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#41:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:44 pm
As the hunger grows beyond Wendy's tolerance levels, she looks to the cherry. How can a single cherry satisfy such desperation? she wonders. On the other hand, the two sausages still sitting in the vending tray of the machine look much more satisfying.

Swindling and lying to improve her lot is what got her here. It wouldn't take much to persuade the little girl to swap a sausage for the sweetness of a cherry.

Trying to blot the hunger from her mind she rests her chin on her hands and deliberates on which method of deceit she should use.

#42:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:22 pm
Gradually, the sensation spreads throughout Leroy's body, a lightness, envigorating, energizing. His lungs fill with air as it feels suddenly great to breath. While not 'exciting' per se, the sensation is also grounding and strengthening. He feels his blood pulse beneath his skin as his veins dilate. Suddenly, movement sounds appealing as a body that has largely been in a deep hibernation for years begins to awaken.

#43:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:30 am
...The girl, Celene, slowly awakens from her slumber, and, looking slightly disorientated, glances around the room, noticing the two new residents. Suddenly a look of realisation, then panic flashes across her face, and she cries out, but then it passes, and a new calm, collected, and strangely confident expression replaces it...

"NO!" I cry, but I feel strangely detatched from my body. No detatched isn't the right word. It almost feels like I'm trapped, contained, chained to my minds walls, still able to think and speak, but completely incapable of performing any bodily actions. The other has taken over, the voice. But how? I was usually so capable when it came to keeping her at bay, the last time it had happened had been over three months ago when...

"Ah, you're awake at last," the voice murmers, sounding very pleased with herself. "I wondered when I would get the chance to get this show on the road."

"But... how?...How did you..." I stammer, and hear my questions met with a quiet chuckle.

"Good stuff, those meds, whatever they were. Got you all cosy and relaxed, made you let your guard down. And here I am. Said you'd let me our sooner or later didn't I, didn't say that you would mean to." Another chuckle. "Seen our newest resident?"

I look around, and spot the little girl, dark-haired and pale, standing near the dispensary, looking frightened and small, in a room full of adults. I suddenly realise that all of them know my name, but I don't know any of theirs.

"What do you think?" her voice comes again. "Should she be the first? Spawn of the enemy, demon child. But oh, doesn't she play her part well, all shy and innocent." She sniggers scornfully. "Look how she keeps glancing at the lad with the bag of sweets. Scared to death of him, isn't she. If only she knew that the real danger comes from right here." She turns my head towards one of the tables, where the fat guy, and the haughty-looking woman sit. "Or maybe that stuck up bitch should be first, looking down her nose at everybody. Plenty of time to decide though. Unlikely to be able to get them all with only my bare hands as weapons. We'll have to see what delights will cross our path later. As it is, I still feel a little too relaxed and 'cheery' to be bothered anyway. And remember, for now, I'm in charge, and you will keep quiet."

"No, Amber, please!" But she's not listening to me.

"I'm hungry," she says, "You really should have finished that cupcake. Although, from the way the others have reacted to theirs, maybe it was for the best."

...The girl, once Celene, now Amber, gets to her feet, and leans against the wall, a predatory look in her eyes as she watches the other residents...

Last edited by Tikanni Corazon on Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:51 am; edited 3 times in total

#44:  Author: CyberwormLocation: Spatially found, temporal lockdown. PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:12 pm
Richard feels good, really good. And he enjoys it. He even likes everyone like they were his best friends. He waves to the little girl and the large man, and then to everyone else with a grin on his face. Very Happy

#45:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:27 am
Why swap a sausage for a cherry when you can go for both? Wendy eats the cherry, picks the stone out of her mouth and drops it in a nearby waste bin.

#46:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:33 am
Cyberworm wrote:
Richard feels good, really good. And he enjoys it. He even likes everyone like they were his best friends. He waves to the little girl and the large man, and then to everyone else with a grin on his face. Very Happy


Richard begins to feel a remorse and sorrow... after a moment of thought, he realizes that what has beset him is a feeling of... loss... Suddenly, as his bag has become finally depleted, he feels an undeniably terrible feeling of missing everyone he's ever loved in his life at any time. All anger or resentments for those past individuals dissolve into a forgotten mist, leaving him bare of his walls against this pain. A hollow feeling grips him from within with an excrutiating intensity.

#47:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:38 am
Crunchyfrog wrote:
Why swap a sausage for a cherry when you can go for both? Wendy eats the cherry, picks the stone out of her mouth and drops it in a nearby waste bin.

As soon as she swallows the cherry, her heart starts racing. She suddenly feels hyperactive and excited! The world seems a brighter place, if not extremely confining at the moment.

Wendy can't remember feeling this way since childhood and may never have recalled the sensation if not for this reminder. It feels like the ultimate sugar high!

#48:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:30 pm
"I am confined by flesssssh..."

The man, if he could be called a man, had perched on the back of his chair, rather than sit in its seat. Now he leapt into the aisles, approaching the podium with soft hunger.

"They said I should not burn. They said I was like them. They are fools, and you are a fool too. Only the burning shall release me utterly, little doctor. Only the burning shall end my confinement..."

He paused, crouched in the aisle. His eyes wandered over the face of his prey, not caring, not wrathful, but examining. "Take the plank out of your own eye..."

And then, screaming, he jumped onto the doctor! He hands clutched at the shoulders! His mouth widened, his fangs gleamed! "YOU CANNOT FIX THAT WHICH IS NOTHING! YOU CANNOT FIX ME! ARROGANT FLESHLING! YOU WILL DIE BEFORE I SUBMIT TO YOUR INSANITY!"

#49:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:14 pm
Pressing his thumb and forefinger together, Dr. Z smiles into the face of his attacker as the assailant suddenly tenses up under a powerful electrical current passing through his body.

Dr. Z throws the man unceremoniously to the side as he stands back to his podium and begins rifling through files, "hmm..." he hums under his breath.

"I'm sorry... which one are you?" he unpassionately asks as the wild man, quivering in pain and weak, raises to his hands and knees.

#50:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:25 am
The man grinned. "...Master of flesh, then. You will find that the soul is more then you can bear."

As doctor Z scanned the list, he cut back down into the warning section. Celene was there, as were a few others, three of which were labeled Does not respond to name. One account, detailing a subject's wish to be burned, labeled him Rupert Fernadi.

"Soon enough, little doctor, you and I will have... a discussion of your position here." The man rose, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his vision; the shock clearly had hurt him, but he was ignoring it with some effort.

#51:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:50 pm
"Rupert, I presume," Dr. Z intoned, "Hmmm?"

Striking out like a viper, Rupert finds himself impaled in the shoulder by a syrenge that seemingly appeared from nowhere in the Doctor's hands, emptying its clear liquid contents before the wild man could realize what was taking place.

Even before the syrenge was withdrawn, Rupert begins to feel a calm euphoria wash over him, somehow making it impossible for him to touch the burning rage within that more commonly consumed him throughout.

"I suppose we will be having said discussion soon, yes. I'm quite certain I DO have some things to learn from you... and about you. For now, however, you may proceed to the place of feeding."

As Rupert came to his feet, Dr. Z added, quite undramatically, "Oh, and Rupert... don't kill any of the others... yet. Mmm-kay?"

#52:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:24 pm
Rupert smiled. "You know I never kill, good doctor. Incidentally? I have no name."

Then he shuffled into the cafeteria, thoughts of dismemberment in his head. His violence might have been curbed, but he knew all that that meant was that he would be calmer for a bit; soon his flesh would burn and he would be free of it.

#53:  Author: Adalia PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:48 pm
Hearing her food being deposited, Ally turns to the machine and stares at the hotdogs, glad she got two, because one would not have been enough. She wishes they had come with a bun, but she isn't about to complain, either. Reaching for the dogs in front of her, she sees her wrists and is reminded of what brought her here.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the movements of that office lady. Sure that something is going to happen, she takes a deep breath and holds it. She bites her bottom lip as the lady gulps down her cherry and throws away the stem. Knowing she won't have much time to move, she grabs her hotdogs and walks briskly to the nearest corner where she won't have anyone at her back to worry about. She braces herself for what's going to happen.

Then the door opens. Ally is feeling so frightened that she can't seem to move even a finger. Despite the hunger that rumbles in her stomach, she's paralyzed.

#54:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:19 pm
Leroy's elevated energy and the eagerness to do something slams face first into a panic of claustrophobia. He tries to stay calm and focus his new strength, but on what? He begins pacing at first, just anything to stay on his feet. Then he starts jogging laps around the cafeteria. His jogging is more of a very labored fast walk, but he feels better as long as he keeps moving. He ignores everyone's stares the best he can.

#55:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:03 pm
As the sugar rush courses through her, Wendy forgets about the hot dogs. Time to build a castle! She pulls chairs from under one of the tables and starts stacking them on top. When she can't reach any more, she pulls up another to stand on, bringing them up one by one, and piling them higher and higher.

#56:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:12 pm
As Ally's grip squeezes down on her hotdogs, one breaks open, revealing a hidden surprise, a tiny rolled scroll hidden inside the sausage peaks out of the torn meat.

Leroy, jogging by, can't help but take notice of the look of terror mixed with sudden curiosity that overcomes the girl.

#57:  Author: CyberwormLocation: Spatially found, temporal lockdown. PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:52 am
Richard is so desperate now that he wants to kill somebody. He needs to release his desperation through the art of fleshcarving, through the gentle strokes of knives. Unfortunately, he can see nothing of use for the purpose, which brings him to his knees. He walks on all fours to the corner and tries to fight it like he had tried before.

#58:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:37 am
The creature ignores the girl. She is too young, too innocent, her darkness not yet truly a part of her. His gaze wanders over to the first one who spoke...

The euphoria represses his violent urges. It's rather annoying, really. But on the other hand, it allows hi to see that the woman has changed. Something he probably would hove discovered anyway, when they were at each other's throats. He lopes over, examining the woman.

Crumbs on her lips. She's eaten something. It must have been drugged... What was the name? Celene? Ignoring her glare, he examines the eyes. "What has happened here, fleshling....? Or are you not flesh, but bound?"

#59:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:02 am
...The girl, Amber, watches as the wild man approaches her, an open-mouthed grin frozen on his face, allowing a set of sharp fangs to protrude. She remains in her leaning stance, against the wall, and calmly listens as he delivers to her his strange question...

I look this new resident directly in the eyes as he speaks, feeling Celene's fear and horror press against our shared mind.

"It's alright,"I reassure her, "I can handle this." Then I push her right to the back of my mind, and turn back to face the newcomer. "I most certainly am of flesh, though I'd rather not be known as 'fleshling', if you don't mind," I answer him, in my clipped, english tones.

I see a moment of unsurety pass over his face, though it's gone seconds later. I continue, realising that perhaps I'm not quite what he expected me to be.

"Love the gnashers by the way, how much did they set you back? Two, three grand?" I eye his unkempt appearence with distaste. "Though looking at you now, one has trouble imagining you ever being in the possession of such an amount of money."

He doesn't answer, and I carry on, allowing my lips to spread into, what I know to be, an unnerving smile.

"As I said, I am purely of flesh and blood. I've merely suffered a splitting of the soul, a split so complete that it almost seems as if we are two seperate entities living in one body. Of course, our personality traits are split between us too, one half being good, vulnerable and in possession of all morals, and the other being constructed of hunger, desire and, quite simply, of hate towards all human kind."

I pause again, then nod my head towards the little girl, whose petrified eyes are still fixed upon the newcomer.

"Her name?"

"Ally," he replies, with a hiss.

"And the others?" He relates their names to me, one by one.

"And yours?" I'm met with stony silence.

I nod, turning away from him for a moment, and looking down, inspecting my long, black boots. Then I glace back up at him and speak to him in a whisper, so that the others cannot hear.

"Well, whatever your name is, I think you should know, I'm not easy prey. I'm more than a match for you, I assure you. These others..." I sweep my arm, gesturing to our fellow residents "... maybe, if you get to them first. Because, nameless wonder, Celene is gone. The good, and the vulnerable, and all the morals, that I mentioned before, are buried deep inside me. You are speaking to the other half, the one who commited those murders that Celene feels so guilty about."

I clear my throat, and begin to speak normally again.

"All I can say to you is watch your step, and, in turn, I'll watch mine. I can respect you enough to be aware that I need to do that." I quit leaning against the wall, and begin to walk away. "Oh, and I wouldn't recommend eating anything from that contraption, if you can resist the temptation..." I gesture lazily towards the dispensery. " I believe the food is drugged."

...The girl, Amber, takes up a new position near the door, hoping to hear the names of the new residents before they enter the cafeteria...

#60:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:01 pm
He listens to her little speech. His mind, addled by the drug, proffers names while he thinks.

"...How do you justify it to your other?"

Amber staunchly ignores him. He smiles.

"This Celene, you have not killed her yet. Repressed her? Yes, I can see that; you move like a hyena. But she's still there, isn't she?"

He chuckles darkly, perching next to her. She leans away. He notices.

"You tell her the victims are... tainted. Evil. That is why you dislike me, because I am openly evil."

A nerve struck. She freezes. She doesn't turn; he can't see her face.

"So you say you are a cleanser. How fitting... I should speak with a cleanser first in this excuse for a prison." He turns away, stands.

"...Why are you here?"

"They fear me. They fear my mad ravings might be right. They fear I might be who I say. The fear to burn this flesh and release me...."

He grins. "Or they may not understand." He walks off, perching near Ally, but not looking at her; his gaze follows Leroy instead.

#61: Setsu Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:09 pm
With a soft sigh I stand, looking up at the good doctor. With a flick of my hand I bring my hair around from the back of the chair. Resting just below my knees it shows the wear and tear from the unpleasant trip. Crossing my arms, I introduce myself.

"My name is Setsu. Setsu Makaiya." My deep tenor resonates around the room. My eyes pass over the crowd, spotting a few possibles...

Taking a breath, I continue. "I am here because before the eyes of man I have committed several acts of 'evil' that can not be understood, nor ignored as it would seem." I adopt one of my lighter tones, trying to explain things to the good doctor. "You see, all I have done is try and bring mortals into my world."

Dr. Z raises an eyebrow in inquiry. With a small smile I continue. “You see, I am what you mortals call a creature of the night, a 'vampire' if you will. In recent years I've grown a bit lonely and desired a companion. I have found many young men whom have volunteered for the position but, alas, none of them have been able to withstand the turning.” I pause, shifting my weight from my left foot to my right.

“My taste runs towards younger blood, if you'll excuse the expression.” My eyes glide over to one of the possibles I'd marked out earlier. A young teen, 14, 15 maybe. He shift under my gaze. With a smile I turn back to the front. Brushing my elbow length bangs back, the pale white of my hand standing out it stark relief against the ebony locks, I decide to get to the point.

“I am here because I have deflowered and bled dry no less than 12 young boys in the past 10 years. There are many more than that whom fall into both categories, but we'll just stick with the 12 I was incarcerated for, shall we?” My gaze drifts over to the doorway the others had gone through.

“While I am no hurry to sample your prison fare, it has been some time scene my last meal” And while you're 'food' may sustain me, I am eager to begin looking for more suitable sustenance.” My gaze returns to the good doctor, awaiting permission to begin my hunt.

#62:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:29 pm
The Doctor looks Setsu up and down, smiling in fascination. After some time of pondering, he finally speaks, "It had been my understanding that very few, if any, of your kind exist anymore. Which of course, as you must realize, brings me to question the legitimacy of your claims."

Smiling like a wolf he continued, "If you'd like, I'd begun to tire of this crowd of resistants... select one for your hungers," and waves at the stragglers who remain in the auditorium, as of yet having remained unwilling to openly express their 'crimes'.

#63:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:50 pm
I have been watching the activities of the room. I have been making notes in my mind about these people; one by one. And I've been most interested in the doctor's reaction to each introduction.

It was the last fellow that finally lured the true guise of the doctor out. I finally figured out why he had been so intriguing to watch. The man actually not only allowed the vampire to continue beleiving he was as he claimed to be, but set him upon the rest of us.

Until now I have been leaning on the back of my seat. however, I couldn't help laughing quite loudly at this man, at the irony of him being here.

"I see a mad man trying to cure the mad."

I announced still looking at the doctor. I, for the most part, ignored the vampire. I felt safe enough where I was. He was after males, after all.

(i'm thinking of making it a two-post introduction reacting to the reaction. sorry)

#64: Setsu Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:55 pm
Chuckleing at the girl's coment, I begin prowling around the room. My eyes jumping from one face to another, I spy only a handfull that pique my interest. Saveing the more attractive ones until later, I select a target.

A young one, 13 at most sits near the back. His knees tucked up under his chin, he seems to be trying to make himself as small as possible. Glideing over to him, the people on either side scoot away or move to seats further away. I reach out and toussle his light sandy locks.

He whimpers, frightend. “Hush little one, this won't hurt.” I kneel down and begin whispering a simple spell. The charm works almost instantly and the boy relaxes. Looking dazed and a slightly tipsy, he lets his feet slide off the chair.

Placeing a light kiss on his lips, I whisper, “That'sa boy” Pulling him in close I begin to feed. In less than a minuet, he utters a final harsh breath and goes limp in my arms. Setting him down gently, I lay him across two chairs. So peaceful.

Wipeing up a few drops that had escaped my lips I stand up. Sucking the bloody finger into my mouth I look back at the good doctor. Smiling softly at the looks I was getting, I ask the our host, “ Shall I go now?”

#65:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:36 pm
A 17 year old albino slithered away while watching the vampire suck red liquid from the little boy. He frowns. For the first time, he felt happy that he was growing older. He wasn't particularly handsome. Some say he was too tall. Some say that he looks like a ghost. Inside, he felt like a devil.

He noticed that the doctor was staring at him. He wants me to speak!!! Feeling stupid, he just stared back. He was then surprised that the doctor had smiled.

Standing up, he started to introduce himself.

'My name is Adam Jessiah, and I am a jew'

#66:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:48 am
Dr. Z smiled wryly at the one who spoke out in the crowd, respoding with a murmuring under his breath as his face remained fixed to the 'vampire', "Well... some motivation might do them all some good. It's brilliant really."

As soon as Adam bursts out, he motions a nod and a wave through to Setsu, saying to him, "Now you should be a bit safer to those who matter."

Holding up a finger to issue pause to Adam, he begins to rifle through files, apparently attempting to locate this one. "Tell me more about yourself, Adam," he says distractedly.

#67: Setsu Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:05 am
Doffing a imaginary cap to the good doctor, I look over at the effects of my display.

My eyes slide gently over the pale boy. Yes, I'll save him for later. Drifting over to the door the others had gone though. Entering, I come upon a most amusing sight. Ignoring the large man and the loose lady, my eyes drop to the boy crawling about on the ground. My eyebrow arches appreciatively. The girl propped up next to the door chuckles.

Looking down at her I see the new aura around her. A dark red had replaced the the light blues and yellows. “And what might you're name be?” “Amber” she answers shortly. With a small bow, I pass her and walk over to a strange machine. With food types listed upon it, I assume it will dispense sustenance.

After a fer moments of pondering, I press my finger over the 'Fruit' button. As I wait for my food, my gaze wanders over to the little girl in the corner. So innocent. . . .

#68:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:52 am
Red grapes are laboriously dispensed.

Setsu can't help but notice the girl's gaze, fixed in fascination onto a tiny roll of paper she has just extracted from the center of one of her hotdogs.

#69:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:27 pm
The vampire had caught his gaze. He'd watched Setsu go to the machines, and how his gaze now turned on the girl beside him...

With a powerful leap, the creature lands next to Setsu. "You're getting slow, bloodfang. The child is under my wing."

Setsu raises an eyebrow. "And who are you to deny me prey?"

The creature smiles. "And you did not even notice Amber? She noticed you, I wager. She'll seek your contract. She'll find how to kill you. She'll make sure you die, forever."

"What are you talking about?"

The creature blinks. Then he laughs. "You really don't know? You really don't know! You really don't... this will be interesting. Very interesting. Do not take the girl, young bloodfang. You will regret it... and there are more pressing matters. The food is poisoned." With that, the creature tuns and returns to the table, perching on its edge.

#70: Setsu Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:50 pm
Scooping up the meager fare, I walk calmly over to the one who addressed me. I watch his aura flicker and prance about him. It's deep purple hues giving me little cause for alarm. With one of my more serious smile I say “Do not worry, young fire child, I have no intention of harming the little one. And, if as you say, she's under your wing, then you and I may have a bit in common”

With that I brush slowly past, feeling the fire child's eyes holding hard to my back. The intensity of the burn brings me a bit of comfort. The child, too engrossed in the paper she holds in her delicate little hands, takes no note of me as I sit down calmly beside her.

Keeping the fire child's words in mind, I pick up one of the ripe fruits from my hand. Considering the fact that I'd just taken new blood, I put it to my lips. Using one of my fangs, I pierce the tender skin of the grape. As I suck out the juices, I can feel the fire child's unease at my proximity to the little one.

Glancing over, the girl had unfurled the paper. I know it's considered rude, but I take a good look at what is written.

#71:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:30 pm
Adam waited before replying. His eyebrow had already started twitching, and he was getting nervous. Taking a deep breath, he started to speak.

"Doc, I think I am the angel of death.'

Dr.Z raised his eyebrow.

'Wherever I go, there has been a death. My mum died the day I was born and my dad died when I just learnt how to walk.'

Now, he looked down and his eyes started to redden.

'I have killed 4 times now. Ive also been to 14 places where a murder took place and I always seem to have a motive. Doc, there's always a time when i forget everything. I sort of go in to a trance, and then come back with no remembrance of what I did.

'I remember only killing four times, but the rest of the places, I don't remember what happened. You see doc, there has been a death wherever I go.'

As he said this, his eyes turned to the body of a little boy, whose life was just taken by a vampire.

He stood there transfixed, and his body seemed to shudder, his eyes started to emit a dull pearly glow, and then he spoke again.

'I think i feel like killing again' he said his lips curling up to a dry smile. His voice had changed now, it sounded sort of metallic, as if coming from a robot.

Adam was going into a trance again.

#72:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:13 am
"Adam!" Dr.Z shouts as he snaps his fingers repeatedly trying to get the man's attention. 'Snap!' 'Snap!' 'Snap!' With each snap, a tiny jolt courses through Adam, tearing him out of the trance he's about to enter. "Adam!"

"Wha?" Adam replies, now a bit irritated and confused.

"I'm quite certain you're right. I've reviewed your files and... yes, I agree. We'll just have to make sure you have CONTROL over whatever you are, no? But not everything can be accomplished in but a few brief moments. Go. Go to the others now and eat something. You'll be needing your strength."


Meanwhile, Setsu notices the girl is trying to read the message upside down of course. He hardly notices just how fulfilling the 'blood' of these grapes are at first, but before long, an exciting, hyperactive energy begins to fill him, while depriving him of any thrist for blood that may yet remain, if only for a brief respite for now.

Finding it harder and harder to focus, and struggling to read upside down along with the girl, he at least makes out the header to read,

"Now then, time to get to the MEAT of the matter."

#73:  Author: CyberwormLocation: Spatially found, temporal lockdown. PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:31 am
Richard, in his desperation tried to remember the lonesome, peaceful moments of his 18 years of living, but to no success. There were only few, and those were surrounded by pain. He grabbed his hair and rocked, falling to the side, crawling against the wall...

#74:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:58 am
...The girl, Amber, having grown bored of listening for newcomers, makes her way over to an empty corner of the room, grabbing one of the few remaining chairs that Wendy has not used for her 'castle'. She observes the strange antics of the others, and decides that she wishes to converse with someone familiar. She releases her hold on Celene...

"I'm so glad that we didn't eat too much of that cupcake," I say quietly, nodding towards Wendy. "That could be us right now, you know." I sigh deeply. "Some interesting characters we've got here, don't you think?" I pause, waiting for her to answer. "Don't you want to talk to me? Having been restricted for all this time, I would have thought you'd be dying for a natter." I smile knowingly, only too aware that she's ignoring me for that very reason. "Stop sulking, and tell me, what do you think of these 'others'?"

I give her a few minutes, waiting for her to reply to my question.

"Celene, for christ's sake! I'm bored out of my mind here! You'd better say something soon, or I'm going to have to go find my amusement elsewhere."

"Something," comes the sulky reply at last. I chuckle quietly.

"Knew that would get you talking. So... what do you think of them?"

"I don't like them," Celene says, "They scare me, and I don't want to be here."

"I'll agree with you on one part of that, I don't like them either. But I'm most certainly not scared of them, and I can't understand why you are either. We're perfectly capable of looking after ourself. Well, I am anyway, so why do you feel the need to fear them?"

"We've done some bad things, Amber, but we've never taken on people like this before. There are other... murderers here, I can feel them." I can feel it too, but it doesn't bother me. "The others have always been... weaker. You've threatened that wild-looking man already, what if he decides to call your bluff, do you really think you can take him on? He's alot bigger than you for one thing."

"Dearest Celene," I chuckle again, at the ridiculousness of her words. "You know only too well, that one shouldn't judge another on appearences alone. What does size matter, when one possesses such cunning as I. I even have a few surprises hidden away from you." I can feel her trying to seek them out, rifling through our shared mind. "If you don't stop that, I will cage you up again, and fullfill my prior threat." She stops immediately, not wanting to by surpressed again, and certainly not wanting me to interact with these nutjobs that surround us.

"How is it that you can do that to me, but I can't to you?"

"You probably could if you tried hard enough," I reply, "but you don't. Personally, I think that, though you might not realise it, you need me, to keep you from falling completely to pieces. And, though it pains me to admit it, I need you too." I gesture towards the wild-man. "What he said earlier, about having repressed you, but not killed you, it didn't make any sense to me. We are one. These thoughts, these feelings that each of us have, they belong to the same soul, split or not. One cannot exist without the other, for it would then be only half a soul."

I pause, sensing that she listened intently to my words, drinking them in. It felt like she almost... cherished them. She wanted to be needed, to be loved in such a way that she never had been by anyone. I sighed deeply once again.

"Truth is, Celene, we can't rely on anyone, but each other. That's something that we've discovered the hard way, so many times over the years. One such as he..." I nod again towards the wild-man, "... one so crazed and uncontrolled, couldn't possibly understand such a thing, which is why he thinks that I seek to kill you... Everyone needs to have someone to lean on."

I end my little speech there, feeling a little awkward at revealing my weakness to her. My one weakness. I have no care for any other person in the whole world, on the contrary, I feel pure hate for all of them, and can imagine nothing more delicious than seeing the oceans turn red with their blood. I care only for me, and, in turn, for Celene. I brush the thoughts aside. At least she was the only one that knew.

I glance over to where the tall man, with the long dark hair, is sat next to the little girl. I had decided, when he'd entered the room earlier, that I liked his calm, collected manner, though that wouldn't protect him in the long run. In the little girls hands, I notice, is a unfurled scroll of paper, and both she and the man beside her are trying to read whatever is written upon it. I am sparked with curiousity, and I stand and walk, making my way over to the water-cooler, which is situated near them. The wild-man, I notice, watches them too.

I help myself to the water, and then turn to face them.

"So, what've you got there?" I ask, with another of my unnnerving smiles.

#75: Setsu Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:44 am
Feeling my body tingle and burn, I watch the girl Amber approach. Pondering the words on the paper, I find myself rather happy. 'I like this one' I think, biting into another grape. When Amber turns to me, I feel myself a little on edge. I want to fight.

“So what have you got there?” The question makes my energy pulse. Yes, I want to fight. Scooping up the girl, I can practically hear the fire child's heckles raise. “Eep!” she lets out, startled. “Hush now little one. I'm just trying to keep you safe.” Walking over to the fire child, I set the girl down on the table next to him. Wide eyed, the girl sits frozen, starring at him.

I lean over to whisper to him, “I suppose you can tell, as I do, the little one needs to stay away from,” Thumbing over my shoulder at the girl Amber, “that.” Nodding in acknowledgment to my words, he looks over at Amber. Turning back to her, I smile softly. “You seem a capable young woman. Care for a little match? My body sings with the need for a good fight.” Popping my neck, I flex, the settle into a low fighting stance.

#76:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:13 am
Spurred on by the childlike elation she feels from the drugged cherry, Wendy climbs to the top of her chair tower. She squeals with delight at the pandemoneum developing below her as more 'residents' enter the cafeteria. It makes an exciting change to the uncomfortable quiet of before.

Stripped of her inhibitions and sense of fear, she laughs, and launches herself from her precarious perch to see how far she can jump. The stack of chairs tips and smashes to the floor as she falls.

#77: Setsu Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:37 am
Holding up a hand I say, “One moment please.” Stepping back a few feet, I hold my arms out. With a small 'Oof' I catch the crazy castle lady, her weight causing me to fall unceremoniously onto my backside. Still spread out superman style in my arms, I lift her, and myself off the ground.

Setting her on her feet, I grab her shoulders and say, “While I have come across many occasions where harming yourself is necessary, I don't believe there is any reason everyone here should be forced to see your brain matter splattered across the floor.” Glancing over at the boy in the corner, I continue, “Though I'm sure there are those here who would enjoy the sight, that little girl behind me has been through enough, wouldn't you say Wendy?”

With a 'Thump' Wendy lands a punch on my collar bone. Sticking out her tongue, she runs back over to her 'castle' and starts rebuilding. Shrugging I turn back to Amber. Now, where were we?

#78:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:44 am
Wendy piles the chairs on top of the table even higher than before, and climbs once more to the top.

She pulls from her sleeve the tiny scroll of paper that she'd scooped up during Setsu's heroic attempt, and stares at the heading printed at the top with wide eyes.

#79:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:07 am
...The girl, Amber, ignores the tall, dark-haired man, as she watches Wendy piling up the chairs once more...

I wave the tall man's comment away, concentrating on Wendy.

"Not now, leave me be... I could have sworn I saw..."

I watch as Wendy continues to pile up the chairs, higher and higher, oblivious to all else in the room.

"Amber," Celene says quietly, "Are you sure it's a good idea to just ignore him?"

But I'm not listening. Wendy is now perched upon the procariously piled chairs, and in her hands...

"She has the scroll... I knew I saw her take it."

...The girl, Amber, her curiousity overwhelming her, decides that she needs to know what the scroll says...

#80:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:44 am
Welcome to the Nuthouse
Part 3

She has little need to wonder, for Wendy finds herself impulsed to read it aloud!

"Now then, time to get to the MEAT of the matter.

Before you all leave this room, ONE of you shall die! And it shall not be by any ONE of your hands, but rather, by concensus! You must all come together and AGREE upon which one of you shall not see the light of another day. The decision MUST be unanimous. If any of you shall insist to press the point by slaying another, YOU shall be slain and it SHALL NOT void the fact that BY DECISION of the UNANIMOUS whole, one among you shall die before you progress!

Dr. Z"

All have gone silent to hear her she realizes, as her voice tapers off near the end of the note. No sooner has she pronounced the final Z, then 'Adam' enters the room.

"What?" Adam asks as everyone shifts their eyes to him, the door behind him visibly and audibly latching shut tight upon closing behind him, a bar swiveling down into place to bar you all into the tiny room.


Meanwhile, outside, Dr. Z reviews the remaining files.

"I'm dissapointed with the few who remain," He states, disdainfully. "No matter what your reasons, I deem you UNTREATABLE!" Reaching up under the podium, he presses a little white button.

A hiss whooshes forth from the vents above and soon the room is filled with a noxious gas. Soon, none but the doctor stand. And certainly, only the Doctor is laughing!

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