Chapter 3.5- UnderDark
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City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

#1:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:02 am
You guys will have to bear with me and the broken up posts. This is the best I can do until I fix my problem...Enjoy!

Chapter Three pt 2- UnderDark

Legend has it that when they came from across the sea, the Gallaeni brought with them the knowledge of the Paths. Even after they had long vanished back to their mysterious lands, we continued to walk those ethereal roads to Realms outside our own. But we were not Gallaen, not the flawless messengers of the most high gods. We were Terrinian, we were men. And in our child-like delight we forgot what often happens when the worlds of mortal and immortal collide. We brought distruction down upon ourselves. The Golden Age ended the day we walked the Path to UnderDark.
- The Chronicles of UnderDark vol 1
- Author Unknown

Fallon stood alone in a sunbathed courtyard. Brilliant light poured over him like warm amber wine, throwing his dark shadow to impossible lengths. Around him golden stone sat seamlessly upon golden stone, fabulous architecture crying out to be appricated. Yet it was ignored. Wonderously sculpted flora spilled forth from masterfully landscaped beds. Yet they went unnoticed.

Even the dazzling glass fountain in the center of the yard, it's crystalline waters cascading down from it's fluted top and limning graceful diamond arcs from it's many spouts failed to catch his attention. The enchanting tune of it's waters went unremarked. You see Fallon wasn't concentraiting on the beautiful
surface, but on the foulness that lay just benieth it.

His power was wrapped around him in a sphere, protecting him from the malice that eddied, like poison honey, around it's edges. Fallon knew that beneith the perfect mask lurked the heart of a monster. Without the slightest hesitation he crossed under the archway before him and into the beckoning shadows beyond. The light followed him a ways, as if unwilling to let him go.

Yet as he descended the ebon, dark stairwell in the room the light swiftly faded. Soon he was alone in the ever spiraling darkness, only his soft, deliberate footfalls to be heard. Yet they were faint and unreal in the air around him, they did not echo as they should. Suddenly he rounded a corner and found himself staring through another archway and into a circular room.

It's walls of the same golden stone stretched seamlessly upwards for what seemed like an eternity. Finally they gave way to a ring of impossibly blue sky, golden light pouring down the shaft with all the force of a falling hammer. Dust motes sparkled in the air like enchanted dust and if one strained their ears, the faint music of the glass fountain could still be heard. It was a strange place for a dungeon, yet it could be nothing else.

Emerging from the shadows to the center of the room Fallon drew the attention of the rooms sole occupant. Silver hair matted and darkened by sweat parted as the pale skinned maid lifted her hanging head. Piercing silver eyes blinked away a film of dispair as they took in his form, a slim pink tounge wetting cracked lips. A voice, horse from screaming, was forced over them. "You..why?"

Fallon remained silent as he had no answer to this question. Despite her changed appearence, it was obvious to him that this was the maid from his earlier dream though how she had come to her confinement, or where they actually were, he knew not. Slowly she strained an arm against the chains that held it above her head. Unable to do more than cause the heavy shackle to bite into her flesh she relaxed causing the chain to clink softly. "Help...please help..."

For a moment Fallon remained motionless, then he closed the distance between them in a single stride. Placing a single, supple hand on the shackle he watched it disintigrate under his touch. This puzzled him for he had done nothing to cause this to happen. He had spoken no word, used no power, cast no spell...yet each shackle turned to dust at his touch. The woman slid bonelessly down the wall, her legs unable to support her weight momentarily.

Fallon knelt and took her into his arms, although this was difficult, much like gathering an arm full of moonbeams. "Quickly...before..." She never finished her statement as Fallon turned and sprinted up the stairway and back into the sunlit courtyard. His feet made no audible sound on the smooth flagstones and at a gentle touch he set the maid on her feet again.

Though her legs wobbled, they held, a glow suffusing her entire form as she drank in the sunlight. "You won't be able to ignore it much longer. The call grows stronger daily. You power stirs and soon you shall be at it's mercy. I will be waiting."

Her phantom kiss was as soft as a rose petal and cold as a snowflake. As everything around him began to fade she gave him a glowing smile. "I owe you my life...I will be waiting..."

Fallon opened his eyes and slowly raised a hand to touch his cheek where the feel of the woman's kiss still lingered. Sitting up he swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat there for a moment, head in hands and physical exhaustion weighing heavily upon his slumped shoulders. "Who are you to command my dreams...and why do I let you?"

He had not slept well since he had arrived in Byrith, though he'd only dreamed of the mysterious woman twice. That lack of sleep was beginning to take it's toll upon him. Yet now that he was awake long years of training rendered him unable to return to sleep. He turned his eyes toward the nearby desk where several large volumes were neatly stacked. Three he had finished, one he was in the middle of, the last he had yet to begin.

With an exhausted sigh, which told more about his state than looking at him could, he walked over and settled himself in the chair. Gazing out the window he gauged how many hours of reading he had by moonlight. Unsatisfied with the answer he rummanged through a small pouch that hung off the back of the chair, pulling forth a small stone. Blowing gently on it he set the stone down as it began to give off a pure white light.

In the glow of the magelight he opened the tome to where he had last left off and began reading.

Asalia woke several hours after dawn and, after her morning routine, read her Memory Book over breakfast. Some parts made her laugh, others evoked tears, yet the events of yesterday brought a rare worried frown to crease her beautiful face. However, no such emotion could last long with light-hearted Asalia and soon she was smiling and in a fine mood. Walking over to the window she tapped a slim finger against her lips.

"I think that today I shall go riding...and shall I invite my noble brothers to join me? Yes I think I will." A hushed silence fell at her words followed by soft twittering as her ladies bustled to dress her in her riding clothes. As was Maldon custom she wore a pair of leather breeches and stout boots which were covered to mid-thigh by a belted tunic. A cloak, pinned at the throat, was tossed over her shoulders to complete the outfit.

Leaving her rooms she caught hold of two pages and sent them off in search of her brothers. She and her retinue headed into the stableyard where they were greeted by the bow-legged stablemaster who bore the improbable name of Spry. "Ah, the Princess wishes to go riding eh?" Clapping his hands he had several stableboys scurrying off.

They returned a few moments later leading four fine horses and Spry said. "There they be m'lady. Choose your mount." Asalia stared at the beautiful animals with a slightly puzzled expression. Catching sight of her face the stablemaster's cheeks pinked slightly. "Ah forgive me m'lady." He walked over to the first of the horses.

"The chestnut here is Oakdown. You take him when you're going for sedate rides with your ladies. The white here is Boreal, you ride him on formal occasions with your Father. The grey is Stormwing and you take him when you're in a fiesty mood since he has a quick turn of hoof. Lastly the bay is Thornewood, he's your Hunter." Asalia debated only a moment before she pointed to the grey. Spry's face broke in a grin as he gave a sharp whistle and sent the stableboys scattering again.

Some led horses away while others rushed off to fetch all of Stormwing's tack and barding. "Just yourself going out today m'..." Asalia turned around to see what had caught the stablemaster's attention. Walking across the yard was Darith, sir Varis only a few steps behind. Nodding to himself Spry gave a sharp whistle causing two more stableboys to rush up. "Get Neverstar ready. The Prince shall ride today as well."

The lads hopped to it as Asalia wrapped her arms around Darith's waist in a tight hug. "Are you feeling well...why are you in armor?" Darith laughed and patted her shoulders, pulling himself out of her tight embrace. Though she didn't remember the events of yesterday she'd read them in her book and knew it was only polite to ask.

"I'm quite fine thank you, and I was just coming out of weapons practice when your page caught me. I didn't have time to go and change so I just came mail and all. Heavens know it wouldn't be the first time I've ridden Neverstar in armor." Asalia smiled in delight which faded as she viewed the response to her next words.

"Oh good! The three of us will have a fine time if Fallon decides to come." Silence enveloped the yard causing Asalia to bite her lip, something she always did when she was slightly troubled. "Did I say something wrong? Did I read what happened yesterday incorrectly?"

"Not at all, it's just I caused quite the commotion yesterday." Everyone in the yard turned to view the speaker of the voice, Fallon himself emerging from the shadows where he had stood for who knows how long. "And there's also the fact I don't ride a horse."

Asalia frowned and tapped her lips again...had she forgotten that fact already. Slowly a half-memory rose to the surface. "That's right. You ride a kestral...kessel...kessiel..."

"Kession. I'll re-introduce you again." As the stableboy's brought both Neverstar and Stormwing, Fallon headed toward the far stalls. It was at that moment a strange sound split the air. It was a bugle unlike anything any equine had ever made before and was counterpointed by a heavy booming thud as something pounded on it's stall door. The other horses, even the vicious destriers her Father housed in the far stalls, gave shrill whinnys of fear and reared in their own stalls.

Still void of emotion Fallon's voice cracked like a whip. "Behave." The booming stopped and slowly a strained peace settled, leaving snorting skittish horses in it's wake. Not remembering that Neverstar was war-trained and Stormwing was not, Asalia thought she was missing some great secret when Darith was able to still his horse with a single word. Sir Varis and sir Olath both had to hold her horse's bridal to still him enough for Asalia to mount.

It was a few moments later that a sound drew her attention to the shadowed form of the far stalls where the beast was just emerging into the sunlight. The creature was like something from a fairy story. But not from one of those stories told to entertain good children, or sooth them to sleep. This was a creature from the terrible tales that fightened a misbehaved brat into line.

It was huge, the size of a draft beast at around twenty hands. It's coat was a light eating black, showing to perfection the defined muscles that rippled under the satiny sheen. It's legs were long and supple, ending not in hooves, but in talons that clicked against the stones of the yard as it pranced in anticipation. Feathering ran down it's legs, the silky strands dancing with each step the creature took.

It's neck was curved in a noble arch, a wavy mane of black silk falling like water across one side. It's head was arched, it's soft muzzle as tapering and proud as that of the finest bred beast in the King's stable. An obsidian horn spiraled from the center of it's noble brow, diverting it's shimmering forelock like the cateract of a river, sending rippling black strands to veil it's massive, intelligent eyes. It's velvety ears were pricked forward, curving close together at the tips, as it eagerly nosed the wind.

It's quarters were powerful, haunches like coiled springs, shoulders like slabs of granite. It's chest was deep, containing the massive lungs needed to drive such a beast. It's back was broad save where the ribs gave way before the hips and it slimmed out a bit. It's tail was held high, fluttering behind it like the pennant of
some great noble, the tips nearly brushing the ground behind it.

But by far it's most dominating feature were it's massive wings. Attached just before the shoulder, ending mid way along the rib cage, they were mantled far above it's head. The pinions were massive and sharp-shaped, like those of some massive falcon or other raptor of the sky. Some trick of the late summer sunlight made irridescent colors shimmer along it's feathers, impossible since the only color anywhere on the beast was a soul-less black.

It wore no tack, instead it wore a contraption made of soft leather. One strap ran around it's neck like a collar, another passed between it's forelegs, while a third encircled it's last rib. A pad ran along it's back, spreading into two loops that hung just infront of it's haunches. Metal rings dotted the leather, showing where things might be clipped on for easy carrying.

Fallon walked along beside it, a hand resting easily upon it's massive side. The beast came to a stop only a scant three feet from where Asalia sat, entranced. "Asalia this is Carrius called Callix. Callix, this is Asalia du' Maldon." The creature bobbed it's head to her. The next thing it did endeared it to her instantly.

In a deep, rich, baritone voice it spoke to her. "A pleasure to meet you once again m'lady. It's rare to see such a beautiful maid, and I swear your beauty grows each time your affliction causes us to reaquaint ourselves with each other." Thoroughly enchanted, she wasn't even put off in the slightest that the creature's speech had revealed it's five inch fangs to her.

She blushed and replied gaily. "Why you are quite the hansome thing yourself." The kession struck a noble pose and preened a bit. It was then that Asalia saw what the strange pad was for, and how such a creature might be ridden, as Fallon gracefully swung himself onto Callix's back. He stretched out on his stomach, his
hands gripping holds in the 'collar', his feet hooked securely into the loops near the haunches. It looked like he had settled down for a nap to tell the truth.

Urging Stormwing up next to Callix, Asalia glanced over Fallon's back to see Darith doing the same thing on the other side. She laughed a bit even as Callix jerked his head up and snorted, Fallon suddenly sitting bolt upright on the kession's back. "Darith, Asalia get as close to me as you can!" Unable to disobey the command in Fallon's voice she pulled Stormwing flush against Callix's side, not even sparing a glance at Darith who was doing the same on Fallon's other side.

Fallon's legs must be trapped between our mounts. And indeed they were but before Asalia could say anything Fallon's arm encircled her shoulders in a grip of steel. His cloak followed the movment, draping over her head and blocking out the world from view. His power and presence seemed to close in around her, making her feel both safe and smothered.

She was just about to protest this when the screams started...

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:44 am; edited 3 times in total

#2:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:23 am
Had to post this in three seperate parts, though I managed to splice two of them together. It was just that the post length of this particular chappy was so damn long! But now I've figured it out and can hopefully avoid this in the future. No garuntees though.

Chapter Three pt 2- UnderDark con.

Darith held Asalia's hands tightly, reassuring her as best as he could. When the screaming had started Asalia had wrapped her arms tightly around Fallon's waist, calling out for Darith to hold her hands. He had complied instantly, trusting that their mounts would remain rooted to the spot, no doubt something of Callix's doing. Fallon's voice was quite and firm as he rhythmically chanted something in a low tone.

Around him the screams of fear suddenly changed and the shrill cries of animals could be added to the animalistic cries of men. Horses bugled in blind terror and dogs howled in overwhelming fear. Men and women gave screams of such sheer horror that Darith would never forget them as long as he lived. While it irritated him on some level to be unable to see what was going on, he was also profoundly greatful to be spared the sight.

Soon enough he had something else to worry about. Fallon began to quiver and tremble, not in fear but in fatiuge. His breathing became stuttered gasps and while his chanting never faltered it became more than strained...sounding almost pained if such a thing could be heard from Fallon. All around them there was silence and then...Fallon stopped chanting. His arms slid off Darith's shoulders bonelessly, his cloak following like a spill of black water.

Yet there was no change in what Darith saw. Though his eyes were wide open there was only darkness around them. "Fallon?" A rustling sound could be heard and then the feel of Fallon's strong, slim fingers trembling as he twisted something into a lock of Darith's hair. Slowly Darith's eyes adjusted to the lightless world, just as they would have if he had walked from a sunlit room into a shrouded hallway.

But now he could put sight to the smells his mind had automatically filed away. He realized they were standing in the middle of a scene of slaughter unlike any other Darith had ever experianced. The stableyard was now filled with several inches of congealing blood. Here and there clothing and armor, and a mushy pulp, showed where people had fallen. Weapons lay where knights had dropped them, barding and tack lay over the squelched remains of once proud equines.

"Fallon don't let Asalia see this..." But Darith needn't have warned his elder brother, who was already fixing the hood of Asalia's cloak over her eyes. He did so with the warning that she would instantly regret it if she peeked. He looked at Fallon, who was quaking all over like a man who has pushed himself to the breaking point...and then pushed himself beyond.

Callix had craned his neck around to stare anxiously at Fallon, a look of worry and fear etched into his equine features. Catching Darith's eye, the expression became one of anger. "You! You dare to reprimand him! He just saved you! You don't realize how hard it was for him just to protect himself when we crossed the Barrier! I doubt you can comprehend just how much effort it took for him not only to shield ourselves but for him to protect you and your mounts as well!"

"Callix..." The voice that spoke that word was beyond weary, indeed Fallon seemed to have lost the strength to even sit upright. He now lay on the kession's back bonelessly, his eyes closed tight. Only the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest attested to the fact he was not dead. The kession nuzzled him gently before turning to stare into the darkness.

Touching his plated lock of hair, Darith looked back at his weary brother. ""

"Nightmare hair. It allows you to see even in total darkness although your vision is somewhat altered as I'm sure you can tell." Indeed Darith could. Though he could see now just as easily as he had in the bright sunlight of the lost late summer day, the world was done all in grey with over shadows of black. Here and there a bit of white could be seen but everything was slightly fuzzy, as if obscured by a hazy fog.

A chill wind blew, ruffling his hair and causing him to shiver. Asalia drew her cloak tighter and Darith followed suit. Only Fallon seemed unaffected, lips slightly parted as his breath steamed in the air. "Where are we?" Asalia's timid queary was a fragile plume in the freezing air.

"UnderDark." Darith sat ramrod straight, his hands tightening their grip on Neverstar's reings. "The name is a mistake though. The communication sent back from the first mage to see the world was garbled when it went through the Barrier. He said it was 'a world under the grip of an unbearable darkness'. The only
words mages on this side of the Barrier heard were 'under' and then 'dark'. Apt enough name they thought so it stuck."

Darith, remembering the name of the books Fallon had been reading the day before, reached out to grab hold of Fallon but Callix, sensing something of Darith's intent, danced back and carried him out of reach. "You son of a demon! You knew this was going to happen!" Somehow Fallon managed to open his eyes and fix him with the same cold stare that he had turned on the mage that had Overshadowed Darith.

"I knew I was going to come here sooner or later. I didn't know that the Xalthian mages would be so desperate as to commit suicide. I doubt even one of them survived the effort it took to teleport this castle here." Darith sat back a bit, stunned by the news. Fallon closed his eyes again, his voice little more than a hissed whisper. "At any rate we need to get out of here and quickly. There are things in this world that will be crawling all over this castle and we do not want to be here they arrive."

"What about survivors?" Darith didn't have the heart, and Fallon didn't have the energy to tell Asalia that there were probably no other survivors. She didn't need that kind of shock, she'd already had enough.

Darith looked around at the remains of his home. They didn't even have the supplies for more than a day's ride. Looking at the armory, Fallon's tower chambers, and his own he knew that there were things they needed that could be quickly salvaged. "How long do you think before they notice us?" He had to strain to hear Fallon's reply over the now howling wind.

"They're already on the way."


What do they do?

I hope you liked because this has litterally been a pain to write. Not because I didn't enjoy writing it but because techinal difficulties really piss me off.

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total

#3:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:39 am
Just...finished reading the pages. You sertenly know how to type your stories and especailly with discriptions. Smile can't wait for the next chappie. I have added a new chappie in beast of Haros... Smile

Lovin your story... I think Fallen should give a bit of check up on servivors...and D...should do i qiuckly...

#4:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:55 am
Glad you're enjoying it Nightshade, I'm having loads of fun writing it...well except for finding out that IF has limits. Although having to do it the hard way did have some kick back for me.

#5:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:00 am
Nice writing, Rai!
You put in some great descriptions there Very Happy.

I think Darith should get as many supplies and stuff that they need as possible. While he is doing that, Fallon should try and get some rest, even if it isn't much, and Asalia should stay with Fallon and wake him if they are in trouble. Can Calix carry Fallon while he is asleep? If so, then he should when they are ready to travel.

Looking forward to the next chapter,

~Solus Wink

#6:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:18 pm
F5 solus.

#7:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:42 pm
Anybody think of running away yet?

#8:  Author: Darra PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:51 pm
Am I callous for suggesting that they surrender the idea of survivors and find a way to keep themselves safe? Anyone in the castle powerful enough to survive, will. Anyone else is likely to be expendable. I do agree that Fallon needs a bit of rest if possible.

I'm enjoying the story greatly thus far. I've been away from City of If for a while, but your story hooked me back in. I would appreciate more involvement from Asalia in the future. There are quite a few snippets of information about her, but nothing cohesive enough to give her full form. Is she so really so helpless and fragile as she seems?

#9:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:12 pm
Darra, you have not been in IF at all.

#10:  Author: Darra PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:20 pm
It's been a whiiile. Around the time of Ethereal Fauna's Finite Cosmos and Shady Stoats' Shadows of the Mind. I've checked back in, just haven't logged in for a long time. I think the username got deleted after a time. I had to re-register. Here now. Hello. Enjoying the new storygames.

#11:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:22 pm
Oh. That can happen?

#12:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:45 pm
Poll is up!

And welcome Darra and I'm glad you're enjoying UnderDark. Don't worry about Asalia, she'll be coming into her own soon. She serves a vital purpose, as you all will see soon.

And yeah weaver, usernames can be deleted after a while.

City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

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