Line of Kavanagh: Shadows on the Horizon
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#1: Line of Kavanagh: Shadows on the Horizon Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:49 pm
**People, People!! Here it is!! By popular demand ((and my inability to let this story end)) THE SEQUEL TO LINE OF KAVANAGH!!! This one is the prologue, so no DP. Comments and thoughts are more than welcome, however!**


“She’s beautiful,” Anthony Kavanagh commented with a distant smile as he worked to shine the pearlsteel armor of his comrade.

“I’m not surprised,” came the contented reply.

Snow was falling softly on the crisp December afternoon in Darbinshire. The whole town was brimming with excitement as candles were lit and boughs of holly and ribbons of red were eagerly hung from every window and doorframe. At sunset, the bells began to toll signifying the time to gather at the castle for the night’s festivities.

Three years had passed since the civil war that had put an end to tyranny and placed the rightful line of Kavanagh back on the throne. Three years of peace and prosperity shone brighter than ever this night when the people’s beloved queen would finally be united in marriage with the captain of her guard and hero of the former Underground, Kellan Gabhann.

As the bells rang throughout the city, people from all over Ardara began making their way to the castle where three years ago they’d witnessed the coronation of their queen. It had long been rumored that queen Andolyn’s dress would have a red sash, so endless myriads of little girls gathered in the snow with their parents in little white dresses with red satin sashes.

Given the cold, the ceremony would be held in the massive great hall where on that fateful night that seemed but a nightmare now, Andolyn’s twin brother Anthony, along with Kellan and his men, had stormed the castle, taking down Prince Radan and driving his family out, never to be seen again. In the years since, this hall had been the gathering place for every happy occasion the queen could possibly use as an excuse to celebrate with her people.

This one was by far the happiest.

The rich mahogany wood pillars were wrapped in elegant red silk from the floor to where they met in intricate crossbars across the high, vaulted ceiling. Golden chandeliers hung from the center of every joint with candles that one would be hard pressed to count. Benches matching the pillars had been brought in from the high mountains of the north for the occasion and had been covered in opulent red padding from the silk farms in the East. Down the center aisle, a sheet of crimson silk covered what would be the queen’s walkway.

Christmas trees lined the walls between the archways that led out onto balconies that had been covered in glass sheeting to keep out the cold. Each tree was filled with silver tinsel, red ornaments, and white candles. In the hours before hall was opened, the servants, supervised and assisted by the queen herself, dipped each branch of each tree in water and then flour to give them a snow-covered appearance…just like her Grandma had taught her.

When Spade was satisfied that the groom looked suitable enough to be marrying his sister, the small, nervous group of men exited their preparation room and headed for the great hall. When they’d taken their places in the front of the room, they were almost overwhelmed by the massive amount of people that had crowded what they had been sure would have been a big enough place.

“I know Sis wanted open invitations so that everyone would be welcome, but this is more than I think even she was expecting,” Anthony laughed.

“She’ll be thrilled,” Kellan chuckled.

“Looks like Clicker’s up to his usual tricks,” Spade nodded toward the back of the room where a crazed little man was busily picking up each of the wedding gifts and shaking them to get an idea of what was inside before sliding the smaller ones into one of the four coats he wore.

“I take it you planned for this,” Kellan smirked.

“You know me well,” the young man replied, “I’ve already replaced them. The real gifts are in Andolyn’s room. All Clicker’s going to find when he opens those is a bunch of blue ink…rigged to explode upon opening, of course.”

“Spade, you’re a genius. I’d love to see him when he gets into that,” Kellan laughed aloud, causing several of the guests to look at him questioningly.

“Oh, it’s going to take weeks for that to wear off,” Spade snickered, “You’ll get to see it, I assure you.”

“At least he’s back there, so nothing of mine will turn up missing this time,” Barden spoke from where he’d just appeared next to Spade and Kellan’s other men after escorting Andolyn to the door of the great hall as her personal guard. “Get ready boys, here comes the bride!”

“Should I wait to tell him Clicker’s already taken his knife…?” Spade whispered to Kellan who chuckled knowingly.

Just then, though, the soft Christmas carols that had been playing morphed into a soft, slow song that Andolyn had loved since childhood. Alberich, who would be presiding over the ceremony, made his way through the side door and up to the podium. The massive doors at the back of the church swung open, and Andolyn’s cousin Ciara emerged first. Andolyn had dressed her girls in deep crimson red, which suited them, given the fiery spirit of each of them that had played their part in the ending of tyranny those few years ago.

Behind Ciara was a new friend of Andolyn’s, Rua, and behind her came Ebony and finally Roselyn. With the appearance of each young woman, the anticipation of the crowd, and more intensely, Kellan grew exponentially.

Finally, the music grew soft, and a tiny girl emerged in a dress matching Andolyn’s and ribbons in her curly blonde hair. Four soldiers pulled the doors closed behind her as the little flower girl made her way bravely down the aisle tossing rose petals as she went. When she reached the podium on which the rest of the bridal party stood, she turned, placing herself next to the bridesmaids and watched while the crowd stood and faced the wooden portal.

Kellan held his breath while the doors were pushed open once again. Spade was right. Andolyn was absolutely stunning. Half of her golden curls were pulled up to the back of her head while the rest spiraled freely down her back beneath her wispy veil. Instead of her sapphire crown, a ruby and diamond tiara sat before the mound of curls atop her head and all throughout the twisted style, diamond snowflakes glittered in the candlelight. Her gown was brilliant white with intricate beads adorning the front, and as the rumors had suggested, a red silk sash accented her slim waist and fell down the length of the train in the back of the dress beneath the crisscross of laces that held the gown in place.

Looking like a faerie queen of old, she stood with her hand looped through the arm of Doctor Aaron Damien as she waited for the right moment to begin her walk into married life.

“Breathe, man,” Spade nudged Kellan who cleared his throat with a blushing smile. The former leader of the Underground’s heart pounded as he waited for what seemed like hours for his bride to reach the end of the aisle.

The ceremony was beautiful, and not a single eye remained dry as the blushing couple made their vows of undying love through the tying of hands and the offering of sword and key that were customary for weddings in the land of Ardara. There was even the occasional loud sob coming from the back where Clicker stood, covered in blue ink.

At last, there was the exchanging of rings and the eternal kiss before the queen and her new king turned to face their people now as a married couple.

Suddenly, though, the cheers and shouts of joy were replaced by screams of terror when an unfamiliar sound filled the hall. Loud banging noises rang throughout the expansive space. The glass panes around the balconies shattered, and tiny pieces of metal ricocheted around the room, slicing through anything they hit like butter: stone, wood, and metal.

Calmly, Spade stood, scanning the balcony up near the vaulted ceiling. The trajectory of the shrapnel was coming through the windows, but there was a shadowy presence moving near the rafters. His piercing eyes widened when a glint in the shadow caught his eye. A long, metal tube was pointed directly at his sister, and Spade had a feeling he understood its purpose.

“KELLAN!!” he cried desperately.

It didn’t take long for Kellan to catch what his friend was screaming about. A hole appeared in the floor in front of Andolyn just as Kellan tackled her to the ground. Chaos erupted in the castle as every person in the ballroom began running for the nearest exit.

“Today of all days!! Spade!!” Kellan bellowed from where he shielded his wife on the ground, “Lock down the castle! Get those bastards!!”

The would-have-been king was already running down the aisle with his sword gleaming when the order was given with Barden and the rest of the guard on his heels. Kellan stood after he was certain the assailant had fled and looked around for any sign of where the shots had originated. Andolyn, however, still lay on her stomach, gazing at the coin-sized hole in the floor directly before her face. A strange clicking noise was emanating from the tiny invasion into the marble, and soon, a slender, brass rod extended from it. As Andolyn watched, entranced, a slot opened, and a tiny piece of parchment was revealed.

With trembling fingers, the girl unrolled the parchment and read the inscription aloud. Kellan, having noticed Andolyn’s curiosity, stopped to watch her as she spoke with a shaking voice.


You were warned. The people made their decision. Consider Ardara at war.”

Tears filled Andolyn’s emerald eyes.

Not again. Please, God not again…


There you have it!! Hope you enjoyed it!! Very Happy

Last edited by Andolyn on Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2:  Author: PaperSwan PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:58 pm
Oooooh! Exciting start!

#3:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:03 pm
*squeals excitedly* Awesomeness! That was just a brilliant beginning to the sequel of one of the most popular SGs on the site in recent years. Very, very well done, Andi! You should be very proud! And great to see someone else joining me in writing a sequel! Smile

So many parts of this stood out for me. The way that the friendship between Spade and Kellan was portrayed at the start. The description of the wedding throughout was just beautiful, and the attack at the end was described very well, given that there's no outright indication as to the weapon used. I simply loved it, and I cannot wait to read more!

Looking forward to chapter 1! Keep up the good work! Smile

#4:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:01 pm
A sequel!! Yay!! Very Happy

You did really well with the prologue, Andi! The ceremony was beautiful, and felt alive. I may or may not have a tear in my eye, and if I did, I'll never admit to it. The final scene was also done well. I can't wait for the next part! Smile

#5:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:02 am
The ceremony sounds tasteful and eloquent, just perfect to match Kellan & Andolyn's personalities. I am quite TICKED however that someone would rudely interrupt the good Queen's wedding day. So I'd like to see Spade lose his temper at this insult and disrespect. Razz REND THEIR HEADS FROM THEIR SHOULDERS!

#6:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:16 pm
Aweesomee!! xD

#7:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:08 pm

Loved it...loved it, loved it, loved it...

The ceremony was described beautifully and I love the odd little fella near the presents.


#8: Chapter 1 Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:06 pm
It's been a ridiculous wait, I know, but my muse was killed by a string of illnesses and she's ever so slowly reviving. So finally, turning this into a real SG, CHAPTER 1!!


Chilly autumn had fallen over the land of Ardara when five shadows on horseback stole through the misty byways that lead to the small town of Handunberg. They had traveled far, but the night was yet young, and a thrill of excitement fueled them onward. The sun had just set, and only an hour more of this trek stood between the riders and their target.

In Handunberg tavern, a young man sat alone before the bar, absently rolling a pint of ale between his slender hands. His piercing blue-green eyes studied the wall opposite him as he broiled in the misery of this most lonely birthday.

The majority of town had left early that morning for Castle Darbinshire for the celebration of his sister’s twenty-first birthday, but Spade had work to do, and after all that had recently taken place, a long trip for a party had been the last thing on his mind. Little did he know, his sister had no intention of allowing her brother to spend their birthday alone.

Spade didn’t notice the tavern door open or the five shadows that passed through it. He didn’t notice the crowd of people that filed in behind them. He didn’t notice one of the shadows slipping silently up behind his back, and he barely noticed when that shadow took the stool next to him at the bar.

What he did notice was the way that shadow kept glancing at him while the silent crowd still gathered at the door.

“Can I help you with something?” he mumbled in annoyance.

“It wasn’t very brotherly of you to skip out on your own birthday party,” the shadow replied, lifting its hands and lowering the hood of its cloak to reveal a head full of blonde curls and a sparkle of excitement in the emerald eyes that stared at him now.

“Andy??” Spade almost fell backwards over his stool as he jumped up to embrace his sister. The other four shadows lowered their hoods to reveal Barden, Kellan, and two of the castle guards, Krysto and Gawain. The crowd rushed forward in happy celebration; the townspeople hadn’t left at all. Instead, they’d hidden just outside of town for the day and come back when they were sure Spade would be in the tavern, as was his nightly routine.

“I thought you might not feel like going to a party tonight…so I brought one to you!” Andolyn laughed brightly.

The last thing Spade wished for on this October night was a celebration, but if he were to have one, it would be with these people…and there was no denying any request from those bright emerald eyes that glittered at him from behind the strands of gold hair that fell in her eyes. With a gentle gesture, he placed one of the unruly curls behind her ear and mustered the biggest smile he could.

“Thank you, Andy,” he allowed her to take his hand as she dragged him to the dance floor where Barden and the band were now playing a lively tune. As he danced with his sister, the loss in his heart disappeared, and for a moment, the world was bright again. Her laugh, the one he hadn’t heard in months, rang like bells above the music.

Suddenly, there was a tap on his shoulder. Spade turned to find himself staring at the chest of his comrade. Looking up, he found Kellan’s grinning face looking down on him.

“May I cut in?” the Captain of the Guard requested joyfully before spinning away with the brightest light in the room. Moving back to the bar, he found Barden sitting with a pint of ale.

“It’s about time something good happened for them. He’s had the same life I’ve had…just a little longer,” Spade sighed, waving to the tavern girl for a pint of his own, “and Andolyn…well, she’s seen her share. Who would have thought that good thing would be each other?”

“Right?” Barden chuckled. He raised his mug to Spade, “Here’s to finding our own good things one of these days.”

“Here’s,” Spade pounded his mug against Barden’s sending ale flying in all directions and causing the boys to share a grim laugh.

Breathless and laughing, Kellan and Andolyn returned from their dance and took their places at the bar. Gawain and Krysto soon joined them.

“So tell me, how are affairs at the castle, sister dear?” Spade smiled at the girl beside him.

“Oh, you know, same old same,” she said, but the flash of worry that crossed her features told him otherwise. Andolyn was making an effort to hide her feelings, however, so Spade would ask Kellan about it later.

Just then, Spade was thrown forward by a weight being applied to his back. Reflexively, in a fluid motion, he pushed Andolyn out and away into Kellan’s waiting arms before bracing himself for the impending impact with the bar. It never came, however, as Krysto, quick on his feet, had taken hold of the weight and brought it backward.

When Spade turned, Krysto was dusting himself off after having sprang back to his feet, and Gawain knelt with a dagger to the throat of the man who’d fallen on Spade’s back.

“My Lord, were you harmed?” Krysto breathed in a worried tone. Spade wasn’t sure why everyone still insisted on calling him ‘My Lord’, but it had stuck, so he pressed on.

“I’m alright, Krysto,” Spade chuckled, “Gawain, let the poor man up. This is a party, and he’s probably very drunk. No harm done…After all, it’s been two years since the war ended…”

But the terror in Andolyn’s eyes when he looked over to where she now leaned in Kellan’s arms told him something was happening that his sister had yet to tell him. She seemed to relax slightly, however, when the man behind Spade was on his feet once again. Spade soon learned why.

“Clicker is very sorry. No offenses meant, fair lady,” the man spoke with genuine apology in his green eyes. Andolyn smiled timidly. It was difficult not to.

Clicker stood just over five feet tall. He wore three shirts, one purple, one yellow, and one vivid green; his trousers were ripped and covered in a myriad of stains. A striped scarf circled his neck, and a tattered coat covered the three shirts which met a pair of fingerless gloves that covered his hands. Atop his head full of fire-red curls were two hats. The ensemble, in combination with the full, scraggly beard that matched his hair in color and the wild look in his eyes gave the round little man a slightly crazed and rather humorous appearance overall.

“Well…Clicker…As I said before, no harm done,” Spade offered the man his hand, which Clicker took and shook vigorously between both his hands. “However, before we part, I shall require you to return my pocket watch. It was a gift from my dear sister for my birthday last year.”

At first, Clicker looked shocked, but then an expression of utter delight crossed his face as he happily handed Spade the watch.

“Never before has Clicker been caught!” the funny little man giggled madly, “You must be a thief of considerable skill, sir!”

“I wouldn’t want to brag,” Spade replied with the smile of a naughty child comparing his record with another naughty child.

“Well, Clicker must be going now,” Clicker giggled again, stepping over to Andolyn and taking her hand, kissing it, “Worry not, pretty lady, Clicker will visit you often!”
Andolyn laughed, and with that, the odd little man was gone. Spade turned back to the bar and took a sip of his ale.

“Glad you caught that weird little bugger, Spade,” Barden sighed with relief, “he could have robbed us all blind!”

“Oh, you mean you didn’t notice?” Spade raised an eyebrow, “I thought you just didn’t want that handkerchief anymore…”

“What??” Barden reached in his pocket.

“I mean, you never even talk to that girl now anyways…” Spade mumbled, “Krysto, you’ll find you’re missing two coppers from your money purse, Gawain, one of your riding gloves, and Kellan, an apple from your bag.”

Immediately, the three men began digging in their bags and pockets while Spade sipped absently at his ale. Andolyn looked almost disappointed.

“What am I missing?” she whined.

“Nothing,” Spade took another swig, “He likes you. He won’t steal from you.”

The girl frowned a bit, confused, but she blushed all the same.

“Seriously??” Gawain cried, “ONE riding glove?? Why didn’t he just take both? I don’t exactly need the other one now!!”

“And I’ve ten gold and seven silvers in this pouch,” Krysto mused, “why’d he take the two coppers?”

Spade shrugged, returning to his ale and his thoughts while the party carried on in the background. Before much longer, the guests filtered out, and with a kiss on the cheek for each of ‘her boys’, Andolyn went up to her old room above the tavern.

Barden, Krysto, and Gawain, all a little more than sloshed, were the next to stumble up the stairs to their respective rooms. This left Spade and Kellan alone.
Spade stared into the fire debating his next move. He was tired, and moving up to his room would avoid a discussion about his broken heart…but it would also end the chance for an explanation of that look of terror on his sister’s face when Clicker had first appeared. It had been two years since the war ended, and Ardara had prospered in his sister’s reign…so why did a bump from a drunken pickpocket in a tavern frighten her so badly? Perhaps he was reading too much into things.


And there's your DP, people! Does Spade go to bed? Hide from the one person who can read him like a book? Or does his curiosity concerning his sister win out? Your choice!

#9:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:44 am
More brilliance from you, Andi. Bravo. Bravicimo! I really love Clicker. The way he dresses and speaks is highly amusing.

As for the dp, I say give in to curiosity. See why a simple drunk scared her.

#10:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:53 am
A wonderful first chapter, Andi!

I'm looking forward to finding out more about Spade's broken heart and what's happened to cause it. Agreeing with Biz, loving Clicker. Quite the eccentric little character you've created, in both his dressage and general appearance, to his strange choices of thievery.

And, of course, grammar and flow are impeccable. Smile

For the DP, agreeing with Biz again. Talk to Kellan about what's bothering Andolyn. If anything, it might help to take his mind off his own troubles.

Much enjoyed, Andi! Keep up the good work! Smile

#11:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:35 am
It had to have been a really long day, just go to bed and sleep it off. Also, there's no guarantee that Kellan will be dissuaded from 'reading' Spade, even if Spade tries to distract him from his own pain by making a niggle out of Andi's reaction.

#12:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:56 pm
Thanks for the comments, guys! any more before we start polling??

#13:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:32 am
Haha I like Clicker. Great chapter, as usual, and I'm so glad I caught this on time!

From the impression I got, Spade was never selfish, and he had always put his sister's needs above his own. I believe Spade will drag it out of Kellan as soon as possible.

#14:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:36 am
Fantastic start, Andolyn! I will have to read Line of Kavanagh so I am familiar with all the characters, though with how well you've described them, and how they are with each other, I feel like I know them already.

Spade should definitely ask about his sister. She seems very important to him, and I think he would want to know what was worrying her so much that a short run-in with Clicker would scare her. (Really like Clicker, by the way. He's quirky Very Happy ).

Awesome work, keep it up! Razz

#15:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:07 pm
Thanks so much, Seraphi!! You're in on some SERIOUS spoilers on the first story since you started here, but I'm hopeful that you'll enjoy it all the same =) you'll have to keep me posted on your thoughts of the first one. haha!

Thanks to everyone else for your comments as well, and without further ado, here's the first poll of the sequel to Line of Kavanagh!!

#16:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:01 pm
Due to the apparent overwhelming outcome of the voting...and my own's the latest!! enjoy!


The young man didn’t have time to make a decision before Kellan spoke.

“I think it’s safe to say that the time for fronts and pretense is past,” the tall, slender blacksmith stared into the roaring flames of the tavern’s fire. “You have been my brother in arms for far too long for me to mistake when something is troubling you. It has also been enough years that I can see when you wish to refrain from speaking of your troubles, so I will not force you. Don’t feel like you have to hide from me.”

Spade was unsure how to respond, so he only took a sip of his ale.

“Andolyn is just like you,” Kellan continued, “she suffers silently until she is almost crushed under the weight of her pain, and only then will she ask for help.”

To that, Spade released a small chuckle. He knew it was true. He’d watched his sister suffer physical pain and emotional torment with a smile on her face since the moment he’d met her. He’d never really thought of himself as being the same way, however.

“What’s going on, Kellan?” Spade looked hard at the man before him. “When that man Clicker ran into me earlier…I’ve not seen Andy look so frightened since I found her in the hallway covered in blood that night.”

Kellan frowned deeply, stroking his ginger goatee as he searched for the words to speak.

“There have been…threats.”

“Threats?” Anthony stood and joined his comrade by the fireplace. “What kind of threats?”

“It started about two months ago,” Kellan’s frown grew deeper still. “What do you know of the Etternesse?”

“The pirates in the south?” Spade arched an eyebrow, “What do they have to do with anything? They’re a plague on the Endless Isles, but Ardara hasn’t had any dealings with them in centuries since the western trade route with Scherda’an opened up.”

“That sounds about right,” Kellan nodded. “Recently, though, Lady Andolyn has been receiving correspondence from the leader of the Etternesse, Altana…they call her their queen.”

“And what does this correspondence say?” Anthony frowned.

“For several months now there have been whispers of rumors that this ‘queen’ has rights to the throne of Ardara…that she is of the bloodline of Kavanagh.”

“What??” Spade jumped to his feet.

“The correspondence seems to further act upon those rumors,” Kellan remained calmly staring at the fire while Anthony paced before him.

“Are they threatening her??” the young thief’s voice was brimming with anger.

“At first they weren’t,” Kellan sighed, “but lately, the letters have become more hostile, and Andolyn has become more and more uneasy. I believe something has been communicated that she isn’t sharing with even me.”

“But you’re the captain of her guard!” Spade fumed, “and more than that, you’re her lover!”

“I’m aware,” Kellan laughed without humor. “Something has frightened her, though…and she’s keeping it tightly shut away.”

“What should we do?” Spade sat once again, his anger deflated into frustration.

“What do you want us to do when you have something you don’t want to share?” Kellan challenged, his eyebrow arched.

“Wait,” Spade sighed, “Wait until I’ve sorted things properly in my own head.” He was quiet for a moment. “She’ll come to us when she’s ready. We just need to let her know we’re going to listen when she does.”

Kellan only nodded.

“Is that why you brought extra guards?” Spade asked quietly.

“Lady Andolyn asked them to join us,” Kellan nodded again, “Krysto and Gawain have served her faithfully since the war. I suppose she feels an extra sense of security having them around.”

“Kellan, why didn’t she tell me?” heartbreak covered every word Anthony spoke. It had been months since he’d last seen his sister and weeks since he’d responded to one of her letters. He’d made a promise to her on the day of her coronation that he’d be there to help her and yet here he sat, hearing from her lover that she had been struggling with a threat to her reign for “several months” now?? Each new revelation was a stabbing wound on his conscience.

“You know Andolyn,” Kellan sighed, “she didn’t want you to worry. She didn’t want you to know even now with the problems you’ve been facing on your own out here, but she’s just as much your sister as she is my fiancée. I wouldn’t feel right keeping something like this from you.”

“You think she’s in danger then?” Spade frowned.

“I’m not sure,” Kellan shook his head, “but something isn’t right. You saw her tonight. Something has shaken her…I guess we’ll just have to wait to find out exactly what.”

The two young men were silent for a moment, staring once again at the flames before them.

“I still can’t believe she didn’t tell me she was in trouble,” Spade shook his head.

“She felt guilty,” Kellan shot him a sideways glance. “She’s been so busy that she hasn’t been checking up on you like she once did. You got your heart broken, and she was too busy to do much to comfort you other than a letter or two, and she felt guilty for it. She didn’t want to burden you with her problems when you’re facing so many of your own. I know it doesn’t make much sense,” Kellan added defensively, “but try to think of it like she would. You didn’t want the crown of Ardara. In her mind, running to you every time the State has a hiccough (even though this time she probably needed to) would be tying you down to the very thing she promised to let you escape.”

Spade nodded. When Kellan put it like that, it was easier for the young man to see his sister’s logic. He knew this was the reason the captain of the guard was the perfect complement for Andolyn. Kellan understood her like no one else in the world could. He could see through her actions and pick out the meaning behind them. Andolyn was an immensely complicated individual with a mind that ticked just slightly off-beat from everyone else’s, and Kellan was an excellent interpreter.
Suddenly, the blacksmith stood, stretching to his impressive full height with a sleepy yawn.

“I think I shall be turning in for the night, my friend,” he said, scratching his close cut hair as he made his way to the staircase. “See you in the morning.”

“Good-night,” Spade waved, turning back to the fireplace.

For long hours, Spade sat, buried in his thoughts, until only embers remained skittering with flashes of life fighting to rekindle the blackened wood. Finally, he stood and headed in the direction of his room. He had often thought of buying a house here in Handunburg, but the thought of setting up something so permanent turned his stomach…perhaps that’s what had enticed Keelin to leave…

As he walked, Spade ran his graceful fingers along the wooden walls. Having Kellan and the others here brought back so many memories of the last time they’d all gathered under this roof. In his mind, he envisioned Andolyn bounding happily down the stairs with some new story to tell them all as they went over battle plans around a table in the tavern. He saw Keelin’s beautiful face smiling as she wiped down the bar after a long night’s work.

Heading up the stairs, he passed Alberich’s room, and remembered the joy of seeing his sister’s smile when all were certain it was gone forever. Drawing closer to his own room, he relived the nightmare of opening the door to see her falling to the prince’s poison that almost took her life.

So many memories filled this place even in the short time they’d stayed here together. Some carried Spade back to the simpler days when good was good and evil was bad, but others drove pain like spikes through his heart. Then there were the worst of all…the bittersweet: those that were once happy, but now brought only regret and longing for the past.

Settling into his soft bed, Spade closed his eyes and listened to the night sounds around him as he often did. The sun would start to peek its sleepy rays over the mountains in a few short hours, so the morning birds had already begun their songs in the trees behind the inn. A feeling of déjà vu hit the young royal, however, when between the songs, Spade started hearing quiet sobs.

Just as he’d done almost exactly two years ago, Spade hoisted himself out the open window and onto the roof of the Inn. About fifty feet away, toward the other side of the inn, Spade spotted a hunched figure sitting in the moonlight. It was reminiscent of the night he had learned of his grandmother’s passing only days after discovering her significance in his life. It had been raining that night.

Tonight, though, the sky was flawless and filled with countless stars. The full moon shown down in brilliant silver catching in the lengthy blonde hair of the woman before him and making it glitter like the stars in the blue midnight. The pale light turned her skin to porcelain and highlighted the streams of tears flowing down her cheeks. Spade had forgotten how beautiful his sister was in the moonlight. It had intrigued him from the moment he’d met her, and now, it brought a loving smile to his lips.

Spade stood watching her, trying to decide his next course of action. In truth, of all the people in the world, she was the one he wanted to speak with. He knew that she could offer him comfort that no other soul could provide, but Andolyn had bigger problems to deal with than her brother’s love life. She was obviously in pain, and that bothered him as well. The young queen wasn’t yet aware of his presence, and though Spade longed to rush to her and quiet the tears, he remembered Kellan’s words and wondered if he should leave Andolyn to her thoughts and wait for her to come to him.


And there's your DP! Does Spade rush to comfort his sister? Does he approach her by revealing that he needs comfort of his own? Does he turn and walk away, waiting for her to come forward with her own feelings? You decide!

#17:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:25 pm
Excellent chapter as usual! It was time for Spade to catch up with the rest of the gang. I thoroughly enjoyed that. Very Happy

Spade should go to her sister. Kellan is probably right about letting the queen decide when to open up about what's troubling her. But that doesn't mean her brother can't offer a shoulder for her to cry on. No talking necessary, at least until they're both ready.

#18:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:41 am
Incroyable! Another wonderful chapter (and now that I've read LoK, no more spoilers Wink )!

Spade should comfort his sister, even if it to just sit next to her and lend her the strength of his presence. Andolyn, as Kellan said, keeps her troubles to herself, and in that sense she is very stubborn. I think Spade going to sit with her lets her know that he will always be there for her, and maybe that will sway her to open up about her problems. And vice versa about Spade - perhaps it will turn into a round table-like discussion of what they've missed in each other's lives over the past few months (silence is good, too, though, as sagittaeri suggested).

#19:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:40 pm
Hey Andi!

Great new chappie you have here! Smile Loving the little links to the original LoK. It allows the sequel to blend nicely with it's predecessor. I have to say, I'm also very intrigued by Spade's broken heart and what happened with Keelin. I'm guessing though that we'll hear more about that when he eventually opens up to Andolyn.

For the dp...yes, of course Spade should go to her! She needs her brother's shoulder to cry on, and if she's going to open up to anyone, it's going to be Spade. He needs to hop out onto that roof and comfort her. Wink

Much enjoyed, Andi! Keep up the good work! Smile

#20:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:26 am
To bed? or not to bed?

Head to bed...we don't really feel like talking now anyways... - 0% [ 0 ]

Ask. Something's bothering Andolyn...and we need to know what. - 75% [ 3 ]

Andy's vote! Author only! - 25% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 4
Who Voted: Andolyn, misterbiz, sagittaeri, Seraphi

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