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How to Create your Story - Tutorial

Creating your First Chapter

On the City of IF Multiverse main page, click on the link Create your own

Enter your Story title and Chapter title in the fields provided.

Write your chapter text in the text box. Try to end your chapter with a decision point, from which at least two viable choices can be made for the reader to take.

The five drop-down boxes at the bottom of the page are empty right now. Their contents will build up over time as you add chapters and choices to your story, and will come into play later.

When you have finished adding your chapter, click on Save.

The next screen shows your first chapter in all its glory. There are also some links at the bottom of the page. These form part of the author's control panel.

Now your first chapter is done, you can create the first of choices leading from it, by adding a new chapter.

Adding a choice to your Chapter

To create a new choice, click on the link 'Add a New Chapter from Here'.

It will take you to a new blank screen containing a 'Choice' field, and text box.

Add the title of your new choice. Make sure the Choice name is unique and memorable as the number of choices will build up in the drop-down boxes as your story develops.

Then, in the text box, add your Chapter text. When you are done, click on Save.

Your new chapter will be displayed on the next screen.

Your starting chapter is now listed in the Author's control panel as a Parent Chapter. Click on the Parent Chapter if you wish to go back and start working on the second choice.

The 'Back to the Beginning' link will take you to the starting chapter of your story.

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