Currencies - What would you spend them on?
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#1: Currencies - What would you spend them on? Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 2:34 am
Okay, currently we have 3 currencies, and there has even been some initial idea for a fourth - but - what do they mean to you, and what would you most like to spend them on?

Forget for a moment that we have Fables, Strata-Gems and Legends.

Knowing what City of IF is and means to you, if there was something you really personally wanted that is available on this site, for example a privilege, features to control, or something else entirely, something that you would be willing to amass a certain number of points to be eligible for, what would it be?

For example, I would want to earn points to spend on receiving a damn good critique from someone. I would pay them my points, because a good critique is of very high value to me.

I'd also like to buy my own private forum in the near future.

It'd be interesting to see what the most popular 'wants' are and I think it would help determine how many currencies we need, and their settings, and how they are earned.

So... what would YOU spend your IF currency on?

#2:  Author: AmichanLocation: RL:Roseboro, NC./ IF: Retuning from a long journey in the land of OFF PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 7:19 am
i like the idea that we have for the Strat-gems keep them for buy ins on RP puroses or allow them to be used in any of the games ( land of odd) as for fables i am not sure what we can use them for as we have so many and not a lot of use the last FBIA collection i took estimated about 460000 Fables in Circulation over 190 Ifians that is a ton of fables with no use for them.

The legends I stand behind my idea of making them like medals or Commendtions. as to what they can be spent on they can be used for Extremely rare items such as titles or something that key has alluded to . a possible Email within IF itself ( just an idea )

there are some ways that i have pointed out to earn legends and think we can expand on those in due time

#3:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 am
I have used currency for in-game benefits (such as buying equipment for characters); image services such as pictures for stories and advertising banners; buying a plot in "The City!"; paying rent for a forum; paying for sticky status; rewarding readers for finding plot holes to correct; as a prize; to purchase an ad; as a gift; and just for the "Hey look at all the currency I have!". I have also seen currency used to influence the direction of storygames; for writing or proofreading services; member titles; and even buying actual IF gear (shirts and such).

Personally I never liked paying rent, as it was a bit of a hassle and it didn't seem like I was purchasing something so much as being penalized for having a SGotM. I also think it's generally unwise to sell actual merchandise since currency is still so easy to get. Everything else I listed has been great. I would like to see more in-game benefits, but that would be more up to the authors and participants.

#4:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 8:39 am
Been considering a central 'Fable burning' site game - something of a Gladiatorial arena sort of thing where Fables may purchase special items for sale etc... still something coming together in my head here but that might help add some 'value'.

Also, looking for some programming solutions as mentioned in chat, including, but not limited to:

Being able to purchase a unique forum background from a gallery for your SGs.

Giving the option for authors to give the option to purchase additional votes (at a rate set by the author but not profitted by the author - well may a percentage)

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