To Survive Divinity: Chapter TWENTY-NINE Now Playing!
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City of IF -> Storygames: Fantasy

#121:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:44 pm
Sorry I've not replied for a while, but as you know, I have been reading regardless. I was honoured with a sneaky read of that last chapter beforehand Wink and it was much enjoyed. Keep up the good work! x

#122:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:07 am
>: O


Damn, but you write dying so well. XD

Not sure what to say beyond that, really. Though it definitely captured my attention and my feelings. My favorite part was when Elias threatened Ophelia. It was unexpected, but really made me smile. Smile

#123:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:21 am
Most post got deleted again... *sigh*

Mostly it talked about how much I loved this, and I loved so much him yelling that she wasn't allowed to die on him, and the descriptions in this were just awesome.

And and and


#124:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:45 pm
I'll be honest, the writing of the death scene was intense and dramatic, but I had a little voice in my head going 'she's the main character and it's first person point of view, she's not going to die' that made it harder to be affected. Beyond that, I definitely found myself reading quickly to see how they would solve it. Plus, I'm worried about the repercussions of them all hearing her use his given name. Can't wait for the next chapter!

#125:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:42 pm
When I open my eyes, I’m staring up at a high, vaulted ceiling. Light floods the room, comprised of mostly white and blues. When I lift my hand to rub the sleep from my eyes, I find that there’s an IV in my arm.

Where am I?

Slowly, I lift my head. I can’t bring it very high off the pillow, but I am able to see a little bit. The room is huge. It’s almost twice the size of the one we Offerings share, and I thought that room was massive. Off to my left, there is a sitting area with a majestic, open balcony that looks over the flower fields. To my right, a bath, more like a swimming pool, opens up in the floor that is made of white marble with black swirling in graceful lines. Beyond that, there is another balcony that looks out to the green basin. This room must be a floor above where we live, though, because the view is higher. It is breathtaking.

A heavy sigh brings my attention back to the bed. I’ve never seen a bed this size, much less slept in one. With a little bit more effort, I’m able to raise my head enough to look down beside me. Just beyond where my left hand is lying on my leg, Elias is sleeping peacefully. He’s seated next to the bed, resting his arms, head, and torso on the cushy surface beside me.

I have no idea how long I was out, but by the looks of things, it was a long time. Elias’s handsome face is even thinner than normal. I wonder if he’s been eating. The purple circles under his eyes are far more pronounced and sunken. His clothing is disheveled, and his long, silver-white hair that’s usually so neatly bound in that black ribbon is falling haphazardly around his face. The entire look of his body screams of utter exhaustion.

Slowly, I slide my hand across the sheets and push the hair out of Elias’s face. After I tuck it behind his ear, I run my fingers over his cheek. He looks so peaceful right now. I almost wish we could stay like this.

“Oh! You’re awake!” A happy voice startles me, and I jerk my hand back.

I look up to see a woman, roughly Diggory’s age, entering the room with a tray of food. Her greying hair is braided around her head in a similar fashion to what I usually wear; I can tell it used to be a lovely ebony color. Her midnight blue eyes shine brightly, and she gives me a dazzling smile as she approaches. Despite being older, she is a stunning beauty. I smile back at her.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Azazel, one of Elias’s Brides,” the soft smile remains on her lips as she approaches.

“Hello,” I say quietly.

“Oh, bless him,” her smile turns sad as she sees Elias sleeping. “Does he know you’ve woken up?”

“No,” I whisper.

“Oh,” she sits the tray down on the table behind Elias. “I’m sure he’d love to know. I hate to wake him, though. This is the first time he’s slept in almost four days.”

“Is that how long I’ve been out?” I question. I certainly didn’t think I’d been asleep that long.

“No, honey,” Azazel’s face darkens. “You’ve been unconscious for a little over a week.”

“A week?” I blink a few times. “Wow…”

“Yes,” she takes a seat at the table, turning it so that she’s facing me. “You had us all quite worried—Elias especially. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this distraught.”

“I’m sorry,” I murmur.

“Don’t be,” Azazel smiles softly. “I’m just glad to see you open those beautiful eyes Elias keeps going on about. He was right! They’re awfully pretty.”

“Thank you… He told you my eyes are beautiful?” I feel my cheeks heating up.

“He told me all of you is beautiful,” Azazel laughs pleasantly. “He’s quite taken with you.”

“Oh,” I must be about seven shades of red. I feel strange hearing that from one of Elias’s brides. Isn’t it awkward for her to hear him talk about another woman? I guess it’s fairly commonplace with all the brides he’s had over the years.

“But yes, your eyes were mentioned specifically,” Azazel continues smiling.

There are a few minutes of silence, in which I think about everything that’s happened since I arrived here. When my thoughts drift to the second Discipline, a chill runs up my spine.

“I thought I was dying,” I whisper.

“You were,” she answers solemnly. “Elias brought you back from the edge three times that first night. None of us thought you’d make it—well, except Elias. He was so sure you’d pull through. He kept telling us how you were too strong to let one snake get the better of you. He worked on you for every bit of eight hours straight before he got you fully stabilized.”

Memories flood to me of the injection he gave me. I remember something pounding on my chest…breathing for me…I gasp, bringing a hand to my lips and staring at Elias’s sleeping form.

“You remember,” Azazel nods knowingly.

“I don’t…know,” I frown, rubbing my forehead. “It’s all so hazy.”

“It will be. I’d advise you to let it remain that way,” Azazel says darkly. “I know the rest of us would like to forget. I can’t imagine what it would have been like from your perspective.”

“So…he saved me,” I whisper.

“Yes,” Azazel watches me. “Elias has barely left your side since he ran in here screaming for us to help you. He’s barely eaten anything, and it’s been all I could do to get him to drink a glass of water every now and again. He passed out cold in the floor from exhaustion four days ago and slept for five hours. He’s been at your side ever since. I see it finally caught up with him again.”

“I’m so sorry,” I breathe. My hand reflexively travels to Elias’s face again.

“You have nothing to apologize for,” Azazel smiles at me again. “Elias told us you were hurt saving one of the other girls during a Discipline. That’s not something we see often. The Disciplines are wicked, torturous things, and it’s usually every woman for herself.”

“You’re a Bride… Does that mean you completed the Disciplines?” I ask after some hesitation.

“A long time ago,” Azazel’s eyes darken again. “Since becoming a Bride, though, it’s just an ugly memory. Things are different here in Elias’s wing. War’s hate doesn’t reach in here.”

“What do you mean?” I become very curious all of a sudden. I don’t know much about Elias, really… This seems like a great opportunity to learn.

“War’s Brides are sex dolls until they are too old for his liking or they anger him. They’re disposable,” Azazel says with disgust. “Here, though, we are treated like queens. I think Elias attempts to pay for War’s crimes by compensating those of us who survive the Disciplines with anything and everything we could ever need or want.”

“That sounds nice,” as an Offering to War…my future is looking more and more grim.

“It is,” Azazel stands and comes over to the bed. “I only wish Elias would share in our happiness.”

Azazel carefully takes the tie out of Elias’s hair and combs it with her fingers. Elias takes a deep breath, releasing it in a contented sigh. I wait quietly for Azazel to continue.

“Elias was the last of the gods to be found by War when he assembled them all just after the Cataclysm. He is the most docile of those with power, the one with the biggest heart, and also the one with the most gruesome power of them all,” Azazel answers with a shadowed tone.

I shiver, remembering back to the times he skirted around telling me exactly what his power entails. At the time, I wondered if it was because he didn’t really have a power at all. Now I know his reasoning was likely to keep me from fearing him.

“War taught him how to control his power. Unfortunately, War’s method of learning involved forcing him to use that power on other people in self-defense. War has kept Elias close for all of these years like some sort of trophy. If Elias steps out of line, and War finds out, the people Elias loves suffer. Elias is kept here and alive as War’s personal punching bag, but to the world, he is War’s greatest achievement as Alpha. Who could possibly be more powerful than the one who controls incarnate Death?”

Azazel shakes her head, clearing away some of the anger that has flooded her voice. She continues softly.

“Elias places the blame for all the sins of the world on his own shoulders. He sees his power as an evil thing, and he blames himself for the people who died before he learned to control it,” as she talks, Azazel gently gathers Elias’s hair and ties it back in the ribbon. “His mistakes, War’s cruelty, every death that occurs here…in Elias’s mind, they are all his fault. He carries their weight every moment of every day. I fear that it will one day crush him.”

“Elias,” I whisper, looking down to the man sleeping by my side.

“He’s spent the last four or five hundred years studying and perfecting medicine. It’s a good thing, too, or we never would have saved you. To him, though, the healing arts make up for his ‘sins’. His powers bring death, but his choices bring healing. I’m still trying to convince him that the choices are the part that matters.”

Azazel looks up at me.

“Oh, forgive me. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” she gives me a loving smile. I touch my face and realize that there really are tears streaming down my cheeks. With a quick swipe of my hand, they’re gone. “I just worry about him. I want more than anything to see him happy for once in his life, and I’ve seen him smile more since you arrived than I have in the last forty years that I’ve been a Bride. If he wasn’t able to save you, I think it would have been the final thing that broke him.”

I’m speechless. I’ve had that much of an effect on Elias? Azazel hesitates before continuing.

“I know he’s been alive for centuries, and I’ve only been here for a few decades, but Elias has become like a son to me over the years. I just want him to be happy.”

“Wait,” I stop her, confused. I motion to the two of them. “So you don’t—? You’re not—?”

“What?” Azazel looks shocked, and then she releases a musical laugh. “Heavens, no! Elias and I have never had a physical or romantic relationship. That isn’t how it works here.”

I have no idea what she’s talking about, so I just stay quiet and listen.

“We are called Elias’s Brides, but none of us are his lovers,” she explains, amusement still playing on her face.

“Really?” the very idea is foreign to me. In this place where we have no free will, lorded over by two powerful men, it shocks me to learn that one of them doesn’t take advantage of his position—then again, Elias never struck me as the womanizing type.

“I told you,” Azazel continues. “We are well taken care of. Elias loves us and respects us as women. That means that we are all autonomous—Elias would never force himself on us.”

“So, he doesn’t even have one lover?” I look at Elias, still sleeping peacefully, in a new light.

“In his seven centuries, Elias has had two wives,” Azazel tells me. “The first was killed by War as punishment when Elias challenged him over something trivial.”

“That’s terrible!” I exclaim, louder than I meant to. Thankfully, Elias is sleeping deeply enough that it didn’t bother him aside from causing him to clench one fist on the sheet.

“That’s War,” Azazel shrugs. “That is the reality in which we live.”

“What about his second wife?” I press on. I find all of this incredibly fascinating, and I don’t know when I’ll have another chance to ask.

“She died too,” Azazel purses her lips. “She lived a long and happy life, though, from what I hear. That was almost one hundred fifty years ago. Elias is distant with most of the Brides now. He treats all of us kindly and with respect, but very few are as close as he and I. I think it’s because he’s afraid.”


“Elias doesn’t enjoy immortality,” Azazel rubs his back absently. I remember back to our conversations. Elias sees long life as a curse. “He has already watched two women he loved die while he was forced to move on. I think he fears further loss.”

“Wow,” I say in quiet awe.

“Surprised?” Azazel chuckles.

“A little,” I nod. “Though, it makes sense. I haven’t known Elias for long, but what you just told me lines up perfectly with everything I’ve seen of him so far.”

“You’re special, Miss Kaija,” Azazel smiles softly.

“Yeah, so everyone keeps telling me,” I sigh.

“It’s the truth,” Azazel nods. “If anyone deserves a man like Elias, it’s you.”

I’m not sure how to respond to that statement, but Azazel turns and takes her seat again.

“You should get some rest, dear,” she chuckles lightly. “Elias isn’t going to leave you alone for two seconds when he realizes you’re awake.”

With a small smile, I lay back against the fluffy pillows on the bed, and Azazel pulls out a book. I stare up at the vaulted ceiling, but sleep eludes me. I guess the week of it I got is going to be plenty to do me for a while.

It isn’t long, though, before Elias begins to stir. He pulls his arms in and frowns. I have to say, it’s adorable. He opens his eyes groggily.

“Az?” he mumbles, still mostly sleeping. “How long was I asleep? Is Miss Kaija alright?”

“I’m fine, Elias,” I smile at him.

Instantly, all traces of drowsiness are gone, and Elias looks up at me with wide eyes. He stares at me as though he’s looking at a ghost, and then, slowly, his astonishment turns into joy.

“Kaija?” he whispers.

“Yes?” My amusement leaks out in my voice.

Tears appear in Elias’s eyes, and he reaches out, grabbing my hand.

“It’s you,” he breathes through his happy tears. “It’s really you! I’m not dreaming this time.”

Elias turns toward the door.

“Az! Azazel, she’s awake!!” he shouts.

“I know, Elias,” Azazel chuckles from her seat behind him. “We’ve already had a lovely chat while you were snoring.”

“You—what? I was snoring?” Elias wheels around.

“Like a freight train,” Azazel says with a straight face. “Gave me a headache. It might have been the snoring that woke Miss Kaija, though. Maybe we should have tried that sooner…”

Elias looks at me with near horror on his face. I can’t stand it. A smile cracks across my lips.

“She’s joking,” I laugh.

“Aw—Kaija! You’re absolutely no fun,” Azazel feigns offense and stands to her feet. With a half smile, she plants a kiss on Elias’s cheek and motions to the tray of food on the table. “I’m going to give you two some time alone. Miss Kaija, will you please make him eat that?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I giggle.

“Ah-ah! That’s Az to you, m’dear,” she leans over and kisses my forehead before gliding across the room and out the door.

“Well,” Elias sighs, “that’s Azazel. She’s a lot younger than me, really, but she feels like my mother most days.”

“Funny,” I smile, “she said something really similar when we were talking.”

“So she wasn’t joking about the part where you talked,” he says with a grimace.

“Nope,” I give him a flat-lipped smile.

“Fantastic,” Elias readjusts himself to be closer to me, helping me sit up against the headboard. “And I doubt you’re going to tell me what she told you.”

“Nope,” my smile widens.

“Fantastic,” Elias repeats. He reaches for the covers, but then he pauses. “Is it alright if I look at your leg?”

“Yes,” I say, but I stop his hand from reaching the blanket. “After you eat.”

Elias glares at me, and I stare him down. He knows he won’t win this fight.

“Fine,” he says, turning and standing up. “You’re as bad as Azazel.”

Instead of sitting at the table, Elias brings the tray over to the bed. He sits down and scoots close to me, putting his back against the headboard and stretching his long legs before him with his ankles crossed. With the tray in his lap, he takes off the lid; the food is still miraculously steaming hot.

“Here’s my counter offer,” Elias says quietly once he’s thoroughly settled. “I’ll eat all of this,” he motions to most of the food on the tray, “if you drink this.” His elegant fingers push a bowl of broth in my general direction.

“Okay,” I agree.

Elias lifts a sandwich, but he pauses with it in midair, looking at me. When I lift the bowl of broth, Elias moves his sandwich to his lips, still looking at me side-eyed. Only when I loudly slurp some of the soup does he take a bite of his own food.

I smile behind the bowl, and Elias smirks at me. We sit in silence, munching on our lunch. Elias cons me into sharing his fruit with him too.

“Thank you,” I say quietly after a few minutes.

“You are most welcome. I was hungry too,” Elias moves to put the empty tray back on the table. “May I look at your leg now?”

“You may,” I nod, moving the covers for him. “That isn’t what I was talking about, though.”

Elias is silent as he climbs on the bed from the other side in order to be closer to my injury. The bites are healing, but there’s still a good bit of discoloration around them. Elias frowns as he gently prods my skin.

“You’re going to have some scarring, I’m afraid,” he continues staring at the wound. “It does appear to be getting bet—”

“Elias,” I lay my hand on his arm, and he freezes in place. “Thank you.”

After taking in a deep breath, Elias looks at me with that tragic smile that nearly shatters my heart.

“You’re welcome,” he manages. After a few seconds of empty silence, Elias clears his throat. “I need to go for a while. Would you like for me to get Azazel and the other girls to help you with anything?”


That was long. Lots of info. Sorry not sorry. Wink DP? What does Kaija want? A bath? She's been in bed for a long time... Sleep? Something else? You decide.

#126:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:34 am
Just so you know, Im laying in bed reading this on my phone, and I couldn't wait for my computer to boot up to comment. It's that good.

I really liked how soft and sweet everything is. Its nice to have a moment, as a reader, to recover from all the fast paced going ons. Plus, always fun to meet new characters that'll dish, right?

As for the dp, I'm sure what she wants to do is spend more time with him, but as that isnt an option, maybe sit on the terrace and look on the flowers she works so hard on?

#127:  Author: CyberwormLocation: Spatially found, temporal lockdown. PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:07 pm
Ohoho. Such love. Much care.

I'm going to be direct on this one. Anyone lying in bed for a prolonged amount of time deserves a bath. Bath and a toothbrush with some toothpaste to boot.

Trust me. I'm going to be a doctor. xD

I'm no woman though. She might want to shave her legs, depending on her priorities. Razz

#128:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:57 pm
I kind of...want a sponge bath to happen? I dont know how strong she'll be after almost dying and just waking up...and it allows for a chance for more conversation to happen? I weird for suggesting this?

#129:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:42 pm
So, I totally was behind a chapter or two here on if, so forgive me. This is either going to be too long for my liking, or too short so that I can hit the points I wanted to. SO HERE WE GO.

You know my thoughts on the Discipline so I'm not even going to comment about that. No, I'm going to start on the whole, you know. . . DYING chapter.

Elias coming to save Kaija from future tissue damage! Wooo! Snake bites are nasty, especially when they're venomous and while I am all for Elias helping her, I am not for him dying so thank you our lovely protagonist, for stopping him from doing something that could get him killed.

AND SHE WANTS TO WORK LIKE THIS?! NONONONONO THAT IS NOT GOOD. And then the girls and she's crying out to Elias and you just want to rip my heart out. Well, you have to go through Noni for it, but still. You had me crying. Crying and screaming and it was not okay.

Now onto the chapter I am supposed to be commenting on!

Oh thank the heavens she's alive! She's alive and awake! And. . . I love your descriptions. It makes me feel like I'm standing in that room watching this play out. I also love the sleeping Elias and the face touches. I love me some face touches.

Oh? We're introduced to another bride! And this is the first time Elias has slept in four days?! I mean, worrying and all . . . that's kind of understandable. SHE'S BEEN OUT FOR A WEEK. And I'm loving Azazel already. She has this charm to her that as I continued reading this chapter, grew on me. How. . . how many times was Kaija on the brink of death?! Three just that first night?! How many times after that?!

Hearing how War treats his offerings makes me so mad, and I'm finding myself rather pissed of that Kaija was chosen as an offering to War. Like UGH. And I have found myself crying again at learning how Elias is the way he is. Just, he's one man carrying the burdens and deaths on his shoulders.

I knew I sensed a motherly vibe off of Azazel! I'm happy to see that I wasn't wrong! AND HE WAKES UP AND IS SO HAPPY. And just over the teasing I am in love with Az. I just love her. I want to see more of her. And I love that Kaija and Elias eat together! And the deal Kaija had to strike up to even get him to eat. Just yes. I drink these two up like I do water.

For the DP! I have to agree Cy and kk, A bath sounds wonderful. A week of not moving, and almost dying sounds like a week of germs and yuckiness that needs to be washed.

#130:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:52 pm
Can Elias help with the bath??? *eyebrow waggle*



I think she would definitely want to shower before she sleeps. She's been through a lot! And bathing always makes you feel better.

#131:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:51 pm
Another long one for you. Enjoy!


I sit thoughtfully for a moment. I’ve been in this bed for a week. A bath probably wouldn’t be the worst idea.

“Do you think they’d help me clean up a little?”

“Of course,” Elias smiles again. He turns to walk to the door.

I suddenly grow very anxious, and a knot forms in my stomach. I don’t want him to leave. I want Elias to stay with me. I know I won’t be alone, but something about him being gone just throws me into chaos.

“Elias?” my voice sounds tiny and pitiful as it rings back in my ears, but Elias stops and fixes me with a look that I can’t interpret. It isn’t angry or annoyed. It also isn’t quite happy. I would call it remorseful if I had to name it. I wonder if I’ve somehow upset him, but I press on selfishly with my question anyway. “You’ll come back later, right?”

A smile tugs at Elias’s lips.

“I need to take care of a few things,” he answers. “I promise you, though. I’ll be back before my ladies have finished. You won’t even know I was gone.”

I highly doubt the last part of his statement. Elias is not even out the door yet, and I already wish he’d come back. I bite my tongue, though, and work up a smile for him.

Soon enough, Azazel and three other women file in and set to work. I recognize one of them as Charity—the Bride who helped Elias after the suicide. They begin running water into the massive bathtub, and one of them comes to me with a few options for a change of clothing. I’m in a dress now, so they must have been taking care of my hygiene while I was unconscious. I thank them for that, but they won’t hear of it. They insist it was the least they could do.

Azazel removes the IV from my arm, telling me that since I’m awake, oral medications will be sufficient. She and another, younger woman come to assist me in getting out of bed. I knew that lying in bed for a week would have taken its toll on my body, but I’m not prepared for how very weak I am. I nearly fall when I try to stand, but Azazel catches me with little effort.

“Looks like I’ll have to do some major catching up before the next Discipline,” I mutter with a dark laugh.

“We’re not even going to think about the next Discipline yet, dear,” Azazel answers. “You’ve got three more weeks before then, and we will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we focus on getting you healed.”

Azazel and the other woman, Sophia, practically carry me to the bath and lower me into the hot water. It stings my leg for a minute or two, but it feels absolutely heavenly on the rest of my body.

I’m handed soap and a cloth, and I wash myself to the best of my ability, but I’m so tired. I reach up to undo my hair, but I become short of breath at the effort. Azazel quickly kneels behind me and takes over for me. She massages my scalp and shoulders, washes my hair, and rinses it for me before motioning for a towel.

Sophia and Phillipa lift me up out of the water, and Azazel pats me dry. I feel somewhat self-conscious at being naked in front of them, but these ladies have cared for me completely for a week, and they act, now, as though it is nothing out of the ordinary.

On our way back to the bed, we pass a mirror, and I gasp when I catch my reflection. I am far thinner than I was the day of the second Discipline. My muscles, especially the one in the leg that was bitten, are emaciated. I’m pale beyond description, and the whites of my hazel eyes are blood red. I must say, that reflection frightens me.

“We almost lost you, dear,” Azazel whispers after seeing what’s caught my eye. “It will take time to get back to your old self.”

When I’m dressed and back in bed, Sophia, Phillipa, and Charity excuse themselves, and I am alone with Azazel.

“Are you able to stay sitting up for a little while?” She asks softly.

I nod, and Azazel rests me on the bed. She sits behind me with a brush and begins combing it through my long hair. She hums quietly as she does, and I feel myself relaxing. My mother used to do this when I’d had a hard day back at home. I can see how Azazel is so good at making Elias feel like her son.



“Hm?” she continues brushing.

I’m not sure how to ask my question, so I just blurt it out.

“Is Elias upset with me?”

“What?” Azazel pauses her brushing and moves to where she can see my face. “Why would you think that?”

“Well,” I frown. Tears sting my eyes, and I feel pathetic for it. “I told him ‘thank you’ for helping me, and he got really quiet…and then he left. I think he’s angry with me, but I don’t know why.”

“Kaija,” Azazel runs a hand over the side of my head. “No, honey. Elias isn’t upset with you. Do you remember me telling you about his tendency to shoulder everything? He’s doing that now.”

“Why?” I don’t understand. He very literally saved my life.

“I was asleep when he brought you in that night,” Azazel moves back around and continues with my hair. “I woke up to hear him screaming all of our names, begging for help. I was so frightened. From the way he was carrying on, I thought War had finally killed him. When I came in here, he was struggling to resuscitate you. He was crying. Kaija, in forty years, I had never seen the man cry. In between breathing for you, he was pleading with you to keep fighting and telling you how sorry he was.”

Azazel stops brushing and starts braiding my hair.

“I’ve never seen him so frantic. It was a long and chaotic night, but you pulled through. After the worst was over and the other girls were gone, Elias was exhausted. He kept telling me how this was all his fault. He went on about how he should have done something to better prepare you for the Discipline. From there it spiraled into how none of this would have even happened if he’d stood up to War years ago. That isn’t true, though. All standing up to War will get him is a death sentence. The gods cannot use their power on one another, so hand-to-hand combat would be the only way to defeat him, and as much as I hate to say it, Elias wouldn’t stand a chance. He is strong, but there is a reason War is the alpha.”

“Azazel, none of this was his fault,” I whisper. “It was my choice to protect Rebecca. He tried to help me right after the Discipline, but I tried to protect him too. I knew that War would…” I can’t complete my thought for some reason. “I knew that it wouldn’t be good if War caught him helping me…whole lot of good that thinking did. I ended up just causing all of you more trouble.”

“No, dear,” Azazel purrs. “You saw Elias’s face when he saw you sitting there. I think being able to help you will help him too. He just needs to sort through his misplaced guilt before he allows himself to be happy.”

“What can I do to help him?”

“Just keep being yourself,” Azazel puts a comb in my hair, holding my braid in place. “I can always tell when he’s been with you lately because the spring in his step is just a little more buoyant. All you have to do is be you. That’s all he needs.”

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door, and I jump. Azazel places her hands on my shoulders reassuringly.

“Enter!” she calls, and the door swings open. “Ah, Elias! We were just talking about you, love.”

“Were you, now?” Elias smirks as he slides in the door and closes it behind him. He's dressed in fresh clothing, black shirt and pants, and his hair is perfectly tied back at the base of his neck in a black ribbon; not a single strand is out of place.

“We were,” Azazel adjusts one final thing on my hair and smiles. “Isn’t she beautiful, Elias?”

“Always,” he smiles sadly, and I fight the urge to cry again.

I know that isn’t true. I just saw my reflection.

“Well, I suppose I shall retire to my other duties,” Azazel stands and kisses my forehead. As she walks by Elias, she squeezes his arm.

“Goodbye,” I say as the door closes.

Elias slowly comes closer. I move to climb under the covers on the bed, and he sits next to me.

“I saw Diggory,” he says quietly. “He said he’ll come up to visit you tomorrow. The other girls send you their best—“

“Elias?” I stop him, and he looks up at me. Pain is evident in his eyes. Despite what Azazel said, I can’t help the pang of guilt I feel. I can’t help but feel that most of Elias’s discomfort was caused by me. “I’m sorry.”

“What?” his eyebrows draw together in a frown.

“I’m sorry,” I sob, no longer able to contain the tears. “I—I know this has been a lot of trouble for you. You tried to help me, and now you’re protecting me, and if War finds out he’ll—” I place a shaking hand over my mouth. “I’m so sorry. If you’re upset with me, it’s okay. I understand.”

“Kaija,” Elias takes both of my hands in his own, “I could never be upset with you! Forgive me if something I said gave you that impression. It’s just—”

Elias pauses, collecting his thoughts.

“I was so afraid,” he finally whispers, and his hands begin trembling in my own. “Over the last several weeks you’ve become very…very dear to me. It was all I could do to walk away and leave you with Diggory, but I knew that you would decline quickly when it happened, so I had to begin preparing treatments. When I got back to the stable, Barnaby told me what happened. I saw the blood on the ground, and I—”

He stops, taking a few deep breaths. When he continues, his voice is thick with emotion.

“I ran as fast as I could to your room, and when I saw you on that bed… I nearly lost my mind with fear. I should have made you go with me and started treatment immediately. I should have—”

Elias coughs, but from the wetness in his red-rimmed eyes, I think he might have been masking a sob.

“I thought you were going to die,” he whispers. “And I don’t know if I could have withstood that. I’ve seen and caused so much death in my life that I thought I’d grown numb to it. After this week, though, I realized I was wrong. I think your death would crush me. You told me that if I couldn’t find anything else, I could let you be my purpose. I did what you said, and I thought I was losing my purpose for staying alive so soon after finding it.”

I squeeze his hand gently, and he finally makes eye contact with me.

“And then I woke up this morning to see you awake and alive and perfect,” Elias breathes. “I told you before that I don’t know anything about the old religions…but I know that I did a lot of praying to your God this past week, and I suppose He heard me because here you are.”

“He did,” I nod. “He always does.”

I hesitate for a moment, and then I pull Elias’s hands toward me. Taking my hint, he scoots closer, and I slide my arms around him, nestling my head in his chest. The steady rhythm of his heart makes me smile. Elias freezes, rigid for a few seconds, but slowly, he wraps his strong arms around me and holds me firmly in place with his cheek on my head.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“You are very welcome, my dear Miss Kaija,” he answers softly. After a time, he pulls back. “And now, you need to rest.”

“So do you,” I look at him with a knowing expression. He still looks exhausted. “Azazel told me you almost killed yourself taking care of me.”

“She may have…exaggerated,” Elias rubs his head awkwardly. I give him a look. “I was worried. I still am,” he looks pointedly at me. “You’re awake, and that’s a good sign, but you’re not out of the woods yet.”

Carefully, Elias pushes me back into the fluffy pillows and covers me with a blanket. He turns like he’s going to go to the door, and my anxiety skyrockets again. I don’t want to be alone. More specifically, I don’t want him to leave.

“I’ll rest if you do!” I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.

“You really are as bad as Azazel!” Elias laughs as he turns back around, but he must pick up on the fear behind my outburst because his expression falls into concern and then that sad smile when he sees my face. “Alright. I’ll rest too.”

Moving over to the sitting area, Elias pushes one of the big couches all the way back over to the bed. He curls up on the plush surface and closes his eyes. I watch him until his breathing levels out into a slow, steady pace, and I know he’s asleep. Then, I lay back and close my eyes, hoping it doesn’t take long to drift off.

Something terrible is happening. Something dark. Something that rips out my heart with the sheer sorrow of it. I don’t know what it is now. I wish I could remember. Everything is black.

When I awaken, I am immediately very disoriented. I don’t know where I am or what’s happening to me. All I know is that my heart is pounding, I’m breathing like I’ve just run a marathon, and there’s a thick layer of sweat on my forehead. I’m afraid. That’s not strong enough. I’m terrified. I don’t know why, though.

“Miss Kaija!” someone yells. “Miss Kaija, please speak to me!”

I know that voice. That’s Elias. That’s safety.

“Elias?” I say shakily, looking for his face. When I’m finally able to focus my vision, he’s leaning over me, gripping my shoulders. Worry clouds his expression. “What’s going on?”

Elias sighs, relieved. His face is very pale again, but with that sigh, I see a little bit of color return.

“You were relapsing,” he says, turning his attention to the IV line in my arm.

When did I get another one of those? Quietly, he injects something into one of the ports along the line.

“I’m sorry. You may feel sore. You started seizing, and we had to hold you down to place the line. Evidently the oral medications aren’t enough yet. The venom really did a number on your system,” Elias sounds very official—like a doctor instead of someone who knows me. “It seems that it caused you to have a night terror because you started screaming. It took a long time for me to get you to wake up.”

I watch him as he works beside me for a moment, unable to read him.

“What Elias means to say is that he was worried, and he’s glad you’re awake now,” I look to the right and see Azazel on the other side of the bed. Some of the other brides are milling about behind her. “Really, Elias, there’s no wonder the poor girl thought you were upset with her earlier with the way you clam up like that.”

“You’re right; Forgive me,” Elias looks at me, and Azazel shoos the other ladies out of the room. Elias continues talking to me as though he doesn’t notice. “I sometimes struggle with communication. Az likes to remind me when I’m being…insensitive.”

I wait silently for him to continue.

“I am frustrated. The treatments I’ve given you should be working faster. You shouldn’t still be having to struggle like this,” he runs a hand over his tired face. “We’ve only got three weeks until the next Discipline, and I fear, at this rate, that it will be too much for you. I cannot watch you die.”

“Like Azazel said, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” I smile at him, but Elias looks at me very seriously.

“I swear to you, Kaija, you will not be harmed in the next Discipline. If necessary, I will face War myself,” he says, clenching his fist.

“No!” I gasp. A sense of foreboding—a memory from the nightmare—flashes in my mind. It is not a tangible image; it’s more of a feeling. “You mustn’t do that. He’ll kill you, and I’ll still have to complete the Discipline.”

Elias bites his lip, frowning deeply.

“Let’s just focus on my recovery,” I say, laying a hand on his arm. “Worrying about the future won’t change anything, but if you’ll help me, I know I can do this. I can be ready.”

With a resigned sigh, Elias nods.

“Besides,” I reach and pull his chin up to look at me, “you’ve become dear to me too. I wouldn’t be able to stand it if you endangered yourself for me any more than you already have.”

Elias smiles at me.

“Alright,” he presses a button, adjusting the flow of my IV. “If that’s the case, then starting tomorrow, we focus on getting you better. We’ll try some muscle building exercises, and if you’re up to it, we’ll work on walking a bit. For now, though, it’s late. We should get some rest.”

I look around to see that the sun is gone. Night has fallen. I wonder how long I was asleep this time, and I briefly wonder how much trouble Elias went to on my behalf.

“Will you be going to your room to sleep, then?” I ask quietly.

I don’t want to be selfish; he can’t keep sleeping on that couch and hope to function, but I really want him to stay with me.

“We’re in my room,” Elias chuckles.

“Oh,” I feel my face growing hot.

Not only has be been helping me all hours of the day for the last week, he’s given me his bed. He really hasn’t been resting, then. I really should have known, given the extravagance of this room.

“So if it’s all the same to you, I’ll stay right here and sleep on the couch,” Elias smiles warmly.

“There’s…” I hesitate, looking at the vast space in the bed beside me. “Never mind. Goodnight, Elias.”

“Goodnight, Miss Kaija,” he flops down on the couch, and I roll over, letting myself drift to sleep.

When I open my eyes again, it is morning…or at least it’s daylight. I lay still for a moment, debating going back to sleep. When I look over at the couch, I’m disappointed to see that it’s empty.

I suppose Elias had more to take care of today. It occurs to me that I have no idea what the gods do between Disciplines. Worry settles in on my heart when I think that Elias will be interacting with War while I sleep in his bed…and what about Diggory, Barnaby, and the girls? Eventually Rebecca is going to question why I don’t return to the room at night. What excuse did the girls come up with, and how long will it work?

A sigh passes my lips. I never thought that one wrong move in the snake pit would have put so many people in danger. Diggory is supposed to visit sometime soon. I hope he does so I can ask how everyone is doing.

I guess since I’m alone, I’ll just try to go back to sleep. When I move to roll over, though, I’m shocked to feel something close around my right hand. My eyes shoot over, and I gasp.

Lying on the other side of the bed, fast asleep, is Elias. He is on his back, atop the blankets, with one arm flung over his head. His left arm reaches out to where our hands are clasped in the center of the bed. His feet, still in his black, leather knee boots, hang over the side; he can’t be completely comfortable like that, but at least it’s better than the couch.

In light of this development, I roll toward Elias instead of away, leaving our hands together. His grip on mine is quite firm. I wonder what lead up to this arrangement. I’m sure he’ll tell me when he wakes. I take the opportunity to gawk at him for a moment.

Elias’s mouth and chin are all I can see of his face. His lips are perfect, and I rather like the slight “five o’clock shadow” he’s developing—though I’m not certain it could be called a shadow considering it’s snow white.


DP? What does Kaija do? Does she wake Elias and ask what's going on? Let him sleep? Something else? You decide!

#132:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:10 pm
Oh, the feels. I loved it. Her apologizing, and him being all "I'll kill him, rar!"

She should wake him up. I'm always for waking people up and asking what the hell is up. Very Happy

#133:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:57 pm
On the other hand, I feel like she'd be more likely to just let him sleep.

Definitely an interesting chapter, as far as interpersonal stuff goes Smile I like how much we've been learned about Elias, but also the people around him.

i also like the detail about the weakness that comes from being n bed for so long and stuff Razz it brings some worry for her and the upcoming challenge.

#134:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:15 pm
I really liked the chapter! It didn't feel rushed or anything, and while it's (mostly) a downtime chapter, I didn't get bored. Nor did I feel over-expositioned. It was a lovely balance. It's definitely nice to hear more of the hows and whys to their emotions. We as an audience can feel the tension (good kind, I swear), but it's always nice to have some facts behind the emotions.

As for the DP, hmm. I say she plays with his hair. How often does she get the chance?

#135:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:27 am
Okay, firstly, I was only planning to read till chapter 10 tonight, but the story was so good that I ended up reading all the way through xD I love how you've written this so far! There literally is a lot of emotion weaved into every chapter, and NONE of it is delivered in the cliche, cheesy movie-style. There were so many parts in the story, especially when Elias and Kaija have their little questioning session where I was like "KISS HIM YOU FOOL". Brilliant as usual, An! Smile

As for the DP, I say she lets the man sleep. He hasn't really been getting much rest off late, and I think it'd be just downright mean to wake him up lol. I say let him wake up on his own, and then ask him about it. Meanwhile, another conversation with Azazel would be great for now Smile

#136:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:53 pm
NOW POLLING! ((Great to have you back, Vishal!!))

#137:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:27 pm
Voted to let him sleep, I love watching my boyfriend while he's sleeping, he's so pretty, lol. Just letting you know I am reading Andi, even though the time of year and personal current circumstances are eating my time more than usual. For the record, I would have suggested my chosen option anyway. Like I said, it appeals to me personally.

Keep up the good work. Smile

#138:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:44 pm
It's SO good to see Vishal and Tika in the comments!! Thank you everyone for staying with me, though. I really appreciate it. <3


I lay my head back down and stare at the ceiling. About an hour passes with us lying this way before Elias begins stirring. The feeling of his hand tightening around mine is what draws my attention out of the half-sleep in which I’ve been drifting. After stretching a bit, Elias opens his eyes. Instantly, they drift to me.

“Good morning,” I say with a warm smile.

“Mmm…morning,” Elias mumbles with a sleepy smile in return. It would seem that mornings do not agree with him. I suppose that’s why our meetings up to this point have been at night. His eyes fall on our hands and then rise back up to me. “How long have you been awake?”

“About an hour,” I shrug. He looks back to our hands. “I didn’t want to wake you. You had a pretty good grip, there.”

“Sorry,” he apologizes, but he doesn’t move his hand.

“That wasn’t a complaint,” I giggle.

“I’m glad,” Elias flashes me a dazzling smile.

There is a stretch of comfortable silence before Elias speaks again.

“There’s a reason I intruded.”

“Intruded?” I laugh quietly. “It’s your bed.”

“It is yours for the time being,” he smiles at me, but then his expression darkens. “You had another nightmare.”

“I did?”

“Yeah,” he utters the word softly. “You didn’t have any physical symptoms this time, thankfully. You just started whimpering and crying out… You said my name.”

“Yeah?” my cheeks get very hot.

“Yeah,” Elias mutters. “You seemed like you were frightened, so I came over here and held your hand. It seemed to help.”

“It must have; I don’t remember a thing,” I say happily.

“Good,” Elias smiles at me. He opens his mouth to speak again, but there’s a knock at the door. “Enter,” he calls firmly.

“Good morning, you two!” Azazel beams as she walks through the door with a large tray. “You look awfully cozy.”

Elias sits up and releases my hand. I miss the warmth of it instantly. He stands, stretches, and moves to take the tray from Azazel.

“Thank you, Az,” he kisses her head before returning to the bed with the food.

“You look like you might have actually rested last night, Elias, dear,” she says brightly, taking a seat on the couch that’s still pulled up by the bed.

“I feel rested,” he responds as he uncovers the tray.

Just like yesterday, Elias hands the bowl of broth to me. Instead of a sandwich, though, he has eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and gravy before him—I can’t help but notice the slice of cheese stationed next to the bacon. My stomach growls loudly, and Elias laughs.

“Drink that, and then take any of this you want,” he says cheerfully. “Az fixes me enough food for three.”

“Do you blame me? He’s a walking stick figure,” Azazel eyes Elias over the tops of her reading glasses.

I laugh, and simultaneously, there’s another knock at the door.

“Enter!” Elias calls, still laughing.

“Forgive the interruption, Elias,” Charity pokes her head around the door. “Master Diggory is here to visit Miss Kaija.”

“Send him in!” Elias says brightly.

After a few seconds, the door opens, and Diggory slides in. When he sees me sitting up in bed, he sighs and hurries to my side. I notice that he and Azazel exchange happy smiles as he approaches. I don't believe I've ever seen Diggory smile like that...

“You look terrible, child,” he says gloomily after surveying me briefly.

“Thanks, Digg,” I say with a sarcastic laugh. Diggory laughs too as he comes closer and places a kiss on my forehead.

“At least you seem to be in good spirits. How is she?” he directs the question to Elias, who just took a huge bite of a biscuit.

Elias works to chew and swallow quickly, nearly choking himself in his haste. I bust out with a laugh, and Elias nearly shoots food out his nose trying to hold in his own laughter. Finally, he’s able to stop laughing long enough to get the bite down and clear out what of it he inhaled so he can answer Diggory’s question.

“Aside from sadistically taking joy in my pain…” Elias shoots a sideways glance at me, and I giggle again. “Miss Kaija is mending. She gave us another good scare last night, but she’s a fighter. I think she’s going to be just fine.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Diggory has relaxed quite a bit since his arrival. “You’ve got a lot of people worried about you, Miss.”

Elias and Diggory exchange a darkly meaningful look, and I get the distinct feeling that Elias is downplaying my true condition—probably for my own benefit after our conversation last night.

“How are the girls?” I pretend I didn’t notice their interaction.

“Worried about you, mostly,” Diggory shrugs. “They’re a resilient bunch. They worked up a story to tell that one of War’s pets, and they’re sticking to it well. Should War get suspicious, he’ll be told that you’ve moved out to the bunkhouse near the stables so that we groundskeepers could help you in your recovery more easily. To give the story further credibility, Amberline has moved out there as well, and she keeps the other bed in the room looking “slept in”. She’s a good girl.”

“Amberline,” I say, feeling new guilt.

“Don’t worry, dear,” Azazel sees through my displeasure. “They call it a “bunkhouse”, but it’s every bit as nice as where you were staying before. I stayed there myself when I was an Offering. I didn’t like sharing the room with all the rest of them. They were all just like that Rebecca girl you’ve been dealing with.”

That does make me feel better, and I smile a little.

“I emptied your wardrobe and moved all your things out there too,” Diggory adds.

A sudden fear overwhelms me. My holy book is still in that room. What if they move the bed like they did Amelia’s? If it’s discovered, I’ll most likely be killed, but the book will most certainly be destroyed. There are very few copies left in existence. I’ll have to find some way to retrieve it as soon as possible.

“Thank you, Digg,” I force a smile, but I can feel the color draining from my face.

The door to the room opens, and a bride who appears to be around Azazel’s age pokes her head through the door.

“Elias? May I borrow you and Az for a moment?”

“Of course,” Elias answers, standing again. He turns to me with a slight frown. He’s probably noticed my sudden pallor. “I’ll be right back.”

When they’re gone, Diggory and I are alone. He clears his throat after Elias’s footsteps have stopped echoing in from the hallway.

“I wasn’t sure if you would be ready to show him this,” he says, pulling something from behind his back.

I gasp, and tears spring to my eyes as I grab my holy book from his hands. I hug it to my chest.

“Oh, Diggory! I was so worried when you told me you’d moved my things. I was afraid someone would find it!”

“All of you girls are the same. You hide your most valuable things under the mattress. I’m glad I checked before someone else did,” he looks at me accusingly, but I’m far too happy to argue.

“You have no idea what this means to me,” I breathe, clutching the book tighter.

“Apparently a lot if you’re willing to risk your life to have it,” Digg grunts. After a moment of hesitation, he speaks again. “I particularly enjoyed the parts in red.”

“You read it?” I look at him in astonishment.

“Only a little. I thumbed through it, and the red letters caught my attention, so I read the books with those in them,” he mutters. “There are some good ideas in there.”

“Yeah,” I say softly, looking lovingly at the tattered, leather binding.

“Is that what I think it is?” I hear Azazel’s voice. I nearly fall off the bed in my astonishment; I didn’t hear her come in.

“Azazel, I—” I have no explanation. I simply brace myself. I notice that Diggory tenses, but he doesn’t move.

“That’s one of the holy books from the old religions, isn’t it?” she asks. Instead of anger in her voice, though, I hear wonder. “I was told some of the stories from it when I was just a little girl. I never thought I’d actually live to see one in person… May I hold it?”

I hesitate for a few seconds out of shock, but then I slowly hand it to her. Azazel takes my book as though I’ve just handed her a newborn baby. She traces the letters on the cover tenderly before flipping through a few pages. I see tears begin forming in her enchanting, midnight eyes.

“Elias told me you weren’t a believer in the gods. I never suspected you’d have something like this, though. Does Elias know?” she whispers. I shake my head. “That’s probably for the best. He would worry if he knew.”

We spend a few moments in silence while Azazel continues flipping through the pages. She pauses and begins reading.

“‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God.’ Oh, that’s beautiful,” Azazel puts her hand on her chest as happy tears begin streaming down her face.

“‘I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness,’” I recite in response. “That’s one of my favorite verses. It’s helped me a lot since I came here.”

“Do you have much of it memorized?” Azazel looks at me in awe.

“I have most of it memorized,” I answer. “The book was my father’s. We never knew when it might be taken from us, so we worked to memorize it in case we needed to recreate it one day. When it was announced that I was to be an Offering, my family decided I needed it with me more than they did. I’m grateful to them. Having it in my memory is wonderful, but there’s something so comforting about being able to hold it in my hands.”

“It’s beautiful,” Azazel looks reluctant as she reverently closes the book and holds it out to me. “Elias makes it quite clear to all the new brides that he is not a god, and he shouldn’t be treated as one. He tells all of us that he knows there’s a higher power, and we should search for those answers within our hearts since we have no other way to know the truth… I always wondered if what I was told as a girl was really in the old religions. What I wouldn’t give to be able to read these old texts…”

“Keep it,” I put up my hand, stopping her forward motion. “Read as much as you want, and give it back when you’re finished.”

“Kaija, are you certain? This is such a treasure,” Azazel’s hands begin trembling.

“It’s not supposed to be hidden away,” I whisper. “It must be protected, but keeping it safe is meaningless if it’s never shared.”

“Thank you,” Azazel hugs the book to her chest with one arm and takes my hand with the other. I know there is so much more she’d like to say, but no other words will come. Her tears speak loudly, though. “Thank you.”

Hurriedly, she tucks the book in the large pocket of her apron before wiping away the tears on her face.

“Just be careful with that, ladies,” Diggory cautions. “It’s a dangerous thing around here.”

“Don’t worry, Digg,” I smile at him. “I know I can trust Az to keep it safe.”

“You sure can, dear,” Azazel nods.

“Sorry about that!” Elias strides back through the door. “There was a minor issue down in the infirmary.”

“There’s an infirmary?” I question.

“Well, Elias is a doctor,” Azazel giggles, masking her watery eyes by blowing her nose. “He set one up for us downstairs. He sees to any of our routine needs, and there’s also a section set aside for our older Brides to be made comfortable. We have everything we need here on our side of the palace. It’s a perfect little community away from War’s misery.”

“That’s wonderful,” I smile at Elias. He’s studying my face, but he offers me a ghost of smile in return. “When I’m better, I hope you’ll show me around.”

“Of course we will!” Azazel beams at me.

Diggory clears his throat.

“Well, I suppose I should be going. I can’t be gone too long, or someone will get suspicious,” Diggory kisses my head again. “You keep getting stronger, child. Those other girls need your support.”

“I will. Thank you for coming, Digg. Tell the other girls I’m thinking about them,” I smile warmly.

“I’ll walk you out, Master Diggory,” Elias stands and motions for Diggory to go first toward the door.

When they’re gone, Azazel pulls out a different book from her apron and begins reading. I sigh and press my lips together.

“I’m not really doing well, am I, Az?”

Azazel looks up from her book, unsure of exactly how to answer.

“I saw the look Elias gave Diggory earlier when Digg asked how I’m doing,” I further explain.

“Yes and no, dear,” Azazel speaks after a moment’s silence. “The fact that you are alive and awake is a very big thing. Elias is still worried, though. He can’t tell exactly how badly the venom affected you, but the trauma was extensive. Elias has given you the strongest doses of medication he can without damaging your liver, and you still had a relapse last night. You are doing extremely well for having survived being poisoned like that, but you still have a lot of healing to do in a very short time. As I said, though, we’ll cross that bridge when it gets here. For now, we’re going to celebrate your victories and strive for more.”

I nod in reply, but there isn’t time to say more before Elias returns.

“Are you ready to start those strengthening exercises we talked about?”

“Absolutely!” I say cheerfully, tucking my discouragement deep within.

“Let’s finish breakfast, then, and we’ll get to it!” Elias flashes me a brilliant smile.

An hour passes, and I’m getting very tired. Elias and I have worked at strengthening my muscles, but I don’t feel I’m making much progress. We have worked all of my limbs except my injured leg, and that’s up next. Using Elias as resistance, I have pushed, pulled, and stretched until I feel like a cooked spaghetti noodle.

“Push up with your leg against my hand,” Elias instructs.

I’m sitting with my legs dangling from the side of the bed. With a great deal of effort, I lift my right leg up to meet Elias’s hand, and I push against it. It hurts. I close my eyes and grit my teeth, breathing through my nose.

“Are you alright?” Elias asks softly.

I nod, though truthfully, I feel as though I might be sick. I need to press on, though. I don’t have much time, and I need to keep going.

“Okay,” the doubt is obvious in his voice. “Five more seconds, four, three, two, one, relax.”

It’s all I can do to keep from crying out in pain when I release the tension and allow my leg to fall back down.

“Can you do it again?” Elias questions.

I answer with a nod, and pain shoots up my leg again when I repeat the exercise. I’m nauseous again, and my head begins spinning. I shut my eyes tightly and keep going.

“Five, four, thre—Kaija?”

I feel strong hands grip my upper arms; that’s when I realize that I was falling. I’m so lightheaded that I begin seeing tiny lights all throughout my field of vision, and my gut turns. The pain in my leg is excruciating. My head falls forward, landing squarely on Elias’s abdomen, and I suddenly lack the strength to move it.

“Miss Kaija, you mustn’t push yourself like that. You need to let me know immediately if you begin feeling poorly,” Elias scolds me gently.

“I don’t have much time,” I pant, enjoying the solid feeling of his body against my spiraling head.

“I know,” Elias responds darkly, “but pushing yourself to sickness will only delay your recovery more.”

I hadn’t thought of it like that. He’s right, though.

“Tell me how you’re feeling. Be honest,” he says softly.

“I’m sick,” I answer. My speech is slurring together for some reason. “I’m dizzy…mmmleg hurts.”

“Okay,” Elias murmurs. “I want you to lay here, and I want you to rest.”

Elias picks me up and moves me up to the pillows. He, then, moves to a cabinet full of medicine and begins drawing things from a few vials up into a syringe. He slowly injects it into my IV line.

“This will help with the sickness and pain. It should help you sleep as well.”

I don’t answer. Instead, I lay back with my eyes closed. I feel a pair of soft lips press briefly to my forehead, and then I hear Elias’s footsteps growing further away, and I can tell he’s taken a seat on the couch.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“You’re welcome, Miss Kaija.”

I wake up to the sound of voices. They are distressed, and I grow worried.

“I told you, that isn’t possible,” Elias seems to be a combination of frightened and angry.

“What other choice do we have, Elias?” Azazel is equally frightened as well as frustrated.

“Master Diggory’s plan will work. Barnaby knows it will,” what is Barnaby doing here?

“What’s going on?” I ask, propping myself up on my elbows to the best of my ability.

“Miss Kaija!” Elias is at my side in three strides of his long legs. “Don’t you worry; we’ll figure everything out.”

“What’s happening?” I repeat.

“War is getting suspicious. He showed up at the stables looking for you,” Azazel fills me in. Elias shoots her a venomous look, and she gives it right back to him. “What? She knows something is going on. You don’t think she’s just going to sit there and go back to sleep, do you?”

Fear shoots through me like a thousand arrows.

“What are we going to do?”

“Master Diggory is delaying Lord War at the stables, showing him the room you’re supposedly using,” Barnaby rattles off the plan. “We’re supposed to get you out to the flower fields, where you’ve been supposedly working—one of the sunflower fields, so it will be easy for everyone else to hide there with you.”

“But that isn’t going to happen,” Elias growls. “Miss Kaija has already over exerted herself once today. Taking her outside in this condition could be deadly for her. It could kill her.”

“What other option do we have, Elias?” Azazel pleads with him. “If War finds her here, he will certainly kill her.”

“Anything!” Elias throws his hands in the air and begins pacing the floor. “I don’t know!”

I need to calm him down. I reach out and grab the sleeve of his shirt when he passes near me and pull him closer.

“Elias,” I say firmly, giving him a hard look. He sets his jaw and gazes back at me with at least ten different emotions running through his celadon eyes. “You’re thinking with this,” I touch the place on his chest that’s just over his heart, “and I need you to think with this,” I place my finger on his forehead.

“You cannot challenge War,” I tell him. “Everyone in this room is depending on you. If War finds me here, he will kill me, and then he’ll kill you, and the only reason Azazel and your other brides over the age of thirty-five are living is because you are protecting them. If you challenge War, and he kills you, we’re all dead. If risking ‘overdoing it’ will save us all, I’d say that’s our only option.”

I can see Elias’s jaw twitch. He’d like nothing more than to argue with me, but he knows it would be pointless. More importantly, he knows I’m right. Despite that, he shakes his head.

“There has to be another way,” he insists. “I refuse to just leave you in this condition—defenseless—in front of that pig.”

“Elias! We cannot risk the lives of everyone just for me! They’re already risking enough!” I plead with him. “Why is this so important to you?”

Because I love you!!” Elias shouts.

The sound of a pin dropping would be terribly loud in the room at this moment. All eyes are wide. Even Elias has frozen, realizing what he’s just said. After taking a few seconds to recover from my shock, I shake my head. We’ll have to sort through this mess later. One crisis at a time—I feel like that’s becoming my mantra these days.

“We don’t have time to debate. Az, help me up,” I say, reaching for her.

Elias closes his eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath.

“No,” he says, stopping Azazel. “I’ll carry you. It’ll be faster.”

“We must go,” Barnaby is bouncing up and down by the door. “I don't know how long Master Diggory will be able to delay War.”

“Let’s get moving, then,” I nod.

After injecting something to boost me, Elias quickly removes my IV, and Azazel helps me slide into something that will cover the evidence of it on my arms. Elias, then, scoops me up in his strong arms and heads for the door. Barnaby runs to keep up, but Elias is on a mission. He doesn’t speak to me throughout the entire trip out to the fields. When we arrive at the garden where Barnaby has directed us, I see that this plan was, in fact, very well executed. It looks as though there has been work in progress for days, pruning the tall plants and collecting the seeds.

“Sit Miss Kaija here, Elias, and go hide behind the fountain in that row, there,” Barnaby instructs. “I will stay by Miss Kaija’s side.”

Elias sits me down and places a lingering kiss on my forehead. When he moves to stand, I grab his hand.

“It’s going to be okay,” I whisper. “I can do this.”

I can’t interpret the look in Elias’s eyes as he nods to me before stalking off to where Barnaby is pointing.

When Elias is gone, Barnaby works feverishly to cover the tracks from his boots. When he’s finished, he comes back over and hands me a sack that’s halfway full of seeds. He takes dirt and smudges it all over my face and clothes before climbing up a small ladder and cutting off the head of one of the massive flowers.

“I’m right here, Miss Kaija,” Barnaby mumbles from atop the ladder. “For what it’s worth, I’ll do my best to protect you.”

Barnaby brings me the flower and a rounded tool that I begin using to scrape the seeds into the sack. Quietly, I begin praying.

“Father, protect us. I’m weak, and I’m frightened. Give me the strength to endure for the sakes of those who have risked so much to keep me safe…”



No DP this round. Just share your thoughts, and pester everyone else to comment so we can see what happens next. Wink

#139:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:02 pm
Only one moment in the reading didn't flow,

I bust out with a laugh, and Elias nearly shoots food out his nose trying to hold in his own laughter.

I couldn't tell if that was intention, or supposed to be burst out with a laugh.

As for the story, oddly enough, at this point that love confession, while heart squeezing, was a bit... anti-climatic? I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong. I guess it just seemed so obvious at this point that I half expected a character to go. 'uh, duh?' XD

Great read as usual, and quite the cliffhanger! Good luck to Kaija with all that.

#140:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:09 pm
nnnng *celebrates the blurt out confession*

Guess he was wrestling with it but didnt want to say it, cause then it'd be cemented and stuff. Still a great feeling when he finally said it though.

Now, the cliffhanger...I am nervous, admittedly...we dont look like we should be out of bed or anything....and War wont exactly hesitate to rough us up.

#141:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:35 pm
*Flails arms*

I love him yelling it so much!

Very Happy

Awesome as always, friend!

Also, Azazel makes me happy. Not as much as Diggory or Barnaby, but a trinity is happening!

#142:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:31 pm
Picking up from the cliffhanger!


Five minutes have yet to pass when I hear voices approaching.

“Offering!” War says a little too cheerfully when he breaks through the stalks of flowers. “I honestly thought Master Diggory was fibbing to me when he told me you were out here working.”

“Where else would I be, my lord?” I ask innocently, making sure to keep my eyes down.

“Oh, I don’t know,” War muses. “Dead?”

“Oh, no, my lord,” I giggle effortlessly, though the word sends a shiver down my spine. “I’m recovering quite well, actually.”

“Indeed you are,” War says with a suspicious tone.

I hear his footfalls coming closer. When I see him crouching before me, I close my eyes, willing myself to remain calm. Slowly, I feel a hand close around my throat, lifting upward slightly; I don’t do so much as flinch. It’s painful, but I can still breathe. I swear I can hear Diggory and Barnaby step closer to us.

“One might think you were receiving some sort of help.”

“I’ve had lots of help, my lord,” I’ll give him that. Denying all help would only make him more suspicious. His hand tightens ever so slightly.

“Oh?” he sounds intrigued.

“Yes,” I choke out sweetly despite my discomfort. “The groundskeepers have been wonderful. As you can see, they’re helping me quite a bit. I moved in with them so that I could be closer to my work, and I found a salve in the medicine box that’s done wonders for the bite. I guess my boot was thick enough to catch most of the venom.”

“Oh,” War’s façade is breaking. He’s genuinely upset that I’m doing so well—even though everyone else here knows I’m really not. With a hard shove that sends me sprawling backward, War releases my neck. “Well, it’s wonderful to know that I have such a capable staff.”

“Indeed, my lord,” I gasp, ignoring the overwhelming desire to cough and grabbing a new seed sack.

I need him to leave. I can’t do this for much longer. The afternoon sun is beating down on me, robbing me of what little strength I had before. My vision is growing hazy, and I feel weak. I struggle to focus on the work in my hands. It is tangible. It is real. If I continue to focus, I can remain conscious. I fight to keep my hands from shaking.

God, help me.

“Well, I suppose I’ll allow all of you to get back to work,” War sighs, turning away from me. “Master Diggory, I thank you for indulging me. I’ve been so worried about our favorite little Offering.”

“Of course, my lord,” Diggory replies. “Would you like for me to accompany you back to the palace?”

“That won’t be necessary, Master Diggory,” War huffs. “I know the way.”

“Yes, my lord,” Diggory responds.

We all listen breathlessly as War’s footsteps fade into the distance. Diggory stands at the edge of the field, hidden from view if War was to turn back, and makes sure he does, in fact, go back to the palace. Barnaby rushes to my side, crouching before me.

“Are you okay, Miss?” Barnaby asks.

I would answer, but I have reached my limit. My hands begin shaking violently, and the tool falls from my numb fingers. I gasp for breath while my heart pounds, and I feel darkness closing in on my whirling vision.

“Elias!” I plead even as I feel myself falling backward.

“I’m here,” I fall into Elias’s waiting arms as he kneels behind me. “I’ve got you.”

“Did we make it?” I ask, trying in vain to focus on his face. “Is War gone?”

“You did it,” Elias whispers. “You were incredible. I’m so proud of you.”

“That was amazing, child!” Diggory says excitedly as he comes back to us. His voice grows more distant, though, as the darkness envelops me. “I think War…”


It’s nighttime when I open my eyes. My head is throbbing, and so is my leg, but I’m alive. That’s a good sign. I blink a few times and look around the dimly lit room. The source of the light is a kerosene lantern. I find that odd considering the fact that the palace has access to the luxury of electricity.

My eyes wander over from the lamp, though, to the couch. Elias is reclined on the arm of the chair, resting his head on the tips of his fingers while he pours over a thick book. Deviating from his characteristic black, Elias is wearing a white shirt. His long legs are crossed before him, and a crease has formed between his brows to accompany the frown on his lips.

“Hey,” I say softly.

Elias looks up immediately, and his frown melts into a warm smile.

“Hey,” he says slowly as he closes his book and stands. “How are you feeling?”

“A little groggy,” I say honestly.

“Are you in pain?”

“Not bad,” I shake my head. “I’ve got a minor headache, and my leg hurts.”

Elias strides to the medicine cabinet and returns with a pill and a cup of water. He hands them to me and then sits beside me on the bed.

“I suppose we need to talk,” he murmurs, taking the cup back when I’ve finished.

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” I smile at him. “I love talking to you.”

Elias is silent for a few seconds, just smiling at me. He reaches up and brushes a stray hair out of my face.

“How can there be so much strength in one person?” he says distantly, and then he really looks at me again. “I’m so proud of you. I don’t know how you managed to keep yourself together for so long, but it was amazing.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“I should have trusted you,” he confesses. “I was just afraid of losing you…again.”

“It’s okay,” I say, trying to cheer him up. “Everything turned out fine in the end.”

“This time,” Elias grows somber. Anger flashes in his eyes as he gently touches my neck. “You have bruises from his fingers. I can’t believe I stood by while that wretch put his hands on you. Please, forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” I reply. “It would only have made things worse if you’d revealed yourself.”

“I know,” he sighs dejectedly. “And that is the only reason I refrained. Did he hurt you badly?”

“It wasn’t comfortable,” I rub my neck where War gripped it. “He’s given me worse before, though.”

Silence stretches on for a few moments.

“Earlier…” I finally switch the subject. “You said that you loved me…”

“I meant what I said,” Elias answers without hesitation. “I certainly didn’t mean for it to come out right that minute, but I meant every word.”

I know exactly what he means. The look on his face at the time told me that.

“I didn’t want to fall in love with you,” he continues. “After losing two special women, I never wanted to fall in love with anyone ever again. I knew that first day you walked in that I was in trouble, though. You were the first woman I’d ever seen be more interested in the décor then the fact that you were in the same room with us.”

“You have to admit, it’s impressive decorating,” I giggle.

“Apparently,” Elias nods with a chuckle. “And then I saw your fiery spirit again in the first Discipline. It was astonishing, and it intrigued me like nothing has in decades. That night, when I heard you singing, I knew it was a lost cause. I tried to stay away from you after Freyena’s funeral. I knew that I was becoming too attached, but my efforts only made me crave your presence more. Azazel told me to stop whining like an idiot and spend time with you. That’s when I went out to find you the night before the second Discipline.”

He chuckles again at the memory.

“Azazel is good for keeping you in line, it seems,” I laugh with him.

Elias nods, and then he falls quiet for a while.

“I have only had two wives in my life. I loved them both dearly,” a shadow falls over Elias’s eyes, and my heart breaks for him. “When Ronyn was… When she died, it crushed me. She was my first love. Caliah was a wonderful woman as well. It was hard seeing her age without me. It was harder having to ease her passage.”

I listen quietly as Elias pours his heart out to me. I cannot imagine the level of pain he has endured. I have lost close friends and relatives, but the loss of a spouse would be a completely different matter. It would be indescribably difficult to overcome that, and Elias has done it twice… And here he says I’m strong.

“You, though,” he looks up at me, and chills run down my spine. “What I feel for you is completely new. I did love them…so very much. This, though, is inexpressibly different. I can’t fully put it into words.”

Elias pauses, attempting to gather his thoughts. I know precisely what he means. I recognized the magnetism between us very early on, and I wanted so badly to know him more, but I only realized in these past couple of days how much I need Elias—how much I do love him. I’ve never been in love before, so this feeling is entirely novel. I know, now, that Elias is not just a friend to me, as I’ve continually referred to him in my mind. I am in love with this man, and despite my inexperience in the area, I know that this love is powerful. It is intense, and it will last far beyond any earthly end.

“I think if you would have died, I would have laid right here on this bed until I died with you.”

“Elias,” I whisper, reaching out my hand to him.

“I’m still so worried,” he slides ever so slightly closer to me, and I cup his cheek. “Every time you go to sleep, I worry that you won’t wake up again, and thoughts of you facing the rest of the Disciplines make me want to run out and take on the world for you. I would have attacked War without a second thought this afternoon if you hadn’t stopped me and reminded me of all the people who are depending on me.”

Elias takes my hand, and he kisses it softly.

“I’m bonded to you, Kaija. I don’t fully understand how, but I know deep inside that your soul is the other half of mine. Something much more powerful than I can comprehend is drawing me to you, and I can’t fight it anymore. I love you, Kaija, with my whole heart. I don’t know how, yet, but I will save you from War. I’ll set you free.”

I lay for a moment, soaking up everything Elias has just said to me. Slowly, I attempt to sit. Elias slides his arms around me to hold me up.

When I look up, I get completely lost in the depths of Elias’s eyes. His face is ageless, but when I’ve looked in his eyes before, I have seen the wisdom, pain, and sorrow of centuries. In this moment, though, as I lose myself in the pale, jade oblivion of them, I see only a profound and glorious love. I see every amorous feeling my feeble, mortal heart has ever experienced reflected back along with nearly a thousand others. I see that all of those intense emotions are completely and totally devoted to me, and I am overwhelmed with the tragic joy of it all.

I shouldn’t love this man. I am a human, and he is one of those with power. I will age, and I will die, leaving him alone and in pain once again. According to his own words, though, when I die, it will be much worse on him than the loss he’s experienced before. In addition to that, I am an Offering to War. If Elias and I enter into a relationship and War discovers it, it will likely mean death for both of us.

I shouldn’t love him. I should distance myself for his sake. I should protect him. I should finish with my recovery, and I should never speak to him again afterward.

However, the very idea of leaving Elias is laughable, and I know it. That irresistible pull he described is very real. I, too, feel that we are one soul in two bodies. We have found one another, and even death will not be enough to part us.

“I’m sorry if I’ve been too forward,” Elias falters.

My silence has given him the wrong impression. As I watch his lips move, I feel an overpowering desire to have them against my own. I remember the hazy feeling of them when Elias used his own breath to save my life. I want to feel them again for entirely different reasons.

“I understand if you need time to—” I press a finger to those perfect lips.

Once I’ve silenced him, I look up to Elias’s eyes once more with a soft smile.

“Miss Kaija, may I kiss you?”

“Oh, I wish you would,” I whisper in reply.

Slowly, hesitantly, Elias brings a hand up to the back of my head. His other arm still supports most of my weight as he leans in. I close my eyes and delight in the feeling of him holding me; for the first time it isn’t out of necessity but out of desire. I wait, breathless, for the touch of his mouth. I feel his face close to mine, and then, feather light, he lets his lips hover just over mine, barely touching. I can tell that he’s savoring this moment as much as I.

“Am I really allowed a blessing like this?” Elias whispers. I feel I might get completely drunk from the tender touch of his lips and the intoxicating scent of him. “I fear that all of this is a dream, and I will awaken to find that you were nothing more than a radiant vision, too exquisite for this cursed existence. I fear I am unworthy of such a gift.”

“I’m real,” I breathe in response. “I’m here, and I’m nothing more than a human woman with one fragile, human life in which to offer my love to you. I’m the one who should feel unworthy.”

“Your one human life has offered me more joy in the last few weeks than I have experienced in all my centuries of immortality,” Elias assures me, his soft voice dripping with profound yearning. “It’s unbelievable.”

“Kiss me,” I whisper. “See for yourself that I’m real.”

Without hesitation, Elias’s fingers tighten on the back of my hair, and he brings me closer, pressing his lips fully onto mine. I raise my hands, tugging at the ribbon that ties Elias’s long hair back. It comes loose easily, and his hair falls in a silver-white curtain around us. Immediately, I twist my fingers in the silky strands and pull him closer still. In response, I feel Elias’s embrace intensify.

No matter how tightly we cling to one another, it seems we can’t manage to be close enough to satisfy our burning need to be nearer still. Our kiss is deep and passionate, like no other human interaction I’ve ever experienced. He is not a god, and I am not an Offering. We are simply two people in love. My head swims with exuberant bliss I didn’t know existed on this side of eternity. I never want this moment to end.

My body betrays me, though, and I am forced to pull back, breathless. I lean heavily on Elias’s arms, and he lowers me to the bed. I offer him a weak smile, and he leans in, placing one more sweet kiss on my lips and one on my forehead.

Elias hovers over me, watching me with love dancing in his celadon eyes. He runs his graceful fingers over my braided hair.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispers earnestly with a soft smile. All I can do is giggle quietly in return, and Elias presses his forehead to mine. “You have made me the happiest man alive.”

Just then, there’s a discreet knock at the door, and Elias shoots upward, redness flooding his pale face. I would be irritated by the intrusion, but I can’t help but laugh at his bashful nature. Elias stands and heads toward the door, clearing his throat and throwing a playful smile in my direction.

Elias opens the door, and I see Az standing on the other side.

“I just came to see how our patient is doing,” Az whispers. “Elias, honey, your face is flushed. Are you alr—”

Az spies me, awake, lying in the bed; I wave to her.

“Hey, Az,” I say with a giggle.

Azazel’s eyes go round, and her eyebrows shoot up as she looks accusingly at Elias. Elias places one hand on his hip and pushes one side of his hair behind his ear with the other, releasing an awkward chuckle. This is the first time I’ve seen his hair down—I rather like it.

“OH,” an impish grin works its way onto Azazel’s lips. “Forgive my intrusion. I’ll be in the study if you should require anything.”

“Az?” Elias stops her. His face is a lovely shade of scarlet now. Watching them interact, I have to fight to keep from bursting out laughing. “Could you please see that some food finds its way up here?”

“Would it be too much trouble to get a bath, Az?” I speak up shyly.

“Of course not, dear,” Azazel’s teasing melts into a loving smile as she turns to me. “Barnaby roughed your appearance up a bit, didn’t he?”

“Yeah,” I smile back at her.

“Well, then, why don’t you see to our lady, here, and I shall go wrestle up something to eat?” Elias excuses himself quickly, retreating down the hallway before he’s even through speaking, and Azazel whistles for a few of the other girls.

“He sure cleared out in a hurry,” the mischief returns to Azazel’s tone.

“We kissed, Az,” I reminisce, still floating on my happiness a bit. I toy with the black ribbon that I stole from his hair, blushing slightly.

“Did you, now?” Azazel’s eyes widen again, but then she smirks at me. “It’s about time. He’s been wanting to do that since you walked in the door, I’m fairly certain.”

“I think I have too,” I giggle.

“You’ll have to forgive Elias for his unusual reactions to things,” Azazel comments as she and Phillipa lower me into the tub.

“Actually, I find it rather endearing,” I smile fondly.

“Elias isn’t accustomed to feelings,” Az goes on. “He’s spent so many years with them shut off as a defense. For as long as I’ve known him, it was almost as though Elias couldn’t feel anything anymore. Nothing upset him. Nothing made him particularly happy. I was eighteen when I was offered, and I remember thinking that Elias was the single most tragic person I’d ever met. Once I became a bride, and we began to grow closer, I learned the reason behind his stoicism, and I was able to see through it.”

“That’s terrible,” I whisper. I remember, though, talking with Elias those first few times and thinking, myself, how very sad he seemed.

“Yes,” Azazel begins washing my hair for me. “Now, though, the truth has come out. Elias shuts himself away, but in reality, he does feel. In fact, he feels deeper than most anyone I’ve ever known. He’d so tightly closed everything off that he had the perfect defense. Since you’ve come around, though, he’s flooded with all different kinds of emotions, and he’s not sure what to do with them. He’s spent so long being a god in all appearance. It will take him some time to learn to be human again.”

“You’ve brought about a big change in him, Miss,” Phillipa smiles at me as they dry me off. “It makes me happy to see him living his life for once.”

“Yes, Miss,” Sophia grins reassuringly. “You’ve done a good thing. Please, be patient with Elias.”

“I love him,” I say, smiling myself. “I’ll be whatever he needs me to be.”

On the way back from the bath, I glance in the mirror again. My appearance hasn’t changed much aside from my skin gaining a little bit of color. I am still disturbingly thin, and my eyes are still bloodshot, but at least color is an improvement. Like Azazel said, we’ll celebrate the victories.

“You’re doing well, dear,” Azazel assures me as she begins brushing my hair, just like last time. “Elias told us all how strong you were when you faced War today. That’s most impressive. You certainly shocked him.”

“I didn’t feel very strong,” I mumble.

“You survived,” Az reminds me. “That’s more than Elias expected when he was trying to dissuade you this morning.”

“I guess you’re right,” I can’t help but smile a little bit.

“One thing you’ll learn after you’ve been here for a little while, love,” Azazel pins my hair in place and stands, kissing my cheek, “I am always right.”

I laugh, but I don’t doubt the veracity of her words one bit.

“Why don’t you rest for a bit? Elias should be back shortly,” Az continues as she heads for the door.

“I think I will. Thank you, Az,” I answer. Azazel smiles at me, and then she’s gone.

I lay back on the pillows, and before long I hear the door to the room open again. It closes, and I recognize Elias’s walking pattern drawing nearer.

“Kaija?” he says softly. Evidently he thinks I’m sleeping.

“I’m awake,” I answer him.

“Oh,” he climbs onto the bed with food. “I’m sorry for running out.”

“It’s okay. I’m still getting used to this whole love thing too,” I offer him a knowing smile.

He laughs with embarrassment, and his cheeks grow red again. Elias motions toward me vaguely.

“Mind if I get that back?” he asks. I look down and see the black ribbon I’ve been absently twisting around my fingers.

“Oh! Yeah,” I laugh and hold it out to him. Elias gently takes the ribbon from me, and with an effortless motion, his gorgeous hair is swept back into the tie at the base of his neck. I stifle my brief disappointment at seeing it return to its restraint.

After we quietly eat our dinner, Elias sets the dishes on the table before coming back over to place a gentle kiss on my lips and one on my forehead. He turns to the couch.

“Goodnight, Miss Kaija,” Elias sighs happily, draping himself over the too-short piece of furniture.

“Goodnight, Elias,” I whisper, settling down into the covers.

I wake to sunlight filling up the room. Looking at the couch, I see that it’s empty, so I turn my head hopefully in the other direction. Sure enough, Elias is lying beside me. Our hands are clasped in the center of the bed once again. I find myself thinking that if I could start every morning like this, my life would be truly happy.

Elias is on his back again, but this time, I can see his face because his hand is laying on his chest instead of being thrown over his visage. His expression is peaceful as he breathes deeply in his sleep. His long, white eyelashes lay on the tops of his porcelain cheeks. The purple circles beneath his eyes have receded to slight shadows, and his face has filled out to its normal, still-thin proportion. I’d venture to say that he looks healthy…for him. If he were a normal person—that thin and that pale—I’d still be really concerned for his wellbeing.

I laugh quietly at the thought and settle back down to wait for Elias to wake up. It doesn’t take long, and soon I’m staring into his gorgeous eyes.

“You’re allowed to wake me when you’re up, you know,” Elias smiles sleepily.

“Would you even think about waking me when I was sleeping?” I counter.

“No, but you’re injured,” he says matter-of-factly. “Though, even if you weren’t, I suppose I would have issue with intentionally disturbing your sleep.”

“See?” I smirk. Then, I remember that we didn’t fall asleep this way. “Did I have a nightmare again?”

“Yeah,” Elias settles back on the pillow with his right arm under his head, still gripping my hand with his left.

“I’m beginning to think you’re making that up just to share the bed with me,” I tease him. He looks at me, horrified, as his cheeks turn red again. I burst out laughing. “I’m kidding, Elias. I don’t mind waking up beside you.”

Elias doesn’t answer me; he just lays back with a thoughtfully happy smile on his rose colored face.

The day passes peacefully. Azazel pops in and out occasionally, checking to be sure we don’t need anything. Elias only leaves my side once to “take care of something”. We spend the morning stretching and strengthening my muscles, and after resting for a bit, Elias brings out a few board games. After dinner, we’re stretching again when there’s a knock at the door.

“Come in, Az!” Elias calls while I continue pushing against his hands, our fingers intertwined.

When I look over, though, instead of Azazel, I see three concerned faces piled in the doorway.

“Girls!” I cry excitedly. “What are you doing here??”

“We were worried. Master Diggory told us how to get to the wing, and Lady Azazel showed us the way up here,” Amberline speaks, and the three of them enter with their eyes averted from Elias. “Diggory assured us it would be alright, Lord Death. If we need to leave, though, we certainly can.”

“Absolutely not!” Elias releases my hands and steps back. “And you needn’t uphold formality here, ladies. Here, my name is Elias.”

One by one, the girls look up nervously, and they relax only slightly when they see that Elias is smiling at them. After an awkward silence, Elias clears his throat.

“Well, I suppose I’ll step out and let you all visit for a while,” Elias leans down and kisses my cheek, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I’ll be just down the hall in my study if you need me, Miss Kaija.”

“O—okay,” I say blushing slightly.

With only a few of his elegant strides, Elias is out the door. Amberline, Jocelyn, and Vivienne are all staring after him with eyes the size of saucers, and when the door closes, they burst into activity.

“What was that??” Amberline demands with a big grin.

“Did he just kiss you??” Vivienne squeals.

“Tell us everything!!” Jocelyn begins bouncing up and down.

“Well,” I giggle; my face is burning. “I guess it started after the first Discipline…”

“Whaaaat??” They gasp together.

“Yeah, I—uh—sort of destroyed an entire field of Elias—Lord Death’s—lilies,” I move up on the bed so that the three of them can join me for story time.

I tell them about my late-night meetings with Elias. They’re astonished to learn of my private rendezvous with one of the gods, but they keep listening. Things get more interesting when I come to the second Discipline.

“Before the Discipline, Elias slipped the flint into my pocket. I still don’t know how he did it. Just before we went in, though, he reminded me it was there, and when I heard the snakes, I knew he’d put it there so I could make fire to keep them away.”

“Lord Death helped us??” Jocelyn gasps.

“Yeah,” I nod. “The Disciplines are all War’s doing. Elias doesn’t want Offerings and all that.”

“Really?” Vivienne marvels.

“Yeah,” I nod again, smiling. A frown forms involuntarily, though, when I continue. I explain some of the hierarchy and why War is the Alpha before bringing the discussion back to the point. “After the Discipline, Elias tried to help me, but I didn’t want War to hurt him if he found out. I tried to go it alone to avoid involving any of you; I don’t know what I was thinking. I knew I was in serious trouble.”

“That was so scary,” Amberline looks as though she might cry. “I really thought you were going to die.”

“I would have if it wasn’t for Elias,” I say soberly. “Azazel told me he revived me three times that first night. She said he stayed with me around the clock until he passed out from exhaustion, and when he woke up, he started it all again.”

“That’s incredible,” Vivienne shakes her head. “How did he know what to do?”

“He’s spent the last few hundred years studying medicine,” I leave out the part about his power. They don’t need to know every dark secret Elias bears. “I owe him my life.”

“It seems like he treats his Brides well,” Jocelyn says almost nervously. She and Vivienne are Offerings to him, so it’s only natural she’d be thinking about that. “All the ones we saw seemed very happy.”

“Oh, they are. Elias takes very good care of them,” I assure her.

“And he’s handsome too…” Vivienne says distantly as she looks toward the door.

I can’t help but laugh. She’s got the same false impression I had.

“Unfortunately, that’s not how it works here,” I say, still chuckling. “None of the Brides are Elias’s lovers.”

“Really?” Amberline looks at me like I’ve grown three heads.

“Yeah,” I smile warmly. “He doesn’t force himself on anyone. He’s a great man...”

I barely register the knowing smiles that take over the faces staring at me.

“So earlier, when he kissed you…?” Vivienne prods.

“Yesterday, after I had to face War—thank you all for your help, by the—”

“Never mind that! What happened yesterday??” Amberline cuts me off.

“Well,” I giggle at the intensity of their stares. “I’m not sure how, but we managed to pull it off and fool War. When I woke up after that, Elias was up watching over me.”

“That’s so sweet,” Vivienne squeals, clasping her hands next to her face.

“He’s very sweet,” I smile. “He told me that he loves me…and we kissed.”

The room erupts.

“Kaija, that’s wonderful!!” Jocelyn takes my hands and begins bouncing up and down.

“I’m so happy for you!!” Amberline squeals.

“Yeah,” I smile, but I’m troubled. “Now we just have to figure out what to do next.”

The gravity of our situation falls like a lead weight. The girls look at me with a mixture of sadness and worry.

“I’m an Offering to War,” I say miserably. “We have until the end of the Disciplines to make a plan…if I survive that long. And if War finds out about us, we’re dead anyway.”

“Are you going to be strong enough in time for the next Discipline?” Amberline asks softly. “You still look terrible.”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “Elias wants to challenge War so that I don’t have to complete any more, but it wouldn’t do any good. From what Azazel says, Elias is no match for War. I don’t want him risking his life just so I might get out of the Disciplines.”

The girls nod.

“How many times do I have to tell you, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes,” I jump when I hear Azazel’s voice. She really does have a talent for sliding in unnoticed.

“You scared me, Az,” I laugh.

“Apologies, dear,” she smiles softly, sitting a tray with a teapot on the table. “How are you feeling? Elias was wondering if you’re in any pain.”

“I think I’m okay. Tell him thank you for me, though,” I smile brightly at her.

“Here, he wants you to drink this anyway,” Azazel hands me a cup of tea. “Would you girls like some? It’s just herbal tea, so it won’t keep you up all night.”

The girls gladly accept, and we all sit around sipping our tea together. We laugh and joke like old friends. If one didn’t know the situation, we might look like a group of schoolgirls at a sleep over. Eventually, though, I grow tired, and our time comes to an end. The girls stand, and we say our goodbyes.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Amberline wraps her arms around my neck. She whispers the next part in my ear. “And I’m so happy you’ve found some joy in the middle of this madness. You deserve it.”

As Amberline, Jocelyn, and Vivienne make their way toward the door, Elias quietly slides in.

“Goodnight, Lor—Elias,” Vivienne catches herself. Then, she offers him a giggling bow, and the other girls follow her example.

“Goodnight, ladies,” Elias answers, bowing at the waist with his hand over his heart. When they’re gone, he makes his way over to me, and sits. “You look wonderful. I think their visit was a good thing for you.”

“I’ve been worried about them,” I answer with a warm smile.

“I think the feeling was mutual,” he laughs. “And now, while you’re feeling well, why don’t you sleep? It will be good for you to rest after so much activity.”

“Kay,” I lay back, and Elias pulls the blanket over me.

“I’m so proud of you, Kaija,” he says, giving me a quick kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you,” I answer before rolling over and closing my eyes.


Two and a half weeks have passed, and I am improving—not as quickly as I’d like, but I’m improving. Elias assures me I’m doing splendidly, but I can’t help but wonder if I’m really doing that well or if he’s just trying to make me feel better. The IV is out of my arm, at least, and Elias spends hours every day helping me rebuild my muscles. I’m not walking yet, but he says we’re close. Amberline, Jocelyn, Vivienne, Barnaby, and Diggory have all come to see me several times, and that always makes me happy. Azazel and I have had many great talks about my holy book and other things.

On this particular day, I am fed up. I am frustrated with my body for not doing as I will it. Elias has been very busy this morning. With three days left until the Discipline, evidently War has him doing a lot of the setup. With three days left until the Discipline, though, it’s imperative that I at least be able to walk.

Carefully, I slide to the edge of the bed. I place my feet on the cold marble, and I stand. My knees are shaking violently, and I have in my mind the picture of a brand new colt trying to stand for the first time.

“God, give me strength,” I whisper as I move to take the first step.

It’s wobbly, and I have to hold on to the bed, but I’ll take it. Progress is progress. One shuffling step after another, I make my way to the end of the bed. Gripping the ornately carved post, I stand up straight for the first time in nearly a month.

“Here goes nothing,” I mumble.

I step out…

And I fall flat on my face.

That hurt. That hurt quite a lot, actually. I lay on the floor for a moment, trying to get back some of the air that was just smacked out of my lungs. Once I can breathe again, I grab the bedpost and stand.

“Okay, let’s do this,” I psych myself up.

This time when I step, my foot goes solidly to the floor. I can feel my knees trembling, but the muscles are finally remembering their job.

“Hah!” I chuckle, proud of myself. “Take that, War!”


DP! Kaija is walking...ish. Where does she go? To the balcony? Out the door? Somewhere else? GO!

#143:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:38 pm
Ha! I love this! The other girls being all excited about her falling on her face is adorable.

And her falling on her face made me laugh probably more than I should. Very Happy

I think she should go to the balcony. She can lean on it if nothing else. ^.^

#144:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:24 pm
I love it, I had to make a sound from all the lovely feelings I was getting from reading along. :3

I'll have to say balcony too! Razz Its a victory, and it its clsoer than other destnaions, I think XP

#145:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:19 pm
Loving the read, as usual! Can't believe no one has gushed about that kissing scene yet! You can see all the loving attention you gave it. As for where she walks, I'm leaning towards her walking towards the door. Try to show Az!

#146:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:36 pm
POLLING!! You have 24 hours. Wink

#147:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:13 pm
One step after another, I cross the floor, moving toward the door to Elias's chambers. I'm making some awesome progress, and I want Az to see me. I know she'll appreciate the effort.

Geez, Az is becoming a mother to me too, and I'm worse than a little kid who just learned to do a cartwheel. Oh, well. She'll still praise me like a mother, and I'll still love it.

Just then, though, my legs forget their purpose once more, and I plaster myself on the marble. This time, I really can’t breathe, so I just lay still. I taste blood. Evidently, I just busted my mouth. Fantastic.

“Miss Kaija!!” Oh, look! Elias is back. Perfect timing.

I can’t answer him. I just lay here, gasping like a goldfish that got a little too brave. Soon enough, Elias has sprinted to my side, and he rolls me over, cradling my upper body.

“Oh, Kaija,” Elias grimaces when he looks at my face. Maybe I did more damage than I thought. “What were you thinking?? You know you’re not strong enough to walk alone yet!”

“I made it this far!” I gasp stubbornly when I’ve got some air back.

“That, you did,” Elias chuckles, looking over his shoulder. “That was rather impressive. Reckless, but impressive.”

Elias whips out a handkerchief and gingerly wipes my mouth and nose. Apparently, I busted that too.

“I don’t think you broke your nose; you just aggravated it,” Elias does a brief examination once the blood is cleared away. “Are you alright?”

“Aside from my bruised pride? I’m fine,” I huff, attempting to sit up. Elias places a hand firmly against my shoulder, pushing me back down into his embrace.

“Just hold up,” he scolds me lightly. “You fell pretty hard. Take it easy for a minute, and then I’ll help you.”

I press my lips into a thin line and give Elias a challenging look, but he just stares back at me, fighting with a smile. I’ve definitely lost this battle.

“Fine,” I sigh heavily.

Elias somehow maneuvers to lay on the floor with me. When he’s finished, we’re lying side by side, and one of his arms is under my head. He’s partially under me as my arm and shoulder rise and fall with his breathing. Being this close to him is a new feeling, and I like it.

“If we can just make it to the point that you can walk a little bit, you’ll be fine for this Discipline,” Elias’s voice is suddenly very troubled.

“Not much walking involved, for once, huh?” I say cheerfully, hoping to bring him back from the disturbingly dark place I fear he’s going.

“No,” he says ominously. “If you can walk in the door, you’ll be fine on that front. That’s the least of our worries, I’m afraid.”

“Elias, just say what’s on your mind,” I press. “I know this is hard for you, but I need to be prepared.”

“You’re right. Okay. Just like the other Disciplines, anything you can carry on your person is allowed,” Elias is struggling. I can hear it in his voice. “I want you to wear your usual outfit, but pack as much clothing and as many blankets as possible beneath it. This Discipline is War’s sick, demented test of “Patience”. You’ll be forced to sit in freezing temperatures for several hours. You won’t be allowed to get close to the other ladies. It will be all you—alone.”

“And you’re worried that my body isn’t ready to withstand that,” I finish the thought he’s so vehemently avoiding.

“I didn’t say that,” Elias shakes his head after a slight hesitation.

“You didn’t have to,” I turn my head to look up at him. “I can hear it.”

Elias takes a deep breath and releases it in a sigh.

“I am very worried, Kaija,” he says softly. “I want you to listen to me. Hear me out.”

“Okay,” I whisper. I don’t think I’m going to like where this is going.

“That snake bite nearly killed you. War was expecting you to be dead by the next day. What if we let him believe that you are? I spoke with Azazel. We could hide you here the same way the older Brides are hidden, and—”

“No,” I whisper. Elias stops, waiting for my reason. “Elias, I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life by your side. You know that.”

“Then do it! Stay here with me! I’ve already spoken with Diggory and the girls, and they’re all for the plan. It could really work,” Elias is almost pleading with me.

“I can’t just run,” I shake my head softly. “I swore to protect those girls. I swore to them, to Barnaby, and to myself that I would help them and watch over them. I almost died to keep that promise. I can’t go back on it now.”

I raise my hand until I find the side of his face that isn’t resting on my head. His hand wraps around my own, and he kisses it gently.

“Besides,” I continue. “War isn’t stupid. He’d want to see the body, and at least some of you would die when you couldn’t produce one.”

“How did I know you would say that?” Elias chuckles, but there’s no humor in the action. “You’re far too brave for your own good, Miss Kaija. You’d never be able to live with yourself if you ran away and hid from War while the other girls faced their fates without you. I knew that before I asked. I had to try, though.”

I nod again. I know I’m breaking his heart, but he’s absolutely right. It’s not in me to break a promise. It’s not in me to run away.

“But I cannot lose you. If you are going to be brave, then I will just have to be brave as well,” Elias says resolutely. “I’ll have to—”

“Don’t even say it,” I stop him. “You are not facing War for me. I won’t let you.”

“And how exactly were you planning to stop me?” Elias laughs unexpectedly, and the tension nearly vanishes.

“I have ways,” I sniff as though I’m offended. “Don’t you underestimate me, sir.”

“After everything I’ve seen of you, Miss Kaija, I will never underestimate you again,” Elias moves to sit up. “So are you ready to walk?”

“Absolutely,” I say, allowing him to take my hands.

Elias pulls me up, and once I’m steady, he takes a step back. I take one shaky step forward to meet him. He takes another back, and we repeat the process until we’ve made it all the way back to the bed.

“Can we go again?” I ask brightly, thoroughly enjoying our activity. It feels like an extremely slow, awkward dance, and I love it.

Elias takes my hands and steps back again. After another fifteen or twenty steps, I grow tired, and my knees give out. Elias is prepared, though. He releases one of my hands and wraps the arm firmly around my waist, holding me up. My hand falls to his shoulder, and we really are standing in a dance position now.

My heart skips a beat at being held like this, and I giggle.

“Nice catch,” I whisper.

“You’ve almost got walking,” Elias replies softly. “Now…dance with me, Kaija.”

“Dance??” I look at him wide-eyed. “Listen, I know I said not to underestimate me, but that might be a little far to the other extreme.”

“Trust me,” he grins at me.

Elias lifts me ever so slightly, and I feel his smooth, leather boots slide beneath my bare feet. Is he really doing this? Yes. Yes, he is. Elias begins humming quietly, and he sways to the music, stepping perfectly, while I’m just along for the ride.

I find myself laughing giddily as Elias spins and twirls me all across the room. I stopped being able to support myself long ago, but Elias doesn’t seem to mind. He just hugs me that much closer and keeps turning.

Finally, Elias slows, dancing in a small circle. I nestle my head against his neck, bringing one hand up to hold the back of his shoulder; I lay the other on his chest, feeling his heart beat through the fabric. Elias lays his head on my hair and wraps his other arm around me like the first.

“One day, I’ll be able to dance this way with you whenever I please,” Elias’s voice is thick with emotion. “We’ll fix this, Kaija. And when we do, the world will be perfect.”

“I’d like that very much,” I whisper, feeling tears gathering in my eyes. “Just promise me one thing.”

“Anything,” Elias replies.

“Swear to me that no matter what happens during that Discipline, you will pretend as though I am just another Offering.”

“What?” Elias holds me back so that he can see my face.

“You said anything. Swear it, Elias. Swear to me that you will not risk yourself by intervening. I can’t focus on my task if I’m worrying that you will be harmed. So swear it.”

Elias swallows hard. He pulls me closer, gripping my upper arms so tightly it almost hurts, and kisses my forehead. Then, breathing deeply, he clenches his eyes closed, fighting with the decision. With our foreheads touching, he whispers.

“I swear it…but not willingly.”

“I don’t care if it’s willful as long as you swear it,” I reach up and lace my fingers around the back of his neck, beneath his long hair. “And thank you. I need you to trust me again. I know I can do this.”

I pull Elias closer, pressing my lips against his. He adjusts his hands from where they’d been on my arms to encircle my upper body as he passionately returns my kiss. I can feel his every emotion—his worry, his fear, his frustration…his love—through his breathless, hungry movements. Elias bites my lower lip tenderly, and despite the pain from busting it on the floor earlier, I want him to continue. He does, and then he crushes my mouth again with his own, as though he’s trying to communicate with me from a place that words will no longer reach. I understand him loud and clear.

Though Elias is going to give me my desire of his safety, he would gladly give his life for mine. He would risk everything on the fleeting, distant hope that I might live a full and happy life that he so longs to live right beside me. He knows that to make such a stand would be certain death for him. Still, if it were my wish, he would make that sacrifice without hesitation.

Elias loves me in a way that no man has loved me before. His longing, his burning desire for me, filters through even the tiniest motion of his lips against mine.

In a quick movement, Elias picks me up, never once breaking from our passionate embrace. He strides to the bed and throws back the covers, sitting me gently among them. He kisses me for a moment longer before drawing back. My head is spinning, and I keep my hold on his neck for stability. We sit with our heads together, breathing hard as the seconds tick by.

Finally, Elias places a kiss on my forehead and tucks me under the covers of the bed.

“Rest, my love,” he murmurs softly as he stands. “We still have three days to make sure you’re ready.”

“I will be,” I promise him.

“I know you will be,” Elias smiles at me. “I trust you.”


Everything is black. I’m in pain again, but I know there is no wound. Someone is gone. Someone who means everything to me is gone, and I cannot make them come back. I can’t remember whom. The pain is too much. I clench my fists, and thick, hot liquid slides between my fingers. I cry out in horror. Blood. There’s blood everywhere. Who is bleeding? I can’t see. Everything is black…

I sit up, sweating and gasping for breath. Looking beside me, I see Amberline’s concerned face.

“Kaija, are you okay? You’ve been crying out in your sleep,” she whispers.

“Yeah,” I frown, examining my surroundings. “It was just a nightmare.”

“Some nightmare,” Amberline relaxes a little bit. “It was about Lord Elias, wasn’t it? You kept saying his name.”

“No,” I frown, shaking off the terrible feeling her words give me. It can’t have been about Elias. That isn’t possible. “I guess I’m just feeling a little off without him this morning.”

I rub my face, trying to force myself further awake. Azazel was right. The bunkhouse is very nice. It’s nothing like the room I’ve called home for the last month, but it isn’t the nicety of the room that I miss. This space has a distinct lack of Elias, and I’ve grown very accustomed to spending my days from start to finish with him by my side.

Today, though, is the third Discipline, and we all thought it would be wise for me to sleep here. This way, I can ready myself and leave right alongside Amberline. No questions would be asked about the reason for me coming in a different way, and the fewer questions, the better.

Saying goodbye to Elias last night was much harder than I had anticipated. He asked me again if continuing with the Disciplines was really what I wanted to do. We kissed again, and I never wanted it to stop. Letting go of him and watching him walk out the door was so painful I almost couldn’t breathe. Feeling his hand slip away and knowing that it might be the last time I’m ever allowed to touch him was crippling, but I somehow managed to wear a smile for him.

Amberline and I ready ourselves for the Discipline. Per Elias’s instructions, we wrap blankets beneath our clothing, under pants and shirts. I feel a little ridiculous, and movement is restricted, but Elias assured me that range of motion wasn’t necessary for this task. We made sure to get the message to Jocelyn and Vivienne last night as well. I hope they’re making use of the advice.

All too soon, it’s time to make our way to the Discipline area. We head outside, Amberline supporting me with one arm, and Diggory is waiting for us. Barnaby is standing beside him, looking anxious.

“Don’t look so glum, you two,” I give an attempt at a laugh. “We’ll go get this over with, and we’ll be back in time for dinner.”

Without a word, Barnaby rushes forward and wraps his muscular arms around me.

“It’s going to be okay, Barnaby,” I whisper to him. “No more pyres, remember?”

“Miss Kaija, when Barnaby told you he didn’t want to build any more pyres,” I can hear his voice trembling, and he pauses, trying to reform his thoughts. His tone becomes serious, and he drops into first person references. “You did what I asked. You protected the other girls, but I almost had to build a pyre for you, Miss Kaija, and I don’t want to do that either. If you’re going to continue to watch out for these girls, you’re going to have to stay alive too.”

“I’m sorry, Barnaby.”

“No apologies, Miss,” Barnaby holds me out at arms length. “Just come out safely, and return to Lord Elias. That will be enough for Barnaby.”

I draw in a deep breath and head to take Diggory’s outstretched arm. He loops my hand through his elbow and places a hand atop mine. Behind me, I see Amberline embrace Barnaby the way I did before taking his arm to be escorted to the Discipline.

“Are you alright, child?” Diggory’s concern is evident in his voice, though he doesn’t look down at me.

“Elias prepared me as best as he could,” I reply.

“That isn’t what I asked,” Diggory glances sideways at me.

“I’ll be fine, Digg,” I assure him, looking up. “I can do this.”

“I know you can,” a ghost of a smile crosses his lips. “I just wanted to be sure you knew.”

For this Discipline, our route is quite a bit different. Instead of going around the top of the green basin, we make our way down a long, winding path of stairs down into it. The stairs are stone, and they appear to be carved out of the very walls of the basin.

I’ve always had sure feet, but today, the stairs make me nervous. I have only recently re-mastered walking. I didn’t account for stairs. Several times, I stumble, but Diggory’s strong arm never once lets me fall. He simply pauses his forward motion, sets me to rights, and continues on as though I’m no burden to him at all.

I had always thought that the green basin was a beautiful sight from above. I was wrong. Once we get past the layers of mist from the waterfall, the beauty of the land around us takes full effect. The lush green of the grass and trees, breathtaking from above, is absolutely stunning as we stand in the midst of it. Colors that I have never seen dance before my eyes, and wildlife that I have only imagined from out of history books carries on as though we aren’t even there. It’s as though one of the old fashioned films is playing out in front of us.

We don’t walk long in this wonderland before we come to a large area where the stone protrudes from the basin wall. The flags of the gods line the area, which consists of an observation deck that overlooks the entrance to a cave-like structure. Elias is already standing on the upper platform, and War is waiting below by the entrance. Ophelia, Vivienne, Jocelyn, and Rebecca are all waiting for us as well; as usual, Rebecca is wearing a dress.

A momentary pang of guilt strikes me at not giving her Elias’s warning, but I push it aside. Rebecca would certainly have run to War with the information, and questions of how I came into such knowledge would have arisen. It was too great a risk.

Diggory and Barnaby leave Amberline and I with the other Offerings before taking their places opposite Elias on the U-shaped observation deck along with two other male servants. I find it strange that they are present, but I suppose it has something to do with the Discipline. If it is a test of endurance in cold, it’s likely that even those of us who live won’t simply walk out.

“Welcome to the Discipline of Patience, Offerings,” War’s deep baritone echoes off the stone around us, magnifying it. “In this Discipline, you will be chained to the walls of this chamber for six hours. That is your only requirement. At the end of the allotted time, the doors will open, and if you are alive, you will have passed the Discipline. You will be taken back to the palace where…honestly, I don’t care what the servants do with you after that.”

War chuckles to himself over some private joke, and I bite my tongue. Let’s just get this over with. We’re prepared.

“When your name is called, you’ll enter the chamber, and Miss Ophelia will lock you into your chains. Offering Rebecca, step forward.”

Rebecca enters the chamber with Ophelia, and after a few moments, Ophelia returns. The process is repeated with Amberline and Jocelyn before my name is called.

“Offering Kaija, step forward,” there’s a sinister edge to War’s voice when he says my name. That private amusement is back, and I don’t trust it. I don’t have to wait long to be let in on the joke. “Offering, wait.”

Why did he stop me? I don’t look up, but from the corner of my eye, I see him step back and stoop to pick something up. Almost simultaneously with the motion of him returning, my breath is taken, and I find myself gasping and sputtering, shaking liquid from my face.

Gasps resound all around me even as I feel the icy cold water soak through all of the layers I so carefully swathed beneath my clothing. I stand, stunned and dripping for a moment, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened.

My eyes travel upward in sync with the screaming I hear from the observation deck.

“You cheating, sick, son of a…” Barnaby lets loose a string of profanities as he throws himself forward, attempting to jump down to where we are.

Only Diggory’s quick strength keeps him in place as the older man wraps his powerful arms around Barnaby even as my friend kicks and screams. I can tell by the look on Diggory’s face that he’d like to let Barnaby go, and he’d probably join him if it weren’t for the sheer folly of the act.

War cackles maniacally, no doubt finding great joy in the reactions of us all to his little treachery.

My eyes naturally drift over to the other side of the platform to where I know my beloved is standing. I find Elias easily, and his masculine face is frozen in a look of absolute horror. His eyes are wide with stunned, helpless fear, and his mouth hangs open ever so slightly. Even as I watch, what little color his cheeks hold drains away completely, and I can visibly see the inner battle playing out as he decides whether or not to hold true to the oath he swore to me.

There it is. There’s the truth of what just happened. I knew War would be gunning for me after everything I’ve done—after I lived—but the reality of the current situation just crashed down around me with that one look on Elias’s face.

I’m dead. Even as I stand here, I am dead. War just killed me.

There was a heavy question as to whether or not I could withstand this Discipline even with the help Elias provided, but that one, tiny action from War has sealed my fate. I am now a walking corpse.

“Alright,” I whisper with a nod.

It’s been a good run. I didn’t expect to live this long, really, and I’ve made a good effort of it. I did some good things, I passed on my holy book to someone I know will cherish it, and I even managed to fall in love. I have no regrets aside from knowing that I will leave Elias alone and in pain once again. I quickly pray that he will be able to recover from this.

My thoughts drift to Barnaby and I look back up. He has stopped struggling, but his breathing is labored as he and everyone else present watch, waiting to see my reaction.

“I’m sorry,” I mouth the words to him. It looks like he’ll be building another pyre today after all.

Barnaby clenches his fist, and I can see that he’s holding a totem of some sort. His jaw sets, and he looks from me to War who is still lost in fits of twisted laughter. Rage contorts my friend’s face as he shakes Diggory’s hands away and exits the Discipline area, never looking back. Diggory allows him to go, stepping forward to fill the empty space. His expression is nearly unreadable as he looks at me without wavering. Even my Diggory can’t fill the void completely, though.

My heart shatters a little more with every step that Barnaby takes into the forest. I long to run to him and make him see how very sorry I am to be letting him down so fully. In shame, I hang my head and take a few breaths. My heart hurts.

It’s funny—in a morbid, humorless way—not many people get to see their loved ones react when they suddenly die. This group of people has become my new family since coming here. Strange as it may be, I find seeing their faces at this moment equally heartbreaking and amusing. Were the circumstances any different, I might even laugh.

Finally, I look back up to Elias. My lover has recovered himself somewhat. He’s staring at me intently, and unlike Diggory, I can read every emotion in his beautiful eyes. He is still shocked—even he didn’t see War’s little prank coming. His heart is crushed and raw, laid out before my gaze, and his worry for me is overwhelming. Still, though, he looks at me with pride in his stare. The love I see reflected back at me strengthens me, and I make a decision.


What is Kaija's decision?

Does she accept her fate with dignity? Get angry? Cry?

#148:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:57 pm
Im not sure D:

If it was right away, I woulda shaken as much water off as possible before it soaked through whatever kind of fabric it was...but I'm not sure that's an option since she was watching the people around her.

But...I'm not sure what we can do other than do as much as we can to prepare and try to go through it anyways? I really dont want the main character to die right now though >.<

Hm...maybe...since she's sure she'll die...she'll cuss him out or something though?'re really made it impossible this time, Andi

#149:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:19 pm
Well, I certainly knew he'd be pulling something. Personally, I was waiting for the 'sike, told death the wrong information, it's really a super HOT room!" moment, but I guess this is equally terrible, if not more so. I'm sure it would have been a shock! If I wasn't expecting a shock? Plus, drinking. I do believe the alcohol I mentioned dulled my reaction.

Personally? I think this would be a GREAT time for a little throw back to the first chapter. I think her last action should be another defiant glare towards War. Let him know that this, all of this, was never on his terms. She will look him in the eye, like always. He is no God to her, he is beneath her.

#150:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:05 am
“God, I need a miracle. Only You can save me now. If it be Your will, allow me to live so that I can continue the work for which you’ve placed me here. If for no other reason, allow me to live in order to spare Elias the pain of my loss. If I must die today, I pray that You would still spare him. Give him the strength and comfort that only You can provide. As always, Father, Your will be done, but please consider the desire of Your humble servant. Please, help me live.”

I say my final, silent prayer as War, still cackling, watches me. His laughter angers me. Barnaby's outburst, the heartbreak in my beloved's eyes, the fact that I'll be torn from the lives of those I love---those are all War's fault. He did this to me---to us. With this thought in mind, I raise my eyes and glare at him determinedly. War's sadistic smile vanishes instantly and is replaced by a look of absolute, terrifying hatred. He rushes forward, grabs my arm, and roughly leads me into the Discipline chamber. Just before I pass inside, I flash a warm smile at Elias. I’m unable to see his reaction before the ledge separates us, and the Discipline has begun.

When we’re inside, the girls’ eyes grow large at the sight of me dripping wet. War shackles me to the wall and grips my face in his hand.

“If you make it out of this one, I’ll know that you truly are my Enemy,” he growls as he throws me against the wall.

Enemy? I have no idea what he’s talking about. Something has changed, though, and all of his maniacal mirth is gone. He means to see me dead—above all the others. Why? I don’t know. It all rings very strange to me.

War strides out of the room, and moments later, Vivienne enters with Ophelia. Once the small girl is situated the door slams shut, and we’re left alone. The area is cold. It’s not immediately breathtaking, but it is cold. My breath turns instantly to icy mist when it leaves my mouth and nose. It’s a large chamber; the chains that keep us against the wall are long enough that we can maneuver within our spaces, but short enough to keep us from reaching one another. Ice covers every visible surface.

“Kaija, what happened??” Jocelyn shrieks, bringing me back out of my observations. “You’re soaked through!”

“War threw a bucket of water on her!” Vivienne spouts through angry tears. “He cheated!”

“He’s the god of War,” Rebecca snaps miserably. I know she’s got to be almost as cold as me in that dress. “The Disciplines are his. He can’t cheat since he makes the rules.”

“She’s right,” I say absently as I begin peeling out of my clothes. With the shackles, my shirt won’t come completely off my hands, but at least the dripping wetness is off my skin. I grab the knife from my boot and cut what I can loose. “His game, his rules.”

“Why you, though?” Amberline watches me.

“I’m a challenge, and he wants to break me. He’s the alpha of the gods, and I’m the alpha of our group,” I answer simply.

I grab my flint in hopes that I might be able to catch fire on something, but the stones are completely saturated. Even if I could start a fire, this room is likely airtight. I’d probably burn up all of our air or asphyxiate us all with smoke. The blanket I rolled in the small of my back isn’t completely soaked. It’s not much, but it will at least give me something to cushion me from the cold ground.

“Who says you’re the leader?” Rebecca’s teeth are chattering.

“Please, Rebecca,” Jocelyn has started taking her shirt off as well. “We all look to her for guidance. She even saved your butt in the last Discipline. Of course she’s our leader.”

Rebecca falls silent as Amberline and Vivienne also begin disrobing.

“What are you all doing?” I shake my head, growing mildly fearful. “Put those back on!”

I’m standing in nothing but underwear on a damp cover. One by one, though, each of my girls throws me a blanket before obeying me and putting their shirts back on.

“We’re only safe because you told us we might want to bring extra fabric,” I note that Vivienne chooses her words carefully so as not to give away my prior knowledge. “We’ve got plenty enough to spare one each for you. You’ve kept us safe up until now. Let us help you this time.”

My heart swells, and tears threaten me, but I blink them back. I need to hurry; my hands are already beginning to lose some dexterity in the cold. Besides, if I cried now, it would only freeze to my face, and I’d be in even more trouble.

It almost seems to me that the room has grown colder. I can only guess that it’s because the door to the warm outside hasn’t opened in a while. Working quickly, I lay out my one semi-dry blanket and sit on it. I wrap my lower half in the thick cloth that Amberline gave me, and my upper half gets swaddled in Vivienne’s. Over the whole ensemble, I throw Jocelyn’s fuzzy blanket, and then I snuggle down. It’s going to be a long six hours.

A few minutes go by, and then we all jump out of our skin when the handle to the dense gate begins shaking. Something heavy is hitting the door with a full force. From the sounds of it, a person is trying to break the lock. The girls and I exchange glances. We’re all thinking the same thing, but none of us will say it.


I can’t begin to guess what’s happening on the other side of that portal. I only pray that it isn’t what I fear. He swore to me that he wouldn’t challenge War. I want to have faith that he kept that promise.

Eventually, the thudding turns into the pounding of a fist, and then it fades completely. All of us are silent as the disappointment settles in. We’re not going to be saved from this. No one is coming to our rescue. We’re just going to have to make it through.

Time crawls by, and I notice that Vivienne and Jocelyn are beginning to grow drowsy. I need to keep them awake as long as possible. Thinking quickly, I say the first thing that comes to mind.

“Hey, Viv, you ever have a boyfriend back home?”

“What??” Vivienne jolts awake, and her face reddens at the question.

“Before we came,” I continue with a chuckle through my chattering teeth. “Any boys steal your heart?”

“Of course not!” Vivienne gasps. “All women must remain pure until after they’re too old to be offered to the gods.”

“You don’t have to do anything impure to have a lover,” Jocelyn giggles.

“I did,” Amberline smiles softly in memory. “His name was Ezekiel.”

“What was he like?” Vivienne perks up even more.

“He was wonderful,” Amberline looks a little sad, but she keeps the smile on her lips. “We were childhood friends. He was a perfect gentleman, always so kind and sweet. He was funny too. We planned to get married on my twenty-sixth birthday if I wasn’t offered. He was devastated when it was announced that I’d be given to Lord War. To be honest, I wasn’t happy either, but being chosen is an honor. It will bring fortune on my family, and that made it alright.”

“Who would have thought Lord War would be so cruel,” Jocelyn says quietly.

“Well, he did dream up the Disciplines,” I snort. I notice that Rebecca remains silent through our conversation.

“At least Lord Death isn’t so bad,” Vivienne giggles.

“No,” I smile. “He’s not so bad.”

Thinking of Elias makes me long to be back by his side. I fall silent, imagining his strong, warm arms around me, listening to the other girls chatter on. I’ve managed to get them talking, and that’s keeping them awake. Mission accomplished.

“Kaija,” I hear a whisper.

When did I fall asleep? I open my eyes, and my gaze meets Rebecca’s. She’s directly across from me, and she’s looking rough. Her lips are blue, and she looks beyond cold. I can’t just leave her like that. Slowly I wriggle out of the inner blanket that’s wrapped around me. I slide it out from under the one on the top, and the icy air takes my breath for a moment. With a quick flick of my wrist, I fling the warm cloth to Rebecca, and she grabs it with hands that have obviously lost feeling a long time ago.

I look around to the other girls. They have all fallen asleep, but they look to be alright. There is still color in their beautiful faces. Elias’s plan is working wonderfully.

“Kaija, I’m done,” Rebecca whispers to me.

“What?” I frown at her. I don’t like where this conversation is going. “We’re going to be fine.”

Rebecca shakes her head.

“I’m not going to survive this one,” she insists. “I just know. It’s okay. Dying in the Disciplines will be my greatest honor.”

A chill runs up my spine that has nothing to do with the cold.

“I wanted to say thank you, though,” she continues. I wish she’d stop. I rather miss her annoying sarcasm right now. “Even though we hated each other, you still saved my life, and you’re trying to save it still.”

“Of course I am,” I breathe, sending a puff of mist out from me. “I never hated you. We just see the world differently.”

“May I ask you a favor?” tears gather in Rebecca’s eyes, but they’re frozen before they make it all the way down her face.

“Anything,” I whisper.

“Remember me,” she finally looks up at me, and I think I might cry too. “What you did for Amelia was so beautiful. They’ll remember her forever. Please don’t let them forget me either.”

“I won’t ever forget anyone who dies here,” I swear to her. “None of us will.”

Rebecca nods and offers me a small smile before she reclines back on the wall.

“Rebecca?” I say a little louder. She doesn’t answer me, though. I know she can hear me, but it would seem that we are finished talking now.

I lay back on the wall myself and fight to keep my eyes open. I have no idea how much longer we’ll have to be in here, but staying awake is going to go far in keeping me alive. The minutes tick by. At first, I count the seconds, but after ten minutes, my cognitive function is fading like my physical, and I lose all sense of time.

My teeth have stopped chattering now, and I’m no longer shivering. A strange desire to take off the blankets overcomes me, but I fight it. I’ve heard of this phenomenon---I read about it in a book. Sometimes, when people are in the latter stages of hypothermia, they lose all critical thinking skills, and end up effectively killing themselves. These three hours need to be up soon, or I might be the one responsible for my own death.

It seems like forever has passed, and my consciousness is fading in and out so drastically that I no longer even really remember where I am or what’s happening. All I know is that I’m cold. I’m eternally cold, and I doubt I’ll ever know what it feels like to be warm again.

Finally, a light opens up in the dim room, and with it comes a breeze so hot that I think it might blister me. The sounds of several feet come to my ears, and through my blurry eyes, I see a tall, crimson form circling the room. He nudges a rigid body across the floor from me.

“What a shame,” I recognize War’s booming voice. “She would have made an excellent replacement for you, Ophelia.”

“No!” Ophelia screams, kneeling down by the body.

So Rebecca was right.

War goes to each of the other girls and nudges them all. All three of them respond with soft moans, and I could almost sing. As he passes each of them, one of the other people in the room goes to gather them and carry them from the cold chamber. Eventually, War makes it around to me.

“Still alive,” I manage to whisper with a smug smile.

With a cry of rage, War plants a boot squarely between my ribs. It hurts, but not nearly as badly as it should have. My entire body is basically numb. I laugh feebly as War storms toward the door.

“Get them out of here. I’ll be in my chambers,” he huffs as he disappears.

“Miss Kaija?” I hear deep concern in Diggory’s voice as he comes and briefly checks me over. “Oh, child, you’re alive.”

“Still here, Digg,” I whisper. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

Diggory gathers me up, blankets and all, and heads for the outside. When we’re under the sun, I can see a strange operation taking place. Vivienne, Amberline, and Jocelyn are being stripped of their clothing and wrapped in fresh blankets brought down by some of Elias’s Brides. I see Charity and Sophia among them. Elias is working feverishly, gathering vitals on the other girls and barking orders. I can sense his agitation in every movement he makes.

“They’ll have sweated in all those layers. Get them in dry clothes,” he tells two of his Brides as he finishes with Amberline.

“Master Diggory?” Elias pauses his work to question the man carrying me. It’s obvious that Elias would love to be the one holding me right now, but in order to hold appearances in front of the other men present, he’s forcing himself to remain distant and objective. “Is she…?”

“She’s freezing, my lord,” Barnaby grumbles as he lays me on the ground, “but if her spunk is any indication, I’d say she’s going to be just fine.”

“Take them up to my infirmary as soon as they’re ready,” Elias instructs the men and his Brides as he draws closer to me. “Master Diggory, don’t rub her arms. The shock to her circulatory system could send her into cardiac arrest.”

I have no idea what Elias just said, but his voice sounds heavenly in my groggy ears. Diggory lifts his hands away with a look of terror on his face, as if he’s now afraid to touch me at all.

“I’m just going to let you take over here since you know what you’re doing, Lord Elias,” Diggory steps back. “I’d hate to be responsible for killing her after she’s come through so much.”

Elias leans over me with worry riddling his features. His white hair tickles my face as it falls over his shoulder from where he’s got it tied back. I smile weakly up at him, and the crease between his brows melts away. It’s replaced by a warm smile of his own as relief washes over his visage.

“Hello, beautiful,” he whispers, placing a kiss on my forehead.

“Eh-heh,” I giggle, my teeth chattering violently now. “What if someone sees you? I’ll have had to sit through all that for nothing.”

“You’re being very sassy for someone who just had a brush with death, and I don’t care who sees,” Elias answers, kissing my lips with a chuckle. The warmth of his skin against mine is beyond inviting. “You’re alive, and you’re finally back in my arms. I could take on the world right now, so let them see.”

I close my eyes and let my head drop to Elias’s shoulder as he lifts me gently off the ground and wraps me in his cloak. His embrace is firm, like he can’t pull me close enough, and he makes no attempt to hide his affection. It’s as though touching me was too much, and now he’s unable to hold anything back.

“I’ll take this one, gentlemen,” Elias is practically singing. “You help get the others situated.”

“Yes, Lord Death,” the servants bow to him.

“And no one is to hear of this,” Diggory emphasizes the last word, and I get a vivid image of him motioning to Elias and I.

“Of course not,” one of the men chuckles. “We’ve heard a lot about miss Kaija from the housekeepers and cooks. We’re all rooting for her.”

“Tired,” I whisper. “I’m cold.”

“Sleep, my Kaija,” Elias murmurs in reply as he strides quickly but smoothly up the winding stairs. “You’ve been so strong, but I’m here to protect you now. Rest, and when you wake, you’ll be warm in my arms again.”

Listening to his sweet words, I sigh and lose myself in the steady motion of his gait. I’m safe now. By some miracle and the grace of God, I survived despite War’s best efforts. We’re going to be okay.


When I wake again, I am very warm. I recognize the feel of the sheets that encircle me—the smell of them. They smell like sweet masculinity—like Elias. I snuggle in deeper, relishing the familiar comfort.

It’s when I snuggle, though, that I realize I’m not alone in the bed. There is another body beside me, and our skin touches in various places. It occurs to me that I’m in very minimal clothing, and I freeze, unsure of what to do.


What does Kaija do? She's in Elias's bed...mostly naked...with another, mostly naked body. Does she speak? Does she turn over? Does she stay quiet? Something else?[/i]

#151:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 9:16 am

Heh, its a bit of a relief to have ths chapter up, actually XD

And I actually have somethig to say for this one :o

I'm actually a bit sad to see Rebecca go...I didnt think she'd tell War, not after what he said to her last time, and after what kaija did...but I can understand why they thought she would. So, in that way....she feels like a real casualty. It was possible to save her, but the percieved risk was too high.

Also, I find it both strange and intresting that War is going so far as to call her a possible enemy....which sheds light on his cheating, making it look less like pure sadism...and more like bullying out of fear. Now I'm wondering why he'd be fearing this now very frail woman who's barely able to walk and survive this harsh challenge.

-sts on that a while-

And for the DP, hmmm, I think she should collect herself. She was in bad shape after that challenge, and a common thought is to warm someone like that up from your own body....but defiitely check to make sure anyways, because that'll set the nerves straight :3

#152:  Author: ModelP PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:53 pm
ok Just finished catching up and jeeze those Disciplines are straight up unfair. I feel War's a bit of Sadist. When it comes to the DP I have No idea what to do. If there's no movement from the other person. Try to slowly roll over and get a look at their face.

#153:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:40 pm
I have finally caught up like a well behaved fangirl. What the hell, everyone else has seen them snogging... maybe it's time for some exploratory touchy-feely. She's brushed with her own death several times now, I think it's time for a little gratification. Razz

#154:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:47 pm
Well, now I'm torn. I know they are undeniably in deep deep love...and I want them to enjoy it....but I also feel like if they go past the kissing, it'll cement deeper feelings...and make anything bad that much worse if/when more bad things happen x.x we already saw Elias barely hold it together last time he thought she was basically sentenced to death.

x.x scare me with the feels sometimes

#155:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:51 pm
This is about to get reeeeeal awkward if you people go this way. XD

#156:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:22 pm
All caught up! Very fantastically done, Andi! (And, might I say, that I am going to start calling you the Charming Chapter Churn Out Queen because my goodness, girl, look at you go! XD)

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...War you freakin' asshat. I can't wait for him to get what he deserves. I imagine it will be quite pleasing lol.

And how dare you make me have the feels about Rebecca. I've been rooting for her to die and then when she does I'm sad about it. Gdi, Andi. XD

Also, I love Azazel. She is witty and perfect, and I aspire to be as awesome as she is when I get older.

Now, onto the DP...

I'm going to be the voice of dissent here. I do not think that warm body is Elias.

Yes, it would be heartwarmingly romantic, but if we consider Elias' personality and his reactions to intimacy from previous chapters...well, I don't think he would just crawl into bed with Kaija without her express permission, especially when she is going to be waking up from a situation where she is most likely to be groggy and disoriented (and I don't think Kaija's immediate reaction to a warm body that may or may not be Elias is going to be "let's do the hanky panky" XD).

Instead I think it is one of Elias' brides. They are already well acquainted with Kaija in the buff from having to care for her after the snake bite. And it would make sense that they would take turns as human hot water bottles to raise Kaija's temperature back to normal. Plus, she was still weak from the bite before almost freezing to death so if something should happen and she would relapse due to her latest trauma, they would be able to call Elias to check on her.

So, in summary because that ended up being terribly long-winded (my apologies), I say Kaija shifts a bit to try and turn over, maybe says a meek "Hello?" to awaken the other person/indicate to them that she is awake, and find out who it is.

(I really hope it's Az because I imagine she would say something hilarious and I yearn for it XD)

#157:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:29 pm
Very glad to see Model and Sera thinking like I am- it is DEFINITELY a priority to figure out just who's in that bed.

I will admit I'm rather touched by Rebeccas final moments. Can't wait to see what is done for her memory. I am sorry to see her go, of course. I do love me a redemption arc.

This chapter, as usual, was touching! I'm surprised it was so simple to survive it. Goes to show that helping others truly can pay off.

I didn't spot any errors in the text, as usual. A very smooth read overall. Can't (and probably wont have to) wait for more!

#158:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:43 pm
It’s when I snuggle, though, that I realize I’m not alone in the bed. There is another body beside me, and our skin touches in various places. It occurs to me that I’m in very minimal clothing, and I freeze. Slowly, I turn over.

“I assure you my intentions are pure,” Azazel says flatly.

Sure enough, I’m in the bed, mostly naked, with Azazel. I’d like to ask what’s going on, but no words will come. I can only stare at her, wide-eyed, trying desperately to remember exactly how I ended up in this predicament.

I mean we are wearing some clothes, so I suppose it could be a lot more awkward than it is. I’d still like to know what happened, though.

The last thing I can recall is going in to the third Discipline. Something happened. War did something to me, and it made Barnaby angry. I remember that he left. I remember that I let him down.

That’s right. War threw cold water on me. I thought I was going to die. Elias thought so too from the look on his face. I remember War dragging me into the Discipline, and I remember praying…

“You don’t remember anything, do you?” Azazel scoots a little further away from me. “That’s probably for the best. Severe hypothermia can cause amnesia, and you, my dear, definitely had severe hypothermia. It’s a thousand wonders you lived at all, and Elias said you were awake and being “sassy” when Diggory pulled you out.”

“Huh,” I nod acceptingly. I, then, blink at Azazel a few times. “So, Az…”

“Yes, dear,” Azazel’s face betrays no emotion.

“Mind telling me why we’re sharing a bed…without clothes?”

“I could,” amusement plays just beneath Azazel’s blank expression. “But I’m having an awful lot of fun letting you wonder.”

“You’re an evil woman,” I nod, eyeing her suspiciously.

“And you’re not nearly as fun to tease as Elias,” she sighs, finally cracking a smile. “He gets so much more flustered.”

“It takes a lot to get me flustered these days,” I lay my head back on the pillow, and I feel Azazel shift to get out of the bed.

“I would imagine you’re right, my dear,” Azazel’s tone darkens. “To answer your question, though, we needed to warm you up as quickly and gently as possible. Skin to skin contact is an excellent way to do that in addition to the warmed liquids that Elias has been running through your IV there.”

I hadn’t noticed the tubing that’s running out of the covers until she pointed it out.

“Elias, gentleman that he is, didn’t want to share a bed with you that intimately without your consent,” Azazel continues.

“I appreciate that,” my cheeks heat up slightly at the thought.

“He thought you might,” Azazel sees my red cheeks and chuckles. “I guess that’s my ticket to getting you flustered.”

I only smile in response. It’s true. Elias is an excellent way to get me flustered.

“Anyway, since Elias wasn’t sure you’d be comfortable with him in the bed with you, the task of warming you up fell to me,” Az rummages through a pile of clothes as she speaks.

“Well, thanks, Az,” I smile at her.

“Any time, dear,” Azazel finally locates the dress for which she’s been searching and holds it up.

“Azazel, how’s Miss Kaija?” I hear Elias’s voice at the same time that he walks into the room. There’s really no time to warn him. “Has she—AH!”

Azazel’s expression remains deadpan as she holds the dress up to cover herself. Elias’s eyes go wide before he spins so fast I fear he’ll fall, and he runs back out the door.

“Speaking of easily flustered,” Azazel chuckles as she puts on her dress.

I burst out laughing, and Azazel giggles with me. When Az is fully clothed, she heads to the door and pokes her head into the hallway.

“He kept running,” she comments to me, coming back in the room. “I’d like for him to look you over before we get you all settled, but I don’t know how far he ran or when he’ll be back, and you definitely need more clothing on now that I’ve left you. I mean I realize I’m no spring chicken anymore, but I didn’t think my nakedness was that frightening…”

I lose myself in a fit of giggles as Azazel happily draws me a bath and assists me in getting clean and in a new dress. With the IV and the large wrap that’s covering my chest, bathing is difficult, but Az doesn’t seem to mind. Azazel and I chat lightly as she works, and it almost feels as though there was no third Discipline at all. I’m back safely with my new family, and I have no memory beyond the beginning of the trial. If only I could leave things that way. I silently curse my infernal curiosity even as I speak.

“Azazel, what happened in the Discipline?”

“That, my dear, you will have to ask Elias or Diggory,” she replies somberly. That can’t be good. “I wasn’t there, and neither of them have talked about it. The only thing Elias would tell me is that War very nearly killed you this time, and it’s a miracle you’re here.”

“War dumped water over me before the Discipline,” I nod.

“He did what?” Azazel leans around me to see my face.

“That’s one of the few parts I was able to remember,” I stare at my hands where they rest in my lap. “He dumped a bucket of cold water over me as I went to go into the Discipline.”

“Oh, heavens,” Azazel breathes in wonder. “Elias was correct, then. It’s a complete miracle that you’re still alive. War really is losing his mind.”

“What do you mean?” I frown.

“It’s fairly common to hear War talking to himself,” Azazel chews the inside of her cheek. “Even when I was young and could roam freely through the palace, I heard him often having heated discussions with someone who wasn’t there. There’s a strong belief held by many here that he’s got the very voice of evil in his head.”

“Wow,” when I think about it that would make a lot of sense.

“Since you arrived, though, from what Elias and Diggory have told me, he’s slipping even further,” Azazel frowns deeply, concern swirling in her dark blue eyes. “He’s got it in for you in a bad, bad way. Even Elias isn’t sure why. Sure, you’re different, but not enough to cause him to bend his own rules to get to you. This is insanity! Even on his scale!”

I can see that Azazel is becoming very agitated. There’s something she isn’t telling me. I decide not to press the matter, though, and the conversation naturally drifts to lighter subjects as she continues braiding my hair.

Finally, when she’s finished, she stands.

“I suppose I’ll go track Elias down and let him know we’re all decent in here,” she chuckles. “You should rest some.”

“Okay,” I smile.

Once she’s gone, though, I stand and walk toward the western balcony that overlooks the green basin, dragging the pole with my IV attached as I go. I find my way to one of the chairs in the small seating area and slide onto the comfortable cushions. I’m restless—anxious—though I don’t know why. As easy as it would be to go on in blissful ignorance, I wish I could remember what happened during the Discipline. I’m also troubled by Azazel’s words. They give me a strange sense of foreboding that shakes me to my core. I pull my knees up under my chin, wrapping my arms around them. A shiver runs down my spine, and there’s a knock at the door.

“Miss Kaija?” Elias’s soft voice makes its way to my ears.

“I’m over here, Elias,” I say without looking up.

I hear the slow, steady fall of his boots as he approaches me.

“Kaija, what’s wrong?” Elias lowers himself to the couch beside me.

“What happened during the Discipline?” I ask, not feeling like dancing around the point. “I can’t remember anything after I walked in.”

Elias takes a very long, deep breath, releasing it slowly.

“I don’t suppose you’ll let me talk you out of that knowledge?”

I don’t answer him, and eventually he continues.

“It’s a miracle you survived, Kaija,” Elias shakes his head. “I have no other explanation for it. When he brought you out, you were wrapped in a few thin blankets, and you were talking to Diggory as though nothing had happened. I’ve never witnessed anything like it.”

“What aren’t you telling me?” I press, hearing the secret in his voice.

“Rebecca is dead,” he says quietly.

I nod. A vague shadow of a memory comes back to me, and I shiver.

“Don’t let them forget me,” I murmur.

“What?” Elias leans closer to me, looping his arm around my shoulders. I shake my head, frowning at the floor.

“Something I just remembered… Rebecca asked me not to let them forget her.”

Elias doesn’t respond verbally. Instead, he turns me so that my back is to him and pulls me into a cradling embrace. One of his long arms is circled around and supporting me, and the other is curled so that he’s holding my head against his chest. I notice, then, that his hands are bandaged. Elias kisses my forehead before laying his cheek on my hair.

“And the other girls?” I go on.

“They’re fine. I had a few of my ladies warm them like Azazel did for you, and they’re recovering nicely. Amberline was actually up and wandering around this afternoon.”

“Good,” I whisper, relaxing into his embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re alright,” he sighs. “I honestly believed I’d never hold you like this again.”

“So did I,” I confess. “I prayed before I went in. That’s the only explanation I’ve got for why I made it out alive.”

“I prayed too,” Elias turns his face so that it’s buried in my braided hair. “I really thought it was going to be your body I handed over to Barnaby.”

“Where is Barnaby?” I question. “I need to tell him I’m sorry for letting him down.”

“I don’t think you need to apologize to Barnaby for anything,” Elias smiles. I can feel the motion of his cheeks against the top of my head. “When I took him Rebecca’s body, he already had a pyre built. I guess that’s where he went when he stormed off. He thought it was you. The last time I saw him that upset was when Jecka died. He started crying and screaming before I could tell him it wasn’t you. He was throwing things and cursing… I actually had to lay Rebecca down so that I could physically force him to come and see that it wasn’t your body.”

I’m not sure what to say, so I just keep listening.

“I’ve never seen the man so happy as when he calmed down enough for me to tell him you were alive,” Elias chuckles emotionally. “Of course he wasn’t happy to be using that pyre for any of you girls, but he was so overjoyed that it wasn’t you that I don’t think he cared in that moment. I went to tell him you were awake after I so rudely walked in on Az…”

Embarrassment floods his tone for a second.

“Barnaby was thoroughly drunk and singing celebratory songs at the top of his lungs, though, so I just left him be. Diggory should be up shortly to see you. Are you feeling up to it?”

“Of course,” I smile.

“Good,” Elias loosens his grip on me. “Before he arrives, though, may I look you over? I’ve got a numbing agent on it right now, but War gave you a nasty bruise on your side. I’m fairly certain he broke a few of your ribs.”

I had noticed the bandages around my chest when Azazel was bathing me, but since I felt no pain, I hadn’t mentioned them. Elias gently lifts me on one arm and navigates back to the bed with me. He sits me down and tucks the covers around my waist.

“Can you lift your dress so that I can undo the bandages?” He asks me, and as I oblige, he raises the blankets higher around my waist to keep all but the necessary area covered.

“Thank you,” I smile at him as he works on the wrapping. “You’re always so considerate of my feelings. Azazel told me that you respected my modesty even when I needed to be warmed up.”

“Of course, Miss Kaija,” Elias smiles up at me. “Love is nothing if not respectful. It wouldn’t do at all for me to act without your consent in any capacity.”

“Still, thank you—ow!” I draw in a quick breath as Elias touches me.

“I’m sorry,” he frowns.

I look down to see that the entire right side of my chest is covered in a dark, purple-black mess.

“They’re definitely broken,” Elias mutters as he stands and strides to the medicine cabinet.

After rummaging for a few seconds, he returns with a salve of some sort and a new roll of bandages. Without saying a word, Elias tenderly dabs some of the salve on my bruises and binds my chest securely.

“I can hear you brooding,” I giggle half-heartedly.

“I should have stepped in,” he shakes his head. “As soon as he pulled that stunt, I should have called a stop to the whole thing.”

“Hey,” I say softly, lifting Elias’s chin so that he’s forced to look at me. “There was nothing you could have done. I’m grateful to you for keeping your promise.”

Elias opens his mouth to speak, but I stop him.

“Now, quit your brooding, and kiss me.”

With a resigned smile, Elias does as I said. He slides a slender hand up to cup my jaw and pulls me into a tender kiss. I lean into it happily and relish the feeling of his lips moving with my own.

After a moment, Elias pulls back and takes my pulse. With a nod, he grabs some gauze and takes out my IV.

“You’re certainly warm now,” he chuckles. “I think we can do without this.”

“Wonderful,” I sigh, stretching my arm fully. I hate the feeling of that little, plastic tube under my skin.

There’s a knock at the door, and Elias stands.

“I’m sure that’s Diggory. I’ll go so you all can visit for a while,” Elias smiles at me and retreats. “Come in, Master Diggory, the lady is expecting you.”

Diggory enters and chuckles when he sees me sitting up in bed. He comes over to me, shaking his head.

“You’re a real marvel, child,” he says, sitting on the bed and embracing me warmly. “Every time something happens, and I think you’re dead, you surprise me by bouncing right back.”

“I’m full of surprises,” I giggle.

“I certainly hope so,” Diggory smiles sadly at me. “I hope you keep surprising us for the rest of your long, happy life.”

“Did you forget that I’m an Offering to War?” I raise an eyebrow at him. “I don’t think long or happy are going to be in the descriptions of the rest of my life.”

“I honestly don’t know how things are going to play out,” Diggory sits back, stroking the short beard on his face.

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t get to see Lord Elias during the last Discipline like I did,” Diggory frowns. “I was nervous about your relationship with him, but after what I saw yesterday…”

Diggory pauses, shaking his head.

“That man loves you, Kaija,” he looks at me very seriously.

“I know,” I smile faintly, but Diggory looks very somber.

“I’ve never seen a love like that,” Diggory pauses, taking a deep breath. “War locked you all in and left the Discipline area—as he usually does—and as soon as he was gone, Lord Elias jumped down and started throwing himself against the door. He tried breaking the lock, and he kept on pounding until his hands were a bloody mess. We tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He just kept going on about how he had to save you.”

A vague memory of chaotic sounds outside a door finds its way back to me. So that was Elias.

“Eventually, he was too exhausted to keep that up,” Diggory continues. “He fell to his knees and started praying out loud to your God with his hands on the door. He stayed that way until it was nearly time for Lord War to return. At that point, the other servants and I cleaned his blood off the door, and I dragged him back up to the observation deck. Even when War arrived, Lord Elias stayed on his knees, whispering prayers. He didn’t stop until War opened the door.”

I don’t know what to say. Elias told me that he prayed. I had no idea he’d prayed throughout the entire six hours that I was inside the Discipline—to a God he doesn’t even know. My heart aches when I think of his bandaged hands.

“I told you that to say,” Diggory carries on, looking hard at me, “I don’t know what Lord Elias is going to do. I’ve never witnessed anything like this in all my life. He loves you, Kaija, and he’s willing to throw everything away for you—his position, his comfort…his life. Are you willing to do the same?”

“Absolutely,” I whisper, but there is power in that breath.

“Good,” Diggory finally allows a small smile to play on his lips. “Then I can’t even begin to imagine where this is all going to end. This love is powerful. I don’t subscribe to all your God business—I’ve seen far too much of “gods” over the years—but there’s no denying that something mighty formidable is on your side. Love Lord Elias like he loves you, and I think you two can overcome anything.”

“I hope you’re right,” I smile warmly at Diggory. He leans forward and embraces me again.

“I’ve never been happier than I was when you started smarting off to me in that chamber,” he chuckles. “There’s something about you, child. You’ve stolen my heart. If I would have ever had a daughter, I sure hope she would have been just like you.”

The next morning, I finally get that tour of Elias’s wing I was hoping to get after the second Discipline. It’s basically a tiny, fully sustained city within the palace. Elias takes me through the kitchens and the hallways where each of his Brides has their own suite. They even have a small market where the ladies trade things they’ve made.

In the infirmary, I see Vivienne and Jocelyn beginning to get up and stir. Elias checks each of them thoroughly before instructing some of the Brides acting as nurses to do this or that for the girls. He quickly moves on to a group of older ladies. One of them looks to be older than my grandmother.

“Good morning, Caroline,” Elias smiles brightly as he sits beside the elderly woman.

“Elias, honey, I think you get more handsome every time I see you,” Caroline reaches up and pulls Elias down so that she can kiss his cheek. He, then, kisses her forehead before sitting back up.

“When was the last time I did a check on your eyesight, ma’am?” Elias jokes as he subtly checks Caroline’s vitals.

A shadow flashes across Elias’s face, but it’s gone almost instantly as he continues to smile at the aging Bride.

“My eyes are just fine, gorgeous,” Caroline says with sass. “That look on your face tells me something else isn’t though.”

“I can’t get anything past you, can I?” Elias smiles lovingly. “Your heart’s skipping. I don’t like it.”

“I’m very old, and you’re very pretty,” Caroline states matter-of-factly. “Of course my heart’s skipping.”

“That may be,” Elias chuckles, “but I’m still going to give you something to straighten that out. I want to keep you around as long as I can.”

“Well, what do you want to do that for?” she raises an eyebrow.

“Who else am I going to flirt with around here?” Elias smirks.

“I don’t think you’d ever be short on volunteers for that, dear,” Caroline motions for him to come closer, and she whispers something in his ear.

Elias looks over his shoulder at me and laughs quietly.

“I think you’re right,” Elias looks at her with mischief in his eyes, and I get the distinct impression that I’m the subject of their little joke.

Spotting one of the nurses, Elias motions her over and asks her to bring Caroline a few things.

“Do you need anything else, Caroline?” Elias takes one of her aged hands in his flawless ones.

“Nothing I can ask for in front of your girlfriend,” the older lady winks at me, and I giggle.

“Try to behave yourself,” Elias narrows his eyes at her, but a smile remains firmly in place on his lips as he walks over to join me. “I have to keep my eye on that one.”

“I can see that,” I giggle again, and Elias places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me up the stairs.

“I know you’re planning to go out to work today, but Azazel wants to see you for a moment before you go,” Elias leads me in the opposite direction from his bedchamber when we reach the top of the stairs.

He knocks on a beautiful door with intricately carved designs, and after a few seconds, Azazel is standing before us. She’s wearing a simple, flowing, white dress, and her dark, peppery hair, almost as long as mine, is down and flowing over her shoulder. Her midnight blue eyes shine as she smiles at us. She’s absolutely stunning.

“Come in!” she beckons us.

“I’ll let the two of you talk,” Elias withdraws with a small smile. “I’ll be in my study.”

Azazel motions for me to come inside. The room is a little less than half the size of the one belonging to Elias, but it’s still sizeable. An ornately carved bed sits over by the wall, and there’s a door leading to what I guess is the washroom. A picture window opens up to the flower gardens on the right side of the room. Azazel leads me over to a sitting area beside it.

“Amberline told me what you did for the first of the Offerings that died,” Az speaks quietly as she sits in front of me on one of the couches.

A pain shoots through my heart at the memory. I nod.

“That’s a beautiful gesture, Kaija,” Azazel lays a hand on my arm. “Were you planning to do the same for Rebecca?”

“I was,” I nod again. “They’ve probably taken her things by now, though. I promised her I wouldn’t let them forget her, but it looks like I’ve failed her there too.”

“They have already taken her things,” Azazel reaches down under the couch and brings up a small box. She smiles as she hands it to me. “I was able to get to them first, though.”

“What’s this?” I frown.

“Open it and see,” Azazel chuckles.

I lift the lid and gasp, placing a hand over my heart. Inside the little box is Rebecca’s Offering dress and a tiny envelope. I lift the dress with tears in my eyes, and then I hold the envelope out to Azazel.

“Would you put this in my book?” I whisper.

“Don’t you want to see what’s inside?” Az questions as she takes the tiny package.

“No,” I shake my head, folding the dress back into the box. “That envelope contains her most valued possessions. I want to keep them safe for her, but they’re hers. I don’t want to intrude.”

“You really are something special, Kaija,” Azazel smiles warmly at me.

“How did you get these?” I look up, still a little stunned.

“I still remember my way around out there enough to find the Offerings’ bedchambers,” Azazel chuckles.

“Az! You went outside??” I gasp.

“Only for a moment, and it was nighttime. I was there and back before anyone here even missed me,” Azazel laughs nonchalantly, but I can’t shake the feeling of dread that settles on my heart. “Now, you should go see Elias for a few more minutes before you go out to work. I think you returning to life as usual is going to be hard on him.”

“He’s not the only one,” I laugh, but there’s no humor in it. “Thank you, Az.”

“Anything for you, dear,” Azazel embraces me lovingly before I duck out into the hallway to go find Elias.


A week has passed, and life has returned to relative normalcy. Just as Azazel predicted, it’s been incredibly hard for Elias and I, but we’re managing. I stay out in the fields late into the night, always making sure to find myself in one containing lilies by the time the sun sets, and Elias meets me there. We talk until I can’t stay awake any longer, and then we return to our respective dwellings.

Amberline and I are still staying in the bunkhouse by the stables to keep up appearances. It’s not been a terrible arrangement, but I much preferred life in Elias’s wing. At least this way we don’t have to fear unexpected visits from War—of which there has been one. Everything is as it should be concerning our resident tyrant.

Just like I did for Amelia, I performed a small memorial for Rebecca, sending her dress over the falls with words from my holy book. It was a sad experience, but I’m glad I was able to keep my promise. The girls and I will never forget her.


One late-September afternoon, I head back to the bunkhouse before going out to meet Elias. I bathe and put on a clean dress. As I’m heading out the door, though, Amberline stops me.

“Kaija, this was laying on your pillow,” she says, handing me an envelope.

It’s a letter from Elias. In it, he tells me to meet him in the art gallery instead of the fields tonight. I smile softly, tucking the paper in my pocket as I head off. It seems strange to me that Elias would want to meet me in such a public location, but I shrug off the thought.

I sigh as I pass the endless flowers. Despite the chill that’s starting to form in the air, the flowers still bloom like it’s summer time. It’s almost as though the seasons hold no power over them. I wonder if they’ve been modified in some way. Certain plants on the farms were that way—essential food crops that couldn’t stand the dip in supply that came with winter.

I find my way to the art gallery, humming lightly as I go. When I round the corner, though, it isn’t Elias that I see standing in the large room.

“Az? What are you doing here?” I frown.

“I got your note,” Azazel holds up a piece of paper written in the same flowing script as the one in my pocket. My heart stops.

“Az, I didn’t write that note,” an uncomfortable chill runs over me, and I begin trembling.

“What’s going on?” I hear Elias’s voice as the door that leads to his wing closes with a thud.

Please tell me you sent us these notes,” I plead with him.

“What are you talking about? I came because of your…note…” Elias trails off.

Cold realization sets in, and my eyes go wide.

“Azazel, run. Run now!

“Oh, I’m afraid it’s entirely too late for that,” a haunting baritone voice booms from the shadows behind me.

My blood freezes, and I turn to see War sauntering in with a wicked grin plastered on his face.

“Azazel?” I call, keeping my eyes on War as he approaches.

“I’m here, Kaija,” Azazel’s voice is quiet, accepting. “I can’t move.”

“You see, she’s caught in my power, Offering,” War closes the gap between us and traces my neck with his fingers, sending uncomfortable chills over my whole body.

“Let them go, War,” Elias spits fiercely. “They’ve done nothing wrong.”

“No, but you have,” War looks away from me to lock gazes with Elias. He grabs me firmly by the neck and practically drags me with him as he strides over to Elias. I struggle against his painful grasp, barely able to catch a breath. “You have not only gone behind me and kept your Brides alive much longer than should be allowed, you have dared to have a relationship with one of my Offerings. What say you?”

“I’ll not apologize for either,” Elias’s face is utterly unreadable as he stares War down. “My Brides are my own business, and I have done nothing to defile your Offering. The fact that we have feelings for one another should mean nothing to you so long as she remains pure.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong, though,” War’s voice drops to venomous levels. “Everything that you do is my business as your Alpha. You cannot relieve yourself without my express permission. I have given you a great deal of leniency in the last several hundred years, and now I find out that you’ve been using that leniency against me. You’ve even gone so far as to cheat the Disciplines for this one.”

War throws me to the ground before Azazel’s feet and steps back. I cough, finally able to breathe again.

“Kaija, are you alright?” Azazel whispers. I can hear tears in her voice. I nod.

“I don’t want an apology from you, Death,” War continues, not even noticing our exchange. “I want a choice.”

What?” Elias growls.

“You heard me,” War states. “It’s your choice—your Bride or my Offering. Which is it going to be?”

“I’m not going to play your game, War,” Elias says firmly. “I’m not about to make a choice between them just to watch you murder them like you did Ronyn. I’m the one who offended you. Why don’t you just kill me instead?”

I flinch, looking up to see War’s reaction. His face betrays nothing as he glares at Elias through a twisted smile.

“If you won’t make the decision, why don’t we let the ladies decide?” War says mockingly, holding his hand out to us.

I’m unsure of what’s going on, but before I can react, I hear a piercing scream.

“No!” Azazel cries.

I look up to see her lunging at me. I’m too slow in my reaction time to stop her, and Azazel grabs me around the neck, squeezing tightly.

“Az??” I gasp.

Tears stream down Azazel’s face.

“I’m sorry, Kaija. He’s controlling me. This is his power,” Azazel weeps even as she attacks me.

I manage to roll out of her arms, but she’s soon up and after me again. I dodge her easily and look over in time to see Elias draw his sword.

“Stop this now, War!” he bellows, leaping forward.

War catches Elias’s blade before it can make contact and pulls it closer, lifting his foot. I hear a stomach-turning pop as his boot connects with the center of Elias’s chest. Elias falls, but he’s on his feet almost instantly, running at War again.

“Look at you! Willing to attack your Alpha over these two wenches, are you?” War cackles.

Elias only cries out in rage, executing a flawless spin and drawing War’s own sword from the sheath as War attempts to side step. He brings the blade around, slashing War’s side. War curses loudly, and for a moment, Azazel drops to her knees. I run to her, but she shoves me away.

“Run, Kaija!” She pants. “He’ll take me over again any—”

Before she can even complete the thought, Azazel grabs my wrist and throws me to the ground. Her strength is insane for someone of her build. I guess that’s also part of War’s power. I wonder for an instant why he’s only using it on her.

I catch another chance to look at Elias. He’s holding his arm now, and it’s dripping blood. Both men are breathing hard.

“This would all be so much easier if you’d just make your decision, Death,” War grins.

“My name is Elias,” he roars as he charges War once again.

War’s sword meets Elias’s, and the two of them stand, glaring at one another, for a second before they push off. War’s balance falters, and Elias doesn’t miss the chance. He raises War’s sword and runs forward.

“Elias, look out!” I see it before he does.

War didn’t lose his balance at all. He was feigning—preparing his next attack. Just as Elias comes within striking range, War ducks and reaches up, catching Elias’s arm. He comes up under the limb, and there’s another sickening pop as Elias’s shoulder dislocates. War continues his forward momentum, bringing his blade across Elias’s upper legs, and he shoves Elias to the ground. The wounds he inflicted are far from fatal, but Elias is no longer able to stand, much less fight. Still, though, he tries.

“Elias, stop this!!” Azazel screams as she attacks me again. “You made me a promise! It’s time you keep it!”

“No!” Elias groans, attempting to stand.

War kicks him hard in the side of the head, sending Elias back to the floor.

“Let’s get this over with,” War sighs as he picks up his sword from the ground.

He throws the garishly curved blade to Azazel. She trembles from head to toe as she fights with her own body.

“Elias!” she cries as her shaking hands wrap around the large hilt. “Elias, keep your promise now!

I have no idea what promise Azazel is talking about, and I’ve got no time to wonder as the bloodied sword swings down at me. I’m able to roll away just before it makes contact.

“Az, fight this!” I pant.

“I can’t, dear,” Azazel cries, tears streaming down her face. “He’s too strong for me. You need to fight back. Kill me now, and all of this will be over.”

“No, Az!” I shake my head in horror.

It becomes immediately apparent that I’m going to need a weapon if I even hope to defend myself long enough to think of a way out of this. Azazel was right; Elias is no match for War in hand-to-hand combat. If he keeps it up, he’ll be dead in minutes. I need a way to incapacitate Azazel so that she can’t fight me. There’s a chance that War will use his power to force me to attack her at that point, but it’s the only plan I’ve got.

I scan the room quickly and see a pair of swords mounted on the wall. Rolling over War’s sword, I stand and run for the pair. With some effort, I pull one from the mounting just in time to meet War’s blade again.

Our fight is almost as elaborate as the one War and Elias just executed, and it’s equally as one-sided. With the added strength from War’s power and the fact that I’m only defending, I’m wearing down fast, and Azazel seems tireless. Soon, I’m going to have no choice but to go on the offensive or die. Both of us are fighting through torrents of tears as Azazel alternates between apologizing to me and screaming for Elias to keep his promise.

Finally, I’m exhausted.

“No!” Azazel cries as she brings War’s sword down.

I block the blow, but I’m sent to the ground, and I don’t think I’ll be able to get back up. I smile up at the motherly woman through my tears.

“It’s okay, Az,” I whisper. “Just do it.”

“Elias!!” Azazel screams as she raises the sword over her head. “I’ll never forgive you if you make me kill her!! Keep your promise now!!

I close my eyes, waiting for the sword to fall.

“I love you, Az!” I cry.

If I’m to die now, I want Azazel to know that I don’t blame her. I want her to know that it’s not her fault.

The pain never comes, though. Instead, I hear the sword clatter to the ground, and I open my eyes to see Azazel smiling down at me, clutching her chest.

“Az?” I jump up in time to catch her as she crumbles to the ground.

“I’m free,” she whispers through more tears.

I look up to see that Elias has managed to get to his feet again. He stands with an unreadable expression on his face as he looks at Azazel and I. One hand is reaching out to us. When I look up, his arm falls to his side, and his indecipherable expression morphs into one of grief and rage.

“My decision has been made. I choose Kaija’s life,” Elias mutters before stumbling toward the door leading to his wing.

My breath catches in my throat as I watch him go. With wide eyes, I look to War. He’s wearing a smug expression as he turns his eyes to me.

“Looks like you get to live long enough to die in the Disciplines, Offering. I wonder if you’ll still seek a pathetic romance with him now that you know what he’s capable of,” he laughs darkly before slinking off in the opposite direction.

I sit for several moments, stunned, cradling Azazel in my arms. I stare at nothing in wide-eyed horror, trying desperately to wrap my mind around what just happened. A tug on my hand brings me back to reality.

“Kaija,” Azazel whispers. I look down to where she’s resting her head in my lap. She’s smiling up at me through her tears. My own vision blurs as hot liquid floods my own eyes again. “Kaija, don’t cry. I need you to listen to me.”

Azazel reaches up and wipes away some of my tears.

“Do not blame Elias. This is not his fault. None of this has ever been his fault,” she says urgently. I shake my head. “Tell him thank you for me. Thank him for keeping his promise. Tell him I love him, and tell him to live his life, and be happy for me. I know where I’m going, and it’s so much better than this place.”

I sob, unable to form words.

“And thank you, Kaija,” Azazel’s voice wavers. “It’s because of you that I know where I’ll rest for eternity. Give Elias the book. It’s time.”

What Azazel just told me fills me with unimaginable joy, but it does unholy battle with the grief that’s suffocating me. I still can’t form words as I take her hand and place it against my face.

“Promise me, Kaija,” Azazel whispers. “Tell him, and give him the book. Stay by his side.”

“I promise,” a quivering whisper finally passes my lips. “I love you, Az.”

“I love you too, dear,” Azazel pulls me down and kisses my forehead. “So much.”

“There they are!” a small female voice that I recognize as Charity comes from behind me. “I told you we heard the commotion out here.”

“Kaija?” I hear Diggory’s voice next. “Azazel?? What happened?? There’s blood everywhere!”

“War tricked us into meeting,” I start to tell Diggory what happened, but I begin hyperventilating, and I’m forced to stop.

“Calm down, child,” Diggory takes me by the shoulders.

“Elias was required to make a choice,” Azazel finishes for me. There’s a sad smile on her lips as she takes Diggory’s hand. “He kept his promise to me, and he chose Kaija.”

Diggory closes his eyes and bows his head knowingly.

“Azazel, you don’t mean…” Charity shakes her head.

“I’m dying, dear. Elias has given me time to say my goodbyes, though. I’m not in any pain,” Azazel takes my hand when I begin breathing too quickly again. “Go, doll. Elias needs you right now.”

“I can’t just leave you,” I whimper.

“I won’t be alone,” Azazel smiles. “I’ve got Diggory and Charity. Elias needs you far more than me. I’m going to be just fine, remember?”

“Go, child. Be with Elias,” Diggory nods, squeezing my shoulder.

After a few seconds of hesitation, I shift to allow Diggory to cradle Azazel. I lean down to kiss her head and hug her one last time.

“Goodbye, Az,” I sob.

“Not goodbye, dear,” Azazel says weakly. “I’ll see you again.”

I nod to her, and with a shaking breath, I stand to my feet and slowly trudge toward the door. My feet feel like they’re suddenly made of lead, and my heart breaks more with every step I take. I don’t dare look back because if I do, I’ll break down completely.

When I enter the wing and make my way down the long hallway to the main living areas, there’s quiet chaos all around me. I continue my slow, determined steps forward despite the myriad of Brides who try to stop me and ask for information. I barely see them at all as I move numbly forward, following the splotchy trail of blood I know belongs to Elias. Eventually, the Brides give up trying to delay me, and they stand back, quietly speculating about what might have happened to leave Elias and I this way.

Just as I reach the stairs that lead up to Elias’s bedchamber, someone grabs my arm forcefully.

“Miss Kaija!” Phillipa wheels me around, but I continue staring at the floor. “What happened?? First Elias comes through here hurt and barely able to stay on his feet, and now you come through looking like a dazed mess! Where’s Azazel??”

When she asks the question, I look up at her, but I can’t so much as change my expression. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I’m utterly empty, and I have nothing to offer her as an explanation aside from the tears that begin leaking from the corners of my eyes once again.

Evidently, that’s enough. Phillipa gasps and brings a hand up to her mouth.

“No,” she whispers, shaking her head.

Phillipa releases my shoulders, and I look back down, returning to my chore of following Elias. Vaguely, I register the sound of running behind me as Phillipa and several other Brides race down the hall from which I just came.

As I reach the top of the stairs, the sound of crashing snaps me out of my daze. I run forward and throw the door open. Elias’s room is in shambles. Nearly every piece of furniture is overturned, and there’s blood everywhere. Elias is standing beside the bed with his left wrist tied in place around one of the posts. Bracing with the right hand, he throws his weight backward, and my stomach turns at the nauseating pop that resounds when his joint slides violently back in place.

Elias cries out in pain, his knees buckling slightly. He leans on the bedpost for a short while before he unties his hand and steps back. He grabs the side of his head and screams a curse before rushing forward to kick the nearest chair to him. The piece of furniture flies into the empty bath, and Elias storms on to the next. With his good arm, he throws a table over, shattering the vase that was sitting on it.

I’m not sure whether or not he’s aware of my presence, so I just remain still by the door, waiting for him to finish his raging. It seems to go on forever, and his pain engulfs me.

Finally, Elias has exhausted the reserves of his energy, and he falls to his knees by the balcony.


What does Kaija do? Elias is injured and likely not thinking straight. Does Kaija go to him or give him space?

#159:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:55 pm
*mutters something about authors and feels and killing people* WHY!?!?!?!? Sad War, you are a dick. Azazel is obviously a wonderful favorite of Death's Brides so this was SO NOT FAIR! *shakes fist and throws things in a fit* Ahem... so you've already heard my feelings on this matter, on to the DP.

It would probably be safe I think at this point for Kaija to approach him but she should probably say his name or something first, so he knows it's her and not War or one of the other ladies.

Also may I say that Caroline is ADORBS.

#160:  Author: ModelP PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:29 pm
-sighs- it was bound to happen eventually. As Always I find myself hating War a little bit more. Of course now that Elias has made his choice I feel that War's gonna try even harder to kill Kaija just to spite Elias But that's for later chapters. Right now Calming him down is priority. I really hope the pay off is worth is cause my FEELS ARE BEING MESSED WITH Only a Happy Ending for both Elias and Kaija can redeem the messed feels.[/i]

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