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#201:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:25 pm
A new chapter! ENJOY!

Chapter 15: End of Days

I looked to the book once more and rifled through a few more pages, going towards the front of it, the older records, searching for something of grave importance, a location, a passage-way, anything. One page caught my eye; the title in bold was faded as was the rest of the writing, but readable.

The End of Days

.... Avorel’s only child shuddered on the stone, the drink taking her swiftly, her eyes rolling back, the whites the only thing that could be seen. She had taken a sip of the ceremonial drink used by prophetesses long ago to induce the trance-like state required to invoke the voice of the gods. Thirteen small mirrors were produced from underneath dark robes and reflected the full moon onto her where she lay on the stone, her body convulsing violently. Avorel stood at the head of the stone, his face grim as pulled the sword from its sheath, slowly raising it above Elian’s unseeing eyes, arm tensed and prepared to strike.

Elian’s mouth opened, but the voice that came out was not hers. “You will not strike this one, Avorel. She has the gift you have so long awaited to come amongst your race.” The voice was rich and full of power, resonating all around us, vibrating into the very core of our bodies.

Avorel’s arm relaxed, and he dropped the sword to the ground at his feet as his knees gave out and he fell into a kneeling position at the stone, his daughter’s body pulling itself to its feet; her hair billowing out like fire, the black robe she was clad in hanging loosely from her shoulders as her eyes returned to normal and flashed platinum.

“Listen, well, Eldahar. Your race’s time is coming to an end and swiftly at that. There is no stopping it and no preventing it. Soon, very soon, an age old enemy will overcome you, splitting your hearts and people in two. The oath you swore eon upon eon ago to be the voice and protectors of the Earth herself has been broken, and that she will not forgive. Prepare yourselves for the End of Days!”

The fearsome speech finished, Elian’s body crumpled, but her father caught her before she fell from the stone, and he beckoned a few women to come and tend to her while he thought with his council on the apocalyptic prophecy his own daughter had just given.

As she was bore away, Elian uttered one final statement before sleep took her. “By blood bound, by blood undone.”

This is the account of the True Keeper of the Lore of the Eldahar.

Alright, so how does this help me? I thought, rifling through the pages once more. I spoke aloud to myself“They practiced a lot of magic and had a lot of power, so Ashenith is gonna go after a place used to channel that power at one time. But the circle’s magic is spent so that leaves....”

“Their home, Regent.” I spun around at the sound of a familar voice.

Tobias caught my arm as I whirled and gave me a lopsided grin, marred by the long slash down his cheek which was bleeding profusely. His eyes were bandaged with a bit of scrap material, torn from his shirt.

“How did you.. When did you...” I couldn’t finish a sentence, I could barely finish a thought.

“I escaped, Lil... and I ran for you.” He winced a tad and grabbed his shoulder; his arm was hanging limply at his side, useless. "I remembered how we got in here the first time and repeated the process."

“What happened to your eyes?” I said firmly, my hand rising of its own accord and touching his cheek; he shivered at my touch when my hand brushed against the material.

His grin faltered a bit and he drew a deep breath as he sat on the floor, clutching at his shoulder while I knelt beside him. “I woke up in a stone room and my arms were chained above me to the wall. I was alone in there for a long time in the dark. I don’t know how long, but then he came with a torch and it blinded me after being in the dark for so long.”

I bit back a gasp as the haunting images from the vision or dream I had passed in front of my eyes.

“I felt him lift my shirt and carve into the flesh of my chest and abdomen, Lil...” He pulled his shirt up with shaking hands.

I peered at the bloody, archaic symbols closely, not being able to make sense of any of them. I reached forward to run my finger over one of them, but then drew back. Those symbols are something sinister... I’m not liking this.. And how did he make it in here, blind? He’s only been here once before... I felt my stomach turn as Tobias caught my wrist with his injured arm and moved to unwind the bandage over his eyes, revealing not his calm amber eyes, but blood-red ones with black pupils.

“Tobias...” I whispered and looked away, even as the “injured” shoulder covered itself in a hard solid rock-like material; Tobias’s body repeated the same process that Veltan’s had, only this was much smoother without the spikes and seemed to be less of an effort on him.

“Your young man’s body seems to be a vessel that heals faster than most; he’ll do well for a vessel for me...” Ashenith chuckled heartily and tightened his grip on my wrist and pulled my chin up to look him in the eye. “You’ve lead me a merry chase, little Eldahar brat. Where are the scrolls?”

I jerked my chin from his grasp and pulled the scrolls from the desk above our heads, handing them to him. As he let go of my wrist to take the scrolls I scooted backward, kicking up dust and getting to my feet.

“ Exsisto absentis ex universitas abominor ” I cried out, tears welling up in my eyes as I felt power flow through myself and the pendant, then through the dust at Ashenith. I saw the three scrolls unfurl themselves in his grasp and then stretch until they were bigger than he.

“What have you done, you stupid girl!” He roared as he strode towards me, the dust settling now. He pulled a dagger from Tobias’s boot and plunged it towards me; I dodged him and backed away, my hand flying to my hip where my father’s sword rested.

As I drew it, I heard him unsheathe the sword on his back and saw him come towards me out of the corner of my eye and brought my blade up to meet his. There was a clang as the two blades met, and he stepped back, feinted to my left and my sword met his when it came for my right side. I stepped forward, swinging my blade at his head, which he ducked smoothly and drove his sword toward my stomach. I danced away and then came after him again, now using repetitive strikes back and forth, shifting my weight from foot to foot, my balance shifting every second as he and I exchanged blow after blow. The scrolls that had magically enlarged to engulf and bind him once more, were batted away by his free hand at every interval.

I began to tire as I felt sweat perspire on my brow and the sword became more difficult to wield. He merely laughed and came after me aggressively. “Bah! Don’t you wish you did not have the taint of human blood weakening you?”

I grunted and swung the sword towards his shoulder, where it glanced off and the strike shook my entire arm, my hand fumbled and dropped the sword. I felt his elbow smack into my stomach hard, forcing the breath out of me and knocking me back against the wall.

He strode over close, the sword’s edge against my throat. “Well, well, what’s this?” He plucked the pendant from my neck and studied the shape. “So this is it, huh? Well then.” He turned towards the approaching scrolls of paper and crushed the crystal in one hand. As he opened his palm and tilted it to pour out a fine glittery powder, the scrolls turned into mere wisps of smoke.

I slumped as I felt every bit of strength leave me as well as my mother’s blessing of power. The wings I had been given turned to ash as my exhaustion took a hold.

Ashenith turned around once more and saw my closed eyes, my shallow breathing and hissed in my ear as he tensed to drag the blade across my throat.

“And so ends the bloodline of the Eldahar.”

The End

Well guys this is the end of the tale. Took me almost a year to complete the first storygame I started, but I did it. I hope you enjoyed. Thank-you to all who have been there since the beginning and kept up with it. I appreciate your patience and participation.


#202:  Author: SyranoreLocation: The Inn PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:57 pm
Nice ending. Somewhat grim, and leaves a little wiggle room for further works in the same universe, should you choose to, but is not completely open-ended.

#203:  Author: theendLocation: under your bed eating your socks PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:33 pm
I really like it, I didn't read it until just now but, i like it.

#204:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:18 pm
*Falls on knees in a melodramatic manner* NOOOOOO! It can't be over! It can't be!*gets back up and looks around* Now that that's out of my system, good ending, good ending Lily.

#205:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:47 pm

#206:  Author: MastermindLocation: Right here. PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:46 am
Crying or Very sad

But still, a good ending.


#207:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:56 am
F5 the above, a very good ending although I'm sad to see this one finish Sad

Good work!


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