Question About Alignment/Text Formatting
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#1: Question About Alignment/Text Formatting Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:06 pm
Been here five and a half years, and I've yet to figure out a way to make text centered/right aligned/left aligned/justified on IF.

I've tried both [align=center,right,left,ect][/align] & [center][/center],ect.

Am I crazy or is this option just not open to us? Anybody got a clue? And please don't tell me to use dothtml or html coding, as I'm not an expert on that, I just know how to make buttons work.

It would be really nice to be able to justify my SG text, center my signature, other images I use in posts, ect. It just makes everything more streamlined and eye-appealing in my experience.

#2:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:17 pm
Unfortunately the BBCode available to us doesn't include aligning text. I don't know whether there's a reason for this, or whether it is possible to make that code available.

There's more about BBCode Here

You can, however, do left, right and center of text by using html tables.

This is text aligned
in the centre.

This is a block of text aligned to the left.

If the width of the table is not set, the text dictates the width of the table, and it will automatically fit window size (at least it does on my browser)

This is a block of text aligned to the right.

How to get that is below:



<tr><td align="center">

[i][b]This is text aligned
in the centre.[/b][/i]


<tr><td align="left">

This is a block of text aligned to the left.

If the width of the table is not set, the text dictates the width of the table, and it will automatically fit window size (at least it does on my browser)</td></tr>

<tr><td align="right">

This is a block of text aligned to the right.

You can see from this you can also insert BBCode in this too, including images.
There is a way to do justify but for some reason I can't get it to work.

Hope this helps.

#3:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:19 am
Thanks CF. If this is the only way... sigh... but okay. I'll be working with this from now on.

Edits to add:

If you look below at my signature, I've used the center option on my signature. What this has done is essentially cut down the width of my post. -_- That is not what I wanted to happen. If you look at a thread with my story in it like here you will see that it has not changed a thing. I've been attempting to set a standard width of 500px for both posts & signature for the past half an hour, in the standard HTML table code format and that does not work.

So I've come to the conclusion that it is impossible to align my text to the way I would like to. -_- <--- Irritating. Any other hints tricks or tips or am I just S.O.L.?

#4:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:18 am
Not quite sure why it's doing that - I notice that it's made a bit of a mess of the background graphics too - and has moved the 'back to top' link and all the link buttons at the bottom of your post to the right.

It's probably better not to put html in your sig and only use it for your content in your posts (I know some forums disable it completely anyway because it can mess things up).

I discovered when mucking about with html in my SG chapters that setting a standard width can cause scrolling issues for people viewing at different screen resolutions - something to bear in mind.

I don't have any other tips to offer other than to keep experimenting - that's the way I do it... but feel free to PM.

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