Prologue - The Narrator
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City of IF -> Barry the Normal

#1: Prologue - The Narrator Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:39 am
okay so i know you are all like 'Ping Off NeNe have you no life?' but i have seiously fallen back into my reclusive writers habits.. Its all your fault so there!

I have been toying with this idea in some form or another for a while and could seriously use some help in getting it going.. Its kinda anti-fantasy humourish

The story is titled.. Barry the Normal..


Alandria, mystical city of the skies, home to fairies, elves, vampires, goblins and fools. Where the streets are fraught with danger and one can't help but stumble into adventure. Floating on a oversized fluffy white cloud, twisting glass spires cohabit with Gothic architecture, overly large trees are home to moonface men and cranky gnomes, the sky overhead is abuzz with magical flying rocking chairs, delorians, griffins and magnificent birds of gargantuan proportion. Narrow alleys with dead ends lead to other realms, marketplaces are filled with the tents of fortunetellers, mystics and magical wares salesmen plying their trade. Anything exotic, unusual or frighteningly unnecessary is available for sale.

The streets are crowed with people (perhaps life forms might be a more accurate term) of all shapes, sizes and species. All of the creatures we know from fantasy stroll casually along the sidewalk. Trolls, ogres, gipsies, elves, leprechauns, and honest politicians mingle freely. Mysterious strangers melt out of shadows to offer fantastic rewards for a 'mundane' task. Fantastic jewels adorn the bodies of perfectly sculpted; scantily clad women who float on the arms of muscular loin clothed Adonises.

Venture to the stalls and you shall see that the wares on offer defy belief and lighten your pockets. See here, talismans of good fortune, treasure maps and magic lamps. Here they have magic carpets, enchanted instruments and cloaks that turn the wearer into animal form.

Alandria, a city where the unexpected and mysterious happens on a daily basis, where stories unfold like flowers in the spring. Where the Waifs, sitting in gutters begging for alms, will one day find themselves apprenticed to sorcerers, the only get of a dying lineage or even maybe the bearer of some 'foretold' birthmark. Beware the old women in the dimly lit tents for they are truly the priestesses of gods, the members of triads of witches and the last queens of a race of magical beings. Be wary as your enter the tavern for in it resides the landlord who was once a Knight Errant roaming the land conquering mighty foes.

See here the gentlemen from foreign lands as he slips in and out of the shadows furtively on his way too...

"Oh for the love of g.. EXCUSE ME! How can I possibly carry this enchanted lamp home without dropping it if you INSIST on skulking in shadows and tripping me over!?!"

Bartrix, designee of the legacy. Son of Fortunous and Oblivia, directly descended from the lines of the god Heromus and the elven princess Usphinee.. Foretold of by the all seeing shaman Seealotta..

"Oh great, its You! Will there ever be a day that doesn’t start with an oratory from you? Do you think that just once I might walk down the street without having to listen to you prattle on about destiny?"

See how the light glints from his hair as if from spun gold. Note the birthmark shaped like a crown that adorns his right shoulder. This man with the features of a heavenly saint and the temper of the Holy Mother, he is the one..

“Yes, yes, bloody yes.. We all know okay.. Son of blah blah, destined for blah blah, see how he resembles nothing but a blah blah blah BORING! If I am going to have a life that makes a wonderful tale to sing by the fire could it please start later? Right now I am running late for an appointment with my new spiritual adviser!”

As we leave Bartrix we can rest well in the sound knowledge that another Hero will soon be guided to his destiny. As he throws his cape majestically over his....

“I said SHUT UP!”


There.. how does that grab you .. or not?

Last edited by NeverNeverGirl on Sun May 11, 2008 1:33 am; edited 13 times in total

#2:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:23 am
I like the cut of your jib Nene! I await more with interest. Very Happy

#3:  Author: AmichanLocation: RL:Roseboro, NC./ IF: Retuning from a long journey in the land of OFF PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:05 am
Not bad can't wait for more

#4: Can't wait for more Author: MephistophelesLocation: Not where I want to be. PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:11 pm
Thanks for adding a touch of laughter to my day! I love the sarcasm and cynicism that flows so freely through the work. Like the subject says, i can't wait to read more of this!

#5:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:10 am
Lovely piece of writing there! Can't wait for more, Nene!

#6:  Author: Serge WolfLocation: Texas PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:46 pm
Wow.^^ Just for an intro I already want to read more. This screams comedy/tradgey all at once.

City of IF -> Barry the Normal

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