Black Throne Conquests
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City of IF -> Poetry Palace

#1: Black Throne Conquests Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:02 pm
Part I: The King and The Minions

Long long ago when God created Hell
A king did swear he'd rule over it well
He got to work and built himself a throne
Constructed of skulls and many broken bones
On his brow a brimstone crown did sit
Glowing in the fires that the lord had lit
As he sat and watched over his twisted domain
A twisted little plan did hatch in his brain
He would summon great generals from the fiery pit
And cause suffering to those not worth his spit
He would hurt mankind who labeled him "Devil"
And bring them down to his molten level

So he set to work on his mighty fiends
Brought from the pit and breathing steam
Days came and then centuries passed
He worked until he was finished at last
He sat and grinned at his own hell-made squad
One for each day of the week to mock the lord god
The bowed on one knee at the foot of their king
As he forced them to kiss his flaming ring
They rose up and stood in a line
Waiting for what their king would assign
"These men wish to go to god but will not know the way
Go and use their own desires to lead them astray"

So first, Irving rose, dressed in nothing but rags
And walked amongst those who lived out of bags
His eyes scoured along the filthy city streets
Searching for those who desired just ease
The men who would just sleep so they couldn't do a thing
He would pull those slothful fools down to his king
Next up was Dorian who was known as the arrogant son
Carrying around a mirror to prove he was the beautiful one
He moved amongst the shops to avoid any detection
To take those who valued their own reflection
He looked for the men with great boasts they would tell
So he could drag those prideful fools straight down to hell

Kain and Morgan rose cause they worked well as one
They could take what they wanted and never be done
Kain watched the people with covetous eyes
While Morgan sought jewels of incredible size
Kain broke off to take on the stalkers and thieves
And pull down all of those envious fiends
Morgan watched the lawyers and the stockbrokers too
He would pull apart the needy, greedy, money-hungry fools
Nero rose with his eyes set ablaze
Walking about in a murderous haze
He moved in the prisons to watch all the trouble
To capture the hateful and burst their small bubble
He grabbed those who let their anger reign
And dragged the wrathful into the flame

Delilah took to the surface clad in a small dress
She winked at the hordes and tried to impress
She batted an eyelash and showed off her pale skin
Inviting men to partake of her sweet and sultry sin
They followed her as much as their sense would afford
And she took the lustful down to her lord
Saul moved up last because of his girth
And mingled in the diners and buffets of the earth
He studied those who knew how to deal
And only lived to eat their next meal
He sat at the table with the hungry and weak
And brought his lord the gluttons that he did seek

So the king sent his generals up time after time
Saying "All of their souls soon will be mine"
So he sat on his throne and watched all the souls
All the tortured spirits that he made so unwhole
He let out a laugh and showed his villainous grin
Loving his title "The King of Sin"

Last edited by misterbiz on Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:30 pm
That is AWESOME! Mr Biz. Very Happy

#3:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:02 pm
This is just amazing Biz! Curious, where do you get the names you reference? Is it of your own origin or is there some research you can direct me to? I'm not asking to 'challenge' at all, more out of interest than anything.

You showed that stories can be vividly told through poetic expression and characters can be nicely developed, even within the bounds of poetic stanzas. Very well written as well... one point where you failed to capitalize God, I do that all the time though, and a few lines up The, should be They I think.

#4:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:08 pm
Since you are curious, T...I will offer a Biz Bit in each other part and explain the origin of the beasts name

#5:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:01 pm
Biz Bit: The name of Irving is a reference to the author Washington Irving, the author of Rip Van Winkle.

Part II: Irving and the Soldier

Irving rose to the top to find himself some prey
He moved amongst the beggars in his truly evil way
Across the seas he walked, gliding upon the wind
To find the person whose ease was their mighty sin
As he glided, he heard of a man his king would love to meet
A soldier who left just to find a life of perfect ease
"I think I'll find this AWOL fool and have a little chat
I'll take care of the lazy cur as we talk of this and that."

So Irving picked up the trail and began his hunt
To find the slothful man known as Larry Gun
Larry lived in the south pacific on a tiny isle
Resting on a hammock and smoking all the while
Irving found him as he slept all through the day
Snoring and dreaming in his slothful way
With a flick of the wrist, the hammock did spin
Wrapping around Larry and trapping him within
He looked up to the demon man dressed all in rags
The scarecrow fiend with the bedsore scabs

"Let me go," Larry growled as he started to squirm
"Shut up," Irving spoke, "you wretched little worm"
Larry fought against the hell-spawned cocoon
That held him so very tight as a child in the womb
The cloth tightened around him, stopping his fight
He could no longer move or jerk, no matter his might
His eyes looked around searching for an escape
But by now it was already too late

The general laughed "So much energy for such a lazy man
You had your chance to use your strength but now you can't"
"What's the deal, you ugly fuck," the captive did exclaim
"I want some answers right now so you really best explain"
Irving nodded and flashed a rotten grin
"I'm just here to punish you for your deadly sin"
"Sin?," said Gun, "Shit, I've done nothing that was ever so bad
Unless you count having the best time I've ever had."
Irving let out a laugh and gave a small wave of his hand
Causing the hammock to crash into the sand

"Shut up," the demon snapped as he kicked Larry's side
"You're nothing but a sloth and for that reason you'll die"
Larry cried out in fear and a tear formed in his eye
The demon's eyes glowed and clouds formed in the sky
"You ran from your duty for nothing more than ease
For relaxation you sold out all of your beliefs"
He clenched a fist and the hammock tightened more
Larry was now getting crushed by the hammock that he wore

"The work was just too much," the victim started to plead
"I did what I could, man, I just had to fucking leave"
Irving let the hammock tighten down and heard a tiny crack
"Tell me," he said, "was that your arms or your tiny little back"
"Leave me alone," Gun begged, "I gave all I could give
Please I beg of you, show mercy. I deserve to live"
The demon chuckled. "You, sir deserve no such thing
So I'll end this quick so you can meet my king"

With that, the hammock tightened more than it ever had
Until it choked the life out of the lazy little lad
He grabbed the body and made a journey he knew well
And pulled the rotting corpse all the way to hell
He bowed down and presented the gift to his king
Before leaning in and kissing his flaming ring
"That was great but I would have liked to see some gore
I'll take his soul but to rule the world I need to have more"

#6:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:35 pm
And his army grows! Loved it Biz! Thanks for the bit, too. Makes sense - you suggest then that since Irving authored such a terror story that he may have committed such crimes?

#7:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:39 pm
Biz Bit: I am aware that upon first reading of Part 1 the name was different. But I changed it due to the fact that it was part of the old, unedited version. Its all better now. As for the name, It is a literary reference to Dorian Gray. Pride and Vanity. Figured it fit.

Part III: Dorian and the Model

There once was a supermodel named Heather Myers
She relied solely upon her looks to keep herself hired
She looked down upon the normal for they had lesser worth
She had to be the prettiest creature that ever roamed the earth
With diet pills and surgery she managed to keep herself alive
With days between her feedings her looks would let her survive
She walked upon the catwalks from Paris all the way to LA
Letting everyone envy her great beauty that surely led her astray
She knew she was the greatest, her career would never have demise
As she moved on the catwalks in front of the demon with gleaming eyes

Dorian sat back as the pageant girl rose to be a star
As she said, "To hell with books, my looks will get me far"
One night on her birthday, the arrogant son sat and took a gander
At the young girl who suddenly started speaking slander
"I truly am so beautiful, and I know I'm being vain
But compared to me everyone else is so very plain"
Dorian growled as he thought hard about her words
She wasn't better looking than him, that was just absurd
"I've had enough of stalking, I'm through with hide and seek
By the time I'm finished with you, you'll wish you had been more meek"

So he snapped his fingers and whispered a little curse
In this battle of looks, he would come out first
She let out a small cough and Dorian let out a laugh
Seeing the potential in his invisible attack
For months Dorian watched as he slowly got his way
Heather started rotting and her career went down the drain
Her flesh turned red and fell off in teeny tiny patches
And she started to become more hideous to the adoring masses
Her body became weak and her ribs stretched her skin
Her punishment for a life of vanity and sin
She grew blemishes that make-up couldn’t hide
Her career vanished and her esteem quickly died
She wilted away and slowly became deformed
She now resembled her true ugly inner form

After another year as her birthday rolled around
She sat on her bed and let out a wailing sound
She couldn't go on looking like she did
So she grabbed a gun and decided to finish off her sin
She placed it in her mouth and gently closed her eyes
A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked toward the sky
Dorian grinned wide as with a bang, the rotted model did fall
After sending blood and brain matter to paint the bedroom walls
With a quick motion, the fiend grabbed the corpse and made his way home
To the unearthly king who sat waiting upon his bloody throne

"Very good Dorian," he said. "You really got inside her head
Instead of killing her you made her wish to be dead
So take her away and toss her amongst our bloody masses
Your brethren will return from up top and soon we'll turn it to ashes."

#8:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:35 pm
Biz Bit: Kain's name is a biblical reference to the envious brother of Able.

Part IV: Kain and the Stalker

Kain hid in the bushes and he did hide well
On his usual journey up from the flaming hell
He watched all the people with eyes of bright green
As he waited for a truly covetous fiend
It wasn't long until someone joined him in the dark
A stalking madman by the name of Robert L. Stark
Rob was jealous of the man who had taken his girl
He waited for a moment to take him out of this world
His envy and hate grew til it was all that he felt
Because of the greater hand the man had been dealt
Rob sat in his car and held back a maniacal laugh
As he plotted how he would take his girlfriend back

Robbie hatched a scheme to take his foes life
He'd take what he wanted and make her his wife
So he waited and watched from his tiny little car
As a villainous demon joined him in the dark
"I can sense the hate in you and it seems so sweet
Too bad you'll always fail and suffer defeat"
Little Rob jumped and stared right at Kain
"Surely," he thought, "I'm going insane"
Kain laughed and looked toward his greedy little prey
"No, my lad. You are almost perfectly sane"
Rob tried to open the door but to no avail
"You can't fight a demon, you will always fail"
Rob tried to drive but the motor was dead
"Give up, dude. You heard what I said."
The little man screamed but it fell unheard
He was now invisible to the rest of the world

"You know you mortals have it pretty nice
Yet you continue to fight and scurry like mice
You get God's image and included in his plan
Yet you just want to be like some other man"
Rob's seatbelt buckled and his seat moved in a jolt
"You don't deserve your life, you're a waste of flesh you know"
The seatbelt crushed Rob's ribs and the belt tightened down
And the victim screamed without making a sound
"But I guess I have it better, just me and my king
Even if I have to bow and kiss his hellish ring
At least I'm not stuck, craving someone else's goods
I must be more grateful I really really should"
The seat crushed Rob until his eyes flew from his skull
"Goddamn this trip was awfully dull"

He drove the car and corpse all the way back to the flame
Where at least one being loved to say his name
"Kain, your revelation was truly profound
So throw that fool upon the decomposing mound.
Sometime soon we will have our precious ruling dawn
But first, where has your brother Morgan gone?"

#9:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:01 pm
teehee, i really like this...

#10:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:38 am
I promise I'll do all I can to get to these tonight bizzy!

#11:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:08 pm
Its a good thing you pm'd me a reminder on this cuz I had thought I'd already read and commented here. Oops.

Great details have been given, and the stories are superb
But pay attention to the rythme, for there a spots that do disturb
Aside from that I'd say they were an absolute success
This dark material, a display of evil is where you're at your best.

#12:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:45 am
Biz Bit: I know this part is short but its tied into one of my short stories. The Elevator. Look at it in Linear Lane. The Name Morgan is a reference to the infamous Captain Morgan...the pirate, not the rum.

Part V: Morgan and the CEO

Morgan walked amongst the surface, a soul he did need
Of a man who only lived to serve his massive greed
He strolled amongst the thieves and strode in all the banks
To find a soul so vile, it would serve his master's ranks
"I've got the hard one," he moaned, "Greed is all I see
Even though all their little treasures should belong to me"
He moved from town to town and from state to state
So he could give a greedy soul a very nasty fate
Everywhere he moved, he saw men and their lust for loot
"These little maggots don't even deserve to lick my king's boots"
Then he found a man so greedy and oh so very vile
To get more loot, he left his dad dead on his tile
He took control of the company founded by his dad
An act he wanted since he was a tiny little lad

He sat in his office one day waiting until late
Looking over numbers and the fortune he had made
Morgan stood in the elevator and waited for the fool
He couldn't wait to kill the pathetic useless tool
"I'll rather enjoy killing this heinous little fellow.
Come to your doom, Victor Morello."
Victor left his office intending to head home
Unprepared for terror he had never felt or known
Morgan talked to the man who suspected something foul
"Yes...come..." he thought. "I'll gladly take you down."
Morgan revealed himself and spooked the angry fellow
And prepared to play with Mr. Vic Morello

Morgan entranced the man so he would suffer a delusion
And run in a circle as he suffered a massive illusion
He scared the little punk by making him think the metal box did drop
Then teleported him outside the door to make his suspicions stop
Victor stepped into the elevator and Morgan decided to act
He'd let Victor fall to hell as a matter of fact
The floor did open and Victor fell into the fiery pit of hell
Morgan appeared beside him so to his king he could tell:
"Here he is m'lord. The soul I have taken from above
Trust me. Money is all he can love"
The king nodded and tossed Victor to the flame
And caused him to scream out his father's name
"Very good, Morgan, you've done very well here this day.
Now relax for Nero is on his way."

#13:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:51 am
This is the poetry version of the prose you posted before, no? I liked it! Very vivid details in these pieces. You make me think the idea of telling a storygame in poetry is quite valid actually.

#14:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:54 pm
Biz Bit: The name of Nero is derived from the angry little Roman. Pretty straightforward, no?

Part VI: Nero and the Abuser

Nero wandered upon the earth with fury in his eyes
Gazing upon the humans he did so despise
He looked on the streets for a man of equal hate
Someone who didn't know how to control their rage
He looked to the papers and he looked to the news
For info on someone who lashed out but never did choose
He strolled through halfway houses and in the alleys dark
To find the one with a putrid, gnarled and despicable heart
He watched the gangs and the warlords of the east
Not just any soul could appease Nero the Beast
Then he found a soul deep in the Midwest
There were no doubts that he was the best
With a mangled grin, Nero approached the man
A vile creature by the name of Edgar Sands

Edgar had always had anger held deep inside
Abused at an early age, he let the good part die
He got a family and managed to hide his inner fiend
But it wasn’t long til that built up rage was finally set free
He became a monster and lashed out at his wife and his kid
Growing more angry and venomous whenever they had hid
He struck hard and damn, did he strike fast
Nero would see that his suffering did last
He knocked out the prick and tied him to a table
And prepared to make Eddie talk once he was able
After a good long while Edgar did awake
And swore Nero's life he would soon take
The demon laughed and shook his head
"No, little a while tis you who’ll be dead"
Edgar squirmed and cast a nasty glare
Meeting Nero's never blinking stare
"What do you want? Tell me now, you sorry little dick"
Nero nodded and erased his grin, "Ok, I'll make this quick"

"You're a bad man, I hope you do understand,
For that is why you will die by my hands"
Edgar growled and roared, "Bitch you're outta your skull"
Nero yawned finding his ignorance rather quite dull
"You had a family once did you not," the demon asked
"Yeah I did," Ed replied, "you're late though. They've already passed"
Nero got up close and wiped his smile away
"I know. That's why I'm here for you today.
You put your family through hell so they bowed to your whim
As they always thought 'What is wrong with him?'"
Edgar lashed out hard against his restraints
"You're wrong. they worshipped my very name"
Nero delivered a hard blow to Edgar's fragile nose
Letting blood fly from the unholy blow
"They would not worship that, you wrathful pig.
Every strike you landed just made them sick."
Edgar looked away just to hide his awful shame
At being hit by the demon with the hidden name

"You see, Eddie. I know all about the abuse
You’re a bomb with a millimeter fuse.
You struggled as a kid so you lashed out at you child and your wife
The people you should have been willing to lay down your very life."
Edgar shook his head and looked back to Nero
"That bitch was nothing but a pathetic zero
Her and that little brat. I gave them everything you see
Even though they never ever deserved as good as me"
Nero hit him again and heard a bone crack
Pity for this waste he truly did lack
"She didn't deserve your blows or your god-awful pride
And her child didn't deserve to be so empty inside"
Edgar growled again and let out a roar, "you don't know shit."
"I know a lot," Nero responded to the pathetic twit.
"Your kid finally fought back and that wouldn't do
You killed her in your rage and then her mother too
You beat them down and kicked them to death
And they cursed you to their dying breath."
Edgar shook his head. "No No. It wasn’t me. Someone else"
Nero laughed. "Just put your lies right back on the shelf
It was you and not some robber as you have said
And for those deaths you are soon going to be dead"
Before Edgar could start the table was set ablaze
The fiery incarnation of Nero's hate-filled gaze
There was a scream as flame engulfed the monstrous brute
Nero sat back and sung as he manifested a golden lute
He played and sang as the abuser did burn
His family suffered and now he got a turn
Nero continued to play as the unholy fire spread
The house became engulfed and Ed still wasn't dead
Nero's song kept Edgar alive as he continued to yell
As Nero whistled and played them all the way down to hell

After half an hour they arrived in the pit
Nero gazed at the corpse and couldn't help but to spit
He walked to his king and knelt in front of the throne
"Nero, my son, glad to see that you're home
Good work, this soul if truly quite suitable
Now we must wait for Delilah the beautiful."

#15:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:04 am
Biz Bit: The name Delilah is a biblical reference to Samson's temptress.

Part VII: Delilah and the Professional
The next demon up was simply known as Delilah the Beauty
A gorgeous beast that was ready to perform her unholy duty
So she traveled the land searching for that special girl or boy
Because either gender's sin could bring the bitch joy
She eyed the strip clubs, porno stores and even a brothel or two
But she needed the worst and not just some pathetic dude
Then she saw the target in a club late one Thursday night
He was absolutely perfect, it was absolute lust at first sight
She licked her lips as her hazel eyes studied her prey
A playboy punk by the name of Eilliot Grey
An idea hatched in her mind of how to bring the fool down
Like a tease she'd bring him forth and in sorrow he would drown

She walked through the crowd and made sure to catch his eye
She flashed him a sly smile, knowing how he would die
His lit up as he caught sight of the woman without compare
Something about her eyes, forced him to stop and stare
She danced in the crowd and gazed into his eyes
Using her demon wiles to keep him hypnotized
She kept her eyes upon him, staring into his soul
Viewing all the misdeeds that would make him unwhole
She gazed at his past from his birth until he arrived
And had to fight back a laugh at his pitiful life
She knew from his suit that he was a ladie's man true
As long as she had a pulse, any girl would do
He had made his way from girl to girl to girl
To this pathetic waste of flesh, flesh was his whole world
His conquests numbered in the hundreds but he would never have more
Because the almighty Delilah would destroy his very core
Her body moved to the music and ever enticed him still
The thought of his touch made her feel quite ill
She beckoned him with a finger and the good dog obeyed
Not knowing that at his home he should have stayed
She danced with him in the crowd, making sure to smile
She hated being near him, yet she seemed happy all the while
He became lost in the music and her movements kept him near
Elliot leaned in close and whispered "Let's get out of here."
Delilah nodded and grabbed hold of his hand to lead him away
Smiling wider as she began to fully lead him astray

She pulled him into the bathroom where their lips met
Little did Elliot know that he was on his way to death
They continued to kiss, their lips never coming undone
No air coming into them, forever dooming the lustful one
Their passion grew wilder and hotter, taking more of the man's breath
Yet he was too caught up in his lust to notice he was choking to death
Yet before long, his chest started to hurt and burn
And he knew his good luck was starting to turn
He tried to push her off and force her away
But it was allready way too late
He was weak and this demon was ever so strong
As She fed off the air from his lungs
He let out a scream that fell upon no ones ears
The music too loud and him to quiet for people to hear
Within minutes the entire world started to go dark
As a stillness overcame the victim's heart

Delilah pulled away at last and spit upon the ground
As Elliot Grey fell to the floor with a loud thudding sound
She stared down at the mortal she had been so compelled to kiss
And laughed at how he had died trying to find some flesh-filled bliss
With one hand she grabbed hold of his skull and started dragging him below
Making sure that his eyes were open for a spectactular show
Images appeared on the way, memories of his past
Of how he had thought loving and leaving had been such a blast
"You are a real piece of work, Elliot, my dear
Listen to the pain you caused but never did hear
Those cries in the distance are the loves that you deserted
You are monster. Really truly perverted.
You thought with your privates and now you will pay
Forever in hell, your flesh forever torn away by flame"

Once in the pit, she threw him at her lord's feet
"Welcome," the king said, "Delilah, my sweet,
That was a terrrific show up top, you really knocked 'em dead
But do your best not to let it go to your head
Now take this thing to the pit, remove him from my royal floor
Take him to the other souls and soon, Saul will come with more

#16:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:37 pm
Biz Bit:I honestly don't know where I derived the name Saul for the glutton demon. It just came to me.

Part VIII: Saul and the Junkie

Saul rose to the surface to find the final soul
The one final victim to make his master whole
He placed his hand on one of his many chins
And moved amongst the people, searching for his sin
Slowly he trudged searching for the perfect glutton
Someone who couldn't live without a dose of mead or mutton
He gazed into restaurants and watched the buffet lines
Longing to find the most hungered fool of the modern times
Around the world he trotted, hungering for some gore
Searching for someone who only lived for more
After a month, he finally found his man
It was perfect, for she was the biggest glutton in the land

His name was Jenny Stall and he surely was a mess
Former honor student, she once was truly blessed
But she met a man and her heart did so flutter
After a year with him, she was the glutton of the gutter
She stood on the corner as her hunger always grew
For a needle in her arm and even powder for her nose too
She sold her body to anyone just for another taste
Keeping up her desire at a swift and deadly pace
Saul approached, a fresh needle clenched in his fist
To tempt the glutton as he stepped out from the mist
Her eyes widened as she saw him, and the drugs calling her name
She licked her lips as she watched the chemical that kept her sane
"Hey stranger," she said, "you have some nice tar there in your palm
If you give it to me, I'll find a way to make you nice and calm"
"I am calm," Saul spoke, "So you will have to find another way
To get these drugs, you need to think of how you can possibly pay"

She let out a moan as she stared into his eyes
Trying to move him with her hunger-filled cries
He just smiled and held up her sweet black desire
And watched as her eyes filled with a desperate fire
"I'll give it to you and I'll give it to you whole
And all I ask of you is your eternal soul."
She thought a moment and quickly agreed
And grabbed the syringe with a desperate speed
She shot up and let out a relieved sigh
A she suddenly felt better about life
After a moment she let out a violent scream
As the demon made things not so serene
"Time to pay you insignifigant speck
You offered your soul and now I'll collect"
Smoke poured from the holes decorating her arms
As her blood boiled causing her harm
Her flesh peeled off as her blood contined to cook
As Saul laughed and continued to look
After a minute, silence swallowed up her cries
Saul grabbed her by the hair and started pulling her down
Taking her home without a single sound
He took her down and set her down near the king
He sunk to one knee and bowed in front of the superior being
"Good job, Saul, my plan is just about whole
But first, tis I who must collect a sinners soul."

#17:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:52 pm
Finally read all three and loved them each dearly! I'm not going to get all 'feedbacky' on it all though there were some spots that could use some minor edits for rythme and timing. But they are minor when held against the content delivered. When a person thinks of 'poetry' I would say this material is the last stuff that comes to mind. It's raw and horrific, a bit indulgent but terribly clever. Greatly enjoyed and looking forward to more in this series.

#18:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:43 pm
Biz Bit: Now is The King's turn. In my original planning of this series, Nero and The King's victim's were both called The Father. Though I changed Nero's because I think it made more sense.

Part IX: The King and the Father

The king’s eyes flared as he rose from his throne
And started down the path made of blood and bone
He threw on his long black cloak and straightened his crown
Before moving on up to earth to a small little town
He gazed around the town with fire in his eyes
Searching among the people for his splendid little prize
He looked into the men’s eyes and searched all of their souls
To find the perfect person that he could throw upon the coals
He started to walk amongst them, the decrepit little mice
As he looked for the one that would suit him nice
The sidewalk cracked under his boot with every single step
As the dark king walked, fire in his eyes and blood on his breath
'Twas not long until he saw that treasure he did seek
The perfect person whose future he’d make bleak

The person was a priest by the name of Father John
The king smiled and simply thought: “This won’t be long.”
He followed the priest into the church, fearing nothing holy
It could not hurt the beast as he killed the man slowly
He watched as the man strode past the pews into the back
As the king thought of his plan of attack
He got an idea and quickly followed suit
As smoke billowed from under his massive boot
He slid into confession next to the fated fool
“Father, for this you need to keep your cool”
“Go ahead,” the preacher said, unaware of his fate
“No matter what you did, no sin is too great.
So please, carry on. What is wrong, my son?”
“Father,” the king replied, “It is by you, this sin is done”
“You are mistaken, sir. You truly are all wrong.
Now if that’s all you have, I must say so long.”
“No, Father John. I really know my facts
Of how goodness is what your heart lacks.”
The priest looked surprised and simply shook his head
“And for that reason, by the morn, you will be dead”

The priest rose and ran, quickly bolting to the door
But was stopped just short as he fell to the floor
A chain wrapped around him, binding him up tight
As the holy man suddenly was filled with fright
The chain flew up and hoisted him a foot from the ground
As the king approached with a thunderous sound
“Leave me be, foul demon,” The priest did so exclaim
“I hereby send you back to hell, in my lord Jesus’ name”
“Save your speech, you little bug, for I am not afraid
Now shut up and bask in the bed that you made”
“I’ve done nothing, John screamed, “so let me go”
“You’ve done a lot, Johnny. More than you know.
I’ve seen your soul and I know that it is dark
As far as sinners go, you’re a work of art.”
The father was lifted higher, to meet the king’s gaze
And look into eyes filled with nothing but rage

“Three little boys, a friend they did seek
Three tender babes, mild and weak.”
He struck again just to inflict pain
And the man who would soon be slain
“A chance like this, a monster like you did leap
A hungry little wolf, preying on the sheep
One by one you brought them under your wing”
Then the priest was struck once again by the king
“You got them close and you gained their foolish trust
And convinced them absolute loyalty is a needed must”
The priest was hit again as he moaned and cried
“And then you monster, broke them inside
You’re a fraud, Father John and a traitor too
Which is why I personally came for you”
Without another word, without another sound
The chains released and John fell to the ground
“Just one more thing and then I’ll depart”
Then the king reached in and pulled out John’s heart
He clutched it tight and grabbed hold of John
“I knew that wouldn’t be long”
He traveled back home and threw the body in the fire
Before sitting and holding the heart of the liar
Hours went by before he finally rose
And set down the heart in front of his toes
He looked to the flames and in a moment he cried:
“Get ready, my generals. For tomorrow, we ride.”

Biz Bit II: Next time...the thrilling conclusion to Black Throne Conquests.

#19:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:41 pm
Truly delightful stuff Mr. B! You managed to give me the feeling that now we've finally gotten to the heart of the matter and are currently discussing the core villain. You gave the Dark Lord a strength of character and personality that pervaded the text. Loving it so far!

#20:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:33 pm
Part X: The Minions, The King, and The Battle

As the king readied himself, a great storm did arise
To warn all the people the king did despise
Bloody rain fell at each corner of the earth
Drenching the pathetic mortals that held no true worth
The skies lit up with an unearthly glow
As an army of fiends prepared for war way down below
Holy men screamed “Repent,” as the unholy storm blazed
And the king suited up in an all-glorious haze
He strapped on thick armor, forged in the pit
By the souls that were forced to wallow in shit

For twenty-four hours, the king did prepare
His armor and weapons with meticulous care
As he finished his job, he started to march
Up to the surface, out of the dark
Behind the king, the generals followed though not in a line
They just followed their master and made sure to stick close behind
Mortals were cut down in the king’s path
As Nero looked on, delighting in his wrath
Morgan picked up the slack, for the glory was great
And Kain struck the fools down that dared tempt their fate
Delilah stayed her hand for she said 'twas not her turn
While Irving took out the lazy who simply refused to learn
Adrian struck down those with the most delicate looks
And Saul stayed in the back taking out all of the cooks
Then, lo, the king did stop in his tracks
As a group of angels appeared to impede his attack

They were led man in armor, glowing white
A man who actually made the king feel fright
His hair hung in brown curly waves
And everyone near knew they would be saved
“Halt, Lucifer,” the angel’s leader exclaimed
“These people do deserve to be slaughtered and maimed
So turn around and just go back to hide in your hole.
Don’t say a word, just do as you’re told”
The king stood his ground hatred in his eyes
As he quietly plotted the angel’s demise
“I will do no such thing, you insolent fool.
Now leave before I really get cruel.”
The angel stood firm as his army did grow
“This is your final warning. Please just turn and go”
The king turned back and looked to his men
“I hereby call,” he proclaimed, “All the condemned.
The sinners and sadists whoever were sent to me.
Rise up now, I do hereby command thee.
The gluttons and lustful, the envious and those with greed
You will hear my roar and you will take heed.”
As he spke, all the damned rose up from hell
And greeted their king with a thunderous yell.
They gathered behind the generals who had taken them down
Standing in formation as they released a torrent of unearthly sounds

Irving stood with the slothful all dressed in rags
Covered head to toe with bedsore scabs
Each one clutched a dagger in their palm
The lack of labor keeping them calm
Adrian stood with the vain in armor of gold
Waiting for his orders to be told
His men all stood in armor that shone
Clutching a mace mad from their own bones
Kain stood with the envious, each dressed in green
As he cautiously surveyed the scene
Some of the men clutched a bow, the others a quiver full
So from the bodies of the fallen, the match could be pulled

Morgan stood with the greedy, each dressed as they pleased
Each determined to make the angels fall to their knees
They were armed each with a chain and massive hook
Seeking glory that from others they took
Nero stood with the angry, all covered in scars
Their eyes like that of pure tar
In their fists they clutched a mighty hammer
They would bash their foes without a single stammer
Delilah stood with those whose lust they couldn’t contain
Dressed in nothings as they stood in the bloody rain
They watched with poison tainting their breath
Their kiss would be the angel’s cause of death

Saul stood with the gluttons, who were craving a feast
As they stood behind the crimson robed beast
Their teeth were as sharp as any blade around
Their monstrous appetite would see the angel’s go down
The King turned back to face the angel horde
“Forward men, take out this fool and his entire corps”
The army charged forward and the angel crew
And the amount of carnage in the streets exponentially grew
The king stood planted and at his enemy stared
As the battle around them continued to blare
The angel unsheathed a sword and the king followed suit
Marching forward fast, the earth shaking under his boots
He swung the blade toward his heavenly foe
Desperate to make him feel woe
Their swords clashed as thunder did roar
As two men clashed from biblical lore

As the king and the angel did do battle
The minions fought to kill the others like cattle
Nero fought hard with Attila at his side
Pushing forward with those who violently died
While Kain fought and did find his match
He saw him and a tiny plan did hatch
He’d kill the angel of a glorious rank
And then he, the king surely would thank
Saul tore through the angels with a monstrous grin
Hungry for the flesh of those without sin
Morgan and his followers slaughtered without care
Each one wanting the glory to be theirs
Delilah and her crew wielded their lust
Pulling down those who were foolish to trust
Irving moved through the battle at a slow pace
Loving the slaughter ever since the first taste
And Adrian tore through his enemies with a vicious blow
Exterminating his brighter, more beautiful foes

The battle waged on for days and days
As both sides stayed strong out in the haze
The days turned to weeks which eventually grew to years
Without sign of the end ever drawing near
Seven years passed until a killing blow came
The white general by the hand of the king was slain
With their leader fallen, the angel’s hadn’t a hope
As The king threw the carcass to hell down a brimstone slope
His follower let out a vicious roar and the rampage grew ten-fold
And the king laughed as his mighty plan became whole
As the final angel fell, The king walked amongst all the slain
Declaring the earth another part of his domain
He looked to the heavens and let out a breath
And inhaled the sweet smell of bloody death
“I’m coming for you, don’t you fret.
But You see I’m not ready yet.
So make a new plane, bring new creations to life
I’ll be prepared to fill them with woe and strife.”
AS he spoke, his minions did construct a new throne
Comprised of angel blood and bone
And upon it, the king did sit for quite some time
While in the new fires, his crown did brightly shine
And he looked at his men with an unholy grin
As they did chant “All praise the king of sin.”

Biz Bit: There you have it. Now if any of you have any questions or comments on the whole series along with the latest part, please feel free to ask.

#21:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:09 pm
Cool! I'll have this read within the next few Bizzy! Looking forward to it!

#22:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:31 am
Ok, caught up on this one and I've just got to say... why is it I'm the only one following this??? It really is quite cool! Ok, the rythme needs a little work sometimes and it commonly feels a little forced where the rhyme is concerned but some of the lines are clever beyond belief and the overall concept of the poetry is really neat, thought provoking and imaginative.

So yeah, loved it overall. That was a very epic conclusion and a neat allusion there as to who the lead 'angel' would be. Clever wordplay to say a lot without saying it outright.

City of IF -> Poetry Palace

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