Favorite Bushido Moments
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City of IF -> InterFable Stories - Bushido - COMPLETE

#1: Favorite Bushido Moments Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:11 pm
Inspired by ethereal fauna, I have dedicated a thread to the sole purpose of letting people express their own unique favorite Bushido moments. Feel free to write what you liked the most about this entertaining and unfulfilling story. Once again, I wish to thank everybody for making this my first serious short novel and also for making this one of the few stories to recieve the honor of the Hall of Legends. I imagine ethereal will be posting her's soon, so you will see a good example. But until then, you'll have to be content with MY personal favorite bushido moment:

Juanito grimaced. Now he would have to shoot people. A big man rode. He rode to one of the samurai. The samurai was Jabiro’s disciple. Juanito liked Jabiro’s disciple. The big man was smiling. Juanito didn’t know why he was smiling, nothing was funny. He was heaving a big sword. Juanito had never been one of the brighter ones of his class. He wasn’t stupid though.
Estos en Europa no duran un segundo.
The bullet whizzed in the air for a second. The big man heaving the big sword stopped smiling. He stopped smiling right before he was blown off his horse with a two inch hole in his chest. Juanito started reloading.

This is my favorite part. The short and simplistic sentences give a sense of Juanito's loyalty and character, contrasted by his frialty as he shoots the man and continues reloading. I also like the way I wrote the action part, it gives a sense of peace before slamming you with some violent hole in the guy's chest.

Oh, by the way, I changed a little bit of chapter ten....

Thank you,


#2:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:48 pm
D-Lotus wrote:
Ethereal, I expected better of you. Just because you THINK I skim through your chapters, it doesn't mean you gotta skim through mine.... Very Happy

Fine, since YOU made me read this all over again, I thought I’d post a few of my Favorite Bushido Moments:

Chp 1 wrote:
but most of all, you are happy…
One day, as you’re out gathering wood and small branches from a small forest next to your village, you hear horsemen galloping up the slope which then leads down to your village, and instinctivly you hide behind a pile of lumber. As the riders come closer, raising small dust clouds behind them, as you look at the men’s faces, you can see that your instincts paid off, they are robbers, and you fear for your village. You think of running down the hill and crying out to your neighbors and wife, warning them about the robbers, but they would surely kill you, and even if the villagers heard your warning, they would have no where to run, and would slowly be cut down, until the whole village was murdered, and that would be a waste of your life. So you wait and listen.

I like the image of Kihachi painted in this one descriptive paragraph. He reasoned well despite what surely must have been an agonizing an anxious moment.

Chp 1 wrote:
The rest of the bandits, you counted forty in all, smile uneasily and give a brisk laugh, which sounded like dogs barking to your ears.
You approach them all in a reconcilatory way, almost like if it were your fault.

More good stuff. Draws a clear image for me as a reader, and offers a further glimpse into Kihachi’s character.

Chp2 wrote:
But then you see your wife in the crowd, returning home, and you feel more tender torwards them. What fault did they have of what was happening?
and Motoko, well, Motoko just looks, foolish…
“ We have nothing to offer you but three meals a day of rice-“
He gives you a blow in the head with his open fist and you scamper away from him in the ground leaving a cloud of dust all around you. He walks up to you and says:
“ Farmer, do you make fun of me? I may be poor, but not a fool!” And he leaves.

These few words describe Kihachi, his companion, and the difficult task they face. Good stuff.

Chp 3 wrote:
These reasons seem more convincing than their shouts, so you shout harder, although without reason, with all the noise that every one was making trying to get you to shut up…
Then he started crying ,“ And we can save my daughter…”
“ This peasant actually thinks that anyone will help him, that’s what’s funny.”

I enjoyed the light-hearted relief of the morning’s sake and rice flinging squabble. But of course the chapter soon returned to the grim business of saving your village.

Chp 4 wrote:
You stare dumbly. What are you supposed to do? You feel very hot, and it’s certainly not warm inside. Sweat runs down your forehead.
you run at him, headbutting him in the testicles.
“ouuuuugghh.” he cries. But you have no mercy. You feel cold inside as your hand grabs the knife in your shirt and you slice through his ribs easily. When the blood starts pouring out, and he sputters thrice before dying, falling into a heap, the realization kicks in at what you’ve done.
“ I will serve you better in my life that those men ever served you.”You say.

Here we find our hero growing rapidly, losing some timidity and grasping the courage that has been subdued all along. He also makes a promise that will later shape his life in a profound way.

Chp 5 wrote:
As Monako watched him from a distance, each time he searched deeper into the man, he seemed to discern some sort of power that shook him from every part of his body.
Monako’s thoughts were compelled to badness through some kind of strange judgment he, and many humans seem to have. It’s not that he was or would be drawn to badness although it is a compelling force, but if he were to be presented to a man, who he knew nothing of, and he is told nothing of, he would probably think of him as a bad man rather than a good man. So naturally, in this case, Monako sensed something, and not knowing anything about, he judged it to be a bad feeling.
You think of all the samurai you’ve met, and you seem to see a glimpse of all the honor and glory it must pay to be a samurai. They seem so loyal and understanding, and also brave. You wish you were like that, and then you could leave the village with your wife, and set into the horizon, to serve some far off lord. You are suddenly grasped by the idea of becoming a samurai
“Yes, sir” You answer, trying to sound enlightened but humble, but far from your purpose, you end up sounding like the croaking of a frog.
Who do you own your alliance to, peasants or samurai? The sword seems to loom closer to you, like it were slithering away from the dead corpse, and uniting itself with its new master…..

So here the girl comes into play…..

I especially enjoyed Monako’s perspective, good reading. The stories of the samurai were interesting and enlightening, clarifying more of the life that Kihachi was being drawn into.

Chp 6 wrote:
Finally, Monako, with a last attempt to attack which failed, dropped his wooden sword, a sign that he gave up.
“I can’t win.” He said.
“It took you long enough to admit defeat”
You stare at him before making a quick decision. You start crawling out of the stall amid a bath of perspiration.
She holds your hand then winks.
“Maybe I’ll see you again. What’s your name again?”
“Kikihachi? I’ll be sure to remember that.”
“Koukaku. It is when one lord has so many children, that to avoid conflict, he gives his baby son a different name, and installs him in another position of life, sometimes, even farmers.”
You look down.
“Kihachi, your father wants to see you before he dies……

Whew! Several events take place in this chapter that have little immediate effect, but profoundly impact later chapters. This was one of the more exciting chapters for me.

Chp 7 wrote:
“He had to. Besides, an old man’s heart grows weary of honor and dignity.”
His face brightened, but something didn’t seem right.
“Why of course- what makes you doubt I’m the kind of man that only really wants to help someone??”
Estos en Europa no duran un segundo.
The bullet whizzed in the air for a second. The big man heaving the big sword stopped smiling. He stopped smiling right before he was blown off his horse with a two inch hole in his chest. Juanito started reloading.
He pulled a knife out of his obi and stabbed Motoko in the heart. Motoko gasped and fell to the floor, in the same moment Kihachi reached the man with a tree branch in his hands. Motoko stared at the sky, then closed his eyes and died.
Juanito gasped. He watched Kotomi lie on the ground. He’d killed him by accident!
Mierda, mierda, mierda.
He stared in horror as the chuckling bandits stripped his body of clothes and swords before joining the battle again. Juanito stared. He couldn’t stop staring… Kotomi’s dead body kept drawing him in….
You watch as dozens of flies cling to your dead wife’s face and arms, where she has been cut at least ten times. Their monotonous noise makes your spine shiver as you stand there, your eyes wide.

This chapter was filled with action and violence, excitement and tragedy. I was rather angry that his wife died. And the horror of Juanito shooting Kotomi hit like a slap in the face.

Chp 8 wrote:
Both men drew their swords, their blades singing against their sheaths.
And he controlled the power, the incredible power, of himself. What a gift life has given us, tat indeed, we can control ourselves. And what a curse.

I particulary enjoyed the vivid images your writing conjured in this chapter. Kihachi is melancholy but controlled. This is where the story starts to turn really sad. Before there was a whole village at stake, but still hope. Now that everything is lost, you struggle with only sorrow and fragile dignity remaining.

Chp 9 wrote:
A cold blooded murderer, is that what his first kill had made him? Heartless, a bearer of unconventional ideals?
Such useless loss fueled and fed his furious despair with supernatural strength. He felt himself hold the branch higher, his leg pump up and down faster, and then he felt himself bring the branch down on the mans skull.

So much killing…ever from that first moment…

The broken branch, laying on the ground, the dead coward, laying on the ground, his old friend, laying on the ground….and clutched in that malicious man’s hands, holding a prized position even in death, lay the simple knife.
She smiled.

“What are you doing in my room, Kikihachi?”

As gratifying as the revenge must have been, still honor and the “furious despair” of the past haunt the present. But perhaps there is a sparkle of love, a glimmer of hope to brighten the bleakness? Will Kihachi grasp at one last chance for fulfillment, or see through the shiny façade of the Lady? (I said he’d go for broke, take a chance at love…or at least cop a little feel before she bared her fangs…)

Chp 10 wrote:
Monako knew instinctively who's the knife was.

He withdrew his sword and in one clean motion chopped the girl in half.

She screamed in pain, but soon died.

As you have already so delicately pointed out (reference above posts) this is the part where Monako slices and dices Lady Jinzun. This chapter was short and sad. I wanted more….

#3:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:49 am
Wow, what a post Shocked

#4: Re: Favorite Bushido Moments Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:47 am
D-Lotus wrote:
The big man was smiling. Juanito didn’t know why he was smiling, nothing was funny.

I can see this man's smiling face, confident in his skills right up to the point where a bullet takes his life...

#5: Re: Favorite Bushido Moments Author: kenshin himuraLocation: in your dreams PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:39 am
ethereal_fauna wrote:
D-Lotus wrote:
The big man was smiling. Juanito didn’t know why he was smiling, nothing was funny.

I can see this man's smiling face, confident in his skills right up to the point where a bullet takes his life...

Very Happy

#6:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:17 pm
Whta's your favorite Bushido moment, Kenshin?

And you Smee?

#7:  Author: Chainfire PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:57 pm
As the three men come screaming, their swords raised, he shifts his position, sending one sprawling just by shoving him with his shoulder. At the same time he strikes quickly and diagonally, getting one man in his open chest and the other in his stomach, spilling his guts out before either of them could bring down their long Katanas. He then finishes his gruesome job by slicing into the defenseless man who was getting up, and turns on four men who had decided to stop running away and organize themeselves into an attack.

I liked this scene the best, with all the swords, blood and killing. Very gruesome and violent.

#8:  Author: kenshin himuraLocation: in your dreams PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:19 pm
The whole village marches through the old wooden bridge to the other side of the village. Soon you are all there, at the old mans house, but as the house is small, only Bakamonoyo Rikira, and you are allowed inside, apart from your old friend Motoko, who so far had stayed out of the dispute. You ask his advice. After a long while, he answers.
“Find Samurai”
“What? Samurai? We don’t have money to pay them”You reply.
“And besides,” says Bakamonoyo” They will just take our women and food themeselves and then run away!”
Bakamonoyo had a young daughter, and he had heard that young daughters sometimes run off with samurai.
“Don’t be a fool”You say”We can’t sacrifice the village for your daughter”
“Find hungry Samurai…”says the old man, tired of us already.
“Once a village survived like that when I was an young man, the robbers ran off…”
“But we don’t have anything to offer them…”
“Hmmmmmmm, find hungry samurai”
“Hmmmmmm” And he talked no more.

man that guy was one of the most stubbern persion other then smee that I know! :wink:

#9:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 7:35 pm
Well, he was old...like ethereal Very Happy Too bad he died too.

It seems strange that a lot of people like my first chapter and second chapter a lot, even though they were the worst ones....

#10:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 3:59 am
D-Lotus wrote:
Well, he was old...like ethereal Very Happy

What, eh!? Whippersnapper.......

D-Lotus wrote:
It seems strange that a lot of people like my first chapter and second chapter a lot, even though they were the worst ones....

Well that's your opinion! While your technique and style were definately more developed in your later chapters, your ideas and characters were still unique from the very beginning.

#11:  Author: kenshin himuraLocation: in your dreams PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:48 am
that is so very true! Laughing

#12:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 2:27 pm
I wouldn't say unique to the japanese, but maybe unique to westerners....

#13:  Author: ReisoLocation: Western North America PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:59 pm
I know I already made mention of this in a reply to Chapter 9, but this is still my favorite Bushido moment:

And yet, he could not attack his masters servant without his permission. His hakama gently brushing the waxed wooden floor, and his arms crossed, he made his way down the steps to his master.

The sound of the pant leg cloth scratched at each other.




Kihachi dropped to his knees outside Monako’s room.

“Come in.” came the voice from inside.

The door slid open. Kihachi got up, his eyes looking at the floor in a respectful way. The man seemed to be writing something on his small desk. Kihachi walked in front of his master, dropped on his knees again, and bowed.

Monako looked up from his work curiously.

“Sometimes I wonder why you came back. It makes no sense. You could have run away, and nobody would have found you. What is it that truly ties you here even now?”

Kihachi sat up at his masters voice.

“Sir, it was a… promise. My honor binds me here.”

Monako shrugged carelessly. He resumed his letter while talking.

“Well, what do you want?”

Kihachi’s eyes shifted to the letter. He quickly checked himself and looked back at the man’s turned face.

“Sir, I do not mean to test your compassion or patience, but, if someone were to… ask permission to kill me, perhaps another servant what would you say?”

Monako dropped his brush on the desk. He turned his head slowly torwards Kihachi. Monako’s cold eyes stared right at Kihachi.

“Fool, do you really think I’d let anybody kill my own servant? Even if it were you to die, do you think I’d allow it? Do you?”

Even if the room hadn’t been bare, giving him an excuse to look away, Kihachi would have returned his answer with his eyes fixed on Monako anyway.

“I thought as much, sir. Pardon my imprudence.”
Kihachi got up slowly and bowed.

He walked backward torwards the door.




Just as slowly, he got down to his knees.

Then he slid the door to a close amid the icy stares of the man inside.

I think this one, short little scene is some of your best writing. I really like the word 'Zwwiiiip' to describe the sound of pant legs brushing against each other. I also like the fact that this detail was emphasized when he had so many more important things to worry about, because that's what happens when you're stressed or anxious about something, your mind just tunes most things out and has an exagerrated awareness of what it doesn't - it really helped put people there in the scene with him.

Then there was the payoff of all that worry; asking his lord the big question. Like I said in the Chap 9 forum, I think it's just great that he doesn't actually ask for permission, but masks it with a hypothetical question of nearly opposite circumstances. They both know exactly what he's really asking, and they both know they know it - but because it wasn't spoken aloud in specific terms, no action needs to be taken, so the truth ends up underscoring the scene in a tense and moody way. Great stuff.

#14:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:03 am
Thanks Reiso, coming from you, this is a real compliment.

Actually, if you really want to know how I got the
it's like this:

A few days before I wrote the chapter, I bought these jeans that were way to big for me ( it's the fad now).

Anyway, I wore them to school, and I noticed this anoying sound when I walked, like zwiip zwiiip. I stopped, and the noise stopped. I continued walking and the noise began. It was very annoying. Anyway, when I was writing the chapter I remembered my pants and decided to incorporate it to the story....

#15:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:24 am
D-Lotus wrote:
I bought these jeans that were way to big for me....

I bet they slip down and D-Lotus shows crack :twisted:

#16:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:27 pm
ummm....it wasn't big waist size, but the legs were... besides, guys wear big shirts...and besides, guy notice when that happens...girls don't, either that or they just wanna show....

#17:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:54 pm
D-Lotus wrote:
ummm....it wasn't big waist size, but the legs were... besides, guys wear big shirts...and besides, guy notice when that happens...girls don't, either that or they just wanna show....

Okay, okay. And the girls probably do just wanna show, although why anyone would want to run around in public with their valentine hanging out, I don't know...

#18:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:07 pm
Stop with all these weird country bumpkin names!

Look, I don't know or care, it was your fault for making that sick comment in the first place!

freakin pedophiles....

#19:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:43 am
D-Lotus wrote:
I wouldn't say unique to the japanese, but maybe unique to westerners....

thats what it reminded me of, not quite a hiku but it was that sort of feeling of wone line describing one thing next line describing another action

to answewer your question of what moment was my favorite i would have to say alkl of it, i really enjoyed your work and i repect you as an author.

although i found the end beautiful, so emotional yet so detached from reality at the same time, the whole final chapter was a masterpiece

i would just like to congradulate you once more on a wonderful story.

P.S. i really liked the epilog nice touch

#20:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:16 pm
Wow sax, thanks..... Razz

#21:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:55 am
oh and im reading sheerluck holmes

City of IF -> InterFable Stories - Bushido - COMPLETE

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