Flowers for your Funeral-CH1/EP3-2/2
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What should happen?
Michael pushes Joseph away and kills him?
 25%  [ 1 ]
Joseph convinces Michael that the thug is no more unnatural then a bunny?
 25%  [ 1 ]
The thug escapes and reports back to his "master?
 50%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Chinaren, Lilith, LordoftheNight

#1: Flowers for your Funeral-CH1/EP3-2/2 Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:55 pm

Flowers for your Funeral

When things go bump in the night, they bump back.

For Teens to Mature Audiences only.

This isn't a child fairy tale. This is a story of blood and horror. These words speak of demons and monsters of the night and of the people who hunt them. So sit back and relax, and enjoy the show.

Last edited by Guest on Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:57 am; edited 6 times in total

#2: Prelude-Half-Witted Plans Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:01 pm
It's not much, I'll have the actual chapter up very soon.

Flowers for your Funeral
By Fenris

Preview-Half-Witted Plans

Then, we go to the airport, get the tickets, fly to Transylvania and kill the rat bastard!” Joseph grinned at me, expecting a supportive answer. He wasn’t going to get one. I smacked my forehead against the side of the bookcase next to me in frustration. After three more questionable beatings, I looked up at Joseph to see him staring at me with his expression which almost made me smile. Almost.

“Why, that’s an excellent idea, Joseph. It’s so wonderfully simple and it’ll be a breeze with that master plan of yours.”


“No you idiot!” I growled angrily. “How in God’s name are we going to get to Transylvania AND kill a damned abomination that can cause ruptures in the linings of the universe?” I questioned angrily as I tapped the side of the bookcase repeatedly.

“I’m working on that,” muttered Joseph as he glanced at the scribbles that covered the notebook papers that were spread out across his desk.

“God help us,” I moaned as I once again hit my head against the bookcase.

“He better after what we’re doing.”

A book fell to the floor as I slammed my fist against the side of the shelf. The pages flapped wildly as the book plummeted from its high perch to land on the carpet. I bent down and picked up, weighing it in my hands with an eyebrow raised.

It was a hefty hardcover and the thick dust covered pages stared at me as I began to thumb through their contents.

Black and white pictures and paragraphs of information flashed before my eyes randomly as the pages fluttered from one to another.

Finally, I slammed the book shut and looked at the front cover. “Guide to the Other world.” Interesting reading choice, but very tame compared to the books I had to read or steal.

Joseph snapped at me, knocking me from my momentary thoughts. “Hey, slayer, earth to Michael.”

“I’m back from Mars,” I said sarcastically. “It’s very red.”

“Oh shut up and let’s concentrate on the problem at hand.”

“The one where we have to travel across the world, find an unholy abomination and kill it before it smears us against the walls?”

“It would seem so.”

“I hate my job,” I muttered. “I should be in school, going out with girls, playing football, skateboarding, doing something that a normal kid does.”

“We ain’t normal anymore, Mikey boy,” said Joseph, smiling, then, he paused. “Well, you aren’t normal anymore.”

“No need to remind me,” I muttered as I slid the book back into its proper place. On a habitual urge, I glanced out Joseph’s window, eying the dying tree that waved its branches just outside as the harsh night wind blew against it, whispering order and making it dance.

“Look, I think we need to pay a visit to the Library,” said Joseph.

The Library? Not my favorite choice of places, definitely not favorite place in the world. I glanced at my watch, but not checking the time. It didn’t matter to me really. I could stay out as late as I wanted. Not like my dad would care, he never has and never will. Kicking aside a stray baseball, I nodded grabbed my jacket from his bed post.

“Alright, let’s go. Your parents awake?”

“Mom’s asleep, Dad’s away on a “business” trip.”

“You sound skeptical of your father,” I remarked as I quietly swung open his door as I began to slip on my jacket. It wasn’t a fashion statement or a leather bad boy jacket. It was regular, admittedly it didn’t look too bad on me but it didn’t impress the rich folk.

Good thing about it was, it had a lot of pockets and most of them inside and hidden, which was why I had bought it. The coat had an attachable hood to go with it.

It was large and it covered my face well, keeping it in the shadows in the light and completely hiding it at night.

The door closed behind me quietly as Joseph crept past me and down the stairs directly ahead. I glanced at his mother’s room. The door was wide open and I could hear her soft breathing from where I stood. It was rhythmic and smooth, a sign that she was asleep.

I followed him downstairs; avoiding the last two steps that were known to creak extremely loudly whenever stepped on. Slipping past the kitchen and the TV, I spotted Joseph by the couch and I backtracked and walked to his side.

I glanced at the TV; Oprah was announcing another fantastic giveaway. She reminded me of a solicitor that I went around my neighborhood.

Joseph was standing over his little sister, brushing her hair away from her face. She was about nine years old…and she was watching Oprah. Interesting. I poked Joseph. “Let’s get going, bro. We’re wasting time here.”

Taking one last look at his sister, my friend nodded and led the way out and into the night.

#3: Flowers for your Funeral-Chapter One-The Library is a . . . Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:21 pm
Flowers for your Funeral
By Fenris

Chapter One-Devil's Thing
Episode One-The Library is a big Place...

The night air was cold, chilly in fact. The wind blew against us as we stood at his doorstep, our backs to the twin window panes that decorated the sides of the door frame.

My car was parked by the curb, a red classic Mustang. I ran my hands over her hood as I walked around the car to the driver’s seat while pressing the button on my key that would unlock the doors.

Joseph hopped into the passenger’s side as soon as the locks shot upwards and the headlights flashed quickly. The leather seat met my back in a cool touch, even though I had two layers of shirts and a thick jacket between me and the upholstery.

It must be frost biting cold to meet the leather with bare unprepared skin.

The car started immediately as I turned the key and we were off, picking up speed immediately. Cops weren’t likely to come out this night, it was Tuesday and this neighborhood was known for the well behaved adolescents.

I shifted gears and we sped on, passing fire hydrants and darkened houses in a blur.

Joseph stared out the window, watching the houses fly by and out of sight. I made a sharp turn near the end of his neighborhood and glanced at the rear view neighborhood.

Nothing, the sky was clear and the ground didn’t seem to have any unusual bumps. The engine revved up to an even higher thrumming pitch as I pressed hard on the gas pedal. The tires burned layers as I almost missed a turn.

“Holy Mary!” hissed Joseph as he was quickly plastered against the window. He unstuck himself and glared at me. “Where did you learn to drive? An Asian guy teach you?”

I laughed as I took another turn and sped up. I was hitting seventy in a twenty five mile per hour zone.

“That’s an unjust stereotype. I’m half and I drive perfectly-.” I hit the brakes and spun the wheel quickly, barely avoiding slamming into a car pulling out of the driveway of the house we were about to pass.

“Oh my God!” yelled Joseph as he once again planted an unplanned kiss against the window. I screeched to a halt and blushed guiltily as the driver cursed at me, though he had no room to talk since he had almost literally flown out of his drive way. He was drunk; I could smell the alcohol from where I was sitting.

The roads wouldn’t be safe, unless he was just going to the local 24 hour drug store. He gave me the middle finger, spouted a word that no young child should ever say until they hit high school, then drove away, swerving a bit.

“Retarded drunk,” I hissed as I hit the gas again and peeled out of my temporary parking space.

“Retarded idiot!” growled Joseph.

“Seriously, what is he doing? Driving drunk like that. He’s a hazard to all mankind.”

“I was talking about you, dipstick,” said Joseph sourly. I grinned and sped up and he quickly fumbled with his seat belt. Guess he was tired of face planting the window.


“There it is,” I whispered as I stopped the car and quickly powered it down. We were parked next to a huge oak tree and in the middle of a park. What laid before us didn’t belong in a park, it didn’t belong in this plane of existence.

It was a mansion, no, more like a temple, a huge, gigantic white gold veined temple. It hovered above the ground, almost ten feet in the air. It seemed to bob up and down ever so slightly and I could see the glimmering stairs that branched from the air, up to the marble stairs that led to the front door, the only door in the Library.

“Geez, takes my breath away every time I see it,” sighed Joseph as he opened the car door.

“Surprised that you can even see it,” I said as I climbed out too, jingling the keys in my hand. I checked my jacket and felt the biggest pocket inside. Satisfied that my desired object was still safely tucked away in there, I cracked my knuckles nervously.

“Couldn’t see it before until that flash,” I said as I shook my head. Joseph smiled his smile that always annoyed me. It was like he knew something I did and knew I wanted to know it badly.

“Guess I’m special in some ways,” he said smugly.

“Yeah, special in the head,” I muttered back as I playfully punched his shoulder. He frowned at me and rubbed the spot where I had struck him.

“Let’s go inside. They’ll know we’re here.”

“Those Inbetweeners freak me out,” I said as we started off.

“They freak you out? You’ve seen and heard much worse things, Michael. Remember that time at the skate park, that demon appeared out of nowhere?”

I grinned. “Looked like something out of Aliens. Except more…I don’t know…how did Protheus used the word? Unholy, that's it.”

“Demons are unholy, smart one.”

I sidestepped a rain puddle and climbed the glimmering staircase that led up to the main set of steps. Joseph quickly followed, checking his amulet as it hung from his neck. It was a star, the one used on Israel’s flag. It seemed to glow in the darkness and it seemed to give Joseph good luck or something like that.

Marble pillars dwarfed us as we passed them by. The stairs seem to announce our arrival with every step we took, echoing in the vast entrance of the Library.

It was amazing, looking like it jumped out of a history book covering ancient Greece temples.

Gold veined stair steps were everywhere, going up and up to a large silvery bronze door. Everything was almost white except the shining yellow strands that flowed throughout the stairs and pillars. It was a vast entrance to an even bigger building.

Torches of unimaginable size flickered and danced as they lit the way, floating in the air as if held by an invisible hand. Joseph sighed wistfully and I knew he was caressing the camera phone in his pocket. A photograph of this place would be quite a lot on tabloids.

I grinned as the title of the front page in Weekly World News read, “Lost Temple of the gods! Pictures that prove its existence.”

We reached the door and Joseph raised his hand to pound on the iron door. Before his fist could connect, they swung open by themselves, making no noise like regular old doors would do with their rusted hinges.

Ahead of us was a library, a gigantic library that seemed to stretch on forever. Book cases upon book cases were lined up in many rows with each shelf brimming with books.

Every book ever written on Earth, Heaven and Hell and all those other dimensions were written here. Hardcovers and paperbacks lined the shelves, beckoning us and inviting us with promises of knowledge and power, which they would give fully, but not without a price.

“You come seeking knowledge,” whispered a slithery voice behind us. We turned and an Inbetweener stared back at us from beneath and behind his long black hood. His hood was black but the actual cloak if you could call it that, was whiter then a pearl. Goosebumps crawled up my skin as he spoke again, his snake like voice drilling into my ear.

“I ask again, you come see-.”

“Yes, yes,” I snapped, desperate to shut him up. A mistake.

The Inbetweener looked at me, swiveling his attention and centering it on me alone. “And what have I done to be spoken so rudely, Hunter?”

I closed my voice, fighting the snake like voice that seemed determined to punch a hole through my ear drums. I hated it! “Nothing, my bad, just please, stop talking out loud.”

“Please,” whispered Joseph as he winced. He hated it too. The Inbetweener sighed and then spoke again, but this time his voice echoed in our minds and sounded much more human and normal. The hands were covered in long drooping sleeves and he pressed them together, like those Chinese emperors in movies.

‘My apologies Hunters. Your names please.’

‘Give us yours and we’ll give you ours,’ I responded mentally.

‘A wise choice,’ said the Inbetweener. ‘My name is Kolah.’

I snickered and Joseph glared at me angrily. ‘My name is Joseph,’ he responded while glancing at me. I hesitated then relented.

‘Michael,’ I said.

‘What book or book do you two seek?’

Joseph stepped in this time and paused as he went through a mental list. Most likely a very long mental list. He then rattled off many books, most in Latin or in a Dimension Language. I caught the name “Blasonia of Abominations” but that was all.

Kolah nodded sage like. ‘Serious business then. I shall guide you to the most important one that will help you the most. You mentioned “Blasonia of Abominations” I belive and it happens to be the most...informative.”

The Inbetweener set off at a slow pace and we followed him as he weaved through the many aisles of books. It was like a maze, turning before we hit a dead end of shelves then seemingly doubling back, but coming to a whole new area.

For fifteen minutes we followed him, weaving and out of the maze of towering book cases until we came to a stop.

Finally, we had reached a large book case that I knew to be the one we were searching for. Kolah stopped in front of it and levitated to the twenty something level shelves and reached out. His black skinny hands slowly grabbed a large hard bound book that seemed to be made of demon skin.

He floated back down and tossed the book to Joseph who caught it eagerly. I glanced at “Blasonia of Abominations” and was impressed. It was huge by my standards and dust seemed too had settled on the spine and on the top of the thickly bound pages.

Kolah watched Joseph flip through it quickly and hen whispered, ‘Will that be all?’

“Yeah, I think so,” answered Joseph out loud.

Kolah nodded and snapped his fingers. I blinked and wasn’t surprised to find us at the entrance/exit once again.

I reached out with an open hand and Kolah quickly branded me with a small mark, a sign that I had been to the Library and had borrowed a book. I had never turned in a book late before, and hoped to never find out what the punishment was.

“Thank you,” said Joseph as he was branded too.

Kolah, without answering, bowed low to both of and then in a flash of smoke that smelled of a burning oven, he disappeared. I watched the smoke fade away then glanced over at Joseph.

“You get what you want?”

“Yep,” he said as he balanced the book in one hand. “Let’s hit the road.”

Agreeing completely, I turned and shoved the huge bronze doors open and stopped short while Joseph slammed into my back. I didn’t budge.


What should be waiting for Michael and Joseph? A group of angels with a message? A demon that needs a book? An abomination? A cute fuzzy rabbit with hidden agendas? Pick or create!

Last edited by Guest on Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:23 pm; edited 2 times in total

#4:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:27 am
I could go screwy on you and say Cyre but I have no idea what she'd be doing there in the first place and I'm here to make serious comments.

I'm saying nothing but the darkness is waiting for them but, as they walk across the park, they're ambushed by a group of street punks looking to mess someone up for fun. Sorry if it seems normal, that's because it is. I'm thinking that a little grounding is needed before any more of the forces behind the world come into play.

#5:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:53 am
i agree wit rai. or it could be a daemon with the original book wile ther stuck with a fake. there might just be the slightest of differ of books. and librarian to exited to see you' Smile

#6:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:44 am
Nicely written Fenno.

I say it is a young child who seems to know everything, though she speaks in riddles.

#7:  Author: joyfull22 PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:32 pm
good chapter!

how about some perfectly normal people who michael mistakes for demons, so he uses his powers against them, only to discover that while he has been fighting them the real demons have just kidnapped jonathon and taken him far away to a hidden demon land?

#8:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:13 pm
Ooooh, I like joyfulls idea! lol, but still, all of your ideas are good! I'll have this open for a day or so then ask for a poll to be put up.

Aight, gonna ask for the poll!

#9:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:51 pm
Added new logo! Shocked Very Happy

I think its pretty good.

#10:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:23 pm
What if something or someone destroy's the library right after they leave it, frames the guys, and now all the forces of heaven, hell, and earth are after them and they have to figure out who framed them so they are no longer blamed... just a suggestion

#11:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:25 pm
That would be cool, but that would take up most of the storyline...stretch it out longer than I intended...maybe that is a good thing. But! I have already asked for the polls, I'll make sure to incorporate your idea into the story.

#12:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:21 am
What if something or someone destroy's the library right after they leave it, frames the guys, and now all the forces of heaven, hell, and earth are after them and they have to figure out who framed them so they are no longer blamed... just a suggestion

It sounds so fimiliar.... Smile I like the logo... i'm writing oinn a new story me self... to quince my personaloties. can't wait for poll

#13:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:52 am
hey, that idea just popped in my head so i had to put it out there before i forgot it. I know it seemed like a lot b/c i had no time to sort through it! (I hate my quick-brain/slow fingers complex! LOL!)

#14:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:18 pm


#15:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:16 pm
Poll is up.

Sorry Fenris, I haven't been online last few days - I've been busy.

#16:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:08 pm
That's cool. Vote peoples!

#17:  Author: ShogunLocation: In your nightmares, feeding on your fears. PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:57 am
Voted for the thugs, I think we need some grounding here before we move on to the bigger stuff.

#18:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:08 pm
Okay, looks like the thugs won. I'll get writing right away....dang it....I hate when that happens...write...right...heh....OK I'll stop now.

#19:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:53 pm
Aw....I voted child of wisdom, but speaks in riddles... grrrrr.

Anyway. Can't wait for the next chapter... and my readers seem to have ditched me, when I just found a new story... *sigh* well off to my stories...

#20:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:26 pm
Flowers for your Funeral
By Fenris

Chapter One-Devil’s Thing
Episode Two-Unnatural

Darkness greeted me and Joseph like an old friend. A cold current of wind billowed past us, making me tug my coat tighter against my body. I was susceptible to cold, which wasn’t good for Hunters, but I digress. Joseph led the way, marching down the steps like a man on a mission, which was exactly it.

I followed quickly, looking ahead and spotting for my car. It sat where I had left it, with only one big difference. The window was shattered. I said a bad word. Breaking into a run, I rushed past a surprised Joseph and sprinted towards my car while my arm automatically reached for a dangerous object in my jacket.

Something hit me; well actually, three things hit me at once. The first two were crowbars and the second was the realization that I had been hit. Ow. The dirt seemed to greet me as I hit the ground like a rock, rolling over and saving myself from another arcing blow.

“Get him! Get his keys!”

I looked at my attackers and to my disappointment and my surprise; it was just four thugs with crowbars and a cheap looking switchblade. I was expecting some vampire or a troll after a quick Hunter meal; wasn’t my lucky night. My weapons were off limits as were any spells. The grass flew up in tufts as crowbar after crowbar slammed down, barely missing my head and ribs.

The one with pink hair spiked up in a peculiar looking Mohawk didn’t expect a large, thick, hard back book to hit him in the side of the head. He fell like a tree under dynamite. His friends heard the pop and drop and instantly spun around. I took my chance and kicked out, snapping one’s knee.

He screamed like a little girl and toppled over and clutched at his “V” shaped leg.

“Shit,” hissed one of the remaining thugs. He reached into a large pocket and whipped out a knife. This one wasn’t cheap and had a mean glint to it. Joseph’s eyes narrowed and he held the book like a sword. The knife wielders went back to back, each eyeing us carefully.

I bent down and picked up a fallen thug’s crowbar and hefted it. “Out late tonight boys?”

The bald one answered in an unkindly manner. I made a mental note to break his arm into a “U”. I glanced back at my car and frowned. I had a bad feeling about this, very bad feeling. One thug lunged forward, knife held out in a lancing position. I side stepped and chopped him in the back of the neck with the crowbar, feeling something pop as he went down.

Cursing, the remaining on leaped and kicked out, catching Joseph in the gut. It sounded painful. He followed up four fists into Joseph’s face and I saw a spray of blood spurt from his mouth. My friend went down in curled heap, groaning as he tried to breathe desperately. Joseph had never been a one for fighting, I on the other hand…

Grass rusted as the wind blew through it, chilling us both as we stared each other down. The crowbar fell to the ground as I dropped it. A sign that I wanted a one on one, fist and kick fight. Stupid of me. He didn’t drop his knife.

I leaped first, grabbing control of the wrist. He was slippery though and spun, bringing his elbow in contact with my nose and brought forth lights out of the darkness.

Recovering, I traded blows with him, blocking and parrying, battering each other like animals. We were both skilled, that was something to be surprised at since a simple thug like him shouldn’t have known how to do these moves.

“Where’d you learn this stuff,” I gasped, blocking his fist just in time to whirl around a another punch. The punk just gave a grunt.

A sweeping kicked knocked me down but I shot up head first and came in contact with his jaw. He snarled and took a swing at my head and I ducked the blow and buried my fist in his stomach. He gasped and slammed both elbows into the back of my neck.


I stumbled back, dazed and confused. He kicked out again and knocked me over and leaped on top of me, holding my hands down with one arm while he fumbled with the knife with the other. Wiggling like a worm, I fought him off me but was quieted when he raised his arm and brought it swooping down. Stars said hello as they circled my vision.

The knife glinted in the moonlight, magnifying its size and giving it an aura of white and faint blue. “Give me your keys,” hissed the thug as he patted my down while keeping his knees on my hands. “Go screw your self,” I hissed back. Wrong answer.

Another blow to the jaw and more flashing lights appeared. This guy packed a punch. My knee shot up and caught him in the crotch and he let out a soft groan of pain. I pushed him off as he clutched at his injured sack and cracked my neck. Something hit me and it hurt.

Pain exploded in my head as a heavy object came in contact with it. Spouting obscenities, I ducked another blow and jumped away to see Joseph holding his book aloft. “What the heck do you think you’re doing?”

Joseph gaped at me. “I’m sorry! I thought you were him!”

“I can’t believe we are having this much trouble with regular people. I’ve taken on vampires one on one for God’s sake,” I said as I glanced back at the weeping thug with the broken leg.

“We can’t do what we would usually do with them,” answered Joseph as he knelt down by the remaining conscious would be mugger. The man was still gasping and clutching his sac. Joseph kicked it again and the punk let out a high pitched scream.

I pointed to the one I had beaten last. “Something iss wrong with him. A simple thug shouldn’t be able to fight like that.”

Joseph kicked the man again with a smile then looked at me. “Maybe he had training before he started doing this. I’ll look for an ID.”

Frowning, I shook my head. “No, it felt wrong.”

“The hell it did.”

Joseph let out a moan and sank to his knees while clutching his throat. The punk grinned at me as he watched Joseph fall, gasping for air while trying to recover from the hit to the throat.


“Definitely,” he said.

We collided again; raining blows on each other like it was a spring shower. I felt welts coming on and the man’s eye was swollen red and purple. I hit him again and again, feeling my punches and knee blows getting to him, wearing him down. Unfortunately, he was doing the same to me.

I caught his arm and twisted while spinning. Something snapped and he screamed. Whirling around, I landed a solid blow to the side of his head and his eyes came close to rolling to the back of his head. But he held his ground and hit me in the stomach. Hard.

Air rushed out of me like a popped balloon and I stumbled back, gasping for sweet, sweet air. No luck. Another hit to the stomach and I fell to my knees. Something whisked by my cheek and I felt a stinging sharp pain and something warm and wet slide down my skin. Blood.

“Oh hell no,” I growled, finally regaining my breath.

“Oh, hell yes,” he responded, grinning like a hungry hyena.

I tackled him before he could say something else, knocking him down to the earth. Before he could respond I began to land punches as accurately as I could. His nose exploded in a small spray of blood as I broke it and his other eye swelled up in slow motion.

This man had to be inhuman. I was knocked off him by a well placed shin kick and I recoiled as I held my fists read and finding my center gravity.

Something was definitely wrong here. The thug stood up, his left arm hanging limply by his side twisted at a disturbing angle. The other arm was holding a knife, a very sharp and large knife.

“Just give me the keys,” he hissed.

“Why do you want the keys so bad,” I responded, trying to distract him as I noticed Joseph standing up quietly.

“He told us to get it from you Hunters,” he said as he circled my, not noticing Joseph pick up a abandoned knife from the grass.

“You know about Hunters?” I asked, genuinely surprised.

“I know a lot of things…Michael.” His eyes flashed orange and he grinned at me with the same disturbing smile he gave me moments ago.

“How the heck do you know my name?” I said angrily. His eyes, he was definitely unnatural and a threat. That cold feeling was coming again. Something unnatural was watching us, or maybe it was the thug. “Why did you come after us?”

“He told us too,” he responded. Then, he jumped at me, running me over like bowling pins. We rolled on the ground, exchanging blows in a barbaric manner. Everything was a whirlwind of green, black, brown and red. Grass was flattened as we continued to roll, growling in anger and in the thrill of the fight.

I was hurting all over, every inch of my body ached but I ignored it easily just as I had been trained to do. My fist connected hard with his jaw and two small teeth leaped out of his gums like sky divers off a plane. Blood spurted into the air, mixing with my own from my bleeding lip and gash on my cheek.

“Watch out!” yelled Joseph. There was a whacking sound and the thug was thrown off me. Joseph held a crowbar in one hand and a knife in the other.

“Screw this,” I muttered. I pulled out my own knife, a dirk more like it. It was slightly curved with a hook near its hilt and four characters were etched on the flat end of the blade. Best of all it was silver and very, very sharp.

“Time to pay the piper, dirtbag,” I said as I walked over to the unmoving body of the thug. A hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

“What are you? Crazy? You can’t kill him!”

I tugged away from Joseph and glared at him. “He’s not natural! Something is wrong with him and he knew what we were.”

Joseph frowned. “He did?” He shook his head. “Nevertheless, we take him in for questioning.”

“Screw that,” I barked as I continued to make my way towards the body. Joseph grabbed my shoulder and spun me around angrily.

“We can’t do that, Michael. You know the rules! We could get in hella trouble! Do you want us to get kicked? We get rid of his friends in a dumpster where someone can find him and then take that guy.” Joseph pointed at the unnatural thug. “To the Gates or someplace. We can’t kill him! We hunt and kill things that are a threat, that are unnatural! He doesn’t seem unnatural to me! He may know something but I don’t see fangs, fur, wings, tails, or apparitions and familiars attached to him. There’s nothing! Nada! Zip!”

“Something is wrong, I’m telling you! His eyes and what he knows!”

“I can see stuff like that! Remember? There’s nothing…special about him! His aura is just like a regular!”

I frowned and sighed. It was bad luck that I couldn’t see auras and spirits like Joseph could, but I wouldn’t give in. This guy, this thing, had to be put down. But there was no evidence except my own sight, and that couldn’t be put on a video screen. If I killed him, I could be in big trouble, if I didn’t kill him, I still might be in big trouble.

Twirling the knife in my hand, I glared at Joseph then glanced back at the thug. Decisions, decisions.

#21:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:42 pm
i say, round them all up somewhere and kill the "unnatural" one in front of them. that ought to be a good enough warning and enough to keep them from talking to the police. it also sends a message to whoever "he" is which might get "him" to come out of hiding. Heh heh! Sorry my sick, twisted, and sadistic mind is on a roll today! I like how this is going so far, Fenris, Good Work!

#22:  Author: ShogunLocation: In your nightmares, feeding on your fears. PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:25 pm
Lilith wrote:
i say, round them all up somewhere and kill the "unnatural" one in front of them. that ought to be a good enough warning and enough to keep them from talking to the police. it also sends a message to whoever "he" is which might get "him" to come out of hiding. Heh heh! Sorry my sick, twisted, and sadistic mind is on a roll today! I like how this is going so far, Fenris, Good Work!

A flaw there. They would get in HUGE trouble, whoever their boss is anyways. This reminds me of a show. Hunters, vampires, ghosts, demons, spirits, werewolves, the works. Getting interested Fenris.

I say let him live. I mean, he may look annuatural, and it could have been the trick of the light or perhaps when they kill him, he won't revert into his natural form and just stay human, and get them in trouble.

#23:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:07 pm
Thanks for commenting guys. Does anyone else have any suggestions for a DP besides the two obvious ones?

#24:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:35 pm
People! Comment please, I beg of you Sad Shocked

Anyways, anymore solutions before I ask for the poll to be put up?

#25:  Author: ShogunLocation: In your nightmares, feeding on your fears. PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:35 pm
Nothing from me. You should go ahead and put up the poll.

#26:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:16 am
Well it could have been a recon job and the thug, now having ascertained the limits of Michael's physical abilities, and the length of the leash on his killing rage, might just skip off into the night to report back to his master.

That different enough for a choice Fenny?

#27:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:57 pm
Poll is up.

#28:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:27 pm
All right, thanks. For all those unclear, the first option, Michael isn't going to kill Joseph, he's going to kill the thug.

#29:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:51 am
I still say that Michael should kill the thug..... *votes* heh heh heh!

#30:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:58 am
It's stuck at a tie and I need someone to break it...

#31:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:48 pm
*sound of a shattering poll*

#32:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:46 pm
Flowers for your Funeral
by Fenris

Chapter One-Devil's Thing
Episode Three-Part 1/2-Burning Man

Uncertainty plagued me as I looked over my friend's shoulder at the still body of the mugger. He was laying innocently on the grass, mouth open a little and welts forming all over. His eyes were close but something didn't seem to be right.

"Alright, I won't kill him," I muttered as I pushed Joseph's hand away.

"You swear?" Joseph glared at me, making me confirm the swear.

"Yes, I swear on blood and bones," I said sulkily. "Just let me check the body." Joseph stared at me suspiciously and I rolled my eyes as I pushed past him.

The grass bent underneath my feet as I traversed forward and bent down low over the body, examining the man's face with a frown. I held his ID in my hand as I checked back to each.

Larry Deltmore. Age 27. 4098 Forewood Drive.

"What do we do?" asked Joseph from behind me. He was checking the rest of the men, knocking out those who were still conscious. I heard several whaps!!! and checked behind me to see if it was Joseph doing the whacking or it was him being hit. It was Joseph.

"We'll leave him here," I told him, "Then we'll call the police to tell them that we found some bodies here."

I looked down once to check if the man was still unconscious. He wasn't. His eyes stared at me milky white and blazing with some sort of light. His head rolled to the side in amusement as I stared at him in shock.

SHIT! I jumped back onto my feet, but not before he landed a solid blow on my chest which sent me flying backwards. I hit the nearest tree, breaking the branches and cracking the wood as the wind rushed out of me on an express train.

"Michael!" Joseph leaped forward bringing out a silver Hunter knife while in action. The man rushed to meet him at inhuman speed, his figure a blur as he crashed into my friend, knocking him over into the dirt and sending the blade flying to embed itself in a tree trunk.

Mud squelched in nasty sounds as I struggled up, my boots clinging to the dirty brown much that had been my temporary resting place.

My fellow Hunter traded blows with the demon, ducking and weaving like he had been taught. His fists again and again hammered into the demon but it went unfazed.

Joseph spat blood as he took another punch from the supernatural thug and fell to the grass with another swing.

The knife gleamed in my hands as I picked it up from the dirt where I had dropped it and raced at the thing. A whistling sound reached my ears as I slashed at the supernatural thug, seeing the silvery aura line that the tip of the blade made as it cut through the air.

Flesh hissed as the knife sliced through it, burning the nerves and meat and making it spit blood in a repulsive gesture. The man screeched, an unearthly sound and his dull white eyes become pearl white, blazing with intensity.

I could see the peeking heads of fangs as they showed from the bottom of his upper lip and the forked tongue that flicked out for an instant. A demon.

Once again, the breath that I had so desperately gasped to retrieve back at the mud rushed out of me while waving their train tickets in a wheezing sound. I was lifted off my feet and thrown into the grass in a dazed and pained heap.

The demon in a human shell stared down at me with a twisted smile, reflecting his pride and triumphant smugness. He had won, or so he thought. There were energies swirling all around me, I could feel them.

Wind, fire, water, earth and all the energies that branched from them. Wind was the heaviest as well as earth, the announced their voluminous presence with auras and throbbing.

Just pull at them, beckon them, command the, gather them. I bent my will and urged the earth to form into one single mass of my control.

I centered on the demon as I began forming the magic Sight that I wanted. I wanted a spike of earth, stone solid and sharper then a diamonds edge to impale the sucker.

Magic was forming and energies were throbbing like sore wounds. The demon sure noticed it. I imagined his eyes were narrowing and his fists clenched as he looked around, thinking me and Joseph unconscious.

It was ready and I prepared to unleash it. 'Permissum orbis terrarum spike quod labefactum!' It was Latin, the language of magic for elementalists like me. It roughly translated as "Let the earth spike and impale!"

I would have preferred to use Joseph's type of magic, actually using the energies of magic as a weapon instead of commanding them to guide through the elements, but I had to do with what I had.

The demon realized it was coming from me, but it was too late. A huge slab of earth shot out of the grand like a .50 caliber bullet.

It was craggy and jut-like around the mass but the point was brilliantly sharp as well as the jutting edges. Magic coated the spike of stone and minerals like a jacket, something that would allow it to banish the demon.

A sick sound traveled through the air. The sound of skin being torn open in a painful and grotesque way. The sound of organs being pushed and ripped aside out of their place and the sound of a spine being severed in two and spilled out the other end.

Blood sprayed in the air like a small spring of water, except less filling. The demon snarled as his eyes widened bigger then they already were as the magic began to ebb away at him, tearing his life force and the power that was sustaining him to be held on this plane.

The demon was gasping dramatically, scrabbling at the spike of earth desperately, blood dripping from his lips in a seemingly never ending rush. Then he stopped and lay quiet as his head went limp. Was he dead? I wasn't sure, never trust a demon. Ever.

Joseph picked himself up off the floor and wiped the spot of blood from his chin. He spat onto the grass, staining the pleasant green with a scarlet red.

"Did you get him?" He walked towards me. He paused then went back to the tree trunk where his blade had buried itself.

"I don't know." It was truth. I didn't know if I had banished it, even so, I was in trouble. When a demon leaves its human vessel, which is usually just a makeshift one that had never existed before, it doesn't lay down and die.

If it had enough energy left, it could still wreak havoc in its Never form or it could be dragged back into the pits and circles of Hell.

The problem was that the body, the vessel, remained as it was, though a bit worse for wear depending what you did to it. I had just spilled its organs all over the grass by shoving a large spike made out of stone and minerals through its torso.

Explaining that to the normal authorities would be hard. I would like a complete psych if I began babbling on abut a demon that had used an empty vessel of flesh

Which is why Hunter always took Jobs. They were prepared and they had the weapons and accessories necessary to get rid of all the problems. The stupid thing about earth magic is that should couldn't reshape it back to what it once was.

Say you made a huge rift in the ground, you couldn't use magic to pull it back together completely and seal all the small cracks and the evidence you even did that.

It takes much more effort to redo what you did using earth magic. There would still be evidence that you made a huge crack in the ground along with still gaping holes. The magic it would take to even draw the sides close together again would be enormous.

So, the only choice was to burn the body and leave some geologist to wonder how in God's name that a huge spike had jutted out of the low rising hill of a park.

"We gotta burn the the body," I said loudly after five minutes of watching a empty vessel rot. "It's already beginning to stink. These things decay fast."

Joseph nodded and straightened his jacket. "I'll do it. I think we should use regular flames though. Hunters aren't even supposed to be using this type of magic."

"True," I agreed. "Light it up then put it out quickly when the ashes start to blow away. We'll have to get out of here quick. Maybe one of those freaks at the Library can help us."

"It's not there anymore."

I glanced to the side and to my surprise, saw a row of trees and a sidewalk and no floating manor above it. Cursing silently, I strode over to the smelling body of the demon and poked it with my knife. It didn't slice at me, it didn't move.

"Hmmm....," I wondered. "Alright, Jo. Do it and I'll get the car ready. It's," I checked my watch. "2:18, we got to go."

My partner grunted. "Screw this. I'm using a little urging."

He raised his hand over the body and began muttering in a senseless tone. It wasn't Latin, it was some sort of weird language I had never bothered to look into. I was never the studious type. Embers began to appear on the vessel then a huge pillar of flame burst out, all consuming the body.

I stumbled back, yelling in anger as heat assaulted my face. I spotted Joseph grinning behind the flames, amused. He had never been the one for physical challenges, but it when it came to the Arts. Wooh.

Then the body, completely ablaze, wrenched itself off the spike and landed on the grass on its knees. Then it stood up strongly, as if a huge pillar of flame wasn't eating it to the bone. But in fact it wasn't.

Suddenly, the fire went out. On the pillar and on the demon. It was completely naked and the disgusting sight of organs hanging out of a ruined torso didn't greet me. No, just a figure coated in hard scabby like black skin.

The result of the fire. Red lines formed rivers through the body, glowing like hot magma and the eyes burned red while a hole of a mouth almost seemed to smile at me.

Flames still flicked on and off, especially near the shoulder blades, as if the demon desired to make wings out of the dancing fire. "Really now. I'm not some lesser demon. I was born in fire. I'm disappointed in you Michael. We had such HIGH hopes for you. Maybe you can still serve your purpose. The Burning Man has been looking, watching, hating you Hunters."

I muttered a four lettered word that rhymed with duck.

#33:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:59 pm
Ooh, burny!

What's the DP though?

#34:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:11 pm
Jus part 1 Chin. I'm studying the Key of Solomon and getting some demon names for the story. Very Happy Thanks for reading it!

#35:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:12 pm
Told y'alls he was a demon! Nyah! *sticks tongue out* like I said before, should have just killed him and been done with it.

Anyhoot, great chappy, Fenris. Can't wait for more! But the thing where Joseph was supposed to be able to sense them, why didn't he sense this one? Is it cause it was using a human body as a vessel?

#36:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:13 pm
Fenris wrote:
Jus part 1 Chin. I'm studying the Key of Solomon and getting some demon names for the story. Very Happy Thanks for reading it!

Kool daddy-o.

#37:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:16 pm
    — shizzle.

lol, yay! We have a second page on the hand! Still researching, though the demon Vassago pop up with his crocodile and hollow eyes.

#38:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:53 pm
And you all thought I had forgotten about this. Vassago couldn't make it this chapter, saving him for later.

Flowers for your Funeral
by Fenris

Chapter One
Episode Three-Part 2/2-Burning Man

"Really now. I'm not some lesser demon. I was born in fire. I'm disappointed in you Michael. We had such HIGH hopes for you. Maybe you can still serve your purpose. The Burning Man has been looking, watching, hating you Hunters."

I was speechless so I did what any speechless Hunter would do. I whipped out Fallen and blew a hole in the demon’s chest. It flew back as it literally laughed at my face. The grass hissed and went up in small flames as the body landed on the tufts of green. The magma cracks glowed like a lava lamp in a cave and heat radiated from the body like a furnace.

“It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes,” hummed the demon as it stood up, brushing the ash and sparks off its chest. The double barreled short-hand shotgun dangled uselessly by my side.

This was a higher up demon, I needed some real weapons and the fact that the Burning Man was watching me made me want to curl up in a ball and cry.

The Burning Man was a demon, a duke of the Southern and Northern regions of Hell. Now that’s saying something, especially when you control 75 legions of the nastiest creatures of the pits around.

The demonic duke was literally, a burning man. His whole body was on fire, red hands reaching upwards as the radiated from his body. They say he wings of deepest black scoured by flames and no mouth only tiny ugly slits and his eyes made Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare look like Grandma’s greeting twinkle. Not something you wanted to mess with.

He was more than a demon, he was almost a god.

There was a cocking sound and I looked across from me, behind the pillar. Four shots rang out like distant echoes and the demon’s body jerked forward while it’s back arched into a “U” shape. It hissed and spun around to face Joseph. “You mortals never learn!”

Wind buffeted my face as if a lady had slapped me and I heard a yelp of pain. Joseph! The shotgun came into action once again, leaping into its role as the taker of life and/or limbs. It kicked once as I squeezed off the last shot and smoke poured from the barrel right after the tongue of flame.

Knocked off mid stride, the vessel twitched and the demon inside hissed something in another tongue. Joseph cursed and waved his hands and another pillar of fire engulfed the stumbling demon. “Joseph! No, don’t make it stronger,” I screamed. I broke the gun open and flicked out the two empty shells and stuffed in two others.

The flaming body leaped out of the huge furnace and grabbed Joseph by the hair. He screamed as his hair caught on fire on the left side. Hot hands grabbed his face and the crying of flesh reached my ears. Joseph slid out his blade and stabbed it deep into the shoulder but the fallen angel just gave a smile and squeezed tighter. My friend stabbed again and again and red and black blood oozed out of the gathering wounds.

It took a step back as I blew another hole in its side. It waved its hand and something hard hit me in the gut. I gasped and dropped the gun as I was tossed to the side like a toy. My shoulder snapped when I hit the ground. The pain was dizzying. “Why he wants you alive, I don’t know,” hissed the abomination.

He threw Joseph to the side and made his way towards me. The grass sizzled and slowly died as hit feet came in contact with it. He reached me and bent over, bringing his face close to mine. The heat was unbearable.

“Hunters are interesting creatures. It’s fun to watch them stoop down to the things they hunt. The atrocities they commit.” He tutted and examined his non-existent fingernails. “Here’s the deal.”

Before he could finish, I slammed the handle of Fallen right into his left eye. There was a pop of sparks and his right eye blinked once. Steaming hands slowly tightening on my left bicep and burnt away the flesh and I gritted my teeth in pain. I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. He ripped off my arm is the best way to put it.

Bone tore from bone, flesh ripped from flesh and veins sloshed blood outwards as most of my arm came off with a jerk. Pain ravaged my body, washing over me like a giant wave of hurt. My head exploded in a shower of sparks and dizziness and I coughed up red. The demon laughed and set the bleeding limb down beside me.

“Pay attention, filth.” He bent close and softly breathed into my face, giving me first degree burns from the nose down. “You will live and your friend will die. Now then, take this.” He reached behind his back and pulled out a small pentacle hanging on a chain.

It throbbed red and blue at the same time and its powerful aura made me blink several times. It dulled the pain and then completely deadened it as if I didn’t have a stump of an arm pumping deep pools of red on the grass.

“We have work for you to do, Hunter, much work. Continue about your work as best as you can, shouldn’t be hard. You’ll have to cover up all that pain you’re feeling inside and all that corny shit. But there will come a time when you’ll have to come to the Gates and we’ll all be there waiting to give you a special greeting and a little guidance.”

“Why?” I whispered. It was the question that seemed best and the demon smiled at it thoughtfully.

“Because we’re complete bastards and we have a small plan that will do big things.” He laughed and fire spewed out of the hole called a mouth. “Bye now, Michael. You might need this arm.” He waved it in front of me like a bat and tapped my forehead with my own dead fingers. “Guess I’ll reattach this, then, I’ll go drag Joseph there into a dark hole at rip off his balls, after I eat his heart of course.”

“Have a strange obsession with someone’s sac?” This would be an insult to most people, but to a demon, it was an actual question.

“Just his,” it answered. “Now, this might hurt.” Pain punched a hole through me and knocked me out cold.


Ever been chained to a chair by your friends and have several bats hit you in the ribs repeatedly? If you have, seek some new friends, if not, you’re lucky. Hurts like hell. Pain had become a constant friend to me, greeting me and waving hello every time I saw the brown blur of the wooden bats.

Light blinded me as my head was forced upward and into the glowing bulb. I tried to squint but it hurt too much, being blinded seemed the better option. The large hand that grasped my head was caked in my blood, opening old wounds and making new bruises.

“What did you do with him,” hissed a voice from above me. My mouth opened but no words came out. I was too tired so I just let it stay open, gaping at the light to one side and gawking at the darkness on the other. “Well?”

“He won’t talk,” muttered another voice, this one deep and bass like. “We should kill this scum.”

I wouldn’t like that very much. I mumbled something in desperation but it came out in more of a gurgle of spit and blood. Darn it! I tried again and red dribbled down my cheek in a small stream and pain blossomed in my jaw and head. My fingers clenched the knobs of wood of the arms of the wooden chair and my eyes dried up like raisins.

“Get that damn light out of his eyes and make him blink!” ordered the voice. At least someone cared whether I was healthy. “Then hit him some more.” Never mind.

Another rough hand grabbed my head and forced it down and my vision was blinded once again from the sudden disappearance of light. Two thick fingers grabbed my eyelids and closed them shut. Sleep beckoned me but I ignored it. “Talk, Michael. Where is Joseph?”

Words formed in my mouth and it took an almighty effort to speak them, even then they came out jumbled. “Balls ripped…off…demon…fire…Burning Man.”

“Mother fu-!” growled one of them behind me. A blow rattled my skull and my head whipped to the side. If they weren’t careful, they could break something. “Wait, you idiot! Did you hear what he had said?”

“Come on now, Roland. You don’t actually believe this crap this scumbag is spitting out! Burning Man? That demon lord hasn’t poked his head up in hundreds of years! He’s just trying to save his hide.”

Roland mumbled and I heard the click clacking of boots. My head was already dipped down and all I could see was the dark stone floor and a pair of ugly feet wearing wooden sandals. Interesting fashion choice, it clashed badly with the floor.

“You’re right…a sad story, but still something worth considering. Continue with this interrogation.”

You’ve got to be kidding.

“Believe me,” I hissed and spat blood on the floor, barely missing the toes. The foot lifted away from the blood splatter and took a step back. “We do, yet we do not. We’ll look into the Burning Man but you’re in deep crap, Michael. The slaying of a Hunter is unforgivable.”

“I didn’t kill him.” I lifted my head slowly but the man’s face was indistinguishable. “The demon took him.”

“You’re saying that the Burning Man took Joseph?” His voice was full of skeptic criticism.

“No,” I hissed. “A lackey, a powerful one.”

“Lies,” hissed a voice behind me.

“Truth,” I muttered and another hand back fisted me. There went another tooth. There was no way I could convince these idiots that the Burning Man had sent a demon after me and Joseph. If I was correct, these were Jointers, the “interrogators” for Hunters. Idiots like these wouldn’t believe me, they were to close minded. Old ways still seemed to exist in their brains.

#39:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:01 pm
hasn't Michael taken enough beatings for one day? Damn, is the only I have to say. DAMN! And what's the DP? How to get these people to believe him? And is Joesph truly dead? OR is there some chance of him being alive? That might be some good bait to get Michael to do what the demons want him to do...

Just some of my random thoughts! Cool

#40:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:53 am
If you have, seek some new friends,

Ha! Great line!

Great chapter infact Fenris! Liked it a lot. Very Happy A few areas could do with a little touching up, but generally very good.

DP? I assume it is what to say. I say try sticking to his story until they knock him unconcious. But them I'm a nasty ba... Shocked

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