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Sheba of the west

Chapter 1: Panthera


The ~ sign is the sign for water
The @ sign is a sign for fire
The * night sight

Chapter 1

The panther is a symbol from the Indian folk lore, their the guiding spirit of your life, your guardian. Many times Sheba could tell her guardian angel was with her. In this Paradise City she could feel it's presence.

You are her. This vast land with its greenery made sure there were enough food stocked up. Your living in the West of a land called Amahai. Amahai was a place for druids otherwize known as dryhads of the land.

You are a human between all these strange beings, captured in a cage and being fed for battle in Amahai.

You have in stock: 1 PIECE OF SHARPENED BONE, 1 KNIFE, 2 LOAFS OF BREAD and a canteen of 1L WATER, the water feels luke warm by touch and you can smell its not fresh from the water fountain across from your cage.

Your fed well enough, but you haven't eaten in one day, your saving up your food to escape. You've lost your memory of your magic.

A gaurd walks up to you throws keys attached to a string. He has a twinkle in his eyes, and you feel infuriated by his measly trick. You were no pet, and you weren't going to sit and watch him taunt you.

What to do: Grab the keys, ignore, use the knife

Grab the keys

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