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City of IF -> Pirates, Vampires, and Ninjas, Oh My!

#1: Story Concerns and News Author: Random PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:31 am
Hi all,

After much deliberation I have decided to take pirates off the main site and move it back into the Humor forum. Between the REnaissance Festival (where I work as a member of the thieves den), my newly formed band (I play drums), and this new job (which is much busier than my last job) I do not have the time to give a chapter a month.

I feel this has affected the story for the worst. The chapters are feeling rushed, and have lost a lot of the techniques I was using to make it funny, or at least attempt to. As a moderator and a strong supporter of this site, I feel it is my duty to lead by example. I would rather give you a quality story that is amusing and well written then a rushed bunch of words that will simply take us to the next chapter.

Key has been so very kind to offer me a chance to get put back in the main forum if I find my time has opened up. This is very possible but not until the end of september. With other writers meeting the requirements or going beyond those, I do not feel it is fair that my story sits in limbo while I try to get caught up.

I'll leave this post up for a couple of days before making the move.

Thanks for all your understanding and support.

#2:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:25 am
As long as you just take a break, and don't abandon it altogther, I like this one a lot.

I think many of the stories are going through dry spells. I know mine is.

#3:  Author: Araex PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:18 am
Don't you dare abandon this completely whatever you do! Good luck in your jobs and bands. What sort of music do you play?

#4:  Author: Random PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:59 am
The story will continue but this way I can continue it at the pace I need to instead of rushing through it so it stays active. I have way too many ideas yet to be played out for this one to stop it altogether.

I play Celtic Folk music with a bit of bluegrass roots. Smile

#5:  Author: Araex PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:37 am
wicked - celtic stuff rocks

#6:  Author: ReisoLocation: Western North America PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:34 am
No problem man, like the others said, as long as you keep it going in some form, it's cool. During the dry spell that preceded the site's transition, I got to say that keeping up with Pirates was pretty much one of very few reasons I was logging in for two or three months.

I am way too familiar with delays and not cutting the story for time concerns. We manage to get those things out, but then I have far more free time than I'd like most of you to think.


Also, good luck with the band! We just did our first gig this last friday (well, semi-gig that is), and were met with a far greater response than we ever expected or thought to deserve - I wish you the same!

#7:  Author: my self PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:57 pm
I'll be here, enjoying this awesome story, no matter where it's moved to. I hope you can continue it just as well as I've come to expect from this story.

City of IF -> Pirates, Vampires, and Ninjas, Oh My!

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