Chapter 3
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City of IF -> Pirates, Vampires, and Ninjas, Oh My!

#1: Chapter 3 Author: Random PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:34 am
This will actually be 3a as it is only the first part and deals with the meeting of Danita. 3b is still being polished, then edited and deals with the march across land to the next decision point.

When we last left Talon, the had just landed on the Island Vientlyia, one of three Islands in the region now known as Jamaca. They were greeted by a dark skinned woman who suggested they go see Danita for advice. The last vote was a tie which has led to Chapter 3 being written in two parts. This Part A to wet your whistle while I finish polishing part B.

Thanks for reading!

“Could ye take us to be seein’ this shaman lady of yours then lassie?” Talon said to the young woman who had greeted them.

“Why yes mon! That is what I do here!”

Talon looked at Honest, confusion clear in his face. “Ye lead people to Danita?”

“No, I’m a guide!”

“Ohhhh well that be a fine job fer ye lass!” Talon hoped he sounded sincere. He didn’t understand why this town would need a guide though, it was only a few straw buildings, certainly nothing large enough to get lost in.

“Me name is Alshy, and I can be leading you to Danita if you wish,” she told them. Talon nodded and followed Alshy as she walked with unerring knowledge. They walked past the last building in which strange drums and an eerie guitar sound floated to greet them. The smell of freshly cooked bread and roasted meat reminded them all of their hunger. Suddenly the music built to a crescendo then stopped. Talon then listened to a chorus of stomach growls from his crew.

Finally they reached a lone hut, standing well away from the town and covered in an odd leathery material. Empty eye sockets stood ever vigilant as small skulls had been carefully placed over the door, and on poles leading to the house. Talon did not see any windows, but a small chimney puffed out a light smoke as if a cooking fire where currently burning.

“Knock and enter Talon the One-eye, but be warned. Should Danita not be wishing to see you, I would suggest you make a run for it. Danita can call the lightening to her bosom, rain fire from her eyes, or snuff the life out of a man with a mere word. Do not cross her pirate! For she is the fierce storm that can sink a boat in the open waters, the hungry shark in a blood frenzy, and the tiny spider that kills tigers with a single bite! She be the…”

“I think I get the picture Alshy,” Talon said hurriedly. It was obvious to him his crew was getting more than a little terrified. “Men why don’t you run along and get some food. I think Honest and I can handle this.”

“No Talon,” Alshy said again in her mysterious voice. “You be the one seeking Danita, you be the one who must go to her… alone.”

“This is fine,” Honest said quietly before she whispered in Talon’s ear. “I must feed soon anyway.”

Talon nodded but twisted his face in scrutiny, he wasn’t so much afraid of the shaman woman as he was nervous. He was terrible at meeting new people.

Talon slowly walked down the path, his crew watching him with forlorn looks. It was like watching him walk the plank in their eyes. Soon to be forever joined with the dark secrets of the abyss. Silence permeated the area, everyone seemed to be holding their breath, waiting for some unthinkable event to occur right before there very eyes.

“GOOD LUCK SIR!” Dumpling shouted, bringing a chorus of screams from his men. Dumpling was forced to throw his hands up protectively as the crew pelted him with their hats and forced him to the back.

Talon tentatively reached to the door and looking back at Honest, who for the first time seemed somewhat fearful as well, and he smiled. Honest let out a breath as if she had been holding it for a long time, which was weird to Talon considering she didn’t breathe. Talon then knocked politely on the door and it immediately swung open. Talon raised an eyebrow but with no more thought, pushed his way into the tiny house.

The inside was a lot more spacious looking then it appeared. In fact the inside looked more like a mansion; an elaborate staircase dominated a foyer, complete with coat racks, closets, a well made divan and love seat. A chandelier of candles hung from a roof that looked much higher on the inside.

“Nice use of space,” Talon said in wonder to himself. This was good carpentry work. Talon looked around a bit longer but finally started moving forward when he heard a soft humming come from the back of the foyer. He followed that sound to a dark red-stained door that was currently standing wide open. Inside candles burned brightly to reveal a clear glass ball set in an ornate holder on a circular table. Talon stepped forward and was in a room of maroon walls, dark sturdy bookcases filled with ancient looking texts, paintings of twisted spirits or holy symbols watched and listened from their perches, and chairs lined both walls. In the back of the room was the source of the humming, where an elderly looking woman stood with her back turned to the door. From the occasional thunk Talon guessed she was chopping something.

Suddenly the woman stopped and looked up. “You have come to me from a far off land,” she spoke in a deep, authoritative voice. “You have come seeking knowledge of your future. The miles you have traveled to see me shall not go in vain for I, Danita, shall look deeply into the magics of our world and answer your questions true! Now speak to me your name!” Her voice boomed the last part as her hands spread out to her sides, and Talon could see the wicked looking knife she held in her left hand.

“No that be too dramatic,” Danita said in much quieter voice. Suddenly she boomed again, “Now speak your name so that the spirits might recognize you for who you are!” This time only one hand shot above her head, as if pleading with the sky to caress her fingers. Talon opened his mouth to answer before he was cut off, “And speak true! For the spirits will tell me if you be lying! And such things do not sit well with me mortal!”

There was a brief moment of silence as Danita stood posed there and Talon wondered if he should speak now. Finally he answered, “I be Talon…”

Danita ripped out a scream of pure terror that set Talon back on his heels. Danita whipped around clutching her chest and keeping her balance with the table behind her.

“Why do you be sneaking up on an old woman like that?! Didn’t anyone teach you to be knocking man!”

“I did knock the door was open!” Talon argued.

Danita’s eyes became a thunderhead of fury as she stomped past Talon. Talon heard her open her door and yell, “Alshy! I told you to get someone to fix this damned latch! Have you no more sense than a turnip!” Another pause while Talon guessed she listened to the reply before she spoke again. “Well he is here now girl! Go and get someone to fix this latch! I almost had a heart attack!”

The door slammed making Talon jump and Danita stomped back into the room. She stopped took a deep breath, and visibly calmed herself. Then she moved with a haughty type of grace to sit in the chair in front of the glass ball.

“Sorry about that,” Talon said as he sat in the chair opposite her. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Scare me boy? Danita be scared of no man!”

“Oh, well you seemed frightened so I just wanted to apologize.”
“I thank you for your concern but I be fearing no one. Why I could…”

“Yes, yes, call lightening to your bosom, rain fire from your eyes; I heard the speech Alshy gave us.”

“Then you should know I not to be trifled with!”

“Fine, Alshy said I should see you before we begin our journey across the land to the Isle of O.”

“Ahhh you be another pirate?”

Talon cleared his throat then put his best accent on. “Arrrr I be the scurviest cur o’ the seas! I be the echo of terror in men ‘n women across the coast! I be Talon the One-eye, marauder, killer, and the meanest pirate this side of the great ocean!”

“That be a very good accent! Just the right inflection but still completely understandable! I be impressed young man, and I don’t be impressed easily.”

“Thank you, I practice it every day.”

“So you be Talon the One-eye, from what I hear the fourth most feared pirate. Another of your kind was here just today. A nasty little man…”

“Yes Alistair the Crippler, I have heard.”

“Blast that woman! Did she be leaving anything for me to be telling ya?!”

“She didn’t tell us where to go.” Talon shut his mouth, thinking he probably could have chosen better words for that statement. But Danita only grinned before she started speaking.

“Well I sent Alistair around the northern tip of the Island. Sailing the Southern tip would certainly have been faster but the waters be more treacherous there. Alistair will take three days at best to sail around the Islands, then at least another two days to get his boats docked in the inlet. If he can get them all in there. It takes a Captain of superb skill and sailing experience to dock in the inlet but it has been done. Of course then you must deal with the Malwiki people, the savage cannibal tribe that makes that area their home.”

“What would you suggest? I would be very appreciative of your wisdom and guidance.”

“Oh don’t you be a sweet one! I would suggest going straight across the land then. I can give you a route that will cut two days from your sailing time. But once you have reached the end, you will be on your own.”

“Do you know where the Family Jewels of Misty Moor await?”

“I do not. But I do have this map that shows its location.” Danita pulled a small drawer out of the table in front of her and withdrew a tattered, yellowed sheet of paper. Gingerly she handed it to Talon. Talon opened it and saw a huge X drawn on the paper. There was nothing else.

“It’s just an X.” Talon said in confusion.

“Ahhh yes and that is where you will find the treasure!”

Talon closed his eyes and bit his tongue. She was only trying to help. So he carefully folded it and placed it in his map pouch at on his belt.

“Well then, my crew and I should eat for we have a long journey ahead of us. Thank you for your help.”

“May the wind always be at your back Talon. I foresee great things in your future. They may not be what you want, but you will receive something even greater. I cannot tell you what that is, but know that life will always grant you what you need.”

“Thank you Danita. May the spirits… do something really good with you as well.”

Danita smiled then and bowed her head. Talon cocked an eyebrow and left.

The night passed quickly. His men were in fine moods when he reached the building they were all in. Like the others this was much grander inside than out. A full bar ran the length of the wall, a dance floor, a stage where a band played, with still plenty of room for tables and there were rooms up the stairs for rent. Talon found his men eating heartily, but keeping their napkins tucked in to keep shirts clean. They were drinking from large emptied coconut halves, and Talon could smell the rum. Honest had fed and was looking deliciously energized. Talon asked her for a dance. With a promising smile, they passed a much needed night of rest melting into each others arms. Dancing to the eerie rhythms of the steel drums and bone flutes.

#2:  Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:41 am
Yarr, I be likin' it.

#3:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:35 am
Another hilarious installment. The writing projects the comedic scenes very well. I like reading out loud to my daughter. It's funnier for both of us that way.

#4:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:00 pm
It good, Jamaica mon!

#5:  Author: Mordok PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:50 pm
Where Be 3b? <------------read in pirate voice.

Ok, thats all the pirate accent I'm going to do. I will however, drink some coconut rum and laugh now. Laughing

#6:  Author: ReisoLocation: Western North America PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:09 pm
Excellent. Can not wait for 3B. I would say something Piratey, but I am not drunk enough. I will return after a few drinks.

#7:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:45 pm
Hey Reiso, what's the monument behind the ice cat supposed to be?

#8:  Author: ReisoLocation: Western North America PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:32 pm
Funny you mention that D, as I am yet again changing my Avatar in the ongoing quest for something that matches the new site better. It is a shrunken down image of a piece by Micheal Whelan, and I honestly don't know what it's suppose to be but it has always been one of my favorite paintings. I'm not sure if this is right, off the top of my head, but I do believe it is actually called Avatar. You might be able to find out what book it's from and what it's suppose to be if you check out his website. I can't remember the URL right now, but It's Glass Onion graphics and a web search should turn it up.

#9:  Author: Random PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:38 am
Sorry for the delay folks, I'm pretty much wiped out thanks to a fun case of streppe throat. YAY! Fun coughing and pain! Man do I love theIrish for inventing whiskey right now...

3B will go up as soon as I feel up to editing it!

#10:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:04 pm
Take your time...Hey wat your real name, Random?

#11:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:45 am
Get lots of rest, Random, and some antibiotics along with that whiskey. We'll be patient. Hope you're better soon!

- Mother Goose

#12:  Author: kenshin himuraLocation: in your dreams PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:04 am
Yes random, ye should be gittin' lots o
sleep but also drink rum Smile

hey.... my rum is gone, oh crap I got to call my vet now,

#13:  Author: Random PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:26 am
Finally! The eagerly awaited 3B is here! And wow what a lot of trimming I ended up doing to this one. I apologize if this one feels rushed, it did when I read it. I've put in a new decision point mostly because it was getting really long winded. The jokes at the end were simply not working and I feel that was because of the length.

So without further ado I present

Chapter3... Part 2!

The next morning came to the rushing adrenaline of promised adventure. The crew had retired early and Talon was glad to see they were well rested. He had a feeling it would be a hard travel across the land and the crew would need all the energy they could muster. Talon and Honest stood a bit ahead of the pack, Talon looking through his spyglass at the land beyond. He wasn’t really looking at anything but felt it would make a good image for the Captain to be scouting ahead.

“Cap’n sir,” Dennis said approaching the two. “The crews been wonderin’ how ye wish ta be going about this search?”

“I have a map that will take us across the first two Islands. After that we are on our own.” Talon unrolled the map Danita had given him, as Dennis and Honest both looked on. “If we follow this trail by the coast, it will lead us across the short end of the second Island.”

“What is this area?” Dennis asked pointing to a place on the map with small writing on it.

“The Dead City I believe it is called.” Talon took a side glance at Dennis who gulped but said nothing. “And here we have the Flowery Fields of Pain, and here are the waters of Man Eating Land Sharks.” Dennis was quite for several minutes until Talon realized the man was praying. Talon rolled his eyes and continued studying the map.

“What is this place here?” Honest asked pointing to a mass of caves.

“I’m not sure really,” Talon said with a shrug. “It looks like a mass of caves.”

“How can you tell that?” Dennis asked, a tremble highly evident in his voice.

“The author just said so up above.”

Dennis looked up.

“Nevermind,” Talon said with a sigh. “Look we have a half days travel to the Dead city, if we take this route we will beat Alistair by at least a day possibly two if we really move.”

“You will never find anyone to scout in this territory,” Dennis said with an apologetic shrug.

“Really?” Talon asked letting a hint of menace creep into his voice.

A few minutes later the group set out. Dumpling had been “volunteered” by the crew to scout ahead, and Talon had agreed but on a condition. Then Dumpling had an especially springy length of rope tied around his waist and was sent in front of everyone. The other end of the rope was then tied around Nigel, who had grown considerably in height and now stood just a shade less than 8 feet.
It was fairly obvious that Dumpling had not been left on his own very often, as he tended to zip from one side of the path to the other, often humming his own hero music. But as long as the rope remained attached, Dumpling could go no further than a few feet.

Talon felt a bit ridiculous having the entire crew of two boats behind him. But he left no one behind when the promise of treasure was but a few steps away. So he had allowed all of them to come along. Besides he figured if there was trouble, numbers and loyalty were definitely on his side. Well at least there was numbers.

Most of the day passed without incident as the crew began to relax in the way that only a warm spring day on the shores of the ocean can bring. They began singing sea songs and ballads. Jokes and stories began to filter through the air as the two crews began the journey to smooth over their friendship.

Talon and Honest walked side by side in the shade of the huge jungle trees. The air was a bit more humid than Talon would have enjoyed but he was certainly not complaining. Dumpling had managed to not get lost; although it was apparent it was not from a lack of effort on Dumpling’s part. The crew was in high spirits, the day was bright and clear, and there was a lost treasure waiting at the end.

Suddenly, Nigel called for a halt. Talon raised his hand and turned to look at the giant in training. “The rope has gone slack,” Nigel said. Talon looked to the rope that now lay on the ground and didn’t move. Talon weighed the situation carefully. Losing Dumpling on the island was not that great a loss in his mind, but his sister-in-law would nag him mercilessly if he couldn’t find the boy. Besides, Dumpling was a family member.

Finally Talon turned to the crew, “Dennis you are in charge. Nigel, Jennings, Lisa, and you there, in the red shirt, you are all with me. The rest of you take a break! We’ll be back once we have found him.”

“I’ll be coming with you I think,” Honest said mysteriously. Talon only nodded as if he had expected that.

“Nigel, follow the rope and start rolling it up as we go. That way you will feel any tugs or strain. Lisa you have the best eyes in either crew, I need you beside Nigel looking for any signs of trouble. Jennings you better bring the medical bag. You in the red shirt, you will be doing anything that appears stupidly dangerous.”

Talon did not wait for a response but instead turned away and let Nigel and Lisa take the point. They started away following Nigel and Lisa, Honest keeping within the copious shade offered by Nigel’s large frame, and Talon keeping Jennings upright in case he had a nap attack. The rope was not extreme in its length and shortly they found the frayed end where Dumpling was supposed to be. On the ground they found a pile of candy wrappers.

“As I expected,” Honest piped in. “He been taken by a Sugar Ghoul.”

“What’s a sugar ghoul?” Lisa asked nervously.

“A particularly nasty little creature,” Honest said still studying the ground. “They are undead like a zombie only they move much faster and are smart. They offer their victims candy or some sugary substance then kidnap them. While no harm will come to Dumpling, he will be forced to eat nothing but sugar. The ghoul then feeds off the sugar adrenaline and keeps his captors fattened until they die.”

“So the ghoul would kill him?” Talon asked.

“No but the ghouls are not known to be real brave when it comes to protecting their victims. A real ghoul, or a wraith could easily snatch the boy up then he would be in a pickle.”

“You mean these things are real?” Talon asked incredulously. He had always thought spirits and ghosts were only fancy tales told around campfires at band camp.

“Oh yes Talon, they are very real. Although most of the stories have been exaggerated beyond belief. Truly it is flustering how the living simply doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of what it means to be undead. Take me for instance. I eat normal food and only need to feed on fresh blood about once a month. I like garlic, and religious symbols and places have no sway over me. I cannot turn into a bat and I don’t speak with a weird German accent.”

“So what do you know about ghouls? Can their touch really make you age quickly? Are they deformed creatures with lolling dog like tongues?” Lisa asked.

“HA! No but I’m sure the ghouls would have started that story. A ghoul is a human spirit that was usually so shy in life; their spirit simply couldn’t find the nerve to enter the afterlife. So they are stuck here wandering the earth until they finally break their shyness and face the next life. A sugar ghoul is one who tried to drown their shyness in some form of material consumption. It could be food, or it could be tobacco, or it could be alcohol. For some reason when these spirits are left, their addiction turns to sugar. Since a ghoul cannot eat, it feeds off the energy provided by its victim.”

“So Dumpling is in no danger except for getting fatter?”

“No there is a danger,” Honest said finally looking up. “As I said ghouls are not especially brave protectors of their prisoners. In fact if Dumpling had more than three brain cells he could figure out that to escape all he would have to do is walk away. But knowing him he is in heaven with all the sweets being offered to him.”

“Any idea’s on where to look?”

“I cannot be certain but I would think the Dead City would hold more information.”

“Wait, I see tracks!” Lisa said excitedly. “I’m not sure who made them though. They don’t look heavy enough to be Dumpling’s but they were certainly made by a person.”

“Ghouls do not leave footprints,” Honest said, curiosity piqued.

“Alright, we will go back and get the crew and we can decide where to go from there,” Talon announced.

“Uhmmm, boss,” Nigel said, his voice much deeper than it used to be. Talon turned to where Nigel’s thick finger was pointing behind him. There was his crew, just a few steps away.

“What in the… what are you doing here Dennis?!” Talon shouted in surprise.

“You put me in charge Cap’n,” Dennis said with a defensive posture in his voice. “I ordered the men to follow you!”

“You were supposed to wait there! I told you we would be back when we found him!”

“Yes but you never said we couldn’t follow you,” Dennis pointed out. “And they wanted me to make decisions! I’m not a Captain!” Talon thought Dennis was getting a little overworked.

“It’s fine Dennis,” Talon finally said ending the argument. “Well then you know the situation. Shall we go to the Dead City and see what happens? Follow the tracks and see who created them? Or press on towards our goal?”

Ok decision time yet again. As always I am very open to any other suggestions. Poll will go up in a few days.

Thanks for reading!

#14:  Author: fauna PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:05 am
I'm still waiting for the tragic death of the fellow in the red shirt.......

But anyways, I think you'll waste your time following the tracks. They probably lead in circles. Set the thick-headed crew on the tracks, since they followed you all the way to where you are, and then you and the hand-picked few go to the dead city.

#15:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:04 pm
will read

#16:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:27 pm
Forget Dumpling!

The crew is bound to take losses, right? Well, let Dumpling be the first one. Is this how you ended the third most feared pirates, by finding kids?

We can tell the sister that he died heroicly.

Go on torwards the goal.

#17:  Author: Suneila PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:26 am
Maybe the tracks were made by whoever stole Dumpling, and they left the candy wrappers to throw the pirates off their trail. I'd say follow the tracks, and send the crew to the Dead City, but that just wouldn't work, so he'd better make the crew follow the tracks, and go with the little group to the Dead City. Besides, the red-shirted guy needs to die heroically, and where better to die then the Dead City?

- Sunny

#18:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:34 pm
“The author just said so up above.”

Dennis looked up.

Tut, tut, Random, copying techniques from other people, eh?

#19:  Author: Random PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:17 am
What can I say D. Everyone wants to be like you. Smile

#20:  Author: KeyLocation: The Royal Palace PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:54 am
Arr...matey, what a great fight it was, and will be told among the seven seas, how when we were making our way across the dread Island of the Head Hunters there came upon us a pack of hideous ghouls, deformed creatures with lolling dog-like tongues whose very touch could make you wither and age.

Many a stout-hearted man would have fled in terror, but such a feared pirate was I, among the most feared in the world - definitely qualifying among the top three by any accurate measure - that we stood our ground and fought them off with cutlass and sword, though my own nephew heroically met his end in the battle, as the ghouls aged his body and sucked the blood out of the lifeless husk.

True pirates all, we mourned our fallen comrade and pressed forward to our goal the fabled treasure, as a daring young man in a red shirt took my nephew's place at the head of the party.

All right, all right, maybe we send someone to follow the tracks and find Dumpling. But we need to go after the treasure. There's a reputation at stake...

#21:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:38 am
Never leave a man behind.

Of course, this motto say's nothing about Dumplin's, but even so, someone should be sent after the lad.

Honest and red shirt seem a likely rescue party to me.

#22:  Author: ReisoLocation: Western North America PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:45 am
D-Lotus wrote:
“The author just said so up above.”

Dennis looked up.

Tut, tut, Random, copying techniques from other people, eh?

Actually D, references to the narrative of a story can be found in almost every medium - Movies, Books, Cartoons, Sitcoms, Commercials and even old Radio Teleplays. It's always a guaranteed laugh to break the fourth wall by mentioning that you're breaking the fourth wall. Still loved it in Sheerluck, and loved it here.

As to what to do, the extra must die. This is a low-budget show and we have to cut costs. And he has the red shirt. So as long as that happens, the rest will fall into place. Keep it coming Random.

City of IF -> Pirates, Vampires, and Ninjas, Oh My!

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