Wanderer - chap 4 - Revelations now up
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#1: Wanderer - chap 4 - Revelations now up Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:44 pm

Haunted, pacing. An endless surging tide of emotion that batters upon her, draining the strength from her limbs. Never ceasing, unrelenting. Driving her forward, ever forward towards the culmination of every moment before this.

There is no surcease from the demented cries of ghosts long passed. No repenting, no forgiveness, no going back. One foot in front of the other. Ever onward.

Silent witness to her journey is the single crumbling tower that holds her acquiescent hostage. As she circles (ever onward - oh for sweet release!) she murmurs to herself and swats at invisible foes with a blade long rusted.

The heat in the tower is unbearable. For those that enter the room at the base of the tower, daring to mount the staircase, the heat becomes a wall pushing them back. Her pacing echoes down the spiralling stairs to the lower room, its only occupants a single chair and a pack long neglected, covered in the dust of time past.

The jugs of water and loaves of bread, put in the lower room as offering from the nearby villagers, are the only respite she has from the torment. Mere moments, taken as if in a dream, when she knows her surroundings once again are spent drinking the cool and pure water.

On and on. She marches towards an ever-shifting destination. Finally her steps slow down and at last she pauses, coming to herself she walks to the bottom of the tower.

The staircase of shifting stones an extra torment to muscles already heavily burdened. Up ending the jug she slakes her thirst. Catching her reflection in the water she notices her hair is longer now then it had been the last time she paused. Her eyes are weary and the corners of her mouth turn slightly down as if in perpetual frown.

Removing her bandanna she soaks it in the cool water and wipes the dust from her face. The bread crumbles easily in her hands and as she eats she realises that these are the hands of a stranger. No longer do these hands bear delicate pink fingers, these are the leather brown hands of a battle weary soldier. Callused, stained and no longer her own. Massaging her thighs, shifting in her seat, briefly she rests. As she is tying her hair out of her eyes, her legs begin to cramp and she takes to her feet once more, eyes glazing over her first steps falter. Only minutes have passed since last she moved forward on her path.

One foot then the other. Step. Step. Step.

Strengthening now she marches quicker in ever widening circles. Catching sight out of the corner of her eyes she shifts to a smooth jog. Her invisible foes taking flight before her and soon the floor is slippery, slick with blood. The tangy odour of magic done permeates the walls of the tower and the sheep in the green field below shift away from the tower.

*** *** *** ***

chap 1. Rumors

Hector had ridden hard all day. His thighs chaffed as he slid from the saddle and walked into the tavern. The sign hanging from the door said ‘Boar Inn’ and Hector hoped it wasn’t true. After weeks on the road the thought of people excited him.

Ahh, a few ales and a hearty meal. What wayfaring traveller could ask for more?

As he entered the Inn there was none of the pause that the arrival of a stranger normally brings upon his entrance. The hubbub of the patrons seemed to get louder if anything. A man dressed in the clothes of a farmer lent drunkenly against a wall was engaged in haranguing the barmaid, slurring his speech and laughing lustily. Three big brawny lads were engaged in a game involving dice and wagers and in general the in seemed full of revellers.

Taking his place at the bar he quickly downed his ale and ordered a trencher of stew.

“What brings you through here then, son?” Thumping down the stew, the crusty old barmen grinned toothily as he asked. “You with one of them Merchant Vans? Oh ho, no that’s not it Gilver, a strapping young man like this would be a soldier, eh?”

Hector paused in his eating and looked back over his shoulder. Unsuccessful in searching for the allusive Gilver he turned back to the barmen. Assuming the barkeep was talking to himself he replied as best he could.

"No one. I'm no one and I’m headed nowhere that matters. Just passing through." He quickly turned the subject to other topics. "So what's the news around these parts? Anything I should know about?"

Usually this got the locals chatting for hours and he could immerse himself in their stories and forget himself for a while. However he found that this was the comment that made the Boar Inn go quiet.

"Listen here son, I am not sure what you are trying to say but we's simple folk who have simple needs. We won't have any of Your kind around here, trying to interfere with what they don't know that’s for sure!" The barmen snarled.

Hector felt the weight of the patrons' stares on his back. This situation could quickly go sour with a wrong word or two. He hastily shrank down in his seat, making himself as unassuming and non-threatening as possible, he was glad he had left his long sword with his pack. He resisted the temptation to flick out his knives from their wrist sheaves and placed both of his hands flat on the table in front of him.

“I meant no harm, I merely wished to hear tales of the world for a while. I have long been alone on the road.”

The speed with which the volume rose once again was almost more intimidating than the oppressive silence from moments before. The innkeeper walked over from his place by the fire and settled beside Hector. Moments before he launched into his oratory on the district Hector caught a few whispered words from the background noise. Taking another ale he settled back to listen and filed those fleeting words away for later.

The next morning saw Hector riding east out of town with a bag of foodstuffs and a flagon of the Inn’s best wine. He also had firm instruction to come back again any time soon.

His mind soon turned to the voices he had heard at the Inn the night before. The words seemed strangely compelling to him and he was unsure as to why. They meant so little to him when he thought on them but he knew that he must investigate their origin more thouroughly.

A fluting female voice had quickly blurted to her companion that ‘The Woodsman calls for all who desire to see change come about.’ and a scuffling of movement followed during which Hector heard only the words ‘... to the glen of Del Firnin it is...’. He had only heard very vague references to the Woodsman in all his travels yet he had ridden through Del Firnin on many occasions and knew it to be a barren wasteland. His curiosity was well piqued and he was tempted to make his way there and solve this little mystery.

He dug his heels into his horses flank and urged her to head west, he would skirt the village and continue on, surely it would look suspicious him riding back through again. As they crested the rise he saw from the corner of his eye a high outcrop and sitting at its peak were the ruins of a castle of some sort.

Although it was some miles away he could feel the pull of it. Some type of story must once have been played out there, he thought to himself, should I delay my journey and abate my curiosity?

Last edited by NeverNeverGirl on Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:51 pm; edited 10 times in total

#2:  Author: ChinarenLocation: https://www.NeilHartleyBooks.com PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:10 am
Huzzah! Nice opening chapter there Nene! Full of mystery and intrigue oh yes.

A couple of typos here and there, but nothing major. Not sure about the change in tense halfway through, though I do prefer the past to the present in my readings.

Not much time to comment now, so I'll just say..

Abate! (His curiosity!)
Very Happy

#3:  Author: MephistophelesLocation: Not where I want to be. PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:36 am
Cool intro! Check out the castle. might be a while before he gets back in these parts. And maybe the pull that draws him towards it will be satiated by another adventurer and he will forget all about it should his travels return him to the village.

#4:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:16 am
Del Firninn!

Good writing! I hope to see more... Smile

#5:  Author: AceoSpades PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:56 pm
I love it... on to Del Fernin, by the time he gets there what's going on may be over with already if he doesn't keep moving.

#6: Poll?? Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:21 pm
so i guess the poll is straightforward then? To Del Firnnin or to the Tower..

#7:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:02 am
What happened to Nene? If you're still about, just edit your first post, to add the poll options...

Very Happy

#8:  Author: ChinarenLocation: https://www.NeilHartleyBooks.com PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:10 am
She may have fallen by the wayside. The last time she logged on was 26th of June.

Sometimes promising newbies come but don't stay. Sad I hope she returns.

#9:  Author: Player of FatesLocation: Darkness PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:53 pm
She'd better, I was just getting interested.

#10:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:04 pm
chinaren wrote:
She may have fallen by the wayside. The last time she logged on was 26th of June.

Sometimes promising newbies come but don't stay. Sad I hope she returns.

Well, her last post was on the 27th of June for most of the world.

#11:  Author: Harper PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:28 pm
Abate, abate!

...if you come back...

#12:  Author: ChinarenLocation: https://www.NeilHartleyBooks.com PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:55 pm
lordofthenight wrote:
chinaren wrote:
She may have fallen by the wayside. The last time she logged on was 26th of June.

Sometimes promising newbies come but don't stay. Sad I hope she returns.

Well, her last post was on the 27th of June for most of the world.

well, these are the records for the admin dooda for her.

Username: Email: Posts: Level: Active: Joined Last Visit:
NeverNeverGirl hotmail.com 29 User Yes 06/18/2007 06/26/2007

#13:  Author: Harper PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:29 pm

Are you supposed to post admin records?

#14:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:48 pm

sorry i had a terrible month of continous houseguests and have only just started to get back into my old routines.. oh FFS! there goes the doorbell - back shortly to add poll!

(thanks for all the positive vibes!) Laughing

#15:  Author: Harper PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:44 pm
Eek! Poll!

First vote, heck yes!

#16:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:47 pm
okay, so the poll went slightly nutso... just use the first options of each option? oops - you know what i mean.. Shocked

#17:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:58 pm
Yay! Welcome back... Very Happy

#18:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:50 pm
Welcome back, NeNe! Glad you decided to stay .. and unwanted houseguests are easy. Just give them a kick in the ass and say, "AND STAY OUT!" *giggles* lol. Laughing

Kill him already and be done with it, I say!

#19:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:54 pm
Lilith wrote:
Welcome back, NeNe! Glad you decided to stay .. and unwanted houseguests are easy. Just give them a kick in the ass and say, "AND STAY OUT!" *giggles* lol. Laughing

Kill him already and be done with it, I say!

the house guest or poor hector?

#20:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:09 pm
to del firnin it is.. the woodsmen awaits...

#21:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:58 pm
I missed the polll *looks disappointed* Ah well...*sits down to wait for the next chapter*

#22:  Author: Harper PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:19 pm
Onward to Del Firninn?

Last edited by Harper on Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

#23: chap 2 Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:12 pm
Chapter 2. A twisted fate

Pulling his horse into the shadows of a tree Hector dismounted. Reaching into his saddlebag he pulled out a small leather pouch. Carefully opening it he took out the Alister Gem that he had been given many years ago by his mentor, Stone.

Cradling the purple and green stone in his hands he stared at it, concentrating on its depths. It weighed cool and heavy in his hands, this gem the size of an apple, its translucent colours plumbing to endless depths. The two shades it was made up with swirled around each other in a riot of colour, pieces caught the light and turned its dark mysterious depths to life. Shining with an inner beauty that made Hectors throat catch every time he saw it, the Alister Gem was his most prized possession.

Crouching down low Hector summoned the stillness from within himself that was necessary to call forth the stones power.

“He who is shall ever be,
He who isn’t shall return once more,
I summon thee to my aid,
to guide this wanderer ever onwards..”

Gently he laid his lips to the stone. As his flesh touched the cool smooth surface it seemed to draw the heat from his lips into the stone itself. He could feel it reaching, searching pulling him down until it was all he could do to not lose himself in its depths.

Laying his cheek against it, almost reverentially, Hector could hear the whispers that heralded the answers he had sought in the gem. Ever before the gem had chosen the answer that abated his need and he waited peacefully for it to urge him onwards to the tower on the hill. Hectors eyes began to close and he felt his body started to sway rhythmically to the beat of a drum that seemed to rise from the depths of the Alister Gem.

A child’s haunting lullaby rang softly through his ears in a voice that had seen more sorrow than happiness. It made his heart break to hear it, he could feel his body physically ache with the need to comfort such raw emotion. Not yet making out the words Hector strained to catch the echoes but as if in a dream, over which he had no control, he found himself hearing other voices instead.

A mothers gentle hushing as she nursed a crying child, the yell of a farmer as he tilled his fields, the bustle of a market places, the ringing of a forge... he fought against these rising sounds trying desperately to find the child’s song again. Just as he thought he had started to pick upon the soft whispering that had made him react so, he was instead overwhelmed by a loud and boisterous voice that chilled him to his core capturing his heart in icy hands.

“A child such as this can only be used for one thing...” a mans voice rang out menacingly, “that gentle song would soothe the temper of Mallory himself. It’s the Woodsmen of Del Firnin for you little one!”

“NO!” Hectors own cry brought him back to his senses. He found himself curled up in a foetal position with his arms wrapped tightly around his legs it almost pained him to unwind himself. He had to force himself to sit and breathe gently his relaxed outer appearance a deception hiding the flood of turmoil and fear that flooded his thoughts.

He shook his head and tried to think clearly, quelling the desire to mount and ride with all haste to Del Fernin. Mallory, he struggled to place the name, why would that name chill my heart so? He thought. Why do I assume the child is in such danger, the fear of his memory clung to him like a blanket, nothing the man said should have caused such a reaction in me.

Trusting his feelings and the voice of the Alister Stone Hector knew he could not take any chances, regardless of what he found when he got there it was more than obvious this was the path he must choose. Quickly stowing the Gem and mounting back up onto his horse he cast a longing glance East towards the tower. As he turned his head back toward the west he thought that perhaps for a moment, out of the corner of his eye, that he had seen a spirit wraith ascend through the sky and the glint of steel could be seen in the tower window.

Chiding himself for having such an imagination Hector spurred Maestro onwards.

“Come my friend, let us see what we can find!”


Nearing his destination Hector pulled Maestro off the track that would lead to vale of Del Firnin and eased their way into the trees beside it thus avoiding meeting anyone that he perhaps didn’t want to. Venturing further into the woods Hector edged forward carefully. At the sound of branches cracking Hecotr Dismounted quickly urging Maestro onwards. The undergrowth pulling roughly at his clothing and scuffling noises echoing through the space, reminded him that there was more to fear from the woods then just being spotted by a human foe.

Quietly walking forwards Hector was just ruminating the fate of his favourite pants when he heard a sound he hadn’t expected to hear.

A tuneless whistling, tinny and flat came to his ears through the trunks of the trees, pushing his way through the branches he paused.

“Hi ho there stranger.” A voice came cheery and light.

who is in the clearing? What/who has Hector stumbled across? An old comrade? A foe? Or...

#24:  Author: Player of FatesLocation: Darkness PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:33 pm
An old foe. We need some action and a cool but bastard rival for our hero to fight against off and on in other chapters.

I vote for a tall lanky man bearing a rapier with an evil glint in his red eyes. Could be a girl too, a temptress who is in love with Hector and hates him beyond anything else also. So, uh...foe.


Maybe some mysterious magi or wizard that wants to offer some words of wisdom and maybe a valuable tool or weapon. The crazy hat with stars and moons is a much needed thing.

#25:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:52 pm
How about an encounter with Mallory? Whoever that is...

#26:  Author: ChinarenLocation: https://www.NeilHartleyBooks.com PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:18 pm
Hot chick! Hot chick!

#27:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:48 pm
chinaren wrote:
Hot chick! Hot chick!

Ren, you are soooo being a guy right now.. though i have to admit that was one line i was thinking but maybe not how you were ...

#28:  Author: ChinarenLocation: https://www.NeilHartleyBooks.com PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:33 pm
Well, I do have my lack of reputation to think of.

#29:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:26 pm
well let me just say that i have noticed your lack of reputation does you fair justice Razz

#30:  Author: Head EaterLocation: Hovering above your sssssskull PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:01 am
Thissss sstorygame isss acceptable to me. Enssure it ssstays so...

Away to Fantasssy Foressst with you!

#31:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:47 am
Head Eater wrote:
Thissss sstorygame isss acceptable to me. Enssure it ssstays so...

Away to Fantasssy Foressst with you!


My first 'real' story! YAYAYYYYYYY

everybody dance with me now.. Clapping

#32:  Author: ChinarenLocation: https://www.NeilHartleyBooks.com PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:12 am
Well done NeNe! The Head Eater is always right. Except for that one time down by the river of course, but aint no one never speaks of that no more... Shocked

#33: Re: chap 2 Author: Harper PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:07 am
NeverNeverGirl wrote:
...hiding the flood of turmoil and fear that flooded his thoughts.

Mayhap there's a better way of phrasing that part?

Still, your SG's only getting more captivating.

DP: Perhaps someone who is (at least seemingly) benign. Action is great and all, but you can get that out of those wonderful li'l nasties that Hector has to worry about aside from a "human foe", and introducing someone whose end goal is veiled... Oh, you get the point.

Viva la StoryGame!

#34:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:51 am
Perhaps the female spoken of in the prologue, seeing as he's spotted a tower.

Or, if that is too quick on the plot and not a good option, maybe it could be someone associated with her - somebody related to her, perhaps.

#35:  Author: Harper PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:30 pm

Good one, Crunchy. I'd forgotten about that.

#36:  Author: Player of FatesLocation: Darkness PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:50 pm
Hmm, I do like Crunchy's idea...

#37:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:33 pm
okay - there were so many good options here for the poll that i couldnt decide which to use/not use... its in your hands ppl..

#38:  Author: ChinarenLocation: https://www.NeilHartleyBooks.com PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:33 pm
The polls done the old 'double' trick, so you may want to erase it and start again. However, it usually still counts the votes okay, so if you are okay with it looking messy, you can leave it...

#39:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:17 pm
Okay ppl please get voting as if you dont China gets his Hot Chick....

#40:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:33 pm
break my tie?? pulease.... Sad

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