Revenge (UndeadCowboy & Midnight)
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City of IF -> One-On-One Role Plays

#161:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:05 am
I blinked my eyes at the brightness of the sunlight flooding the room. Taking a moment to adjust to the brightness, I thought about what had happened over the last few weeks. I had been becoming more and more lucid over time, and I was certain that Crux had been here. I felt completely alert as I sat up, surveying the room. The first thing I felt was the coolness of a gentle breeze against my chest, although I didn't remember taking my shirt off.

I looked around a little more, recognising the room as the one we'd hired. I cringed as I realised Crux had obviously paid for the room, because Maddie and I had one bullet left between us.

"Maddie," I said, noticing her in the kitchenette, "I didn't say anything... wierd while I was giddy, did I?"

#162:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:16 am
I looked over at Nate. He looked a lot better the colour had definitely returned to his face. The sheets were wrapped around his waist, exposing his chest.

You’ve never been kissed. I heard Crux’s voice again as I turned my attention back at breakfast.

Damn him! I shall be plagued with that line forever.
I thought to myself as I cut a loaf of bread.

“Oh you said plenty of weird things,” I replied to Nate. Trying not to think of Crux and his words of wisdom. “Sunflowers and moonlights. What it would be like to kiss midnight snow. Honestly, kissing snow. It never snows here, so I don’t even understand where that one came from. I mean, I can understand the logic behind sunflowers and moonlights, but snow?” I shook my head, trying not to think about it.

#163:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:28 am
"Midnight snow?" I asked, confused for a moment as I tried to think about what had happened.

It hit me like a bucket of cold water. I HAD said that, but I hadn't meant a thing, I'd meant a person. I was glad Maddie was facing away from me, because my face went bright red as I tried to cover my revelation. I laughed for a moment before straightening myself out. It was evident from her tone that Maddie hadn't made the connection.

"Midnight snow," I laughed, standing up, "I must have been a little pale. Now excuse me, I'm going to have a shower. My throat is feeling a little hairy."

I continued to chuckle as I stepped into the bathroom. I smelt like dried blood and obviously as if I hadn't washed for some time. Stripping down, I stepped into the shower, cautious of the stitches.

#164:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:40 am
I looked at Nate in confusion as he made his way to the bathroom laughing. I didn't get the joke. What was so funny about midnight snow? I shrugged it off and continued to make breakfast as Nate had a shower.

Admittedly I was feeling quite lazy so I just made bread with eggs. I served it up on some plates then placed it on the counter.

"Nate breakfast is done." I half yelled so Nate could hear me.

I sat down on the counter stools and started to eat.

The sun streamed through the windows behind me brightly and was happy that my hair was getting some sun, if not only because it was drying my hair.

#165:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:58 am
Hearing Maddie's call, I stepped out of the shower. I towelled off quickly and pulled on my pants. I walked out, drying my hair.

As I stepped out, I tossed the towel on the couch. Maddie was still sitting at the bench, eating eggs and toast. I noticed she'd left a plate aside for me. I sat down beside Maddie and thanked her for breakfast. It was really quite good, despite being just eggs and toast, so I took my time to eat it.

I finished my plate before Maddie. Cleaning it off in the sink, I left it on the rack to dry.

I picked up the black tshirt Maddie had bought me, cringing at the quality of it. I tossed in in the pile with the towel, hoping no questions whould be asked about it.

I pulled out my old shirt, which looked clean in comparison. The blood had dried onto it and looked more like a design against the white fabric. Slipping it on, I turned to Maddie.

"I'm going to do some laundry, do you need anything washed?" I asked, picking up my dirty clothes, "Afterwards, I've got to talk to Crux about paying him back. I think I'm falling behind."

#166:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:05 am
"No I don't need any washing done. I bought some new clothes seeing as my other pair got... torn," I replied, trying not to recall the event with the slavers. "If your going to talk to Crux, I'll see you later tonight, I'll be going out later to check some things out."

#167:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:46 am
"Okay, I'll do these now," I said, stepping outside, "I'll see you later tonight."

I walked down the hallway, taking the clothes to the single working washing machine in the building. A large woman guarded it warily as I approached.

"Easy, I'm just here to do some washing, " I said, handing her the clothes, "For room 304 please."

I handed her the last bullet, and she nodded, placing the clothes in the machine.

"I'll drop 'em off when they're dry," she said, "Anyone going to be there?"

"A girl named Maddie might be there, but she has stuff to do, so I wouldn't hold my breath."

"I'll ask the owner for a key then," she said, returning her attention to the machine.

I walked out of the building, stretching my arms. The sun felt good against my skin, and I walked down the street leisurely. West Bar wasn't hard to find. It was located on the main road running through Port Rust, and it was very profitable. It was also the little known hideout of Crux. He ran most of his businesses from here, both legal and otherwise, and spent most of his time here as well.

I stepped into the bar, expecting a colourful open room. Instead, the building was dingy and smelled like socks. I walked over to the back room, the bouncer allowing me in once I let him know Crux was expecting me. It was only half a lie. Crux had an odd way of knowing exactly where to show up and when others would be there.

As I expected, Crux was waiting for me, "Undead, nice to see you. Here to pay off that debt, I assume?"

"Yeah, I figured if I didn't you'd be knocking on my door with a couple of thugs," I said nonchalantly, "Is there anything you need done?"

"Hmm yes I think there is something," He said, standing, "Follow me, we can chat somewhere more private."

He led me further into the complex, past several guards, each pair armed more lethally than the next. Eventually we arrived in a simple room with a table and two chairs.

"Okay so here's what I'd like you to do," He said, smiling in that way he did, "I've been doing some research on your little friend. She's clean."

"Clean? Obviously, it's not like she's a psycho or anything," I said, face carefully neutral.

"But that's just the thing. She's too clean," He continued, his smile slipping a little, "No medical records, no family history. It's as if she doesn't exist."

"Are you trying to tell me that Ma-Midnight's a secret agent," I chuckled.

"No, I'm trying to say that I think someone erased my files. All I have is what I know first hand," He said, all trace of a smile gone, "Be careful Dead. Someone wants her invisible. And that someone will probably come after anyone who threatens that."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, a little unnerved at Crux' seriousness, "What was this job you wanted done?"

"Well, I was just getting to that," Crux said, his smile returning, "I'm doing everything I can from the inside, but that's not much. I want you to stay close to Midnight. Find out who this mole is, if you can. I will continue my efforts, and feed you information, if I can. If you do this I'll consider your debt nonexistant."

I thought for a moment, "Will this endanger Midnight in any way?"

"You have my word that it will not," Crux said, brushing his hair back.

"Okay I'll do it," I sighed, feeling a little bit better, "Where do I start?"

"Well I'd get some new clothes first," He said, looking disdainfully at my blood spattered T-shirt, "I'll supply you with all the bullets you'll need. I take care of my agents."

Agent. I didn't like the word, it chilled me. I stood to leave and Crux stopped me.

"Remember, stay close," He said, "If anything strange happens, let me know. I'll be in contact."

"You can collect your bullets from the bartender," He said, shooting a smile over his shoulder as he left me to exit the complex alone.

#168:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:37 am
I left the Inn an hour after Nate had left, talking my bag with me.

Outside people were walking around busily and only a few stopped and stared at me, recognizing me as the girl who was dragging a bloody man across town. I didn’t take notice of them and kept walking towards the destroyed building that I was in only a couple weeks ago. Despite having so much time on my hands after the confrontation, I had been too busy with Nate to go out and check the building my father was holed up in.

Crux had supplied me with cash and said that I needed not repay him. I thought it was a kind gesture but I didn’t want to rely on someone else to keep me and Nate alive.

I hadn’t gotten the chance to tell Nate, but Crux had actually helped me scavenge some papers that my father had. Unfortunately Crux was too busy to give me the papers so I had to go out and collect them.

He had sent me a note three days ago saying that he had hidden the papers in a chest at the back of the debris, under a giant rock. Now that Nate was feeling well enough to walk around, I thought it was best to finally collect those papers. I had waited long enough and I was curious as to what my father had been up to.

I tried not to think too much of Rowe. Recalling my father’s last words made me sick in the stomach and as long as I was aware, Rowe hadn’t come for me for over ten years, so whatever sick attachment he had towards me must be irrelevant now.

Arriving at the building I made my way at the back and indeed found a giant rock. I walked over to it and started digging around the base of it. It didn’t take me long to find a small metal box, a lock pad used to seal it.

I took Crux’s letter out of my back pocket and read the code he had written down. 5283 it read. I put in the code in and the lock clicked open. Throwing the lock aside I opened the box slowly.

Inside was two pieces of paper, a tape and a tape recorder.

The tape recorder had a note attached to it that had Crux signed on the bottom.

I thought you may need this, my girl. Can’t listen to a tape without one. The note read.

I smiled at Crux’s letter before looking over my father’s letters.

I sat down and put the box on my lap, then grabbed one of my father’s letters.

    17th June, 2081

    Today is Madeline’s birthday. She turns sixteen today, boy she must look like her mother now. I remember the resemblance that we shared, but I could see it despite what everyone had said, she was going to have her mother’s face.

    Mera, my dear Mera. Her brown curls had driven me crazy, even the thought of them now sends chills down my spine. Her brown eyes were filled with mystery.

    Madeline may have gotten her black hair and green eyes from me, but she had her mother’s attitude. The way she would pout always made me laugh. It was the exact replica of Mera when she pouted at me.

    I hope she has found someone to care for her and hope that they can handle her temperament. I know my daughter and I know what she can be like. Despite everything, she is the only one I have left and I must find her.

I put the letter away and grabbed the next one. I tried my hardest not to get emotion, I didn’t want to break down right there and then. It was not the time.


    I know that you shall never read this, but I need to do something for you. Even if I cannot truly give you anything. It is your nineteenth birthday, ten years since that fateful day. I know it is childish, but I have recorded a tape for you. It contains me reading your favourite story. You are nineteen now, a woman. I hope you will enjoy it regardless of it being a children’s story.

    Remember that I always love you.

I put the letter away. Swallowing back tears, I took out the tape and played it with the recorder Crux had supplied. I smiled when I heard my father's voice.

After awhile I packed everything away back into the box and put it in my bag.

Looking up at the sky I could see the sun starting to set so I decided to return back to the Inn. Dead would be wondering where I had gotten off too.

#169:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:24 am
It was dark when I got home. I walked inside, placing my new clothes on the couch along with the clean ones. Maddie wasn't home yet, I noticed, so I stripped out of the old clothes and put on the new ones. I shaved my stubble off again, making sure my face was smooth. I heard Maddie come in the front door.

"Hey Maddie, I got some cash today," I called out, finishing off with the aftershave, "I'm making nachos tonight. I feel like celebrating."

When I came to the bathroom door, I noticed someone trying to steal out the door.

"Hey! Who're you!" I shouted as I ran after them.

The person, whoever it was, definitely wasn't Maddie. For a start, his hair was closely cropped. I could tell it was a he, because he had a masculine frame, gait, and he was taller than any woman I'd ever seen. Unfortunately, he was gone before I could even get out the door.

I went back inside to see if he'd taken anything. Maddie's things were neatly arranged, but mine were strewn about the floor. After a quick search I fixed my things. Nothing was taken, this was ment to send me a message. Stay away.

Whoever it was that had been in here, they had obviously known I'd gone to Crux. This person has their roots deep in Crux' gang, and so I couldn't trust his contacts. Troubling, but it's just a warning. no use worrying Maddie about this.

I cooked the meat for nachos in silence, thinking about what I should do.

#170:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:36 am
I walked into the room and found Nate in the kitchen cooking some meat.

"Hey Nate, I'm back," I said, dumping my bag on the floor and then made my way over to him. "How have things been?"

I looked him over and realised that he had shave again. Grabbing his face I ran my fingers across his cheeks. Seeing him clean shaven was still alien to me and it felt so nice on the finger tips.

"I am going to do this everytime you shave now," I claimed, a smile starting to creep up. "Your just so adorable."

Once I was done with his face, I noticed his damp hair. He looked so different with short hair and I couldn't help but run my fingers through it.

"I will also do this everytime you go for a shower," I said, messing his hair up. "Its so smooth and it gets all spikey." I continued giggling.

#171:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:54 am
When Maddie came in, I pushed aside my brooding and smiled. When she began to play with my hair, I turned and pulled her a little closer, saying "Oh really?"

I continued to tend the meat as I began to play with her hair. I gently ran my fingers along its length, marvelling at its texture.

"Nachos for dinner tonight," I said, letting go to set up the bases for our meals, "Just got quite the sum of money, so I felt like celebrating. What did you get up to today?"

#172:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:05 am
I was taken back when Nate grabbed me and pulled me close, and a little more taken back when he had started playing with my hair. I felt my cheeks heat up and froze, hearing Crux's words in my head.

You've never been kissed before. Crux's voice said mockingly.

Oh good, now its sounding like he's mocking me and not joking with me. WAY TO GO BRAIN. I thought, trying to distract myself.

He let me go and I moved to go sit on the stools, trying to keep my pace as natural as possible.

"I didn't get up to much, I just went and picked something up that Crux had gotten for me. Just a few papers and some other stuff," I explained, glacing at my open bag. "Sorry I took so long."

#173:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:41 am
"So how many layers do you want?" I asked, following her eyes, "I actually made a bit too much, so we can have a couple."

After Maddie responded I doled out our portions, leaving some in the pan in case we were still hungry afterwards. I ate slowly, as always, critiquing my own work. Once we were finished, I lounged on the couch allowing my food to digest.

"So what happened in the warehouse anyway?" I asked, looking over at Maddie, "All I remember is waiting there forever, and then you carrying me, and then we were back here."

#174:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:53 am
I made my way over to the living area and sat down on the couch beside Nate. I felt the blood leave my face the second Nate asked me about what had happened in the warehouse. Recalling my fathers words and me killing him from rage, I still had not completely processed it.

"I went into my father's office and we discussed what had happened to my mother and sister," I began, my voice not of my own. "He told me that Rowe was in debt to slavers, that he was the one at fault for my mother and sisters death. I didn't believe him and I..."

I trailed off remembering my own actions. I had not meant to stab him, I didn't want to kill him. He had just kept talking about Rowe and I couldn't bring myself to believe it. But I knew, after reading those letters. He was right.

"I killed him. I was angry and I killed him," I started to explain again. My voice was distant and I was in a dream like state, not aware of what I was saying. "I killed him and he... smiled. He smiled Nate... Why would he smile like that? I don't understand why he would-would smile as he did."

#175:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:12 am
I realised that I had said the wrong thing, brought up a bad memory, the moment I saw her face. She regretted what she'd done. It reminded me of my own father. He had been a miner, selling ore out of his own private mine. He'd been killed because another man, a rich man, had wanted to buy up our mine for a mass operation.

I wasn't sure I wanted to think about my father, and so I shut him out, for now.

"No matter what he did, he was still your father, Maddie," I said, looking over at her, "He was probably glad it was you who killed him, and not one of his associates. I can tell you, they'd have been a lot more brutal and a lot less remorseful about it."

#176:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:20 am
"I suppose you're right." I said blankly.

I closed my eyes and lent back on the sofa, I could sense that Nate was watching me and tried to ignore it.

You've never been-
Crux's voice began to say again.

"Kissed! I know already!" I yelled, not aware that I had said it aloud. "Honestly Crux, you are going to drive me insane. You just have the best timing don't you, trying to sleep and you have to pop into my head." I continued.

Just leave me be Crux.

I sighed and focused on sleep.

Tomorrow I would have to go into the markets and obtain new weapons, which I knew would take time. Decent weapons were hard to come by, and decent weapons at a good price was harder even harder to find.

#177:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:56 pm
I was confused by Maddie's outburst. Kissed? What was that supposed to mean? Before I had a chance to ask, she'd fallen asleep. I wanted to sleep, but I was certain that man would return. If he did, I wanted to be aware of it, and I certainly didn't want Maddie to be aware of it.

I sat there beside Maddie for a while, relaxing as she slept. She was a very deep sleeper, I noticed. Poking her in the nose only made her groan and roll over. I glanced over at Maddie's bag. What had she found? Whatever it was, it might have something to do with my mission.

I stood up carefully, making sure I didn't wake Maddie. I walked across the room and looked into her bag. Pulling out the lock box, I opened it carefully. Looking through the contents, I found the notes. The first one made me smile. It was obviously a journal entry of some description, penned by Maddie's father. I read the second note, and saw the tape. I didn't play it, because that would wake Maddie.

The whole thing was obviously Crux's work. I remembered the brand of lockbox as one of his cover companies. I brushed my fingers over the corners of the box, finding what I was looking for. The hidden compartment opened with a faint hiss. Maddie moaned something about kissing again, but didn't wake. I looked at the note that had appeared.

Dear Associates,

You have served me well. My Midnight is nearly invisible now. It will be a small matter to take her back. Only one matter remains, eliminating the dead one. I will richly reward the person who brings me my Midnight and the dead ones head. Do this as soon as you can.


I slipped the note in my pocket and closed the compartment. Replacing the box in Maddie's bag, I walked back and sat down beside her. Who is this R, and what did he mean by 'My Midnight'? I thought as Maddie cuddled up to me in her sleep.

Crux is warning me, I realised, He's actually trapped. He knows who it is, but he can't tell me. I must assume that all of his informants are leading me astray.

#178:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:12 pm
I slept peacefully that night, even thought at first I was plagued with Crux and his talk of kissing.

My dreams were filled with memories of my mother; her curls flowing swiftly as the breeze washed over her, her dark brown eyes filled with untold stories. She was always one for storytelling and she told me many tales of a young girl and her travels, only to settle down once she had met a handsome man, so charming and confident that she believed him when he promised her the world.

The story always ended, of course, with the girl marrying the man and them living a happy life with their three beautiful children.

I sensed myself smiling in my sleep and cuddled up to something soft and warm.

Opening my eyes I realised that the soft and warm object was actually Nate. He was staring at me and I looked at him with a confused look.

“H-hi?” I said, more a question than a statement.

#179:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:29 pm
"Well there's not much else I can do," I said, a grin forming on my lips, "You've kind of trapped me."

I laughed as she struggled to get into a seated position. The laugh turned into a yawn and I realised I'd been up all night. I stood up and moved towards the bathroom, hoping the shower would wake me up.

"Hey, are you okay with me taking first shower?"

#180:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:44 pm
"No, you go on ahead." I replied stretching.

Nate went into the bathroom while I got up and looked out the window. Looking around I found the smithy not to far away from the Inn. It looked fairly empty with only a couple of people surrounding the place.

I'll have to stop by later and get some new blades. I thought, running a head through my hair. I'll get a dagger and a longer blade this time... Maybe a machete. That should cover me well enough.

After awhile Nate came out of the shower and I went into the bathroom. I decided not to have a bath this time as I was in a hurry to get my eqiupment. I felt naked without any type of weapon.

"Wait. I don't need to buy myself a dagger, I'll just get the smithy to repair the one Nate found. Then all I need to buy is that machete" I said to myself, remembering about the blade.

I got out of the shower and got dressed quickly, then grabbed a brush and brushed my hair.

Making my way out I saw Nate eating breakfast. He pointed to a plate beside him and I went over and started eat.

"So where to now? Crux had told me Ilsa got away. Are we going to track her down?" I asked. "Cause if we are, I'll need to go arm up first."

#181:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:37 am
"Hmm, perhaps," I thought, remembering Ilsa's last words to me, "Maybe not. I have a feeling she'll be coming for me eventually. In any case, I think we should both arm up. My knife is looking like it's seen better days."

I grabbed the knife, attaching the sheath to my belt. I grabbed Closure as an afterthought. "I'd like to make this look a little more professional too."

I ensured I locked the room door before we left. I didn't want that guy coming back in here while we were gone. We walked down to the Blacksmith and I placed an order for my knife to be repaired, and to get Closure engraved.

I waited for Maddie to make her order.

#182:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:09 am
“What can I help you with?” The smithy asked me.

He had quite a light voice, not one you would have expected from a smithy, especially from one as muscular and tall as this one. He had light auburn hair with a thick handlebar moustache. He had black smudges on his face, which made the wrinkles around his eyes stand out.

“I’d like you to repair this blade as best you can,” I replied, handing him the dagger Nate had found. “Could you also add some circular finger holes to the handle?” I finished.

“Of course. Tell me if you would like anything else.” He replied, taking the blade to the back to work on it.

I looked around the racks for a larger blade and another dagger. I did plan on only buying one more blade but I changed my mind and decided to buy another dagger.

I’ll buy a sheath for the larger blade and place it on my back, this way if I lose my daggers I have some backup. I thought to myself.

I could see Nate watching me as I looked around at the different blades. It didn’t take me long until I found a pair that caught my eye.

The dagger had a fairly long handle, longer than you would find on a normal dagger. The blade itself arched upward, like a Persian blade, and there was a crescent engraved near the hilt. The other blade, the machete, had a strong wooden handle and a well made blade.

“I’d also like these two blades,” I yelled over to the blacksmith, pointing at the dagger and machete.

“Ah, you have a kin eye. For both that will be 15 bullets,” He began, stroking his chin. “But, I’ll give it to you for 8 bullets plus the sheaths. You remind me of my daughter.” He continued, chuckling quietly.

“Thank you so much!” I replied happily.

#183:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:35 am
I thought about my hunting knife as Maddie chose her weapons. It had been given to me as a child, though I couldn't tell you who'd given it to me. I kept it sharp most of the time, but recently it'd been losing its edge. It had originally been a bowie knife, but years of use and sharpening had brought the blade down to about 3/4 of it's original length and 2/3 its width. I thought it wasn't a matter of if, but when it broke. Still, it hadn't let me down yet, and I had a strange feeling it never would.

After several hours, the repairs and engravings were done. I ran my fingers across the engraving. The word 'Closure' was written in a swirling font on the receiver, roughly where I'd carved it previously.

"This is spectacular work," I said, handing the smith a few more bullets than I owed him, "With quality work like this, you could open a shop on the high street."

"Hah, thanks for your kindness," he said as he shook his head, "But no thanks. I do this because it's my passion. With fewer customers, I can spend more time on each work, time which can be spent making an otherwise serviceable blade into a masterpiece."

"Well, if I'm ever in Port Rust again, I'll know where to get my blade fixed," I said, smiling.

We walked out of the Smith's and I looked around.

"Okay, now that we are ready, we should head off," I said, stifling a yawn, "We've stayed here too long already. I think Ilsa will be after us if we keep moving. If I know her, she'll try and get us between towns."

#184:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:50 am
“Moving is easier said than done,” I replied to Nate as I sheathed my machete. ”I mean, I don’t have anything else to do. My father is dead.”

I cringed at the thought of my father. Now that I had killed him, there was nothing driving me. I could seek Rowe, but I didn’t feel the need to seek him out. If he was alive, it had been ten years since I last saw him.

I didn’t want revenge... I just wanted peace.

I looked Nate in the eyes. I could see that he was confused with my statement so I tried to explain.

“What I mean is, I am finished. I have nothing else to do but wait out the rest of my life, “I looked away for a brief moment. “You still have unfinished business so you still have something to do. There’s no reason for us to continue travelling together...”

#185:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:09 am
I stopped dead. I knew this moment would come, but I thought it would be some time down the track. I remembered what Crux had said, Stay close to Midnight. And most of all, I remembered what I had said.

I care for you deeply Maddie, and you are the closest person to me.

"Maddie," I said, "I can't leave you."

#186:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:16 am
I looked at Nate stunned with what he had said.

“Look Nate, I can look after myself. I know you worry about me being all reckless and everything. You don’t need to baby sit me anymore, “I tried to explain. “But be honest with yourself. There’s nothing that’s keeping you here.”

I looked at the ground and thought back to our adventures together. We had fun. I thought. I’ll miss him.

#187:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:22 am
Maddie's response stung as if she'd slapped me. How could she forget? I knew I hadn't.

"Don't you remember?" I asked, my voice belying my feelings, "That night when you were... Confused?"

#188:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:35 am
I was baffled at Nate’s words.

“The night when I was...” I began to say, but I stopped when I suddenly realised what he meant.

I care for you deeply Maddie, and you are the closest person to me. He had said. I think its love.

I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of Nate saying those words. I looked around to distract myself, looked at anything but Nate. Of course! How could you forget that? I thought. You had even said I love you in return.

“Oh! I... I...” I stuttered. I started fidgeting with my fingers to distract myself from the situation. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think that you... Well, suffice to say I didn’t think.” I finally said and continued to start walking but stopped mid step and turned around.

“What does that even mean for us?” I asked him. My cheeks started burning when I realised what I had just asked. “Umm, actually. Don’t worry, let’s just go.”

#189:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:46 am
I felt a little bad about using my feelings to make her come with me, but Maddie was in need of protection, and I couldn't let her know about it. Luckily, she seemed more flustered than annoyed.

Maddie had tried to ask me a question: What does that even mean for us? I wasn't even sure myself, but whatever it meant, I was sure I didn't want Ilsa to be a factor. We went back to the room, packing our things into our bags. I was reluctant to leave; this place had become like a home to me. I still packed all the same, making sure I collected the razor and soap from the bathroom.

"Okay then, I think we should proceed north," I said, hoisting my bag onto my back, "It doesn't really matter which way we go, Ilsa will come for me anyway. There's just something I want to see that way."

#190:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:19 am
"Okay, north it is. What is it that you want to see?" I replied, making sure that I had packed all my belongings.

I was still a bit flustered about the events that transpired, but I knew that I had to brush it off. Nate and I were going to be traveling together, just like we have been for the past year, there was nothing for me to be flustered about. I thought as I walked over to the door, bag over my shoulder.

#191:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:45 am
"We're heading up to Red-Hand's Pass," I said, checking the straps on my pack, "My father used to own a mine up there. I lived there until... Well I'd just like to see if it's still there."

We headed out the door, and down the stairs. I tossed a bullet to the Innkeep as we left, giving him a nod. Maddie and I continued back up the way we'd first entered town through. As we reached a high hill just outside the city limits, I took one last look at Port Rust, its buildings glowing orange and red in the dying light.

"It's something isn't it?" I asked Maddie, a small smile spreading across my face, "We were only here for a little while, but it already feels like home."

#192:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:01 am
I looked over at Port Rust, the sun made it look peaceful and beautiful. But I only recieved a pain in my stomach and a sting in my eyes as I looked upon it.

"Yeah... home." I replied, my voice barely a whisper.

Goodbye, father. I thought before turning and leaving.

#193:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:45 am
We travelled along the same road we had travelled a month ago to get to Port Rust. It was odd, because so much had happened since then, and a lot had changed.

We took the northern fork at a crossroads we had originally taken in the opposite direction. As I began to recognise regions of the low grasses and spindly thickets of wood, I felt the fear creeping in. I was terrified at what I would find at my father's mine, but I was driven by morbid curiosity. It was only a day's walk before we were in sight of the path that would lead us up to the villiage, and the mouth of the mine.

"Can we stop here?" I stammered, my fear overcoming my curiosity.

Despite it still being late afternoon, I could not go another step. Whatever was up there would have to wait for daylight before I could face it.

#194:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:49 am
Nate was shaken, but I couldn't understand by what. His hands were trembling and he would occasionally wipe away sweat from his forehead.

"Sure..." I replied walking towards him. "Are you feeling okay? You seem... tense."

#195:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:56 am
I was beginning to feel on edge, the fear of what happened here, and what it caused filled my mind.

"I'm fine," I snapped, a little harsher than I intended, "Sorry, it's this place. A lot of memories, not many good ones either."

I set to preparing a fire, trying to keep myself calm. The fear was still there, and I was certain it would get worse later on, but for now it was relatively in check. The manual labour helped.

"I'm not sure why I wanted to come here," I said to Maddie as I unrolled my sleeping back, "It called to me. Closure again, I guess."

#196:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:02 am
"Here, let me start the fire. You should sit down and rest," I replied, taking the firewood off.

I was curious as to what memories he meant, but knew that I would have to be subtle about the situation. Nate seemed tramutized enough by just hanging around this place, I couldn't just go out and ask him what was wrong.

"So... umm... when were you here last? You seem to know the area well."

#197:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:11 am
I jumped at her touch as she took the firewood, but accepted he suggestion, sitting down on my sleeping bag.

At her questions, a few memories passed across my vision. A knife. Screaming. A man cradling his hand. I shook the images off, trying to avoid the panic they would cause.

"Not for about seventeen years," I said as evenly as possible, "I was only a toddler when they killed... When they took the mine away."

I wasn't sure why, but I felt like I could tell Maddie about this, although it might take some time.

#198:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:17 am
Killed? I thought while starting the fire.

I looked over at Nate and as hard as he tried to keep a calm persona, I could see the panic in his eyes.

Screw subtlety. Better to get to the point.

"Nate, who got killed?" I asked, keeping my gaze strong upon his.

#199:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:39 am
I was stunned. She asked me so forwardly that my fear was briefly forgotten. It came back a little as I remembered the story.

"Everyone, Maddie," I gave her a pained look, "Well apart from me and my dad, but perhaps I should start from the beginning."

I took a deep breath and tried to distance myself from the events.

"Remember how I told you some people took the mine from my father? Well there's more to it than that. They sent men to chase out the villagers, but we stayed put. I punched one of them and they tied me to a post. Made me and my father watch as they flayed the whole villiage alive," I shuddered at the memory, "They killed everyone I ever knew. And then they took my father, cut the skin from his right hand."

I could hear his screams echo through my head. I shook my head to clear it.

"My dad lived, and we took to the hills. He learned to fight with his left hand, and taught me a lot about hunting. We started a small bandit group. This area is named 'Red Hand's Pass' because of my father. We eventually got caught by the same guys who got us the first time, but this time they weren't so forgiving. They killed our group and crucified my father. Literally. Made me watch that too. Then they threw me out into the dust, starved. That's when I met Ilsa."

I stared into the fire, dumbfounded. This was the most I'd told anyone about my past. Even Ilsa didn't know about my life before her. I looked up at Maddie and smiled a ghost of a smile.

"Thanks for listening. I think I might have lost heart if you'd interrupted."

#200:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:53 am
I was shocked at Nate's story, I felt bad for being so aggressive and wished that i had never bought it up. Some things should never be remembered, I knew that more than anyone.

"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't of asked you anything." I whispered in reply.

We sat there in silence for awhile, looking over the fire. I decided to lighten the mood. After all, I was the one who had bought the situation up.

"So? When do you think we'll come across your crazy lover?" I joked.

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