Blood Price - Chapter 26: Taking care of what was left
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#41:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:18 am

#42:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:53 am

#43: Chapter 2: Feed from human blood but don't hunt... yet Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:53 am

“They are dead humans but I’m very hungry. What to do?” Moswen thought while he saw the vampires moving the human flesh to obtain from them the sweet blood. Moswen was very hungry; he stared at them for a little moment.

His body was itching more and more from the inside. His mouth was all water now and his stomach was starting to hurt him. He couldn’t wait any more, his body was asking for it, food. Or on his case blood, sweet and thicken blood.

“They are dead, I’m not responsible for their death. I will just take their blood, just to be sure that it isn’t wasted. They won’t need it anymore. I need to feed and they are already death. I will not hunt yet but I will eat, I have to…” Moswen thought while taking a decision about it.

He walked out of his hiding place without thinking, very slowly. He didn’t want to surprise the other vampires, he only desire the blood. He walked toward the bodies without saying anything. His entire mind was on the food, on taking some food. No one said anything; the other vampires were like nothing was happening.

He took one of the bodies and feed from it. It was still warm, from his life. The blood was sweet and warm. He took it slowly but with desire. He felt how the sweet liquid was going from his mouth to his stomach; he even felt it when it was running on all his body. From the first drop he felt the animal strength that he have and the itching started to disappear. With each drop he drank the better he felt. He didn’t stop until he took all the blood of the body, he drain it.

“So, are you satisfied?” someone asked behind him.

Moswen turned around with his vampire face but he didn’t answer. He just looked at them. There were they, three vampires with their faces marked with the blood. They were more than happy.

“We are vampires. We are all the same so don’t worry about us. If you are alone you can stay with us” said one of the vampires.

Moswen was alone and he was trying to understand his new powers. Be with other vampires will help him on that. That’s why he accepted to be with them. Maybe he could learn something about being vampire…


After some days Moswen wasn’t anymore a rookie vampire, or at least he thought it. With his new partners he learned a little more about being a vampire. He didn’t go with them to hunt because he didn’t want to kill humans yet, but with them he had some food. That didn’t mean that he couldn’t hunt.

He learned from them how to hunt, but he didn’t want to do it. He learned how to control his strength and how to use his improved sense system. He learned the basics to survive as a vampire.

The vampires were some kind of rookies too. They didn’t have a lot of time being vampire; the different were that they had someone who taught them. They were kindness and very helpful even when Moswen were more of the antisocial type. But for some reason Moswen didn’t saw them as vampires, they act more like humans. They were like a family and Moswen was a guest there.


“Who is this?” some yelled very furious while awaking Moswen.

Moswen stared at him. He looked very mad. He was tall and had a lot of scars on his face. Maybe this one was who taught them. He was more like a warrior, a real vampire…

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” said the vampire mad…

“Does he know Lucjan? Does he know Kort? Should I tell him who I am? Should I tell him that I killed some vampires? Or should I lie to him? Should I fight him? Should I leave now without saying a word? What I’m going to said or to do?” Moswen had his mind in blank. He stared at the vampire without a word…

Last edited by jnmrcs on Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:00 am; edited 2 times in total

#44:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:56 am
Chapter 2 is up. I'm going to make some other changes to the rules. It will be 7 days to read it, 4 to vote and 3 to write the new one. I hope I can do it. Enjoy the chapter...

The poll will be the next monday.

#45:  Author: AreonK PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:24 pm
Nice chapter jnmrcs. I liked the picture in the beginning! Very...origanal. But I like this story, your very realistic, showing the hesitance of Moswen to feed on humans. Very nice. I don't think you tell him anything and see if you can get away with a lie, if not, vampire killin' time!

#46:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:12 pm

About the pic, as you said, I made it. I just don't wanted to put some pic wihtout the propper permission so it was faster and better to do it myself. Thanks again.

So far just one reply Sad I hope to see more...

#47:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:33 pm
Nice chapter Jnmrcs!

Sorry I missed it when it went up. Don't know how that happened Smile

It's a tricky decision point. I think he'll know if you lie to him. I think you should tell him who you are and who sired you. I really don't think you should tell him that you've killed another set of vampires though. This group seems friendly - tell them you'd like to stay. Try and fit in.

And if you tell this new vampire about being sired by Kort, you might be able to lead the conversation around to getting some more information about him. Everything could help. Smile

#48:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:09 pm
The second one on winning in my stories is Shady.

Thanks Shady for helping on this story. As a prize you will be who choose some names here (for the next chapter). Congratulations. I hope you continue helping me on this storygame too.

When you have the info please post it here. I will PM you with more information.

#49:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:30 am
Cool. Thanks jnmrcs Smile

Okay, four names, slightly vampiric...

How about:


I'd say the first 3 sound male and the last one female. Seeing as we're more likely to have more to do with the leader than the others, pick your favourite to be the leader Smile

#50:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:23 am
Difficult decision point. You don't want to reveal too much without knowing how these other vampires feel about Kort, or any of the other vampires in general. You enjoy the company of the original group, but this angry, demanding stranger is something else entirely. How does the rest of the group, whose company you've enjoyed, feel about this vampire?

Give your name, since he asked who you were. Explain that you are merely trying to survive- he's doubtful to fault you for that. Then wait and observe. Take cues from your other companions. If they aren't afraid, then consider answering more questions if the questions are forthcoming. If they seem fearful or uneasy, then perhaps you should simply remain silent, and keep a very low profile until you find out more.

#51:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:03 am
Nice names Shady. Thanks.

So far we just have three options.

1. Lie
2. Tell them the trhuth but don't talk about Kort.
3. Just answer the questions and examine your companions. If everything looks good then continue the conversation if not just be quiet.

(I hope I have resume what everyone explain) You have until tomorrow to put more ideas. The poll will be up on monday.

#52:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:06 pm
The poll is up. It will be up for 4 days. Vote.

#53:  Author: AreonK PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:54 pm
Oh, how about this! Darke for a name of a vampire. I know I'm not supposed to offer names but what the heck i'M BORED. i'LL EDIT THIS IF YOU WANT ME TO, SEE YALL!

#54:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:23 am
currentl he is a guest in their territory and he has no reason to lie to them. he should answer honestly and openly, without making any untrustworthy suggestions or comments

there doesn't seem to be a need to lie

#55:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:10 pm
The poll is end (or at least it suppose)

Lie 0 (0%)
Tell him who you are and who sired you 1 (25%)
Answer the questions and examine your companions 3 (75%)

Next chapter will be up before monday.

#56: Chapter 3: Examining the companions Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:15 am
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” asked again the vampire even madder than before.

“I have to answer him but what to say,” thought Moswen while looking at his eyes. Moswen waked up and smiled at the guy before doing anything. It didn’t matter what Moswen were going to do, he just wanted to look friendly to the guy.

“Some vampires called me Moswen” Moswen answered.
“Are you another rookie like these miserable?” asked the vampire.
“I have not much time like a vampire but I know how to live…” Moswen said proudly of what he learned.

“I hope so, because I’m not mommy of yours… I’m Zandus and these vampire apprentice are Leban, Darak and she is Taelya” they salute Moswen as Zandus where saying their names.

Moswen were there for a few days but they didn’t talk between them. For that reason Moswen didn’t know them but he felt their friendship on the contrary of Zandus. Zandus were more like a bad friend or a stepfather at least that thought Moswen.

“I taught them how to be a vampire but they aren’t good enough at it. They accept you without knowing who you are. But I’m not as useless as they…” said Zandus as he transformed to vampire form. “You and me, we have a lot to talk…”

Moswen looked at the other vampires, just to know if the guy is dangerous. His companions were surprised but they didn’t look scared. They were acting like normal, like if he were just testing or maybe trying to scare Moswen. Moswen took some time looking at the faces of the other vampire, he analyze them just to be sure what to do now.

“I’m a vampire too…” said Moswen while he turned into vampire too.
“Are you sure?” asked Zandus.
“Did you want to prove it or just talk…” said Moswen pretending to be with fury.

Moswen and Zandus jumped each one toward the other. They both were fast and strong but in the air they crashed. They both fall even more faster than when they jumped. Moswen fall face up but Zandus turned on time to finish stand up on the ground.

Moswen stood up faster and without thinking he jumped again toward Zandus. This time he was trying to pass over Zandus to attack him by his back. Zandus stayed where he was just looking at Moswen.

Then, when Moswen have almost passed Zandus, Zandus jumped. But this time Zandus jumped to the Moswen’s foot hitting it with his hands. Zandus moved Moswen on the air and with that he misbalanced Moswen, who fall hitting with his head on the ground.

When Moswen moved trying to recover he found Zandus up him, who put his knee on Moswen’s neck giving to him a mocking smile.

“So you are not useless at all,” said Zandus while getting out form Moswen neck.
“Not at all… but I still need to learn” said Moswen swallowing his ego.
“What’s your story newcomer?” asked Zandus more friendly.
“I’m a vampire that is lost,” said Moswen.
“Who sired you? Who is your master? Maybe I can help you to find him,” said Zandus while he returned to the human face.
“I’m not sure about that. I have no master but I know who sired me,” answered Moswen while returning his face to human too.
“The one who sired you is your master,” said Zandus worried.
“As I said I have no master but Kort sired me. Did you know him?” said Moswen

When Moswen said Kort everyone took a surprised face, except for Zandus who just looked at him. “They know him…” thought Moswen by the faces of them but no one said anything.

“It’s supposed that the one who sired you have to be your master but I don’t care if you don’t have a master. Also the vampires usually don’t live alone,” said Zandus. For a moment there were a big silent, while he looked at the vampires and then looked at Moswen again. “I can do you a big favor in exchange of other favor of course. You can join these little bastards but for that you must have a master. That would be me. But first you need to know that if I’m your master I have to select a name for you. But I can leave that to you if you don’t want to change your name…” said Zandus.

“This vampire isn’t like the others but he appear to be friendly. Should I join them? If I join them I have to do him a favor, what he need from me? If I join him should I leave him to change my name or will I choose one or leave the one that I have? Something is for sure they know Kort. Are they friend of him?

Should I try to be with them without joining them? I don’t want to be some useless pet of someone. That was the reason why I fought the others vampires. He said that he will be my master…

It’s time to me for leave now? Can I live alone?” Moswen thought while he looked very carefully at each one of them.

“I will give some days to think about it…” concluded Zandus.

#57:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:42 am
Good chapter, tough decision point.

I'd say use the time to learn what you can from these vampires. Try to get the novices talking to you, try to learn everything about their relationship with Kort that you can, try to become better at surviving, fighting, making your way alone.

I have the feeling that you're going to have to turn down his offer eventually, but in the meantime you can take advantage of what they're prepared to give out Smile

#58:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:53 am
He might not like the word Master but there is nothing wrong with following a leader, and being part of a group. He could learn so much from these other vampires, and once he is no longer an infant vampire he could then choose to set out on his own. Stay.

#59:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:44 am
I haven't thought that, but good. Keep it coming...

Also I forgot to tell you that the poll will be up next monday.

#60:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:58 pm
So far just two post... my story is going down.
Anyway so far there is just one idea, join them to learn all you can from them.

Other ideas?

#61:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:03 pm
no, that does seem like the most sensible option

and dont worry - just because people dont post doesn't mean they dont read and enjoy it

#62:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:18 pm
You don't know enough about them yet? What would it entail having a master? And what is the favor?!! Shocked

#63:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:46 pm
chinaren wrote:
You don't know enough about them yet? What would it entail having a master? And what is the favor?!! Shocked

Moswen just know what you read.

About the master thing it's if Moswen wanted to join. (Also he could try to join them wihtout the master thing)

About the favor... I can't said it...

#64:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:57 am
Ok, the poll is up. I have to add some others idea there just to have more options. The poll will be up until thursday. Vote !

#65:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:47 am
voted for learning all

and winning

#66:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:26 pm
Sorry I'm late... anyway vote have ended.

The results for unanimous desision.... Smile

Join them and learn all you can about being vampire 0% [ 0 ]
Join them and learn all you can about being vampire but also about Kort 100% [ 5 ]
Just join them 0% [ 0 ]
Don't join them 0% [ 0 ]

#67: Chapter 4: Joining a clan Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 3:25 pm

“At least I will have some time to think what to do,” thought Moswen while Zandus were leaving.

Moswen have been incorporated to the group very fast, even when he haven’t answered to Zandus about his proposition. Moswen was learning every day. He was trying to learn more about what he is and how to live, just in case if he do not accept Zandus proposition.

After some days Zandus appeared. As the last time he looked like a real vampire warrior, not like the others that were more “humans”, if that was possible.

“I hope you have a decision,” said Zandus.
“I’m not sure about having a master,” said Moswen
“But you are part of us…” interrupted Taelya with a sadly voice.

Taelya was the only women but they all respect her. Like a vampire she hasn’t the common task of the human women. She was like a man, even more she were respected like one. Between vampires there wasn’t much different between women and man tasks, especially when they act like a family.

She still sweet and have the mother spirit and care, or at least she acted like that.

“C’mon Moswen...” said Darak.

He was the wiser between the three of them and also was the taller. He was acting like a teacher for Moswen that was what makes him think that Darak was the wiser. Darak was always helping the others like trying to perfect what they were doing.

Moswen also looked at Leban, the silent one. He was there, just sited down looking at Moswen and Zandus, waiting for Moswen’s answer.

“I still don’t like the master but I will accept your offer,” said Moswen.
“Then I will be your master. Have you thought about the name?”
“Not yet…”
“Don’t worry, I will give you more time for that. Well if I’m your master then you must know my rules. But first the favor that I need from you”
“Tell me”
“I need you to put some spirit on these cowards that I have here. I didn’t have time for waste with them but they appear to appreciate you. Maybe you can exchange knowledge with them. They can help you to live like a vampire and you can give them some spirit. They act just like some retards vampires and what I need are warriors”
“I can try it…”
“Yeah, I know it will be hard. You will be in charge of them and you will only follow my command”
“I can take that”

Zandus leave the lair without saying more. The three vampires were left with Moswen. Even with the order of Zandus, Moswen just continue his life like when he wasn’t part of them.


Moswen started to go out more and to train himself. He also talked the others about the training thing. They all agreed about the need of being better vampires. Everyone have something good and something that need to improve.

They also practice some fighting between them. But they didn’t only exchange training they also exchange stories. Stories about them, stories about what they have seen and did. Moswen always took some advantage of these stories trying to find more information about the vampire traditions and about some vampires.

He also tried to take some information about Kort but he just took big silence. When he said his name no one say a word, even more they just looked at each other like they were hiding some secret.

They were improving their abilities and working like a group. They were living more like vampires but they didn’t have the need to be warriors. They even haven’t the need to use their abilities because they were alone on the forest. They only go near persons when they were hunting and of course even if they weren’t training their abilities were better than humans one.


“Help me…” yelled from far away.

Moswen were on the forest trying to get some fun running. He heard it and then ran to see what what’s happening. He was just curious about that, he knew that it wasn’t from any of the others vampires.

He ran toward it when he felt the smell of food. Someone was hurt and it was a human. Maybe the vampires were hunting there. Moswen continued running toward the smell until he could see them.

He hid so no one could saw him, just in case. He crouched down and moved to see well. There it was. He saw two men and a woman thrown in the ground but also see some vampires there. He couldn’t know how many but he could herd them laughing.

One of the men was bleeding but the three humans were very scared and trembling. They have good reasons for that. Suddenly Moswen heard someone that was arriving to where he was. He couldn’t know from what way, if from the way of the vampires that were hunting or if from his back.

Moswen didn’t like to hunt but he still has something against the vampires. “Should I protect the humans? Or this is a good opportunity to start hunting? Should I get out from here now or continue hide here to see what’s going on?” thought Moswen while he could hear the movement that was approaching toward him.

Last edited by jnmrcs on Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total

#68:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 3:28 pm
You have until February 20 to post ideas, comments or opinions...

#69:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:53 pm
Hunt with them

#70:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:42 am
OOooh, tough decision point! Shocked

Are these Moswen's vampires attacking, or are they a completely different set? I wasn't sure from reading the passage, and it would change the outcome of what he decides.

Good storyline, and we're still quite mysterious about Kort... hmm... well, there's time. I'm sure we'll find out.

Just a techncial point here:

But they didn’t only exchange train they also exchange stories

He also talked the others about the train thing

Sometimes you're using 'train' where it should be 'training'. In the next paragraph down, you use 'fight' instead of 'fighting' too.

Your english is very good, but if you're trying to improve it, then I thought I'd give you a pointer to go on Smile

#71:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:13 am
First, they are unknown vampires for Moswen. So they aren't the ones who were with him.

Also I'm still improving my english, so any comments about my writing are welcome.... I will edit it. Thanks.

#72:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:53 pm
So far just...

Hunt with them.

Any other suggestions? You have until monday.

#73:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:55 pm
Sorry jnmrcs, I thought I'd already put a suggestion forward. I've got the memory of a senile bunny-rabbit at times, I swear Shocked

I think driving the other vampires away is the way to go. You don't want them hunting in your territory anyway.

I don't know whether Moswen is ready for killing live humans yet. He doesn't seem to be too sure of what his ideals are yet - but he must have had some experience of hunting by now.

I think he might well save the humans and run off, only to think better of it almost immediately and call his pack together to hunt them down again. That would fit with his split loyalties.

#74:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:31 am
Sorry I am late on this one...I have a lot of catching-up to do at IF and this story is no exception. Hopefully back in time with a good comment before the voting begins.

#75:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:27 pm
Sorry for the ones who got late...

The poll is up, it will end on thursday.
There were just two options so I added one more for the votes...

#76:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:44 pm
Voted, and sitting on the fence.

#77:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:45 pm
voted, and winning

#78:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:31 am
lordofthenight is the winner now.

lordofthenight I want you to describe two male, warrior vampires. You can describe them physical, mental and emotional (I need at least physical). Also give them names (remember to use some vampire names).

I will use it on my next chapter (of course I will quote you). Please don’t use too many words (something like two paragraphs will be great). You have until this Sunday.

Congratulations and thanks for your participation…

#79:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:35 pm
Poll ended yesterday...

What should Moswen do now?

Hunt with the extrange vampires 50% [ 2 ]
Drive away the strange vampires 25% [ 1 ]
Wait to see what happen 25% [ 1 ]

Next chapter monday

#80:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:58 pm
can i just check - what do you mean by vampire names?
and do you mind how old they are?

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