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City of IF -> The 2009 IFYs
Best Description/Detail
A Long Time Gone, by Gallant
 14%  [ 1 ]
Trade Windows, by Smee
 42%  [ 3 ]
Nexus, by Phantomfan
 0%  [ 0 ]
The Magician's Touch, by Crunchyfrog
 42%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 7
Who Voted: Chinaren, Crunchyfrog, DeadManWalking, Fats_Masterson, The White Blacksmith, Thunderbird, Traveller

#1: Best Description/Detail Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:06 pm

Last edited by Crunchyfrog on Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:18 pm; edited 8 times in total

#2:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:50 am
Nexus - By Phantomfan

Nexus - See fairytale characters described in a way you've never seen them described before!

You are surrounded by nothingness. Not blackness, not whiteness, but emptiness in its entirety. A sense of complete disembodiment fills you- but there is nothing to fill. You simply remain, waiting for something.

A miniscule door appears in the nothingness, glowing with a faint, blue light. It grows larger and larger, and you realize that you are getting closer to it. Closer and closer, until you can see every detail. It is covered with a twisting, writhing pattern- one that is never the same twice. Entranced, you stare at it until it fills your mind completely- and it opens. You… float through it slowly.

Suddenly you are stretched, compressed, taken apart, pushed together-overloaded with these contrasting feelings until your nonexistent mind can’t take the pain any more-

And then- you are back in your own body, laying on the ground. Standing up, you look around. You are in an empty room- one that appears to be normal until your eyes roam to the corners. They’re perfectly ordinary corners, except for the fact that the walls don’t connect with the corners. They seem to bend and move closer and farther away wherever you look, unwilling to accept your pre-conceived notion of how walls work. From the walls emanates a loud voice- one of either a man or a woman, you can’t tell. It seems to alternate from one to the other, sometimes both.

“T’was a long time ago, longer now then it seems.
In a place you’ve perhaps seen in your dreams…
Now you’ve probably wondered where Fairy Tales come from.
If you haven’t, I’d say it’s time you’ve begun.”

Suddenly, there is a flash of bright light and a swirling mist fills the room. Coughing, you notice two dark shapes forming in the thick fog. As the mist slowly dissipates, the figures make themselves clear. One is what can only be described as a gaudy stage magician- bright red cape evidence of the flash and glamour of his profession. The second is a hooded figure, her face pale and her eyes deep pools. Doors of every shape and size appear on the walls- simple, beautiful, gaudy, all different kinds. Old doors, new doors, red doors, blue doors.

The magician bows dramatically to you.

“Choose a door, any door,” he intones in extravagant tones. “I promise they won’t bite.”

The woman smiles, revealing bright white fangs. “Won’t bite? Not quite.”

The magician twirls his cape and disappears in another flash of light. The woman merely gazes at you with an unreadable look on her face, then bows slightly and fades away into the surrounding mist, which quickly evaporates.

You are left alone in a room of doors. One of these doors must lead somewhere- but you don’t know where. The one that you choose could lead you somewhere you don’t want to be –into a tale of dark and demonic powers

#3:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:37 pm
The Magician's Touch - by Crunchyfrog

With the lens to his eye, Wilson followed the field-line across the deserted forecourt towards an alley that led between the walled yards of the terraces. A shapeless object lay across the entrance of the narrow pathway. Steeling himself, he moved closer. The mass of glutinous grey flesh oozed over the cobblestones, shreds of dark fabric protruding from the sticky pulp. A silver button glinted briefly in the mess as it melted into the ground.

“No... no...” Wilson recoiled, his stomach heaving. He turned away, coughing up its contents onto the road.

“Mr. Wilson... Help me...”

Wiping his face on his sleeve, Wilson looked over his shoulder at the shimmering apparition approaching him. His eyes widened.


Blurred by the pale, rippling aura surrounding her, Amelia staggered towards him. Tiny metal platelets sparkled on the flowing surcoat covering her dress, linked together by silvery filaments criss-crossing the fabric. More silver wires ran from platelets on her leather armbands to her metallic epaulettes. A loose belt encircled her waist, from which hung a large leather bag.

She pushed her goggles up over her forehead with bleeding hands, revealing a grey lesion stretching from her chin to her ear. Blood trickled from her nose and mouth. “Please...”

She sank to her knees and fell forward, the Emithium weapon glowing through her aura from the metal casing strapped to her back.

Wilson knelt beside her. Although the aura looked to him like the containment field generated by the Emithium shields in the workshop, he wasn't sure if it was dangerous, and took care to avoid touching it.

“Hurry, Wilson!” Magnus’s voice echoed around the buildings. Wilson needed to recall Munro’s instructions now!

He shut his eyes tightly and thought about the room where he’d memorised the documents. The door... the lock... the claustrophobia... Yes! Wilson caught his breath as every tiny detail of Munro’s diagram flooded his mind’s eye.

With the image vivid in his mind, he plunged his arm through the aura, gasping at the unexpected coolness inside the pale haze. He felt for a panel underneath the handle of the weapon’s casing and flicked it open, searching with his fingers for a tiny wheel.

The wheel sprang away from his fingertips as he turned it, releasing the handle that opened weapon’s casing. Now he had access to the machinery surrounding the crystal itself.

He peered at the weapon through the aura, but its ripples prevented a clear enough view of the device. Wilson closed his eyes, relying instead on the image of Munro’s diagrams and his sense of touch. He stretched his hand as far as he could, and found the dial that would snuff out the crystal. As he turned it, the aura faded.

#4:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:48 pm
Long Time Gone - by Gallant

Smee’s tower did not disappoint. It stood like a lighthouse, a bastion of hope in a sea of mist. The architecture was remarkable, it was hard to decide whether it was an engineers dream or nightmare. Magic played an important role in its construction.

The stone work was a solid blue and decorated with simple shapes of gold and white. The many edges and odd curves gave it a feeling of complexity and power. Ledges and balconies jutted out on every level without pattern. Windows of different sizes and intricacy glistened in the morning light. The tower had everything… except a door.

DMW walked in through the garden, the grass was lush and many different an exotic flowers grew all around. He was careful to watch his step and trod on flat rocks laid out in a horribly impractical manner. When he reached the face of the shining obelisk he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. Then all of a sudden booming voice accompanied by an emerald illusion of Smee’s face appear above him. It stared down with contempt.

“Who goes there!”

“Wow, I know you were a fan of the Wizard of Oz but come on!”

“Who goes there!”

“It’s Deady, you’re friendly neighbourhood zombie.”

“Ah! Please come in, one lump or two?”

“Erm… two I suppose.”

The gigantic green face turned into fine, sparkling dust which floated around for a moment before swirling around DeadManWalking. It created concentrated winds and gusts that began to lift him from the ground. He was then violently wafted higher and higher. He was well over one hundred feet off the ground before he reached the top. Then he was dumped unceremoniously on a flat, marble plateau.

A part of the flooring began to sink into a set of stairs and up hopped Smee. He was carefully balancing a tea tray in one hand, tucked two collapsible chairs under his arms and was struggling to drag up a table with his left foot.

“Deady!… My old friend!”

He continued struggling and panting. The only reason DMW didn’t offer to help was because he was marvelling at the slow yet successful progress he was making. After a few moments of tumbling and abject terror, (there were no walls or fences on the platform) Smee had set up a quaint little scene.

“Take a seat, please.”

DMW obliged and sat quietly until Smee had finished pouring his tea.


“No, thanks.”

“I have jam or marmalade if you prefer?”

“No, that’s fine.”

“Are you sure, not even a scone?”

“No, really it’s-”

“Biscuit? Muffin? Hot cross bun?

“Smee! Really, it’s fine.”

“Apologies, I don’t get many visitors these days. I think I have a good idea why…”

“I’ll probably regret asking but why?”

“I think it’s due to extreme body odour.”

“But Smee… You don’t smell.”

“Not me fool! Them, they’re too embarrassed to be around my brilliance whilst smelling so horrible. The thing is, I’ve lost my sense of smell so I don’t really mind at all!”

“Wha-? Smee that’s…”

This time DMW did take the time to sigh. He just stared at Smee sipped on his tea. Nene might have been right. Maybe his mind wasn’t what it used to be.

“Listen Smee, I have a few questions for you.”

“I’m listening.”

#5:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:13 pm
Trade Windows, By Smee


"Prepare for Pod Initialisation." Targh commanded the computer.

The only acknowledgement of the order was a brief beep, but almost immediately the cabling around the base took on the same blue glow as the power circuits on the rest of the ship. A hatch in the top was pulled out by an overhead lifting unit, and it lowered the attached harness down to ground level. Securing his belongings in a wall cubical, Targh quickly removed his loose fitting clothing, shivered and headed over to the harness. With practiced ease he fastened himself inside it. As the last saftey catch clicked into place the lifting unit immediately rose up, taking Targh with it, and gently lowered him inside the pod. With a hiss of sealing gases, the hatch on top shut and instantly pumps started filling it with a warm, oozing amber liquid. Targh ignored it, concerning himself instead with final checks of his harness. Satisfied, he leaned back, and relaxed. Finally he was home.

The liquid continued to rise, submerging Targh quickly in its sticky warmth. As it approached his neck, a head unit came down, sliding down over his face, and coming to rest on his shoulders. A mouthpiece, that would supply him with food, air and water for as long as he needed, slotted into place. A few moments later his head was submerged and Targh braced himself for final connection. His eyes blinked underneath the fluid, having no problem opening as they surveyed their new dark orange environment.

A mechanical jolt announced the incoming connectors, and Targh only winced slightly as the row of eight lengthy probes shot into the corresponding sockets along his spine. Near instantly his senses were overwhelmed by input. From the numb, nothingness of the pod, to being intimately aware of every single atom interacting with the surface of the ship. The complicated series of sensors throughout the ship fed their output directly into Targh, and he let out a gasp of pleasure as his vision became that of the multitude of visual sensors that covered the exterior as well as the interior of the Punisher.

City of IF -> The 2009 IFYs

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