DemonWorld Chapter 3
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City of IF -> The Vault
What to do?
Go back to the Giaconda to tell someone she's investigating before running off.
 33%  [ 1 ]
Just investigate. A pistol should be enough protection.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Don't go. It's dangerous enough just being outside the Giaconda. Wait for some militiamen to come back and then you can tell them about it.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Pray to the Lord Chthulhu to grant you the tentacled strength to rip out these trees by their roots (as well as the eyesight) in order that you may see what is happening over there without moving from the Giaconda.
 66%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: DeadManWalking, Fenris, The White Blacksmith

#1: DemonWorld Chapter 3 Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:54 pm
Yes yes i know, too many storygames, not enough completed ones, yada yada yada. But i got too much inspiration for one story, and it chooses which way to go without any say on my part. So this is something else i was working on.

WARNING There actually isn't required warning for this bit, but It makes me feel better to put it in anyways. In this story, i did some creative rewriting of both Genesis and a small bit of Christ's story. So if you are offended by that, please don't be. I'm not trying to ridicule any of the religions of the People of the Book. I am simply trying to tell a story.

“Hello! Welcome to the Gioconda, the Pride of the Aeol! Designed back in the 1500’s by Leonardo da Vinci himself, this city is credited as the first of the urban walkers that elevated the Aeol both literally and metaphorically. This walking city has the capabilities of fitting up to three million people, although right now population levels have stabilized at about six thousand. As you can see, this city is made almost entirely out of cold iron and silver. What you can’t see, is that the rest of it, every gear, every lever, every little piece that makes the city move is also made of the same metals. This makes it pretty hard for the demons to get in.

“Over here we have the Engineering Blocks, where our scientists work night and day to come up with new designs to improve the efficiency and protection of our city. We pride ourselves in not faltering a step as we run through our modifications; in fact we have entire departments specializing in ways to improve our machinery without bringing our city to a halt. If you’ll look at the designs we have now and compare them to Da Vinci’s, almost nothing is the same.”

The video stopped, and Mr. Velvetere turned to Tyra, steepling his fingers. “A very credible piece of work. I look forward to seeing the rest of it later. But, speaking of the Engineering Blocks, shouldn’t you be running along?”

Tyra jumped, having completely forgotten. This was why she wasn’t supposed to stay late in video class. She gave a quick bow, murmured a quick thank you, and, once she was out of sight of her teacher, ran like hell to get to the Engineering Blocks before Master Nylan noticed she was late.

She almost made it. If she hadn’t had to change into the spare clothes she kept at her locker she would’ve. If Bonty hadn’t needed help with something, (whatever it was; Tyra hadn’t stayed long enough to find out) she might’ve.

But she didn’t. So Master Nylan started today’s workday with a long lecture on punctuality and the dangers of not Paying Attention to What One Was Doing and the Consequences of Said Horrendous Crime Including But Not Limited to Burns, Lost Fingers, Temporary Deafness, and Horribly Horrifying Death. Tyra had heard the lecture often enough that she could recite it almost word for word. So she just blocked it out and counted in her head ‘til it was done.

“TYRA!” Tyra winced. So she’d missed the ending by a couple seconds. Knowing him, he’d cheated and cut a couple seconds off the lecture.

To anyone who didn’t know him, Master Nylan looked infuriated. But if you knew him well enough, you could see the amusement in his eyes.

After another “small” lecture, the impact of aforementioned lecture completely neutralized by the amused twinkle in his eye, Master Nylan went on to today’s real lecture.

This one, about the vulnerability of any of the walking communities that made up the Aeol people.

Tyra missed most of it daydreaming, but caught the important bits. Or at least she thought she did. Ah well. She probably hadn’t missed anything too important.

“As you know, Demons, be they ahrimans or ifrits, can mostly change their shape and size. Many of them can become no bigger than a screw. Thus, we have the glass and metal grill above our heads, we have the metal ground under us, and the legs of the spider, all made of cold iron or silver. Which, as you should know, demons can not stand. Yes, Lerris?”

Lerris, an inquisitive lanky preteen, asked his question. “So why don’t we just stay still and completely covered? Don’t the moving parts simply make us more vulnerable?”

Tyra muttered under her breath, “Because we need to breathe, idiot.” She didn’t like Lerris much; according to Bonty, he was kind of a bully to the younger apprentices.

Unfortunately, Nylan was one of those men who’s hearing only seemed to get better with age.

“As Tyra so politely points out, we do need to breathe. And total coverage of the community is severely impractical, since we need resources from outside. And, while you are correct in saying that moving parts provide openings for demons to slither through, the moving parts could also trap unwary demons in them and torture them endlessly. And if any did happen to get through, we have the militia. With their firearms, they can usually drive demons away without much risk.

“Which brings me up to my next topic, in a way.” Which meant that Nylan had no idea how to transition the two topics and thus wouldn’t even try, instead just pretending he had. “Mobility versus protection. The more sheltered the parts of the design, usually, the slower it gets. The question is, which is more important? There have been many arguments over this, both sides with merit. While protection is valued, there are demons shifty enough to get through even the smallest cracks. This is where speed comes in, usually the less dense (and thus more maneuverable) demons can not build up any kind of speed. Which is why mobility is important. But the flipside of the coin, the less protection we have, the more likely it is that any demon, no matter how maneuverable will be able to find a way in. And even the slowest could catch up if we head in the wrong angle.”

A debate started, which Tyra impatiently and silently willed to end quickly. She really wanted to work on her new design for the retractable wind turbines. If she could just maximize the energy output by a couple more percent points, she should be able to overcome the drag ratio and reclaim a good amount of the energy used to move this city in the first place…”


“I will not pretend this is an honor, my son. But it is for the good of the tribe, and of the Arden people.”

“I know father.” And Menka did know. He just didn’t want to do it. He’d seen too many Tainted in action to willingly subject himself to the process.

Menka glanced at the metal city that walked over the forest where his father’s tribe rested for now. It was one of the homes of the Sons of Menoa, one of the lost peoples. He wondered what they were like.

They entered the tent erected especially for the ceremony. Nervously, Menka looked at the paintings on every side. He saw many familiar scenes.

First, the release of the first Demon, the Worm, from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then the first shifting, the disguise of the Serpent. The Tempting, when the Serpent convinced Adam and Eve to bite from the fruit and thus taint themselves with the seeds of evil. How they fled from the Garden of the Lord, never to return to their untroubled paradise.

The Betrayal of Cain, who, seeking power, willingly allowed one of the serpents children to slither into him through his ear, the subsequent killing of his brother Abel. The Split, as daughter of Cain returned to the light, whilst her brother sank deeper into the darkness. And the third brother, Menoa, who created a suit of armor so that he never would truly have to fight his siblings.

The founding of the Arden by Israel, the father of the twelve tribes of the Arden.

The birth of Yeshua, who would be the first Tainted. Menka’s eyes lingered on this painting the longest. The red-eyed shaman and Menka’s father exchanged knowing looks.

Menka looked at the table, took a deep breath to settle his soul, then lay down on the table and closed his eyes as the shaman and his father began the chant.

His eyes closed, he heard the syllables swell, and then a… Presence… fills the darkness.

Slowly, like a wet leaf sinking into water, something touched his erka, his sense of self. He waited for it to come in completely, so he could begin the fight for dominion. In his nervousness, he pulled at it slightly….

Then suddenly, like a striking snake, it spread out, thinned, floated atop his mind like oil on water. It surrounded his erka completely, slowly constricting it, moving it away from his body, creeping into his hands and his eyes and his face like water fills a jar.

But he fought it every step of the way, as he had been told to, and slowly he became the surrounder, and he kept the demon trapped like a spark amidst rain.

He fell asleep, exhausted.

He woke to shouts outside the tent, got up slowly, feeling the creepiness of having the demon inside him, like a spark halfway visible always just in his peripheral vision. The first thing he did was look in a bowl of water, placed there on the side of the table. The tent was dark, and, instinctively, though he has never done anything like it before, he conjured lights that danced around his fingertips, pressed them into the side of the bowl where they became one with the water.

It shone clear despite the dim lighting in the tent. Showing his now-red eyes.


Darkness swirls. Shadows, moving, demons, glowing, they slide through the air with malevolent purpose. There is no speech, no sound, no noise. But they communicate, find what they’re looking for, strike. Flames bring light to the night sky.

And there we are. Hope you enjoyed the read. The DP here, although it isn't obvious, is what the demon's target actually is. Two obvious options would be Menka's Tribe or Tyra's City, the Gioconda. However, you people can probably figure out a whole host of other options, so I'll refrain from putting up the poll just yet.

Last edited by DeadManWalking on Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:53 pm; edited 4 times in total

#2:  Author: GallantLocation: There... No, There! PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:09 pm
This is good stuff DMW. I wanna see this one go the distance actually. So go away and start developing extensively. Very Happy

As for the DP. I think the demon should go for the tribe. It would be but a stepping stone in his experiance. Or will the tribe hold more than he has expected?

#3:  Author: somecyberpersonLocation: A place. PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:49 pm
A beautiful story thus far, DeadMan. The city of Gioconda leaves me wondering to what extent these people's technology level is. They obviously are extremely gifted engineers. The upper crew capacity is three million? This thing must be huge. It makes me think that the humans, or at least the characters are depicted of being human or humanoid so far, were not always struggling for coexistence with demonkind. On a side note, I love how you have these "demons" portrayed. The teacher, Mr....Velvetere was his name (love that surname by the way), stated how most demons are incredibly small. And he also hinted at them not being very formidable combatants when he said the vessel/city's militia could could dispatch them with no problems with their weapons. I'm really curious as to what type of firearms these people utilize. I for one hope they aren't too advanced. I mean, lasers and related arsenals just don't seem any good to me in this setting. This futuristic/Christian Bible-themed alternate timeline Earth derivative screams steampunk to me along with some magic. Especially now that I remember Tyra thinking about the horrible energy efficiency of the vessel. That also makes me wonder how they power this behemoth anyway. Magic maybe? Or this strange version of Earth has been affected by the presence of these demons. Like escalated wind and electrical phenomenon in the sky. It makes sense they'd take advantage of this scenario, being up on stilts basically. Back to the demons... Like I said before I really like this concept of them. Most of them are small and weak...yet they have managed to dominate the humans. My theory - they're like parasites. They need a host to become significant threats. They can somehow enter a person (like when the demon took control of Menka) and once that is done they possess some sort of infernal magic. Mind you, this limitation is only the "lesser" demons, the majority of them. The minority are big and physically capable and don't need to possess people for magic. By the way, I wanted to say above I liked that Leonardo designed the walking contraption. It's fiction, but it does sound like something he'd design, doesn't it? Hmmm... I thought I had something else to say... Oh, one thought I forgot to type again is why/how the people built the city. Okay... Never mind about the why. Brain-fart on that thought. But how? First off, where did the materials come from? Thats a lot of silver and iron to be mined and forged. How did the people to manage getting the building materials while running away from demons? How did they build it at all when they were fighting off demons? A thing this big had to be stationary, even if it was a lot smaller during it's conception. My only thought to why this ship was possible is because Leo built the original before the demons' reign and people later adopted it as a safe haven. And maybe it had some machinery that allowed quick and easy mining. Anything else I wanted to say? Uh... I think that's it for now. Probably not. Anywho... Great story and keep pumping out the chapters.
Oh and everyone I'm sorry my comments are just rambles and unguided. I have no idea what I'm going to post until I do so. I honestly did think this would only take a few sentences. And to all you grammar-jockies, sorry it's just a blob of text without any indents or anything. I promise I will follow English's rules when and if I ever get around to starting my own game...

EDIT - Just was reminded about the actual decision point... Oh... I guess the demon's target is the small tribe. They are an easier opponent that the armored ship. Then again, maybe not for that very reason. They aren't armored. They've had practice defending themselves. And maybe, espeacially since they have a shaman, they have significant magical powress? Some of them anyway? Maybe the demon could even control some of the tribespeople and convert them to his cause....

#4:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:08 pm
well since all the replies i've got have been unanimous about the DP, i figure i might as well just use it. Plus, i had some more spare idearium.

Anyway, here we are.

“We should help them!” Tyra shouted at Nylan. “Even if they are savages, they’re still people!”

“Look, Tyra.” Nylan said in an infuriatingly calm voice. “They aren’t the same as we are. They do… weird things. There’s been rumors that they willingly allow demons to infect them. And we wouldn’t send men out into the exposed world even if they were the same as us. It’s too dangerous; we could lose too many people. We’d have to slow down so that the people who got off could get back on again, and, even with rifles, demons are tricky blighters.”

“But you said that we could usually drive demons away without much risk before.”

“I was talking about solitary demons, Tyra. Did you see how many were out there attacking that tribe? There must have been hundreds! I wouldn’t send any men out into that, and I doubt the Triumvirate would either!”

At that moment, a man, wearing the uniform of the militia and carrying a rifle, came over to where Nylan was arguing with Tyra.

“Sir, the Triumvirate is requesting an engineer to guide men in and out of Giaconda.”

“You mean they’re sending people to help the tribe?” Tyra shot a triumphant glance at Nylan.

“Yes ma’am.”

“That’s idiotic. I can’t spare anyone to go out there on a suicide mission!”

“Sir, the guide wouldn’t have to leave the Gioconda, just stay outside to help us get back in. And we would provide some protection.”

“I still refuse.”
“I’ll do it.” Tyra volunteered, ignoring Nylan’s furious glare. “I’m not afraid to help.”

Emphasis on the I left little doubt as to the opinion Tyra had of her teacher. Nylan started to growl something, only to be interrupted by the soldier.

“She did volunteer sir. She has that right.”

Nylan growled something wordless, stomping away fuming. Tyra looked up at the soldier. “When do we leave?”


Menka looked up from the bowl, startled. Menka’s father stood in the entrance of the tent, flickering lights throwing shadows onto the walls of the tent.

“Menka, we need you now.”

“But I haven’t le-“


Menka hurried out, wondering why God would ordain a demon attack the very night of his Tainting.

He came out to find the Shaman already fighting the demons. Green glowing threads of light snake from his fingers, snatching and stinging, even spearing, some of them. But there were too many. Each time a demon dissolved from the touch of a green serpent three others swooped down to take its place.

“So many demons…”

Like moths to a light, more and more shadowy shapes swooped in from the night, so that all Menka and the rest could see of the shaman was flickers of green in a whirling tornado of a darkness more black than the moonless night. The whirlwind grew smaller and smaller, more concentrated, and the flickers of green less frequent among the darkness.

Then the whirlwind collapsed inward with a silent mindslashing roar. As it collapsed, Menka thought he caught a glimpse of the shaman’s eyes, glowing intensely with the power that he handled. All for naught.

The whirlwind dissolved into dozens, no hundreds of individual demons, who spread through the camp like an army of conquering shades. Menka watched in horror as a demon flowed into the mouth of one of the men. The man screamed, eyes turning red, then began to change, his features shifting. Claws grew from his hands, horns from his head and his teeth elongated. His eyes gleamed feral as he dropped to all fours, attacking his wife and children with animalistic ferocity. Menka saw Twisted everywhere that night.

“Do what you can son. There is something I must do.”

Menka turned to see his father run off in another direction. His first thought was disgust, contempt at his father’s abandonment of his duty. His next two thoughts were bewilderment, first of all his father had always been a brave man, secondly, he was running in a direction which many of the demons had gone to, though he bore no weapons. Although he soon rectified that, grabbing an iron-tipped spear soon before vanishing from Menka’s sight into the gloom.

Menka turned back to the demons before him. What could he do? He didn’t know how to use his new powers. And he had seen Tainted become Twisted from overuse of their powers. He could grab one of the spears that littered the ground around, at least he was safe from Twisting. By one of the outer demons at least. Demons were strictly territorial, and would fight to protect even a host it had not yet mastered. Still, he probably wouldn’t do much against this number of demons. And if he wasn’t careful, he could still….

Menka shot a glance at where what was left of the shaman stood.

Then he looked in the direction his father had vanished into, then at the Twisted that roamed the night and the demons that looked for hosts, trying to decide what to do.

There's the DP. What does Menka do? Keep in mind that he doesn't know reinforcement are on the way. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.

#5:  Author: Reasoner PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:18 pm
Menka should follow his father, it doesn't seem as if there are any emotional attachments he has to anyone else that come out strongly in the story. Of course he could run into a friend on his way there, but back to what I was previously saying. In the act of following his father, he sees his father do something against his faith/religion/morals, like talking to a demon lord, the commander of the legions that attacked the village, and get paid something for letting the demons get something that was in the village. Something important.

#6:  Author: somecyberpersonLocation: A place. PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:29 pm
Nice. I say grab a spear and follow in his father's direction too. He needs to try to not use his powers, and that's if he discovers how to. He has no control over his newfound Tainted endowments and if he overexerts himself he risks the chance of becoming Twisted. Yes... I just wanted to use those terms you formulated. Love 'em. I have one question - why do the demons that possess the Tainted allow themselves to stay in the host? I'd imagine they are capable of eventually dominating the Tainted's willpower, but why bother when they could literally just "pop" out, walk a few feet, and pop back into another that may be easier to conquer due to no training in demon harboring. Maybe the Tainted's somehow don't allow the demons to leave? Or maybe it's just simple pride and they don't want to admit defeat? I wonder if the demon has any say over how and when the host exerts it's powers. Another comment - sometime in the story I for one would like to have Menka struggle with his passenger. Something Lord of the Rings like when Frodo is influenced by the One Ring. (or whatever the ring that controlled the other rings was called, I haven't read the books or watched the movies in some time) Another suggestion that isn't directly related to this particular decision point is when Tyra and Menka meet, as I have a very strong itch that says that they will, have Tyra be distrustful or even scared of Menka and his parasite initially.
That's my two cents worth.

#7:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:15 pm
I should probably explain the bit about the Tainted; I may not have an opportunity later.

While the demon is still conscious, it is bound somewhat because of a couple things. First off, the Tainted are trained especially to contain the demons, secondly, the chants and whatnot that brought the demon into Menka also constrain the demon. Which is why you would need the shaman there to use his magic. (also because the demon might Twist Menka).

#8:  Author: somecyberpersonLocation: A place. PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:31 pm
That certainly clarifies a lot. Thanks for the explanation.

#9:  Author: GallantLocation: There... No, There! PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:14 am
Nice chapter DMW. This story is developing quick. The pace on it is good, but it wouldn't hurt to slow it down a bit. Just so you can get those chances to explain things.

As for my suggestion, I basically agree with the others. Follow his dad.

Good stuff, write more and they will come. Razz

#10:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:40 pm
Well I'll be putting up a poll in a couple of days with the basic options (i.e. Follow father, try to use powers to stop the demons)

If you want an option to call your own, better rush!

#11:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:39 pm
and here's the poll.

#12:  Author: GallantLocation: There... No, There! PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:32 pm
I'd like for him to go see what his dad's up to. It seems to fit better with the story than any other option. Now to wait patiently for your next chapter.

#13:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:29 pm
Two votes? Come on people! Are these the only readers i have?

#14:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:19 am
Sorry, I tied it.

#15:  Author: PhantomfanLocation: Deep within the music of the night PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:34 am

#16:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:57 am
I'm closing the polls while I'm ahead and have time to work on a chapter. Sorry anybody who missed the poll.

EDIT: So... about the part where i was saying i had time to work on a chapter? LIES ALL LIES. Sorry 'bout that. I'll try and get a chapter up soon.

#17:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:46 pm
Hey people! Finally wrote this chapter. Sorry about the delay, school's been pretty crazy.

Menka checked his belt knife as he ran after his father. His father would know what to do. He always had a plan, always a list of things to do.

He ran after his father, looking away from the savaged bodies of his friends and his clan, clinging to the hope of a greater plan. Yet he thought he could hear the voices behind him, warriors, real men, chanting the death songs and throwing themselves into the fray to protect what they could.

He had to wipe tears from his eyes so he could follow his father’s tracks; his father moved quickly for a man past his prime.

Perhaps the tears slowed him down, or perhaps Menka should have spent more time with the hunting bands that crisscrossed the plains.

He caught up to his father just in time to see the last red wisps of a demon stream down his throat.

The moment froze, held only tenuously to reality, frozen in a crystal of clarity in which a dozen thoughts rushed through Menka’s mind.

How to save his father? Why couldn’t he have had a plan? What was the point of running after him?

And above all, why was I too late?

Then the crystalline moment shattered, as what had once been Menka’s father convulsed violently, once. Light pierced the world. Menka felt his knees hit the ground, put out a hand to keep himself from falling. He blinked, rapidly, his vision slowly going from absolute white to splotchy darkness.

He stumbled forward, using his hands as much as his eyes to find his path.

He found his father’s corpse.

Tears fell, littering the ground around.

Memories whirled through his head, memories of his childhood, of his father’s rough hands that always were gentle, of his father’s warm words that were never harsher than they need to be.

No more tears would come. A strange peace settled over him.

He stood, his face to the sky, his eyes closed, letting his mind take in this time, this place.

He opened his eyes, looked down to his father. It was time to grow up.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

His hands moved as if on their own, scarlet flames jumping from his fingertips. As the last remains of Menka’s father blew away in the night breeze, he saw something shine silver in the moonlight.

A necklace of some sort lay on the ground. It looked silver. Menka had never seen it before, but guessed it came from his father.

He bent down to take it.

Pain lanced through his hand as his palm closed on the amulet, light shining from between his clenched fingers. Crying out in pain he fell to the ground, clutching his arm.

A small part of his mind noticed that, despite his earlier thoughts of growing up, not much had changed.


Tyra peered anxiously around those wood things… tees or whatever. The world outside the carefully conditioned Giaconda was weird. She slapped at one of those pesky insect things that settled on her skin every once in a while, trying not to look up at the agoraphobic expanse of the open sky. At least these tees surrounded her. It gave her at least a small sense of being surrounded. Still, wood planks had little against the steel dome of the Giaconda.

She leaned against one of the steel legs, still amazed that the Triumvirate had ordered the whole thing shut down. It was unthinkable! Even she thought that was a huge risk.

She heard gunshots, coming from the tribe. They were far off, but they reminded her of the revolver she herself carried. Her fingers brushed the handle and she shivered. As much as firearms were a part of the defense of the Giaconda, she would never really be comfortable carrying it around. Leave the guns to the militia.

Suddenly, off to her right, a flash of blinding light. Like a sparking streetlamp, except a hundred, no a thousand times brighter. What could it be?

A dull red glow followed, then another smaller burst of light.

She looked nervously in the direction the militia had gone, then back at where the lights had been, her fingers brushing the hilt of the gun.

Ok. So the DP seems obvious, wait for the soldiers, the prudent thing, or set off by herself into the wilderness. And yes, there is actually a choice here. If she waits for the militia, she'll have more protection, but the whole purpose of this thing is to rescue survivors, and if she waits too long there won't be any. On the other hand, she doesn't know what that thing is, and is extremely inexperienced in this world. Keep in mind that she's somewhat overconfident and pretty adventurous, but not actually stupid, so I think either option would work.

#18:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:15 am
Is she near a way into the Giaconda? If she is, she should run into there and tell whoever's on guard of what she's seen and where she's going, then go investigate. If not, she should wait. It would be completely idiotic for her to go off on her own, but she has good reason to want to go.

#19:  Author: Lady of the ShadowsLocation: In the Valley of Shadows...Not such a bad place to be. PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:44 pm
I want her to go...but at the same time I don't. Agh! I hate it when this happens.

.... Wall Bash ....

Ok, I say she goes to check out what's happening so she can get a little background on the situation, and then she goes back to wait.

By the way, 'trees' meant to be spelt 'tees'? Or am I missing something?

#20:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:49 pm
So far the suggestions are to go back into the Giaconda to tell someone she's going to investigate, or to simply go.

I'll put in a third option, to not investigate, and just tell the next person she sees about it.

and i'm putting the poll up. I'll be back in three or so weeks to check the results and write the next chapter.

EDIT: Btw, the Chthulhu option is an Author's option.

#21:  Author: Fenris PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:39 pm

Walking Cities! Have you ever read Mortal Engines and its follow up books? Very good series. Thick but good.

#22:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:44 am
Um, Flaw, you realise you voted for the Author's option there?

#23:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:22 am
Erm... Well i didn't actually WRITE author's option on it... I figured that the ridiculousness combined with the fact that i voted for it might enlighten some, but to a new reader who hasn't really seen the idea of an author's option around wouldn't know that. So it's alright.

Erm... Fenris. Just tell me what other option you would vote for. PM or just post, either way is fine.

#24:  Author: Fenris PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:57 pm
The first one!

City of IF -> The Vault

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