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City of IF -> Storygames: Fantasy

#121:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:56 am
Hey, don't go too hard on yourself, Pope.

The only thing we would like to see somewhere in your critic is something that we have done RIGHT, and that should be appreciated. Of course, I understand your eagerness to help us all improve in our writing, which is great, but just make sure you appreciate us once in a while.

And andolyn.. you can go ahead with the poll. I'll be more active from the next chapter Smile

#122:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:40 pm
i'm happy to wait, Vishal. =) take your time.

#123:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:50 am
Ohmygod. I REALLY do enjoy your story here, An! The characters DO seem very real to me, and though you're writing isn't perfect, it is VERY good. Im still taking the time to reply here, even though I have an exam tommorow, and I haven't even touched my books, and that should tell you how much I like your story Razz

But, more seriously... I understand that Andolyn's family will be of good use to the story, but the interaction there seemed to be a bit boring. I know you don't take personal opinions much, but I felt that that part was a bit dry. What happened to me was, I guess I got overwhelmed by the number of characters you introduced within a few paragraphs. Im sure that I will get confused later on, if and when these characters appear again. It'll be hard for to remember who's who, and who has done what, but I guess that's just me Wink

I have to go with Tiki when she says Barden is her favourite character. Barden, I feel, is half a reflection of me. I love music, and I do the "Don't be/say sorry" line all the time too. But then, I've always had this thing with characters who are theives. SPADE ftw! Very Happy Razz All your characters are very real to me, and I could feel the tension, and concern and the emotional link you've created here. Great job!

As for the DP, I am a bit confused. Didn't they already break into a full run towards the doctor's place? That being said, I really think they should slow down now. Of course we don't want to take any chances, and going towards the princess is the only option, but I just have this nagging feeling that its a hoax. The prince did really seem happy about the poison he used, and unless he wanted to save her life, he wouldn't be sending people to get her. But, we'll chuck that out of the window, and get to the place ASAP. No sneaking about. Go for it!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an exam to prepare for Wink =)

#124:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:32 am
haha! thanks for the comment, Vishal!! i dont mind opinions. haha just like i said, i'll offer back my reasoning.

the family scene is meant to be pure chaos...much like my family is in real life. it's not important for you to remember everyone, just remember that feeling of confusion in trying to remember everyone--it's what the characters felt, and what i want the readers to feel too. confusion, but warmth and love in spite of it.

i wanted everyone to get a glimpse of them, but the true reason for that scene was for you to meet her grandmother. she was the driving force in Andolyn's early life ((much as my real grandmother was in mine)) and she is the one who will reappear. dont worry, this was a rare scene. from here on out, the true action begins and you'll not have many dry parts...i hope. lol! ((sorry Tika, enjoy this one while it's here. XD))

i'm really glad you're enjoying it! and i'll have to pass your comments on to "Barden" and "Spade". they will be flattered. XD

#125:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:28 am
Okay I can't take it any more. What are their real names?! Smile

#126:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:43 pm
Spade is Taylor: real life magician and slight kleptomaniac... and Barden is Jordan: real life musician =) i love them.

#127:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:46 pm
aaaaand we're polling!!

#128:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:47 pm
Great chapter, An... I'm just sorry it took so long to get to it.

I was impressed that you weren't just overdramatizing the injury... something didn't seem right about the way it came on and you well explained that. But what you haven't really done is shown how our clever heroes may have noticed that it was a bit odd in that regard. But that can still be repaired Wink Nice tension at the end of this chapter too.

Unfortunately, I think my vote has now caused more harm than good (3-way tie!!!)

#129:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:28 pm
Thunderbird wrote:
Unfortunately, I think my vote has now caused more harm than good (3-way tie!!!)

Fixed ^_^

#130:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:36 pm
thanks, TBird!! i'll see what i can do about the lack of inquisitiveness on the guys' parts. Wink

#131:  Author: Lost OmegaLocation: West Haven, CT PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:16 pm
I finished reading the latest chapter earlier today and I am really enjoying the story thus far. I voted to sneak in. Tension and suspense, synonymous words I'm sure, but what could be more awesome? Well I guess fighting could... Is it too late to vote for the fight scene? OH NO!

#132:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:08 pm
thanks Lost Omega! we now have a nasty tie...who's gonna break it??

#133:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:22 pm
c'mon, guys!!! need a tie breaker!! =)

#134:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:35 pm
i'm giving this tie one more day, then i'm breaking it myself! teeheehee...

i wanna get going!!

#135:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:07 am
Or you could try this.

#136:  Author: ShillelaghLocation: Kansas PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:51 am
And... tie broken. I was kinda tempted to pick the third option just to have a pointless vote, but I didn't want to be too cruel. Based on the last few paragraphs of the last chapter, and of my situation of what is going on... they are outnumbered, and they need to be sneaky. Going in with blazing guns is only going to alert the enemy and get them in trouble, too.

Interesting story, and you've gotten a good amount of positive feedback. I'll do my best to try and get caught up on the full story.

#137: Chapter 5 pt 1: The Blacksmith Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:47 pm
When they reached the docks, more screaming could be heard. Spade listened, praying he wouldn’t hear the princess’s clear voice. They stood with their backs to the wall just around the corner from the port side of the row of buildings. Barden ventured to poke his head around the corner. He pulled back quickly with a frustrated sigh.

“There’s no way we’ll make it to Damien’s house without being seen, but the raiders are only a few doors down…”

“We have to try,” Spade stated through gritted teeth. His heart felt as though it would pound out of his chest. “We’ve come too far to let her down now.” Barden nodded, and the two prepared to run head-on into danger.

“Pssst!” came a quiet hiss from behind them. The two turned to see Damien leaning his head around the back corner of the building. Relieved, Barden and Spade withdrew to the doctor’s position. “I heard them coming, so I got your things.” He motioned to the packed horses behind him. Andolyn leaned against the building. “You’ll have to help her.” He told them.

Spade ran to the princess and helped her onto his horse. The sounds of wood and metal crashing and people shouting drew closer and closer. Spade and Barden mounted their horses—Spade behind Andolyn—, and Barden grabbed the reigns of Andolyn’s young stallion.

“I’d better go play my part for them,” Damien looked less worried than he was. Andolyn reached out a trembling hand to him. When he came close enough, she leaned down and kissed his aged cheek.

“Thank you,” she whispered before raising herself back up in the saddle.

“Protect her,” Damien said to the young men. It was a stern order, but one with which Barden and Spade were more than willing to comply. Spade answered with a curt nod before steering his horse away from the sounds of chaos. “Head for the river!” Damien called behind them.

The river was in the opposite direction from Darbinshire, but it doubled back to the city after a large round-about. Following in the water would throw the pursuers off their trail.

Spade wasn’t sure whether Barden was still behind him or not, but he wasn’t willing to use the little time he had in order to look. Bridlestrom offered little cover from unwanted eyes, and Spade knew that Radan’s spies would be taking careful note of their route. He had to get her as far away as possible before the enemy realized they were gone. He only prayed they hadn’t noticed the exchange with Damien moments before…

When they came to the river, Spade slowed, allowing Barden to catch up. Silently, Barden took his and Andolyn’s horses into the water while Spade scanned the road behind them, half expecting to see soldiers with swords clashing. He turned and followed Barden into the churning water.

The water was cold and high. Autumn’s chill had already reached the river’s headwater in the mountains. Andolyn shivered as the cold went straight through the legs of her pants. Spade hugged her tighter and steered the horse into the shallow water near the river’s bank. The two young men pulled the horses under a large overhang when they heard the soldiers crossing the bridge a mere quarter mile behind them. Then, with a sigh of relief, they carried on with their new route. They had escaped Radan’s clutches…this time.


Ebony brushed her best friend’s horse thoughtfully. She knew Andolyn wouldn’t be coming back here…at least not to live, but just in case she did, the stable girl had the princess’s horse ready for her.

Nothing in this castle had been the same since the young woman left. The colors weren’t quite as vibrant as they once had been, few people smiled, and when they did, it was usually because of something Princess Roselyn had done, and the only flowers the gardeners could coax into blooming were the current crown princess’s roses.

“Have you heard any more from her?” Ebony asked her unannounced guest. Princess Roselyn stepped into the stall of the horse. Ebony almost laughed; the princess’s pink ball gown was hardly appropriate for this particular setting.

“No,” Roselyn shook her head, not noticing the incongruence about her surroundings. “The last news I heard from her was that she was leaving the McGintys’ house. She didn’t say where she was heading…of course.”

“It’s unusual for her not to report in for this long,” Ebony frowned.

“This is the only hint I’ve gotten,” Roselyn held up a reward poster with their best friend’s face on it. Ebony was intrigued; this poster was different from the ones that had been circulating for the last year. Next to Andolyn’s soft smile, one on either side, were two young men. One had hair as golden as Andolyn’s, and the other man’s matched Ebony’s name.

“Well, well,” Ebony raised an eyebrow. “Looks like Andy’s been holding out on us.” She laughed.

“Yes,” Roselyn giggled, “and Radan is determined to have their heads for helping her.”


“Again with the headaches!” Spade tried to pop his neck.

“Yeah, me too” Barden mimicked his action. “Weird.”

Three hours had passed since their narrow escape from Bridlestrom. Following the original route, the journey would have taken merely an hour, but with the recent change in plans, Barden expected that they would arrive in Darbinshire shortly after sunset.

Spade looked down; Andolyn had fallen sound asleep reclined on his lean chest. Cradled in his arms, her head rested on his shoulder with her peaceful face turned up to the afternoon sky. She was still very pale, and looked as though a strong breeze would break her in half, but Spade knew that beneath that frail body lay a heart with the strength to lead the people in revolution, and save Ardara. Darbinshire couldn’t be further from where the young thief wished to be, but if that was where his princess needed to go, he would be right beside her; Andolyn was strong, but she wasn’t ready to take on this task alone…not yet anyway. Spade’s thoughts were interrupted by Barden’s voice.

“Where will we go, Spade?” he wondered. “Radan’s spies are everywhere. We won’t be able to stay anywhere within the public’s attention.”

“We’ll go to Kellan,” Spade kept his voice soft and even to avoid disturbing Andolyn. “He’s the town blacksmith and a very good friend of mine. He’s very private with important matters and has little love for the government.”

Barden nodded, but was silent. This was becoming far more complicated than he particularly enjoyed. Within a mere two and a half days, they had gone from unnoticed annoyances in various towns to being on the top of the prince’s most wanted list. Along with that, a girl they barely knew had stolen both men’s hearts, and they now loved her as dearly as a sister. To top it all off, upon the request of this girl, they were travelling straight into the heart of the hornets’ nest. Barden couldn’t be sure of the outcome of this venture, and that unsettled him most of all. Would they be captured? Would they even find what they were looking for, or would this entire struggle be for nothing? Would they escape with their lives, or would he be forced to watch his Princess or his best friend die? Barden didn’t know the answer to those questions, but he was certain of one thing: no matter what happened, the success of this mission would mean the salvation of his homeland, and that meant that he would do whatever it took to stand and fight alongside Andolyn.

She really could be an angel…Barden thought, smiling at the image of the fragile young woman sleeping peacefully in his friend’s arms.

The river ran directly into the city of Darbinshire. Keeping the horses quiet wasn’t an issue here. Unlike the quiet Bridlestrom, even at this late hour, Darbinshire was in full glory. Since the river kept to the quieter outskirts of the city for the majority of its course and because it was dark the trio could easily go unnoticed by staying with the cold water.

Spade took the lead with the now conscious Andolyn on her own horse between Barden and himself. They drew beneath a bridge when a loud group of drunks passed overhead.

“Kellan lives right next to the river, so this should be relatively easy,” Spade whispered when the group was gone. “It isn’t too much further.” With that, he quietly led his horse forward in the water. Andolyn followed, her emerald eyes scanning the darkness around them for any hints of approaching danger. Barden stayed close behind the princess with his strong hand resting warily on his broad sword.

Just up ahead was a small house with smoke rising out of a tall chimney. A warm glow dimly lit the cobblestone in front of the building where a tall, thin figure paced back and forth in the shadows. Spade reached for his belt, pulling out the Ace of Spades. Andolyn waited for the anxious man to fall dead, but instead the card landed harmlessly in street before him with a shower of sparks as the metal hit the flint-like stones.

The figure bent down, picked up the card, he then began running toward the river where the trio stood hidden. All they could see was the tall silhouette as he peered into the darkness.

“Spade?” he called softly, still not seeing them standing in the water. “Spade, where are you?” Spade rode forward silently up the bank and out of the water. He dismounted and shook the man’s hand before motioning for the other two to follow.

Barden was a little more than suspicious, staying as close to the princess as possible without crushing her leg and keeping his hand firmly on the sword. Andolyn found something truly intriguing about this new man. She rode forward on Spade’s request with little hesitation.

Without waiting for them, the man turned, took Spade’s horse and began walking to the back of his home. The others followed silently. Barden brought up the rear, still right on Andolyn’s heels. Spade flipped a card in his hand.

Once the horses were settled and the group was inside the house, they were able to relax. Spade, without hesitation, found his way to a soft armchair by the fire. Barden wandered around the large, dimly lit room with his hand, now merely resting, on his sword hilt before landing on a sofa in the far corner. The tall man sat in a chair across from Spade. Andolyn was not yet comfortable here; she found her way to a corner by the front door.

In the firelight, Andolyn could clearly see the young man’s features. His long legs stretched far out in front of his chair. He was thin, to say the least, but deceptively so. Faint lines in his shirt showed the defined muscles that clung to his slender form. In the dim lighting, the man’s sharp, chiseled facial features were accented by his mustache and neatly clipped goatee; he appeared to be a few years older than the others. The contrasts in his hair color made Andolyn want to giggle; the close cut style on top of his head was a sandy brown, but the hair on his strong face was as orange as the fire. “Kellan,” Spade called him. Andolyn liked that name; it suited him.

Even as she watched him, Kellan listened to Spade explain their plight, some of which he already knew. A member of the Underground had been positioned in Bridlestrom and had sent a hawk to the young man shortly after the trio had fled, which explained why he was waiting for them. Kellan’s grey-blue eyes lingered on the roaring fire as he listened.

Just then, Spade made a motion toward where Andolyn stood in the corner. He turned, flashing that charming grin of his.

“And this is our princess,” he said proudly. The shy girl in the corner shrank as much as she could while Kellan’s face softened into the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

“Hello,” was all the young man said. He could sense her discomfort at being made the center of attention. Andolyn lifted her right hand awkwardly in a pitiful attempt at a wave. With the warm smile still in place, Kellan turned his attention back to Spade as the thief tried to plan their next move.

“The problem will be getting past all the guards…” Kellan and Spade tossed ideas back and forth. After several moments of no-that-will-never-work’s and how-about-this’s, Barden decided to join the brainstorm. Andolyn knew precisely how they would enter the castle, but the trepid princess was far too enthralled with her new surroundings to pay attention to the conversation at hand.

The walls of Kellan’s mostly wooden home were adorned with the tools of his trade. Several small works in progress lay on a large work table in the corner. The fireplace was absolutely stunning with strips of all kinds of metal glistening in intricate patterns between the glassy stones. Mounted on the mantle above the fire was a large crossbow. Obviously this man had no love for the monarchy who frowned deeply on the very idea of citizens owning such weaponry. Andolyn liked that.

Kellan couldn’t help but glance at the princess from time to time. Her quiet demeanor mixed with the subtle curiosity and playful light in her eyes made for a captivating personality. Though Kellan tried to conceal his observations, nothing escaped Spade’s watchful eye. He gave the blacksmith a “busted” look with a sly smile attached.

“What?” Kellan’s face reddened slightly. Spade shook his head with the same smile playing on his elegant lips. Barden, missing the whole exchange, continued with the debate.

“If we split up, we could knock out different groups of guards and get more of them at once…”

Andolyn, still examining the different decorations on the walls, finally caught the point of the conversation and spoke.

“You are all making this far too difficult,” she said without looking at them. “I’ve already taken care of our passage in and out of the castle.” All three men stared at her now. She turned, feeling their astonished gazes. Her innocent expression was riddled with mischief. “Just because I’m a princess doesn’t mean I’m always a damsel in distress. I’ve got my useful moments too.”


What is Andolyn scheming? Does she have old friends in a secret resistance?? or perhaps knows a passageway long forgotten?? your decision!!

#138:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:17 pm
Another good chapter, Andi! And I'm liking Kellan as a new edition to their group, and with a seemingly whole new kind relationship that might form with our heroine in the future. Wink

For the dp, I'd say that Ebony and Roselyn are ready to help her, with a band of others all ready to fight in the princess's favour!

Looking forward to the next one, Andi! Keep up the good work! Smile

#139:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:34 pm
well, if there are no more options thrown out, i'll post the new chapter tomorrow =)

#140: Chapter 5 pt 2: Ebony's Enchantical Emporium Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:11 pm
Through the misty dawn of the following day, three cloaked travelers trudged in the dim streets of Darbinshire. The leader kept to the shadows on the furthest outskirts of the city. On and on they went, relatively unnoticed except by the myriads of alley cats that haunted these dingy pathways. Upon reaching the furthest edge of what was considered the city limits, the small group paused only briefly to assure the lack of unwanted attention. After such precautions were taken, Andolyn—her pale cheeks rosy in the crisp morning chill—slid as silently as the mist around their feet into the dark forest before them, followed closely by her ever faithful companions.

As Spade and Barden followed Andolyn deeper and deeper into the trees, it seemed as though the princess was selecting random directions to follow, and they wondered if she had any idea where they were heading at all. Andolyn was weary, having remained awake the entirety of the previous night, but she wasn’t that tired. What the young men had yet to notice was the slight color variation in the undergrowth beneath their booted feet. Andolyn was, in fact, following a path, but as with most hidden pathways, this one was only to be taken by those who knew the destination. This trail’s creator was one skilled in chemistry; an art form that was little explored in those times. Many even viewed this practice as a form of magic or sorcery. Andolyn stuck to the trail’s ever changing direction by watching for the lighter, slightly golden hue that surrounded the edges of the small forest plants.

After about half an hour of hiking, the three travelers broke into a small clearing. In the center of the large circle of trees was a little hut with green smoke pouring out of a small chimney. A large sign stood out in elegant silver letters above the round doorway.

“Ebony’s Enchantical Emporium…” Spade read aloud. He then looked at Andolyn with an eyebrow raised. “Enchantical??” The princess only shrugged as she stepped forward.

She knocked on the circular entrance. After a few moments had passed, a tiny opening at the top of the door was unbolted. After it had slammed shut, to the young men’s surprise, instead of swinging open, the round door rolled to the side revealing a small, thin girl with hair as dark as Barden’s. At the same time, the two young women practically jumped forward to embrace one another.

“Where have you been??” the dark haired girl demanded. She eyed Barden and Spade, “and why’ve you been holding out on me? …Heeeeyy…” she smiled flirtatiously at the now red-faced young men. Andolyn only laughed and entered the cylinder shaped hallway, motioning for her companions to follow.

The group wound through seemingly endless hallways; the outward appearance of the little shack far belied the miles of space it actually held. Andolyn and the dark haired girl paced forward with looks of determination. The boys, on the other hand, ambled slightly behind, marveling at the thousands of nameless trinkets that lined the walls and ceiling in a hodgepodge of disarray. Spade’s attention was drawn specifically to those with sharp edges, while Barden was more fascinated with a larger group that was spastically spitting fire in all directions.

After almost half an hour of wandering, the group entered a larger hall. This one was nothing like the maze of whatchamacallits and whosiwhatsits they had just passed through; instead, lined along the walls in precise rows with specific numbers on each and every shelf was the most countless and beautiful selection of arrows any of them had ever seen before. Every color and size arrow imaginable from obnoxiously bright green to elegant silver could be found in this one enormous room.

About three fourths of the way across the expanse of the area, the dark haired girl took a sharp right turn and headed directly to a door; in the vast hall, the door seemed awkward, being only tall enough to reach Spade’s waist. By the time Barden ducked through the tiny doorway, Andolyn and the dark haired girl were leaning over a small trap door concealed in a corner while Spade wandered silently around what appeared to be a small library with the look of an appraiser.

“Are you ready?” the girl’s expression was one of half worry and half mischief as she questioned Andolyn. Barden was confused.

“Wait,” he started, “who are you, and what are we ready for??” Andolyn had only told her friends what they needed to know to get them to Ebony’s little shop. Even though the two young men had already helped her enough to end their lives if they were caught, in Andolyn’s mind, secrecy kept her friends at least a little bit safer.

The princess suddenly remembered that she hadn’t introduced her old friend to her new ones.

“Barden, Spade, this is Ebony. She’s been one of my best friends since we were little girls.”

Ebony chimed in here, “and as for what you’re ready for, this passageway leads directly into the lower level of the castle. Once we’re inside, Roselyn will help cover for us until you find what you need.” She paused and thought for a moment. “On second thought, it might be better for us to wait for nightfall…better cover.”

Finally, Spade spoke.

“Great!! I’m starving!” at this, everyone turned and looked at the young thief who was reclining on a sofa with his nose buried in a copy of Castle Wall Art and other Mischief.

Not only was Ebony a master arrow smith, she could cook a mean batch of chili. After Andolyn was full and the young men had emptied the rest of the giant pot, the dark haired girl dismissed herself.

“If I’m not tending to my duties soon I will be missed, and the prince will become suspicious. He knows where my loyalties lie.” Ebony and Andolyn embraced. “I’ll be back later. Make yourselves at home, and get some rest. You’ll need it if tonight is to be a success.”

When she was gone, the trio did as they were told. This time, Barden had to squeeze through the tiny door.

“You know, buddy,” he said to Spade, “just because the chili is there doesn’t mean we have to eat it all…”

Andolyn led them to another long hallway lined with bedrooms. Barden and Spade glanced at each other then looked to Andolyn questioningly.

“So, Ebony’s Enchantical Emporium is also an inn,” she grinned sheepishly, “but it’s only for those who don’t wish to be found.” The young men nodded, their question hadn’t been answered yet. After an awkward silence, Andolyn continued, “You know, it’s bigger on the inside—her shop—I don’t quite get that, but I just go with it…”

“Eh,” came the shrugged reply from Barden and Spade. This answer was sufficient.

Andolyn entered the room that was designated as hers and plopped down on one of the many pillow filled couches. The young men weren’t about to leave their princess’s side (both to keep her safe from any surprise attacks and to keep themselves from getting lost in the miniature city-in-a-building), so they found couches to lie on as well.

“So you and Ebony have known each other for a while then?” Barden thought aloud. He already knew the answer, but hearing the girl talk would ease his nerves at the moment.

“Yes,” Andolyn reminisced fondly, “she and I were close long before any of this garbage with the prince began…We used to get into all sorts of trouble when we were little. Whichever one of us didn’t get caught would usually bail the other out. Instead of playing damsel and heroine like Roselyn and I did, Ebony and I were usually wild adventurers exploring only the most dangerous of new territories…”

Spade lay staring at the ceiling. He smiled softly as he listened to Andolyn’s story, but he was deep in thought. The memories of his childhood contained no scenes of playtime and games, as this was not the first time the young thief had struggled against the royal family. How ironic it seemed to him that the two of them had switched places in the time surrounding their meeting; Andolyn to a life of turmoil and fear, and Spade to one of wandering at leisure with his best friend. He knew that if Andolyn were aware of the familiar danger their meeting had brought to his life, she would hate herself forever. Though it pained him that the girl now suffered as she did, Spade found comfort in knowing Andolyn’s earlier years knew nothing of the torment she now withstood.

When Spade came out of his dark thoughts, Barden was draping a blanket over Andolyn’s prone form. She lay with a beautiful smile of memory on her lips. Spade nodded; a satisfied smile reflected on his face from the peaceful scene as Barden dimmed the lights and stretched out for a nap of his own.


there isnt really a DP for this i'll be posting the next chapter shortly after this one as i did with one previous chapter. enjoy!

#141: Chapter 6: Infiltration Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:20 pm
Spade was on his feet with a card in his hand before he was actually awake.
Barden too was on his feet, but instead of his broadsword, the young man clutched a broomstick. Ebony laughed as she turned on the light and shut the door to the small room. Andolyn rubbed her eyes as she sat up sleepily.

“Down boys,” Ebony teased as she sat four cups of what appeared to be tea on the small side table before them. She took her own cup and threw the liquid back in one gulp. Spade and Barden picked up their drinks and sniffed them gingerly.
The smell was sweet, with a rosy twist. Andolyn drank from her cup as Ebony did. She then shuddered violently and hiccoughed. Barden laughed at the girl, but when he sipped from his own cup, he was sent into a fit of coughing himself. Only Spade was able to successfully mimic Ebony with the powerful liquid. Despite the sweet smell, the drink had potent warmth that penetrated the whole body. Every muscle felt stronger; every sense was heightened.

“It will help with our task,” Ebony smiled grimly.


The sound of the cold, stone floors in the corridors of the castle rang unsettlingly memorable to Andolyn as the group raced along them as quietly as possible. For Spade, it wasn’t the sound of the halls so much as the all too familiar smell of the nearby dungeons that made his skin crawl. For Barden, the mere idea of this place was enough to make his stomach turn, much less actually being inside.

Barden ran in front and Spade in back with Ebony and the princess sandwiched between the two of them. Andolyn’s keen eyes scanned the rock walls for the small side door that led to the hall of records. After what seemed like hours, she spotted their destination up ahead and tapped Barden on the shoulder.

As quiet as the ghosts that were said to haunt the castle, the group slid into the chamber and down the winding, cast iron staircase to where the records were kept. Andolyn frantically searched for the book she last read in this place. It looked as though no one had visited the ancient library since she had over a year and a half before, but it was difficult to remember what she had done with the book before she was forced to flee. After almost an hour of searching, Ebony held up a large volume.

“Is this it, Andy?” she asked. Andolyn recognized the text immediately by the rich red leather bound by the purest of silver. She took the book and feverishly flipped to the page she had been reading before she made her flight from the castle.

“No!” she moaned as her heart sank to the floor. The page she needed—the page they had all risked their lives to see—had been ripped from the beautiful book shortly after her discovery of it. Barden placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” she said, utterly defeated, “I might have killed us all for this.”

“Wait!” Spade peered over Andolyn’s shoulder as he pointed, “What’s that?” There, at the very bottom of the shredded edging, was a fragment of the page that had escaped the prince’s fury, and on that fragment was a single word: Handunburg. “Maybe there’s something there—another clue maybe.” Spade offered, hoping to brighten the princess’s spirits. He noted the dim smile that crossed Andolyn’s lips.

“At least it gives us a new direction,” Barden picked up the hint and offered his thoughts. Carefully, Andolyn removed the tattered piece of the page and burned it over one the candles they had been using to light the way.

“We can’t risk being followed,” she explained.

“Oh you needn’t worry about that,” came a chilling new voice from above them,
“No one can follow you if you never leave this place.”

In one motion, Spade and Barden both placed themselves defensively in front of Andolyn and Ebony with weapons in hand. The young women were not completely helpless however, as they had removed a few of Ebony’s prized bows and arrows from the Emporium.

“Seize them,” Radan’s voice held a tone of monotony, boredom even, as he ordered his soldiers to take the stunned travelers, but this façade belied the frenzied excitement the prince now felt as his army took on the thorn that had plagued him for so long now.

The air was a swarm of arrows and metal playing cards as the heroes fought off the first round of soldiers, but they were heavily outnumbered. From her dark cloak, Ebony produced several vials of brightly colored liquids that, when thrown at an opponent, produced various undesirable effects; she flung them at the oncoming enemy like tiny grenades. As more soldiers closed in, it was Barden’s turn to show his skill with a weapon; he swung his long broadsword as if it were an extension of his arm. Spade continually gathered his deadly deck and dealt it again and again.

The small group fought their way slowly toward the stairs. In the midst of the turmoil, Barden heard Ebony scream, but when he turned to look for her, she had vanished.

Spade managed to make his way to the top of the stairs, but as he rounded the corner, the young thief found himself face to face with Prince Radan.

“You,” hissed Radan, recognizing the young man for the first time, “I might have known you had something to do with this, Jenkins.”

Wide-eyed, Spade reached for his deck only to find that he had thrown his last card at a guard who was attacking Andolyn only moments before. Desperate and vengeful, the thief quickly scanned the area for anything he could use to defend himself, but all surroundings went black when a soldier came from behind and struck him down with a club.

“Spade!” Barden was the next to round the corner. Seeing his friend unconscious and bleeding on the floor distracted the young man just long enough for another of Radan’s guards to pin him to the ground and secure his arms. “Princess, Run!” he cried, but she had already come too far.

It was Radan himself who took Andolyn; he wrapped her arm behind her back, painfully rendering her helpless before dragging the girl out of sight. Barden thrashed on the floor, screaming curses as the prince stole one of the most meaningful people in his life, and the other lay wounded on the cold ground.


Andolyn sat in her “cell” waiting for the prince to decide how to properly dispose of her. She couldn’t really complain too much since—though, for obvious reasons they were not allowed to see each other—Roselyn had at least convinced the prince to lock her in a room with a bed instead of in the dungeon, but considering the way she felt, he might as well have hung her by her toes. Andolyn knew her companions were experiencing no such comfort as a bed and a basin of water; in fact, she wasn’t fully convinced that they were even alive. She wished the fate of what she knew to be happening on no one and hated herself for even the thought, but every time the princess heard the tortured screams from the chambers below her she prayed it was some unfortunate, yet unknown soul—anyone but her beloved guardians.

A few moments after the screaming stopped, the heavy door to her room swung open and Radan entered with blood spattered on his shirt. Andolyn’s heart stopped.

“Why do you insist on involving others in our little quarrel, Dear Heart?” Radan faked a loving tone. Andolyn was stunned. “Ah, well, you need not worry about the condition of your friends any longer; I’ve taken care of them.” Andolyn couldn’t stop the hot tears that began pouring from her eyes. A rage like one she had never felt before filled her heart as she lunged toward the ruthless prince with every intention of taking his life.

Caught off guard by the fury of her sudden attack, Radan punched the girl hard in the face, but that wasn’t enough to stop Andolyn. She struck the prince again and again with all the power she could muster—shattering several of the small bones in her hand—until he was forced to call his guards. One of the burly men pried the girl off his master and flung her to the other side of the room. Her forehead hit the corner of a table, stunning her long enough for Radan to retreat.

After he was gone, the princess was overwhelmed by an indescribable grief and laid in the floor weeping with sobs that shook her entire body. This was all her fault.


The interrogation process was grueling and tiresome, but as he sat in his cold, wet cell, Barden felt grateful that the only wounds he had acquired during the ordeal were a few bruises, some knife wounds, and a few minor scrapes that would heal rather quickly. After his quick assessment, Barden’s mind was flooded with memories of the past few days.

“If Andy were here, she’d be fussing over me already.” He wondered what had become of his princess. He wondered if she was in pain, and he knew that wherever she was, whatever she was going through, she would be worrying about him and Spade.

Even if Barden had known the answers to the questions he was asked, he wouldn’t have told the guards anything. They had asked about Andolyn’s whereabouts over the past year and a half and what her plans were for the future. Barden had only recently met the girl, and from his experience he knew that she in fact had no plan and was making things up as she went. He had been surprised when they stopped beating him and led him back to his cell without a single question answered to their satisfaction. He guessed that meant he was in for worse things tomorrow.

From there, Barden’s tired mind wandered to his best friend. He wondered when the soldiers would finish questioning Spade and bring him back into a cell of his own. The musician pondered what questions they might have asked Spade and what he had told them—though he knew that, like himself, the young thief would die before putting the princess in further danger.

He didn’t have to think very long on the subject when he heard the door to his and the other cell open. Barden grinned as he moved closer to the gate so he and Spade could compare bruises, but what he saw next took his breath away.

Spade was not being led before the soldiers as Barden had been, but rather his limp form was dragged behind them. They roughly heaved him to the floor of the cell across from Barden, laughing loudly at the strangled cry of pain that came from the thief’s tattered body before noisily leaving the two of them alone. Barden watched in horror as Spade attempted to lift himself before crumbling back to the floor. The young man’s breath came in spastic gasps. On the exposed skin of his upper body, a myriad of half-dollar sized burns shown crimson and black in the dim lighting of the dungeon, and it was easy to see the bruised marks around Spade’s wrists and neck where the restraints had held him down while he was tortured.

“S—Spade?” Barden felt sick. Spade jerked violently at the sound of Barden’s voice. “Spade, what happened?”

Spade slowly moved himself to where he could see Barden across the walkway between their cells. His eyes were utterly void of anything but pure agony, and when he spoke the terror and pain in his hoarse voice stole the warmth from every inch of Barden’s body.

“The machine,” he started weakly, but couldn’t continue. Spade coughed, producing the brilliant crimson of his own blood, and his breathing returned to the rattling gasps; he shook as if he were lying in snow. Barden’s mind raced. The Machine. He had heard of that device. Its use was saved for only the highest enemies of the crown.

“W—what did they ask you?” he whispered, wondering what information could merit this torture. Spade laughed feebly with a laugh that chilled Barden to the core.

“They didn’t ask me anything…”


and NOW things grow darker...what will our heroes do? how do they get out of this one? it's up to you!!

#142:  Author: Lost OmegaLocation: West Haven, CT PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:33 am
Hmm... This is very, very interesting... Maybe The Machine is used to turn enemies of the crown into allies. In that case, Spade has turned against Barden and Andolyn. Barden should escape, save Andolyn, and warn her of the coming danger. On a side note, maybe I missed something, but what happened to Ebony?

#143:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:15 am
Ebony, seeing that they were outnumbered poofed away and enlisted the help of Damien and Kellan to mount a rescue mission for Andy and the boys, using Rose as a contact of help. But Ebony herself went to Handunburg and is using her contacts there to search for ANY clues of what Andy was searching for.

Sorry I couldn't respond sooner than this, RL was kicking my behind up one side and down the other last week. I do really adore this story though. ENJOY! ^_^

#144:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:06 pm
Good lord that was a lot of writing to read through for one week, An! I woulda been a bit frustrated with no responses in a few days too I suppose. And I know under it all it allows you to avoid having to rewrite your whole tale Wink Which is all the more understandable as it has been such an entertaining read.

Anyhow, I say they figure out how to remove the bars from the window and escape out into the night, swimming through the moat to freedom... then they'll have to regroup to come back for Andolyn.

#145:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:09 pm
    —'ve seen through my clever rouse...but yes, i'm really wanting this story to continue & one can only post so many "bumps" without going completely insane.

this DP is going to be interesting might just help me to devise a more clever way of getting them all safely ((mostly)) out of the castle than i already the one i already have isnt much in my mind. we shall see!! i, for one, am rather excited. XD

#146:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:11 pm
Hey Andi! Great chappies! A fab read to come back from holiday to. Smile

I'm going to say...well, I'm wondering if Barden knows about Spade's past, as in how he and the prince know each other, and why Radan might want to cause him so much pain and harm. I say that Spade relates to his friend the facts of this subject, as, I have to say, I'm dying to know myself. Wink

Looking forward to the next one, Andi! Keep up the good work! Smile

#147:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:35 pm
TIKA!! i'm SO glad you're back!! oh, how i've missed you! =D it was no fun not having your input first thing after i posted. XD

#148:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:00 am
*giggles and hugs* Glad to be back, Andi! Missed you too. And loving the new profile pic! Smile

#149:  Author: Vikas Muralidharan PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:28 am
Im quickly catching up... haven't read the last one yet, but just saying so that you know I haven't stopped following this story Smile

#150:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:20 pm
thanks Vikas! always good to know. haha!

and thanks, Tika! i took that one myself. XD

#151:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:20 am
Since you seem worried that I am not reading your chapters, I'll go ahead and tell you what I think. I'll tell you once again that I don't have a clear DP suggestion for this one.

Well, Spade has just been through something terrible, a lot more terrible than what Barden and Andolyn had to go through.Trying to escape isn't the option here. Spade is very weak, and we don't want to risk getting him unconscious or worse, which will probably happen if we hit the road.

The only other option is to wait and watch, which is so undramatic, and is something I don't want to do. So yeah, I'll with Tika's suggestion. We(The Readers) really need to find out about Spade and his past, and now is a very good time to do it, especially if the princess isn't supposed to know until later. Wink

#152:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:12 pm
AAAAAND we're polling!!!

#153:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:54 pm
Barden continued to stare at his best friend in a state of shock. Spade lay trembling on the cold stone floor dropping in and out of consciousness.

"Spade?" Barden's voice shook as he fought to hold back the angry tears as Spade slowly turned his head to face the young man. "Spade...why? Why did he do this to you?"

The young thief's dry, cracked lips moved as he tried to speak, but now only a raspy whisper could be heard, "Underground".

The Underground. Barden knew little of the organization's history, but he knew enough to know that they were the one force who dared oppose Radan and the rest of the royal family. What could his carefree friend have to do with them? In all of the time they had spent together, Spade had never seemed interested in the goings on of the government or anyone else but himself and Barden.

Barden was taken from his thoughts when Spade began to choke. He rolled to his side and coughed violently. Blood dripped from Spade's mouth and fell to the ground beside the broken man as a searing pain ripped through his chest. Barden rushed forward, desperate to help his friend in some way. He shook the rough, iron bars with a cry of rage. Frustrated and frantic, Barden turned to the small window at the back of the cell and leaned on the metal blocking his escape.

He was shocked when the iron easily gave way under his weight. Holding the metal bar in his hand now, Barden inspected the window a little closer. Deep scraped marks mauled the window sill specifically concentrating around the bars. It appeared as though the previous prisoner had been working on a way out of the little hell hole. Barden tried the iron cylinders beside the one he still held in his hand, and with a good amount of force, they both gave way making a hole just barely big enough for him to squeeze through.

Excited, Barden turned back to Spade. His happiness was soon extinguished, however, and replaced with that same sick rage in the pit of his stomach. Void, empty eyes stared at him from the floor across the small space, but Spade's crooked smirk dragged at the corners of his blood smeared mouth.

"Go," Spade whispered. With that word, his eyes fluttered shut, and his head sank, lifeless, to the cold stone floor. The only indication that he hadn't died right there was the subtle rise and fall of Spade's scarred chest, and even that was growing more and more infrequent.

Barden knew he had to act fast. He had no choice but to leave his friend here for the time being and somehow find a way to get Spade and the princess away from here, but he couldn't do it alone.

Heaving himself up through the window, Barden winced as the rough stone tore into his back. With one last look back at his unconscious friend, Barden swore.

"Don't you dare die here. I'm coming back for you," just the thought of leaving Spade there made him sick; the thought that Spade very well could die there, alone, on that cold, damp floor in the dark. But if he had any hope at all of surviving, Barden had to bring help, and he knew exactly where he needed to go.


Kellan sat staring intently at the fireplace. Ebony, the princess's best friend, sat near him, rocking back and forth in her nervousness. After she'd been dragged out of the battle and down a secret passageway by Gawain, she had found herself here, in the only place she could think to find help.

Kellan had heard her story, and been in this silent brood ever since. He only sat there, unmoving, staring into the slowly dying flames. She couldn't begin to guess what was going on behind the grey blue eyes set in the man's chiseled face, but his fists were clinched, and his jaw was set as though remaining in the chair was taking a great effort.

In fact, what was going on was quite complicated. Kellan was running through possible rescue missions, remembering the most likely places each prisoner would have been taken--provided they were still alive at all--, and perhaps most of all, he was blaming himself for not going with them. It was not a well known bit of information to outsiders that Kellan was, in fact, the leader of the resistance known as the Underground, and a long-planned mission to gather information on a possible weak point in the government's infrastructure had prevented him from accompanying the group on their venture into the hornets' nest. Still, in hindsight, he wondered what would have been more important than helping the Princess, perhaps their only hope at a stable government after their plans were carried out, and Spade, the former leader of the Underground, break into the castle.

Kellan shook his head when a frantic knock at the door tore his thoughts back to the present. Now on his feet, he motioned for Ebony to hide while he grabbed the crossbow from its display over the mantle and made his way slowly to the door. The frenzied pounding continued. What he heard next, though, took the blacksmith completely off guard.

"Kellan!!" came Barden's voice through the heavy door, "Kellan, it's me!! Let me in!"

Immediately, Kellan yanked the frightened man through the door, checking outside to see that no one had seen, and bolted the lock behind them. Barden was totally ragged. He was bruised and bloody, but the pleading look in his eye was what made Kellan worry. He sat across from the shaken young man, leaning forward, and listening intently as Barden explained everything that had happened from where Ebony's story had ended.

The blacksmith knew then that there was no time to lose. They had to get to Spade or his old friend would be dead within a few hours, and no one had any idea what had become of Andolyn. Though he didn't fully understand why, the knowledge that she was in danger was as heavy a blow as the news of Spade to Kellan.

He paced the floor for a moment in final thought before standing straight and looking at the two sets of eyes that were watching him intently.

"I know what we're going to do."


What exactly are they going to do?? That's what you all get to decide this time. have fun!!

#154:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:16 am
PS: this chapter is COMPLETELY new. there is nothing from the original here...though this will soon be added in to the original. XD thanks for the help there, guys!

#155:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:47 am
What are they going to do? I'll tell you what they're going to do, theyre going to save Spade by removing the bars from his window and getting him out that way!

#156:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:40 am
thanks for the comment, Lil! im really excited to see where this one will go. >:]

#157:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:53 pm
Okayy... Since I don't have anymore information, Im going to have to go with Lilith's suggestion.

#158:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:15 pm
*literally squeals with relief at being able to post* My internet has been sooo slow recently, I haven't been able to do anything! Still like it, but have managed to post this on the off chance. Woohoo!

Another great chappie, Andi! In fact, I think it's your best yet! I very much enjoyed having a majority of the chapter from Barden's point of view, as he's my favourite character in the tale, and I also applaud you for the way that you portrayed Spade's condition. You could so easily have gone over the top with the description, and instead we have something that is subtle in it's execution, but still getting the point across that Spade is in a very serious condition...possible close to death. I'm also liking the fact that Kellan seems to be headed towards a bigger part in the storyline too. Looking forward to there being alot more from him. Smile

I was also very much intrigued yet again, by Spade's mysterious past. Yes, we've now found out that he was once the leader of the Underground, but why isn't he now? What stopped him from continuing with that position? Intrigue is a great thing to have in a story. It makes the reader/s want more and more. Very well done! Smile

Okies, for the DP...I say that, assuming that the Underground is a fairly large organisation, two groups are formed. One of these groups will return the way that Barden came, hope that his escape hasn't yet been discovered, and get Spade out of there. The other (a smaller, less consipicuous group) should find a way to enter the castle to find Andolyn. Maybe even just the one, who would be able to blend in with the residents of the palace, and could sneak around, trying to discover her location. Then they can make further plans from there.

Keep up the good work, Andi! Wink

#159:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:32 pm
thanks, Tika and Vishal! glad to have you all with me~ =) if there arent any more comments, i'll post the poll tomorrow.

#160: Ch 7 pt 1 Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:42 pm
sooo...i was reviewing the suggestions for a poll and realized that all of the suggestions were in fact saying the same thing...and they all work together beautifully! so instead of posting a poll, i'm just going to move forward...hope no one objects...because i'm doing it anyway. XD


He stood, examining the group of men before him. Each was willing to die today, but the fourteen year-old leader was certain that the number of casualties would be few. Ever since that day, five years ago, when his parents had been brutally taken from him, the youth had fought to avenge them and take back their honor and the freedom of their people. Now, as he examined each face before him, a new hope and a rush of excitement shivered down his young spine as he twirled his favorite playing card from the deck his father had given him over and over in his nimble hand. The Ace of Spades.

Beside the young man, 19 years old, stood his best friend and battle partner for as long as the boy could remember. The young man nodded in approval as the boy turned toward the oncoming enemy.

There. In the middle of the approaching army stood the boy's arch nemesis. The one who stole his family, the one who had denied him all happiness just like the enemy's family had done before him. Hatred surged through the boy's body, taking over all thought and feeling. No longer did the men around him matter. No longer did his life matter. Only the thought of revenge engulfed the boy's mind, stopping all else.

He ordered the charge.

The men ran forward with him at their lead.

Suddenly, the army that had been before them was now all around them. The enemy had brought hidden reinforcements.

The scene went black around the boy, and when it cleared again, the boy was bruised and battered. He was alive, but utterly alone, surrounded by the corpses of his men. Blinded by his anger and hatred, he had rushed in to an obvious trap with little concern for the men he commanded. It had ended in disaster.

Tears streamed down the boy's face. Too much had his young eyes seen, and too much blood was on his small hands.

Behind him, his friend, wounded and battered himself, was watching the boy intently. Everything in the boy's head was a blur. Nothing made any sense. In trying to defeat a monster, he had ignored his own demons for too long. Now he was becoming a monster himself. He saw his friend form the words, "this was not your fault," but the boy knew the truth of the matter...and it was too much for his young mind to handle.

The boy shook his head as he backed away from his friend.

"Jenkins?" the young man looked concerned.

"My name's not Jenkins," the boy had dishonored that name...blackened it. Blackened it just like a...he looked at the card in his hand, "my name is Spade."


Spade was jerked awake by someone shaking him violently. It took several seconds for his worn mind to register what the angry man was screaming at him.

"Where is he, boy??" the soldier's anger was evident in the way he shook. "Where is your partner??"

So...he DID get away...maybe he was able to get Andy out too...Spade smiled to himself. "I have no idea," he answered honestly, but he was unable to hide just how happy he was. This battle was his from long ago. If Radan didn't have Barden, his safety had been secured. He had probably rescued the Princess, and Spade could let go. He felt his life slipping from his grip, and was now ready to let it go completely.

Angered, the soldier flung him to the ground. "I guess we'll just have to go question the princess was probably a plan of hers to begin with...we won't go as gently this time," he finished with a disgusting sneer.

"No!" They still had Andolyn. Barden hadn't made it to her yet. With the last of his wavering strength, staying conscious by the pure adrenaline rushing through his veins, Spade launched himself at the guard, dragging the man to the ground. "You will not harm her!!"

But Spade's threat was empty. It was obvious that his final attack had drained him of everything. With little effort, the guard grabbed Spade by the throat, and pinned him against the wall of the cell.

"Oh, won't I, brat??" the soldier landed a hard punch to Spade's ribcage, breaking more of his already destroyed body.

Suddenly, there was an explosion, and vaguely, through steadily fading eyes, Spade caught a glimpse of Barden and a figure in black leaping through a newly created hole in the wall of his cell. The last thing he heard was a familiar voice yelling his name before the world went dark.


Barden watched the scene unfold through Spade's cell window as Kellan, dressed all in black, set the explosives by the wall. The small group of shadowy men behind him almost seemed to hold their breath.

The bard grew more and more angry with each stroke made against his battered friend. Then the guard threatened Andolyn, and though he was angry enough to do much the same, Barden marveled at the vicious attack on the man given Spade's current state. Just as Kellan called for him to step back, Barden watched the man further injure Spade. A light, red spray covered the ground in front of the thief even as Barden was retreating.

At the same time, Barden and Kellan jumped through the opening in the wall. All of the guards had been knocked out or killed by the blast.

"Spade!" Barden called. Kellan got to the fallen man before him, though and knelt, checking for a pulse. Without hesitation, Kellan wrapped Spade's body in a blanket he had brought and lifted him, running out the broken bars and down the hallway. "Kellan!?" Barden ran along behind him.

"He's alive," the man didn't stop, "but barely! We've got to get the princess and get him out of here!" The other team of Undergrounders stationed in Darbinshire had entered the castle through another entrance of Ebony's creation, and were searching for the Princess. They knew that once the attack on the castle began, the princess would soon be made to suffer. They had to get to her first.

As they ran, they were met by one of Kellan's men and a young, blonde woman about the same age as Andolyn.

"We've found her," the man stated breathlessly as he reached them. He glanced quickly at Spade's lifeless form in Kellan's arms. "Dear, God," he breathed, wide eyed.

"Hurry," was Kellan's only response as they shot off down the hallway in the new direction.

When they rounded a final hallway, it became apparent by the number of men standing defensively outside the room that they had arrived at the princess's location. The guards had already been dispatched and were lying on the ground by the feet of the new watchers, Ebony at the head of them.

Barden began running for the door when he heard the princess’s sobs. Without hesitation, he busted into the room. A startled Andolyn lifted her head as a new flood of tears filled her eyes—only this time, from joy and surprise rather than grief and remorse. She ran and embraced Barden as though she hadn’t seen him in years.

The young man scanned the girls face, and felt his own growing very hot when he saw the cuts on her forehead and lip that matched the steadily blackening left eye.

“Don’t worry,” she giggled, offering her broken hand as evidence, “I already took care of it.” Ebony rounded the door and was met with a similar greeting to Barden’s. “I was so worried,” she continued, “He told me you were…” Upon looking around though, Andolyn’s joy faltered. “Where’s Spade?” She only needed the anguished look on Barden’s face to tell her what she needed to know. “Where is he?” she demanded.

Ebony motioned out the door. The man in black slid into the room with Spade’s unconscious body still draped over his arms. Andolyn’s hands went to her mouth to stifle the scream that was building up inside her throat; Barden wrapped his arms around hers to keep her from falling.

“He’s alive,” Barden assured her, “but we need to get him out of here.”

With that, the small group hurried out into the dark hallway, and using the strategically placed decoy explosions on the other side of the castle near the dungeons, they made their way carefully out with Kellan leading the way.


where will they go? to the Emporium with it's vast expanse of space and secrecy, or to Kellan's house where a simple blacksmith is supposed to live, or to another place of refuge? You decide!

Last edited by Andolyn on Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

City of IF -> Storygames: Fantasy

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