Boiling Cauldron - Chapter Ten - A walk in the park
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#41:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:48 pm
Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.
I've gotten a whole SLEW of Ideas and am even now writing furiously to deplete the Idearium before it causes warping of the space-time continumm.
Meaning your chapter will be here when you've followed the yellow brick road to the end. But you may want to pick up a few of those bricks, cause the yellow is from the gold they're made of.
Crunchy, you and Dinranwen will show up in the next chapter as pivotal characters. And trust me, it'll be funnnnn.
For me that is. You may want to cover your eyes.

#42:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:11 pm
*Obidently pulls her hood far, far down her face so it nearly touches her chin, but then gets caught peaking out the side* Can't wait to see what you do IM, but I'm sure it will be fun. For you that is. CrunchFog may want to cover his eyes...

As for me...just remember that people rarely see what happens in the shadows. *Smiles threatenly before pulling down her hood again like an obedient girl*

((*Giggles* Sorry, sometimes me and my evil twin can't resist trying to pretend to be evil.))

#43:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:04 pm
Wait a minute....

This is an IF story?

#44:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:09 pm
No, just incorperating characters that ask real nicely. For a better example, go to the Archives and look at Good Versus Evil Versus Money.

#45:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:19 pm
Rollin' rollin' rollin', keep that story rollin', rawhide!
Ahem. Chapter three!

Chapter three – Nunbody knows
Get thee to a Nunnery!

Cheri gasped again as an object formed in the middle of the globe of white power. It appeared to be a small brown stone; similar to many other stones dotted about the landscape, but it was drawing the powers of both her and Surtum deep within itself. All of the spells she tried to halt the flow only accelerated it as the stone absorbed them. There had to be some way to stop it!

Finally, she was drained of power. Strangely, the stone turned to Surtum. Perhaps it hasn’t drained him yet, she thought. Dragons were known for having much magic about them.

Her thoughts were wasted, however, as she saw Surtum struggle and attempt to escape, only to be held back. He fought furiously, with wing, claw, and tooth, against the strange stone, but to no avail. He gave one last defiant jet of fire before that too was absorbed, and then he collapsed with a mighty thumping noise. Ten feet away, the few apple trees that were left lost their under-ripe apples.

The stone, having absorbed all the magic it could, lost it’s pearly white globe of power it had been formed from, and fell to the altar. The menfolk had quickly run from this odd occurrence, hiding behind a boulder. Fredrick came forward first, in his armor, probably trying to show courage. “Is it over?”

At that point, the stone wiggled.

Fredrick stopped dead in his tracks and looked at the stone. It defiantly wiggled this time, and moved closer to Fredrick.

Fredrick showed his cowardly side for the second time that day and turned to run. He didn’t get very far, though. The stone wiggled, then flew off the altar and struck Fredrick on the seat of his metallic pants, making it look as though he was less than the knight he claimed to be. Fredrick tumbled head over heels, making it sound like a smithy’s shop on the move, and ended up pointing the brown stone towards the heavens.

The other menfolk cautiously edged forward from behind the boulder. At the sight of Fredrick the Lion-Hearted with a brown stone attached, they looked at each other and quickly stifled their laughter. Surtum picked himself up and shook himself, as though trying to dislodge a particularly determined person from his back. “Druidess Cheri, my magic is sapped to the point where I barely have enough to stay alive. What shall I do now?”

Cheri picked herself up and brushed the dirt off her clothes. “You and I will take that odd stone to an odd covenant that dwells deep in these woods. They specialize in magical oddities, and this certainly is that.” Cheri reached over and attempted to remove the stone from the armor of Fredrick the Coward.

It refused to budge.

She pulled harder, and it stayed put. Surtum also pulled at the stone, with similar results. Finally, Cheri hefted a huge sigh and stared Fredrick in the eye. “Get up, you’re coming with us.”

“Are you sure I couldn’t remove it with magic?” Richard asked.

“NO!” Everybody shouted. During the interim of their walk to the altar, Richard had told them of his particular branch of magic. “Wait a second. How do you have any magic left? That stone drained me and Surtum completely, but left you untouched?”

Richard wagged a finger at her. “Several theories, two of which I like. One, I was out of range, and two, I finally got my magic to obey me and create a shield behind which we men huddled in safety.”

Cheri nodded. “Still, I don’t think you should try. That stone will absorb all the magic you toss at it.”

Richard nodded as well. “Shall we go on to this odd covenant, then?”

The group turned to look at Cheri, who promptly turned to the north. She then turned to the west, as she realized she’d gotten her directions mixed up, and headed to a particularly deep, dark, and forbidding forest.

“Eheeheehee! Now now, dearies, how shall I hamper you next? Ah, here we are…A single drop of bloodfire! I remember all too well what happened when I added more than I should have…I got a whole world to myself after it burned to ashes!”

It was the middle of the night. Well, not really, but since her powers had been sapped, Cheri had been having difficulty with her Druidic Internal Clock. She guessed it was the middle of the night, though. Surtum was recovering remarkably fast, as dragons are wont to do, but he still wasn’t up to his full oomph yet. He had managed to light a small campfire for the group, and when that proved to not be enough, they found that Surtum was remarkably warm.

Cheri sensed something then. Something discordant with the harmony of the forest. Something wrong, ancient, and powerful. Something painful. She cast her hands out and tried a simple spell. Fur-brothers, claw-sisters, what is wrong? Come tell me!

A single squirrel scampered quickly by, but not before it cast a single look at Cheri. That was all she needed to gain the most recent memory from the animal. A raging fire was burning the forest down! And it was headed right for them!

“UP!” Cheri shouted, and everybody jumped out of sleep, casting an angry look at her. “The forest burns!”

Instantly, the men picked up their things and looked at Cheri. “This way!” she shouted, and began running towards the covenant’s secret entrance. The men, no fools, began to follow her.

The path, not worn as much as they would have liked, wove around bramble bushes and hornet’s nests. The smell of smoke grew stronger as the night wore on. Finally, they reached a rushing river that separated the forest from a sheer cliff’s side, save for one cave. Crossing it was a single bridge. “Everybody across!”

The men obeyed instantly. Surtum just leaped over, and Cheri turned to him. “Surtum, if you would?”

He swiped out at the bridge, destroying its supports and sending it toppling into the river. “The fire cannot cross that. The covenant is right beyond that cave.”

One of her phrases would turn out to be false, however. The fire reached the river, and then it went down to the water itself and skipped across. “What vile black magic is this?!”

A chanting noise came from within the deepest recesses of the cave. When the group listened closely, they could just make out some words that sounded like an incantation.

Bloodfire, heed us, you who fell,
War is past, peace makes all well,
Return against the one who dropped you so carelessly,
Leave the forest and all who dwell within peacefully!

The fire seemed to quail, and then something miraculous happened. It didn’t just extinguish itself. Rather, it somehow unburned itself, restoring life where it had taken it. It followed its own trails back to where it started, and then went out.

Helga clutched at her eye. The morsels had found some way to turn her bloodfire back against her, and it had put out her eye! She rummaged in her sack, looking for something worthwhile to put in. Oh, they would pay…

“I thank you. That fire seemed intent on catching us.”

The robed figure said nothing more than, “Password?”

Cheri had been prepared for this. “Hail the CruchyFrog, may his wisdom shine forever.”

The robed figure nodded. “Welcome back Cheri. Who are these you have with you?”

After a round of introductions, Cheri asked the question. “Can you help us? We have two magical oddities that plague us. One is that sword; the other is a mysterious stone.”

The robed one clapped unseen hands with glee. “We do love your oddities, yes we do. Come inside, and we shall ask the Dinranwen as to what we should do. Have no fears, Surtum, these caves were once owned by a far larger dragon than you. We came across them when he was slain by some foolish knight or other.”

The group squeezed into the caves, following the twisting, turning, and above all, confusing pathway to the core of the mountain. There, in a very church-like room, sat Dinranwen, the head of this mysterious order. Nothing much could be made out of her, save another robe like the one the person leading them wore. Several tables around her housed magical artifacts, in some cases shielded by domes of glass so that they couldn’t harm anybody. The altar in front of her looked normal, until you drew close enough to it to make out that the golden ornament on top of it was in the shape of a frog. Nobody was given much time to ponder on it, though, as Dinranwen spoke then. “Cheri, my darling druidess, what brings you back to us?”

“My companions have two magical ailments we can’t get rid of. One is this annoying talking sword that is legendary thief Raven.”

“And a bloody good welcome to you, miss!”

Dinranwen might have paled, if anybody could make out anything of her face under her hood. Cheri moved swiftly on. “And when we tried to turn him back to normal, an odd stone appeared, sapped me and Surtum of our powers, and then attached itself to Fredrick’s rump.”

Fredrick reddened as Cheri mentioned the stone's location. Dinranwen took no note. “Mmm. Raven, you’d be in our debt if we restored you…and would we get to keep the stone?”

“We have no need of it, Dinranwen.”

“Then it’s settled.” Dinranwen walked to the altar and tapped the golden frog three times. Nobody saw any visible difference in the frog, Dinranwen, or anything at all. Cheri kept staring at the frog, though, so everybody else did as well. Finally, something happened.

The frog blinked.

The group, sans Cheri, gasped as the frog stretched its limbs out and gave one large croak. Then it spoke. “And what, my High Priestess Dinranwen, is the issue today?”

Dinranwen gave a quick summary of the magical ailments that plagued the small band of adventurers. The frog listened, and then gave his diagnostic. “Hmm. I sense hostile magic from an outside source surrounding those objects. Even I, the great and mighty CrunchyFrog, can do nothing about them on my lonesome. No, we must travel to the spirits of the glade beyond this mountain and ask them to remove it. Combined, we just might do it. Dinranwen, open…The Door.”

Dinranwen moved to a small, circular, red object that was covered by a glass dome. She removed the dome and hesitated for a second, then pushed the button. A low rumbling filled the cavern and quickly blotted out all other noise for fear of competition. The group looked about to see the wall behind the tables moving back, to reveal the largest portal that they had ever seen. It was a swirling display of blues and greens, taking up the whole wall behind the wall, and the thing that entranced the menfolk, it glowed.

“This portal,” said CrunchyFrog, “leads to the glade behind the mountain. It is impossible to get to otherwise, because avalanches have closed the passes in the past few years.” He then performed a spectacular leap and landed neatly in a previously unknown but very convenient pocket in Dinranwen’s robe. She pulled a few tables aside, and then beckoned the group of adventurers closer.

They all took one giant breath, and stepped forward into the portal, vanishing off the face of the earth. They appeared not a second later in a glade that stretched as far as they eye could see. Birds flew merrily in the air, singing songs of delight. Animals frolicked when they weren’t killing each other for enough meat to stay alive. Plants rocked back and forth, swaying in no wind, dancing to some unheard beat.

“This glade,” Dinranwen said, “Is the Glade of the Gods. Legends say that the gods descended from on high, and this spot is where they all touched the earth first. There is a fountain in the middle, right over there,” she said, while pointing at something that could easily pass for a geyser, “which houses the spirits that were left behind to care for this glade. Should the waters ever stop, it means a great and terrible danger for our world.”

The group of adventurers looked nervously at one another, and then began their trudge towards the middle.

“Now, my dearies,” Helga said with a cruel smile on her lips, “Let’s see how you handle this, eh? Nightshade powder mixed with Arsenic to form the deadliest poison ever! I drop a single drop in my brew! And then I add a demon’s claw and a troll’s tooth! And let me see if I can’t find anything more to plague you with…” Helga cast her eye about her hut, looking for something else to put in her stew…

Loyal readers and voters (And those I lassoed into coming and reading this), the time is now! I have restored the previous three predetermined options at the end of the chapter! AND I added in Dinranwen and CrunchyFrog! However, I have sad news for you all. If anybody else wishes to join in, they must pay me a mere twenty-five fables and submit a decent character profile, and even then, should I choose to work them in at the earliest possible time, it may be a few chapters, but I will do it! Also, I will take underhanded under-the-table bids for things to happen in the story (Such as the element that Helga adds in the middle of the story and what it does) and the highest person will win the bet and lose their money to me.
However, let us return to the story. What will the demon claw, troll tooth, and mixture of Nightshade and Arsenic do? And what else has that now one-eyed hag Helga tossed in?

Last edited by Idea master on Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:24 am; edited 3 times in total

#46:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:28 pm
Tricksy, my dear, very tricksy indeed.

A copy of a novel, thus spawning a couple of classic characters.

As for the poison, tis a basilisk.

#47:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:52 pm
There you go again, forgetting half the things she threw in. What of the demon claw and troll tooth? Could they possibly combine to form a troll demon?
Hey...I rather like that idea...

#48:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:56 pm
I thought the claw and tooth were part of the potion.

#49:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:22 am
The poisson could leave a horrible taste in their mouths that makes them feel ill (could kill someone from a nasty disease).

The demon Claw apears as it is and starts chasing them around and attacking them. And the claw tooth could turn against Helga and jump out of the couldron and stab her repeatedly. heehee.

As for another thing to add..... Her burnt eye.

But I have no idea what it could do...possibly turn into a ninja spy and follow them everywhere.

#50:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:30 am
HeheHe. Loved this new chappy IM. Wicked. As an english friend of mine used to say.

There, in a very church-like room, sat Dinranwen, the head of this mysterious order. Nothing much could be made out of her, save another robe like the one the person leading them wore.

Dinranwen might have paled, if anybody could make out anything of her face under her hood.

You seem to got me nailed IM. Couldn't have done better myself.

As for the rest, I like Phang's Eye/Spy idea.

The posion, claw, and fang could turn into a posionous, clawed, fanged, winged creature, possibly a giant demon orge?

#51:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:44 pm
That was Storm. Not Phang.

A rubber chicken to throw in a giant chicken.

Alarm clocks to wake the gods.

Lecro, to add Lecro to the storyline (becuase he's bored).

A tennisball, to produce a starving pacman.

Maybe she could put the brew in the oven, to allow for rise.

#52:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:48 am
Wonderful wonderful!! Very Happy very entertaining. Cant think of any ideas for the cauldron yet, but will edit this post with some later today.

Am amazed at how quickly you wrote in the characters just like that!

OK here's the edit:

Maybe she adds a fly, in an attempt to distract the frog, in its combined attempt with Dinranwen to rid the magical afflictions of the sword and the stone. Perhaps this results in a plague of flies and maggots. eeewwww!

The demon claw, tooth and mixture of poisons could manifest itself as one of the most revolting little beasts with the worst manners and bodily habits that any of the characters in the story has ever met. Whether he/she/it ends up assisting or hampering the cause could be anybody's guess!

#53:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:42 pm
Or the poisen could actually netrulize itself, with the only devastating effects being Din turning green.

#54:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:25 pm
lol. nice ideas. If the chicken goes in. I think it should be headless and completely mad.

#55:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:34 pm
How can it be mad without a brain?

#56:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:44 pm
Masterweaver wrote:
How can it be mad without a brain?

Well, this is IF.

#57:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:58 pm

I didn't know you had so many ideas! I'll have to tone down the Idearium I'm sneaking into your water, gin, and Old Stoat Reserves.

To clear up any confusion, we have THREE items. Namely-
A demon claw
A troll's tooth
Arsenic and Nightshade mixture to form a deadly poison.

The items you are suggesting are going to be duly noted *Though this is going to be the biggest poll I've done yet, so drag some other people over here to read and vote!*. Some of them, however, will not be added, such as Lecro. If Lecro wants in, two things must first happen. One, he must come here and say so himself, and two, 25 fatbacks must find their way into my coffers *Which are rather empty after having competed with that dragon*. The profile bit I'll drop, though this may mean you'll show up as something you didn't want, such as an female spirit of the glade! If you want some say as to what you show up as, it's up to you to post what you'd like to NOT show up as.

Things that don't get the winning vote will be added to my great 'litany of stuff' and perhaps tossed in later. My Idearium is not self-replenishing, and any and all ideas are welcome so that I may be assured that Helga will still toss something in at the end of a chapter.

Underhanded bids are still being accepted...or they would be if people would let me know if they're bidding! Anything and everything is welcome in a bid, such as whether or not Dinranwen's cult is actually a secret order trying to wrestle control of the world, or if Richard will ever get rid of that unseemly brown stone on his rump. Bid away, my luvlies. Eheeheehee...

#58:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:50 am
Where do we post bids?

#59:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:10 pm
Here, I've opened a small stall in the Market Bizzare.

#60:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:12 pm
How about a sonic video game to bring in the character Chais?

#61:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:28 am
Trust me on this: I'm not dead. My brain was just kidnapped and forced to pay ransom for itself.
But I've finally pulled myself away from the television. Even as you read these words, I am gathering the great Litany of Stuff, formed from every suggestion you ever gave me. And the more recent suggestions will go to Lordy for a poll.
I refuse to let this storygame die! Finish, yes, but not die.

#62:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:22 pm
lol *points over to Shape Lords* If that hasn't died yet, you can definately keep this one alive! Laughing

#63:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:08 pm
Poll is up.

#64:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:54 pm
I voted! while being threatened to have my arm bitten and a finger being pointed at me. *hits Vamps on the head* Haha!

#65:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:24 pm
...You all voted for the video game JUST to make my life difficult, didn't you?
Never fear. I can do this. And it'll be very...interesting. We won't just introduce a character, oh no...
In the words of the once-famous Shady Stoat:
I'll try to write a dignified and honorable fourth chapter. Then I'll scrap it and write what comes naturally.

#66:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:46 pm
So the polls are closed then?

#67:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:06 pm
No, not quite. But seeing as nobody else reads this story, they might as well be.

#68:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:42 pm
Chapter Four – A Wild Spin
Is it hot in here?

Helga’s eyes landed on the sack of oddities then. She reached in a plucked out an object at random and hurled it into the brew. “Let’s see how you handle this, dearies!”

Dinranwen was about to lead the very ragtag group of adventurers to the center of the glade when she felt a sudden, jerking wrench from just behind and below her stomach. It wasn’t physical, she knew that much. It was a jerk in the fabric of reality. All of a sudden, the glade had turned into a crater-like structure with the ground suddenly not obeying the laws of gravity, or sometimes completely absent. A timer appeared hanging in the air, counting backwards from ten minutes, and several other numbers and symbols appeared, with functions she couldn’t guess at. A golden hoop had appeared before her, sparkling in the sunlight.

Helga was surprised to see her cauldron eject a small pad of buttons. She pushed one experimentally.

Surtum suddenly jumped and coiled into a ball. He landed with a deafening THUMP. “Watch it!” Dinranwen yelled.

Helga cackled. This would be fun like she never had before! She pushed more buttons.

Surtum tromped forward, touching the golden hoop. It vanished, and a counter changed from 00 to 01. In the distance, the spring had the word “GOAL” suddenly appear above it. “Surtum, do you think you could carry us and still get to the spring in ten minute’s time?”

“Get on!”

Everybody hopped onto Surtum, who coiled up and began rolling. Luckily, everybody had the sense to hop into the center of the ball he formed out of himself before they were crushed.

Helga kept pushing buttons. A hole suddenly appeared in front of the dragon, so she pushed the button that would send him jumping over it. Then she realized she wanted the dragon to die along with his compatriots, but she also didn’t want this strange game to end just yet!

Surtum was nearing a pit. At least, that’s what Dinranwen could make out from her brief flashes of light that came to her. Suddenly, she felt Surtum push off against the ground, and there was a brief sensation of weightlessness. Then there was a large THUMP and everything about her body returned in full Pain-O-Vision.

“Almost there,” Surtum growled. “We just have one small problem.”

Helga saw a strange mixture of demon, troll, and basilisk in the dragon’s way towards reaching the spring. She pushed another button, and suddenly there was a huge gout of fire. Helga cackled. Oh, she did love this game!

Surtum stopped, and everybody gratefully fell to the ground moaning. Dinranwen picked herself up and readjusted her cloak so that nobody could see anything about her. Then she cast her gaze about, gratefully noting that the normal laws of physics had resumed, along with the normal scenery for the glade. Then she noticed the huge…thing. It had the rough hide of a demon, the ugly face of a troll, and the fangs of a basilisk. It stood approximately thirteen feet high, and was undoubtedly the oddest thing she’d ever seen. Then she brightened. Such a thing would have a myriad of spell components about its very being!

Surtum let loose a jet of fire, which blackened the thing’s face, making it marginally better to look at. The monstrosity let out a bellow and lifted its huge club and brought it down on Surtum, who let out a moan of pain and was thrust backwards. The golden hoop things that Surtum had collected all flew outwards, and Dinranwen collected as many as she could as they might prove useful later. Or, rather, she tried to collect them, but every time she touched one, it vanished in a myriad of sparks. The counter for them increased, though, so that might count for something. Cheri rushed to Surtum’s side. “Are you hurt?”

“Nay, though that does sting a little bit. I’ll have this thing destroyed soon enough.”

Helga played with her buttons, sending the dragon flying above the monster she had summoned and continuing to fry it. Oh, this would be a fine battle!

Surtum leaped above the huge beast and landed behind it. Fortunately, it seemed to have the brain as well as the face of a troll; it didn’t realize Surtum had moved behind it until the toasting of its bottom began. It whirled around, swinging its club again, but Surtum had crouched low enough that the club whistled over his head. He let loose another jet of fire, and the beast roared and fell to the ground. Surtum drew nearer to it and checked for any signs that would indicate it was alive.

“Dead,” he finally pronounced a few minutes later. “Let’s get on to that grove, then. I want my magic back as soon as possible.”

Everybody moved hastily onwards except Dinranwen, who paused only to mutter a spell. The body of the strange beast suddenly vanished. Dinranwen wanted to examine it later.

Helga collapsed. Oh, that had been a fine game! She was tired, though. So she rummaged in the sack her sister Nastine had left her, and pulled out what was called an oven. She expanded it a little so that the cauldron could fit in it, put the cauldron in, and pushed a little button called ‘bake.’ Then she went to bed.

“Does anyone else feel overly warm?” Fredrick asked for the third time. This time, though, he got affirmatives. Cheri felt as though she was not only warm, but drying out bit by bit. Richard and Thurgo confirmed that though they were using various small cantrips to keep themselves cool, they were wearing off, bringing back sweltering heat. Dinranwen mumbled something about being ‘against the order to reveal my face, although I’m melting.’ Surtum wasn’t bothered by the heat, though he confirmed that he had detected an increase in it. Then Cheri pointed.


Everybody turned and looked where she was pointing. She was pointing at a leaf, which, by itself, may not sound too exciting. However, this leaf in question was doing something which no other leaf had done in the glade.

It was turning yellow.

Once the implication of that set in, everyone looked ahead to see the great geyser of the Glade of the Gods and see that it was still flowing. Then it faltered. It wavered. And finally, with a reluctant crashing noise, it stopped.

Everyone made a mad dash to the center of the glade, with Surtum leading the way to bowl over small trees and scare large woodland animals away. Finally, they reached a clearing, where there seemed to have once been a large fountain. Indeed, this fountain once poured into a large bowl-shaped stone. Around the huge bowl lay several glowing female figures, all moaning.

CrunchyFrog poked his golden head up from Dinranwen’s robe pocket. “The spirits of the glade, they’re dying.”

One of the spirits looked up. “When the water stopped, our lives stopped with it. The only hope for us now lies in the rekindling of this fountain. You must find a way to break this unnatural heat, for our glade will die if it continues. You must also unblock the geyser, for something far down below has blocked the fountain from flowing.”

The group of adventurers shared a glance. The fate of the world might rest on their shoulders…what should they do?

They don't know, but YOU do! We have a glade with dehydrated dryads, and a fountain with flow congestion. Which problem should we solve first, if any at all? Should we unblock the fountain? Should we break the heat? Or should we make demands of the weakened dryads? Other suggestions ARE welcome. Now, don't forget, if you want in this story, just nip over to the Market Bizzare, find my squalid little stall, pay me 25 fables, and tell me how you'd like to show up. If you'd like to just bid on certain things, let me know there as well.
And while Helga may be recuperating from her game-playing, it doesn't mean I'm still not gathering items for my Litany of Stuff! Any and all suggestions will be duly noted in my handy-dandy notebook.

#69:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:35 am
I'd say unblocking the fountain would be the best way to go. Maybe if you can restore life to the dryads they can break the curse.

#70:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:09 am
Or we could probe the mounting evils of cell phones. (Quote unquote)

Maybe they could do a raindance?

#71:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:12 am
As for an ingrediant suggestion...what about the tears of a crocodile, to be added once our hero's get the water flowing. They'll have some horrible effect I'm sure.

#72:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:29 am
Or hen's teeth.

For, you know...

Bad catchphrase, but it's technically mine.

#73:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:45 pm
Start the water back flowing for sure....but that may mean you have to break the heat first, and for that we need to get out of the oven....

Which means we have to wake Helga up, how about our heros start doing something which causes the smell of burning (but not really burning, just the horrible smell associated with burning bread) to wake Helga up and force her to take out the Cauldron.

Oh...P.s. I just loving the Dinranwen character in this story, (I wonder why) she reminds me of my more curious scientific side that I don't let out of the box that often.

#74:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:10 pm
How would they contact Helga? They don't know about her!

Perhaps that sonic game hasn't fully dissolved. You could still throw in shadow the hedgehog.

#75:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:12 am
What about deathsbane, a plant so vile and dark that it cause untold suffering for our heros and yet will also be the cause of the Hag's own undoing.

Could they short it out with the water some how? As in the water, cool spring water, overflow's the cauldron and floods the Hag's house?

#76:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:13 am
I do like these ideas...*Makes careful notes*
Three or four more days (Depending on how lazy I am!) and the top three or four suggestions will go to Lordy for a poll!

#77:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:00 pm
Spit! Prayer! Blood! Swimtrunks!

Four choices. Up and ready.

#78:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:44 am
Make a clockwork device out of the leaves and branches, that fans that area of the glade for a temporary solution, whilst the heavier work of unblocking the bowels of the fountain are in progress.

Alternatively, or perhaps at the same time, do a bit of that stuff you do searching for the good ole H20 with sticks... water divining?

Maybe another water source can be found.

Very Happy

So, er... Fan the glade. Very Happy

#79:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:58 pm
Poll is up.

#80:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:34 pm
*reads, sees poll, votes* wow! I haven't been gone that long have I? I missed a bit... lol. I'm all caught up now. And I'm blaming the...erm....German, the weather and homework (no idea why I blame German but I do anyway).

I'm out of ideas of what to throw in...

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