Welcome to the Poetry Palace: Start Here
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City of IF -> Poetry Palace

#1: Welcome to the Poetry Palace: Start Here Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:43 pm

The Poetry Palace is a forum designed to harbor your poetic imagination. We share ideas on style, meaning, metaphor, sintax, etc. The purpose is to encourage the crafting of poetry on the site and improve our writing through the comments and perspectives of others.

There are only two requirements:

1. Rather than posting each poem separately, you are advised to keep them all contained in a collection-- that is, post your poems in one thread, as if you were posting new chapters to a story. That way we avoid intense cluttering while making it easier to browse through one particular author's poems.

2. Be civil. All criticism must be respectful.

Now get out there and explore!


"Word" Poetry Contest


Keep in mind that this is a new forum, so we don't yet have a lot of rules or even goals. One thing I'd like to see, however, is involvement between different poets. Let's avoid passive responses.

Contests are one form of involvement, but there are multiple others: poems that reply to questions created in other poems, allusions, references, contestations, etc. The fundamental purpose is to create a web of associations and relationships between the poets on this site.

So, for example, one could reply within another poet's collection with a poem that has a common subject. Or, alternatively, one could post the poem in one's own collection along with a link to the other's poem in order to make the connection explicit.

Another approach would be for one author to create a thread about a trope/theme such as "Dreams", and then anybody else is welcome to submit their poem on that topic within the thread. A theme-based collection. In fact, my hope is that this will be the main form of inter-textuality among IF poets.

The response of our audience is vital to the construction of meaning, and therefore we should embrace interactivity. Whereas this forum is not designed for Storygaming, there isn't anything stopping anyone from experimenting (i.e. creating a Storygame in verse, RPing in verse, etc).

I'd love to hear your feedback.

#2:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:09 pm
A truly great introduction thread post D! Covers the bases nicely Smile

City of IF -> Poetry Palace

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