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The Storyteller's Dilemma (Complete)

A Brave Knight

“There once was a Brave Knight.”

Prince Harold’s interest grew. He looked amused.

“The knight was bold and valiant, and he proudly swore an oath protect the kingdom and the people within it, but what he wanted most of all was to be a hero. Though he was often victorious in tournament games, he felt he would never be a hero until he protected the people of the kingdom from a real threat.

“The greatest threat to the kingdom was an Evil Dragon who had a secret cave in the mountains. He would attack the villages at will, not only because he could fly so high above them, but especially because everyone was too afraid to face him. The Brave Knight knew that no one who loved life would ever defy the dragon, and he would continue to pillage and kill until someone did. Though the knight did love life, he did not fear death, and he was determined to find the secret cave were the dragon dwelt, and he would end the suffering of the people.

“Then one day a storm came and with it came the Evil Dragon. He flew through the thunderclouds and dived upon the palace. He crashed through the walls and reared up in terrible magnificence. And he said,

“‘Surrender the princess or die! I will keep her in my cave until the next full moon, and if all the gold of the kingdom is given to me by the time, I shall release her. Otherwise she shall surely perish!’”

By this point in the story, Bridget could tell she had Prince Harold’s attention. The next part of the story would be how the people of the palace responded to the Dragon’s demands.

The Beautiful Princess willingly surrendered herself.
The Brave Knight arrived and fought valiantly to protect the Beautiful Princess.
The Evil Dragon killed the guards and took the Beautiful Princess by force.

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