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City of IF -> The IFY 2006 Archive

#1: The Fantasy IFY's Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:20 pm
It's that time of a year again Fantasy lovers...

Brush out your finest dragon-scale tux, steam that rainbow cloak, dry-clean the soil stains from behind your ears; it's time to stroll down the red carpet and enter the legendary* IFY's

That's right - who needs the Oscars, BAFTA's or Golden Globe when you could walk away with a coveted IFY. We don't just give them away you know.

We have 8 exciting categories and we need YOU to get your nominations in.

So what are they I hear you cry....

Best Description/Detail : Have you read a storygame and become totally immersed in its imagery and detail? Then nominate it for the Best Description/Detail Ify.

Best Style/Most Original : Which author, in your opinion, has written the most original and imaginative storygame in the past year? Who deserves the Best Style/Most Original Ify?

Best Plot : Have you read a storygame lately, where the quality of plot has left you wowed? Then nominate it for the best plot Ify.

Best Decision Points : Which storygame, in your opinion, has given you the best, most interactive decision points overall? Support it for the Best Decision Points Ify.

Best Character : Which storygame, in your opinion, has a main character that has come to life in the text? Give it your nomination in the Best Character Ify.

Best Supporting Character : Which storygame, in your opinion, has a supporting character that you've grown to love/hate/pity etc.? Nominate it for the Best Supporting Character Ify.

Best Co-Written SG : Which storygame, written by multiple authors, has gripped you in the last year? Nominate it for the Best Co-Written Ify.

All Round Best : Which storygame, in your opinion, is the most well-rounded, engrossing and all-round best of the year? Nominate it for the All-Round Best Ify.

So if you've been WOW'd by a Fantasy Storygame in the last 12 months make sure YOU post, type, scrawl or scratch YOUR nominations in here.

You don't have to nominate a story for every category, just the ones you think match a story you've read, and make your post clear to read so that there's no chance for misunderstanding.

It can be any Fantasy Storygame (that's not your own), either new or on the main page, finished (this year - May 2005 - April 2006 ) or still on-going.

On the 8th May voting will start to find the top Fantasy Storygames in each of the categories to be put forward to the main event happening in the City Auditorium from 16th May.

There our winners will join winners from the other forums for a final vote where just 1 Storygame will be crowned All Round Best in the City. Shocked

I want to see Fantasy walking away with as many of the IFY's as we can get our magical claws on.

So get to it Very Happy

*well it's only the second year, give us chance.

Last edited by Smee on Wed May 24, 2006 11:17 pm; edited 2 times in total

#2:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:30 am
Ouch! This is really tough! Shocked

OK, after half a morning of searching through the fantasy stories, here are my nominations:

Best Description/Detail: Uncertain Quests, by DragonFire

Best Style/Most Original: The Time Before, by Smee

Best Plot: Final Death, by Dean

Best Decision Points: The Time Before, by Smee

Best Character: Valloi from Green Eyes, by Solomon

Best Supporting Character: Kagemusho from A Fronte Praceipitium by Lordy (although my first thoughts were just to go into GvEvM, close my eyes and point to any one of the secondary characters in there. Too many choices, arghhh! Shocked)

Best Co-Written: BttE (I think it qualifies as Fantasy??)

All-Round Best: GvEvM, by Chinaren


Question: Do the Wheel stories fit into the IFYs anywhere - and if so, where? I wasn't here last year, so I don't know the ruling on that one.

#3:  Author: Lordy PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:10 am
Thanks Shady - I accept - if it's something you have to accept.

#4:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:24 am
Even a harder category to nominate stories.

I second Shady's nomination of Uncertain Quests as best description/detail.

I was wondeirng, can a story be nominated for more than one category?

#5:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:28 pm
Sure can Rave. Smile

As for the Wheel - if I remember last year correctly I don't think Key put them forward, but I might have that wrong or he might want to put it forward this year.

#6:  Author: KeyLocation: The Royal Palace PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:51 pm
Much as I'd be honored to have the chance of receiving an IFy, I didn't feel like it would be fair to include the Wheel stories last year, given the extra prominence I give them on the site. And I think the same thing applies this year.


#7:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:43 am
Thanks for nominating ol grumpy boots Shady, though I don't think he'd know how to properly show his appreciation. Just accept the grunt and curt nod as muchos thank...os. Very Happy

And I think I'll second Shady's TTB nomination for best decision points. Go Smee! :biggrin:

#8:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:48 am
I don't think you need to second the nominations, or even accept them for this one. I suppose you could refuse them if you wanted though.

#9:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:57 am
Oh, ok then. It was a polite thankyou then. Wink

#10:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:29 am
Whoa! This IS tough!

The only asy decision so far is Smee's The Time Before for decision points, which is what Stoat said. Damn, I hate agreeing with Stoat. Wink

I need more time to think on the others This is not easy, especially as I seem to have written about half the "non-dead" stories in the forum. Confused

I am leaning towards Soily's story for nominations though, it has had a promising start.

#11:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:08 am
    —'s a tricky, time consuming process it seems, so lets introduce a little focus.

Today's Award is Best Description/Detail

Current Nomination(s)

We're looking for a story that sparks vivid images in your head; one that creates the world around you and immerses you in the detail.

Most importantly - it shows you the story and doesn't just tell it.

What Storygames from the past 12 months could join Uncertain Quests for forfilling the criteria for this category?

For me it's a tough call between Shadows by Shady Stoat, and Garden by Chinaren.

Wonderful passages constantly appear in each, possible examples...

Shadows wrote:
The church was no wider within than it had seemed on first appearance. It was surprisingly long, though. Close to two hundred people were seated and there was still the odd gap here and there. It had two large and ornate windows, front and back. With evening closing in, though, they failed to illuminate the room at all. It was oppressively dark, despite the candles that fluttered their flames at regular intervals around the perimeter.

Her eyes tracked the front portion of the church. That, at least, was a change from the barren starkness of the pews. There was a curved section of wood-planked platform, raised like a stage and lit with lanterns instead of candle-flames. The wood was silver-edged, ornate patterns having been painted into the grain. They glittered mystically in the stronger light. Another lectern stood at the front-right of the stage. This one was either stained in black or made of ebony, she couldn’t tell. A plinth filled with water, made from the same wood, stood at the opposite side of the stage.

Great sections of tree had been sculpted into the cross sections of hideously misshapen creatures. Then they had been set back against the walls. The overall impression was of animal-gargoyles, frozen into the very structure of the building.

And there, right at the back was another stand of black wood. It lay in the shadows, barely noticeable even to someone drinking as deeply of the details as Keli was. Her eyes found it, almost as if they had known it would be there. It stood about four feet tall; a vertical construction of wood, ending in a simple horizontal square. On top of the ledge was a cushion of dark velvet. Almost invisible, dimpling the cushion with its weight, lay a dull red stone run through with thin black veins.

Keli felt as if an invisible weight was pressing down on her. For three nights, now, she had been spared her usual visions of the sacrifice and the stone. Nevertheless, it still lay embedded, with horrific clarity, in her mind.


Garden wrote:
He walked steadily uphill through the day. The air grew warmer as the altitude increased and swarms of Brubills buzzed through the air, causing it to swirl with their passing. A group of the small creatures came over to inspect Rike as he strode past, and he felt his body rise slightly as they swept him up in their aerial field. Deciding he was not a strange ambulatory rock they buzzed off, receding until they were nothing more than a haze of pink dots.

The air grew thicker, and Rike panted as he pushed his way through dense patches, keeping a careful eye out for thick clusters that could render him immobile whilst they leeched away his life forces.

By the time the lights of the day started to lose their luster Rike had entered a truly mountainous area. Sharp spires rose into the sky, forcing the lights to detour around them. A fresh wind blew through canyons, sweeping the thicker patches of air away and cooling Rike at the same time.

Trees were sparse here, but he managed to find an overhang to rest for the night, that also shielded him from the worst of the wind. He gathered some grass and made a small hollow in the ground.

Which fantasy story do you think deserves an IFy for Best Detail/Description?

#12:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:49 am
Fantasy IFY Nominations

Description/Detail: Garden by chinaren
Richly detailed and imaginative, this fantasy world opens like a fresh morning flower greeting the sunlight.
He walked steadily uphill through the day. The air grew warmer as the altitude increased and swarms of Brubills buzzed through the air, causing it to swirl with their passing. A group of the small creatures came over to inspect Rike as he strode past, and he felt his body rise slightly as they swept him up in their aerial field. Deciding he was not a strange ambulatory rock they buzzed off, receding until they were nothing more than a haze of pink dots.

Style/Originality: Good vs Evil vs Money by chinaren
A fable-earning adventure for the author (and fable-squandering one for the reader) this story of greed features characters modeled after City of IF members.
It was sparkling gold Chamber Pot, gleaming even in the low sunlight around Phangs Dark Fortress. It had two large handles, which looked strangely like ears somehow, and four wire-thin legs with which it traversed the ground nimbly.

“This” Phang pointed at the pot, “is one of the wonders of the magical world. Made by the greatest mage that ever lived it is called: ‘Key the magical and dignified chamber pot of kings’ and has been shit in by royalty for generations.” She addressed the pot directly. “Key, you are to ensure that this wheeled thing does not do its mess on the floor. You may use any force needed to ensure this is the case. Do you understand?”

Plot: Eango’s Tale by Ingrothechundyer
A peasant soldier doomed to die on the battlefield deserts the army, only to find that he is now embroiled in a different type of war- the fight for individual freedom and justice.
But why am I thinking so hard about how to live? All my options lead to the same fate. I will be very lucky if I live a month in the army and I have no choice but to fight.

Or do I? Who says that I have to fight? I could escape tonight and try to avoid the army patrols in the morning. Everyone should be asleep and I am not yet confined to the barracks. To be caught tomorrow means certain death but what do my other choices lead too?

Decision Points:I agree with Stoat's nomination of The Time Before by Smee
Prompting discussion, this storygame features many difficult decision points that involve strategy and thought, with multiple options that are equally viable.
Time slowed, and I looked quickly from the fireball to Srune's face. I noticed the Captain shouting out orders everywhere. Roah was looking in horror at the fireball, his own hands partially raised as well. What was I going to do?

Main Character: Larson, Larson, Bounty Killer by Jack_D.Mented
A character from the author’s other storygame, Death of an Age, Larson, Forenius's confederate, relates some of his own adventures, independent of the events of Death.
Wiping away the crimson mask, he raised the hatchet again. It was frustrating, really. He’d been hacking and chopping away for some time and the bastard’s head just refused to leave his shoulders. He could have left long ago if the stipulation for this contract was that he had to present the duke with his brother’s severed cranium.

Supporting Character: Seth, Spell Forge by Crymzon
A unique magical creature, Seth presents an intriguing character.
As the creature spoke he dipped his long tail into a seething pool of lava behind him and curling it around a brightly glowing rock brought it back out again. He stopped as if he where pondering, popping the red hot nugget into his mouth as he did so. Oren now knew why its teeth where the way they were. These creatures lived off the volcanic matter itself.

All-Round Best: The Time Before by Smee
Fully-developed and engaging environment, complex storyline, and two main characters for players to follow, this storygame offers something for everyone.
Shannon was fast and cast the wall as the first arrow sailed through. Mulim was a second behind and the glowing shield caught the rest of the arrows. With horror I stare at the black-feathered arrow as it plunged through the back of Karak's head, his smile at my compliment still on his face. As he crumpled to the floor time caught up with me and I screamed to my squad.


#13:  Author: Jack_D.MentedLocation: Hiding out in the woods of Washington PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:07 am
Wow, Fauna, ummm... thanks. I'm flattered, really.

That's great. I never really expected people to like Larson as much as I did. He's by far been one of my favorite creations and I hope that everyone's been having as much fun reading his adventures as I have been having writing them.

Even for him to get nominated was more than I imagined possible.


#14:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:58 am
Style/Originality I think I am going to have to go for Alregia's A Glass Friendship here. Though it is early days it has a very nice flow to it. Very stylish.

#15:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:23 pm
I knew I forgot to nominate a story. I am in support of Time Before being nominated for Best Decision point, and also I think it deserves a nomination for the Style/Original category. I think it's an interesting take on storywriting, and one of the more difficult, especially for one author.

#16:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:57 am
Thanks for the input everyone. Very Happy

Discussion moves onto Best Style/Most Original

What storygame seems flooded with originality and imagination to you? Whether it be in concept originality or whether it be with its experimental telling of a storygame, what has stood out to you in the last year?

Current Nominations:

To me there are quite a few. Garden is certainly in there with its imaginative world of rain orbs, thick air patches and native wildlife.

Green Eyes has some highly original views, and is a different take on traditional Fantasy. Only at chapter 3, this is set to become even better as Soily dabbles his mucky toes in Fantasy.

When Stories Travel Together is also worth a mention - multiple stories told to an audience in the actual storygame. Highly original, a complex tale is woven skilly fully by D-Lotus.

Which Fantasy Storygame do you think deserves the IFY for Best Style/Most Original

#17:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:51 am
Here are my nominations for the Fantasy IFy's:

Best Description/Detail : Shadows of the Mind, by Shady Stoat. The foreboding setting is brought to life artfully in Shady’s writing, as are Keli’s disturbing dreams:

For a moment, she was not in a temple at all. She was in a dark place, with a smell of filth cloying in from all sides. The floor was ridged into a ‘V’ shape around her feet. Remnants of stone tiles still lingered in place, although many were cracked and smashed to fragments. Green fungus grew on the walls, seeming almost black in the shadows. It was as if a giant had taken the place and smashed it with a hammer, repeatedly. The air felt rotten and dead, as if no-one had been there for years. There was an overwhelming sense, though, that she was not alone. There was a far-off tapping sound, but something was closer. Something…

Best Style/Most Original : Nine, by Ethereal_Fauna. Though there has only been one D-point so far, it was a huge choice that undoubtedly altered how the story was going to unfold. And so far it has stayed original and dark, not succumbing to stereotypes that unfortunately haunt the fantasy genre.

Best Plot : The Time Before, by Smee. The gripping double narrative of Smee’s engrossing fantasy tale gives a new dimension to the story, and it is vastly better for it. Following the ‘bad-guys’ was a also a clever move, as I, for one, see them in a new light, which changes how I read the wonderful tale.

Best Decision Points : A Glass Friendship, by Alegria. Though we are only 2 chapters in, so far the decision points have been very interesting, offering the reader a new way of controlling the story through the process. Deciding how a character reacts not only allows us to feel much more strongly connected to them, but also let’s us determine a much greater part of the unfolding story. Hope it continues like this Alegria!

Best Character : General Powers, Good Vs. Evil Vs. Money! by Chinaren. Though I don’t know if he’d be counted as a main character by everyone, I think he has had sufficient influence and appearances in the twisting and crazy story that is Chinaren’s mental Greed story. Depraved, evil but with a creepy sentimental side (now focused on one twisted stuffed witch) that just makes my flesh creep!

Best Supporting Character : Shakal; Shadows of the Mind, by Shady Stoat. This gruff female werewolf tries her best to lead and direct someone she obviously has no trust or belief in. Ms. Stoat has done a great job of creating an deep and vivid character.

All-Round Best : The Time Before, by Smee. A thoroughly gripping yarn, told with elegance and panache by Mr. Smee. A well-paced story, with deep and interesting characters, and an original and clever way of telling the story.

#18:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:42 am
Thanks Soily - excellent list of nominations. Smile

Don't forget peeps - you don't have to produce a whole list of nominations. You can pop in with just one nomination for one of the categories if you know a story that fits.

Keep em coming folks - the more we get, the more chance we have of getting the best to compete against the other genre's.

Happy Nominating Very Happy

#19:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:00 am
Discussion moves onto Best Plot

What Storygame actually tells the best story? Which plot wraps you up in it and carries you through smoothly despite having to have Decision Points? Which storygame makes your votes seem like it's always been planned that way?

Current Nominations:

Lot's more deserve nominating.

One for me is Chinaren's Good Vs Evil. A constantly changing cast of characters controlled by not only decision points, but an auction as well. But the author never lets us down and still the story continues seemlessly Very Happy

Which Fantasy Storygame do YOU think deserves the IFY for Best Plot?

#20:  Author: Crymzon PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:33 am
wow I got an IFy nomination .... I'm amazed ... flattered and I think I'm going to cry ... thanks Fauna..

I shall make my nominations after a little more thought ... It takes me a while with these things lol.

#21:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:54 am
Discussion moves onto Best Decision Points

Which Storygames throw control at you? Where the decision points allows you to twist your characters actions and makes them dance to your tune?

Current Nominations:

Surely Good Vs Evil Vs Greed deserves to be up there with decision points ranging from battle plans to direct solving of life or death situations for the main characters.

Uncertain Quests by Dragon Fire sees every decision we make directly influencing the story. Events move outside of our control and we can easily see how a better decision from us could have perhaps saved the life of our mentor, yet would we have had chance to question that mysterious caller and find out that Minaar is back in the city? Truly wonderful decision points.

Which Fantasy Storygame do YOU think deserves the IFY for Best Decision Points?

#22:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:56 am
Hmmm, I guess I'd have to say The Time Before. Its already nominated, but I think its the choice that deserves it.

#23:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:13 pm
With just a few days to go before a poll goes up for the Fantasy IFY awards here are my nominations...

Best Description/Detail: With the main character a blind man, the descriptions in this story are awesome. Uncertain Quests get's my nomination too.

Best Style/Most Original: The first and most successful attempt to date to get fables from our pockets so we can get what we want. GvEvM really shows deserving originality

Best Plot: Shadows in to the Mind gets my nomination. From the beginning there has been a strong sense of mission, of tasks to be done no matter how desperate the situation seems. The plot just keeps dragging you deeper.

Best Decision Points: Consistent, exciting, and always giving us the power we want over the plot. Uncertain Quests gets my nomination.

Best Character: Good, yet bad. Heroic yet greedy, and always looking for the next pair of breasts to get close to. Narg is a wonderful character you can't help liking. The adventuring rogue gets my nomination.

Best Supporting Character: My nomination goes to Shakal from Shadows. You can almost hear her teeth grinding as she tries to restrain herself with the stubborn protagonist.

All-Round Best: Uncertain Quests has struggled on without a SGoTM victory despite repeated nominations. It hasn't mattered though, the story keeps getting move involving. I eagerly await chapters as they arrive. It gets my nomination for All-Round Best. Very Happy

Get your nominations in soon everyone. Very Happy

#24:  Author: AlegriaLocation: On the beaches with Dr. Suess' Sneeches. Only the star-bellied ones, of course. PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:08 pm
Wow, I got 2 nominations!!!! Shocked

Thanks, I'm very happy. Even if I don't win, I wasn't even expecting to be nominated, especially for those topics.

I accept them all, if I need to accept.

#25:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:44 pm
I would also like to thank you for my nominations.

And why don't you go and guess who is going to win HERE!

#26:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:05 pm

...To get your Votes in for the first 4 Categories.

The second batch of 4 will be going up tomorrow.

Happy Voting. Very Happy

City of IF -> The IFY 2006 Archive

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