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Chapter 28 - All Together.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2005
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 2:10 am    Post subject: Chapter 28 - All Together.  

Chapter 28 - All Together.

The despicable Queen Phang and her dark Horde have invaded the Silver Lands and taken the Gnomish Capital city Chundyer, forcing the King to flee north to unknown terrain, pursued by an evil shadow creature.
Only an artifact known as the Black Heart has the power to defeat Phang and her magics, and she has dispatched a monstrous Demon to recover this for her.
Meanwhile Phang has turned her armies west, towards the human realm. She offered the Mad Baron Crymzon a chance to join her, but he rejected her in favor of the Elves of the Forest.
The paladin Homer has finally reached the Heart. Unfortunately Sorrow reached it first, and made off with it. Homer followed, but was cruelly slain by Sorrow, who then met a strange being who seemed unaffected by his magic. The being took the Heart from him.
Meanwhile, the fleeing Gnome king has climbed a strange wall and found a mysterious village…

Cast (in no particular order):
Chainfire as Homer’s sword.
Araex as Homer’s steed.
Dragon Fire as The Dragon Guardian.

Kalanna Rai as the Bad Ass.
DukeReg as Oaf Duke Reginald Percival Thunderking Harwobble the Fifth.
D-Lotus as the Elven special forces commander
Solomon Birch as a misguided AlbinoDrow.
Random as The Thing.
Shanty as Captain Shanty.
Mother goose as a hydroose

Sorrow as a mysterious robed figure.
Key as the Magical Dignified Chamber Pot
Lord of the Night as an Evil Demon Warrior.
Idea Master as the resurrected minion.

Sunbellina as Duke Reg’s little sister.

Ingrothechundyer as Ingro Chundyer the Gnome King.
Reiso as Gnome Prince Reiso
Cantolope as King of the Fairies
Author as Gnomish Wizard.
Duffman666 as Duff (man).
Jack D.Mented as Darkness Mented.

Phang as The Dark Mistress
Muaddib as a wheely thing.
Powers That Be as General Powers ‘the perverted.’
Luvd and Mr Moochie as ‘The Ravens’
Dean as the Dean the Head.
Smee as the Smee Slug.

Cryzmon as Baron Crymzon.
Ravenwing as the Elven envoy.

Ninja Balloon as Nalloo

The Fallen – Lest we forget..
Jnmrcs as the High Commander
Hyperion as the Mage.
CowofDoom666 as the Cow of Doom
Idea Master as the Wretched minion.
Shady Stoat as the Twisted Witch.
Ethereal Fauna as Ethereal Slug.
Evil Homer as ‘The Paladin Hero’

And introducing…
Thracia Alba, as The Alba.
OmegaTerra as Om Terra
Alegria as the Resistance leader.

King Chundyer

Ingro the Chundyer scratched his head. “I think we need to reconnoiter a little first.” He looked around. “Reiso, you take a guard down, see what you can find out. The rest of us will stay here for the moment.”

“At once father” said the prince, and picked out a guard. “You, with me.”

The king patted him on the shoulder. “Take it easy son. We know nothing about who is down there.” He looked at the horizon. “You should make it there just as the sun rises.”

Reiso gave his father a brief hug and then turned and marched down the hill with the guard in tow.

The King watched his son go for a moment and then turned his attention back to the village and castle.

Darkness Mented.

The body was too small, too cramped. Humans were bad enough. A Gnome was half the size. Mented squirmed inside the flesh. ‘Bah!’ Solid beings, so weak and vulnerable. Still, not long now, he was almost there. Just a few more paces…


“…don’t wish to approach the castle until we know who we are dealing with” the King was saying when Author felt it.

He turned quickly, pushing the king to one side as he did so. “Ware! We are attacked!” he said, raising his hands ready for spell casting.

“What!? Who??” said the King, who had rolled a little way down the slope. He stood up and drew his short blade even as the guards rushed towards them.

Author narrowed his eyes and extended his senses. There! One of the guards! “Stop him! He is possessed!” he cried and loosed a streak of white magic at the Gnome.

Simultaneously the soldier snarled a wholly unnatural expression and erupted, flesh peeling back, bone shattering, sending gray and red gobbets flying. The dark shape that emerged in its place twisted and avoided the wizards’ spell.

“Firsssst you wizard” it hissed, through white fangs, “then yourrrr king.”

It lunged, fluid as shadow and Author barely managed to throw up a ward. The thing howled as it hit the barrier, sending sparks flying as it withdrew, through not before leaving a bleeding scratch along Authors chest.

“Get the King clear!” shouted Author to the remaining guards, who were watching in stunned horror. “I will deal with this one!”

“You can tryyyy” Mented slid around, oily blackness barely visible in the gloom. “Thissss time I am ready for you.” It lunged again. Again, Author summoned the power and blasted white heat at the form. Demented howled an eerie scream as the spell bit into him, rending his being. Still, it didn’t stop and wound itself around his foe, who fought back with Sky magic, holding the dark at bay.

One of the guards, braver or more foolish than the rest, struck at the attacker.

“No!” shouted Author, too late.

The Gnome stopped as the sword touched the creature and screamed as his skin slowly turned blue. After a pause, as if in slow motion, the body fell back, to shatter like ice on the ground.

“This must end!” shouted the wizard, sending pulses of blue lightning through the shadow that was now encircling around him.

“Indeeeed it musssst” agreed the being, and slowly started to envelope his foe with his shadow form.

Author shouted Words of Power, fighting to stop himself being totally consumed.

The two stood there, turning slowly, enveloped in a dark dance using forces beyond the ken of those who stood back, watching from the shelter of the trees.

Author could feel the cold of the Dark swallowing him. He pushed back with all the power at his disposal, hitting the creature with Light magic, rending its fabric. Demented cried out in pain, cries that could not be heard on any mortal plain, but that gave those nearby uneasy images of death and cold that would haunt them in their nightmares for years to come.

The Dark pushed on, and Author felt himself failing. “It cannot be!” he thought to himself, pushing out once again, stretching himself, probing for a weak spot.

‘Oh, but it is’ came the reply inside his head. ‘You are mine, and when I have finished with you I will have your king. Then the bitch that summoned me will finally let me return to my home, where I will toy with your soul through eternity.” The shadow enveloped the last bit of Author, cutting off the light and encompassing him within his self.

Author gritted his teeth. ‘So be it Shadow. But if I go, then…so…do….YOU!”

With a flash of light that bounced of the sky, Author stopped resisting, pulling the creature close to it. “We will go, but I choose the destination beast!” he whispered.

“Nooooooooo!” howled Demented, as golden light engulfed them.

“Yes. I welcome my death, how about you?” Still holding the struggling dark form tightly about him, Author turned and walked into the light…


Phang paused for a moment, holding the newly removed skin of the squirming Gnome prisoner still as a chill passed through her body, making her shudder.

“Shit!” she said with feeling. “What do you have to do to find good help these days?”

“I swear! I don’t know anything!” sobbed the prisoner, who had been with Phang for half an hour and a thousand years.

“Oh shut up” said Phang, irritated, and drove a digit deep into the gnome’s eye socket. The prisoner gave one last spasm and lay still.

Phang sucked her finger thoughtfully as she walked out of the tent. “Gnome flavor is beginning to lose its appeal.” She said. “What do you think Mr. Head?”

Dean the Head, who had been forced to watch as Phang had “interrogated” the prisoner, and hence now felt sick to the stomach he didn’t have, tried to come up with a suitable reply. “Yes” was all he could manage.

Fortunately Phang wasn’t really listening. She kicked Muaddib, who had been sniffing around the latrines again and had brought their aroma with him. “Oh well, I will think of something else to do the job.”

“Do what job oh great Queen?” Asked Dean, interest piqued at this sudden mood shift.

“Oh, it’s okay little Head. One of my summonings seems to have allowed himself to be overwhelmed by a wizard, and a gnomish one at that.” She frowned. “Stubborn little blighters. Perhaps I should speak to another one, what do you think Mr. Head?”

Dean managed to control his features, careful not to let his revulsion show. “Well, the last two didn’t seem to know anything. Maybe they really weren’t getting any help?”

“Could be, could be” Phang pondered.

“How about a nice soothing ride on your Sluggly wuggly?” suggested Dean. It had been a while since he had been able to speak to the Slug, and it wasn’t like he could really wander off and visit himself, plus Muaddib’s current fascination with the toilets meant he wasn’t keen to ride the Wheelie thing.

“Well, it is about time this army started moving again” Phang looked around the camp, which was still cleaning up after its victory over the Gnome army. “Where is that General of mine?”

As if on cue, General Powers walked into view, talking to one of his captains and pointing at a map. Behind him, carried by two gnomish prisoners on a sedan chair, came the stuffed form of the Stoat witch.

“General!” shouted Phang, causing Powers’ to start.

“My Queen” said the General, bowing low and dismissing the Captain, who was all too eager to leave the presence of Phang.

“How are we doing? When will the army be ready to move again? I want some human flesh to work with.”

“We are almost done oh Evil one. Tomorrow at dawn we will move off. The necromancers are still raising the bodies of the fallen.”

Phang nodded. “Fair enough, but don’t delay.” She turned and walked off, speaking to the Head. “Okay then, a little ride it is. Are you coming wheelie thing? I think I saw a stream nearby, you need a wash. I wonder if you can swim…”


The sun was just rising as Author and the guard approached the village. The houses were made from brick, mainly in human fashion, though one that was centuries out of date now.

“Looks like a human village, though a cleaner one than usual” said the guard, echoing Reiso’s thoughts.

“Indeed.” Murmured the prince in reply. He looked about. The street was cobbled, and the usual filth of human cities was definitely missing. The houses were whitewashed with shutters and doors painted in clean pastel colors.

They walked along the main street, the only street really, towards the central square that contained the white arch they had seen from the hill.

As they neared it, a low gong rang out, source unknown. They looked about, unsure as to whether it was some kind of alarm. “Quick, down here” said the Guard, gesturing at a nearby alleyway.

They retreated into the space as the doors of the houses opened. Various figures stepped forth, mostly human, but Reiso spotted and elf and several gnomes as well.

“Look!” said a guard, pointing. “Isn’t that a dwarf?”

Prince Reiso looked. It certainly seemed to be one. “They are extinct!” he gasped. “Wiped out in the Race Wars* ages ago!”

“Looks alive enough to me” said the soldier.

Reiso went back to examining the crowd. They seemed to be normal people, dressed cleanly and a little quieter than most. They were assembling around the archway, which shimmered with a light of its own. “Maybe it is prayer time” he said to himself.

The crown milled around, seemingly waiting for something. It wasn’t long coming.

In front of the arch two bright lights suddenly appeared. They expanded and then blinked out. In their place stood two beings. Reiso sucked in a breath. The newcomers looked a little like tall elves, but were taller and seemed to exude an almost visible aura of beauty. One was male, the other female. The radiance shone forth from their skin and their clothes, which were made of the finest weave he had ever seen. Just gazing upon them made him feel unclean and unworthy.

At their appearance the villagers went to their knees. “Praise be to The Alba!”

The foremost being, which was a female of godlike beauty nodded and banged a silver staff on the ground. Her hair floated about her, long and luminescent. When she spoke it was like sunlight was transformed into words.

“The Alba is pleased to see you assembled. Alba is here herself to tell you it will soon be time for the Ritual of Giving. You must choose, as you always do who…”

She stopped speaking suddenly, interrupted by the archway behind her, which was humming. The two beings turned and looked as a dot appeared in the arch. It expanded as they watched, slowly becoming human shaped and larger. With a final noise the arch discharged the figure onto the paving infront of the beings.

It picked itself up and looked about.

“And who,” Sunbellina said, “are you?”


The farm was a small one, run by a farmer, his wife and two sons, though they employed a few others to help with the work as well. One of these was feeding the chickens, her golden hair tied behind her in a tight bun, when she noticed the figure approaching from the trees.

The maid started to wave, thinking it one of the workers coming back from market, then stopped, frozen in terror as the skeletal details could be made out.

Idea Master approached her frozen form.

“W…wh…what?” the maid stammered.

“What am I?” hissed the form of IM. He reached out, clutching the girls face with bony digits. “Mmm. Not really what I was looking for, but I am in a hurry.” He raised his other hand and made some arcane passes. “Sorry about this dear, but I am in a hurry. Nothing personal.”

The scream that echoed about the farm was one that chilled the few who heard it to the core.

When the farmer arrived he found the chickens dead and cold, as if they had had the heat pulled out of them. In the center of the run the abused form of the girl lay. The farmer was a simple man and no stranger to the job of butchery, but when he saw the remains of his staff he ran for the bushes, where he threw up his breakfast.

By the time that happened, Idea Master was streaking through space time, catapulted though the power of a human sacrifice.

He landed in a forest, giant trees soaring overhead. “Sorrow. I am coming for you” he said.

Flicking his new long blond hair back, he adjusted the fingers of one hand where the skin didn’t quite fit, and walked off into the green.

Om Terra.

Om Terra, standing behind The Abla, spoke in musical tones. “Well, what have we hear?” He looked down upon the small form of the Solid, which looked back defiantly.

“A visitor it seems” said The Alba.

Om Terra laughed, a sound of wind chimes tinkling in the wind, and stooped down to pick it up.

“Oh no!” the new thing said and did Something.

“Ow!” it bites! Om clutched at his hand, which briefly seemed to darken.

The Alba looked at the small form and frowned, marring her beauty only slightly. “It shouldn’t be able to do that.”

“What are you thing?” said Om.

“I am a witch! And you should stand back! I am not anybody’s thing.” The solid said in stern tones.

The Abla and Om Terra looked at each other a moment.

“Perhaps you should come with us” said Om Terra.

“Yes, I think that best," said The Alba.

“Oh no you don’t…” the little witch started to say, but there were three flashes of light and The Alba, Om Terra and the new little solid vanished.

Duke Reg.

The Duke could stand it no more. Looking around at the small group he stepped forward. “Little sister in trouble! Duke go NOW.” Pushing
Shanty out of the way, he stepped through the one that the funny man in tight pants had said was the white arch.

There was a strange sensation and then everything went black.


Captain Shanty landed with a thump on something soft.

“Hey! Watch where you are landing” said the voice of the donkey Rai.

“Sorry,” said Shanty, quickly picking herself up and looking around. The others were doing the same. After the Duke had made the decision for them it seemed easy enough to step through after him.

“Where are we?” asked D-Lotus, waving his sword around. Solomon crouched down behind him.

“Some sort of village.” Replied Random.

They were in a village square. Around them various people, humans mostly, had turned and watched them arrive via the arch. However, after a few moments they looked away and went about their business.

“Either they are used to people dropping in unannounced or they are really accepting folk” said Rai, trotting forward.

D-Lotus sheathed his sword and the group followed the donkey, looking about.

A figure detached itself from a nearby wall and approached them. It was a Gnome.

“Excuse me? Aren’t you D-Lotus? Commander of the Elves at Cra-Yon pass?” the Gnome said.

D-Lotus examined the figure. “I am, or was anyway. Who are you?”

“I am Prince Reiso, heir to the Gnomish throne of Chundyer. I met you at a conclave a year ago, do you remember?”

D-Lotus scratched his chin. “A year ago seems like another lifetime, but I think I remember you with the King’s party. How come you are here? And where is here?”

The Gnome looked about. “Perhaps you should talk to my father. Come this way if you would.”

Shanty looked at the others. “Why not?” she said.

They followed the Prince out of the square.

Lord of the Night

Lord of the Night stalked towards the four portals and sniffed the air. “Curses” he said. Not only had the damned chamber pot eluded him for now, but someone had beaten him to the Heart.

He looked around and concentrated. The Green portal, so the runes said on the side. That was where the Heart had gone. With no hesitation he stepped through…

…and found himself in a forest. The scent of magic filled the air. He looked around and spotted something lying at the base of a tree. He walked over and stood over it.

“Well well well. Look at what we have here. A dead Paladin hero if I am not mistaken.” He bent down at the remains of a figure, sadly charred in his fine armor. “Pity. Someone has beaten me to it. I was rather looking forward to making you beg for mercy.” He stood up again and kicked at the once fine sword that was embedded in the body’s chest. It broke in two. “Still, you suffered, and that is what counts I suppose.”

A sound made him look around. Through the trees a ludicrous figure limped and stopped when it saw him.

“A demon?”

“Indeed I am” said Lord of the Night. “What are you?” He looked closer. “And are you wearing a girls’ skin?”

Idea Master sniffed. “It was the first one I could find.” He paused. “I don’t suppose you have seen a hooded figure come through here have you? I would replace this skin with his.”

Lord of the Night shook his head. “I myself am looking for an ambulatory Pot.”

IM tugged his arm skin straight and looked at the demon. “I think I know of you Demon. The one I hunt once emptied a certain chamber pot over a demons’ head, thus facilitating the escape of a Paladin. I would think the chances of such an event happening more than once would be remote.”

“Indeed. Then we seek similar goals,” snarled Lord. He poked the remains of Homer with his foot. “Although, my revenge against the Paladin has been denied me, I would be happy to share the task of dismembering your friend.”

IM nodded. “Then let us begin.”

The two walked away through the trees.

King Chundyer

The enlarged party crowded into Alegria’s living room. King Chundyer stood at the head of the table. “Well, here we are then.” He said to the group. “Some would say this is chance, but I don’t believe it is so. It is fate. Here we are, refugees in this land escaping Phang’s tyranny only to stumble into another rule of evil.”

“So who are these beings again?” said Shanty. “I have never heard of them.”

King Chundyer gestured to the figure dressed in brown robes standing next to him. “My son, prince Reiso, met up with this elf, one Alegria by name. He is a resident here, but not a happy one. I should let him tell you his tale.” He stepped back and nodded.

Alegria looked around. “I am sorry if I seem hesitant. For years the Light Ones have told us that there is nothing beyond the Wall. All other beings were wiped out by the plague, and only they have kept us from the same fate.”

“What are the Light Ones?” asked D-Lotus, eyeing up Alegia.

“They are beings from another Place” replied Alegria. “They cannot be harmed by any means we have discovered, whether by magic or weapons. They rule over us like gods.”

“They can’t be harmed?” Random said. “Not even by magic?”

“Well,” Alegria hesitated. “We saw something today. Something that none has ever seen. A young girl came through the portal just as The Alba and Om Terra were there. She hurt Om.”

“Little sister!” wailed the Duke.

“How did she hurt him? What happened?” Random leaned forward, sticking another ear onto his head to hear better.

“We don’t know. It was only a small thing, but it happened. They took her away with them.”

“Where to?” the Duke jumped forward. “Where sister?”

Alegria shrugged. “My best guess would be the castle. That’s where The Alba rules from but… I urge caution. These beings wield god like powers. They should not be taken lightly and…”

“And?” asked Rai.

“And they use us, people, for power, for food if you will. Oh, it isn’t often, and they seem to look upon us as pets, cattle maybe. They aren’t evil in some ways, anymore than a bird is evil to a worm. Yet they will tear you in half just to see what you look like inside, with ne’er a qualm. They are quite… deadly.”

King Chundyer stepped forward once more. “So my friends. I came here looking for allies in the fight against Phang, only to stumble onto an even greater menace. If what Alegria has told me is true, these Light Beings don’t know of our existence from beyond the Wall, why that is I don’t know. However, if they were to find out about us, they could swoop down and pose a threat more deadly even than Phang and her Horde.” He looked about the room. “What should we do?”

*See chapter 2.


Phew! Three and a half thousand and more words. Sorry for such a long chapter all, but lots of things to pull together. Phang and co. will be back in force next episode.

Meanwhile, welcome to the new characters, commiserations to the dead ones, and please see the Marketplace thread for bidding for a new hero. Jack, you owe me 200Fables for your bid too. ;) White Blacksmith, you will appear next episode.

So then. What is the next move for the group now? Should they just try and leave? Head back to the Silver Lands and worry about the Beings later? Duke Reg may have something to say about it, but they could override him probably.

A rescue of the Little Witch? Team up with Alegria and crew?

Suggestions please!!

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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 2:30 am    Post subject:  

Interesting chapter. A lot going on there :shock:

I would say that it's too late to run. If they already have Sunbellina, then you can assume they're going to find out about the people over the wall at some point now. A few more humans aren't going to make the difference one way or another.

I think the best thing to do would be to try to find a sneaky way into the castle and rescue the witch-girl. Then the whole group could leave and the god-like creatures could go back to ruling the lands as they have. Hopefully, Phang might extend her war this way at some point, then then the two powerful forces can cancel each other out, or weaken each other a little - but that's for later.

For now, talk to the locals, find a way in without being caught. Get the witch and disappear again. If we can help any of the locals in the meantime, great. If not, then the Silver Lands must be saved as a priority.
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:11 am    Post subject:  

Woohoo! I killed somebody! Yaaay!

But at what price? Will I return?

(cue dramatic music here)
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Joined: 11 Aug 2005
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 2:11 pm    Post subject:  

And I made myself a cool undead ally.

Quote: “Yes” I think that best said The Alba

You ended the quotatoin marks to early here Chinaren, might want to change.

I agree - they can't really leave Sunny there by herself - the Duke definatly won't, wherever he turns up. However, they don't know where Sorrow is, and he's got the Heart that they need - I'd say look for Sorrow, though they may well discover his trail leads to Sunny anyways.

Oh and - Homer did die - woo!

*ahem* Sorry about that - but at least he won't escape me again.
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Thracia Alba

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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 2:34 pm    Post subject:  

:blink: Well, I never...

I think they should definitely try to rescue poor Sunbellina from those horrible, god-like creatures. However, it would probably be a lousy idea to just barge in there waving their swords. They should try to keep The Alba and Om Terra interested long enough to sneak Sunny out, if possible, and then create a distraction of some sort so they can get the heck out of there... Or something.
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:50 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: Well, I never...

Oh yes you did! ;)

Typo fixed, thanks Lordy.

Interesting comments so far all. I am trying to make my DPs more open and interesting. Is it working?
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Joined: 16 Feb 2005
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:17 pm    Post subject:  

I agree that some grand distraction is in order...just what sort I'm not sure. Try to sneak Sunbellina out. You don't want them to know where you come from as has already been pointed out, although likely they already know that you're there.

If you could speak with Sunny some way and find out what she did to hurt one, then you might gain an advantage.
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 5:56 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: Hopefully, Phang might extend her war this way at some point, then then the two powerful forces can cancel each other out, or weaken each other a little - but that's for later.

I find this difficult to believe. In most cases, one power overcomes the other and becomes even more powerful, unless there is a third minor power that can contend for victory (and by the time Phang is done, there won't be).

Why not ally yourself to these creatures, have them destroy Phang, and then use their weakness to defeat them? The only thing that could go wrong is in convincing them, that they won't kill Phang and you, or that they ally themselves with Phang.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:17 pm    Post subject:  

D-Lotus wrote: In most cases, one power overcomes the other and becomes even more powerful, unless there is a third minor power that can contend for victory (and by the time Phang is done, there won't be).

Why not ally yourself to these creatures, have them destroy Phang, and then use their weakness to defeat them? The only thing that could go wrong is in convincing them, that they won't kill Phang and you, or that they ally themselves with Phang.

I agree with the first paragraph but disagree with the second. Something else could very easily go wrong with that plan, namely that after they defeat Phang they will become even more powerful, and squash us like bugs.

I agree with Fauna and others that we have to try to get Sunbellina out of the creatures' hands, if for no other reason to prevent them from realizing who and what and where we are, and coming over the wall. If we succeed in doing that, I'd get back over the wall and look for allies somewhere else.

Do these creatures like sacrifices? Maybe we can pretend to offer them something to distract them while we rescue Sunbellina.
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Thracia Alba

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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:15 pm    Post subject:  

Well, I can't speak for Om Terra, but if The Alba is anything like Thracia Alba, she'll be easily distracted by shiny things. And she'll have a weakness for chocolate. And historical fiction. If you hand her a riveting novel about some interesting historical figure, she'll be engrossed for hours. Just a tip. ;)
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Solomon Birch

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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:20 am    Post subject:  

*giggle* What a scary god-being you'd make Ms. Alba :P

Quote: Reiso spotted and elf and several gnomes

Should be an I think MR. China. :)

Good chapter, though there certainly is plenty going on that confuzzles... But I got through it. ;) :D

They should try and rescue Sunny, especially as it appears that she can harm those beings, and that may be useful later. Imagine what some witchy magic could do if her bite is painful :shock:

General sneakyness, a little bit of guile and maybe a dash of courage should enable them to free her in good time. Or just throw the Duke at them and run. :-o

*holds breath* :shock:
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The White Blacksmith

Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:04 am    Post subject:  

Or just throw the Duke at them and run.

Isn't that just a general plan for life?
Choosing a doorway:
Throw the duke at them and run.
Deciding what to do with Fire:
Throw the Duke at them and run. (O.K, so it was only an option, but hey!)
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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:48 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: Do these creatures like sacrifices?

In short, yes. They have a special 'feed' once every now and then. more will be revealed in the next chapter, or at least the one after.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 5:00 pm    Post subject:  

Key wrote: D-Lotus wrote: In most cases, one power overcomes the other and becomes even more powerful, unless there is a third minor power that can contend for victory (and by the time Phang is done, there won't be).

Why not ally yourself to these creatures, have them destroy Phang, and then use their weakness to defeat them? The only thing that could go wrong is in convincing them, that they won't kill Phang and you, or that they ally themselves with Phang.

I agree with the first paragraph but disagree with the second. Something else could very easily go wrong with that plan, namely that after they defeat Phang they will become even more powerful, and squash us like bugs.

I agree with Fauna and others that we have to try to get Sunbellina out of the creatures' hands, if for no other reason to prevent them from realizing who and what and where we are, and coming over the wall. If we succeed in doing that, I'd get back over the wall and look for allies somewhere else.

Do these creatures like sacrifices? Maybe we can pretend to offer them something to distract them while we rescue Sunbellina.

Well, the point is that when they get powerful, we use their weakness (Sunbellina's bite) to get rid of them. Besides, they could crush us now anyway, and what's the difference between them and Phang? At least under them, the people seem to be living in relative peace (except for the occasional sacrifices and totalitarianism).

Besides, how are we absolutely sure they don't know about what's behind the wall? They seemed more of in an uncomfortable situation than in one of wonder of curiousity, as if they knew that this would cause problems among the people who thought they were the only ones left. I don't know, it just seems to me that they probably know more than we think, and its possible that the wall is keeping them in, anyway.

Besides, how do we plan to trick these God-like beings? I have a feeling they're not stupid (although the one that encountered Sorrow seemed somewhat innocent, but maybe he was only a young one).
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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 5:08 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: Well, the point is that when they get powerful, we use their weakness (Sunbellina's bite) to get rid of them. Besides, they could crush us now anyway, and what's the difference between them and Phang? At least under them, the people seem to be living in relative peace (except for the occasional sacrifices and totalitarianism).

By the same measure the Jedi should simply have allowed the Emperor to rule the Galaxy in Star Wars, seeing how peace and order was his goal as well.
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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 5:16 pm    Post subject:  

lordofthenight wrote: Quote: Well, the point is that when they get powerful, we use their weakness (Sunbellina's bite) to get rid of them. Besides, they could crush us now anyway, and what's the difference between them and Phang? At least under them, the people seem to be living in relative peace (except for the occasional sacrifices and totalitarianism).

By the same measure the Jedi should simply have allowed the Emperor to rule the Galaxy in Star Wars, seeing how peace and order was his goal as well.

I'm not saying we should stop fighting, but out of the two evils, Phang seems the greater one to me, regardless of what the gnome king says.

Now that I think of it, it might be possible that these creatures don't even have a desire to conquer, at least until their supply of sacrifices run out (which could be never).
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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:53 pm    Post subject:  

Gah! I just spent sever hours reading your lovely story only to realise that it isnt done yet. Now I really want another chapter. Good work so far tho. :D

I think that the illusionist Sunbellina should be left alone(left to her own devices anyway) she seems to be the key to all this. If her bite can cause pain, then her magic must be different in a manner to allow the "gods" to be destroyed. I think that she has the power to change the way things work there, or to leave and take out Phang who is similar in resistance to all attacks.

No matter how things work out in their case, Key really should take out the evil Lordy, If i can muster 102 fables I would bid for that but I am still too poor. One thing I am not sure of however what ever happened to Fire?

Look at Sunbellina doesnt she just demonstrate power...
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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:39 am    Post subject:  

It's SoaP 1 all over again.
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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:27 am    Post subject:  

Lordy wrote: It's SoaP 1 all over again.

Hi Zeitgeist! Welcome to the story! :D
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:54 am    Post subject:  

Hey Z! welcome to If, let alone welcome to the story! Not seen you around much, though I'm sure you have your reasons. I f you post more China might just decide to let oyu into the story. Or you could just give him ten fables and expect to be in. Thats what I did!
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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:34 am    Post subject:  

thanks for the welcome. I am new but plan to start a story as soon as I have an idea on what to create.
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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject:  

The White Blacksmith wrote: Or you could just give him ten fables and expect to be in. Thats what I did!

Yes, about that. You had better check the auction thread Whitey, your bid has been 'corrupted'. Hehe, that's what happens in this story. :lol:
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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 4:48 pm    Post subject:  

Zeitgeist wrote: thanks for the welcome. I am new but plan to start a story as soon as I have an idea on what to create.

Hey, welcome! Just a tip: Think about what you're going to write... for a long time. :D

Some people just start and then quit because they don't know where to go with their story (I still do that). Also you should start in the Storygame ideas forum. Anyway, good luck
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ninja baloon

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 12:04 pm    Post subject:  

Phew, that was hard to digest. Seeing that it was three in the morning when I read it. I'm sure you've all been there.
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:04 am    Post subject:  

chinaren wrote: You had better check the auction thread Whitey, your bid has been 'corrupted'. Hehe, that's what happens in this story. :lol:

It's not corupted any more!
*Snarls at anyone who trys to go near HER character, biting off chinaren's hand in the process*
Whoops... sorry about that.. don't worry, it'll grow back... eventually...
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Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 6:33 am    Post subject:  

Okay then. I have craftily condensed your suggestions into an efficient space-saving poll. So please put an X on your choice.
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Solomon Birch

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Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 7:10 am    Post subject:  

Voted! :biggrin:

*holds breath* :shock:
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:21 am    Post subject:  


*eyes soily and his breath-holding patent sadly*
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Solomon Birch

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Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:38 am    Post subject:  

Yep, patented and in-use, so keep your grubby mitts off! ;)
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Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 2:21 pm    Post subject:  

Weren't we cutting down on the uninformative voted posts?

Voted to track down Sorrow.
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:00 am    Post subject:  

Solomon Birch wrote: Yep, patented and in-use, so keep your grubby mitts off! ;)

Grubby mitts? Isn't that a bit rich coming from a pile of dirt? It'd be like me calling someone a blood-hogging vampire.

And can't you share, you blood-hogging vampire!?!
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Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 3:08 pm    Post subject:  

Well, i just got caught up on my reading and I voted...

Poor Sunbellina... Who knows what The Alba and Om Terra will do to her... If they don't know about the others, Sunny will definatly end up saying something about her brother, she always does.

Maybe The Alba and Om Terra's powers are connected in some way and if you can injure one of them then it would take away from the collective... That won't matter unless they become a bigger threat than Phang. And it seems like they are considering that Phang can be taken down with the heart, and none of Sorrow's magic phased the one. :hm:

I'll be waiting for the next chapter. :nod: :D...
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Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:01 pm    Post subject:  

Welcome back to the story Jessi!
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Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:22 pm    Post subject:  

chinaren wrote: Welcome back to the story Jesse!

Thanks, but it's Jessi ;)... :P
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Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:44 pm    Post subject:  

jess1561 wrote: chinaren wrote: Welcome back to the story Jesse!

Thanks, but it's Jessi ;)... :P

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Idea master

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Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:18 pm    Post subject:  

All of these options would indeed lead to finding Sorrow. After all, he was captured by Nallon, wasn't he? And where would he be taken but the castle?

Off, off, and away, destroy all you may!
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:19 pm    Post subject:  

I notice this thread hasn't been shut down yet.
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Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:55 pm    Post subject:  

Well noticed Whitey! Can't put one past you I see. :D
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 7:48 am    Post subject:  

*Revels in the praise*

Hey, it's not all that often I get praised. Got to revel while I can.
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Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:43 pm    Post subject: just got a chance to read the story  

i have a question is there a character list some where that i can look at i read the story but a character list would clarify things for me a little bit more.
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