamber two blue imprints marked themselves onto his mind, the exact shape of Remenus and Stephen. Of course people and centaurs are largely made up from water in their system! Will it work? I can but try; it is the only way out that I can see. His hand reached out as Stephen’s moved back to throw the first disk. His voice ringing out, sounding rather amused,

“So who should I kill first elf, you or your friends? Or are you going to do the sensible thing and give yourselves…Ah…ah…uhhh! What?” His figure doubled up as Elvendors fingers cycled round, stirring the water inside of him, moving it about. Stephen collapsed to his knees, dropping the blades as the water in his right hand retreated up his arm, shrivelling the skin and leaving it limp and useless. He clutched at it with left hand, terrified as Renanen watched on in horror. Elvendor couldn’t see their faces clearly, only a shifting outline of flowing blue. He continued to caress the particles in Stephen’s body as his form writhed and slumped as though he was being eaten from within. I should stop now, the job is done…done…done…Yet his fingers kept on caressing the flow and temptation to go further, inflamed by a feeling of power and importance that hovered at the back of his mind and as he hesitated it grew. They’re just objects after all, not really human, whispered a creeping voice within, you have power over him, power of life and death…and remember how he threatened you. Show him what happens to those who threaten you.

It was all too easy not to see the swirling blue body as human when his expression was blurred and his fearful whimpered jerky cries of pain so distant. Elvendor gave into the heady intoxication of power and revenge, caressing slightly harder. As he did so he felt the particles in his mind darken slightly and respond more easily to his touch. I can shape them and mould them, can spin them and twist them; they’re under my control. Now to sharpen them, to finish him…no it; it hurt me, it hurt my friends, it shall die; it must die, the secret mustn’t spread. As all watched transfixed, speared jets of water mixed with blood burst forth from Stephen’s arms and chest, punching through the fragile skin. One jet sprayed over Remenus who turned white and galloped in a blind panic from the scene. Stephen’s small cries of pain ceased as his body crumpled and sagged about his bones as bloodied water washed from him; flooding the passage and running down the vertical chamber wall. The water dissipated in Elvendor’s mind, blue streaks trickling down before him then fading to darkness as his mind began to fade out. Gratefully he embraced the darkness as his grip on the rope slackened. Nearby he heard a voice cry out something. That sounds like my name, he thought before he felt his body completely detach from the rope and his mind turn off.

* * *

Elvendor opened his eyes to a blurred sea of deep blue above, somewhere distant there were voices. So we’re still in the centaur city, he thought sleepily before his eyes closed again and he surrendered himself to another stretch of deep sleep.

When he next came to he felt stronger and the hazy mist before his eyes had all but cleared. Carefully he levered himself up to a sitting position and nearly jumped to find Simeon sitting on the floor next to him, watching him closely from within the reasonably small marble room. How did I get…oh! Did that really happen, did I really kill that man? What was I thinking, I killed someone…not me surely! Yet one look into Simeon’s wary face told him all he needed to know. He buried his head into his hands, as if the action itself would somehow wash away the memory and the deed. As he sat there silent Simeon’s voice slowly spoke up:

“Well I did wonder after Zeriaph said there were water emotons whether you had such a power. I sensed something strange happening to the rushing water when we were escaping in the air vent but I didn’t realise you could use it to such an extent, or to such means.” The last few words were infused with disapproval. There was a long pause into which Elvendor plucked up enough courage to speak timidly;

“I’m sorry, it just happened so naturally. One moment I was acting to save us then I let my more selfish side dominate, I couldn’t control myself and…and…” Another long pause followed before Elevendor added, “I guess I allowed myself to swing to acting for the wrong reasons because I wasn’t used to such power. I felt the emotons change as well, darken…I guess I overstretched myself using them.” A more frightening thought sprung up within his mind, “will I now be fixed to only using those emotons for harm and not good now Simeon?” Simeon took his time before answering carefully,

“From what I understand of emotons…No. I guess you have to have reached a point where your heart has hardened and focused solely to such selfish desires, the very fact you’re ashamed of what you did is a good sign that that’s not the case. It will just make it harder for a while to begin to use them for a good cause because you’ve tasted and used the more powerful ones. Looking back on what my father told me about the dragon at the monastery, I’m not so sure that he didn’t put a slant on what happened because he was ashamed of what went on. Maybe he too did what you did, after all he too was young and inexperienced, he may well have felt the call of power too tempting and given in; yet there is no doubt that he acted for the right reasons during the rest of his lifetime. I believe that that experience may well have woken him up to just how dangerous his powers could be if they weren’t used carefully…” Simeon tailed off at this point and casting a sneak glance Elvendor could see how much of an effort it had been for him to share what he had just told. Slipping his right hand from his face he grasped Simeon’s slightly wrinkled hand and squeezed it gently whispering

“Thanks Simeon.” They remained silent for what seemed like an age before Elevndor raised his head and removed his hand, the tense wariness that had existed between them completely gone. Slightly more cheerily, but still with an air of guilt hovering behind his smile Elvendor asked, “So what happened after I passed out, how did we get here and where are Alex and Regan?”

“Ok, well there isn’t much to tell really, we’d moved close enough to catch you as you fell and I just had enough strength to take us to the tunnel. Zeriach was very insistent that we leave his library as soon as possible and never return, the poor creature was more than a little disturbed at what you’d done. We threw Stephen’s body to the library basement to give the impression that he fell to his death. Remenus wasn’t seen, I presume he was hiding, anyway Zeriach can take him in hand. Anyway we left carrying you and rented lodgings here in The Logos Hotel last night.”

“What time is it now?”

“About mid-day, by the way can you still remember the map?” Elvendor panicked briefly as he searched his memory but to his relief it was present there. Nodding he asked,

“And our captive?”

“Next door with Alex, he hasn’t tried anything funny so all’s good.” Elvendor stretched slightly and groaned as his stomach gave a lurch, “Oh sorry, yes, lunch, we had some ordered up in case you came round, here.” Simeon reached behind him and produced a plate of perfectly cut triangular sandwiches. The bread was thin and chewy, the filling a cold meat of some sort with lettuce. Taking the plate Elvendor muttered a grateful ‘thanks’ before hungrily eating his fill. When he had finished he eased himself out of the bed and lowered himself to cold stone floor.

“Right, then we should leave here as soon as possible in case word gets out about what’s been going on. I suggest we stock up on supplies, clothes and weapons for our trip…its going to be a long hard journey but its one I have to make. Again though you and Alex are free to leave if you want to and I won’t blame you. This journey may well result in one or more of us not coming back.” Simeon did actually pause to carefully consider the issue, then rose and walked to the door saying,

“I’ll talk with Alex and ask him, he should know as well. What about Regan?” Elvendor hesitated before replying,

“No he must come, I can’t have what’s gone on escaping. Unless one of you remains behind to babysit him.” Nodding Simeon left the room; it wasn’t long before he returned to give his verdict.

“Well it seems that Alex is up for going, and having come this far I don’t wish to miss out. Besides your chance of surviving without me must be virtually none,” he added with a grin. “Oh and Regan is as ever completely indifferent other than suggesting that you’re mad.” Shrugging Elvendor replied,

“Perhaps I am, after all can any good come from retracing my parents footsteps to a danger so great even my father is afraid of its release. Yet now that I’ve come so far my curiosity has been aroused too much to turn back. Also now that the Mayor knows of the object its only a matter of time before he finds and locates it. It’s up to me to find it and hide it before someone like him gets his hands on it.” A rock solid determination had entered Elvendor’s eyes as he finished and rose to his full height, “and I don’t intend to lose to Constantine which is why we must set off as soon as possible, probably early tomorrow morning.”

That afternoon they brought several sets of clothes, backpacks to carry them, a handful of arrows and plenty of food. By evening all were ready for a solid nights sleep which they actually managed to get. As the sun rose the next morning Elvendor woke the rest as agreed and all four slipped out to the East Gate. They passed through without comment other than some mild surprise from the guard that they wished to leave by the East Gate.

“Are you sure you have the right gate? This only leads to the mines and the mountains?”

“Yes quite sure,” Elvendor replied with a half smile, the black bodied centaur shrugged and filled their names into the correct book.

“Very well then, if that’s where you wish to head.” The gates opened and after casting a last long look back at the sea of smooth stone building that curved and entwined against the sun filled skyline he turned to face the mountains, we’re only a couple of days journey at most from them. His heart began to beat a little faster, it’s drawing closer, soon I’ll find out what happened to my mother, what The Jade is. The journey is almost over. His pace quickened and the others followed, Regan was no longer kept under close watch as they moved to the mountains.

Several days later they were well within the hilly mountain passes, the snow capped peaks glaring down at the intruders. Gail had returned the day before bearing the following neatly scrawled message:

Dear Regan,

I hope the rumour is true but would urge you to return south and search above the City of Diamond for them. I have another very capable person staying in The City of Sapphire who can look after them if they make it that far. Leave no stone unturned,



Elvendor had smiled as he read the note and remarked cheerily, “well we seem to be holding all the aces, now we just need to reach the site on the map.” Since then the going had been fairly peaceful, negotiating the steep rocky terrain had amounted to the worst of their problems.

The smile on his face vanished quickly though, replaced a far sadder expression as the haunting image of Stephen’s body bursting apart in a rush of flowing blue. I never even saw his body, I never knew him, it wasn’t really a murder was it? Inside though a tiny voice continued to torment him, in subtle undertones it said very little at repeated intervals because that was all it needed: murderer, you’re not good enough, embrace the power, you can’t change now.

Now as they sat upon a narrow mountain ledge, half way up one of the medium sized mountains' with their legs resting over the edge eating lunch, Elvendor looked out upon a view unrivalled outside of the mountains, trying to absorb it to displace the thoughts haunting him. Beneath them pined forests filled the valleys, only cut by ribbon like untamed fast flowing streams and rivers. The mountain sides were also pine covered, but the pines thinned out about a third of the way up and by half way up they were almost non-existent. Above hawks circled lazily in the cold breeze, a breeze that failed to penetrate their thick coats. Breathing in deeply the sharp air was enough to blow the troublesome thoughts to the back of his mind for now.

“Have you any idea how far it is to the location?” Alex asked.

“Not really,” Elvendor replied, “the map didn’t really have any measurements on it, at a rough guess I’d say four days travel in. It seemed to be slightly more towards our side of the hills but further south. By the way does anyone know what a troll looks like?” Alex and Simeon shook their heads but Regan said in a matter of fact tone,

“I’ve seen a couple on the occasional journey I’ve made into the mountains. The’re large, probably twice your height and a lot fatter. They almost always live in caves lower down the mountains so we should be safe here, but be wary when we’re forced lower down. The only weapon I’ve seen one with was a large carved wooden club, I guess it had just pulled one of the trees from the ground, snapped it and battered the smaller part into shape then embedded the soft wood with sharp stones.” Elvendor nodded as his mind conjured up the hideous image of a full grown troll, wait a noise…he rose and swung his bow off his back. Behind Regan a goblin appeared inching round the side of the mountain with a spear in hand. Elvendor quickly dispatched him with a single shot, his body tumbling and bouncing down the mountainside. He waited a few more seconds to see if any more were coming but no noise came forth and he relaxed.

“Well it looks like this could be a fun journey,” he said with a half smile, “but then I guess we weren’t expecting anything else. Lets go.”

Soon they had packed up and set off, winding about the slopes of the mountain, slowly descending nearer the valley floor as the going became too difficult around the upper slopes of the mountain. Eventually they reached a much wider path about a third of the way up the mountain. It ran through a sheltered part of the wood, where long shadows crept as they crunched amongst a carpeted forest floor of needles. Above a flock of birds rose chirping in high pitched grating undertones. Elvendor and Regan walked in front, silent and watchful, Alex and Simeon joking and chatting a little further behind. Gail was still imprisoned and carried by Simeon, but Elvendor had crafted amore spacious wooden cage for her to travel in. As their feet crunched softly across the soft needle floor, sending small terns (small furry black creatures with short brown bushy tails and cloudy eyes) rushing up the tall trees to their nesting holes, Regan suddenly spoke out of the blue,

“So it’s bothering you.”

“What is?”

“Killing Stephen, that was the first time right?”

“Yes it was,” Elvendor replied with a trace of anguish.

“Well if it’s any consolation I would have killed him had I been in your position with your talents. If he’d escaped and got away he’d only have been trouble and more of a handful to look after.” Elvendor gaped to hear Regan say so much of his own accord and still he continued, “people who are afraid to kill never make it as a ‘hero’. There are always situations and circumstances where one needs to take down an enemy whoever they may be. Fairytale hero’s for whom everything done is clear cut and good just don't exist.”

“But he didn’t need to die…he, he could have been tied up and hidden.”

“Why are you so concerned about him? He only wished to use you. Did you think before you killed the goblin earlier, yet he was a living creature just like Stephen. The only difference is that he came from another race. Can’t you see how hypocritical you’re being? In order to survive you must kill whether goblin, human or elf.” But…But…he’s right, no he’s wrong, he must be wrong…Speechless Elvendor walked on, unsure what to think when a noise ahead alerted both him and Regan. Motioning the others to stay back Elvendor and Regan slipped forward and hid behind two pine trees to observe the source of the excited grunting. There in a slightly wider part of the track outside of a cave three human sized trolls play-fighting. They wore some sort of fur about their waists and waved clubs the size of a sword as they bopped each other’s thick hides and laughed. Elvendor’s eyes widened as he listened to their conversation, because his ear-piece could translate their speech.

“Ha…Ha…Three…Four hits I win!” The biggest declared.

“Never, one cheat shot, you cheat,” came the indignant gravelled response of his younger brother as he aimed a sly whack to his elders rear, starting another rigorous round of hostilities between them. Both had little hair, just wisps of grey. In contrast the third troll had two dark green braided strands of thick hair running down to her waist. Currently she sat pouting and leaning against the wall. A thumping noise echoed from within the gaping cave entrance and a troll twice their size emerged bearing a huge club studded with razor sharp stones. He had no hair and like his children dull green eyes set in light green pupils. Grunting he observed the two fighting and watched with pride for a while before yelling ‘Stop’ at the top of his voice, bringing the battle to a close. Once he had their full attention he spoke,

“Right, hunting we go, today we hunt…” he sniffed the air for a while, his sniffs becoming longer and his eyes more puzzled. "That way,” he said pointing at Elvendor’s hiding place, “there be strange creatures there, make good food maybe.” Now Elvendor noticed how hungry each of them looked, there was a leanness about their figures that suggested food had not been too plentiful. Dragging Regan away he started to make haste towards the others to warn them, pine needles rustling beneath them. He heard a roar of delight from behind him and could almost hear the trolls saliva hitting the forest floor between the pounding footsteps.

He’s gaining on us quickly, too quickly, will we make Alex and Simeon in time. Should I be putting them in such danger? Too late there they are.

They reached Alex and Simeon just before the troll did. Simeon already had his eyes closed. As the troll burst through the forest to confront them it was battered by a huge gale force gust of wind. The wind circled and spiralled to a mini tornado, throwing the large troll up into the air and down the hillside distant. Following in came the three kids who looked non-plussed on not finding their father.

“Where did he go?” asked the girl.

“Find out later, lets get food,” the eldest replied pragmatically, all three raising their clubs and charging. Simeon tried to raise another wind storm but couldn’t, Alex stepped forward and Elvendor drew his bow. As he set his sights on the girl who charged towards him he faltered. She’s a creature just like Stephen, like me, I heard her talk. Regan said you must kill to survive…but can I kill? He knew the thought was ridiculous, of course he should kill here and yet his mind was so confused that he felt numb and unable to move as her club arced towards him. At the last moment he dived back releasing the arrow into her midriff. He saw out of the corner of his eye Alex dispatch the eldest troll with a powerful stroke of his sword, but the younger brother was about to club him senseless.

“Ale…” he cried as a warning but too late, the club was already coming down, then stopped as Regan dived and grabbed the trolls arm, pulling it past Alex’s head. Alex spun and sliced the troll in half. Suddenly a shadow loomed above Elvendor. It was the female, an arrow protruding from her stomach, yellow blood leaking out.

“You’ll pay for what you’ve done,” she grunted raising the club above her head and smashing it down inches from where Elvendor had been. Elvendor rolled and stood up, this time his aim was true, It is true, you must kill to survive, the difference must be the motivation for killing. If I’m killing to save myself and my friends then that’s fine, but if its for power and selfish ambition then it can only corrupt for one must respect the sanctity of life as much as is possible. But where does one draw the line…I guess there’s no easy answer. The arrow buried itself perfectly between the girls two tear etched eyes. She dropped to the floor crying out ‘father’ before her eyes closed lifeless. But it doesn’t make the killing any easier, or any pleasanter, he thought sadly as he viewed the girls still form. Quickly he ran across to Alex and Regan, Alex still shaken from the ordeal. As Alex stood he turned to Regan and said,

“Thanks, you…you saved my life.” Regan shrugged and seemed a little embarrassed before replying evenly,

“It wouldn’t make sense to have one less defender on this journey.” Alex seemed a little taken aback by his neutral response and turned to check if Elvendor was alright. Elvendor nodded, Simeon joining them, apologising,

“I’m so sorry, there weren’t enough emotons in the air this high up, and I wasn’t able to get a clear shot when you three charged in.

“That’s ok,” Elvendor said feeling relieved that they were all in one piece. What’s important to me? He realised with some shock that the answer was the safety of his friends, even Regan. They’re worth protecting, and although I went too far with Stephen, if I hesitate to defend them then they may well end up being hurt. I won’t fail them.

Elvendor insisted that they give the trolls a proper burial, taking a few hours of their time. The short memory of their lives still imprinted on his mind. It’s so unfortunate they had to die, why couldn’t they have taken another route? Why can’t I just see them as the monsters I thought they were – detached from any feelings and families. I guess thats another thing I've learned, how important each creatures life is and that I shouldn’t take their lives lightly unless there's no other option. That’s where Regan is wrong, he still sees lives as pieces and not beings.

They set off again but hadn’t travelled long before a distant howl of anguish rippled amongst the trees causing the wooden poles to shake with terror. Elvendor frowned, I guess Simeon didn’t finish the troll off earlier and he’s just discovered his children dead. He may well be able to track us now. How can we avoid him, if we fight we’ll be lucky to emerge unscathed against a full grown enraged troll. Simeon might be able to do something again but he’s already tired and draining him further would not be agood move this early on and wouldn’t necessarily solve our problems anyway…How should we avoid a confrontation?
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter Jez, and good to see you about IF again! Very Happy

I liked the inner conflict within Elvy, good work there.

Now, big angry troll eh? Possibly make every effort to cover their tracks. Travel on rocky ground, if any, erase their trail, try and mask their scent with something.

Ahhh, that's it. I'm out.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This seems to have gone a bit quiet, both comment and author wise.

Are you studying hard Jez? Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm...yes I am; but I may well have Elvendor vaulted for the time being as I'm looking to finish the final few Chapters and edit before testing it out for publication, besides which the number of suggestions/comments appears to have, like a lot of Sg's on IF, dried up to near zero, which doesn't make for dictating a good ending.

I'll release the final 3/4 Chapters though at some stage to complete the first book, but it may be many months from now effectively.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gotcha. Let me know when you want to re-activate it. I hope you see this one though.

Readers tend to drop off if you don't write chapters frequently, and it's hard to get them back. I speak from experience here!

Actually, I'll leave it a little bit. Just in case... Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter, and I f5 china about the DP.

Just so you know I'm here Wink
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, I'm moving this to the archives for now. PM me (or someone) when you want to activated it again.
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