The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#281: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:37 pm
Sorry people, I was on holidays during Christmas and I will be off mostly due to preliminary examinations in February. However here goes...

Morzan focused on the grey wall with such an intensity Graeme expected it to crumple. Well, he looks like a wizard with that stare. However the stare did nothing. Figures.

Graeme put a hand on the warriors elbow to draw his attention.

"Morzan, I'm the Magic here, let me try this. Heck, if you are weakened then how the hell am I meant to protect you? Magic is great but too much too quickly runs out. Swords don't. Let me do this."

Morzan went to disagree but thought better of it. That's what Graeme liked about Morzan. He thought with his head, not his heart.

Graeme stepped forward and expanded his senses. Its just a solid wall of nothingness...I don't even know what is beyond it. Well, lets see what is.

He went deep inside himself to the core of his being. He wrapped his mind around the vast magical energy riven with clerical power throughout it.

"My Lord, I shall need you in this grave task. We are trapped, our trials have led to this. A deadend. You, the Master of Paths, have made it thus. But as I, your ever faithful servant and warrior of your cause request aid. Help me open a path."

Graeme waited in expectation.


Graeme felt something drain away inside himself. His God's favour. Graeme was desolate.

"Why?" he whispered.

"You have rejected my offers of clergical rise, you have besmirched my name, you have scorned your fellow priests. And most importantly, shamed your great familie's name with your actions. My favour is denied."

Graeme felt rage burn through him. All his life he had done what he believed was right by his God. All that was just thrown back in his face.

"Morzan...We might have a problem..."

#282:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:59 pm
Rath stopped cold in her tracks. The threads around her were stirring, as if touched by something great and mighty. Such dissonant resonace could have only been caused by one angery divine. Rath knew of only one reason a divine anything would be anywhere near them. Sure enough, the moment she lept to the conclusion in her mind the sword burned in her hand again.

It wanted her to help the priest. I already have. If he's foolish enough to forget the staff then he's worthless. Ignoring the further protests of the sword she continued her ascent into oblivion.

#283:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:58 am
((The following is a narrotal fast effort to speed this to the end some events will be don't panic.))

This is so slow....

Oh, shut up off topic, your so annoying....

Yes, but you love me anyway....

Yes, I would just love to be stuck in the trunk of car about to go over Niagria Falls too.

Hey, I think I was just insulted!


"Stop it you two," Rain cries from the distant Marsh of Erial. "Now, if your done fighting can we please get on with this story?"

I guess so.

[color=purple] Alright, Alright. I'll stop it if she stops it.

"Purple..." Rain scoldes.

Fine. Here it goes...

~ ~ ~

In the infamous Santuary, Morzan, Graeme, and Creama stand infront of a border of throny greenery in a bit of a condrom.

Somehow, someway, they use something to do something which managed to allow the greenery to part into to two clear paths.....

Now that they could clearly see in front of them, they discovered that infront of them a tall tower dominated the scenery.

Guards that looked like parts of dead bodies sowed together by someone with very poor eyesight potryaled infront of the tower and the whole valley.

Forantly for the small company, they soon discovered that these guards were somewhat deaf, nearly blind, and a little well...brain dead. As long as they moved slowly and quietly the party had high hopes to pass the first part of the valley.

Yet that tower worried them. Completly surronded by windows, if the person who controlled the tower would be able to easily see them if he even glanced out the windows.

Also to Greame's magical sight, the Tower was surronded by the magical equaltivant to inferred beams. There was no way they could get pased that.

From the power raditating from Tower it was very clear that a powerful mage controlled this valley. Recongizing the magical signature Greame suddenly realized where they were, they were in what had been his first vision, in a place called the Santuary. According to the legend, this had once been the Tower of a Powerful Order of the Mages of Light until this evil mage came and took over with his army of the dead. The third hand mage to the infamous Mage Meril himself, Mage Faundril as he was called was doubly as powerful as Graeme at the best of times.

Greame looked around and sure enough, a small village made of desolate cottages stood to one edge of the valley in a relative safe distance from the Tower.

One cottage, exactly the one he had seen in his vision, covered in vines lay closer than the others to the Tower. Graeme knew what and who he would find in that cottage. But could they receach it while staying out of the sight of Mage Faundril, and did he really want to go there?

Beyond the cottage and the tower clearly seen by them was a crack in between two mountains, and far off in the distance lay the Mountain of the Lady.
Graeme really wanted to challenge the Mage inside the tower, as a point of pride, and a way to rube the noses of everyone who had everyone who had doubted him. However, Greame was in short supply of magic and they were running out of time....

What does Graeme do?

~ ~ ~

Beneath the Firey Marsh of Erial, Rath, Rain, and Ariania were making their slow way throught the underground place called the Wuril...the legendary stronghold of most of the legions of demons who hunted the Western Waste. Their way was slow because they were constantly having to hide to avoid the being seen by the many demons who patrolled the place.

Now they were in a oval room that seemed to go upwards for enternity. Two stariwells, one going clockwise the other going counter-clockwise wound upwards.

In addition four doors, one the way they came, one to the north east, one to the north west, and the third to the south west. Suddenly from behind and before the group hears footsteps....they're in the crossroads of Wuril and two legions were coming their way...and because of the echos they didn't know where from?

Knowing the stairs led to above ground where there was realtive safety in the bolders that scattered the grounds of the bog that came after the Marsh Erial and led eventually to the same back door the other group was heading towards even now.

However if they went upwards, they could possibly be seen by the legions who marched below. Yet if they choose the wrong door it would mean instant death.

What do they do?

#284: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:28 am
What to do? Risk the lives of his companions and him? Try and defeat a mage of astounding power without his god beside him?

Graeme grinned. Sounds good. I could crash and burn but that's what life is about. Taking chances. See how He likes it when Graeme succeeds without his favour.

"I'm going into that tower. You go ahead to the village. I have a little job to do."

Graeme went ahead towards the tower. Come on you git, feel this!
Graeme sent a pulse of energy at the makeshift guards. They crumpled in on themselves.

"Graeme! What are you doing! Get out of there," Morzan shouted at him.

"Screw Gods! Screw the Tricked! They have made my life a misery from the start. Now I'll distract this here mage, you get to the town and through the mountain. Find her and kill her. I'll follow as soon as I'm done here. If I'm not back in a week, then presume me lost...

(this is to let others continue, I shall post the results later on)

#285:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:16 pm
((Thankies Smudge. I'm giving 2 more days for everyone's else's responses, if nobody guessed another Narrotal Fast Forward.))

#286: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:22 pm
No problem din, sorry I was a little late. My SG just finished polling and I am writing the new chappy now, got distracted Wink

#287:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:34 am
((Sorry, I havn't got enough time to write a proper post right now...but just to let you know that Ariana would opt for the stairs - even though they might be seen. You may as well take that risk. It's better than getting killed instantly if you chose the wrong door.))


#288:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:16 pm
Rath hadn't gotten where she was today by being a feckless coward. True maybe that wasn't the best example, she was mad and alone in the world, but she was still alive...which was more than many others could say. Shouldering the sword she vaulted into the air, landing on the second spiral.

Looking down she snorted. "Legions of demons shouldn't be any problem, not when they've got those two to distract them."

#289:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:58 pm
((Narrotal Fast Forward: Please not a lot is going to be skipped, use your imaginations to fill in the blanks!))

*Clears throat* Well, why Greame was sacrificing him in a stupid, impossible task, Morzan and Creama headed for the nearby village.

Okay, so that's not exactly true. Creama was heading to the village, with an unconsience Morzan on her back. Morzan, although intelligent sometimes let his loyalty to other get in the way of his brain.

So he had all up for dodging in danger and helping Graeme, after all what could the hunchback do against whatever is in that tower.

Creama however, knew that such a thing was useless and sucidal, and as she needed a body guard to get whereever they needed to go next she promtly used her battle wisdom to knock Morzan unconscience, slung him on her back and started to head for the town.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile in the Marshes of Erial, Rain and Ariania were in trouble. Rath who had decided to either play the coward, or the intelligent one depending on how you looked at it, had left the two relatively helpless girls by themselves.

Taking a helpless look at each other, they bolted to the nearest stair. Luck or something else was on there side however because apparently the two units of demons were both heading the opposite way and neither unit wanted to move aside to let the others pass.

The resulting chaos let Ariania and Rain miraclously escape unnoticed.

Emmerging from the long dark stair, sweat shoaked and tired, Ariania and Rain stood blinking in the sunlight for a minute or two as their eyes adjusted to the light.

"Blast it!" Rath cursed. "You two are alive! When will my luck ever change?"

"No thanks to you," Ariania muttered.

"Malen..."Rain scolded, "Hush before you get us in more trouble."

"I suppose it's my fault that I'm stuck," Rath said turning to stair at something that Rain's unadjusted eyes couldn't make out, "If only I had spent more time learning your stupid mortal games. Like this one for example." Rath said gesturing to what was infront of her.

"It's called A'Racque^ (Ah Rack a Ka)," came a familar voice from behind them.

Rain twirled and smiled as her eyes finally adjusted enough to let her see, "Craema. I'm so glad you made it."

Ariania frowned however, "Where's Graeme?"

"We're not sure," came a rather gruff voice from behind Creama as Morzan stepped in view, "thanks to Creama here the last thing I saw was him heading to his doom in the form of a mage tower."

"The Santurary," Rain whispered in awed voice, "so he chose to be a Mage in the last. I only hope he lives to tell the tale."

"That's right, but how did you know?"

"It was his destiny, either way he choose, but I always hoped that he would choose the other way, but it was his destiny, and his choice." Rain said in a finished way that broked no questions.

"Excuse me people," came the rather annoyed voice of Rath, "May I ask what we are supposed to do now?"

Looking back the landscape before them that Rain couldn't see minutes before, Rain saw a awe inspiring vision in front them.

A'Racque is an elaborate game very simlar to chess. However instead of being two colors, there are four. Red, White, Black, and Silver. Red always being on the right side of the board. Black at the far back, Silver to the left, and White always in the front.

A'Racque^ was also multi-leveled. Steps leading up and down uneven terrian that represent an a-typical battle field. More advanced types of the game featured as many as seven different layers of different landscapes all layered unto of one another. In front of them, forantly for the group, the landscape represent of Child's version of the game.

The landscape was as such: Each color was slightly evalated from the main playing field which in itself was relatively flat except for a few unlevel spots. The colors are each on varying heights with white being almost level with the playing field, silver a little higher than white, red being higher than silver, and black being the highest level of them all.

The A'Racque^ board is commonly labeled with spots dedicated to each color along with blue spots representing lakes, charocal gray represent large hills or stones, and green representing grass or marsh depending on which form of the game was being played.

"Ah Creama, do you know how to play A'Racque^ Malenerialion Possesion?" Rain called shouting back at the others.

"The game where the low level player tries to reach the Santuary of the High Level player while all the other colors try to defeat, crush, and possibly destroy the lowest level player."

"Yeah, that one."

"Excellently, but why do you ask?" Creama said stepping beside Rain, "Oh."

Morzan who had also joined them, moaned but then said, "I hope you can play with only a four players, because I think we have to play across that." He said pointing the field in front of them.

"We do."

"Why bother with this!" Winging her way into the sky, Rath tried to begin to fly across the A'Racque^ field only to be thrown back by humogeous force.

"Now do you see why we have to play?" Rain asked.

"No. I don't."

Morzan was the one who answered this time, "This is the board of Valon A'Racque the ancient board set up before the time of war, countries, and men beyond recall in even tale played here on this field. Their united blood binds all who step foot on their feild to play their ancient game. We are a white, so we can only play on the white squares and there are no squares in the sky, Rath so don't get any ideas."

"Besides," Creama said who was now scribbling on a piece of parchment furiously, "The only way we can cross the field unnoticed is by playing the game."

"I can't play," Ariania said nearly crying, "I don't know how?"

"I am only a a'que player on the second tier, I have no knowledge of playing on this level yet." Rain said looking confused at the confirguments that Craema was seeing right through.

"I can help a little, as a general I made it the A'Raci^ level all the way up to the fifth tier. But I'm not familar with the Malllerion Possesion form of the game."

Rain brightened a little, "That much I can answer, do you see that mountain?"

"Yeah," Morzan echoed vaguely.

"That's the Lady's Mountain. To defeat her, we need to get there. In order to get there we have to cross this field, unnoticed by the red demons, the black dragons, or the silver orcs. All while those other players try to find us in order to organize our immediate dismise. Get it?"

"So we have to cross that field filled with people trying to kill us?"

"Pretty much."

"Yes," Creama said beaming, "But here's the good news, as long as everyone does exactly what I tell them, we should cross this field relatively unscathed and completly unnoticed."

#290:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:16 pm
Rath snarled. "Games...pah. The only good games are the Bloodsport...or perhaps the Tentalon." She gazed at the centaur. "Well then, orders madam."

She might have to play but she didn't have to like it.

#291:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:29 pm

An A'Racque board, to be exact what's infront of you. This shows the board only, it doesn't display the player pieces as I couldn't work them in.

((Totally of topic but: Rules of A'Racque Malleion Possesion.

The Goal: The Goal of Malleion Possession depends largely on which colors controls the 'Possession' or the 'Win Spot' on the board.
In the interest of brevity, when black controls the possesion as it does on this board, the 'Possesion' is always a geographical feature such as a mountain, lake, river, or forest (here the Ladies Mountain).
In the Malleion form of A'Racque Possesion, three teams are united against the enemy of black in this case white.

The Colors: A teams color limits to what that pieces can do. This is usually done in the form of declaring a race---once a race is declared, the pieces of that color can only act in the normal way that race would.
Black is always a flying race. Black can move on higher levels, and jump large distances, but are vulnerable because of this.
Red is always a groundbased race that perfers to be underground rather than above it. Red can only move on ground level spaces unless there is a stair or a mountain on the board, and in that case they can climb. Red however, tends to be a territoal player and only actively controls a few if any of its spaces.
Silver is always a race of opposites. If for example, the race came move fast and are brutal attactors (such as orcs), than that race is also usally slow, dim wited, and near sighted. Silver must move as it's race would, and tends to keep to level ground.
White has the greatest advantage. White can pick multiple races, but only one of each race. They can however choose multiple human players but only if the humans have different proffesions, i.e. mages, generals, farmers, etc.

Mallieon Possesion Spaces: The colored spaces of a Malleion Possession Board are pre declared usually based on some battle before hand or natural borders of the countries. In this case, the spaces are colored according to the spaces were possesed when the orginal players stopped playing over a thousand years ago.
Subdivision A:
Unlike chess, however, players can move on squares not their on color but the pieces must stick to their 'pattners' sort of like specific pieces of a chess board can only move a certain way.
The following color movements is according the board being played, be aware it changes according to different versions of the game:
The Black Dragons can only move diagonally on their own squares, unless they 'take over' another square of the whites. The Black Dragons can move up to three places at a time, unless they are stricking a player in this case they may only move one square.
The red demons may move on their own squares, silver squares, and any white squares they may take. The red demons move from side-to-side, or up and down, not diagonally. They may move up to one place at a time unless stricking and then they may move two places. In addition, if the red demons have a black dragon in alligence to them in their group they may move on black spaces but only if 'their' dragon is on the spot first. This is a risky move because if the dragons 'player' decides to move the piece elsewhere before the red has time to move to the black square, the red group losses their dragon.
The Silver Orcs may move only on silver and black squares, never ever red. They may never occupy the same square that another colored piece is already occuping unless they first strick that square. Silver may move up to five spaces at a time but for every place they move they lose one turn.
White may move on any unoccupied square, and may move up to three spaces at a time depending on what 'race' a certain piece is but it has a great disadvantage in this game. In malleion possession, white most keep a distance of one square from the silver, two squares from red, and four squares from the black pieces.
Subdivision B:
Units: Each color is given four-to six units of groups. These groups number in varying degrees from 1 to 1 legion.
On this board you are face five units of dragons, numbering in twos.
Four units of demons, totallying to 1 legion divided between the four units.
Six units of orcs, each unit numbering 100 each.

Turns: Black gets one turn for every two of the other players.
Red always gets a turn.
Silver gets a turn according to their last movements.
White alwasys gets a turn.
Turns go clockwise around the board.
A turn counts for moving one unit

Subdivision C:
Occuping a square: As soon as white begins playing, or as soon as our characters step on the board, play takes effect.
In this game, a square is possesed as long as one piece of a color remains on their own square. If this piece is moved from the square and it is not replaced in one turn of it's player, the square is declared unoccupied.
An unoccupied square may be declared anothers by a different colored piece occuping and keeping that square for more than one turn.
Another way to gain a square (in otherwords turn a square from red to white) is to stricke a square. This is done by 'killing' the piece/s that occupy that square.
Normally 'killing' is done by numbers. Each piece is number according to skill, rank, and important position. The lower number takes the higher. Numbers range from 1002 (a farm boy handed a sword), to 1 (a king, a queen). Only a high ranking spy (s1-3), highly skilled assaisin (a1-2), or a specific person bearing a specific weapon (h for hero 1-6) may kill a number 1.
In this case however, killing will be done for real.

Normal Stargery in Malleion Possession:
Normal stargery for red, black, and silver in Malleion is to keep large numbers at their 'home' (their side of the board), and to send one or two small untis onto the playing field. These units will then disperece setting up even smaller units (which may be done as long as the color doesn't add any move pieces but only breaks up its units into smaller ones) to occupy their 'colored' spaces. One unit of a fairly large size (A free roaming dragon for black, a unit of a 500 for red, and a unit of 100 for silver) will openly potral the board moving as much as they can while the other 'pieces' sit still.
The best way for white to 'win' the game, is to move as fast and as quitely as they can across the board. By learning to attentizpate the other players move, a skilled 'white' player may know exactly what spaces will be 'unoccupied' or 'weak' and when. By taking as quick as strides as possible, and by 'stricking' weaker squares in open unoccupied areas, white is usually able to make across the board. In Malleion Possesion, White's job is simply learning to 'know' when unoccupied and unnoticed squares are open and getting to them as fast as possible, using whatever advantage their 'races' give them.

Winning the game: For white the game is simple, make it to the "Possesion" without being noticed/killed.
For the rest it is even simpler, find and destroy any unwelcome, univinted people on the board.))

Same thing as before I will allow 2 days for a response until another Narrotal fast forward.

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

#292:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:10 pm
Morzan scratched his head and looked at the board. IT had been awhile since he had even seen a small one but one that actualy ment life or death...

"White like...sheep crossing a field full of wolves. An impossible task unless we work together."

Taking a deep breath he stepped onto the first tile and tested it with his feet. It seems safe enough. But wait a moment. Wouldnt it be easier to just go around the boarder until they got to where they wanted? Morzan debating on whether to suggest it or not but thought it was a stupid idea.

Without Rath flying it would be very difficult to see what they were they were going up against.

Suddenly his thoughts turned to Greame. Turning to the tower he stared longingly at it. You better come back alive Greame.

#293:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:35 pm
Rath, unable to wait any longer, decided to test her luck. "I might not be able to fly across the board but what if I did this." Lofting herself high above a white square she found nothing inhibiting her wings. "It seems as long as I don't stray out of the white space I'll be fine."

Scouting around Rath spied something in the distance. "Hey Centaur...move your hooves into high gear...unless you feel like coating yourself in demon blood. Here they come!" Rath grinned to herself. If she had to die on a giant game board she'd take as many of her foes with her as she could.

#294:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:58 pm
It's time for...that's right a narratal fast forward...

~ ~ ~

After what seem liked an enternity to the others, Creama had succesful guided the group across the board with only a few bumbs, scratchs, and a couple dead enemies to prove that they had been across the board in the first place.

Rath confidently leading the way with the Sword that seemed to pull at her now, lead the group up the back of the mountain up a long stair.

Until finally, they were at a black door that seemed to burn with flame as the inscribitions glowed in an errie light.

Morzan knew what was behind that door. The door Keeper, it was called here, but in the mortal lands it was called the Shade of Fire, and it was admist the most feared beast.

Pulling his swords free, Morzan strood forward first gesturing the other's back saying simply, "I know this is my task....stay out of my way if you can."

That said, Morzan opened the Door and strode forward looking for his what could be his final foe...while the others kept a safe distance behind him...even Rath for once wasn't fool enough to dodge her way past the experienced solider whose fate had called him to this place at this time.

((Same thing applies here as always....two days people...two days.))

#295:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:24 pm
Chapter ?: The final Chapter....?
((Narrotal Fast Forward take 2...))

*clears throat*

Morzan led the group through the beginnings of the caverns beneath the Lady of The Night's Mountain...all the way upwards to yet another door.

Looking at the door, Rath whispered harsly, "This is it turning back now. And whatever happens, stick together and remember the prophecies..."

Morzan nooded and opened the door. Inside the door was an almost completly dark chamber filled with the noises of a snoring monster.

The monster barely visible was a dark thing, that seemed almost like a giant guard dog, only it had smoke coming out of it's nostrils.

Nodding back to the group, Morzan began to lead the way across the room....all was going well until the group was just across the half way mark of the room. one was sure who stepped on a trap tile, and something clicked.

The monster open it's eyes...eyes that seemed to burn with an inner flame and roared, leaping forward to catch it's midday snack...

Morzan throwing aside all caution, all vows, met the creature face to face, his swords bared....

His swords met the hide of the thing, and amazingly the edge tips slid of the beast hide inflicting no damage whatsoever. In fact the blow only seemed to anger the beast, further.

"Go," Morzan shouted, doing his best to keep the beast at bay while not losing his own neck in the process. "Go now."

Herding the staring ladies out the room, Rath once again took the lead as the sword once again began to pull and tug.

Up stairs, through halls, she lead them until the came to a great stair well with five doors. Rath having been here before knew this was the place were the Lady kept her most precious was the place were the Lady kept the only thing that could kill her.

In side of these doors, there would be a box on a stone column. Inside that box would be a small diamond vial filled with the blackest of blood and a small dagger with a snake for a handle. The blood of the vial was the most deadly poison, the same poison that made the Lady, the Lady. If someone could stand to handle the blade and to touch the posion, and to coat their own blade with it...they could kill the Lady.

Marching to the right I said, Rath had been here before, Rath opened the door, and saw something she didn't expect.

The room was the same...empty...dark...with only a singal blade of light to illuminate the box, but something was different here. Some presence was in this room that wasn't supposed to be there.

Using caution and producence, Rath gestured the ladies behind her flat against the door they entered, and stricking up a flame, Rath looked at the columns next to the door.

"There's a spell here...." Rath said, pushing the girls further back from the main floor that was decorated in black marble where as the enter way was just plain cobblestone tiles... "This room has been enchanted so by touching the black marble the room will be entrenched in Flames."

Something stirred, and Rain stepped forward...."Rain, no!" Rath and Ariania called but it was too late.

Flames spurted as high as the ceiling, as Rain stood in the midst of them helpless against the onslaught.

Rath turned her face away from the heat, and covering the fragile Elf with her wings, Rath protected Ariania as the flames roared.

Striving to open the door to escape certain death....Ariana felt the door swing free as she landed on the floor with a small humph. Rath wasn't too behind her as the eroki-dragoness landed on top of her.

In front of the pair, Morzan stood his swords bloody but his eye's shining.

As the pair stood, Morzan asked..."Where's Rain?"

Just then a box slid across the floor.

Rath picked it up and glanced at it. It was the box they needed. Striding over to the door, Rath strecthed, and pulled the key off the top of the door frame.

"Rain's gone." She said as she went to the fourth door in the room.

"Gone where?"

"Morzan," Ariania said her eyes tearing..."Rain's dead."

"No." Morzan said making as if to find and save Rain from her already sealed doom.

Rath swirled and grabbed his arm, "Don't even try it foolish mortal, she's gone beyond all of let's go, we still have a job to do."

Herding the pair to the stairwell she revealed, Rath only paused to look back when a strange voice uttered in her head...

"A death where none should have died....."

((Same rules apply...I'll be back tomorrow for a more personal perspective of my apparant death and to serve in my narratol faculty.))

#296:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:09 pm
(The final confrontation...Enjoy.)

With tradmark briskness Rath popped the seal on the vial, smearing the poison the length of the blade. Turning she walked toward a set of massive doors, doors she'd entered once before when confronting the Lady the first time. With a bellow the dragoness within ripped free of her Eroki trappings. Morzan and Ariana stepped back as with a blow Rath shattered the massive stone doors.

Standing within, form twisted beyond all beauty, was the Tricked herself holding a blade bloody and black from the sacrifices of much of the demon horde. Such power could, and would, deal Rath a wound nigh on fatal if it landed. "So you have come at last...ever honorable to the end eh Rathania?" Rath snarled.

"It's not about honor any longer. It's about revenge...and blood." Slowly and with deliberate malic Rath's forked toung reached out and caught a drop of the lethal poison, smearing it along her fangs. The Tricked hissed.

" will kill you as it will kill me!" Rath's grin was truely chilling.

"I no longer care." A crack of dark power filled the room and the Lady suddenly doubled then tripled in size, becoming an opponant on par with Rath herself. With a roar the dragoness charged, the Dragonsword howling before her as it cleaved the wind. The Lady's blade flicked up in a parry but was unable to avoid the sweep of Rath's whiplike tail, the rake of the talons on her free hand, or the snapping jaws with their poisoned fangs.

Despite it all the Tricked had no chance, the Lady had never fought a dragon like Rathainia before...maybe that was why the Destinies had chosen Rath in the first place. That last battle of Ergos hardly counted, Rath had not been kyarse-karvo then. She had not been the death dealer of her people.

It was over in an instant, the Dragonsword flashing in an arc that brough a boom of thunder to follow it's silver lightning. The Lady's head flew from her body even as the grip on the blade reversed and plunged the length of the sword through her heart. Rath bellowed to the heavens, a victory bellow that every dragon on Cree heard and answered, a chorus of dragonsong igniting the very fabric of the world.

But though Rath had won a great victory she herself had lost her private battle. Eyes that were nothing more than bloody flame spilled bloodlight along an ebon muzzle from which frothed fangs glimmered. Morzan shoved Ariana and Cremla infront of him, shoving them along and out into the sunlight, down the well worn path so many victims had trod. In the bloody chamber of the Lady Rath wheeled about, looking for any victim remaining to sate her blood hunger.

Only one presented itself...Rath's own reflection in the blade of the Dragonsword. Turning her grip into the suicide pose Valdi, Rath did the last good deed she could have. The poisoned blade of the Dragonsword met and shattered the gem embedded in Rath's chest above her heart, an explosion of power flowing outward. For an instand both sword and dragoness were framed in a cirrus of power before the fragmented into so many sparkles of light.

In the instant before her mind met its end Rath felt the madness leave her, the gem causing it finally shattered. "My lady I have done your work...grant me my final rest...."

(so might end Rath's tale don't do anything with her just yet last thing must happen.)

#297:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:27 am
((Time has soon come for Ariana's final post then...but not quite yet, sorry. I've only just managed to drag myself out of bed for a few moments because I've got a fever from my dad...but I do have something in mind for Ariana's end please don't end it all just yet...
...thanks, Wink

~Solus ))

#298:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:53 pm
((End...oh no...true tales never end. Here's Rain post enjoy...or should I I'll just put into two parts...))

Rath wasn't far from wrong...there was some presence in the room that held the poision that would mean the Lady's death.

Actually there was three...if you didn't count a few invisible presences beside those three...Love, Death, and Lerenil were in that room. The three in a place they should have never been. To accomplish a death where none should die.

Rain had entered the room, her mind full with the anger she instictevly felt radiating from the Lady of the Night.

Rain had patiently listened to the first part of Rath's speech about waiting...and something about a spell, but then some unseen, unresitable force pulled her forward. And her world was flames....

Fire tugged and pulled at her, seeking to eat at her flesh. Holding her arms helpless against the unslought of flames...Rain saw Lerenil holding up her note to Rath.

Suddenly Rain knew she would die...but she was determined not to go down alone. Throwing up her arms, Rain raced into the flames straight to the column.

Fire consumed her clothes, burned her flesh, Rain could even hear her own hair burning.

Her lungs filled with smoke, and her eyes watered, but Rain only wavered a moment before grasping the box Rath would need to acomplish her task.

Coughing hardly, Rain threw the last of her strength into sliding the box out of the room into the hall were Rath, Ariania, Creama, and Morzan stood.

Falling to the ground with a smile, Rain pushed herself up again...her flesh was burning, and she was dying...but she no longer cared.

Instead, she opened her fire chapped lips, and twirled her feet in a gypsy dance, and sang the only dirge the Gyspies knew...the same lullabye they sang to their children at night, of a lady who danced upon the flames, and thus met her death.

It was only fitting, Rain thought, as her steps failed, and her voice stilled. Falling to the ground, Rain finally gave herself to the flames of the room.

"So this is how I would die," Rain thought momentarily and then all went dark as her mind screamed with the pain, and the fire sang in trimuph over this fragile human form. Rain knew no more....

~ ~ ~

Thus ended the story of Rain 'de-la'Nari, eroki-gyspy...or did it?

Rath, and the group went on to defeat the Lady...which ended in the tragic death of Rathiania Skye Princess of Ladriss, or did it?

Morzan, Creama, and Ariana who had exited the room before Rath's death were not able to see how Rathiania had ended her life...but if they could have looked back they would have seen a strange site.

Death, that old trickster, swung Rain's dagger idly in front of Rath's prune form as he shook his head sadly over the sight.

"Aw and you would have been a jewel for me to add to my collection my dear, it is too bad you are not mine to collect." Throwing Rain's dagger so it landed in front of Rath's muzzle, Death turned walking away from the being that another being greater than he had already claimed. Walking over to Love, Death shrugged, "Well that's two."

Love smiled, holding the crystal soul in the palm of her hand as it sparkled with an unnerrie light, "Only one more left, or is there?" Love pundered....technically it wasn't possible, but could it happen. Love didn't know but somehow she suspected, it would be just like that old gezzer to pull another of his tricks over the fates...

#299:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:05 pm
(( Okay I'm giving everyone two days before I post a second narrative explain what I hinted at in my last post, and perhaps....a post from Rain strangly enough. *looks at everyone's shocked looks* Oh, so you thought she was dead....well maybe she is and maybe she ain't. I'm not saying.))

#300:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:51 am
((*pant* *deep breath* Well, finally managed to write this, and all in one sitting too! Shocked Got a bit carried away, but then again I spend more time on sword of ergos than on DESTINY anyway. Surprised
lol. This is Ariana's last post. Hope you all enjoy Wink ))

Ariana hung back as Morzan, Cremla and Graeme hurried ahead. Just ahead, and on the right, was a small wooden door set into the wall. As they hurried past it, Ariana watched them with sad eyes.
This could be the last time I see them, but we have had such good times together…

Ariana walked to the door and rested a slight hand upon it.
Morzan, Graeme, Cremla, She turned to face the way they had come, a tear sliding down her cheek. Rath…and Rain.

"You were the only friends I ever really had." The whisper was so quiet, it was hardly audible - and now there were many tears, causing her eyesight to blur. Standing there, shaking, Ariana searched for more words to say. 'Goodbye' came to mind, but she did not utter it. Rather, could not utter it.

"I only wish I could have been more, done more for you. But instead I was so wrapped up in myself, I was a stranger all along." Her hand moved down the door and found the handle. Still looking back, she turned it and pushed the door open. A sob wracked her body and she turned into the room, stumbling to her knees as she heard the door shut behind her.

I’m pathetic, she thought with another sob, really pathetic.
Only if you think you are.
Ariana jerked her head up at the sound of his voice in her head once more. Where was he? The world was so blurred though, she found it impossible to see. Shakily wiping the tears away, Ariana let her eyes adjust to the light.

It was a medium sized, dark room as far as she could tell. In the middle there was a circle of candles, about two metres in diameter, and in the middle of that was a large horizontal stone slab. It was lifted several feet off the floor by two large boulders made, seemingly, of the same type of rock. It reminded Ariana of an old agricultural stone table, and he was sitting on it, legs dangling over the side.

Ariana dropped her eyes back to the ground. This was not the time - she felt too weak to see him again. If she was Rath, she knew she could just wave her hand and it would all be over. But then again, Rath thought differently from her. Rath thought she was invincible, that life was a game in which she held the winning cards. And everything went smoothly for her, even when it looked like things weren’t going well.

Am I mad? Ariana remembered thinking that before. She remembered that she had come to the conclusion that maybe this was normal. Maybe every elf had this, but they all thought they were mad and so said nothing. Maybe that is how the drow, the dark elves, had originated anyhow. And the continual fight against them was really a fight against yourself. But then, how come all those that claimed they had killed drow were not happy?

Maybe because they would have killed part of themselves.
But It would be the bad part that they killed, they would still have the good part. Surely that is something that someone can only wish for.
Yet you were unhappy that I left.
It was true, but now…
Yes, but that went. Soon, I felt nothing about you leaving. I didn’t want you to come back.
Not everyone has the comfort of good friends and a spark of love to help them. And I was not killed.

I have never had love. None that has ever stayed with me. My mother…she died before I knew her. Kyler, he died protecting me, and the mask he always wore was not just limited to his face. He masked every emotion until I did not even knew what the word meant. People I met on my travels - they were strangers. And my brother wanted nothing to do with me because he was afraid of responsibility, and looking after me was too much. Even being my companion was too much.

Rain gave you the last of her magic to help you when you felt low. Kyler lived to protect you, to the extent that he died. Your mother, she ran away to protect you, and as a result, she died also. Your brother was afraid, not of you, but for you. He spent many night awake crying because you did not listen to his advice. All you have ever known is love, Ariana, but you have been blind and missed it. You are…such…a spoilt child.

Ariana could not speak, could not find an answer to that. It had held emotion that she hadn’t heard him use before. Especially the last part.
Am I really spoilt? Ariana thought, and a tear formed, threatening to overspill.
“I am not spoilt.” She whispered, then repeated it, slightly louder this time. “I am not spoilt!”

He laughed and jumped down from the rock, the smack of his feet hitting the slightly damp floor echoing around the chamber and mixing with the laugh. Immediately, a stab of fear pierced Ariana, and she stared up in shock.

She shouldn’t have heard that. She shouldn’t have been able to. Always, he had spoken in her head. Even laughed in her head.
When he had shown her the dead elves at Raths lair, when they had travelled across the rocks - he had glided then. He had been a shadow. She hadn’t even been able to tell what he looked like then. What colour his hair was, or his eyes.

She could see that now. He had short, black, untidy hair and deep blue eyes. The opposite of her self who had long, blonde hair and laughing, light blue eyes.
Well, laughing is hardly a way to describe them. She thought sadly. They were more often filled with sorrow than happiness. The eyes of a loser.

So…you’re going to give up just like that?
Ariana frowned and looked back at him.
He has the eyes of a winner.
“If you can speak, then why do you still occupy my thoughts? It gives me a headache.”
He mock-bowed, an amused smile hovering on his lips.
“Sorry, your majesty, I didn’t realise you were so delicate.”
He mocks me again. Does he still believe I am spoilt? He treats me as such.

“Who are you, if you are not a manifestation of my mind?” Ariana ventured, for it bothered her. She had doubted ever since Rath had told her she could see him, for how could Rath see the hallucinations of a mad mind?
“If you mean my name, I am who you want me to be.” It sounded as if he had said the same thing many times, which worried Ariana further, but the heaviness she felt soon led the anxiety to be replaced by tired submission.

“It was unfair to pair a winner with a loser.” She said matter-of-factly. “I never stood a chance.” Ariana hung her head. She had lost, now maybe it would all end.
He laughed again, but this time it was shorter, and it held a bemused note to it.
“A winner with a loser? On the contrary, if the winners were paired with the losers, then who would pair the winners? A loser to a loser, a winner to a winner. It is more interesting that way.” He paused for a moment, then added as an afterthought, “And more fun.”
“But that way, no-one can win. One must win, while the other loses.”

Ariana kept her head down as she heard him approach, then crouch down at her level, hardly a foot away.
“You have already decided which is to be which, haven’t you?”
She didn’t reply so he continued softly, “You have so little self confidence, Ariana. For one who says she has never felt love, I am surprised that you do not rely on yourself more. Who do you think is going to save you here? Your mother, your brother, the one you called uncle, they have already died to save you. Do you want someone else to die for you? Don’t you think it is time to fight for…”

“I don’t want to fight!” Ariana cut him off angrily, and lifted her head to show the tears once more rolling down her face. “And I don’t want anyone else to die on my behalf. I just want this to be over. I have no more purpose in life. If you’re going to kill me, then get it over with now - I’m tired of bantering and playing games with you.” She took a deep breath, then finished quietly, “I’m tired of everything.”
Then she looked away and waited.

“You’re wrong.” His voice was very quiet, but she heard it and turned back to him. What did he mean? “Look at these hands.” Ariana looked at his hands. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with them, but as she continued to look and he continued to talk, she began to see blood form on them, and they became stained with it. Somehow, she knew it wasn’t his.

“I have killed…so…many people, Ariana. It is my job. One by one I see them fall down and cry. I break them until they believe they are the worst crap that has ever set foot on their world, and then they die. I - ” He stopped for a moment and gave Ariana an opportunity to interrupt.
“You’re an assassin?”
This time, there was a bitterness to his laugh. “No! No, no, no. I’m a demon of sorts.”
There was a little pause before he continued. “I become their best friend, and they learn to rely on me and trust me, but I have grown…so…tired of this. Do you know how many…” He shook his head as if dismissing that thought. “It shouldn’t matter, but it does. I don’t regret killing them, not a single one, but the only thing left for me to do is keep on killing. All individuals, all fascinating, just like you.”
“So you don’t want to kill me? Why don’t you break down on your next victim? Or do you do this to them all, and every one of them tells you that they don’t want to know, that you should try the next one…
…They probably had futures, but I’ve completed everything I need to do. Everything I want to do. I’ve never seen the after life, and you were right. Everyone who has ever loved me is there. I have no reason to stay.”

Although he said nothing in direct reply to that, Ariana saw that his jaw tightened and a cold look came into his eyes. As she watched, he lay down on the cold, damp floor and closed his eyes.
She stayed where she was, but he just repeated it.
“Go away.”
“And where would I go?” Ariana sounded as tired as she felt, which was more than she had ever felt in her life.
“Go after your friends.”
Searching in her pack, she finally found what she was looking for and pulled out a slim dagger.
Now I think I can finally say goodbye.
Ariana tried to pull the dagger so it was hovering over her heart, but found that something was stopping her. Looking down, she saw a blood stained hand clamped around her wrist.
“Unless you intend to kill me with that, then I’d drop it.” His eyes were still closed, but it was him who had spoken.

“You are foolish.” She whispered. “I might’ve stood a chance of killing you back then, when all I knew of you was that you were evil. Was that you were bad. That you had killed thousands, and I was to be just another victim in an ongoing routine. But now…” She shook her head. “How can I kill you when you lie defenceless at my feet? How can I kill you when you have asked for it? Even if you have killed so many…now you have repented, I can’t kill you. I banished my darker side at the boat, and you were a replacement. All that is truly left of me, is good. That is hardly a requirement for murder.”

“Nor for suicide. But if you’re not going to do it…”

Ariana felt the grip on her wrist tighten, and then she was being pulled forward. Hardly knowing what was happening, she felt her hand come down on his chest and she turned her head to the side as a few drops of liquid attached themselves to her hand. His breathing was quicker and shallower, and as it began to slow, he tried to speak. Ariana turned horrified eyes on him as he whispered his last words.

“I - I…never………repented.”

As still and stiff as a statue, Ariana watched as his head rolled back, a contented smile on his face and eyes closed.
She stayed like this for a long while, the only counter of the time being the blood that slowly seeped out of the wound and spread across his chest.

How can a demon die?
Was her first thought, and slowly, she loosened her grip from the dagger and let her hand fall to her side. Then, getting up, albeit unsteadily, she staggered a few paces away from the body.

“I didn’t kill him. I didn’t kill him. I didn’t kill him.” She wasn’t capable of more than a whisper, but she just wanted to get away. Seeing the door, she stumbled towards it and pushed it open. Hardly realising her surroundings, she slammed the door shut, then turned and leaned against the rock wall.
Except this wall was different and the fresh air hit her face like a proper wall, suffocating her at first before she found she could breathe again.

She could breathe! Although a simple fact, it seemed significant to her, and Ariana took big gulps of the fresh air as if it were life giving. Soon, her breathing settled back to normal and she found that her senses seemed to be enhanced. The rock which she was resting on was rough and jagged, and it was cold, but somehow even these things seemed good to her, and she laughed. It was a proper laugh, of relief and freedom, and it seemed to make everything even brighter for Ariana.

They’re beautiful, aren’t they? Rain’s voice replayed itself in her head and Ariana looked up at the stars, enthralled.
“Yes, yes they are.”
Feeling a light sensation as she had on the boat when she had banished the darkness from herself, Ariana instinctively reached for the star pendant that still hung around her neck.

“I want to feel this always.” She whispered, and in return, she thought she heard a chorus of voices reply,

“You will.”
Throwing her arms out in jubilation, Ariana began to spin, and from an outsiders view, they would have seen a sphere of spinning light, for as on the boat, Ariana gave off a light that seemed to shine from within.

And as she spun, she rose. For her dream had not been to stare at the stars all day, but to be one.
And for a happy ending, which I do not normally denote, her wish was granted.


Staring down through the clouds, Ariana thought of her companions. Of her friends.

“I never gave you a proper goodbye.” She whispered. “And thinking of it, it was somewhat morbid. But this one will not be, and as I don’t wish to ever say goodbye, I will merely say this:
Wherever you are, and whatever you do, I will watch over you.”
She paused, then finished softly,
“…My friends.”

#301:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:55 pm
Rath felt like herself again, clean and whole, like when she was little and everything was new to her. The place she was in shone with a light not of itself...but of the one that ruled over it. Turning Rath saw the heros of her people. The Five Talons, including her Grandmother, sitting and watching her.

But it was the firey figure in the center of them that made Rath bow low, nose sweeping the dirt. The Lady laughed.
"Rise my noble warrior. There is much yet for you to do..."

#302:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:12 pm
Rain felt herself being picked up by something...........

"If they think that I spent the last five years being locked up on their stupid mountian just to watch you die...they have another thing coming." Said a familar voice.

Where had she heard that voice before? Rain didn't know. Her brain was to scroched to know anything.

All Rain knew was flame and fire, that ate at her flesh and seared her every breath...a few moments and all pain would be gone, and death would be over...but why was death so slow in coming?

Slowly her head she felt her head fall back, and she knew she lost concisness but why did she still se those flames...and a pair of brillant blue eyes that themselves seemed to burn.

~ ~ ~

Morzan and Creama had finally managed to get of the area. Having reached the small mountain village of Antoria...they had decided to rest.

It had been a long journey.

They had lost Rain, Rath, Greame, and finally Ariania herself seemed to have disappered.

Morzan had worried frantically but finally decided that there's was nothing that he could do about Ariania...and that to go back now would not only be sucide but just plan beyond his already streched abilities.

The past few days had aged him greatly, and Morzan knew it wouldn't be too long before Rath's spell wore of completly and he would be back to his orginal age. So perhaps death wasn't cheated so utterly.

Creama, the sager of the two, had purchased a small cabin at the edge of the small mountain town not to far from the Lady's Former Kingdom.

Even with the Lady's death, the Demons would still be unrurly, perhaps more so than ever. With a close position to the border, they would hopefully be able to obverse any changes in the demons movements, and quickly report it to the network of people in place for such things.

Which is how, about three days after the Lady's Death, Morzan and Creama sat at the same table eating dinner when a knock came at the door.

Unhappy with there slow response, whoever knocked at the door was too impantient to wait for their answer.

A blast of wind, and the glare of the setting sun met there eyes. Shading his eyes from the blast of sand the wind brought from the mountains, all Morzan could detect was a pair of leather wings.

Just as Morzan pulled his swords free, the figure bent down to lay something gently down. A soft blue leather wing, shielded the beings face as it's wing tip gently carresed the package it had depositted on the floor, and then before Morzan could even close his mouth, the being was gone leaving the door open behind it.

Striding quickly over to the door, Morzan carefully avoided the bundled figure. The creature was flying away, but Morzan's sharp ears could hear the departing creature mutter "If Rath's not dead, I'll kill her."

Behind him, Creama gave let loose a shocked gasp.....

#303:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:19 pm
The wind was not a wind at all but the might currents of air stirred up by the wings of the giant dragoness who was gently landing on the edge of the clearing. She was larger than Rath had been, her body much more senious and slinky. Light seemed to shimmer off her glass-like hide, a tinge of red coloring her translucent scales.

In one hand she held the fragments of what had once been the Dragonsword. The swift flying figure backwinged to avoid hitting her before landing at her feet. She bobbed her head at the creature before her.

"That had better not be what I think it is." The massive dragoness bobbed her head again. "How could you?"

"Keep your wings on Ergos. You're not the only one being sent back from the dead you realize. I've got a plan."

"More like a trick up your sleeve." Rath grinned at that, her smile a wide and warm thing.

"Watch and learn little one, watch and learn." Bringing her hands together swiftly she began to chant in an odd voice, in a language never before heard on Cree. There was an odd noise, like a thousand instruments being played at once, a thousand strings in harmony. Then the sword fell from between Rath's talons and into Ergos's grip.

It wasn't the Dragonsword as it had been...but a new blade forged from the ashes of the old. It's blade was longer, took more concentration and skill to weild than before, and sharper. The hilt was beautifully wrought from what might have been glass...but was far stronger. Atop it, a single ruby gem. "I could not retrieve Elizibeth's my Grandmother gave some of hers instead."

Ergos looked at it strangely for a moment. "Why are you being so nice Rathainia?" Rath grinned.

"Because as soon as my shadow arrives...I'm going home."

"You figured out the Spell so quickly?" Rath shook her head.

"No but I'm being recalled. It was fun to stay here with you but..." The wind picked up again, another shadow fell. Looking up into the sky, the massive form of a skye dragon could be seen. Rath grinned as Paith landed next to her with a thump, eyes wide and sparkling.

"Are you ready to go home?"

"On last thing love." Raising her head to the sky a long slow note echoed from Rath's throat.

In the skies above, a small symbol appeared on Ariana's brow. In the heart of the fire, a small symbol appeared on Rain's right hand. In a tower of magick, a small symbol appeared on Graeme's left palm. In the cabin, a small symbol appeared on Cremla's left flank. In the doorway, a small symbol appeared on Morzan's right shoulder. And standing before her, a small symbol appeared on Ergos's chest.

"There that is done. Light, Music, Magic, Wisdom, Strength, and you Ergos...the puzzle solver and sword bearer. All is in balance once again...for as long as those of your lines walk the soil of Cree." A shimmer appeared in the air, just a faint circle that flattened the grass.

A wind full of unique smells from an exotic world wafted through the clearing. With a smile to Paith the last two skye dragons left the world of Cree behind. As the portal vanished Rath's voice could be heard faintly.

"If every you need me again...ask the blade..."

#304:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:15 pm
((One last post...then a short epilogue for memories sake. Thanks everyone again for sure to be on the look out for more adventures with Dinranwen RPG Inc. *smiles*))

Swirling quickly to see what shocked Creama, Morzan found himself momentarily puzzled. "No it couldn't be," Morzan thought, "it's an eroki, but....they look so alike."

On the floor, a female eroki lay. The eroka's body and wings lay prune on the ground as she slept fitfully where the winged creature had left her. Something about her face struck reminded him oddly of Rain....but Rain had been human, and besides occureding to Creama Rain had died so it couldn't be.

Even so, Morzan found himself starring....and wondering why exactly that that...thing had dropped this eroka on their floor.

Her face was what struck him the most as being familar. Soft and gentle, the female's face was tanned by many years of being in the sun and wind. Spreading like a halo from her face, her wild curly raven hair was highlighted with many different shades of purple streaks. Her body, turned oddly so her wings were on the floor but her legs were turned toward her, was covered with a thin gauzy frabic that tied around her throat and rode low on her back to allow for a pair of large purple leather wings to move freely. Finally, purple scales dotted her face, arms, and legs sparkling in the sunlight that came through the open door.

It was impossible. But there she was, a female eroki (who were called eroka) the living image of Rain. Granted, things had changed about her, but aside from the wings, and a few amysest scales here and there on her form, the eroki looked exactly like Rain.

Suddenly a shadow was cast over the figure on the floor. Morzan spun his hand on his sword.

The creature was back.

"Easy solider, I mean no harm." So saying the figure stepped into the cabin and out of the harsh light.

"Ergos?" Creama said her voice ringing with shock.

"Ergos?" Morzan questioned turning to Creama. "I thought he was dead."

"He is. I mean he must not be." Creama stuttered. "I'm telling you Morzan, this eroki is Ergos."

The Eroki laughed, folding his wings to fit into the cabin more comfortably as he lent against the wall. "When you all are done arguing about wheither or not I'm dead, I'll explain everything."

Morzan and Creama soon quited down, and Ergos sat down to tell a tale beyond all belief.

~ ~ ~

Ergos stood on the ledge of the mountain, the still sleeping Rain gently craddled in his arms.

"Are you sure your okay caring her?" Creama said worriedly.

Ergos laughed. "I'm fine. Believe me, after five years I'm enjoying holding her again."

"But will she be okay?" Morzan said sternly.

Ergos frowned, but then smiled. "It's been a rough few days on her. I'd planned on training her elsewhere to get used to being an eroki, but she is still not quiete used to everything that has happened. And after that mage fire spell she 'accidently' cast in a fit of anger, and shock after seeing me holding her in....I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't wake up for another two days. Even then, I think I'm going to hide beyond some rocks until she gets over the shock. Once she gets used to this, she should be fine, you can me on that one."

~ ~ ~

And So it Was.....

But our tale does not end here, like all other true stories, this story continued for a long time to each of the members of the orginal five met there graves.

Ergos carried Rain to his country, where his return was celebrated. Rain after waking up to a pair of wings, and strange new powers, was soon consuled into accepting the fact she was truly her mother's daughter. Ergos and Rain were married a few months later. They live still with lot's of children, and although Ergos is the King, the reforged DragonSword that held the Bloodstone of Rathiania's grandmother shows a paricular liking to Rain. Shrugging, Ergos set about forging another DragonSword with the blood of Elizabeth.

Then in elaborate cermony, Ergos named the swords anew. From that day forward, the sword from the ashes of the orginal blade was called the Skye Blade. That sword every generation would make a choice of a bearer, but somehow strangely it always ended up in the hands of a child of Ergos' and Rain's line. On the other hand, the sword Ergos made using the blood of Elizabeth was called the Sword of Ergos, or the Eroki Blade. It was this sword that every eroki king from heneceforth would bare.

Morzan the Solider would slowly return to his old age over the next few months. However not before he had some adventures that would make him a captin in the Prince's of Andoria's personal elite force. Morzan and his line would serve in the land of Andoria having swearing to Ergos that as long as his blood flowed in another's veins they would watch carefully over Andoria and the border it held in common with the Western Waste.

Creama would return to her country-men only briefly. Finding that the wild plains of Centuria no longer suited her, Creama took the hills. In the wild mountains of the Divide, Creama would set up a school with the help of a male centaur general. Their school would soon to become known as having the highest standard in battle Stragery and miltary teaching. The pair of centaurs would wed privatly a few years later after a few interesting episodes that they still won't talk about.

Greame, much to the surprise of everyone, came stumbling into the village below Creama had set up her school. Apperantly he had survived the mage of the Santuary, but only barely. Greame was no worse for the wear other than his back being more crocked than ever. However, Greame was magically useless for the rest of his life. Relucantly gave into his new life, and became a priest in that village. Although well loved, Greame was often heard muttering...."If only...."

Ariania having abtained her highest wish of becoming a star was never heard from again. Yet, the elf known as Malen 'de Ele meaning Heavenly Star in the gyspy tongue, kept her promise in watching over her friends for the rest of their lives. In fact she watched after them, their children, their children's children....

Rathiania, and Path returned to their homeland, where they had adventures of their own, and spun tales of which we have no record being on Cree. However, we trust they are well, and that they too achieved all their dreams.

And I know somewhere on the Destinies Mountain, a certain old man spent a good century laughing at the trick he had played on the Destinies.

And the so this tale ended, but in ending, another begins.....

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