The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#161:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:43 pm
((Well, here it goes *crosses fingers*))

When Rath landed on deck Morzan felt a creeping fear. It moved and writhed in the pit of his stomach. It felt much like the feeling he felt before the battle of Ergos. Putting his better arn on the pommel of his sword he braced himself. Rath seemed darker than before. As if killing those flying monsters had released something in her.

She was begining to reach into that magic black pouch of hers. Moving back slightly Morzan prepared for her to attack or something. Her eyes were like a dark cloud whirling about and flashing lightning. Even though she looks much like a human she still has instincts that are in her blood.

Rath shifted and returned to her normal state thaty she had been in when this little cruise began. She then turned to the sea and stared at the horizon. I realy dont like the look she just gave me there. Somethings gotten into her and its not good. Something...evil.

Slowly drawing a blade he eyed Rath. Everything was telling him to attack, but he was holding back. She still has the Sword of Ergos in her. That has to account for something. The first action that passed through Morzan's mind was of him leaping off the boat and chancing the sharks. The second was driving a blade into Rath. The final one was a snap shot of him lying in a pool of blood and Rath standing over him with the Sword in hand.

If she doesnt harm me I will not hamr her. But if she makes a move that is a threat then I will have no choice but to act. Nodding slightly at his plan he moved away from the group and under deck Besides, we're all in this togetherand we need her. She carries that sword and is the closet thing to a dragon we've got. .

"Even if she were to suddenly fall to intincts and attack us..." Morzan murmured as he stepped into the darkness of the Red Wheel, "she would wind up standing alone against the common enemy. And even she coudnt beat such a demon on her own."

Theres been enough fighting today.

#162:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:20 am
Rath's keen ears picked up on Morzan's last words and her shoulders slumped. We have no common enemy soldier. You fight demons from without, I fight the ones in my soul. Yet Rath would lose this battle, she'd seen it many years ago.

The darkness within her only laughed, taunting her with her own frailty. Rath's grip on the ships rail tightened, her claws digging into the wood and splintering it under her hands. If she was sensible she'd leave now. She'd take flight and return to her Lair, wall herself in and let her companions finish this on their own. I'm a danger to everyone around me...I'm a danger to myself.

Rath shuddered in horror as she realized something. I can't go home. Even if I succeed, fulfill my obligations to Ergos and this damned world I can't go back. Rath knew all too well what would happen to her if she returned home...she knew how her people delt with a mad dragon.

More laughter, this time nearly spilling from her lips. Flee Rath, flee. Leave the blade and go. Get yourself away from fate, destiny, and your own damnation. Spare these people the bloody task of fighting you for your own head. Rath glanced backwards. It hurt, leaving them like this.

Still she had no choice. With great care she pulled the Sword of Ergos from thin air. Laying it down on the deck like one might a babe, Rath stared at the sailors. Turning to Meril she saw something akin to awe in the sailor's eyes. Reaching into her pouch she drew forth a dangly bauble, like the kind some lord might buy for the serving wench he spent the night with.

Placing it into Meril's hand she closed the captain's calloused hand over it. "Give this to Rain when she wakes up and tell her..." The words were stuck, never before had Rath said them, not like this. "Tell her I failed."

With that she spread her wings, swirling away into the sky as all resistance, all disguise faded. All right, come. With a shriek that would have set a demon's teeth on edge the darkness consumed Rath, changing her very appearence. With a last malicious scream at the Red Wheel the beast that had once been a favorite of destiny winged away, heading for it's Lair somewhere in the icey mountian peaks in the distant west.

#163: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:46 am
Ummmm, is that Rath out of Ergos?

#164:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:35 pm
((That is up to her to decide I think - she may well chose to come back to us - or to join the other side.
Although she has left for her home - surely her torture will not stop until she gives into the lady or is healed?
I, for one, would be interested to hear Rath's story of her travels apart from the group, Morzan.

And, yes, everyone - I am back Thumbs Up . drunk
Although I do not have the time right now, I will write myself back in soon, I just thought that I should let you all know I'm back in the game as I'm not sure any of you knew except din.

Right...well I'll post again soon in roleplaying Ariana.
For now, see you around,))

Solus. Wink

#165:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:51 pm
((We shall see shan't we? In the meantime, I have a ownerless sword, a rather gruchy hunchback, an entranced elf, a centaur whose wisdom puts her in a corner when any fighting comes into scene, and a soldier whom I pretty sure hates my guts.))

The Color Purple sits in a colorful room filled with, yep you guessed it, various shades of pick. What? You expected me to say purple, why that would just be silly if the room was purple how would we find the Narrator?

The Color Purple, our narrator, is flipping over the script frantically. "First that hunchback runs away and just when the editors fixed it, he comes back, and now this? Where I ask you, Where was this in the script?"

It wasn't.

"Why not!"

Because I didnt' write one.

"You didn't what?"

Write a script.

"Then what I have I been reading all this time! shouted purple becoming more and more redish by the minute.


"You mean I've been reading what has already happened?"

Technically yes, practically no.

"What in the world do you mean?

I mean that until this time you've been reading off the version of what could have happened, there was no gurantee you were actually accurate, which probably explains why you were surprised when this happen.

"What about the rest of my script? Everything past page two is blank, all I have is up to where Rath leaves and then nothing, nada, zippo, blankness, etc....etc..

That's because nothing has happen yet, the characters are still living it out.

"Are you saying I don't have a script, that no one knows what happens next?"

Well, actually yes, I am. Which reminds me, I've been meaning to talk to you about your job...

~ ~ ~

[Well our off the topic Black boss discuss purple's severance pay check, I will, being one Bracets by name of course will take over. Let's see what's happening on board the Red Wheel shall we?]

A crystal bowl empty of all water simmers a minute and then without hestation shows a large mountain chain where several dragons watch the demon hordes below them go to and from various gates. The demons don't know their there and they like it there. The crystal bowl eventually focuses on Gilath, the only person, well techincally dragon we know here.

[Not what I wanted, but oh well, lets see what's going on here.]

Refocusing the bowl takes us further into the picture into the Liar of the Lady of the Night to be exact. The room is a vast cave filled with many mirrors, lights, and torches. So filled with light it's almost shocking that any demon would enter the place, yet they did, they feard their Lady too much not to. The only furinture in the room is canopy bed made only in the finest white linens. Ontop the white bed, the Lady of the Night lays admiring her fine face, a demon enters the scene, bowing low. His name is Crzon.

~ ~ ~

"My Lady, I have some good news for thee," the three eyed demon said bowing subviently towards his mistress.

"Did I give thee permission to speak to me?" The Lady hissed carefullily laying down her mirror.

"No my Lady," Crzon apolgized perfusly bobbing his form several times causing his leather wings to perform a merry dance on his back, "shall I ask my Lady's permission to speak, my Lady?"

"Too late you idiot, your already talking. No need to go through cermony, it tires me so." Looking significantly at the demon before her, "But if this happens again, well that won't happen will it pet."

Several minutes of groveling from one Cryzon by name followed only to be cut off by the harse hiss of the Lady's voice shouting, "Silence you blubbering foul! Now this better be good or I swear by the Almighty One I will have your eyes."

"It is my Lady, It is. The winged one, the one you sent you crakens for, our demons have succeded with her. She thinks she has gone mad. She has the abanded the sword, even now she flies towards us unknowingly."

Smiling cruelly, the Lady reclined happily upon her pillows, "Good, she was easier to twist than I thought. She will be of use to me yet, my little traitor. And the witch?"

"Lies abord the ship. No one moves to touch her. They think she sleeps."

"Good, how much longer before I can have her?"

"Marlbrin's work is slow as the witch fights hard but unless someone aids her, the work will be done in a few hours time. Marlbrin says the girl will be empty except for the crystal by this evening. Once he has that artifact in hand, something which you know will render the girl close to death, he will heal her, leaving her whole as you taught him how. She will be as weak as a babe. Ripe for picking. The DragonSword rendered useless without a bearer and it cannot beyond for another year, as you well know."

"Any chance of the others...?" The Lady let the question dangle letting the possibilities speak the question for her.

"Aid the gyspy? Not likely. They all contain some magic of some sort. The malformed curse things daring to call themselves beings, the elf and the horse thingy would be rendered lame if they even touch Marlbrin. The witch-mage hunchback is also no threat, he's so powerful that if he even thinks about taking Marlbrin, Marlbrin will simply have another lunch immbolzing the fool with a spell Rain herself taught Marlbrin. The only one who could help is that solider fellow, Morzan. Our demons have made sure he distrust the witch and most likely hates her too. If he does try to help, a thing not likely, or any other decieved human they will encounter a nasty surprise."

"Have you forgeten the possibility of a dragon?" came the snear from the Lady. "If one bounds with the witch she will gain the strength to throw away Marlbrin and access all her magical strength. That must not happen!"

"No, mistress we have not. Only one dragon can help the witch now, one Gilath by name, but he is a male. A sources believe he is dead, but if he is not, he will have the intention of bounding with the witch. Yet by dragon law only females can bond with mortal females, and since Gilath has declared the witch as his only his sister, his mate, or his intendend can bound with the witch now. He has no female friends or relatives that we know off."

"And the Sword?" The Lady said idly examining her nails.

"No one can bare it. Only the unnatural beings called dragons can touch the thing."

"The Witch bore it once," hissed the Lady softly, "don't forget what that did."

"I do not my Lady, but such a thing requires either a pure or extermly powerful will or purpose something those twisted mortals cannot posses. Or it requires the former bearers consent, with the former bearer being made and a year's time required before the sword can bond again, there is no chance they can use the DragonSword. Pick it up, yes. Bear it, protect it, use it, let them try and see if they like the medicine the thing bears out. The only hope they have is if Rath in one moments sanity transfers the ownership of the blade and even then a dragon would have to help the mortals since none but a dragon weild the power of the dragonstone."

"Or a mortal with a dragon's heart," whispered the Lady softly hinting at her own, "only three every generation have that gift. I, myself, have one and will use it for the ultimate good of the world. As for the others, one is dead and the other will be. There is no one to help you now Ergos, wherever you are in the pits of your firey damnation, your death was purposless."

~ ~ ~

Ontop of the mountain a blue dragon rested his hide transformed into a stony gray. He heard the his enemies speech and hissed at it. Yet what could he do? He was hours away from the boat and even if he got there in time only a dragons bound would be able to undo the damage done to Rain. Cursing his good intentions, Gilath wondered what he could do. He was still young yet and he had intended to find a mate before the time ever came close for Rain being ready for a bonding. It turned out the girl needed it now. But what could he do?

Blinking, Gilath had a brillant idea that might just work fixing all his problems in one shot, of course he would have to talk to her but it might, it could just work. "I guess this means I found my mate like it or not, I only hope Rain chooses a good mate so I can bound with the man when the time comes."

With that thought, Gilath spread his wings and flew.

#166:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:37 am
((Sorry I couldn't post this earlier, I was busy. It'll only be short and it'll occur during the battle. ))

Crouched(she had to crouch, there wasn't much room) in the alcove Crenlamin watched the battle unraveling before her with great care. Rath had just dove into the sea and Morzan was desperately fighting the dog-thing. There was no sign of Rain or Ariana, so she assumed they must be either fighting out of her limited view or safe.

She was so absorbed in the battle that she didn't even notice the first sharp call of the voice in her head. She did, however, notice the second.

"Centeur! Wake up, you idiot! You're meant to be the smart one, the quick thinker. What are you doing, you brainless buffoon?"

"Who are you? What are you doing in my head and, may I say it, using some pretty weak insults. I've heard better from a mindless dwarf." Crenlamin sent shooting back, at once aware that thouhg she had no power to stop the intention of this voice she could anger it of distract it, hopefully making it clumsy.

"Oh, don't be a fool. You always are, you know that? I've been watching your mind for as long as this journey has lasted. The fact that you put up no barriers makes it extremely easy to track your group. Centeurs have never been good at training their young."

"How dare you?" Cremlamin sent back, althouh she knew that the Centeur technique of puttig their young strait into a job was not the best one. "We're the finest in the world!"

"Yeah, yeah, of course you are. Ever considered joining our court? We could use a jester."

"I most certainly will not!" Crenlamin replied "You haven't even told me who you are!"

The voice ignored the comment. "Down to business." it said. You can be used to get to the centre of this group, and so we will. Now this may take a couple of hours...

And then the pain began.

#167:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:37 pm
Rath winged swiftly into familiar skies, her form vastly changed from what it had once been. Once Rath had been a beautiful dragoness, a prime example of a spirit skye. But now, as her own spirit had grown tainted, as she regained her former darkness, the form of a 'kyarse-karvo' a Soul Taker.

Her scales had turned a darker, duller shade of black which reflected no light, her red had dulled to the color of long dried blood. The spines on her back had ceased to be individual blades, instead forming into one long, spiked, serrated blade that ran from nose to tail. Her feathers had hardened until they were more like laquered steel and her claws had grown vicious barbs with channels running down the sides where poison oozed.

The barbs on her tail had turned into three fixed, sickle shaped blades and two long fangs peeked in her mouth. When she opened her mouth these two fangs would extend, like those of a cobra, brining death with their venom. Her eyes were wholly red now, the color of blood and an aura of extreme cold frosted the world around her.

Nothing flew in the skies with her now, she was far to dangerous, too deadly. Landing gracefully infront of her Lair Rath paused a moment, forked tounge flicking. She tasted the air and hissed, demons waited within. 'Clever of them to bypass my wards...yet she transgresses again. Such actions must be delt with. No doubt when I confront her she'll say she was only playing her part but I grow weary of her games. Better she drop the act and let the world know than continue to irritate me.'

She strolled into her Lair as if nothing was the matter, as if she were simply coming home to rest. No sooner had she entered her Hoard than the nets and ropes sprang out of the darkness, the entangling spells and compulsions. Waiting until she must have looked more like a cocoon than a dragon Rath chuckled. "My, my it seems that the flys think to trap the's too bad they used the spider's own web."

The aura of cold had made the nets and ropes brittle and they snapped easily as Rath shook herself. The compulsions and spells fell away to nothing, confronted with that dark empty space within Rath. Many of the demons looked for an exit but the only one into this chamber of Rath's Lair was the one Rath herself blocked. Ghoulishly Rath licked her chops, the red lining of her mouth and forked toung flashing against her dark hide.

"Normally I'm not a fan of demon but I'll make an exception just this once."

Her Hoard needed cleaned now as the gold was liberally spattered with demon gore. A small pile of neatly cleaned bones littered the exit tunnel as Rath moved into the main Lair. One demon jittered in fear, trapped under a massive forepaw. She stared it in the eye, her cold red gaze merciless and bloody. "Do you know why I havn't eaten you?" The demon was too terrified for a reply. "Because I've got a message for you. Tell your mistress that even Damned creatures like her have souls...and that a Soul Taker is not to be trifled with."

The demon, blubbering in horror, nodded. "One last thing. Tell her one more tresspass and all shall be void. Again the blubbering, the nodding before Rath let the demon go. Judging the time against his slightly mauled condition she estimated it would take the demon several hours to reach the Lady's Lair. With a sigh Rath set about rebuilding her wards before slinking off to polish and purify her hoard. She might be tainted but she'd not suffer her treasures to be as well.

#168:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:31 am
It did take the demon Rath had mauled several hours to return to his home and only what could possibly be called a miracle let him past his brethren without being eatten as he cried, "A message for the Lady, a hell-blooded message for the Lady, get your paws off of me, I must speak to the Lady!" Cyzon who was just exiting the Lady's Lair looked at the obviously lower demon who struggled against his brothern.

"Let him go," Cyzon hissed, "Let's see what he has to say before we eat shan't we?"

Stepping up to the wounded messager Cyzon glared at him with all three of his eyes, "Now speak quickly, I'm hungry."

"Massssster mussst promissse," the thing squealed pathically.

"Promise what!" Cyzon said raising one of his wings like some would an eyebrow.

"Not to eat meeee," it cried sounding like a small demon child.

"All right, I promise not eat you, for now."

"Message for Lady."

"Yes, Yes, I got that," Cyzon irratibly growled getting annoyed with this lower demon.

"The Winged One, she....she uh...uh...uh..."

"Speak or I swear I tear you into shreds!" Shouted Cyzon to the pleasure of the demons that had surronded the scene.

"She attacked us, she the others, we couldn't stop her, she resisted the trap so easily, there was nothing we could do I swear by all that's dark. She is truly mad, master, please forgive me. We failed, please don't eat me. She shook off the spells and tore us apart. She only left me alive, I swear, I swear, don't tear off my tai. She told me, I beg you don't rid me of my horns, to tell the Lady that even she has a...what did she call it...oh a soul, and that a Soul-Taker is not to be messed with. She implied, my Lord please, that if the Lady made one more move against her that our Lady wouldn't live much longer."

"Humph, so the winged is truly tainted, I had only hoped for this. You have failed wingless one, but since you brought such an important message of good news to us, your demons will be told not to eat you today," pausing for dramitic effect Cyzon continued in a voice loud enough for all to hear, "We will eat you tommorow."

Turning on his heals as he heard the messager squeal, Cyzon walked on his features slowly changing as he went. Cyzon was a higher demon than he appeared and soon handsome features of a grown man indicating the highest and most deceptive demons appeared on his face. The Lady was alseep as usual, and like the million visits before this Cyzon had been annoyed by the pathetic creature he was forced to serve. "Well, my Lady," he hissed to himself as he peered into her bedchamber to watch her sleep, "it looks that we will no longer have to kill you when this is done. Someone else will do it for us."

Pleased with itself, the demon disappered using a spell that took him to his true masters chambers...

~ ~ ~

[All this had taken a few hours to complete. The hours that Marlbrin had promised to empty Rain for his Lady. How had she fared during this time? Well to be honest I do not know. Let's see shall we?]

~ ~ ~

Hours before Rath left her Liar, when Gilath had been listening to the secret confrence of the Lady, Rain had been laying aboard the Red Wheel.

The battle had been well over for an hour now, and like many times before Rain had been found assumedly asleep in the crow's nest. Orders had been given not to disturb her and the ship sailed on magically aided by the wind Graeme had conjured up thinking that this time speed was needed. Within a day or two, the journey that should have taken at least five more days would be over, there distantion reached.

To truly know what happened to Rain herself, we must go back an hour when the battle had first ended and into Rain herself.

~ ~ ~

Rain glared at the Lady of the Night as she stood before trying a million and one things to try and get past the guards Rain had been born with around her heart. Then in the midst of these trials, the Lady had gotten a far away look and with a curse, a glare, a spoken spell, she was gone. Marlbrin however still stood there, his head cocked to one's side as listening to instructions.

Snapping his fingers, Marlbrin released Rain from the bonds that held her. Breathing deeply for the first time she entered this strange place that was inside herself, Rain felt her wounds checking to see if anything was broken. Her first instict was to fall asleep and never wake up, she felt so tired from the trials the Lady had put her through and weak from the Marlbrin sucking at her strength both mentally and physically.

Struggling weakly, Rain managed to stand on her feet wobbling weakly to each sides. Marlbrin was still there, a mistake he was about to regret.

Memories flooded her mind as she continued to try to stand, fueling her anger and giving her strength. Memories of Juric on a bed to weak to even speak, Memories of her father who had died before she even seen him one last time because this thing, this snake had told her tribe she had posioned her own brother. Memories of using her flute and feeling joyful. She felt bretrayed and in more ways the one.

Marlbrin assuming his victim was to weak to do anything had been calmly gathering the blue aura that surronded the crystal wrapping it's length in it's hands. The Fire of ealier sprun up as he went about the circle filling in the gaps that he made in Rain's own magic.

As for her magic itself, Rain felt it fall as the blue aura grew lower and lower her magic itself striving to maintain the protection around the strange crystal within her own heart.

Finally balanced, Rain ran towards Marlbrin with a scream hatred clearly written on her face. Turning easily, Marlbrin spared only a look of surprise before making an gesture using Rain's own magic.

Rain froze mid run as she felt her own magic hit her full force, hanging suspended in the air like a puppet on strings.

"Thought you could stop me, didn't you?" Marlbrin said stepping up to her, "Well I have news for you missy, you cannot stop yourself."
With a strange flicker, Marlbrin changed forms slowly turning into the very image of herself. Rain looked in amazment as she turned and stared at the one that had once been called Celebrin.

There before her Marlbrin had changed. Now before her a young woman of twenty with long curly raven hair and dark purple eyes stood. The vision looked exactly like her except for the face and for the eyes. On the visions face there was a cruelty that had never been on Rain's face once in her life, and in the visions eyes a coldness Rain could only compare to the winter's snow ontop of the Calbrin Mountains.

"Celebrin," The vision said it's voice changed to that of a female's, a welcome change in Rain's opinion, "In the silvan, that which is worth silver. You made it your name," the vision said laughing easily, "and you made it mine. You made me a part of yourself. No matter how hard you try, no matter what emotions power your heart, wheither hatred, anger, sorrow, rath or anything else, I am still you. Go ahead try and hurt me, I dare you."

Rain felt herself drop and foolishly like a child she accepted Marlbrin's threat. Rushing towards him, she felt herself pass right through the vision and instead felt a great pain right where she herself would have hit Marlbrin. Laughing the vision, took a strand of blue from his hands and twisted, Rain felt tears fall down her cheeks uncontroably, another twist and Rain couldn't stop laughing.

Smiling, Marlbrin let Rain drop as he cast another spell forming a cell of bars around Rain. Looking at Marlbrin in horror, understanding dawned on Rain's face. He was her, she was him...that meant...

"No." Rain sobbed, "No."

"Yes, yes. It is exactly so. I killed your brother with your own magic. Without you in fact your brother would still be alive. You killed him, you killed him."

The chant filled Rain's head, and her worst fear was realized, as if by magic the chant sounded in the background creating a dark chorus of accusations of every crime Marlbrin had commited through her, in her. She was him, He was her, the chant said, and Marlbrin laughed.

Continuing in a dark voice, Marlbrin transformed once again this time looking as the Lady had been when Rain had been young. "You deserve to die," he said in a voice that soon joined the chorus, "you don't deserve to live. Your magic was what made it all happen, let me take it for you, let me ease your burden."

Yes, the dark voices whispered to Rain's brain, lets us help you die, let us ease your pain. You killed him, you killed him. You killed them, you murdered many, you twisted the dark, you are us, we are you, lets us ease this pain. Die, Death, sleep. A life without magic, without this thing that in loving so much you killed your own brother.

Slumping down, Rain let her tears flow as Marlbrin with a laugh turned back to his work.

~ ~ ~

Hours passed and Rain was beginning to go insane. Had she always been here in this place? Maybe it was all dream? Maybe her life had been a dream.

Marlbrin was joyful, his work had been easy as Rain had offered little resistance and what resistance she had given had soon be squashed by her own twisted reasonings. Now he stood before her heart crystal, only a dim ring of blue so close to the ground it looked like dust and the circle of flame stood between him and it.

With an easy sweep of his hands, and then it was gone. All of it. Her magic was gone. Rain felt strangely hollow, empty, and curiously silent. Before Marlbrin had swept the last bit of magic, an almost undectable music had filled her head. She had always heard it all her life but never noticed it truly until this moment when it was gone, and all was silent.

The last guard between Marlbrin and her heart now stood. Rain didn't know what it was but knew by an internal instict that without her magic to give it heat and life the flame like the magic before would be all to easily gathered.

Turning Marlbrin once again changed into the dark version of herself. "Do you know what this is?" he said gleefully, "I didn't until now, with your magic gone it is only to easy to know what it is. It is your memories."

Memories, memories, Rain muttered sobbing silently letting the insanity of the dark chorus that still sang in the silence control her mind almost unthinkably.

"Now how?" Marlbrin wondered aloud almost to himself, herself, itself, whatever the thing was. "Oh yes, I can guess. You must live them, and as you live them, you will pass them to me, and then it will all be over my sweet, don't worry, death will be soon enough."

Stepping forward, Marlbrin touched the flame and Rain felt visions enter her head taking over her vision.

Pictures flashed through her mind not yet passing to Marlbrin just sitting there in her head as Rain remember and relived each one.

A picture of a distrustful elf struggling to speak common. Ariania, Rain thought, Light in the Dark.

Light filled the chamber of Rain's heart and Marlbrin started.

A picture of a solider who made her laugh. Morzan, strength of the weak.

Rain stood, surprising Marlbrin as he still waited for her memories to pass on to her.

A hunchback who frustrated her beyond knowledge but who made the journey worthwhile humor. Graeme, Priest in Magic.

The dark chorus changed to a choir of angels causing Marlbrin to slightly panic.

Rath on the journey talking to Rain. Rath her only true friend left. Rath the only one who knew her sorrows. Rathiania as the dragon she once knew. Rathiania standing between her and danger taking her away from the field of Ergos on the day of battle. Finally, Rath pulling the sword turning to look towards where Rain would have stood in the vision. Rathiania, dragoness, assasin, Sword-bearer, the Mad, the Dangerous, the Hope who had no Hope.

The flame around Rain's heart bounded up in height reaching where the ceiling should have been.

A picture of Juric in her dream. A picture of her father. The memory of the smell of her mother, a sweet perfume of spice, leather, feathers, and strangely like Rath's smell, blood.

Finally, a picture of Ergos' face as she remembered him. Ergos dark blue eyes that seemed like the depths of the ocean starred back at her, the slits of his pupils slightly widened as he smiled. Several dragonscales forming a long angle streched near his right eye extending from it's angle corner to the edge of his dark black hair. His jawline was square and although his face was heavily angled like all the Eroki kind there was nothing femine about his face. Tiny wrinkles accented his eyes as a small dimple in the left corner of his mouth peaked out as he fully smiled, his long cannine fangs clearly showing ontop his bottom lip. A small gotte (sp?) of which Rain made the mistake of laughing at once, still grew on his chin it's thinness declaring it's newness. As she watched he moved his lips to form one word, 'fight.'

Rain stood there her head full of visions, holding on to each one like a precious gem not letting a single one fall into Marlbrin's tainted hands. As she stood, the bars of her cell disappeared like mist, and she stood free. Looking at Marlbrin, she him looked shocked as he saw the change of her eyes from a dark purple to a lighter lavender, the mark of her memories, "I may not be able to fight myself for myself, but I can fight myself for them."

That said, she disappered.

~ ~ ~

On board of the Red Wheel, Rain awoke, her eyes still changed from the memories she had remembered. Climbing down the mast, she walked purposely towards Graeme.

"Can you conjure flame?" she asked as she looked down towards the thing she had once called her flute.

"Yes, why? Can't you? Won't that be dangerous on a ship?" Graeme told her looking confused.

"Can you throw it?" Rain said simply in response to his questions.

"Yes, I can, but," Graeme questionedly said still confused.

Throwing her flute overboard, Rain pointed to it as she looked at Marlbrin as the flute flashed in the light over the sea. "Burn it," was all she said in a tune that broken no argument.

Graeme gestured towards the flute unthinking and it burst into flame. Looking towards her Graeme's eyes filled with questions, questions doomed to be unanswered.

"Thank you," Rain said clamly and with that she walked towards her cabin where she proptly dropped like a hammer. Her struggle was over but her wounds would never quite heal and despite the show she put on a few moments before the war with Marlbrin had exhausted her more than she showed. Just before she went into a deep healing sleep that would probably last the next two days, Rain sent one last clear thought towards Gilath who even now sailed the skies towards her.

Thank you for trying my friend. But there is no dragon who can bond with me now.

With that she fell asleep having not noticed the fact that Rath hadn't been aboard the ship or that everyone else was uneasy.

Some wounds never heal. Rain heard in her head and then she remember where they came. The visions of the day of the battle field. The first vision of her destiny had been fulfilled, and though she still didn't remember the rest she didn't try to. Instead she slept, her grief to deep for even words.

#169:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:01 pm
((right, here we go. This will be a v.short post because its late, but I'll write more later.))

Ariana's eyes snapped open. As her eyes adjusted to the light she had a strange sensation of falling. When she could see properly, she realised that it was just because she was staring straight at the sea, and she was rocking. No - the boat was rocking. She had forgotten that she was on a boat. Shaking her head to clear it, Ariana forced herself to back away from the edge. Her hands were so white they were almost see-through, and they were stiff, stiff from clasping the rail long?
She did not know.
It could have been hours, or maybe days. Wriggling her fingers to get the circulation running again, Ariana looked around her. She was sitting on the deck. From what she could see, there had been a bad battle. Morzan was also on deck, and so was Graeme. She assumed that Rath and Rain must be down below, afterall, they were best friends so it made sense they would be together.
Groaning, she managed to get to her feet, swaying slightly, before she remembered that she had forgotten cremla. She blinked.
Oh, she is probably down below too. Ariana told herself. Why do I feel so uneasy? Its probably the movement of the boat - I havn't been on a boat for ages. Ariana knew that wasn't true. She had never been sea-sick, and she wasn't likely to be.
So maybe its because I've been in a trance so long. I bet I havn't eaten or drunken for ages - days!
Again she had a guilty feeling that this wasn't true and that she was merely saying this to comfort herself. It wasn't nice to wake up and find the world has turned upside down in front of you - something that was seriously threatening Ariana right now.
Just then Rain came down from the mast.
Oh, so she wasn't down below afterall. That doesn't really matter. Afterall, Rath and Rain aren't inseperable.
She watched as Rain talked to Graeme, then as she threw her flute, her precious flute - out to the sea. Ariana blinked again as Graeme's fire consumed it.
Too fast. She thought tiredly. Ariana was currently in a state of mild shock. I need to eat. she decided and headed to the lower regions of the boat. It was then that she noticed the sword.
Lying on the deck was the sword of Ergos.
Her first thought was careless. Then she realised that it wasn't. The sword seemed to emanate light to her, and she could almost sense the sword. It felt cold. It felt lonely. It felt abandoned. She stopped, shock written on her face. She didn't dare touch it, remembering what Rain had said about it the first time they had seen it. Anyone who wasn't the 'right' would be hurt - maybe even die if they tried to take it. She was not the 'right' of that she was certain. However...
A doubt entered her mind. She had tripped on the sword in her tiredness, that is how she had noticed it. So why had it not hurt her?
Bending down, she touched it gently. It did not rebel her touch, but nor did it welcome her. Gently she tried to pick it ip. The it resisted.
Ariana did not know how long she spent there, kneeling on the deck. She had lost all sense of time lately - something that would worry her had she not been more occupied.
Even if she did not know the time though, I did.
Several hours later, Ariana carried the sword down below decks. She felt as if all the strengh had left her body, but she felt better. She had a cabin of her own. She didn't know why they had given her such as there were so many people. but at least the cabing was not large - she would have complained if that were so. Despite being an elf, she did not like too much pampering - if any at all. But for now she was glad of the solitude. Getting out the pouch the elves had given her, she removed a stone, then, turning to the sword that was laid upon her desk, she began her work.

throughout her work, she was vaguely aware that there was something else she should be doing. Something vastly more important.
maybe making friends? something hissed at her from the back of her mind. Her consience, she guessed. But she pushed it aside angrily.
making firends is not my job. Leave me alone.
Was her reply.

((ok, really got to go, bye! see you...))


#170:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:10 pm
Rath had been dozing when she felt something run along the edge of her conciousness, like someone was passing a hand down her spine. Coming fully awake she realized that it wasn't her sensation but one eminating from the sword of Ergos...she was still tied to the blasted thing. She felt it rally for a strike, felt it ready to defend itself. Stop. It did, feeling like a cheated child.

Now that she was awake, and that sword had stopped yelping at her, she turned and paced deep into her Lair, to a place where the rock had been cut away to reveal a wall of solid quartz. The clear stone had been polished until it was smooth, providing a reflection as clear as glass. But anyone who knew anything about Rath's people would know it for what it was...a seeing Mirror. "Show Me."

The mirror didn't need to be told what, it just did. It showed her the reception her message had gotten...and showed her the demons words over the Lady. A cruel smile twisted Rath's muzzle, red fangs glimmering in the darkness. It was so fun to outsmart demons. Again she commanded the mirror. "Show Me."

The image shifted, providing her a split image. In one corner Cremla was clutching her head in great pain. Rath shook her head. "All that brilliance and she can't even send someone packing from her own head." In another Morzan stared bleakly, muscle in his jaw working. "You should have struck me when the chance was yours. Too late now."

In a third Graeme charred Rain's flute in a ball of fire. "Perhaps I should have warned Rain? Then again some battles one must fight alone." In the fourth corner she saw Ariana, awake at last, bearing the sword below decks. "It would have been a pity for the elf to get hurt, she's done me no good either."

Last, in the center, was Rain herself violet eyes haunted. "I see you've yet to recive my parting gift. You'll use it in time...I know." She turned her back to the mirror, the images fading, as she pattered to the main room once again. She had just curled back up on her 'throne' of rocks when she felt a tapping at her wards. Formal and polite she knew the dragon that lay beyond them.

With a sigh she allowed him entrance, settling down on her rocks and closing her eyes to slits. When he entered it took Gilath a moment to find her, her skin blending against stone. "So you finally show your true colors." His tone was dissapproving. She snorted at him.

"Paith warned you long ago what I was and what I could become again. You and Ergos both accepted the responsibility willingly, I lied about nothing and held nothing back. Don't stare at me so now." He stood ridged with scorn.

"So will you betray us? Plunge a dagger in our hearts when we're least looking." Rath reared up hissing at him. An assassin she might be but daggers? Please. Any fool could kill with daggers, Rath considered herself an artist.

"I would run you through with the DragonSword itself if I thought anything would be gained from it. But in this complex gakk game you are nothing but a pawn Gilath. And you know that." She uncoiled herself from her throne and Gilath stepped back. Rath had not lied when she said skye dragons had been hunted for their emmense size...Rath more than doubled Gilath. "Besides. I have the suspicion that you hold my promised prize. I'll not ruin my chances of that."

"I'm surprised you still care. I thought you'd have left that all behind." Rath nodded.

"True, true. But no matter how blighted I become I am still a spirit dragon. Worthy spirits I shall always give deference too...even if I must kill them. There are many worse things than a quick, clean death Gilath. Many worse things." For a long moment the two of them simply stared at one another. "Did you just come here to irk me? To pull my tail? Or did you have some purpose?"

He stared at her and sighed, obviously frustrated that he even considered coming to her. "It's about Rain." Rath leaned forward. "I was going to bond her...but she changed her mind. Would you happen to know why?" Rath stared at him. Several tart replies sprang to mind but she uttered none of them, nor did she insult Gilath.

"Two reasons spring to mind. One is that she loves you too much to put you through it again. Two is that she thinks herself unworthy."

"Why would she think that?" Rath rolled her wings, the draconic version of a shrug.

"I don't dare read her mind. Maybe you should ask her that. You're the one keen on becoming her slave." Gilath hissed. Some dragons might be slaves to their bonded but it had never been that way between him and Juric...and he did not believe it would be that way between him and Rain. "She also might be afraid that the Lady might gain control of you through her."

Gilath started. "If this is the reason she gives you tell her this...the Lady shall take no other." Gilath wanted to respond but Rath turned, and took away his permission to be in her Lair. As the wards began to turn on him Gilath backed out.

"I'll keep your words in mind Rath. You may be mad but you're not crazy."

"I'll take that as a compliment I get out of here before I add canniblizm to my ever growing list of bad habits." Gilath took flight, heading once again for the Red Wheel. Rath in the mean time began to take many things out of the jewel on her right fore paw. It was time to show this world a sight it had never seen...and never would again...

#171:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:47 am

The sword lay on the desk, where it had lain for over a day. A pale hand rested on it, and the rest was shrouded in darkness. The sword was glowing gently, a kind of dull, throbbing glow that did not show much, but instead drew any one who was in the room's eyes to it, for lack of anything else.
Ariana was sitting back in her chair. It was not the most comfiest of things, but it would do for her. Including her trance, she had not slept properly for days. She had worked solid on the sword for more than a day. Now it was midnight. The window in her cabin admitted no light as the moon was behind a cloud, and the only other sorce of light in the room was the arrows by the door, and the muffled light of the stones in her purse.
So, what had she done?
She wasn't really sure. She had just worked. She didn't know what she was doing at the time - only that the sword knew, and it would take care of things.
This is called the sword of Ergos. Ariana though. Ergos once held this sword - fought with it even. Then how can it be so magical? Did he make it? If not - who did? If he did - how? So many questions. So little time, she thought.
Not little time for questions- but little time for anything. Ariana did not like to work under pressure, and now her consience was back.
You should be making friends. Not sitting here.
I need to sleep. She replied shortly.
So why aren't you sleeping? You are just sitting, thinking contemplating. You are not sleeping. You are doing nothing usefull. And do you really want to waste more time asleep? If you were really tired you would not still be awake!...
"Uhh!" Ariana dismissed the annoying voice with anger - then wished she hadn't. She hated to be angry.
Maybe making friends will make me better. She thought. Of her own accord - it was a pure thought, it did not annoy her.
She tried to get up from her chair, to go to the door, search for someone. To talk.
But she couldn't. It was, for her, physically impossible. She couldn't even shift from her seat.
For a moment horrible images closed in around her mind. Of her somehow becoming crippled, numb, horribly transformed somehow while she had worked. There was no mirror for her to see, and not enough ligth either.
''This is stuff of night-mares." She whispered, also for the comfort of hearing her own voice, as much as the words. "You are not transformed. You can speak. You are just tired - numb. Maybe hungry. Very hungry." even dieing with hunger
She realised that she had hit on it. The sleep did not worry her much. It was the food she needed. You could survive without sleep. But food?
She tried to move again so she could get food. But again she failed.
A small gasp escaped her lips and a tear trickled down her cheek. What was she to do? Why could she not move? She could not even feel her body. Maybe she didn't even have one anymore. Somehow - could she, was it possible...that she had been sucked inside the sword?
The thought chilled her, horrified her even.
"rain..." She whispered. Then, knowing it was not enough, she drew in a deep breath and called as loud as she could, "Rain!" .
Another tear rolled down her cheek as she realised that even that would not have reached her unless she was stood right outside her door. Then another wetted her cheek.
Her vision blurred and her hand slipped from the sword. Then she slumped down onto the desk, cheek just brushing against the sword as she did so. It cut her cheek, but she did not feel it because the blackness had inveloped her.
How could she know that that touch with the sword was the only reason she was staying alive? ...

((*edit*, I've had a thought that maybe we should try and find pictures of our characters and post them here to show others what we think they should look like as at the minute we probably all have different ideas (within a certain range like, Ariana has blonde hair, Rain's is black etc, but all still different) like din did with the lady of the night. Just an idea. And it doesn't matter if you can't find any pics that match your char.))

#172:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:16 pm
Rath felt an odd sensation, an invasion of her corroded mind as the flashing silver of the Sword of Ergos cut into her polluted thoughts. A picture of Ariana flew into her mind.Save her. It was pleading with her, the damned sword was pleading with her. For a moment Rath considered ignoring it...then with a sigh she flowed along her connection with the sword.

Slowly her image appeared in the blades shimmering surface. She caught the elf's eyes. Listen to me. She felt Ariana's mind try to buck her out. The elf was pure light and at the moment Rath was darkness embodied. She cracked down harder. Listen to me. Slowly Ariana's mind tuned in. You need to calm down. You're burning up your energy too quickly. Follow me, listen to my breathing, listen to my heart...can you match that pace?

Slowly Rath felt Ariana follow, matching the dragoness's slow breathing and heart rate. Good now you need to reach for that power you're holding inside. That brilliant white light...That's it. Rath hissed, reatreating in pain as the white light crashed over her mind. Feeling Ariana falter she returned. Feel that's yours. Take from that energy, that light what you need. Light feeds the plants of earth and sea, it warms the winds and changes many things. A person can live longer in sunlight than in darkness.

Rath's mouth was coated with the disgusting sweetness of the honeyed words. To partally rid herself of it she chewed one of the many remaining demon bones. Yet she felt the elf falter several times. Rath grew impaitent. It had never taken any dragon she knew this long to gain the secret of sustaining one's self off of the energies of one's own magic.

Finally she could wait no more. Like this. She wrapped Ariana's magic around her claws, ignoring the searing pain, and wrapped it into the elf's system, feeding warmth, strength, vitality back into the limbs. You'll be alright now for a while although I don't suggest you do this lack the power. Go get some food, then get some sleep. And don't worry. Rath sensed the fears in the elf's mind, drank them in.

They fed Rath as much as any food could ever and she stole them away Ariana's fears of being transformed into some hideous beast. Remember...light reveals, light brings truth no matter how painful. You could not be changed to a creature of darkness and still be the carrier of light. If you need proof simply use the blade as a mirror. With that Rath severed the connection, leaving the elf on her own.

Scrubbing at her maw Rath vetured outside, testing the air with her flicking toung. "I need to eat something vile and get this sickly sweet taste out of my mouth...damn sword."

#173:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:02 am

Ariana opened her eyes. The room now seemed to be coated in light, and she wondered whether the conversation with Rath had taken all night.
At least I talked to her. thought Ariana. For some reason, although she was overjoyed that she felt a lot better, she felt that it was more important that she had managed to reach Rath somehow (or Rath reached her) than her getting well again.
Because she is ill. Ariana though. That is why. I have the power to heal. I found that in my vision. Then why couldn't I heal myself of my own accord? she puzzeled.
The answer came quickly
Because you first have to rid the darkness of your own mind.
Thats what her ancester had told her - or was it the shard?
Maybe both. The visions seemed to have flowed into each other, mixing everything up.
Rath helped me. I should help her. Again came the overwhelming thought. But she was sensible enough to know that right now, she should help herself is she was ever going to be able to help others.
Now she tried to move again and was exulted to find out that she could. Standing up, she took the sword of Ergos and peered into it. She was relieved to find that she looked no different except a cut on her right cheek.
Frowning, she put a finger to the cut and felt the blood. It was still fresh. Just as she was wondering where to get a bandage of sorts, there was a bright flash and she instinctively closed her eyes.
When Ariana deemed it safe to once again open them, she looked aorund hurridly. Nothing seemed to have happened. Then she looked back at the sword and blinked in surprise. Her cut had vanished and that small drop of blood on her finger was the only proof of it ever being there.
She frowned. Rath had told her not to use too much of the power within her - was it irreplacable?
She hurried out of the door and down to the 'kitchen' of the boat. There was no-one there, which for the moment she was both relieved and troubled to find.
She wanted to talk to someone now, but she knew it was not the time - that she should eat and sleep as quickly as possible.
She grabbed some food, trying not to take too much as it was her hosts, not hers, and went up on deck to eat it. She need to feel the wind on her face, and see the sea. She had been huddled in her cabin for too long.
When she went up there, it looked like day again, and so she wondered where everyone was.
You're worrying too much again. she told herslef. And ate the food.
This done, she returned to the lower levels. Before she reached her cabin though, she met Morzan. He was looking at his swords, turning them over in his hands, and his face was full of scratches. His leg also had a nasty cut on it.
Ariana instinctively wanted to heal him. But she stopped when she saw how he looked at her. He was staring at her in horror.
Oh no! she thought. What is the matter, did the sword lie to me? Am I now hideous? Is it a curse? I think it is true to say that Ariana, like all elves, was just a bit vain.
"Wh-whats wrong?" She asked. Her voice came out slightly croaky from not speaking for so long. Now she thought about it - she hadn't spoken to anyone since she went into a trance to speak to her ancesters -at least, not verbaly anyway.
She coughed, took a deep breath and tried again.
"Whats wrong?"
He shook his head and backed up against the wall, gripping his swords though, in a defensive manner. Ariana was confused. She didn't want to scare him, she only wanter to help.
Looking down at her hand to make sure she hadn't changed, she bacame even more confused. Her hand was the same.
"Light." Morzan whispered. Then he stood up, holding his swords out to show that he was armed, that he would attack and kill if he needed to.
"Yes."Replied Ariana, a little mixed up."It is day."
"This is no time for jokes!" He replied sharply. "It is night!"
She started. Night? So why did she see daylight? Why was everything lighted up?
Morzan was approaching her carefully now. Swords still held out.
He is going to attack me! She thought in horror and held up hir hands in surrender.
"Don't hurt me! I don't mean you any harm!"
He stopped, but did not relax.
"You're all witches, you are." He said, and then added, "Witches and wizards."
Ariana shook her head. "No..."
He advanced again and she truned and ran from him. She ran back to her cabin and shut and locked the door. She did not want to hurt him. She did not want him to hurt her.
Sitting down on the bed, she buried her head in her hands and a tear fell down her face as her body contracted into a sob.
Something seemed to change inside her as the tear fell, and she looked up. It was dark. It was night. And she was tired. She let herself fall back on the bed and fell into a deep sleep, far too tired to think about anything right now.

#174:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:40 pm
Gilath twisted as he flew, snatching a reasonably large griffen in his paws. It was dead before it knew what hit it. Breathing a flame on the thing, the griffen was charred to a well-done piece of meal, a little to done for Gilath's taste, but still it was better than nothing. 'I hate eating on the fly.' It was dark out, the darkest night of the year in fact. Despite the fact that the sun was due in a few hours, it wouldn't rise, it never did on Dulin's Day.

Dulin's Day, for those who don't know it, is actually two and half days long. On those days, the sun wouldn't rise and the moon wouldn't either. All the earth had for light on Dulin's Day was the stars, the millions and billons of them shining above the earth in a spectaral way that seemed to a send promise. The promise that no matter how dark the hour, no matter how dark the night, there was always light. No one who had lived less than a thousand years knew the true reason why this phanom happened and those who had lived a thousand years could only guess. To truly know why Dulin's Day happened, somehow has to ask Dulin, and he lived five thousand years ago.

Dulin's Day was a strange day. Very strange indeed, it never occured on the same two and half days. It never could be predicted by any, and sometimes, the sun would come out on Dulin's Day but it was never brighter than the moon. On that day no one could travel more than ten miles, no one, not even those in the sea, except of course if they got permission from Dulin to do so. Did I say Dulin was dead? He isn't, I just said he has lived more than five thousand years that's all. Gilath was one of the few who had been given permisson to travel on Dulin's Day, he had recieved it that permison to travel on one Dulin's Day Holiday two hundred and three years ago, he just had never found an occasion to use that permission until now.

The Red Wheel which should have receached it's destination two days ago thanks to Graeme's wind, had never reached it, instead it found itself paused in the sea awaiting the end of Dulin's Day. Gilath in a strange way was thankful the ship hadn't gone anywhere, dragon or not, he didn't particular relish on using his dragon senses to find Rain.

A shining beacon brighter than any star by far shined suddenly in Gilath's eyes causing him to reave off course temporarily. Blinking rapidly, Gilath turned back on course, thinking to himself "Guess I won't have to land in the dark after all."

Circling where he had seen the bright light a minute before, a dragon was seen in the sky a shadow against the unusually pale moon. Briefly grasping the mast with his giant claws, Gilath paused a moment uttering a the spell that would turn him temporiarly into a creature that could fight on this tiny thing called a boat, he dropped into the crows nest much changed.

Standing Gilath gave the crew a good look at himself. Gilath was now a human male with the exception of his wings and fangs which made him slightly like a eroki but he choose to ignore that fact. Blue hair, azure eyes, and silver skin marked him definetly as not human, the fact he was probably somewhere around seven foot and 369 pounds didn't help either. Dropping like a pin onto the deck, Gilath turned to the poop deck where a brief look and point from Meril pointed him in the direction of Rain's room. Apperantly, Gilath was used too on the Red Wheel.

~ ~ ~

"Wake up!"

"Leave me alone whoever you are," Rain muttered vainly trying to get comfortable on the floor boards where she had landed about a day before.

"I said Wake up!" Gilath said poking with his newly transformed foot.

Opening one eye, Rain groaned as she realized it was Gilath who was poking her. It could be worse she surmissed. "Go away." With that said, Rain proceed to try to fall back to sleep with no cermony.

"I just flew a hundred miles. I am not about to take any lip from a girl who is tenth of my size. Now wake up!"

"I'm tired." Rain complained placing her arm over her face. "Let me go back to sleep."

"No your feeling sorry for yourself, as usual and let me tell you, it's getting old. Now Wake Up!"

Scrowling Rain turned her back on Gilath hoping that her message was clear. "I told you, neither you nor any other dragon can do anything for me. Now go away, and leave me be."

"I warned you." Grabbing Rain's feet, Gilath removed her shoes with a simple flick of a claw length fingernail, and placed his hand on her bare foot.

Yelping Rain jumped up grabbing her foot and proceed to perform the comical dance that people do when the stub there toes. Glaring at Gilath who was laughing at her with I warned you look on his face, Rain stopped jumbing and placed both feet on the deck. "I'm awake okay. Now go away." Turning her back on Gilath once more, Rain crossed her arms like a pouting child.

Crossing his arms in turn, Gilath rested against her cabin door. "What no hug?" he said somewhat excusingly. "Do you know what day or should days it is?"

Giving up, Rain turned and face Gilath. "No what day it is it?"

"Dulin's Day. And do you know what I have been doing for the last twelve light forsaken hours of Dulin's Day? Flying. Trying desperately to find a dragoness, any dragoness who would be willing to agree to be the life mate of a low rate, no magic, no bond rider, no title bearing dragon. For which I had no luck. Do you know why? Because I care about you. Because if Juric was alive, he would turn the world upside down just save you. Because by all that's light, the last person who can afford to throw a pity party right now is you." Marching up to the now chastisted Rain, Gilath took a hand and raised her eyes from the floor, and continued. "Now, you are going to go out there and do the job you were chosen by destiny to do. You know why? Because you were chosen to do and because whatever reason you have been pouting for the last fourteen hours, you can still do the job you were chosen to do."

"I can't."

"May I ask why? And while we're at it? Mind explaining why about eleven hours ago you refused point black to bond with any dragon." Gilath said rasing a dranoic eyebrow made of blue scales.

Rain tried to look away from Gilath but when he grabbed her chin again, she knew she had tell him the truth even if he did kill her. "I killed Juric."

"You know that isn't true, it was just a lie spread by that lying no magic sorceer, Marlbrin."

"Celebrin was Marlbrin. He used magic that I gave willing to Celebrin, twisted it and killed Juric with it. Without me, Marlbrin would have had no magic, and Juric would still be alive. I killed Juric."

"I know that's not true. Even if you weren't there, Marlbrin or the nightmare that obviously controlled that sorceer would have found another way to kill Juric, he was too close to too many of her secrets for him to live. Besides I was there at his death, as his bonded, I felt his death. It was as painful to me as I am sure it was to you, but I lived throught that death, and I know by that that no magic killed Juric, it was his time to go, so he went, simple as that. You had nothing to do with his death, you know that."

"I know that. Now," Rain admitted twisting away from Gilath the last part of her brother she had, "but with Marlbrin in my head, it was just hard to convinence myself that..."

"Hold on a minute, Marlbrin was in your head. How? When?"

"I just told you. Celebrin was Marlbrin. Marlbrin was a tool of the Lady, she controlled him through the flute. I controlled the flute and gave both the Lady and Marlbrin access to myself and my magic. She was here, a few hours ago, when Marlbrin or should I say Celebrin took over my body. I went to my deepest heart to fight her and Marlbrin off. The Lady departed or I would be dead, or worse controlled by her. Marlbrin stayed however, and I let him take it all. Do you believe it? I didn't even really try to fight him, I just let him take all magic. That's why I can't go out there and face the others. My magic, and the music it gave me, was all I had that tied me to this quest. Without it, I can not help, you know that. You also know that no dragon can bound with a mortal unless that mortal be a mage, for mages live as long as dragons if not more. That's why I told you, I cannot accept the gift you would offer. I am not fit for it."

Gilath understood, he didn't accept it but he understood. "I understand. In time you will come to understand that you were chosen for more than your magic or the thing that was once your flute. In the meantime, let me see something. Stand still."

"What are you doing?"

"Examining you. It's a dragon gift, something we are given so we know which mages are fit to be bonded and which are not. There must be more to you than your magic, or else the Lady wouldn't have bothered with taking the time to plant Marlbrin in your possesion or take the time to make sure you were decieved about both Marlbrin and your magic." A minute went past, two, and Gilath said nothing. Rain felt like she was being stripped bare to her very soul, it was a disturbing feeling. Then finally, Gilath nodded and said, "So that's what she wants, eh? Don't worry Rain. I won't bond you, neither will any dragon for that matter, no one can. Your not magically useless as you think either, but that's something you will discover later. Let's just say it will be something you must be born into."

"What? I have already been born."

"You will be born again into the birth of the phonix. You will understand someday. Now go out there and face your companions they need you."

~ ~ ~

So Rain went out and faced her companions, or tried to at least. First she had to go and fetch each one from their cabins where they were taking advantage of the long night by sleeping.

Ariania was the last Rain went to find, having found Crenla with a headache in a corner, Morzan ready to fight with his swords out, Graeme waking up in a foul mood, and Rath gone. A short conference with Meril and Gilath Rain found out what happened, and could have cried but didn't. Meril gave her the bauble, and although Rain didn't know what the thing did, she knew she had to retreave Ariania and the DragonSword before Ariania or the Sword did something drastic.

Rain found Ariania passed out on the floor, sword in hand. Taking a good look at her, Rain turned around to face Gilath who had been following around on board just to make sure she didn't start off on one of her self-pity kicks again, "Can you help her?"

"No. She has more wrong with her than I can fix, than anyone can fix. She can only heal herself. Wake her up and gently."

Shaking Ariania gently, Rain called in the elves native tongue for her to wake.

#175:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:28 am
I'm in a dark room. Pitch black. I can't see anything.
I try to cast my spell of light, to reach into the light Rath said, so that everything will be bright again. But nothing happens.
I feel helpless, and I've been here before. Soon a voice will come. It will be vaguely familier - where have I heard it before?
It comes. Your feet. Try tapping them.
I do. I can hear the echo as they hit lightly against the floor.
I try to remember what I should do next, but my mind is full of fog, as if I have been drugged. The voice comes again.
Follow the echo. Find the door. The words seem to cut through the fog and I reach for them. When the voice comes I feel normal again. I feel complete.
I still can't remember where I have heard it before.
Like a bat, I follow the echos and I find the door. It is slow work, but eventually I get there.
My hands are out, and I feel the door. Turning the knob, I am once again relieved to find that it is not locked.
Although this is the seconed time I have done this - it is no different from the first. The feelings are not dimmed - and I still rely on the voice.
As I exit the room, I feel wind on my skin. Then I realise there is fabric tied tightly around my eyes.
I have been blindfolded! I untie it as the voice says,
Do not always trust your eyes.

as the blindfold comes off, I am whisked away by the wind.
When I stop, I am in a clear area. In the middle stands a tree. And at the foot of the tree is a girl. She is crying.
Go to her. the voice says and I obey.
I put my arm around her and comfort her. She stops crying and I am once again taken by the wind.
Now I find myself on a deserted battlefield. There are so many dead around me I feel sick.
By my feet is a man that is not yet dead - but he is dying.
Help himThe voice advises and I do.
I crouch and lay my hands on his wounds. Once again I reach for the place inside me where Rath taught me to go. This time it works.
I feel the world become lighter around me but I resist the urge to use it for my own benefit and instead I channel the light through my hands into the man.
His wounds are healed and he gets up. He is young again.
'Bury your dead.' I tell him before the wind once again takes me.
This time I am in an alley.
It is once again dark, but I can see in this dark- it is night.
There is a man lying against the wall of the alley. His clothes are ripped and he lays on the floor despite the dirt.
He is a beggar, and he is thirsty. I go to him, as the voice tells me to, and I kneel and give him water.
There is more than one way for darkness to shine The voice reminds me as I feel the wind tug at me and see the smile on the beggars face. There is more than one darkness in the world..

Now the wind howls around me, and I let it take me to the last and final destination of my dream.
I stand at the edge of a cliff. The world lays itself out before me - unspoiled and beautiful. My heart lifts for a moment.
It is a sunrise - the best I have ever seen. Yet there is a heaviness, and my heart falls.
As the sun rises, A darkness becomes apparent in my mind. As the sun shines brighter, my own mind grows darker.
I wait for the words I know will come.
You must first conquer the darkness in your own mind before you can see the light out of it.

Ariana woke with a sob. Her awakening was sudden and the vision still shone brightly in her eyes. It was so real that as it faded, she wondered whether she was now dreaming.
Rain now stands before her, calling words of waking in common elvish. Behind her stands a man who Ariana has never seen before. He is faintly eroki and resembles something of a dragon.
'I am awake' she tries to say, but cannot. She realises that the images are fading. That maybe she is dreaming. If she lets them fade, maybe she will come back to the real world.
No! The voice from her dream shouts at her and she starts. The images come back into focus. The voice has never spoken to her before except in the vision. It is still vaguely familier, but she cannot place it.
Rain has stopped trying to wake her as she sees she is now awake. Ariana tries to move, but finds that all she can do is to move her little finger. She does so and it helps to bring her further into the cabin, and further away from her vision world.
Soon she finds she can move more, and then that she can stand. She feels like she is drunk, or is about to faint, and reaches out for the table. As she falls, Rain catches her and helps her to a chair.
The darkness is still heavy on her mind. Heavier maybe then in the dream. It has never felt this bad. She whishes that she could fade away, and it takes all her effort not to slip back into sleep.
She knows that if she tries to stand again, she will fall, because she is too weak to support the new weight on her mind.
She wants to ask Rain and the dragon man to help. Because they stand around watching her, not doing anything.
But the voice tells her. This is you battle. Yours alone. Like it was in your dream.
"Then why are you here? Who are you?" She is aware that she has whispered it aloud, but it doesn't matter. Rain and the dragon man have blurred again. I will help you as I did in the dream. the voice responds. It is your battle, and I am part of you.
Her eyes are closed now, but she forces them open because she cannot stand the darkness.
They involuntarily close again a moment later as she reaches for the light.
It is there, she can feel it, but it takes her a long time to get to it. It is not just her mind that weighs heavy, but her whole body. She feels like she is swimming in tar, vainly trying to reach an impossible goal - but sh keeps to it.
What feels like an eternity later, she gets withing touching distance. She coaxes the light until it comes to her. And then it flows.
It flows so strongly that she feels like it is taking her over. It is not a bad feeling.
there is more than one darkness in the world She thinks, and forces herself to get a hold on the light. To stop it from getting too powerful.
Not all that glitters is gold. She thinks. It is true. Not all that feels good is good either. You need to see the bigger picture.
She remembers something her ancester showed her, it is a picture with two parts.
First you see a man and a woman. The man is stooped and raggedly dressed. The woman is posh and rich. The man is grabbing the ladies purse from behind and the lady is tottering, surprised.
What are your first thoughts?
The second part of the picture reveals that the woman is standing at the edge of the road. She was about to cross and there is a convoy of horses coming along fast. She would have been killed, but the man is grabbing her purse to pull her back from the track and save her life.
Not all is as it seems.
Ariana manages to get all of the light.
She is deep inside herself now. She still feels like she is in tar, but now the light is in her hand. She lets the light expand, but makes sure she is still in controll. It is a nice feeling - liberating. As she focuses on the light the blackness seems to fade. The same as when you focus on a candle in a dark room, you only see the light.
With the candle, it is easy to believe you are elsewhere, that there is no darkness.
It is the same with Ariana. She pretends that the darkness is gone - that the light which she sees is all there is. And slowly that is what it becomes.
Some people underestimate the imagination, but I personally believe there is no greater gift.

Ariana lifts her head. Everything is light once more. When she opens her eyes, everything has a brighter colour. It is what she wants. Rain is still there. The dragon man is behind her. She is aware that they are staring at her, that something has changed. She has felt like this before - when Morzan was so afraid of her.
The feeling is so nice - she does not want to let it go.
You can access this again. Let it go.
Still she hesitates.
The darkness is gone. You will not be afraid anymore. You will not be the same.
She lets go. The light has no-where to go. Most of it contracts and dissapears inside of her, but a little bit escapes.
As the shining light around her dims to Rain and Gilaths eyes, they see a whisp of pure light extract itself from the shining mass and float around the room. Ariana does not move. Her eyes are unfocused, and although she no longer has rays of light coming from her, it is obvious that there is no more darkness.

The wisp of light slowly circles the room three times, pausing each time at Rain, Gilath, the sword and Ariana.
It seemed undecisive, but as it finished its last lap it spiraled up to the centre of the small cabins roof, then twirled, moving so fast you could hardly see it. A second later and it was spiralling to the floor, as fast as a bullet.
Nobody saw what happened next, but I will tell you.

The light split into seven equal parts.
Each part went its own way.
One went to Ariana.
One went to Rain.
One to Gilath.
And one to the sword.
The other three slipped through the keyhole.
One went to Morzan.
One to Graeme.
And one to Cremla.


Ariana opens her eyes.
And she smiles.

#176:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:09 am
Rath looked herself over in the mirror as she finally finished outfitting herself from her jewel. "Humph, it'll have to do. Take me." She didn't need to tell the mirror where she was going, it just knew. Still it being Dulin's Day and all the magic wasn't very cooperative...still it was going to take more than one cranky old wizard to keep Rath pinned down.

A slender orb of light joined her in her journeys and she batted it away. "Keep it for me you blasted blade. I don't need any more to deal with." Accepting her wishes the sword of Ergos reclaimed the bit of light. Feeling the pinch Rath changed form, into that of an Eroki again. "I am getting all too familiar like this...soon people won't believe me when I tell them I'm a real dragon."

Dropping lightly into the room Rath took up the blade once again. Gilath eyed her in supreme distaste.
"Decided to show up again? How nice of you." Rath snarled at him.

"Damn thing's more trouble out of my sight than at my side...and you really should keep that look's very slimming." For a moment tension grew in the room and Gilath raised his hand only to have Rain get hold of his arm. With a dark smile Rath held up the DragonSword. Sending a jolt of darkness through it's steel she made it's soul momentarily sing.

"Don't make me use this." Rain held up her hands pleedingly.

"Rath easy, you know Gilath didn't mean any harm." Gilath snarled.

"Oh but I will the moment I get the chance. Why Paith ever tied himself to you I'll never..." Gilath flew backwards, struck by some unseen force. Rath was over him in an instant, darkness snapping from her eyes and venom in every word she spoke. The DragonSword hovered just over the hollow of his throat.

"I feel I'm being infinitely paitent with you but that has it's limits Gilath. You have touched upon a subject best left alone. Next time you fool with me and my past I'll do more than this." With a swift movment she scored two lines on him. Once across his left eye and the second across his collarbones.

"Rath!" She turned to Rain and snarled.

"I only came for the blade. I've left you the pendant you now wear...use it as the situation calls. And please use it far away from fools like him." She gazed heavily at Gilath who stared at her murderously. "I'd say fair-thee-well but I couldn't give less of a damn about you if harpies suddenly fell from the sky and started tearing chuncks out of your flesh."

Stepping back a pace she seemed to fade out. "Till you cross my path again..."

#177:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:41 am
When the shard hit her, Ariana felt like floating. She felt like she was made of light, and yet she knew that there was no big show like there had been with Morzan. She could also feel the sword, even though she wasn't touching it.
It was emmiting the same warmth/light that she had felt when she had first seen itlying on the deck.
This time it wasn't lonely though.
The momentary feeling of overwhelming happiness faded as soon as she felt Raths touch on the sword. She knew that the light which had gone into the sword had not helped her. It was still loyal to her. Too loyal to give her what she needed. Instead it would do as she said.
Rath was in the room now. And she took the sword.
She was talking to Gilath, but Ariana didn't want to hear.
Summoning the light, she built a shield around herself so that the darkness could not enter. Even so, she still felt the taint of it on her soul. It was then that she wondered again what exactly she had done to the sword.
It seemed that she had formed a link with it - but she knew that she could not wield it. It was not for her - only a dragon could wield it, and then she realised the implications of this.
Rath was almost pure darkness.
Ariana was almost pure light.
The sword was linked to both of them.
I am sorry. She told the sword quietly. So sorry...
Rath faded, and the room was still.
Ariana glided to Gilaths side and, bending down, she channeled the light through her hands and healed him like she had with the man on the battlefield in her dream.
Unlike in the dream though - she left scars. Reminders for him She thought to herself and stood up, hovering near Rain - not really sure what to do next.

#178:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:56 am
((Rai, when you want to change the colour in your posts you have to cut off the first colour beforehand. Otherwise the other colour won't showand you will end up cutting off your original colour by acciden and leaving the kind, caring mods of City Central to clean up your post. O.k, so we aren't particularly caring and we mostn certainly are not kind but whatever.))

When the shard hit me the last remnant of the awful headache were gone and my thoughts weren't fogged up at all. I felt more agile and youthful than I had for years. I even felt like going throuigh some of my shooting exercises, something which I hadn't done since before I had been admited into the Court of the Lord. So I did.

Reaching into my pack I brought out a length of centeur rope, one of the strongest the world over. Many an archer would kill (and some often did) to get a rope like this. And that wasn't just things we had been told in Superiority sermons at the Court. When I had been travelling I had seen many a boastful young elf Elf or proud, acrobatic Eroki showing off their new bowstring 'strait from the mountains of the Centeur lands of C'rimith~way.'

I bent my staff back. Though most assumed that it was only there for me to lean on while climbing the mountain ranges in C'rimith~way it was in truth much more. It could be a weapon, a tool and when times called it had always served as my bow. With this in mind I went searching for arrows.

O.k, that's me axceft a) I carry a yew staff intead of a pole and b) I am chestnut and my features are much more human than Elven.

#179:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:39 pm
((Okay, I've gone brain-dead temporarily, because I can't think of a single response write now. I'll come back and respond when my brain and my imagination are back in working order. I've been sick for the past few days so I'm still not quite sure if I'm fully functioning yet.

In the meantime, I would love to put up a picture of Rain, really I would. I would like to have pictures for all my characters. However do you realize how hard it is to find a good picture of a gyspy, especially in the fantasy genre? It is very hard to find anything decent these days of any female. Their either half dressed or seriously mishappen. I have one I did myself but it's not very good, which makes sense considering I took all of a half an hour to do it. It takes me two days to draw anything decent. I'll post a picture as soon as I have something decent enough to post.))

#180:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:34 pm
((And I'm back. I hope you love what is going happen next... And please forgive me, but I had to go back a little just to keep myself in the situation.))

Rain watched as Ariania stood up, clearly awake, but struggling. What was going through her head? Rain thought idly, and knew that was probably alot like what went through her head while Marlbrin ruted through her soul. Marlbrin was gone now. Burned to a crisp, his soul gone, all because Marlbrin had been stupid enough to bind his soul to the flute. With the Flute gone, Marlbrin was gone also. This should have made her happy, but it didn't, not even a little bit.

Finally, Ariania won her battle with herself, and Rain was amazed at what she saw. Light. Brighter than she had ever seen. Light made brighter by the fact that the only light outside was the stars.

The light then split into seven pieces. She watched as one departed to each invidual of amid the company destiny had assembled and strangly Gilath. Why him? Rain thought, but decided not to bother voicing the question.

Rain watched as the light entered and knew she should have felt something, but she didn't. Nothing changed. She was still empty. Useless, void, and cold. Then something happened, something she did not expect, something that to explain we have to go in the past.

Once when after the Battle of Ergos field. Rain visited an old gypsy seer with her brother Juric. Juric had come across the woman one day on a riding mission. He had found her on the road, severly beaten and close to death. Juric healed her the best he could, but knew that even with his help the woman would die. The woman told him that a band of bandits had attacked him and made him promise that after he finished with her last request, he would see justice done to the bandits. Juric promised and then asked what she would have. In a weak voice the woman asked for her, but not using Rain's use name, but using Rain's mage name. The old woman said the name was haunting her, and then she had been looking for the woman by that name when she had been attacked. Now, those who know a person's mage name's traditionally hold great power over the person given that name. This why very few except for the most powerful wizards ever go by their mage name. The problem: Rain wasn't a mage so no one knew her by that name. Juric as her brother, did, and when he heard it, immediatly sent Gilath for her. The rest of the tale is too long to tell her, but in the end Rain had been forced to live through visions the woman had been told just to her. These vision's were many, though not all, of what could happen on the quest. Although they never should Rain her companions, the memory of these vision's had given Rain much wisdom on deciding her course.

Rain's memory had been hazy over these vision's, now however, she remember them crystal clear. Holding her head and clossing her eyes, she really rather she didn't remember them. It was like revecing them all over again, and the three day headache she had when she first received them came all over agian only ten times worse because this time, Rain had no magic to control these vision's, no where to put the vision's in other words. Looking at Gilath, her eyes pleaded her cause, but she quickly turned away. As much as she would have liked too, Rain had never trusted Gilath, at least not completly, and she wasn't about to start now especially after what happen earlier with Celebrin. However, she had to do something before the visions became to overwhelmiing and knocked her unconsicess for the next ten years or however the length of time the vision's covered. Instictevly Rain's hand went to her belt, to the pouch she had kept her herbs and other healing supplies, and found something she almost forgotten she possed. Smiling, she let the vision's and the shard of light Ariana had given her slip through her hands into something she knew could not only contain them but keep them safe.

Then the door bust open. There in front of her, was Rath, and Rath had indeed changed. Rain knew what Rath was, knew what Rath had been and now was again, but only by rumor, only by the hints Juric had given her when he constantly told her not to trust the dragoness named Rathiania whenever their path's crossed. That said, Rain hadn't been expecting what she saw now.

Rath's wings had changed from their glossy almost reflective black to a dull black leather like skin that stretched over the bones of her massive wings, the kind of black Drakes wore as their skin, the kind of black that the dark things of Cree possesed. Rath's long talon like nails were the red of old blood, and her mouth possesed that odd smile that Rain had often seen on an assaisin's face that did their job a little to well with a little too much pleasure. Rain wanted to turn away, to scorn Rath like she had seen many others do. After all what kept her loyal to this creature, a thin secret and a few years of a couple days meetings where they had been causal friend at best?

But Rain didn't, instead she forced herself to look into Rath's eyes, to confront the dragoness' soul no matter how dark, no matter how poisonous. Rain was done listening to her insticts, done listening to any body's advice be they living or dead. Looking into Rath's eyes fully, Rain was glad that she did, eyes seldom lie, and Rath's eyes told her that though she had given over to fate, Rath felt guilty if only a little bit guilty, and that Rath wasn't about to fully give in to anything, not even fate, not even a very cranky wizard named Dulin. Hiding the smile that Rain was tempted to allow to spread across her face, and then proceeds to play the part she knew she was expected to play.

Rain played the part of the tearful pleader, the player who strove to convince the now half-crazy Rath to rejoin the now apparently failing quest. Rain wasn't surprised when she failed, she was surprised when Gilath spoke the hateful words he uttered, and even more surprised when Rath took the DragonSword. Rain hadn't known what to expect when Rath came barging in, but definetly not for Rath to take the DragonSword. 'Apperently the thing is giving more trouble that she thinks it's worth.' Inwardly smiling, Rain continued her train of though. 'I know how she feels, the thing is about as annoying and as stuborn as a mule.'

Rain watched as Rath disapered and watched as Ariania healed Gilath of the scars that he fully desevered in Rain's mind. Then when Ariania stepped back, Rain stepped forward and slapped Gilath across the face with all the force she could muster.

Gilath glared at her, as he rubbed his jawline, momentarily raising a hand to strick back only to lower it again, and then strangely he bowed.

"I am your severant, my Lady," he sneered, "I see you treat me as such, I had hoped it would be different, but apperantly I was vain to hope. As I know full well, you are not even half the man Juric was, in fact your not a man at all, but a sniviling brat who thanks to her thoughtless has lost her magery and perhaps the only thing that can save the world!"

For a moment, Rain stepped back lowering her head and shoulders in shame assuming the subseverant position she had alwasy showed towards both Gilath and Juric. How dare she treat Gilath like that? Juric had always taught her that dragons, though treated as severants by many, dragons were the equals of mages, and the superior of many. Yet, Gilath wasn't done with his speech yet.

Lowering his voice in tone one speaks to child that has done wrong but that you are humble enough to forgive, Gilath continued. "But it is alright, I will forgive you. I know you do not mean to treat me as a servant, and that you were only defending a person you thought was a friend. You have been through a lot today, it's natural that you should overecat after being so stressed," clucking his tongue at Rain like a child, he raised one claw strocking in her head in a demeaning way, but Rain jerked away towards Ariania refusing to let him touch her. "And I am sorry too, Rain. I know Rath is your friend. But it is so Frustrating! How can she bend the rules like that? It is Dulin's Day for pete's sake, and I happen to personally know her 'Lair' as she calls it is about a hundred miles hence. She can't just go breaking every rule in the book without being punished. And I for one, am tired of her acting so superior around me. I am a mage dragon, for goodness sake. If I know one thing, you made a msitake when you chose a thing like that to be your friend, and Ergos, poor misguided fool, he left his sword to the wrong dragon that's for sure.

Rain listened to Gilath's speech almost unattached, it was like she was listening but wasn't really there, but when Gilath started talking about Rath, Rain started getting irrated. He had no right to speak to her like that, or about Rath the way he did! He's acting like he deserves the credit, the presituge, the honor the he claims that Rath holds over him. Gilath may be one of the highest dragon's of his order, but wheither he admitted it or not, even if Rath was bond to Cree's rules, which she wasn't, or even if she was a dragon of Cree, Rath would still outrank Gilath in the magical sense of things.

"How dare you talk about Rath like that?" Rain said speaking in a low voice without anger, she wanted Gilath to know she was speaking logically not out of anger or was simply being sentimental as he claimed. "You know full well that Rath is not bond by our rules, hindred by them maybe, but not bond by them. You just don't understand Gilath..."

Raising a hand, this time Gilath did smack her and smacked her hard. Rain reeled half across the room, where she landed with a thud in the corner tears spring to her eyes from the force of the blow. Ariania, who had been proctevily sheilding herself so she wouldn't have to listen to the convensation taking place, dropped her sheilds when she saw Gilath hit Rain. Ariania had made it clear that her loyalities lay with Rain, and she proved it by what happen next.

Although Ariania was probably about the half the size of Gilath, after rushing to Rain's side to see if Rain was alright, she pulled a dagger from her sheath and rushed towards Gilath trying to defend Rain vainly against the changed dragon. Gilath, who had intended on picking on Rain up by her hair and after a good spanking giving the girl a good talking to, found himself having to defend himself from Ariania instead. Laughing at the tiny elf, Gilath easily stepped aside, and pushed Ariania using the elf's own momentum against her.

Ariania caught off guard by the beyond human strenth Gilath possesed even in this form, Ariania was thrown into the wall and hard. Almost immediatly bruises sprung up along Ariania's cheeks swelling at an incredible size.

Trusting Rain to remain quietly where she was as she had done a thousand times before when someone questioned Gilath's authority. Gilath knew he could deal with Rain later, after all he did promise Juric never to harm Rain, but he never made that promise concerning this elf. Licking his chops, Gilath silently promised himself to resist killing this delicious morsel, but he could break a few bones, and maybe a limb or two.

Gilath stepped forward.

Flames spread infront of Ariania, burning nothing but rather hung there as if supported by an invisible force, forming a shield between Ariania and Gilath.

Gilath turned, and was surprised at what he saw.

"Don't take another step," Rain said emphazizing every word. Her purple eyes reflecting the fire which protected Ariania. She stood there, feet shoulder width apart, one hand still raised from the gesture she had made a minute before. She didn't know how she was doing any of this, but knew she didn't dare stop. After hearing Gilath insult Rath, after he hit her, and especially after Gilath hit Ariania, something inside her had cracked.

Gilath had the guts to look shocked. "Rain, this all a msitake, I didn't know what I was saying. I thought this girl was a demon, I am sorry, I was just protecting you."

Holding up her hand, Rain spoke, "Not another word. Leave. Now."

"But Rain, I am your friend. Your brother's bonded. The last part of your family. Surely we can work this all out, this was just a misunderstanding."

"No, you are the one who does not understand," lowering her voice Rain spoke in a voice that was almost threatining it was so calm. "You have misjudged Rath, the swordbearer. For that I can forgive you. You are blind so many of the other, judging only what you can see on the surface." Rain stepped forward forcing Gilath to step backwards out of Ariania's cabin, and continued to walk towards him until they both stood on the upper deck of the Red Wheel for all to see. Ariania followed close behind. "Rathiania has her own destiny to fullfil, and she needs time to fullfil it. She still bears the DragonSword, and it still submits to her will, so all hope is not lost yet. If you cannot trust the decision's of those who choose in the past, at least, trust the sword, it knows what it is doing. Second of all, do not question Ergos' wisdom, not in my presence not if you have any intitention of living. Third, You are not my Servant, you never have been and I am not yours. Have you forgetten Juric so soon that you raise your hand to threaten me? How dare you slapp me! Fourth, you know Ariania is not a demon. She healed you, and you know full well she is a chosen, but you claim you didn't know what you were doing when you hit her! Fifth, you will never raise your hand against any one or speak of that which you do not understand. You were right, You don't know what you are doing Gilath. And you are no longer my friend. Now leave before I am forced to have my companions make you leave."

Gilath snarled, momentarily hissing like a snake, but then he smiled. "Clearly this girl is demon possesed. Do not listen to her claims. We must kill her before she learns all our secrets."

The crew and her companions hestitated clearly not knowing what to think of either Rain's word's or Gilath's. But then Gilath rushed toward Rain screaming, [color=blue]"Die Demon!"

As Gilath rushed towards her, Rain felt whatever force help her create the flames of early falter and fade. Grappling with it, Rain managed to hold on but barely. Drawing the only weapon she wore, a rose handled short sword named Thorn by her father, Rain spun out of Gilath's way, causing him to rush past her. As he spun wildly around, Rain heard him whisper. "I hate to break promises, but you must die Rain. I cannot let you live. Not when you defend that soul-taker Rath. The Sword should have been mine, and it will be, just as soon as I get you out of the way."

Gilath stood still, momentarily chanting in a strange language. Rain recongized the spell as the transforming spell to change Gilath back into a dragon. Unthinking Rain sang a rune, casting forth the strange power that had made Gilath so subertent to her just moments before. As long as she held on, Gilath would not be able to change. Rain justed didn't know how long she could hold on. Then the unthinkable happened, Morzan rushed past her shoving her behind him, his twin swords drawn. Rain couldn't believe her eyes, Morzan was defending her?!?

Touching the necklace the orb Rath had given her, Rain sent a momentary thought towards the dragoness. Get your rear-end down here! And I mean now! I don't know how long I can hold... Rain let the message drop, forced to concertrate on Gilath from the fact that not only was he resiting the bond Rain had placed on him to stop him from changing back into dragon form, but Rain was know forced to focus this force, that she didn't know where it came or how to control, in preventing Gilath from using his superior dragon magic to slaughter Morzan where he stood.

Rain didn't know how long she could last, but knew she must. If Gilath was allowed to change forms, his weight would overwhelm the ship's supports and Rain wasn't looking forward to the swim that would surely follow such an event.

'Rath,' Rain thought, 'why do you always have to choose such good timing to disappear?' and then she was focused on Gilath forcing herself to hold on to this strange new abiltiy as long as she could.

(( Please not that Kalanna Rai's next post marks the begining of Chapter 11: Death in the Astral World

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:28 am; edited 1 time in total

#181:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:44 pm
Morzan lay on top of the cabin that Rain and Ariana were in. He couldnt quiet make out what they were saying but he was just happy that Ariana was out of her trance and had started talking. There was another voice in the cabin, one much deeper and seemed to be speaking with much more authority than the others.

Probobly just the captain or something Morzan thought to himself. He hadnt notice anyone else enter the cabin. Until Rath showed up. The entire crew moved away as she landed on deck and stormed towards the cabin. Her new form caused many to whisper and shout. Getting up he didnt manage to get infront of her in time. Rath enter the cabin and disappeared.

Cradleing his damaged arm in his lap he dropped off the roof and landed on deck. After a few mintues out stormed the unknown speaker, Gilath. Rain seemed to be arguing with him. She seemed very, very ticked. As she pushed him back his face grew more and more distorted by anger.

The pill that Rain had given him earlier was still working and was allowing him to think more clearly. Morzan was worried, an emotion he hadent felt for a long time. There was something wrong with this Gilath character. He seemed larger than he realy was. His eyes were dark and hazy to Morzan. A dark air hung about him as well.

"That's not a human" he finaly concluded.

After Rain was finished Gilath hissed at her and began to talk then moved to strike Rain. She moved back and managed to block the 'mans' attack. When Gilath moved back he began chanting and death like song that echoed across the deck. Soon Rain began to sing, shes trying to stop him from doing something.

Drawing his weapons Morzan charged forward. She cant fight him alone. I must protect my companiions. I must be their shield here on out and not just a blade. With his change of heart he felt the sore throb in his arm disapate and almost vanish.

Desperatly moving across the deck he reached Rain and pulled her behind him. He thrust his blade at Gilaths stomach to make him jump back. Rain seemed a little astonished at Morzan's sudden behavior. He may had been arrogant but he was not going to allow someone to bring harm to a companion. Especialy if it were a lady who hadn't brought harm to anyone.

"Please step back Gilath or suffer the consequences. You cant take us all so I suggest you give up." stabbing at him again Morzan pushed Gilath back.

#182:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:09 am
Ariana watched the conversation, even if she couldn't hear it.
Part of the way through, Rain stepped back towards Ariana. The conversation had been very heated, and Araiana had felt rather surprised, but not dissapointed when Rain had slapped Gilath. Then Gilath slapped Rain. Ariana's eyes widened in alarm, and she felt something rise in her. It was bad, it was black and she knew that it was most definitely dark, but this time she didn't stop it. She didn't even try.
Dropping her shields, she was by Rains side, checking that she was ok. She didn't seem too hurt, but Ariana knew that that could change if she left Gilath to do more damage to Rain.
Later, she would curse herself for her foolishness, but she could not think, she did not have time. Grabbing her enchanted dagger, that had been given to her by the elves from a belt that was hidden on her leg, she rushed at Gilath as a mad woman would. He dodged her - what did she expect?
Then he swung at her, being a dragon, he was very strong. As an elf, she should have been able to dodge, but she was not thinking and he caught her, sending her flying to the wall. Everything blurred and went hazy for a moment as bruises erupted all over her left side.
She didn't know what happened yet - just that there were flames. The flames revived her somewhat and allowed the healing light to kick in. Ariana had hoped that she wouldn't have to use the healing light for herself quite so soon. She had always been fascinated by fire. And its a kind of light. I wonder if I can use fire, not just this light which I have now She thought, but dismissed it as she found she could stand. The fire had gone, and Rain was backig Gilath up, out of her cabin. Looking around her, Ariana frowned, her cabin was quite messy now - but not as bad as she might have thought.
Annoyed with herself for thinking of something so trivial, Ariana got up and followed Rain and Gilath.
They went onto the deck, and Ariana hovered by the doorway. Leaning against it for support as her healing magic had not yet finished.
Rain was still speaking heatedly to Gilath, and he was talking back. Obviously his loyalty was being severely tested. And was losing.
He was accusing Rain to be a demon. Rain replied that she was not - as Ariana had not been.
So he accused me of being a demon? He thinks I am possessed? Something touched Ariana's heart. It was black again. With a gasp she expelled it. Maybe I am possessed. I was supposed to have got rid of all the darkness in me when I found the light - but it is still here. Will I be fighting it for ever? I am not a true carrier of the light. There is a mistake. Or if I am - I have mucked it up somewhere. Panic filled her heart and she watched what happened next as an ousider, hardly feeling the breeze on her cheek or noticing the strong smell of the sea.
Gilath was singing, a low, haunting tune that held much magic. It flowed around Ariana, trying to get in.
Then Rain sang. A lively tune, that was pleasant to listen to and dispelled the dark fingers that had been groping at her a moment before.
Morzan stepped up, pushing Rain out of the way, his swords drawn.
What, is he so arrogant that he wants every battle to be his own? Ariana thought for a moment, then groaned in hatred for the thought. I have got a demon inside of me. What other answer is there to the darkness I still feel. When I first rid it, I felt as if I could rise up on a current of light and join the stars. I felt as if they were talking to me - as if I were one of them. They were my friends. Surely now they shun me because of this evil inside of me!
Sense came to Ariana. Does it matter? The problem with elves is that they prefere to ponder on things and let life carry on around them than to actually do anything. By the time I work out why Morzan is fighting for his own benefit or others, by the time I work out if I am possessed or what is happening inside of me - it will be too late! She thought wisely.
"Come, doubtless we will each have seperate struggles, but we were united for a reason. If fate wishes us to work together - than who can go agaisnt him?" She called to the rest of her companions, and walked over to Morzan and Rain. Standing there, she shone slightly again, and laying one hand on each, she let her power flow into them, giving them added strengh. "Do not lose heart." She murmmered to them before builing a shield around herself. Being a healer, she didn't really have anything to protect herself with except shields.
She was glad that Morzan had decided to drop his hautiness and join the rest of them. He was a really decent person at heart, she decided, and could be a very helpful and considerate companion if he tried.

#183:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:39 pm
Rath hadn't even made it halfway back to her Lair when she felt the blows that landed on her companions. Glaring at the sword she gnashed her teeth together. But a song now sang in her soul, a chant echoed in her blood. "Gilath today you die."

She reached out through the sword and when she found what she was reaching for she pulled. At the same time she spoke, or perhaps sang is a better word, six tones that echoed across the sky. The world slipped and shifted and abruptly Rath found herself as well as her five companions and Gilath hanging in the middle of this nothing. It was obvious they were shaken since this was a place outside of Cree.

"Rain, release the dragon. Morzan, stand aside." The two companions did so, allowing Gilath to unfold into his dragon form. Graeme tended Ariana and Crenla stood with her centaur bow before the two of them. Morzan and Rain moved quickly to join her. Gilath, meanwhile, had roared once, shaking himself all over at the fury of having Rain inteferre with him.

Then he turned hate filled eyes on Rath, and froze. From tip of nose to end of tail Rath was covered in what looked like a steel spiders web. A massive shard of a deep black gem pulsed from the center of her chest, slender crystal veins spreading out from it and vanishing into her scales. "Do you recognize this place Gilath?"

He looked around, eyes beady with hate.
"Yes Soul-Taker, I recognize the Astral world.""Then you can't fail to realize why I have brought us here. Gilath you have something I was promised as payment to my services. Give it to me now."

"Do you take me for a fool Rath? If I give that to you the last straw between me and death will be gone."Oh no Gilath. The last straw between you and death has long been broken. I'm offering this as an exchange for your soul. Or would you rather suffer this fate?" With a twirl of her claws Rath produced something that made even Rain gasp.

Strung between her foreclaws, like some cosmic game of Cat's Cradle, was a long chain of golden thread with what looked like beads of blood strung along it's surface. When one looked closer these were revealed as dragonstones. Hanging from that thread like jeweled drops of rainbow, were the souls those dragonstones belonged to.

Gilath paled.
"You're a monster..."

Rath laughed, a sound chillingly like hounds baying for blood. "Kyarse-karvo, Soul Taker. What did you think that meant Gilath? I certainly don't eat souls, I keep them. Like a collecters item you might say. Would you like to join them?"

"This is where you get your power Rath? By damning all those dragons you steal their power for your own! That is worse than any demon, worse than anything ever before spawned by darkness."Rath shook her head. If Gilath thought that was evil then he needed to hear some of the stories her Grandmother and Grandfather had once told her. Tales of the Eternal wars and the horrors spawned by Madness himself.

"Gilath I don't use their powers, that would be cheating. I'm not a power hungery dragon, I don't kill to possess more power. I kill for the sake of killing and I keep trophies because it thrills me to do so. Each time I look at this I remember the battle that brought it to me, the blood spilt that day. You should feel honored I'm even letting you have the chance to keep your soul." Rath tucked her trophies away.

"Now what is your choice Gilath?"

"I offer you this." He hurled himself at Rath with a mighty war cry. Plunging the sword of Ergos into the aether beside her, Rath rose and scornfully met his challenge, slapping him away like one might an overeager whelp. It seemed an insane challenge of Gilath. Rath was more than twice his size and easily double his power.

As dragonspell hurtled toward her she let it hit, sneering at Gilath as it was absorbed by the darkness of her soul. "Spells are but the will of the Soul made manifest. I drink them as greedily as blood young fool." They circled each other twice more, Gilath swiping and snapping, Rath dancing on her toes like some great cat. "I grow weary of this...let's make it fun."

With a blur of movement Rath wrapped herself around Gilath, pinning his limbs to his torso. One emmense forepaw clamped down on his head. "I want what I was promised. Just because you have proven a traitor does not mean I should have given it to me since I don't need you to tell me where it is when I can rip the knowledge from you mind."

Gilath thrashed wildly, trying to speak a transformation spell and break free at the same time, yet as Rath's icey fingers plunged into his mind with white hot flares of pain. Finding what she needed Rath pulled back. Craning her head around to stare Gilath in the eye she smiled. "Goodbye Gilath." Swiftly she clenched her coils, crushing the smaller dragon like a constrictor would crush a smaller animal.

As Gilath's life faded a shimmering green orb fluttered upwards from him. With a cruel smile Rath reached out, a slender golden thread twining about her claws. With a delicate flick she captured the sould of Gilath and brought forth her trophies, adding yet one more. His dragonstone she didn't need though. "This should be buried with his rider. Gilath was faithful to him till the last. I do regret that he should blind himself to the truth...I almost liked him once...or maybe that was simply my connection with Paith."

Handing the gem to Rain and taking up the sword once more, Rath spoke the six words in reverse order. She had thought to drop them back abord the Red Wheel. Instead she found herself standing in her Lair with five rather horrified companions. With a snort she sealed the inner wards of her Lair more firmly. "The way out is that way. You'll have to use the stairs to get down though...unless one of you feels keen on flying." Curling up on her throne of stone, Rath's eyes drooped closed.

In her mind she was happy, dreaming she knew, but happy. Her Lair, not this one but the one she had left behind, was lit with a million colored threads, each playing their own harmoic notes. Paith was curled beside her, tail twined into hers, and their kits played happily on the floor before them. Paith turned his face her hers and nuzzled her.

Soon....When I walk the world again our children shall wake...Soon...

#184:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:28 pm
Rain was rather surprised at where she was when Rath decided to return them to the real world, knowing Rath's moods she expected Rath to drop them off on the Red Wheel where some harpy could attack their ship fulfilling Rath's list of things that I don't care about.

Rain knew Rath was probably the only thing on Cree that could kill a dragon, and as much as she hated to admit it. The things she felt radiating from Gilath was everything that indictated a dragon whose time of death had long passed. The feeling of relief that had come from Gilath the moment he had died made Rain wonder if that is what Gilath had wanted, death. 'Why didn't he tell me?' Rain thought to herself, and guessed the answer before she finished her own question. He had felt bonded to her, and in a way was, such bonds although not magically legal or even real, bond a dragon's honor in a way that unless Gilath either died at another's hands or found a bond mate willing to take the bond for him; Gilath was bond to live no matter what the official 'rules' stated. Having failed in his effort to find a dragoness to bond Rain for him, Gilath took the only way he could, through Death.

Grasping Gilath's dragonstone tight, she bade him goodbye silently, 'This is not what I would have wished. Despite that, Rest in peace, my friend.'

Rain still didn't know what had happened. Or even what had enabled her to control Gilath for a time. Or what had made her not only recongize the place Rath took them but to feel at home in it. 'So many mysteries that I know of, you think I be able to solve the riddle of my own soul, but no...'

Walking to the enterance of Rath's Lair, Rain looked down the stair that would take them down. Rain hadn't the slightless clue where they were at the moment geography wise, but knew that this quest wasn't going to finish itself so they better get started.

Looking down the very steep, and very long stair, Rain took one glance at the so called stair, and backed up very, very quickly. Rain wasn't afraid of heights, but even for someone who was up a tree all their lives, it was a long way down from Rath's Lair.

Glancing at the sky, she knew at a single look at the stars that it was still Dulin's Day, and although Rath could bend the rules of Cree, neither her or her companions could.

Actually running back inside, Rain bent as she strove to regain her breath. "I don't think we're going anywhere until Dulin's Day is over. And unless any of you like the idea of being caught somewhere on Rath's 'stair' in about ten miles, I suggest everyone get very comfortable, because we're not go anywhere, anytime soon. Dulin is not going to like having his rules being broken, and after what ancient lore says was promised to him if his rules should be broken on Dulin's Day, I don't want to find out what will happen after Dulin's rules have been broken not once, but thrice."

#185:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:10 am

"So, we are to sleep here?" Ariana asked, looking around disdainfully. It wasn't that it was dirty - well, not much. But the shadows unerved her, although she couldn't say why.
In the place where Gilath had died, Ariana had felt dull and empty. She knew that she could not have joined in the fight there because she had felt incapable of doing anything except watching.
Not just the fight. Something had unerved her there because, like a shadow or a ghost, she had seen herself. She had been sitting on the other side of the fight, silently watching, and yet Ariana knew that there was no mirror there for she could see none of the others.
At the end of the fight, her ghost had held up two fingers and mouthed 'soon'.

Ariana was now on edge, not knowing anything about what the ghost had meant. How soon? Were the fingers meant to mean something? Two days? Two hours? Two minutes had already passed, so she could rule that out.
Shifting from leg to leg, she watched her companions nervously. Were they going to do something to her?
She knew that they were exactly the kind of thoughts that the Lady of the night would want her to have. To turn her against her companions. But this had been herself, albiet being a ghost. Why would she lie to herself?
She didn't imply that it was going to be something bad. Thought Ariana hopefully but somehow she didn't think it would have warned her had it been something good. Fretfully, she leaned her back against a wall for security and built a shield around her. It occured to her that if she trusted her companions, she probably wouldn't need it right now.
Am I turning down the same road as Rath? She wondered. Then a thought quite seperate from her own spoke into her mind.
...Or worse.
She decided to get out what the elves had given her but before she could do so, she saw one of the shadows move. It seemed to be a vague human shape and there was something sinister about it. As soon as she saw it though, it dissapeared.
Shivering, she put her pack away and instead decided that she would keep watch for now.

#186:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:06 am
"Well, I for one am going to prepare myself for a long journey. We may not be able to travel today , but we can at least prepare and plan our route. Rath, do you have any maps?"

"Yes, somewhere." Rath was sprawled on top of her hoard. "And before you ask, there probably won't be much game aroound. Last tie I was hear I sevrely diluted their numbers. However, it has been not a few years. They may have bred."

"Thank you. However, I may be able to find more game than you think. The entire land of C'rimith~way is on the mountainside, and I used to hunt a lot as a child. Surprising, I know, but I know how to get what we need for our journeys." I replied. "Rain, would you please find those maps? We'll need them. And Ariana, could you take stock of our supplies. We can add to them whatever I bring back. Morzan, could you take inventory of our equipment and check everyone's weapons? Oh, and if you have the time try nd make some arrows. There are a lot of feathers just around on mountainsides, and I could only find a few arrows in the supply cabins of the ship."

Without anyone saying anything I had taken command. Here I was in my element. Organising things was what I did best, and as Head Librarian in the Lord's Court I had had plenty of practise at delegating responsability. Once I had seen everyone set about working at their appointed tasks- Rain searching cupboards for the maps, Ariana looking through the packs and Morzan lightly drawing a thumb over the edge of one of his blades- I picked up my bow and went into the forest. I was a good shot and I hadn't forgotten as much as I'd thought. When I came back I had several goats over my back and I was carrying a few birds by their feet. As Rath had thought the numbers of the game had restocked.

#187:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:07 am
[Your are about to see a rare sight, well acutally read about a rare sight. The following scene is from the Council of the Destinies, a group of higher beings, who are the servants of neither the light, nor the dark, nor quite themselves. A group of aritist who route out the destinies of their favorite playtoys, a group of map drawers who draw the map of those who serve in 'fated times', and finally a group of judges who sit in judgement of every action which demands a judgement not of human making.]

Chapter 12: The Seat of Destinies
Somewhere north of what could be called the north of the north of the place north of the Northern Reaches, is a ring of mountains called the Calliberin Chain. In the middle of that Ring of Mountains is a mountain so tall it became part of the stars. This mountain was called Alipherian. On this mountain somewhere not quiet at the top but close enough to touch the stars themselves was a large circular ledge, and this ledge was called the Seat of Destinies.

On this ledge there was built by the dwarven and elven artist a great building which could be said to take after the Greecian Runes of the planent level named Earth. On the far side of this beautiful and graceful santuary was a large horse-shoe shapped table.

Behind the table the wall of the mountain had been painted to look like a giant map of Cree once called Mian. Torches dot the various columns filling the giant room with shadows. In one of them, if you looked closely stood the barely detecable form of a cloaked figure. Towards the middle of the room stands a great circle of stones. Within this circle a great pile of wood stands obviously waiting for a flame. A young red head girl dressed like the ancient greeks steps forward with a torch and lights the flame.

Suddenly at the table there sat the various characters that made up the Council of Destinies. A brief moment will be taken to describe the various beings that now sat at the table. In the middle, on the higher seats if you will sit the beings known as fate and destiny themselves. Fate takes the form of three weaving women here all equally beautiful, all equally powerful, all equally as young as they are old. Destiny is also a woman who takes the form of that friendly slightly chubby libarian you often see in the libaries of very small towns.

To the right of Fate and Destiny sits the group of those who determine destiny. A cheesy and cheeky man with heavily oilly slicked hair that holds a pair of dice in his hands goes by the name of Chance. Next to him is that old face of Lady Luck, who looks slightly like Marlin Monroe only in a red dress instead of that famous white dress Marlin wore. Next to her sits the twin brothers of Circumstance and Happenstance, who look much like the old explorers Lois and Clark. Death, who opposite of the old grim reaper your doubtless expecting is actually, a woman elegantly dressed as a victorian lady who is neither warm nor cold, neither young nor ancient, but all of these at once. Chance, Luck, Circumstance and Happenstance, and finally Death represent the beings who make the judgments of Fate and Destiny occur.

To the left of Fate and Destiny sit totally different beings but who as equally powerful. First there sits the lovely enticing figure of Love, who in this world appears as a rosy grandmother whose cheeks are still dusted with the flour of the mornings bread. A strong muscluar young man sits next to her, and his name is Determination although many call him stubborness and he perfers to be called simply Will. Next to him sits the silent figure of time, a buisness man in his thirties with more watches than a salesman has ties. Lastly sits the old weithered figure of Dulin himself who despite being five thousand and thirty-three today looks no older than a hundred and two years. These beings represent the few things that can defeat both Fate and Destiny.

"What are we called here for today?" says the rich alto voice of the second weaver of Fate, known only as the Spinner.

"For Judgement," responds the red-haired child. "And for resulution. Dulin's Day has been broken thrice but not by a creature that we can rule. Fuliment of the promise you once made to Dulin must be given, but since the breaking was not done by one of the creatures under our rule it is up to you to determine how both the punishment and the promise be made."

"What is your name child?" said the even deaper voice of the third weaver of Fate, known as the Weaver.

"Promise Fuliment Honesty Fairness Hope," the red-haired child said simply implying the kind of judgment that would be ruled that day.

"Thank you, child." softly whispered the young tilting voice of the first weaver known as the Puller. "You may go."

"Dulin," spoke Destiny in a voice not to be messed with. "Step down, since this judment envolves you, you will not judge today. What have you to say concerning this issue?"

"You did promise," Dulin said in a creaky voice, "I came and you promised. I asked for it when I cam but you refused. I insited. I had the right, I climbed this mountain. I found this place. I claimed the promise legend said you would give. You refused. Said it was to dangerous, said that the Author would not, could not allow it. I argued further, demanding that I recieve my due. You refused and said you couldn't give it, not then. I asked when. You never answered. I asked, and asked. I asked for a hundred years. You never answered. You said you couldn't tell me. That no one could tell me. I gave up, but I asked what you could give me so I would know you would keep your promise. You didn't answer, but the Author sent the Child, and she answered. She Answered and then she shut the door behind her forever. She gave me Dulin's Day. She said and Dulin's Day I could do whatever I wished, but there was a catch. I could only do on every Dulin's Day what I did on the first. So I did the first thing, and I did the smart thing, I did a good thing. I made it dark on my Day. I made it so all everyone could see was the Stars. Then I made sure the everyone had to see the stars by telling them they couldn't go more then ten miles. You promised me, the Child Promised me, and even the Author promised me that if and when Dulin's Day got broken I could have my Reward for climbing this mountain. The Day has been broken, I asked what I was promise, I ask for what I have waited for five thousand years for. I only regret that it is too late to do what I would have hoped to do with that Reward."

Clearing her throat, Destiny turned to the judges on the right side of them. "Doers of that which Fate Decrees, What say you?"

"We say that the Day has not been broken by the laws we established. Promise declared that the breaker of Dulin's Day could not be ruled by us. Why should we fulifill our promise when Dulin's Day has not truly been broken?"

Looking to the youngest of Fate, Destiny asked, "Is this statement true?"

In response, the youngest of Fate's three, stood up and laid a book on the table. Tapping it once, the Puller waited as the map on the back of the wall resembled a large image of the page she had pulled up in the book.

"Dulin's Day was broken not by will alone, but by magic. The only beings strong enough to break it are the Dragons. Tracing the spell, we learned that it by the Dragoness called Rath that produced the spell to break Dulin's Day." The image on the wall was now clear, the picture was of Rath and the rest of the Companions in the Astral world. "The Dragoness took herself and six others including a dragon named Gilath took the Astral world. By doing so, not only did she break Dulin's Day by traveling a distance ten miles but she broke many other of our rules. However, the Dragoness is not from Cree."

In addition she is our the tool of Fate and cannot be judged on this act.

This last part seemed to come from all three of Fate's apperance all at the same time forming a new voice known only as: Fate.

"She can however," the youngest fate continued, "be judged on the fact that although she took her companions to the Astral world from the ship known as the Red Wheel, she did not return them there thus forcing them to travel a distance greater than ten miles within the land that is indeed under our rule. Although Rath cannot be judged herself, the fact that she took her companions over a distance greater then ten miles, results in the fact that even unwilling they traveled a distance greater then ten miles within the rule of Cree."

Destiny spoke again, this to all present. "We must send a messenger to determine the guilt that should be placed on each individual. Depending on how guilty they are will determine to what degree Dulin's Day was broken, if Dulin's Day was broken to a degree beyond which it was agreed that it should not be broken, Dulin will recieve his promised Reward. Is this agreed?"

Everyone present echoed Agreed.

Gesturing to the shadow in the corner, Destiny spoke to their favorite toy and servant known only as Le Ranil, which if you must know was who that old seeress was truly asking for that day Juric found her. "Yes my lady?" Ranil asked in a voice that although not bearing any unique characteristics was at least female. Ranil cannot be described at the moment as her apperance constantly changed according to Fate and Destiny's wills.

"Go to the Dragoness Chambers and perform our will."

"And if I must be seen, what form should I take? I cannot always be the shade of a cloaked shadow." Ranil questioned.

"Since Dulin's Day is being judged. Dulin will determine the color of your skin if you should need to be seen."

The cloaked figure had only one minute to think "Oh snap!" before she was in the Liar of the Dragoness named Rath hopefully to fulifill Destiny's will.[/color]

[To be time on The Sword of Ergos...]

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:29 am; edited 1 time in total

#188:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:08 pm
Ooh, it's just like Lost! Except therre're no kidnappings, deaths or mysterious hatches in the forest yet...

#189:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:26 pm
((Sorry, I will post properly soon. Just want to alert you to the fact that yellow is extremely bad on the eyes Surprised . Muight want to change that.
*edit* Yes, Whitey. I highlighted it - but it would still be advisable to change it.

solus. Wink ))

Last edited by solus.serpen on Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:18 am; edited 1 time in total

#190:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:37 am
Did you highlight it sols?

#191:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:32 pm
Rath came awake with a roar as her wards shrilled alarms. Around her the five companions turned, hands on weapons, ready to fight her if need be. Hissing, eyes narrowed to evil red slits, Rath's head whipped around and fixed on a spot of empty space. "You violate my Lair aethreal one. I suggest you speak your buisness before I show you how well my claws rend spirit."

The companions stared at each other. Surely there was something there Rath was speaking too, after all her eyes were narrowed and her tail twitched in irritation as though she did not like what was being said. "She's off her rocker." Morzan whispered to Crenla who only snorted in agreement. But then Rath hadn't been the sanest in quite some time now.

Digging her talons into the stone beneith her Rath glared poisonously at the empty space. "You want to argue technicalities with me...fine. How's this for technical. Technically I am not bound by the rules of Dulin's Day, thus the first travel I made is null and void. Second when I took them to the Astral plane I did not actually take them any distance at all, so that is null and void. Third, though we exited the Astral plane here, some hundred miles from the Red Wheel, we did not travel at all through the space known as Cree once called Mian. Therefore we did not travel more than ten miles on Dulin's Day. All traveling was done on the Astral plane."

Rain caught on. "We're being judged for breaking Dulin's Day. Oh no that means he..." She clamped a hand over her mouth, not wanting to alarm the others with details. She had to leave it to the dragoness to determine the outcome." Rath was sitting back now but not relaxed. She still had that 'deal-making' posture that all dragons assume in tense negotiations.

"I see...would you prefer that I had fought Gilath in the mortal world hum? No I did not think so. Thus my actions are justifiable. As for them...I had to bring them with me. Normally I would not answer your questions woman but I feel I must. I had to bring them with me because I foresaw a disaster that would have doomed them had they staied aboard that ship. Kindly veiw my mirror." Rath gestured to the mirror. "Show me."

Even as Rain and the others watched the Red Wheel bobbed up and down in the water, like some child's toy. Before their horrified eyes, seven large serpants, of the kind that had nearly killed Rath, rose from the sea. With loud roars they fell upon the ship, their huge coils splintering wood and pulping flesh. Rath gestured again and the mirror went blank. Turning to a spot of empty air beside her she hissed again, softly.

"Now if there is any fault with the situation then the fault lies with me. They did not choose to move themselves, nor could the Priest perhaps, have fought my spell. You may assign me guilt or blame but what I did was done with the well being of your world in mind." Rath turned to move before pausing a moment head cocked to the side. A smile showed fangs. "Yes that too. But any good craftsman has pride in their work. It's bad habit to leave things half done. Now go. You've worn out your time here."

Rath lifted a claw as if to slash at empty air...and then settled with a snort. The spirit was gone, back to her masters to spin whatever tale she liked for their ears. "Humph it matters not. Let some wrinkly old sorcerer come against me...I've delt with worse than his kind before."

Turning she faced the five companions. "What are you standing there gawking at? The maps are there in those crevases and no doubt you'll find even more game once the sun rises again. I suggest you prepare yourselves to leave...the sooner the better." Grumbling she moved herself to the precipice that served as a sort of landing pad/sunbathing area just outside the entrance to her Lair.

Curling up with her tail draped over the edge she stared upward at the stars.

#192:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:28 pm
((Note since it was mentioned that my previous color was unreadable, the following will be without color. I also have some pictures of Rain. While it is obvious I am no artist, it is all I have, so deal with them. I will post in character, ie as Rain, soon enough. Please be patient with me as I recently went a little off my rocker by joing NaNoWrMo.))

'At least I didn't have to show myself to them,' Leranil thought to herself, 'the last time Dulin chose my form I was stuck as a ten year old blond girl in a lacy pink dress, and although I pretty sure the scars I gave him for the last choice would prevent him from doing so again, one can never be sure.'

'I did like her though, I can respect a being who is fighting Fate and winning, after all after a hundred years of trying to fight Fate and losing I can respect any who has won that war.'

Leranil was half-tempted to stay in this world further but the strings that bound her to her mistress would pull her back eventually and not so nicely either.

Standing before the council of Destinies, Leranil said nothing, not that she could anyway as Fate had taken one look at the rebellion in her eyes and had sealed her mouth, but rather pulled out a small glass sphere she had in her pocket. Flipping it in the air, she watched as the scene replayed itself for the Destinies.

What followed was a rather long despute between Dulin and Destiny, which take it from me you don't want to hear. In the end, Dulin insisted on getting his price anyway, and with the twin parties of the Child and Defiance on Dulin's side it was only a matter of time. However, it was ruled that Dulin's Day hadn't been broken by the rules of the book, just been broken in the technical sense, so Destiny and the collective Fate who was wearing her unified form at the moment of a woman neither young nor old decided to only give Dulin half his prize.

The ruling in the end was this:

Dulin although granted half his prize at the time would recieve the rest and the full price at a later time.

Dulin, despite the fact that he should be allowed to choose his own reward would not do it this time, Destiny would choose his reward. On the same token, Dulin would also not be able to choose how to fulfill his prize.

Destiny, likewise, was forbidden to fulfill his reward therefore Dulin could pick another being or beings to fulfill his reward according to there own will.

So what did Destiny grant Dulin as half his reward?

Dulin could do three things to right three ancient, mortal, or recent wrongs but only to justify the balance of the current time. Dulin could not right any wrong forbidden by the ancient laws.

Dulin, a cranky man who was taken as a joke by most including the Destinies, was no fool, and once again he showed his wisdom when it came to the fuliment of choice.

"Promise Fuliment Honesty Fairness Hope," Dulin mused aloud half to himself, half to the council, "that was to be the ruling of this day, then so be it."

"I choose that since death shook the balance, since a soul has died where it never should, death shall again right it. I choose that deaths corrected do not have to be a death in the sense that a spirit departed the body, but can be simply be death in the sense Dragons convey it. The Deaths can be the death of magic, the death of love, the death of an old life, the death of the part of the soul, the death of sacrifice, the death of departing, the death of giving, and/or finally the death in life. I chose that the three deaths shall be in the accordance of the following: One Shall Die in Place where they should have not to right the death in Astral, A Death not quite dead shall be returned to full life, and finally a frozen soul in death shall be warmed in the flames of the Death of the First and once again return again." Pausing, Dulin took a breath, "Does any debate this?"

Cracking open their book Fate Smiled and nodded to Destiny who looked at the others on the Council, the council spoke as a group, "We have no debate if it is the will of Destiny and Fate."

In a singsong unified voice Destiny and Fate spoke as one, "It is our will that this should be done."

Determination piped up in a squeaky voice that bellied his bulk, "Who will fulfill this wish to right the balance?"

Clearing his throat, Dulin spoke confidentally, "Love. Leranil. And another of their choosing."

"Leranil is our servant and cannot act against our will." Fate declared in a disapproving voice frowing at the shadow that Leranil was.

"I guess that's about to change now ain't it," said the unconcerned Dulin rocking on his heals.

Grumbling Fate turned to Destiny who after shrugging, slammed down the gavel in her hands, "So be it."

((Pictures of Rain should be below this line.))

#193:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:26 pm
(( Shocked Shocked dies, one is returned to full life, and one who's soul is cold is warmed and returnes again.
I can only think of Rain as the returned to full life with her powers restored. Maybe Rath to have her sould warmed and to return...
...who dies? And where does Love and Lerrenel come into it?
Confused Confused Confused
very good post though, I'm intrigued...))

#194:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:24 pm
((You'll just have to wait and see won't you. I will post soon, I promise, however please be patient with me. I'm going to be wrapping this thing up soon, probably sometime into next month. My post may be few and far between this month but I promise those I do post will be interesting at the very least. So, keep watching this thread as we starting hurtling towards not the End of The End, nor the End of the Beginning, but perhaps the begining of the End.))

#195:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:21 pm
I too will be very quiet this month, NaNoWriMo afterall. However I do know what's coming...if I can jump in and coordinate a little bit with Din....

P.S. Solus if you read back through Rath's posts you'll learn more about the frozen soul.

#196:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:30 am
That Rath's hubby then?

#197:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:09 pm
*winks* That much is true but you'll just have to wait and see what he's like...maybe I'll put that up in a post sometime soon.

#198:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:14 pm
((Okay I've been gone awhile, so this may get a bit lengthy so here it goes...))

Chapter 12: Part 2: An Assasin's Price

Rain stood in against one of the icy walls of Rath's Liar patiently awaiting the sunrise that would mark the end of Dulin's Day. In her hand she held the green dragonstone that was all she had left of Gilath, silently conemplating it's depths while her mind was toiling with larger issues.

A pile of stuff gathered from the various piles, nooks, and crannies was being distrubted by a very happy Craema, a nick-name Rain had started calling the Centaur female very recently, who was apperantly very much in her element. Like everyone else of this small mixed group, Craema was one of Rain's many worries. The Centaur female was intelligent, proud, but more often than not silent, lost in the contemplations of her own thoughts. Rain worried Craema about that issue, what if they were attacked, contemplations had no place on a battle field, that much Rain knew.

Morzan silently paced back and forth his hands occasionally reaching for his blades out of the way of everything and everyone. Morzan amused her, angered her, upset her, and drove her insane by turns. Sometimes Morzan didn't listen to orders, other times he did. Sometimes Morzan was a simple solider, othertimes he seemed like more. Rain wondered if in the end it would be enough for Morzan to be a simple solider of wars, or if in the end, he would become more than he sometimes was.

As usual, Graeme sat muttering in a corner, turning in his hands some object of interest over in his hands contemplating it's orgins as he sat on the ground of Rath's Liar. An endless sorce of sacrastic humor, Rain could relate to the hunchback in more ways than one, however the hunchback's swining moods between depressed, power-hungry, and suspicious were enough to worry anyone.

The largest part of her contemplations, however, were Rath and Ariania.

Ariania, who sat shivering on the ground cloaked by some many shields both physically, mentally, emotionally, and Rain guessed magically as well. The elf was so worried about becoming the light she was supposed to be, that she had no time for anything even apperantly dark not even in herself. No one could become a pure light, Rain knew and trying to become so was dangerous for everyone. Maybe she could talk to Ariania...

Shoving Gilath's dragonstone in her pouch where kept other small items of simalar kind, Rain walked over to Ariania and said in silvan, "Come with me," as she gestured to the others to stay put.

Walking Ariania outside, Rain let the elf go as Ariania with her head tilted back twin reliefs of being able to see the stars and being out of Rath's cave obvious by the very way Ariania now stood.

"Beautiful are they not Celebrin," Ariania said smiling as she pulled up a rock nearby to gain a better view.

"Don't call me that, it is no longer my name. I believe I told you that, correct?" Looking at the stars briefly, Rain allowed a faint smile to pass across her lips. "And yes, they are beautiful."

"Yes, you did, but I do not understand. Once an elf-friend is given a name in our tongue, it is their name forever, unless another silvan of higher authority than the first gives them a second one."

"Ah...well, if that's the case. Celebrin doesn't qualify as my name anyway, for it was given to me not by the Silvan, the wood elves of Light, but by the dark elves," Rain said continuing in the silvan tongue loving how the melodious words felt on her tongue after long years of neglect. "Besides, they didn't really name me, they just gave me the flute which had been named, and I took it's name as my own. I will never be such a fool again, Ariana, as to name myself again, but perhaps you come up with a name that you and your kind may call me in your tongue."

"But to give a name, it is a honor usually given with the change of gifts from each party, do you really wish me to name you truly?" Ariania spoke softly her keen elven eyes reflecting the stars glittering light purely.

Thinking for a moment, Rain looked at Ariania, and then answered, "Yes I do. I grew up with many childhood friends, and a name to us then was simply something that friends could call each other since my name did not translate in their tongue, nor theirs into mine. Since only a Silvan can name, and I know no others of your kind that I can call friend, I can think of no better person than you Ariania. As for the gifts, any name that will cease me being called by one that brings back dark memories is a great enough gift for me. As for my gift to you, I offer a gift of a name in my tribes tongue which although after your own translates differently, some advice, and an answer to a question that you cannot answer yourself."

Ariania looked at Rain wondering if Rain spoke true, but after a moments thought, shrugged, "I will call you Randril, after the common tongue for Gyspy since so many seem fond of calling you that anyway."

Rain smiled laughing softly under her breath, "Randril, that will suit me fine. Now for my half of the bargin." Raising lavender eyes from the ground, Rain once again look into Ariania's own refusing to let the elf go from her point blank stare. Touching Ariania's forehead softly, Rain released her from her looks and spoke once again her tongue tilting softly as she spoke in the gyspy tongue which although simlar to elvish was slightly different also, "Be named Malen 'de-Ele Sokir nolre Terikerian Randril," and stepped behind Ariania her hands held losely at her side "Which losely translated simply states your name, Malenele Sokir, and that you were named by me under the calling name of Terikerian Randril, or Terikerian Gyspy."

"Now for my advice. Look at the sky. What do you see?"

"The stars."

Placing a hand over Ariania's eyes, "Now what do you see?"

"Nothing. Darkness."

Turning Ariania gently so she faced the mountains range where Rath's liar was hide, Rain made sure that the view was mostly blocked but that it contained some stars, and opened Ariania's eyes with a word, "Now what do you see?"

Ariania shuddered at the dark view but as Rain forced her to look she saw the stars hiddened admist the darkness, "Darkness, but there are stars within the mountains."

"Are they brighter than the stars?"

"Yes, and no." Came the answer this time in common tongue.

Switching to common tongue herself Rain spoke to Ariania soft and low, "Listen well, Ariania Elven-born, named Malen 'de-Ele in the gypsy tongue. Light is pointless where there is no darkness, and there is no darkness to dark where there exist no light. Consider that piece of wisdom well. Look to the East, the sun will rise soon."

Turning to climb the stairs Rath had tread earlier, Rain made as if to walk away but then turned when Ariania called, "What of my question, will you not answer it?"

Rain smiled mysteriously, and held up two fingers, "It will be in two days, what you fear. Know that it will neither be horrible, or particular good for any, but it will not be entirally pointless. Now stay here and make sure the others don't follow, I have buisness to do with our Dragoness that must be done alone."

Bonding up the stairs, Rain left Ariania to her own thoughts, thankful more than once that she often climbed trees in her childhood as that skill aided her well as she made the long slow way up the mountian. The sun had begun to turn the east the delightful color of twilight when Rain finally made it up and saw Rath laying on her sunning stone.

"What do you want?" Rath grumbled having heard Rain far before Rain ever made it up the mountain.

"The Sun rises in the East. We must leave soon" Rain said casually.

"So, what of it? Leave and let me be."

"I would. But buisness keeps me here."

"What buisness do you have with me?" Rath said opening one eye to glance at Rain.

"The buisness of your price, I have never yet paid you for what you have done for me, and it appears now that I must."

Rath glared at Rain flexing her talons on the bare stone, "I have never done anything for you which would require me being paid. Why do you speak to me as if you were but another of those mortal lords who had hired me assassin? I was your friend, and no assasin to you."

"I would remember it that way Rathiania always, but you left. You took the Dragonsword, and made it very clear that you want nothing else to do with any of us. So here I am waiting for you to tell me your price, so I can pay you and be on my way, out of your mane forever."

"Why?" Came the soft growl. "I told you, there is nothing to be paid for."

"Dragon's are bond to code of life, honor, oaths, and debts. Although you are not from here, you are still a dragon. And by Cree's law I owe you something for all you have done for me, especially and more so the recent occasion of you saving not only my lif but our companion's lives. You could have left us to die, but you didn't so here we are probably being judged for breaking Dulin's Day at this very moment, and I have to pay you. You wish to be free of me, no? Then I must pay you. Remember how it felt without the sword being near you, without it being at your side. Annoying wasn't it. My bond of debt will be the same and more so if you don't let me pay you. While I owe you my life, we are as bonded as surely as you and the sword, if not more so."

Grumbling something Rain couldn't hear, Rath raised her head opening her eyes. "What would you pay me in, last time I checked you had nothing in your disposal that someone of my skill would ever consider taking?"

Rain smiled, know she was getting somewhere, "Three things in between which you must choose, each contected with an object in my possesion. All of which I know for I fact you will want."

"The first lies connected with Gilath's Dragonstone." Rain said pulling out the said stone, "There will be little time in the months ahead for this to be properly buried, but you will have plenty of time. So, I suggest you use this, which connected Gilath even in death to Juric, to find my brother's grave. Bury Gilath's dragonstone there with due honor and you will find two objects of great worth in my brother's scepluctar. These objects are a stone rose and a ring like I wore on my finger abord the Red Wheel. Within one lies the knowledge of every spell Juric knew, including the one Ergos told him, the exact spell that you need to exit this world back to your own. Beware however because this object will only tell you the wording/runes of the spell, not how to use it. The other contains the Knowledge of the spell you need itself, but only how to use the spell, not the words itself. Take one, but leave the other and never try to enter to take the other object least ye be cursed."

"My second offering lies with this," Rain pulled out a small uncraven gem of unidentable shape, kind, or even color. The gem was filled with the light Ariania had given her and across it's surface colors darted with the visions Rain had placed in it's depths. "I forget what color this once was, or even what is for, it has been so long that I recieved it. I do know what it contains, however. You pulled the knowledge of what Ergos promised you from Gilath, but only in part. Ergos was sharp, Rath, he never gave anything to just one person. As for what you gained from Gilath, Ergos gave as he should be following ancient tradition, to six people. You now know that Juric contained one part, Gilath another, and I'm honest enough to tell you I have one part also. I don't know the other three people that know of the other three parts of your spell. I do know that somewhere admist the many visions an old seer gave me, this gem will reveal where the other three people are. A word of caution with this gift however, this gem contains all the possibitlities of our quest, and although your actions have elimanted many of the things from this gem, many of them still lie in the form of visions across this gem. I no longer have the ability to acess these visions since they were given in magic with magic to the magic I once possessed. It might however, if you can search through it long enough, prove useful to you."

"The third thing I can give, Rathiania, is more complictated and with it I can only offer you this," replacing the small gems in her pouch, Rain pulled the short sword she once again wore at her side and presneted it hilt first cermonly to Rath"I never knew how to use this, but it is called Thorn. Although it is only a plain sword handed down from a father's mother to her granddaughter, please respect it and the thought it represents as you would your others. I have told you, that I possess one sixth of the spell you need to return home. What I have not told you is that I can no longer give it. I only ever had was a song enfused with magic given to me by Ergos alone with many others. I still know how to sing the song, as I do the others, but the magic behind them as is obvious is lacking. So there is now only one way I can give you my part of your spell. The magic I once possesed, at least so I have been told, lay not in my center self only as must other kinds due, but in my blood itself. Although I am magically drained, unfit for any task I was once meant to complete, a certain amount of it most certainly lies in blood. If not, I would not be talking to you now since I know from Juric that if I ever completly used up my magic I would die, and I am not dead. However, I cannot reach the magic I have left, not even brush. Therefore the only way I can give you what you need, is by giving you my blood itself. I do not know how much of my blood it would take to complete your spell, therefore I ask that if you choose this payment to wait until the quest is over and done. A word before you refuse this gift, if refused, you will never gain the part I possess of your spell, and will not be able to return to your home without it."

"So, Dragoness, still think I have nothing of which to pay you? Choose, and choose quickly, the sun warms the Earth and I must soon depart hopefully to be out of your hair forever."

#199:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:02 am
Well Rai, the stage's all yours.

#200:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:07 pm
Rath snorted at Rain's speech to Ariana. 'I am darkness without light. I am the void of the soul. But then that is my problem, not the elf's.' Staring dismally out over the lands she controlled Rath bared her fangs. At the edge of her vision she could see the mountain of the Demons...almost taste her foe's dreams. 'Soon you and I shall clash and then Lady you will know what happens when you jerk a dragon by the tail.'

Her head whipped around as Rain walked up the stairs and she hissed softly, a warning to the gypsy she was in no mood for weighty conversations...yet that is exactly what Rain gave her, much to consider and much more to frustrate her. With a shake of her head she listened to Rain's words, a chill smile curling over her features. "So, Dragoness, still think I have nothing of which to pay you? Choose, and choose quickly, the sun warms the Earth and I must soon depart hopefully to be out of your hair forever."

Rath stood, noting the faint light creeping in the east, far beyond the range of mortal vision. Turning so that she faced Rain full on she brought her massive head down until her nose was but a handspan from Rain's fixing her with two massive eyes the color of blood. "Yes Rain, Ergos was clever and I am sorry he has misled you as to my price...or perhaps he ment to give me more than I asked for. I had heard that he had found a spell which might send me from this world back to Lodris but that was not the price we agreed upon."

Rain stood there stunned and polexed, her eyes wide as the dragoness's voice rumbled on. "The spell which takes my people from one world to another is hard to cast, requireing four mages, three to cast, one to be the focus of the spell. But it only requires so much effort the first time as that is what we call 'laying the line'. Once the line has been laid it takes only three dragons, or two of great power, to open the gateway and travel the worlds. In promising me my way home Ergos promised me something else, an object of great value which I should even now be retrieving."

Taking Gilath's dragonstone from a still stunned Rain she walked to the edge of the platform, raising her wings as she prepared to launch herself into the sky. She craned her head around, catching Rain's eye again. "I will, however, bury this stone. Payment...well I will take my payment later...I'm sure I'll think of something before you die. Do you now see why prices are agreed upon in advance?" With a massive lunge Rath catapulted her into the sky, the stars vanishing where she passed.

Rain stood there for a few moments more before shaking her head and starting back down the stairs. "When will that stubborn dragoness learn, she cannot fight everything that comes her way. Or is she so bloodthirsty that even good fortune must be shredded and cast in ribbons at her feet."

Far away by now Rath sped through the night, her massive wings churning the air at a rate that left a trail like the tail of a comet behind her. First to a grave, hidden in a grove of trees with a small spring curling around it's steps. She stared at the green dragonstone. "I show no defference to my victims Gilath. What I do I do for my own reasons." With a flick of her claws she hurled the stone with such force it slammed into the stone of the tomb door, embedding itself against time, tide, and greedy bandit.

With another sweep of her wings Rath was away, winging through the night toward a place she'd been to only twice in her lifetime, a place she'd been welcomed once, had burst into the second time. The ruined and crumbling walls of Ergos's hall. Landing infront of it she ducked her head under the low archway and made her wat inside, talons clicking on the broken stones, sending little chips clattering off in all directions.

Through cobweb shrouded galleries and halls left too long to the elements Rath eventually came to a place she'd been allowed only once, Ergos's private chambers. More because she wouldn't fit as a dragon than out of any feeling of respect for the dead king, Rath shifted into an Eroki, padding silently into the chamber. She wasn't the first.

Looters had come before her, stealing everything of value from these once magnificent chambers, defiling the wall carvings that had once depicted the great battle of the Dragon Mother against the light. What could Rath have been looking for that had already not been stolen? But she moved with purpose, occasionally stopping with her head cocked to the side and her eyes narrowed as if she was looking for something.

Bending down in a corner of the room, where rock chips from the vandals had collected over the past five years, she began to brush them away until the wall itself was revealed, the carvings that ran just an inch above the floor intact and little damaged. Running clever fingers over it she found a hidden trigger and depressed it. The flagstones under her feet shifted, opening into a little crevass.

On one side were holders made for a sword and it didn't take great intellect to guess which sword. On the other were a few small shelves, empty now save for one thing. A simple river rock, polished smooth by an eternity of currents flowing over it. With gentle hands Rath lifted it free, taking a moment to look at it from all sides, to touch the tip of her tounge to it's surface, before she nodded and it vanished into her jewel.

"Now to return home and finally finish this travesty." Padding back out of the ruin she not once spoke a word to what spirit of Ergos might linger, if indeed this was the place he chose to. Returning to the outside and her own form Rath loosed a happy bellow as the sun came up behind her, casting her shadow for leauges down the slope of the valley that spread benieth her.

Many Eroki hearing that sound and knowing exactly who it came from darted to the doors of the dwellings to catch a glimpse of Rath's shadowy form before the dragoness lifted herself into the air and vanished over the horizon.

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