The Memories of a Half-Shadow: The Final Chapter.
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#81:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:14 pm
Don't commit gramatical suicide, we already have saxonish.

#82:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:26 pm
((note...the Previous Chapter's Title has been changed to Invintations.))

Chapter 8: Hangover!
Part 1
Her ploy had worked...after spending a half-hour hanging up her old cloaks in one corner at every party she was suppoused to attend, Din was finally back at Jester Park...which ironically, was the quitest place in If.

The year-round celebration had been moved out of the park to Chinaren Hall where, Rumor had it, every ended up gathering.

What had started out as a party for piligrims, pumpkins, and candy was now well on it's way to being the longest party ever as the Calender approached the new year.

All in all, Din enjoyed the three months of near quite she had enjoyed, flipping on her small orb every now to watch the party go through various ebbs and flows as everyone partied, got drunk, slept, and repeated the previous actions.

Her world was quite, and other than stuffing L.A.N.D.I. in the closet a few times, Din didn't have anything really to do. In fact, she hadn't even reality she didn't have to, all Jester Parks storygames had finally been organized in one little and very thin pile after two months of waving her feather duster threatenily in the face of authors who had either dispapeered or had gone on hiatus.

Closing her eyes, Din watched the grandfather clock swing it's time while she watched the orb in case anything happened, if she reckoned right, Smee had planned for some fireworks for Today saying loudly that Two Days before the New Year out to be celebrated with just as much joy as New Years itself.

Din didn't understand it, but guessed that's what happened when even Smee had too much Dragon Wine, however she still looked forward to the fireworks.

Despite her best attempts, a rpg, and a rather lengthy job she was still working on, Din was bored, and dreadfully so.

She only wished something would happen.

Still it was her own fault, she supposed, if everyone thought she was a party pooper, boring, and unadventurous to boot.....she never really did anything exiciting. Yet Din couldn't help but wish her reputation could have been some what different.

No, she didn't like parties, but give her a sword, and point her to the nearest expert swordsman and you would be surprised....

Checking the clock once more, Din sighed. Tugging, and pulling at reluncant shadows, Din made herself a soft temporary bed. Perhaps she could get in a little shut eye before the fire works.

~ ~ ~

Din awoke the next morning to a terrible ponding headache.

Raising her head, Din squinted her eyes at the Calender. It was January 1st, and it was noon....she had missed the fireworks!

Wait a minuite, why exactly had she slept for the past two days, and why, Din thought as she tried to pick herself up, was she chained to her desk.

Fully awake, Din jolted upright as far as she could, and found herself looking straight into the eyes of none other than her Lazy Butler.

"You!" Din muttered struggling against her chains.

"Aw my dear mistress, I am glad to see I have succesivfully captured the co-mod of Jester Park. If only I could have gotten both of you, but still that Dragoness of yours is a little hard to catch, being an assisin and all."

"Why you little Lazy good for nothing Butler? Why I am chained?"

"Because Dinranwen, Co-mod of Jester Park, the Clean Happy Mod, I intend to take over as Mod here as soon as I capture our mutal friend Rai. Once I have her, it's simple a matter of killing you both. So sit back and relax, not that you can do anything else, Mwahaha, Mwahaha." L.A.N.D.I. laughed lazily.

Din smiled.......and it wasn't exactly a pleasant smile. "I hate to spoil you plans L.A.N.D.I. but you seem to have forgotten something."

"Ow, what's that?"

"Rai trained me a little to well." Din said just before she disappered, her chains clattering to the floor.

"Where's she go?" L.A.N.D.I. said pressing a hidden botton to call his evil clown army.

"She didn't go anywhere," Din's voice teased, "Or have you forgotten, that I am a half-shadow, able to blend so well into the shadows that I can only barely been seen, and if not for my body, invisible to most eyes.

L.A.N.D.I. turned, giving Din just the oppurinity she needed, popping out of the shadowy corner she had conjured herself to, Din easily overpowered her butler.

~ ~ ~

Ten hours latter Din was stained, battered, and her cloak was torn.

Already in a bad mood, it didn't surprise her in the least when she found herself threatening Rai.

It didn't surprise much either when she ended up dead a few minutes latter.

People don't threaten dragons unless they have a death wish afterall.

#83:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:46 pm
Haha! *is rolling on the floor laughing* This one is entertaining! see I told u were holding the ROFLs back! I can't wait for more!

#84:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:32 pm
*looks over previous Chapter in shock*

What? What's funny? I don't get it...and I wrote it.

Very Happy Thanks for complement Lilth.

#85:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:57 am
Awww... is that the end?

#86:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:45 pm
No, whitey, us half-shadows are surprisingly vital.

Btw...all credit is given to the last chapter and the next one as they enterally based on the genius of CrunchFrog.

#87:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:37 am
Yea!!! *clapping hands* Laughing Laughing
Great chapter Dinranwenn.
*Gives parchment-invitation to children of if* Feel free to fall in.
I'd like to read more of your shadowy-slef. To see you blend into shadows, cut through it like a razor and still manage to excape by the use of shadows, a foremiddable foe indeed-for those who want to attack you- they must watch out. Very Happy

nightshade Razz

#88:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:48 pm
Chapter 9: I'm so dead....

Looking glooming into the bottom of her self-reflining tea cup, Din waited not so patienly for it to refill.

Slowly but surely the assuring smell of tea with just the right amount of sugar with the perfect color that indicated the perfect amount of milk causing Din to sigh contendly.

You know the person who invented the saying, "A cup of tea cures all ills"? ell, yeah, that was Dinranwen.

Now, while her bruises and bumps weren't cured by her bottomless cup of tea, the tea did sooth her spirts a little.

Glancing up briefly to look around Din surveyed the Bar where a bartender who could have been Bruno's twin diggilently cleaned out the cups used by his enternal customers who sat in the Dead Ifians Tavern.

~ ~ ~
Oh, did I forget to mention, I was dead, well, I am so deal with it.

~ ~ ~

Groaning miserably, Din pressed her cup of tea back into Bronu's hands. "Make it apple and orange spice this time, Bronu, okay?"

Grunting, Bronu set down his towel to look signicficantly at his new customer. "Bruno told me that's what you drank when you were gloomy. What's wrong?"

Lifting up her hooded head, Din spared a glare at the barkeep. "What's Wrong! What's Wrong! I'll tell you what's wrong! I'm dead, that's whats wrong."

"Humph," Bronu snorted fixing Dinranwen's tea, "I thought the twins had explained that too you. As long as your status is active in If, your still very much alive Dinranwen. No matter how much Rai wants youd dead."

Accepting her tea cup but not touching it, Din glared into it. "Yes, but my body is still very much dead, Bronu, and without having a body I can't access If. And without access to If, it won't be too long before I become permantly inactive."

Twirling suddenly to throw a dagger into the heart of a fly that had been bugging her Din felt her chest expand and contract with a storm of anger and boredom.

"I was bored. That's all. Bored and Curious, the two things that get me in trouble every single time. When I'm bored, I do stupid things, when I'm curious I get careless. Let's say the combination wasn't good for my health."

Bronu grunted in response eyeing the dagger in his wall that Din had thrown.

Settling down, Din sighed making a gesture into the shadows to recall the dagger back to her. There was a flicker, and Din's dagger was back in her hands and then it disappered to somewhere underneath her cloak it's persence no longer noticable.

All this happen before the fly's carcass hit the floor on the other side of the room.

Muttering something about, "More like her every won't be too long now," Bronu nooded to indicate his was listening and thankful he no longer had to remove the dagger from the wall.

"Bronu, you know Rai and I are close. You know I didn't mean anything by it. And you and I both know that being trapped in the Afterlife is going to make me very, very, bored. You also know you don't want that to happen?" Din said warming her shadowy hands on the tea cup, "Isn't there I can do about my death?"

Grunting, Bronu only hestitated until he saw a shiny golden fable flicker in Dinranwen's hands. Leaning close, he accpeted the coin and began to talk. "You are a half-shadow right?"


"So shadows don't die. Humans do but there shadows don't. You should know that as well as I do. If there was some way you could get back, you should be able to retake your shadow form. Only you won't be a half-shadow any longer, only shadow."

Din smiled, lifting her tea cup and almost purring as she sipped the warm spicy flavors. Lifting her cheery lips from her glass, Din's voice purred in content as she asked her next question. "But how do I get back?"

"I don't know, but Muabib will. In thanks for his service in If, and because of his repuation he was sort of placed in charge of this quarter of the Realm of Dead Ifians. If anyone knows it would be him."

"Thanks Bronu, I'll say hi to your brother, and thanks for the tea."

Walking over to were Muabib had recently returned from the backroom, Din placed her hands on her hips. "Muabib," Din said her voice still honey sweet from her last drink of tea, "We need to talk."

~ ~ ~

Several hours later, Din walked out of the backroom from the tuture of Muabib with a chilly smile on her face.

There was a grace and step in his step that was almost frightening to behold.

Din...well, let's just say Din was no longer bored.

Grabbing Smudger, Din hitched her way out of the place taking temporary hold of Bridgette's form to return to If to continue her adventures.

~ ~ ~
It was too bad she hadn't stayed however, because minutes later, Muabib immerged limping but smiling.

Bronu with sharp eyes strided over to the mummy wrapped Ifian. "You didn't tell her the truth did you?"

"No. First she tries to force me to the truth with that cheap potion of hers, which btw didn't work and tasted awfull. Second, she tutures me, which although painful wasn't totally unpleasant."

Shoving Muabib into the wall, Bronu glared at him, "You're lucky she left. Us bartenders have been slipping her a little something extra in that tea of hers, it shouldn't be too long now before the effects go into full swing." Knocking Muabib's head into the wall a second time, Bronu let Muabib from his grasp. "Besides, foolish Ifian, that shadow is a close and personal friend of a certain dragoness. And nobody messes with Din unless it's Rai, or someone under Rai's orders....and you're not one of them. Let's just hope for you're sake that Rai never, never, ever, Dies because if she does, she's going to make the rest of you're afterlife miserable."

Walking away, Bronu went back to his counter where he very carefully cleaned Dinranwen's cup placing on a separated peg. Then with gloves, a mask, and a pair of tongs, Bronu replaced a bottle into a steel locked box. A bottle that his twin had passed onto him with some instructions from their chief customer Kalanna Rai.

People, even dead people, didn't mess with Dragons unless they were extermly mentally sick.

#89:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:55 pm
Hey, Din. Remind me to never piss you off or be around you when you're bored. Shocked Lol! No funnies this time (except the torture of Muadibb, he he he!) but still interesting and quite an enjoyable tale. Smile

#90:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:32 pm
I agree it is a most enjoyable tale. I like it when ever there is suspence in a story. I hope to see more from your side of the tail. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


#91:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:26 am
dinranwen wrote:

You've spelt this one wrong consistantly. Muadibb.

#92:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:38 am

Last time I looked, it was Muaddib!

That guy really gets it, fictionally speaking, doesn't he? I only ever saw him pop up once in Chat, and never seen him post since I've been here, what's the poor guy done to you, Din? Very Happy

Have just caught up with it now... There is some great stuff in there. I like! You should call this Memoirs of a Half Shadow or something like that...

Very Happy

#93:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:33 am
((Okay, the timeline skips around a bit in this chapter, but bear with me!))

Chapter 10: The Invasion of the Newbies

"And that's how we saved If, healed the Soul Well, and put Lordy's needlessly complicated plan on ice once again...." Din finished proudly sipping at her steamy cup of tea as she watched the expression of Nightshade.

"Ah, Din," Nightshade said uncertainly as she twirled a drink she called 'The Blue', "You seem to have forgotten some parts of your story."

Blinking unseen underneath her hood, Din smiled, "Did I now? Which part would that have been?"

"Well, um, the Middle, and the End actually?"

"Oh, is that all?" Din said sweetly as she slid her tea cup to Bruno for a refill. "I must be getting forgetfull. I suppose that's what I get for dying ya know."

"But Din..." Nightshade whinned companily only to be silenced by the sound of the bell attached to the cat collar she wore around her neck. "Bother," Nightshade muttered sliding off her stool, "Duty calls. I better get before my new clients decide to go to Rai." Nightshade said shifting into the form of a gaint panther.

Dinranwen shook her head. There would truly be no rest for Crystalnightshade for the next two million years if the second rate assisin ever wanted be close to competing with Rai.

Looking around the now empty chat room, Din sighed contendly as Bruno gently handed her the refill she had ordered.

Finally, peace and quiet........

Suddenly the door to the Chat room burst open in a roar of purple smoke, coughing, Din waved her hands and squinted her eyes to see what all the noise was about.

"Phang," Din hissed slipping off her bar stool silently as she trotted carefully but quickly to the nearest shadow.

Figures the Queen of Demons, the terror of the terrors, the female emboidment of evil, the Lady of Chaos would show up just when Din was planning a relaxing afternoon of tea and storygame reading.

Despite her best attempts to merge into the shadows unseen, Phang spooted Din and made to come over to Din's own personal shadowy corner.

Muttering under her breath, Din gritted her teeth and smiled, Phang wasn't alone.

In fact, hidden by the smoke of Phang's enterance were two figures whose giant red name tags betrayed them for what they were, Newbies.

"Greetings." Din said raising her cowl to hopefully catch a good glimsp at the new memembers of the city.

"Hi." said the taller of the two as a pair of wings dimly fluttered in the smoke.

"Hey." said the other who Din couldn't quiet see.

"Shadow, meet Lily," Phang said pointing to the redhead fairy who wore a opalcent green dress.

Waving the red-head fairy fluttered her wings once more before settling down at the bar, "It's nice to meet you," the fairy said, "And my name's really Lilth, but I suppose you can call me Lily, everyone else does," she said looking significantly at Phang.

Quickly ordering a cup of French Vanilla tea lotsa sugar please from Bruno, the fairy continued polietly, "And this my Sati," Lilth said gesturing at the figure next to Phang, "Liana."

"Welcome to the City, Lily, Liana." Din said taking a good look at Liana for the first time as the smoke finally cleared as Bruno opened a window.

Liana was shorter than Lily, but not by much, the girl had the blackish grey hair of a female wolf and the intelligent yellow eyes to match. However, she wore the blue gown of a soceress, and the wolvine moon pendant of a shape changer. Although Din couldn't quiet put on a finger on her personality, she soon learned that Liana whatever else she was, was flighty and fun.

~ ~ ~

A few weeks past and Din met other unfamilar figures in the Chatroom....

Chemi who Din rarely saw.

Sunburst, the gutitar playing hippie who loved the shadows just as much as she did.

And a few other people and faces Din couldn't even remember.

Then it happened.

It was one of those days when Phang was in the chatroom, A day of chaos and too many personailities.

Sasuke, the half-dragon, was also there, so Din should have known there would be trouble.

However, she couldn't stay for long. Camyre had escaped from her storygame and it was only with the help of Rai that Din barely managed to put her back into the storygame.

When Din came back.....the Chatroom was gone.

"Who did this?" Din said threatenily when she spotted Sasuke in the corner of her eye trying to escape.

Pinning the half-dragons shadow down, Din glared at Sasuke, "What have you done!"

#94:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:49 am
Quickly ordering a cup of French Vanilla tea lotsa sugar please from Bruno, the fairy continued polietly, "And this my Sati," Lilth said gesturing at the figure next to Phang, "Liana."

It's spelled saati.... two a's. Otherwise, loved the chappy especially with the ending of Sasuke's trouble-making. *catches the look everyone else is giving her* Okay, so I helped make the trouble by encouraging him but it was HIS bright idea to blow the chatroom up! Anyhoot,I hope you keep up with this Din and I am glad you finally decided to post a new chappy! Wink Cool Laughing Razz

#95:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:41 pm
Still an enjoyable read still. The change of IF in your own eyes compared to anothers is always so suprising...

But on a side note, why would you need a bartender to fill a self-filling teacup! It doesnt make sense. That I find, is very funny though. Actualy laughed after thinking about it...I know I have questionable sence of humour.

Keep it up Din.

#96:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:32 am
Chapter 11: Sweet and Spicy Tea Cups

A cowering Sasuke met slowly explained to her what happened leaving out several details. Gathering the jist of the thing, Dinranwen looked around and noticed a solid wood wall running just behind the rubble of the former Chat Room.

Sighing in relief, Din realized that she must have wondered into the games district by mistake. Smiling secretly under her hood, Din checked her laughter and frowned down at Sasuke. So, she was in the games district but that still didn't mean she couldn't have a little bit of fun at Sasuke's expense.

"You're lucky Rai's got dibs on you Sasuke," Din growled barely restraining herself from shaking the dimwit half-dragon the cowered before her. "I'd like the chatroom. Bruno was the only one who made a decent cup of tea, now if you excuse me, I'm going to search for a cup of tea."

Heading towards the nearest shadow, Din observed the Fairy and the Half-Dragon discretly out of view. Feeling around her cloak, Din soon found just what this situation needed. A genuine shadow cloak Dinranwen puppet.

Din had finally managed to iron out the wrinkles in the spell that allowed her to temporarily animate her old cloaks with some of her personality and shadowy power. This one she had pre-set to battle mode and Din had been keeping for a situation that, like this one, had gotten to chaotic.

Uttering the silent rune that inactiviated the program, the real Dinranwen handed her empty shell of a cloak a cup of tea and shoved out back towards Sasuke and Lilth. Noticing that IM had arrived, Din was certain the pair would have fun with their little game wheither or not they realized that it was a game or not.

Satisfied with her work, Din made her slow way across the game district being careful to actually walk across the district. To transport herself amoung the shadows of the Games district would be simply asking for trouble and with her spare animited self gone, Din preferred the safer side of things.

Nodding to Hak who was guarding the Games district for the day, Din made her way to her little hole in the wall that Chinaren had the guts to call a Mansion.

Her room in the Council Hall wasn't much. In fact it was barely there at all, but opening the door to inviting shadows and dim flickering lights of small orbs which lined the wall so as to look like moon and stars, Din sighed in content. This was home.

It wasn't much of a home to be sure, but then again, beggers couldn't be choosers. She already threatened the Dear Old Mayor once and while the threatening had been neccesary she had no wish to threaten Chinaren again. Threaten Chinaren once and your an angry enctric, threaten Chinaren twice and your a threat that needs to be either controlled or elimantied.

Rai was simply to be busy to guard her back if Din threatened Chinaren a second time.

Speaking of Rai.

Walking over to a wall, Din pushed a couple of bottons and pulled a couple of strings that raised her bed up into a wall and lowered a small old fashion desk. On the desk, pinned by a dagger artisically stained with blood that Din could only hope was fake was a note from Rai.

Sitting down behind her desk, Din read aloud

"Dear Din,

Greetings Shadow and co-mod. If you have recieved this note, it means that I am going to suddenly have to disappear for a while. I can not tell you where I have gone nor will I leave. I have left a Rai automaited robot in the games distrcit for emergency use Only!

Once people know that I'm gone. Say nothing of this note! I will be back when I can.


Kalanna Rai."

Looking up in shock, Rai was going to leave? Where to? And when? And what was she going to do without her co-mod?

Turning the note over Din read,

"P.S. Don't Panic. Take care of the Treasury. Don't touch the Green Botton. And Don't you dare to do anything that I wouldn't do.



Take Care of the Treasury!

Din screamed and ran to the nearest shadow. This was too much...she simply could not handle this. What was she going to do? Running through the shadow realm, Din raced to the Real Chat room and relived to find it unharmed and unexploded. Sitting down to a cup cup of whatever tea was spicy enough to knock her socks off and sweet enough to make her drunk, Din drowned in sorrows in the endlessly refills provided by Bruno who refused her coin with a simple shack of his hand.

Aw that was just like Rai, thought Din, gulping down her tea as quickly as she could without burning herself, always thinking of me. Must of known that would have come here. Tearing up, Din laid her head on the bar on the counter and cried her eyeballs out.

Rai was such a good friend to her!

However if anybody had asked her what was wrong, she would have simply wailed through the tears with an helpless gesture towards her tea, "I Need More Tea!"

((More next time in the Memories of a Half-Shadow, and find out what happened when Dragon's Went Missing)

#97:  Author: Player of FatesLocation: Darkness PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:55 pm
dinranwen wrote:
Chapter 11: Sweet and Spicy Tea Cups

A cowering Sasuke met slowly explained to her what happened, leaving out several details. Gathering the jist of the thing, Dinranwen looked around and noticed a solid wood wall running just behind the rubble of the former Chat Room.

Sighing in relief, Din realized that she must have wandered into the games district by mistake. Smiling secretly under her hood, Din checked her laughter and frowned down at Sasuke. So, she was in the games district but that still didn't mean she couldn't have a little bit of fun at Sasuke's expense.

"You're lucky Rai's got dibs on you Sasuke," Din growled barely restraining herself from shaking the dimwit half-dragon that(corrected)cowered before her. "I'd like the chatroom. Bruno was the only one who made a decent cup of tea, now if you excuse me, I'm going to search for a cup of tea."

Heading towards the nearest shadow, Din observed the Fairy and the Half-Dragon discretly out of view. Feeling around her cloak, Din soon found just what this situation needed. A genuine shadow cloak Dinranwen puppet.

Din had finally managed to iron out the wrinkles in the spell that allowed her to temporarily animate her old cloaks with some of her personality and shadowy power. This one she had pre-set to battle mode and Din had been keeping for a situation that, like this one, had gotten to(add another "o" chaotic.

Uttering the silent rune that inactiviated the program, the real Dinranwen handed her empty shell of a cloak a cup of tea and shoved out back towards Sasuke and Lilth. Noticing that IM had arrived, Din was certain the pair would have fun with their little game wheither or not they realized that it was a game or not.

Satisfied with her work, Din made her slow way across the game district, being careful to actually walk across the district. To transport herself amoung the shadows of the Games district would be simply asking for trouble and with her spare animited self gone, Din preferred the safer side of things.

Nodding to Hak who was guarding the Games district for the day, Din made her way to her little hole in the wall that Chinaren had the guts to call a Mansion.

Her room in the Council Hall wasn't much. In fact it was barely there at all, but opening the door to inviting shadows and dim flickering lights of small orbs which lined the wall so as to look like moon and stars, Din sighed in content. This was home.

It wasn't much of a home to be sure, but then again, beggers couldn't be choosers. She already threatened the Dear Old Mayor once and while the threatening had been neccesary she had no wish to threaten Chinaren again. Threaten Chinaren once and your an angry enctric(think you man "ecentric", threaten Chinaren twice and your a threat that needs to be either controlled or elimantied.

Rai was simply to be busy to guard her back if Din threatened Chinaren a second time.

Speaking of Rai.

Walking over to a wall, Din pushed a couple of bottons and pulled a couple of strings that raised her bed up into a wall and lowered a small old fashion desk. On the desk, pinned by a dagger artisically stained with blood that Din could only hope was fake was a note from Rai.

Sitting down behind her desk, Din read aloud

"Dear Din,

Greetings Shadow and co-mod. If you have recieved this note, it means that I am going to suddenly have to disappear for a while. I can not tell you where I have gone nor will I leave. I have left a Rai automaited robot in the games distrcit for emergency use Only!

Once people know that I'm gone. Say nothing of this note! I will be back when I can.


Kalanna Rai."

Looking up in shock, Rai was going to leave? Where to? And when? And what was she going to do without her co-mod?

Turning the note over Din read,

"P.S. Don't Panic. Take care of the Treasury. Don't touch the Green Botton. And Don't you dare to do anything that I wouldn't do.



Take Care of the Treasury!

Din screamed and ran to the nearest shadow. This was too much...She simply could not handle this.(should be "!") What was she going to do?

Running through the shadow realm, Din raced to the Real Chat room and (was) relived to find it unharmed and unexploded. Sitting down to a cup cup of whatever tea was spicy enough to knock her socks off and sweet enough to make her drunk, Din drowned in sorrows in the endlessly refills provided by Bruno who refused her coin with a simple shack of his hand.

Aw...that was just like Rai, thought Din, gulping down her tea as quickly as she could without burning herself, always thinking of me. Must of known that would have come here.

Tearing up, Din laid her head on the bar on the counter and cried her eyeballs out.

Rai was such a good friend to her!

However if anybody had asked her what was wrong, she would have simply wailed through the tears with an helpless gesture towards her tea, "I Need More Tea!"

((More next time in the Memories of a Half-Shadow, and find out what happened when Dragon's Went Missing)

lol, I liked the chapter and Rai's leaving? Too bad, I wanted to steal one of her scales to Mold a Draconik, but I'll use Fear's scales instead. :p

Um, above is just a little correction thing. All the bold are either spelling mistakes or stuf that shouldn't be there and in the parenthesis are suggestions.

#98:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:25 am
Greetings and Welcome Player of Fates. Thanks for the heads up on the spelling and other errors, I'll make sure to run this latest chapter through spellcheck again.

Also, this entire story is being written in retro-spective, meaning all the chapters are events that happened in the past.

For example, Rai has already returned from her 'vacation' but in the story, she's just leaving, and according to my notes, Lily the Fairy Queen of the Fantasy Forest is still a lowly commoner in this latest chapter.

All shall be made clear next chapter as I hope to catch up with some more 'current' events so I can end this thing soon.

#99:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 6:44 pm
Chapter 12: Dragons Amiss

Rai was true to her word. She didn't leave immediately, indeed Dinranwen often saw the dragoness sulking around the city in the back allies and in the corners of chat.

Then one day, it happened. Rai was gone without a word.

For days, Din kept the fact that she had received a bloody danger pinned to her desk with Rai's signature indicating that the dragon had left...with no telling when she would come back.

Din spent most of the next few days, no weeks actually crying and whimpering weakly under her desk. She was nothing without her co-mod.

Din would have spent the rest of Rai's vacation hiding under her desk if it had been for one thing...the first of the month.

Rent was due and sure enough the Treasurer Lordy came around to collect the rent.

"Go away," Din whimpered as she heard the hunk of the Hem office buildings doorbell.

Her visitor however had other idea.

"Let me in..."came the growl of all too familiar voice that Din had learned to loath in some ways and respect in others, but that respect was mostly due to the fact that one didn't mess with demons let alone daemons when you were only half a shadow.

"No." Din growled in an uncharastic tone.

"I'm coming in Dinranwen..." the voice threatened.

"Go ahead and try...the maze has stumped others...we've already lost 10 tourist this month and it's been slow this time of year."

"Ah...but Dinranwen, you forget," the was a fog of mist and flare of fire and suddenly the demon Lordofthenight stood in front of her in a suit, "Your not the only one with a key you know."

Crawling out from underneath her desk, Din straightened her cloak and lowered her hood of her tear stained face. "What do you want Lordy?" Din mumbled miserably.

"The rent, of course, Rai always knows I collect it this time of the month."

"I do...doo...don't have it," Din wailed sinking into a terrible lump on her desk.

"What?" Lordy shouted standing taken aback by this unusual display of emotion from Din. "Din take it easy, tell me why don't you have the rent."

Wordlessly Din pointed at the dagger in her desk.

Looking at Lordy nodded, he had received a dagger or two in his time, admittedly most of his daggers managed to narrowly miss his head but still, he knew what the dagger meant.

"Gone on another vacation has she?"

Din nodded.

"I see," Lordy cleared his throat and shifted his feet, "I'll collect the rent this month, but next month you better have it...or else." Although Lordy added his usual threat, Din could tell he had no heart behind it.

~ ~ ~

The Madness of May

“Chinaren, I’m warning if you don’t open these doors!” Dinranwen yelled pulling on the handles of Chinaren Hall so they shook. Dinranwen was standing in front of the very brightly lit front lawn. Apparently she had threatened shaving Chinaren, and Lordy had warned him that Din not Rai would be collecting rent, the greedy orange fuzz ball had flood lights installed.

Din stood helpless in the front lawn with no way of direct transport huddled up underneath the folds of her cloak like a vampire afraid of sunlight.

Above her, Chinaren opened a window to poke out his furry little head, “Ah, Dinranwen,” Chinaren said as if this was the first time he saw her for sometime, “I’m sorry I can’t talk to you personally, but after all I have….things to do, babies to eat, girls to greet, and the other usual mayoral campaigning stuff. You know to thank people for Voting for ME! Chinaren the Responsible Choice if You want to live!”

“Chinaren, I’m warning if I don’t collect that rent, Lordy’s going to kill me next month...”

“Oh I see, in that case come back next month and we’ll discuss the details.” With that Chinaren shut the window leaving Dinranwen kicking at the door.

“Chinaren!” Din screamed, “Chinaren! You come back here…don’t make me come in there….” Sighing Dinranwen gave up with a shrug, she had three more weeks until June and in the meantime, she had things to do herself.

~ ~ ~

“For the last time Feyrvex,” Dinranwen said calmly talking to the Nightmare for Rai’s Eld Journeys, “Put the knife down slowly, and back away.”

“But why?” The nightmare inquired, “Please Dinranwen, their getting on my nerves…this one pees herself all the time, and the others…” the nightmare spat and raised the knife she was holding in front of Penny’s throat come a little closer.

“No, Feyrvex,” Dinranwen said calmly as she eased her way over to were the other two characters were tied and gagged for their own execution. “For the last time, your story isn’t done yet, and you can’t kill them until the story is finished…”

The nightmare lowered her weapon and brighten visibly, “Then I can kill them.”


“Can I torture them?”


“Can I hang by their ankles?”


“Can I stretch them a little?”


“But can I…”

Cutting the nightmare off before she could finish the list of things Dinranwen was sure that Feyrvex wanted to do with her co-characters, Din simply said, “No, No, and No! Now I’ll tell you what, why don’t you let these three free and I let you lurk free around Jester Park for an hour or two as long as you promise not kill any of the members of the city?”

“Can I kill the tourist?”

“Only two, we’re starting to get questions from the council about the large amount of disappearances around here lately.”

“Ahhh, but Din Rai would let me have at least four to play with.”

Din sighed as she stood with her arms crossed watching Penny and the other characters flee back into the safety of their storygame away from the Nightmare. “And I’m not Rai, and I am only let you having two. But I’ll increase your hour to two, but by the end of two hours, you better have your but back in this storygame before I find a stupidum cage to lock you into till Rai comes back.”

“Yes Dinranwen,” the nightmare intoned just before running away happily switching to her nightmare form to scare the clowns and other tourist around the area.

Dinranwen just shook her head at the nightmare and escorted herself to the nearest shadow, why did she feel like it was going to be a very long day.

~ ~ ~

How did those blasted Lab Rats escape?

Din could have sworn she had locked them in their cages after what happened with that tourist the last time they got loose. Din shuddered, she was still having nightmares.

All around her, Din could spot the products of their work.

The Clowns were turning purple with green polka-dots. The bearded ladies beards had come detached and were chasing the ladies they had grown on. The Popcorn in the Popcorn Popper had swollen to three times its original size and tasted like a mix in-between old Gym socks and the beer at Don’t Dare Me Twice Tavern at the end of Dead End Alley.

And was that a tourist that was growing a third arm?

It was time to see the Lab Rats.

Fortunately there was only one place rats would hide. No not in the sewers, not even Rats would dare enter with that hydra lurking around recently. So that meant only one place fool enough, only one place sticking enough, only one place dirty enough to contain the Lab Rats: Lady McCree’s Tea House, the only living contender to Jake’s Tea House, located on Twisted Sweetheart Lane.

Taking a deep breath, Dinranwen paused only for a moment to grab a large carpet bag just in case she found any interest poisons at the Tea House.

~ ~ ~

Din stepped out of the shadows and into one of the most dreaded places in all of If, and the only place dreadful enough to host the Lab Rats.

Din stepped from the world of shadows into the world of….*DoomDOOMdoomDoomDOOM* Pink!

Pink, pink everywhere. Light pink, pretty pink, baby pink, hot pink, pastel pink, bunny slipper pink, floral pink, rosy pink, all the shades of pink one can imagine filled the room. It covered the walls, it covered the tables, it made up the furniture, it was the color of the shag carpet, and it was even in the bunny slippers and pink silk coats the guest were made to wear by Lady McCree.

The dizzying floral scent filled the room overwhelming Dinranwen’s senses and threatened to send her running to the door for a breath of fresh air.

But what made it worse was what was going on the stage.

Even as Din stood there in a shadowy pink semi-shadow, a little girl known as Lady McCree permentally at the age of ten was hosting a Tea Party with stuffed animals whose beady little eyes seem to watch everything all at once with several willing and not so willing guest. The not so willing guest being tourist who had been stuffed into some party dresses, tiaras, and boas before being tied to chairs with some delicate looking pink lace. The willing guest being the Lab Rats who were sipping what Lady McCree called tea with every sign of enjoyment.

“Ah, Dinranwen, gladly to see you joined us, won’t you have some tea?” Din could have killed the Lab Rat who had announced her presence.

Trying to conceal her shuddering, Din stepped out of the shadows, and tried not to take a breath before she said, “I’m here to talk.”

“But Dinny…” Lady McCree whined slipping of the wicker chair far to large for a child of her size, “You simply must join us for tea.”

Din braced herself, “No thank you.”

Lady McCree’s nostril’s flared, several of the ‘guests’ eyes widened, and all the little stuffed animals turned their little fluff filled heads to stare at her.

“What did you say?!?” Lady McCree said childish voice thrilling dangerously high.

“I said no thank you, my Lady, I will take no tea today, but I have brought you a present.”

Din watched as her words took on their desired affect as she reached inside the carpet bag to reveal a pink wrapped box topped with a large pink bow.

“You brought me a present?” Lady McCree laughed clapping her hands happily.

“I did. And I also brought you my best sugar cookies for your table made with red sprinkles on top.”

“OH,” Lady McCree said her little grubby hands reaching for the present Din held just out of reach.

“Yes,” then stopping to hand the girl her present, “I made it the sprinkles by mixing Red Cap grown under the glow of the full moon with the arsenic sugar, and I know you know what that means.”

“Yes, their very good for my” here the girl cleared her voice as her fingers unwrapped the present to reveal the original pink rubber ducky, “Guests.”

“I know.”

“What do you want in return?” The girl asked shrewdly hugging the rubber ducky tight only to find to her delight that instead of quaking it hissed like a cobra.

“To sit at your table at peace. I have some business to discuss with the Lab Rats.”

”Oh, why?” the girl said reaching out to take the tray of cookies from Din’s hands, “There my best customers, and my customers don’t like being bothered.”

“Because,” here Din lowered her voice further, “They have been very, very, very bad boys.”

Lady McCree’s eyes widened before the ten year old turned to glare at the Lab Rats. “I don’t like Bad Boys. Bad Boys pull my braids, make fun of pink clothes, and go to dirty places to do naughty things.”

“Yes,” Dinranwen comforted the girl, “And that’s why I must talk to them, just trust Dinranwen she will give them their spanking and make them be good boys.”

“Okay! But you simply must come here much more often and tell me how you ever got the Red Cap to grow under the full moon, I can barely manage to keep mind alive under a shaving of the moon’s light.”

“I will Lady McCree, but only on the condition that you never make me drink or eat anything at your table, and that we share our secrets willingly. You are the most prized poisoner in the city, my dear, and I would hate to have to shop for my poisons I can’t grow anywhere else in the city.”

Lady McCree nodded eagerly before skipping back to the table whistling Mr. Bluebird and then sitting at her place at the head of the Table. “Tis agreed Mistress Dinranwen, do you need a spanking instrument,” Lady McCree said holding up a pink barbed whip that the bear next to her had handed her.

“No thank you, I brought my own. I’m a little attached to it.” Dinranwen said bringing out a traditional leather whip, “My opposite from FI sent to me as an If day present when I sent her one of my cloaks.”

”I understand,” the little girl nodded and the smiled brightly, “I like my little Tiddlywinks myself, and I would certainly never use another’s unless I absolutely had too!” Suddenly the little girl clapped her hands causing her army of stuffed animals to stand to attention, “Escort to Lab Rats to the Rose Teaching Room, our guest Dinranwen needs to speak to them privately.”

The Lab Rats winced as they heard the words Teaching Room but let themselves be escorted out of the room by the stuffed animals while casting fearful glances at Dinranwen who seemed to come under friendly terms with Lady McCree.

~ ~ ~

A few hours later, Dinranwen raised the pink lace curtain that lead to the Teaching Room and watched the Lab Rats take their places very gingerly on their seats.

Smiling at Lady McCree, Dinranwen took her place at the table in front of the Lab Rats.

“Tell everyone your very sorry for being bad boys,” Din intoned at the Lab Rats.

“We were bad boys for using innocent people as experiments, we are bad boys, we are sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Very sorry.”

“Good, now are you going to be good boys,” Dinranwen purred popping a leaf she had instructed from one of her pockets in her mouth and chewing it like a cookie.

“We will be good boys. We will first fix all the malformed residents and tourist of Jester Park. Afterwards, We will only use our talents to serve our Moderators, we will only use our talents to punish Bad Boys and Girls, and We promise to help Lady McCree at her Tea House for Free. We will be Good Boys!”

“Oh, Dinny,” Lady McCree said clapping her hands, “Well done, very well done indeed. And you gave me another present too! More animals to help my guests. Are they any good at torturing, poisoning, and generally making everything a more pleasant pink world?”

”Dreadfully so,” Din said, “Now I must be going, although I must say before I leave that its very clever of you to boil Witch’s Wart to make your guest weak, sleepy, and then eternally loyal to you.”

“But may I also compliment you of your use of the candied leaves from the root of the Crooked Liver Strangler to counteract the effects of the Witch Wart.”

Dinranwen simply smiled and then glancing at Lady McCree Din curtsied deeply. Nodding at each other the two poisioners knew they would be the best of friends, even if their taste in tea varied greatly.

~ ~ ~

After the episode with the Lab Rats, a lull came over Jester Park broken only by the sound of the continual laughter and noise of the fair that continual took place there.

Din was enjoying the silence and she had even met a few more people, including one Shakespearean poetic one named Crossfire who in exchange for a night spent exchanging a battle of wits sent her a box of cloaks which Din so desperately needed.

Meanwhile, Lilith the Fairy Queen Mod of Fantasy Forest since Smee’s retirement and Din had become close friends, and often were seen comforting each other after Rai’s disappearance in the comfort of the Chat Room.

It was one such day as the days of May slowly began to give way to the oncoming June, that Din realized she had a problem. Chinaren was still refusing to let her collect her rent, and Din had also noticed that Chinaren had planted several light shining sun flowers all around his mansion. The Newly elected Mayor obviously didn’t want her collecting her rent.

Noticing her frown, Lilith pushed over a cup of tea towards Din. “What’s wrong?”

Din frowned and sipped the tea tentatively, “Just Mod stuff, rent’s almost due, and it always reminds me of who is not here.”

“Don’t mention it,” Lilith replied after whipping tearful eyes with a Kleenex. “Anything I can help with?”

“Not unless you know a way to untie the Gordon’s Knot.” Din sighed looking deeply into her cup of tea.

“Sorry, I don’t know how to message that one out.” Lily said sighing kindly accepting another cup of vanilla tea extra sweet no milk from Bruno.

“Oh, it’s not that kind of knot, you see there was an old legend…about Alexander the Great,” Din’s eyes widened and she hastily finished her tea, “All I need is a sword, and I know just where to find one.”

“Well, if sure then,” Lily said waving to the departing shadow.

“I'm sure!” Dinranwen smiled and waved back at Lilith, she knew just where she needed to go, but first she needed to stop by her garden….

~ ~ ~

Lady McCree turned the precise moment Din waltzed her way out of the shadows. “Ah, Din, it’s been far too long.”

“I’m sorry Lady McCree but I wanted to wait until my Lazadria bloomed so that I can bring you the results.”

“A Lazadria?!?” Lady McCree stuttered indicating a seat for Dinranwen to take. “Bu…Bu…But I’ve only heard of that in legends and it’s nearly impossible to bloom.”

Smiling, Dinranwen sat next to Lady McCree and set the small wicker basket in front of her indicating Lady McCree to refrain from touching the basket. “I know, it’s a very dangerous plant in itself, and while I am keeping the bloom and the fruits for my self, I managed to obtain one of the five seeds the bloom brings, and have already planted it in a safe pot. Don’t let the plain dirt fool you, it’s very dangerous even now.”

Frowning, Dinranwen made a few signs on the table, and the fabric covering the wicker basket cast itself off and then proceeded to disappear suddenly. Making a few more signs, and muttering a few words Lady McCree could not hear, Dinranwen managed to levitate the clay pot so it hung mid air slowly spinning.

“Now, you must be very careful with this. The seed at this state only it’s the purest of meats, preferably the meat from a young animal, and slain the same day it’s feed. The plant itself, you know is canirevous, but will eventually slay and capture it’s only prey if you let it vine. The trick to a successful bloom of course is to never let the plant vine around anything but the ivory of an elephants tusk that was bleached by the light of the half-moon.”

“But still it will take hundreds, no thousands of years for it to bloom, and when it does the gas the bloom releases is extremely deadly and will kill you immediately.” Lady McCree said clearly desiring the plant for herself despite it’s difficulty’s.

“Oh there’s a few trick to this plant that you don’t know, but I will teach everything about this plant so that it will bloom much faster without deadly results to its owner. The trick of course is to convince the plant that your its mother, and I know everything there is about that, I’ve already successively raised both the more fierce female plant, and the smaller but deadlier male plant, so I can teach everything there is to know about this plant.”

“Why do you offer this priceless thing to me?”

“One, because I am your friend and I desire to remain so, two because I have no room in my small poison garden to plant any of the seeds, not to mention this one which if the female wasn’t lying will bare twin female Lazadria in time.”

“Twins!?!” Lady McCree squealed, clapping her hands quietly, “Din you are truly a mistress of your art.”

“Try not to tell anyone dear, no one knows my art, and I rather it remains that well,” pausing Din continued, “and there is a few other matters as well.”

“Yes, my dear.”

“I have four more seeds and I was wondering if you can find some owners for me, they don’t need to know the secrets for these, there all males, and as long as you keep one nearby for your twins to mate with you should have no problem. But in order to remain anyomous, I would like you to sell my products rather than me doing it personally.”

“That’s easy enough, I’ll choose the smallest one for myself, and I know a few people who would be willing to care for the others, for a price of course, but you mention a few matters, what is the other Dinranwen.”

“Just a small matter of someone not willing to pay their bill.”

“Oh is that all….that’s easy enough to accomplish especially for such a close dear friend.” Lady McCree said, “Now why don’t I take you to the garden so I can show you were to put those seedlings of yours…and we’ll discuss the matter more privately.”

~ ~ ~

The Joy of June

Exactly on the day before June 1st, Chinaren heard a knock on the front door leading to his mansion.

As usual he sent one of his look-a-like lackeys to pick up the parcel he spied waiting for him via orb monitor.

The parcel turned out to be a small box containing several stuffed animals which lab test showed contained idearium, fables, and a small amount of arsenic lace as stuffing with only a note saying, “To remind you that we have paid our debt so you will pay yours. Some idearium for ideas, some fables because one always needs more, and some poison for your enemies. Enjoy, a friend of the Mayor.”

Seemed harmless enough.

Well, it should have been harmless enough.

“Get this bear off me right now!” Chinaren screamed at the top of his lungs. Trying very hard to fling the stuffed animals that were crawling and tugging on his limbs in ways that hurt, hurt a lot actually, the moment the box had been brought into his office.

“Now is that anyway to Talk to Lord Fuzzlekins?” came a sweet honey filled voice from the corner of his office.

Watching in disgust, Chinaren found the stuffed animals climbing off him to stand at attention by his side while Lord Fuzzlekins, as the bear had been named remained clinging to his chest with a very sharp looking dagger poised harmlessly in the bears fuzzy paws.

Looking beyond the innocent smiling face of the stuffed bear whose beady little button eyes obverse him without emotion, Chinaren saw a person from his oldest nightmares standing in his office. “Yikes, Lady McCree! Help me! Guards! Guards! Murderer! Theft! Help! Anyone!”

“Now, Now, Sir Mayor is that anyway to talk to a lady either?” Lady McCree said as she bounced her way over to the chair in front of the Mayor’s desk as Lord Fuzzlekins lowered the knife closer to a fable which he held suspended in mid air in his other paw.

“Not my Fable! Not my beautiful, first Fable I ever earned and didn’t spend Fable! Please No!” the mayor wept pitifully.

“Apparently Lord Fuzzlekins agrees with me, say your sorry Mayor, and maybe Lord Fuzzlekins won’t destroy your precious keepsake fable.”

“So….sor…sorry,” the Mayor whispered trying his best not to glance at the ten year Shirley Temple Blond dressed in a pink laced ruffle dress starring at him with wide sparkling blue eyes and rosy cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you,” Lady McCree said simply as the bear inserted the knife into the fable to make a clean cut in the middle of Chinaren’s face.

“I said I’m sorry! Sorry!” Chinaren screamed trying to release his arms from they were pinned by several stuffed animals.

“Your forgiven, Lord Fuzzlekins, please remove yourself from the Mayor, and remove your knife from the fable but keep both visible just incase the Mayor wishes to be impolite to his visitor.”

Lady McCree paused as she watched her prized bear clamber down from Chinaren to stand by her side with the pierced fable in one hand and the dagger in the other.

“You decline my invitation to my tea party, Chinaren, not very nice of you.”

“I’m sorry, I was very busy in April, I had an election to run you know.”

“IM came….” Lady McCree said accusingly.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, I didn’t poison him at all, in fact we had quite a pleasant chat. It was a shame he didn’t win.”

”Yes,” Chinaren intoned watching the bear with his fable. “Shame.”

“You need to come to my Tea House sometime soon.”

“I will, very, very, very soon,” Chinaren nodded while thinking, yes and come with three tasters and several antidotes to every poison known to man, girl, and beast.

“There is another matter.” Lady McCree said idly twirling a golden lock while smiling pleasantly.

“Yes, anything.”

”A matter about a bill you haven’t paid yet. A friend of mine mentioned something about Rent?” Lady McCree said taking the fable from the bears hand and gazing at it curiously. “I don’t like when rent doesn’t get paid, because that’s bad for business. I trust me Chinaren, you don’t want to have bad business. Now the moderators know nothing about this little visit, but Lordy’s FI twin Mr. Buttons the mirror bless his twisted good mirrored heart, mentioned that his opposite in If was making threats to my mods that he would shut down the HEM district wasn’t paid. Now, I don’t want my Tea House to shut down, do you?”

Chinaren hastily shook his No.

“I thought so.” Lady McCree purred dismounting from her chair, “So are you going to pay rent?”

Again Chinaren nodded Yes, speechless.

“Good, Dinranwen should be here sometime tomorrow I think, be a good boy and pay her what rent is due, won’t you?”

And with that, Lady McCree exited the door followed closely by her entourage of stuffed animals who arrived under the disguise of stuffed animals.

Although this story may not be true *, perhaps this is why Chinaren paid double in June that was rightly due.

~ ~ ~

On June 18th, Rai was welcomed back with lots of hugs, shouts, and presents from Lily and Dinranwen.

Later when Rai asked what happened during her absence, Din’s only response was:

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

* All events in this story are entirely fictitious, false, and untrue.

#100:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:21 pm
What, am I a one-chap kinda guy?

Good tale anyways.

#101:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:58 pm
Somethings MW shouldn't or can't be redone. Take togas for example, classic in ancient Rome, not so classic when it's a teenage ninja mutant turtle sheet wrapped around someone's body....

Last edited by dinranwen on Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:16 am; edited 1 time in total

#102:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:18 pm
I categorically deny everthing. Wink

#103:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:49 pm
ROFLMFAO! Delightful Dinranwen, absolutely delightful!

#104:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:18 am
Chapter 13: The Last Huzzah or My Evil Twin

Dinranwen’s Private Journal Entry, August 22nd

Have you ever wondered how exactly one becomes a half a shadow? Its not exactly a very pleasant process, but it gives you the power of the shadows if your willing to pay the price. The first step is to join the sisterhood of the shadows. There are many of us, shadowy temptress, mysterious priestess, hooded harlots, and even some like myself who are simply cloaked wanderers. The Shadows of this world would consume the light if it could, it would entrench the world in complete and utter darkness if it was allowed. Our order, the Order of The Shadow Keepers, was originally founded to keep the delicate balance between Light and Dark. In order to do so, the woman who chose to join the order had to become a half-shadow, a perfect balance between light and darkness. They found the ritual in some old dusty handbook, and the original founders followed it exactly to become what we are now. Something went wrong however as the founders missed one underling small print clause at the bottom of the spell.

In order to become a half-shadow according to the scroll, you had to first choose a shadow in which to meld yourself with. Some chose shadowy corners, some chose the shadows made by the sun at different times of the day, some choose the twilight shadows, and some chose the moonlight shadows. These founding woman would be the mothers of children who could not die, who would be as ageless as the shadows themselves, and a perfect mix of shadow and mortal or so they thought. The shadows themselves would be our fathers. The spell called on the shadows to take on a solid form just long enough for a conception to take place.

Nine months would pass before our mothers, the founding sisters, discovered what was wrong. Each of them would bear triplets, signifying the three varying darkness of a shadow.

Oh you think that there is only one type of shadow? Your wrong, you know, and it doesn’t take much to prove that I’m right either. Go into a lighted room filled with strong light, now hold up your hand up to the wall. Move it back and forth, as you move your hand back forth you will see three types of shadow, one pale, one medium in depth, and one dark. At one point you should see your hand outlined perfectly by all three types of shadow.

Inevitably, the first child born would be the lightest child, the child with the weakest shadows. More light then dark, the eldest child of the triplets would be a weak thing as far as the shadow world was concerned and their will was easily swallowed by their darker siblings. Only one good thing came out of these weak willed light shadow children, they were not afraid of sunlight, and by their very nature could go into brighter places then their siblings. These children were called the Daughters of First Shadow, and were given control over the shadows cast by the sun to keep those shadows from attacking their owners.

The middle child would be slightly darker then their eldest sister, but lighter then their youngest sister. A perfect balance between light and dark, these girls (for the woman had bore all daughters) were what the Founding Mothers of the Order of the Shadows had hoped for. These children could easily meld with the shadows, they could blend, they could twist, they could shape, and they could even create their own shadow forms using light to control the Darkness. These children were called the Shadowess of Balance, and were given control over almost every shadow cast by moonlight, dusk, twilight, and even the shadowy corners of a room.

The youngest child however, was something the woman did not expect. These children were almost pure shadow, and were as dark as the shadows themselves. Seeing no harm in having one child darker then the others, the Founding Shadow Mothers gave these children control over the shadows of the utter dark, and over the shadows that were created by other shadows. These were the must dangerous kind of shadow, and the Mothers did not yet realize these youngest daughters dark purpose. These girls were called the Sisters of Utter Dark, and they were the total sum of all the darkness that was not present in their sisters.

The Sisters of Utter Dark soon showed their true form when each of them came of age. They became the consorts of demons, of shadows, and of the dark, mere harlots who prostituted themselves to gain more of their dark power. Seeing that their eldest sisters were weaker, they easily overthrew the Daughters of First Shadow, and began the slow process of corrupting the Order of the Shadow Keepers.

Now these Sisters of Utter Dark now control the order almost completely, and although some still hold against the Utter Dark fearing what would come to a world completely without light, their number is few. I, Dinranwen, and one of those daughters, one of the Children of Shadows, but I am not one of them, because unlike the others I was born differently.

My mother, who had joined with the shadow of a birch tree as it was cast in the twilight by the newly crested failing crescent moon and the last lingering light of the sun, bore only twins not triplets. She had been sure they had been three of us, but apparently, I consumed my sister in the womb. My sister, who would have been the daughter of the First Shadow, and I who was the Shadowess of Balance, conjoined, and then became as one. Together we formed a new creature, we became unlike they others, we became as one soul. We became me.

My other sister, the Sister of Utter Dark, was born as normal, but some say that she was born darker because of not having two sisters. She was a normal enough of a child, and strangely despite tradition, she was born before me, that Sister of Utter Dark, and she became my eldest sister by a mere 2 minutes.

I, the youngest sister, was a strange being, and the woman did not know what do to with me. I had the combined powers of both the Shadowess of Balance and the Daughter of First Shadow, yet I had known of their power. When I became of age, I failed to pass the shadow test, a test that determined my power of the shadows. I failed miserably.

I was given the name, Shadow Twister or Shadow Bender, a term of derision amidst our order. My sister however passed the test with flying colors.

When I left, we still held against the dark, and none knew of the corruption of the Sisters of Utter Dark save perhaps me.

I wonder what happened to them?

What happened between then and now is not important. What is important is that I’m here now, in the City of If. I can only hope that my sister or my order never finds me.

After all there is one benefit to the whole matter, I have an evil twin sister. How many people get to say that out of Fairy Tale Stories?

~ ~ ~

Life was relatively normal. Rai had returned, and life in Jester Park resumed to what some people could call normal.

But still, Dinranwen was the picture of gloom. She was worried. The Shadows of If were beginning to feel wrong. They no longer felt friendly to her, and Dinranwen began to walk the normal mortal way around the city.

Something else was bothering her to. The Demons of Darkness had become overly active of late, and Dinranwen could feel their presence nearby the City of If like an overwhelming storm cloud.

To everyone else, it appeared Dinranwen was moping again. What everyone else did not know was that when Dinranwen mopped she had every reason to be depressed. The Ifians didn’t know about her sister, La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae, and the Ifians also didn’t know that when Din was depressed it meant that she got another lovely little letter from her evil twin.

La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae, like all good evil twins and generally all around dark villain types, liked to brag, and periodically, Din would receive a letter stating how easily the Order of the Shadow Keepers were corrupt. La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae would write in exquisite detail, that caused Dinranwen to feel like she needed to wash her eyeballs out with soap, of her latest conquest for power from various demon lords or how one exactly went about corrupting innocent young girls to be fit for the order. From her evil twins letters, Dinranwen learned all the movement of the Utter Dark, and that was all fine and dandy as long as the Utter Dark was busy corrupting their homeland which had already been dying in the first place. Dinranwen would have burned La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae letter’s if she hadn’t found them useful because as long as she knew what went down in the shadow world, Dinranwen knew which parts of the shadow world to avoid.

Lately, however, Dinranwen had found more reason to sulk. No longer was she receiving letters from La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae, Evil Sister Esq., but from the Supreme Dark Mistress of the Sisterhood of Shadows which served to promote the order of darkness over light. These letters told Dinranwen that the Order of the Shadow Keepers had been broken in two, one which still held to the balance of Light and dark, and one half that stood for the Utter Dark.

Finally, after ordering several cups of tea, Dinranwen roused herself out of her dark mood which caused her to contemplate how sad it was to see her homeland go down into darkness. “I think,” Dinranwen muttered after she left the Chat Room, “I’ll go home and write, that always cheers me up.”

So, striding out into the night that was quickly becoming day, Dinranwen began what she thought to be a typically normal day.

~ ~ ~

Dinranwen opened the doors to her small city council member chambers and with a sigh thought for the thousandth time how she really needed to go buy herself a nice shadow cabin somewhere in Jester Park. There simply wasn’t enough room here for all her stuff.

Hanging her cloak on the peg at the door, Dinranwen laid off her cloak and put on instead a short black mourner’s veil which covered her entire face in shadows so that her cloak wouldn’t be stained with writers ink. Taking a peak in the mirror, Dinranwen fixed a circlet made of dark and harden sapphire stone around her brow…looking at the veil carefully to make sure it veiled her face.

“Vain as ever, I see, Sister Dear,” came a silken voice from behind Dinranwen.

Jumping, Dinranwen nearly hit the ceiling before she turned and face the one person in the world who dared call her sister. Dinranwen couldn’t prevent her mouth from hanging wide open, as she stared at her chair from where the voice had come.

No one was in it.

A chuckle, liquid, fluid, beautiful, deadly, dark, and twisted escaped softly from the chair, and Dinranwen wondered for a moment if she was mad.

Suddenly a silken sound came from the chair, and a shadow detached itself from back of the chair to melt into the form of a shapely woman. Laughing at her little joke, La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae, draped herself across the chair, swinging her legs so they hung over one arm of the chair as she leaned her back against the other. “Surprised to see me here,” La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae purred, “Dear Dinranwen did you not get my latest letter?” Slowly her sister looked at the desk in front of the chair, and extended one hand to drop a letter on its surface. “Opps, it seems I forgot to mail it, so I guess I have to tell you its contents personally. Guess what Sister dear, I’m coming to visit you, aren’t you happy?”

“What are you doing here?” Dinranwen hissed backing up against the wall of her small room trying with all her might to put as much room between her and her twin sister as possibly. La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae simply smiled as if enjoying Dinranwen’s distaste, allowing Dinranwen to obverse her sister as Heryn de Gothdae did so.

To say that Dinranwen and Heryn de Gothdae were complete opposites would be an utter lie. To say that they appeared different would be incorrect.

The truth of it was, Dinranwen realized as she looked at her twin in distaste, they were completely identical. To look at La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae was to look in the mirror, but yet there was a markable difference between them.

Dinranwen covered herself with a hooded cloak that hid everything of her face save her bright red cherry lips. Although she hardly ever threw her cloak aside, underneath her cloak Din wore a modest dress in Medieval style that extended from the hollow of her throat to where the hem draped just above ankle high deer skin boots of practical style and taste.

La Vanwa Heryn de Gothdae revealed what Dinranwen hid. Lady Heryn de Gothdae’s face was also hidden by the hood of her black cloak that only barely should the tint of blood red, as it was against their order to reveal their face. Like Dinranwen, the only feature one could see of Lady Heryn’s face was her cheery lips that smiled eerily like Dinranwen’s own. Unlike Dinranwen however, Lady Heryn de Gothdae cast aside the cloak from her shoulders to reveal the form the cloak would have otherwise hidden. Lady Heryn de Gothdae was not modest, and although her skin was covered, the black dress that Lady Heryn wore revealed more than it hid. Lady Heryn wore a low stooping black dress with off the shoulder straps that dove down her chest to reveal the tops of a large and pleasant bosom, the cleft of her chest showed prominently, and Lady Heryn only to lean forward to reveal the twin moons of her breasts. Cutting a seducing line to contain Lady Heryn’s chest, the black dress then descended to the floor hugging every curve of Lady Heryn’s very curvy body. A single slit extended along the bottom half of the black dress from just below the upper part of Lady Heryn’s thigh to where the dress rustled against the floor.

Dinranwen felt her lips curl in detest.

“Don’t you just love the offit?” Lady Heryn purred knowing full well that Dinranwen did not as Lady Heryn poured herself a cup of tea out of Dinranwen’s own teapot.

Dinranwen felt a growl spring from the bottom of her throat and unwilling as she barred her teeth in a what have been a pleasant smile, “I asked you what you were doing here?”

“I’m here, as the Darker Shadow Mistress of the Sisterhood of Shadows to inform you that your order, the Order of the so called Shadow Keepers,” here Lady Heryn spit on the floor in distaste causing Dinranwen to loose her dagger even though Din knew full well it wouldn’t effect her sister. “Has been disband, and integrated into the Sisterhood of Shadows.”

“I’ll never join you…” Dinranwen growled leaping forward only to find that her arms were being gripped by a pair of very powerful hands. Looking upwards, Dinranwen’s heart quelled as she saw the fire and shadow form of the demon called the GothRaeNar. The demon was holding her tight, and Dinranwen immediately knew there would be no escape for her. Not this time anyway. Dinranwen was forced to watch in horror as several more demons entered her room as the darkness of her room, so comforting in its shadowiness before, became a portal for the Shadow Demon world.

Lady Heryn stood and walked over to her, and very carefully removed the useless dagger from Dinranwen’s hands to press it against Dinranwen’s throat.

“I’m choosing to ignore the fact that you said that, sister,” Lady Heryn said angrily, her voice the singsong tone of anger, wrath, hate, and pure seduction. “And I’m going to give you three more chances to see reason. Three mind. After that…well, I don’t think you’ll find what I planned for you extremely unpleasant.”

Dinranwen dared not move, dared not breath, dared not scream as she felt the tentacles of her evil twins power begin to wrap around her feet like a deadly vine. Lady Heryn was far more powerful than she had thought.

“I’m also here to tell you, that this place, this city of imagination, this what do you call it, ah yes, the City of If has caught our attention. And we have you to thank. We’ve noticed that our enemies seem to gain light supernaturally from the power of their own imaginations. You included. We have also noticed that has long as there are stories around, our enemies gain power. We’ve also discovered that your precious City of If is a large supplier of Idearium or what we call imagination. We plan to stop that. So we’re going to destroy this City along with everything else we find.”

“You’ll never accomplish it, the City of If is stronger then you think, the citizens here will not allow it.” Dinranwen cried struggling against the strong hands of the demon who held her captive.

“That’s one.” Lady Heryn said calmly as the tendrils of dark wrapped themselves around Dinranwen’s legs up to her waist. “I have also asked that you surrender to the dark, and help us in our endeavor.”

“I told you sister, Never.”

“That’s two.” Lady Heryn stepping away from Dinranwen to sit like the harlot she was on Dinranwen’s desk. The tendrils of dark wrapped around Dinranwen’s chest causing her to struggle for breath. “Please see reason, sister, the light cannot win.”

“You will be stopped!” Dinranwen roared as the tendrils of dark began to circle around her neck.

“Oh, but I won’t. I must thank you for being my identical twin however, because whether or not, your form or rather my form will guarantee that the City of If, will never see what is coming.”

Dinranwen was consumed by darkness, and she knew no more.

When Dinranwen awoke, she found herself in a platform of steel surrounded by bars of searing light somewhere in the middle of Astral plane, her veil shorn, and her face displayed. Dinranwen’s shadow half screamed in pain and fear as it felt its power be sucked away by some other force in a plane faraway. Dinranwen felt so sleepy, and her head pounded. For many minutes she struggled against the feelings of pain and unconscious before fainting clean away as she was slowly burnt by the rays of pure light.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, in Dinranwen’s council chambers, Lady Heryn exchanged her own thin cloak for Dinranwen’s covering one.

Sitting in Dinranwen’s own chair she looked from a distance, like Dinranwen.

Taking a small black orb out from where it had been held in between her breasts, Lady Heryn caressed its surface causing the orb to spin and radiate a field of darkness.

“It’s done boss.”

“Good,” came an unidentified voice of darkness. “Integrate yourself among the Ifians, explore the city, and send me any information you find. And above all, make sure that your twin, whatshername, is not missed. We don’t want anyone being suspicious of you, my ever useful spy.”

“I will, my Lord and Master,” Lady Heryn said touching the orb again so it turned off, “Soon,” she said to apparently an empty room full of shadows, “If shall be ours, and then the World!”

The chambers were filled with Lady Heryn’s laughter.

~ ~~
Narrator: Will Dinranwen ever escape? Will the Ifian notice Din has been replaced? And will the order of darkness accomplish its goals?

Off topic: No! Because this is the last chapter and we will leave everyone in miserable suspense forever! Mwahhahha!

Narrator: You know it’s easier to keep people in suspense when they don’t know they’re supposed to be in suspense.

Off topic: OH, sorry, continue on.

Narrator: You may not find out here…but you may find out in one of the many other If tales playing around the city, located in the Fantasy Forest.

Currently playing are:

IF-CH 5-Land of Dairy Products-UP By Player of Fates

A Tale of Stolen Fables By Harley

~ ~ ~

Dinranwen:As many of you know, I'm leaving If due to circumstanes beyond my control. This leave will probably be perment, and I shall severly miss everyone here. Goodbye, and Fare thee Well!

#105:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:01 am
When you come back, din, you'd better do a sequel, or I'll... I'll...

Hm. Can any one tell me what I'll do?

#106:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:52 am
The White Blacksmith wrote:
When you come back, din, you'd better do a sequel, or I'll... I'll...

Hm. Can any one tell me what I'll do?

Um, write it yourself? *shrugs*

*runs after Din and clings to robe, careful not to rip it* NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ALLOW IT, DAMN IT ALL!

City of IF -> The Vault

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