Revenge (UndeadCowboy & Midnight)
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City of IF -> One-On-One Role Plays

#81:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:35 am
The sunrise came slowly. I stood and stretched, only realising how long it had been once I moved. I decided I would take a walk through the woods before Midnight woke up. I took my knife and a couple of biscuits, remembering I hadn't eaten last night.

I wandered through the woods, feeling at peace. After a short time, I sat down by a small lake which I'd discovered the day before. Sitting by the shore, I finished my biscuits and decided I felt like a bit of swimming. I stripped down and stowed my clothes and knife in a hollowed out tree stump before wading in to waist depth. The water was cool on my skin, and I felt at peace.

Swimming out further into the lake, I revelled in how calming it was to swim in a natural lake like this, not a person in sight, just himself, the sky, and the water.

#82:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:46 am
Unknowingly to Dead, I had followed him as he wandered off. I was wondering where we was heading when suddenly he stopped near a small lake. I took cover behind some trees and watched as he ate. When he unexpectedly started stripping I closed my eyes until I heard a splash in the water.

While he was busy in the water, I creeped over to where he had been and found that he put his eqiuptment in a hollow stump. Grinning, I took his clothes and knife.

Now I did say that I shouldn't mess with him earlier. I thought. So I suppose he can keep his boxers.

I snickered as I put his underwear back in the hollow stump, then ran behind some bushes not to far to watch as the scene unfolded.

"He should know better than to leave his stuff in the open like that." I said, my grin spread from ear to ear.

#83:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:57 am
As I swam to shore, I felt very relaxed. I was planning on staying to dry for a bit, but that changed when I looked into the stump. I looked around the area for a moment, before thinking to put on my boxers, the only thing that was left in the stump. After scouring the area and finding nothing, a thought came to me. Whoever took them is probably long gone by now, so I should probably go back and change into my old clothes.

A moment of dispair gripped me when I remembered that I'd brought my knife too. I shouted into the woods, "I hope you trip and stab yourself, you bastards!"

I trudged back to the campsite, no longer feeling at peace. I just hoped Midnight would still be asleep so I didn't have to explain the situation.

#84:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:17 am
I caught up to Dead feeling after deciding to give him his clothes back. I was hoping that he would look around for his clothes a bit more but he didn't.

"Hey," I yelled out to him, "Missing these? You should probably put them on, then we can head off." I continued, laughing slighty.

#85:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:10 am
"Why would you do that?" I growled, taking my clothes back, "That knife wasn't cheap, and the clothes fit better than anything I've ever worn."

I slipped on the clothes, conscious of Midnight watching me. We walked back to the camp together in silence, I think she knew I was upset about the knife. I wandered over to my stuff, packing it neatly. After kicking some dirt on the fire, I turned to see if Midnight was ready.

"Hey are you ready to go?" I asked, chafing to leave this place behind, "I'd like to get some distance before nightfall."

#86:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:29 am
"Sure, I've been ready for hours." I replied as I picked up my bag pack.

We left the camp and I followed Dead's lead. He didn't talk much and just concentrated on the task at hand, occasionally I had tried to strike up conversation but he only replied with one word sentences or grunts.

Probably still upset about the clothing stunt. I thought. Shouldn't take him long to get over it, he isn't one to carry a grudge.

About a couple of hours walking I saw something hit Dead in the back of the neck. He stopped walking and grabbed a small needle like pin from his neck before falling down. I was about to run to him, but I felt a sudden sting on my neck and I blacked out before I could the get a chance to see what had hit me.


I awoke in a cage with Dead. I looked around and I could see men around a camp fire eating there dinner, or so I presumed.

Slavers, damn. I thought.

Frantic, I tried to wake Dead up who was beside me.

"Dead. Wake up. Dead." I whispered, shaking him.

"Hey! Whats going on over there?" I man behind me said, his voice deep and rough.

"Dead. Come on." I said more frantically shaking him harder.

"Oh, your awake little girl." I heard the man reply, getting closer to the cage.

I saw Dead's eyes slowly start to flutter open, but it was too late. I could feel someone grabbing me from behind.

#87:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:54 am
When I came to, I was in a cage. I was vaguely aware of Midnight shaking me, her voice seemed urgent, but I couldn't get the fuzziness from my head. I felt a pair of hands grab me roughly and lifted me up.

"Boss thinks you shouldn't see this, thinks you're too tough for it," A voice said, breath reeking of alcohol, "I think otherwise. This'll break you good."

I could still hear Midnight calling for me, and I realised what was going on. I began to struggle against the hands, but they gripped me tighter, pressing me against the bars. One hand loosened and hit me in the back of the head, making spots swim before my eyes. I was already making my move. I twisted my arm, nearly dislocating it as I pulled my other arm around his neck. Rolling with the momentum, I pulled myself over him, riding him to the ground. Once he was there, I slit his throat with his own knife, cursing myself for packing my own away.

I could hear Midnight screaming and fabric tearing as I ran out of the cage. I dispatched one of the three men, stabbing him in the lower back and severing his spinal cord. I wasn't as lucky with the other two. The one holding Midnight punched her in the face, dropping her to face me. He and the other worked together, one holding me so I was unable to move, and the other punching me. He pummeled me until my pain faded, warm darkness taking me. The last thing I heard before the darkness was complete was a man's scream and felt something warm spatter my face.

#88:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:20 pm
I saw the man who punched me start to beat Dead in the face. He underestimated me if he thought that I would go down in a single punch. I looked around for a weapon and saw that the man holding Dead down had a machete strapped to his leg. I leaped off the ground and kicked him in the face, breaking his nose. He screamed and fell to the ground, clutching his face. Grabbing the machete while he was still on the ground I quickly spun around before the other slaver could react.

He was looking up at me with a confused look on his face. I quickly took a look at Dead, he was out cold and I could see purple circles starting to show around his cheeks and eyes. Looking back at the Slaver I saw him try to grab a knife but I reacted faster and threw the machete at him, piercing him between the eyes.
Turning I saw the man I had kicked in the face scrambling away. I smiled and chuckled to myself.

“Oh come now, didn’t you want to get to know me better?” I said, making my way over to the slaver with the machete in his head, “Like your friend here for example.”

I jerked the blade out and kick him away. Smiling at the blade, I spun and ran toward the other man. He saw me coming and tried getting to his feet to run but I reached him before then, decapitating him.

Taking a deep breath, I walked back to where Dead was. He was still passed out and his face was starting to swell. I looked around and saw our bags on the opposite side of the camp fire. I grabbed them and put them over one of my shoulders. Returning to Dead, I lifted him up slowly and put his arm around my other shoulder.

Dead was heavy, but I had to deal with it. We needed to get out of the camp before more Slavers returned. Struggling I semi dragged Dead and myself out of the camp.

#89:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:32 pm
I was incredibly confused. One moment, I was being dragged by Midnight, the next I was lying with Ilsa in the grass outside our hovel. I remembered slipping between the two for a while. Midnight sitting over me, patting my face with a damp cloth. Ilsa and I preparing dinner together. Midnight sitting beside me, a worried look on her face. Ilsa stealing away in the night, never to be seen again. Midnight watching over me, protecting me from harm. Midnight meeting me for the first time, asking for help to find her father.

After what felt like a lifetime of this, I finally came to. It was dark, and I couldn't see much further than the confines of my sleeping bag. I tried to move, but my head throbbed badly, so I gave up on that. I decided speaking would be easier.

"Water," I croaked, only then realising how thirsty I was.

#90:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:05 pm
I was sitting across from Dead. The camp fire I had prepared several days ago burning brightly.

I watched him through the burning flames, worried and scared. He had called out to me, mistaking me for Ilsa a number of times while he was having one of his many nightmares. I had answered his calls by responding to him, but he fell back to sleep when I had. His fever was gone and I was thankful for that, but I was still beating myself over for not having the strength to carry him to a nearby town.

“Water.” I heard him say.

I rushed over to him, he was coming to and I became hopeful. I grabbed my bag beside his sleeping bag and pulled out a bottle of water.

“Here,” I said, handing him the bottle. “Don’t drink too fast, I don’t want you choking.”

I tried to assist him in drinking, but he grabbed the bottle and skulled it down in seconds. He coughed a bit then dropped the bottle on the ground. His face had some colour to it now and the bruising had almost faded.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, dabbing a wet cloth on his forehead.

#91:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:11 pm
I let out a long gasp after the water, feeling more human.

"Better," I said, still too sore to speak for long.

I moved my jaw about, gauging the clicking I could feel. It was acceptable, and I was certain it would be back to normal soon.

"Ilsa," I said, only sort of seeing the person beside me, "Thanks for taking care of me. I thought you'd gone to Archon."

#92:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:17 pm
I was taken aback, he had called me Ilsa. My heart dropped, but I shook the feeling off.

“Ilsa? Dead, it’s me Midnight,” I explained to him in a calm voice, “I pulled you out of the Slavers camp. You were pretty badly beaten.”

#93:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:24 pm
"Midnight?" I asked in counfusion.

The darkness cleared from my eyes and I could finally see her clearly. I could see what seemed to be sadness in her face at my comment.

"Where's Ilsa?" I asked, panic rising in me, "She was here just a minute ago, I saw her."

I tried to get up so I could see better, but my body dragged me back down. I'd definately broken a couple of ribs.

"Please, you need to call her back," I pleaded with Midnight, "I have to stop her!"

#94:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:33 pm
I heard my heart fall to the floor. I didn't know whether I was upset or angry. I had taken care of him for almost a week now and was calling for Ilsa. I had known that he had called out to her in his sleep, but this. This hurt more than him simply dreaming.

“De-Dead,” I responded, my voice slipping, “Ilsa isn’t here, she never was. You were dreaming. I’m sorry. If I could, I would go fetch her. I’m so sorry.” I continued, my voice almost down to a whisper with my final apology.

I had to leave; I needed to find an excuse to leave. I darted my eyes around the camp, then saw the water bottle.

“I’ll go get some more water, there is a creek nearby.” I said getting up quickly and leaving.

I knew it was a bad idea to leave him, but I had to go.

#95:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:43 pm
I realised what she said was true. I must have been delirious, or confused or something. I tried to call her back, to apologise, but she was gone before I could even think of a way to do so. Why was my brain moving so slowly? I continued to lie there. There wasn't much I could do, with my body like this. I just hoped Midnight would come back soon so I could apologise for my confusion. After a few hours, my sleeping bag was very inviting and I fell back into a sleep.

The images were much the same as they were last time. Although this time I was aware that they were just memories. Ilsa is gone, I thought, Midnight has helped me through this, and I am so glad she's been here.

The strangest thing happened after that. Memories played through my mind, but this time they were of Midnight, of the time we'd spent together. I took solace in those dreams and slept peacefully.

#96:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:56 pm
I sat on the ground beside the creeks edge, taking in the cool night air. The water was shining and it calmed me down. I inhaled deeply then held it in before breathing out again, eyes closed.

Thinking of the situation at hand, I realised that I had not checked on my wound for almost a week. I'll have to check it soon. I thought.

I had washed my bloody clothing that were in my bag and changed into them, seeing as my flannel shirt had been torn.

“I can’t go back to camp, not yet,” I said to myself. “I’ll sleep here for the night. It’s not too far away from camp.”

I took Dead’s jacket off, which I had borrowed for the cold nights, and used it as a pillow. Sleep came fast for me and my dreams were of nothing but darkness.

#97:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:08 pm
I awoke to the sound of wind. The sun was high in the sky and I could see that Midnight hadn't gotten back to the camp yet. I hope nothing's happened, I thought, deciding I should try to move again.

I managed to drag myself into a sitting position, giving myself a better view of the camp. Midnight's sleeping bag was unrolled, but it did not appear to be slept in. I realised how stiff I was when I reached over to bring my pack over. My hunger and the length of my beard confirmed my thoughts. I had been unconscious for at least a week, which meant that Midnight had taken care of me for at least that long. I cringed at last night, wishing I could take it back.

I scarfed down a few strips of jerkey and two honey biscuits before having a long drink of water. After feeling more myself, I stood up to take a look around. I scouted only as far as I could still see the camp from. I tried calling for Midnight, but I found that only made my chest hurt. As I was about to give up, I stumbled upon a small creek.

Midnight lay curled up on the ground, fast asleep. I thought better than to wake her, instead bringing her sleeping bag over, unzipping it, and placing it over her like a blanket. I realised Midnight must have taken my shoes off before putting me in my own sleeping bag, as my feet were bare. I sat down on the ground beside her, dipping my feet in the water as I waited for her to wake up.

#98:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:25 pm
I woke up to find that my sleeping bag was on me. Alerted I grabbed my knives and rolled to the side ready to jump only to have the sleeping bag wrap around my legs and fall.

“Ow...” I said nonchalantly.

I unwrapped myself and saw Dead by the water edge looking at me. Oh, well that explains the sleeping bag. I thought. Way to look like an idiot Midnight.

I rolled up the sleeping bag and grabbed Dead’s jacket. Standing beside him I threw his jacket to him and swung my sleeping bag over my shoulder.

“You feeling better?” I asked my tone surprisingly harsh. “Because if you are we should get a move on. Archon won’t wait forever and neither will Ilsa.”

I stretched my back while I waited for a response, thankful that it didn’t hurt. Must be healing nicely. I thought. Next chance I get I should check it out.

#99:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:33 pm
"Wait!" I said, heaving myself up as fast as my body would allow, "I need to tell you something."

She began to move away, but I grabbed her by the arm, halting her progress.

"I was... out of sorts last night," I said apologetically, "I realise you must have taken care of me for some time, and to have that thrown in your face must hurt. I'm sorry."

I seem to be apologising to her a lot recently, I thought as I pulled Midnight into a hug, "Listen, I know Ilsa is gone, I had some strange dreams while I was out. It won't happen again, I promise."

#100:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:41 pm
“Its fine,” I replied pulling away from the hug my tone submissive. “Let’s just get moving. You are well enough I presume.”

I made way back to camp and packed away my things. Looking around I started to cover tracks of anyone making camp here. I checked my knives and started to walk off, Dead following behind me. I normally didn’t lead but I wasn’t keen on following him.

I didn’t understand why I was so upset, the circumstances were understandable. It was if I had a delayed reaction to something, but I didn’t know what.

#101:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:10 pm
I followed behind Midnight as we left. I was glad to not be setting the pace for once, as I wasn't sure I could travel incredibly fast with my injuries. She still seemed upset about the previous night, but that was understandable. At lest she seems to have calmed down a little, I thought.

We continued until we were finally out of the forest and into the ruins properly. This was more my pace, the ground more even, more distinct shelter. We continued for a time, and Midnight seemed lost in her thoughts. As the sun began to get low, I spoke up.

"Hey Midnight, I think we should perhaps find a place to stay tonight? It's getting dark,"

#102:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:27 pm
I nodded in agreement and started to look around for a place to set camp. Not too far from us was a small cavern like area. I gestured to Dead and he followed me over to the small enclosure.

Setting up camp, I made the fire and started to lay out the food on my sleeping bag, which I had unrolled and laid next to the fire. There was one loaf of bread, crackers and some cherry tomatoes which I had found while in the forest.

“If you have anything just lay it out on the sleeping bag,” I said to Dead pointing to the bag. “I have to check on my back."

I grabbed the tinderbox out of my bag and walked into a separate little area just beside the camp, then started to unravel the bandages. Once it was all off I realised that I couldn’t check on it visually.

“Dammit.” I said to myself.

I ignored it and started to run water down my back using a water bottle. This will have to do for cleaning I suppose.

#103:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:43 pm
I emptied the food inside my bag onto Midnight's sleeping bag. Most of the food I'd bought in Barnes was still there, minus a few pieces which I assumed Midnight had eaten. I did notice that the sultanas were still there, and thought it odd. Perhaps I should make something special tonight, I thought, As an apology.

I chopped up a few of the tomatoes, arraying them with some of the dried meat. I cooked the result with a few leeks I found nearby.

"It's not much," I thought, appraising the result, "But it's a damn sight prettier than we usually have."

#104:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:55 pm
After struggling with the bandage, I finally gave up and just put my shirt on.

“It should be fine, can’t even feel it anymore.” I said to myself as I walked back into camp.

I found Dead looking over food that I presume, he had prepared, with pride. I sat down and made myself comfortable. Dead looked at me for short moment then looked back at the food. It took me awhile to stop the feeling of anger, but I could still feel it in the pit of my stomach. I still didn’t know why and I wasn’t even sure if it was anger anymore or grief.

I shook my head and shifted uncomfortably as I felt my shirt graze my back making it itchy.

I sighed. Give me a break already. I thought frustrated.

#105:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:44 pm
"You probably shouldn't scratch that," I said, noticing Midnight's attempts to scratch her back, "It might open the wound again. Speaking of which, we'll need to remove the stitches soon. Want some dinner?"

I started heaping a portion of the food onto a camp plate, "Tomatoes, leeks and mixed meats. I hope you're hungry."

I put a portion on my own plate and ate slowly, careful of my injuries.

"So, did you get your bandages changed okay?"

#106:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:50 pm
I took the plate and started eating. It was the best meal I'd had for a long time so I savoured it.

Trying not to scratch my back I turned to Dead and answered his question.

“I’m not wearing the bandage, I gave up halfway through,” I muttered, grabbing a piece of tomato. “I washed it with water though. Well attempted to. Should be fine”

#107:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:02 pm
"I see," I said, quietly eating the rest of my food, "Still, I think I should check your stitches, you might have popped a few in that fight. After dinner has digested of course, you don't want to feel full if i need to replace them."

We finished our dinner and sat by the fire. I tried to tell Midnight a story about the adventures I had with Ilsa and Crux, explaining his involvement in the Barnes incident. The story fell short, however, as I couldn't remember much about those times. We sat for some time, the silence deafening.

So I started another anecdote, more recent this time, a time we'd gone into a city up north and a fair had been in town. We had brought back a good haul from our last outing, so we played a few carnival games, rode some of the "rides" and ate carnival food. It was the closest we'd ever been to being what the outside world would consider normal, and to us it was great.

Although the country seemed barren, there was always something to find out here, I thought to myself at the end of the anecdote.

#108:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:40 pm
Dead reminding me of the day we spent in the carnival should have gotten me in a good mood. But I was still feeling down and it was killing me not knowing why. I looked into the fire and just gazed at it, I remembered the days me and my brother spent camping.

“Hey Dead. Have I ever told you about my brother?” I asked him.

#109:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:44 pm
This was a big moment, I could tell. Midnight never talked about her family. The first time she ever had was only a little more than a week ago, of course. I hid my surprise and answered as casually as I could.

"I don't believe you have," I said, looking over at Midnight.

#110:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:56 pm
I continued to gaze at the fire, taking in the flames.

"He was the one who gave me my nickname, Midnight. He loved the way my eyes would sparkle during the night and my pale skin reminded him of snow. Obviously I am not longer pale after spending so much time in the sun. But once I had been quite a pale little girl,” I smiled lightly, memories of my childhood filled me. “My brother called me his little Midnight Snow while we were watching the stars. I asked him why and he explained it to me.”

I looked over at Dead and let my hair spill when I undid my pony tail.

“Midnight, in representation of my black hair,” I ran my fingers through it. “And snow, the colour of my skin... Well, not so much anymore. Anyway, he called me Midnight from then on and it stuck.”

I looked back into the fire. Talking about my brother made me so cheerful and yet it was painful. Pushing the memories back, I remembered that I had never actually told Dead my real name. Neither of us had.

#111:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:23 am
I looked at her hair as it flowed free. I was amazed that her hair was indeed the colour of the night sky above us. I wonder why it took me this long to notice that?

Her skin, while tanned from our journey, was indeed a few shades lighter than an average tan, and I was able to see the young girl she had described. When I looked close enough, I could see her eyes did sparkle, although this Midnight was sadder. I could see that her face was somewhere in the middle of happiness and sorrow.

"What was he like?" I asked, seeing the joy in her eyes when she spoke, "Your brother, I mean."

#112:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:35 am
I smiled widely from the question.

“Rowe? Well, he was...” I begun, letting my mind go back to my childhood. “He was very kind and he always had a smile on his face. Whenever I was sad he always told me to smile and be happy, that he would not stand to see my face ruined from pouting.”

I took a moment to remember when I had fallen over as a child. Rowe had nursed me for days; even when I had told him I was fine to play he refused to let me go until he was sure that I was fine.

“He made fun of me always falling over. Despite how he thought of my footing, he was the one who taught me how to use a knife. I had asked him and he was unsure at first, but in the end he taught me how to fight. He was quite impressed at how my footing turned out.”

I stretched and the feeling of my shirt over my back had made it itchy again.

#113:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:54 am
"Your brother sounds like a good man," I said, looking into the fire, "And a pretty good fighter too, if he taught you."

I thought about my own training at this. I'd more or less taught myself from what I'd seen others do at a distance, and of course, what I'd learned from experience. It wasn't a happy time, except for the moments I'd spent with Ilsa. Since then the only time I felt even a little like smiling was when I was around Midnight. I smiled as she continued to tell me about her brother.

A thought occurred to me suddenly. For some reason, I wanted more than ever to know about her. I steeled myself to tell her something I hadn't told anyone except Ilsa.

"My name's Nathan, if you wanted to know," I said, extending my hand awkwardly, "Nice to meet you."

#114:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:00 am
I snapped from my reverie when Dead proclaimed his name. It was the first time he had told me, he had always referred to himself as Dead. Unsure how to react, I took his hand and shook it.

“Mad-Madeline.” I replied cautiously.

We continued to stare at each other while shaking hands. After an awkward silence I withdrew my hand and looked back at the fire. My back was itching so badly that I had to distract myself from it.

“You do know, Nathan,” I begun. Laughing slightly from saying his voice. “That that was extremely awkward, “I clapped my hands slowly. “Well done.”

#115:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:36 am
I laughed at Midnight, no Madeline's, response.

"I guess it was," I said, laughing.

We talked for some time about our respective pasts, all trace of our previous greivances seemingly gone. It was great to finally tell someone about myself, and I suspected Madeline was getting some kind of release from it too. After some time sharing, I began to feel my injuries catching up to me.

"Madeline," I said, still weighing the name, "Can I call you Maddie?"

#116:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:39 am
"Sure thing." I replied, smiling to myself.

#117:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:45 am
"I think it's time for bed," I said, smiling back, "We've got a long way to go tomorrow, and we don't want to be tired."

I moved to my sleeping bag, climbing in gingerly. I rolled onto my side, far less painful than lying on my back. I got settled in for the night, and could see that Maddie was doing the same.

"Hey Maddie," I said as I drifted off to sleep, "Goodnight."

#118:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:52 am
It was still early in the morning when I awoke. My back was killing me from being itchy but was thankful that I could finally sleep on it again. I grabbed my bag and took out some bread to munch on while I wanted for Nate to wake.

My hair was still down and I was surprised that it managed to stay neat and tidy. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Nate.

Nathan huh. Funny he doesn’t look like a Nathan. I thought to myself. More like a Matthew if you ask me.

#119:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:30 am
I was awake faster than normal the next day. I felt surprisingly refreshed, despite my ribs creaking in protest as I sat up. Maddie was staring at me, her face unreadable as she chewed on some bread. I pulled a handful of trail mix from my bag and chewed it as I surveyed the sky.

"Looks like rain," I said, seeing clouds in the distance,"Maybe we should get a move on."

I packed up my things and Maddie packed hers. We headed off down the path through the ruins, cautious of noises.

The next few weeks were relatively uneventful. We would travel by day and talk by night. Eventually we reached the end of the ruins.

"Well, Maddie, only a day's travel to Port Rust from here, do you want to travel overnight, or continue in the way we've been going," I asked, turning so I could see her response.

#120:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:38 am
"Let’s continue walking, I don't think I can handle another night dealing with this itching back. You would think it would STOP by now." I said irritated, shifting my back.

I was hoping that I could buy something for the itch when we arrived. It had been driving me up the wall. Every time I would try to go to sleep my back would play up again, which led to lack of sleep. The lack of sleep didn’t help my mood either and I often snapped at Nate for no reason.

“We can get a room at an inn when we get there. I heard that they have an actual bathroom in the rooms.”

City of IF -> One-On-One Role Plays

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