SparkleSteps - Chapter Fifteen: Part 3 - POLL IS UP!
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City of IF -> SparkleSteps
How does Milo proceed?
Get himself into a position to rescue Old Bob, then blow the whistle to alert Chanah to distract Sorren.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Give Chanah the whistle, so that she can distract Sorren with it to lead him off, while Milo free's Old Bob and they both scarper.
 75%  [ 3 ]
Use the Al'loren'etta to create a distracting light display, whilst one of them attempts to free Bob
 25%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Andolyn, PopeAlessandrosXVIII, Tatkret Sos, Thunderbird

#1: SparkleSteps - Chapter Fifteen: Part 3 - POLL IS UP! Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:10 am
Final part of the chapter here, sorry it's taken so long. Lost the muse for a little while. Wink Thanks for reading, and I hope you like it!

SparkleSteps ~ Chapter 15: Part 3

Tianna watched Milo leave, sending her prayers with him. The boy was brave and true, so different from those who'd gone before him. She not only wanted him to succeed for her sake and that of her people, but also for him. To have him prove himself, and show what a cut above the rest of his family he was.

She stared after him a moment longer, then got down to business. She had formed a plan, and it was time to put it into effect. When Milo freed the third from his prison, which she believed he undoubtedly would, they would be ready to end everything.

She drew all of her reserved powers to her, and prepared herself. The means to destroy the Veeka lay within her grasp, as unexpected as it had been. There were a few snags to be worked out, but they depended upon the actions of others. She smiled, as she held a hand to the sky, drawing in the added power of her element, and prepared to send out the message for battle.


After Jem left his room, Mot lay awake in bed for a while, pondering the situation that Sorren and himself had started. Why did they and their people feel the need to keep returning to this world after all these years living away from it? It was a world that no longer wanted or needed them...or even believed. Yet they persisted in 'checking' on it, despite the danger that they knew lurked within the forest, beyond the door.

They'd thought themselves safe, Sorren and he, knowing that the Veeka had no use for them. Sorren was a Aquania, and he himself was an Ember, matching the dead warriors, Frith and Religan, who's blood the Veeka had collected many years before. So they'd of course come to the conclusion that there would be less chance of harm befalling them. They couldn't have been more wrong, and it hadn't even entered their minds that they might be used to get the creature what it wanted. And yet here they were. Sorren under the Veeka's control. Chanah out there somewhere, searching for him, and putting everyone at risk to do so. And he, Mot, lay here with a shattered leg, useless to all. This could only end badly, how could it not?

Tears pricked at the corners of Mot's eyes, as he lay back on the pillows, and hit the matress with his fists, in frustration. It was all such a mess, and now all were bound to die, including those two incredibly brave and innocent children. And there was nothing anyone could do, unless a miracle occured. The thought made Mot release a soft, mirthless chuckle.

"And what are the chances of that..." he whispered into the dark room. He allowed the tears to escape, painting tracks of moisture down the sides of his face, before they fell in droplets onto the pillow beneath his head.

Suddenly, something tapped his senses. He shot into a sitting position, alert and listening, not only with his ears, but with his mind to his intuitions. For a moment, there was nothing. Then again, a faint brush of something against his highly tuned elven senses. It had barely more force than a breeze, but Mot felt, and mentally captured it, closing his eyes and scanning it for information. A few seconds passed, then Mot released himself from his trance, and laughed in disbelief.

"Well, I'll be..." he said, quietly, still chuckling softly, as he clambered awkwardly out of bed, and went to look for some clothes.


Though the Al'loren'etta now dangled uselessly around his neck, something instinctual told Milo where to go. It was almost as if something of the Ancient One had entered his body, when she'd healed his shoulder, and she now syphoned her wisdom into him, telling his heart where his destiny lay. He ran, fleet-footed and confident of his destination, without pause or hesitation. He found himself taking a moment to ponder this strange new mindset on occassion. All depended upon his success, and before his meeting with the Ancient One, he'd not been at all confident of it being so. But now, it was like a new spirit filled him. A spirit who's voice told him that he could and would succeed, and filled his heart and mind with the belief to match.

Suddenly, he stopped, and looked around. Though he didn't know how, his mind told him that he'd reached a familiar place, and he knew that he must be close. He surged forward again, and continued on, taking no heed of the tree branches that whipped his face and body as he did so. And his confidence surged with him. Ideas of bursting into the clearing that was the Veeka's domain, and taking on the creature face to face, filled his mind, and the prospect made him giddy.

'I'll do it!' he proclaimed in his head, 'I can do it! I can do anything!'

A flash of something passed through his mind for a second, telling him to stop, and consider what he was doing. But Milo was too far gone for such thoughts, and it was waved aside, disappearing like smoke in the wind.

A few moments passed, and suddenly he could see the clearing ahead of him. He remember that strange light created by the great fire, the same one that was before him now, and he knew that he was in the right place. A strange glee filled him, as he continued to run towards it, at the prospect of becoming the unlikely hero, and in succeeding where even elven warriors had failed.

'For I surely will,' he thought, 'How can I not?'

He was mere feet away from stepping into view of his enemy, when something larger than him and strong, leaped out of the shadows. The something captured him within its limbs, rolled soundlessly on the gorund, and into the shadows once more. He felt a hand placed over his mouth, and well, muscled arms and legs confining his movements to the smallest of struggling. His back was pressed against a body both soft and firm, and he felt the tickle of long tendrils of soft hair on the back of his neck and on his arms. He tried to speak against that that gagged him, but his effort were met with both lack of success and being even more tightly squeezed. He felt lips and breath next to his ear, as his captor spoke in an urgent whisper.

"Quiet, you little moron! You want to get yourself killed!"

'Chanah!' He recognised her voice immediately. He mumbled under her palm, but the words came out as a muffled burbling.

"I said shut up! Why can't you just do as you're told?!"

He felt her chest rise against his back, as she huffed impatiently, and the earlier embarassment at seeing Tianna's bare body, started to build in him again. Gone were his thoughts of defeating the Veeka, replaced by the awareness of the postion he found himself in. Her soft voice broke through his thoughts again.

"Are you going to behave now, if I let you go?"

Milo nodded sincerly, and he felt her grip on him slowly release, and she stood, and slid away from him, positioning herself so that she could see into the clearing. He remained where he was for a moment, feeling strangely shaken, and kept quiet.

The silence drew out for a while, while Chanah checked out their enemy. Finally, she withdrew, and walked back over to him. She knelt down to look him in the eye, and to check him for any injuries. When she spoke, it continued to be in the softest of whispers.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" Milo shook his head, and she nodded. "Good...I'd say what the hell did you think you were doing, but I know only too well how 'effective' the powers of the Ancients can be. Just went a little overboard with the self confidence is all. Realised her mistake almost immediately, and sent me a message to get to you before you ruined everything." She shrugged, and even managed a small smile. "They just don't know the strength of their own powers anymore, when used in that way. It's been many years since they did so on a regular basis."

"If their powers are so strong, why can't they kill the Veeka?"

"The main force of their powers are focus upon healing and influencing others with a little more of what they 'need', whether it be courage, self-belief, love, understanding...the list goes on. They can kill, but haven't got the strength to destroy that monster, certainly not before he destroys them instead. Were he still without his magic, maybe they would stand a chance, but he's unfortunately gained much of it back, through his own vulgar means."

"And he could use the same means against you, to regain all of them. What are you doing here Chanah? This isn't only dangerous to you, but to your my people."

"The person I love more than any other out there!" Chanah's whisperings had taken on a slightly vicious tone as she explained her reasons. "Mindless and used! I'd rather kill him myself than see him be so...and I will, if that's what I need to do..." Emotions, long contained, flashed across her beautiful face, and she took a moment to regain her control.

Milo hesitantly reached out a hand, and took hers.

"I'm sorry."

Chanah looked up at him with glittering eyes, and nodded her acknowledgement of his apology.

"It'll all be fine now anyway," he continued, "Tianna has returned, and once she's whole, she will defeat the Veeka."

Chanah's eyes grew wide with surprise, and her mouth gaped.

"Tianna! The warrioress has returned from the dead? How can this be so?"

Milo took the time to quickly explain what had happened to Chanah, of both Tianna's past and the revelations of the present, knowing that she would need to know the whole story, if she was to realise the importance of what they had to do next. That no matter what, Tianna had to become complete again.

"So...the third is Old Bob...the gardener? And the other two are the old woman, and that trappy housekeeper?" It was evident that Chanah still didn't like Violet very much, but her wonder and intrigue in the story was still strong.

Milo nodded. Chanah thought for a moment.

"There is a cage, positioned in a tree above the Veeka. Though I cannot see if there is anything inside, that must be where the third is being held captive."

She rose, and indicated for Milo to follow her quietly. He did so, and she led him to her former post, looking out over the clearing. Milo could see the cage, some fifteen feet off the ground, nearly directly above the Veeka, who currently slept. Milo could hear the wetly rasping breaths, intersparsed with the odd choking snore. The noise made him cringe, but he continued to look around. The fire blazed, the flames popping and hissing as they had before, though no bulbous-headed creature danced around it this time. Chanah indicated to an area to their left, and Milo could see Sorren standing motionless in the shadows of the trees, some distance away.

From what he could see, Milo deduced that there were just the two of them to take on. But both were stronger than he and Chanah, and they stood no chance alone. He looked back up at the cage. They needed to get Bob out of there, but the danger posed towards them was colossal. If Chanah got caught, all was lost. If they didn't get Old Bob out of there, and back to Tianna, all was lost. Milo was stuck as to what move to make next.

Suddenly, Chanah became alert, and turned to look back in the direction they had come. Milo turned also, thinking she'd heard something. But there was nothing there, and upon looking up at her, he found that her eyes were closed, and she was listening intently.

"What is it?" he whispered, but she held up a hand to silence him. He did as he was bidden, until she suddenly came out of her strange trance. He looked at her enquiringly, and she shot him a genuine smile, containing both joy and a new sense of determination.

"You don't need to know Milo," she said, firmly. "Just keep in mind that all will be fine. I can feel it in here." She placed her hand over her heart, and continued to smile, biting her lower lip, as if to prevent herself from laughing out loud with glee. "Everything will be fine, now...though I never expected this."

Milo was about to question her speech further, but she shook her head before he could do so.

"No Milo. I said you don't need to know. It will only give you something further to worry about. Just focus on the task at hand. I am your to command. Ask of me what you will, and I will do it."

She looked down at him, waiting for his orders.

Okie doke, what does Milo decide? He needs to get Bob out of his prison, and also keep Chanah safe. With him he has a knife, two torches, Chanah's whistle (which for those who have forgotten can be heard by elven ears only, and is silent to all others) and the Al'loren'etta. Chanah is still in possession of her long dagger, that she used to kill the Harlimane. Sorren is situated some distance to their left, and the Veeka is positioned in his alcove, between the two trees, with the cage above him. Have a think about it and see what you can come up with. Thanks for reading, and I'll be pulling the three polls up asap. All three dps will be combined for chapter 16, for which I have some pretty big plans! Smile

Last edited by Tikanni Corazon on Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2:  Author: Tatkret SosLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:13 pm
Sorry I haven't read in a little while sis but I've caught up now Very Happy Really great chapter Wink

What should happen next...

I think they should formulate a plan to use the whistle. Maybe Milo could get himself into a position to rescue old Bob, and then he could blow the whistle to signal to Chanah to distract Sorren to lead him away. Then Milo can try and save old Bob.

The whistle could also be used as a warning for Chanah in case something goes wrong, like the Veeka waking up because he absolutely cannot get Chanah or it will be the end of everything Shocked

Again great chapter sis!


#3:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:14 pm
Sorry I haven't been able to reply to this so far... been rather distracted by RL of late... and am a bit too drunk at the moment to read... lol! Will get to this tomorrow I hope. *sigh*

#4: I Think....... Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:54 am
MWahaha! Poor boy and his woman issues! You give me such laughs Tikanni-chan!

Again, only a few grammar mistakes, but other then that, this was an easy read. Also, thanks for that little rundown at the bottom, it allowed me to formulate a great plan! That is if all the information is accurate *Shifty eyes*

Here's the plan(DP). Have Chanah wander around to near Sorren and have her take the whistle. While she does that, send Milo over around the other side. Have Chanah cover hear ears and blow that sucker as hard as she can! Get the dorkus's attentions, Sorren under comand, and Veeka because of his need. She should stay a goodly distance away, keeping up a good string of banter to keep their attention. Milo then has a little leway of time to climb up(Spry young man he is) and free Old Bob. Off goes the old man, and Milo can get as far off as he can befor giving off a signal of his success! She said she wants to kill him rather than see him mindless, so that could even be the signal for her to stike down her once love.

I know, kinda long...but that's my plan!....And I'm proud of it!.....So there!

More more more lady!

#5:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:08 pm
I agree that having Chanah create a massive distraction while he, with knife, climbs the tree and rescues old Bob sounds like the best plan.

I wonder what Mot's revelation must be. Surely it will be something rather profound and meaningful to the plot development here so I'm looking forward to finding out more there.

I loved the way you delivered the Ancient's magic and its effects on our Milo. It was just somehow 'realistic' if magic can be. There was just something very well thought out about that. He should take the whistle with him to blast out if he has immediate trouble and she should take torches to threaten and let them know where she is enough to give chase to her as she tries to lead them away.

Looking much forward to the next chapter Tika!

#6:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:49 am
I felt a bit frustrated with Mot's section. The POV was in his head, but he had to hide his revelation from himself in order for us not to see it. Less frustrating was Chanah's obvious identification of the same thing - because we were in Milo's head at the time. I still don't trust Channah, though.

But Old Bob needs to be freed.

I can't remember why Milo has two torches (and are they battery operated ones?) I also can't remember if Sorren is being used against his own will, or if he's been brainwashed? That would make a significant difference to my DP suggestion...

#7:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:43 pm
Thanks Tats, Pope, TB and Crunchy for reading, and your suggestions and comments. Your continued readership means alot! Smile

@Crunchy- He had the two torches in case he ran into another Harlimane (he just didn't count on running into three all at once Wink), because Jem told him the story of when he was younger and did the same thing. Though Jem's didn't turn out too well, Milo still figured it was a good idea. But they still may have a possible use here maybe...I haven't thought of one by the way, just thought I would mention that they were amongst his belongings in case someone else did. And yes, they're battery operated.

As for Sorren, his mind is being controlled by the Veeka. He's not brainwashed.

MWahaha! Poor boy and his woman issues! You give me such laughs Tikanni-chan!

*giggles* Well, I just figured it was 'that' age. Kinda around 12-13, when boys start noticing girls in a different way. Thought it would be a little unrealistic to have him around these beautiful women and not be affected by it. Especially when in such positions as he's found himself in. Wink

Thanks again all!

#8: Ahhh...... Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:09 pm
Ahhhh.....But that's all assumeing he's straight, but that's an authors choise one there, and one most decide to just go with the flow on. Razz Just yankin' yer chain. *Shifty eyes* And being the man love voice. *Grin*

#9:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:19 pm
Maybe the whistle and the Al'loren'etta can be used in combination to.. wake Sorren up? Get him back to his right mind with the elves? And then getting Old Bob is easy peasy.

As a side note, why do I see lots of dragons and dragon eggs everywhere!? :o Rai's gonna be a little annoyed you're bringing her things to babysit. Razz End of Off Topic Smile

#10:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:02 pm
That's right... the Al'loren'etta (how even you keep straight how to spell this thing is beyond me Wink )... does it have ANY power left that we know of? Would it even be possible to use it in any way now? Just makes me wonder for it could at least create some interesting pyrotechnics and flashy disorienting lights...

#11:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:58 am
Thanks Lil, and TB! Smile

As it is, Milo knows nothing of any extra powers (meaning I haven't thought of any Wink), but certainly, the lights are visible to anyone, and could quite possibly be used as part of a distraction plan. And, if I think of any 'extra' powers, I might be able to squeeze those in too. But yes, the suggestion should be to just try it, with no definite helpful conclusion, but to do that will mean to possibly lose time and/or alert the Veeka to their presence. Or to use just it to distract the enemy, and if anything else happens it will be concidental.

#12:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:33 am
I'd keep it as a backup then. It sounds like it could be a rather chaotic last minute ditch strategy and a little too unreliable as a lead off mechanism. I might want to bring up that I have it though, to Chanah, before beginning with any real plan. She may be able to share some wisdom and insight into what SHE could do with it that could help at the moment.

This is one of those times when I wish a DP could allow for a few paragraphs further into the story (aka asking her and getting a response on the Magic item) before we are made to select a strategy.

#13:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:28 pm
Tikanni Corazon wrote:
Thanks Lil, and TB! Smile

As it is, Milo knows nothing of any extra powers (meaning I haven't thought of any Wink)

But does Chanah know of any? Wink That's the real question there. Good luck Wink

#14:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:17 am
Thanks Lil!

Hmmm...with both that and what TB said before, makes me wonder if maybe I should just add a bit extra to the end of this section of the chappie, giving a little more info... I'll have a think about it, and if I come up with something, I may give the ending a bit of a rewrite.

#15:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:29 pm
Okies, the third and final poll is up! Yet again, I will just mention that there are two other polls, so don't forget about them. Wink

Thanks so much guys, for participating! Means alot. I'm hoping the poll results here might inspire some kind of muse, so that I can get on with the next chapter...which, at this stage, could possibly be the last one. *gasp* Who knows? Wink

Thanks again! Smile

#16:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:21 pm
Okie doke, all three polls are closed, and I'm going to attempt to write the next chapter, which I'm hoping to do in the same way as this one, but that will all depend on how my muse is working.

Hopefully I'll have the first part up by this weekend. Thanks again all for reading, commenting and voting! Smile

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