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Guppy Fry: First Day of Calendar

Play There

You stay there playing for a little more time. It so much fun! Why go outside these plants? You are enjoying the company of the plant and your siblings. You swim around and laugh while playing.

Suddenly some of your siblings stop swimming and start looking up. It confuse you, so you stop swimming and stare at them. Something comes down and almost hit you. You move fast and look up. What are those big brown balls? Some stay floating and others sink.

The current push you and you see your siblings swimming fast, like running away. You got scare and look around. Adult guppy are catching the big brown balls in their mouth. They are trying to eat them. While you stare at that one of them, pass to near you making you swim away.

You look at it. He was not passing near you; he was trying to eat you!

Great! Now where to go?

Go Down
Go Around

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