Reunited or Torn Apart? (Chapter Five poll! 5/6/16)
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City of IF -> Storygames: Fantasy
What should Rosie do?
Accept Aster's offer
 0%  [ 0 ]
Accept the offer, but mention his hands
 100%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Andolyn, kkdestiny, Novelest_Ninjagirl, Seraphi

#1: Reunited or Torn Apart? (Chapter Five poll! 5/6/16) Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:35 pm
So here it goes! I'm actually really nervous about this - not to mention new - so I'm only putting up a prologue. That means it's kind of short and that there isn't a DP this time. Let me know what you think!

The pattering of rainfall against glass windows could be heard, as well as a clap of thunder. The noises didn’t seem to startle, let alone stop the woman’s goal as she ran, feet making little sound against the rug underneath. She had gotten used to the sight of the paintings that lined the halls, even taking care as to not bump into the several columns that held exquisite and more than likely expensive pottery. The lightning lit the hall for a quick moment, causing her silhouette to show briefly against the wall.

Sliding to a stop as the fabric beneath her bunched, she faced a rather ornate door. Her hand hovered above the knob as she wondered if this time would be the same as the last. “Elijah?” After a few moments of getting no response, she knocked roughly. “Elijah?” She had raised her voice, hoping that combining it with the knock would elicit a response. After another minute she tried to turn the knob to find it would turn, but not open - that meant he had to be inside and that the heavy latch had been locked. Frantically banging her fists against the door, she began to yell. “Elijah?! Open the door! Elijah?!” Her voice had gone an octave higher in her worry.

Glancing around at her surroundings, she sprinted to the adjacent room before thanking the gods that it was left unlocked. Quickly scanning the room as it was only illuminated by the fireplace, she found what she had been looking for. She ran to it and picked up the rather heavy log, before walking as fast as she could with it back to Elijah’s door. “I’m sorry for this.” She muttered, before positioning the log and guiding it to swing down onto the knob. It bent in a weird shape, and she took in a deep breath before lifting the log up once more. Swinging it down with a bit more force, she dropped the log as she heard the clanking of the broken knob against the floor.

Pushing a delicate hand through the hole, she pushed the other side of the knob out before feeling around above it for the latch. If she could just pull it aside, she’d be inside. “Come on. Come on.” She fumbled for what felt like too long before finding it, and pulling it aside with as much strength as she could gather at this point. The click sounded, and she retracted her hand before shoving the door open. “Elijah!” Running quickly to the fallen man, she pushed the pale golden blonde hair away from his eyes. “No. Please no. Stay here. Stay with me, you promised!”

Wailing as the light went out from behind his eyes, frantic footsteps could be heard from the hall as well as the sound of armor clanking. The guards were going to be there any minute, and she would be blamed for this. She knew she would, but she was glued to her spot by grief. “Why? Why did this happen?” Two sets of cold hands gripped her by the arms roughly and pulled her up, dragging her out of the room harshly. She couldn’t keep track of how long she allowed herself to be dragged, but she came back to reality harshly as she was tossed against a stone floor.

Curling up tightly, she jumped at the loud clang the metal door made as it shut and locked. Imprisoned for a wrong she didn’t commit, though it wasn’t going to be seen that way. Someone had to be blamed, and as she had been the only one in the room as Elijah died . . it naturally fell onto her. There was no hesitation to persecute her either, as the minute daylight flooded the room she was hastily shoved and guided to where the beheading block was. Shoved to her knees, her head was forced to the side against the wooden block and she stared out into the crowd of royals before her as her eyes welled up with tears. Waiting for the axe to come down, she squeezed her eyes shut as if that would make this all go away but the searing pain she felt said otherwise.

Screaming as she shot up from the bed, her hands went to feel her neck immediately. “I can never get there in time.” She mumbled, setting her hands back down once she was sure her neck was still intact. The dream only made her decision a little easier, but following through with it was where the difficulty stood. 'I can't waste anymore time. I'm his only chance.’

Last edited by Sapphire_Rayne on Fri May 06, 2016 6:00 pm; edited 14 times in total

#2:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:42 pm
GOOD LORD, the FEELS in this chapter!! This is AWESOME! I don't know why you were worried, girl! I found myself grieving with her over this guy I don't know, then worried for her about being imprisoned, and now I just want to know what's going on! This is fantastic!

Your flow and grammar are almost flawless. Way to go!

#3:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:48 pm
Definitely with Andi, I find myself grieving with her, but also wondering just who this lady who can lift a heavy enough log to knock a doorknob off. I cant wait to get to know her! This is fantastic as usual Sapph, can't wait to see the rest! Keep it a coming!

#4:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:52 pm
Interesting! I held my breath for part of it, and wondered what the culture of the setting might be.

I'd really like to encourage you to continue :3

#5:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:00 pm
I am hooked! Excellent start, Sapph! I can't wait to see where you go with this :3

#6: Chapter One Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:15 pm
Jumping at the loud bang her door made as it was thrown open, her eyes darted to see a middle aged woman rushing to her. Worried umber orbs were staring right at her, enough to make her look down and at her shaky hands. Once the elder woman had made it, she did a quick check of the young lady to see if there were any injuries. “Rosie? I heard you scream, Ryan’s grabbing his dagger as we speak. Did someone come in? Are you hurt?” She seemed to continue asking questions a worried caretaker would.

“No. No. Auntie. Auntie please. I just . . “ Rosie trailed off for a moment, before gripping the sheets tightly. “I had another nightmare was all.” She glanced up to see her aunt’s unrelenting stare, and sighed heavily. Aunt Julianne always seemed to know when she was lying, and she could just feel the scolding she was about to receive. Bracing herself, she locked her gaze with her aunt’s, icy blue meeting the warm brown.

“Roselaine Elizabeth, you know better than to fib.” The elder woman lit the candle on the small oak table before sitting down on the edge of the bed. The flames illuminated her hair, showing off the silver strands that were interwoven with the scarlet waves. “I raised you better than that. What has frightened you so, that you can’t even confide in me?” Her face was full of concern, her worry lines only becoming more prominent. It was then that Ryan came running in, her uncle’s honey eyes scanning the premises. He gave a glance to Julianne, who waved him off. “Go back to bed dear, I’ll be in there soon.”

Roselaine watched the two for a moment, before pulling her eyes back to her hands. They had done so much for her throughout her life - raising her as their own on top of the three children they already had and making sure she had everything she needed. The fact that she was going to leave them to pursue a suicide mission only made the guilt eat her up inside.

“Please look at me.” Snapping her head up to look at Julianne, she looked worried for the tone had been soft. “I know there are things you think you can’t tell me, but I am always going to be here for you. You know that.” With an affection squeeze to her hands, she was up and out of the room. “You can always tell me in the morning. Dream sweet, we have a long day ahead of us.” The door was shut softly, and Rosie gave a heavy sigh as she looked to the flames.

“How am I supposed to tell you that I’ve been having dreams of a man dying?” She mumbled and blew out the candle, before shoving the sheets off of her. She knew that they weren’t just dreams, they never had been. In the years that she could remember, her dreams had been more like future events and she was sure that this one would happen as well. They always did, whether it was something minute like her older cousin Benjamin meeting his wife at the market, or something large, like her uncle being harmed on the battlefield, causing his discharge and months of rehabilitation and worry.

Standing up quietly, she avoided the loose floorboards before opening her window and feeling the cool breeze against the bits of exposed skin. A small smile graced her lips and she sat on the sill, before swinging her legs over and feeling the pasture beneath her toes. The feeling of the rug and stone flooded her mind and the peace she felt suddenly turned into panic. She was sitting here enjoying the grass when the man could very well be doing something to cause his death!

With that, she jumped out and ran towards the stables to make sure her horse was ready and able to make a rather long journey. . . if it was going to be one. ‘I don’t even know where he is, let alone who he is. Maybe. . . Maybe this is a bad idea.’ Before she even realized it, she had wandered over to a large brown mare that she was rather friendly with. Staring at it a moment, her resolve for leaving began to falter. She stroked its muzzle softly, before letting out a troubled sigh. ‘This is a big decision, I can’t just make it based off of a vision or five.’ Had she really had the same dream five times now? After a few more pets, she left the stable and locked it up tightly.

“You going somewhere, kid?” Jumping and turning around quickly, she blinked at her Uncle. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” He muttered, keeping his eyes to her face. “I used to take care of the horses when I couldn’t think straight as a youngin’. Always seemed to help me, how about you?” He offered a smile, and she tried hard to give him one back.

“I . . I can’t really figure out what I want to.” Rosie looked up at Ryan, and he shrugged softly. “It’s not a want even, I feel like I have to do this and all I am managing to do is stall.” She wasn’t sure why her uncle was easier to talk to, but she suspected it was because he never really asked questions to clarify what she was willing to give out. “If I do one thing, I hurt two people . . but if I do nothing I will feel responsible for someone else’s hurt.”

“Let me tell you something Rosie.” Ryan ushered her to take a seat on the bench that sat adjacent to the wooden building. When she did, he slung an arm around her and pointed up at the stars. It was something that he would do with his children, making sure they didn’t feel pressured to look at him as they listened. When she lifted her eyes to the sky, he smiled. “We don’t get anywhere in life waiting around, nor does it ever give us the answers. Sometimes, you have to do what you think is right, despite who it hurts. If it’s right, things will fall into place.”

Feeling her eyes widen, she turned to face her uncle. “But, I don’t want to hurt anyone. You and Auntie always taught me to find a way where-” She couldn’t finished her words as her uncle abruptly cut her off.

“You can’t please everyone Roselaine. There’s going to be more than this farm of ours someday.” With that said he gave her a fatherly squeeze, before getting up and ruffling her hair. “Try to get some sleep.” She had been staring at her hands again, listening to the crunch under his boots as he walked back to the house. Once she was alone again, she looked up to the stars to think about her final decision.

DP: Does she gather the things she can and leave now? Does she talk to her aunt and tell her the truth in the morning? Does she go about the days plans tomorrow and leave afterwards? Or maybe something else entirely! You decide!

#7:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:38 am
Rosie should tell her aunt. She's very much the supportive type, I think, so her aunt will most likely be fine with her decision. (Plus Rosie'll probably get some awesome food for her trip to who knows where, haha) Also, by explaining the dream to both her aunt and uncle they might be able to help figure out a starting point for her journey.

Really liking this story, Sapph. Keep up the great work :3

#8:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:13 am
I'm liking the story, and it's nice to learn our lovely leading lady's name! The story was a lovely read, but a bit clunky. Consider breaking up dialogue onto their own lines. It's the format I was taught when I first got to if, and it makes things a lot easier to read, and later on when there's even more quick discussion, it keeps it from getting too confusing.

As for the dp, I think she should stay, but tonight she should pack her bags, and hide them. While her family seems supportive, they might react poorly. Better to be prepared if they try and forestall her. So, pack her bags and hide them, and then confide in her aunt in the morning.

#9:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:25 pm
I loved it!! I'm going to agree with Noni on the dialogue. Always start a new paragraph when a new speaker starts. That's a minor thing, though, and it just takes practice. =)

I'm going to agree that we need to tell her aunt and uncle what's going on. We need to be very prepared, and she knows the man's name. Maybe they will recognize it and be able to give her a direction.

I'm so excited to see where this goes! I love a good mystery! Very Happy

#10:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:45 am
I enjoyed the dream sequence of the prologue, it was immediate - the way it switched abruptly from scene to scene, and with the girl wielding a heavy log in a way she might not be able to do in real life added to the surrealness of it all. It had just the right balance between reality and unreality to work, so that when she did wake up, I got the feeling of - 'of course it was a dream. How couldn't it have been?' which is a natural reaction.

That she believes these dreams are more like premonitions, and that it seems as though the uncle really has no clue as to what's underlying her unease, adds to the poignancy of this chapter - he's basically advised her to go and follow her instinct.

This character comes across as young and vulnerable, but impulsive as well - I think if she stays where she is, things are only going to get worse for her - she's already feeling a sense of urgency over this.

I'm not sure that if she tells her aunt and uncle, that they'll actually believe her. They might keep a closer eye on her, which will make things even more difficult in the end.

She believes that if she follows her instinct it will be a suicide mission - this suggests to me that she believes that if she follows her instinct, everything in the dream will come true, including her beheading at the end...

Despite this, I think she'll take her uncle's advice, even though he doesn't know what dillema she's applying it to.

I think she'll go and attempt to find and save this man's life, despite her fear for her own, so that's my suggestion.

#11:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:36 pm
I'll have to practice with the dialogue more, thank you for the suggestions! I'm really glad that people are actually taking the time to read and comment ^^ Speaking of comments . . .

Last call for comments! I'll most likely put the poll up tomorrow!

#12:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:16 pm
Ok just finished! :o

Still going good Smile Yes we should go back to bed...traveling suddenly with just your PJs and without telling the two people who are worried about you doesn't seem all that smart XP

I agree to packing tonight, then rest up and tell them in the morning. They seem understanding, and also, they might know about her visions? If they do, they should definitey understand. know...dont tell them that you consider it a suicide mission. After that, we should get going asap, because we dont want the thing where we are condemned to happen o.o;

#13:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:48 pm
We are now polling~!

#14:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:36 pm
It's great to be able to wonder from SG to SG again - drop a comment here, vote there - Good work, everyone! Very Happy

#15: Poll Results Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:24 pm
So here are the results from the poll!

What should Roselaine do?

Try to sleep and explain everything to her Aunt and Uncle in the morning

Pack and confide in her Aunt tonight

Pack tonight and confide in her Aunt in the morning

Leave tonight

It seems like I've had a tie! No worries though, because I can very well write the next chapter with both winning choices! Thank you to all of you who voted!

#16:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:14 am
Sounds good - looking forward to the next chapter. Smile

#17:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:29 am
yays ^^

Excited to see!

#18: Chapter two! Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:11 pm
Chapter Two

Roselaine stared at those stars for what felt like hours before she finally pushed herself to her feet. Fear set in, though she wasn’t sure why. She could trust her aunt, Julianne had never given her a reason to be scared other than those scoldings of hers. Releasing a sigh, she made her way back to the farmhouse. Oh dear, she had left her window open in her haste of leaving!

“I’m lucky Uncle didn’t scold me for that.” She murmured before pulling herself back through the window and locking it up tight.

Muscle memory worked in her favor as she went into one of the few drawers on her side desk to pull a match out. Striking it, she made sure to light the candle that sat there, before dancing around and lighting the rest of the wax creations across her room. Having enough light to finally see, she put the match out and tossed it on the desk she had.

‘Where did I last put it?’ Searching through her closet, she pouted. Maybe the pack had been underneath her bed? Looking under it, she grinned and pulled the leather pack out. As the list of things she’d need began to form, Rosie’s hands would find the items and placed them into the bag. Before too long it was packed full and tight, and shoved into the depths of the closet to protect it.

Feeling accomplished, she blew out all the candles safe for one and collapsed onto her bed. She figured that sleeping would be a good thing right now, as her body grew heavy against the well worn mattress. Her eyes followed suit in the heaviness, her world going dark for now.

“Roselaine! Time to wake up!”

The sun flitted in through the drapes, it’s light dancing on the red tones her hair took on. When the moon had hit it the night before, it had looked more like chocolate but now, it was certainly more red than brown. Groaning as she pushed herself up, her eyes adjusted to the light rather quickly. ‘How long did I sleep for?’

“Awake now. I’m awake.” Rosie shoved her hair out of her face as she made to stand, finding her toes a bit sore from running barefoot the night before.

Taking care, she pulled her hair up into a bun so it wouldn’t get in the way of the day’s events. A few strands made an escape waving down to frame her face, but she knew better than to try and fix them. Then came time to slip on the new dress - and the breeches she wore underneath despite her aunt’s fussing over it. Pulling the strings tightly to fasten them at her knees, she let her skirt fall to cover it before facing the door. Releasing the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding, she opened it and pulled herself to the table.

Dragging the wooden chair she had deemed hers when she was a young girl, she sat down and smoothed her skirts. Her hands shook softly, and she hid them underneath the the wooden surface to make sure they wouldn’t be noticed. It was about then that Julianne turned around and set breakfast - or was it about lunchtime now? - on the table.

“I yelled for you three or four times, gods bless you child. You could sleep through the noises of raiders, I swear.” Her aunt chuckled as she said such, taking a seat and separating the eggs onto two plates. “Were you plagued by more nightmares?”

“Not exactly.” Rosie kept her hands in her skirt, and her gaze on the eggs. “Auntie, there’s something I have to tell you.”

“Did a man finally sweep you off your feet? Oh sweetie that’s-”

“No, it’s not that. Actually it’s far more important.” She watched her aunt’s expression drop and she chewed on her cheek. “The nightmares I’ve been having. . I. .” She took a deep breath, before she continued. “They aren’t just nightmares.”

“Of course they’re just nightmares, you’re sleeping one minute and screaming the next. If that isn’t a nightmare than I haven’t raised four kids.” Julianne broke up some bread, splitting it up before pushing one of the plates to Rosie’s side of the table.

‘This is a bad idea. I should just play along, but. . . this is really important.’ Taking another deep breath, she stared directly at her aunt. Her features were twisted in anxiety and unease, and she finally placed her palms against the tabletop. ‘Here goes nothing.’

“Auntie, I’m serious. For the last few nights I’ve had the same dream. I’m running in this hallway that has expensive things and . . and I keep trying to get some guy named Elijah to answer me and I never get there in time and he always dies and I-”

“What did you just say?”

The tone Julianne took snapped Roselaine right out of her rambling explanation and she stared at the elder woman. She looked worried and . . almost angry. Confusion pressed itself in the front of her mind, and the young woman blinked a few times.

“I said they aren’t nightmares. And a guy dies, I never get to save him. His name is Elijah.” There it was, a cringe at the man’s name, but she pressed on. “I want to leave to save him.”

“You want to what?!” Julianne’s face was void of color as she had stood up. “No, I’m not letting you go to roam around because of a silly dream you’re having. We need help here, Ryan and I getting too old to tend to the horses.”

For a minute, Rosie was in shock. Her aunt never dismissed her like she was now, let alone try and get her to stay. For the past year she had been trying to get her to find a man to get her to start her life, but trying to leave for a real reason gets this type of response. No, there had to be more to this.

“Auntie, it’s not a silly dream!” She slammed her hands against the table to grab Julianne’s attention once more. “I’ve had dreams of similar things before! Uncle getting hurt? I saw that weeks before it happened! Benji meeting Mary? I also saw that! This man is going to die and I need to find him and at least warn him!”

“I told you no! You are not leaving over some. . some delusion. You think you can see the future now? Get your head out of the clouds! Ryan!”

It was Roselaine who cringed this time. Ryan getting involved would either make this much worse, or pull it in her favor. She really hoped it was the latter. The minute it took him to enter was almost explosive, for the young woman knew if she said anything she would be snapped at. There her uncle was, half asleep and rubbing his eyes.

“What Julie? I didn’t get much -”

“Roselaine thinks she can see the future and wants to go set off to save a man named Elijah.” She seemed to put more emphasis on the name rather than what the situation was, and that woke Ryan right up.

He stared at Julianne for a moment, making her repeat herself before he stared at Rosie. Anger wasn’t present in those honey orbs - not like it had been in her aunt’s - but concern, worry and fear were. It shocked Rosie as much as her aunt’s outburst had, and she couldn’t find any words to try and explain further.

“Absolutely not. That man isn’t real, you dreamed him up.”

Those words hit her deep, and Rosie took a seat. Her uncle always believed her, she never had given him a reason not to and this sudden disbelief was alarming. She just gave a small nod of her head, before shoving the bread in her mouth to keep herself from saying much else.

It had been quiet after that, no one said a word while eating and that alone made her uncomfortable. She had said something to make everything feel wrong, and she wasn’t sure she could fix it this time. When she finished her plate, she got up to rinse it before making her way to her room. Well, she had told them and while it ended badly . . she felt like leaving now was better than leaving in the middle of the night. After all, they had an idea why instead of wondering if they had done something wrong in raising her.

She pulled the pack on and secured it before pulling a cloak over her shoulders and unlocking her window. Her ears picked up her aunt’s panicked voice through the walls, and her uncle’s was more of a low rumble - that meant they were distracted. Pulling the boots over her feet and securing them to her calves quickly, she made sure everything she had on wouldn’t get caught on anything or be a hindrance later on. Giving a satisfied yet saddened sigh, she made it to the windowsill.

“I’m sorry.” It was said so softly that it could hardly be considered a whisper, and she climbed out pulling the window shut behind.

The familiar crunch she heard under her boots told her she was running, and for a moment she considered going back and apologizing - to pretend everything she had said was just a prank and they could go back to how it was before. Ripping herself away from that thought, she pressed forward and threw the stable’s door open.

“Glory? There you are, ready to go on that adventure I talked about?” She stroked the mare’s muzzle affectionately, before reaching over to make sure she still had a saddle in the corner of her stall.

When Rosie’s other hand felt the leather of it, she knew she would succeed in leaving. Glory was her horse - had been for a year or two now - and she was fast. Faster than the stallion her uncle had been raising to offer as a gift to the prince if he ever visited. They always talked about the royal family, maybe it would have done her some good to pay attention instead of just retreating into her own mind.

Securing the saddle, she guided the tall creature out of the stables before she climbed up and situated herself. With a final look at the farmhouse she had called home, she gripped tightly onto the necklace she had - as if it were a good luck charm. Her aunt said it was a parting gift from her parents and while she was sure there was more to it, she never had the gall to ask. The chain itself was silver and it allowed a rather small charm to hang from it. The charm was triangular in shape, also made of silver, with something very unique to it. Kyanite had been set in the center of it, light in color and shaped like a teardrop.

Anyone who knew the stubborn girl knew she never took it off, despite it not being a green gem as she had so often spouted that green was her favorite color. With a squeeze, she released it and motioned Glory to start their journey. She opted to travel to the town of Erythin precisely for the fact that it was farther. Julianne and Ryan would find her missing soon and she wanted to get as far away as she could as fast as she could; not to mention that Erythin was more of a trading town and she needed information. How else would she find out who Elijah was and where to find him at?

The bright light of day faded and left a darkness that chilled Roselaine to the bone. No light cut through as the moon had decided to hide it’s glow from the world, leaving her to watch the torch lights come closer as Glory raced forward. It wasn’t much longer until she reached the town’s limits, and she slowly brought her mare to a halt before sliding off.

“Thank you girl, but I can carry on from here.” Pulling her hood up, she smiled at the horse and took the reins in hand.

She lead Glory around as she made her way to the center of Erythin. Relief washed over her when no one asked her questions as she looked for directions to the nearest inn, and she allowed herself to actually take a breath in. Finding the building with relative ease, after she had asked four people to make sure she had the right place, she smiled. The woman whispered kind words to her mare as she tied the reins to post, promising to return soon to see to it that she had a proper stable stall to sleep in. Walking into the comforting building, she didn’t realize that the stare of a man with eyes the color of wisteria petals was on her, let alone had followed her since she arrived in the town.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DP: What does Rosie do come morning? There's plenty of options in this town of trade! She could gamble the little coin she has, pretend to be a fortune teller (though would she really be pretending?), look for more information? She could also leave, but who knows when she'd get a chance like this?! Let me know~

#19:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:16 pm
OOH! Loved it!! I've given you detailed thoughts already, but this story is soooo intriguing to me! Keep it coming!

I'm going to say that we keep our head down and look for information. We need to get to this Elijah guy quickly if we're going to keep the dream from coming true. Let's find out who he is and get going!

#20:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:19 pm
As usual, I found myself sucked right in and couldn't remember reality for a second when it stopped. I found myself awful surprised when her aunt and uncle reacted like that, I'm glad she had made her pack up ahead of time- all the more distance between her and her family. However, their reaction to the name and obsession about the royal family, paired with the references in the intro are leading me to speculate about this man she's running off to rescue... but I'll keep that to myself.

As for the dp, I think the most important thing is finding food. Not just at-the-inn food, I mean food she can store in her pack that'll keep a while. After all, she didn't sneak off to the kitchen when packing her bag, so who knows how much she has on her?

#21:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:59 am
Oooo! I really like this!

I'm going to say she should totally do the fortune telling things. It's a good way to get coin and maybe information.

#22:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:13 am
Wonderful chapter, Sapph :3 Like Noni I have some theories...but I'll keep them to myself for now, hehe.

I think Rosie should talk to the inn keeper in the morning. An inn keeper sees a lot of the town's traffic, so they probably have a broad spectrum of information - if they don't know who Elijah is, then they might be able to point Rosie to someone who does at least.

#23:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:26 pm
The introduction of the pendant has me intrigued too - and I'm sure it will betray her at some point if she doesn't take it off.

But the aunt and uncle's reaction was interesting... especially at the sound of Elijah's name. I expect that they'll start a search for her soon enough. So whatever Rosie does, she'll need to get moving more quickly, as she'll leave a trail.

If she's smart, she won't ask anyone about Elijah, given the reaction from her aunt and uncle - it's another way she'll be identified in a search. I think she needs to think long and hard about the details of the dream, particularly about the rooms of the place she dreams that Elijah is in, and what she can remember from other things she sees in her dream - views from windows, landscapes - up until the execution.

That will help her ask the right questions and at least get her heading off in the right direction - she can fine tune her search for the man when she's covered more distance.

#24:  Author: Adryrn PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:23 pm
Ooh--nice work so far =D. I liked how her aunt and uncle reacted to her vision--gives them a little more agency without letting them actually get in the way, and feels more realistic. Can't help but assume there's some connection between Elijah and/or the royal family and Rosie. I'm guessing she has enough money/valuables on her to feed/house herself for at least a day, so I'd say she should try to figure out who Elijah is. That said, asking around could draw unwanted attention--but then again, I don't know if that would occur to Rosie. So I guess I think she should just start digging, given how little she knows.

#25:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:16 pm
We are now polling~!

#26:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:06 pm
Asking about Elijah won with 60% of the votes! Onto the story!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chapter Three

If asked, the man would admit he had been following the girl around since she arrived in Erythin. It wasn’t rare for new travelers to appear but something about her screamed that she didn’t belong. Why would a female come at night alone to a town like this? That was precisely what he wanted to answer. As of this moment, he watched her back as she entered the inn with little effort. His eyes had stayed on the door until a familiar glow caught his attention.Glancing at his hand, he pulled the crystal up to his face, it's light casting blue over his features. Slowly he tapped it with a finger, waiting.

“Do you know how long you’ve been gone?!” The tone was rather concerned, and the man had to roll his eyes. It was a good thing the crystals only granted one audio communication.

“I do. Do you know how many times you’ve contacted me to complain? If you miss me, you can come out and say it.” He chuckled as the man over the crystal groaned.

“Could you come back soon? Mom’s asking where you’ve been and I don’t know how to tell her that you’ve gone off on your own!”

“Then fib a little. Use that diplomatic persuasion and say that I’m checking on the troops. That’s not entirely a lie.” His eyes darted up as he saw movement and a sudden shine demanded his attention. “Look, I have to go.”

“Aster, don’t you dare-”

“I’ll get in touch later.” With that said, he tapped the crystal again and pocketed it.

That woman’s necklace looked eerily similar to his friend’s, and he wanted to get a closer look. After all, he knew what they meant and if this woman had managed to pocket it from the owner . . . then he’d have to take this matter into his own hands. He followed her down to where the stables were, watching as she guided the mare into them while whispering something.

He kept to the shadows as she came out of it alone and went back into the inn. He waited a moment or two before walking in himself - catching her walking up the stairs from the corner of his eye. He ruffled his hair, making note to cut it before he headed back to where he was needed, and walked over to the counter to check in.

“Excuse me miss. If it isn’t too much trouble, could I get a room next to that lovely woman that had just passed by?” The woman looked at him suspiciously, and he leaned on the counter and gave a charming smile. “While she wandered in, she caught the eye of those men back there,” He pointed behind him at the drunken fools that were stumbling in. “And I’d like to make sure she stays safe.”

The innkeeper looked grateful to him, it seemed that no one protected the women in this town. He’d have to talk to the official in charge as that was something he couldn’t let slip by. Taking the key rather softly, he smiled again and walked quickly up the stairs into his room for the night. Now to figure out which room she was in. He pressed an ear against the far left wall and heard nothing. Dead silence. That meant she must be in the other one! He quickly made to the other side of the room and repeated the earlier motion, before feeling surprise creep up on him as he could hear her words faintly.

“Ruya, I beg of you to take me there safely. I know it’s unbecoming to beg, but my heart aches every time you force me to watch this particular scene. Ruya, please let me save Elijah.”

He pulled his head away too quickly, and managed to smack it right into the bed post. Rubbing the sore spot, he took the crystal out and stared at it. ‘What did she mean save Elijah? Elijah’s fine, at least he’s been fine. I don’t like this.’ The feeling in his gut made him queasy, and he settled for laying down on his side.

Sleep washed over him like a wave and after the day he had, it was welcomed. What wasn’t welcomed however was the sun waking him up the minute it had climbed over the horizon. Damn his training. Pushing himself up, he walked to the bathroom that the room had come with and he mentally thanked the staff who had put a bowl of water down before the mirror in there. After he splashed his face a few times, he grabbed his own pack and made his way down the stairs.

“Sir! Before you leave…” It had been the innkeeper from last night.

“Yes Miss?” He glanced up at her and frowned as he saw the fresh bruise on her cheek, but said nothing of it yet.

“Thank you for protecting her last night. Not many men go out of their way to do so.”

“So I’ve noticed. How’d you get that?” He didn’t point to it, but he kept his eyes on it. “Was it from protecting her too or was it for other reasons?”

She flinched away, and he felt his blood boil. It was one thing to assault an enemy, but to assault a woman - that didn’t get by with him. They wouldn’t be on this world without women and for someone to purposely attack any one of them . . it wasn’t something forgivable in his mind.

“I’ll only ask once more before I drop it, who did that to you?” For as angry as he was, it never leaked into his voice.

“They wanted her room number and I refused to give it.” So it had been those men. At least he remembered what they looked like.

“I see. Don’t worry your head anymore. You did that right thing, and I’m sure she had a peaceful slumber thanks to you as well.”

Aster walked out of the doors with a smile, only to have it turn into a deep frown as he saw those very men waiting across the inn. They looked as if they had waited all night, and he cracked his knuckles and his neck. Well, at least he could say he had some fun in this town when he got back home.

It hadn’t taken him very long to best the men in a scuffle, them pleading for mercy in the end. He wondered if that woman had done so when she had been hit, and he made sure to grind into one of their hands with his boot. Kicking dirt at them, he finally turned away and assessed the damage he had done to himself. His knuckles were bloodied and bruised but that wasn’t uncommon and he knew it’d be fine in a few days after the swelling went down.

After doing so, his gaze shifted to the doors of the inn just as the woman he had seen last night walked out - the only way he could tell had been from the necklace he spotted once more. He blinked for a moment, taking in the distracting sight. The light bounced off her hair in a way that made it shift from red to brown, and he managed to catch a glimpse of her eyes. He had seen eyes of ice like those before, but where?

Aster didn’t think much on it as she began to escape his view and he had to run to catch up with her. She had made her way into the center of the town square, and he watched in shock as she waved around her coin pouch. ‘What is she thinking?!’

“I’m in need of quick information! I can pay for it!” Her voice carried and he slapped his hand over his eyes to groan.

This girl was going to get herself killed or worse, and he felt a small sense eat at him to help her. She didn’t even know how to properly get information! Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw two men of the shady sort come towards her, and Aster had to stop himself from threatening them. The girl had to learn her lesson somehow and if being uncomfortable for a minute or two before he came and removed her from it was the key to it, then so be it.

They approached her, and he inched closer to make sure he would be there when needed. She looked to be handling herself well, though she did seem irritated at what they were trying to do. It was when one of the men grabbed her that he found himself lunging forward only to be frozen in place at the scene unraveling before him.

The female had grabbed a broomstick from behind her and clocked the man in the side of the face with it. She didn’t stop when he let go either, managing to whack him in the neck once before bringing her knee up to hit a rather vulnerable spot. Aster winced as he was sure every male in the area had, and he watched her point the end at the other man.

“You want to end up like your friend?”

The man scrambled away and she huffed, dropping the broomstick and crossing her arms. Aster hadn’t realized that he had whistled until she jumped and stared at him. Seeing her eyes at a closer range had a much different effect, and as he came to the realization that they were breathtaking, he didn’t much care about the distrust they were looking at him with.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DP: How does Aster start to interact with her? Does he compliment her skill? Speak about the necklace? Claim he has her information? Pretend to be insane? Let me know~

#27:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:31 pm
I knew the necklace was important.

I'm glad to see from a new perspective, and it's nice to know who was watching her. (presumably). Also, yay for him to the defense! *ignoring the fact that he might not have good intentions towards her.*

As for the dp... I say he compliments her fighting skills.

#28:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:35 pm
AWWWWW!!! He's such a gentleman!!! Very Happy I love that he got all mad about the innkeeper. And I love that he beat the crap out of the guys...and I love that he melted a little when he saw Rosie...and...did I mention I REALLY love this guy?

Also...I sense a bromance with whomever was on the other end of that communicator. I love a good bromance.

Compliment her skill! It certainly impressed him. Let her know she did well!

#29:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:20 pm
Alrighty, so the two comments I got both said the same suggestion, so I figured that I would post the next chapter up - though it's a shorter one!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chapter Four

He snapped out of it after realizing he had been staring at her for a moment or two. He cleared his throat, before crossing his own arms. The stance earned him a confused look, and he had to fight the chuckle down.

“Nice fighting. Not a lot of women around here know how protect themselves.” He watched as the corners of her lips turned upwards.

“Well thank you. My uncle taught me.”

“Smart man. Well, good luck on what you’re trying to get.” He smiled softly before turning and walked off towards one of the vendor stalls. He had only taken a few steps before he heard footsteps behind him, and then he felt a soft weight on his elbow.

“Wait, I uh. . .” She paused and he felt the weight be removed. “You don’t look from here, how much for information?”

He wiped the smirk he felt on his face off and replaced it with a friendlier smile. After all, if it was shown that she did as he had predicted then she’d be less inclined to speak with him. He turned around, and in a fluid motion he captured her hand before bringing it to his lips softly.

“Just your name, Miss. That’s the only thing of value.”

Before he could actually plant the kiss he had been planning, her hand was out of his grip. He glanced up at her a little shocked to see pink dusk her cheeks, which only made her skin look more fair. Despite the flush, she seemed almost irritated and had glanced away from him. He took this moment to fix his posture.

“Rosie.” She had mumbled it and Aster blinked.


“My name is Rosie.” She had glanced back at him and he simply blinked again.

The more Aster looked at her, the more he grew confused. She looked so familiar - but unfamiliar at the same time. He could have sworn he saw - oh. OH. He knew exactly where he had seen her before, even though it was many many years ago. There was no way she remembered him, but he could remember her, at least now he could.

“Are you sure about that?” She looked at him as if he had grown another head on his shoulders.

“Of course I am! My name is Rosie. Well, Roselaine, but Rosie to you.” She paused for a moment, staring up at him. He noticed that he was roughly a head taller than her, not that it surprised him any - he was usually taller than most females. “And your name?”

“Pardon?” Was that his new saying?

“I told you my name, it’s a fair trade.” She crossed her arms once more, and he chuckled.

“No, your name was payment for the information I’m willing to give you.” She made to talk and he put a finger up. “But I’ll bite. After all, I’m impressed by your fighting skills.” After pausing long enough to watch her get impatient, he gave in. “Aster. Aster Karron.”

“Like the flower?”

“Er.. yes?” She was laughing and he felt his face grow hot. Was he embarrassed or was her laugh that sweet sounding? Not wanting to think about it, he quickly turned around and started to walk back towards the vendor. “It’s apparent you don’t want my help.”

“No, wait.” She was fighting to get the laughs down to chuckles and had grabbed onto his shirt sleeve once more at the elbow to get him to stop. “Sorry, I’ve never met a man with a flower name and I lived on a ranch. It’s amusing.”

He turned once more and sighed - though it was all an act and he rather liked the flush on her cheeks. As Rosie managed to control her laughter, she released the fabric and took in a deep breath. It was clear she hadn’t thought about how to ask about whatever it was she needed, and he waited patiently.

“I know this is rather vague . . . but I’m looking for a man -”

“And here I thought you were into women.” He couldn’t help the comment from slipping out, but watching the flush come back was worth it and the rather hard smack to his cheek.

“As I was saying,” Rosie shot Aster a glare and his grin only grew in response while he set a hand on where his cheek was burning. “I’m looking for a man and I don’t know a lot. I have a name and a description . . . but that’s all.”

“That’s a lot to ask for. I meet a lot of people in my line of work.” Well, most of them died but that wasn’t something he needed to mention. She looked at him unamused before she sighed heavily and glanced at her feet. He was waiting for a description of some sort, but looking at her she seemed deep in thought. “Rosie?” That snapped her out of it rather quickly.

“Sorry, the description. He’s rather tall.” She seemed to go into thought for a moment before tilting her head up to gauge how tall Aster himself was and nodded. “About your height actually. His hair is on the longer side,” She reached up and pulled on his locks as if to get a real sense of the length. “Longer than yours for sure, probably long enough to gather into a ribbon.”

Feeling his own face heat up at being used as a comparison, he took a step back. She blinked, and flushed herself realizing what she had done, though she didn’t apologize. Instead, Rosie adverted her eyes and cleared her throat as he did.

“That describes a few hundred people there.” He once again couldn’t help the teasing tone, but it was making her less guarded and he could tell by her shoulders falling slightly.

“I wasn’t done! His hair is a few shades lighter than your own, and he has brown eyes. They’re. . .” She paused to think again, and he tilted his head slightly. “They have a warmth in them though. His skin was lighter than yours too, still tan but not as sunkissed as you seem to be.” She nodded her head at her description, and looked rather accomplished.

Aster had to wonder if his face had paled a little bit when she looked up at him. If she was really speaking of Elijah - and he was sure she was - than it was the same Elijah he had grown alongside with. He remembered her prayer from last night and could feel the color draining from his face. Elijah was in trouble and Rosie knew, but he didn’t. How was that possible?

“I see, you said you also had a name?” He tried hard to keep the concern out of his voice, and he must have done well since she nodded.

“Elijah, that’s all I -”

“You’re in luck. I happen to know an Elijah who looks like you described!” Watching the relief flood her face should have made him feel better, but it didn’t. His only friend was going to be in some sort of danger and he needed to head back to him.

“If you could just point me in his direction then, I can be on my way.” She seemed to be in as much of a hurry as he felt he should be and he plastered a grin.

“I’ll do you one better. I have to head back to him anyways. I’ll just take you right to him.” He watched as her face changed from relief to shock, and he realized what he had just promised. Oh how was he going to explain this to Elijah?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
So for this DP: Does Rosie take his new offer? Does she insist that he just points her in the direction she needs? Does she take his word for it or does she look for more information?

#30:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:11 pm
Rosie seems mildly naive enough to trust his information, but not enough to follow him. I say she insists he show her the way. Or maybe she asks for some sort of proof he's trustworthy?

#31:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:00 pm
I already REALLY love this back-and-forth dynamic you've got going between these two. HAHA! It's just the right amount of attraction and sadism. HAHAHA!

For the DP...she's totally naive enough to go with him. LOL He's a sweetheart, though, it would seem, so this is definitely a safe option. I'm going to say that's what happens. Go with the sweet, sassy man. XD

#32:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:02 pm
Bumping this to try and get it back into the eyes of people! Hopefully if anyone is popping on to avoid their family in this holiday rush, they check it out!

#33:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:54 am
All caught up! Wonderful two chapters, Sapph!

Rosie and Astar have a great dynamic, and I'd hate to see that fall to the wayside because they must part so...I say Rosie goes with him. Not without being wary, of course, but so far he hasn't done or said anything that have triggered any alarm bells in her head, and he's the only lead she has. So she'll agree to go with him. And insist to split the expenses of the journey since he didn't allow her to pay for his information in the first place haha.

#34:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:00 pm
*gentle nudge*

#35:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:17 pm
Alright! The poll said that Rosie goes with Aster! So with that said, here is the late, but longer chapter of mine!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chapter Five

“I’ll do you one better. I have to head back to him anyways. I’ll just take you right to him.”

Rosie felt her face change into the one of shock and she blinked a few times, trying to make sure he said what he really had. First this man comes up and compliments her skills, then he tries to kiss her hand and asks for her name, and now he was saying he was going to lead her to the man she wanted to save desperately. Where was the catch?

“You’re a liar, and a bad one at that.” Now his face - his name was Aster, how silly was that? - turned to one of shock.

“What do you mean, I’m a liar? I’ve only been -”

“Kind and charming. Which means you want something from me, I wasn’t raised in a barn.” Roselaine crossed her arms rather quickly. ‘Well technically I was but… ‘

“You want to get to Elijah and I’m heading back to him. What’s wrong in wishing to bring you there myself?”

Aster seemed a little confused, and the look in his eyes was something she hadn’t seen before from a total stranger. What emotion was that? Rosie couldn’t help but stare up into them as she tried to figure it out, not quite answering him just yet. Suddenly she realized what emotion was swirling in those lilac spheres of his. ‘He’s hurt.’

“I just don’t understand what you’d want in exchange. My name for the information was fair, I suppose. But for traveling? I don’t know how far, I don’t even know how long it will take. Everything has a price, so what’s yours?”

He seemed to think for a moment and the young woman wished for not the first time today that she could peek into his mind. It would have made this interaction less anxiety inducing and she would know if he could be trusted or not quickly. He spoke, which jostled her out of her thoughts.

“I want to know about that necklace, and the lovely woman who’s wearing it. That’s my price.”

Rosie felt her face grow hot, and she stared at Aster looking for any signs that he were in fact joking. When she saw that he was completely serious however, her face felt as if it had been on fire, and she pulled her gaze from him to look at that newly interesting wooden pole that was planted to the side of him.


“Was that a stutter?”

“Was that a real question?”

“I suppose not since I know the answer. I was wondering if you’d deny it or not.”

Once again she looked up at him to see a smug grin on his face. Oh, so he thought he could read her like a book did he? With that thought, she felt her face cool down and she rose her head proudly. The change in demeanor had wiped the grin off Aster’s face, and it brought it to her own.

“Well then I suppose you should start leading the way if you’d like to know about my jewelry.” She glanced backwards and she was sure he could see that she was about to tease him. “Are you sure you are interested in women, Aster? While you seem like you would be, your interest in my necklace says otherwise.”

His face turned scarlet, and Rosie had to admit that she liked to see it that way. The red made his hair stand out and his eyes - though they should have been pushed back - only brightened. Then he let out a rather nervous chuckle and he glanced upwards, she assumed he was trying to think of a comeback. She hadn’t been expecting the words he used instead.

“I just saw one like it a long time ago, that’s all. Maybe it was a different one. Who knows?” The laugh he let out then seemed like it was forced, but she let it go. “Let’s set out then.”

The two of them set out, walking towards the stables. Rosie wasn’t going to leave Glory here, no way. It was once the mare came into view that she sparked to life, checking on her and setting the saddle back up onto her. She fondly laid her head against the mare’s muzzle, whispering sweet nothings to her companion. It was when she heard whispers other than hers that she stopped, grabbing Glory’s reins and peeking out of the stall.

She smiled warmly in surprise, watching as Aster nuzzled his horse’s muzzle as she had done moments ago. He was treating the dark colored horse as she did Glory, and she hated to admit that it made her a little more trusting of him. He was kind to the animal, so maybe that charming act wasn’t much of an act after all.

“We’re about to go on another adventure.” The horse whinnied in response, pushing its head against Aster’s playfully. “That’s my girl. Let’s go check up on the lady, shall we?” Another whiny sounded, and Rosie made sure to step back into the stall and check the fastenings of the saddle for a third time. “Are you two ready to go?”

“Glory and I are, yes.” She glanced at his mare, admiring it softly. “What’s her name?”

“Oh!” He chuckled, a soft red dusting his cheeks. “This is Ebony. She’s been mine since I was young.” He chuckled again as the horse playfully nudged his shoulder. “She’s been wanting to get out of this town for a while.”

Roselaine couldn’t keep the chuckles from rising as Glory had nudged her own shoulder. It seemed their horses were rather similar, and that was something refreshing. She knew horses and could trust them unlike their human companions. Yet, with how Ebony was reacting and treating Aster, the young woman knew he wasn’t a bad person. If he were . . . then maybe he was just sweet to the horses. ‘Give him a chance, not all people are bad.’

“Well let’s not keep our lovely ladies waiting!”

With a chuckle, the duo led their mares out of the stables and towards the inn once more. Rosie had left her actual traveling pack inside, and she cautiously handed Glory’s reins over to her new companion. She had to pull herself away to step inside, giving a kind smile to the woman who had protected her and got hurt in turn. She had tipped her greatly despite the woman saying she would do it for anyone.

“Hello again Miss. Here’s your pack.” The innkeeper lifted the pack up onto the counter, before giving a smile back to Rosie.

“I can’t thank you enough for not only protecting me last night, but for watching my things.”

“Don’t thank me. If anything, you should thank that man out there. He had asked for your room number to keep some drunkards away from you. Those pigs stayed outside waiting, but that man you’re with came down and pummeled them. It was rather kind if you ask me..”

“He. . he did?”

“He hadn’t told you?”

“No. . but thank you. I hope to see you again someday.” With that, Rosie pulled her pack over her shoulders and gave a small wave to the other woman, before gasping softly at a rare sight.

Glory had pushed her muzzle into Aster’s cheek and happily nudged him as she whinnied. ‘Glory’s only done that with me. . . ‘ For her mare to actually approach someone willingly took a lot, and then for her to be sweet to them was a trial in itself - for her to do this to Aster in the five minutes she was gone meant that he was certainly someone she could trust. This thought actually frightened her a bit.

Her aunt had made sure that she shouldn’t trust strangers, though they knew each other’s names now so were they really? Shaking her head, she tightened her grip on her pack before walking over and holding her palm out. Glory, the minute she saw her rider began to walk to her, pushing against the palm. Rosie smiled, this horse was still the only thing she really knew and her gaze flicked to Aster. He just smiled at her when she caught him staring, and she tore her gaze away.

‘Why does he keep staring at me like that?’ Did he feel no embarrassment at being caught staring? Had he wanted her to catch him? ‘And now I find out he was keeping me safe last night and this morning? He’s got to be playing some sort of angle.’ Rosie felt her face get hot, and she held her other hand out for her horse’s reins.

“Are you going to lead me, or am I going to have to find my own way to wherever Elijah happens to be?”

“I see you’re a woman with little patience.” Rosie wanted to hit him for that, but she talked herself out of it considering he didn’t know what she did. “I happen to be a man with no patience myself.”

After speaking, Aster held the reins over her hand revealing the swollen and busted knuckles. Her eyes were glued to them, realizing that he must really have done a number on the drunkards. The weight of the leather in her hand snapped her out of it, and she glanced up to see him glancing away. Why was that? So far he was intent on staring at her every moment she wasn’t noticing, and now he chooses to look away?

Without another word, Aster began to lead Rosie in the opposite direction of the entrance of town - which confused her more than she let on - but she didn’t protest. She had to learn to trust someone other than herself, and this was the start of that. Within a few moments she was facing a back entrance, and peering out into the wilderness that she was unfamiliar with.

“There was a back entrance?”

“Only for those of us who are willing to traverse through nature, like myself. It’ll be quicker to get to where we need to this way.” Taking notice of the confidence in his voice, she felt herself relax a little bit for the first time since having this particular vision.

“I see.” The words were spoke softly, and Roselaine took no time in getting situated on her horse. “Then we best get in it.”

Aster looked at her again, and for the second time today she couldn’t place the emotion she saw in his eyes. This time however, there was no epiphany, just confusion. Then he shook his head, and got up onto Ebony, and they started riding through the shifting shades of green. She had seen grass before, and trees but everything seemed much livelier out here! What had she been missing?

Suddenly, a clap of thunder hit right above the duo’s heads, and Rosie screamed as she had jumped up and off of Glory. It wasn’t gracefully either, and she felt tears well before she felt drops of liquid start pouring down. Rain? There hadn’t been a cloud in the sky earlier! The drops fell faster and faster, and she was both grateful and annoyed. On the plus side, Aster wouldn’t be able to distinguish what were her tears and what was rain. The down side, she was quickly getting drenched as was Glory. Struggling to push past the pain and stand up, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Are you okay?! A fall like that-”

“Glory can’t get wet, she’ll get sick and I don’t have anything to-”

“I always bring an extra cover, I already got her situated.” Shocked, Rosie looked up and sure enough, both horses were covered. How had he managed to do that so quickly? Practice maybe, he did say he traveled frequently. “Now, are you hurt?”

“I’m fine.” It was spat out stubbornly, though when another clap sounded, her hands tightened painfully on the arms that were helping to pull her up, and she let out a whimper. She was so embarrassed, and the minute she was helped up, she ripped away from his hold. “You have a tent right?”

“I have two. I like to bring an extra in case something happens to the first one. Would you like it?”

“Please.” When he left to go shuffle through his things, Rosie had to keep herself from reaching out to cling onto his clothes. She was not some young child looking for comfort from her mother, she was a young woman who needed to not be scared of some noise.

Once she was handed her tent, she began to try and set it up - in the downpour no less - but failed. How was she supposed to know how to set it up?! She never had been camping, but from the looks of Aster’s tent, he had been. More frustrated than anything, she tried again.

“Do you need help?” Aster seemed concerned, but she shook her head.

“I do not.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am.”

Aster seemed unconvinced, but went back into his own tent. After a few moments, Rosie groaned in frustration and sat down on the grass - just letting herself get soaked. She couldn’t do it, and there was sure to be more thunder and - great. Now she was crying because she knew as soon as another clap happened, she’d revert back into a child.

She sat in the unyielding drops for a few minutes before Aster stepped out and sat down right next to her. Sniffling, Rosie gave him a confused look as he sighed.

“What are you doing?” She voiced, not expecting an answer.

“Well,” He started, peering at her the best he could through the thick sheets the rain made. “You look like you could use some company out here.”

“You’ll get sick.”

“So will you.”

The simple statement made her eyes water again, why did he care about her well being? It was because she would be a bother on this trip if she were sick, right? His face didn’t convey that though, neither had his tone.

A bright light broke through the trees, and no matter how Rosie tried to brace herself, the boom that came after it sent her into Aster’s arms. Crying and shaking, he helped her stand and led her towards his tent. He didn’t say a word about this fear of hers, only soothingly rubbing her arm as they walked inside. He had managed to bring both their bags in, and he did his best to dab at the water dripping down her face with a clean and surprisingly dry cloth.

Her eyes fell to his knuckles, and . . . wait. Hadn’t they just been split and swollen? Now they just looked bruised? Had her eyes been playing tricks on her? She glanced back up at him, not being able to find the words to convey that she appreciated this, trying to keep herself from mentioning his hands.

“Alright, so. . I’ll turn my back to you so you can change into some dry clothes. I managed to grab our packs so only the very top things are soaked. I’ll even cover my eyes with my hands, but we don’t need you getting sick.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~
DP: Does Rosie believe him and change? Does she be stubborn and stay in the wet clothing? Does she do something else?

Sorry about it being so late guys!

#36:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:32 pm
I like the chapter! It does seem like Rosie turned from skepticism to overly-trusting Aster rather quickly, but as she seems a little naive, that is in character. I'm probably just tripping, (As I am on cold medicine) but the chapter did feel a little... rushed. I'll try to reread through it when I'm feeling better. Also, hmmm to that bit about the knuckles.

As for the dp, I say she takes him up on his offer and gets changed!

#37:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:32 pm

He was HURT!! That's precious!

His reactions to her teasing is fantastic. I love seeing a man get flustered by a girl. HAHAHA

Oh, my goodness the horses. SO cute. And he's a gooood persoooon!!!

He's a gentleman and sweet and wonderful, and I love him.

She's so stubborn, and I love it. She's adorable. Just give in to the precious man!! He just wants to take care of you!!

And on that note, the DP. He just wants to heeeeelllllp. He's done nothing but help so far. He protected her at the inn without her knowledge, the horses love him...Just accept the dry clothes. <3

#38:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:52 pm
These two! Both a little stubborn and a little sassy. I sense good times coming in their travels, haha.

I'm going to jump on the 'she accepts the clothes and gets changed' bandwagon (I also have the urge to add to it by saying as she's changing she blurts out about his hands and that makes him turn out of surprise and she's still mid-dress and shenanigans ensue lol).

#39:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 5:56 pm
It's a bit cliche but darned if I don't like where Seraphi is going.

#40:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:13 pm
Eheheh. I just couldn't help myself >:3

#41:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:15 am
So, Sapphy-kins.... Where dat poll at? Surely we get one by now? ((Don't make me elevate this to FB levels! *waggles finger threateningly*))

#42:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 6:05 pm
Alright guys! The long awaited poll has started! Sorry about that ^^;;

Last edited by Sapphire_Rayne on Fri May 13, 2016 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

#43:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 9:31 pm
Alright, the vote was unanimous so I'll begin to work on that next chapter as soon as I can. Work changed my schedule on me again so we'll see what I can get written up.

#44:  Author: scribe siren PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:49 am
Reply: Chapter 1:
so the first chapter was a dream, however I am thinking it might be a vision for her. A way to solve a mystery.
So Here I don’t know who Elijah is, but he must be someone important to the main character --- whos name was not mentioned yet…

Chapter 1:
Her name is Rosie ! ok cool! Roselain Elizabeth
Aunt and ryan, her uncle… introduced into the story
Aunt is called Julianne… Ok so in this chapter Rosie is someone who sees the future or predicts things.
Awesome! So her uncle Ryan inspires her and to calm her mind. Very intriguing and I love Rosie character.

Chapter 2:
Her aunt is rather distressed on Elijah ‘s name
Yeay shes on her journey.
Trading town to find information sounds awesome!
Ok so she is in Erythin… Ohh, strange man following her! Whoop whoop!

Chapter 3:
Ok so crystals are a phone contacting people… Taking a room next to Rosie.
Oh Rosie is having the same dream in her sleep. Must be one horrible dreamt to speak that loud. Ok so this Aster fought with the strangers to protect Rosie, without her knowing. Rosie wearing the necklace of his friend…

Chapter 4:
Rosie is quite the fighter. And Aster sound to me like he is a bit of a big Chance taker. Ok so Aster knows Elijah.
Whoop, I’m looking at each person’s story I read. To learn a bit from you guys.
I love the suspence, however Rosie sounds like a innocent little child. She might be able to fight, but she has to know that following a belief in her dreams… Well. I’m really enjoying this story. Sorry for adding Chapter headings. But Its all I can do to show I’ve read your story.

Chapter 5:
I’m happy she doesn’t trust to easily. This story is in form of Ominous writing: Where all characters show their thoughts. Ah on their travels together. He is very protective and caring for taking her in. He most certainly needs a doctoring for his knuckles and hands….

MY OPTION: Aster’s hand should be mentioned, or he will lose what he uses soo much to protect people. They have to find someone who can give something , or atleast a list of things to mix together for his hands.

I would love a return favor for my comic book : Becky Bucktooth. Smile

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