The Hero and the Assassin
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So what will they do?
Another round of questioning?
 100%  [ 3 ]
Differences lead to battle royale?
 0%  [ 0 ]
Uneasy alliance?
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: dragon_fire372, DukeReg

#241:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:38 pm
Not too late at all, in fact I'm putting the poll up now!

#242:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:08 pm
Blast a tie! Time to find Lily and convert her in time for the poll to my point of view. *runs to find Lily*

#243:  Author: DukeRegLocation: Australia PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:16 pm
Voted to attack, since I think a fight is where the conversation is inevitably headed.

#244:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:15 pm
Excellent, more readers....

And he might not have ended up fighting...Din raises some very vaild points with her questions.

Still...I like writing fight scenes...

Poll's up for another day...

#245:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:14 pm
Wow, this story has only gotten better.

I just got caught up and yay! I didn't miss the poll. Even if we do end in a fight, well-informed battle is better than simple instinct and brutallity.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

#246:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:43 am
Welcome back D-fire! And the poll's now closed. Next chappy up tomorrow...

#247:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:27 am
Right, took me an extra day but here it is...

Chapter Twenty Five: Reunion

Inthas stared at the massive creature in wonder. "What did you just call me?" The beast shook itself, it's indrawn breath sounding like the death-rattle of a mountain.

"Lord's are the Lord's son are you not?" It took two paces closer, it's fetid breath washing over him and nearly making him gag. It's glowing eyes swept over him, raking him like hot coals even though it's gaze was not a physical thing to touch him. "Ah, you wish to see how effective I am. I assure you nothing can get past me. I'll show you."

With that it swept it's massive talons at him, making him jump back in surprise. Lord's son? Which Lord? Surely it was mistaken...his father was long dead...wasn't he? He would have come back otherwise wouldn't he? He had to!

Inthas was so preoccupied with his thoughts he didn't pay as much attention to the battle as he should have. The foul beast quickly made short work of him, beating him soundly all around until, at last, it delivered a smashing blow with it's tail that knocked Inthas's wits from him. Looking up at the beast through a haze of pain he heard it's massive jaws clicking together as it studied him. "I seem to have hurt you...I should return you to the Master's Tower."

Before he could protest, indeed before he figured out the implications of the words the creature had spoken, it scooped him up and carried him off. Sometime during the nightmare ride filled with the scents of a rotting hell, Inthas passed out.

Rovan was pouring over a collection of old scrolls he'd pulled up from the lower Library when the Cravenslade bellowed for him. "Oh what can that misbegotten mash of vegitation and animal carcasses want now." Walking over to the balconey he was rather surprised when the thing hurled a limp body up to him.

"I've brought him back, only a little worse for the wear! Tell the Lord I am ever vigilant Master!" With that the thing turned and loaped back along the path of distruction it had carved, heading in the direction from whence it had come. For a moment Rovan could only shake his head and make a mental note to upgrade the brains he was using in these creatures.

Then he turned to examin the body...and exclaimed in shock. It was a koshuman, a half-breed just like himself. "So you're the one who challeneged the Cravenslade. Foolish...but brave." He could sense the life energies coming off the limp figure, proving it was still alive, merely unconcious. "I wonder why he didn't kill you?"

Unable to smell anything of the half-breed thanks to the left-over oder of the rotten beast that had brought him, Rovan was sure it was male, he paced around it. As he stepped back and took in the whole of the figure he noticed something. "Myrrila! Get in here!" His sister was in the room in minutes. "Change your form...I have a hunch that..."

His words were cut off as the figure moved, regaining it's senses. With a soft intake of breath, he stretched out his hand and his staff of ebony wood lept into it. Resting easily, as if board, he nodded to Myrrila to keep silent and watch. He wanted to know more about this stranger...

Inthas came to, knowing instinctively that he wasn't in the same place he had been. With a groan he got to his feet, feeling the energies swirling around him. With a wobble and a pop he felt his bones rearrange, his human form returning at last as his beast subsided. Reaching up he tapped the soreal and was relieved to feel his armor encase him. He ran a hand through his hair, he winced as his visor snapped shut on his fingers. Pulling them free he let loose and explosive breath as his eyes cleared enough for him to take stock of his surroundings.

Something prickled the back of his neck and he spun around, coming face to face or well cloth, with a hooded figure leaning against a staff. For once Inthas was glad his visor was down so that the figure couldn't see the shock on his face. Was this the Dark Mage? The Dark Lord he'd heard so much about? Obviously the Mage wasn't all that happy to see him as he suddenly straightened up. "A Knight of the Skyeye Rose? Impossible! We wiped them off the face of Pharl hundreds of years ago...did we not Myrilla?"

Another shuffling sound had Inthas turning to look behind him as a slender maid, hair the color of his own, moved deeper into the shadows cast by the leaping fire in the hearth. "Why yes...but we also thought we'd culled the half-bloods. So it seems that a contridiction, or a ghost from the past, stands before us."

The Mage walked forward and rapped his staff against Inthas's plate. A ringing note sprang clear and instantly Inthas had his sword in his hand. The Mage paused then reached out a hand to the blade. "I recognize those runes..." He pushed back his hood and Inthas gasped. The face under the hood, the face of the foe he'd come to defeat, was the face of his little brother...all grown. "Inthas?"

With numb hands Inthas reached up to lift his visor, then just banished his helm altogether. His throat was nearly closed tight yet still one name tumbled past his lips. "Rovan..."

For a moment the two brother's face each other down, years peeling away until Inthas was six and Rovan was little more than a toddler in smallclothes. "They sent you against me? The Twins would pit brother against brother? How can they be so cruel?"

Inthas shook his head, eyes hardening. "You ask that when you've been doing the very same thing. Not so fun when it's your own flesh and blood you've got to fight is it Rovan?"

The Mage opened his mouth to speak but never got the chance. Instead the whole of Pharl shook, as if someone had struck a great black bell and set it ringing. Quickly, in rapid succession, two more great chimes rocked the world, different notes each. Both of them so sweet as to the point of cloying, the kind of sweet that disguises a rotten core. The crystilline beauty that hides a decayed heart. Both Inthas and Rovan dropped to their knees, a thud from behind telling Inthas that the woman had done the same.

Rovan looked at him with hostile eyes. "What did you do! Why are they in pain!"

"I did nothing! I've done nothing since arrival!"

"I don't believe you! You always were the lucky one, had everything given to you! You don't know what it was like after you left Inthas!" Suddenly Rovan surged up toward him, staff whirling like darkness incarnate. Inthas's blade swept up to parry, sparks flying as the two enchanted weapons met.

"You're being a fool Rovan! You know why I left! Mother could never have fed us both! She had to send me off, I didn't want to go one bit! And Work! I've never worked harder in my life than I have since I started tracking you down!"

Inthas called his helm back to his face as the battle began. Their weapons met again and Inthas marveled at the dark strength that imbued his brother's frail form. Still, it was one thing to marvel, another to fight and the combat continued. Inthas noted that the woman was wisely staying out of the battle, content to watch.

Yet the press of arms was telling and, dark strength or no, Rovan was not used to this kind of combat. Inthas, with all the benifits of Xsyle's training, was going to win. A ringing blow sent Rovan's staff flying and Inthas's blade was set at his brother's throat. "I don't want to do this Rovan, please yeild."

Rovan, his soul lost to the dark madness that had overcome him, snarled wordlessly at Inthas, who merely shook his head. "So be it brother." With tears in his eyes he began to shift the balance of the blade so that it would lay Rovan's throat open, then he suddenly found it wrenched from his grasp.

He looked up and found himself staring into a pair of intense green eyes, eyes the color of a jeweled forest apple. Black scars traced away from those eyes in a starburst of ebon-shadow, midnight blue hair framing the pale face...Xsyle's face. "Fool! I told you not to kill him! Still, your defeat of him has allowed me to regain that which once was mine."

Whirling she walked over to where Rovan lay and fisted her fingers into the cloth of his robes. With a heave she lifted him to his feet...and beyond. Snarling into his face with all the chill of a North Sea gale, eyes snapping sparks, she began a tirade she'd been saving since the day she lost her eyes.

"You FOOL! You idiot boy! I would never have believed any of my blood would go crawling to the Akrons! Even after you learned their true nature, after you realized you'd never gain what was promised still you aid them!"

Inthas broke in, his sharp hearing dectecting something he didn't want to be true. "Wait...did you say you shared blood with him?" She flicked a glance over her shoulder at him.

"Yes...he's my brother's son. Unfortunately." That was enough for him...Inthas sat down.

"Xsyle...Shade...Adaria...Whatever your name is, I've a question for you." With a rough gesture he yanked his helm off. "Did your brother look like this?" For the first time he saw an instant of surprise on the assassin's face...and instant that was quickly gone and replaced by calculated fury.

"You...but my brother said he had only one son. Duliale you..."

Rovan cleared his throat. "It would be easy for him to think so, he never came home after I was born. Likely he didn't even know Mother was with child when he last left. And Myrrila, her mother didn't even tell my Father she existed. Her mother and Father spent one night together and he never came back. I wasn't even sure when I first encountered her but...blood does call to blood."

Looking around Inthas had to agree. The three children his Father never knew he had and his aunt...he looked at Xsyle with hard eyes. "Wait. If you're Duliale's're Adara aren't you?"

She looked at him and a slow smile crept upon her face. "It took you long enough to figure it out, still kudos Inthas."

For a moment none of them moved, the question of 'What Next' heavy in the air...

At LAST! One of two major sub-plots has been tied up. I'm surprised none of you caught on to that one, I left enough clues for you to follow...or did I. Nevermind. The End is near dear readers, hasten it along will you?

#248:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:16 am
An interesting question indeed. A question I can feel an entire plot, a entire, nay an entire world hinged.

I will give this one approriate time and thought, but I will be back hopefully more the wiser then I am now.

#249:  Author: DukeRegLocation: Australia PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:31 pm
Awww... a family reunion. They should go off together and live a happy life raising playful puppies and baking cupcakes in a little cottage in the middle of a valley filled in the spring with daisies and ...

Oh, wait. The 2 males just tried to kill each other after they recognised that they were long lost brothers, and the aunt doesn't seem the sentimental type. I don't even know what that other chick is going to have to say about any of this, but aren't they all still mortal enemies? I mean a pair of uneasy allies who are enemies with another pair of uneasy allies? I don't think the family relationship is going to change their minds about anything much.

So. Xsyle and Inthas are going to do whatever it was they were already planning to do next, and presumably Rovan and Myrrila will have something to say about it, which wont stop Xsyle and Inthas but may involve some kind of fight scene.Wink

Sorry 25 chapters have overcome my memory, what is it they were planning to do after they came to this place?

#250:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:42 pm
Well, they were planning on saving Illirae and Nordule and the stallions...oh and saving the world of course.

However, Xsyle doesn't want Rovan killed...because he's family and she's got a thing about killing's her one no-no. She was only trying to make him yeild in the Deathmatch in the first place...

There's also another of the sub-plots looming...namely if Rovan is the Dark Mage the 'Master' the Cravenslade beast spoke of...then who is the 'Lord'? I used the terms interchangably at the start because Inthas didn't know any better but there is a difference...

Think of it as two evils...Rovan is the lesser of...

#251:  Author: DukeRegLocation: Australia PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:08 pm
Ok thanks for the memory refresh. I still don't think priorities have changed, but maybe a new approach is needed before pursuing the priorities.

So far inthas has pretty much done what he was told and blindly fumbled around.

Now Inthas should dig his heels in and flatly refuse to do anything until they explain everything to him.

They need to tell him who is who. If there is anyone with a vague title like the Lord, he should find out who it is and what the guy has to do with Inthas and his family.

He has to find out where his siblings loyalties lie; why they are doing what they are doing, etc.
He needs Xsyle to decide who she is and what she stands for and then explain it to him in simple sentences.

He needs to know where Illirae and Nordule and the stallions are, and what exactly needs to be done to rescue them (accepting no vagueries or "you don't need to know yet").

Similarly he needs to know what exactly the threat to the world is and how he can stop it.

Only when he knows what is going on will he be in a position to actually go and do it.

That's quite a mouthful. "Inthas demands a detailed explanation." would be easier to fit in the poll.

It's good to see you kept on with the story right to the end Rai. I cant wait to see how the whole end-of-world subplot turns out.

#252:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:21 am
*smiles at Reg* As always the brillant Reg comes to the clueless Din's rescue. Thanks Reg.

Rai, *jerks thumb at Reg* I agree with him.

#253:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:48 am
As do I.

Very exciting developments, can't wait to see how it all ends!

It seems my memory needs to be refreshed too. I remember that Inthas swore to hunt down and destroy Adara, but I can't recall why. I read that part far too long ago.

#254:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:46 pm
Right another re-cap, this tells me it's a good thing this SG is almost over...*wipes forehead*.

D-Fire, Inthas swore to kill Adara because he's a Paladin, a Knight of the Skyeye Rose.

The Knights of the Skyeye Rose were a force of ultimate good. They never had a single one of their members go evil, crazy yes but not evil. They were fair, just, and powerful foes in battle. Many of them took vows to end all evil or at least stop the work of certain evil personages.

Adara, being the most legendary assassin in the history of Pharl, was pretty high on their hit list. At one point, right around the time of Inthas, the entire order swore on their swords they'd seek her death...naturally she laughed her butt off about that.

So, Inthas has sworn to kill Adara because that's what he did back then, crusaded around killing evil people...of course he's not so sure about that oath now...

Hopefully that clears it up.

#255:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:58 am
Thanks. I couldn't remember if he had a personal agenda against her or if it was just a "kill the icky assassin!" type of thing.

#256:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:08 pm
Right POLL!!!

#257:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:11 pm
This is the final chapter. H/A is my longest running SG to date. Many of it's readers have forgotten about it, lost interest, or gone from IF enterly. Thus, it is time for it to bow out. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty Six: The Twilight Gloaming

Xsyle, Adara, whoever she was walked to the window ledge and looked out. "So much pain Rovan. What are you gaining from it?"

He laughed darkly. "Oh isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. But it's a simple answer really. I've been promised power."

Adara smiled. "The Akron's always promise power but rarely do they deliver. They use that incentive, that lure, and blinding illusions to control those who are powerful enough for their needs."

"As you were controlled? You served both the Darkness and the Light in your time Adara...if that's who you really are." Inthas's arms were folded over his chest and he glared at her. She smiled back.

"Rovan, if I was serving the Dark God's interests so well...why wasn't this world already conqured? If I was served the Light so well, why were you allowed to get as far as you did? Honestly, I could have killed you...I chose not to. I could have forsaken my honor as you did and simply cut you down, become Kinslayer."

For a moment the brothers, and the still silent sister, thought about this. Finally Myrrila spoke. "It seems we have all been manovered into doing the dark work of these serpents from Elsewhere. They have torn our family apart in their need for power...why?"

Adara smiled. "Because my Mother wasn't my mother. The woman my father married he married to take care of me. And Duliale's mother was much the same. You see, Duliale's mother and mine were both...more than Koshugon...more than mortal."

A rumbling shook the tower suddenly, an unearthly keening filled the air Adara's grip tightened on the rail. "So that is what happened to him. That is what Duliale has become. your father...the Dark Lord."

Slowly a massive, monsterous, koshugon walked from a dark rift in the ground. His horned head was ragged and rotten, one horn broken horribly. His hide was pulled tight over his muscles, great seething stripes of green poison trailing over the hide black as a rotting corpse. In the center of his chest was a gaping hole, the death wound caused by the spear.

The long spine on his back were mostly broken away, a few remained with the reminants of tattered wing membraines between them...once he'd been able to fly. With a gate neither harried nor slowed he approached the tower and took a great leap, landing on the balconey just before Adara.

He stared down at her from his great height, eyes pits of red darkness in his skull. " long it has been. Will you not stand before me once more?"

Adara backed up a step as her form flowed and changed. Her hide turned the midnight blue of her hair, stripes the color of bone breaking into gentle ringed spots as they faded from her spine. Her long spines were still intact and webbed, looking like great sheets of ebony silk on deep blue spindles. Wings to fly or to glide. Her talons were black, chased in silver, her fangs the purest ivory. Her green eyes shimmered and long hair spilled from her head where a pair of horns curved gracefully back from her forehead.

She was light, lithe and trim. Her claws long and serrated, her fangs like daggers. Her swords were still crossed over her flanks, hilts in just the position for her nimble fingers to draw them. Their size had increased with her own, these were obviously koshugon blades. Her whip-like tail snapped, the delicate featherings of hair like an ocean spray, rippling as it moved.

"Well brother? Have I changed as much as you have?"

The Dark Lord cocked his head to the side. "No, you remain...unchanged. How can this be? I was told that you were diminished."

"For a time I was...I am no longer. You see I gave up listening to the promises of Akrons and Gods and I have made my own way, Council will it or no."

The Dark Lord roared and instantly Inthas and the others found themselves in their half-blood forms, standing crowded in a room not made for creatures of this size. They looked at each other wonderingly, Inthas was larger than his father, Rovan more agile, Myrrila more lithe...yet they all resembled each other strongly.

Duliale noticed it. "What is this?" He demanded of Adara.

She grinned, hissing. "Children, yours, that you knew not you had. You had more than one son my brother. You should be proud that they've all grown strong, if not wise. That they all fight for reasons of their own, be that self power, freedom, or a place to belong."

Duliale recoiled. "What has been done to us Adara? Once we had plans and dreams..."

"And now the Akron's have shaped us, shaped our world. It is time to cast them off my brother. It is time to fight."

"And time to die." Duliale hissed. "I have been unable to die these long centuries. What I have done I have done expecting my soul to be freed, but it never is."

"That is the way they work, it is how they survive. They take who we would have been and make us their slaves. I have been affected, you have been affected, and your children have been affected. Why do you think I never tried to reverse my barreness? Why do you think I never wanted to bring children into this world? I would not see them enslaved as yours have been."

Duliale gave a great roar and unsheathed a massive blade from between his tattered wings. Outside a storm was growing and rolling shapes could be seen in cloud and soil. He grinned at his sister and his children. "We have done my damage, all of us. Perhaps it is time to start setting things right?"

Adara slowly unsheathed her blades, a growel building in her throat. "Yes," she purred. "I believe it is time."

Behind her the siblings had been discussing things and now they stepped forward, sword and staves in hands. Inthas looked at Adara. "We do not agree much. Infact since we three have been together this is only the second thing we agree on besides hatred for each other. But we agree the Akron's must be stopped at any cost. Pharl must be saved. We will fight even if it means our deaths."

With a gesture Rovan threw open all the doors and windows of his tower, unlocked all locks. "Your friends are free of my dungeons. If they survive and we do not we can at least trust them to carry on the fight."

Adara looked at each of them in turn, smiling, then looked to where the Akron's had gathered outside the tower. "Today we fight...if you are still alive on the 'morrow I will be proud to call you kin."

With that the five of them turned and faced the Star-Serpents. A roar burst forth from Adara, a roar quickly taken up by Duliale then Inthas, then Rovan, then Myrrila. And still roaring they descended into the fray...

That's it. There's no more. It's not a cliffhanger, none of them will survive this suicide charge and that's plain to see. Will there be a sequel? Maybe someday but for now I thank you for reading and bid you adue.

#258:  Author: DukeRegLocation: Australia PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:45 pm
Woohoo! You made it! I'm impressed at the sheer amount of persistence you showed in continuing this story to the end.

#259:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:25 am
A fitting end to a good story. Well done!

#260:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:11 am
I'm glad I snuck in long enough to read the end of this Rai.

D-Fire is right. The ending fits. Mysterious, uncertain yet certain, filled with rebellion, defiance, and a note of glorious if somewhat frutile pride.

*smiles and sighs* Ah, you have no idea how much I am going to miss this...

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