Nothing's Ever Easy Chapter 4 Continued: Beating
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City of IF -> The Vault
What should the hurt Serek do?
The Crosi convienently walks in and Serek is struck by a stroke of genius
 0%  [ 0 ]
Serek decides "oh screw it" and takes off after the illusive Willub
 0%  [ 0 ]
Serek gets all dolled up as a beggar, drunk, down on luck sailor, something barlike and tries to find further info on Willub.
 100%  [ 7 ]
Total Votes : 7
Who Voted: Chinaren, Kalanna Rai, Key, Lilith, LordoftheNight, Polokin

#1: Nothing's Ever Easy Chapter 4 Continued: Beating Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:26 am
I've tried multiple times to get an SG going, trying new ideas. All of them didn't have that certain edge that I wanted. Now I'm trying the ever present assasin SG. Hope you enjoy.

Nothing's Ever Easy

"Well? Are you available or not? I need this done promptly," huffed the old bag.

"Half now, half later," said thew silky smooth voice.

"HALF? Now listen hear you-"

"Insult me and I double the price hag!" Snapped the shadowed figure.

"Here, peasant. I want the deed done by tonight," she handed over the money and began walking away.

A hand snaked out the shadows and wrapped around her wrist. She gasped and struggled.

"Let go of me!" she screamed.

"You insulted me crow, now, you hand over everything you have in the bag," as the shadow spoke a knife flicked into view.

"Insolence...Will you still do as I asked?" she enquired as she begrudgingly handed over her contents to the outstretched hand.

"Yes, I don't steal, merely kill. I shall be at your door three ticks after midnight. I shall have the ring and the finger you need as proof," said the shadow as it turned to leave.

"You better!" she called after him.

"And you better have that money you promised..." as the cloaked figure melted away in the distance.

Hmmmm, guard dogs, sentries and trip wires. This guy is prepared for company," muttered the cloaked man as he slid across the street out of the sight of the guards.

Serek didn't enjoy his profession, but it was a job. People always needed someone removed. Serek was particularly good at this. Afterall, when you grow up in Thugs Causeway, you need to be able to handle yourself. However nowadays he was never seen there. He had left that life long ago. He was the third best assasin in Lause. When your that highly rated you need never grace the lower quarters ever again. Unless, it involved business of course.

But his target tonight was rich. Very rich. He was residing in the Prince's Quarter, the most expensive residences in Lause. These houses always came with magical protection. Secret passages too. That would be his way in. He just needed to locate them. He circled the household. Damn it! It looked impregnable. He needed a way in.

He sat there for a couple of hours, pondering and searching. Still nothing. Until...There! Two people. A guard and a servant I guess. A couple going out. And there, the key in I suppose. Time to move.

"Come on Gilas, we have a night to remember here! I got my first pay, you have a night off and the town is open. We just need to find it," Bella said avidly.

"Let me just lock up, you know what Master is like when it comes to security," Gilas the guardsman replied as he began to turn the key.

Serek walked past the distracted Bella and slashed the money pouch she had at her waist. The money spilled out. Luckily she didn't see the knife. He made his way round the corner and waited to see what happened.

"Oh! Gilas my pay, it's fallen out! Help me pick it up will you?" she asked him as she bent over and started collecting it. He sighed and stopped locking the door and went to help. Serek slipped out of the shadows and slid past him making it through the door. Quick and painless, well done. He began making his way down the corridor he found himself in. Now, to the stairway I guess.

He exited the corridor and found himself in the courtyard. Oh bollocks. Three huge guard dogs raised their heads and sniffed the air. He instantly went for his ever present knife at his belt as the beasts began advancing. He quickly looked around him in desperation. He saw a rather convienant open window across from him. Bad thing was, one of the dogs were positioned right in front of it. Right, guess there's only one option. He burst into action, sprinting at the dog. However, the dog seemed to expect that and rushed to meet his charge. Bugger. He jabbed his knife forward, aiming for the throat. The mutt turned it's head at the last moment and bowled him over. Soon he was set upon by all three. He thrust his knife all over the place, hoping to try and kill them before they done serious damage. He felt teeth enter his shoulder. Another set of jaws rapped round his calf. A dead weight fell on him, he must of killed one of them. He felt a tear and a burning pain lanced through his leg.

"Hey! Those dogs are fighting each other again! Hogan, throw a slab of meat down again," said one of the guards.

"Those blasted things are more trouble than their worth," grumbled the other guard as he whistled to the dogs.

Go, you blasted things, go. The dogs savaged im a bit longer before they left for the other source of food. Serek lay beneath the dead dog, hoping the guards wouldn't notice the dark silhouette on the ground underneath it. After five minutes of anxiety, he wiggled himself free. damn dogs, damn them all. He crawled along the ground, dragging his torn leg along in silent agony. This guy better be just a normal aristocrat, cause if he is something bigger and better then I'm screwed.

He hobbled along the empty inner sanctum of the nobleman's house. This was a very rich man. He must have a major influence over the King, this man could finance every military expedition in the last five years. Maybe he has. Serek shook his head. Stop thinking money and start thinking killing. This man obviously has the money and power to afford the best protection. Those guards and dogs were physical protection. Now he was looking for magical traps.

He wraped his fingers round an amulet at his throat. He muttered an activation spell and his normally blue eyes turned into a deep azure. He was not in any way a mage but he could use simple enchantments, like all people could. This particular charm could allow him to see distortions in the magical fields around him. Basically, he could see any distortions in the world around him. For example he could now see that if he went to open the door on the far left he would be burned to a cinder. All the doors were trapped, with a variety of grisly deaths available. Oh goody. He scanned the area, looking for a way to get to the upper levels. He limped over and graasped a nearby window. Time to test my climbing skills again. Though he was an assasin, he still admitted he had fears. Heights, were one of them. Everyone assumed assasins like heights, it was not true, they coped with them but they didn't enjoy them. Serek hated them, but they were neccessary for his job.

He swung himself out out of the window and grabbed the ledge above him. He dragged himself up, but was tiring quickly. He could put no weight on his left leg, the torn muscles were screaming in protest at all tis physical activity. At one point he nearly fell due to a fresh wave of pain. Lucky for him he managed to land on the ledge below him, on his right leg. Dying by falling is not my wish, would rather die old and senile. Rich would be nice too. He scrambled up, going ledge by ledge until he reached his goal. I'm going to kill you old man. He stopped climbing, catching his breath and preparing himself. He lunged upwards and through the window. Or, rather that was what he was meant to do. Instead, he flew through the now open window and landed badly. He let out a grunt of surprise. Well that went wrong.

"So, guess your here to kill me?" enquired a voice above him.

An old man towered over him, tapping a cane next to his head. Well lying was out of the question here.

"Dammit, aye, I am. Some old bag paid me to kill you."

He looked at Serek suspicioulsy," I thought assasins didn't reveal their clients?"

"Well, look at me old man, I'm damn near crippled because of those devil dogs in your courtyard, your aiming a cane even as we speak at my throat and I can't reach my knife."

The old man suddenly grinned. He turned and walked over to an armchair beside the room's fire. He picked up a pipe and puffed awhile. Serek struggled to his knees. If he fell over he could reach his knife.

"Don't try it, I may be old but even I can tell what your thinking. Should I go for my knife? The answer is no, cause if you do you die," he puffed away while Serek debated what he should do.

"Nothing's Ever Easy," he mumbled to himself.

What should Serek do?

Wait and listen to the old man

Lunge for the knife and take his chances

Other options

Last edited by Smudger on Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:03 am; edited 9 times in total

#2:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:47 pm

#3: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:50 pm
Thanks for reading Zeph! All suggestions noted.

#4:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:11 pm
3rd best assassin...boy could I ever do some spring cleaning in that city Smudge!

Still I agree with Zeph, he must have some other way of killing the old man. I, however, would wait to hear what he had to say. If I liked it I'd take the ring and finger and go give it ot the old bag, collect my dough, and go talk to the old bugger some more.

#5:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:25 pm
Interesting Smudge.....interesting...

Well, for DP I suggest listening to the old man...or just pretend to listen while coming up with a different scheme to kill him.

#6:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:04 pm
Nicely written Smudgey.

I was thinking the same as Zepho. A good assassin would have been ready for the dogs. It would possibly have been better if he could have waited until the guy came out of the house too, though he may not have done that until after the deadline of course. I also think that he would have said 'that night' was too soon for this target, not giving him enough time to prepare. However, you could have nullified those issues by making it an urgent need job, and the assassin could have wanted money badly for some reason.

When you write a story, do a little bit of thinking into the background of all the characters. Give them all personality traits and flaws, even if you never show them in the story.

I suspect the woman, for example, doesn't want the finger to prove the death, no doubt she wants the highly magical ring on it. Very Happy

Anyway, a good start.

As for the DP: The only other option I could think of at the moment is to try and run away, jump out of the window or something. Confused Not the best choice. I would listen to the old man, but watch for a chance to do the job.

#7: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:07 pm
I thought all of those things after I had posted Confused , thanks China for pointing them out. And reading of course Wink . Well, I shall have the post up by tomorrow or friday, either way. Thanks everyone for reading.

#8:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:00 am
I don't feel I need to add anything to the suggestions. I would like to say that aside from the above concerns, it was a lively and interesting story. Keep up on this one. Your style is genuine.

#9:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:44 am
Poll is up.

#10:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:06 am
What? Only two options?

Listen obviously!

#11: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:35 pm
They only said, wait and here what he has to offer, then think of killing him. Comes under, listen to what he says. No other options needed, all commenters basically said there were no other options.

#12: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:56 am
"I'm listening old man," Serek spat.

"Good, I like a man who can admit when he has more to gain by listening than by acting," he replied as he withdrew his pipe," I am a very important figure in our city, I trade in all countries surounding us and beyond, and I have not achieved this through fairplay."

Serek believed he knew where this was going. He was being offered a job, or he thought he was.

"I have used many men like you to do the task your paid to do-"

"Just call it what it is, I murder people for money," Serek butted in. He hated when people didn't talk straight, "elimination" "removing an obstacle" why couldn't people call it assasination? Because it was seen as unseemly and low. Idiots.

"A straight talker, crass, but I could use it," the old man shuffled in his seat.

"What are you talking about? Are you offereing me something here? Just tell me straight instead of all this jibberish, I prefer straight-to-the-point discussion, not those lengthy boring conversations. Like this one," snapped Serek. He was in pain and all this misleading talk was irritating him.

"Fine, let me introduce myself first. I am Wilfredd Von Weizig, the most notable seller of "rare" artifacts from around the known world for this city. In fact the King himself trades with me personally, and is quite the collector. And you are?" the man known as Wilfredd asked.

"I am Serek, an assasin known for getting the task done quickly and efficiently. For this alone I am highly sought after by vengeful spouses and scheming rivals. There are better assasins in the city, but not many. I was hired to snuff out your life this evening," he replied.

"Yes, I know, by a Mrs Alona Carten. Do you know why she wants me dead?" he fired off another question at the immobile Serek.

"No, I don't ask why...I do," Serek grated through his clenched teeth as a fresh wave of pain coursed through his calf.

"I caused her husband to commit suicide, by ruining him in a financial deal,"he informed the disinterested Serek.

"Oh, how exciting," Serek said with sarcasm oozing.

"Yes, my thoughts exactly. Why kill yourself over losing money? So she vowed revenge and you my misguided friend were the weapon she would use to achieve it."

"And I failed," he said.

"Yes, you did. Spectacularly I might add."

Wilfredd leaned over near Serek and grinned," I must confess, you never stood a chance. I have had watchers on Mrs Carten's household since the suicide. YOU were dead before you knew it. I just wanted to see how you done. You showed patience, a good trait. You showed skill getting through the doors unseen. The dogs I was disappionted at, we need a larger weapon for you and you need better training at facing an enemy in combat. Sneaking is good, but if you were discovered you would be beaten by a skillful opponent. We shall work on that. But the thing that impressed me most was...Your luck. I never leave the window open, the guards never give the dogs extra meat. However both occured tonight. Interesting,no?"

The old man is obviously deluded. I was luicky but how is that interesting...

"What do you mean by interesting?"Serek asked tentatively.

"You were very lucky, something I have never been. I think you are a special case. As look at you now, trapped and facing one of the most dangerous men in the city and yet here you are, getting offered a job. Lucky,no?" Wilfredd sat back in his chair and opened a decanter.

"What kind of job?" Serek inquired.

"A spy, killer if needed. You shall infiltrate my rivals and give me information. Kill when asked. You shall live well. Also if I request you might be told to go on a mission, to find me my merchandise to sell. The benefits of doing this are obviouis, you my friend shall live in a life of luxury, as I pay all my agents well."

Is that all it is, or is he using me for something else?

Should Serek accept, Or decline, a new one suggested by Lebrenth and Lordy is kill the widow, then accept.

Any other options available if provided.

Last edited by Smudger on Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:49 am; edited 2 times in total

#13:  Author: JezSharpLocation: The middle of anywhere... PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:08 am
Good sg Smudger, I'm interested as to where it will go Smile, I think its going to be aone sided dp though - he should obviously accept given that the other alternative is almost certain death.

#14: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:10 am
Very Happy thanks for reading Jez, sorry about the dp. After this chappy it should get more complicated I hope...

#15:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:21 am
He said it. Accept. It sounds like a way to get in the big leagues. However, you have another job to do, if you ask me. There's a saying:

"If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence that you ever tried."

Go kill the widow. You have a reputation to preserve.

#16: Re: re Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:42 am
Smudger wrote:
I never left the window open, the guards never gave the dogs extra meat. However both occured tonight. Interesting,no?"

I think here you mean - I never leave the door open, the guards never give the dogs extra meat.

You were using the wrong tense - that's all.
I F5 Lebbs here - kill the widow, take her money, and accept your new employer.

#17: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:46 am
Thanks both for reading. Kill widow, option now as well. Made changes lordy, thanks for pointing that out.

#18:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:07 pm

#19:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:54 pm
Accept and get CASH!

#20:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:43 pm
Refusing the offer immediatly would not be wise considering the assasins position, but agreeing to a permant contract could be equally unwise.

I would suggest agreeing to work for him temporarily but only obsurcurly, after all he is an assasin it wouldn't be wise to be known to work for someone. Make sure the old man understands that you are an assasin and that his alligenance is to no one.

#21: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:44 pm
Right you are Din, thanks very much Wink

#22:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:56 pm
Yes take the offer. Being a retained killer has a better benifits package than freelance work.

#23:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:51 pm
Poll is up.

#24:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:45 pm
Voted Kill beacause I like to increase tension.

#25:  Author: Geek_girl72Location: Earth, The Universe PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:13 am
Just finished reviewing this, good job! Other than a few typos like 'they done' instead of 'did' I can't find a single thing wrong with this. You have good description, interestign characters, and a plot that draws the reader in. Keep it up. Very Happy

#26: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:50 am
So it shall be promoted?! Cheers GG for reading it. I will tart the next chapter in January, going to Austria for a week.

#27:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:43 pm
Congradulations - this story has passed the Storygame Review Board, and can now be located in Fantasy.

#28:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:45 pm
Good for you!

#29:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:02 pm
Well now Smudge, here you are all set up with a nice clean space in Fantasy Forest. Looks like this SG attempt is really taking off. Keep it coming back when you return form the Land Down Under.

#30:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:07 pm
Kalanna Rai wrote:
Well now Smudge, here you are all set up with a nice clean space in Fantasy Forest. Looks like this SG attempt is really taking off. Keep it coming back when you return form the Land Down Under.

Naturally she means "from the land down under Germany".

But yeah, don't slack off. You're a certified SG now!

#31:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:11 pm
And by nice clean space I meant reasonably free of slime and other nasty side effects of excess magical usage.

#32:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:34 pm
The undead are just misunderstood, Rai.

Please don't go being all negative.

#33:  Author: PolokinLocation: It seems that I'm not physically capable of visiting a forum... damnit! PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:10 pm
I really like this Smudger and like most people, I couldn't find anything wrong with it. I'll be awaiting chapter 3 expectantly.

#34: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:11 pm
Thank you everyone for the nice replies and congradulations! I feel so loved Very Happy

#35: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:05 pm
"Fine Wilfredd, I accept your offer. But before I can be under your employ I have business to clear up, ok?" Serek spat, as if he had a bad taste in his mouth after uttering those words of submission.

"Perfect. Be here at dawn tomorrow so I can discuss the terms of your employment and your first task I have prepared for you. Goodbye Serek, and good luck with the business that need's clearing," at this Wilfredd turned back to the desk he was sitting at and began reading a scroll in front of him.

Serek began for the window when Wilfredd interrupted him," your my staff now Serek, use the front door and ask Aja on the second floor to heal the leg. Can't have you limping about can we?"

Serek grunted and hobbled out into the corridor. Aja, sounds like one of those Cretchan bastards from the East. Strong, cheap labour who never complained. Basically the most hated race in the land at the moment. Serek used to sympathasise with them, until one of their top assasins moved into the city. Serek then grew to hate them, Lause was hard enough to live in without foreigners taking work. Luckily for Serek the assasin winded up dead a month later, seemed the guild didn't like cheap foreign assasins taking their work either. Funny how the guild could take out fellow assasins yet they done no work themselves. They collected dues from assasins, nothing else.

Serek sighed. Guess he should find this Aja. He made his way down the corridor and he gingerly made his way down the stairs. He glanced around trying to find this Aja fellow. He spun around searching. No Cretchan here.

"May I be of service to you Mr Serek?" said a silky smooth voice right beside his ear.

Serek spun with a knife in his hand. He relaxed when he saw the Cretchan face. He was old. How did he sneak up on him? Serek had amazing senses. He looked at the Cretchan, Aja. Wrinkled, slighlty hunched. Harmless. Or so he appeared.

"My leg was hurt. Wait how do you know my name?" Serek demanded.

"Irrelevant Mr Serek, I will heal it. Be careful in removing the Mrs Carten. She is known as a double crosser." Aja had bent over and began rubbing Serek's wound while saying this. Soon the pain disappeared and Serek looked at where the wound was. A faded scar was all that was left as a reminder of his wound.

"How did you do that?" Serek whispered in astonishment. Healing magic was astoundingly rare.

"Ways of Cretcha Mr Serek. Ways of Ctrecha," at this Aja spun and walked away.

Serek shook his head. Guess I got a job in the right place. He walked out calmly in to the courtyard and saw the door wide open. Does everyone know I'm here now?

He paced outside into the city of Lause, wondering his next move...

"Your late" said the hot-tempered old woman.

"And your going to try and kill me. Not happening. See I was sent here to do the same thing."

On that line Serek spun and threw a knife into the shadowed corner nearest the door. There was a meaty thunk and a grunt as the shadow slid to the floor. With that three figures lunged out of each of the corners to strike Serek. Serek pulled out his knives and met the advance of the one to his left. He needed a quick kill.

He jabbed low with one and high with the other but his assailant deflected one and swayed from the other. They were going for the long haul. Serek spun and ducked as a sword came at him from his second attacker. Seems Wilfredd was right. I do need a bigger weapon. And more training.

Serek dropped to his knees and rolled to the side so all his would-be killers were in front of him. Mrs Carten had already left. He backed away while the three moved around him trying to flank him. Serek feinted one way then the next but suddenly reversed his lunge into his left opponent and managed to stick his knife in the unaware killer. He swiftly withdrew it just in time to deflect a killing blow. It still slashed him but it was a small graze on the arm.

He back peddled to the door and into the corridor as he knew it would mean less space for them to manuevour round him. They follwed warily. Suddenly they both attacked at the same time, swords darting forward.Serek leapt back and threw one of his knifes. Another one down. Sadly that left him one knife. Screw it. He went to throw and he saw the arm rise to deflect blade. Serek threw low.

It took his just above the knee. He fell with a scream and Serek jumped on to him and with one swift jerk broke his neck. Now for the old crow. He collected his knives and began the search. He found her room. But no Mrs Carten. He ran and rolled into the room. A sword thudded into the door above his head. He rooled to his feet andrammed a knife into her throat. She cluitched her throat and fell down...

Serek entered Wilfredd's rooms with a small smile on his face. He was proud of his achievements there. Four killers and a chase, and he got the gold he was offered as retribution for trying to kill him. Fair is fair.


"Yes Master Wilfredd. Done."

"Good Serek as I have a job for you to help me with..."

What is the job?(Rather general I know)

Last edited by Smudger on Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

#36:  Author: Arya PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:08 pm
Kill Bill Clinton!

Just kidding.

Uh, how about capture a dragon and take it back to him?

I dunno, just throwin some ideas out...

Nice chap tho, looking forward to the next one!

#37:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:11 pm
Make it someone he knows. A contact prehaps, or a child-hood friend he's lost touch with. It would be interesting to see how he reacts (when he finds out of course, it would be too easy for him to just recognise the name) and whether he chooses the money over his aquaintence.

#38: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:13 pm
A genius plan! God lordy that's brilliant Shocked , I was thinking an escort to a city then killing a rival merchant but that tops it!

#39:  Author: PolokinLocation: It seems that I'm not physically capable of visiting a forum... damnit! PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:25 pm
Hurrah for killing friends for gold!

This chapter was good, Smudger. You've left this nice and open for lots of ideas to be thrown in.

As for my idea, it could be a mission to kill another assassin that gave Wilfredd trouble in the past and stole an item of significance to him.

#40:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:22 pm
I like the both ideas but how about we combine them a bit? Have his target be a close friend that he has indeed lost touch with, but in his surprise, the friend will reveil techniques and influences that prove him to be another skilled killer, it would provide a great fight.

Perhaps also a storyline twist can be laid there too. Maybe his friend had received a contract that leads to a mysterious adventure across land and sea. This is a fantasy story and the possibilities are endless without a reasonable doubt.

City of IF -> The Vault

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