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What's her decision?
Leave him alone?
 0%  [ 0 ]
Go see him?
 100%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 1
Who Voted: Lilith

#81:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:36 pm
I'll keep my suggestion to myself for a while to see if it matches where your story is going... Wink

I think it would be in the city... And instead of always thinking about his "soul mate" as he usually does, everything reminds him of Ferissa... Meanwihle the big scary thing in the spandex Wink is drawing ever closer, preparing to make his attack but waiting for the right moment...

*jaws music starts playing*

#82:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:55 pm
The first new poll in ages is UP! Vote!

#83:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:54 pm
voted Very Happy And Im winning I suppose since I believe Im the only voter so far...

#84:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:59 am
Hid in his room! He's gotta face the guy sometime...

#85:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:51 am
Poll tied so I made an exec decision...simply because I couldn't wait to write the chappy any longer. Enjoy...

Chapter Eight: The Bar Across Town

He'd snuck out of Asylum long before any but the earliest of risers was up. Ferissa wasn't amoung them and he managed to slip out unnoticed for the most part. By the time the sun had well and truely gone down he was on the other side of town, and when 'town' was a city of five million...needless to say anyone not looking for him wouldn't notice him. Looking out the diner window he sipped his black coffee and winced. Not strong enough by half.

The waitress came back over with her little pad. "Get ya anything hon?" He smiled at her greatfully but shook his head. His gut was in knots, anything he ate would have just come right back up all over the clean linolium.

"No thanks. I just needed some coffee to warm me up." She smiled, warmly this time, looking him up and down. Ky knew he must look a sight. He hadn't taken the time to shower back at Asylum and his clothes, while clean, were traveling clothes. They were ripped, stained, patched, and overall run down looking. His guitar sat in the booth with him, next to the window so that nobody could grab it and run. A few moments later the waitress came back with a large bowl of soup.

"Eat it. It'll warm you up more than the coffee will." With a grateful smile, since he wasn't up to being rude, Ky picked up the spoon and began blowing on his first steaming hot bite. Much to his surprise he found himself wolfing the food down, the warm fluid soothing his angery innards. The waitress had walked back behind the counter and now stood talking to the cook, glancing Ky's way every so often.

Slowly the man walked out from behind his grill and leaned on the counter. "Hey." Ky looked up and pointed to himself with his spoon. "Yeah. You a musician?" Ky glanced at the case next to him and nodded. "You any good?"

"Shall I sing for my supper?" Putting the spoon down Ky took his guitar out of it's case. "It's electric so I'm sorry if this doesn't sound it's best." Slowly he began picking out the song 'Mama I'm Coming Home' by Ozzy Osbourne. His voice was soft and yet sorrowful as he sang the words. The noise of the diner faded away and people turned to look at him, eyes wide, whispering. The cook and the waitress both looked at him, then each other, then back at him. When he finished a round of applause broke out.

With a smile he put the guitar back in it's case gently. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a twenty that he left by the cash register, nodding to them. "Hey wait!" The waitress was waving the twenty around trying to give it back to him. "It's on the house." Ky smiled, pushing the bill back.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch. Keep the change." Turning the collar up on his coat, the weather man predicted snow and Ky wasn't disagreeing, he walked out into the frozen January air. Christmas was long past and yet the woman had still been charitable to him. It put a warm smile on Ky's face as he began to troll the human club circut, looking for any of the 'help wanted' signs out back.

It was his luck that outside one place that went by the name of Shox, a small notice proclaimed the need for musicians. Apply inside. Taking the small add from it's tattered position Ky walked up to the burly bouncer. The man stuck an arm out infront of him. "What do you think you're doing punk? Back of the line." Ky shoved the ad up under his nose.

"It says apply inside. I'm applying inside." The bouncer grumbled a bit but had to let Ky inside. He had legitimate buisness afterall. Looking around Ky had to shake his head. There were plenty of patrons, drinking and talking and generally doing what patrons do in a bar. But he hadn't even made it to the counter when the music stopped and the bar went silent. That was the problem with jukeboxes and the like...the songs had to end. Glancing to the side across from the bar Ky saw an empty stage...was he the only person to apply?

The bartender knew an out of work musician when he saw one and allowed him behind the counter. "Go through that door, up the stairs to your right, and into the first door on your left." Nodding his thanks Ky followed the man's directions until he found himself in an office piled high with papers with a computer half buried under them. Behind the computer was a completely buried man who looked up with a harried expression on his face. He took one look at Ky and his face lit up. "Guitar player?"


"You alone?"

"Unless you count multiple personalities." The man laughed.

"Funny. Good, you'll need a sense of humor to work with the house band." Ky raised an eyebrow.

"I was under the impression that you didn't have a band. Stage is empty and you're looking for musicians." The man sighed and spread his hands wide, leaning back in his chair.

"Well we do and don't have a band. I've got several patrons that are willing to play for pay and a few members already on staff. It's just..." Ky had heard this story before.

"Lemme guess, the only one's who get along are the one's without talent and the one's with talent can't stand each other?" The man nodded. Ky turned for the door. "Thanks but no thanks." The man bolted out of his chair, scattering papers everywhere and sliding around to get infront of Ky.

"Hold on there speedy. They all argue about who's lead. We've got a guitarist, but a second can't hurt, a bassist, a drummer, and a halfway singer."

"Halfway?" The man grinned.

"Great bassist but the voice..." The man shrugged making a 'so-so' gesture with his hand. I'll say I've hired you as second guitar and lead vocals...on the condition you can sing." Ky smiled at the man. Did he want windows left in the pub? Or broken glass and ruptured eardrums? Most likely the former.

"I'll try it out and we'll see." The man clapped his hands together.

"Great! Get backstage and start setting up, I'll tell the others that you're waiting." Ky watched the man run off and sighed. Human's were weird creatures. After all this time living with them Ky doubted he'd ever really understand them.

Ky was laying flat on his back on the concrete when he heard the first footsteps approaching. He quickly stood, grabbing his guitar and slinging it's strap around his neck. The young man that appeared from around the corner was in his early twenties, tall and lanky, and staring at him. He walked around Ky in a circle several times, as if he was assessing a cut of meat he was about to buy. "So do I pass?" The youth shrugged.

"I dunno. We'll see how well you play. What songs do you know?" Ky had opened his mouth to say all when the next member of the band rounded the corner, carrying a guitar case. The woman gave him a cool look, obviously not happy about being competed with, and didn't bother to speak to him. She just opened her case and pulled out a white guitar that said 'Ice Queen' in sparkling powder blue letters. "That says it all right there dude. Ain't a colder shoulder in the world man."

The last member of the band was even less friendly than the woman. He carried a large bass case and was obviously displeased with the newcomer. "You you're singing from now on?" Ky shrugged.

"I just do what the man with the money tells me too. I gotta eat at the end of the day and this is how I do it." The man humphed and stomped away, ripping his bass out savagely and putting it's strap around his neck. He turned his back to Ky as if to say 'brick wall' and Ky was fine with that. He hated dealing with egos.

Out on stage the owner was telling the patrons that the band would play tonight. There was alot of cheering from the crowd as the last song on the jukebox stopped playing. Ky calmly walked on stage, taking his place by the mike, and stared out at the sea of dark faces. He could sense the band taking their places behind him, getting ready to humiliate him. "Well I'm a bit new so why don't some of you make a few requests. As long as we know how to play them, we'll play them."

There was some grumbling from the audience and the inevitable calls of 'Freebird'. Finally one big biker in the back spoke up. "Y'all hecklin' 'em to play that song but hey, I wanna hear 'em play 'Sweet Home Alabama'." There was a smattering of applause from the audiance and Ky looked back at the band with a raised eyebrow. Three nods greeted him.

"Right then." He launched into the riff and the others followed. The song went off without a hitch, enough that he actually had a few people enjoying themselves even though this didn't seem like the kind of music they'd been playing when he came in. This seemed like more of a hardcore place when he'd walked in. Sure enough the moment they finished that song someone called out for 'Enter Sandman' and the place broke out in applause for the suggestion.

Ky started the intro, tossing the lines back and forth with the 'Ice Queen' behind him. With the lanky drummer keeping perfect beat and the bassist, while scowling, doing his job Ky felt confidant he could rock. Opening his mouth he began to sing once again...

"Damn boy but...Damn! Where did you come from, the goddamn woodwork?" Ky smiled.

"Club across town actually." The owner, a man named Ross, shook his hand so hard Ky thought the man was trying to dislocate his shoulder.

"Their loss my gain...what were they paying?" Ky chuckled.

"Nothing beyond room and board." The man gaped.

"Criminal! Wait a minute...are you telling me you're homeless?" Ky nodded and the man chewed a nail. "Well since I don't want you locked up for vagrency, now that I've found you, I'll have to stash you with someone for a while." He looked around but only Ky, the drummer, the bassist, and Ross were left. "Hey guys, come here." The two band members shuffled over. "Ky needs a place to stay for a while..can he bunk with one of you two?"

The bassist's scowl deepened but he nodded anyway, probably to save his hide from Ross's anger. The drummer kind of smiled and nodded. Ross grinned at him. "Well it's your choice. You can bunk with one of them." Ky stared at the two trying to figure out where they lived. He didn't want to get out of the city and he didn't want to be too close to Asylum either...or too far away for that matter.

But he wasn't getting any 'I live here' vibes from either of them so he was stuck. He could choose to go home with one of them or he could try and find somewhere else to stay.

What's he going to do?

There you are, hope you like it.

#86:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:36 pm
Fibd abother place to stay. Peferably learning how to fight the demon.

#87:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:50 am
Is MW the only one who's going to make a suggestion? If so I might as well put up the poll.

#88:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:49 am
I just found this - probably because the last post was before I joined here and I missed it red but I read the last chapter and it's great. Skimmed most of the previous, so I dont have an in-depth feel for the whole story yet, but I think it would be interesting to stay with maybe one of the other band members. Who knows what might transpire if he ends up with the most hostile character!

Has the poll gone up yet? If so, I dont seem to be able to vote on it...

#89:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:57 pm
No Crunchy I just put the new poll up...feel free to vote guys!

#90:  Author: Darra PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:16 am
The bassist may be hostile, but he's most likely to keep to himself and not ask questions.

#91:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:14 am
Thanks for voting folks. Poll's closed and I'll havet the chappy up in the next few days...I promise.

#92:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:09 am
Right it took me long enough but here's your reward for waiting...the next Chappy! Enjoy!

Chapter Nine: Divinity or Friendship

Ky leaned his head against the window and sighed. Tonight was the night they signed the Treaty...'And then I'm free.' It was hard to believe that it was actually coming to an end. His latest gig had been working out just fine, it seemed Supernatural creatures didn't care for Shox that much, even if the house band now had a lead singer that was more of a draw in himself than the band ever could be.

It had only been a week, seven little days since Nafeylis had stumbled through the doors of Asylum, only six since Ky had left. Now staring out James's, the bassist's, window he was trembling all over. "I've got some serious stuff to do today man, I already got time off from Ross so you won't have to worry about playing tonight." James scowled at him from across the room, the man hadn't gotten any friendlier since Ky had first come home with him.

Standing Ky coughed a bit, a sudden sinking feeling making his knees tremble. James raised an eyebrow. "You don't look so good man...maybe that pressing buisness should wait." Ky shook his head, the gut wrenching coughing doubling him over.

"I can't..." Taking a few steps James's arm shot out.

"Man you are hotter than a car in the impound. You don't need to go anywhere but bed." Ky eyed James and noticed that the man wasn't just being kind to his paycheck. Suddenly seeing Ky humbled like this had brought out the human side in James. "You've been getting sick right under my nose...Ross'll have my hide for this." James tried to steer Ky back to bed when Ky slipped his grip.

Grabbing his case he was out the door and nearly tumbling down the stairs before James had a chance to react. Darting down an alley hidden from prying eyes Ky made some gesture with his hand and vanished from the mortal plain of things. He stepped back into reality in a very different form...the form of the Negotiator. All around him rose the chamber where, for thousands of years, he had laid to rest the problems of the supernatural world.

None of the deligates were here yet but, almost as soon as Ky had taken his place, they began arriving. Some were alone, others had partners, guests really, with them. They took up their cerimonial stands, each of them looking grimly determined...and yet smiles could be seen in even the sternest of eyes. Peace was finally within their grasp. Freedom was finally within Ky's.

It was then that the last Noble to arrive did so. Appearing in a flash of flame Nafeylis swept into the room like a desert wind. Ky, only due to long years of training, didn't bat an eye when Nafeylis's guest turned awe-struck eyes upon was Ferissa. They looked positively regal and, as they took up positions, they looked proud and relieved as well.

Now that everyone was here, they could begin. Snapping his wings open, Ky drew every eye. "Finally, today, we shall realize a dream. Peace shall finally have it's say over war." Walking down from his raised dias, his talons clicking against the polished floor with it's etched wards, he reached a plinth in the middle of the room. On it's flat top were set an inkwell for each race and a flat piece of parchment.

With a quick stroak of his talon Ky opened a cut on his forearm, allowing blood to fall into each of the inkwells. "Now sign..." Slowly each came forward and each, even the floating Wraiths which were not spirits at all but venegful creatures made of sapiant wind, let a little of their own blood mix with Ky's own. As each signed for their respective race the contract became more and more binding until, at last, the final signature was imprinted.

With a final flourish Ky struck his own name at the bottom and rolled the parchment up. Holding it aloft all in the room watched as it faded from existance. "Peace has been brought great cost to you and to me. Now, at last, we might all live life to the fullest according to the terms." It was then that Nafeylis motioned to speak and Ky granted him that request.

"My companion has ill news. She is a Seeress of great talent who has never yet been wrong," Ferissa blushed and tried to shush him but he continued on. "She says that one vision has not yet come true...that a Demon will attack Asylum."

"What!?" The Demon lord looked stunned. "That treaty isn't even dry and you're..." Ky held up his hands and stared around the room.

"I know of this vision and shall impart something of it's meaning upon each of you. The Demon who shall attack Asylum is not of this world. He is not bound by our Treaty, indeed he is bound only by his own dark brother Vy'Diril. Vy'Diril does this because he knows he has lost...and he shall stop at nothing to break our peace before all can see how sincere we are in it." The demon lord nodded.

"Ah indeed. I knew this must have been a misunderstanding Lord. I take it we leave this matter in your capable hands." Ky nodded to him and saw the reassurance on each of the weary faces. They slowly blinked out until only Nafeylis and Ferissa were left. She came forward.

"I told your servant about it, the vision I mean. Is that how you know?" Ky smiled, there was no sense in hiding who he was now, not now that his full powers were returned.

"Actually," between this word and the next he suddenly changed from Negotiator into the Ky they knew. "You showed me yourself." Nafeylis stepped back eyes wide as saucers. "Yes you were those instincts of yours next time boy...not matter what a smooth talker might say." Ferissa collapsed into his arms and he lifted her easily.

"" Ky inclined his head.

"Actually only half but it's not the amount of's what you do with it." It was about that moment that a shimmering light flooded the entire room, stripping away illusion and transformations. The Gods had come.

Nafeylis was beyond shocked to find himself in Salamander form suddenly standing in the shadow of a massive white dragon. He was even more shocked to see Ferissa, also in Salamander form, curled easily in one of Ky's cupped palms. He was profoundly greatful, however, for the fact that Ky was between the other Gods and Nafeylis himself.

The brilliant golden dragoness at the head of the group walked forward and wrapped a long foreleg around Ky's shoulders. "Oh my son to see you well and whole again, my darling Ky'Ril. My darling son." Nafeylis could just make out the expressions on the other gods. His own creator, Fy'Sysae, looked upon them with a beaming smile, her whole body warm with her approval. It was very clear that her heart had indeed changed in Ky's favor.

Py'Gyiae looked slightly pleased, as if she'd realized it was a bad decision after she'd made the choice to side against him but had been too stubborn to admit her mistake. Sy'Quae seemed serene as if she was willing to live with Ky as their mother's favorite for the sake of her Mother's happiness. Ly'Srril looked like he'd swollowed something unplesant and Vy'Diril looked ready to rip his brother's throat out.

Each God congradulated Ky in their turn and the crowd slowly parted, allowing a dragoness nearly as beautiful as the Godesses themselves to walk up to Ky. Nafeylis didn't need to be a mind reader to see how much she ment to much they ment to each other. A thought dawned on him. He went through all of this...for love? All of the pain and suffering and torture for The awesome thought buckled his knees.

Things were going so well that the other shoe had to drop...Ky knew from long experiance that it always did. Vyrriandi was by his side, the world was no longer in danger and, thanks to his side bet with Vy'Diril, his black-hearted younger brother would never again try to meddle with anyone under Ky's protection or with Ky himself. It was too good to be true...and it was.

"Well brother...who's that in your hand hum? Are you going to introduce your mate to your mistress?" The other Gods knew this wasn't true, knew Ky had been faithful as the sun rising in the east...yet it wasn't their minds that would sway the tables. It was all Vyrriandi and what she thought.

She turned to him with large eyes and he shook his head. "A last trick darling. Ferissa is a friend, she's with Nafeylis back there." The dragoness looked at the young salamander noble who had passed out from the amazing sight unfolding before him. "I've done no more than help her sort out her life, no more than a good friend would. No more than I had to." Vy'Diril sneered at him.

"Really? What's this then?" An image appeared, an image from when Ferissa had been wracked by the shakes and Ky had had to hold onto her, drawing the convulsions out before she did something to injure herself. It did indeed look like a passionate embrace, especially since they couldn't hear what Ky was saying to Ferissa as he stroked her hair.

He had been reassuring her that the bad times would pass, that once her system had purged itself she'd be free and clear. Without being able to hear that though Ky could have been saying anything. The image ended shortly before the part where Ferissa had thrown up all over him, fading to darkness. "Well I won't show you the rest...I'm sure you get the picture."

Vyrriandi turned to look at him and, for a tense moment she said nothing. Then she turned around to look at Vy'Diril, her expression unreadable. "I don't see the truth of that in his eyes. I see only love, I see only the dragon who has waited for me for so long. But you...I don't need his powers to see your lying." She curled closer to him and his crest rose as he narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"Leave Vy' have lost." Before Ky could react his brother snatched Ferissa from his grasp.

"Oh you don't care about her eh? Well we'll just see about that. Here's a new challenge for you, you can watch her die or give up your powers to save her. Same game, new rules." Ky reared up to strike, indignant that Vy'Diril would stoop so low but Fy'Sysae beat him to it.

"That is my creation you threaten...put her down." The other Godesses, all three of them, came to stand by her. Flanking Ky they made quite a sight but not enough of a sight to stop Vy'Diril, not enough to save Ferissa.

"Time's running out Ky? Will you save her or will I snuff out her light forever?"

What's he going to do?

Hope you enjoyed.

#93:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:20 am
Meh - just let her die. It's not as if she actually means anything to him.

#94:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:45 am
I'm afraid to say I am completely and utterly lost.... and having great difficulties following it. I lost the plot after Ky had his coughing fit... Sad

Not your fault I am sure, it is probably my fault for not really being a fan of the genre, and 'not getting it' Very Happy

I feel a bit embarrassed to ask, because it is probably very clear to everyone else, but could you explain again what Sanctuary is, and what Ky and the characters represent in Sanctuary, and what they represent in the alternative world? (reality?) Are there two realities?

#95:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:50 am
Ky is Ky'Ril Soulblade a demi-god who happens to be the Negotiator. The Negotiator settles desputes between paranormal creatures i.e. werewolves and vampyres. Ky'Ril is, at the moment, undergoing a test to see if he is capable of choosing a mortal as his mate.

His brother, Vy'Diril, wants the mortal in question, a dragoness named Vyrriandi, for himself despite the fact she wants nothing to do with him. Vy'Diril is also insanely jealous of Ky because he is their mother's favorite. He's not the only one, the other four children are as well. Thus the five of them conspired to create havok upon a world, Earth, and then have Ky prove himself by settling that dispute.

With the signing of the Treaty he has finally proven his worth, to all, and not only have his powers been restored he's finally being allowed to take Vyrriandi as his mate. There's only one catch, Vy'Diril made a side bet with him that, even if he managed to succeed in bringing peace to the paranormal creatures he wouldn't be able to remain faithful to Vyrriandi.

Even after he loses that bet Vy'Diril still tries to get Ky to give up his powers, and thus lose his stature as a god. He's using Ferissa, a salamander Ky saved from several irate kraken, as bait for Ky to give up his demi-godhood.

Ferissa herself is just a salamander, a fire-lizard with the ability to see the future and take on human form. She's had a crush on Ky since he saved her from five kraken in the beginning and helped her kick her chemical dependancy. Though her feelings are one-sided, since Ky has alread found the woman of his dreams, she still has hope.

She enlisted the help of Nafeylis, the Head salamander, to get her to the Council so that she might speak with the Negotiator and warn him of an attack by a demon upon the sanctuary called Asylum.

Sanctuaries are places that have been marked as nutral ground. That means there can be no fighting within them or on their grounds. Paranormal creatures in trouble come to hide out there or to live there in peace. The laws of Sanctuary are enforced not just by the owner, the paranormal creature with control over the area, but by the Negotiator himself.

Think of the church in ancient days. Outlaws, theives, wanted criminals, political targets...all those people fearing for their very lives would claim 'sanctuary' in the church. This ment as long as they remained on holy ground nothing could happen to them. The same applies to Sanctuaries like one can be killed within the club's walls or else bad things will happen to those who would violate those laws.

Hopefully I've cleared up some confusion Crunchy, if not just keep asking and I'll keep trying to explain.

#96:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:40 am
His brother, Vy'Diril, wants the mortal in question, a dragoness named Vyrriandi, for himself despite the fact she wants nothing to do with him. Vy'Diril is also insanely jealous of Ky because he is their mother's favorite. He's not the only one, the other four children are as well. Thus the five of them conspired to create havok upon a world, Earth, and then have Ky prove himself by settling that dispute.

Isn't Vy'Diril meant to be me? I seem to remember something like that.

#97:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:49 am
No're actually the daemon lord Camdus...the guy who will be attacking Asylum later on. Vy'Diril has promised you control of Earth and several other realms in exchange for helping him bring down Ky..

#98:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:01 pm
Thanks for the clarification, although I'm now a bit confused about other members are coming in as characters?

It's a cruel decision, especially as Ferissa has helped warn of an impending attack on the Asylum, but I guess he will need his powers I guess as the Negotiator. That is the obvious choice.

Although I wonder what direction the story would take if he decided to save her...

The parallel with the church sanctuary was a useful metaphor. I think I'm back with it again. Thankyou!

#99:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:20 pm
Right there are six deities in total. The first, and most powerful, is the Mother Goddess of Light Ay'Zlae Dawnsong. Her first consort was the dragon-king Lisril Keenblade. From their pairing came her two eldest children the demi-gods Ky'Ril Soulblade and Vy'Diril Shadowspine. Ky'Ril is the god of Spirit, Vy'Diril is the god of darkness.

However, a Power, which shall remain mysterious and nameless, gifted four children upon Ay'Zlae. Fy'Sysae Firefang, the fire goddess. Sy'Quae Tidetalon, the water goddess. Py'Gyiae Stonescale, the earth goddess. And one son, Ly'Sirril Windwings, the air god.

As far as other characters go there's just Camdus, a demon lord in the employ of Vy'Diril. Ferissa, a salamander hopelessly in love with Ky. Nafeylis, the salamander Lord who's beginning to enjoy Ferissa's company and who was a former pawn of Vy'Diril. And Vyrriandi Noblecrest, a royal dragon who's Ky's soul mate.

#100:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:37 pm
Kalanna Rai wrote:
No're actually the daemon lord Camdus...the guy who will be attacking Asylum later on. Vy'Diril has promised you control of Earth and several other realms in exchange for helping him bring down Ky..

Well, I suppose that'll have to do. And no Crunch, she added me in because she hates me, and made me wear spandex. Which - if I recall - was pink.

Last edited by LordoftheNight on Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:34 am; edited 1 time in total

#101:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:47 pm
*snickers* Pink spandex...[insert evil laughter here]

Actually Lordy got in by an accident. One of the original options for the poll of 'what's attacking asylum' was demon. Trying to be funny I said Lordy and then the readers actually expected him to show up. And I don't really hate you anymore Lordy...loath is a better word.

#102:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:28 pm
Loathing huh? Well makes everything better.

#103:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:02 pm
Poll's up.

#104:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:09 am
Thank you Crunchy! You've kept Negoitiator alive for one more chappy! Enjoy

Chapter Ten: God no More

Ky shook his head, stepping out infront of the enraged goddesses. "This is my battle ladies and nobody has fough my battles for me yet." His head swung back around to face Vy'Diril. "Fine brother you win. Give the salamander to Fy'Sysae and I will give up my godly half."

"Perminantly?" Ky nodded.

"On my honor I shall give it up and never seek it's return." Vy'Diril grinned widely.

"Well then, this has gone better than expected. Catch." He hurled Ferissa into Fy'Sysae's grasp, never taking his eyes off Ky. "What a fool you are Ky'Ril. Far too soft to be a God really...even a demi-god." Vyrriandi lunged forward.

"No Ky! Don't! He'll kill you..." Ky looked at her with a soft smile. He knew very well that the moment he gave up his godly half that Vy'Diril would not hesitate to deal him a death-blow. But he also knew that that blow would never land. Raising himself up to his full height he took a deep breath. Exhailing deeply he closed his eyes. A glow began to envelope his form before lifting off of him like morning mist. There was a sudden flair of white hot brilliance and then Ky collapsed.

He was still a dragon, nothing could take that from him, but a certain magnificence was gone from him. Some vital part had been stolen. Vyrriandi spread her wings over him, nudging his cheek and curling her tail around him. Vy'Diril cackled wildly for an instant before suddenly stopping and bellowing aloud.

"Cheat! You're light show can't fool me! Where is your half power? Your half godhood?" Ay'Zlae cleared her throat.

"The answers are very simple. To find his power you need only look to me. To find his half god-hood you need only look to Vyrriandi." Vy'Diril smiled.

"Cheat! He was supposed to give them to me, to make me a full god with his half." Fy'Sysae smirked.

"You only demanded he give them up, you didn't say who he had to give them to." Vy'Diril bellowed in rage again but with the three godesses blocking him from Ky and Vyrriandi there was little he could do.

"We will meet again brother." With that last hiss he vanished in a clap of darkness. Vyrriandi didn't feel any different, well mabey she felt..well. Healthy. But that was nothing new. Ay'Zlae turned to look at her.

"Are you alright child?" Vyrriandi shook her head and nudged Ky again.

"No Mother of All, I am not. I fear for my mate, I fear for the salamander and her companion, I fear for Earth. I fear myself. I don't know my own strength now. What if I hurt someone by accident?" The Mother Goddess smiled at her kindly, a soft tail-tip brushing over Vandi's hide.

"Easy child. My eldest son is strong, very strong. He's strong of body, mind, heart, and soul. He'll pull through. The salamander and her companion will both be fine, they both glow with the light of life and their spirits are pure. The Earth shall never need fear with protectors such as she already has thanks to Ky's tireless work, and as for you. My son always had the same concernes, about hurting someone. I'm sure he can tell you all you need to know if you but ask."

Vandi nodded, her tears drying slightly. "But won't he...won't he..."

"Won't he resent you having what was once his? Arn't you being a little unfair towards him? He gave it up for the salamander, he gave so much for you. You think it unequal? Never. What he endured for you was far harder than giving those powers up. He's never been comfortable with his powers, being a demi-god he wasn't given an off switch like the rest of us."

"Oh..." For a moment Vandi saw all of the Mother Goddess's age shine in her eyes. She seemed, in that moment, gazing upon her favorite son and his chosen mate, to be a very tired old dragoness. Vandi had seen those kind of looks in the eyes of elder dragons just before they excused themselves from society and went off to end their lives. "I'm very sorry."

The look was gone, replaced by all the crackle and energy that had been present before. "Take care of him child. Take good care of my son, my darling Ky."

Ky woke in the darkness of his basement room at Asylum and felt the woeful weakening of the wards instantly. Lacking even his former incapacitated strength, Ky winced. There was nothing he could do now. Dragon he might be, demi-god he was not. Things would slip past him now, people would be harder to judge. He wondered when he'd been put back in his human form, and who'd put him there, as he sat up.

A muffled whimper made him look to his side and a smile instantly split his face. Vyrriandi, his beautiful Vandi, lay dozing in a nest of blankets. She pulled a thick roll under her head to replace where his arm had been, and snuggled back down. Flipping a thick quilt over her Ky stood and stretched. "Better get used to this. Dragons were long-lived as a race. Some of the more powerful members of the species were actually immortal and would live until something killed them. Ky knew he belonged to that last group, his father had been one such dragon afterall.

But there was a large difference between the immortality afforded him as a dragon and that afforded him as a demi-god. His weaknesses were much more pronounced and there were more of them. Lesser weapons of lower quality and fewer enchantments could be the end of him...or the whim of one of the Gods. For a moment he stiffened...Ly'Sirril. Then relaxed. No doubt somebody had already interceded in that matter. And Vy'Diril, being only an demi-god, wasn't going to get anywhere Ly'Sirril couldn't.

Slipping through the stone wall was easy enough still, although climbing the stairs to Ferissa's room took more effort that he would have thought. This had nothing to do with his diminished self and everything to do with the fact he still wasn't fully recovered from his exertions. Cracking open the door he was relieved to find Ferissa quietly sleeping with Nafeylis watching over her. The young salamander quickly turned his head when Ky entered the room.

"Hey." He said softly.

"Hey yourself. How is she?" Nafeylis looked at him like he was crazy.

"How is she? How are you man? I mean you..." Ky held up his hand.

"Let's not go there now shall we."

"But why? I mean why give that up when..." Again Ky held up his hand. He had the strange feeling that if he didn't explain now he would regret it later.

"Why give up my powers for a salamander? Nafeylis, did you even know what my powers were?" Nafeylis nodded. "Then you've already got most of your answer. I drew spirits like a magnet, all manner of spirits, and they all acted just like they had in life. If I'd let Ferissa die, I'd never have escaped it. Besides that it would have been her blood on my hands, on my head because I could have saved her and yet I hadn't.

Most creatures were unwilling to look me in the eye because they always saw their past shames there. I couldn't hide that anymore than I could chase the spirits away. It would have ment that every time I saw my own reflection I would have seen the reflection of hat one heartless moment when I let a friend die to save my own power. Do you see now?" Nafeylis cleared his throat.

"The things we do for love eh?" Ky smiled.

"Indeed. Speaking of which, I'd better get back to mine. Tell me when she wakes up." Nafeylis laughed.

"No doubt it'll be all I can do to keep her from racing to find you. But I will. Now run off back to your lovely lady Ky. She won't wait forever." Ky stuck his head back in the doorway.

"I think we've already proved the fact that she would, indeed, do just that." Shutting the door he walked back down the stairs and slid throug the wall. Vyrriandi had woken and was waiting.

"How is she?"

"Sleeping but fine." Vandi nodded and Ky looked at her.

"You did the right thing my mate. I am proud of you." Ky smiled.

"If only I didn't still have Vy'Diril's pet demon to worry about everything would be fine." Vandi smiled.

"What's one demon to the two of us." She put a hand on his shoulder. "Mated dragons will do anything to protect their nest and young." He snorted.

"This is hardly a suitable nest for you Vandi. I should see about us getting home. As for young..." He never got a chance to finish the sentance

Ferissa cracked her eyes open and looked around. Sitting up she fully expected to be back in the Negoitator's chambers, certainly she did not expect to be in her own bed back in Asylum. Nafeylis's hand was on her shoulder. "Easy, easy. Just settle down, you've been through a lot."

"Nafeylis...Ky's a god."

"Not anymore..." The whole story took only a few moments to tell, Ferissa's heart felt like it was being ripped out when he explained and described Vandi. For a few moments all she could do was cry. She'd known Ky had someone else but actually have to see him with someone was too much. What he'd done for her was too much. Nafeylis tapped her, catching her attention again.


"I said are you going to go see him?"

Is she?

Things are getting close to the end folks. We've still got a demon attack to take place but now it seems Ky's in no shape to defend the place. Hope you liked.

#105:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:46 pm
Any ideas either way? Any at all?

#106:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:28 am
Well, well, well, Rai. A good SG and well-written to boot. Hmm... Ky and Ferissa are friends in the very least so of course she should go see him. If you really want to strike the blow of the fact that Ky is completely out of her reach romance-wise, then she might walk in when Ky and his love are..... well, I'll leave it at that!

I am glad I had the chance to read this one! It's a gem!

#107:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:16 am
Well the poll is up. Vote so that the finale can be written.

#108:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:12 pm
This SG's been limping along for some time. Thankfully I can now put a bullet in it and move on. Enjoy.

Chapter Eleven: Light's Heir

It took Ferissa weeks to work up the courage to talk to Ky. She couldn't help seeing him, and the beauty that now seemed to be glued to his side. It had taken her a week just to be able to see them together and not fly into a self directed rage or burst into hopeless tears. But Ferissa, with Nafeylis's help, had finally managed to pull herself together and was now willing to face Ky and...Vandi.

Ferissa knew that Ky had been giving her space, she wasn't stupid and she knew better than to think he was avoiding her. She just hoped he wasn't avoiding her. Nafeylis had recounted his conversation with Ky and, from the way he told it, it didn't sound like Ky held anything against her. But Ferissa still felt guilty as she descended the stairs towards Ky's rooms.

She paused a moment before knocking on his door. For a moment there was nothing, and still more nothing. She knocked again and was this time rewarded as the door swung open. Ky, hair tousled, skin slick with sweat, clad only in a pair of jeans, leaned against the door frame. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what he'd been doing and Ferissa began to blush and glow. Ky snorted. "I'm the one who should be embarassed. I figured you'd be coming to talk sooner or later and yet..."

"Well it is your can do as you like."

"Well then I'd like you to come in instead of standing in a doorway looking like a burning torch." Before either of them could say anything more, Vandi swept between them. Smiling brightly she gave Ky a slight push, shoving him back into the room.

"Actually, I think that this is one of those moments that calls for the girls to chat alone." Ferissa felt her heart sink and could only prey to the gods that Vandi wasn't one of those bitches that was simpering sweet around anything male, then turned on the other girls with malicious intent. How could Ky let himself fall for something like that?

But Ky only shrugged, running a hand through his blinding white hair. "If you say so...I hardly know the right thing to say anymore." Slowly, with a small smile that Ferissa hoped was directed at her, he closed the door and left them alone. Ferissa took that moment to look at Vandi, with her long silver hair and deep plum eyes. Clad only in a tunic top and denim capris, she looked amazing. Ferissa didn't want to see her all dolled up.

Ferissa braced for a tirade and instead found a friendly arm looped around her shoulders and a warm smile on that lovely face. "Well now I've heard your story from Ky...but I'd like to hear it from you more. It's rather...unsatisfying to hear a life story second hand." Ferissa found herself unable to say no and, in the process of walking upstairs to the not yet open club, told Vandi everything she could.

She was surprised to find the dragoness a receptive audiance who was more than willing to reciprocate with tales of her own life. It wasn't until they sat down with drinks, iced tea and smoothies, that Ferissa realized that they could easily become friends. Finally she ventured the question she'd been dying to ask. "And you're not mad that I made Ky...give it all up?"

Vandi smiled, openly and honestly, and gripped her hand in a reassuring squeeze. "Honey, there's not a soul born that could make Ky do something he didn't want to do unless he's got his own reasons for doing it. He doesn't hold it against you, and never will. Neither do I for that matter. He was never happy as a demi-god and when he's am I. Things have worked out well for the both of us."

Ferissa frowned. "But...well that demon still hasn't attacked yet. I've never had a wrong vision before, not to sound conceited or anything. It has me really worried." Vandi shook her head.

"Ky's worried about it too but I keep telling him not to. Two full grown dragons are more than a match for Camdus...that's the demon lord you saw honey. I say let him try."

The club had been filling up around them as the inhabitants got ready for the evening. Now, as all those living in Asylum took the oppertunity to talk in the peace of the last hours before opening, a strange shiver went through the air. Vandi's head shot up as, without warning, the doors blew open in a gout of flames. Ferissa lept to her feet as horrible things from darkest nightmare poured through, followed by the terror that had stalked her slumber for months.

Camdus, sans spandex but Ferissa had figured that for a quirk of the vision, strode through and into the club. Where he stepped, flames erupted, shadows pressing in as the smoke blackened vision. Vandi, human form already vanished for some sort of draconoid shape, stalked toward him. "Camdus! You defile this place with your presence!"

The demon, flaming eyes blazing over his vile, sardonic grin, executed a flourished formal bow. "You are too kind Vyrriandi, paying me such a compliment even as I bring you your doom." As the flames and shadows pressed closer, and the vision began to come true, Ferissa wondered why things always had to turn out like this. Vandi tried, for a few moments, to fend Camdus off but he caught her in a flaming hold and easily backhanded her away from him. A leer split his face. "Brooding dragonesses should not fight. Isn't that what they have mates for?"

As Ferissa crawled over to where Vandi lay sprawled, blood trickling from her nose, burnt flesh of her face still sizzling, she looked around worriedly. Where was Ky?

Ky had sensed the tremor that had preceeded Camdus's coming. He'd lept to his feet, skin already rippling to scale, when he'd been bathed in a shaft of light. He found himself elsewhere for a moment, in his true form before his mother. "My son...before you go into battle I must speak with you." Ky looked at his mother, noticing for the first time that great age and weariness that Vandi had seen before.

"What is your will Mother?" The great dragoness of Light, Mother Goddess of them all, sighed and stroked a fond wingtip over her eldest son's hide.

"Ky'Ril... my cherished eldest, the delight of my heart, so much like your father with each passing century it pains me to see you. You know I have not been happy since he died." Ky nodded. His mother had never recovered from the blow delt her by his father's dead. Now he looked at her keenly, vainly trying to sense what was to come.

"I am old, Ky'Ril, and tired. I would be as lonely now as I was before were it not for you and, to a lesser extent, your sisters. I have walked with your power for a short time, but that short time was enough for me to confirm what you had always told me...your father's spirit does not linger." She stopped for a moment and Ky laid a reassuring wing on her, nuzzling her neck gently to take her mind of a pain that never went away. She turned and nuzzled him back.

"I'm leaving my son. I'm going to travel onwards, beyond this world, to find your father in the next. I cannot go as I am, Goddess of Light and Spirit, so I am giving my powers to you instead." Before Ky could react everything seemed to whirl around him. He felt vitality as he'd never before known fill every scrap of his essence, his being, before it overflowed to radiate around him, his aura returned more powerful than before. His power, the power of spirit befitting a full god, and his mother's power, the power of light itself, lay within him.

He looked at her and she looked back, both saddened and proud of what they saw. He saw his mother, an ancient dragoness lined with age, who had only one regret in her life...the regret she couldn't spare him his pain. She stood there boldly as she gaze back at him and in her eyes he saw all he had become reflected. He saw her pride in him, her joy, her love. She nudged him gently. "Go Ky'Ril. You have a foe to fight, a friend to protect, the mother of your children to save...Go."

He turned, looking back over his shoulder one last time at his mother. A low note escaped him, growing in power and volume so that it hung in the air long after he'd left. A dragon's cry of farewell.

"Can no one challenge me!" Ferissa hung her head as she realized they had all tried, and failed, to stop Camdus. Suddenly, light peirced the darkness and Ky emerged from where the stairs were just collapsing under him. Light encircled him and Ferissa shuddered. He felt powerful.

"Why Ky'Ril! What a shock to see you here! Well not really but I thought I'd say something corney like that anyway. Prepare to face your doom!" The tail lashed out, flames sweeping in a deadly arc of distruction. Ky jumped over it just as he had in the vision. "That was just for looks, now for your doom!!!"

Just as in her vision his talons raked out again and again and Ky vanished under the flames. Camdus threw his head back, arms wide, and laughed. "Fear Me! For I AM the Lord of the Night!" He had turned and was pacing over to where Ferissa cradled Vandi's head, trying to wake the dragoness. "Now for you two..." He turned suddenly and they watched as the blazing rubble where Ky had gone down erupt upwards. Ky, his form much like that Vandi wore, dusted himself off.

He looked at Camdus and twitched two talons three times. The demon lunged towards him, a bellow like never before shaking the building. Ferissa couldn't stop herself from screaming as the two clashed. She watched Camdus as his eyes widened..."Impossible. You...!" He vanished with a pop as light blazed all around them.

One Year Later....

Ky leaned over the side of the crib, wincing as the babe within grabbed a handful of hair and yanked. "He's got a grip." Vandi appeared next to him, grinning.

"Now you know why I've cut mine short." Her long fingers pried Ky free from the babe's grip. The babe gave a sharp wail that turned into a harsh note as his form went from human infant to dragon hatchling. "There he goes again. He can't seem to keep his mind focused."

Ky chuckled. "He'll learn." A tail whipped at his nose and the babe gave a squack has Ky's form shifted abruptly as the babe's had. Instead of swatting soft human flesh, he whapped draconic snout scales instead. Ky turned a warning glance on the babe, who settled down a bit. Changing back he looked at Vandi with a half smile. "Is that all you needed."

She looked at the babe with a smile. "Yes, I think he'll nap now. Are you headed back already?" Ky hooked an arm around her waist.

"No, I think I've earned some rest...and I can't think of better company."

And there's the end of the tale. Thanks for hanging around!

#109:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:31 pm
I don't like it.

Mainly because I lost. What's that about? I never lose.

It's a proven fact.

#110:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:56 pm
At least you weren't wearing spandex of any color Lordy. Be greatful for that.

P.S. It never really said what happened between them now did it? All you know is that neither Ky nor Vandi died.

#111:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:43 pm
Which leaves plenty of opening for a sequel, Rai... Shocked Wink Cool

*looks at Rai hopefully*

#112:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:13 am
Not in this lifetime Lily...

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