The hard ones...
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City of IF -> Election Apr 08

#1: The hard ones... Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:30 pm
My questions are as follows:

1. Can you each please tell me why the voters should elect each of the other candidates?

To be clear Wax would tell us why we shoudl vote for Lilith, Crady, Dragonite, Lordy and Phang - not mentioning himself.

2. Why did you feel the need to put yourself up for election?

3. Can you ensure to us, the Voting public, that your conduct will at all times be professional and as a face of If portray the right impression? We all know how rowdy caht and other parts of IF can get...

4. What positive contributions have you made during your time in If and why do you think they are worth mentioning?

I would also like both wax and lily to expand on their answers to Smee (and have the others answer them), how will you manage the time needed to give to IFs running?

5 - what have you learnt from your time on IF?

6 - Do you really consider the population of If to be a critical issue in this Mayoral race?

It was bought up last election and if anything we sit at a stable level that enables us to remain a community as well as not get deluged with random posts and run our SGs with great reponse numbers.

As some of you who are councilors are well aware there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes (in chambers) of If...

our current discussions ALREADY include a new frontpage (final design concept being sorted out now) and this includes a more Newb friendly front page.

Lilith considering this seems to be one of your key goals and you should be aware of this (being a council member) what do you propose instead - if this is not to your liking/way of thinking.

7 - Some candidates have suggested we run If with a different style of government - can you please each tell me what you know of how IF is run now? And how you propose to better it (if this is your intention)? Also i want to know what you think is flawed about Ifian governance as it stands...

Eagerly awaiting your replies....

#2:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:40 pm
Bloody hell, glad I'm not running this time. Shocked Wink

#3:  Author: sir waxLocation: i come from outer space, to save the human race PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:43 pm
1. I would vote for each of the other candidates based on these qualities/merits:

Lilith - Eager to help. Is very friendly. Has good ideas as well as reliability in the admin side (from what i have seen). I believe the first person i met on if was her in the Inn. She gave me a nice welcome and offered to show me around.

Crady - She is very nice. Appreciates art as well as being an artist herself. Is very friendly as well.

Dragonite - ... *rubs the back of his neck* um... He definitely is a character.

Lordy - Experience and being a long time Ifian and i believe long time mod. Though i disagree with some of his tactics when trying to prove a point, he still has some sort of logic in why he would make that point.

Phang - She got the ill-wylde style that i like in a person. Does art. Does crazy. Does cool. Does it well. *slides caek mix over to Phang*

2. I chose to run after long deliberation, because i feel If needs a breath of fresh air. It seems, from what little i have seen, that If has been through various stages, some of which worked well, what i hope to do is bring forth the next stage in its development. For doing this, i can see where its going, because i already have an idea of where it has been and where it is currently.

3. Conducting myself professionally? Yes, but that's not going to change my personality. Some people get offended by my person, but not that many, i always meet people with the intent of welcoming them. I'll give you an example: Noni didn't like when we called her Ninka, even though we gave her that nick name with the utmost respect, nicknames are endearing. She still didn't like it, we teased her a little, but then we all stopped. Said we were sorry. Done deal. Friends again.

I always work to squash misunderstandings, why? Because i don't like them when people misunderstand me, i would feel the same for both parties involved. Understanding, at the very least, is key (ha, i just said 'key') for anything in life.

As for being a 'face' of If, i wouldn't run if i didn't have a good looking one. Wink I was thinking about putting up 'Che'-like poster everywhere with my 'stache on it. Smile Honestly though, the face that i show everyone here on If is the one i will be showing as a Mayor.

4.a. The positive contributions i have made to If have been being an active member, without spamming every section of If. My first post was on a storygame, commenting, second was to participate in a game called Dusk!, though i haven't seen much going on with that one. *chuckles* My hopefully best contribution to If is my critiques, i love to give them as in depth as i can to authors who will benefit most from them.

4.b. I would also like to expand on Smee's question as i was going to edit it, just like i will edit Traveller's question, but i seem to be busy with other questions at the moment. Laughing Right now, i will manage the time needed, however, it seems to me that the Mayor has too many responsibilities that they have to do all themselves. All the Mayors, except for one i believe, have not run for re-election after 6 months. Why is this? To me it is apparent they do too much of the leg work and not enough delegation. Being a director of films, i have seen great projects turned to shiz because the director had too much to do, and not enough time to focus on directing. I want to change the systematic responsibilities of the Mayor, so that the Mayor still has a hefty serving, but can also focus on making a difference in the City of If, and still oversee what they don't have to do. Progression is also... key.

5. I have learned a many great things here, too much to go into the extent of here. I will say that. The way people interact here is what i have come to cherish most of this place. I've learned a lot about different styles, ways, and role-playing that i didn't think was possible before finding this place.

6. I believe that population is a very important issue this race. This city is huge and some days it is a ghost town. This shouldn't be like this with all of our Ifian resources, ideas, stories, etc.

As i said in my opening statement, quality is great, however, there are many Ifians who have great SG's or Linear stories that get soooo neglected its sad. How are we to progress as writers or know what stories will tickle our fancy if no one reads them?

Bad users can easily be banned. But the quality ones that stay are worth those bans in my book. Smile

I agree with the council with the front page idea. Proposed, it makes sound sense as i was a bit confused on how to get around as a noobian.

7. If i would make any changes to our governance, it would be after i have seen it in action for a while from the inside. Make notes, and like my crits, let people know the flaws and what we can do to fix them together.

Hope that will suffice for now. Traveller and Smee, i'll get back to you, this one took it out of me till tomorrow. Smile i know you'll understand.


#4:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:58 pm
To me it is apparent they do too much of the leg work and not enough delegation

Ha, now you discover why I was able to cope. Delegation, that's the secret indeed. You can't outsource everything, but certainly the tax collection, treasury area and a few others I did. Why be the manager and still do all the work yourself? Laughing

As someone said before, quite a few things you've mentioned have already been tried, but it doesn't hurt to get a fresh perspective on things, and maybe try again!

Good answers there Mr. W.

I look forward to the other candidates responses. ~Pets his vote~

#5:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:58 am
Ha, now you discover why I was able to cope. Delegation, that's the secret indeed. You can't outsource everything, but certainly the tax collection, treasury area and a few others I did. Why be the manager and still do all the work yourself?

Nah, that's not why I didn't try and run for a second term.

I had the deligation in place. A certain Stoat took care of the tax collection, and other jobs were shared around.

There's no coincidence that my mayoral term ended in September and my Warcrack account appeared in October Wink

Looking forward to seeing some more answers....

#6:  Author: sir waxLocation: i come from outer space, to save the human race PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:38 am
Smee wrote:
There's no coincidence that my mayoral term ended in September and my Warcrack account appeared in October

I forgot to mention my drug-free task force and rehabilitation center... i'll get to that later. Smile


#7: Re: The hard ones... Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:04 am
1. Can you each please tell me why the voters should elect each of the other candidates?

They'll probably do a better job. Also, what a peculiar question...

2. Why did you feel the need to put yourself up for election?

I've been interested in taking a shot at election for a long time now...but I always found some excuse with which to procrastinate. This time, I said to myself "Phang, every time you say you've got some important school stuff coming up and you're on here just as much regardless. Your GCSEs are closer than ever but you're running! It'll make no difference either way. Also, put Champion of Destruction on 'cos it's an awesome tune."

So yeah. Monologue powers activate!

3. Can you ensure to us, the Voting public, that your conduct will at all times be professional and as a face of If portray the right impression? We all know how rowdy caht and other parts of IF can get...

And previous candidates have been the epitomy of seriousness, I know.

As it is, I'm a very grounded individual of IF who knows when to shut up with the 'oh we're all insane' protest-too-much whining. *kem hem!*

4. What positive contributions have you made during your time in If and why do you think they are worth mentioning?

Oh my...well this I'll admit - I'm a lurker. And kind of forgetful. I've no idea; I'll have to check my profile.

5 - what have you learnt from your time on IF?

A lot. I mean, sweet mother have I improved. I've practically grown up and learned with this site!

My, I still remember my first storygame...cringeworthy, were I into that sort of thing.

6 - Do you really consider the population of If to be a critical issue in this Mayoral race?

Depends what you mean...technically, we get a tit load of new people all the time. The two greatest mysteries of IF have always been - how to get them to post even bloody once, and how to keep old fogies like me on.

The latter is generally blamed on Warcrack. And concerning that subject - I really don't see the appeal.

7 - Some candidates have suggested we run If with a different style of government - can you please each tell me what you know of how IF is run now? And how you propose to better it (if this is your intention)? Also i want to know what you think is flawed about Ifian governance as it stands...

If it'll let me run - nothing! Keke.
No, from my point of view, I can see nothing wrong with IF's running. 'Tis very, very democratic 'n' all.

Btw - ding! Full fade-out!

#8:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:04 pm
And concerning that subject - I really don't see the appeal

You say this, but you are on record, on repeated occassions, saying kekek... directly from Warcrack, a translation of Horde language. Lol = Kek.

Btw - ding!

Ding is what everyone says in Warcrack when they level up to the next level.

Phang is secretly a Warcrack addict!! Shocked

#9:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:03 pm
Chinaren wrote:
Ha, now you discover why I was able to cope. Delegation, that's the secret indeed. You can't outsource everything, but certainly the tax collection, treasury area and a few others I did. Why be the manager and still do all the work yourself?

Wait - you had me doing all that stuff. *shakes fist* As for the questions...

1. Hmm...difficult question. I suppose the short answer would be – I wouldn’t. But as I somehow doubt that’s an option for the question, I’ll instead illuminate some of the top qualities the other candidates possess. Let me order of application...

Dragonite: Hmm...while Dragonite has only been a member of the City for a short while, he has already proven he is very...enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is clearly a benefit for the City.
Crossfire: Crossfire certainly doesn’t possess an underestimated view of his own grandeur. That is certainly important – he may well feel capable of making decisions without discussion, which can occasionally be vital.
Lilith: Lilith’s main advantage over the other candidates is her experience. She does hold the position of a councillor after all, and one might expect that would grant her a better insight as to how things work.
Christalnightshade: Another very enthusiastic member, her greatest quality is her excitability, and eagerness to meet new people.
Sir Wax: Ah – clearly my favourite candidate, and the one I would hope to take this election were I not running. Waxy is also a newcomer to IF, but though inexperienced, he has shown himself to have a good head on his shoulders, and comes out with good ideas.
Phang: The oldest candidate on the site, though sadly she hasn’t remained active consistently since joining. I haven’t really seen anything of her ideas for the City, but I sense she can be trusted to do her best.

2. Why did I run? That’s an interesting question. Foremost among my reasons is that I truly believe I am the best candidate for the job. I have the experience, I don’t get easily offended and I don’t let my emotions get the better of me. I can think on my feet, make the hard decisions, yet I am more than willing to listen to any suggestions that are made. Because of my experience, I have seen several of the other candidates make suggestions that have been already attempted on the site – this doesn’t mean we can’t try again, but I can ensure they do not fail the same way.

I did not simply jump into the ring however – first I discussed it with others that I believed could successfully carry out the position (and were likely to run), as well as previous Mayors, to ensure there would be at least one suitable candidate. After debating the matter, I was chosen to run, and so put myself forwards.

3. Undoubtedly. As I’ve already stated, I’m not ruled by my emotions – someone can say whatever they like to me, and it will not change the way I respond. I like to think I already conduct myself in a professional manner the majority of the time, and the only people that I occasionally ridicule I consider to be my friends.

I’ve been on IF a long time – can anyone remember a time where I’ve lost my temper in public? Regardless of how rowdy chat can be, I’m content to just sit there and talk things through. I know I’m a good listener – the number of IFians who have confessed deep dark secrets to me is staggering. I won’t mention any names (as long as they vote for me of course Razz), but they know who they are. Would they have done that if they didn’t feel they could trust me?

4. Well, during my time on IF I feel I’ve made several contributions to the site – just take a glance at my profile if you don’t believe me. While I’m by no means the greatest author on the site, or that one who writes the most, the few stories I have put up do receive a good reception. I have been awarded most awards possible, ranging from the IFy’s to the reigning Arena Champion.

As a council member I may not appear to comment particularly often, but my opinion is always heard, even if I state it through others. I would also like to draw attention to my post and fable count. The majority of my fables weren’t earned through my own stories, but via commenting on others, just proving how I’ve contributed.

As to the second half of the question, I’d like to post that directly in Smee’s thread, and avoid double posting. Take a look there soon.

5. My time on IF has been very enjoyable. I’ve progressed as an author, and made some great friends over the years. I’ve learned which storygames work best, and to an extent what doesn’t fit in with the style of the city.

6. This may seem strange, but no. While of course the population of IF is important, there is no reason at all it should be a deciding factor in the election. Hear me out. Without going into the debate of whether IF’s population should expand – as Ne pointed out, a larger population would dilute the community aspect of IF – but I’m just going to focus on the actual question here.

Most people seem to agree that IF’s population should rise. However, that is not exclusively the Mayor’s prerogative. It is the duty of the entire council, if not all members of IF, to try and increase the number of citizens – the Mayor’s role is not so much that of an innovator as a mediator. Any citizen can suggest methods of increasing population – in fact I invite you all to do so. If I am elected I’m not exactly going to disregard everything the other candidates have suggested – instead I will use their suggestions for the good of the City.

While an imaginative mayor is of course advantageous, a mayor who listens to the people, and takes the advice from the council is of far more importance.

7. As I see it, the only problem with IF’s government is the lack of activity. There are council members who never log on, and council positions that are frankly redundant. For the most part, the moderators of various forums do nothing – once a month sending out a tax reminder being pretty much the limit. I’d propose weeding out the council members who are inactive – no one who logged on regularly would be removed. There may be council members I disagree with, but I feel that is a necessary factor of government. There has to be an opposite viewpoint in every debate, otherwise it is nothing more than a sycophantic group huddle.

I would like to see promoted discussion on the issues at hand, perhaps with added input from the citizens of IF. Currently councillors are chosen solely by the mayor – I’d like to consider a way of having them (or at least having some of them) chosen by the people. The power lies in your hands after all. Even if that proves impossible to manage, I’d like to see council members taking suggestions from their citizens, and working together to improve their areas.

#10:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:45 pm
1. Can you each please tell me why the voters should elect each of the other candidates?

Lilith – Lil is keen on helping people and is very friendly. I agree with Wax that she has great ideas.

Crady – Yea, that's me… I love art, writing, helpful, is very hyper at times.

Dragonite - ... Dragonite has a great personality. When I first met him. He was kind.

Lordy – Umm…Nice. I only know him by his story writing. When I met him he was a mod already and I didn't have a clue to how hard that job was.

Phang – I completely agree with wax. She has a very unique style, has spunk and loves what she does.

Crossfire- he/ she is very discriptive in his/her own way. When I first met this ifain she was quite the genuis.

Sir wax- Even if I don't know him that long. I've learned that he's got talent and the talent increases.

2. Why did you feel the need to put yourself up for election?

I feel I've got the qualities for it. Serious at times, love to answer questions and the creativity to make changes.

3. Can you ensure to us, the Voting public, that your conduct will at all times be professional and as a face of If portray the right impression? We all know how rowdy chat and other parts of IF can get...

I know when not to talk and to listen. I'm more of a listener and I however am emotional about what people ask me sometimes. The rest of the time I'm down to earth.

4. What positive contributions have you made during your time in If and why do you think they are worth mentioning?

I've made a storygame made by Me, traveller and helped by Gallant and Dragonite. I've drawn Ifians to.

5 - what have you learnt from your time on IF?

That most people I meet get drunk. Most people are very kind and love writing. Even tough they don't stay on for a long time, that most will miss them.

6 - Do you really consider the population of If to be a critical issue in this Mayoral race?

No, there is enough Ifians in cityofif to vote, at least there isn't an age restriction... or is there...

7 - Some candidates have suggested we run If with a different style of government - can you please each tell me what you know of how IF is run now? And how you propose to better it (if this is your intention)? Also i want to know what you think is flawed about Ifian governance as it stands...

If is run by CF our soon to be old mayor. The style of government will be run with a democratic system (as I feel it always have been run like that), integrity and meritocracy. I'll change the link to a nice bold white to fit with the grey background of if.

#11:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:54 am
1. Can you each please tell me why the voters should elect each of the other candidates?

Sure, why not? At least I am fulfilling the prompt, no matter what my personal opinions are of the rest of the candidates. Best to do this in proper alphabetical order.

Crady: She's got spunk and she's been around IF for awhile as well. Artsy too. She has the people's passion. Wink

Crossfire: He's eloquent with his words.

Dragonite: Well, he can be funny sometimes.

Lordy: Meh, he has been on IF for 2 years and he's the treasurer. I guess you could say he has experience.

Phang: She's been here for 4 years nearly, if that's not experience, I don't know what is. Quite a funny lass to boot.

Wax: He's mature about things, always with a listening ear and he doesn't judge people. An ideal candidate I would say. Wink (Except for myself, of course, hehe )

2. Why did you feel the need to put yourself up for election?

At the time I put myself up for election, there was only one definite runner for the job and then there were maybes. Might as well make sure it's got at least one worthy candidate in it, right?

3. Can you ensure to us, the Voting public, that your conduct will at all times be professional and as a face of If portray the right impression? We all know how rowdy caht and other parts of IF can get...

Ahh.. this is the question that I am sure people are just hanging by a thread, waiting for this answer. Yes, my conduct will be held as professional at all times. This, rest assured, is something I can do, and do well. However, this being said.. when the sorting of things out is done for the day, I still know how to have fun.

I know that there is a specific time and place for business and one for play. I do know how to keep the two separate from one another, an ideal skill for someone in the election, if I may say so.

4. What positive contributions have you made during your time in If and why do you think they are worth mentioning?

I joined IF on Feburary 11th, 2007 and I was an active member right away. I read and critiqued storygames, as well as started my own. Shortly after becoming Fantasy Forest Mod on April 14th, 2007, I was added to ranks of the Head Eaters. I have been doing both of these jobs happily ever since. I believe that this shows not only my experience but my commitment to it as well.

Shortly after joining, I began to pull some RL people onto IF as well. And more recently, I have linked Mayhem Gaming to IF and that has brought us a few decent IFians too. This is a prime example of how I am promoting IF and attempting to make the member base grow. (More on this topic in Ne's other question.)

5 - what have you learnt from your time on IF?

Now that's a loaded question. Well I suppose I'll start off with that I learned quite a lot about myself in general, so IF has been a place of growth for me as a person. And then there's all of the lovely ideas and suggestions from SGs,.. showing me that there was more than one way to write a tale. I've also grown up in a sense since I came here... I actually read something just today that I had scribbled down to myself over a year ago.. and the change from that to the person I am now, is quite shocking.

Then there's the people that I've met here and become pretty good friends with... had plenty of laughs with them and actually learned a few things about people and the world in general. I can say honestly right now, that if I had not discovered IF, my eyes would be pretty well blind to a lot of things. For that, I will always be eternally grateful to the people here.

6 - Do you really consider the population of If to be a critical issue in this Mayoral race?

Ne, the front page is NOT something I have a problem with, just so we are clear. I think it's great!

Now, I don't think our population is a major problem at this time, but wouldn't everyone like to see it grow? More people means more readers of SGs, more opinions, more diverse suggestions, and eventually more SGs to read ourselves.

Earlier, I stated some of my ideas to help IF's population grow. As I hate to repeat myself, I'll just copy-paste it here for you all to read as I wouldn't want to inconvenience you in any way.

Lil's response in Traveller's question thread wrote:
Well, as a few of you know who came here from one site I advertised at, I have one link at a gaming forum called Mayhem Gaming. Which has brought a few people in that you all have become acquainted with pretty well as they are pretty active. (Guys, if you'd care to pop up here and say hello, now would be the time.)

See, the thing that made my link different from others that are just traded mutually? I am ACTIVE in the other site as well. This will take commitment from people who are going to try it, but the key goal here is to get our population up, correct? We need to find places that have people that LIKE to read, that WANT to write and become active there as well. The reason becoming active on their forums will work better to bring them over here? As you become more active somewhere, the more people see your posting as steady and worth checking out. And eventually, someone will go "Oh hey.. I know him/her... What's this site he/she is talking about.. welll I guess I'll check it out." I know, I know. It's asking a lot possibly of many of us with families and a job, possibly two. But it's worth a shot.

Possibly, the format we advertise in could be tweaked as well. Instead of advertising the whole site, why not use some newb-friendly SGs? They can read something right off! And if they want to comment, they can register and see the rest of the site as well.

As for specific areas, I am not too sure yet, but I would welcome any and all suggestions from not only Council Members, but all citizens of IF.

Now, those that come on for about a week or even a couple months and disappear for long periods of time? Well, people could lose the site out of their cache when those annoying updates happen along, their computer could be out of commission, or they may have lost internet access period. Whatever the cause, it would be a good reminder if they received an email, not a PM, from one of the mods, or admin, simply stating that we haven't seen him/her in awhile and that we miss them here i the city. The "Oh, hey, what's up? We remembered you came to our site awhile back, but we haven't seen you in a long time. Care to come back for a visit sometime soon?" will give the impression that we have active, caring members and make a potential regular more open to coming back. And if they just lost the address, well that's fixed as well.

Interestingly enough, Traveller himself came to me later with an idea of his own for advertising IF. But I'll leave that for now, as this has been worried to death and gnawed to the bone. Smile

7 - Some candidates have suggested we run If with a different style of government - can you please each tell me what you know of how IF is run now? And how you propose to better it (if this is your intention)? Also i want to know what you think is flawed about Ifian governance as it stands...

Well, as far as I know, it's pretty much governed by IFians and the admin they've chosen to act in their stead for picking out moderators and resolving issues. I do not have a problem with the SYSTEM that is already in place. However, I would like to see our moderators and admin deal with situations quickly, which would mean asking the ones that are around less to log in more often to give their opinions on Council issues. I say ask because I would not want the moderators that are very busy with their RL lives (you know who you are and you have my deepest respect on that front) to feel threatened. However, the ones that simply do not log in because they just can't be bothered, they might indeed be replaced if they cannot meet the job requirements that are set for moderators.

#12:  Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:08 am
Smee wrote:
And concerning that subject - I really don't see the appeal

You say this, but you are on record, on repeated occassions, saying kekek... directly from Warcrack, a translation of Horde language. Lol = Kek.

Btw - ding!

Ding is what everyone says in Warcrack when they level up to the next level.

Phang is secretly a Warcrack addict!! Shocked

Ah, but kek refers to kekeke, which is the Korean onomatopoeia for laughter - almost as silly as Japan's fufufu. And I doubt Warcrackers invented 'ding'!

Of course, I could always switch to 'ah ha ha'...aha ha ha...

#13: Re: The hard ones... Author: CrossfireLocation: Somewhere between here and not-here, now and not-now... in the half-light, the borderlands, between. PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:13 am
Why should the voters should elect each of the other candidates?

Sir Wax

Highly amusing. He has the self-confidence to ignore the basic rules of grammar and spelling, which, combined with a newly found rapport with the Citizens of IF, shall make him difficult to beat.

Crystal Nightshade

Her inventive rhetoric, inspired syntax and multiculturality have combined to create an opponent who will compare interestingly to the other members.


Her delightful name, passionate manner and intriguing penchant for sadism have made her one of the special moderators of IF, and I'm sure her specialities will transfer effectively into the title and rewards of being Mayor.


His ability to empathise with the most common and base of our populace astounds me, as does his incredible ability to infuriate even the calmest and level-mannered of our moderators- Lilith included.

The Dark Chancellor

The self-styled "lordofthenight" is a curious opponent, with the wonderful ability to weather thousands of accusations in relation to his actions before campaigning without batting an eyelid.

As our (rumored) leader of the City Council, he has a degree of administrative experience, the usefulness of which can certainly be noticed in their variety of wonderfully Sisyphean endeavours, some having begun in IF Year 1!


What a wonderful person! Known as the Black Queen of Delights, she is happy, vibrant and yet can still appeal to the darker side of IF! She is an inspiration to women everywhere, having commanded vast armies, destroyed whole civilisations and participated fearlessly in a wide variety of ingenious activities, some self-invented!

Why did you feel the need to put yourself up for election?

There was so much to make so, so much better.

I really wasn't sure that my opponents could make my dreams live.

Now, I'm not certain of that anymore, but I still know that I'm the only person who can make my visions a reality undistorted in this city.

Can you ensure us that your conduct will at all times be professional and portray the right impression of a Mayor?


I can, and I promise I will maintain the same standard of behaviour that other Mayors have exhibited at all times.

What positive contributions have you made during your time in IF?

Well, I've spent the past few months working on bringing my StoryGames up to the highest quality, and after I've worked on them a little while longer, they will be.

I think that the way I post had room for improvement for a long time, but I am now working on bringing my content to the same level as my form when speaking.

I attempt to uphold the virtues of a courtly nature and an immaculate appearance whenever I am here, and although occasionally I may fall when people behave improperly and I talk far too much for my own good, I think that my example has touched at least one Citizen.

*smiles* He knows who he is.

What have you learnt from your time on IF?

I've learnt how to act, write and, gradually, think in an appropriate manner for a person in a digitised environment.

Do you really consider the population of IF to be a critical issue in this Mayoral race?

Really, I'm concerned more for quality than for quantity. I'd like a hundred active, intelligent Citizens than a thousand intellectually poor, slovenly ones.

I've written far too extensively on the subject elsewhere, though. Refer to other topics.

How is IF run now?

It could be run better...

We have the Moderators, who deal with their respective districts and discipline within them. They are all on the City Council, which takes votes on important issues from time to time in the Chambers.

Their unofficial leader is the Dark Chancellor, lordofthenight, who is a long time Citizen and Elder, although the Mayor is their nominative head.

Unfortunately, they do not accomplish as much as they should, and seem at times to be a hindrance to smooth governance in a combined role, although they are highly useful alone.

If there are serious or world-impacting issues that occur inside the district or districts of a moderator, they refer the case to the Mayor for judgement. Otherwise, they have limited abilities to punish Citizens, although they can delete topics and alter posts.

The Mayor also deals with other universal issues, such as announcements and most Mass PMs, but if something is too important, it is referred to Key.

Key deals with everything he wishes to, and is the person who forges IF into whichever image he choses, and although his abilities are unparalleled in IF, he has not used them unwisely.

He has absolute power over everything, and is the ultimate judge of any far-reaching decision.

What is flawed about this way, and how do you hope to better it?

I wish to organise the City Council into a force that will be able to make changes efficiently and rapidly in IF.

Thank you for listening!

Last edited by Crossfire on Wed May 07, 2008 1:00 am; edited 4 times in total

#14:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 3:56 am
Can you ensure us that your conduct will at all times be professional and portray the right impression of a Mayor?


I can, and I promise I will maintain the same standard of behaviour that other Mayors have exhibited at all times

That's not answering the question XF! Laughing

#15:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:06 am

Several times you stated something along the lines of

Their leader is the Dark Chancellor, lordofthenight, who is a long time Citizen and Elder.

Where do you get this from? Because You are wrong - we the council are lead by the active Mayor.

Your baseless ramblings... do nothing but discredit you and prove your lack of knowledge as to IF.

#16:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 12:16 pm
Woah, Ne. Save the anger for the ballots. No need to slander- all candidates deserve respect (and, in a broader scope, all people. But candidates are still superior beings Wink ).

#17:  Author: NeverNeverGirlLocation: dreaming away of tomorrows to come PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:06 pm
There was no anger but i am tried of having to correct stupid IF myths lately.

And FYI ppl - the innk CANNOT read your whispers in chat!

Mad Razz

#18: Re: The hard ones... Author: The Powers That BeLocation: Santa Monica, CA PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:48 pm
Phang wrote:
1. Can you each please tell me why the voters should elect each of the other candidates?

They'll probably do a better job.

Well, this was easy. I don't need to read anything else - Phang's got my vote.

#19:  Author: CrossfireLocation: Somewhere between here and not-here, now and not-now... in the half-light, the borderlands, between. PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:21 pm
Edited for my usual supreme level of accuracy *preens, then huddles miserably as someone produces a pin*, although I would note that I was aware of the facts raised. Thank you for your feedback, NeNe!

#20: Re: The hard ones... Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:49 am
The Powers That Be wrote:
Phang wrote:
1. Can you each please tell me why the voters should elect each of the other candidates?

They'll probably do a better job.

Well, this was easy. I don't need to read anything else - Phang's got my vote.

Wow. Nifty.

City of IF -> Election Apr 08

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