Chapter 16: The Unquiet Night
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City of IF -> Galleons of the Stars

#1: Chapter 16: The Unquiet Night Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:42 pm
Alright I'm getting everyone back on track. This is the buildup chapter, the chapter in which more history is outlined, more hints dropped, and a few secrets are revealed. Enjoy!

Chapter Sixteen: The Unquiet Night

Everything seemed to move in slow motion for Ambrois and Jade who could only watch in horror as the access panel slid open to reveal not just Angelo, but Donovan and Saul as well. Saul, who was in front of both the others, was actually looking over his shoulder at the moment the door opened. "Van first you tell me to apologize, then you say we should come back another time. I don't get you..." It was at that moment that Donovan, blushing under his slight furring, coughed.

"Lad, just walk away me." Angelo said with a soft chuckle. That, more than anything, caused Saul to look into the room and freeze.

Then he reeled backwards. "MY EYES! Oh shit I could have lived a long and happy lief without seeing that much."

"Well it wasn't like we invited any of you!" Ambrois said through gritted teeth, using the distraction caused by Saul's reaction to pull on his pants and toss Jade his shirt. Hers was stained beyond use and her skirt was out of reach...luckily the long shirt Ambrois had been wearing covered everything adequately. The long wing-slits in the back provided the occasional glimpse of skin but no more.

Angelo chuckled, shoving a gagging Saul into Donovan, who looked at Ambrois and Jade with this half apologetic look then looked away quickly. He couldn't even make eye contact with them, not with the heavy scents still hanging in the air, slicking their skins. "Saul...I've just recalled that we have pressing business ah elsewhere." He said, dragging the younger boy away.

Angelo didn't move a muscle, leaning casually against the door frame. "The way I see it, you two made two very critical errors in this first session. One, I'm not noticing that either of you gave the slightest thought to protection. Two, who forgets to lock the door?" He snorted, shaking his head. "Botched job son. Best make the next go round count for better."

A titch began to jump in the corner of Ambrois's left eye. "When I want your advice, I'll ask for it."

If the look on Ambrois's face was frosty, Angelo's became downright glacial. "Which, at the rate you're going, would be sometime after you've got the lass heavy with child. Trust me lad, that's not something you're ready to handle."

"Excuse me, I'm right here and I think I have a say in this." Jade stepped between the father and son. "Now if you two are done flexing your wings there are still a few things left unfinished. Angelo, care to get out of the way?" She frowned slightly when the older pirate didn't budge, shivering when his gaze swept hers.

"Lass I'm afraid the romantic evening is canceled for the moment. Go take a cold shower and hop in your bunk, the lad and I have business."

Ambrois's wings shook, making a snapping sound to express his extreme irritation. "So you're saying I should just give up an evening that's been years in the making just to have a talk with you? I'm sorry but to be crude, Jade is...something I've wanted for a long time. What do you have to offer?"

Jade was knocked out of the way as Angelo's arm shot forward to grab his son's ear. Twisting it hard he wrenched the young Arcex's face close to his own, throwing his son off balance. "The reason you exist boy." Angelo let go swiftly and Ambrois barely recovered, stopping himself just in time from hitting the floor. "When you've decided to be mature for another cause besides mating you know where to find me."

Saul sat on his bunk staring at the wall, the images burned into his mind stubbornly refusing to go away. Each time it flashed into his head it brought a fresh wave of nausea. "Oh god, next time Van I'm so going to listen to you."

"Yeah live and learn." Donovan sighed, scratching behind an ear as he stared at the clearly traumatized form of the younger lad. Who knew that Saul, the most adventurous and gung-ho of them all would be the most disturbed by the sudden turn of events. Still, Donovan was happy for Ambrois. He could already tell that ruffled feathers would soon smooth and he'd be back to normal. Or well, close to normal.

Still, Saul clearly needed something to take his mind off the recent events and Donovan could only think of one sure-fire thing that would fire Saul's imagination and spirit. Something the younger boy hadn't done in years. "Hey Saul," he said with a devilish grin, grabbing a torch from the table beside his bed. "Want to go exploring?"

He WHAT??!

Angelo chuckled. These things have a way of working themselves out like that Cele. Surely you remember your final fledged, I know I do.

When I said to stop him I didn't mean for you to encourage him to do that...

I'm not sure I did. I know I told him about it but I doubt he was paying much attention when I did, in fact I'm pretty sure he was ignoring me. But still...would you have rather he tried to kill someone? just...He's growing up so fast.

Angelo sighed and rubbed his temples. Cele, love, you're dead. Everything's happening too fast for you, you've got nothing but time anymore. The rest of us, however, still have our span of years to live before we can join you in Eternity. And the keyword in that would be live, love. Suddenly, Angelo pulled forth the amulet from where it hung around his neck. Pulling it off he dangled it from his grip, watching as it blazed forth with a brilliant light. It seemed to hang from a chain of light and, for a time, there was silence in the cabin before Cele stated the obvious.

The amulet's flaring again. You're not going to be able to ignore that much longer. You should have told him from the beginning. She was silent a few moments before softly saying, Would you rather I...

No! Dammit! He brought his right hand down on the desk and a ringing sound filled the captains cabin, the sound of steel on steel. Slowly Angelo pushed up the right sleeve of his jacket and unwound the wrap that covered his right forearm from elbow to fingertips.

Angelo... The questioning note in Cele's voice held more than curiosity as she gazed upon skin that looked as though it were covered in liquid steel. She was worried, well and truly.

It's happening Cele and I can't stop it any more. I made a pact and I'm not holding up my end of the bargain. So I pay the price.

Pact? What pact? Angelo Steel, what else aren't you telling me? When I married you, your hair was still black and your wings were still ebony. they are as hardened steel, sharp and unyielding. What is happening to you?

Winding the bandage back around the silvered limb, Angelo shook his head. It's like a disease love, it'll only keep progressing until I am wholly in it's grasp.

Is THIS what you struck a bargain for?

No. This is what I struck a bargain to prevent. The amulet glowed again and, as it's insistent light struck the as yet uncovered fingers of Angelo's right hand, the returned to normal. But when the light faded again, so did the effect and the steel limb returned. Angelo felt Cele's unasked questions pressing his mind but did not speak until the wrap was back in place. Ambrois is safe from it...for now. She doesn't know he exists.

Who Angelo? Who doesn't know he exists? But he didn't answer her, merely collected the amulet from where it lay, looped it back around his neck, and left the cabin. Cele was left to wonder after him and for the first time since the moment she'd met him, she felt something different about Angelo. Something that was not wholly right.

Ambrois had seen Jade back to her room, neither of them daring to go where they so desperately wanted to. The earlier events and the shadow of exhaustion were upon them now, making them feel that tomorrow would hold greater promise. They did exchange one last kiss before parting, she to her chambers, he to his thoughts. Walking along down the corridor his thoughts flowed more clearly than they had in months. And the path his now cooling head told him to take was the one that led to Angelo's side, to the answers. Or as many of them as the slim man would impart.

The sounds of a distant flute pricked his ears and his feet turned toward it, knowing that when he found the source of the melody he would find his father. His father. Those words inspired in him a mix of emotions too complicated to sort out. Anger, yes there was anger but not hatred. He could not bring himself to hate this man, despite the wicked things he'd done, the cruel treatment and abuse he'd doled out to them over the past four years. Pride, he was proud of his father in a strange way. Not proud to be his son, but proud to have a father that, when called upon, would stand and be counted.

Respect, grudgingly given to a man he disliked so. But one couldn't help but see the method behind Angelo's madness at times, his reasons for this or that action. And of course you had to respect a man who accounted to nobody but himself and his Maker, a man who walked through life without fear. Fear. That was the big one, the one Donovan always called him out on. Everyone on this island was scared beyond belief of the slim man. Especially after Jasper's death. Jasper had really been the only one who ever brought him to task, albeit for the wrong reasons, but he had challenged and defied. And he was dead.

He stopped suddenly as the passage gave way to a massive terrace that opened into a majestic vista of the sea. Like glass it stretched away into the night, slivers of moonlight dancing like stars on it's gently undulating surface. And Angelo sat alone on an outcrop of rock, a launching point for some flighted Arcex of the past. That black flute was in his hands and his fingers skillfully pulled a tune from it. Yet, as if sensing Ambrois's presence, the music died and the flute vanished into one of Angelo's many pocket.

"Care to sit with me lad? Or are you going to be stubborn and stand until you drop?" He said quietly, a flick of one massive wing indicating the launching rock next to him. Ambrois quietly took up a seat on the rock, feeling the strange warmth of the stone. "Ambrois, I've done much wrong by you."

Ambrois was stunned by the slim man's admittance, shocked into silence as his father carried on. "The others...they're just another crew. Another set of bodies to haul the ropes and strike the sails. But're blood. And that's always counted for so much in our family." Silver eyes locked with crystal blue ones, father and son each trying to fathom the other's soul through those windows.

"Our family. You say it so easily but I know nothing about them, about who I am and where I fit in."

"You are the latest in a long line of deceivers, traitors, rebels, murderous scum, and of course no good disreputable pirates." The last was said with a chuckle before Angelo continued in his somber tone. "But for all our failing points, we are a family of honor and pride. We are the keepers of terrible and wondrous secrets and we must choose carefully whom we share those secrets with. Do you understand me lad?"

Ambrois nodded slowly. "The doors."

"Aye. The doors are one such secret. That Library is another. You've barely scratched the surface of the knowledge contained in there and it's true worth you've not yet seen. You've noticed that high ledge in there, beyond the reach of the ground bound?"

Ambrois nodded. That ledge had always been a source of curiosity for himself and the others. "Does it too hold some powerful secret?"

"Remember all those history lessons? Remember the Wars of Genocide? Well, at the end of those wars, the pact was made to forgo the technology that had nearly destroyed us all, Arcex, Human, Pluni, and Canin alike. The great ships were destroyed, the weapons turned upon themselves, and all the remains, the plans and documents, the research, entrusted to one man. An Arcex of great learning and wisdom, a man of power on the Star Council. He was told to hide them, away from prying eyes, he and he alone to know the secret of where the lay for eternity."

Ambrois leaned forward, intent on every word his father spoke. The Wars of Genocide had rewrote history, were the basis of today's cultural foundations. They were the reason for the antiquated speech and methods of travel. Everything had been romanticized after the dust settled, an attempt to forgo the carnage and move on to happier times.

"Well when he had finished with his task, he was betrayed. In order to stop him from ever leaking the secret of the terrible knowledge, they decreed for him to die." Angelo gave a crooked grin. "So he fled, taking his wife and infant son with him. He fled to a remote Arcex colony, so far removed from Aviarr that few on that world even remembered such a place existed. He became a farmer, raised a son, died in obscurity. But he told his son all he knew before he died, gave his son the few remaining records he kept. And do you know who that young Arcex was?"

Ambrois blinked a bit, wide eyed. "You?" The answer was his first instinct even though he knew it couldn't possibly be. The Wars of Genocide had taken place nearly five thousand years ago. Even a pure blooded Arcex only had a maximum lifespan of two-two and a half thousand. Indeed, Angelo's laughter greeted his soft-spoken reply.

"Nay lad. How old do you think I am? No. That lad was Angel Blade himself. He took what his father had given him and, when the time was right and nothing was left to tie him to his home, he took to the stars. He went to that hiding place and he learned all he could. And when he was done he emerged with a ship and a purpose...that he would never allow those weapons to fall into the wrong hands again."

"But he was a pirate. One of the worst and bloodiest of history!"

Angelo chuckled. "And sometimes the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. That's something nobody will tell you these days. You've got to make your way as best as you can in this world and..." Angelo broke off suddenly as light erupted from the amulet around his neck. He stood abruptly. "Remember how I always told you that I wouldn't open the doors until the right time. This is that time."

"We've got to get Jade! Jasper died for this!" Ambrois said, rising quickly to his feet.

Angelo only nodded. "Trust me boy. She'll make her way there, someway, somehow. That which dwells behind those doors will not allow her to be left out."

Jade had taken the advice offered and, after a shower, she'd gone to bed. True she'd crossed her fingers that Ambrois would come and slip under the blankets beside her...but it was not her lover that visited her that night. Nor was it Ambrois who held her dreams. No sooner had she drifted off than she found herself back on the beach below the cliff dwelling.

She tried to look around but could not, the body she was in was not responding to her. She suddenly realized with a start that she could see herself, standing off to the side and she was in obvious distress. Thoughts that were not hers suddenly snapped into focus and she realized who she was. She was Jasper...

He felt it to the core of his being as his lifelong connection to Jade was severed, felt what it was alike to be alone in his head. Felt what it was like without her there, calming him and soothing him, anchoring him. He felt lost and confused, enraged and adrift. He called out to her as his muscles lost the strength to stand, as his knees buckled and he fell forward onto the sand. He kept calling to her, saw the pain in her eyes and fought as hard as he could to reach her, to comfort her.

But he felt the coldness creeping through his bones, that etheric chill from beyond. At once, he knew. He could keep fighting and he would survive, he had that strength and power, the will and drive his sister lacked. He was the dominant, he drew from her, used her to supplement himself. He was not dependant upon her as she was him, he could be wholly himself. But if he fought, if he kept struggling, if he lived...she would die. He knew that, felt it through every fiber of his being. He smiled softly as he let go, his last sight as his eyes clouded that of his sister being scooped up in Ambrois's arms.

He wished them the best of luck...he'd been a fool for being so angry with his friend. Ambrois was the best possible person for his sister, Jasper could trust him to lover her as much as Jasper himself had. Perhaps even more. He felt her trying to follow him and, with all that remained in himself, he forced her to stay back. She needed to live. She needed to remain so that her purpose in life, their purpose in life, was accomplished. She needed to live so that Saul had a sister to tease, Donovan had someone to talk to, and Ambrois had someone to love. She needed to live.

Jade woke with tears in her eyes, sobs trapped in her throat, and a burning need to see that which he had died for. Throwing on some clothes, grabbing a torch and a rope, she called upon Jasper's memories of that fated expedition to guide her to the doors that had caused so much suffering, unaware that even as she did so, the others were steadily making their way towards the same goal.

Angelo had to smile as he gazed at all of them assembled an waiting. Saul and Donovan, dirty and begrimed from having taken the scenic route through these ancient tunnels. Jade, red rimmed eyes fired with determination, standing next to Ambrois who gazed at him with cool worry. "Well I suppose you all know it's time." Taking the ropes from them he tossed threw them down the shaft much to the protest of the others. "I'll see you at the bottom mates."

With that he jumped, his silver wings gleaming as they all turned their torches toward him shutting the torches off a moment later as the crystal veins in that chamber flared to brilliant life. Light poured upward along with a draft of humid air...and suddenly a disk of light awaited them at the mouth of the shaft. It wasn't large enough to cover it, merely large enough for them all to stand on comfortably. Ambrois tried it and, pronouncing it firm, the others followed suit. The disk slowly lowered them to the floor, allowing them to gaze around them at the room in all it's splendour.

What chilled Ambrois though was the sight of Angelo, kneeling in the marks they had discovered the first time. His foot matched the boot print, his knee fit perfectly into the depression, and his steel feathers slid into the slots on the floor like a sword in a sheath. As they moved off the dissolving disk toward him, he lifted the amulet from around his neck and set it into a depression in the doors. "In the name of my father, I command you to open."

There was a noise louder than thunder and cannon fire, a noise that unleashed what seemed like a thousand voices, the same noise that had led Ambrois to Radiant's memory crystal. But the more one listened, the more one realized it was not many voices speaking, but one voice speaking many times in different tones of voice. The doors, slowing swinging open, revealed an utter blackness beyond. A chill wind that smelled of the sea blew into the chamber as Angelo stood, picking up the amulet from the floor. The many layered voice suddenly coalesced into one whisper that threaded through their ears. "Welcome back my son."

What lies in the darkness before them?

I know what will happen now that the doors are opened, but I've actually no clue what's behind those doors. So please, give me a hint or several of them. Hope you enjoyed.

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:13 am; edited 4 times in total

#2:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:48 pm
Well I hope that that one repairs your faith in me....dang but it's a long one! My poor fingers and your poor eyes...hehehe

#3:  Author: The Meaning Of FearLocation: In a deep, dark corner of the universe, plotting. PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:28 pm
YOU LIIIIIEDDDDD! You said Jade was the dominant one! Mad

a long and happy lief with


I wouldn't say that's a long one. You remember UnderDark? Cuz my eyes sure do... Or what's left of them anyway.

It's gotta be Angel Blade or Angel Blade's son/daughter. IT MUSSTT BEEEE!

By the way, this is a good chapter. Just make sure you don't slip up like in the last one!

I still think this should be a sciffy though. Honestly, how does this fit into humour... You don't emphasize the jokes enough... Angelo should've given them SUGGESTIONS. The "Lock the door bla bla bla, Protection bla bla bla" lines were WEAK. I expected to laugh my guts out in this chapter...

#4:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:32 pm
Hey. If suggestions had won the poll you'd have gotten more than the lock the door.

And this is supposed to be a black comedy. I mean please...line dancing cannibalistic pygmys and bartender trees? Where do you get that but a comedy.

Although, that said, there hasn't been much to laugh about lately. I'm working on that!

#5:  Author: The Meaning Of FearLocation: In a deep, dark corner of the universe, plotting. PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:50 pm
I'm just saying...

Recent chapters were what I would have considered a huge decision. To write as much Humour as possible while staying with the plot, or just concentrate on making the story as rich as possible. Either would have gotten you great replies.

But SOMEHOW, you've just managed to stay on the tiny little line between the two. Now we get a bit of humour (Which as times isn't so funny. The bottle out of the tree thing was hilarious though) followed by depressing and also depressingly slow plot movement.

What can I say? I'm picky.

#6:  Author: MephistophelesLocation: Not where I want to be. PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:58 am
I believe that we see, as we pass through the doors, a great tomb, where all the members of Angelo's family lay. But more than this, is the image of Angelo's father, not a spirit, really, but not something created through mechanical means. Perhaps an echo of the man's personage? if that made sense.

Good chapter rai, altho, I must agree, the humor is...not straight up humor, but something more...sublime. Harder to see and appreciate. I do wonder though, why was her shirt stained and not her skirt? i woulda thought it the other way around.

#7:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:12 pm
Skirt was the first thing off, shirt was used as padding under her. This clear things up?

#8:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:35 am
If they can smell a draught that smells of the sea, I'd say it is probably a Pluni, or something to do with their race.

#9:  Author: KirrannaLocation: California PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:21 pm
A vast Cavern with a pool of water that takes up a large part of it- that perhaps when you swim to the bottom actually is an underwater tunnel to another cavern with even more secrets....- Any way and in this main cavern is, like Messy said, either tombs of their family members or maybe like high-tech memory chips that each person downloaded their memories onto every hundred years or so...If they were important people, that would be something worth protecting!

And I disagree! I think is an amazing story and people need to stop being nit-picky! Just because the tone of the story has changed since she first began, doesn't mean you need to hound her! Geeze!

#10:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:49 pm
You told me to keep this to myself Rai so therefore I am *bites tongue until surge of babbling things has stopped* Okay I'm done now...

Hrm.... he found Radiant's memory crystal there, why not another memory crystal.. of Angelo's.... mother (who happens to be a hard-ass of a pirate wench)? And there's more than likely one of Angelo's father........

#11:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:35 pm
Okay, there's now a poll up. How bout some votes?

#12:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:23 pm
Calling all tie-breakers! The poll closes in a couple hours and I don't want to make the call. So somebody better vote!

#13:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:07 pm
Well phooey. The one time I set a poll timer and it closes out before the saving vote. You know what this means right...I get to do one of two things.

1. I can blend the options, almost impossible considering ALL FIVE are TIED!

2. I can pick one.

*sighs* I'll do what I can, let's see if I can make an omlette out of these scrambled eggs.

City of IF -> Galleons of the Stars

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