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#1: RP Forum - Your Thoughts Author: BookwizardLocation: Gallifrey PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:41 pm
I was thinking, because I do love RP's, could we not have a whole separate forum for them, kind of like Fantasy Forest, or Skiff, or if not that, just another section of City Central. I think we should treat them more in respects to an SG, not to put any strict rules on them or anything, but put them in a place where more people will know about them. I think this might work out pretty well if you think about it, any thoughts on the matter? Smile

#2:  Author: TruePurple PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:11 pm
Well to do a proper roleplaying forum, we would need alot of subforums, one for each area. Some established history, races, rules. A OOC area to talk about the roleplaying. Its alot of work. It would also be like having a forum within a forum/a second forum if it were a section of IF, because it would be so big, if done right

But that could be interesting. It sounds like your thinking of something more casual and incomplete. But I'm not sure that would be worth it (not saying it wouldn't be either)

One model of a roleplaying forum I saw was, persons creating their own roleplaying environment. Kind of how IF does SG's. I never got around to exploring it further and am not sure where the link is, so I'm not sure exactly how it worked. I think the premise was that all the stories were different aspects of a cats dream. Maybe I will search for it latter and post it.

We could find a good roleplaying site and just associate the two sites together. Rather then reinvent the wheel. Since there is only so many people interested in such things, too often they die out from lack of players. It helps to have a larger more regular playerbase then what IF seems to have to really properly keep a game going.

#3:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:25 am
The 'Games' forum was originally called 'Traditional RPGs'. There were a variety of methods used, but games got to more than 10 pages, if finished. The games forum now is used for word games more than these, but if you want a traditional RP you can easily put it in there.

#4:  Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:56 am
The Games forum is practically it. Just people rarely participate in rps.

#5:  Author: BookwizardLocation: Gallifrey PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:08 am
Yes, I am aware that the games forum is used for RP's, In fact a while ago I started one and I have participated in about 4. My suggestion was that we have a whole separate forum for them and treat them more like SG's, but the more I think of my own idea, I'm not entirely sure that I like it. I might reformulate my idea later, though I wanted to see if others on IF were interested in making RP's a bigger part of IF.

#6:  Author: TruePurple PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:27 pm
I understand what bookwizard is saying. Putting a whole roleplaying forum into a single thread is a awkward and extremely inefficient & limited way to do a roleplaying forum. Its no wonder its hard to keep people interested. For one, you can't be in different locations, without confusion, very well.

Anyways a true roleplaying forum doesn't "end".

#7:  Author: BookwizardLocation: Gallifrey PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:15 pm
Ha! I was taking a trip down Memory Lane and discovered this old post! I guess now we do indeed have a Role-Playing forum! God... this was quite a while back...

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