Beyond the Darkness - Chapter 7 now here (14th May)
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#41:  Author: algu95Location: Trudging around in Allwhere PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:13 am
Hmmm... Definetly an intresting SG.

What he is to do? Hit and run; if he can't damage the creature in any way, run! Otherwise... KILL!!!

#42:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:30 pm

#43:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:41 pm
An enjoyable chapter Smee!

I'm inclined to agree with the Z man for the DP. Run in from the side and do stabby. It's a good plan.

Have you explained how Sej has been able to then see during his time with the family? Did I miss that somewhere?

I was also wondering this. Very Happy

#44:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:10 pm
Nope - that is indeed missed out - bleugh Wink

Morhem's home is an opening of his escape tunnel. A fairly large cave, with a small hole in the ceiling admitting a little light. Enough for a family with such excellent nightvision as the Katoraz's to see by in all the nooks and cranny's, and enough for Sej to get by in.

Will have to sneak that description in somewhere... probably chapter 2.

Good spot Smile

#45:  Author: MephistophelesLocation: Not where I want to be. PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:56 am
Forward charge and stab out the eyes. they never expect you to rush in at them.

Well done smee.

#46:  Author: Mother GooseLocation: Connecticut PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:07 pm
Morhem told him to RUN! If the Katoraz thinks he can handle whatever is coming, why is he standing there? Doesn't he trust him?

Following the advice of a native when you're in an unknown place is only common sense.

#47:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:24 pm
I say ready your dagger but run like hell! For just this once we'll discard the 'don't run with sharp objects rule'.

Or, for a second suggestion, is there any way Sej could use the pen around his neck to help them out?

#48:  Author: The DarkLocation: Tome. PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:33 am
This tale is suitably gloomy. The Dark suggests he runs. This companion of his means nothing, leave him to his fate. He has served his purpose.

#49:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:59 am
Thank you for the comments, and welcome new players Very Happy

At the moment we have the options :

- Do as Morhem says, and Run!
- Attack! Go for the sides!
- Attack! Go for the eyes!

Whilst some have said that the pen is mightier than the sword Kalanna... I'm not convinced now is the time to find out. The last vote perhaps would have been good.

I can put it as an option to vote on, but first I need some specifics as to what he's going to have the presence of mind to try. Stab with it? Write his will? Wink

Poll goes up tomorrow sometime guys 'n' gals - so get those last ideas in.

Happy Playing Smile

#50:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:41 am
Poll is up for 3 days folks.

Fairly simplistic options, but quite vital consequences Smile

#51:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:03 am
Just one more day of voting folks- when I arrive at work tomorrow morning I'll be closing read to write again.

Happy Playing. Smile


Poll Closed - with 4 votes, it's 'Attack the eyes' that wins.

#52:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:48 am
Apologies ladies and gents... this week is what's known in the WoWCrack universe as a big fat patch week. Very Happy

That is - it's the release of patch 2.3 which, rather than the smaller (2.2.2) type patches filled with a few dozen bug fixes, this is filled with lots of fun extras, including a new town to explore, new dungeon to complete, official guildbanks and a lot more.

Hand in hand with such a release is a lot of background changes to the game code, so all the 'addon' programs that people use to customise gameplay and the userinterface tend to break and have to be updated.

It's a busy time for any player, and disturbingly busy for myself, as there is a new 10-man raid dungeon I need to somehow work out how to schedule 32 people time inside.

A new chapter will follow as soon as things calm down a little.

Thank you for your patience.

#53:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:00 am
Smee wrote:
Apologies ladies and gents... this week is what's known in the WoWCrack universe as a big fat patch week. Very Happy


Laughing Actually we're still muddling through Kara, snagged at the Shade of Aran...but I need not derail the storygame with crackness.

#54:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:25 pm

~Gets confused and thwaks Fauna~ Nope, not a kind of rare Bob then. Yet I definately remember this strange creature before... Wink

Nice to see you alive and kicking EF! Very Happy

#55:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:00 am
Ouch! *rubs head*

Thanks, I think. Cool

#56:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:12 pm
I finally caught up, and the story is developing well. Of course, it is a bit of a coicidence that these strange creatures speak perfect english, but that's ok. Wink

I too am curious about what the world outside the darkness is like, and especially why there is this tremendous darkness at all. And why are there walls surrounding it? It's all very mysterious, and I will be looking forward to finding out.

#57:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:50 pm
Hey Folks,

Thank you for your patience, and Dani, welcome back...

Of course, it is a bit of a coicidence that these strange creatures speak perfect english, but that's ok

Whoever said anything about them speaking english Wink


#58:  Author: ScrapperLocation: A box. In someone's closet. Maybe yours! PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:42 am
Good story so far Smee! Glad to be able to hop on this one while it’s still fairly early for a change.

Though I wasn’t in time for this round of polls I’ll definitely keep an eye on this SG from here on out.

#59:  Author: AponiLocation: "Calderia" PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:03 pm
Yup, I think it's about time Sej tries to be of some use - this is a moment that will define his quality of character.

I did think, though, that Morhem had a very quick and easy attachment to him just for the dinner. Either his family was ready to starve when he ran into Sej, or else there's some kind of reward for finding humans that hasn't been revealed yet.

#60:  Author: OldJoeLocation: On mah steed. PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:07 pm
Ah missed yer vote, but ahm awaitin' the next chapter. Patient like.

#61:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:54 am
Chapter 4 : Fight or Flight

Sej grabbed for the dagger at his belt, and frantically fumbled with the leather strap holding it in place. Just paces ahead of him the unearthly screech of the monster sent ice-like terror through every nerve, almost freezing him in shock.

The screech was met by a strange, almost musical sound. It took several seconds for Sej to realise it came from Morhem. The comparatively tiny creature looked pitiful against such a beast. Yet through the grey swirling half-sight Morhem had granted him, Sej could see the brave Katoraz stood defiantly in the middle of the tunnel. Arms were outstretched, with spines held in each hand. Head bowed slightly, extending many rows of spines viciously. As Morhem's haunting cry echoed around him, Sej somehow felt the monster's chill receeding.

The leather straps gave way, and with shortlived triumph Sej brandished the freed dagger wildly at the exact moment the giant creature crashed down on to Morhem. A huge, 6 foot wide pincered-jaw hurtled towards him, razor sharp and lightning fast. Sej winced, and half turned ready to run. But with a sick fascination he couldn't help but watch. At the last second Morhem lept nimbly out the way, moving faster than Sej could ever have thought he could. So fast, to Sej's vision, he simply vanished in a silver swirl. The creatures head struck the floor painfully instead, causing the creature to screech. As the head rose, Morhem appeared from the dark swirls to thrust the spine in his left hand deep into the underside of the creatures jaw. With some effort Sej made out the first spine already protruding from the opposite side of the gaping maw.

But it didn't seem effected. It certainly wasn't giggling.

Something woke in Sej, and he ran straight toward the creature, knife arm outstretched. Already Morhem was armed with new spines in each hand, and another half dozen bristled from various parts of the monster's head. It lashed downwards towards Morhem again, this time stopping short of hitting the floor when the nimble Katoraz ducked out of reach. Without a single wasted movement, another spine was thrust, this time into the soft flesh behind the head plates. The creature roared in pain, and this close Sej was driven to his knees with the sheer volume. Morhem suddenly saw him.

"What are you DOING! GET out of here!"

The giant head rose in agony, colliding heavily with the cave ceiling. Small stones and rocks began to fall, crashing to the floor in clouds of dust and confusing Sej's swirling vision.

Amidst the confusing silver he heard a low grunt, and in desperation Sej tried to force the image to some clarity. A fist sized rock bounced off his shoulder as the ceiling continued to collapse under the thrashing assault of the monster, but he ignored the burst of pain. To the side of the passage, he had caught a glimpse of Morhem lying unmoving on the floor, smashed into the walls by the wild spasms of the creature's long body. Before he could react to save his friend, out of the swirls the nightmare head suddenly appeared, decending rapidly toward Sej. Instinct overtook him and he held his knife upwards, both hands gripping it as tight as he could. The gaping maw covered the blade, but Sej felt it plunge into the soft lining in the roof of the mouth. With a massive shudder the creature thrashed sideways with the pain, wrenching the blade from Sej's hands as it rolled in a death throe.

Ducking as best he could, although avoiding the largest falling rocks and final movements of the creature by luck more than conscious effort, he made it to Morhem's side. He was unconscious. Being careful to avoid his, perhaps lethally filled, spines, Sej started dragging him up the tunnel. Before he'd gone a few steps he became aware that his vision was fading. Dark, black swirls started intertwining with the soft silver, growing bigger and bigger until they filled his vision and everything was once again black. It seemed, with Morhem unconscious, his magic was fading.

Sej whimpered in the sudden dark, trying hard not to let his fears overcome him. What if the fight attracted more, or something even worse! He had no weapon, nor could he see. There was no hope he could fight.

A cold shiver went down his spine and he whimpered again. But a small voice in the back of his mind suddenly became aware of something. The cold shiver, it came not from his fears, but a breeze. A breeze wafting down the tunnel, the way they'd been heading before the attack. Were they that close to the entrance!

With a sudden urgency Sej continued dragging Morhem up the tunnel, toward the source of the breeze. With every deep breath of the refreshing air, Sej felt more confident. They were going to make it. If he could just get out, be able to see again, perhaps he could do something to help Morhem.


"Phew, am I glad to see you open your eyes," Sej declared, standing up to wash out the cloth in the small bowl near the fire and then returning to clean the dust from Morhem's face.


"Here, here." Sej replied, holding up a water bottle careful to his lips. Morhem drank deeply and then sat up. "How do you feel?"

"Like I've wrestled a gloom worm and lost."

"Gloom worm? That's what that thing was?"

"Yes. I assume it's dead if you managed to get us out."

Sej nodded. "My blade went through it's mouth into it's brain. I'm thinking that killed it."

Morhem grunted. "I'm thinking the eight units of death toxin I stuck it with helped." He gave a sidelong glance at Sej. "But you did remarkably well. Despite me telling you to run." He added.

Sej looked down, his eyes reflecting the low firelight. "I thought I'd lost you." He said quietly. "I know nothing about what's happening to me, about where I am. I needed my guide."

Morhem grunted again. "Fat lot of use your guide has been so far. And, what happened to your shoes?"

Sej winced and looked down to his mud covered, bruised and cut feet. "About 100 paces from the cave entrance, was a kind of marshland, bog. I lost them in the swamp."

"And where are we now?"

"About half a mile from the cave. Within some trees. I couldn't drag you any further."

Morhem was suddenly all action, standing up and shuffling soil onto the fire and repacking his bag. "We've gotta get out of here. The cave population isn't shy about hunting this close to the entrance at night."

Sej looked about in panic, ears straining for any sound, and inwardly cursing Morhem for covering the fire and removing his precious light even though he knew it had to be done.

"Where can we go?"

"Well that's down to you. I suggest we don't stay here though. We can make a start towards the Watcher, in the far north. Not much but forest for quite some way. Good concealment." A paw pointed the way.

"I think there's a village a day's turn that way." This time he pointed southeast. "Never been there though. No idea what lives there but we might be able to get you some more shoes."

"Or there's a big town that way, west into the mountains. Lots of trade, so lots of people. Katoraz sometimes go there. But it's a fair way out of our way. Might be able to hear some gossip. Maybe find out what happened to you without going all the way to the Watcher."

Wishing he had a bottle of whiskey, or two, Sej told Morhem his decision.


It's been quite a delay folks... my apologies. MMORPG's are a powerful force that are hard to resist. But their power weakens over time, and inevitably I find my way back to this fair city.

Chapter 4 is upon you, and it is my sincere hope Chapter 5 will follow within a week or two rather than 4 months. I look forward to your ideas.

Morhem has lain out the 3 available options he perceives, but of course, you are welcome to come up with other alternatives if you have any.

Happy Storygaming Smile

#62:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:34 am
Ahhha Haaa! Finally another chapter! Wink

Nice to see this one moving again Smee.

I'm all for the village, it seems to be a good compromise, and we need those shoes! Very Happy

#63:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:19 pm
I was just to late to reply to chapter 3. Well I would have also chosen to use a dagger. great chapter Smee. Would like to see more coming, you should get around much more on IF and stories. ^^ What shall happen to the story now... that question is burned into my mind. Well they should go where their hearts lead them, oh wait how about an inn if there is any close by, if not then they can keep on walking until they find a road and from there on they can ask where they are, if they know where they are then they might aswell go where their nose leads them to the town.

#64:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:39 pm
Village, the helpful hints will be nice and who knows what kind of trouble you can get into trying to get shoes without money. *wink*

#65:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:58 am

#66:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:06 pm
"Here, here." Sej replied, holding up a water bottle careful to his lips

Yup. The village is the most enticing option. Good to have you back. Smile

#67:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:20 pm
Now is it only me that noticed this but Sej's memory has started to return? At the beginning of the story he finds himself in the darkness, dressed in unfamiliar clothes, bare mud covered feet, and this quill around his neck. Morhem rescued him and cared for him, and they set off to the Watcher to get some questions answered.

Now Sej has told Morhem that he lost his shoes in a bog whilst he was dragging Morhem to safety. But he never had his shoes before, did he?

I think I remember suggesting continuing to the Watcher and find out about this quill - although I suspect we may come to find out about it sooner than we think.

#68:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:30 pm
Haha, thanks Crunchy... you are indeed correct. Razz

His silk slippers had vanished leaving his feet bare, but strangely filthy, as if he'd spent half a day walking through heavy mud.

Damn the woes of trying to pick up a random story again. Surprised

Erm... Morhem clearly knows what shoes are though, so I'll use that to assume Katoraz, as a species, use them. Sej we'll assume was fitted out with some during the packing up before setting out on the journey.

Thanks for spotting it.

Not sure what you mean about his memory though...


Thanks for the typo spot Dani, I'm seeing a few more punctuation errors and repetition myself, I'll have a run over it shortly.


Will probably look to get a poll up in the next day or two.

Happy Storygaming. Smile

#69:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:43 pm
Trying to add a poll seems to gain me the following error :

Could not obtain vote data results for this topic


SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ORDER BY vote_option_id ASC' at line 4

SELECT vote_option_id, vote_result FROM phpbb_vote_results WHERE vote_id = ORDER BY vote_option_id ASC

Line : 321
File : functions_post.php

Any ideas would be appreciated Wink

#70:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:55 am
Strangely enough the title says there's a poll up. So I've not fallen for your invisible poll ploy, and voted.

(and winning!) Woo me!

#71:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:05 am
Well the thread thinks there's a poll, and clearly there isn't, and I've found no solution to this problem.

So, please go here to vote.

#72:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:48 am
Chapter 5 : Splinter for thought?

"Well come on, boy. What's your decision?

Sej hefted his pack on his back, trying to buy himself time to think.

It was regretable to have lost his shoes, a gift from Margeet before he'd left, but he didn't want to waste time heading in the wrong direction just for the sake of his feet. He had to get to the Watcher as fast as possible if he were to let Morhem get home to his family quickly.

"North. We go north."

Morhem's face showed no emotion at the choice. He just nodded and started walking. Sej followed, picking his way carefully through the relatively soft loam of the woodland floor, avoiding sharp sticks and stones.



"Oh sush, stop moaning, boy. It's just a splinter. I've seen bigger spines on a new born! Now just one more minute, I've nearly got it."

Sej lay with his head against a log, and his foot held aloft in the vice-like grip of the Katoraz. Their camp was rough but neat, and they'd made good progress north for three days, away from the Longblack and toward the Watcher.

"Aaaagh, I wanted it out, not half my foot gouged off!"

"Quite whining, nearly there... aah, yep, there we go." Morhem released Sej's leg, and threw the spine he'd used to tease out the splinter on to the fire.

With relief Sej sat up and twisted his foot around to survey the damage. Like his other one, the sole was a mess of blisters, cuts and scrapes but he'd refused to let it slow them down. That was until the splinter. Every step had felt like a dagger thrust, until he'd had to stop.

"We might as well make a night of it here. You should let that foot breathe and gather its strength for tomorrow."

Sej just nodded and opened his pack, digging for some of their thinning food supplies. With a small smile he handed a piece of flatbread to Morhem.

"Thanks," he said softly.

Morhem smiled too, and took the proffered food. "No problem. But you won't be going much further on those until they've healed some." He gestured at Sej's mutilated feet.

"Any suggestions?" Sej said, gesturing at the leagues of featureless forest around them.


The strange voice came from outside the camp. Low, and deep. Sej and Morhem were immediately alarmed and on their feet, looking about for the source. Sej hefted a tree branch he'd been using as a walking stick, and Morhem was instantly armed with spines in each hand.

"Show yourself," Morhem declared loudly, staring to the east, the opposite side the voice had come from. Sej, unconsciously acknowledging the Katoraz better senses, stared in the same direction.

"Quite an unlikely duo to come across so deep within Gonkorian Forest." The voice was quite at ease, almost casual. The speaker strolled into the camp from the south. Morhem jumped to face the stranger with a look of annoyed surprise.

"Stop right there." Morhem declared again, a note of panic in his voice.

"A Katoraz! Rather far from your home aren't you small one! No Ghinkos round here." The stranger raised his hands. "Lower your spines little one, I mean no harm. And who's your companion?"

Sej looked over the stranger. He was a few inches taller than him, the face was scared and the head completely bald, but he looked... human! He was dressed in a green leather tunic, woodland wear. It looked hardy and well suited to the place. Solid looking leather sandals protected his feet.

"This is Morhem, and I am Sej. Who are you?"

"Sej what are you doing!" Morhem whispered in a urgent hiss. "It's a Warlohm. We must run before we're killed!"

Sej looked down at his little companion. The feline face was etched with terror.

"I don't think he means any harm, didn't you hear what he said?" Sej whispered back, still eyeing the stranger, whom seemed to be watching him with a look of intense curiosity.

"All I heard was Warlohm gibberish, the Light knows what the evil thing said. "

A cold shiver went down Sej's spine. How could he understand the stranger, if Morhem couldn't?

"You actually understand that creature?"

Sej looked up sharply at the question. "What?"

"The Katoraz, you can understand it?"

Sej tried to gather his thoughts but they weren't making sense. "Of course, it's speaking English, same as you," he managed to blurt out.

"English, what, by the Light, is English? Is this English what Katoraz's speak?"

"Sej! What are you doing! How can you speak it's language like that? What are you saying?" Morhem's fear was being replaced by confusion as he tugged on Sej's arm.

"Just a minute," Sej hushed Morhem, but patted his shoulder reasuringly.

"Who are you? Don't make me ask again." Sej tried to keep his voice steady.

The stranger looked back and forth from Sej to Morhem a few times, curiosity still playing majorly on the scarred face. He suddenly shook his head slightly and focused on Sej.

"My apologies, you took me by surprise is all. I am Tericun, third order of five. At your service." He bowed with a strange flourish. But it was enough to relieve some of the tension in the small forest clearing. Sej relaxed a little.

"Good to meet you Tericun."

"Forgive my bluntness, a lot about this situation is odd. But, what are you?"

Sej looked at him blankly.

Tericun picked up on the confusion and tried again. "What species are you? I mean you look like one of us, but you have those strange patches of hair all over your head."

Sej blinked, suddenly seeing the stranger more clearly. The entire head was completely hairless. He didn't even have eyebrows.

"My friend says you are Warlohm, but I am Human."

"Warlohm.. yes, yes correct. He told you that!" A light seemed to shine from Tericun's eyes as he eyed the Katoraz in fascination. Sej felt Morhem tense, and continued rubbing the shoulder gently.

"You say you are Human? I've never heard of such as you. But you seem friendly enough." Tericun's face spread into a wide smile and Sej felt himself relax slightly. "Perhaps I might share your fire this night, I feel we have much to talk about?"

Sej looked down at Morhem, thinking carefully.

Hmmm ... what are we going to do with this new arrival? That aside, how are we going to progress with Sej's current feet situation (you cruel voters you. The village was only a day away! ;-) ). How are we reacting to the strange revelations about languages?

Any, and all, your thoughts (related to the story) are eagerly awaited.

Happy Storygaming Smile

#73:  Author: Adalia PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:12 am
Nice chapter, Smee. I don't know why, but I can't seem to feel sorry for Sej and his poor feet. Very Happy

For the DP, I'd have to say talk to him. I'm curious to know more about this Tericun.

#74:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:48 am
Hey, I voted for the village!

I don't have much to add to what Adilia said about this fellow. speak to him, find out more, but be wary!

As for the lower appendage situation, just rip some cloth off somewhere and wrap it round his feet, unless this new guy happens to be shoe salesman.

#75:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:00 am
Sej seems to have found his position of power now. He is a translator. Morhem clearly thinks that Warlohm are dangerous to Katoraz so there must be some history there. Definitely misunderstanding.

Sej would probably feel more aligned with the Warlohm because they are physically more alike, but he must take care not to alienate Morhem. Morhem has useful abilities and has shown great kindness. Besides, Morhem must have some reason to fear Tericun.

If I were in Sej's shoes (if he had any) I'd be wanting some assistance from Tericun - a change of clothes, and a pair of shoes. He can't demand that straight away, and Morhem is not going to want to go to Tericun's abode willingly. It's going to be a long night, and they are hungry.

His best bet is to start trying to understand what the problem is between these two species as their friendship will work in his favour.

Interesting turn of events!

#76:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:38 am
I got bored, so here are my creations of Sej and Tericun...

#77:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:38 pm
I wish you hadn't posted those pics, Smee. Kinda ruined the mental image I had. Oh well.

"Quite whining, nearly there... aah, yep, there we go."

There's a typo there.

I was wondering why Sej could understand the Morhem. So he's a translator. Well, I don't have much to add to what has been said: try to resolve their differences. Sej should not only be a translator, but also a diplomat.

#78:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:45 pm
I think they're okay, though the one on the left looks like a zombie a bit.

#79:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:14 am
Haha, you said that before Chin, but I don't think I've seen many zombies with hair.

Sorry to ruin your mental image Dani, although they do match my own mental image pretty accurately and it's no different to the many, many pictures I've posted in my stories before, except I made them rather than stole from google Wink

#80:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:55 pm
Poll can be found here

I'll be aiming for a better dp for the next chapter. I'm not impressed with this one.

Happy Storygaming Smile

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