The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#1: The Sword of Ergos Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:16 pm
Although I am aware that not many people like roleplaying, or very few do, this post is for those of us who do.

My propsal is this, a live rpg. The RPG in the game section are all well in good, but from what I noticed it usually takes days if not weeks for a response. Personally, I like live RPG where characters are reacting in real life time making decisions at the blink of an eye, everybody on edge wondering what the next minute, the next post will bring.

Now that's roleplaying. After all, is not roleplay at it's finest an escape for the tedious rutine of life? What better way to escape than to Roleplay in Real Time?

Not only will this proposal effect the rpg that I would just love to host, but other groups and people could do it also. In fact this could open up a whole other dimesion in if. Instead of writing chapters that take us a week to do, we could become the characters and Live The Story.

In my mind, this is a great oppurunity for if.

Please let me know what your think by posting here. If anybody is interested in joining me in this kinda of Rpg, please also post here.

If there is enough interest, I can and will post plot ideas for my live Rpg (please note it will be fantasy rated G, Pg-13 at the highest). Then for those who wish to join me itt's simply a matter of a Date and a Time.

Last edited by dinranwen on Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:29 am; edited 3 times in total

#2:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:33 pm
Have you seen Storychat Dr?

#3:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:02 pm
Not really, why?

#4:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:46 am
That's a bit like your idea, but instead it's where the story goes on in real time and it's an sg only in chat, so it goes much faster. Incidentally I have no idea when the next one is, although I would be interested in your idea dins.

#5:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:43 am
i havn't seen the story chat thing either, but your idea sounds good Din. Wink
Thing is, it might be difficult to organise a time where everyone who wants to play can come on. And some people would be away on holiday...would the others carry on without them or wait until they got back ?


#6:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:58 am
I like the idea but someone would have to work out its flaws. Like, if the story doesnt end should there be another date set?

There also the fact that if there is some other thing set on that date then something would have to be done. (Like if story chat and this were both at thae same time on th same day.)

Solus pointed those out but I have a few things too. Well, there more like ideas...

What if someone wrote down what was going on. So that the people who are participating dont get lost and confused. Someone who will go through chat history and write a little down.

On other sites I've been to they've had the same thing. But there was always a limit set on who was allowed to go in. Which (if this were to succeed) should be done. Im just putting in some input and suggestions. They dont HAVE to to be taken into consideration. Thought a fresh opinion was maybe in order.

#7:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:16 am
You can see the archive of storychats here.

If you read through some of them, you can see thy very often finish within about 2 hours.

In a couple of cases where they have gone on longer, or fpr technical reasons, they are broken into 2 parts over two weekends.

They are usually on Sunday's at 6pm BST.

The chatroom has a seperate side column for showing the story so far, and even allows the players to vote in a poll. So it keeps it all nice and tidy.

It can only have one author at a time though, so an RP would be tricky. There'd have to be one main author and then the rest of the players would type what they want to say in chat and the author copy it in to the story.

Happy Playing Very Happy

#8:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:03 pm
To tell the truth I hadn't thought much on the details, I'm not very technical person so I tend to think in the abstract rather than logially.

I was simply prosposing the idea since it was something I knew I would enjoy myself. I like live RP's and the only decent site that hosted one's was neopets, something I quit due to lack of interest (I was there for the RP board really).

As for the date, that can be settled between those of you who wish to join me in the RP I'm considering on hosting. My idea is just a setting, a time, and an introduction really; it's not exactly a story. As for continuation's that could also be a group thing. Although, I really wasn't planning for a long one.

Majority rules, if you can't join on that date, you wouldn't be able to be a character but could perhaps have some input in DP's, etc.

Since there is only allowed to be one author at a time, I would consider being the main author, unless someone with more experinence with storychat wanted to do it. As the main author, I could be the narrator, post decision points, and add twist along with being a character.

However since I would have to paste the character repsonse from the chat into the story, I would have to limit the characters/people playing to about five. With one character per person, obviously.

As for the plot idea I have running in my head, here it is:

A figure of a lone woman stands on a top of a great hill. The landscape spreading like a canvas before her. She stands with her arms crossed hugging herself thightly across the chest as she vainly tried to capture the cloak that twirled out behind as from a great wind. She wears a loose white bloose drawn tight at the hollow of her throat with a interlacing leather throng, and a billowing green skirt held up only by the colorful red sash decorated with golden yellow flowers. A pair of soft dearskin boots, a staff, a gray cloak, and a bag thrown across her sholders completes her offit. A silver flute peeks out from her red sash glittering in the sun revealing her source of strength and trade.

Her name is Rain 'de-la'Nari of the Terikaren Gyspy Tribe. Her hair is the darkest shade of black, and her eyes glittered a strange purple that was at once sharp yet soft.

In the valley below, silence ruled. Not even the wind which so teased the hill tops and the trees that dotted them, destribuded (sp?) the quite within that lighted vale. Grass grew in that field, and a small glade of trees that boasted a bubbling spring stood to the left side of the viewer in the vale.

'It is so quite now,' thought Rain, as she was often called, 'who would have guessed that a battle took place here. And that I of all people fought in it, too.'

Indeed a battle had taken place in the vale, a long and desperate battle that had begun on the dusk of Illearin 13 and lasted until the pitchdark of Illearin the 15. Many destinies had been forged in the battle. Many nations, leaders, and people had fallen, and many had arose to take there. Not the least of which, was Rain's and perhaps yours.

'No sign of the strife that had taken place, what was it, five years ago, six?' Rain thought frowning. "No sign but one.'

That sign was a blade stuck towards the middle of the field. It had been driven there by the one who had decided the fate of the battle. By the one who had turned the tide from Evil winning to the victory of the Virtuous nations. By the one, that for the good of all, had lost his life. The last King of the Dragon-people, a kindred of human who possesed the scales, wings, eyes, and wisdom of tongues from the dragon kind.

Rain remember well the last words of the Ergos spoke to her and the commander of the armies through twin crstal balls before they shattered, 'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right.'

It had been a prophecy speaking of six people. It had been a riddle too, a riddle that until today had been unsolved though many sages studied it.

All Rain knew that she was one of the six and that each of the six had been given a gift, a piece of magic from Ergos, that would solve that riddle.

Are you one of them?


Oh yesss...I almost forgot: Rules.

1.) Please no god-like characters or allmods (characters that can do anything).

2.) Humaniod characters, or humaniod like characters please. Please consider that I will being trying to make this as close to a realistic fantasy as possible.

3.) No grabbing the sword without my go ahead. That is a major DP which I will incorprate into the story much later.

4.) First five people to post here indicating that they wish to join will get in. No more, I'm sorry. Once you post here, P.M me with your character in a P.M entitled LiveRPGC. Please post first, then P.M.

Once I get five characters, we will decide on a date and a time.

5.) Please try to tailor your character to the story as close as possible. Preferably fitting one of the aspects of the Prophecy.

This includes: (Edited) A riddle solver, Light, Strength, Wisdom, and Magic. (I reserve music for myself).

Please post which part you would like here, so everyone will know what is still available. Be nice and don't fight over parts to much.

The Right which the prophecy spoke will be one of the six, and will be decided in the Live RPG.

**I hope I have solved all the problems and difficulties envolved with this idea, and posted a pretty good plotline. If you have any more questions, suggestions, or comments, please Post.


P.S. If this Live RPG thing doesn't work out, I'm still will be considering posting this in the game sections as a actual RPG. But that will depend on the interest level created here.

Oh, yesssss.....If you want to be the Bad Guy, well actually Bad Girl, please let me know. However, please consider that this character will come into the story much later, if at all. But still some people enjoy being evil, something that I can't do very well, so I thought I put it out there.

P.S. S. Sorry for some many P.S., it seems that I have contracted CRS.

P.S.S. S.: CRS, Can't remember Stuff.

P.S.S. S. S.: This won't be able to take place this weekend, since I will be gone until very, very late Saturday.

Toddles and Smores,


Last edited by dinranwen on Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

#9:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:24 pm
ok! i'm still interested. Since i'm one of the first five...can i be light?
i'll PM you my char when i've thought up about her properly.
nice plot line btw. Wink
is the time going to be set each week, or just set once, and kept for all the weeks?


#10:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:27 am
Well, if there's an Evil girl going free, you know I'm going to have to claim her. She does sounds like she's actually part of your plan, so tell me more about her, before I go and can it by mistake.

#11:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:21 pm
Alright Im in, one question. Are all the heros of the story female?

Ill PM my character within a day or two. I choose strength if its alright. Wink

#12:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:11 am
At the minute they are all girls...but I don't think they have to be. Its just that the evil person was set as a girl in the story and din and me are girls Wink.

#13: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:29 am
Very Happy , I luv the idea!!!!plz let me hav a goblin (Magic i choose) mage, i just have a fascination of a goblin hero

#14:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:36 am
I'm not the one to decide, you should PM din with your char.

#15:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:24 pm
O.K then thanks. Still going to join though.

*walks off and begins to ponder possible character ideas.*

#16:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:40 pm
In response to your questions,

Characters do not have to be all girls. I just chose my character as girl, and the evil as a girl. There are some many Dark Lords out there, and besides to me the blackness of night is undeniably female, and that is basically what the bad girl is The Darkness of All Nights.

I was planning to host this only once, so continuantions will be scheduled as they happen.

Anybody can claim any characteristic they want. But first come, first serve, etc, etc. I posted those characteristics only as guidlines to make the fullfilling of the prophecy a little easier. There not actually neccessary, they just make things easier.

Please P.M. me your character, or the introduction for your character, so I can incorprate this into the beggining of the story. This will make things easier to start off.

If you don't P.M your character/introduction, come prepared on the date with an introduction that I can paste into the SC.

The story will be schedule either as soon as their are five characters, or when we agree to a time. Whichever comes first.

How does tommorow or Tuesday at 7:30 p.m City of If Standard time, sound to everyone? If that isn't okay, or to soon, suggestions are welcome for a time are welcome. However, as your host I won't be able to get on until 7:30 p.m on any given night?

#17:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:08 pm
What is City of IF standard time? And what is it in GMT?

#18:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:17 pm
I believe that City of If standard time is WSB, or Western Sea Board. But don't quote me. Put it this way, 7:30 p.m City of If time, is 11:30 p.m EST, or Eastern Standard Time.

#19:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:00 am
I'm not entirely sure - but working out the time by comparing the time it is here now with the time it is now on IF...
...In England the time on IF at 7:30pm is roughly 4:30am here.
If I'm right I won't be able to get on. Confused


#20:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:14 am
Anytime today, tommorow, Thursday, or Saturday this week are good for me too. They are my days 'off'.

However, if time differences continue to be a problem, as I think they might, I will make this an actual RPG. Time differences are a big hurdle and while I would like to have a live RPG, a RPG in the game section with this plot is bound to be interesting anyway. So if we cannot decide on a date and time that is good for everyone, I will go ahead and move this RPG to the game section.

Unless you want me to go ahead and move there right away, so we can skip the difficulties and go straight to the fun. But that's up to y'all, post what you think here.

*Sighs* Well a live RPG seemed a good idea at the time....

#21:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:19 am
It's in the Game section anyway - I moved it some time ago.

From storychatting - as I mentioned - the best time for most people (although of course this didn't work for everyone) is about 7pm BST (British summer time) which is 6pm GMT and either 11am or 12pm City time.

Morning for the merkin's and early evening for the British.

We've had upwards of 10 people turn up for Storychats at that time.

#22:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:10 pm

The Sword of Ergos: Being the Second Part of The War of the Kindreds, as found recorded on 3 scrolls in the achieves of Andoria

Chapter 1: The Eastern Wind

The Wind stirs in the East, sweeping across desert, sea, mountain, and vale. Carring with it all the midriad promises of spring into the Vale of War, a new name given to an old place because of a war that took place five years before. It seemed a short time to the earth, it meant nothing to the skies, and the four winds were carless as the life mortals effected them not a wit. Nevertheless, Newsbearer as it was, Prophet amoung the Winds, the East Wind brought the smell of something other than Spring with it. It brought the smell of change.

All this was carried to the vale where we meet the first figure of our history, but the wind did not stay for it went ever on as winds often do. Nevertheless, with the scent of change and the smell of spring, this wind was what many would call: A Beginning

A figure of a lone woman stands on a top of a great hill. The landscape spreading like a canvas before her. She stands with her arms crossed hugging herself thightly across the chest as she vainly tried to capture the cloak that twirled out behind as from a great wind. She wears a loose white bloose drawn tight at the hollow of her throat with a interlacing leather throng, and a billowing green skirt held up only by the colorful red sash decorated with golden yellow flowers. A pair of soft dearskin boots, a staff, a gray cloak, and a bag thrown across her sholders completes her offit. A silver flute peeks out from her red sash glittering in the sun revealing her source of strength and trade.

Her name is Rain 'de-la'Nari of the Terikaren Gyspy Tribe. Her hair is the darkest shade of black, and her eyes glittered a strange purple that was at once sharp yet soft.

In the valley below, silence ruled. Not even the wind which so teased the hill tops and the trees that dotted them, destribuded (sp?) the quite within that lighted vale. Grass grew in that field, and a small glade of trees that boasted a bubbling spring stood to the left side of the viewer in the vale.

'It is so quite now,' thought Rain, as she was often called, 'who would have guessed that a battle took place here. And that I of all people fought in it, too.'

Indeed a battle had taken place in the vale, a long and desperate battle that had begun on the dusk of Illearin 13 and lasted until the pitchdark of Illearin the 15. Many destinies had been forged in the battle. Many nations, leaders, and people had fallen, and many had arose to take their place. Destinies had been sealed there, not the least of which was Rain's and perhaps yours.

'No sign of the strife that had taken place, what was it, five years ago, six?' Rain thought frowning. "No sign but one.'

That sign was a blade stuck towards the middle of the field. It had been driven there by the one who had decided the fate of the battle. By the one who had turned the tide from Evil winning to the victory of the Virtuous nations. By the one, that for the good of all, had lost his life. Erogos, the last King of the Dragon-people, a kindred of human who possesed the scales, wings, eyes, and wisdom of tongues from the dragon kind.

Rain remember well the last words of the Ergos spoke to her and the commander of the armies through twin crstal balls before they shattered, 'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right.'

It had been a prophecy speaking of six people. It had been a riddle too, a riddle that until today had been unsolved though many sages studied it.

All Rain knew that she was one of the six and that each of the six had been given a gift, a piece of magic from Ergos, that would solve that riddle.

The soft rustle of grass, and the crunching of a rocks betrayed the approach of another. Half afraid, half hopeful, Rain (her using name) turned around to see....

A beginning....A Change...A Person...An Arrival, but of what, but how, and but Who? The answer, my friends is within your hands.

Please post a response in context if you wished to join. Happy Dreaming, my friends. Come and join me if you wish, and ours shall be a pleasant dream.

By the way, I still am mainting the amount of players that I posted earlier. Parts have been reserved by Morzan who chose Strength, Solus.Serpen who chose light, and Lordofthenight who if he so choose will be playing our villan. This leaves 3 spots remaining.

Characteristics left are: A riddle solver who will wield Ergos Sword, Wisdom, and Magic. Choose wisely. And remember parts are given on a first come, first serve basis, so post away if you want to join. No p.m needed now since this is now a 'proper' rpg, simply post an introduction and wait for everyone else. (This Rpg will not be able to get properly started until all five spots and characteristics are filled).

Just wanted to thank everyone for their support even though this little 'idea' of mine fell throw. Hope you will do the honor of Roleplaying with me even if I have departed from the idea of a Live Storychat RPG. I realized upon looking at the SC, that this project simply wasn't for me, perhaps someone else could figure out how to carry this project. But for now, my idea remains simply as it was an idea.

Thank you hearitly and looking forward to an RPG anyway,


Last edited by dinranwen on Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:32 am; edited 6 times in total

#23:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:29 pm
It was early morning when Ariana woke. Picking up the sound of the wind as it whistled past the mouth of the cave she was in, she sighed. She pushed herself up into a sitting position on the moss and flicked a stray blonde hair out of her eyes. Morning again She thought, but it was different today. There was a freshness on the air that was new, and being an elf, Ariana didn't miss it. She frowned, then got up and walked out of the mouth of the cave and on to the ledge that ran along the edge of the cliff. The ledge was thin, a foot and a half at its widest point, but this wasn't generally a problem to her. She had been lucky to find the cave, near on five years ago, but she didn't always look at it like that.
Ariana was a wood elf, and had wanted to go back to the wood after the war, but when she had tried, she had been driven out. She hadn't been in deep enough to find an elvish settlement, and hadn't tried after her first attempt. Now the few times she went in, she went only on the boarders, and did not linger. She knew that there was no hope of going further on her own. For although she was an elf, she knew bare minimum magic wise and couldn't take on too greater force. Suddenly she straightened. Carried on the wind she felt the slight presence of another. Stiffening, her hand reached for the dagger concealed in her green felt, 'fairly distinguishable as elven' cloak. Causiously, she approached the being, making sure she didn't lose her footing on the narrow path.
Rounding the corner in the rock face, she reached the crack in the rocks that would lead to the abandoned tunnels. She hesitated. Going through the tunnels was one way of getting down, but she wasn't sure she wanted to ge there right now. The tunnels, she assumed, had been old abandoned dwarven mines. Abandoned after the war. Everything seemed to revolve around the war, she thought. She had sheltered in the tunnels before finding the cave, and she had got to know them well. It was a dark and generally gloomy place, full of tunnels crisscrossing each other, and she had got lost plenty of times during her time down there. Sometimes days on end would be spent down there, aimlessly wandering, trying to find the way out. Now she prided herself on her knowledge of the tunnels. She had once wondered if she should make a map, but lacking the equiptment, she had kept it in her head instead. Occasionally venturing deep into the heart of the mountain to refreash her memory and dissipitate bordom.
The alternative to the tunnels was to climb down the steep cliff face. Again, no problem to her, but taking the wind into account it seemed almost preferable to travel through the tunnels. She hesitated for only a moment before turning and dissapearing through the crack, into the mountain.
The tunnel here was relatively dry but she knew that If you went too far down, it would start to get damp, then wet. She wasn't sure what caused this, but she knew that the cave system went not just through the mountain, but under it as well. The lower regions of the mountain she had yet to explore fully, but this was not something that she enjoyed. The darkness and relative silence (except for the dripping) of the lower levels frightened her. She was used to bright sunshine and laughter, and these memories would sometimes bring her great sadness, as she longed for company.
She hurried through the tunnels. Where the light was poor (most of the time) she would use her hand as a light. One of the few spells she knew. It had served her well during her times here, times that she hoped would soon be brought to an end.
She appeared back into the sunlight through another barely noticably crack near the bottom of the cliff. Jumping the last five/six metres, she landed lightly on her feet and lifted her head, eyes closed, trying to find the unfamiliar scent on the wind again. After a while it came to her and she headed towards a hill that stood not to far away. Running low so she would not be seen, she approached the hill and jumped up the rocks, getting slower and more careful when she neared the top.
When she reached the summit, she unsheathed her dagger and held it up protectively, only to find herself beholding an unarmed female. The female's black, raven like hair framed her face and she intrigued Airana. she appears harmless enough. thought Ariana warily, lowering her weapon, but not abondoning it entirely. But one can never be too sure.
She waited for the other to speak, but when no response came, out of sheer desperation, and the need for company, she dropped her dagger and raised her hands in a sign of peace. Well aware of the dangers implicated by giving up on her weapon. She had grown to not trust anyone.
"...Greet..ings..." She said hesitantly. Not having spoken to anyone for five years had made her human speak a little rusty, but still elegible. For now she waited...

Shocked oops, sorry its so long - I guess I must have got carried away! Oh well, I hope it gets the character across ok Wink.

#24:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:44 pm
Its good that its long solus, helps get into the character Wink .

You say I didn't! How dare you, I'm your superior officer", screamed Morzan at the cowering recruit.

"I-it's just you dont look young enough to have fought in the war. With all respect sir."

Who does he think he is? Ive seen more combat in more than one battle than he ever will in an entire war! Throwing a sparring blade to the young recruit and a few others. Morzan took two for himself, one each hand. He walked a few paces away and turned,

"Attack me, hit to kill"

At first the recruits looked at him dumbstruck. Awed by the old man and his sudden outburst. Three of the recruits, who had been there for a little longer than the rest, charged. One swung at Morzan's head. The attacke was fast and hard but dodged and the recruit was off balance. Bringing his knee into the attackers stomach, Morzan met his next opponent.

The recruit gave out a mighty shout and raised the sword behind his head. Morzan struck him in the ribs, hard, then spun and took the man's legs out with the other. The second man buckled and fell to the dirt holding his ribs. The last man leaped forward attempting to tackle Morzan. Backing up and bringing both swords up. Morzan slammed both hilts into the back of the man's head.

"That all you got?! You fight like those worms from the Ergo's war."

The last man, the recruit who had said he was too 'old', attacked. His blade was drawn back ready to stab. Morzan moved at the last second and brought the opponents blade to the ground and pinned it there with his foot. He kicked the man in the chin and sent him onto his back. As the recruit came up he crossed the blades across the man's throat.

"Still think I'm too 'old'?"

Those were the days. When Morzan was a force to be reconed with . He still was, but age was about to catch up with him and he knew it. But he didnt dwell on troubles if the future, he was only focused on the now. He was almost at the site. The place where the fate of the world was decided

Fixing his red cloak, adjusting his shirt and dusting off his black trousers he continued on his way. Holding the hilts of his old swords he walked with his head high and a smile on his face. But as he rounded the next bend he stopped and crouched, watching the raven haired elf sawy in the breeze. She was beautiful but Morzan knew not to fall for elves or their magic.

So he watched and waited. Waiting for something to happen, but what? What drew him to this place again? Knowing not to ponder on fate and destiny Morzan shuffled silently forward, drawing a dagger from his boot, maybe he could take the elf by suprise he could find out why its there. People didnt come to this place unless they were drawn to it. He knew that, he knew that better than anyone else.

#25:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:04 pm
((*Cough* Ummm...Rain is certainly not an elf if your refering to her, Morzan, and I'm not sure if Ariana has raven hair. *Cough, Cough*))

There was someone behind her, Rain could sense that, two people in fact. Too many years in danger had taught her senses to be aware of everything, even the breeze. When the sound of a rough voice crying greetings, and the sound of footsteps halting confirmed her insticts, Rain prepared herself for anything.

Rain 'de-la'Nari sifted her foot a little to the side, taking a postition that very few know, and very few indeed wish to see. It was the position of one who was preparing themselves to fight and at the same time it was the easy position of a musician preparing himself to play before a great audience. Thus prepared, Rain turned to face the figures behind her all the while keeping her stance while one pale hand rested gracefully on hip covering her flute as it did so.

Two figures where indeed behind her, an female elf and an old rough man who had been or was a solider by his looks. They were both armed, the solider with his sword and the elf with her dagger. Obviously neither of them expected her in this place, but nevertheless like her they had been drawn here.

'I wonder if they remember my face,' Rain thought as her purple eyes turned bright. 'Though even I will admit, my eyes are hard to forget. I wonder too, if they remember or even if they know about the prophecy. I wonder if they remember the prophecy.'

Looking closely at the figures behind her, she gazed first at their eyes and for a moment she gazed at nothing else. It is said that the eyes are the window of the soul but true or not, Rain found what she sought in each of their eyes. For beyond the sights, emotions, and thoughts of their eyes; within each of the strangers eyes glimmered a sparkle of something else.

Rain knew a simmlar sparkle lurked in her eyes, and knew well what it meant. 'Willing or no, Knowing or not,' Rain thought, 'these two are enrapped in the prophecy, their eyes cannot lie. But are they my friends in it, or my enemies. We will see.'

Deciding to address them she turned first to the elf who had offered the voice of Greetings, Rain 'de-la'Nari respond as one unused to exchanging such curesties, "Greetings, you have nothing to fear from me. I am unarmed as you can plainly see."

Within the woodland elf's eyes were veiled with regret, memories of tunnels, and dark but beneath it all there was light, Rain decided, Light and Laughter. 'Elf or not,' Rain thought, 'I would hope to find such in the eyes of my friend.

This though spoken to the elf whose outdrawn knife and wary eyes told a tale of their own, included the solider who stood as one waiting for something.

Turning her eyes to the solider, her eyes kindled for a moment with the lavender sparkle of recongization.

"It seems to me that I know your face," Rain said speaking to the solider alone this time. The old solider was indeed old, but it seemed to Rain that within his eyes the strength of his youth still remained recalling earlier days. Strength, resignation, anger, and perhaps stubborness, Rain concluded.

Frowning with a momentary thought, Rain smiled agian briefly, "Come, I am unarmed woman alone pray comfort me a little by letting me you mean me know harm by telling me your names and whether you be friend or foe."

"Two are still missing,' mused Rain half to herself, as she awaited the strangers anwsers, "and that we are only three, but perhaps the others will come later...for now it is time to be friendly, my dear, and high time too."

Last edited by dinranwen on Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

#26:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:57 am
(*cough*In your first chapter you said you had turned around when you heard the footsteps, din. When I wrote my intro, I was given the impression I was facing you. Plus I had dropped my dagger before saying greetings...*cough*Morzan, my hair is blonde.*cough*)
Aware that there were footsteps behind her, Ariana half turned, careful to keep the raven haried lady in her sight. There was an old man, clearly once, if not still, a soldier. Warily, she bent and picked up her dagger. Why was there suddenly so many people? She felt out of her depth. Just as she was considering asking the old man who he was, the raven haired lady turned her eyes on her and she met her gaze cooly. The lady's gaze was piercing and Ariana realised that she was looking deep into her soul. Uncomfortable with this contact, Ariana broke the gaze, but not before she had seen something in the other's eyes. Destiny, a strong pull that seemed to link them, and a glint. A glint so similar to the one in her own eyes, that she felt unnerved. Just as she was about to speak, Raven (as Ariana had nicknamed the lady) spoke:
"Greetings, you have nothing to fear from me. I am unarmed as you can plainly see."
Ariana noticed that she too seemed unused to such pleasantries.
Raven then studied the soldier, and said:
"It seems to me that I know your face."
Ariana, taking time to study the soldier herself, felt no such recognition.
"Come, I am unarmed woman alone pray comfort me a little by letting me you mean me know harm by telling me your names and whether you be friend or foe."
This startled Ariana out of her reverie, and she looked back to raven, careful to keep her body still half turned so that she could keep both in her vision.
"Ariana." she said quietly, touching her lips and bowing slightly. Being an elf, she had many customs. "I .. am ... .. friend." She managed, annoyed at her lack of knowledge in this tongue. But only if you are. She added to herself as an afterthought.
Deciding that she should do something to show this, in case they did not understand her words, she sheathed her weapon. Then, taking a step closer to raven, she turned and faced the soldier. With a dagger in his hand, he still held the most threat, and Ariana was fairly sure that raven meant no harm. She saw no reason to assume this for the soldier though, and kept her hand close to her dagger, poised for action...

#27:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:26 am
I'll Join and take Wisdom please.

By the way, where you said humanoids does that include half-humans, like fauns or nymphs? The word 'humanoid' is always a little vague.

#28:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:42 pm
(Sorry I got my thoughts crossed. I knew Solus was an elf, but I also kew that Din had black hair. So I thought that Din was an elf and, ya, I got my thoughts became crossed. Sorry about that, I was looking at Din though.)

Morzan watched the raven haired woman and continued to move forward. Suddenly the woman stirred and turned. Taken back for a moment Morzan stopped. The womans eyes were purple! Something in the back of his mind pinged as if a piece of a puzzle came together. But what was it?

Morzan took a step back then stood up. He didn't deposit his sword, he kept it drawn and held at his side. He wasn't realy sure about this woman. She may have looked familiar but he wasn't sure if it was a good memory or a bad one. He took a few steps forward then froze. Out of the corner of his eye he say movement. A small person with pointed ears walked out of the mountain.

The raven haired woman began to speak,

"Come, I am unarmed woman alone pray comfort me a little by letting me you mean me know harm by telling me your names and whether you be friend or foe."

Putting his hand on the other hilt of his blade. Morzan began to move towards the woman. They elf said somthing but he ignored it. He wasn't worried about the elf, it wouldn't cause him any trouble. Tree people never were very violent unless provoked. His focus was on the woman. With an authoritive bark he asked,

"Your name first!

#29:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:07 am
(I am a fairly violent elf actually. Five years of solidarity has seen to that. And morzan...please read the story! When Din and you locked eyes I was already on the hill. In fact, I was already on the hill by the time you got there! And I may not be so dangerous until provoked, but by ignoring me, I think you just provoked me pretty well. Especially as you just refered to me as
He wasn't worried about the elf, it wouldn't

an it. Shocked Mad Surprised :twisted: Wink.)


#30:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:40 am
(Please join White Blacksmith. It would be our pleasure to have you.)

"Ariania." The elf had said pointing to herself. "" Obviously unfamilar with Common Tongue, Rain thought to herself. She seems friendly enough, just a bit distrustful that's all.

The solider however, remained firm and proud. Taking a step
forward, he said "Your Name first."

Despite herself, Rain laughed softly, and then sweeping her skirts backwards, she gave a bow that was so perfect it would have made a curtier blush.

"Rain 'de-la'Nari of Terikaren Gyspy Tribe, sometime musician favoring of all instutments the flute, sometime bard and storyteller. Who having no nation claims only the Sky, living nowhere except that which Nature and Good furtune preside. In the twenty-fifth summer of my life, daughter of Narian and Illiar who beeing under the headship of Kalmar bequeth the title of the Terikaren Tribe to me and to any children I am graced with, possesing the title of Journier by skill and by grace," here she took a deep breath, "At your service."

Laughing agian, Rain pulled out a purple ribbon out of bag and began to pull up her hair into a loose bun. "So sorry about that...but you asked me my name, and unforuantly all that was part of my name. Still you are lucky in that you did ask my full name, that is quite lengthy, or even who I was for that is a even longer introduction. YOU should have asked me what I was called, for though I might lie with the question put that way, it would have at least been shorter."

"But since you ammuse me, solider. I will tell what I will have you call me. You may call me, Rain."

Realizing suddenly that the elf, who seemed to no so little of Common tongue, Rain turned to face Ariana.

"Rain," she said pointing herself and then adding in somewhat rough Silvan. "Some of your kind used to call me Celebrin
((yes, I borrowed from Tolkien)) because a gift they once gave me. You may call me that if," here she switched to common to say her name for a momnent but then continued in Silvan, "Rain 'de-la'Nari, is hard for you to say."

Rain hoped that Silvan is what this elf spoke, for it was only elvish she knew. She had learned it from the Silvan Wood Elves who had lived next to her tribes winter home. Many of the elves had been her friends, and though years of neglect had roughened her accent to that of a stranger speaking silvan, her memory was still perfect. Smiling softly at the memories, the hand resting on her flute began to stroke it absently.

Shaking her head, Rain recalled herself to the task at hand. There was still the solider to deal with. Finishing her bun, Rain's purple eyes returned to their normal coolness as the warmth of her memories slowly left them.

"Now, for your name, Solider. You WILL put up your sword, I trust. Now that you know both my name and the elf's, or if you missed hers it is Ariana; You should at least put away your sword to prove yourself friendly. Besides, I trust that a solider would be able to defend himself from two women," Rain's eyes flashed suggestively, "or are you afraid of us?"

#31:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:55 pm
(Sorry Solus. Its juat that I didnt notice you character at the time is all. Either way Im sure living on your own has hardened you, but we'll see how much in the coming story Wink )

The elf off to the side pointed to herself and said


Great, thought Morzan, she cant even speak basic. That will complicate things. Suddenly the woman moved. Curtsing like a queen and said,

"Rain 'de-la'Nari of Terikaren Gyspy Tribe, sometime musician favoring of all instutments the flute, sometime bard and storyteller. Who having no nation claims only the Sky, living nowhere except that which Nature and Good furtune preside. In the twenty-fifth summer of my life, daughter of Narian and Illiar who beeing under the headship of Kalmar bequeth the title of the Terikaren Tribe to me and to any children I am graced with, possesing the title of Journier by skill and by grace," here she took a deep breath, "At your service."

A lengthly description and very formal. The woman spoke again and, this time fishing a purple ribbon out of her pack.

Laughing again, The woman started to pull up her hair into a loose bun. "So sorry about that...but you asked me my name, and unforuantly all that was part of my name. Still you are lucky in that you did ask my full name, that is quite lengthy, or even who I was for that is a even longer introduction. YOU should have asked me what I was called, for though I might lie with the question put that way, it would have at least been shorter."

After that she spoke again,

"But since you ammuse me, solider. I will tell what I will have you call me. You may call me, Rain."

Rain suddenly had an expression of realization then turned to the elf. She started speaking a language that sounded like gibberish to Morzan. That Rain certainly is talkative. But people who often talk are just hiding something. Morzan let a small smile pass over his lips, and she finds me amusing.

After an exchange of more gibberish between the elf Ariana and Rain. Rain turned back to Morzan and said,

"Now, for your name, Solider. You WILL put up your sword, I trust. Now that you know both my name and the elf's, or if you missed hers it is Ariana; You should at least put away your sword to prove yourself friendly. Besides, I trust that a solider would be able to defend himself from two women," Rain's eyes flashed suggestively, "or are you afraid of us?"

Morzan felt his heart flutter with anger. He tightened the grip on his sword then let it loosen. These two meant no harm but he would not be pushed around by some woman he had never met before. He deposited his sword and against his own judgement he bowed and said,

"I am Morzan," he paused for a moment,

"Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."

He looked up with a smile,

"At your service."

#32:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:18 pm
(dinny, I assume from your post that halflings are allowed so if I'm wrong I can change my post.)

I had been watching the three for some time now. I couldn't hear much but I soon would. The wind was about to change. Aaaand... now!

Words drifted down to my hiding place at the bottom of the cliff,

"...soldier would be able to defend himself from two women"- Here there was a pause: The speaker had probably made a challenging gesture- "or are you afraid of us?"

There was another pause and if I stood on tip-hooves I could see that one of them, presumably male, had bowed to the other two. He spoke:

"I am Morzan"- Ah, here was someone I had heard a lot about. He must have what, 10, 12 books on him? I wanted to hear more, hear his ego, if he had one- "Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."

I had a decision to make, now. I knew this was indeed the place I had been searching for, because he had been at the battle of Ergos and would have been more likely to have heard the dying speech of Ergos. I too had been at the battle, for I was the tactitician for the Centaur Lord, and I had heard every word said. Indeed, when I had started to feel the urge to come take me out of my beloved libraries I had thought I must be dreaming, for surely he had given me nothing! Still, come I had, and the prophecy must be fullfilled.

I had learnt all I needed to, and so I started out from my hiding place, making sure my staff was strapped to my underbelly, my Joining-Plate was shined and tight round my Join
((Where Human and Horse parts meet)) and my pack was firmly on my back. I set off at a trot, started to canter and made it up to almost the place where people were easily. I checked that my gown wasn't mussed, my hooves weren't dusty and I looked every inch the centaur I would've been in the Lord's Court.

Then I took a deep breath and set off up the hill.

(In case you haven't noticed I'm a bit vain, because if you don't look perfect in the Lord's Court you get beheaded.)

#33:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:56 am
(Hm. Thats ok Morzan. I was tired and a little irratable when I wrote my last post.)
Although raven had heard what she said, and seemed to take notice, the soldier ignored her and instead said, rather agressively:
"Your Name first."
Ariana bristled slightly at being ignored, and at the arogant nature of the armed man, but quelled her anger as she saw no point in fighting people she did not know. Then raven spoke. She spoke in human tongue, and quite fast, but Ariana still managed to understand the basics of the first half.
"Rain 'de-la'Nari of Terikaren Gyspy Tribe, sometime musician favoring of all instutments the flute, sometime bard and storyteller. Who having no nation claims only the Sky, living nowhere except that which Nature and Good furtune preside..."
After that, Ariana lost track. But from what she had gathered, she decided that Rain 'de-la'Nari was someone who she might get along well with. While thinking this, Ariana missed what Rain 'de-la'Nari said to the armed man, but was cruelly startled out of her thoughts when she heard someone speaking in Silvan. Although Silvan was not her native language, she had travelled in earlier days, and had picked it up from there.
"Rain,"Here Rain 'de-la'Nari pointed at herself. "Some of your kind used to call me Celebrin because a gift they once gave me. You may call me that if," here she switched to common to say her name for a momnent but then continued in Silvan, "Rain 'de-la'Nari, is hard for you to say."
Ariana noticed that after she said this, her eyes seemed to become warmer and more friendly. She has happy memories. thought Ariana, remembering some of her own.
Then Rain's eyes became cold again and she spoke, this time her words were directed to the soldier.
"Now, for your name, Solider. You WILL put up your sword, I trust. Now that you know both my name and the elf's, or if you missed hers it is Ariana; You should at least put away your sword to prove yourself friendly. Besides, I trust that a solider would be able to defend himself from two women," Rain's eyes flashed suggestively, "or are you afraid of us?"
Ariana expected some sort of outburst from the soldier at this, but instead he bowed and said;
"I am Morzan," (Pause) "Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."
He looked up with a smile;
"At your service."
Ariana was too surprised at this change of behaviour, (and trying to interpret the second part of his speach), to speak. Just then, she heard the sound of hoofs behind her and turned. It was a centaur! She quickly skipped out of the way and eyed the newcomer (again) warily. Her hand, which had left her side, now resumed to hovering next to her dagger. As she waited for the centaur to speak.
This day keeps on getting stranger and stranger she thought. No company in five years...and now three come along at once!

Last edited by solus.serpen on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

#34:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:40 pm
((Humaniod: possesing characteristics that are recongizable human, either in automny, personality, or length of life. This usually excludes any species that would unable to survive in enviorments, ie. sunlight, air, etc, that normal humans dwell in. This normally excludes vampires [who can't stand normal sunlight], demons [not recongizably human in any sense], or gods [who are immortal].

However Centaurs are fine since they are recongized race that is known to be friendly. Plus they are normally mortal, and live no longer or shorter than the average lifespan for their species.

What I probably should have said was pure breeds only, or any recongizable realistic/mytholigical race. This would enclude centaurs, halflings, elves, dragon-people, etc. Really the only reason I made this qualification is because I difficulties with other 'races', 'half-breeds', 'non-humans', in the past.

For example in one RP I hosted but then quite because of the characters that appeared I had: A half-dragon, half-human, half-elf, vampire [clearly impossible]; a god; a cat-human demon who was half-angel; and a 'Ratroci' or a rat-like human creature that I'm convinced the person made up from a nightmare.

Sorry for the confusion. Now, where was I?))

The solider was obviously proud, Rain could see that. Instead of laughing of her words as Rain intended, the solider eye's grew angry and he tightened his grip on his sword.

For a moment, Rain let the shield around her icy exterior drop and fear glimmered briefly in her eyes. As she eyed the solider cautiously watching his face and hands closely, the hand on her flute tightened and she slowly loosened it a tad out of her sash.

After hestitaing for a but a moment, the solider sheathed his sword. Rain heaved a visible sigh of relief, and tucked her flute back into her sash.

With a bow the solider said, "I am Morzan," here he paused for a moment,

"Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."

He looked up with a smile,

"At your service."

Morzan....the name clicked with his face and Rain suddenly knew why his face seemed fimlar. He had been a solider in the armies...memories came with this thought. Memories of horror beyond imagining. Of a King sacrificing himself for his people, for other's lives, for a girl he didn't even know.

Rain's face and figure betrayed her thoughts as her mind took her back to the field where she had stood those years before. Fear reflected in her eyes, sorrow, and regret; and the shield she had so carefully contstucted for herself fell for a but a moment, and in the moment, Rain showed who she really was.

She looked like a woman who upon facing her worst fear was given a chance to destroy it had failed, and upon failing had watched as others died as a consequence.

With visible effort, Rain straighten herself up and with deep breaths her face regain its tranquility, and her eyes only were left to betray her previous thoughts; for within them behind the deceptive glass of icyness Rain tried to erict still lingered the fear, sorrow, and regret she had experienced but moments before.

Deciding it was best to leave the past alone with its memories, Rain dismissed the thought that this Morzan, as the solider claimed to be named, was familar to her.

Opening her mouth to speak, Rain was interuppted by the sound of hooves.

Expecting to see a man on horseback, Rain turned around to see a centaur.

Quickly shutting her mouth which had opened in temporary surprise at this unexpected arrival, Rain smiled and said one word, "FOUR."

**Credit is given to Nicole Credit, who did the orginal of this picture, only color enhancing was done by me. Hope you enjoy this picture of Rain 'de-la'Nari.

Last edited by dinranwen on Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

#35:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:46 pm
After his little introduction Morzan stood up and regained his composure. These people were not enemies and didn't seem a threat. They seem to make good company too. But Morzan did not drop his guard completely. His training held him rigged and aware.

Morzan saw something in Rain's eyes. It looked like she had jsut seen something out of an old childhood nightmare. The emotion quickly vanished and she returned to her normal state. But the silence between the three of them didn't last long. Somewhere near, the sound of hooves echoed.

A horse, someone else is here. Morzan went into a ready stance and put his hands on the hilts of his blades. He relaxed as he saw a head come bobing up the side of the cliff. But what suprised him the most was that the body was attached to the horse.

A centaur came padding up the rock face. Morzan stared for a moment at the creature then relaxed. The centaur only had a staff from the looks of things. But the creatures eyes, they were so intelligent and seemed familiar. Rain spoke as the centaur came up and approached the party,

"FOUR", she said.

Morzan stood there, waiting for something to happen.

#36:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:57 am
When Rain said, "FOUR", something sparked in Ariana's mind, and she vaguely remembered something she had been told as a small child. Something which had been explored in more depth when she had grown. A prophersy. As a young elf she had witnessed the fevor of a dying elf, a great seer in her community. Just before she died, the elf had grasped Ariana's hands and rasped, "Find Ergos. Ask him..prophesy..Chosen one..."

She had died then, leaving Ariana to think on those words. It had troubled her to start with, but living with the elves had soon taken her troubles away - at least for a while. A few years later, and the words had returned in a dream. This time, the old elf sounded angry, and Ariana knew that it was time for her to leave. Her family had been full of sorrow when she announced she was leaving, and one of her brothers had gone with her, for a while.

Then had followed a long period of travelling, searching for Ergos. Ariana had enjoyed this, she loved travelling, and soon realised that she didn't want to find Ergos, because if she did, she felt that this would stop. That her life would change, and she just wanted it to stay as it was. She found that, subconsiously, she started to fear coming to next town/village in case she should find him there. And upon reaching the villages, and not finding him, she would try to stay as long as she could, for fear that this would be the last place she would stay before she found him. She told nothing of this to her brother.

The more she travelled, the more this fear grew, and she soon found that she was ignoring the beauty of her surroundings.Her eyes became full of mistrust. She began to suspect people of hiding things from her, and started to check behind her while travelling, incase someone was following her. She could not sleep easy at night, and soon stopped trying. This was the 'low' part of Ariana's life. Due to lack of sleep, she became somewhat irritable and disliked by the people she came to in towns. Her brother noticed, but every time he tried to talk, she would not listen. It was about then that she found out about the war. Her brother told her to go to the nearest elven city and stay there until the war was over, but she would have none of it.

There is no point in me continuing. she had said bitterly, It is a stupid quest, and I wish she had never told me about this man Erogos. She was having a laugh, it can't have been true! And if it is, then how am I supposed to find one being in a world this big? How do I know Ergos is even alive, maybe he is an object?
If it is true, her brother had replied, Then you will find Ergos, whatever that is. It is fated.

She had ignored him and gone to war anyway. Many people from her elfven tribe had gone too, but they had all (to her knowledge) died in the fighting that ensued. It had crushed her, but during the war, she had found Erogos, and he had told her his prophersy.
' 'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right.'

She looked up, and remembered that the centaur was there. Giving a little start, she bowed slightly and touched her lips.
"Welcome...we are..friends. You are...?"

(Shocked Ok - I didn't mean to go that in-depth with the character's history! I just got a little carried away. Smile . And btw, I know all of Ariana's life history sounds positively depressing, she has managed to sleep quite well, and lived a fairly decent, if lonely life for the last five years, and so she has improved a lot. She just looks too much at her past and not enough at her future - hopefully, she will find this out before long Wink.)

#37:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:53 pm
((Just thought I take advantage of the brief break we seem to have going here as we await our introduction to our Centaur friend.

Here's some annocements for this game:

On text colors in my post---To help with confusion that might accure later in the game, I have three different text colors for three different things.

As you noticed Teal will appear anytime the character of Rain is being played.

Green will be used anytime there is a title change. This will probably happen much later in the game when things take a rather drastic turn.

Our narrations will be purple. . Anytime you see purple please pay attention for it is in the purple that plot twist, changes of scenery, hints, and turns will be posted. This means that purple , our narrator will keep us abreast of any major changes in the game.

Black in my post will always be off topic remarks and will be encassed in ((parenthicals (sp?))) like such.

Second in Aunnocements, if all goes well we should have another person joining this rp soon. Smudger has sent me a p.m saying that he/she would to join. Hopefully we will see his character around soon.

This will put our number up to Five, which brings me up to the question part of my annocements.

Technically the prophecy should include six people, yet I could probably make due with only five characters. Although it is fesible to bretray as the Sword bearer as a character already present, it would be a little easier for me if we had one more person.

So here's where the question comes in: Do y'all want to go ahead with the rpg after the Centaur and Smudger's character are introduced? Or do you want to wait for the sixth and final person?

After y'all decide and introductions are made for all of the characters that are going to join, this rpg will be ready to get really started.

The Drawing of the Sword, the re-uttering of the prophecy, and A Decision shall follow almost immediatly after the Introductions have been made.

After that is finished, Part 2 of the Sword of Ergos: The Path of Six/Five, or The Fulliment of Times: Being the continuation of the Sword of Ergos as found on the Second Roll of that chronical. Will start, or soon afterwards. All characters that take part in this first part intitled The Sword of Ergos: Being the second part of the Kindred Wars, are welcome to join in the second act, which will also be posted on this board.

In fact, it won't so much be a different rpg, but rather the same rpg in a different setting with a slight change of titles.

Waiting impatiently for these cheese ball to start rolling,


#38: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:46 pm
(Sorry for the delay din, school started back today, its not very good, but didnt want to delay the others........)

Graeme limped forward, leaning heavily on his staff. He didn't cut a striking figure. With his shoulders in a permanent slump, a badly injured leg from a bad fall of a horse, and a squinty eye, he was pitied by everyone. Who cares that he's a hunchback, he regularly thought angrily.Add his rather shabby appearance, a dust stained robe held up by hemp rope, that was his worldly possesions. He was a cleric for Fenor, god of the wanderers and travelors all over. Though he moved like a sixty year old he was actually just turned twenty-two. He had been wandering around the world searching for his ancient old grandfather's prophecy, the one involving Ergos, he was tired and had went searching years ago, but to no avail. Now his luck had changed....

He slowly moved down the road but, glanced up as he heard someone speak. It was a rather striking looking woman with purple eyes.


He chuckled as he glanced at the rest of the group. This is it, finally he thought. I'll fit right in. He shambled up the road until someone noticed him.

"My my my, a gypsy, a furtive looking elf, a grizled old veteran, one of those horsefolk who's name I can never pronounce and now me, a weary, dust stained hunchback. World beaters one and all," He laughed harshly.

He stared from one to the other. "This shall be an interesting journey indeed...."

#39:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:50 pm
(I'll get back on that later, but first, a question...of what race are you Smudger?)

#40:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:50 pm
((Hope your still planning on being a goblin Smudger. That would make a very unique party wouldn't it? Two humans, a centaur, an elf, a goblin and a possible sixth party. Very intersting. Still waiting for Whitey to post their introduction.

The introductions alone in this story have been great. Cant wait till the story realy gets started (which I hope is soon before I get back into school Wink ). Looking forward to the adventure anyway.)

#41: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:01 pm
Emmmm, gobbo, or human.....I quite like the idea of a gobbo hunchback, but I think I will just let Graeme be a rather cynical and negative human.

#42:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:29 pm
Shifting neverously as the Centaur didn't reply to Ariana's curties and question to who it was.

To tell the truth, Rain was glad someone had spoken up, she was getting a little tired of all the talking she had done lately. The last five minutes had involved more talking on her part than she had done in five years.

'And lookwhat good be silent for five years did me!' Rain thought cynically, 'I've mangaged to single handly insult one of the first people I meet, mangled my silvan, gaped at a centaur, and lost my cool in front of people who though a part of the prophecy may be in the second part.'

Oh yes, there is a second part to the prohecy, said Purple, the narrator, most know of the first part that told of the people who could defeat the evil, but how many know that there is a second part to it. Not many, that's for sure.

The second part of Ergos prophecy was largely kept secret, and for good reason, for the second part told of six evils who could potentially ruin, even destroy, the chances of the chosen ones. But that is for later, and this is most decidely now.

Great Purple now you ruined the surprise, said off the topic black,

I was merely adding drama to this story, haven't you ever heard of a little thing called suspense?

Yeah I heard about suspense, I wrote this story remember! Now if you look on your script, youc can clearly see that the little Drama you just threw in wasn't supposed be added until Act 2: Scene 3.

Purple blushes making it momentarily magenta. I think I may have made a mistake, Purple who was now magenta said.


Oh shut up! Don't you realize your so off-topic?

That's may name, don't wear it out.

Now where was I?, said Off the Topic appearing very pleased with itself. A very hard thing to do since it was all black.

Looking into each of her companions eyes so far, she knew that they were part of the prophecy but of which part?

Until she knew more, she would have to stay on her edge.

Getting slighty irrated at the centaur's lack of response, Rain was about to make a sarcastic remark when a voice as sarcastic as she felt fell on her ear.

"My my my, a gypsy, a furtive looking elf, a grizled old veteran, one of those horsefolk who's name I can never pronounce and now me, a weary, dust stained hunchback. World beaters one and all," the voice laughed harshly.

Approaching them with a limp was perhaps the was perhaps the ugliest looking human Rain had ever seen. At least, she thought he was human. Smiling at the man, Rain thought, finally here is someone I can trust.

Looking beyond the figure, Rain looked straight into his eyes, as she had been trained to do.

What she found there was a cynical spirit that laughed at the world, she also so power the kind of power that was unmistakable that Rain knew at once that this man was a mage of some power, but lurking within his eyes somewhere admist his laughter was the glimmer of prophecy.

The hunchback stared at the them and caustical said, "This shall be an interesting journey indeed...."

Rain smiled lighting her eyes briefly with something akin to magenta, and said, "A very interesting journey indeed," Rain snorted as her eyes returned to normal, "Since you have cared to join us, Centaur, hunchback, will you not be so kind as to tell us your names. I don't care to go on a 'journey' calling everyone hey you with the face. Nor would I care to be called that myself. Oh and by the way, FIVE."

With that Rain smiled, and promptly sat herself down on the ground. 'If this is going to be a while,' she thought, 'I might as well be comfortable.'

((**He, He** This Off-the-Topic's Evil/Good twin, it's all a matter of prespective really, Parenthical. Hope y'all enjoy my little sense of humor. What can I say, I'm bored! For my left foot's sake, hurry these introductions up will you. I would like to get to the interesting part before I like...uh...turn sixty or something. Until the next post, this note has been signed...))

#43:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:31 am
Ariana shifted her weight (not much) to her right foot and sighed. She was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the silence. She knew that centaurs weren't usually the most talkative of species - but neither was she, and she had managed. Frowning, she started to observe the others again. Rain looked fairly nervous of the centaurs silence, and yet strangely relieved. Before she could study her more closely however, Rain looked her in the eyes again and Ariana broke the contact quickly - she wished Rain would stop doing that. It reminded her of the elders of the Elven settlement she was bought up in.
She swung around as she heard someone speak. His voice dripped sarcasm and she had a notion that he was a rather cynical guy. Involintarily, Ariana shivered slightly at his looks - centaurs weren't the only vain race. Goodness! thought Ariana, a little taken aback, Which God did he anger?!
She stepped back and to the side to let him through as he advanced. Looking at him more closely, past his looks, she felt immediately that he was not an enemy. She also felt a wave of power wash over her and she paled slightly. It had been a long time since she had felt that ammount of magic in one person. Well, not since the war anyway. She turned so that she could just about see everyone, which was becoming increasingly more difficult.
I wonder if my weariness is really that easy to see. She thought, making a note to hide her emotions better next time.
Just as she was thinking that she would leave the next bit of talking to someone else, Rain spoke. Guess who! thought Ariana with mild sarcasm, but it was not meant in a bad way.
Again, Rain said the 'tell me your names if you may' speech and promptly sat down afterwards. Not a bad idea thought Ariana, watching Rain sitting cross-legged on the floor, But too unprotected. Instead she shifted to her left foot and resigned herself to some more waiting...

((Come on Whitey!))

Last edited by solus.serpen on Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:59 am; edited 1 time in total

#44:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:14 am
(((OH you think I'm unprotected, my dear elf-friend?

--OH by the way, it is yet again, Off the topic only this time I wearing a tie. But hey do type colors wear ties?--

Rain has more ways to protect herself than with a sword, dagger, or bow. Besides she owns none of these, nor would she be able to use them if she possed them. Trust me, Rain is just as protected sitting down as if she was standing up.

Oh by the way Ariania/solus, mind choosing a name to call Rain? Although I know what you meant, it's hard to follow when you first call her Rain, then switch to Celebrin, and then back again to Rain.

Ditto Whitey, hurry up or I'm replacing you! An empty threat you realize, finishes off the topic, but a threat none the less.))

#45:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:58 am
((Yep, I know she is protected. Music no doubt. But what I meant was it was too unprotected for me to sit down. Sorry, not very clear on that front. Confused
Plus, I'm sorry about the name thing. I was going to use Rain, but I thought it would be a little repetitive as:
Before she could study her more closely however, Rain looked her in the eyes again and Ariana broke the contact quickly - she wished Rain would stop doing that.
However If you think it would sound better that way, I'll change it.
If we come to any Elven places during the trip though I may well switch to calling you Celebrin until we are passed.))
((*Edited*Changed the name to 'Rain'. ))

#46:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:13 am
((Akk! Sorry, I was in Spain. I see this has progressed a bit while I was swimming, tanning, swimming, holding Octopi and doing somemore swimming))

As I came over the hill I watched their reactions with some amusement. Obviously they had expected a man on a horse, or some such slave-rider.

I watched them, taking in their stares. They seemed impatient. I was about to speak when someone else came, an old man.

"My my my, a gypsy, a furtive looking elf, a grizled old veteran, one of those horsefolk who's name I can never pronounce and now me, a weary, dust stained hunchback. World beaters one and all," He laughed harshly.

Horsefolk! I did not like this beggar. Imagine, comparing on of the Lord's finest to a meer slave! Obviously uneducated. Still, manners must survive, so I introduced myself.

"I am Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam. Graduate of the univesity of Grevlap, tactician to the Centaur Lord, Head Libravian of the Cavernous Library of J'kethway and one-time Ambassador to the Court of Albion. Favoured of the Faun Queen and member of the Human King's inner circle. Second cousin once removed to the Centaur Lord himself. This is not my full list of titles, but as there is at least one amony you whom I know to be uneducated, I shall leave it at that."

Now all I had to do was wait for one of them to make a move. I knew they would understand me for I had spoken in Human, Common Elven and, to be safe, Centaur.

#47:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:49 am
((Gah!!! I just wrote my whole reply...and then my computer went funny when I pressed capslockand I'm having to write my whole thing again!! Welcome back Whitey. I'm glad you enjoyed Spain - I've never been abroad in my life!!))

Contrary to her earlier impatience with the centaur, now Ariana had to stiffle a laugh. Not only was he/she* vain, but also incredibly concieted!
Ariana had understood the Centaurs speech in all the three languages, although with notably less details in the human and centaur speech.
Well, well, she thought We shouldn't have any problem with languages in this group. When I find my feet again, we shall have three linguists - and thats assuming that the others only know one language!
Touching her lips and bowing (again), Ariana replied in human speak so that all could understand;
"Welcome. ...You have a shorter name ... Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam?" Then adding in centaurian, almost as an afterthought, "For the...Lesser intelects...of us." A smile tugged at her lips. Switching to common Elvish (a language (amoung many others) nearly all elves had to learn for trade purposes), she told Crenlamin,
"I am sorry for my hesitant nature in the other tongues, I am not used to them. Here," *points to Rain* "is another linguist. I do not know about the others."
This was a long speech for Ariana, even in her mind. Elves were usually either extremely talkative, or harldy saying a word. Ariana, it had to be said, veered towards the later, especially with other races.
Every group has its grudges, true, but if you spend enough time with people, and especially if you go through hard times together, friendship is almost inedvitable.
Now that Crenlamin was active...
Maybe we are finally getting somewhere. Thought Aiana.

*What is your gender in the rp, whitey?

((Ok, its a little shorter than the origional, but I was annoyed with the computer and couldn't be bothered to write the rest. It wasn't a very big/important part anyway.
Now...Ariana meant it. Now that everyone seems to be here...if there isn't going to be another member, should we start the main thing? After wednesday 6th (school start), I'll only be on on weekends till next hol. So the sooner the start, the better Wink.))


#48:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:31 pm
(Heh heh Albion, ever play Fable Whitey? I'm not complaining about the name I'm just asking if you ever heard of it?)

Centaurs, Elves and Humans this is certainly turning out to be one strange gathering, thought Morzan. He felt a little uncomfortable with this many languages flying about around him. The Centaur had said his name was Crenlamin something or other. Such a long name for any creature. But for those who speak of that many of their titles certainly has nothing to hide.

An old decrepid man suddenly entered the area and the number became five.

The air filled with a strange static as the old man came into the area in which they now stood. Magic, and lots of it Morzan thought with a chill. Images from past battles flashed through his mind. Entire squads being torn apart by fire and lightning. He shuddered and cleared his mind. I have no need for those memories.

But that static he felt still made him feel quezy. He didn't let it show and he shut the discomfort away in the back of his mind.

During introductions Morzan quietly stood by himself. Afterwards he stood by quietly. I wish I had used my spare time to study other languages. And not relied on translators.

There seemed to be a few languists here so he didn't have to worry. Morzan only knew the cultures and habits of creatures great and small. Not their languages. He shifted his footing and pointed himself.

"Morzan", he said.

Morzan surveyed the party then sat on a nearby rock. He just wanted to get moving again. All these introductions were making him bored. We better get moving soon. Were burning daylight.

(Yes my post is very short. I'm just realy tired for some reason.)

#49:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:36 am
((My. aren't we impatient. However I agree well overdo for a wind of change....*laughs manically*))

The sound of wings filled the air high above the earth as a dragon dashed through the sky. It had flown many miles with the wind of the east pushing ever forward as it flew first east, then north. Now dragon can fly fast and long but the journey was long, and even this dragon had to take many rest.

It had been a week now since it had started it's flight. It had been sleeping, something that it had been doing a lot ever since it's compainon, what we would call a dragon-rider, had died. It's companion's death had hurt, in more ways than one. The parting of a dragon and it's companion was perhaps the most heart wrenching thing the earth would ever see; and this dragon's companion's death was no less so.

Normally, the companion or the dragon would die moments after it's partner would die of grief, as the one would be unable to live without the other. To tell the truth, it never knew why it hadn't died when it's companion, a human named Juric 'de-Nirad, had died. It had thought it would for the longest time, that's why it had slept so long. It had hoped that in sleeping, it would never awake.

But it had awoken, a year to the date after Juric died. The pain of the waking would have been unbearable if it had not been for one girl, one small frail girl, who like itself was all alone in the world.

The girl's patience, caring, and understanding of what it lost had healed the wound in it's heart so it was bearable to live with; but the wound was still there a throbbing pain in the back of it's minds.

The girl in return for her service asked the dragon a favor. She had asked him to live. It was a hard thing to ask. But the dragon had done it. Not for the girl's sake, but for his dead companion's sake. Why for his companion? To explain, we must go back in history. But history will have to wait because the dragon had finally spoted his goal.

In the distance lay a vale and in the vale, the dragon could barely make out with his sharp eyes the figures of five people. One of which he now sent a swift thought, I come.

Although the thought was sent to the one girl alone, any with the power to hear it would be able to. Besides this, although the dragon would not land here, the other's would surely be able to see it.

'The flying form of dragon', it thought rather ironically, 'how fit a sybmol to mark the beginning of the quest of Ergos' Prophecy and Erogos' Sword.'

((I didn't have time to write anything very long, but I thought I at least post a little something to peak your interest. I'll be back on later with more.))

#50:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:33 pm
((Oooh Smile. Sounds interesting. Btw have you read 'Eragon' , din? I'll wait for you to post the rest before I post my part.
...I'm guessing you're the girl who the dragons speaking to? I might well be able to hear it, as elves are usually trained in that kind of thing. Anyway, I'll shut up and wait for you to post the rest now Wink.))


#51:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:51 pm
((Thanks for waiting, everyone. I wasn't feeling well early but I thought I at least post a tibit to keep your appetite good and wet. Yes Solus, I've read Eragon, I think it's simply amazing that the guy was like 15 when he wrote it. Although I haven't read the Eldest yet, I'm sure it's just as good. As for the dragon-speak thing, I actually purposely left it hanging. I don't want Rain to be to prominment, but unfourantly because of the orginal plot/story I'm basing this on, I kind of have to.

Okay, before I go into my post, let me set a few things straight. I'm going to be going to into a bit of history, from Rain's point of view of course. This history will largely envolve what happened in the War of Kindreds from Rain's point of view. I'm doing this simply because it easier for me this way to include the basic history that will help you all where this story is coming from. However, please feel free as I go through the history to post your own character's memories of the war. This will not only help everyone get involved with the story a little bit more, but the others through reading each other's post can gain a little more knowledge of everyone's characters.

However, as I realize things may get a little confusing for a while, feel free to ask any questions. Also if you wish, a little later on, I will include a brief history in plain english in the plain facts, if this will make it easier to understand where I coming from.

But I progress, now to finish where I left off... the sign of the dragon was a sign of the end of the beginning, the five chosen one's have met but what of the sixth or is there a sixth at all? Now it is time for memories, but first there will come a change that will allow everyone to know that they are on the same side and remind them that there is a need for speed, secrecry, and safety.)

P.S. For this post only, the few words the dragon will give via messegers will posted in darkblue. Please remember this a temporary messure used only for this post, or until such time we meet our dragon again.))

Rain remained seated on the ground where she had set herself on the ground. No one seemed to notice this gesture, and no one seemed to mind that she had ceased to talk, at least temporarily. To tell the truth, Rain was relieved, it had been years since she had openly spoken to anyone and even then those words hadn't even been spoken to a human.

The Centaur seemed to be enjoying temporarily the shock it invoked in the group, but at the same it seemed displeased at the words of the old hunchback.

"I am Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam. Graduate of the univesity of Grevlap, tactician to the Centaur Lord, Head Libravian of the Cavernous Library of J'kethway and one-time Ambassador to the Court of Albion. Favoured of the Faun Queen and member of the Human King's inner circle. Second cousin once removed to the Centaur Lord himself. This is not my full list of titles, but as there is at least one amony you whom I know to be uneducated, I shall leave it at that."

Pride, that's what Rain heared in the Centaur's voice as idly began to braid pieces of grass together. A tiny voice in the back of her head remind her of her own introduction, 'Yes,' she argued silently with herself, 'but I was asked my name, I simply gave it.' The voice in the back of her head agreeed thinking that habit, no matter how long rejected, is not easy to give up.

As Rain speculated with herself on the nature of each of her companions introductions, Ariana spoke first in Common, than in an language Rain didn't understand than finally in the language of Rain's childhood, Silvan. Ariana was obviously making a speech of some sort, one which include her name as an linguist, or a tongue speaker. 'Some linguist,' Rain thought as her hands continued to braid the grass in her hands 'I insult in common, I mangle the one language I should know to perfection from my youth with the elves, and I probably couldn't remember Iriac, the gyspy trading tongue between tribes, if i tried.'

However Rain was disracted from following Ariana's conversation or this line of thought for very long, for as her hands kept busy, a small firefly flew in front of her eyes. Looking up in shock, Rain stood almost mechanically.

Fireflies, dozen's of them, began to flood the field where the five where standing, blinking and dancing seemingly disregarding the fact that sun although it was descending had not yet set.

Standing with her hands akimbo, Rain let her temporary asument in the form of a grass braid drop uselessly from her hands.

In the distance, Rain could barely spot what looked to be a bird. But Rain knew better, any one who knew anything of what the fireflies meant in ancient lore would know better.

Fireflies were the first sign of a dragon's approach, at least for the large fire breathing ones.

Then she heard it, the voice that she hadn't heard since a tragic death, the voice of a dragon. I come. The voice said in the booming voice that sounded throughout her head, echoing as the bell knell sealing what Rain thought she knew permentatly in her head.

With the voice came a picture, and with the picture memories that barely mangaged to contain just enough so the emotions of those memories wouldn't smush her already fragil frame of mind.

The picture was of the dragon that even now grew larger in the sky in the south-east as it head towards them soaring in the sky.

The dragon's name was Gilath. The gentle curve of his kneck, the surprising softness of his blue scales, the intelligence of the dragon's ever-changing swirling eyes, echoed in Rain's memory. Gilath was a dragon in every sense of the word, but his features were unique in the fact that his place of birth hailed from the orient regions unlike the more common mountain breed that were usually seen in this region. Unlike his more common cousins, Gilath's frame was slender, his body leaning more towards a lizard rather than a brute beast. His wings rather than leather with large claws at the ends that served as hands for the more common breed of dragon, were long and supply seemly made out of silk without the claws of a dragon at the end of their amazing length. Instead Gilath had four 'paws' if you will, and looked, if you took away his wings, changed him to a sort of green, and shrunk him to twenty times less his size, like a lizard.

The last she had seen Gilath had been sortly after Juric's death,who had been the dragon's riding companion. Unlike the most dragon and rider pairs, their realtionship had been one of friendship and brotherhood, rather than the relationship between master and slave.

Juric had also been her friend. Indeed he had been the only other one to carry and share her secrets, everyone one of them. Juric, in fact, was one part of one of her many secrets. Juric had bee the only other one who had known had about both parts of the propreshy. The only one to recieve Ergos' gift, the only other who had born into the day of the death the half of a seeing glass that had shattered shortly after Ergos' death.

Juric had been the Commander of The Wigned Forces, or the commander of the Dragonriders if you will, and he had been Ergos close friend even though until those fateful days of war Juric had not known him.

He had been her equal in everyway, yet her opposite. Like herself, she had known Ergos only briefly. Like him, she would have gladly died for Ergos, and like Juric she had watched Ergos die, the dragonpeople's king, or as they were more commonly called Eroki, while still young, watch him die in the height of his power and youth not only for his people, the world, but for her.

The memory was still enough to bring tears to Rain's eyes, and even now they streamed down her face washing away the ice, raising the mask, and parting the veil that Rain had hid behind leaving behind only one very small girl who was very much afraid.

As quick as it came, the memories vanished, leaving Rain with tears still streaming down her face as she ignored them and looked to the sky. There, right above them, with the setting sun in his silken blue wings, Gilath flew. Circling once, the dragon gave a piercing scream that seemed to say, 'Follow me.' The cry was a command, not a suggest.

Mutely following the dragon with her eyes, Rain vainly grasped at the ribbon tying her hair as it burst gibly from where it was placed letting her hair loose in all it's midnight darkness.

As she watched, the dragon began to descend a touch lower in the sky so it's form was clearly visible, but it did not land. Rather Gilath continued it's journey until he reached the place where Ergos' Sword stuck untouched in the ground.

There the dragon stopped it's progress, but it kept flying as it cried and circled around the sword. Rain was about to run down the hill towards her old friend when something suddenly stopped her from gathering her skirts.

It was the wind that stopped Rain, or rather the lack of it. No longer did the wind rush unceasless east. It had stopped mid-gust, and now everything waited, the calm before the storm.

Then it came, a sudden blast of hot wind from the west as the earth momentarily jerked with a brief shock. Then once again the wind ceased, and everything was once again still. But this time it was the stillness of fear that filled the air, not that of a storm.

Raising her eyes, Rain look trembling towards the west. Nothing, not a thing, lay in the direction as far as her eyes could see. Nevertheless, Rain knew better. Rain knew what slept in the west, something that apparently awoken.

Looking at her companions, Rain threw caution to the wind. "I do not know you, other than your names, I do not know if you are on our side or hers . But whether for good or evil, IT IS TIME. If we wait but two minutes longer we may be late, we may even be late now. But late or not, good or not, we MUST start now or forever regret the consequences. Come let us go to a safe place before she sees us. She is newly awoken, and she will be vilgant in her search. There is only one place on earth where I think her eyes will not reach us I hope."

Without looking back, Rain gather her skirts and began to run downhill, without caring wiether they followed or not Rain shoted behind her, "Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny." With this Rain's tears once again began to flow and her face began to grow grim even as laughter escaped sarcastically from her lips. Then setting her face into that of grim determintation, she whispered to herself "For Ergos. For Juric. For myself, I will go, even if I most go alone. For Ergos. For Juric. For Gilath. For the thousands that died, I will go. For Ergos, for you old friend. For Juric."

((I trust that is sufficently interesting enough for everyone. Follow or stay. The choice is yours))

#52:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:13 am
((Hehe, I doubt anyone is going to stay, din. Although, now I say that...
...I am more used to being one of the bad guys. hmmm...
I think I'll go...for now Wink.))

"Morzan." The soldier bowed ever so lightly then went and sat on a rock. His face portrayed his boredom, and Ariana was once again reminded that he was a very active person, despite his age.
After a while of nothing happening, Ariana caugth a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye. A firefly! She had always loved them, although seeing them was rare. Thats maybe why she was so surprised when she saw another, and then another, and more. They seemed to fill the air so that it was near imposible to see each other. Elves eyes were sharp though, and as she looked around in wonder, she noticed that Rain was crying. Instinctively she felt the urge to comfort her, but as she moved towards her, Ariana felt something intruding on her mind.
I COME Ariana stopped midtrack. The last time she had heard a dragon...well, it was a long time ago. I should have guessed from the fireflys she thought.
The dragon screamed, saying 'Follow.' Despite the fact that it sounded like it should not be disobeyed, Ariana hesitated. Just then, the wind stopped, like the lull before the storm. Just as quickly as it had stopped, a burst of warm air hit her from the west. Then it lulled again - fear. Rain began to run towards the dragon, shouting back as she did so,
"Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny*."
Ariana hesitated for a moment more, then gave caution to the wind (quite literally!) and followed Rain down the hill. Being a fast runner, she caught up with Rain fairly quickly, and glanced at her concerned, to see that she had stopped crying now. That in itself was hard to see as Rain now had her hair down, and it seemed to whip around her head like it had a mind of its own. Ariana's streamed behind her. Ariana had slowed down when she reached Rain, to see if she was ok. A few seconds later, the centaur overtook her, looking extremely pleased.
As she neared the dragon, Ariana slowed down, and approached it almost reverently. She felt instinctively that he was a male.I wonder what his name is.
Practically walking the last few yards, she rested her hand on the sword hilt, and watched the others come. She was surprised to see that the centaur was not here first. Celebrin was about as fast as herself. The fireflys were still clouding her vision, so she couldn't see how many, but she didn't expect any to stay behind. Only fools would stay behind. Back there lies danger. She turned her eyes to the dragon, and wondered as to whether he would let her ride him. She had seen him before, but not this close. It had been many years ago, and he had come to see the elders of her Elven community. She didn't know what they spoke about, but she knew that dragons had much wisdom. It was only now that she was so near one, that she realised how much she would like to ride one. As Rain caught up, Ariana urged the dragon to come down. Does it expect us to run the whole way? This wouldn't have proved that much of a problem for Ariana, but she knew that at least one member of the group would be troubled at this prepostion. Yet dragons cannot carry too many people. Two at most I would have thought. Maybe three, four for a fully grown...not five. As she realised this, Ariana resigned herself to having to run a lot. At least until they were out of danger. She shot Rain a questioning glance, will he land? She wasn't sure why she thought Rain should know this, perhaps because she didn't seem at all awed by the dragon, and had run first. Maybe becasue the crying had told Ariana that she had memories regarding something of this nature, but most probably because Rain was currently the only other of the five to have reached the sword.

((Sorry I didn't put my view of the war in, but I've already given you a large history lesson of Ariana's life in an earlier post, and I thought that would surfice for now Wink.))

*couldn't help putting that in Very Happy.

Last edited by solus.serpen on Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total

#53:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:12 am
((Don't worry, history and memories are next, I just wanted to see how people would react to this little unexpected surprise of mine. So Solus is more used to being a bad guy, eh? HMmmm...that gives one food for thought.

By the way, I was orginally planning on having the swordbearer as a separate person, but have cancelled that idea, we will need someone to carry the sword. Their are few ways we can do this: 1.) Volenteers, as I rather not let Rain be the Swordbearer [I don't want Rain to become a main character any more than she already is], anyone who wants to can volenteer for this part. A couple of things to keep in mind before you volenteer, a) you must be on the side of good and plan on remaining on the side of good, b) you will need to know some of the plot as there will be a riddles envolved so this may spoil your fun a little. 2.) A challenge: Or I could prepose a riddle challenge. Whoever solves the riddle would get the sword. This gives everyone a chance for the sword. 3.) I can pick one of you myself based on the qualility of your replies for the next part of this rp. 4.) I could create another character for one of you to multi-play. Although I don't usually allow this, it would solve my problem.

The decision is up to you. Post here what you think after you catch up.))

#54:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:57 am
((A riddle sounds fun, although I think I'll stand out of this one - I'm not entirely sure what I'll do later in the book Wink.))


#55:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:35 am
Morzan continued to sit on the rock staring at the ground. In his boredom his mind turned back to his past adventures. Clashing steel and battlecries. He never liked remembering his past all that much. Only telling it to others. He had often gone to the local school house to tell stories to the younger ones in his spare time. Telling them mainly of battles between him and monsters that shook the earth when they stepped.

"Charge!" screamed Morzan from atop his horse.

Battle horns from behind him screamed in turn as his entire company clashed with the opposing force. The ground shook as both forces collided and turned into a swirling melee. The spearmen in front the axemen next then the swordsmen. The frontline of the enemy collapsed as the spearmen drove their weapons forward. Then the axemen threw their blades forward. Then out burst the swordsmen.

Morzan came in from the side of the fight. The enemy was off balance but still fighting. The enemy refused to give ground as the battle progressed. The troops on either side of Morzan's company were holding but he was still worried. So he drew his blades and waded though the fighting to its center. He gathered some of his men who had run astray then charged into the fray himself. The enemy was tough but not invincable.

"Keep fighting! For the Queen!" shouted Morzan.

His troops started to fight harder. But suddenly everything changed. The enemy began to press the attack and Morzan's party was loosing its footing on the battle. [i]If something doesnt happen soon I'll lose all my men.
though Morzan franticaly. Blood covered his blades and sweat stung his eyes. The Elves had arrived only a short moment ago and the battle wasn't changing much. He was about to order retreat but then something happened.

Somewhere out on the field a great light flooded forth. Many of the enemies were blinded but Morzan's troops were not and they took the advantage. They cut their way through the enemy and met up with the dragon people. Words seemed to echo through the air but Morzan was too focused on the battle. His mind remained fixed on finding his rank. The enemy that would be his challenge. It was a long time before he finaly found him.

The creature was stronger than him and very challenging but he emerged victorious from the fight. The battle had been difficult and Morzan barely escaped with his life. The battle was won, not by his victory over the commander but because of the Dragon Kings sacrafice, which he found out a few years before he had left to return to the site of the battle.[/i]

His thought was broken as a bug flew into his ear. Damn bugs! he thought with distaste. Then he saw what was going on, hundreds of little bug flew about the area. He had never seen so many fire bugs. Accept after the battle of Ergos. Before he could find out what was happening there was a deafening roar as a dragon soared over the clearing. I come.

Morzan glanced at the rest of the group, they were equaly as suprised besides Rain who had started to cry. He was about to ask what was wrong then remembered that dragons often had an effect on people and he shut his trap quickly. Then Rain said,

"Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny."

Whats going on here? Morzan's feet began to move forward as if they had a mind of their own. It made him feel strange, scared almost. So he trusted his instincts and move forward. He bounded down the hill after Rain and Ariana. He couldn't matcgh their speed but he still ran forward none the less. I come to pay a tribute to my fallen brethren and I see a dragon. Either I'm very lucky or just in for one heck of a ride.

#56:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:25 am
((I'm female.))
((I may not be on for a few days at a time as our internet keeps going down.))
((Yes, I've heard of Fable and I have The Lost Chapters. Brilliant graphics.))
Morzan bowed and pointed to himself. "Morzan" he said, though I already knew this. He sat on a rock, something Humans do which I cannot abide myself. Still, who was I to argue.

The Elf was speaking. She touched a finger to her lips and bowed. In Human, she spoke. "Welcome. ...You have a shorter name ... Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam?" Then adding in centaurian, almost as an afterthought, "For the...Lesser intelects...of us." A smile was tugging at her lips. How dare she! I did not dignify her with a reply.

Suddenly the air was filled with fireflies. Instintively I looked up into the sky, for though I was not versed in the phsycic language of dragons I had seen the others looking and I also knew tht fireflies came before one. I scanned the sky momentarily, searching for the fireflie's source. There! Circling above the sword of Ergos! Rain 'de-la' Nari was speaking, and running.

"Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny."

I started galloping, and soon overtook Morzan, the Elf and Rain 'de-la' Nari. However, I was disadvantaged, for I could not fit between the trees and had to take the longer, more winding road to the center of the vally. Though I had been galloping at full speed the three I had overtaken were there before me, panting and out of breath. The Dragon was directly overhead.

#57: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:06 pm
Graeme watched the exchange of the others. He grinned in his lop-sided way. He had hit his mark. He felt he had Rain's attention and a similar personality. He had somehow shook Morzan, though the old man tried to hide it, and he nearly succeeded. The elf was agitated that he read her feelings so easily. The horse ignored him. He expected that. He was only telling the truth.

Suddenly all these fire-flies were everywhere. I come. The POWER behind that voice staggered him.

"Oh this is bad....."he whispered to himself.

"Follow me. To the Dragon. To the Sword. To Destiny," the gypsy said.

All the others apart from him ran after the bard. How corny, he thought. Then he remembered his old man's words.

"Find the group, find the sword, and find your desti....." his grandfather's last words were to a younger Graeme.

He stared sullenly at the running figures. He voiced a durge of curses. He learned to curse very well on the road. He was a priest in faith and name only.

"Well?" he said to himself.

He began limping as fast as he could towards the three women and the lone man. Gods, my ankle will be swollen by the end of this. Damn all those people who could at least walk at a normal pace!!! He waddled faster and faster.

What a sight he must be....

#58: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:13 pm
sorry for keeping everybody waiting, a riddle would be fun, or you can just pick one of us Din, you choose, your the writer/organizer.

#59:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:06 am
It's O.K, I can't exactly judge can I? Oh, and I think the riddle would be good, although even with the extra size that all Halflings have I wouldn't be much good with the sword.

#60:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:53 am
((A riddle it is then. OH and whitey, Centaurs are NOT halflings. Halflings are small humanoid creatures with thick feet, elflike ears, and are about half the size of a normal humans. Centaurs don't even qualify as a half-breed! Centaurs are a well-known, separate, and distinct mythlogical creature, recongized in both legund, myth, and recently some High Fantasy circles. Centaurs are known for their wisdom, sagicity, and loyalty to other races. All their is much debate between authors on the subject, it is widely known that when Centaurs take it on themselves to become warlike they are as skilled in that trade as scolarship. In fact, some say they are better than any human mounted light cavalry, since their horse-parts work well with them not against them, and since their no reigns to handle they have often been reported to carry two Swords with as much easy and skill as a master swordsmen. HUMPH!!!

Sorry about that, but I'm a mytholigical geek and a little, how do you say, overzealous on the subject.

Anyway, a riddle it is. It will be a image riddle, which I will post later, when I have the time to do so.

I have been feeling a little sick lately, so it has prevented me on getting on replying as much as I would like. Anyway, even though I'm feeling extermly natious right now, I thought I stop by with a quick note to say I will post the image riddle later along with a very lengthy post to make up for my neglect on this lively Rp.

I'm sorry for any inconvience, displeasure, and all the delays encorred because of my current state of well-being.

If no one is able to figure out the riddle, I will go ahead and pick one of you based on the quality of post you have submitted so far. If you want to be excluded because you might go over to the darkside later, please let me via post or p.m.

Until then here's a little narration to keep you thinking:))

Chapter 2: Dragon's and Riddles

There it stood glittering in the sunlight before all of them. The Sword of Ergos. Above them the dragon screamed mightly, once in murning for the long fallen king, once in remberance, and once in a exclamation that was both an end and a beginning at once.

All round the immediate area of the sword the grass had died as if it been scorched by a great flame. Outside of the circle surronding the sword the grass waved unaware of the precious circle it formed by it's graceful waves.

The Sword itself was plain, it was simply a stell forged sword, and by the way the edge glittered in the sunlight the sword had not lost it's sharpness with time. The plummel appeared in the form silver-hue swirls twisting and turning until it came to the cross guard. At the top of the hilt though stricking admist the plainess stood a shining Ruby stone that seemed to burn with an inner light it was the DragonStone.

Suddenly without warning the dragon descended with a great cry. Jumping back in surprise, the company could gaze in shock as the dragon swopped twice past them each time barely missing them with the tips of it's wings. The first pass it dropped a small bag that clattered as it the ground.

The second pass came with no warning. This time as the dragon passed, it went directly towards the sword and breathed a great red flame. As if enchanted, the dragon's flame curcled around the sword forming a firey barrier of about one foot away from the sword. At first the flames were as tall as man, but then as the flames died down they reached the height of only two feet.

As the group watched in amazement, they looked at the sword. Any ordinary sword would have melted due to the intense heat of the flameInstead of being melted with the great heat of the dragon's flame, it appeared uneffected by it. Indeed, the sword didn't appear in the least bit red or even scorched.

As they continued to watch, the Sword of Ergos began to glow with an errie light and a tendril of light silver began to curve and twirl on the blade of the sword. Slowly the tendrils formed into what appeared to be writing in a strange language.

Passing low again, the dragon cried in the common tongue as well it could with it's serpents tongue,
I am Gilath, dragonkin to the great dragons of the east, bearer of the last words of Ergos, heir to that which my master could not bear in the end. It has been my duty to procect this sword for five years. It has been my honor to awaken it again with dragonflame and dragonspell. Learn first why you are here. The daughter of Eve, the Gyspy who is called Rain, will be your guide, for that is her duty. Ask her what you wish. Remember history. Once this is done, approach the sword, Prophecied Ones, if you dare. But remember, only the one Chosen can approach the sword. All other will suffer death by dragonflame and dragonspell. May your journey speed you well.

Light to your Paths when darkness would find you! May the flame ever be bright in your hearts, and the wind always beneath your wings!

With that the dragon circled once, twice, thrice around the sword and then flew away turwards the North, leaving the group to choose what they would do with what information it had given them.

((Your job now is learn what you can of our task. The riddle is the word that is now shining on the sword. The word is written in the language of Din, a runic language based on english letters. Your job is to decipher the word acuarately. I will post a clue on how to do this later when I post the image of the word.

Until later, have fun with what I've posted so far. Reactions, etc.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:04 am; edited 1 time in total

#61:  Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:30 pm
Thought I would post this to keep up 2 date

He stared in disbelief at what was occuring on the hill. Damn this was happening fast....

He slowed his pace as he approached the hill, and began the ardous climb up the hill. He got nearer and nearer to the inflamed sword. He felt the power emanating from it. So much power was here, in this sword. He had heard the warning.

He finally arrived alongside the others.

"Heck if I'm going near that flame,"He told the dazed others.

Just then words began to form...

#62:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:42 am
Although many words appear on the sword, one slowly begins to grow brighter than the others as the other words seem to fade away into the sword. Soon only that one word is left blazing in a silver light on the sword. The word appears like this in the runes of Din.

((This is the word you must decipher to gain the sword. Here's how: Look closely at the image posted below this note. It is the picture of the sword. The words on the left of the image are the title to this rpg. Figure out the equalivant of the english alabhet to the runes using this and try to figure out what the word reads. Here's a hint, the last three letters do not appear of the glowing word do not appear in the title of this rpg. Try to figure it out with what I have given you.

If you can't, I can pose another harder riddle, and if you figure that out you will gain all the letters that make up the word, but not neccesarily in order.

If no one can figure out the riddle, I will choose as I said before.

The first one to 'read' the word on the sword will be the Swordbearer.

Here's another hint, consider well the words of the dragon. In prophesy things must be done in a certain order. The words of the dragon are that order.

Learn first why you are here. The daughter of Eve, the Gyspy who is called Rain, will be your guide, for that is her duty. Ask her what you wish. Remember history. Once this is done, approach the sword, Prophecied Ones, if you dare. But remember, only the one Chosen can approach the sword. All other will suffer death by dragonflame and dragonspell. May your journey speed you well.

First learn why you are here, how? By Remembering History. Ask Rain questions. Why is it her duty to be your guide. Then once Memories are done, approach the sword if you dare. But remember only the Chosen one will be able to read the words on the sword, and only that Chosen one can approach the sword. So don't approach the sword until your sure of what it reads.

If you are uncertain that you have solved it right. P.m your solution or P.m for the harder riddle that will give all the letters that make up the word. That is all. Thank you.))

#63:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:15 am
When I said Halflings I meant any race which had parts of two other beasts joined inside their own shape, fauns, centeurs, mermaids ect. Because of all the extra conections leading to their brain and, indeed connecting two stomachs, four lungs, ect. (tis apllies most of all to centeurs because we have almost all of the horse organs except the brain) all races of this type are larger than their human counter parts. Thus a human-made sword would not fit a centeur. This has led to wars when, in the interest of equality, tools and weapons of a size which would be fine for humans (or, indeed, races with Joins) were given to someone of the other size.

#64:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:49 am
((I apolgize again Whitey. P.s. Don't stay out because of your race, the sword of Ergos, as you are about to see has the ability to change itself (size, appearance, etc) according to the size, kind (human, dragon, Eroki, etc.), and purpose of it's user.

Okay, so I bet y'all are wondering, What now? There's a big filled with some object that we so far no nothing about, a sword that no one can approach besides the 'chosen one', and the dragon just announced that Rain is not only your comanion but your guide. Plus your probably wondering, why are we all here? And once someone draws the sword, what next?

Well, some of those questions will be answered later. Right now, I'm going to take you down memory lane to kinda let you know why you're here. Also we've going to find out what's in the bag, and why there are two pewter stone-like dragoninettes came with the bag.

Dragoninettes, by the way, a chiness appearing dragons (ie no wings, manes, etc) that are at the biggest the size of a dashound. What makes them unique is the fact that not only do they look like stone, but they are in fact stones. Dragoninettes are often used as statuaries. However, it has recently discover that they are magical resource for stone magic, and in ancient times were often used to hold and protect seeing stones.

Well, anyway, Time for Memories. The following history was devolped almost a year and a half ago, by myself, and two other players in a roleplaying game. This story, therefore, is not orginal to me, but the plot is where I got the idea for this rpg, and the history that is to follow.))

Rain watched Gilath fly away with regret. Gilath would have been a great friend to help in what she was about to do.

Sighing slightly, Rain turned to see the reaction of the others. They all seemed a little dumfounded. Rain couldn't say she could blame them.

They were starring at the flames that surronded the sword in a kind of terror and amazement. The hunchback, she thought summed there communal thoughts pretty well.

"Heck if I'm going near that flame." He said in his usual tone.

Rain smiled, those were her thoughts exactly, although Rain highely suspected that her reason were a little different than the others. She knew that the sword would not be hearers to bear. She had always known ever since the day Ergos died, she heard the prophecy, and she had recieved her gift.

In fact until the day he died, Rain always thought that Juric would be the one to bear the sword and that Juric would be the one leading this little expedition. But that had not been Juric's fate, and whatever gift Ergos had given to the Commander of the Dragonriders was baried with him in his grave.

Turning back towards the sword, Rain watched as one word on the sword began glow brighter than the others. She knew that the writing was in the language of Din, but it would be a thousand years before she ever could read it. Rain unlike the others perhaps, knew the runes of Din, but she also knew that the runes of Din had a magical quality. Unless your were meant to read the words of any rune of Din at the particular time at that particular place, you would never be able to read that word even if you the runes by heart.

Lowering her eyes a little from the brightiness of the flame, Rain looked at the bag and the dragoninettes Gilath had dropped. 'Now this,' Rain thought, 'is a puzzle I can slove.' Holding her skirt tight to her body, Rain cautiously approached the dragoninettes and the bag. She would have to be careful for although the bag lay outside the circle, it was still dangerously close. 'Plus,' Rain thought, 'there are the dragoninettes to consider.'

Ever so slowly, Rain reached for the bag, and as she began to feel the heat of the flames on her cheek, Rain mangaged to grap the bag without any trouble from the dragoninettes.

In fact, the dragoninettes seemed to agree with this move performed by her since they immediatly followed her by twining about her legs and purring as she retreated to a safer spot father away from the flame.

Smiling at her accomplishment, Rain opened the bag with caution. Looking inside, Rain saw what she had expected to see. Laughing softly, Rain removed a large scroll that was labeled in the way address simply 'Squirt'. The writing was obviously done by a dragon, for instead of being written in ink the writting appeared to be the dark scorching of a flame made to write as ink would.

As for the bag, Rain lowered in it gently to the ground. The dragoninettes upon seeing this began to sit protectively next to it as that task had been their's for a hundred years.

Kneeling next to the bag, Rain set the scroll aside for a moment and opened the bag very gently.

As her hands spread the bag flat as a kind of a sheet, it's contents were revelead. Shards of glass of varying size lay inside the bag, and a single word in the runes of din was written on the left corner.

Rain looked carefully at the word and she looked, the word glowed, and Rain was able to read it. Pointing to the runes, "It says Memory." Rain looked up to see what reaction this annocement produced, before continuing on to say, "This bag was meant for me, I think, but the puzzle it contains is far to much for me to solve. What you see here is the remants of half of a seeing stone. Once, long ago, this thing was a glass sphere. This half was sent to Juric upon his dragon, Gilath."

Rain stopped and turned around to set the bag on her back unto the ground. Reaching carefully in, Rain withdrew what appeared to be a traditional gyspy swal (sp?) that had been carefully wrapped around a small object. Carefully, undoing, the swal, Rain laid it out flat on the ground next to the leather bag that dragon had dropped.

"This is the other half, sent to me as I was in those woods just behind us." Rain pointed to the trees that stood just a little to the left behind the group. "It was with this globe, that I heard the last words of Ergos that no one else heard. And when it shattered, the gift that it contained, was given to me. I can still was like a little sphere of power entered here," Rain pointed to her chest, "into my heart. I don't know what power I was given, but I do know that Juric also recieved something of that power. Juric died, and I do not know what became of that gift, or what Ergos told him in his last moments, but I do know what I heard. When the ball shattered, and the gift was given, the words Memory, Emphathy, and Journey entered my mind. I still haven't able to solve that riddle."

Looking up, Rain looked at the odd group before her, "I don't know why I was given a gift, nor Juric, neither why no one else besides us was given those gifts. But I do know what I am to do now. The battle was great, I'm sure you remember, and the noise was such that you may have not heard the last words of Ergos, the prophecy that brought each and every on of you here on this day with me. These shattered pieces of glass contained that prophecy, and the last power and will of Ergos. If we could but assemble them again, not only would hear the Prophecy again but many other things besides."

"Alas, I have no power to do this. Only a mage could perform such a task, so if the hunchback is willing." Rain paused and added a small side to the hunchback, "I'm sorry to call you that, but you still haven't given us your name. But if you are willing, for I know you have the power to do so, that much I can sense, could you reconstruct the seeing stone. It will be a hard task, that much I know, for Juric had many mages try to reconstruct the stone in hopes that maybe we would be able to find a clue to the mystery of his last words. None of them, not even the most skillful Juric could find and afford, could perform the task. I do not if you will either, but if you could try?"

Looking questionally at the hunchback, Rain paused a little, but then took a deep breath as she would finish a heavy task at once.

Visibling bracing herself, "Why we wait for the stone to be reconstructed, it has been given to me to renew your memories of the battle to remind you not only what happened but of the power of the enemy we faced. I can do that by tale, or...if you wish, I can take your there in your minds....I know it sounds strange, yet it is true. I would only be able to do so by showing you what I saw. But if I do that, you would be able to know things that I know, including what I heared in that seeing glass that now lies shattered at your feet. What Juric heard will have to wait until the stones are fixed. Although I'm loaf to do it, it would perhaps be better the latter way since you would know more from my memories than from a simple tale, and besides perhaps you would be able to solve the mystery that I have yet to uncrack."

Standing once again, but careful not disturb the dragoninettes or the glass, Rain asked with a some fear and determination, "What would ye have of me? Ask what you may. For that is also my task. Tell me plainly, Which of the two ways would have me do?"

#65: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:41 pm
Graeme stared in horror at what the gypsy had just said. She wants me to assemble the stone!!! He looked at it. The shattered shards called to him with such force. He shook his head in denial.

"I cannot assemble that, woman...It's made with old magic, can't you feel it? If I tried, gods would it backfire!! I'm a priest!! And a terrible one at that," he explained to the gypsy.

He moved towards the remnants of it. He crouched, let out a wince of pain, and gathered the pieces. Madness!! He just couldn't keep his eyes off this. If he did this, a really big IF, he, a hunchback priest of little standing would be known throughout history for solving THE mystery. Oh the irony!!!

Ambition burned in him as he probed the shards. I could do this....with some time. He glanced at the rest.

"I'll do this....on one condition...I ain't doing the memory thing, my grandad already done it with me. I done it once, never again.NEVER," he remembered it like it was yesterday...

"You must understand why you must leave, grandson," said his bed-ridden grandfather.

"And how do I understand, you already told me everything," said a 17 year-old Graeme.

"Hold my hand."

Graeme tentatively held his grandfather's hand, as gentle as possible, his grandfather looked like he would blow away with a strong wind.Suddenly he seemed to visibly lift off the ground. Then he became weightless, he could see his own body!! Then he was sucked into his grandfather's hand.

He glanced at his new surroundings in wonder. He was standing in a gigantic battle, between two armies of humungous(sp) size!!

He was snapped out of his reverie when he felt a twining of power with the shards. Ok this might be easier than he first thought.

#66:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:52 pm
Rain looked expectadly at the hunchback, some many had failed, would he be able to fix the seeing stone? She did know much that went into magic but she knew that fixing the stone would be no easy task. The stones hadn't broke on accident, they had broken propersely exactly when Ergos had wanted them to. To fix them would be a little like going against the will of the Eroki king in all his power, and in a sense being doing exactly the opposite of what Ergos wanted to happened.

Rain didn't like that idea, but she knew that it had to be done. What she knew of the prophesy made that crystal clear. If the seeing stone was not fixed, it would mean desaster for the entire journey. Granted, they would still be able to accomplish their task, but not without difficulty and not without danger threating them at every turn. There were so many pieces to the puzzke of the prophesy at any moment, Rain knew something could go wrong. There were so many ways this could go and although Rain didn't know of all the ways it could wrong, she had saw and knew about some of them, and this was one of those ways.

However Rain also knew that if anybody could fix this stone, it would be this mage. Why else would he be here? Rain knew from the aura of power that radiented from him, he certain had the power to do it. But would he? He of all people would know the danger involved.

The hunchback certainly looked horrofied at just the idea of assembling he stone.

Just then, he spoke, "I cannot assemble that, woman...It's made with old magic, can't you feel it? If I tried, gods would it backfire!! I'm a priest!! And a terrible one at that."

Rain nodded slowly, she understood. She knew that not only the stone was made with old magic, but that it was worked by the same. Old magic wasn't new to her, after all she carried something made of the old magic herself. At this thought, her hand once again went to her flute. 'Celebrin,' she thought, ' they had said, you have a gift for music so valuable that is like silver. The elves gave me my flute, which they called Celebrin and named me that also. I still can't understand why think I deserve their gift, nor my name.'

Rain watched as the mage cautiously approached the shattered glass. He seemed interested as gathered the pieces towards him, ambitious almost. 'Maybe,' Rain thought.

"I'll do this....on one condition...I ain't doing the memory thing, my grandad already done it with me. I done it once, never again.NEVER," he said with some feeling.

Rain smiled, somehow she knew that if this man tried, there was a great chance, a chance mind, that he could succeed.

"It is agreed then. If I do the 'memory thing' as you called it, just simply set a barrier in front your mind. Picture a wall or something. It actually isn't all the bad really, since I do not posses any magic of my own, at least none that I know of, and only people who can cast the spell can make you 'Live their memory'."

Rain paused, "When I say that I can make see my memories in your minds, I mean just that. What I saw and heard will pass in front of your eyes like a picture. You won't go into the memory deeply, you won't feel anything I felt. It be like I'm telling a story, but instead of words, it be through pictures. Simple really and something that even someone like me who totally lacks any power can do." Rain smiled sacrastically, a small thing, not magical at all she tried to rationalize. She didn't want to think she was magical, after all wasn't magic that gotten all this started anyway?

"However, since it is such a small thing, anybody who wishes to resist it can. They will simply hear the music of a flute...oh I didn't explain that, did I." Rain said realizing she was confusing herself and probably everybody else. "The only way I can make you see and hear my memories is by planning my flute. I discovered I had the talent to make my listeners see pictures or images of the songs I was playing or singing when I was quiet small. I never could figure out how I did it. I just came sort of naturally. The sounds of people speaking in those images was easy after that."

"Anyway, I discovered that it was easier to do with children, animals, or drunks. In other words, those who felt the music or didn't think much. So I discovered that anybody who resisted or didn't wish to hear or see what I suggested in my music could do so. So, you see, Priest Mage, it will be easy for you to exclude yourself if you wish. Besides I have a feeling, you'll need all the concertration you can get."

"I hope that explains things a little better for all you. Especially you Priest Mage, and Thank you." This Rain said with feeling, she meant it, even if the mage failed, his trying would make things go easier on their journey. However, Rain suspected that this mage would not fail.

"What I do for the rest of you is up to you."

#67: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:29 pm
"Woman, I need to concentrate on this, now I suggest you move down the hill, for if I hear your music then something could go seriously wrong," he told the gypsy.

She raised an eyebrow. Graeme let out a sigh of frustration. How annoying this was!!

"I'm a hunchback if you failed to notice," he shot back at the gypsy," And your party, as far as I'm aware, have no mobility problems, it would be far easier for you and the rest of this strange menagrie to move down the hill than me."

He hated having to admit his shortcomings. He turned to the shards again. He stroked them with a wave of power. He would need a short rest before starting. He needed to think clearly. Impatience bred mistakes.

He picked up the different bits and started moving away to prepare.

"Oh, and gypsy, my name is Graeme, from an assortment of hovels, known as Kilbride, my father is the lay priest there. Let him know if anything happens."

On that note he waddled away to set up his ritual. He got out his candles, chalk and holy objects. His power lay in his faith, in himself and his god. He would reply it all, and more to pull off this one.

He drew out the outline of a simple sealing ritual. He muttered his prayers and began improving it. He, in his "younger" days had experimented with many of the known spells. Lucky for him, this was one of them.

He placed the broken seeing orb in the correct place. He raised his voice as the spell culminated. He waited expectantly...Nothing. Oh well, can't expect everything to go my way. This would require some thought.

Dinranwen, I'm distancing myself at the moment, let's theothers have a go, I'll take part again after the memory thing, just wanted to let you know.

#68:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:19 pm
((No problem at all, Smudger. In fact I expected this from the tone of your post. Okay, to move and to wait for the other's responses.))

Rain listened to the mage called Graeme with some patience, she understood, or at least she thought she did.

Nodding to him, Rain motioned to the others. "I don't think we'll need to go far, and I rather not be on the hill for...let's say personal reasons. There is however, a place where I think we will be safe as well as out earshot. We'll be those woods there if you need us Graeme."

With that Rain motioned the others to follow her as she headed off to the woods. They still hadn't said a word, and Rain didn't know if they completly understood what just took place.

Turning back to see if they would follow her, Rain added one last note of caution, "Oh, and Graeme, try not to go outside the grass circle. That area is protected, you'll be safe there from any attacks or distractions. Unless fate wills it, nothing will disturb you. Whether by tale or by music, I should not take long. As for the rest of you, if you don't want to follow me. At least step outside the grass circle. However, it may not be safe there for very long, it involves some power to do what Graeme is about to do. The last mages that tried blew up an entire magic proff tower leaving only the shards and themselves entack. So I wouldn't stay too close if I were you. But like I said, you could stay here if you like....I, however, am going to head to much safer ground."

((I will not be posting more until we get some more involment from the other players. Oh and Smudge, even though your not going to be with the group for awhile, try to post at least a post or two so I can keep track of your progress in interest of keeping things together plot wise, etc. And plus I think it will be interesting to 'see' what our Mage Priest will do.))

#69:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:20 am
((Oh dear!! !! I didn't realise how much school was going to affect my part in this roleplaying game Confused. I've only been away half a week! You move very quickly. Still, I will continue, just be patient with me please, I can only go on at weekends.
Anyway, excuse is that Ariana doesn't talk much, rather private elf Wink. I'll just do a quick analysis, I don't have much time.))

Throughout the whole dragon-fire and package part, and through Rain and Graeme's exchange, Ariana had remained silent. She preferred to run things over in her mind first, and she really didn't see that there was anything that she could say. When Rain suggested showing mind pictures, Ariana was tempted to refuse, elves - and especially Ariana - did not like people intruding on their minds. When she heard that it was merely creating pictures in front of the eyes though, she decided that she would go along, keeping her senses on alert, so she would be ready to close her mind if she felt too unesy with the contact. She was interested to find out what (or at least one of the things that) the flute did, and as Rain moved off down the hill, Ariana followed. She was heading for the woods, and this made Ariana shiver, as she remembered the horrors that had confronted her deeper in.
Don't be silly. That was a long time ago. They have probably all gone now she told herself, but she couldn't be sure and she hoped that they were not going in far anyway. Even if we were going in far, there is more than one now, it would not be a threat.

Ariana wasn't sure if she wanted to stay with the group, she really needed to know more about them to make any real desicion. From what she had seen of Graeme, despite his looks, he was amusing, and not too disimilar to her. From the whole group, Rain was probably her favorite so far, and she hadn't seen much of the rest. The centaur was arrogant, the fighter was proud.

It was for those reasons that she didn't approach the sword. The riddle interested her, and she may well try to work it out sometime, but even if she did figure it, she would not approch the sword.

Following Rain towards the woods, Ariana felt free and happy for the first time in ages, but it was fleeting. She wanted to start the journey, she had loved travelling, and still did. She suddenly had a strong urge to start out now, and impatience welled up inside of her. She quelled it and continued walking, it would not do well to lose her barrier, she did not want to let people in. Thinking this, she felt even more uneasy about letting Rain show her her view of the war. Maybe she should just listen to the music, she liked music and was sure that Rain was a good player.

I'll decide when we reach where we are going. She thought, keeping her eyes fixed on Rain straight ahead. Rain was not far ahead, and she considered catching her up, but she didn't really want to talk. Not yet anyway, so she stayed behind. Alone.

((Ok, thats it I'm afraid, and probably all I'll write untill next weekend, unless I sneak on, or the school unblocks this site Confused. Hm, not likely.
Well, if asked about the picture thing, Ariana will say yes, but I'll put whether she actually listens or not in my next post. She is eager to get going, and apart from that, will probably be rather a silent companion until I enxt get on Wink. Happy rp-ing Very Happy.))


#70:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:04 am
(I have been watching this thread, just didn't think it was the right time to speak. My excuse is that, having spent 10 of the previos 11 years as a librarian Crenlamin is quite an introvert.)

Much was happening, too much for ebven my finely tuned mind to take in. The dragon dropped something and flew away, the thing spoke and the Gypsy also spoke. She gave me the option of having her enter my thoughts or having her relate a tale to me.

I did not like the idea of her memories much. Centeurs have never been gifted in magic, and I told her as much as we went down the hill.

"I am not greatly skilled in magic. I fear that your memories may get quite bloody, madam, and I have no wish to see anything of that nature. If I did consent then I would have to be able to shut out my mind to some things, and that is not something I can do. Therefore I implore you to simply relate the tale. I enjoy tales, as they were often told in the Lord's court."

I would also not try the sword. Even with the fact that it would change for my size, it could not change my skill and my phisique. Even wielding a K'narven, a traition centaur traveller's weapon, I could only hold off things up to the size of Halflings if they were trained.

#71:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:26 pm
This is crazy. Dragons, packages falling from the sky and fire that burns with no visible fuel.

Morzan had made it to the area a little after Rain and the elf. The centaur arrived shortly after then the hunchback sometime later. The dragon had made a run or two over the party before something fell from its clutchs. Rain had gone to retrieve it. Morzan took a few steps forward to get a better look at what she was drawing out of the bag.

"What-" Morzan began to say but was cut short when Rain turned around holding shards of a stange crysal ball, from the looks of it anyway.

Morzan turned away from her then glanced at the Sword of Ergos, which now burned with a great ring of fire around it. Theres something written on the blade. The Sword of Ergos. Morzan knew this because long ago someone had once told him a story about the Dragon King's blade. It was a story from a drunk but he belived it.

"I guess its true then".

Morzan suddenly noticed something else on the blade. A word that shone brighter then the others. {i]I wonder what it says?[/i], Morzan always liked puzzles. They were the only things that let him escape farmlife in his younger, No less experinced years Morzan interupted.

His mind almost instantly started to fill with questions. After a few seconds of thinking he started to line up letters in his head. That doesnt look too difficult.

The hunchbacks name turned out to be Greame and Rain had asked him to recronstruct the orb or whatever it was. At first he seemed to reject the idea then, with great hesatation he agreed. The orb did look like it would take some time to reconstruct but Morzan guessed it was up to whatever the hunchbacks skills were.

Visibling bracing herself Rain said, "Why we wait for the stone to be reconstructed, it has been given to me to renew your memories of the battle to remind you not only what happened but of the power of the enemy we faced. I can do that by tale, or...if you wish, I can take your there in your minds....I know it sounds strange, yet it is true. I would only be able to do so by showing you what I saw. But if I do that, you would be able to know things that I know, including what I heared in that seeing glass that now lies shattered at your feet. What Juric heard will have to wait until the stones are fixed. Although I'm loaf to do it, it would perhaps be better the latter way since you would know more from my memories than from a simple tale, and besides perhaps you would be able to solve the mystery that I have yet to uncrack."

Morzan didn't like the idea of of someone poking through the his head. Even if it was just with images. If someone entered his mind and gave him a certain image whould he go insane? It was possible, if someone someone saw something so horrible they could probobly go mad. But if someone were this emotional over something then... Morzan stood for a moment thinking it over.

"No thanks, I will stay here and try to solve this riddle here."

Im not trusting someone I just met go into my mind no matter what they say. Ill just wait for someone to tell me the story. That was the safest bet.

Morzan then moved away from Greame and sat somwhere nearby. He drew out some paper, and inkwell and a quill and started to write down thea letters that had appeared on the sword.

((So far Ive been trying to get the riddle and its proven. Rather difficult, and I'm usualy good at puzzles Surprised

#72:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:34 pm
((Well, at unless I'm seriously wrong, Whitey and Solus aren't going to try and solve the riddle. So by process of elimantion, it leaves you and Smudger to figure out the riddle. When I talked to Smudger he sounded a little hesitant about trying to solve it, however he said he would try, so I don't want to count him out of the race yet. However, I'll be p.m to double check. If he doesn't want to try or doesn't want the sword, that will leave only you Morzan.

The riddle isn't much of a riddle, that much I will admit. This is a little more like me handing you the Rosetta Stone and asking you translate it. The runes of Din (the runes of my imagination) seem hard at first, but are actually very easy.

After someone either solves the puzzle or the sword is pulled, everyone that is playing will recieve a rune, which I will tell you the meaning, y'all will be welcome to use it in signatures or whatever. The runes are simply my way of thanking you for joining me.

I'm going to post a rather lengthy history here soon, and though you may not be there (rpg wise at least), you can read it and know where I'm coming from. I hope you will enjoy it and that it will help understand the world in which you are playing.

Good luck in solving the riddle everyone who wishes to try! And enjoy the history, everyone!))

#73:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:30 pm
((Here it is, what you've been waiting for...the History! Warning: This is quite long and I did not have time to spell-check it, but I will fix that later. Feel free to ask any questions in character or otherwise.))

Chapter 2: Part 2: Histories

Rain dipped her head a little first to the priest, then to the solider. They had their own purposes for remaining the sword, but Rain did not. In fact just a this moment she felt she rather be anywhere else but beside the sword as she reconted her memories to the elf and the centaur.

“You gentlemen amuse yourselves,” Rain said smiling slightly, “I agree with my friends here,” Rain said gesturing at the centaur and the elf, “I will not tempt that ring of fire nor the puzzle it holds. Therefore, we will retire to safer quarters for our storytelling. Besides, if one has already received memories from a grandfather and the other a solider, surely neither of you would wish to hear again the sad tale I’m about to recount.”

This said Rain made a little curtesy towards the gentlemen, and gestured to her companions to follow her.

As she walked slowly towards the forest, she remained silent, and her companions also. Rain was sure that they, like herself, were busy with their own thoughts.

It took only a few moments walk for the small group to reach the edge of the forest. But instead of entering it like her companions expected, Rain kept a safe distance from it’s edge as she traveled the outskirts of the little forest glade. As she reached the far edge of the forest, the part closest to the hill the group had just descended, Rain began to look up into the treetops as if she was looking for something. Then as the reached five trees that stood a little apart from the main forest, Rain spotted what she was looking for. There in the tallest tree of the bunch before them waved the purple fringed scarf she had tied there five years before.

“Good it is still there,” Rain breathed, “I was half afraid it wouldn’t be after all these years, but it seems some flags remain faithful where others would have failed.”

The tree that held the scarf was not only the tallest, but the sturdiest and the farthest from the forest itself. It was a low branched beech tree that while it stood within the safety of a close branched group of trees allowed a clear view of the area Rain and her companions had passed.

Turning to each of her companions, Rain touched the tree while she gestured with her other hand at the other trees in this small glade. “I know this spot very well, it served as a lookout place for me and a small group of archers. It is very well situated for while it has a good view of the battlefield,” with this statement Rain gestured to the clear site where the sword stood, “It is somewhat hidden from that angle, and provided not only a clear view but a means of either quick retreat,” this pointing at the hill they had descended, “but an easy way to push forward in a sortie,” this last statement while gestured towards the battlefield also included the forest that stood as it where both a little in front of them but also to the left of them, however the forest did not occupy the rear of them nor even most of their left side. It was easy to see why this made a good place for a small group of archers to see but not to been seen.

Pausing a little, Rain made her way to one of the branches of the beech tree that while it stood low to the ground was high enough that Rain had to reach a little to clamber onto it. Then reaching to her left Rain clambered onto a branch that jutted towards the battlefield, which was where the sword lay entreched in the ground. Rain made herself comfortable in a way so that while she was turned towards her companions she lost neither the sword nor the people near it from her view. It was quite clear that Rain had used this same position and way of sitting not that long ago, and that she was as home in it as she would on the back of a horse.

Indicating her seat and the ground below where her companions stood. “It was here that I received the last message conveyed in that glass sphere, and if any of the old magic could be transmoted to the place to which it was received, this place is as safe if not safer than the sword. Make yourselves comfortable, for my tale is long.”

“It is fortante for you Centaur, I care not for your long name so pardon me if I do not use it, that gyspies love the art of storytelling and I, though often silent, am not unlike my relatives in this respect.”

“You wished for a tale, so I will give you one, but unlike many you have perhaps heard from the gyspies this is so much a tale, as a history. For want of a better author, let it be called mine. To understand the battle a little better and the prophecy it produced, perhaps it would better if we began not a the beginning, but somewhere near it.”

Making sure her companions where comfortable, Rain adjusted herself a little and with a far of look in her eyes she began her tale.

“It began not very long ago, when I was traveling with a group of strangers who having been thrown out of there country by demon hordes easily accepted those who came to them for aid without questions…”

~ ~ ~

The sound of weary feet tireless marching echoed throughout the empty forest. The ancient forest, once filled with animals that surely would have startled at the noise of the carts and men’s voices, was now desoulate at the only thing that started at the noise of mule’s bray was the people themselves. They had been traveling this path for many days, passing through many villages along the way that like the forest itself was desolute. Everything those days seemed empty, and what wasn’t empty was full of fear.

Behind the group in the west, the lush valleys that once held cities and towns where destroyed and the only things that inhabited them now were things of nightmares, cowering slaves, and the dead. This group who traveled yet again in hopes that perhaps the next village would not be empty, that the next tavern would not be berefit of food for their hungry, and the next city might bring knights to save their poor villages, where the refuges who had mangaged to escape the onslut.

No one had excepted the demon hordes to attack here, even though all knew that it was beneath the western waste just beyond the Western Ridge that those cursed beings lived or rather die. Peace and tranquility had lulled them to a slumber, and a hundred years rest without a single disturbance from that quarter had inciated that seeming peace. It had been many years since the demons had a leader to lead them into attacks, and it had been years since the last leaders defeat, yet it seemed from the present situation that Demons had once again found a leader.

So it was this group that traveled towards the capital in hopes of another brave knight errant to save them as the other before had saved them the last time, picking up those it could, helping those it couldn’t, and warning any who would listen. A new arrival was seen towards the middle of the group, trodjing on with the same reluntance, going on towards the same hope, but pursued by perhaps a deeper fear than even that of these poor attacked villagers who certainly feared enough for ten nations.

This arrival was a young girl of no more then twenty summers, a slight thing who looked like she weighed no more than a thimble but was seemed strong enough. She had stumble into the group bruised and bleeding with her black hair in a unslightly tangle. Too weak or too exhausted to speak, her strange purple eyes had pleaded for a short rest and healer to aid her with hurts to grave to heal for her to heal herself. Her silent plea had been heard and answered graciously. The next morning, the girl had presented herself as Nari to the leader of the group, a young woman like herself, and asked to admitted into the group at least until the reached the nearest city. When asked what she could offer the group, the girl had simply said, “I have nothing but the clothes a wear, three coins of small value, a loaf stale bread, a small pack that I have lost, and a flute. Although I am loaf to part with it, the flute would pay for anything I owe you.”

That stament had followed with the girl presenting their leader with the most beautiful flute the group had ever seen. It was completely silver, but it did not bend or break, and all around the flute graceful lines were carved into it forming flowers, vines, and sometimes words in a language they could not read. This gift, although, valuable and elengantly given, was refuse since as they had said, “It would be of far more use in it’s mistress hands than ours.”

The group hadn’t questioned the girl since, and she hadn’t spoken.

~ ~ ~

“If you don’t know it, that girl was me, and although that part of my tale might be considered unnecessary it is important for you to know what desparate straights found the people as to our nation, Andoria, to war. Let it serve as an introduction to my character only. And if you ask more of my personal history, know that the account I have given you is as far back as I will go, so ask no farther than that date.”

That said, the storyteller continued with her history.

~ ~ ~

One night we were lucky to not only find some small deer on which to feast but a large cave into which to shelter the group.

At least, we thought we were lucky. That night, we discovered that we weren’t the only ones to occupy the cave. For inside the cave with us, a small group of orges, that foul race, also camped. After a difficult fight we mangaged to kill most of them, but three of them were allowed to escape. It wasn’t until to late we discovered that error.

Soon we found ourself in a hard battle and it was only by a little luck that we managed to escape into a underground tunnel that the group leader knew of. Her people had originally come from those caves so with the help of old maps we traveled underground for the next two weeks with what was left of the group.

Those two weeks felt like an entreaty and when we finally amerged about a days hard walk of the capital, we found the world much changed.

Everywhere we looked black hung. In every windowsill, on every barn, on every tree, black ribbons flew. Death had struck the land in the worst way. When we reached the capital we enquired the meaning of the flags, to this the people gave the sad news that the King had died over a month before.

We didn’t know what to think, surely the Queen having suffered from what grief would not wish to hear the bad news from her western borders? Our suspicision was just, however, the Queen received the groups ambassadorators and to my surprise myself, within a few days of our arrival.

Although confused why a humble gyspy should be asked to join the messengers the group had chosen to speak for the west, I went, and soon found out the reason. Gyspies in those days wandered from kingdom to kingdom, nation to nation, but as the Queen of the nation that hosted the majority of the gyspy camps the Queen considered herself the ruler over our people, at least to the extent that gypsies can be ruled. Therefore, to her I represented the sentiments of that group, and having never met a gyspy in person the Queen was desirous on seeing one and to learn how the gypsies felt about the current state of the nation.

Kyra, the female group-leader to whom I had been introduced, and Guliver, and old mountaineer, were chosen to be the messengers to bare the sad news to the Queen. On the day appointed, we went to the palace not knowing what to expect.

It turned out that is right to expect nothing at the palace, for there we met with everything that we did not expect. At the palace not only did we meet two representatives from every district, but a large party of foreinger’s. These foreinger’s were Lords and Ladies of all nations, kind, and type, who having sympathy with Andoria also held a common plight.

Everywhere around the nation, and to some extent the world, had felt affects of the oncoming demon hordes. News of invansions, plagues, possessions, and other terrors that only demons could be the cause filled the palace. However, they had agreed that Andoria, who had lost it’s King by a demon assissin had suffered the most, therefore what would be called the Union of the Kindreds agreed to meet at the Andoria palace.

Our small group although as unsignificant in this giant crowd filled with those of higher standing and birth than ours, was chosen to come to the meeting since Kyra and Guliver represented those who were closest and most familiar with the threat.

I was also requested to join and the only reason I could guess for this cause was the fact of gypsy birth rendered me a represent of all nations in a way. For whatever the reason, I was requested to attend, and was asked to play my flute for awhile to help ease their burdens during the hours that followed.

What followed was long indeed and involved much tactics, politics, war-talk, and stragems that it was hard to follow. However, I managed to pick up the fact that War was planned against the Demon invaders, and those persent in that room were the ones who were going to wage that war.

~ ~ ~

Several months and battles later, and the Kindred Union found themselves on the southern hills of this valley. Orginally they had planned to camp here, and to make way towards the main camp that the demons had set up serval days travel to the west of this vale. However, someway or another, our enemies had expected us and that night as the camp settled down to sleep they attacked with mage storm and darkfire.

Battles had taught the armies of the nations to expect these attacks and instead of finding an easy prey like they planned, the enemy found themselves in the greatest battle of that war.

That battle as you all probably remember well lasted three days, but, perhaps you are ignorant of what exactly ended that war.

~ ~ ~

The day had dawned red full of smoke and dread for the Kindred Armies, and the girl called Nari was just one speck among many. It had been two days since she had a decent night sleep, for the demons haters of the day often attacked at night.

That day however, the kindreds had a surprise at the dawn of the day. At the red dawn trumpets began to sound, and cheers echoed from the enemy camp. There on a black curtained litter carried by four gigantic mountain trolls was the enemy leader, The Lady of the Night, is what they called her in their faul language, and she deserved that name.

The Kindred Army knew her well and had their own name for her. They called the Tricked. The pale skinned woman who had fangs, horns, a tale, and a pair of blood stained leather wings, was indeed a poor soul that had been tricked, and the said thing was is that she is tricked still.

The Lady that led our enemy’s armies by some higher beings consent, was once a human woman who had become changed to what she was. She had once been a follower of strange cult called the Zosaters, and for many years her friends that her a ‘god-fearing’ woman. This feeling changed however when the woman began to receive ‘angels’. No one could convence her that she was seeing things and soon afterwards she began to declare that she was a messenger of ‘the almighty one’ and that she had two ‘angels’ to prove it. Those angels proved to be nothing less than demons.

Soon afterwards the Zoasters were led by this woman on a crusade to ‘purify the nation’ and like all crusades it began innocent enough. First it began with catching thieves and low-lifes, then magic users, and then finally as it reached it’s height any ‘unaturals’. The first to suffer this effect was low magicicians and any kind that wasn’t human, such as the elves and the centaurs, but soon it became clear that any who would join this woman’s horde were branded as ‘unnatural’.

At first this movement began slow, but like the first crusades it quickly changed it’s face, and soon all knew the followers as demon-possesed and that the angels were no angels at all.

That is how the Lady of Night became to be, and surprisingly enough even at the head of Demon-horde she believed herself to be leading a band of angels against all the ‘resisters of the faith’ and thus leading a ‘holy and victorous cause’.

The first to remark her arrival was a friend of mine that had made in the army, Juric the commander of the dragonriders. Juric hastened to tell all the nations leaders of this arrival. Among them was Ergos, King of the Eroki, who was also my friend in those days of that battle.

The demon hordes though forced to fight during the day this once by their leader seemed to receive new strength at her arrival and on that day they stricked us with double force.

My job was simply to play the flute to promote moral in the fading men. Demons feed off fear as you know, and you can imagine what men felt like when they saw our enemy. My job was to basically fight that fear as well as to comminacate messenges with the drum majors on the field. I was usually positioned on that hill behind us since I could command a good view and could therefore commuciate changes in our enemies movements quickly to drum majors below me. Therefore, you know that I had a pretty good view of what happened next.

~ ~ ~

It was towards the end of the day, and the situation was getting pretty desparate. Most of the army was wounded, and those who weren’t were exhausted. We all knew from the site of things, that day was pretty much lost and with it the war. Little did we reckon on what happened next.

The Eroki people are fierce and seemed to handle facing the demon hordes much better then men since they had no fear of our enemies appearance since they themselves so closely resemsembed dragons.

Imagine everyone’s surprise as the Queens army called a retreat that we saw Ergos leading a charge right through the retreat and met the enemy head on.

I saw this and despaired. Juric saw it and began to hope. Calling on what archers I could, I beat a path to this would and took my position in this tree. Placing my flute on my lips I gave what I could to support the fading morals of all the armies. It wasn’t much, I will admit, but I tried.

Juric saw it and lead his dragons in another swoop. Some even of the armies came to the assistance. Those who were too weak to help were able to finish their retreat safely thanks to this bold move by Ergos, and sadly aside from a few hundred men, all of the army were in that group that were forced to make their slow way to safety in whatever way they could.

The unit that Ergos lead soon died out one by one, and it was not long before Ergos was in the middle of the field facing down the enemy with only fifty men at his back.

Smiling strangely, he told his men to retreat and began to step forward with his sword raised. The enemy, if they lack in any other virtue respect bravery, and the enemies leader herself began to make her way forward through the throng within her black pavilion.

As the tent drew close, Ergos raised his sword high and uttered a strange spell. A wall of power, glowing purple, so tall it seemed to touch the very sky appeared behind him separting what was left of the kindred army and the enemy.

It was to my grief that I saw that Ergos was not on the safe aside but was rather on the enemies side all alone and defenseless.

Despite the attempts to prevent what happen next, and to lend support to the Eroki King, none could break through the barrier. All I could do was sit here and stare open mouthed, unable to help in a way except to watch the last act of Ergos.

As the Lady of the Night drew closer, Ergos once again raised his sword with a cry, and nailed it right into the ground as he knelt beside it. Smiling at his enemy, Ergos uttered one last spell and with that he burst into a spinning tower of fire stunning his enemy with the shear power of the spell.

The spell was an old one that all mages know, it is often called the Self-spell. All spells are empowered by something, usually magic feeds on the inner being of it’s caster causing them to be tired. This is why outcasting is so dangerous. The Self-spell however, breaks all the rules, for in order to work it takes all the casters power resulting in the immediate death of the caster. This spell is all the more power if it is done in a noble sacrifice to save others. This is what Ergos did. He cast all of his self into hurting his enemy to try and kill her.

The blow was powerful, it will be amdited, but it did not kill our enemy indeed it only hurt her. However stunned by this act of self-sacfrice, they enemy was defeated that day as with one selfless act over seventy-five percent of their army had been killed and their leader gravely wounded as if to the death.

The valley was filled with Ergos’ voice as everyone heard the prophecy, “'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right."

This is what everyone heard, Ergos however, had some more private conferences using the spheres, which is actually one sphere but had been divided by Ergos temporarily for his use.

“One was with me and the other was Juric,” finished Rain, “human memories fade very easily and I do not remember as keen as an elf what Ergos said to me in those last moments. Besides if I remember aright, it wasn’t such much the words Ergos said but the pictures that accompied them that I need to recall. Those pictures have haunted me since as if they were more important than what Ergos said to me. Nevertheless, no matter how hard we tried Juric and I could never recall those images to mind. This why that ball needs to be repaired, that and the fact that the words that Ergos spoke to us involve another riddle for us to solve that we could not figure out. I would tell you what Ergos said, to me at least, and what I remember of the riddle, but I think it would best to wait until we rejoin the rest of the group and the seeing stone is repaired. The more hands to do a thing, the quicker it is done, as grandpa used to say.”

With this Rain looked into the distance to the two figures near the sword. One was busy trying to solve the puzzle of the sword, and the other that of the sphere, but both were busy in their task.

“Speaking in rejoining the group,” Rain said looking at the descending sun, “I think it would be best if rejoined them now, I do not want to be to near this forest at night, too many memories. I think it would be best if we camped together as a group, much safer that way. Besides, in my hasted to get into this tree, I forgot my pack and the letter I kindly received from Gilath, which doubtless contains some news for us. It would be best to find out what it says now rather than later, I think.”

With this Rain lept down from her branch with the ease of a cat, and began to walk towards the sword this time shying well away from the edge of the forest.

Her companions soon joined them, and they silently made their way back to the rest of their group, each in their own memories. Rain crouched down next to Morzan, but was careful keep herself outside the grass-free circle that encircled the sword. Motioning her companions to be silent, Rain decided to make herself comfortable as she waited for something, anything to happen. She didn’t now why but she felt as she was curled up like a spring, tense and waiting for that sudden realease.

Curling her legs under her, Rain began to pick nervously at her skirt as she looked from one companion to the next. She had left so much out of her story, such many secrets, she just hoped it hadn’t been obvious during her tale. Even now, as she sat down with her eyes downcast, she just hoped that none of them would remember that her role in the war was far more than what she had suggested. That had been one reason she was so hestitant to play her flute. Her music, once heard, was hard to forget, and Rain didn’t know what to expect if she kindled distant memories of herself in the war.

‘What if they suspect that I…’ Rain thought somewhat guiltily, ‘But that is impossible, I have told no one my secret except a very few that I can trust to keep to their graves.” Looking at the sword one last time as the sun began to make a beautiful sunset in the west, “Two already have,” Rain thought sadly.

Pushing aside her thoughts, Rain pulled her knees to her chin and waited…

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:06 am; edited 1 time in total

#74:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:33 pm
Hello all I've decided to come play and fill that last spot since there are only five of you. I don't exactly know what I am but I'm here to help...sorta..

Rath had long been watching the group from high above. For days now her skin had itched, warning her that she had somewhere to be something to do...and she'd bet her wings it had something to do with that damned war and the blade of her fallen king. Thus her journey from her Lair to the battlefeild where the sword rested.

She knew that this truely was the time when she'd nearly been bowled over by a dragon in mid-flight. Once again her heart ached. She'd not always been one of these dragon-men, Eroki. Once she'd been a true dragon, a best of might. That day, to save herself and many others, she'd given up her dragon form and much of her power to aid Ergos, and Eroki to whom she'd pledged her unyeilding support.

As she had labored along in the wake of the dragon she fancied she recognized him. Running through her hazy memories she did indeed find his identity...Gilath. She hung back. If he was awing again then truely it was time...yet she did not want him to see her thus. It should always be that he remembered her as a great dragoness with mighty the half weak thing she was now.

When she saw him land she circled high above the feild, her sharp raptor vision racheting the sword into view and then the figures that surrounded it. Two she remembered clear as a bell. Rain and Morzan she'd seen on the battlefield. The others, an elf, a hunchback, and a centaur were unknown to her though they must have some part to play.

She turned her attention again to the sword. The flame and spell upon it sang in her bones, making her ache to sing with it to no avail. She could no more go back to being a dragon than a chicken could go back to being an egg...not until the Lady of the Night was vanquished at last. Then and only then would the spell be over, then and only then could she go seeking what she lost.

So enchanted by the sword was she that she forgot to hide herself from the dragon when he rose into the air again. Though those on the ground might not have sensed Rath's presence Gilath was no fool. He gazed at her knowingly yet continued on his way, for which she was eternally grateful. She turned her attention once again to those on the field.

The centaur was walking away, Morzan was scrawling something on paper, the elf and the hunchback were looking around, and Rain was just sitting staring at the sky. Rath had the funny sense that Rain was waiting for her, knew she was there. Running her hands through her hair the former dragoness sighed. She'd vowed to help years ago and she'd never broken her oath yet.

With a mighty flap she folded her wings, hurtling out of the sky like a dropped stone, the chill of the wind causing tears to leak from her eyes. Rain spotted her, and stood quickly pointed with a smile. The others quickly scrambled around to stare at the rapidly growing speck.

At the last second, Rath snapped her wings open, jerking herself upright and pounded them against the air currents hard. Though her entire back ached from the back of her skull to the tip of her barbed tail she landed soft as a snowflake in the gently waving grasses, crouching to absorb impact then standing tall again.

Rain's grin widened. "Six. Hello friend." Rath lashed her tail, debating how much to tell. She still had some vanity intact and more than a little pride but the glowing sword so near at hand convinced her to put it all away.

"Rain, Morzan. We are well met my friends." She extended clawed hands, a grin curving her mouth, showing sharp fangs.

"If you don't mind my asking...who in the world are you?" She turned her attention to the knarled hunchback.

"Forgive me. My appearance has changed much since last I stood on this field of battle. I am Rath the last assassin of Dracos. I have come heeding the call of Ergos, to finish the job I have aid you as you see fit." Rain's eyes widened, clearly remembering Rath as she once had been, a massive black and red dragon hurling lesser creatures from the sky. Yet standing here the assassin seemed to have lost none of her presence.

Head held proudly aloft Rath waited for the others to say something...anything at all...

Right-o here I am to save the day..

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:13 pm; edited 3 times in total

#75:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:09 pm
Rain looked at Rath with something akin to pain. Her friend had indeed changed, but that wasn't what hurt her the most. Rath was one of the few that new her secret, and Rain wasn't sure if she was comfortable with having someone from her past trodjing around her.

However, Rain raised her eyes just a little from where they had been gazing at the ground in sorrow to look into Rath's eyes. There in the midst of the fire that had long ago rested in a dragoness eyes was that gleam, the gleam of destiny.

"Rath if you don't mind, could you come aside with me for a moment?" without waiting for Rath's answer Rain took the dragoness aside, but not without difficulty for Rath had lost none of her dragon strength.

Finally reaching a spot distant enough from the group, Rain crossed her arms and looked at the ground embarrased by her actions as well as what she was about to say.

"It has been a long time, hasn't friend," Rath said looking at Ran keenly.

"A very long time," Rain agreed, "Rath it is important for you to know that some secrets, that we both possess are best left that way. These people don't remember me, and although I remember Morzan he has yet to recall my face, it is perhaps better that they do not."

"We can certainly use your help, but for now, we are waiting. Graeme, the hunchback you say, is trying to heal the seeing stone. You will remember how hard it was for Juric to find anyone willing to that before he died, and how none them succeded. It is important that for now he remains undisturbed since we both now the globe is utterly important to what we are about to do. As for the rest, I don't know, honestly. Juric may have appointed me to be the leader of this group at his death, but to be honest, I still don't know why."

Pausing, Rain scoffered her feet a little, and looked up at Rath. "Gilath wrote me a letter, Rath, I still haven't opened it but I have no doubt that it is dragon tongue. Gilath never could stoop himself to write in common tongue. If you could help me translate it, I would appreciate it. But until the globe is fixed, all we can do is wait. The chosen one has still to reveal themselves. Morzan has looked long and hard at the sword, but he can't read the word. Graeme although a priest, cannot read it. As for me," Rain smiled and looked at Rath, "you know why I don't try. The centaur, and the elf, they will not try either. They're not meant to. But until someone either pulls the sword or the globe is fixed, or both all we can do is wait and be silent. You do understand what I'm asking, friend, don't you?"

Rain's eyes pleaded mutely as the change from their dark purple to that of a watery-purple of the deepest ocean depth.

"I understand," Rath said finally. "Now, shall we go and join the group again before they start asking to many questions?"

Rain breathed a sigh of relief and let herself be led back to the group as Rath talked to her endlessly about how she turned from a dragon to a Eroki and how an itch had called her to the sword.

When they reached the group, stares met them, Rain was a little nervous, but Rath used to such stares shrugged them off and contined to talk to Rain until her tale was finished.

Once she was done, Rath took one look at the sword and said,"So this is what has become of the Sword of Ergos. Strange how one metal object could claim the destiny of us all."

'And that', Rain thought, 'says it all. Our destiny,' she thought looking at the sword, 'I wonder where it will lead us?'

#76:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:30 pm
((Okay: Here's a Map of the world where playing in, Cree, which is Mian [refer to Tsl] in the Fifth Age, around 2374 DAR: for your information, the green lines are borders, and the blue are rivers, just to clear things up.

Thought it would be useful. I will also be posting a more detailed one of where we've at, surronding towns, etc.

Also, I thought I would post a shortened version of the history above incase you don't want to have to trudge throught the slobby one above.

A Short History of the Last of The Fifth Age, around 2374 DAR, or 13 years before this rpg.

About 13 years ago, a woman that we know as the Lady of the Night, joined a radical cult known as the Zoasters. The Zoasters believed that anybody who was non-human [centaur, elf, faun, saytr, etc] and a magic user was unnatural however, they rarely did anything about their beliefs. Nevertheless, shortly after this woman joined the Zoasters she started recieveing 'visions', 'prophecies', and 'angels'. These 'angels' told her to become the leader of the group and to lead them in a 'purifing of the nations'. It wasn't until this 'purifing' mounted into raids against mage, elf, faun, nymph, dyraid, centaur, etc. communties that the Royal Andorian Knights [the miltary where the group was located] decided to beat the Zoasters back into quiet.

The Zoasters retreated into the Western Waste with their new prophetess. The world hadn't seen the worst yet, all they had seen is what a Lady with a group of mad cult followers, who though crazed where still human, could do. They were about to see what the Ladies 'angels' were, and they were devils.

Around this time, a foreinger arrived at the Royal Palace in Mendar. This man slowly worked his way up until he was the King's most loyal friend, and confidant. In fact, that man who was called Deliprim, soon became the King's Cupbearer, the most trusted positon aside from the Royal Companion.

Years after their famous retreat to the Western Waste, the Zoaster cult reappered with a new Leader at it's head and a demon army at it's back. The Leader was the Lady of the Night, the same woman who recieved the visions that started the Zoaster Raids and this time instead of leading humans...she lead demons.

Thus started the Demon Raids on the Western Borders of Andoria. Although brief and flirting, this raids claimed the lives of any who would not swear to serve the dreadful being that the Lady of the Night had become.

Soon the Demons took control of many cities on the Western frontier and many fleed the uncoming onslaught. Including the group, Rain, my character joined.

During this time of confusion, the King of the besieged country naturally went to his trusted advisor, Deliprim. All he recieved was a knife in the belly. To late was it discovered that Deliprim was a demon who had been sent to kill the King. All efforts were made to try and save the king, but all failed, and the King soon died leaving the Queen a Widow.

Unknown to the people of Andoria, all around the world, other countries, peoples, etc, were also under attack by the demon hordes.

The Queen however, soon recieved the news as she grieved for the King alone. Determined to put a stop to this once and for all, the Queen brushed aside her tears and declared War on the Demons.

"Tears are a thing of leisure gentlemen, let us first see our enemy killed, then when that is done and peace rules will have time for such leisures." A quote from the Queen during her council with her advisors.

The Queen sent letters to all the nations and soon afterwards, democrats from around the world where in her palace discussing war.

It was arond this time that the group from the western fronteirs arrived.

To keep things short: The Kindred Armies, sometimes called the 'Union', fought many battles the last of which was the Battle of Ergos.

This battle would have been lost if it hadn't been for the self-sacficing spell that Ergos uttered. One his last acts was to drive his sword in the ground, utter a prophecy, and send a seeing stone divided in half to Juric and Rain. And that my friends, brings us up to today where we stand in the battle field.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:53 pm; edited 3 times in total

#77:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:31 pm
"I wonder where it will lead us...One way to find out." Rath reached into the heart of the dragon flames, feeling the kiss on her scales in a knowing way. In one smooth motion she pulled it free.

"Damn you Ergos. You knew I couldn't refuse this." Her words were whispered too low for any but Rain's keen ears to hear. They'd both agreed to keep mutual secrets safe but now, with the cold steel of the blade in her hand, she wondered how long until these secrets came to light.

Slinging the blade across her scaled shoulders, since she lacked any scabbard, she turned to face the group. "Now I suggest we make use of our most excellent guide. I was at this battle field, don't ask where for I cannot tell you, and I know first hand the slaughter that turned the grass red. However, I do not recall some of your faces and, believe me, were you there with us that day I you would be etched into my mind."

She turned a quick circle before sitting in the grass, legs crossed, sword over knees, tail wrapped around her, palms stretched out over the blade. "This sword is special, it accepts me because it must, not because it wants to. I feel I owe it an explanation." With that she sank into a deep trance, breathing rhythmically.

#78: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:20 pm
[color=orange]Graeme glanced over at the Eroki. She just took that sword!!! He grumbled away until he got to the seeing stone. Now I need to fix you don't I? He put the stone together, and clasped it into his hands. He went inside himself, to that special place inside all magic users, where they could access their magic to its fullest potential. He went deeper, an deeper inside until he was at the innermost levels of his powers.

He visualised the healing of the stone, accessing its powers, SEEING what was inside. He continued this away from the others. Slowly he began to drain his power into the orb, getting faster and more powerful, until he had unleashed such volume of mana into the orb a sphere of pure power formed around him. He knew this as he felt it, he did not need his eyes for this. He was immoblie for longer, as he put the last ounces of magic into the orb. He concentrated harder on this, more and more. This was going to work he told himself. With the last push of his mental strength he REPAIRED IT!!!!! However with his mental barriers so weak and the stone in his possession whole he SAW what had happened all those years ago....the battle, his grandfather standing fighting the forces of evil, the heroic sacrifice of Ergos and...Rain, what she had done!!!

He was snapped out his trance by an exhaled breath, he spun to see Rain standing looking at him. He looked up in disgust.

"You think I will give this to you after what you done?! You can rot in hell!!! Take your sword, I saw what happened Rain!! And you shall have to steal this from my dead body!" he screamed at her, and on that note he spun and hobbled as fast as he could go....

#79:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:35 pm
"You think I will give this to you after what you done?! You can rot in hell!!! Take your sword, I saw what happened Rain!! And you shall have to steal this from my dead body!" he screamed at her, and on that note he spun and hobbled as fast as he could go...

Rath's eyes snapped open, guided by the sword she lunged across the intervening space, faster than any of the group could respond, her long years of training standing her in good stead. Before Graeme had hobbled more than a few feet. Graeme lashed out with what little magic he had left, desperately attempting to escape.

"Graeme you fool!" She swept down and, wrapping an arm around his torso, lifted him into the air. "Stop struggling you fool! This is harder than it looks. I've only got a few minutes to talk now hold still."

Graeme, raving wildly and kicking about, bashed at her with the orb...then thought better of it. "You FOOL! Don't you know what she's done!" Rath turned blazing copper eyes on him.

"I know exactly what she's done...If you saw that battle then you know what I was. I had a birds eye view of what happened and so now I'm telling you for your own good you miserable hunchback to calm down." Slowly Graeme settled down a bit, allowing the struggling Rath to fly a bit more easily.

"I'm going to set you back down. For all our sakes you need to act like I've smoothed everything over."


"Shut up!. Don't worry Graeme, I'll aid you. But you must trust it?" Slowly the hunckback nodded as the Eroki settled back to earth. "Remember my words priest. Calm down." She backed off, leaving Graeme in the center of the group to repair the bridges he'd just burned.

#80:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:46 pm

Rain couldn't say anything, she just stood there as she looked in shook at Rath who had just taken the sword. No one could take that sword but the person Ergos had chosen all those years ago. But to tell the truth, Rain hadn't expected it to be a dragoness, least of all Rath as she now was.

Breathly deeply, Rain clenched and unclenched her fist succesively. No one could draw that sword but the Chosen One. But chosen one or not, this was going to complicated really, really fast.

As if to prove her theory, Rain looked at Graeme. What she saw was enough to shock her out of her wits. The amount of power the mage-priest was pouring into the seeing stone was beyond belief, and he just keep pouring and pouring until Rain couldn't see anything around him for the amount power raditating from his being.

Then just as Rain thought Graeme would kill himself trying to heal the stone, it happened. There was a pop, and just as suddenly as it had broken, the globe was repaired. Rain could have cried for joy and hugged the hunchback but then something happened Rain did not expect.

Instead of letting the ball go, Graeme got a far off look in his eyes and stared into the depth of the ball. He's looking into it, he's seeing the past....Rain thought.

Suddenly Graeme head snapped up and a look of disgust and terror came into his eyes. Screaming, "You think I will give this to you after what you done?! You can rot in hell!!! Take your sword, I saw what happened Rain!! And you shall have to steal this from my dead body!" Greame tucked the seeing stone proctevitely close and began to hobble away as fast as he could.

Rain just looked at Graeme in shock, her dismay written all over her face, frozen to the spot by what the hunchback had just said and the look on his face as he said it.

Suddenly Rath's eyes snapped open, guided by the sword she lunged across the intervening space, faster than any of the group could respond, her long years of training standing her in good stead. Before Graeme had hobbled more than a few feet. Graeme lashed out with what little magic he had left, desperately attempting to escape.

"Graeme you fool!" Rath swept down and, wrapping an arm around his torso, lifted him into the air. "Stop struggling you fool! This is harder than it looks. I've only got a few minutes to talk now hold still."

Rain couldn't hear what followed, but she could pretty well guess what Graeme said judging by the look on his face as he pointed to her. Rain lowered her eyes allowing her dark hair to hide her face. Tears began to flow down her cheeks unchecked as she crossed her arms proctevly around herself. Who knew what Greame would do, now that he knew. What if he tried to hurt her?As she glanced downward she looked at her flute, but kept her hands well away from it. Her flute was her only proctection, but that wasn't something she should use, at least not when she could prevent.

A few minutes later the screaming stopped and Rain hazarded a glance upward.

Somehow someway, Rath had convinced Graeme that he was being foolish and had managed to convince him to come back to the group.

Looking around him, Graeme spottted her and turned his nose up in disgust. 'He hates me,' Rain thought, 'that much is clear, but right now there's not a thing he can do about it.'

Casting a glance a Rath, she met the Eroki's level stare. 'NO more secrets.' The glance clearly said, but Rain hesitated in following that advice.

Rain allowed herself to lower hands, and with careful percision, she threw her flute down and slowly raised her hands where everyone could see them. "Now where the same priest, you and I. You weak from magic, and I without help. You probably want to kill me, and I wouldn't blame you." Rain smiled slighty, "Please be my guest, I have wanted to die for a very long, long time. But before you go murdering me, what did you see in stone?"

Graeme glared at her pouring all his hatred in a single glance, "You know what I saw!" He said with a sneer.

Rain paused a little, and tried to look into Graeme's eyes. For some reason, the hunchback would not met her eyes. "No, I don't."

"You were there weren't you?" came the question that seemed to drip with sacarsim, but Greame still wouldn't met her eyes.

Catching his head in her hands, Rain took one step closer to the hunchback. She loomed over him in height, but somehow she felt smaller than he. Graeme struggled at her grip, but as Rain starred directly in his eyes, she spotted what she was looking for and starred back at it. "Graeme, there are more ways than one that a seeing stone to be used, now it is important. Tell me what you saw?!?" Rain demanded remaining firm despite the hunchback's weak struggles.

#81:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:11 pm
Taking advantage of the momentary diversion Rath walked over to the bag that had brought the orb. Picking up the scroll she smiled at the dry wit that had adressed the scroll to 'Squirt'. With a flick of her thumb-claw she broke the seal, eyes scanning the words in ancient dragon script.

For a moment everything was hazy, then the archaic alphabet came back to her in a rush and she scanned the document several times. What was contained in it was not something to be shared in the open, at least, not before she'd privately read the contents to Rain first.

Glancing over at the tableu in the center of the feild she shook her head. How long could the hunchback go without bolting...and in truth what did he see? Did he see the true past...or did he see the past that might have been...a past that might have been?

Shaking her head she replaced the scroll and turned to the other, much neglected, members of the group. At the moment they were ignoring her, save Morzan who was keeping a watchful eye in her direction, but that couldn't last long. She wondered...

Which one of them would try to put a dagger between her wings before this was over...

#82:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:24 am
((Ahhhh!! Too much information! Shocked
And a new person, too! Hello Rath, and welcome. Sorry I couldn't come on sooner, school and homework is taking up too much time.
Ariana was relieved when it was decided that Rain should tell the story through words rather than pictures, but did not say so. Right now, she was going to stick to saying the bare minimum needed, prefering to observe and judge for the moment.

She listened to Rains story with closed eyes, leaning against the trunk of the tree. For the first time in this company she realised, she was unprotected.

She knew a lot of the tale, the main history, but she listened to Rains part of the battle with intrigue. It seemed a small part for her to have played, Ariana thought. Rain seemed to know Ergos well, better than a most of the people here - it didn't fit. For some reason Ariana had the feeling that Rain was keeping something back, hiding it from them.She must have done more than just play for high morals. Ariana was tempted to ask Rain about it, but decided that if she wanted it to be kept a secret, then she had no right to ask.

After Rain had finished, they walked back in silence. Graeme and Morzan were still ingrossed in their tasks. After about a minute of watching them, Rain got up and pointed, showing them something. It was a black dot in the sky, and at first Ariana thought it was harmful, a missile maybe. But Rain did not seemed frightened. A moment later an almost human figure landed - she had wings.

Ariana watched what happened next in confusion. The sword was taken, words exchanged, crystal fixed and tension mounted.
This is like a wierd sort of entertainment She thought. Things are moving too fast to really seem real. The dragon-lady was apparently called Rath, and seemed to know Rain well.
Too well, thought Ariana, Rain is uncomfortable with her being here.

When Graeme put on his show of horror and disgust, Ariana noticed Rain starting to cry. Again, she felt an overwhelming sense of pity. Standing up, she came to stand next to Rain. If sides were to be taken, she wanted to make it clear who she was going to join. She hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Then Rain stepped forward, and threw her flute to the ground.
"Now where the same priest, you and I. You weak from magic, and I without help. You probably want to kill me, and I wouldn't blame you." Rain smiled slighty, "Please be my guest, I have wanted to die for a very long, long time. But before you go murdering me, what did you see in stone?"
Graeme obviously was in no mood to talk to her.
"You know what I saw!!" He shouted.
Pausing, Rain replied, "No, I don't."
"You were there weren't you?" His voiced seeped sarcasm.
Then Rain grabbed his head and forced him to look at her.
"Graeme, there are more ways than one that a seeing stone to be used, now it is important. Tell me what you saw?!?"
Ariana stepped back, although she had wanted to know Rain's secret earlier, she had no such wishes now. Chancing a look at Rath, she saw that she was studying Gilaths letter - no help from that quater then.

from what Rain had said, Ariana guessed that Graeme had seen something that hadn't happened, but what could have happened. Turning her head away slightly from the two, she held her hands over her ears. Part of her protested at this, she was natrually curious and desperately wanted to know. But it was Rain's secret, and she felt like she had no right to know. Instead she turned and sat down next to Rath, and tried to figure out what the strange letters meant.

((Ok, quite a long post, not sure when I'll be able to get on next. Happy rp-ing Wink.))


Last edited by solus.serpen on Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:30 am; edited 1 time in total

#83:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:00 am
(I'm going to write this as if graem has just been placed back in the group. I don't have the time to do anything else)

The Eroki placed the Hunchback back in the group. I had much respect for Eroki but couldn't this one see she was going too far? If the Hunchback wanted to run let it run. We certainly didn't need invalids in our group.

I couldn't be bothered to listen to what the thing said. It wouldbe about the battle and because I was in the Tacticians Tent I haadn't seen any. That would make me seem stupid to the Eroki and the hunchback might think he was better than me. He wasn't, I knew. Not in any way.

I cantered into the forest in disgust. I hadn't had this much time constantly in other's company in years. I needed time to think, time to run out my loathing of the Hunchback. I knew I couldn't completely stop loathing, of course. Invalids like him should be burned at birth, as they were in the Centeur Lands in the mountains. Sundenly I remembered. That was what had struck me as so odd in the story. Rain had spoken of centeurs being persecuted, somehting I rememberd only too well, but she hadn't mentioned her part in the small battles. I did not know of the large one. Anyway, Rain had often been the one in smaller battles who played to give strenght, played to weaken the demons. That was why the Lady of the Night had only showed herself in the final battle. She thought Rain would't have the strength to do her job. How wrong she had been.

This was, of course, only from the battle-sounds I had heard, but all the same I spent another half-hour in thought before returning to camp.

And seeing the uproar.

#84:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:32 am
Rath raised an eyebrow as the elf came and sat next to her. This one certainly is brave...or too weary to care much...I like that. With a flick of her tail-tip she gently rolled the scroll back to it's original resting place.

"Some times the runes of the dragon language can cause harm to untrained minds. I would not wish that upon you elf-maid." Rath's elvish was flawless owing to the face all dragons are masters of all tounges.

The elf turned her face up, slightly annoyed at being deprived her prize. Rath, having no wish to make an enemy of anyone, extended a clawed hand. "I do not think we have been introduced. I am Rath and you are...?"

After a moment's hesitation the elf quietly replied "I am Ariana." The hand was ingored for the moment and Rath rolled her wings.

"We are well met then Ariana. Tell me, the centaur seems not overly fond of Graeme. In fact she seems not overly fond of any of us...would you know why?" The elf shrugged her shoulders and Rath absently chewed a strand of black hair. "Perhapse I should see what the matter is with her. If we are to fight the Lady of the Night then we cannot spare our strength for fighting amoung ourselves."

Slowly and silently, Rath loaped off in the direction the centaur had trotted off in...

#85:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:45 am
Ariana watched Rath lope off to the woods.
The centaur doesn't like us because she is proud. All centaurs are the same. In their minds no-one can better, or even equal them. She does not want to be stuck with half breeds. The hunchback is revolting in his looks, and being vain, she cannot stand to look at him. Thought Ariana. Even I was repulsed by his looks at first - and I am a creature of peace. Her brow creased in thought, she turned to the now-closed scroll. For a moment she was tempted to open it, and have another try at deciphering it. But she saw the sense in Rath's words and left it well alone. If she needed to know what was written there, then she would be told in good time.
Thinking over Rath's fluent Elvish, Ariana remembered that dragons were fluent in all tongues. Another linguist, then. She liked Raths character and was glad that she would be travelling with them, she also hoped that she would be able to sort the centaur out.
Turning, she watched Rain and Graeme for a moment. She expected that he would tell her what he had seen soon, and she didn't want to hear. Getting up, she went and sat next to Morzan. He seemed a little put off about something, and Ariana thought she could guess why.
He had thought he might have been the one to take the sword, the right. When Rath had taken the sword, just like that, she guessed he had been more than a little dissapointed.
Ariana didn't try to speak to him, she just sat there, and waited for him to speak.

((I like your new av, Kalanna Wink
*Edit*I didn't think this was worth doing a whole new post on, but for the moment, I agree with Morzan. Ariana thinks the seeing stone is trouble, despite Rain's persistence that it will be usefull.*/Edit*))

Last edited by solus.serpen on Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total

#86:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:33 am
As the new party member Rath pulled the sword out of the fire Morzan sighed and tossed the paper into the fire. On the paper were letters and the scribbles the he belived to be the language of Din. He had been lining them up and trying to form words but it didn't work. I fight with two blades anyway thought Morzan with a smile. The burning paper curled and blackened.

So thats over. I wonder if Greame got that sphere fixed.

Morzan turned to see Greame glowing in an orb of energy. The sphere was clapsed in his hands and lights flickered through the cracks of the object. When the glowing stopped and the party went silent Rain made a motion to take it and when Greame didn't respond Morzan saw something flash through the hunchbacks eyes. Morzan looked at the sphere and felt a chill run down his back.

At first it seem to Morzan that Greame was just checking his work. But then he snapped at Rain and began to to run. Not run, hobble. Morzan thought, correcting himself. Rath had taken off in a flash after him. Morzan tried to follow but was no match for the dragons agility. And they were in the air, and Morzan was no bird.

There was a moment of panic then Morzan noticed Rain was crying. Ariana was standing next to her. So much to think about. The Eroki came back with a terrified Greame in tow. The sphere fell to the ground and rolled into the center of the party.

Morzan felt something prick his mind. Like someone had stabbed a pin into his head. He felt an urge to grab the sphere and run but he resisted it. Putting a hand on the pommel of his sword. Part of his mind said to pick it up and look in but the other, the prevailent, said to smash it.

Rath and the Centaur had left and began walking off into the woods. Now where are they going? I wont be suprised if hey come back with an army of demons in tow. This day has been one weird event after another..

"I realy think that 'seeing stone' is trouble."

#87:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:20 am
((Oh, in case your curious the word on the sword read Destiny, and Rai did figure that out first.))
Chapter 3: Trouble on the Plains
Rain still stood with Graeme face in his hands, his eyes were full of distrust and Rain sensed that whatever he had seen he wasn't going to tell her. She was also equally sure that what he saw hadn't been true or anywhere near it.

Dropping the hunchback face with a sigh, Rain let him go and slowly walked over to her flute. Brushing off the dirt off her flute, she took a good look at the seeing stone for the first time since it had been healed.

Something swirled in depths and suddenly Rain remembered the caution Juric had often repeated to each mage before they tried to heal it. "There are more than one ways to use a seeing stone, mage. Remember that if a person with a greater will sees fit to control the stone you are using, they can and will control what you see. Unless you are in control of what you are seeing there is no telling of what or who will."

Looking at the stone, and seeing the dark flicker Rain knew that though the healing of the stone was necessary it was perhaps the biggest mistake she had made. 'Ergos, Juric,' Rain thought with regret as she took a step away from the stone, 'where are you when I need you?'

"What you saw was probably a lie priest," she said turning back to Graeme, "but there is no way I can prove that. It is probably to late to fix the mistake but this stone has been tainted, the dark within tell that tale. Although there is no way I can correct this, perhaps I can heal the hurts it wronged."

Rain looked at the stone again, "As much as it hurts me to this, now that the stone is tainted it will never tell the truth of anything ever again, so I will have to destroy it. But before I do, perhaps I can gain a little of what I was looking for," Rain said eagerly extending her hand for the stone.

Stapping her hand back, Rain knew there was something wrong with this whole thing. Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul hating the hunchback more than usual for even a centaur, Ariana trying to read something she knew she shouldn't, and the fact that Morzan hadn't said anything. It was all wrong.

'There is something wrong here,' Rain thought.

Taking five steps away from the stone, Rain firmly declared, "Not this time," and then raised her flute to her lips.

A melody soft and alluring in it's firls and twist on the musical scale, but commanding in it's tune came from the flute as Rain's brow creased in concertration.

Ever so slowly, the seeing stone the priest had healed raised above the ground and began to glow an errie yellow. At first it was a sickly glow, but as Rain's music continued the glow grew and dimmed by turns. It was obvious that a battle of wills was taking place, and Rain was fighting it.

Although she was focusing all her attention on the orb and the enemy she sensed within it, Rain couldn't help but wonder how the others were looking at her.

The melody began to go faster and faster, but taking on a more merry tune like a country dancing tune of old. Rain concertrated as she played and it began to grow increasingly obvious that what she was doing was tiring her and very quickly.

Then with one brief flash, the darkness within the orb disappeared and everyone heard a ethreal scream of rage that seemed to rush away into the west.

Rain however, didn't stop playing but kept on, but changed her tune this time to old love song that spoke of recalling dear memories to one's heart. The orb in turn began to glow a gentler glow, a bright gold to contrast with the earlier sickly yellow.

Then to everyone surprise but Rain's the orb broke, but unlike the fragements of it's earlier breaking it shattered into particles so small that it looked like snow was falling. Rain sank to her knees but continued to play this time in a litling melody that sounded like the wind. As if summoned by her song, a wind from the east blew the particles of the sphere away to a place no man could find them.

Looking up, Rain saw that the untainted sphere of energy still hanging in the air. Smiling a little, Rain played a tune that Ergos had taught her all those years ago. The sphere of light glimered, then twisted, and then broke into five pieces. Rain countinued to play even though now she was sitting on the ground totally exhausted until each of those five pieces flew into a different person surronding her.

One the color of crismon, flew into Morzan's heart and he felt the stronger for it, suddenly feeling twenty years younger and possesing the courage to match.

Another, the color of a golden silver, flew to Ariana. If she were to lift her hand, the elf would know notice that etched into her right palm was the elven rune for light. Arian also felt like she could understand and speak the common tongue with the skill of a native of it's tongue.

The third, a brownish color, flew to Graeme, and he suddenly felt all his magical strength return to him as well as his clarity of thought.

Two more flew away meeting Rath and Crenlamin where they stood some distance away. Crenlamin's was blue and she didn't know what it did but somehow she felt more understanding and knowledge in her soul. Rath's was silver and it entered into the sword, and only the sword would know what it did.

Seeing this done, Rain finally let her flute fall from her lips. Looking at Ariana, Rain said in perfect elvish, "Bring back Rath and Crenlamin, Rath will know what to do now." With that, Rain fainted, letting her precious flute fall from her hands as she was utterly exhausted in both mind and body.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total

#88:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:35 pm
Morzan watched and listened as Rain played her flute. He began to tap his foot to the melody then stopped when the saw what was heppening to the orb. It had risen ooff the ground and began to crack and splinter. Then, as if it were shedding, its outter casing seemed to burst and only a transparent sphere remained.

It was like starting at the moon but with flawless clarity. It was an amazing sight. Taking a step towards it but quickly moving back he saw that it changed color and burst. Shards flew in different directions. One to each party member.

A red one flew at Morzan, and before he could move it struck his chest and entered his heart. Adrenalin entered his veins and pulsed with his heart. Falling to his knees he began to breath differently, as with less effort.

Plucking a hair from his head he stared in awe at what had taken place. His hair was no longer grey. But a healthy black, and his mind felt clearer. He grinned and stood. His old bones were like new and sturdy. He flexed and felt every muscle in his body tingle. He drew both his swords and began to slash at the air. Moving across the field, swinging in complex patterns.

"Im back." Morzan said finaly.

But I never left. Or was realy close he thought to himself. Laughing and jumping about Morzan felt all his youth coming back to him, even if it was a mere twenty years. But twenty years was a long time if you think about it. Then a thoguht suddenly came to Morzan, a dark thought. If Im alive and twenty years has been taken off my life. Does that mean that I jsut cheated death or will he come at the time he normaly would have. And take my life in five, ten years? Isnt there someoner else who could use this time?

Slowing down Morzan came to a halt and stared at the ground. Then what the hell is life then? Some thing you can just buy with magic? His mind began to move to spin with the question but he held his tounge and started off towards where Rath and the Centaur had headed. Rain obviously didn't want the group to split up.

#89:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:51 pm
Rath stopped dead when the first notes of the song echoed in her keen ears, her head flying up as if she had scented a demon. The sword pulsed in her taloned grip, a moment later the shard flying into the blade. Energy jerked up her arm, smeared images flashed across her vision as her eyelids dropped closed.

She felt the steadying arm of the centaur and flashed a brief smile of thanks. Instantly the centaur stepped back, her whole body raidiating that this was a one time thing. "My friend I know nothing about you beyond your race...yet I feel I know much more. We shall talk later but for now..."

She turned and ran, springing across the turf, bypassing those who had come to fetch her. Ergos you and this blasted sword...I'll keep my end of the bargain will you keep yours my friend? With a last bound she landed near Morzan and clapped him on the back. "I see your good fortune my friend. I see all your good fortunes. No doubt you wish to know what has happened..."

She smiled a mischevious smile. "All in good time. When you need to know, you shall know. No good will come of rushing yet..." She whirled to face Morzan her wings driving her into the air a foot or so. She pointed the sword at him."Morzan with your strength defend the weaker. Be the sheild for this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

She swept over to Ariana and, with a warm smile pointed the blade at the elf. "Ariana be the light that guides us in the darkest of places. Be the torch for this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

The centaur skidded up just as the weapon was leveled at her. "Fear not my friend, no harm shall come to you from this blade." Slowly the centaur settled. "Crenlamin be our advisor and show us how we must fight. Be the tacticion for this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

Turning to Graeme who eyed her mistrustfully she again pointed the blade. "Graeme your powers must guard us from the foulest of magics. Be the priest of this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

Lastly she turned the blade on Rain. "Rain let not your music fail us when your heart falters. For all our sakes play the song of this sword. This Ergos himself charged you and again I charge you thus in Ergos name."

Feeling dizzy and a bit drained, as if something had been taken from her, Rath turned the blade toward herself. "And I shall bare this blade as I have been charged. Yet I travel in a dangerous land so until need of it arises I shall hide this blade." Before any could stop her Rath put the palm of her right hand against the tip of the sword and pushed.

With a pop and a small flash the Sword of Ergos vanished and Rath landed on the grass with a thump wings akimbo. If anyone noticed the small silver patch on her right arm, no one said a word.

#90: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:47 am
[color=olive]Graeme listeneed to the song, and when the orb he had worked so hard on repairing was shattered, he felt cheated. All that work, all that effort, and she BROKE it. He looked at Rain accusingly. She had said everything he had seen about her was a lie and wrong. It wasn't. He was so sure. And the prophecy...
An image of a mighty mage tower appears in your mind. One you have seen before, but you can’t remember when. Lighting stricks seem to radiate from the tower as an awful darkness begins to surround it. The tower stands between you and your path. You know that a powerful mage lies within that tower, one you probably cannot beat, yet your blood thrills for the challenge. A little to the left of the tower a small patch of yellow glows shedding light on a poor hovel surrounded by flowers. Humility lies within life, pride of power will be your death.

A cursed object lies in your hands burning your palms and your mind. In front of you kneels a young man who has just given you this cursed and foul thing, he has been haunted by it for many years, yea even controlled by it. You long to throw this object out of your hands, to kick and spit at the servant who carried it so long. Yet something catchs the corner of your eyes, the symbol of pity and holiness in your order. Withhold not your blessing, even from the unworthy.

Two Graeme stand before you, each different from the other, each offering a choice in life and being. The one on the left is noticeably different from how you know you look. The left Graeme stands tall and straight, no longer a hunchback no longer weak. This Graeme wears the frocks of the highest order of sorrecers, and lighting flashes both from his eyes and hands. Everyone fears and respects this Graeme.

The Graeme on the right looks the same as you, hunchbacked and crippled, but kindness lies in his eyes. People do not fear this Graeme but love him. They come each day to receive a blessing. This Graeme is as equally as powerful as the other one, but in his own quite way unrecognized, unconsidered.

And then the Eroki charged him with being the protector against foul magic, unlikely. He didn't plan on sticking around.
A shard burst from the destroyed orb. It was a disgusting brownish colour. Typical he thought, I get the weird coloured one. It flew into his chest. He felt regenerated. Renewed. He then noticed that all the others were gone, he was alone...with a vulnerable Rain. THIS was his chance. He took a step. Stopped. Turned and ran, to fulfill his DESTINY, and defeat the mage in the tower. He disappeared. Maybe he would return. Maybe....

Sorry everybody, got so much to do elsewhere, I'l keep up, and make a dramatic return, if you will let me. Great story everyone, see you soon, Smudger

Last edited by Smudger on Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:29 am; edited 1 time in total

#91:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:30 am
Rath was far too tired to stop the fleeing Graeme, who seemed wholly consumed by inner passions. The image given her by the sword still stuck in her mind.

You are in a underground pathway in a cave. Three doors lie before you. Each look exactly alike. The map says to take the left door, your companions say the middle, your heart says the right. Always trust your instincts. You take the right hand door.

You stand in the middle of a circular room. Words are engraved all along the walls, floors, and ceiling of the place. The only place the light enters is through the ceiling hole above you. There is no way out and you don’t know the words before you, and even if you did there is no way you can decipher them all. Closing your eyes, you hold out the sword before you until it touches a word on the wall. Suddenly the word becomes clear, and you know what to do. The blind must lead where the seeing cannot.

Your greatest enemy lies before you, and taking Ergos’ sword in hand you slay it. Blood flows everywhere and the Sword is stained with blood. Suddenly you are filled with a blood lust that cannot be contained and you slay everyone you meet until one day the Sword takes you still muttering…not enough, not enough. Some swords are not meant for blood.

With a quivering hand she reached into the black leather pouch on her hip. Withdrawing a handful of what looked like dust she muttered some words in draconic over it, making a strange gesture with two fingers. With a flick of her fingers she hurled the dust after Graeme. It surrounded him, swirling, befor it vanished with a pop, leaving him unchanged. "May it guide you my friend."

Slowly she managed to stand, every muscle in her legs quivering. If we're attacked now I'm in no condition to fight. She turned to the rest of the party. Who were still a little shocked that so much had happen so fast. Shaking her head she stooped a bit, shifting her weight so that she might lift Rain and cradle her in her arms, treating her friend like spun glass.

Her tail slipped into her pouch, withdrawing an exquisit silver bracelet that she slipped around Rain's wrist. With tired eyes she faced the others. "We must go now. The demons will be here soon after sundown. To the southeast is Liliford where Gilath mentioned in his letter we will find supplies. If we become separated head for the DragonInn and remember this, the codeword is Celebrin."

Ariana pointed toward Graeme's fleeing form and Rath shook her head. "Let him go...He's unwilling to accept things as they are and, no doubt his own vision has shaken him. He must think on things, as we all must, and the protection I've given him will hide him from the demons for the time being." Muttering something else and flicking that same strange gesture, Rath felt her strength dip to perilously low levels, yet she managed to complete the spell.

At first nothing happened, then the feet of the small group began to glow with a strange bluish light. "This will allow us to travel with exceeding haste. Follow me."

"Why?" Morzan stepped forward. "You charged me to defend the weak so now why leave Graeme. I'm sorry but I'm not inclined to trust your protections." Rath smiled, someone was taking their duties seriously at least.

"There are several reasons why Graeme will be safe, not just because of my protection, that's only the first reason. The second is Graeme's own power. He has enough that the demons will be loath to attack him. And lastly these demons are after Ergos's sword and, more precisely, it's barer. If the Lady of the Night can slay me then all is lost for none of you shall be able to take up the blade."

Mustering her strength Rath took a bounding stride then another, calling over her shoulder to the others. "Follow me! We need rest, we need reason, we need answers. We need not battle." Without waiting for a response, trusting the remaning three to do the right thing, Rath turned toward the southeast, toward Liliford. She needed to get Rain to shelter so that her rest could be unhindered. She knew from experiance what a drain spellcasting of that nature could be.

#92: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:02 pm
He watched from the trees as his "companions" fled, he shook his head. Gods, they were going to get into lots of tough situations. He smiled his lop-sided grin, so am I. I have a destiny to follow. He turned to the path to see it blocked by horrible, terrifying demons. One stepped forward, sniffed the air, two yards from his face. It turned to the others and gestured past him. They went AROUND him.

"You need not worry my friend, I am with you," Rath's voice sounded in his head.

He shook his head, as dark shadows passed through the trees surrounding him. He pulled up the hemp rope holding his robes together, sighed. What a day.

"Good luck...we shall meet again."

Not if I can help it he thought with a smile playing on his lips.

#93:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:20 pm
She felt Graeme's protections tested and swore. Dammit they were here already. She turned around and bolted back to the clearing. She spoke to a panicked Graeme in her mind. "You need not worry my friend, I am with you," She felt his danger pass but they were moving closer to those still in the feild. "Good luck...we shall meet again."

Not if I can help it. Rath shook her head. Didn't he know she could still hear him? She shrugged and then had to stop since Rain nearly slipped from her grip. Taking a moment on the edge of the feild she tucked Rain into relative safety. Throwing her head up in the wind she inhaled deeply.

One...two...three...four...Damn four of em. Reaching into her pouch she fiddled around a moment before procuring what she wanted. If I could just get word to the others... Yet it was all she could do to take to the sky and she had no time at all to give the others the gifts she had intended for them.

Soaring high into the sky she spoke a final spell, the same flicking gesture marking it as completed. Slowly she vanished from sight, sound, and the ken of all creatures. There was no time for a warning, unless Graeme wished to give it. She could only hope Morzan was ready for a surprise.

#94: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:12 pm
The last demon came up alongside him. He turned to regard the other three. Unlucky, four on three, looks like Rath and Rain high-tailed it. Well, it looks like the old man has a fight on his hands. Correction, what used to be an old man, now he's just middle aged. Still a bit unfair...Graeme spun and hobbled after the racing demon.

"Hey!! Ugly!!! I'm over here!!" called the little priest.

It turned slowly, as if knowing he just insulted it. This wasn't very bright, me and my stupid chivalry. He began to cast in a panicked tone as the demon rushed at his hunched form. He finished casting and an impenetrable clerical shield appeared around him. However it seems it wasn't that impenetrable, as the demon started shredding it with its claws,layer by layer. This gave Graeme little time to cast his next spell so he turned running and screaming as fast as his disjointed legs could carry him. He ran through the trees. It followed, gaining all the time.

Graeme done the only thing he thought would help. He clambered up a tree, which was quite an achievement for him. The demon stood perplexed for a second, then it started shredding the tree he had climbed.

"Da-m-n," he stuttered out as the tree shook.

He started swaying his arms and muttering under his breath. With a crunch the tree toppled into another one close by. Graeme clung on. The spell had failed. He stood up, luckily it had toppled into a position where he could run up onto the next tree. However, so could the demon.

"I'm so dead," Graeme said to no one in particular.

The demon was in front of him. If this thing could smile, it was doing so right now. It lifted its claw. Graeme, being desparate, thrust his head into the demons face. He felt something crunch. It was his nose, and the blood gushed freely. He looked up, through a bloody haze, expecting to see an angry demon, but it was down below, dazed on the canopy floor. He waved his hands sluggishly and sent a beam of pure clerical magic into its chest. It squeeled, and fell limp.

"God my nose hurts..."

#95:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:22 pm
Rath watched the battle from above, slapping her hand against her forehead several times and wondering if she should offer the priest help. If she wasn't so damn tired and so damn pissed she might have found it funny but as it was there was nothing to laugh about...other than the hunchback climbing the tree.

The other three demons, however, were now rather alert to the fact they'd encountered resistance. They turned and were starting back. Now that's not fair. Time to convince them to go another way. With a flick of her wrist she snapped one of the tiny black shuriken she was holding at the demon in front.

It gave a small strangled scream and clawed it's face for an instant before collapsing. Rath grinned as the remaining two cast about vainly for whatever had just killed their comrade. Unable to find it they turned, fleeing in the opposite direction, not quite ready to deal with invisible killers.

These definetly arn't the best of the bunch. She swooped off in the direction of the feild, relieved to find that Morzan was on alert, have been tipped off by the noises of battle. She knew he was against anyone invading his mind but at this point it couldn't be helped.

Morzan, two demons on your way. I'm above you...way above you. She saw him look up and dropped a shuriken just to let him know her general vacinity. He glared at her, not too pleased with having weapons rain upon him from the sky. Rath shook her head. Trust, was a little trust too much to ask for? She knew what she was doing with the little darts.

Turning her head toward the woods she saw the two demons stumbling out of it. They stopped, noticing the party, and conferred. Then, with a bone-rattling cry, they charged...

#96:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:23 pm
Her eyes closed, her skin pale, and her hands limp, it was pretty clear Rain wasn't present in the world of the awake at the current moment.

Rain was consquence that she wasn't awake, that for all she knew she was dreaming, but it didn't help the feeling that she was all there. She felt like she was a sponge that had been first soaked then squeazed (sp) dry. 'Rain, you outspelled yourself again.' she thought, 'You knew you didn't have the strength to face the demon that was controlling the sphere but you did it anyway.'

Noises were around her and the feeling of spells being cast, but for all the world she couldn't concertrate on any of them. Then something cool was slipped onto her arm. The feeling of the cold refreshed her alittle, and she sighed deeply.

Feeling that she was being picked up, Rain let her head gently fall on her carrier. Breathly deeply the welcome and familar smell of a dragon entered her nostrils. The smell was a strange mix of leather, smoke, and old blood. Unconsquencisly smiling, Rain let herself fall into a deep sleep. She knew she was safe within her friend's arm, for there was only one person who could smell like that and still carry her without using their claws.

Breathing deeply, Rain let herself fold within herself and slipt off to the land of dreams to allow her mind, body, and spirit to heal from the task she just performed.

~ ~ ~

The feeling of being put down started Rain awake, opening her eyes weakily, Rain watched Rath slip off to who knew where. Reaching her hand to her brow, Rain began to slip off once again into somewhere between awaking and sleeping.

Ever so slowly, Rain felt herself regain her strength, at least physically. Curling up into a ball, she tried to fall asleep again but to no avail. 'Blast it! I'm tired, but I cannot sleep.'

Lifting herself alittle, Rain let herself look around her surrondings. Rath was gone, and the rest of her companions were nowhere to be seen. Letting herself feel with the inborn sense all gypsies have, Rain sensed that there was danger. 'Demons,' Rain thought, 'nothing else would take Rath away. She knows how much dangerous draining is, and she wouldn't leave me her unprotected unless something dangerous has happened.'

Perking up from behind the rock where she sat, Rain scanned the field. There in the distance, Morzan stood with his sword drawn facing two demons. Shuddering at the sight, Rain quickly let herself drop back into hiding.

'I'm going to be off no use here.' Rain thought as she rummaged through her pack, 'But perhaps I have something that will be.'

Finally Rain found what she was looking for, an old beaten helmet. Sealing the gift with a kiss because of the memories of it's orginal bearer, not because of where it was destined, Rain let the helmet fly in away that no one, not even a demon would know from where it came. Easing herself to the top of the rock so she could see what was happening, Rain watched as the helmet landed with a thob at Morzan's feet. Whispering softly, Rain said, "May this helmet serve you as well as it did it's master, Juric."

The helmet, as Rain knew, was enfused with a mage spell put there by Gilath, Juric's dragoncompanion, and it was a powerful one. It would proctect it's wearer from all demon attacks to their minds, and to a certain extent proctect them from physical attacks.

Knowing this was the only thing she could do at the moment, Rain let herself slip back into her hiding spot. Closing her eyes and folding her hands, Rain smiled.

"Only four," she muttered, "she underestimates us again. It is a good thing."

#97:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:33 pm
Rath, high overhead, saw the helmet fly and whipped her head around, recognizing the magic it held. Rain was awake! For a moment she was torn between offering Morzan backup and gaurding Rain. Estimating the distance between Rain and Morzan Rath guess she could easily still hit the mark were she throwing blades into combat.

Besides, Morzan could take two, she could see by the light in his eyes. Even if the other two were still stunned out of their wits...or lost inside themselves more likely.

Landing gently next to Rain, Rath let her spell slip enough for her friend to see her. "Easy you do too much." She crouched next to her, one feathered wing streched like a canopy over Rain. "Rest, I'll let no harm come to them."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

#98:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:50 pm
Opening her eyes at the sound of Rath landing, Rain pulled herself up. No one was there!

Suddenly Rath let her spell slip enough for her friend to see her. "Easy you do too much." Rath crouched next to her, one feathered wing streched like a canopy over Rain. "Rest, I'll let no harm come to them."

Rain smiled wrily at Rath, barely resiting the tempation to stick her tongue out at her friend. "I do nothing!" Rain said soft enough as not to be heard but clear enough for her friend to hear the exclamition of anger and sacarasm in her voice, "As I have always done nothing. I simply gave a gift that's all." Shrugging her shoulders, Rain let herself slip back onto the ground but propped her head on to her chin as she rested with one of her elbows on the ground.

This motion made the world spin a little, and made Rain quickly open and close her eyes. Slipping herself the rest the way onto the ground, Rain let the world spin until it resolved itself into stillness above her. Her friend was right about one thing, she needed to rest, the spells she had cast unto the orb had been too much for her limited ability.

Turning to look at Rath, Rain saw her arched eyebrows. Clearly, Rath knew what she was experiencing, and her look was all, "I told you so."

"Fine," Rain said finally sulking a little, "I'll rest, but it doesn't mean I'll like it. But you have to do the same, your getting pretty close to outcasting yourself. Rest awhile, save your energy, we'll need it later. Wake me up when Morzan kills the brutes," there seemed to be no doubt in Rain's voice as she said this, "I don't want you carring me around and exhausting yourself."

Unconciesly her eyes were already beginning to close and her voice becoming softly. Her hands began to feeling around as searching for something, muttering softly to Rath, "Where is my flute?" And that was the last thing she remembered before the dreams took over.

#99:  Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:00 pm
Graeme wiped his bleeding nose on his sleeve, but still it did not stem the flow. Why was I so stupid as to fight a demon? Was I trying to get myself killed? He stomped over to look onto the field. Two demons left. Guess those are for the veteran. He glanced near the edge of the field, seeing Rath flutter briefly into view. He also noticed a figure lying down, Rain he imagined. Guess I need help, before I bleed to death, he thought. He made his way through the trees to get to the other two.

"You having as bad a day as I am?" he asked Rath, as he slumped down beside Rain, and spat out some blood that was in his mouth.

"Thought you had left?" Rain asked.

"Ha...see what thought did? Anyway, I had a nasty confrontation with a demon, and I have to say, if more come, I'm staying well away, no more broken bones for this hunchback," He rambled on, giving Rain a smile.

Maybe she was right, she didn't seem like the person who would do ehat he had saw...

#100:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:09 pm
"Where's my flute?" Dammit! She'd forgotten the damn flute! Well she was tired and it wasn't getting any better. She was about to reply when Graeme suddenly reappeared. Rath twitched an eyebrow at him but said nothing, merely reached into her bag and handed him a magicked cloth for his nose...she'd repare it when she got a chance.

Looking back toward the feild she spotted the flute where Rain had dropped it in the waving grass. Reaching deep, she had next to nothing left, she whispered something, nearly choking on the words, and flicked her fingers in the now familiar gesture that accompanied all her spells. The flute, winking in the sun, suddenly vanished from the feild an appeared in her hand.

Dropping it into her bag for safe keeping Rath returned to watching the feild. Her hands now shook badly but it was going to take more than exhaustion to bring her down, not with so much riding on her shoulders. Ergos I swear, when I get to the spirit world I am going to personally kick your royal ass from one end to the other... But since she had no plans on entering the spirit world anytime in the next several centuries, Rath quietly fumed, holding her darts at the ready.

#101:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:44 pm
Ariana and the Centaur still seemed to be taken in by the effects of whatever the sphere had done for him. They stood silently in their little la-la land as events unfolded around them.

Morzan watched as Rain began to rock on her feet and then Rath began to teeter a little too. They were both expending their magic and seemed on the edge of fainting. Drawing his blades Morzan turned to where the demons had appeared.

Greame had managed to knock one over and the nightmare seemed to still be dazed. The rest of the creatures were following him towards Rain and Rath. But Morzan wasn't gonig to allow that.

With a flick of his weapons he dashed forward and lunged forward at one of the creatures. The first of the demons screamed and lunged forward to meet Morzan's own charge. The demon swiped at him but he managed to duck in time and slashed at the monsters feet.

I guess I am protecting the weak thoguht Morzan as the demon fell with a shriek. The feet of the creature were now sliced off and were still 'standing'. But the demon was not. The second creature had realized what was going on and came forward.

"Come on ugly, lets dance."

The monster screamed and moved forward with blinding speed. It was a primitive attack, very blunt. Sidestepping Morzan brought his blades down onto the creature's back. Black blood poured out of the demons wound. And Morzan took a few steps back. The demon moved forward and managed to catch a corner of Morzan's cape.

"Damn it" Morzan whispered harshly.

The creatures was off balance. Why are they so weak?. The last time Morzan fought a demon was a few months before the battle of Ergos. They were weak then but these are just pathetic. I could beat these demons without the sphere shard. Throwing a blade up in the air Morzan darted forward. The demon watched the blade rise up into the air. But their just as dumb.

With a mighty thrust Morzan drove his blade through the demons chest. It was a few moments before the monster finaly fell to the ground. At the same time the blade lodged itself in the ground. Morzan stabbed the dead creatures through the chests one last time before departing to join Rath, Rain and Greame.

"I think those were scouts. Demons are normaly much more difficult than those ones were. I think we should get out of here fast."

A cold wind blew from the direction of where the demons had come. How did they sneak up on us like that?

#102:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:58 pm
Rath watched Morzan's preformance with a keen eye, nodding sharply in a few places as the warrior executed several moves she herself would have been proud of. Strength indeed, I only wish I could be of more help. A voice sprang up in the back of her mind. She roughely shoved it away. Not your kind of help.

Morzan seemed puzzled about something, no doubt why these pitiful excuses for cursed flesh had come after them, but Rath could offer him no answers her mind as clouded as it was. Maybe the centaur could shed some light...but neither she nor the elf seemed to be thinking clearly.

Rath looked at their feet critically. The spell was still there, if a little reduced looking, but Graeme needed it cast upon him. With a resigned sigh Rath choked out the words, ignoring Rain's slight protest. Gathering her friend up again, ignoring yet more protests, she managed to stand wearily.

"No more arguments, no more stalling. Morzan bring the others if you please, and even if you don't, and Graeme if you want that nose of yours fixed you better follow me too." With that, brooking no more delays Rath led them to the steps of the DragonInn.

"Now would one of you kindly go tell the Innkeeper 'Celebrin'. I would but I think I'm going to..." With that Rath tumbled bonelessly to the ground, Rain sliding from her limp grasp. Before her mind hit the black wall her last thought was I hope none of them is fool enough to mess with my gear...

#103:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:03 pm
Chapter 4: At the Inn

A long winding road spread before her, and she knew where it lead, and din't like it. In the distance a mountian stood, there was only one way up that mountain and that was by flying. You could never climb it, not in a million years, it's sheer face made sure of that. Yet was down this road, and up that mountain she had to go compelled there by the dead and by an oath she swore long ago.

Yet something held her back, as she waited, a wind stirred in the east and smelled like....Juric! Snapping her eyes open from where they had been shut in the dream world, Rain looked in shock at the dragonrider who looked just as he did ten years ago before care and war had aged him beyond compare.

Juric smiled at her, the gray in his raven hair glinting in the sunlight, as he wrapped his well muscled arms around her in a welcoming hug.

"Juric, I thought you were..."

"Dead." The ghost supplied, "I am but I'm here in your dream and it is good to see you. Come I have something to show and I have not much time."

Letting her go from his bone crunching hug, Juric hooked one arm into hers and began to lead away from the path set before along a different road. They past through towns whose name he made her repeat, through vales, and streams until they reached a destination but not their final one.

Before them stood the tall mountains of the Western Ridge lay, awesome and majestic in their height and beauty. Ontop of one of them, Rain knew, lay their enemy but she was sleeping and even so it was well she couldn't enter into one's dreams.

There was a pass before them. Rain knew it, she had often traveled through it as a child, it was the Ulim pass. The only safe pass that lead to the safe road that was destined to land in the last land of the Indri.

Juric took a little north of there and showed her a certain tree by a certain stream. There where the stream amerged from the mountain lay an opening barely more than a crack. It was wide enough that if there was room enough on the other side you could squeeze through but not without loosing skin.

"This will be your path. Pay attention, all I can give you is what Ergos was able to give me and it wasn't much."

Squeezing her hand, Juric took a step forward and their surrondings changed. They were on a road, in front of them lay a clearing. In this clearing stood a tower, the tower stood in their way and represented a danger Rain did not know.

Juric took another step. Beyond the tower stood three doors each with strange writings on them. Rain didn't know which way to go.

Juric took another step, a desoulate village lay before them, filled with needy villagers. Rain felt the need to help them.

Juric took another step. They were on the road again and a demon guard stood in their way. They were close to the mountain.

Juric took a step backwards. The landscape flew and suddenly they were back where they began. "That is all I can show you, but not all I can give you."

Taking Rain's head in his hand, Juric kissed her forhead. Suddenly Rain felt images, words, and a certain sense of power wash over her being. She knew when she would awake, her power would be returned fully to be used only as she knew, but she did not yet know what the rest of it did.

Letting her head go, Juric slowly raised her right hand to his lips and then slipped on a ring that Rain remembered all to well. It was a simple gold ring with a sapphire stone but the band was engraved with the runes of the Eroki. "What Ergos gave me, give I you. This ring gives nothing but a symbol of what I once won in life."

"Juric, I can't take this," Rain said trying to slip the ring off " I know what it means to you."

Hushing her by placing one hand on hers and another on her lips, Juric spoke. "It is mine to give, and I give it freely. Besides, I used it many times when preparing for this journey. When you are took weak to speak, or when someone doubts you, simply show them this ring and if they can be trusted, they will ask no more questions."

"I must go, and you will see more no more until your death. Which if I know anything will be not be for a long, long time." Kissing Rain softly and tenderly on the cheek, Juric slowly disappered dispite her protest.

A breeze blew and Rain knew that this was the last goodbye. "Goodbye, brother."

~ ~ ~

Rain awoke up to find herself laying on the ground. Somewhere at her feet, Rath lay in a lump. Above her the ugly face of the hunchback loomed, grunting "So your back," Rain turned away from him. She didn't want to talk to him right now.

Getting up, Rain slowly moved every muscle in her body and then turned her attention to Rath. Picking up her friends head, she muttered, "Rath, when will you learn to listen."

Reaching into her bag that had somehow managed to stay on her back, Rain removed a small pouch. Her flute was missing at the moment, and to tell the truth, Rain was abit relieved. Celebrin was easily recongized as an item of value and magic. More than once it had gotten in her in trouble, and after what she did in the field, Rain didn't need the extra attention it brought.

Knowing Rath she had probably used the last of energy with a summoning spell to get it. Rath knew how it important the flute was to her, but honestly outcasting for such a small task, really!

Searching through the small pouch, Rain found what she was looking for. Gladril Erokin Teleb, or as it more commonly called, Witches' Ease. The plant was supposed to make you regain your abilities in a promoted ten seconds flat. Gyspies, especially Rain, knew better. All the herb would do would ease the pain of loosing your power a little. Essentially making it easier to go to sleep, and put you on the path of recovery quicker than usual.

"Open, Rath," Rain said in silvan so her friend would pay attention. As Rath begrudedly opened her mouth and eyes, Rain let the bitter herb fall on her friends tongue. That done, Rain let Rath's head fall into her lap and looked around at her companions milling about uselessly.

"Well, if you going to do something, be useful already. One of you, get the innkeeper. The others, get some water." Holding out some coins, Rain felt her stomach grumble, "And pay for a meal for pities sake for all of us. I'm starved and I know Rath will be as soon as she awakes."

Watching as the various people set out to fulfill her orders, Rain turned her attentions to Rath. Smiling, Rain began to hum a old gypsy lullabye which if you listened to didn't sound much like a lullabye. Instead it sounded like the words to it, "an alluring gyspy dancer dancing admist the flames, twirling hither and thither never feeling the flames, for the fire is withing her, and that is why she wanders ever in the plains for beneath her feet is fire and in her heart the flames."

Letting loose just enough of her power to settle onto her friend to replace a smidgen of the power Rath had lost, Rain continued to hum softly as she leaned against the post behind her content for the moment to let her companions do the work while she rested.

Looking down as she hummed, Rain paused a moment in her song but then continued more joyful then powerful. On her hand was Juric's ring.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:12 am; edited 2 times in total

#104:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:48 am
Snapping out of her though trail, I looked around. I was in a town, near an inn. Rath was lieing on the ground, worn out. I trotted over, picked the Eroki up and slid her onto my back. If I was going to start doing what the dream had instructed I was going to start soon. I explained my self to Rain. I still had certain misgiving about the hunchback.

"Sorry about back there. I got lost in a train of though. I do that sometimes. It's a weakness of mine."

"It's ok but..,. could you go and gain entrance to this inn for us now?"

#105:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:02 am
Rath grimaced at the bitter taste of the herb. Ug she didn't need this, she hadn't out cast herself. She had plenty of power left...just not the physical energy to use it. Her senses were fogging but her keen nose told her that Rain held her...and then the music started. It gave her enough power, just enough, to bring her out of that 'too tired to sleep' area.

Suddenly she was aloft and astride...Crenlamin? Oh thank the gods. I really must give the centaur her do. But a moment later all was forgotten as she succombed to sleep...and dreams.

It wasn't so much a dream this...but a memory visted in sleep. The entrace to her Lair, not even all the way down the tunnel to her bed itself. Blood streaked the floor where she'd stumbled in and turned, collapsing with her nose pointed toward the outside world...she blanked out for a moment...

The scent of Eroki aroused her. Opening her eyes she lifted her head with a small laugh. "Come to kill me at last Ergos?" The figure at the entrence gave a ringing battle cry and lept, his massive blade held high. Yet, as Ergos held the sword over her neck, he hesitated muscles bulging as he tried to bring the blade down...yet it was stuck in the air. "Lost your nerve?"

Slowly Ergos lowered the blade was a terse oath. "It seems you're of more use to me alive are going to live."

"Seems doubtful. I don't feel like going on any more. shade can seek vengence in the next life." Ergos sat next to her.

"Then so must I." She raised her head to look at him, knowing light in her eyes. "Then you have seen it also? My last day?"

"Yes...why did think I chose them over you? I also have seen that battle...from two different angles. In one I fought for you and vanished, in the other I fought for them and...well I shall not say but I was still alive. Can you blame me?" Ergos shook his head.

"No. You're the last skye dragon. You have plenty of reasons to survive and I'll give you one more...I want to hire you." She looked at him with an indcredulus stare.

"I don't come cheap...I'll likely die." Ergos stood, sword in hand.

"No you shall weild this blade, you shall slay the Lady of the Night. And as for payment..."

The vision ended as abruptly as it had begun, leaving Rath alone in the darkness of her mind.

#106:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:38 am
Rain smiled at Crenlamin. Centaurs didn't often let people ride them as it damaged their 'diginity'. Crenlamin's action spoke volumes to Rain, and she mentally adjusted her thoughts about the Centaur Female. Perhaps she wasn't so bad after all.

Standing as she strected, Rain let her smile widen. It felt good to smile, and Rain was just glad that the kind action deserved it. "Thank you, Crenlamin, I am right?" Rain said adding kind words to her smile, "I could never wrap my tongue around those centaur names. I'll have to think of my own name for you, and although I'm not sure yet what I will call you. You may be sure that beside whatever else it is, it will be friend."

Cracking her back, Rain looked around a little. The DragonInn, a two story building complete with stables and a tavern to one side, was old place to her, and she knew the grounds well.

Taking a good look at Rath who was comfotably sleeping on the centaurs back, Rain decided she could do something better with time than hover uselessly.

"If you don't mind, Crenlamin, I would like to stay out here. The host at this inn will know me, and things will go a lot smoother if I explain my many unique companions. He won't ask questions, but still it would be best." Smiling wrily, Rain shrugged a little and look at Crenlamin.

Seeing the centuars bredguding nod, Rain let her usual face of calmness resume. "Okay, tell the others where I have gone, and do me a favor, make sure no one, I repeat No One touches Rath's bag. I barely brushed against it once, and trust me, you don't want to have anything like what I experienced happen to you."

The Centaur's eyes widened but she agreed quickly to her instructions. Sighing, Rain adjusted her bag on her sholders and looked around her for a place to change. Before she went anywhere, she was going to have to make some changes.

Spotting a privy a little off from the inn, Rain headed towards it with confidence. It had been a long time since Arian, the gyspy, had wandered the earth, and it was time for her to make her apperance again.

When Rain, or Arian as she was known at the DragonInn, she was almost completly different than she was before. She stood for amount letting her face taking on the characteristics of her disguise as she mentally adjusted herself to become once agian, Arian.

Men walked passed her and turned, whistling her well deserved complements. Her hair had been cut at an attractive angle, hanging at the longest at her chin and at the shortest somewhere around her slightly pointed ears. A piece of a multi-toned purple cloth held it away from her face making her violet eyes stand out in their best fashion. Instead of the baggy blosse that hid more than it revealed, she now wore a white bloose and a low black corset. The bloose came up to the hollow of her neck, but the top of it hung a little below her sholder blades allowing a hint of what was not seen come to the surface. The parting sleeves that fell gracefully from her skin at her elbows to the gold claps at her wrist.
A billowy crismon overskirt that was tucked in the sash she wore before to show the black skirt underneath, completed her offit.

Where she was unarmed before, an ebony handle with a rose engraved plummel and a silver cross guard hinted at the thorn engraved short sword that for the moment was safe in it's sheath. A bold dagger revealed itself at her wrist glinting silver without it's sheath as it hung in it's black holder on her arm where all can see.

Two more daggers where hidden on her person in places only Rain knew. Allowing a sultry smile to cross her face, Rain, or Arian, walked gracefully to the DragonInn. From the whistles and glances she got along the way, Rain knew that Arian was back, and she had lost none of her charm.

As she passed the centaur, she wondered if her own companions would recongize her. She guessed not for when she passed the centaur, Crenlamin didn't even glance her way.

Tossing her head boldy, Rain entered the doors of the DragonInn right into the tavern that served as the common room. Men turned around at her entrance and jeered at her, but she ignored them, and went straight to the bar where a burly sailor that was innkeeper was serving drinks to the men that sat there.

Raising herself onto the bar, Rain waited for him to notice her and the silver coin she was know playing with between her fingers. Her back was turned to him, so it was possible he wouldn't recongize her immediatly and Rain hoped that when she did turn around the man would have enough sense to keep his mouth shut.

The innkeeper was a burly man who had gained a pudge in his later years from his good living as a barkeeper, but Rain didn't let the easy going exterior fool her a minute. Beneath the jolly sufrace of dimples, sharp blue eyes, and jiggling belly, the innkeeper was still the man she knew ten years ago when she was still a girl.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Rain slowly turned. "Look Missy, I don't let the boys sit on this bar and I'm not about to make an exeption for you." He said in his rough tone that hinted at his harder layer underneath his exterior.

Rain got down onto the stool beneath, and turned so she was fully facing the innkeeper, Rain watched as he did a double take. "Well shave me bald, it is little Arian all grown up. You were in her what ten years ago. My who you've grown, and grown into a beautiful woman if I may add."

Rain smiled, the man hadn't lost any of his sharpness along with his figure, he was still the old Matthew she knew. "I wish I could add the same for you, old man, but it seems luxury has gotten the better of you," Rain said poking his well-fed belly.

The innkeeper drew himself up into his imposing six foot ten and tried to pull his belly. Patting his gut, he said "Who me? I am as fit as ever." Laughter echoed in the bar at this, and having satisfied their cursioty the people in the bar went back to their business of cards and licquor, allowing the innkeeper in Rain to discuss buisness in relative privacy.

Looking keenly at her, Matthew set a glass full of water before her without taking a coin. Whipping his hands on his apron, the innkeeper leaned forward on the bar, "So what you be needing, lass."

"A favor for an old friend." Rain said, allowing the coin to dance before the man's eyes. Matthew may be a friend and retired to the safer profession of innkeeping, but Rain knew he was still a pirate at heart.

"What kind of favor?" The man said skeptly his lips flatening a little.

"Two rooms, two beds, a meal and breakfast for six, horses, provinder(sp?) for the same and provisions." Rain said cooly.

Whistling softly, Matthews eyes hardened, he was no fool, and he knew from the weight of the purse at Rain's belt, she didn't have money for anything near what she asked.

"Who for?"

"Arian Celebrin, and her friends." Rain said letting the name and coin drop softly on the counter as she added another coin beside it.

Hearing that name Matthew's eyes sparked remembering the money and the deal that came with the name Rain had given him. The coins on the counter were an added bonus.

Taking the coins, Matt went to the bar again and stored them in his safe box. "You be lucky little missy, your brother was in here before you. A strong and dangerous man, that Jack. He left six days before today. It was too bad you missed him as he had a sword that surely would have helped you in our bargains."

Casting a glance over her shoulder, Rain pretended disintrest. "Oh, I would have loved to me my brother. We have some family matters to discuss, do you know where was going next?"

"To the Old Sailor's Ballad, he said he would take Trademan's Way, and be stopping at the stations of Giriad and Fairway for fresh horses. He said that if any lady with a rose sword at her side asked after him, to tell her that the road was muddy this time of year so to travel safely. I'm trusting that be you. Your rooms will be ready by this evening miss. Will you be having your dinner here or in the rooms?"

"In the stables, Matthew, You know how I hate a crowd." With that, the girl who was now called Arian slipped off the stool. Bidding her friend goodbye with a smaller bronze coin, she said "It was good seeing you friend, it has been a long time since I have smelled the sea."

As she exited the Inn, Rain smiled. The conversation may have not seemed like much to an outsider, she had recieved information and given information in turn, learning all she need to know until she reacehed the Old Sailor's Ballad, their next stop on a long journey.

Stepping outside, Rain went straight up to Crenlamin. Ignoring the confused glance and the protest, Rain held up her hand in silence. "My name is Arian Celebrin," the codeword Rath told Crenlamin earlier ceased the protest immediatly, "Get our companions and meet me in the Barn, we have things to discuss."

#107:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:01 am
Another dream grabbed her, removing her from that dark place she was loath to be lest some darker intent she'd long locked away sieze her.

The Sword of Ergos towered over her it's surface polished mirror bright. The blood channel down it's center split the mirror in half and the halves reflected two very seperate images.

On the left was a dragoness like none seen in this world before. She was massive, more than double Gilath in size with a wingspan double that. Her black scales made the heart of a demon seem white by comparision, her talons, spines, and the tips of her feathers red like the blood of a ruby.

Her neck was long and supple, her tail a long whip that coiled and snapped behind her, three curving blades flexing as the tail moved, extending and retracting. Her body was compact and supple, her legs long, like those of a horse, but leith and strong, with long blades off the back.

Her head was delicate, the snout slightly pointed with one red horn jutting from her nose and two pairs of razor sharp fangs visible despite her mouth being closed. The massive crest that was as distinctive of her kind as feathers, was fully erect, each razor sharp ruby spine glimmering before the crest trailed into the spines that ran from neck to tail, proving that she could never be safely ridden.

A world shaking roar was heard as the dragon threw back her head and proclaimed her defiance to all comers, copper eyes snapping power with casual ease, a ruby on a platinum chain winking where it rested aginst her chest, looped around the base of her neck

This was Rath as she had been before...before she'd given it all up to save those at that final battle.

On the right stood an Eroki of strange appearence. She was fully seven feet tall from flat of her head to tips of her toes her skin was a deep cherry red. Across her shoulders ran black scales that trailed attractively down till they again massed on her forearms, turning her supple, clever hands into those of a dragon with long ruby talons on the tips of long fingers.

Her eyes were copper, fading to soft gold, and fierce. A mane of long black hair whipped about her wildly, black and red spines, five of them, rising from the dark black locks. At the corners of her eyes, three scales glimmered, and in her mouth fangs were apparent in her smile. Yet her face was beautiful, the kind men might die for.

She wore little save a leather bodice that began by wrapping around her neck, crossing her chest, and coming down her sides til it met with the lower leggins at the small of her back just above her black scaled tail with it's three red barbs. There it laced into black greave-like leggins that ran down the upper part of her four jointed legs, stopping just above her hock.

Her feet were more like the taloned feet of a dragon than like any human foot and she wore no shoes, needing none, but instead wore a sort of spat that ran from the center of her foot up and around. There were slots where daggars might be placed.

What drew the eye though were her wings. They spanned nearly seventeen feet tip to tip and were deep black with ruby tips, as though she'd swept them through blood a time too many. The feathers were hard on the outside, sharp on the leading edge, both sword and sheild if need be.

Around her slender waist a belt with many compartments supported a pouch that could never be filled. Across those black shoulders a dark blade lay, not the sword of Ergos but something far older and much more sinester. It's chasings, guard, hilt, and pommel were all made of platinum and all was set with a massive red ruby.

This was Rath as she was now.

Rathainia The blade called.

Some swords are not ment for blood. Ergos's voice again but this time, staring at the dark blade Rath replied to him.

Some are....

#108:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:27 am
As I walked into the common room I was ill at ease. There were inns for centeurs, and this was not one of them. I beant down, and hissed at Ariana through clenched teeth.

"Why hast thou brought me to this place?" My speech is archaic when I'm agitated.

"What's wrong with it? It's a perfectly good inn. And stop theeing and thouing."

"But this art truly not a place frequented by my brethren. My size makes it so that I will but have to stay in here. The doorways are not thankful to my kind. I would but stay in the embassy, I am sure I'll be welcome there."

As we walked through the room I became increasingly aware of the stares directed at me. When we reached the car my courage snapped. Before Rain could speak I said

"Good innkeeper, dost thou have facilities for use of one of my size? I am fearful that this place does not want me, and I beg of thee that thou may have a more suitable place."

#109:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:51 pm
Rath woke to the sound of Crenlamin's adjitated voice. "Good innkeeper, dost thou have facilities for use of one of my size? I am fearful that this place does not want me, and I beg of thee that thou may have a more suitable place." Shaking herself a bit she covertly glanced around, looking for anyone else who might be there.

Ariana was, looked a bit worried, but they were on there own. Craning her head around Rath peered through the inn door, which the centaur had left open a crack. Morzan and Graeme were conversing with a daringly clad woman. Rath took a sniff but could catch nothing over the smell of the common room. Catching the womans eye though she saw the small frown of disapproval. Arian is back eh? Now we should be having some fun.

Tapping the centaur, who flinched, Rath shot her a grateful look and slipped off her back. Wincing as her feet hit the floorboards she ran a hand through her hair. People were staring at them, even the innkeeper looked at her in askence.

"Crenlamin my good friend, I need air. Could you please help me back outside?" With the centaur to lean on and Ariana at her other side should she fall Rath made it back outside. Morzan and Graeme looked at her, one cracking a lopsided grin the other shaking his head.

"Ah good Centaur I did not mean to offend you. As you can see I suggested the barn because the Inn is not well suited to such as you."

"Or such as I either. I can't stretch out my wings in rooms made for men." Rath chimed in, wanting nothing so much as a soft pile of straw to collapse in. She had a little energy back but not enough to keep going. A nights sleep would do wonders but right now she needed a place to sleep. The streets were not safe, even for an assassin.

Arian bowed, leading them away. Crenlamin leaned down next to Rath. "My friend I thought I preempted Rain's speaking for me in the Inn but now, as I gaze around, I find she's not even here." Rath smiled at the centaur.

"Fear not my friend. Rain will return but for now we are in good hands." The centaurs eye's widened just a bit.

"You know her too?" Rath smiled a knowing smile.

"Let's just say we're old friends."

#110:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:02 pm
Chapter 5: Old Friends

Rain watched with some disapproval as Rath got down from Crenlamin and stood on her own feet. The girl was going to exhaust herself if she wasn't careful. Watching as she carefully removed Ariana and Crenlamin from the Inn towards the Barn, Rain let her calm look resume. 'At least someone has common sense,' Rain thought. Rain knew she could trust Rath, who could recongize her in the disguse she now wore, to get the Centaur and the elf into the Barn were they could discuss things in relative privacy.

Shaking her head mentally, Rain thought over Crenalmin's words, she was right in one way. This inn wasn't meant for centaurs, but the barn was. However she was wrong in another, this inn long ago had servered as a refuge for all sorts of races who wished to hide from sight. Eroki, Centaurs, and Elves used to frequent the place along with pirates, theifs, sell-swords, assisins, and the like. Although the elves and the rouges had remained the Inn's faithful patrons, it had been a few years since anybody had seen either an Eroki or a Centaur.

Not that Rath was a normal Eroki, no a simple glance would tell that much, but the inn's regulars who were absent at the moment would recongize that this paticular Eroki stood with the air of professional assisin about her and wouldn't have bothered to even stare at such a deadly oppenent.

Glancing futher, Rain looked up at Morzan, and Grimme who stood somewhat beside her at the bar. Smiling a little Rain noticed how they didn't even spare her glance other than to stare at her eyes for a moment. 'Good', she thought, 'even they do not recongize me. Time to have a little fun, perhaps.' Laughing a little she turned her attention to Greame who still stood with handchief on his nose. Taking a look at his face, Rain knew that this wasn't the time to play with the hunchback and turned her attention to Morzan.

She had to get them into the barn so she could discuss things with them, but it didn't mean she couldn't have fun doing it. Besides, the longer she remained unknown to them right now, the better. The DragonInn and it's regulars who would come as soon as dusk completly fell would recongize her too well as both Rain and Arian to risk having someone ruin her cover. After dealing with demon, Rain knew she had put a big target on her back. Arian however, had no such target.

No, until she got out of town, she was going to have to be Arian and there was no better time to play the part then the present.

Turning her curious gaze from Morzan and Greame, Rain turned back to Matthew who was cleaning mugs at the moment. The noise of the swings of the doors, indicated that men were returning home after their daily drink and that the regulars were coming in with increasing numbers.

Presently Matthew went to the door of the inn and looking around to see if there was anybody in his inn that wasn't supposed to be gave a shrill whistle that Rain had often heard in her childhood abord the ship called "My Lady Love". Turning around, Rain noticed several shadows immerging from behind trees outside the door and entering in the inn. Two by two, discret figures began to enter the inn once again filling it with greetings, laughter, and drinking. Smiling, Rain continued to look over her sholder as she noticed many of Matthew's old shipmates enter in the crowd.

Hooded Elves whose pointing ears and slanted eyes marked them as seperate from the group soon formed their own table.

Looking around, Rain released that none of the men, who doubtless recongized her were going to 'notice' her as it were. Unconscinclessly Rain felt herself relax. Then the swinging door that went to the kitchen opened, and Rain started in surprise. Laughing, Rain lept down from her stool straight into the arms of a very surprised Maggie.

Maggie, who was Matthew's wife and old pirate herself, laughed too, holding Rain apart from her too study her closely.

"Well, Lord bless me if it not be Arian Celebrin Seaborn in the flesh. How did you grow up so fast, lass?" Maggie said as she handed Rain a heavy tray and grabbed another herself from the kitchen table that stood conventily near the door.

As they served, Rain recieved many nods from the old sailors and she and Maggie discussed a number of things. "By aging ten years Maggie, how else? How are the children?"

"As good as ever, my oldest, Brian, is eight now, the twins are turning six this wintertide, Julie is four this year, and I'm proud to say, one on the way."

Casting a look at Maggie's belly, Rain was surprised to see that the begginings of a her joy beggining to show. Emptying her tray at the last table of sailor's, Rain went back into the kitchen with Maggie ignoring the looks she was getting from Morzan and Graeme as she passed them. No doubt they recongized the name, and would be talking to her very soon.

Passing into the kitchen, Rain soon received a tray from Maggie again but they paused a little before entering the busy common room.

"Lass, my husband told me about your brother. I am sorry to hear it. Is everything going as planned, or has the loss changed them?" Maggie was refering to the Sword and the journey, Juric had planned.

"Everything is going as well as could be hoped when a family is arguing between themselves. I trust everything has been ordered for our dinner."

Nodding Maggie indicated another two trays near the back door towards the barn. "My husband told me everything deary. Don't worry, we know how to take care of our guest. Especially ones we know and love."

Rain nooded and picked up her tray. Noticing several odd foods on it, Rain threw a questioning glance at Maggie. "For the Elves, deary. One of them, who wears the gold leaf pin on his cloak, ordered somthing special. I told him my best waitress who was gone for ten years will be serving him. Don't worry he'll pay they well."

Shaking her head, Rain erased the fear she knew showed on her face. So the elves wanted to talk to her then. She wondered if they recongized her name Celebrin. Doubltess they would know it and take a guess at who she was, after all there weren't many people who desserved such a name. Although she was loathe to face them, Rain knew now from the discourse she just had from Maggie that one of the Elves was working with them and had a note to give her.

Setting her shoulders resuluty Rain went back into the inn and towards the elves tables. As her steps brought her closer, she wondered what fate had instore for her.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:14 am; edited 1 time in total

#111:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:12 pm
Rath barely made it into the barn, even with the help of the elf and the centaur. She sunk to her knees into a pile of straw a few feet in the doorway off to the right side. Fishing around into her pouch she pulled out three brilliant azure jewels on black leather straps. Slipping one around her neck the other two she wrapped around her hands.

This isn't as bad as using that damned sword but I didn't think I'd have to resort to this this early in things. As soon as the jewels were secure she reached into one of the compartments in her belt, pulling free a small vial of amber liquid. Popping the top with the flick of a claw she downed the contents, shuddering at the taste.

With in seconds her eyes rolled back in her head and Rath fell into a deep restoreitve trance. In an hour or so the jewels would have replaced the energy she'd used and the potion in the vial, used in concert with the gems, would allow her to make up two days of sleep in roughly two hours. Until then though...nothing would wake her.

#112: r Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:24 am
Graeme sat outside the inn.Gods, where's a healer when you need one? He dabbed at his broken nose again. Sheesh, did I even get a thank you, not even acknowledgement. Well, I'll just tag along and stay quiet. He stayed out of te barn and the inn. He couldn't be bothered with the isolated elf or the haughty centuar. Neither could he be bothered with an inn full of staring drunkards. He stood, stretched, winced at the pain of his stiff limbs and turned to Morzan.

"I really can't be bothered with any of this at the moment. I'm gonna go and wander for a bit. Clear my head and think over this mess of a situation. Tell Rain or Rath that, hopefully they'll understand," he told the soldier.

He started walking in towards the town square. He looked about at the houses and the like, quant, but nice in a country sort of way. Probably a nice little community. He swung his gaze from side to side, looking for what he expected to be in the town centre. For another few minutes he had no such luck until he saw what he hd been searching for.

He walked to the door, and heaved it open.

"Hello? Who is this at this time?" an elderly old man mumbled.

He stopped in his tracks at the site of Graeme. Graeme smiled.

"Hello Father Tomas. You probably don't know me.."

"I do know you...your grandfather, may he rest in peace, was always sending letters to me, of your outstanding progress in our faith. He wanted you to take his role in our church. YOU rejected our call. You are not fit to wear those robes!!"

"I done what I thought was right...and I am RIGHT."

#113:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:51 am
(hey, Smudgy, could you please post on Entwined Fates? I need you to post. Also, if anyone feels like signing up to Entwined Fates, more players will be welcome.)

Inside the barn I paced up and down with nervousness. I wanted to go the the Embassy. Every town had one, and they were quite often the only place in the area the right size for centeurs, fauns, Eroki and assorted other races, and they would certainly be the only place with washing facilities. I detested being dirty, and even in my year of wandering I had stopped off in a town at least twice-weekly to get a wash. Also, a barn was all very well for most people, but I myself couldn't face a night in one. I decided I would tell Ariana of my plans to go to the Embassy. She might want to come along, and I couldn't just leave my compainions with no idea of where I'd gone.

'Arian, I'm going down to the Embassy for a while. I'll probably be gone for a while, I may even be sleeping in the quarters there. All I'll be doing is a couple of games of Threelegs, a book, and perhaps a wash. You're welcome to come if you want.'[

Arian shook her head, and murmered 'I'll just stay here, if that's all the same to you. I don't feel up to it.'

She must be still recovering from the strange experience of the shard hitting her. I had the advantage that I could go into a trance and speed my thinking up by ten times, but elves couldn't do that. She would still be thinking about it this time tommorow, I'd warrant.

As I trotted out, Morzan stepped infront of me. He was on guard, and would probably be a bit on edge after his experience. The shards seemed to have changed us all.

'HALT!' He callled. 'Where are you going, Crenlamin?'

'Call me Crenla.' I smiled, and this seemed to put him off balance a bit. I loved calculating where to hit for what effect, and it especially felt good when you got it right. This was one of those times. 'And as for where I'm going, I'm off to the Embassy. I need to relax among my own kind.'

And with that, I trotted into the center of town. There wasn't anything suspicious about me wanting to go the Embassy. Indeed, it would be strange if I didn't want to go there. Odly, when I reached the center of town I saw the hem of the hunchback's robe disappearing into a house marked with the Human God-symbol. Still, he was a priest and I though nothing more of it until I retuned, two hours later, thouroughly (sp?) refreshed.

#114:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:23 pm
Rath woke with a massive yawn and spread her wings to their fullest. Quickly she slipped off the gems, shaking her head once again that she'd been so foolish as to need them already. Stowing them in her pouch she gazed around. Crenlamin was just trotting back in, smelling strongly of centaur, other centaurs that is, and freshly scrubbed. Rath gave her a nod, trusting all went well.

Ariana was sitting up against the wall, idly braiding bits of straw together to while away the time. Morzan stood just outside the barn door, the picture of nonchalance. "Has anyone eaten? I'm starving. I'll go to the inn and grab us some food...well you some food. I doubt if I want to purchase enough to feed myself."

Gathering from the nods that this was an acceptable plan, Rath strode out of the barn. However she quietly slipped past the inn, appearing to go into it without actually going there. She didn't remember this town well, her memory of those first days following the battle were some of the foggiest. But she did remember where to find the 'shadowy' people while the sun was still up.

Walking up to a non-descript house on the edge of town, she tapped lightly on the door. "Yeah? Who's there?"

"A casual friend seeking knowledge of the world." Slowly a hidden panel in the door slid open, reavealing eyes on the other side. She stared the door guard down. There was the sliding of bolts and suddenly, she was in.

"I didn't recognize you Mastress. Forgive me." Rath favored the orc a haughty stare before moving through the room and down the stairs in the back. Traveling through a maze of tunnels, she emerged into a sub-terra meeting hall. Many rouges were absent, they would appear later when she met them at the inn. But for now she needed to let the Underground know that she was back...and wouldn't be tolerating interference.

Lounging on a plush seat, an elf cleaned his nails with a sharpened dagger, feet up on the arm. With a flick of her tail Rath knocked his feet to the floor. He hit the floor in a fighting crouch, knife held ready. "Put that away before I geld you with it." He stared at her slightly wide eyed but the knife didn't waver.

"I don't know who you are Eroki but I..."

"But you better do as she says Lyderious." An older man walked out of the shadows. "Hail Rathainia, you've been gone a long time." His fists were held to his shoulders, arms crossed over his chest in the assassin's salute. Rath touched her right fist to her left shoulder in kind.

"Oliver, it's been a while." There are matters we must discuss in private...

It wasn't an hour later that she returned to the barn, arms loaded with food she'd knicked from the rouge hall. Doling the food out to her companions she bit into an apple, chewing with a smile. It had been a rather productive meeting.

#115:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:45 pm
When Rain finally entered in the barn, she looked a bit shaken. In her hand, a folded piece of parchement with what looked like a broken leaf seal was tightly clutched but still both it and her hand were shaking like a leaf. Another scroll like the one Gilath dropped was tucked into her belt, and like the other this also was inscribed: "Squirt". Unlike the other one however no dragon had written this scroll, but a human had, to be specific, Juric. The combined experience of what the note had read, the scroll from Juric, and what Matthew, the innkeeper had told, had left her shaken. To tell the truth, she looked a little like she had seen a ghost and in a way she had.

Stares met her as she entered in the barn, and Morzan detached himself from the wall where had been eating some bread to stand before him, his sword at the ready.

"Halt. We want no strangers here maid. Go back to the inn where you belong."

Looking at the solider who showed all the evidence of pulling his sword, Rain couldn't help but smile. "Would draw your blade on a lady sir?"

"No," then drawing his blade, "You are no lady. Now be gone before I send you back with whelps from the back of my blade."

Smiling Sauciously, "Don't want to know what I want, solider." Standing with her hands on hips she looked every inch the tavern girl, she knew, but still Morzan didn't have to be so distrustful.

Sneering, "No."

"Relax, Morzan." Rath said tossing an apple at Rain, "She's a friend."

"Thanks Rathiania. Been to the rogues I see."

Rath just raised an eyebrow as she watched Rain bite into the apple.

Morzan, however, wasn't quite convinced, "How do we know she's a friend."

"Because I know the password," Rain said stepping closer to Morzan stepping past his blade in a quick easy motion to whisper in his ear. "Some call me Celebrin."

At the word Celebrin, Ariana perked up a little. "Is it you, Celebrin?" The elf said in Silvan.

Holding a finger to her lips, Rain nodded as she stepped away from Morzan futher into the barn. "Hush, Ariana Elven-born. Your Cousins send you greetings." With this, Rain tossed the elf a bag the other silvan's had given her for their cousin Ariana that they had seen outside with the others of her group.

Sitting herself on a barrel of oats, Rain finished the apple and tossed the core aside. The little food she had was helping her regain her strength, but still as she sat there looking at the moon that was visible through a crack in the barn doors Rain couldn't help but still feel shaken over the days events. First Rath, then the sword, then the sphere, the demons, and now was simply to hard to believe.

Crossing her legs, Rain made herself comfortable easing her one of her daggers just in case. She may be a incopentent with the weapons she now wore with this disguse but any fool could toss a dagger in a time of need.

"My name is Arin Celebrin Sea-born, and I am indeed a friend. I was sent by someone who called herself Rain 'de-la'Nari. She said you would need my help. So, here I am. I was told there was five of you, not counting Rain, where are the others?"

Rath spoke first, looking at her a little oddly. "Crenlamin went to the embassy, and I believe Morzan went to the church in town. Why?"

Waving to Rath in the hand language that any minor theif or in this case a gyspy and an assinsin knew, said "Explanitions later. Danger is close. We must speak soon. Disturbing news." Although Rain knew this itself was rather ruff, her mind was going black for the proper signs to explain herself more fully to Rath. She was just going to have to wait.

Cursing her luck silently, Rain dismounted the barrel. "Bad news. Very Bad News. News you must all hear. Nevertheless, it is too late to go searching for the rest of your party. Rest tonight, gain your strength. We will speak in the morning."

Gestering to Rath one more time just before she opened the barn door, Rain silently said, "Stay here, protect the others. I have work to do."

"Now," speaking a lot this time, "if you don't mind, I must be going. The night is growing to dark for a girl like me to be seen about." Rain existed the barn and pulled out an elven cloak from her bag.

Slipping into the shadows, Rain knew that it was going to be a long night. She had work to do, and the last thing she wanted was to be seen.

Pulling up the hood, Rain headed towards the back of the inn, and then disappearing the shadows was gone.

#116:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:32 pm
Rath watched Rain or, Arian, vanish into the night. Cursing silently in draconic she moved away fromt the door. Like I need more bad news. She gazed around at her companions who were contentedly munching on bread, beginning to unwind in what they thought was safety.

If Rath was edgy they attributed it to her profession...when did you ever see a relaxed assassin. I wonder from which direction this ill wind blows? No use borrowing trouble. With that Rath quit contemplating what might show up and decided to prepare for the worst. Her eyes flicked around, memorizing defenseable positions and venurabilites.

With a pound of her wings she launched herself into the rafters. Her action garnered a snort from Crenla, raised eyebrows from Morzan, and Ariana breifly ceased her contemplation of the elven gift. Soon her companions forgot about her, chalking it up to some excentricity. Rath couldn't have been more greatful.

Slowly, hesitation born of reluctance not fear, she reached into her pouch for what she hoped was the last time. Closing her eyes she dug deep until she hit spell barriers. First the flimsy ones gave way and she progressed deeper and deeper into the bags hidden depths. Had she not set these spells, had not created this bag, she would have been destroyed the moment she touched the first layer.

What she had buried here, in this pouch that had once been a beautiful bracelet, had been meant to sleep for all eternity. It hadn't been made in this world, had never been ment for this world. If there is one thing I regret it is stealing this from you Mother. Prying apart the strongest layer yet her claws brushed it.

It called to her in the language of things best left unspoken. An amulet that harbored the darkest secret in her dark past. She wrapped her talons in it's chain and took a deep breath. If I'm right then this is the only way. If I am wrong...I'm ringing the dinner bell.

#117:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:45 pm
(People seem to really know my character Smile . Thanks for filling in. Sorry for not posting earlier its just with school and homework and all that its hard to keep up. Anyway back to the RP for me.)

Morning dew glistened on the grass like stars in the night sky. It was a beautiful morning with a light breeze and a glowing sun. But Morzan had no time to enjoy it. His father had put him to work in the fields. It didn't bother him to work, he enjoyed doing labour that was usualy reserved for bigger and more capable boys.

Morzan wasn't the largest kid and he was often put to work in the chicken house. So this was his chance to show the village and his father that he could do anything his older brothers could. Running along with two hand sythes he slashed and cut a path through the wheat his family grew.

In his mind he didn't see the wheat. He saw evil knights and dark wizards. Ripping a bloody path through the imaginary army his laughter and joy echoed throguh the fields.

People were starting to gather as Morzan danced and weaved through the rows of wheat. Soon he stood in an empty field, piles of wheat stood around him and he stood breathing hard. Looking back at his familys little house he saw he father and brothers. His father, with a smile on his face and his brothers who stood scowling.

Leanig against the barn Morzan snapped out of his little dream. Those were the days. Living on the farm, catching rabbits and hunting foxes. Taking off his cloak and opening his pack he drew out an old fox pelt. Smiling he rubbed his face against it. It just as soft as it was all those years ago.
Standing up he paced back and forth in front of the barn. From inside voices floated. Something in a different language. Morzan thought it was elfish but he wasn't really sure. A thought then hit him, I dont know any languages other than english. Moving in front of the the door he stood guard and surveyed the crowd.

There was noone who looked like they would pull out a sword and tear up the place. So Morzan let his guard down ever so slightly. He wasn't afraid, the folk around here were nice and he felt a kindredship with them. Because like most of them he wasn't from some fancy background. He was a farmboy.

#118:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:32 pm
Chapter 6: When Nightmares Walk...

Stealing along the inn, Rain felt the hard lumber that was along the wall. It had been many years since she had been here and she wasn't sure if she could find what she was looking for, or even if it was still there.

Suddenly something hit her causing her to stop what she was doing. Lifting her noise to the wind, Rain closed her eyes and let her mind tell her what was happening. A great power was close. It wasn't being used, but it was close to being used. From the feel of the power that sorrunded what Rain thought was a spell, it felt more like the power was in a sleeping object that was waiting to be used.

Pausing a little, Rain wondered if she really do what she was about to do. Thinking hard Rain realized that whether she wanted to or not, she had better find out who and where the power was coming from. What Matthew and the Silvan had told her was too disturbing not to?

Unconcilessly Rain's hands went to her sash where her flute was usually kept, but met with nothing but the handle of one her daggers. Lifting her hands, Rain flattened herself against the wall, closed her eyes, and breathed deep. She was a fool for doing this.

Opening her eyes Rain opened her lips and sang as quietly as the eastern wind in the apple trees in the spring. Her voice was haunting, her song searching, and to tell the truth beautiful from what could be told from it's softness.

Soon her song returned to her bring her what she needed to now. It brought her smells which told her two things. One that the person who was touching the spell or object of power was a mage stronger than she. Two that the mage using it wasn't making an effort to hide themselves, and that in likehood they were friendly.

The smell confirmed her thoughts as Rain breathed a nose full of dragon. The smells also taught her a little, only a little, of the object that held the power. In truth in didn't tell her any more than she already knew, the power was in an object that was sleeping, it wasn't being used at the moment, and that the object contained a vast amount of power that Rain couldn't even contemplate.

Hestitating a moment, Rain played with the ring on her finger and sang another spell this time using the ring not her own strength to fuel the spell.

The spell was first taught to her by Gilath to help her communicate to him over distances, or to speak to any dragon if she had need. She just hoped it worked with Rath, for one Rath wasn't a dragon at the moment, and two it usual required the dragon's full title in this case Rath's, which Rain didn't know. Sending a tendril of thought, Rain tested the spell.

Rathiania? I don't know if you can hear me, but I can't speak long so listen close if you can.


Breathing freely now, Rain continued her search along the bricks until her hands met with what she was looking for. Pulling the brick loose, Rain's hands pocketed the map, a small stone by the feel, and a heavy bag of coins she found in the secret aclove. Placing the stone back, Rain snuck away into relative safety before continuing her conversation with Rath.

Yes. Stop whatever your doing. I don't know what that thing is that you have but if you use it your justing going to announce the Sword-Bearers presence to every low-life, demon, and spy around here.

You told me to protect them! I am doing so. Trust me. Rath said mentally obviously frausted at the contridication.

I do trust you. But you must trust me. You don't want to attrack attention right now, not with them Rain mentally shuddered sending a picture of a small force of demons to Rath. The picture convenvied a fear deeper than demons. Demons, stupid as they were, Rain could handle. She couldn't however handle the other things that were with the demons.

A picture of wraith, tall and pall cloaked in it's grave clothes, a spectrum driven by some unknown end. A fear-bringer, a three headed monster with teeth the size of a dog, bearing a whip and possing a scream that sent nightmares into the heart of the bravest of men. Finally, perhaps the most feared, a dark drake. Drakes, those things daring to call them dragons, were little more than snakes with wings. Yet within them they had enough power to make any mage quiver like a babe. Even more feared was the Dark Drake whose black wings were made of nightmares, whose shadow was darker than the blackest of nights, whose screams woke the dead. Toghether the three formed the things of nightmares.

Rain had no doubt what they were after. Nightmares, dreams of greed and sin, fear, and distrust. Demons, those powerful enough to be high on the food chain, feed off these things. The more they got, the powerful and more dangerous they became.

Rain completed the picture with another thought banishing her own fears as well as she could. The last thing we want to do is attrack their attention or to let them know were hear.

Rath paused clearly thinking over what she had shown her. Are you sure?

I am. I haven't seen them but I have looked in the eyes of those who have. Into the eyes of one who faced death and didn't tremble, but when they beheld these fears fled.

Why here?

Our enemy has many eyes. She doubtless knew that we took the sword. Besides, this is a small town full of simple people. They have reason enough to fear.

Should I tell the others?

Rain at this but nodded mentally. Yes, but not too much. Fear will work against them now. I would have told you in the barn, but...

You were a stranger and we had no reason to trust you. Where are you going with them so close?

Exactly. I have to find other ways of travel. If the feared three are walking about old paths may be no longer trusted or worse watched. I'm going to see some old friednds and see about newer paths. We may just have to follow the orginal plan in the end though, I don't know what I will find.

Watch your back. When nightmares walk,

Heros awake also. Don't forget that part either, miss Rathiania, I don't believe in miracles. I'll be careful. I shouldn't be too long. If all goes well, I'll be back before dawn. If not, I'll be back in two days at the most. However, if I'm not back by the third day. Awake my flute, With this Rain pictured her flute, and envisioned the silvian words that was inscribe near the first key. It read "Find that which is mine." If you play that note, Celebrin will find me. If the echo returns void....then go on without me, you'll find all you need at the bottom of the hold that you will find in the barn's tack room. Find it by tapping where the sun rests when it rises in the morn. I can tell you no more. I'm sorry.

Cutting off her thoughts, Rain sang again this time turning Juric's ring inwards so the stone was hid. If she was lucky and all went well, Rath won't need any of what I told her. Checking her mental and physical shields that protected her from being seen, Rain whistled. A small man amerged from the inn holding a horse in his hands. Giving the stead a good once over, Rain smiled.

"Greetings Nightwind, you served me before. Will you do so again?"

Hearing the mare's agreeing neigh, Rain mounted with an easy motion that seemed natural for her. "Thanks Patrick," she said to the man holding her stirrups for her, "Tell Matthew that if I'm not back by day to tell the Eroki everything he will tell me. She's an old friend. The solider's blades are to be sharpened, the elf is to be given every curtesy, the priest to be healed, and the centaur greeted with respect. Tell him..." choaking back tears, "that if don't see him, Goodbye old Friend."

Kicking the mare slightly, Rain galloped away into the night, whispering to horse. "Fly swiftly and quitely, Nightwind. May your name prove true this night."

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:17 am; edited 1 time in total

#119:  Author: JezSharpLocation: The middle of anywhere... PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:22 am
Solus sends her apolagies as she's temporaily been banned from IF for the forseeable future Sad (prob until her half term) as she'd been neglecting hmwk/music practice, so her character Ariana will have to play a more quiet background role for the present time.

#120:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:29 am
Do you reackon we should get a sub or one of us shoulddo it for her?

Oh, and another title to add to Crenlamin's list of Awesomeness. CHeck my ststus. Go on, do it.

#121:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:31 pm
((Just include Ariana in your post, Whitey, like we've all done. Will make sure to keep her in touch. If things get drastic, we may get another player, but I perfer to wait, at least in kindness for Solus.))

Rain leaned forward on her horse snuggling her face in Nightwind's glorious black mane. Houses, farms, and trees flew by as she urged the horse to the top of it's pace. When they were finally on a deserted road and the last house was just a glimmer on the horizon, Rain pulled Nightwind up as she raised herself in the saddle. Closing her eyes to get a better surrondings, Rain found that for now, she was safe. Lowering herself again in the saddle, Rain patted Nightwind who although breathing hard was showing no signs of faitgue. Slowly the mare down to a stop, Rain did the second foolish thing she did that night.

She prepared herself to cast a spell without her flute for the first time in many years. It was a risking thing for her to do, she knew, but hopefully it would work.

Her relationship with Celebrin had it pluses and minuses. The flute while increasing her abilities also made her tired quicker. So by using it, Rain could use more power, but do less. By singing her spellls however, Rain risked outcasting herself quickly by a single spell. Yet since singing didn't take as much power from her as her flute, she could be able to do more. Until this night, Rain had never really seen what she could do without her flute. She guessed that she was about to find out.

Lowering herself again in the saddle, Rain held the mare's reigns tight and sang the spell. Purple light began to glow around Rain slowly descending and surronding Nightwind also. Then singing the final words, Rain uttered their distantion half in song, half in words. Then urging Nightwind, they were gone in a flash.

~ ~ ~

Rain's head spinned as she tighten her grip on the reigns to keep from falling. Closing her eyes briefly, Rain looked up to see a small cavarn of gyspies camped around a large communal fire. At her apperance, several got up and surronded her their knives at the ready. Dismounting Nightwind, Rain held onto the mare's mane weakly trying to keep from falling.

A tall skinny man with a scar on his left cheek, looking parciluraly like a scarecrow spoke first, "Who are you? And why do you come here in such a way, on such a night?"

"Who are you to ask?" Rain said not remembering this man from her many years away from the gyspy community. Scanning the faces she looked vainly for one she remembered, and failed. Had it been that long?

Suddenly something from the leader was standing, something clicked and she recongized him. "If isn't old Short-Stub all grown tall and skinny too. How did you managed to get so tall? Eat grelin beans."

Muffled laughter sounded from the group telling Rain she was indeed right about the man who she was knew as Short-stub. Frowning angerly the man known as Short-Stub among his childhood friends, pressed his knife dangerously close to her neck. "How do you know my name!?!" He demanded as his companions were forced to hold down Nightwind who was trying vainly to get to her threaten mistress. "Are you a witch?"

Rain's eyes flashed a deep purple and several of the men back up. "Pharion de-Nol Creken. I suggest you take that back before someone gets hurt. I have told you before and will tell it again, I am no witch." Rain's eyes were dancing now the purple in her eyes flashing a royal purple and lavender intermingled with marron (sp?). Several of the men suffled their feet looking suprisingly uneasy from not only the color of her eyes but the anger they held. "It is not my fault you don't recongize a friend."

Pharion, short-witted fool that he always was, never could recongize a threat when he saw one and he pressed his luck. Smiling cruely, he pressed his blade closer so a drop of blood ran from Rain's kneck. "Witch's knowledge will end in witch's death. I wonder what a woman's end will be if they be both witch's and harlots." Rain's eyes flashed. She always did hate this man.

Her lips widened into a smile, she was going to enjoy this. Raising her fingers to the blade. Rain slowly eased the pressure off her kneck as she leaned closer to the man. "I don't know, but how about we find out how they kiss?" The man licked his lips, and lowered his blade allowing Rain exactly the oppurinty she needed.

Quickly she took the wrist that held the blade and pulled, twisting the man's wrist as she stumbled forward off balance because her pull. Hitting the mans back, Rain kept his hand withing her grasp as the man fell hearing the sastifity pop that came with dislocating a man arm. Cursing in pain, Pharion wreathed on the ground letting the blade fall loose out of his now numb hand. Picking up the blade, Rain stoored in her sash. Chanting in silvan, Rain spoke to horse in the language it was trained. Nightwind kicked the men holding her leaving them senless on the ground. Trotting upwards to her mistress, Nightwind snorted at the men as the scrambled out her path. Rubbing affectional against her mistress, Nightwind tossed her head at the remaining men as if daring them to come close.

"Any one else think I'm a witch?" Looking around, Rain paused calming herself by breathing deep. "No, good, now take me to the Elder of the Terikeran or so help me I'll break everyone of your bones."

~ ~ ~

Riding away from the caravan, Rain smiled. The meeting had been long but productive. Feeling inside her Rain found that she still had enough within her for one more trip before she returned to the DragonInn. Singing again, Rain urged the horse forward this time reappering on a beach in a naturally habor she knew well.

The people here were expecting her and things went much smother than the prevois meeting.

Coins and words were exchanged, and several handshakes shared. In the end, it cost Rain only a quarter what she expected for the price the pirates bargained. Apperantly the name of Cold-Well Matt was still feared on the seas. A couple of nods sealed the deal, the pirates would wait for them at the habour town they both had previously agreed upon and would be there if their group had need of the sea. Signs and countersigns were exchange. The pirates left and a few minutes later, Rain also left.

~ ~ ~

Singing for the last time, Rain rode the horse forward again this time to the place outside of town where she had disappered before. In the east, the sun was beginning to show the early signs of rising.

Riding a very tired horse into town, Rain rode straight for the DragonInn. Handing off the horse to the stable-boy on duty, Rain went towards the barn. Hopefully this meeting would go far more easier than the first. Knocking on the door, Rain waited for the answer as she idly turned to watch the dawn. It was going to be a beautiful day, she decided, we will need it after yesterday.

Looking at the sun on last time, Rain whispered "May the sunlight banish the darkness of the day, and nightmares no linger in our eyes." Then turning back to the barn, Rain repeated her knock. Hearing footsteps Rain watched as the door opened to a very tired...

#122:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:20 pm
Rath listened to Rain's words for all of three seconds. Then she pulled free the object from the bag. For a moment the amulet sparkled in the barn's dim light, it's near black ruby drinking in the light light a vampyre might drink in blood. Rain, if only you had stopped me before I touched it would kill me to return it without giving it it's due.

The Amulet Ky'Kyroshin was made from a drop of her grandmother's blood the great dragon queen Kyro, the true first dragon and companion of the Incarnation of Time herself. It's properties were unique, special. And even sleeping it was aware. Besides, Rath had no intention of awakening it's full powers here and now.

Still...She gashed her right palm with the sharp barb on the amulet, watching the blood well up. Grandmother...I need the blade. She clasped the amulet tight and the silver patch on her arm, that had appeared after the Sword of Ergos vanished, glowed for a moment, then turned black.

Conversely the amulet went from holding a black ruby set in platinum, to the Dragonstone set in a blue metal that resembled the hilt and guard of Ergos's sword, which was set in a collar of silver imprinted with the runes of Din. Slowly, with shaking hands, Rath fixed the collar around her neck where it clicked, sealing so that the only way on or off was to decapitate Rath herself.

Her right hand was clenched into a fist, her entire right arm blackened and shaking. Slowly she opened her hand and watched as the dark blade from her dreams rose soundlessly from her palm. With a soft pop it landed in her hands, just as asleep as the amulet had been. Thank heavens. Thank you Grandmother. With a gentle motion Rath spun a scabbard out of wind and straw chaff. Setting it onto her belt, she slid the sword into the scabbard.

With a pat she leaped off the rafter and back onto the floor. For a moment she stood, head cocked to the side, listening for the sounds of magic ripple. All she heard, next to the sound of the creation of the scabbard, was the tinny noise of a cheap enchanted sword. Nobody would be any the wiser since the Sword of Ergos was hardly a sword any more and the blade she bore on her hip had not yet chosen to announce it's arrival in this world.

Hopefully Rain won't try to kill me when she gets back...yet those images... The beasts she had caught glimpses of when Rain thought of them...they wouldn't have been turned by any of Rath's other weapons and after the warning in her vision Rath wasn't about to raise the blade of Ergos against them. This blade, a blade called Viri'Kuul, or Demon Drinker, by her mother Rath had no qualms about raising. As long as it's fee was paid the blade would serve her faithfully...and thankfully Rath had paid in advance.

Turning her head instinctivly toward where the Lady of the Night slept Rath smiled her assassin's smile. Bring on your trouble o'Beguiled one. Not even you can taste this blade and ask for more.

Around her her companions had bedded down for the night and, by the feeling in the pit of her stomach, Rath knew it was morning already. She herself should really get some sleep, having learned her lesson over the past two days. Yet as she readied herself to spring into the soft piles of the hayloft a knock came at the door.

Turning she opened it to find Rain, well as could be considering the amount of power she'd recently used, tottering on the threshold. Catching her friend she led her over to a spare pile of hay and eased her down.

"I expect everything went well since you've returned in one piece with everything you left with. After you've rested I'll give you back your flute." Rath frowned and then, before Rain could protest, made her quick spellcasting gesture. The silver bracelet she'd given Rain appeared in her hand. She glared at the gypsy, wishing she could turn a dragonstare on her.

"Never again take this off! You speak highly to me about using my weapons yet leave yourself wide open. Rain 'da-la'Neri I have never been so disappointed in you! I gave you this guard, Kavecule's Guard, because it will make you vanish from the ken of all dark creatures. You could be standing an inch from the end of the Lady of the Night's nose and she would not know you were there!

Rain's mouth worked soundlessly for a moment then her eyes fixed on Rath's collar. "What...?" Her eyes suddenly focused on the dark blade by Rath's side. "You disregarded me! After all I showed you!"

"Because of what you showed me. If this were five years ago we would have not needed fear these things. Drakes only pretend to be Dragons until the real Dragons show up. As for the others...I have seen worse in my time." Rath shuddered recalling horrors of her homeland which lay far beyond the world of Cree/Mian.

"This blade is indeed a tool of distruction but it is no more powerful than Ergos's sword was and far more useful to me. As I am I cannot weild but a fraction of it's power, but that fraction is enough to keep us safe. Notice I have not awakened the blade and I will forstall that occurance as long as I can. I am no fool Rain, or Arian, or Celebrin, which ever name you choose."

Rain looked at her and Rath sensed a distance between them that had not been there before. So this is how it must be. Rath's gaze softened. "Rain, don't be cross with me. I havn't told the others yet, in truth have not had the time. Please, rest, and when we wake I shall explain all."

Rain looked at the blade one last time. "Can you really control it?" Rath shook her head.

"The sword is the blade of my family, brought across worlds unwillingly. If it comes down to the final moments, the blade will turn my hand as best benfits my survival as it has done for many ages past." Rain looked at her, a moment of perfect understanding passing between them before she pushed Rath away, standing.

"So that is how it will be then dragon? An assassin's cold heart will you give us? Perhaps you should have kept your bargain with the demons, that they might leave you your life since that is all you care about." She walked away, her words wounding Rath in a way she had forgotten since her heart had hardened.

"You've got it wrong Rain...I'm..." But Rain held up a hand before laying down and closing her eyes. Leaping into the hayloft Rath curled up, a single tear sliding down her cheek. She's wrong. I don't only care about myself. I've given so much for so many...No she's right. Ergos should have left me to die that day... Turning to face the barn doors, watching the play of dust motes in sunlight, Rath had never felt more alone.

Oh Paith...why have you forsaken me?

#123:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:00 am
((Ah...friend you wound me so. I guess I represent my character wrong for you to picture me responding in such away. Rain isn't controlled by anger, or any other emotion aside from sadness. She gave those up long ago. The only thing that drives her is fear, fear of herself, fear of others, and mostly fear of fear itself. But let me now heal the wounds I have given while I was gone from this world.))

Feeling a little guilty Rain quietly snoke up the ladder that led to the loft, Rain peered over the ledge as she shoke from head to toe from supressed emotions and tiredness.

"Rath," she said gently, "I am sorry. I didn't mean what I was saying. I don't know half of what I say anymore." Looking away Rain steadied herself by bracing ladder where it met the loft. Sighing, Rain continued. "I am afraid, Rathiania. Afraid more than ever before. Afraid and alone."

"You who faced demons," Rath said whipping the tears from her eyes but her anger clearly showing in their depths, "You who wandered around last night with perhaps the three most fearsome beings known to your kind, You are afraid? You alone?"

Turning her face from Rain, Rath let the sacrasm and bitterness in voice show through. "You don't know the meaning of fear. You have never seen anything even close to Fear. Do not speak of fear until you have lived as long as I, and seen all I have. Then you may fear. You call yourself alone. Look around you. Your kind live here, and will for many years. Mine I have watched died one by one. Watched while I was one of the few left. Watched while my mate died and I was forced to lived. I who gave up my form, my only chance of returning to save you and the rest of your pitful race. You nothing of being alone. Nothing!"

"I know," Rain said whispering, "I know. But that doesn't change the fact that I am afraid. More afraid then I have ever been. Do you think that is the Fearsome Three that's going to keep me awake for the next months. You don't know half of what I fear or for whom I fear. Do you think I fear for myself? Do you think I fear the fate that I will surely suffer if ever I meet the Lady again? Do you think I value my life? No."

Turning her face away from Rain, she paused gathering her strength. "I do not fear for myself. I fear for You, I fear for my world, I fear for all our worlds. All our lives rest on a thread that we must travel. A narrow path that if we vary from just an inch, we will fall. I'm sorry I yelled Rath, but you must understand. The Lady might be content for a while if she killed me, but once she discovers I do not bear the sword, she will never rest until she finds it. Rath, one of the last your race, Sword-Maiden, Riddle-Solver, Dragoness, if you are found, harmed, or killed it will not be my life that will only be a stake. The stake, the fate of every world lies in your hand."

Pausing Rain wondered if she should tell her exactly and everything she knew. She needs to know what's she holding, she needs to know what she risks everytime she uses magic or calls the sword. "Do you know what you hold?"

"Ergos' Sword." Rath said pressing her hand against her neck, "It is what I was given. Me, not you."

"Yes, it is Ergos' Sword, but it is much more than that. It is the DragonSword and bears on it the DragonStone. I'm sure you know what the DragonStone was and is, but let me remind you what it is. Dragonstones, as you know, are the last life blood that drops from a dragon when it dies. Powerful things they are as they are infused with the power, the will, and the spells of the Dragon at the moment that dragon fell. The DragonStone, this stone, is not just any stone. It is the blood of the Eroki Mother, that Dragoness who gave birth to the Eroki and sealed the rip, and although I forget her name, it is repeated in legend all around the world. That dragoness died to seal the Rip in between worlds. If any carries the sword they can open that rip again. You want to go back to wear you come from, say the words and the door will be opened to you. All you have to do is ask. Do you know what that would mean if the Lady would gain the Sword? With this sword in hand and all the powers of the demons at her back, she not only would be able to open a door to a specfic world, but open up the Rip again and have access to all the worlds, including Rath, yours."

"Why do you think she looks for it so? Her master wishes not only to destroy the World of Cree to make it bow to his will, but to control every World, to every nation, time, people, in all the unvierse to bow to his knee. The Sword could do that if it fell into the wrong hands, and it can do a thousand things worse if a dark will bent it."

"So you see, Rath, I may be angry at you but it is only because I know what is at stake. I would rather each and every one of the others, including myself die a thousand deaths, than see you and the Sword beware fall into the hands of the enemy. I'm sorry if I hurt you, it's just...that...that knowing what I do, I can't help but be protective of you. Rathiania, one of the last your race, You are the World's only hope right now. You would do wisely to remember that next time you go pulling things from other worlds, even if they are swords."

Rath was astonished at everything Rain said, touching her throat she wondered if it was true, that all she had to do was speak to the stone to return home even as she was now. The stone, the sword, answer this thought. I can, for a price. It is your choice, You only have to ask...

Rain watched fearfully as read the thoughts going past her friend's eyes. The moment passed however without occerence and Rath looked at her once more, "How do you know all this?"

"From someone who saw it happen. From someone who once bore one of the many keys that can open the door without sacrifice. From someone who though was alive then is no longer. I am loath to tell you this, but if you wish, if you help us first, help Cree save itself from itself, I will tell you the name of the person who holds the key to your world, and you can crossover then without sacrificing yourself in the process. Or you could do it now, the swords way. It is your choice."

Stepping down a rung, Rain lifted her eyes once more to Rath's golden ones. "I am truly sorry, Rath, but perhaps now you understand why I said what I said. I'm going to get some rest while I can. Come down when your ready to talk. Once everyone is awake, I'll tell you everything, Is that a deal for now?"

Rath nodded her head, and laid down clearing considering Rain's words.

Rain sighed, She had just given everything to Rath, and what Rath decided could either end up in disaster, chaos, or maybe in good. Rain didn't know. What she knew as though she was a fool for telling Rath everything she knew, or at least most of what she knew, she had done the right thing. She wondered that in the end, that would count.

#124:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:21 pm
(I know Rain isn't an angery person, but fear makes people speak harshly. That is what Rain was doing, she wasn't angery she was scared.)

Rath was shaken, deeply shaken, to think that she had the power to open the rift again...But the Rift was one was a tear in the layer between wasn't a link to realms beyond this one. With a sigh Rath realized she'd never be able to use the blade to open a portal to Lodriss, her only hope was that someone would find her. They had the power to seek, she did not.

A good rest stood her in good stead and Rath woke while the others were still sleeping. She quickly checked each of them, realizing Graeme was still missing. She hadn't been in any condition to see where he went or what he was doing and none of the others had spoken of it.

Picking up a leftover apple she was about to take a bite when a cold chill ran down her back. Outside night had again fallen, the time of nightmares stalked the land. Quickly deciding Rath bolted from the barn, her speed eathreal, unbelievable. She ran until the town was a faint smear on the horizion before she stopped, whirling, to face the cold thing of shadows behind her.

It was indistinct against the night, a haze she would not have been able to see where she not what she was. It's voice, cold, chilling, and raspy like sandpaper, grated against the sheilds of her mind. She could hear it speak, but it could not force her, possess her, or coerce her. You are foolish to leave your companions behind. Foolish to leave a place of light and seek me in the shadows.

You are not the only thing of darkness here creature. Worse than you has trailed me before. Worse than you have never returned. It laughed, a grating sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Do you think you can stand against me? What weapon have you of such great power? Could it be that you weild the sword of Ergos? It was Rath's turn to laugh. Slowly she drew forth Demon Drinker.

You seek one have found another. See how well you like it phantom. It lunged for her, becoming intangible. Most swords, even enchanted ones, would have passed through it harmlessly. The Sword of Ergos would have destroyed it with a burst of light and sound.

Demon Drinker cut the wraith in two, stealing it's essence and leaving naught but energy behind. Quickly, before something else stole the power of this nightmare beast, Rath drew forth one of her blue stones. It glowed for a moment, taking all that remained, and leaving nothing but the cool night behind. Replacing stone in pouch and blade in sheath, Rath sprang skyward and flew leasurly back toward the village and the DragonInn.

Rain needed to know that they were in trouble...and that they needed to move fast before something bigger came...and awakened the blade's full power.

#125: r Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:12 pm
The priests argued the whole night, about right and wrong. Eventually they stopped, and Graeme left. Aaah, that's what I needed, a good debate, without any of these weirdos. He dabbed his nose again. No more blood. This made him smile. The night in the church had invigorated him to no end. He had a new purpose, to prove the church he so devotedly served that he was right in rejecting the High Priest position offered him.

After that had happened he had wandered searching for his grandfather's prophecy. Now he was in the prophecy. Unecpected but he can't complain. He wandered the town, in no hurry to go back to the strange group. Rain's left, the Eroki is keeping toomany secrets, the veteran is, well, soldierish, the centuar is vain and pompous and the elf is silent. There was no fun in the group, no humour, all seriousness, it bored Graeme. He understood why they were serious and all but god, they needed to lighten up a little. Especially the dragoness woman. He liked her ad all but she was all magic this and magic that....He was meant to be the mage!!!

He wandered back to the barn and plopped himself down in the hay, sighing in happiness....He always prefered hay to feather beds...

#126:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:12 pm
Chapter 7: Gifts

Rain awoke to find that once again, it was dark. Yelling at herself for sleeping the whole day, Rain begrudily removed the hay out of her hair.

"I wonder where Rath got to?" Rain mumbled absently. Streching her limps, Rain straighten her clothes and went of to see Matthew about some dinner. When she came back she bore an arm load of food. Behind her, four horses, including Nightwind walked obediently careful not step on Rain or each other. Opening the stalls for the horses, Rain set the tray of food down and began the task of waking everyone up.

"Did I really sleep the whole day?" Ariana said when she saw her.

"Yes, eat. We are going to have to leave while there is still enough moonlight to see by."

Waking up Morzan proved a little more difficult as she almost got killed, but in the end he lowered his sword and bregudily stood up.

Motioning for them to follow her, Rain snoke up to the back door of the inn where Matthew awaited her. "Provisions for our trip." Rain said as handed heavy bags to the people behind her.

That finished, Rain gestured for Morzan and Ariania to wait, while she went to go find Crenlamin and Graeme. Graeme found her, and after giving the rather untrusting priest the code word, she instucted him to go the barn.

Crenlamin was a little harder since she had to get past the embassies security guards. Once in it didn't take long to convince the centaur to follow her back to the barn.

Entering the barn and looking around, Rain noticed that everyone is there but Rath.

Smiling at everyone, Rain said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you that Rain had to go do something that will detain her for a while. She told me to tell you that she will meet you at your next stop whereever that might be. In the meantime, I will be your guide and as such I would like to discuss the possibilties of travel."

Searching her pack for the map she had found earlier, Rain spread it wide on the ground. "We will wait until the last of your group, the Eroki I believe, arrives. Once she is here we can discuss things move fully. Hopefully she will return soon, if you wish to make good time and remain hidden we've going to have to get started tonight, and not a moment later."

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:19 am; edited 2 times in total

#127:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:12 pm
Rath landed and wandered back into the barn to find everyone hunched over a map, not to poke fun at Graeme or anything. "Ah Rath we were expecting you." Rath held up a hand.

Before you get started I have something to tell you. Crouching down to where she could see the map she pointed to a blank spot on the map. "A few minutes ago a wraith came after us don't get alarmed, that particular wraith won't be coming back. However, I do suggest that we move with all exceeding haste."

The group stared at her with wide eyes before Rain shook her head and turned back to the map. "Ah good, there are horses waiting for us and provisions. We'll stop along the way here at Giriad and here at Fairway." Rath twitched an eyebrow.

"If I'm not mistaken we're headed for the coast? An ocean voyage?" Rain smiled.

"You'll have to wait and see, I can't tell you that yet." However, her hands flicked in the secret talk. Later when we're on the road.

Yes you must tell me incase we get separated I know where to find you.

Plan on going somewhere? Rath only looked at Rain, thoughtfully tapping the map. Rain nodded in understanding, there was something Rath had to do, and had to do alone. "But I can tell you that we'll have to ride, and run, hard...all of us." The stare was directed at Graeme who shrugged.

"He'll be fine...oh and I've been meaning to fix your nose." Rath reached into her pouch, pulling out a couple of cloths and some strange looking herbs and ointments. In a few moments, with a little tugging, a little rubbing, some pressure, and a bit of Graeme's own magic his nose was no longer broken or injured in anyway...It was a little squashed looking. " I could do with what I had on hand...I wasn't prepared for broken noses."

Graeme gave a lopsided smile. "Ah what the hell. It's not like I've any looks worth protecting." Rath snapped her fingers. The hunchback's self mockery had jarred her memory. She reached into her pouch and pulled free a long staff of dark metallic brown wood.

"Graeme this is the Staff of Lom. It has powers great and vast but the only two I know of is it's ability to amplify the bearer's magic tenfold and that it is supposed to 'perfect' its bearer...though how I'm not sure, I've never been keen on using it." The hunchback held the tall staff with a shaky hand...nobody had ever just given him something. Rath winked at him, the hunchback didn't give himself enough credit sometimes. Maybe people would pay more attention to him when he had a large whacking stick with him.

She turned to Crenlamin. "Crenla I have this for you." She reached into her pouch and pulled forth an amazing deep blue sapphire amulet set in a unknown metal carved with unreadable runes, some language other than the language of Din. "It's the Amulet of Wisdom in Battle. It draws on the knowledge of it's wearer and converts that intelligence into martial knowledge. As long as you wear it you will become adapt with any weapon you hold should danger threaten. It has many other uses as well...though I don't know how those will manifest to a centaur." She put the amulet in the centaurs hand, closing her fingers around it before moving on to Morzan.

"Let me see your blades." There was a tense moment as the warrior didn't move. Then, with a grumble, he unsheathed the blades and held them before her. Reaching into her pouch Rath drew forth what looked like a handful of visible air. Shaking it a bit it funneled out into two long tubes which she slipped over Morzan's blades. They glowed a moment before vanishing instantly.

"Azirin Enchantments. Those blades are light as feathers, sharp as razors, and will not tire you to use in battle. However, should someone seek to harm you or a friend with those blades they shall either cut the unworthy one or be too heavy to hold. Also these enchantments are known for surprises...I wouldn't be surprised if there were several other hidden powers to be discovered in those blades now."

She walked over to Ariana, the elf looked at her, puzzled, as Rath extended a magnificent bow and quiver of arrows. "This is Selindril the last Dracbow. The arrows fired have the unique ability to turn arrows into bolts of pure light. When fired upon a foe the light is black and destroys them instantly, or severly cripples them. When fired upon a friend it invigorates them and heals their battle wounds. The quiver, if in friendly hands, cannot be emptied. Use them well."

Turning again to Rain Rath looked toward the horses. Picking out a massive stallion that seemed to resemble Rath herself, a blood bay with black socks, muzzle, and a black mane and tail, Rath swung up on it's back, draping her tail over it's rump. It was the largest horse there, the only one that would have fit the Eroki. Rain nodded to her. "His name's Hearthburn." Patting the horse's neck Rath trotted it toward the door, turning around to look at her companions.

"Are you coming with me? The night is waining."

#128:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:04 pm
((Sorry about this post, my battery was getting dangerously low, so I submited what I had so far anyway so when my compter got it's power supply back I could post the rest without hassel. So this post has been edited and added too, you may want to read it again.))

Rain sighed, again loosing count just many times she had sighed in the last two days. Going up to Nightwind, she strocked the mare affectionally. The Mare suited her name well, and the woman who the mare had chosen to be her mistress. Nightwind was a black mare from head to toe, her flowing mane and tail only shimmering patches of dark against her shadowy flanks. The mare was sweet and tender, but could be fierce if the situation arose. Most importantly, in Rain's mind, was the fact that Nightwind could travel silently and swiftly as her name.

Looking at the saddle and the bridle on the mare, Rain reached up to pet the Mare's forlock and took off the heavy tack throwing it with disgust onto the ground. Gyspy as she was she hadn't seeing horses fettered so. If a horse didn't like you or where it was living, it had every right to flee. She guessed that was mainly the reason the free-spirited mare had chosen her of all people to be her mistress. "I'm sorry for last night dear heart, the need for haste prevented me from treating you as your due." Soon her work of removing the tack was done leaving only the horse blanket on the mare.

Grabbing hold of Nightwind's mane, Rain swang up on the mare in an easy and swift motion. Looking behind her, Rain made sure all the people were mounted properly and ready to travel.

Ariania, as Rain had thought, choose Lightfoot, a cream colored gelding with a light mane. Lightfoot was fast, but couldn't make distances but for the elves purposes he would suit her well.

Morzan surprised her but mounting not the other stallion in the group, but a beatiful Roan mare. Her red flanks and brown mane suited Morzan's easy stride ontop the horse. Her name was Naril, and she was Hearthburn's chosen mate. Fourantly for them, Naril was young yet, so they wouldn't be inconvienced by a pregant horse along the way. Naril was a good solider's horse, strong and sturdy the mare couldn't run swiftly but rather could walk steadly on for days without a rest.

Graeme, with some difficulty managed to mount Hor, a grey stallion who had an attitude to match. Strong bodied, and strong willed, Rain had no doubt there would be a contest of wills later. She just wondered who would win it, the horse or the perhaps more stubborn man.

Nodding to her companions, she nudged her horse forward so she rode next to Hearthburn and Rath. As they rode to the light of a nearly full moon, Rain watched as the town fell away. Once they were past the town, Rain turned to Rath.

"I think I you an explantion."

"Yeah, you do." Rath said keeping her eyes on the road before her.

"I wasn't planning on taking this path you know, neither did Juric."

"No," Rath said raising her eyebrows. "No, he didn't. He planned the journey I lined out for you. Juric planned to go first to Girad, then Fairway, then stopping at the Old Sailor's Ballad then hugging the coast where the roads are little more crowed. He figured that a large mixed group we could get lost in the equally mixed and large groups of the on the Trade Routes from the sea to the main cities. He never planned on going anywhere the sea, but he was going to use the advantages of being near it for as long as we were able. Once we could go no father on the Trade Routes, he was going to cut across country and take the lower pass into the Western Ridge or traveling north along the mountains as the sword led."

"What changed? It sounds like a good plan to me." Rath said looking back to make sure the group was following them.

"The fearsome Three aren't the only ones out and about Rath. Things have gotten much worse then that. From what the Silvan can tell with their 'inner-sense' for magic the Lady as been gathering power, drawing it from the various demons that serve her. She has also recalled every major spell she ever cast."

"So?" Rath said looking questional at Rain, "We can still move across the land on the route Juric planned. It is certainly perhaps the fastest and safetest way to go across the land."

"The Lady has called every major spell she cast." Rain said emphasing the words, "That means that those who died because of magical means at the Lady's hand only will start to feel not so dead. The dead are waking and we don't know what we will do when the dead start walking the earth no more dead then they were before their deaths at the Lady's hand. The problem is that spirits of these bodies may not be around, so we are going to have a problem. Someone is either going to convince the dead to go back to sleep or someone is going to control. From the amount of power the Lady is gathering, it seems that she wishes to gain control over the dead before they can be put back to sleep. If she does, we will have an army that can't be killed controlled by the Lady's dark will."

"Are we doing anything about it?"

Rain shoke her head, "The dragonstone might be able to, but if we use it we might as well go straight up to the nearest demon and tell who we are and what have in our possesin. The Libranth Order is working on the promblem. Their controlled power should, should mind, be able to put the dead back to sleep."

"There's something else isnt' there?" Rath said looking at Rain.

"Yes, unforantly. The Lady has already found a following in Andoria and have somehow mangaged to gain control of the bodies of serveral people and making them her spies. In all likehood she has spies everywhere along our route, it would be easy enough to follow the path. A man of Juric's power can't very well travel and leave no mark on the places he's been even if he hasn't been there in three years and is now dead."

"And you want to follow path Juric planned after knowing all that?" Rath said looking at Rain in disbelief.

"No, it all depends on what we find at the last stop befor Girad, The Three Trees. It's a little south of our way, but if we get there before a wekk is up, we will find two ways of travel."

"The first and perhaps the best, but hardest is to travel northward and western along the gypsy roads. The Tereikan have agreed to lend us two wagons if we get to The Three Trees soon enough. That path is probably safer, but it won't be comfortable for either of us. It will mean that we will pass several Silvan communities who will remember both of us. It will mean that we have to travel with Terikan Tribe and after what the Lady put them threw with me, they will be wary of strangers. We will also be traveling through heavy woods all the way making our passage slow."

"And the second?"

"Go futher south to a Pirate Habour. If all goes well and we get there before two weeks is up, we will meet a ship captianed by an old friend of mine. The problem is that he can only take us to the port town of Canal just east of the western ridge. This will land us in the southern most part of the ridge with the nearest pass. If we travel north, or anywhere else for that matter along that part of the country, we will be traveling open country making it easier for us to be seen. It has it's benefits the ocean voyage though. One we avoid crowds all together. Two what will take us a month to cross could be accomplished in two weeks with a good breeze."

"Why didn't you tell the others?"

Rain gave Rath you know why look. "Because we were in a public area for one. Anyone could hear us talking. Two, because we may not get to The Three Trees soon enough. It's no use promising something that may not be there when arrive. There is a fourth way however."

"Which is?"

"Goldin's Way. It's a route just south of Traders way, and while not often traveled provides an easy access to all back roads. We would be less likely to be spotted and we could change our paths quickly to one of the other back roads that connect to Goldin's Way. The only bad thing is that what little places we come to would be sea-ports so we risk running low on supplies and running into spies that the Lady doubtless has planted in all our major cities."

Rain sighed looking at the long way ahead. "I will tell them in the morning though once we get into open country. We may be forced to choose a route on the fly if things start happening to fast."

Rain's eyes grew soft and distant with a kind of regretful remorse shinning in them, "You know it's time like this that Juric had lived and I had died. He would know exactly what to do. Plus Juric would have been a strong enough leader to be able to not only lead you but gain your trust both in himself and in the others. Fate is so cruel sometimes. Instead of a compent guide, you got me whose following bits of a puzzle laid out by someone before her not knowing what the peices form as she puts them togther because she doesn't have the full picture."

Smiling sadly, Rain nodged Nightwind away from Rath taking a comfortable position in front of the group where she could be alone with her thoughts.

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

#129:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:36 pm
Rath's stomach churned with both fear and elation. IF she's recalling every major spell she's cast then...Oh Gods Above and Below... Rath reached out a bit, reaching for something that hadn't been there for five years.

Nothing should have been their, it should have been a void, but instead there was the merest sense of something. Figures. She's holding onto that one until the last. But Rath could tell. In three days the energy of that spell would reverse and when it did...

I'll be myself again. Rain was staring at her hard but if she sensed the reason for Rath's slight smile and the light in her eyes she made no mention of it. "Well Rain, we'll take the long way round then. I'd rather fewer people saw our mixed group but if we must make some apperances I'd like them to be amoung those we trust."

Rain looked at her and Rath sighed. "Arrg to the Pirates Matey." Rain chuckled at Rath's misplaced humor but Rath felt better when dealing with people out to make a dishonest living than those who made an honest one.

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#130:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:40 pm
((Rath please clarify your post. Pretty much all the paths I suggested are a long way around.

I'll post a map as soon as I can get one accurate enough to post.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

#131:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:18 pm
"The Lady has called every major spell she cast." Rain said emphasing the words as the part stoob about, "That means that those who died because of magical means at the Lady's hand only will start to feel not so dead. The dead are waking and we don't know what we will do when the dead start walking the earth no more dead then they were before their deaths at the Lady's hand. The problem is that spirits of these bodies may not be around, so we are going to have a problem. Someone is either going to convince the dead to go back to sleep or someone is going to control. From the amount of power the Lady is gathering, it seems that she wishes to gain control over the dead before they can be put back to sleep. If she does, we will have an army that can't be killed controlled by the Lady's dark will."

Does that mean soldiers from the battle of Ergos will rise as well? Will they still be on my side or will they be...changed? Feeling a wieght fall on him Morzan slumped forward in his sadle.

"I've seen people die under more orders and have fought nightmares. But the living dead is another story. I dont think I could strike down an ex soldier, dead or not." Morzan murmured to himself.

Duty fought against emotion but neither gave in so he decided to leave the issue as unresolved. Ill decide in real situation. He was never the greatest thinker when it came to personal situations. It was never his thing.

"I think we should go to the gypses. They said they would supply us if we make haste and with this destiny business were garenteed to make it."

Feeling better that he voice his opinion Morzan sat back and waited for the others to respond

#132:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:05 pm
Rain rode before the group as she gotten in the habit lately. It wasn't so much she wanted to lead them, but as of the moment she didn't feel much like talking to anyone. Her visit with Tereikian Tribe had left her very much shaken and upset. Not only did her tribe fail to recongize her but at the same she discovered her father, her only family left, had died two months before.

She had told everyone in the group their options a few days before, and while Morzan and Rath had voiced their opinions, the rest we're still thinking about it. The group also now knew that Arin Celebrin Sea-born was Rain by another name.

They had been riding on this marginal path for days now covering ground as quick as possible.

Finally, Rain saw what she had been looking for the past four days, a crossroad. Three paths lay before them. One heading a little north with a sign above it saying Tradesman's way. The middle path would eventually lead them to The Three Trees and would eventually lead onto Goldin's way. The third and final one led the way to the sea where the pirates were waiting.

Turning to face the group Rain annoced, "We've come to a place where we must decide on where to go. We can follow the path that was laid before us by Juric. We can join the gyspies, or missing them take Goldin's Way. Or finally we can go towards the sea. We must decide quickly because it will take us about another four days to reach the Three Trees and that's pushing close. If you choose that way, we have to leave now while their is still light and a smooth path to speed our arrival."

Looking back towards the land before her, Rain spoke again. "It was never my choice to lead you and I have no hold over any of you. If you wish to leave, do so now. If you choose to stay, I leave it up to you to choose your path. You never appointmented me to lead, your never choose me, so I won't claim I have that right so if you must be lead you will be lead by your own choices."

"Speak and Speak Quickly," Rain said finally, "Which path do we choose?"

Last edited by dinranwen on Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:57 am; edited 1 time in total

#133:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:26 pm
Rath patted Hearthburn's neck, soothing the stallion's raw spirit. "I've already said that I favor the pirates but I'm not the only one who must live by my decision..." Rath stopped abruptly a sharp pain lancing through her.

Light burst behind her eyes and her heart lurched in her chest. So much for three days. Under her Hearthburn went wild, sensing something was wrong. Rath, unable to control the horse, slid numbly off his back, hitting the dirt hard.

"Well this sucks...and hurts ow." Her muscles spasemed once, making her hands clench and unclench wildly. Concentrating on one thing she manuvered her tail into her pouch and drew forth a harmless looking stick. "Next time I see you, I won't be worthless...and I promise to explain everything. For now...don't let her catch you."

With that she snapped the stick in half...and was gone.

#134:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:42 pm

Though I was as startled by Rath's sudden disapearance as any of the slaves were, I still rde quickly to Hearthburn's side. He had been the dominant male before they met me, and he was nautrally shaken badly. I sighed. I hated to use my ancient connection to slaves -all centeurs did- but it was ther, and Hearthburn had to be calmed or he might try to challenge my authority, and that would be a disaster. I launched into horsespeak, finding that the years of ignoring my skills hadn't let them fall into disarray.

'We must be strong, herd-brother. In the language of the two-leggers the Winged One said she was leaving. Be strong, herd-brother. Be strong.'

I spoke quickly. I didn't like using that language, even though I had to. For one thing it's always very hard to get back to Human, and for another the fact that Horses are nameless to themselves makes it hard to properly say things. Still, I was probably going to have to get used to speaking it. The secret of horsespeak has remained within my race for centuries, and now it was found it would probably be thought of as an enormus help to any two-legs. There was another thing too: it implanted its names for things in your head.

I spoke to Rain. There was enough going on at the moment without me taking the prolonged silence that horsespeak shouold take, to get my voice back to normal. So, when I spoke, my words were a bit garbled.

'thinkthat speed inessasary. goquick estroute. that juricroute?'

I would apologise for the bad grammar later. My mind was still thinkning more or less strait, but my mouth wasn't, and that was where the words came from.

#135:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:56 am
Chapter 8: The Smell of the Sea

Rain watched Rath disappear, the pain in Rath's eyes, the power left her only guessing what can be wrong. However with the Lady recalling her spells, it could only be one thing. Rath, if Rain guessed right was about to regain her form. If the Lady was recalling spells that powerful...

"This is bad, this is very, very bad." Rain said half in shock.

Trying to listen the garbled words of the Centaur, Rain barely made out the words..."Quickest Way"

Mumbling Rain mused over her choices, "Which Way, Which Way?"

Thinking hard, Rain released that if Rath was going to be turning back to her natural form their would be no path thick enough to hide her, no path safe enough to travel.

"The Lady, oh, my, did I say this before, this is bad." The quickest way, there was no way quick enough. The Lady was acting now, which ment she was regaining concisness, and consequently her powers too quickly. The faster they got there the better, but even now they might be too late.

"There is no path that can hide us now, no way we can travel quick enough. Although Dangerous, the Sea will be the fastest way, the only way in all likehood we can use now."

Searching her sash Rain cursed as once again, she remembered Rath had Celebrin. 'Perhaps it's for the best,' Rain thought.

"Hold onto your saddles everyone, Crenla hold onto Heartburn, we're going half to travel fast."

Whispering to Nightwind, Rain began to quickly canter down the southern most road, the road that lead to the Sea. Looking behind her, Rain made sure they were all following her and concertrated. Singing softly, Rain let loose two spells.

The first spell was immediatly apparent, off of each person, a shadow person split riding a shadow horse. The spell was difficult but Rain had mastered it long ago. Where as an concelment spell said don't look, don't look, Rain had her version, that said 'look at me', 'Look at me.' The theory was that people tended to look where you told them 'don't look', however if they had something else too look at more distracting then you, they might not notice you. Grimacing, Rain rode for awhile next to her shadow self, then with a deep regret tossed Juric's ring to her shadow replica. Immediatly the sense of power, the sense of reality, was given to the shadows. In other words, because Rain had given something about as powerful as everyone in the group, it seemed like the shadow group was real and themselves the shadows. Nodding to her, the shadow group split off riding quickly north to the Three Trees.

The Lady if she started to look for them, would start with the Terikan since she knew that Rain trusted her tribe completly despite the fact they had abounded her in her time of most desperate need.

The second spell was more difficult, and Rain had to concertrate as she sang the transport spell she used earlier. It was a small spell hardly noticable by any if only used by one person. Nevertheless, with a group this big, and with them moving it was going to take a little bit more.

Singing loudly now, Rain watched as a twin portal opened infront of the shadows placing them one day away from the Three Trees. That done, Rain twisted her song so that another opening apperead somewhere else in the world ending on Goldin's way.

The last spell was cast in front of them, opening onto a clear road with the Pirate Cove clearly seen in the distance. Looking towards it Rain relaxed a little the pirates were here waiting for her. Which made sense in a way, even though her spell seemed like it had taken only second for them to travel, it had actually taken the same amount of time it would taken a physical rider. The spell was less noticable that way, and there was the benefit of not only arriving on time but the sense that it took no time at all leaving all who used it feeling refreshed.

Riding down the road, her befuzzled companions riding close behind her, Rain wrapped her hands tight in the reigns. If she estimated correctly, she would faint soon, already she could feel her strength waning. Nevertheless, she thought she had enough to send a quick message towards Rath.

The Sea, The Sea, my bony lass lost at sea, at sea, oh why, oh why couldn't be me. The Sea The Sea, the never resting see, you'll be the mistress of me, of me. The Sea, The Sea, my grave will be. The Sea, The Sea, pray the waves cover me.

My lass, my lass, lost at sea, I'll be joining they beneath the sea, the Sea.

That said, Rain knew that Rath would know where they were headed, and the code that would grant her board, dragon or not, on a ship that ever heard of Arin Celebrin Sea-born, or Matthew the not so retired pirate.

Finishing her spell with a weak thirl of notes, Rain slomped in her saddle trusting Nightwind completly to bear her safely towards the cove.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:21 am; edited 1 time in total

#136:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:20 pm
"Pirates," Morzan spat.

He had killed his fare share of those theives of the sea. Maybe they weren't of the same crew but that didn't matter, a pirates a pirate. They kill and pillage for personal gain.

"Why are we going to stay with those rats of the sea?"

Tapping the sides of his steed Morzan followed close behind Rain. Pirates, prophecy and all this magic? Thats a recipe for disaster if I do say so myself. Realizing that he complained enough Morzan remained quiet for most of the trip there.

#137:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:45 pm
Rain sighed, a horse was riding beside her which ment one of two things. One Crenla was somewhere near by or another was riding beside her. 'So much for some rest," Rain thought sacarstically as she blinked to clear her vision. Exploring the depths of what she called her 'music' Rain felt like she was regaining strength faster than usual and with that recovery more power then she had ever been before. 'Make's sense,' Rain thought to herself, 'if she released Rath the dragon-assisin who will surely be on her skin in two flicks of a dragons tail, she can afford to let go what she once stole from me.'

Finally looking up, Rain noticed Morzan riding close by her obviously displeased with her choice. 'Oh, great,' she thought again. 'What is it about me that gets under this solider's skin?'

Nudging Naril closer to her he hissed between his teeth, ""Why are we going to stay with those rats of the sea?"

Rain's eyes flashed for the second time in two days filling themselves with the dark purple stormclouds that marked her anger.

Pulling Nightwind in front of Naril, she forced Morzan to stop. The rest of the group seeing what was happening between her and the solider. Grapping hold of her skirt to keep herself from strangling the man, Rain whispered harsly as their distantion was only a league away.

"Let's just get one thing straight, solider. The people we are about to meet are to be treated with the utmost respect. They are not rat's of the sea, that title belongs to the vile vermon that have the guts to call themselves, sea-farers, adventures, or sometimes pirates."

Glaring back at her Morzan nudged Naril closer, "These people they are pirates, yes? Then they are no different then the rest of their breed. They will take us aboard out to sea until we can no longer cry for aid, then they bind us, plunder us, and throw us to the sea. That what all pirates do and I expect no less from this crew."

Screaming silently, Rain let go of her skirt and got a fistfull of Morzan's shirt bringing his face close to hers. Morzan wasn't about to take that however, and began to pull back. Hissing, Rain sang again letting the words of her song wrap around the man like a rope. Forced to stay still by her spell, Morzan could only glare at her as she held him tight both magically and physically.

"Now, you are going to listen, and listen close for I'm about to teach you a lesson that if you forget, you will regret forgetting." Letting Morzan go, Rain released her spell panting heavly, she was nearly spell-out and the binding spell had taken more than she knew.

"Not all pirates are the same solider. There are many who call the sea their homes and for lack of a better word call themselves pirates. On the sea, there are four groups of people: Merchants who with their high prices and hefty fees should be called pirates but are not; The Searchern although peaceful peaople are nevertheless ship builders, traders, and they often do borrow others ships if they are found illegally sailing in their waters; The Sea-Gypsies, people who although are not Searchen who enternally live on the sea, can not live long without being on the seas; Then there are pirates, Merchants, Searchen, and Sea-Gypsies alike can claim a famous pirate from their leagues yet all suffer from them. Pirates, the pirates, you no doubt think of when you hear the word, steal from them as well living none on the sea alone."

"The group we are about to meet are on of the Sea-Gyspy tribe, sailors, merchants who have fallen in the unescapable lure of the sea. To be more specific we will be traveling with a groub called the Sea-maidens. The Sea-Maidens are made up of the widows of men who were either killed by your goverment fasley accused of piracy or killed by the true pirates themselves. They have suffered enough at your goverments hands, do not make them suffer more by insulting them. Especailly in front of them, who once found a home amongst them when no others would have me."

Morzan's eyes told Rain that he didn't believe her, didn't want to believe her. Mumblin in Silvan under her breath, Rain turned Nightwind back towards the sea saying something about the stubidity of men, especially if they were soliders.

Ingorance was what caused this insult she knew. Rain knew very well that their were many who she call a pirate that Morzan would vouch for completly, thieves in gilded houses instead of on the sea. What was it about the cousins of people that so many distrusted? Or for that matter distrusted gyspies period.

Riding in silence the rest of the way, when Rain finally got within ear-shot of the five woman that sat near a fire waiting for them, Rain hailed them unfurling the sash at her waist letting it's length tell the tale. On the crismon sash yellow roses heavily guarded by thorns entwined around the burder with unitellengtable lines of yellow writing glowing in between until the lines reached the middle rose at the bottom of the sash. There right above the largest rose was stiched the symbol of flame and write above that the symbol for a wood-wind player. Her name, her true name, her mage name was somwhere on that sash also, but unless you knew where to look, you would spend a thousand years just trying to figure out what section it lay in without once spotting the name itself.

The Sea-maids, woman who wore loose offits costing of a blouse, baggy pants, soft-dear hide boots, and sashes simlar to Rain's only theres would hold their own status and symbol.

Cries of welcome echoed throughout the cove as the news of her arrival spread to the ship.

Smiling, Rain dismounted Nightwind, rushing into the arms of the oldest woman there, a grey haired woman who wore three gold hoop earrings in her left ear.

Much passed between them until the rest of her group arrived. Taking a good look at them, the woman who was hugging Rain, steeped forward releasing Rain from her grasp. "My name is Maril Sea-Wind, I am the captian of the ship in the distance that bears the name of the Red-Wheel, one of the first sea-gypsy ships built by the gyspies themselves. I see there are four of you, Arin spoke of five, where is the last one?"

Laying a hand on Maril, Rain spoke for her group yet again, "Our last member had some private buisness to attend to. She is more then able to find her own board on a ship, and will be joining us sometime soon. In the meantime, let's load up this ship of yours."

~ ~ ~

As the last of their supplies were lifted on the ship beside the horses, Rain stood before them as they nuzzled her hand. Somwhere in the distance, the rest of her group was eating the supper Maril had so kindly provided for them from the rabbit the sea-gyspy caught earlier.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Rain didn't need to turn around to know who it was. "They cannot come, lass." Maril said laying a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I know." Rain said softly. Walking up the horses, Rain slowly took off all the cumbersome tack of the steeds that had born them so well. "They will go free, it is their right."

Whispering softly in silvan, Rain bid each of the horses goodbye, baded them to have pleasant pastures free from masters or cares. Neighing, the group of horses bid her a loud goodbye before galloping off.

A loud shout told her that Morzan was about to make her angry again. "The horses got loose," as Rain stepped in front Morzan to keep from chasing after the horses, Rain watched the man's eyes widen, "You let them loose? How dare you! We are going to need those horses later."

"They cannot come on the ship, and last time I checked you still had your own two-feet. Maybe you should use them for something other than to stuff your mouth with sometime."

Turning away from Morzan with an angry twirl, Rain gestured the others to clean up. "We have to leave soon, the tide is changing to high and unless you have a particular liking for being wet I suggest we get going before it floods this area."

~ ~ ~

Twighlight covered the land as she was rocked back and forth by the gentle motion of the ship. Above her the creaking of rigging, and sails barely interupted her view of the stars as she lay on the poop deck (for you land-lubbers that's the back deck of a ship directly above the Captian's quaters) enjoying the night air.

Shuffling steps annoced that another was also awake at this time at night, and by the pariticular noise the person's feet admitted, Rain guessed it was Graeme.

"You should be resting you know." Rain said to Graeme as she picked herself up off the deck.

"So should you." Graeme said indicating her previous positon on the deck. "Why are you not below deck with the others?'

"Pah, after so many years of sleeping beneath the stars, I find it difficult to sleep in closed spaces. Now that we're done being nice, why are you really up her?"

"I have a bone to pick with you?"

"Oh what kind of bone? A chicken bone, a turkey bone, a goose bone perhaps?" Rain said sacrastically.

"You know what I mean." Graeme said clearly frustrated, "You told me you were not a mage."

"I'm not."

"Then how in the world can you do all these spells? I mean I've seen some wilders in my time who lacking proper training can perform small illusions, but never something like you did today. How did you do that if you are not a mage?"

"I don't know," Rain said holding up her hands in defense of herself, "I honestly do not know."

"There's another thing to, the whole time you were doing you little song and dance back there you were speaking in Silvan. Not only silvan but the old silvan, the language in which all mage spells are cast."

"Oh that, Slivan comes naturally to me, as I was practically raised in it."

"That doesn't explain how you used it?"

"I don't have to anwser of your questions, priest, not now, nor ever." Swinging past Graeme, it took Rain all fo three minutes to get to and climb the mast until she was safely enshirened in the Crow's nest.

Knowing full well he couldn't reach her there, Graeme sighed before he went below deck to sleep with the others.

#138:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:04 pm
It had all been pain, endless pain, for Rath. It was like when a limb falls asleep and then the sharp pains upon waking...only the limb had been alseep for four years and the pins were more like flaming swords through her flesh. Had she been able to scream she would have but her voice was denied to her as power washed back into empty places, as she stretched to fit her skin...only to find it had shrunk and must be streached out again.

When Rain's message had come to her she hadn't been able to grasp the words, only a whiff of salt and a sense of coolness and eternal motion. They've gone to the pirates afterall...they'll be easy to find on open water. But at the moment nothing was easy for Rath, not even writhing.

Then it came, one large snap that seemed to crack every bone and tendon at once...and it was over. She lay stunned for a few moments before standing on four wobbly legs. Weak as a kitten and not quite complete. Tapping the collar around her neck there was a swift flash as the dark sword became the Amulet again and the Sword of Ergos appeared once more. Without hesitation Rath wrapped a massive hand about it's blade as the sword resized for her new form.

Blood trickled out and vanished in a puff...suddenly instead of blood rushing out, magic was rushing back in. Thank you Ergos. Had I not bourn your blade I would have been half complete until I returned to my companions. While a skye dragon, a Nobel at that, is no small opponant without her magic Rath would have been at risk for many things.

Waiting a few moments until all traces of weakness and discomfort were gone she walked to the entrance to her Lair, ignoring the bloodstains from where she'd lain when she made her deal with Ergos. Rearing up on her hind legs, one hand a blazing orb of magic, the other holding a shimmering blade of Ergos Rath roared her defiance to the heavens of Cree.

With a snap of her mighty wings the dragoness took to the air again, fireflies dancing before her, snow bats flanking her, acid wasps, and lightning wings above and below her. She turned her head for the mountain where the Lady of the Night held court. It was time for her to finish some business.

The demons had cowered as the massive dragon had landed on their door step, wincing away from the Sword of Ergos, yet staring at it with greedy eyes. Rath had switched her tail about, severing limbs like a mother might slap hands. "This is not for the likes of you." Great black doors were opened allowing her to enter the demon's hall. There, on her throne of dragon bone, sat the Lady of the Night.

"So you have come at last my servant. And you have brought my prize. Rath glared at the creature, her tail lashing angrily at being called a 'servant'.

"I don't serve you. I've come for what is mine, the price we agreed upon Lady." The Tricked clapped her clawed hands together and a trembling demon brought forth a brillaint diamond on a black velvet pillow. The Lady reached out for the diamond but staied her hand at Rath's rumbling growl.

"I find this funny dragoness. We are so alike. Cold, scheaming, our hands bloody countless times over...but I am stronger than you. You were laid low for this." She gestured at the diamond. "The frozen soul of one long dead. The lady stood taking the pillow. Rath gently laid the blade of Ergos down backing away a step. The Lady stared at it with covetous eyes.

Our plan worked to perfection did it not dragoness? He thought that since I had 'tried' to kill you you would have reason to work for him...had he only known it was part of the plan... She laughed coldly, holding the pillow out to Rath. With gentle claws, Rath plucked the diamond from the pillow. With a pop it vanished into the jewel that adorned her right forepaw.

The Lady turned her attention toward the sword. Rath smiled, an evil cold, toothy grin."Yes" With a puzzled air the Lady turned to Rath who, with a mighty roar, swept the sword from under her nose, it too vanishing into her jewel. The Lady screeched, pointed a clawed finger at Rath, who was already darting out the massive doors. For something so massive, Rath could move, twist, and turn like a much smaller, much faster creature.

"You Tricked me!" Rath laughed, a booming noise.

"It's not that hard. After all you think demons serve that's a good Trick." Flicking her tail in a salute Rath turned her nose to the sea. Next time we meet won't see anothe sunrise! With a bellow and a flash of magic, Rath was gone.

Rain was reclining in the crows nest, her eyes scanning the sea. You could imagine her surprise when suddenly instead of empty sea and sky, a large black and red dragon appeared over the ship. With a pop Rath, in her Eroki form, landed next to her in the crows nest. "You smell like demon dragoness...where have you been?"

"Sorry I had something I had to do." Gently she drew forth the diamond which shone like a brilliant lanturn in her palm. In it's depths colors twisted and swirled. Rain reached out to touch it, placing calm fingers on it's smooth surface.

Memories flooded her mind, memories of a world she'd never know, never seen. Memories of a younger Rath, of flying, of hunting, and the casting of great spells. Memories of a journey between worlds, from a realm far from this. They were the memories of another dragon. Rath pulled the diamond away from Rain's touch, replacing it in her pouch.

"I am sorry for putting everything in danger Rain...but I couldn't let her keep Paith a prisoner." Putting a hand on Rath's arm Rain nodded to her friend.

"I understand..."

#139:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:50 pm
If some gypse can just sing and render me vunurable how am I going to face demons and armies again thought Morzan as he vomited over the side of the Red Wheel. Damn that gypse and damn these pirates.

"Why did I eve-" but he couldnt finish the sentence as he threw up again.

Even after all those battles I cant even match these pirates on the sea! Feeling into the back of his armor Morzan ran his finger down a scar on his shoulder. A memoir from the past. Being among pirates reminded him of the pain the wound had caused.

Watching the pirates manuver the ship drove Morzan insane. They could do these incredible things when he couldnt even stomach being on a ship. Taking his blades in hand Morzan staggered to the front of the ship and collapsed.

Lifting them to the sun he smiled, whenever he had a weapon in his hand he felt at peace. Deposting them into their seaths he smiled, fingering the beard that now grew on his chin. I just hope we get there soon.

#140:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:26 pm
Rain's mind was still reeling from everything she had seen in the gem that Rath now held. There was so much there. Looking up at Rath, Rain knew that although they began this trip as two casually people who called themselves friends because they possesed mutal secrets, the friendship between her and Rath would go much deeper that what it started as.

Grabbing a hold of Rath's hand, Rain smiled, "You gave me something that hides me," this was said touching the bracelet on her arm that Rath had given her ealier, "Let me wash the scent of demon of you. We don't need that smell hanging around."

Not waiting for Rath to agree, Rain closed her eyes. It had been so long since she had done this, cast a spell without music, but the memory of the last time she used this kind of spell was still clear. Shuddering at that memory, Rain reached deep and opening her eyes softly she blew watching the blue tendrils of magic wrap around Rath. As the spell touched the dragoness' skin it sang, singing the song of it's spell, making an odd vibrating sound that seemedt to rotate soely off a Rath The song was of cleansing, of forgivness, of rest, and peace. As the spell twirled around Rath, Rain could almost see the letters of the spell, the music that powered it, and the words it sang. Finally, the speel was fully entwined around Rath and sank in her skin.

Smiling weakly from the effort, Rain wrapped her arms around wrath, "There now you don't stick so much."

Looking down from the crow's nest Rain spotted Morzan puking his guts out, Crenla looking a little green herself, and Ariana leaning against the ship's side clearly in an elven trance. Graeme wasn't in sight. Looking towards the stern of the boat, Rain spotted Meril stirring the ship happy at her post.

"Why don't we go down? We both need some rest from things, and besides there's someone I like you to meet." Letting go of Rath, Rain scrambled down the mast like a monkey, landing on the deck as graceful as a butterfly. Once there, Rain spared a glance at Morzan and Crenla both of which were looking paticularly green today. Although she was more inclined to feel sorry for Crenla than Morzan, Rain decided she aught to be nice. So with a few bold steps, Rain reached her bag for her herb pouch and shoved a yellow-candy-like pill into Morzan's hand.

Looking at her strangly Morzan, said one word before once again heaving his lunch to the side of the ship. "What...?"

Placing her hands on her hips, Rain sighed, "Just suck on it, it will make you feel better. This is a week long journey and I'm not about to listen to your wretching and whinning the whole way."

Walking away Rain gave the same thing to Crenla along with the same instuctions. That done, Rain paused on the steps towards the stern deck as she waited for Rath to descend. Unlike herslf, Rath perferred to use unconvential methods. Unfolding her wings, the eroki dragoness gracefully glided down to where Rain stood.

Smiling again, Rain bounded up the stairs towards Meril, "Meril this is Rath, she's the friend I told you about."

Squinting a hard sea-farering eye at Rath, Meril gave the Eroki a good once over. "Aye, she seems right enough lass, but it still doesn't mean I approve of you trecking all of over the country lass. Your mates might be strong, but your as weak as kitten and as inexperienced as any wee bairn. I don't like it, not one bit."

Rath spared a thought towards her, You told her?

Shaking her head mentally Rain sent a thought back Not exactly, all they know is that we're on a quest of some sort which may envolve some danger. That's it.

Stepping forward, Rath laid a protective hand on her sword, "I assure you captian, that Rain is in safe hands. Why does she like you so much anyway?

"You have to excuse Meril Rath, she practically raised me when my brother was taken aboard My Lady Love as a cabin boy. She was downright assistant about it too, if I remember right, something along the lines that a lass should be raised amoung women so she could gain 'proper lady-like' manners. If I remember rightly, I didn't learn much manners aboard the Red Wheel."

Scrowling at her, Meril swatted Rain playfully. "Quite changing the subject lass. You cannot argue with me for long. Admit it Eroki, you cannot protect her all the time, there may come a time when she needs to depend on herself, espcially being a half-trained wilder as she is."

Rath smiled, "She's right you know, what are going to do about it?"

Shrugging Rain raised her hands, "Learn I guess, have any ideas where I can find a tutor?"

#141: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:32 pm
Boats, a staff that's meant to make me perfect, sheesh, this is one hell of a journey. Rain's being smarmy to. I really don't fit in here. Rath is being weirdish, Morzan is, well Morzan. The other two are still so distanced from me.

Graeme sighed, I really don't belong here, what have I actually done? Killed a demon and got into fights with others. He looked over the boat, and the vast expanse beyond it. An insignificant speck in a vast world....

God am I getting depressing in my old age. He heaved himself up to his feet and wandered below deck. Maybe I should leave....I'm no use to anyone....

#142:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:45 pm
"Know where I can find a tutor?" Rath grinned ear to ear. If there was one thing she knew it was how to use small weapons to great effect and that a little well placed magic went a long way. In the blink of an eye she held three daggers in the gaps between her fingers on each hand, no magic used.

Meril whistled. "Well that's a trick I'm keen to learn Lady." Rath smiled flicking them up into the air and one by one grabbing each of them and returning them to the sheaths on her legs.

"I think I can teach you what you must know Rain. My methods are not gentle, nor are they...'conventional' but what you must know you will know when the time comes. However, what you will learn is up to you.

With a quiet trill Rath cast a spell. This was unlike the spells she had cast before, all of those had required that peculiar gesture while this one required music...and an odd music at that. The spell proved to be a quiet one indeed. A tiny tendril of flame wrapped around her claws, casting no light in the warm sun. "The magic I use comes in three variations. Playing is the second most powerful variation but one of the hardest to detect."

She made the flicking gesture and a new color of fire sprang up around the first one. "Twisting is the easiest but the easiest to hear as well." Finally she made a grand gesture with her free hand and dazzling color flowed behind the movement. "Turning is the third and most powerful of my magics. It is not easy to use in this world but I assure you it is the simplest to learn."

With a swift gesture she pulled free her dark blade and held both hands extended. "You must choose Rain. Do you wish me to help you become stronger in magic? Or stronger in arms? Both I could teach but one must come first...which can you not live without knowing?"

#143:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:56 pm
Chapter 9: Hard Lessons

Rain blinked, seveal times in fact. Sighing, she shook her head at Rath for the thousandth time since she had known the dragoness.

"I'm not the only one you're going to have to teach, and I will have to become a teacher as well." Pulling up the railing of the stern deck Rain held up a single finger. "Crenla won't always be able to depend on the amulet you gave her, she needs to learn how to deal with situations that require fast thinking, and she also needs to at least to defend herself. The country we're walking in it's known for it's gentlness."

"Ariana, I don't know about, but she needs to learn to be friendly, and she needs to learn how to become stronger in magic, something she can learn by herself but only if she's willing to go into the trance that calls up her ancestors that teach in dreams."

Adding a third finger Rain continued, "Graeme is powerful but he's not the quitest when it comes to casting spells. He needs to learn how to hide his magic, or at least learn how to turn down the value. I think that right now he just needs to be appreciated, something that isn't helped by my attitude earlier."

"As for Morzan, no amount of training in the world will make him strong enough unless he learns to resist spells cast on him. I cast a weak binding spell on him earlier and he was as easily held as a newborn babe all because he believed he couldn't get free. As long as he thought that way he was as bound in my spells as he was if he was in ropes. Demons use mental spells, simlar to mine. Small and noiseless they come upon you when your not expecting anything."

"We are all going to teach and to be taught, and no offense Rath but your not the quietest even when you try. Something about possesing two dragonstones gives a particular ring to your spells that even I can detect."

"I think the safest way for all us is to learn from each other, that is if they agree."

"We'll talk to them tonight and see what they think," Rath said obviously a little disappointed of the lost oppurinty to teach Rain a thing or two.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:22 am; edited 1 time in total

#144:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:41 pm
Feeling the smooth surface of the yellow pill Morzan thought, Is she trying to drug me? I was rather rude back there... Walking to the edge of the ship he held his fist over the side. On the other hand, I am rather sick and she said this would help.

"I guess its better to feel nothing than feel like this"

Placing the pill on his tongue he the taste was sweet, like candy. He tested his wieght then checked his balance before swallowing. Already feelnig the effects he moved towards the center mast of the ship. Glancing over at Din he noticed that she was speaking to the Eroki. They both seemed rather concerned with whatever they were talking about.

Taking a step to avoid being seen Morzan ducked into the underbelly of the ship. The ship was rather large compared to the crafts that he had been on. I wonder if theres anything to eat down here? Continuing on to move forward he noticed that alot of the people on board were singing and dancing. Jolly folk, but lacking discepline.

Stepping over a sleeping crewman Morzan made his way through the ship. Opening barrels and crates looking for things to read or examine. Anything to occupy his time until they reached their destination. Soon his search came to an end and he found a large crate with many scrolls and parchment. Reaching in he drew out several articles and made his way back on deck.

A cold wind made him retreat back into the ship and he curled up in the corner. Wrapping his cloak around himself and drawing out pipe he began to read quietly to himself.

#145:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:30 pm
Rath was indeed a little put out about Rain not taking up her offer right away. And it was a little insulting to have her magic called 'loud'. Perhaps I am out of practice. She cast a small spell of Seeing, just to check on the other four members of their party. Taking care to listen for her 'tone' extra hard she was aghast to find that she could indeed hear echo's of the spell she had just cast.

Shaking her head she studied the visions. Four years and I've become that rusty. But not too rusty, she added with a grin. If Rain think's I've only got two Dragonstones on me she's a little off the mark...try five. Still the news was desturbing. For the dragoness who had once snuck up on her own mother even the clumsiest dragon mage would have heard her.

The visions were not an ease on her mind either. Morzan was wrapped up, contentedly smoking a pipe and reading a scroll. That was good. Ariana was in a trance, seeming to speak to the sea...or maybe Selindril was speaking to her. Crenla was prancing nervously up and down the deck, staring restlessly at the sea.

It was Graeme that bugged her the most. The hunchback was staring morosely at the floorboards, muttering to himself. Rath patted Rain on the shoulder. "It seems you have indeed bruised something fragile with the Priest. I'll see how I might salve the wounds, you meditate on my offer...although it seems that I might start weapon work first."

Padding silently, she could still move without sound, she slipped below decks and found the still ill muttering Graeme. "Anything I can do to help?" He glared at her and she sighed. "Look, I realize I havn't been the best companion..."

"You havn't been a companion at all...none of you have. I don't see why I'm needed with Rain being sharpish, Morzan not giving a care, and the other two might as well not exist for all the attention they give me. And you." He pointed a finger at her. "You say you are my friend but then what? Leave me to fend for myself. Ha with you around to cast their spells you don't need me."

Rath shook her head. "Graeme I have badly misused you. I have overstepped my place in this scheme of things. The truth is, and these are my truths, that as powerful as I am, as Gifted as I am, I am not as powerful as you are." Graeme looked at her in askance.

"What do you mean Eroki? You have it all, looks, stealth, ability with both weapons and can fly for goodness sakes." Rath shook her head.

"Graeme watch my arm very carefully." Rath made sure the Priest was watching before extending her left arm. Slowly the arm which was red of skin with a scattering of black scales with long slender fingers tipped in black claws, twisted and began to slowly change. A partial change like this was slightly painful for Rath, as Graeme must have guessed, but she gritted her teeth and continued.

Slowly black scales inveloped the whole arm, which quickly changed from human seeming to something more like a large foreleg. Red spines ran down the back and the fingers were swollowed by nimble blood red razor sharp claws. Graeme stared at the change in awe. "You see Graeme...I am a dragon, a dragon of some age and power."

"What!" The priest backed up a step, then another. "And you've been keeping this from us!" Rath, shaking her arm back to it's former state, shook her head.

"Remember when I vanished on the road back there? That's when I regained the ability to be a dragon. I've been trapped as an Eroki since the battle with Ergos. But what I'm trying to say Graeme is that I wasn't born in Cree...I was born worlds away in another realm known as Lodriss." Graeme just looked at her, still trying to shrug off the shock.

"I was leading my people away from a war that was slowly killing us and our world. Four of my people, including my mother, stayed behind to keep the doorway open and focus the spell." Rath stopped for a moment, memories almost too painful to go on.

"We came here, to Cree, seeking peace but found only those willing to kill us since we were bigger, stronger, and more powerful than anything seen in this world before. Slowly our numbers dwindled until many wanted to go back and fight enemies we knew instead of those we did not."

"A handful of us, my mate and I included staied behind, holding open the gate so the others might flee, taking the stones of the Fallen with them. After that it was only a matter of time as we were hunted down. Slowly we lost contact with one...then another...till only my mate and I were left. Then one day..." Rath could not go on. Instead she gripped Graeme's shoulder.

"What I'm trying to say is you are stronger than I am. You were born in this world, your power is complete. I was born far away power fails me. This is why I cannot fill your shoes hunchback. Once before you wanted to run...then I asked you to trust me. Now I'm doing so again. the Priest of the Sword of Ergos. Please Graeme...will you trust me?"

#146:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:01 pm
Rain followed Rath down towards Graeme, she owed the hunchback a apology also.

She heard as Rath asked, "Please Graeme...will you trust me?"

Coming only Rath, Rain laid a gentle hand on her friends shoulder, and spoke, "Graeme can you trust me also? I'm sorry about ealier, I'm a little touchy about my magical abilities. They caused me much pain.." closing her eyes briefly to banish the memories that came from her dark and painful past, Rain opened her eyes again sadness clearly seen in her beautiful voilet eyes, "This is why I usually don't talk about them much or even tried to develop them to their full potential. I use them yes, but I was never trained and I'm therefore neither a mage, nor a witch, nor a socress, I'm just me. Perhaps one day I will be able how I learned how to control the little power I posssess, but I have feeling that I will be very, very old before that ever occurs."

Pausing, Rain let her eyes and face gentle, her mask of coldness once again gone. "We need you Graeme, not only for your power but for the very fact you are a priest. The power of a priest will be useful against demons in a way that neither mine or Rath's could ever be. Without you, this I say with assuridity, the question might be accomplished by in the process every one of you would die, I know, I've seen that possibilty, I've seen so much, much of which I would like to forget. Please Graeme, I accept my apology and ask what you will of me, if it is my grasp to grant your request I will. But for now, Can we at least be friends and can you promise you will be our priest as well as our mage? Please, we have no hope without you, we have no hope unless all of us, all of us, are bound in a group so strong that nothing could break it."

With a grim look, Rath nodded her agreeing with everything Rain had said, "So what do you say to that Priest?"

#147:  Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:53 pm
Graeme looked from one to the other. A double team. See. They know everything that's happening, everything. They know where we are going, help on that course, exactly who we are fighting and most importantly they trust and can rely on each other. I on the other hand, I only trust the swordsmen strangely enough. Mainly as he is a simple person. He fights for what he believes is right and with a weapon, no flutes or magic sword with amulets and dragons. Just a piece of steel. And I have my faith.

He looked at them slowly, and turned away. He walke over to his travelling sack, and opened it with painful slowness. He extracted a dusty scroll and began to read:

To Graeme, grandson of Daevid, Arch Priest

"We have heard of your aimless wanderings, and speading of our beloved god's words, you have inspired many to take up our cause and devotion. We would like to offer you a high priest position at the town of Kirkton. We would place you here as they need a strong leader who can protect them from the Demons of Darkness. We feel this is you. Strong and able to defeat the Demons. Even now the Demons get bolder and bolder in their incursions, we need you now. May our God bless you with the right choice."

Arch priest Ammanoz

Graeme looked at the two,"This is what I could do, instead of being a part timer in this adventure, a nobody called on at only the most dire moments. I could aid these people who need me. I could actively help my faith and people."

#148:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:23 pm
Rain watched Graeme, so angry at so many things, suspicous of everything, yet despite that we need him, I need him.

"It doesn't have to be that way Graeme. Do you realize what this quest could mean? The people who would protect could not be protected for long if the Lady lives and grows strong. Your power would be of no use if you are alone then, but you can cut of the threat to a nation but joing us.

We don't only need in a dire situations, but even now. Do you think we know everything about this journey? We don't, I myself only guess from time to time. All we have to guide us is a memory stone, a map, and the vague instuctions the one who would have been you leader to end this quest.

Also Have you ever heard of wilders? I'm sure you do, if you have heard of them, you know how dangerous they can be when not trained. I am one of them. This is why I'm not a mage but I can still use my magic, but only by singing the language I learned at the hand of another. Your powerful, but your loud. I'm weak but relatively quiete if you don't recongize the signature in my songs. If you teach me how to control my magic better, I can teach you how to be quiet, it's the one thing I'm actually good at. Rath can teach also to help you gain all of your magical potential. Believe or not, I'm what they called a senser. I have the inborn ability to detect the abilities of others, which is why I'm senstive to the sound and volumes the spells. From this I know that your powerful, very powerful, more powerful than I ever seen, but much of your ability is lost from the fact you have yet been taught how to access all your powers. Rath can help with that much.

What can I say Graeme, that I'm sorry that I use magic? Believe me I am. I wish I never discovered my abilities however little they are. I use it only when I see fit, and believe or not I've cast more spells in the last couple of days than I ever had in my whole life.

Can I say anything else to convinence you? I could tell you of horrors that I've seen. Horrors I suffered myslef, horrors that if let loose would score the land as quickly as a blaze. Why do you think we're all here?

Ariania, elven-born, is here because there are places that we will go that are too dark to even see.

Crenla because it's going to take all the wisdom and cunning we have to even have the hope of reaching our destintation.

Morzan because their are enemies so strong that even Rath would have no hope of defeating or even Morzan in all his strength if it wasn't his destiny.

I am here, because I sing. Plain and simple, how that is useful? I have no clue.

Rath is here because only a dragon or a part dragon can weild a dragonstone and because Ergos himself choose her for her part in the quest.

You are here, because there are times when physical strength will fail, cunning stagger, and even the sword of Ergos will grow dim. You are here because only you will be able some doors on the way. You are here because only a priest can have hope against some of the demons we may or may not face.

Still think your useless, still think you can be put to better use elsewhere, than be my guest, go to your village. We'll even take you there because our path heads that way. Yet when the quest fails, or barely succeds you are going to have the same situation on your hands again, only a thousand times worse because fate and friends will no longer be there to help you.

It is your choice. I cannot make it for you, neither can anyone else. Everyone will have that choice to turn back on this journey, including myself. Now it is your turn, the first of many people who could abonded the quest. What else can I say to this protest of yours? Nothing, so be ready to decide when reach the shores. If you decide before then, perhaps maybe you'll get out of feeling sorry for yourself and help around here. Your not the only one around here who has reason to take pity on the situations, in fact there are many aboard this ship that claim worse. Whatever you decide for the next week you will be able to find me." Turning around, Rain walked away, heading straight towards the many working crewmembers on the ship and threw efforts in. She was angry, angry more then words could tell, but work she discovered long ago cures ills of this sort at least.

#149:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:20 pm
Rath reached out and grabbed hold of Rain as she turned to leave. Pulling her back with a grip that brooked no argument, Rath stared them both down, copper eyes flashing sparks. "We shall not part in anger. Anger will only fester and eat away at our minds. This strife, this struggle, this benefits us not. The Lady would laugh to see how childishly we argue."

"Rain is right about many things Graeme, one of them being just how necessary you are. You point out that Rain can use magic, that I can and you feel superflous. Listen to me now. Rain's magic is wild, selfish as well. It will protect Rain before it protects any of us. Not because Rain asks it too but because it is the essence of gifts of this nature."

"As for my powers, yes I'm strong, I have to be. However I've already told you that there will come a time when everything I am fails. If that isn't enough for you, think on this. We're fighting the greatest evil your kind has known...and you want the bloody powers of an assassin defending you from magical harm? It sounds a little odd to me."

Graeme looked at her thoughtfully, but only thoughtfully. Rath extended her right hand and looked at the other two. "We can fight amoungst ourselves when this deed is done and we need never see each other again. For now though, we must watch each other's backs, heal each other's wounds, and teach each other new tricks for old."

Slowly Rain put her hand on top of Rath's and, after much muttering and spitting on the floor, so did Graeme. "Now I will give you the final honesty for the day...Do you want to know what Ergos is giving me for my services?"

"Nothing...he's dead." Graeme shrugged. "Well he is isn't he?" Rain shook her head, clearly wanting to hear the nature of the bargain struck between the bloody dragoness and the Eroki King.

"Graeme do you know where we're going?" Graeme shook his head.

"That's for you ladies to know...into the jaws of death to fight the demons I suppose." Rath smiled.

"True we're going there but the end of my journy lies much further away. You see...Ergos promised me a way home."

#150:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:02 pm
((Things have been to quite around here lately so I'm spicing things up a little. I'm sorry about not being active lately, I haven't been feeling my best lately. So here's a post that will hopefully make up for it all.))

Rain looked at her sometime friend Rath as she declared her anger foolish. Thinking about it, Rain knew it was. She wasn't really angry at Morzan for disliking pirates, she wasn't angry at Graeme having a pity party, she was angry at the day. Realizing that Rath was right about the Lady, Rain threw her anger away. Anger, emotions in general were tools that the Lady had her disposal and she knew how to use them well.

Rain wouldn't be surprised at all if the Lady had a hand in this little seen at all. Making a mental note to control her emotions better Rain placed her hand ontop of Rath's later to be joined by Greame, then Morzan, Crenla, and finally Ariana.

~ ~ ~

Later that night, Rain had finally changed into something a whole lot more comfortable than her flashy attire of earlier. Walking out of the cabin she shared with Rath, and Crenla since it was the only one big enough to hold the Eroki and a Centaur, she paused leaning against the wall, letting the wind blow her shortened hair.

Running a nervous hand against the split skirt she know wore, Rain looked over her companions. Morzan was patiently teaching Crenla some basic miltary tatics as the Centaur looked more and more confused. In a corner Ariana was dead to the world as she sat in a trance she had induced earlier in the evening, calling on her elven ancestors to teach her what she needed to know. Somewhere in a corner, Graeme was muttering over some obscure text Rain herself had given him earlier. The text was an ancient one dealing with the beggining of Cree, Juric had given it to her before she died and had seemed convinced that somewhere in the text there was the key to slaying the Lady of the Night as well as the other forces of darkness.

Walking forward, Rain felt the wind tug on her loose blouse and sash. Towards the stern, Rath and Meril were talking over something, and Rain had a strange feeling it wasn't about the wind. Shaking her head a little, Rain headed to the prow of the ship. In the west, the last of the sunlight was dying down, and the stars were beginning to appear one by one.

Reliving the watch, Rain sat herself on the long prow on the ship stradling it as she had often done in her younger years. Silently she watched, the stars appear and heard her companions go to bed one by one.

Meril, her old seafaring friend tapped her on the shoulder trying to tell her to get off the prow where she dangled over the wild sea and to convinence her to go to bed, but Rain just shook her head.

Tonight she had to sit watch. She had to let go of her past, and despite what everyone could or would say, this was the only why she knew how.

'How approiate,' Rain thought, 'that the day someone beloved to me died that my past should die also.'

Rain sat there all night, bothered only be the occasional change between shifts amdist the crew.

She sat there and waited, mainting at all times the erie silence she had begun this watch with, counting the stars as the twickled in the skies. For each star she counted a sorrow, for each twicle she counted a hate, and one by one she dropped them in the sea letting the ship plow over them as it drove through the ever forgiving, ever moving see.

She sat and watch as the stars disappeared, and sitting straight, she waited and listen for the last to disappear. As the last star dispeared and the sun rose, and the crew began to stir once again driving them to their destinies however grim. Still she waited, silent, watching, waiting for the one thing that would break the spell, the last forgetting, the last mouring of someone beloved.

Then when the clouds in the east began to turn red as the sun rose, Rain heard it, the thing she was waiting for. The keen of a dragon. Smiling faintly, Rain closed her eyes and waited still longer. Somewhere in the world she knew, her tribe was beating the silent dance of death, and Gilath was soaring admist the cold clouds keening mourning the anniversary of the death of his beloved friend. Gilath's song was heard, and other dragon's belonging to the riders joined in. Rain waited till the dragon keen invited her voice. Listening close she heard the inviation, and with her eyes still close she sang.

It was errie almost listening to her sing in accord with a song that most mortals could never here nor understand. The rider's dragons somewhere in the world, heard the mortal's voice and increased the feeling in the song. They knew by the voice, by an internal instict that drove them to bound with mortal men, that this human was the last of kin to the mortal who they mourned for that day.

This was the first time she sang, Gilath told the others, and as last of kin, as the closest kin to the dead, only this mortal could release them from this yearly mourning, and she did. Singing loud and clear she bid goodbye to Juric 'de-la'Nari Cele-Nar-cuk, her brother, the last of her family. Singing she released her brother, and her past with it. Finally adding a twirl she knew Gilath alone would know, she released him from his promise, his promise to live. Gilath by this song was free to live, to bond again if that was his choice, or to die, whichever he choose. Hearing her song, Gilath sang back his echos carried over the distance by a spell no evil could understand, he would live, he would see his master avenged and told her that there was only one person to whom he could bound, Her. Singing gently, Gilath told Rain he would be her companion and when she was ready, when his task was done, he would join her.

Singing Rain gave Gilath her thanks, knowing better than to argue with a dragon. Gilath heard, and he and his fellow dragons dropped once again to the ground in their endless task. Singing alone, Rain finished her song and turned back to the people on the ship.

Everyone aboard was starring at her. Whistling Meril spoke for the crew, "No wonder you were nicknamed Siren by old Mat."

~ ~ ~

The day was not done with a song however, they had much ground to cover if they hoped to make their destination in a week.

However, about mid-day something appeared in their rear view they did not expect. Close behing the Red Wheel, a ship followed, the skull and cross flying proud and high on their mast.

Shouting down, the watch cried "Pirates!"

Marching up to her, Morzan shouted above the many orders "I thought this was a pirate crew can't they tell them we're friends or something?"

Stopping amid her run, Rain turned to Morzan, "You don't understand do you? The Red Wheel is the opposite of a pirate. The women aboard this ship are pirates of pirates. They attack and justly return bouty taken from innocents from pirates. Any Jack aboard any vessel would give his hands for the head of the women of the Red Wheel."

Starring at her in shock, Morzan gapped at her as she shoved into the captian's cabin, "Now arm yourselves everyone and be prepared to fight. This is no ordinary pirate crew, there are demons aboard that ship."[

Somewhere above them Meril was shouting orders, "Men get under the deck, arm yourselves, you know the drill! Rath, Centaur Whomever, get yourselves hidden. Rath we'll be needin your skills last, but best save that for unpleasant sruprise. Rain, man your station woman, it hasn't been that long girl! And will someone please get this elf of my deck she's getting in my way."

Letting go of Morzn, Rain let him go, screaming out at Rath, "Toss Celebrin!" Rath must of heard her because a minute later Celebrin was in her hand, and Rain was at her post on the prow of the ship.

Gripping her flute nervously, Rain couldn't see what the others were doing but she only hoped that this attack wouldn't prove to be somebody's last. However, with the demon pirate ship fast approaching Rain didn't have much time to think about it.

((Here's your first battle folks, How well will it go?))

#151:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:34 am
I cast about wildly. I was used to battles fought by careful lanning in a sheltered tent. I had never seen any type of battle, because tactitians are too precious to lose and centeurs never fight among theirselves. I knew what to do in theory, of course, but the manouvers Morzan had been showing me with little gypsy blades attatched to my staff showed me that I wouldn't be a good fighter.

My staff! That was what I would go and gett. I always needed to have something to do, and fetching my staff seemed as good a thing as any.

I quickly trotted into the cabin I searched frantically through the pile of straw Meril had laid out for my bed. I had put my staff on one wall next to it earlier, but it had fallen into the bedding, obvoisly shaken by the ship's movement. I picked it up and went outside.

I decided to hide. I wouldn't be much use anyway, and if the ship was captured I would be in last reserves. Besides, much as I hated doing it if the pirates had anything even akin to a horse on their ship I could hopefully cause a stampede. With these thoughts inmind I secured myself in the hidnig hole behind the steps. It was a tight squeeze-a very tight squeeze- but I had a good view and I was more or less hidden.

I reached out with my mind, searching for horsekind.

#152:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:12 pm
(Sorry for rushing in but I love sea battles! Although it may not be the best post. Wink )

The centaur was having difficulty learning steps but it was Morzan to blame. He was used to teaching creatures with two feet, not four. At least he learned something though. he thought with a small smile. I guess that head has reached maximum capacity.

"Pirates coming from port! Lone ship!" screamed someone from the crows nest.

Marching up to Rain, Morzan shouted above the many orders "I thought this was a pirate crew can't they tell them we're friends or something?"

"You don't understand do you? The Red Wheel is the opposite of a pirate. The women aboard this ship are pirates of pirates. They attack and justly return bouty taken from innocents from pirates. Any Jack aboard any vessel would give his hands for the head of the women of the Red Wheel." Rain shouted over the growing comotion.

"This isn't a time to argue we need to focus on the objective at hand!" Morzan shouted after Rain. But his voice was drowned out by shouts and cries.

The ship was gaining and would be upon them in a matter of minutes. Gotta move. Sprinting to the back of the ship he leaned forward to get a better look. Squinting he saw figures run about the ship. They were larger then men but they did not have horns like demons so the was a good sign. A cursed crew most likely. Doomed to wander the sea for all eternity. Serving thier master so that their souls may never rest Im starting to sound like Rain. Morzan thought with a load laugh.

Chuckling he moved back to where all the Red Wheel's crew ran about. They were like bees, flying from place to place and all follwoing orders from the queen Meril.

There were a few crew members who were still awaiting orders They'll have to do then.

"Hey! You three, get over here!"

They looked at him but simply continued to wait for orders. Bloody pirates.

"Open your ears! Dont just stand there, take action!"

The pirates took a step forward then began to follow him under deck. After a short search he found what he was looking for. Bows and many arrows. Tossing them to the pirates he smiled and said,

'Lets make some pin cushions."

He also grabbed a few rolls of rope. Running back up on deck he told the pirates to follow him. The ship was begining to turn towards the other demon ship. We're going to wind up boarding them!

They were now close enough that Morzan could now see the expression on the demon pirates faces. Their eyes were sunken and most were adorned with black cloaks. Looking at the crew of the Red Wheel he noticed most of them were going below deck. Planning a suprise attack maybe?

"Fire when the enemy is about halfway across on their way boarding. I want to the sea bleed alright!" he screamed over the noise.

At first the gypse pirates glared at him, not much taking to the idea of the sea 'bleeding'. Whatever. It didn't matter to Morzan, his goal was to stay alive and keep his allies safe. Passing Rain on the deck he stopped and shouted,

"Please stay out of the battle miss I dont want you to be harmed! Your the only one who knows where were supposed to be going."

Taking a deep breath of the salty sea air Morzan moved forward and drew back an arrow. A wave of the demon pirates leapt from the ship only to be brought down by a hail of arrows from the pirates off to the side. Morzan had managed to snag one, archery wasn't his forte but he could hit an opponent who was only ten or so yards away.

"Is that all you got!"

There was a moments pause from the demons then they began to bring something out from inside the ship. They didn't necessarily 'bring' it out but it seemed to rise on its own from the innards of the ship. That cant be good.

#153:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:09 pm
Rain looked at Morzan in ascance. Didn't that man ever listen?

Shrugging, Rain looked around, not that it was much use. Without a weapon or training she was pretty useless. Or so some thought. Lessons from Meril, Old Mat, Juric, Elves, and even Ergos himself had taught her well.

'Best get out of the way, I guess. Although I do wish the others would follow orders. No time argue anyway.'

With that Rain cast a careful glance at the crew of the pirate ship that was now of their port (left) bow. Minor demons, those she could handle. However a sense of power aboard the vessel told Rain enough that this battle would not be easy.

Swinging up the mast into the Crow's nest, Rain took her position on the boat. Smiling, Rain put her flute to her lips and began to play the anthem of the Red Wheel. Not much, she realized, but with demons the best thing you could sometimes was to shield and motivate the minds of others. What happened next depended on the people she was striving to protect and motivate.

The Maidens of the Red Wheel had much practice at this. Lull your enemy into believing you were few and weak, let them believe the crew aboard this ship was just a bunch of poor weak women. Then once the enemy is aboard, engaged an attack on all sides with your reserves. Men below deck attacking from the middle. Men from the Captians Quaters attacking the ship which hopefully would be mostly empty by this time. Men from the Galley surronding those on the board cutting of the connection between the attackers from their own boat.

Rain's job: Simple, play, sing, whatever. Her job was an illusianary one, no one expected a musician to drop something on your head or them to use simple musical cords to commuciate the enemies next move.

It seemed to be going well, for a while. Then Rain's fear of a greater power aboard the enemy ship was realized. From the pit the most grusome thing to ever sail the one sea appeared, the Ulic, a hell-hound with three heads. Not only could a Ulic inspire fear into any human, but it could reflect any spell cast at it back towards the caster in ten times the original strength. Lowering her flute Rain had about one minute to stare in astonish ment before the hell-hound was aboard the ship, and Rain was left playing for dear life just trying to keep everyone aboard the ship sane.

"This can't be good," Rain heard Morzan say. Rain could only add a mental note to his louder one, 'Your finally right on something solider.'

((Deal with that how you may? And did I mention the hell-hound has a hide as think as an armor platted car? Have Fun!))

((Have fun, Morzan, and yes the Red Wheel is planning a surprise attack.

#154:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:27 pm
Rath had been listening the whole time to the death song of Juric, she had longed to add her voice to the choir but had remained silent out of greater respect. What a mockery she would have made had she sung and Gilath certainly wouldn't forgive her for it.

The dawn had come and with it had come attack, a whirl of motion and confusion that made Rath's blood sing with unholy mirth. The heat built in her chest, even as she was ordered to hold back, until it swelled with every beat of her heart. Her golden copper eyes slowly darkening until bloodlight shone from their blaring ruby depths.

She heard the three throated voice of the beast, three part disharmony. Everything in her wanted to charge it, to bolt from her position, change into her true form, and shake the beast bloody. But a trembling in the air around her made her whip her head around. In the distant sky her keen eyes made out a black speck. Damn you Lady and all your minions. Conceding the point to her opponant Rath lept skyward, shedding her Eroki form as she went.

"Rath!" She heard Morzan call out. He needed help fending off the Ulic. Rain's playing was already beginning to seem frenzied and Ariana was still entranced. But Rath knew in her heart of hearts they didn't need her, she'd given them the gifts to amplify their own talents, that would see them through...the Dark Drake she would take care of herself.

The Dark Drake recoiled in horror as he was suddenly sharing his previously clear sky with one very angery, very large, skye dragon. He hissed at her in a perverted version of the dragon toung, beating around him with his wings. He tried with all his might first to flatter her, then to cajol her into joining him. Rath was having none of it.

With the speed of a striking cobra she seized him around the neck. "Drakes disgust me. The Drake's black seemed to grey a little as she opened her mouth, her chest extending. Then she let loose a roar which seemed to shake the foundations of Cree before letting go of the beast.

The Dark Drake, dazed but otherwise unharmed, fell onto the deck of the pirate ship, splintering wood and sending the whole thing to the bottom. For a moment the pirates on board the Red Wheel turned, dismayed, then began fighting all the harder. They needed to win in order to size the Red Wheel and have another ship to sail.

Rath was turning her attention to the battle below her, already channeling some of her strength into Rain through the bracelet, shoaring up the gypsy's magical reserve. Suddenly the water exploaded as the Dark Drake winged upward. He didn't come near Rath, instead bowed mockingly and pointed to the water below.

Glancing down Rath gave a hiss of horror. Churning out of the deep came a great serpent, a leviathen of the deep. Nearly half again as long as Rath the beast looked with hungery eyes upon the Red Wheel. Shreiking in fury at her foe Rath swept her tail across the Dark Drake, scoring a bloody line that wouldn't heal soon, before diving down to meet the new foe, the Dark Drake winging slowly away to heal.

The serpent realized it's danger too late as Rath brought the full force of her dive against it, plunging them both benieth the water, sending up a wave that swamped the Red Wheel and the battle that was still raging there. The pirates had been delt with and the whole crew was laboring vainly against the Ulic. Getting off a last thought before the serpent had her in it's coils she could only hope that Rain got the message.

Use the guard, use your power...ferocity, form, flame...

A few bubbles drifted up next to the Red Wheel and soon blood tinged the water. A few of the saliors cried out in dismay, the blood was the same golden color as Rath's...

#155:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:01 pm
The demon pirates began to move forward and the three headed hellhound was slowly padding about on the opposite deck. Every now and then it growled and everytime it did one of the lady pirates went down in a jibbering scene.

The song Rain ahd been playing had faded away and had given in to a nightmare. We can still win we can still win thought Morzan as he slashed down a enemy. Arrows continued to fly across the sea between the two ships. Suddenly there was a horrible cry that came from the sky.

In the clear sky flew a massive grey creature. It moved towards the ship with frightening speed but by the time it had reached the Red Wheel Rath had already jumped into action. She reached forward and ripped the grey creature to shreds. Didn't have a chance.

To Morzan's suprise the Eroki had managed to throw the flying demon into the demons ship and it had started to sink, and fast. The three headed creature, in a panic, leapt across the expanse between the two ships and landed on the edge of the Red Wheel. It snarled as it clung to the side and tried to pull itself up.

"Archers, shoot the dog demon! Aim for its eyes and mouths!" he ordered.

The pirates began to fight harder as they tried to take the Red Wheel. The lady pirates were being forced back and the demons were killing the ones who were falling victim to the dog demons roar. Alright thats it. Sprinting forward Morzan slashed his way through a few of his foes and made his was to the three headed demon.

"Fall damn you!"

Jumping and tackleing the creature Morzan slammed his shoulder into one of the demons heads. But unfortunatly one of the other heads had noticed him and took hold of his arm in its jaws. The arrows continued to fly and one of them skimmed his ear and struck the monster through its eye. Howling it fell into the sea and was torn under the ship.

Morzan fell to one knee and held his right forearm. It hurt. Alot. It looked realy chewed up. Depositing one blade he moved back into the fight. There werent many pirates left for either side who were on deck. But that was about to change.

There was a shout from one of the lady pirates then all of a sudden from every direction flew pirates and even the captains. Taken by suprise the demons began going crazy, attacking anyone around them. They were panicing and being killed in the process. [i]Its too easy. There must be something out there. I have a feeling that wont be the last of those pirate demons.

#156:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:26 am
[ Chapter 10: Betrayal, Betraying, and the Betrayed

Rain was playing for their lives, she knew, but like a million times before this, her magic was beginning to take over. Rath had been right what she had Graeme, Rain's magic was selfish. It knew she was hidden, but it also knew that with every second that went by Rain herself was in danger of going insane by trying to keep everyone else sane. As if this wasn't enough for her to handle, Celebrin wasn't helping either.

Most people made the mistake of thinking her flute was simply a flute. It wasn't. Celebrin, her flute's name and her own in a strange sense, was no more a simple flute than the DragonSword was a simple sword. Rain didn't know when it had happened but Celebrin wasn't the same as when she first began to play the flute. In the beginning, when it was first given to her, it had been a help by helping her channel her wild uncontrolable magic. Celebrin, a flute but so much more, had taught her much and so had the elves that had given it to her. They had seemed eager to help, almost to eager. The Silvan of her childhood had warned of trusting other Fae besides themselves but then so many years ago despite everything she had been through, Rain had still possesed the ideal that everyone was good at heat.

Now it appeared that was going to haunt her. She had first noticed it that day on Ergos' field when she had met the others. She had tired so easily that day it wasn't even funny. Still idealitstic and foolishly logical, Rain had thought it had been simply the strength of the orb and the demon inside it that had tired her so.

Her next clue was the day she had used her magic in it's rawest form, i.e. by singing runes. Rain had been able to travel a distance that would make most soliders blanch and hadn't been tired, at least not magically. Physically, she had been exhausted, anyone would have after having their body dragged through different times, dimesions, and distances. Magically however, Rain could have done much more that day.

Now, without knowing it, she had met her worst enemy; her flute. Celebrin had come awake if you will, and Rain now knew what exactly it was, a tool that sucked magic from you and didn't use it. Basically it was sapping her strength, physically and mentally. Celebrin was not Celebrin as she had been told by the Elves that day, Marlbrin: That which is given to death, posion, a snake for the lack of a better word.

If it wasn't enough that Marlbrin as Rain knew her flute to now be, Rain was still trying to help her friends aboard the ship, trying to physically drop the flute while still trying to push through the magical force of Marlbrin to allow what little of her magic could make it past that force to help the others. In other words, at the same time she fought to make Marlbrin let her go magically she was still trying to use him.

To make matters worse, Rain's magic was kicking in full force too. Her magic knew she was in danger, in danger from going insane, in danger of being permentally magically drained, in danger of magical exhausation.

When the Ulic came aboard the ship and the Drake flew overhead, Marlbrin felt itself being supported by the power the two gave it. Rain in turn, felt Rath's support and Rath's fall.

Finally, Rain's magic gained the upper hand over both her will and Marlbrin, and Rain felt herself being pushed to the back of her brain, and felt her wild magic take over her body. With an errie sense of confusion, Rain felt herself lower the flute she was playing from her lips. Marlbrin was still in her hand however, and it wasn't going to stop simply because the human of the magic it sought had fainted, in fact Marlbrin was gleeful over this change, now that the Wild Magic had taken over the physical form of it's user, it could suck at Rain's skin drawing the magic from the surface as easy as a babe drinks milk from a bottle.

Normally, Rain would let go of herself as she had been taught by the elves who had given her the thing she once called Celebrin that when her magic was like this it was at it's strongest. Knowing that those elves of that day had lied to her, knowing that if she didn't take over her magic right now it probably would control of her life permentally, knowing that if she didn't fight Marlbrin would render her magically useless forever, knowing that her friends were fighting below without her help: Rain fought back.

She didn't go the surface of herself, oh no, she knew that to truly fight her magic and to truly fight Marlbrin she was going to have to go the center of herself where her power radiated from. Just before she was completly lost to the world, Rain felt Rath fall, felt the pain of that fall, and heard the words before the fall was complete, Use the guard, use your power...ferocity, form, flame... . "Rath would not die this day, she will not," Rain thought then taking form in her heart of hearts, Rain reached for her inner flame and changed diving into the center of herself. There she met her dreaded enemy, her one and only true fear, the Lady Herself.

'So,' the Lady sneared, 'You finally discovered that Celebrin is a tool of betrayal not a friend.'

'What are you doing here? You do not belong in this place,' Looking around, Rain noticed that behind the Lady of the Night, a ring of blue aura surrond a crystal and inside that crystal there was a flame.

'Beautiful isn't it,' The Lady hissed mysteriously. 'Strange to think that up to now you've only been drawing from the outer ring of your power. You're strong, you know, but thanks to my friends you never even thougt about how much of your strength you were using, in fact you thought you were using it all. Ironic isn't it?'

"Your not real and you don't belong here,' Rain said taking a tenative step towards the Lady, her confusion clearly written on her face. '"Be gone, you foul specter.'

'Oh you think that I'm not real, do you?' Laughing the Lady thrust a hand in the outer ring of Rain's heart into the tip of her power and twisted.

Rain's body both in spirit and the one that now lay on prune on the crows nest twisted, and she screamed with pain.

Laughing again, the Lady twirled Rain's outermost power in hands each twirl exicting a knew pain in Rain's body, each twist more dreadful then the last.

'No, my dear,' The Lady stepping closer as two demons appeared next to her, Rain knew that they were not real, however the Lady she knew to her pain was very real, and that was enough for the specters. 'I am very real. Our friend, Celebrin you call him. Strange you thought your flute was a girl, it was a man all along." Then to Rain's shock, her flute appeared in the Lady's hand and with a soft strock of the woman's clawed hands, the flute transformed into a man who looked shockingly familar, he looked like the man who had been Juric's doctor before he died. Realization dawned in Rain's eyes, and the Lady laughed knowing that this perhaps was the cruelest thing she could do to the girl who she hated with all her soul or what was left of her soul.

'His name is Marlbrin, Beautiful is he not?' The Lady of the Night said strocking the man's head. He was short, like Rain remembered, with silver hair and a scar across his left cheek. He wore the gray robes of a medical mage just as he had done all those years ago at Juric's bedside. Twisting Rain a little to see her Cringe, the Lady of the Night walked up to her smiling. 'You see my dear, I was in your flute all along. I know every twist of power you've used with it, and with every spell you cast my dear servant planted a little more of myself in your heart. 'Now the time has come for you to be in your heart, powerless to do anything, while I cast the spells. Strange to think that your friends will never expect anything. They will think you were sick for awhile then one night, I will sneak up to that friend of yours, What's her name again? Oh yes, Rath Bloody traitor, and I will slit her throat, take the sword and the world will be mine, and you will be blamed for it all. It will be just lovely to see you hounded after by your friends, and that's all you deserve, my little witch. Then with you dead and dishonored the Forces of Good will trumph and I will rule the world.'

Feeling as if a thousand swords were percing her heart, Rain screamed in true anger her voice full of the pain the Lady was inflicting on her soul.

'Now I suggest you relax my dear, this is going to be a long a painful process and your struggles will make only harder on yourself. Either way I will win.' This said, the Lady stepped up to the blue aura of her inner heart holding her servant Marlbrin close. However just as she tried to step past the blue aura, a flame lept up in between her and the crystal forcing the Lady away from the blue aura and the crystal.

Screaming in hatred, the Lady smacked Marlbrin across his face, her claws extended, "I thought you said, you gained the key to enter her inner sactom."

Blubbering like an idiot, Marlbrin squeaked in a voice that sounded a lot like her flute's voice, "I did try my lady, but she is very tricky. She never went past her first level of power herself. You said so too, remember?'

Roaring, the Lady aimed a well helled shoe in Marlbrin's direction, cauing him to cry in pain. Then turning back to Rain, she found Rain laughing at her.

'Not so easy after all?' Rain said smiling.

Snearing, The Lady grapped Rain's face. "One way or another, You will tell me the key to your heart.'

'In your dreams,' Rain said spitting on her long time enemy.

It was then the pain began.[

Outside in the physical world, Rain's body sweated as if she was in a heavy fever and below her the battle was still raging in more ways then one.

Our faithful heros each has a battle to win. Yet mostly this is Morzan's battle. It is that old soliders hands that this tale now lays.

The first Vision is taking place as even as we speak. Consider well these words, my friends, and perhaps the first battle of many will be won.

A picture of a mouse and a lion was first. To one side a injury bird lay. The lion pounced and the mouse darted away, but then it saw the bird. Pausing the mouse began to lead the lion away from the bird. When the bird flew away, the mouse quickly entered into a hole narrowly escaping with it’s life but without it’s tale.

With that vision the words: Cunning beats force, speed, bruetly, and kindness, rath. Beware of Sacrificing too little but neither sacrifice too much.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total

#157:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:51 am
The bellow of rage and pain was trapped in Rath's throat, her unwilling jaws clamped down to prevent the last of her air from leaking out. The serpent had looped it's crushing coils around her, pinning wings and legs against her body, leaving only her tail to lash at it. It was paying though as Rath's bladed spines bit deeper and deeper into it.

Yet it had clamped it's jaws at the base of her neck and was working away, trying to sever a major artery. Luckily, or maybe intentionally, the platinum chain from which hung her amulet was wedge in the hinge of it's jaws, not allowing it to use full strangling pressure. Rath, unable to open her jaws since that would sacrifice her air, battered at the creature's head with her own, horn and spines rakeing across it, opening gashes so that now it's black blood tinted the water along with her own.

The serpent, while the greatest of her worries, was not the only one. As the body of the Ulic rushed past her, warming her heart, she saw the first of the great fishes of the sea appearing. Sharks, drawn by the blood in the water, were circling. Even if she fought off the serpent she'd have to leave the water quickly. A gleam, a swift flash of blue silver, was all the warning she had before the second serpent, lurking benieth, surged upwards.

Clamping it's hold just under her own jaws it began jerking her supple neck backwards as it wound round her body. Her entire form trembled as the creature pulled her neck into an ackward angle, forcing her to twist and bare the rest of her throat for anything that might be waiting. It was then that she felt the first wave of distress off of Rain. Jerking helplessly, her tail lashing empty water then batting away the first daring shark.

A voice echoed in her head, ill laughter.That's it. Soon they'll have you completely subdued and then you won't be able to aid in any of the battles above. What will you do then proud dragoness? You'll die. From her dimming vision Rath saw the image, the shadow, the lady had cast into the water, wavering there. Rath had been so close to giving up before but now, with the vision of her foe right there something snapped within her.

Slowly rational thought left her mind, replace by something dark and malicious, something Rath had put away long ago...but only at great cost with great help. She reached deep and the amulet on her chest began to glow, then the jewel on her right forepaw. The Lady didn't realize the danger until it was too late. With a surge of force that vaporized the ocean around them, Rath obliterated the two great serpents.

For a moment everything hung suspended, then the ocean rushed back in, barely slipping under the keel of the Red Wheel in time. Rath, caught between the two, should have been crushed but a sphere of malicious energy surrounded her, taking the blow instead. Turning she faced the Lady of the Night with unholy eyes, causing the Lady to avert her face.

You are a very great fool. You should have left well enough alone, should have waited until we were all within you Lair before you tried to kill us. Now you have tipped the balance and who knows how it will resettle. You should have been content. The Lady extended a claw, an almost futile gesture.

But I wanted it all. I wanted all the power. You were not great enough, you were holding back. Can't you see how much stronger you are now? Don't deny you like this feeling, these powers. Look at yourself Dragoness, you don't belong on their side. You don't belong in service to the Light! A disgusted snarl curved Rath's muzzle, showing all her teeth.

When I left my home my mother's heart broke. She didn't want me to go any more than I wanted to go. But she hoped this would bring peace. I told you this once before Lady and you couldn't then figure out why I was required to leave for peace to be given a you see now? The Lady, now with her own cruel smile inclined her head.

So just how many have you killed? Enough to stain your soul black and your claws ruby? Very well, I bow to you on the matter of blood letting but the fact still remains. You do not belong in any army of good intentions. Rath leaned in very close, so close that had the lady actually been there she would have been bowled over by Rath's derisive snort.

Who says I march on their intentions? Still you are trespassing. If you wish for things to go any further I suggest that you return to the boundaries set. Your attempts have amused me but now the cease to. Press any further and other things will cease as well. Rath gazed at the Lady meaningfully who, with and imperious gesture, swept her cloak tighter about her wings.

You cannot ask me to stay my attempt on the Gypsy.

And you cannot ask me not to lend her my aid.

For a few moments more they simply stared at each other before the Lady bowed and vanished. Rath was left treading water for a moment before she swam upwards, shifting to her Eroki form. Her wounds were gone, her power crept inwards. She should have been exhausted but no. That soul numbing blackness that had returned to her mind, that stained her eyes red and curved her mouth in a cruel mockery of a smile, sustained her.

As she climbed back abord the Red Wheel, ignoring stares and hands that reached out to aid her, she walked to where Rain lay. Morzan was staring at her queerly, hands on swords. He then glanced back to Rain. Rath knew with certainty the soldier sensed the change in her. I wonder...will he move to strike me down?

#158:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:14 pm
((Thought you all would appreciate an indea of whom we are fighting. Meet the Lady of the Night, often called the Tricked.

Pictures done by: Steve Roberts. All credit is given to this artist. No change has been made to these pictures. Enjoy.))

Thus, Rathiania, Dragoness, Assasin, Traitor returned to her true nature, but no to her old heart. As for Morzan, he had passed his first trial run well and had defeated the Ulic as only he could have done.

Now however, Morzan was faced with a choice. Rathiania was no longer innocent, the dragoness wasn't anything really, but it was true at least that for a brief moment or two the Dragoness' unthinking dark side had come through. Who knew when it would do so again, and who knew what it would do when it did?

Morzan was now faced with a choice. A choice that wasn't a choice at all really but the fates had decreed the choice to be there, so it was. Morzan could chose to kill the Dragoness and the dark threat Rathiania was to the forces of both light and evil, or Morzan could choose not to.

There was a third choice, but the chance of it working was so slim that it didn't appear to be a choice at all. That choice, however slight, was the only one that would truly work, but being so small not even the voice of a narrator could tell it.

Basically Morzan's choice came to this: Would he listen to his guts as a solider? Or Would he listen to the vision he had seen? Or Would he obey the voice he had heard? Only one of the choices was the right one, but which would Morzan choose?

In the meantime things weren't going very well with our friend the gyspy. The Lady had withdrawn thanks to Rathiania, it was true, but it was also true that Marlbrin was still in Rain's hands. The Lady of the Night on hearing Rath's vague but clear enough threats had given up on killing Rain and had stepped out of Rain's heart but not permentally. The Lady's hold was still there. The Lady of the Night was tricky woman also knowing that there was no way in this world or any other that Rain would let her past a bondary that Rain herself had never crossed, The Lady would see Rain powerless instead.

While Marlbrin lay in Rain's hands, it would suck at her power draining of what little she possed, and then once that was gone would Marlbrin would drink at Rain's very heart leaving her hallow and empty, the perfect Vessel for the Lady's own uses. The battle wasn't over yet, not by a long shot. It just began.

Rathiania also had a battle to fight. A battle which envolved her very nature. Would she continue to use the dark power she once had access too and had now found again? Or would she change, casting it away like an old cloak? Or would she do something that no one could guess except perhaps fate itself?

The Battle aboard the Red Wheel had been brief. A trial run to test the strength of the Champions Ergos and Fate had chosen. In that sense, the battle had been won. The Battle of the Red Wheel had also been a cover for the greater battle aboard the ship.

The greater battles of Morzan, Rain, and Rathiania. The wisdom of Crenla, the priesthood of Graeme, the Light of Ariana would all be needed to help in these battles, but at the end of the day it was with each person that the balance rested. For a battle within oneself is always the greatest battle of all.

#159: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:32 am
Graeme lay in his bunk, frightened to move lest she sense his being there. It was her, she had been above. The Tricked. This terrrified the priest to no end. This was every religions most darkest fear that this woman would decide to finally attack the world and destroy their faith. Graeme had tasted that power from above, the dirty, foul taste of corruption and violence. Graeme was both repulsed and curious to this. Sometimes he despised his curiosity and this was one of the these times. She is so powerful, I wonder what it would be like to be in her service....

If you want to be a minion just ask me. I will accept crippled one.

Graeme was shocked at the intrusion. If only you hadn't called me crippled Lady, he thought as he sent a wave of power into his heaad to force her out. I'm rather sensitive to things like that you see.

You weakling!! I shall personally destroy you and your petty cult!! Just like I did to your grandfather!

Graeme eyes widened as he heard this. His grandfather had died while he was out helping the inpoverished. The villagers had found him hunched over with a look of terror written on his face. Graeme mind was filled with anguish and hatred towards this evil being that was tormenting him.

Yes, feed off that hatred, don't you know that is my speciality? Haha, oh those are some gruesome pictures you are thinking of hunchback.

Graeme sat up and went deep into his mind, searching for the taint that was causing these feelings and emotions. He found it, like a cancer in his brain, sending out tendrils of pure malice all around his mind. He summoned his priestly powers and began cleansing his mind, and then his soul. His grandfather had taught him this. Just before he died.

Fool!!! You think you can stop me!!! I wi...

Before she could finish Graeme mentally blocked her from his mind, using all his willpower in the act. Damn right I can stop you. Now I have a reason for staying aboard and with my crazy companions.

#160:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:41 am
(Gee Din, those pictures of the tricked bear quite the resemblence to Rath when one thinks about that Rath has black wings and red skin.)

Rath locked eyes with the soldier, her eyes burning with the need to strike him before he struck her. No... The voice was a bare whisper in her mind but the shock slipped past Rath's control on her emotions to register on her face. For a moment the numb blackness in her mind slipped.

Her hand snaked down into her pouch, fingers touching the smooth surface of the diamond within. It was warm to the touch, and pulsing, no longer chilled and hard. No Rathainia, you are better than this. You have never yet struck down your companions and you shall not start now. If you must be as you must be then turn your attentions elsewhere. Slack your thirst not on innocent blood.

"He's not innocent. His hands too are bloody." But the voice was not to be deterred.

He's not the one you seek vengance upon. Keep your eyes on the prize dearest. Slowly the voice, the sense, faded and Rath withdrew her hand. The darkness within her had not abated, the craving and thirst for blood and distruction no longer threatened the crew of the Red Wheel or Rath's companions.

For a moment Rath fought, tried to send the darkness back to that corner of her mind, but now that her blood was up the flames refused to die. Instead they turned inward, splitting her mind in two. I will wait for you then Rathainia. You shall not be able to deny us joining forever.

Silence. When the time arises you shall have full play but for now I am in control. Laughter, her own malicious laughter, echoed inside her head.

You? But I am you Rath and you know that. I would not be here now if you had heeded the warnings of your mother, grandmother, and even herself. But you did not. You chose this path dragoness and now you shall walk it casting your ever darkening shadow.

The time comes when you will vanish forever. You have gained strength now but it will fade again...and when it does I won't let you remain as I did before.

With a shake of her head, Rath cleared the conversation from her mind, opening her eyes which were once again the safe golden copper color. She turned from Morzan, to stare at the sea. I'm becoming a danger to them. Soon I shall have to make my choice. She recalled her vision, the vision of slaying her greatest foe.

I truely am damned...

#161:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:43 pm
((Well, here it goes *crosses fingers*))

When Rath landed on deck Morzan felt a creeping fear. It moved and writhed in the pit of his stomach. It felt much like the feeling he felt before the battle of Ergos. Putting his better arn on the pommel of his sword he braced himself. Rath seemed darker than before. As if killing those flying monsters had released something in her.

She was begining to reach into that magic black pouch of hers. Moving back slightly Morzan prepared for her to attack or something. Her eyes were like a dark cloud whirling about and flashing lightning. Even though she looks much like a human she still has instincts that are in her blood.

Rath shifted and returned to her normal state thaty she had been in when this little cruise began. She then turned to the sea and stared at the horizon. I realy dont like the look she just gave me there. Somethings gotten into her and its not good. Something...evil.

Slowly drawing a blade he eyed Rath. Everything was telling him to attack, but he was holding back. She still has the Sword of Ergos in her. That has to account for something. The first action that passed through Morzan's mind was of him leaping off the boat and chancing the sharks. The second was driving a blade into Rath. The final one was a snap shot of him lying in a pool of blood and Rath standing over him with the Sword in hand.

If she doesnt harm me I will not hamr her. But if she makes a move that is a threat then I will have no choice but to act. Nodding slightly at his plan he moved away from the group and under deck Besides, we're all in this togetherand we need her. She carries that sword and is the closet thing to a dragon we've got. .

"Even if she were to suddenly fall to intincts and attack us..." Morzan murmured as he stepped into the darkness of the Red Wheel, "she would wind up standing alone against the common enemy. And even she coudnt beat such a demon on her own."

Theres been enough fighting today.

#162:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:20 am
Rath's keen ears picked up on Morzan's last words and her shoulders slumped. We have no common enemy soldier. You fight demons from without, I fight the ones in my soul. Yet Rath would lose this battle, she'd seen it many years ago.

The darkness within her only laughed, taunting her with her own frailty. Rath's grip on the ships rail tightened, her claws digging into the wood and splintering it under her hands. If she was sensible she'd leave now. She'd take flight and return to her Lair, wall herself in and let her companions finish this on their own. I'm a danger to everyone around me...I'm a danger to myself.

Rath shuddered in horror as she realized something. I can't go home. Even if I succeed, fulfill my obligations to Ergos and this damned world I can't go back. Rath knew all too well what would happen to her if she returned home...she knew how her people delt with a mad dragon.

More laughter, this time nearly spilling from her lips. Flee Rath, flee. Leave the blade and go. Get yourself away from fate, destiny, and your own damnation. Spare these people the bloody task of fighting you for your own head. Rath glanced backwards. It hurt, leaving them like this.

Still she had no choice. With great care she pulled the Sword of Ergos from thin air. Laying it down on the deck like one might a babe, Rath stared at the sailors. Turning to Meril she saw something akin to awe in the sailor's eyes. Reaching into her pouch she drew forth a dangly bauble, like the kind some lord might buy for the serving wench he spent the night with.

Placing it into Meril's hand she closed the captain's calloused hand over it. "Give this to Rain when she wakes up and tell her..." The words were stuck, never before had Rath said them, not like this. "Tell her I failed."

With that she spread her wings, swirling away into the sky as all resistance, all disguise faded. All right, come. With a shriek that would have set a demon's teeth on edge the darkness consumed Rath, changing her very appearence. With a last malicious scream at the Red Wheel the beast that had once been a favorite of destiny winged away, heading for it's Lair somewhere in the icey mountian peaks in the distant west.

#163: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:46 am
Ummmm, is that Rath out of Ergos?

#164:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:35 pm
((That is up to her to decide I think - she may well chose to come back to us - or to join the other side.
Although she has left for her home - surely her torture will not stop until she gives into the lady or is healed?
I, for one, would be interested to hear Rath's story of her travels apart from the group, Morzan.

And, yes, everyone - I am back Thumbs Up . drunk
Although I do not have the time right now, I will write myself back in soon, I just thought that I should let you all know I'm back in the game as I'm not sure any of you knew except din.

Right...well I'll post again soon in roleplaying Ariana.
For now, see you around,))

Solus. Wink

#165:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:51 pm
((We shall see shan't we? In the meantime, I have a ownerless sword, a rather gruchy hunchback, an entranced elf, a centaur whose wisdom puts her in a corner when any fighting comes into scene, and a soldier whom I pretty sure hates my guts.))

The Color Purple sits in a colorful room filled with, yep you guessed it, various shades of pick. What? You expected me to say purple, why that would just be silly if the room was purple how would we find the Narrator?

The Color Purple, our narrator, is flipping over the script frantically. "First that hunchback runs away and just when the editors fixed it, he comes back, and now this? Where I ask you, Where was this in the script?"

It wasn't.

"Why not!"

Because I didnt' write one.

"You didn't what?"

Write a script.

"Then what I have I been reading all this time! shouted purple becoming more and more redish by the minute.


"You mean I've been reading what has already happened?"

Technically yes, practically no.

"What in the world do you mean?

I mean that until this time you've been reading off the version of what could have happened, there was no gurantee you were actually accurate, which probably explains why you were surprised when this happen.

"What about the rest of my script? Everything past page two is blank, all I have is up to where Rath leaves and then nothing, nada, zippo, blankness, etc....etc..

That's because nothing has happen yet, the characters are still living it out.

"Are you saying I don't have a script, that no one knows what happens next?"

Well, actually yes, I am. Which reminds me, I've been meaning to talk to you about your job...

~ ~ ~

[Well our off the topic Black boss discuss purple's severance pay check, I will, being one Bracets by name of course will take over. Let's see what's happening on board the Red Wheel shall we?]

A crystal bowl empty of all water simmers a minute and then without hestation shows a large mountain chain where several dragons watch the demon hordes below them go to and from various gates. The demons don't know their there and they like it there. The crystal bowl eventually focuses on Gilath, the only person, well techincally dragon we know here.

[Not what I wanted, but oh well, lets see what's going on here.]

Refocusing the bowl takes us further into the picture into the Liar of the Lady of the Night to be exact. The room is a vast cave filled with many mirrors, lights, and torches. So filled with light it's almost shocking that any demon would enter the place, yet they did, they feard their Lady too much not to. The only furinture in the room is canopy bed made only in the finest white linens. Ontop the white bed, the Lady of the Night lays admiring her fine face, a demon enters the scene, bowing low. His name is Crzon.

~ ~ ~

"My Lady, I have some good news for thee," the three eyed demon said bowing subviently towards his mistress.

"Did I give thee permission to speak to me?" The Lady hissed carefullily laying down her mirror.

"No my Lady," Crzon apolgized perfusly bobbing his form several times causing his leather wings to perform a merry dance on his back, "shall I ask my Lady's permission to speak, my Lady?"

"Too late you idiot, your already talking. No need to go through cermony, it tires me so." Looking significantly at the demon before her, "But if this happens again, well that won't happen will it pet."

Several minutes of groveling from one Cryzon by name followed only to be cut off by the harse hiss of the Lady's voice shouting, "Silence you blubbering foul! Now this better be good or I swear by the Almighty One I will have your eyes."

"It is my Lady, It is. The winged one, the one you sent you crakens for, our demons have succeded with her. She thinks she has gone mad. She has the abanded the sword, even now she flies towards us unknowingly."

Smiling cruelly, the Lady reclined happily upon her pillows, "Good, she was easier to twist than I thought. She will be of use to me yet, my little traitor. And the witch?"

"Lies abord the ship. No one moves to touch her. They think she sleeps."

"Good, how much longer before I can have her?"

"Marlbrin's work is slow as the witch fights hard but unless someone aids her, the work will be done in a few hours time. Marlbrin says the girl will be empty except for the crystal by this evening. Once he has that artifact in hand, something which you know will render the girl close to death, he will heal her, leaving her whole as you taught him how. She will be as weak as a babe. Ripe for picking. The DragonSword rendered useless without a bearer and it cannot beyond for another year, as you well know."

"Any chance of the others...?" The Lady let the question dangle letting the possibilities speak the question for her.

"Aid the gyspy? Not likely. They all contain some magic of some sort. The malformed curse things daring to call themselves beings, the elf and the horse thingy would be rendered lame if they even touch Marlbrin. The witch-mage hunchback is also no threat, he's so powerful that if he even thinks about taking Marlbrin, Marlbrin will simply have another lunch immbolzing the fool with a spell Rain herself taught Marlbrin. The only one who could help is that solider fellow, Morzan. Our demons have made sure he distrust the witch and most likely hates her too. If he does try to help, a thing not likely, or any other decieved human they will encounter a nasty surprise."

"Have you forgeten the possibility of a dragon?" came the snear from the Lady. "If one bounds with the witch she will gain the strength to throw away Marlbrin and access all her magical strength. That must not happen!"

"No, mistress we have not. Only one dragon can help the witch now, one Gilath by name, but he is a male. A sources believe he is dead, but if he is not, he will have the intention of bounding with the witch. Yet by dragon law only females can bond with mortal females, and since Gilath has declared the witch as his only his sister, his mate, or his intendend can bound with the witch now. He has no female friends or relatives that we know off."

"And the Sword?" The Lady said idly examining her nails.

"No one can bare it. Only the unnatural beings called dragons can touch the thing."

"The Witch bore it once," hissed the Lady softly, "don't forget what that did."

"I do not my Lady, but such a thing requires either a pure or extermly powerful will or purpose something those twisted mortals cannot posses. Or it requires the former bearers consent, with the former bearer being made and a year's time required before the sword can bond again, there is no chance they can use the DragonSword. Pick it up, yes. Bear it, protect it, use it, let them try and see if they like the medicine the thing bears out. The only hope they have is if Rath in one moments sanity transfers the ownership of the blade and even then a dragon would have to help the mortals since none but a dragon weild the power of the dragonstone."

"Or a mortal with a dragon's heart," whispered the Lady softly hinting at her own, "only three every generation have that gift. I, myself, have one and will use it for the ultimate good of the world. As for the others, one is dead and the other will be. There is no one to help you now Ergos, wherever you are in the pits of your firey damnation, your death was purposless."

~ ~ ~

Ontop of the mountain a blue dragon rested his hide transformed into a stony gray. He heard the his enemies speech and hissed at it. Yet what could he do? He was hours away from the boat and even if he got there in time only a dragons bound would be able to undo the damage done to Rain. Cursing his good intentions, Gilath wondered what he could do. He was still young yet and he had intended to find a mate before the time ever came close for Rain being ready for a bonding. It turned out the girl needed it now. But what could he do?

Blinking, Gilath had a brillant idea that might just work fixing all his problems in one shot, of course he would have to talk to her but it might, it could just work. "I guess this means I found my mate like it or not, I only hope Rain chooses a good mate so I can bound with the man when the time comes."

With that thought, Gilath spread his wings and flew.

#166:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:37 am
((Sorry I couldn't post this earlier, I was busy. It'll only be short and it'll occur during the battle. ))

Crouched(she had to crouch, there wasn't much room) in the alcove Crenlamin watched the battle unraveling before her with great care. Rath had just dove into the sea and Morzan was desperately fighting the dog-thing. There was no sign of Rain or Ariana, so she assumed they must be either fighting out of her limited view or safe.

She was so absorbed in the battle that she didn't even notice the first sharp call of the voice in her head. She did, however, notice the second.

"Centeur! Wake up, you idiot! You're meant to be the smart one, the quick thinker. What are you doing, you brainless buffoon?"

"Who are you? What are you doing in my head and, may I say it, using some pretty weak insults. I've heard better from a mindless dwarf." Crenlamin sent shooting back, at once aware that thouhg she had no power to stop the intention of this voice she could anger it of distract it, hopefully making it clumsy.

"Oh, don't be a fool. You always are, you know that? I've been watching your mind for as long as this journey has lasted. The fact that you put up no barriers makes it extremely easy to track your group. Centeurs have never been good at training their young."

"How dare you?" Cremlamin sent back, althouh she knew that the Centeur technique of puttig their young strait into a job was not the best one. "We're the finest in the world!"

"Yeah, yeah, of course you are. Ever considered joining our court? We could use a jester."

"I most certainly will not!" Crenlamin replied "You haven't even told me who you are!"

The voice ignored the comment. "Down to business." it said. You can be used to get to the centre of this group, and so we will. Now this may take a couple of hours...

And then the pain began.

#167:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:37 pm
Rath winged swiftly into familiar skies, her form vastly changed from what it had once been. Once Rath had been a beautiful dragoness, a prime example of a spirit skye. But now, as her own spirit had grown tainted, as she regained her former darkness, the form of a 'kyarse-karvo' a Soul Taker.

Her scales had turned a darker, duller shade of black which reflected no light, her red had dulled to the color of long dried blood. The spines on her back had ceased to be individual blades, instead forming into one long, spiked, serrated blade that ran from nose to tail. Her feathers had hardened until they were more like laquered steel and her claws had grown vicious barbs with channels running down the sides where poison oozed.

The barbs on her tail had turned into three fixed, sickle shaped blades and two long fangs peeked in her mouth. When she opened her mouth these two fangs would extend, like those of a cobra, brining death with their venom. Her eyes were wholly red now, the color of blood and an aura of extreme cold frosted the world around her.

Nothing flew in the skies with her now, she was far to dangerous, too deadly. Landing gracefully infront of her Lair Rath paused a moment, forked tounge flicking. She tasted the air and hissed, demons waited within. 'Clever of them to bypass my wards...yet she transgresses again. Such actions must be delt with. No doubt when I confront her she'll say she was only playing her part but I grow weary of her games. Better she drop the act and let the world know than continue to irritate me.'

She strolled into her Lair as if nothing was the matter, as if she were simply coming home to rest. No sooner had she entered her Hoard than the nets and ropes sprang out of the darkness, the entangling spells and compulsions. Waiting until she must have looked more like a cocoon than a dragon Rath chuckled. "My, my it seems that the flys think to trap the's too bad they used the spider's own web."

The aura of cold had made the nets and ropes brittle and they snapped easily as Rath shook herself. The compulsions and spells fell away to nothing, confronted with that dark empty space within Rath. Many of the demons looked for an exit but the only one into this chamber of Rath's Lair was the one Rath herself blocked. Ghoulishly Rath licked her chops, the red lining of her mouth and forked toung flashing against her dark hide.

"Normally I'm not a fan of demon but I'll make an exception just this once."

Her Hoard needed cleaned now as the gold was liberally spattered with demon gore. A small pile of neatly cleaned bones littered the exit tunnel as Rath moved into the main Lair. One demon jittered in fear, trapped under a massive forepaw. She stared it in the eye, her cold red gaze merciless and bloody. "Do you know why I havn't eaten you?" The demon was too terrified for a reply. "Because I've got a message for you. Tell your mistress that even Damned creatures like her have souls...and that a Soul Taker is not to be trifled with."

The demon, blubbering in horror, nodded. "One last thing. Tell her one more tresspass and all shall be void. Again the blubbering, the nodding before Rath let the demon go. Judging the time against his slightly mauled condition she estimated it would take the demon several hours to reach the Lady's Lair. With a sigh Rath set about rebuilding her wards before slinking off to polish and purify her hoard. She might be tainted but she'd not suffer her treasures to be as well.

#168:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:31 am
It did take the demon Rath had mauled several hours to return to his home and only what could possibly be called a miracle let him past his brethren without being eatten as he cried, "A message for the Lady, a hell-blooded message for the Lady, get your paws off of me, I must speak to the Lady!" Cyzon who was just exiting the Lady's Lair looked at the obviously lower demon who struggled against his brothern.

"Let him go," Cyzon hissed, "Let's see what he has to say before we eat shan't we?"

Stepping up to the wounded messager Cyzon glared at him with all three of his eyes, "Now speak quickly, I'm hungry."

"Massssster mussst promissse," the thing squealed pathically.

"Promise what!" Cyzon said raising one of his wings like some would an eyebrow.

"Not to eat meeee," it cried sounding like a small demon child.

"All right, I promise not eat you, for now."

"Message for Lady."

"Yes, Yes, I got that," Cyzon irratibly growled getting annoyed with this lower demon.

"The Winged One, she....she uh...uh...uh..."

"Speak or I swear I tear you into shreds!" Shouted Cyzon to the pleasure of the demons that had surronded the scene.

"She attacked us, she the others, we couldn't stop her, she resisted the trap so easily, there was nothing we could do I swear by all that's dark. She is truly mad, master, please forgive me. We failed, please don't eat me. She shook off the spells and tore us apart. She only left me alive, I swear, I swear, don't tear off my tai. She told me, I beg you don't rid me of my horns, to tell the Lady that even she has a...what did she call it...oh a soul, and that a Soul-Taker is not to be messed with. She implied, my Lord please, that if the Lady made one more move against her that our Lady wouldn't live much longer."

"Humph, so the winged is truly tainted, I had only hoped for this. You have failed wingless one, but since you brought such an important message of good news to us, your demons will be told not to eat you today," pausing for dramitic effect Cyzon continued in a voice loud enough for all to hear, "We will eat you tommorow."

Turning on his heals as he heard the messager squeal, Cyzon walked on his features slowly changing as he went. Cyzon was a higher demon than he appeared and soon handsome features of a grown man indicating the highest and most deceptive demons appeared on his face. The Lady was alseep as usual, and like the million visits before this Cyzon had been annoyed by the pathetic creature he was forced to serve. "Well, my Lady," he hissed to himself as he peered into her bedchamber to watch her sleep, "it looks that we will no longer have to kill you when this is done. Someone else will do it for us."

Pleased with itself, the demon disappered using a spell that took him to his true masters chambers...

~ ~ ~

[All this had taken a few hours to complete. The hours that Marlbrin had promised to empty Rain for his Lady. How had she fared during this time? Well to be honest I do not know. Let's see shall we?]

~ ~ ~

Hours before Rath left her Liar, when Gilath had been listening to the secret confrence of the Lady, Rain had been laying aboard the Red Wheel.

The battle had been well over for an hour now, and like many times before Rain had been found assumedly asleep in the crow's nest. Orders had been given not to disturb her and the ship sailed on magically aided by the wind Graeme had conjured up thinking that this time speed was needed. Within a day or two, the journey that should have taken at least five more days would be over, there distantion reached.

To truly know what happened to Rain herself, we must go back an hour when the battle had first ended and into Rain herself.

~ ~ ~

Rain glared at the Lady of the Night as she stood before trying a million and one things to try and get past the guards Rain had been born with around her heart. Then in the midst of these trials, the Lady had gotten a far away look and with a curse, a glare, a spoken spell, she was gone. Marlbrin however still stood there, his head cocked to one's side as listening to instructions.

Snapping his fingers, Marlbrin released Rain from the bonds that held her. Breathing deeply for the first time she entered this strange place that was inside herself, Rain felt her wounds checking to see if anything was broken. Her first instict was to fall asleep and never wake up, she felt so tired from the trials the Lady had put her through and weak from the Marlbrin sucking at her strength both mentally and physically.

Struggling weakly, Rain managed to stand on her feet wobbling weakly to each sides. Marlbrin was still there, a mistake he was about to regret.

Memories flooded her mind as she continued to try to stand, fueling her anger and giving her strength. Memories of Juric on a bed to weak to even speak, Memories of her father who had died before she even seen him one last time because this thing, this snake had told her tribe she had posioned her own brother. Memories of using her flute and feeling joyful. She felt bretrayed and in more ways the one.

Marlbrin assuming his victim was to weak to do anything had been calmly gathering the blue aura that surronded the crystal wrapping it's length in it's hands. The Fire of ealier sprun up as he went about the circle filling in the gaps that he made in Rain's own magic.

As for her magic itself, Rain felt it fall as the blue aura grew lower and lower her magic itself striving to maintain the protection around the strange crystal within her own heart.

Finally balanced, Rain ran towards Marlbrin with a scream hatred clearly written on her face. Turning easily, Marlbrin spared only a look of surprise before making an gesture using Rain's own magic.

Rain froze mid run as she felt her own magic hit her full force, hanging suspended in the air like a puppet on strings.

"Thought you could stop me, didn't you?" Marlbrin said stepping up to her, "Well I have news for you missy, you cannot stop yourself."
With a strange flicker, Marlbrin changed forms slowly turning into the very image of herself. Rain looked in amazment as she turned and stared at the one that had once been called Celebrin.

There before her Marlbrin had changed. Now before her a young woman of twenty with long curly raven hair and dark purple eyes stood. The vision looked exactly like her except for the face and for the eyes. On the visions face there was a cruelty that had never been on Rain's face once in her life, and in the visions eyes a coldness Rain could only compare to the winter's snow ontop of the Calbrin Mountains.

"Celebrin," The vision said it's voice changed to that of a female's, a welcome change in Rain's opinion, "In the silvan, that which is worth silver. You made it your name," the vision said laughing easily, "and you made it mine. You made me a part of yourself. No matter how hard you try, no matter what emotions power your heart, wheither hatred, anger, sorrow, rath or anything else, I am still you. Go ahead try and hurt me, I dare you."

Rain felt herself drop and foolishly like a child she accepted Marlbrin's threat. Rushing towards him, she felt herself pass right through the vision and instead felt a great pain right where she herself would have hit Marlbrin. Laughing the vision, took a strand of blue from his hands and twisted, Rain felt tears fall down her cheeks uncontroably, another twist and Rain couldn't stop laughing.

Smiling, Marlbrin let Rain drop as he cast another spell forming a cell of bars around Rain. Looking at Marlbrin in horror, understanding dawned on Rain's face. He was her, she was him...that meant...

"No." Rain sobbed, "No."

"Yes, yes. It is exactly so. I killed your brother with your own magic. Without you in fact your brother would still be alive. You killed him, you killed him."

The chant filled Rain's head, and her worst fear was realized, as if by magic the chant sounded in the background creating a dark chorus of accusations of every crime Marlbrin had commited through her, in her. She was him, He was her, the chant said, and Marlbrin laughed.

Continuing in a dark voice, Marlbrin transformed once again this time looking as the Lady had been when Rain had been young. "You deserve to die," he said in a voice that soon joined the chorus, "you don't deserve to live. Your magic was what made it all happen, let me take it for you, let me ease your burden."

Yes, the dark voices whispered to Rain's brain, lets us help you die, let us ease your pain. You killed him, you killed him. You killed them, you murdered many, you twisted the dark, you are us, we are you, lets us ease this pain. Die, Death, sleep. A life without magic, without this thing that in loving so much you killed your own brother.

Slumping down, Rain let her tears flow as Marlbrin with a laugh turned back to his work.

~ ~ ~

Hours passed and Rain was beginning to go insane. Had she always been here in this place? Maybe it was all dream? Maybe her life had been a dream.

Marlbrin was joyful, his work had been easy as Rain had offered little resistance and what resistance she had given had soon be squashed by her own twisted reasonings. Now he stood before her heart crystal, only a dim ring of blue so close to the ground it looked like dust and the circle of flame stood between him and it.

With an easy sweep of his hands, and then it was gone. All of it. Her magic was gone. Rain felt strangely hollow, empty, and curiously silent. Before Marlbrin had swept the last bit of magic, an almost undectable music had filled her head. She had always heard it all her life but never noticed it truly until this moment when it was gone, and all was silent.

The last guard between Marlbrin and her heart now stood. Rain didn't know what it was but knew by an internal instict that without her magic to give it heat and life the flame like the magic before would be all to easily gathered.

Turning Marlbrin once again changed into the dark version of herself. "Do you know what this is?" he said gleefully, "I didn't until now, with your magic gone it is only to easy to know what it is. It is your memories."

Memories, memories, Rain muttered sobbing silently letting the insanity of the dark chorus that still sang in the silence control her mind almost unthinkably.

"Now how?" Marlbrin wondered aloud almost to himself, herself, itself, whatever the thing was. "Oh yes, I can guess. You must live them, and as you live them, you will pass them to me, and then it will all be over my sweet, don't worry, death will be soon enough."

Stepping forward, Marlbrin touched the flame and Rain felt visions enter her head taking over her vision.

Pictures flashed through her mind not yet passing to Marlbrin just sitting there in her head as Rain remember and relived each one.

A picture of a distrustful elf struggling to speak common. Ariania, Rain thought, Light in the Dark.

Light filled the chamber of Rain's heart and Marlbrin started.

A picture of a solider who made her laugh. Morzan, strength of the weak.

Rain stood, surprising Marlbrin as he still waited for her memories to pass on to her.

A hunchback who frustrated her beyond knowledge but who made the journey worthwhile humor. Graeme, Priest in Magic.

The dark chorus changed to a choir of angels causing Marlbrin to slightly panic.

Rath on the journey talking to Rain. Rath her only true friend left. Rath the only one who knew her sorrows. Rathiania as the dragon she once knew. Rathiania standing between her and danger taking her away from the field of Ergos on the day of battle. Finally, Rath pulling the sword turning to look towards where Rain would have stood in the vision. Rathiania, dragoness, assasin, Sword-bearer, the Mad, the Dangerous, the Hope who had no Hope.

The flame around Rain's heart bounded up in height reaching where the ceiling should have been.

A picture of Juric in her dream. A picture of her father. The memory of the smell of her mother, a sweet perfume of spice, leather, feathers, and strangely like Rath's smell, blood.

Finally, a picture of Ergos' face as she remembered him. Ergos dark blue eyes that seemed like the depths of the ocean starred back at her, the slits of his pupils slightly widened as he smiled. Several dragonscales forming a long angle streched near his right eye extending from it's angle corner to the edge of his dark black hair. His jawline was square and although his face was heavily angled like all the Eroki kind there was nothing femine about his face. Tiny wrinkles accented his eyes as a small dimple in the left corner of his mouth peaked out as he fully smiled, his long cannine fangs clearly showing ontop his bottom lip. A small gotte (sp?) of which Rain made the mistake of laughing at once, still grew on his chin it's thinness declaring it's newness. As she watched he moved his lips to form one word, 'fight.'

Rain stood there her head full of visions, holding on to each one like a precious gem not letting a single one fall into Marlbrin's tainted hands. As she stood, the bars of her cell disappeared like mist, and she stood free. Looking at Marlbrin, she him looked shocked as he saw the change of her eyes from a dark purple to a lighter lavender, the mark of her memories, "I may not be able to fight myself for myself, but I can fight myself for them."

That said, she disappered.

~ ~ ~

On board of the Red Wheel, Rain awoke, her eyes still changed from the memories she had remembered. Climbing down the mast, she walked purposely towards Graeme.

"Can you conjure flame?" she asked as she looked down towards the thing she had once called her flute.

"Yes, why? Can't you? Won't that be dangerous on a ship?" Graeme told her looking confused.

"Can you throw it?" Rain said simply in response to his questions.

"Yes, I can, but," Graeme questionedly said still confused.

Throwing her flute overboard, Rain pointed to it as she looked at Marlbrin as the flute flashed in the light over the sea. "Burn it," was all she said in a tune that broken no argument.

Graeme gestured towards the flute unthinking and it burst into flame. Looking towards her Graeme's eyes filled with questions, questions doomed to be unanswered.

"Thank you," Rain said clamly and with that she walked towards her cabin where she proptly dropped like a hammer. Her struggle was over but her wounds would never quite heal and despite the show she put on a few moments before the war with Marlbrin had exhausted her more than she showed. Just before she went into a deep healing sleep that would probably last the next two days, Rain sent one last clear thought towards Gilath who even now sailed the skies towards her.

Thank you for trying my friend. But there is no dragon who can bond with me now.

With that she fell asleep having not noticed the fact that Rath hadn't been aboard the ship or that everyone else was uneasy.

Some wounds never heal. Rain heard in her head and then she remember where they came. The visions of the day of the battle field. The first vision of her destiny had been fulfilled, and though she still didn't remember the rest she didn't try to. Instead she slept, her grief to deep for even words.

#169:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:01 pm
((right, here we go. This will be a v.short post because its late, but I'll write more later.))

Ariana's eyes snapped open. As her eyes adjusted to the light she had a strange sensation of falling. When she could see properly, she realised that it was just because she was staring straight at the sea, and she was rocking. No - the boat was rocking. She had forgotten that she was on a boat. Shaking her head to clear it, Ariana forced herself to back away from the edge. Her hands were so white they were almost see-through, and they were stiff, stiff from clasping the rail long?
She did not know.
It could have been hours, or maybe days. Wriggling her fingers to get the circulation running again, Ariana looked around her. She was sitting on the deck. From what she could see, there had been a bad battle. Morzan was also on deck, and so was Graeme. She assumed that Rath and Rain must be down below, afterall, they were best friends so it made sense they would be together.
Groaning, she managed to get to her feet, swaying slightly, before she remembered that she had forgotten cremla. She blinked.
Oh, she is probably down below too. Ariana told herself. Why do I feel so uneasy? Its probably the movement of the boat - I havn't been on a boat for ages. Ariana knew that wasn't true. She had never been sea-sick, and she wasn't likely to be.
So maybe its because I've been in a trance so long. I bet I havn't eaten or drunken for ages - days!
Again she had a guilty feeling that this wasn't true and that she was merely saying this to comfort herself. It wasn't nice to wake up and find the world has turned upside down in front of you - something that was seriously threatening Ariana right now.
Just then Rain came down from the mast.
Oh, so she wasn't down below afterall. That doesn't really matter. Afterall, Rath and Rain aren't inseperable.
She watched as Rain talked to Graeme, then as she threw her flute, her precious flute - out to the sea. Ariana blinked again as Graeme's fire consumed it.
Too fast. She thought tiredly. Ariana was currently in a state of mild shock. I need to eat. she decided and headed to the lower regions of the boat. It was then that she noticed the sword.
Lying on the deck was the sword of Ergos.
Her first thought was careless. Then she realised that it wasn't. The sword seemed to emanate light to her, and she could almost sense the sword. It felt cold. It felt lonely. It felt abandoned. She stopped, shock written on her face. She didn't dare touch it, remembering what Rain had said about it the first time they had seen it. Anyone who wasn't the 'right' would be hurt - maybe even die if they tried to take it. She was not the 'right' of that she was certain. However...
A doubt entered her mind. She had tripped on the sword in her tiredness, that is how she had noticed it. So why had it not hurt her?
Bending down, she touched it gently. It did not rebel her touch, but nor did it welcome her. Gently she tried to pick it ip. The it resisted.
Ariana did not know how long she spent there, kneeling on the deck. She had lost all sense of time lately - something that would worry her had she not been more occupied.
Even if she did not know the time though, I did.
Several hours later, Ariana carried the sword down below decks. She felt as if all the strengh had left her body, but she felt better. She had a cabin of her own. She didn't know why they had given her such as there were so many people. but at least the cabing was not large - she would have complained if that were so. Despite being an elf, she did not like too much pampering - if any at all. But for now she was glad of the solitude. Getting out the pouch the elves had given her, she removed a stone, then, turning to the sword that was laid upon her desk, she began her work.

throughout her work, she was vaguely aware that there was something else she should be doing. Something vastly more important.
maybe making friends? something hissed at her from the back of her mind. Her consience, she guessed. But she pushed it aside angrily.
making firends is not my job. Leave me alone.
Was her reply.

((ok, really got to go, bye! see you...))


#170:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:10 pm
Rath had been dozing when she felt something run along the edge of her conciousness, like someone was passing a hand down her spine. Coming fully awake she realized that it wasn't her sensation but one eminating from the sword of Ergos...she was still tied to the blasted thing. She felt it rally for a strike, felt it ready to defend itself. Stop. It did, feeling like a cheated child.

Now that she was awake, and that sword had stopped yelping at her, she turned and paced deep into her Lair, to a place where the rock had been cut away to reveal a wall of solid quartz. The clear stone had been polished until it was smooth, providing a reflection as clear as glass. But anyone who knew anything about Rath's people would know it for what it was...a seeing Mirror. "Show Me."

The mirror didn't need to be told what, it just did. It showed her the reception her message had gotten...and showed her the demons words over the Lady. A cruel smile twisted Rath's muzzle, red fangs glimmering in the darkness. It was so fun to outsmart demons. Again she commanded the mirror. "Show Me."

The image shifted, providing her a split image. In one corner Cremla was clutching her head in great pain. Rath shook her head. "All that brilliance and she can't even send someone packing from her own head." In another Morzan stared bleakly, muscle in his jaw working. "You should have struck me when the chance was yours. Too late now."

In a third Graeme charred Rain's flute in a ball of fire. "Perhaps I should have warned Rain? Then again some battles one must fight alone." In the fourth corner she saw Ariana, awake at last, bearing the sword below decks. "It would have been a pity for the elf to get hurt, she's done me no good either."

Last, in the center, was Rain herself violet eyes haunted. "I see you've yet to recive my parting gift. You'll use it in time...I know." She turned her back to the mirror, the images fading, as she pattered to the main room once again. She had just curled back up on her 'throne' of rocks when she felt a tapping at her wards. Formal and polite she knew the dragon that lay beyond them.

With a sigh she allowed him entrance, settling down on her rocks and closing her eyes to slits. When he entered it took Gilath a moment to find her, her skin blending against stone. "So you finally show your true colors." His tone was dissapproving. She snorted at him.

"Paith warned you long ago what I was and what I could become again. You and Ergos both accepted the responsibility willingly, I lied about nothing and held nothing back. Don't stare at me so now." He stood ridged with scorn.

"So will you betray us? Plunge a dagger in our hearts when we're least looking." Rath reared up hissing at him. An assassin she might be but daggers? Please. Any fool could kill with daggers, Rath considered herself an artist.

"I would run you through with the DragonSword itself if I thought anything would be gained from it. But in this complex gakk game you are nothing but a pawn Gilath. And you know that." She uncoiled herself from her throne and Gilath stepped back. Rath had not lied when she said skye dragons had been hunted for their emmense size...Rath more than doubled Gilath. "Besides. I have the suspicion that you hold my promised prize. I'll not ruin my chances of that."

"I'm surprised you still care. I thought you'd have left that all behind." Rath nodded.

"True, true. But no matter how blighted I become I am still a spirit dragon. Worthy spirits I shall always give deference too...even if I must kill them. There are many worse things than a quick, clean death Gilath. Many worse things." For a long moment the two of them simply stared at one another. "Did you just come here to irk me? To pull my tail? Or did you have some purpose?"

He stared at her and sighed, obviously frustrated that he even considered coming to her. "It's about Rain." Rath leaned forward. "I was going to bond her...but she changed her mind. Would you happen to know why?" Rath stared at him. Several tart replies sprang to mind but she uttered none of them, nor did she insult Gilath.

"Two reasons spring to mind. One is that she loves you too much to put you through it again. Two is that she thinks herself unworthy."

"Why would she think that?" Rath rolled her wings, the draconic version of a shrug.

"I don't dare read her mind. Maybe you should ask her that. You're the one keen on becoming her slave." Gilath hissed. Some dragons might be slaves to their bonded but it had never been that way between him and Juric...and he did not believe it would be that way between him and Rain. "She also might be afraid that the Lady might gain control of you through her."

Gilath started. "If this is the reason she gives you tell her this...the Lady shall take no other." Gilath wanted to respond but Rath turned, and took away his permission to be in her Lair. As the wards began to turn on him Gilath backed out.

"I'll keep your words in mind Rath. You may be mad but you're not crazy."

"I'll take that as a compliment I get out of here before I add canniblizm to my ever growing list of bad habits." Gilath took flight, heading once again for the Red Wheel. Rath in the mean time began to take many things out of the jewel on her right fore paw. It was time to show this world a sight it had never seen...and never would again...

#171:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:47 am

The sword lay on the desk, where it had lain for over a day. A pale hand rested on it, and the rest was shrouded in darkness. The sword was glowing gently, a kind of dull, throbbing glow that did not show much, but instead drew any one who was in the room's eyes to it, for lack of anything else.
Ariana was sitting back in her chair. It was not the most comfiest of things, but it would do for her. Including her trance, she had not slept properly for days. She had worked solid on the sword for more than a day. Now it was midnight. The window in her cabin admitted no light as the moon was behind a cloud, and the only other sorce of light in the room was the arrows by the door, and the muffled light of the stones in her purse.
So, what had she done?
She wasn't really sure. She had just worked. She didn't know what she was doing at the time - only that the sword knew, and it would take care of things.
This is called the sword of Ergos. Ariana though. Ergos once held this sword - fought with it even. Then how can it be so magical? Did he make it? If not - who did? If he did - how? So many questions. So little time, she thought.
Not little time for questions- but little time for anything. Ariana did not like to work under pressure, and now her consience was back.
You should be making friends. Not sitting here.
I need to sleep. She replied shortly.
So why aren't you sleeping? You are just sitting, thinking contemplating. You are not sleeping. You are doing nothing usefull. And do you really want to waste more time asleep? If you were really tired you would not still be awake!...
"Uhh!" Ariana dismissed the annoying voice with anger - then wished she hadn't. She hated to be angry.
Maybe making friends will make me better. She thought. Of her own accord - it was a pure thought, it did not annoy her.
She tried to get up from her chair, to go to the door, search for someone. To talk.
But she couldn't. It was, for her, physically impossible. She couldn't even shift from her seat.
For a moment horrible images closed in around her mind. Of her somehow becoming crippled, numb, horribly transformed somehow while she had worked. There was no mirror for her to see, and not enough ligth either.
''This is stuff of night-mares." She whispered, also for the comfort of hearing her own voice, as much as the words. "You are not transformed. You can speak. You are just tired - numb. Maybe hungry. Very hungry." even dieing with hunger
She realised that she had hit on it. The sleep did not worry her much. It was the food she needed. You could survive without sleep. But food?
She tried to move again so she could get food. But again she failed.
A small gasp escaped her lips and a tear trickled down her cheek. What was she to do? Why could she not move? She could not even feel her body. Maybe she didn't even have one anymore. Somehow - could she, was it possible...that she had been sucked inside the sword?
The thought chilled her, horrified her even.
"rain..." She whispered. Then, knowing it was not enough, she drew in a deep breath and called as loud as she could, "Rain!" .
Another tear rolled down her cheek as she realised that even that would not have reached her unless she was stood right outside her door. Then another wetted her cheek.
Her vision blurred and her hand slipped from the sword. Then she slumped down onto the desk, cheek just brushing against the sword as she did so. It cut her cheek, but she did not feel it because the blackness had inveloped her.
How could she know that that touch with the sword was the only reason she was staying alive? ...

((*edit*, I've had a thought that maybe we should try and find pictures of our characters and post them here to show others what we think they should look like as at the minute we probably all have different ideas (within a certain range like, Ariana has blonde hair, Rain's is black etc, but all still different) like din did with the lady of the night. Just an idea. And it doesn't matter if you can't find any pics that match your char.))

#172:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:16 pm
Rath felt an odd sensation, an invasion of her corroded mind as the flashing silver of the Sword of Ergos cut into her polluted thoughts. A picture of Ariana flew into her mind.Save her. It was pleading with her, the damned sword was pleading with her. For a moment Rath considered ignoring it...then with a sigh she flowed along her connection with the sword.

Slowly her image appeared in the blades shimmering surface. She caught the elf's eyes. Listen to me. She felt Ariana's mind try to buck her out. The elf was pure light and at the moment Rath was darkness embodied. She cracked down harder. Listen to me. Slowly Ariana's mind tuned in. You need to calm down. You're burning up your energy too quickly. Follow me, listen to my breathing, listen to my heart...can you match that pace?

Slowly Rath felt Ariana follow, matching the dragoness's slow breathing and heart rate. Good now you need to reach for that power you're holding inside. That brilliant white light...That's it. Rath hissed, reatreating in pain as the white light crashed over her mind. Feeling Ariana falter she returned. Feel that's yours. Take from that energy, that light what you need. Light feeds the plants of earth and sea, it warms the winds and changes many things. A person can live longer in sunlight than in darkness.

Rath's mouth was coated with the disgusting sweetness of the honeyed words. To partally rid herself of it she chewed one of the many remaining demon bones. Yet she felt the elf falter several times. Rath grew impaitent. It had never taken any dragon she knew this long to gain the secret of sustaining one's self off of the energies of one's own magic.

Finally she could wait no more. Like this. She wrapped Ariana's magic around her claws, ignoring the searing pain, and wrapped it into the elf's system, feeding warmth, strength, vitality back into the limbs. You'll be alright now for a while although I don't suggest you do this lack the power. Go get some food, then get some sleep. And don't worry. Rath sensed the fears in the elf's mind, drank them in.

They fed Rath as much as any food could ever and she stole them away Ariana's fears of being transformed into some hideous beast. Remember...light reveals, light brings truth no matter how painful. You could not be changed to a creature of darkness and still be the carrier of light. If you need proof simply use the blade as a mirror. With that Rath severed the connection, leaving the elf on her own.

Scrubbing at her maw Rath vetured outside, testing the air with her flicking toung. "I need to eat something vile and get this sickly sweet taste out of my mouth...damn sword."

#173:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:02 am

Ariana opened her eyes. The room now seemed to be coated in light, and she wondered whether the conversation with Rath had taken all night.
At least I talked to her. thought Ariana. For some reason, although she was overjoyed that she felt a lot better, she felt that it was more important that she had managed to reach Rath somehow (or Rath reached her) than her getting well again.
Because she is ill. Ariana though. That is why. I have the power to heal. I found that in my vision. Then why couldn't I heal myself of my own accord? she puzzeled.
The answer came quickly
Because you first have to rid the darkness of your own mind.
Thats what her ancester had told her - or was it the shard?
Maybe both. The visions seemed to have flowed into each other, mixing everything up.
Rath helped me. I should help her. Again came the overwhelming thought. But she was sensible enough to know that right now, she should help herself is she was ever going to be able to help others.
Now she tried to move again and was exulted to find out that she could. Standing up, she took the sword of Ergos and peered into it. She was relieved to find that she looked no different except a cut on her right cheek.
Frowning, she put a finger to the cut and felt the blood. It was still fresh. Just as she was wondering where to get a bandage of sorts, there was a bright flash and she instinctively closed her eyes.
When Ariana deemed it safe to once again open them, she looked aorund hurridly. Nothing seemed to have happened. Then she looked back at the sword and blinked in surprise. Her cut had vanished and that small drop of blood on her finger was the only proof of it ever being there.
She frowned. Rath had told her not to use too much of the power within her - was it irreplacable?
She hurried out of the door and down to the 'kitchen' of the boat. There was no-one there, which for the moment she was both relieved and troubled to find.
She wanted to talk to someone now, but she knew it was not the time - that she should eat and sleep as quickly as possible.
She grabbed some food, trying not to take too much as it was her hosts, not hers, and went up on deck to eat it. She need to feel the wind on her face, and see the sea. She had been huddled in her cabin for too long.
When she went up there, it looked like day again, and so she wondered where everyone was.
You're worrying too much again. she told herslef. And ate the food.
This done, she returned to the lower levels. Before she reached her cabin though, she met Morzan. He was looking at his swords, turning them over in his hands, and his face was full of scratches. His leg also had a nasty cut on it.
Ariana instinctively wanted to heal him. But she stopped when she saw how he looked at her. He was staring at her in horror.
Oh no! she thought. What is the matter, did the sword lie to me? Am I now hideous? Is it a curse? I think it is true to say that Ariana, like all elves, was just a bit vain.
"Wh-whats wrong?" She asked. Her voice came out slightly croaky from not speaking for so long. Now she thought about it - she hadn't spoken to anyone since she went into a trance to speak to her ancesters -at least, not verbaly anyway.
She coughed, took a deep breath and tried again.
"Whats wrong?"
He shook his head and backed up against the wall, gripping his swords though, in a defensive manner. Ariana was confused. She didn't want to scare him, she only wanter to help.
Looking down at her hand to make sure she hadn't changed, she bacame even more confused. Her hand was the same.
"Light." Morzan whispered. Then he stood up, holding his swords out to show that he was armed, that he would attack and kill if he needed to.
"Yes."Replied Ariana, a little mixed up."It is day."
"This is no time for jokes!" He replied sharply. "It is night!"
She started. Night? So why did she see daylight? Why was everything lighted up?
Morzan was approaching her carefully now. Swords still held out.
He is going to attack me! She thought in horror and held up hir hands in surrender.
"Don't hurt me! I don't mean you any harm!"
He stopped, but did not relax.
"You're all witches, you are." He said, and then added, "Witches and wizards."
Ariana shook her head. "No..."
He advanced again and she truned and ran from him. She ran back to her cabin and shut and locked the door. She did not want to hurt him. She did not want him to hurt her.
Sitting down on the bed, she buried her head in her hands and a tear fell down her face as her body contracted into a sob.
Something seemed to change inside her as the tear fell, and she looked up. It was dark. It was night. And she was tired. She let herself fall back on the bed and fell into a deep sleep, far too tired to think about anything right now.

#174:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:40 pm
Gilath twisted as he flew, snatching a reasonably large griffen in his paws. It was dead before it knew what hit it. Breathing a flame on the thing, the griffen was charred to a well-done piece of meal, a little to done for Gilath's taste, but still it was better than nothing. 'I hate eating on the fly.' It was dark out, the darkest night of the year in fact. Despite the fact that the sun was due in a few hours, it wouldn't rise, it never did on Dulin's Day.

Dulin's Day, for those who don't know it, is actually two and half days long. On those days, the sun wouldn't rise and the moon wouldn't either. All the earth had for light on Dulin's Day was the stars, the millions and billons of them shining above the earth in a spectaral way that seemed to a send promise. The promise that no matter how dark the hour, no matter how dark the night, there was always light. No one who had lived less than a thousand years knew the true reason why this phanom happened and those who had lived a thousand years could only guess. To truly know why Dulin's Day happened, somehow has to ask Dulin, and he lived five thousand years ago.

Dulin's Day was a strange day. Very strange indeed, it never occured on the same two and half days. It never could be predicted by any, and sometimes, the sun would come out on Dulin's Day but it was never brighter than the moon. On that day no one could travel more than ten miles, no one, not even those in the sea, except of course if they got permission from Dulin to do so. Did I say Dulin was dead? He isn't, I just said he has lived more than five thousand years that's all. Gilath was one of the few who had been given permisson to travel on Dulin's Day, he had recieved it that permison to travel on one Dulin's Day Holiday two hundred and three years ago, he just had never found an occasion to use that permission until now.

The Red Wheel which should have receached it's destination two days ago thanks to Graeme's wind, had never reached it, instead it found itself paused in the sea awaiting the end of Dulin's Day. Gilath in a strange way was thankful the ship hadn't gone anywhere, dragon or not, he didn't particular relish on using his dragon senses to find Rain.

A shining beacon brighter than any star by far shined suddenly in Gilath's eyes causing him to reave off course temporarily. Blinking rapidly, Gilath turned back on course, thinking to himself "Guess I won't have to land in the dark after all."

Circling where he had seen the bright light a minute before, a dragon was seen in the sky a shadow against the unusually pale moon. Briefly grasping the mast with his giant claws, Gilath paused a moment uttering a the spell that would turn him temporiarly into a creature that could fight on this tiny thing called a boat, he dropped into the crows nest much changed.

Standing Gilath gave the crew a good look at himself. Gilath was now a human male with the exception of his wings and fangs which made him slightly like a eroki but he choose to ignore that fact. Blue hair, azure eyes, and silver skin marked him definetly as not human, the fact he was probably somewhere around seven foot and 369 pounds didn't help either. Dropping like a pin onto the deck, Gilath turned to the poop deck where a brief look and point from Meril pointed him in the direction of Rain's room. Apperantly, Gilath was used too on the Red Wheel.

~ ~ ~

"Wake up!"

"Leave me alone whoever you are," Rain muttered vainly trying to get comfortable on the floor boards where she had landed about a day before.

"I said Wake up!" Gilath said poking with his newly transformed foot.

Opening one eye, Rain groaned as she realized it was Gilath who was poking her. It could be worse she surmissed. "Go away." With that said, Rain proceed to try to fall back to sleep with no cermony.

"I just flew a hundred miles. I am not about to take any lip from a girl who is tenth of my size. Now wake up!"

"I'm tired." Rain complained placing her arm over her face. "Let me go back to sleep."

"No your feeling sorry for yourself, as usual and let me tell you, it's getting old. Now Wake Up!"

Scrowling Rain turned her back on Gilath hoping that her message was clear. "I told you, neither you nor any other dragon can do anything for me. Now go away, and leave me be."

"I warned you." Grabbing Rain's feet, Gilath removed her shoes with a simple flick of a claw length fingernail, and placed his hand on her bare foot.

Yelping Rain jumped up grabbing her foot and proceed to perform the comical dance that people do when the stub there toes. Glaring at Gilath who was laughing at her with I warned you look on his face, Rain stopped jumbing and placed both feet on the deck. "I'm awake okay. Now go away." Turning her back on Gilath once more, Rain crossed her arms like a pouting child.

Crossing his arms in turn, Gilath rested against her cabin door. "What no hug?" he said somewhat excusingly. "Do you know what day or should days it is?"

Giving up, Rain turned and face Gilath. "No what day it is it?"

"Dulin's Day. And do you know what I have been doing for the last twelve light forsaken hours of Dulin's Day? Flying. Trying desperately to find a dragoness, any dragoness who would be willing to agree to be the life mate of a low rate, no magic, no bond rider, no title bearing dragon. For which I had no luck. Do you know why? Because I care about you. Because if Juric was alive, he would turn the world upside down just save you. Because by all that's light, the last person who can afford to throw a pity party right now is you." Marching up to the now chastisted Rain, Gilath took a hand and raised her eyes from the floor, and continued. "Now, you are going to go out there and do the job you were chosen by destiny to do. You know why? Because you were chosen to do and because whatever reason you have been pouting for the last fourteen hours, you can still do the job you were chosen to do."

"I can't."

"May I ask why? And while we're at it? Mind explaining why about eleven hours ago you refused point black to bond with any dragon." Gilath said rasing a dranoic eyebrow made of blue scales.

Rain tried to look away from Gilath but when he grabbed her chin again, she knew she had tell him the truth even if he did kill her. "I killed Juric."

"You know that isn't true, it was just a lie spread by that lying no magic sorceer, Marlbrin."

"Celebrin was Marlbrin. He used magic that I gave willing to Celebrin, twisted it and killed Juric with it. Without me, Marlbrin would have had no magic, and Juric would still be alive. I killed Juric."

"I know that's not true. Even if you weren't there, Marlbrin or the nightmare that obviously controlled that sorceer would have found another way to kill Juric, he was too close to too many of her secrets for him to live. Besides I was there at his death, as his bonded, I felt his death. It was as painful to me as I am sure it was to you, but I lived throught that death, and I know by that that no magic killed Juric, it was his time to go, so he went, simple as that. You had nothing to do with his death, you know that."

"I know that. Now," Rain admitted twisting away from Gilath the last part of her brother she had, "but with Marlbrin in my head, it was just hard to convinence myself that..."

"Hold on a minute, Marlbrin was in your head. How? When?"

"I just told you. Celebrin was Marlbrin. Marlbrin was a tool of the Lady, she controlled him through the flute. I controlled the flute and gave both the Lady and Marlbrin access to myself and my magic. She was here, a few hours ago, when Marlbrin or should I say Celebrin took over my body. I went to my deepest heart to fight her and Marlbrin off. The Lady departed or I would be dead, or worse controlled by her. Marlbrin stayed however, and I let him take it all. Do you believe it? I didn't even really try to fight him, I just let him take all magic. That's why I can't go out there and face the others. My magic, and the music it gave me, was all I had that tied me to this quest. Without it, I can not help, you know that. You also know that no dragon can bound with a mortal unless that mortal be a mage, for mages live as long as dragons if not more. That's why I told you, I cannot accept the gift you would offer. I am not fit for it."

Gilath understood, he didn't accept it but he understood. "I understand. In time you will come to understand that you were chosen for more than your magic or the thing that was once your flute. In the meantime, let me see something. Stand still."

"What are you doing?"

"Examining you. It's a dragon gift, something we are given so we know which mages are fit to be bonded and which are not. There must be more to you than your magic, or else the Lady wouldn't have bothered with taking the time to plant Marlbrin in your possesion or take the time to make sure you were decieved about both Marlbrin and your magic." A minute went past, two, and Gilath said nothing. Rain felt like she was being stripped bare to her very soul, it was a disturbing feeling. Then finally, Gilath nodded and said, "So that's what she wants, eh? Don't worry Rain. I won't bond you, neither will any dragon for that matter, no one can. Your not magically useless as you think either, but that's something you will discover later. Let's just say it will be something you must be born into."

"What? I have already been born."

"You will be born again into the birth of the phonix. You will understand someday. Now go out there and face your companions they need you."

~ ~ ~

So Rain went out and faced her companions, or tried to at least. First she had to go and fetch each one from their cabins where they were taking advantage of the long night by sleeping.

Ariania was the last Rain went to find, having found Crenla with a headache in a corner, Morzan ready to fight with his swords out, Graeme waking up in a foul mood, and Rath gone. A short conference with Meril and Gilath Rain found out what happened, and could have cried but didn't. Meril gave her the bauble, and although Rain didn't know what the thing did, she knew she had to retreave Ariania and the DragonSword before Ariania or the Sword did something drastic.

Rain found Ariania passed out on the floor, sword in hand. Taking a good look at her, Rain turned around to face Gilath who had been following around on board just to make sure she didn't start off on one of her self-pity kicks again, "Can you help her?"

"No. She has more wrong with her than I can fix, than anyone can fix. She can only heal herself. Wake her up and gently."

Shaking Ariania gently, Rain called in the elves native tongue for her to wake.

#175:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:28 am
I'm in a dark room. Pitch black. I can't see anything.
I try to cast my spell of light, to reach into the light Rath said, so that everything will be bright again. But nothing happens.
I feel helpless, and I've been here before. Soon a voice will come. It will be vaguely familier - where have I heard it before?
It comes. Your feet. Try tapping them.
I do. I can hear the echo as they hit lightly against the floor.
I try to remember what I should do next, but my mind is full of fog, as if I have been drugged. The voice comes again.
Follow the echo. Find the door. The words seem to cut through the fog and I reach for them. When the voice comes I feel normal again. I feel complete.
I still can't remember where I have heard it before.
Like a bat, I follow the echos and I find the door. It is slow work, but eventually I get there.
My hands are out, and I feel the door. Turning the knob, I am once again relieved to find that it is not locked.
Although this is the seconed time I have done this - it is no different from the first. The feelings are not dimmed - and I still rely on the voice.
As I exit the room, I feel wind on my skin. Then I realise there is fabric tied tightly around my eyes.
I have been blindfolded! I untie it as the voice says,
Do not always trust your eyes.

as the blindfold comes off, I am whisked away by the wind.
When I stop, I am in a clear area. In the middle stands a tree. And at the foot of the tree is a girl. She is crying.
Go to her. the voice says and I obey.
I put my arm around her and comfort her. She stops crying and I am once again taken by the wind.
Now I find myself on a deserted battlefield. There are so many dead around me I feel sick.
By my feet is a man that is not yet dead - but he is dying.
Help himThe voice advises and I do.
I crouch and lay my hands on his wounds. Once again I reach for the place inside me where Rath taught me to go. This time it works.
I feel the world become lighter around me but I resist the urge to use it for my own benefit and instead I channel the light through my hands into the man.
His wounds are healed and he gets up. He is young again.
'Bury your dead.' I tell him before the wind once again takes me.
This time I am in an alley.
It is once again dark, but I can see in this dark- it is night.
There is a man lying against the wall of the alley. His clothes are ripped and he lays on the floor despite the dirt.
He is a beggar, and he is thirsty. I go to him, as the voice tells me to, and I kneel and give him water.
There is more than one way for darkness to shine The voice reminds me as I feel the wind tug at me and see the smile on the beggars face. There is more than one darkness in the world..

Now the wind howls around me, and I let it take me to the last and final destination of my dream.
I stand at the edge of a cliff. The world lays itself out before me - unspoiled and beautiful. My heart lifts for a moment.
It is a sunrise - the best I have ever seen. Yet there is a heaviness, and my heart falls.
As the sun rises, A darkness becomes apparent in my mind. As the sun shines brighter, my own mind grows darker.
I wait for the words I know will come.
You must first conquer the darkness in your own mind before you can see the light out of it.

Ariana woke with a sob. Her awakening was sudden and the vision still shone brightly in her eyes. It was so real that as it faded, she wondered whether she was now dreaming.
Rain now stands before her, calling words of waking in common elvish. Behind her stands a man who Ariana has never seen before. He is faintly eroki and resembles something of a dragon.
'I am awake' she tries to say, but cannot. She realises that the images are fading. That maybe she is dreaming. If she lets them fade, maybe she will come back to the real world.
No! The voice from her dream shouts at her and she starts. The images come back into focus. The voice has never spoken to her before except in the vision. It is still vaguely familier, but she cannot place it.
Rain has stopped trying to wake her as she sees she is now awake. Ariana tries to move, but finds that all she can do is to move her little finger. She does so and it helps to bring her further into the cabin, and further away from her vision world.
Soon she finds she can move more, and then that she can stand. She feels like she is drunk, or is about to faint, and reaches out for the table. As she falls, Rain catches her and helps her to a chair.
The darkness is still heavy on her mind. Heavier maybe then in the dream. It has never felt this bad. She whishes that she could fade away, and it takes all her effort not to slip back into sleep.
She knows that if she tries to stand again, she will fall, because she is too weak to support the new weight on her mind.
She wants to ask Rain and the dragon man to help. Because they stand around watching her, not doing anything.
But the voice tells her. This is you battle. Yours alone. Like it was in your dream.
"Then why are you here? Who are you?" She is aware that she has whispered it aloud, but it doesn't matter. Rain and the dragon man have blurred again. I will help you as I did in the dream. the voice responds. It is your battle, and I am part of you.
Her eyes are closed now, but she forces them open because she cannot stand the darkness.
They involuntarily close again a moment later as she reaches for the light.
It is there, she can feel it, but it takes her a long time to get to it. It is not just her mind that weighs heavy, but her whole body. She feels like she is swimming in tar, vainly trying to reach an impossible goal - but sh keeps to it.
What feels like an eternity later, she gets withing touching distance. She coaxes the light until it comes to her. And then it flows.
It flows so strongly that she feels like it is taking her over. It is not a bad feeling.
there is more than one darkness in the world She thinks, and forces herself to get a hold on the light. To stop it from getting too powerful.
Not all that glitters is gold. She thinks. It is true. Not all that feels good is good either. You need to see the bigger picture.
She remembers something her ancester showed her, it is a picture with two parts.
First you see a man and a woman. The man is stooped and raggedly dressed. The woman is posh and rich. The man is grabbing the ladies purse from behind and the lady is tottering, surprised.
What are your first thoughts?
The second part of the picture reveals that the woman is standing at the edge of the road. She was about to cross and there is a convoy of horses coming along fast. She would have been killed, but the man is grabbing her purse to pull her back from the track and save her life.
Not all is as it seems.
Ariana manages to get all of the light.
She is deep inside herself now. She still feels like she is in tar, but now the light is in her hand. She lets the light expand, but makes sure she is still in controll. It is a nice feeling - liberating. As she focuses on the light the blackness seems to fade. The same as when you focus on a candle in a dark room, you only see the light.
With the candle, it is easy to believe you are elsewhere, that there is no darkness.
It is the same with Ariana. She pretends that the darkness is gone - that the light which she sees is all there is. And slowly that is what it becomes.
Some people underestimate the imagination, but I personally believe there is no greater gift.

Ariana lifts her head. Everything is light once more. When she opens her eyes, everything has a brighter colour. It is what she wants. Rain is still there. The dragon man is behind her. She is aware that they are staring at her, that something has changed. She has felt like this before - when Morzan was so afraid of her.
The feeling is so nice - she does not want to let it go.
You can access this again. Let it go.
Still she hesitates.
The darkness is gone. You will not be afraid anymore. You will not be the same.
She lets go. The light has no-where to go. Most of it contracts and dissapears inside of her, but a little bit escapes.
As the shining light around her dims to Rain and Gilaths eyes, they see a whisp of pure light extract itself from the shining mass and float around the room. Ariana does not move. Her eyes are unfocused, and although she no longer has rays of light coming from her, it is obvious that there is no more darkness.

The wisp of light slowly circles the room three times, pausing each time at Rain, Gilath, the sword and Ariana.
It seemed undecisive, but as it finished its last lap it spiraled up to the centre of the small cabins roof, then twirled, moving so fast you could hardly see it. A second later and it was spiralling to the floor, as fast as a bullet.
Nobody saw what happened next, but I will tell you.

The light split into seven equal parts.
Each part went its own way.
One went to Ariana.
One went to Rain.
One to Gilath.
And one to the sword.
The other three slipped through the keyhole.
One went to Morzan.
One to Graeme.
And one to Cremla.


Ariana opens her eyes.
And she smiles.

#176:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:09 am
Rath looked herself over in the mirror as she finally finished outfitting herself from her jewel. "Humph, it'll have to do. Take me." She didn't need to tell the mirror where she was going, it just knew. Still it being Dulin's Day and all the magic wasn't very cooperative...still it was going to take more than one cranky old wizard to keep Rath pinned down.

A slender orb of light joined her in her journeys and she batted it away. "Keep it for me you blasted blade. I don't need any more to deal with." Accepting her wishes the sword of Ergos reclaimed the bit of light. Feeling the pinch Rath changed form, into that of an Eroki again. "I am getting all too familiar like this...soon people won't believe me when I tell them I'm a real dragon."

Dropping lightly into the room Rath took up the blade once again. Gilath eyed her in supreme distaste.
"Decided to show up again? How nice of you." Rath snarled at him.

"Damn thing's more trouble out of my sight than at my side...and you really should keep that look's very slimming." For a moment tension grew in the room and Gilath raised his hand only to have Rain get hold of his arm. With a dark smile Rath held up the DragonSword. Sending a jolt of darkness through it's steel she made it's soul momentarily sing.

"Don't make me use this." Rain held up her hands pleedingly.

"Rath easy, you know Gilath didn't mean any harm." Gilath snarled.

"Oh but I will the moment I get the chance. Why Paith ever tied himself to you I'll never..." Gilath flew backwards, struck by some unseen force. Rath was over him in an instant, darkness snapping from her eyes and venom in every word she spoke. The DragonSword hovered just over the hollow of his throat.

"I feel I'm being infinitely paitent with you but that has it's limits Gilath. You have touched upon a subject best left alone. Next time you fool with me and my past I'll do more than this." With a swift movment she scored two lines on him. Once across his left eye and the second across his collarbones.

"Rath!" She turned to Rain and snarled.

"I only came for the blade. I've left you the pendant you now wear...use it as the situation calls. And please use it far away from fools like him." She gazed heavily at Gilath who stared at her murderously. "I'd say fair-thee-well but I couldn't give less of a damn about you if harpies suddenly fell from the sky and started tearing chuncks out of your flesh."

Stepping back a pace she seemed to fade out. "Till you cross my path again..."

#177:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:41 am
When the shard hit her, Ariana felt like floating. She felt like she was made of light, and yet she knew that there was no big show like there had been with Morzan. She could also feel the sword, even though she wasn't touching it.
It was emmiting the same warmth/light that she had felt when she had first seen itlying on the deck.
This time it wasn't lonely though.
The momentary feeling of overwhelming happiness faded as soon as she felt Raths touch on the sword. She knew that the light which had gone into the sword had not helped her. It was still loyal to her. Too loyal to give her what she needed. Instead it would do as she said.
Rath was in the room now. And she took the sword.
She was talking to Gilath, but Ariana didn't want to hear.
Summoning the light, she built a shield around herself so that the darkness could not enter. Even so, she still felt the taint of it on her soul. It was then that she wondered again what exactly she had done to the sword.
It seemed that she had formed a link with it - but she knew that she could not wield it. It was not for her - only a dragon could wield it, and then she realised the implications of this.
Rath was almost pure darkness.
Ariana was almost pure light.
The sword was linked to both of them.
I am sorry. She told the sword quietly. So sorry...
Rath faded, and the room was still.
Ariana glided to Gilaths side and, bending down, she channeled the light through her hands and healed him like she had with the man on the battlefield in her dream.
Unlike in the dream though - she left scars. Reminders for him She thought to herself and stood up, hovering near Rain - not really sure what to do next.

#178:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:56 am
((Rai, when you want to change the colour in your posts you have to cut off the first colour beforehand. Otherwise the other colour won't showand you will end up cutting off your original colour by acciden and leaving the kind, caring mods of City Central to clean up your post. O.k, so we aren't particularly caring and we mostn certainly are not kind but whatever.))

When the shard hit me the last remnant of the awful headache were gone and my thoughts weren't fogged up at all. I felt more agile and youthful than I had for years. I even felt like going throuigh some of my shooting exercises, something which I hadn't done since before I had been admited into the Court of the Lord. So I did.

Reaching into my pack I brought out a length of centeur rope, one of the strongest the world over. Many an archer would kill (and some often did) to get a rope like this. And that wasn't just things we had been told in Superiority sermons at the Court. When I had been travelling I had seen many a boastful young elf Elf or proud, acrobatic Eroki showing off their new bowstring 'strait from the mountains of the Centeur lands of C'rimith~way.'

I bent my staff back. Though most assumed that it was only there for me to lean on while climbing the mountain ranges in C'rimith~way it was in truth much more. It could be a weapon, a tool and when times called it had always served as my bow. With this in mind I went searching for arrows.

O.k, that's me axceft a) I carry a yew staff intead of a pole and b) I am chestnut and my features are much more human than Elven.

#179:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:39 pm
((Okay, I've gone brain-dead temporarily, because I can't think of a single response write now. I'll come back and respond when my brain and my imagination are back in working order. I've been sick for the past few days so I'm still not quite sure if I'm fully functioning yet.

In the meantime, I would love to put up a picture of Rain, really I would. I would like to have pictures for all my characters. However do you realize how hard it is to find a good picture of a gyspy, especially in the fantasy genre? It is very hard to find anything decent these days of any female. Their either half dressed or seriously mishappen. I have one I did myself but it's not very good, which makes sense considering I took all of a half an hour to do it. It takes me two days to draw anything decent. I'll post a picture as soon as I have something decent enough to post.))

#180:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:34 pm
((And I'm back. I hope you love what is going happen next... And please forgive me, but I had to go back a little just to keep myself in the situation.))

Rain watched as Ariania stood up, clearly awake, but struggling. What was going through her head? Rain thought idly, and knew that was probably alot like what went through her head while Marlbrin ruted through her soul. Marlbrin was gone now. Burned to a crisp, his soul gone, all because Marlbrin had been stupid enough to bind his soul to the flute. With the Flute gone, Marlbrin was gone also. This should have made her happy, but it didn't, not even a little bit.

Finally, Ariania won her battle with herself, and Rain was amazed at what she saw. Light. Brighter than she had ever seen. Light made brighter by the fact that the only light outside was the stars.

The light then split into seven pieces. She watched as one departed to each invidual of amid the company destiny had assembled and strangly Gilath. Why him? Rain thought, but decided not to bother voicing the question.

Rain watched as the light entered and knew she should have felt something, but she didn't. Nothing changed. She was still empty. Useless, void, and cold. Then something happened, something she did not expect, something that to explain we have to go in the past.

Once when after the Battle of Ergos field. Rain visited an old gypsy seer with her brother Juric. Juric had come across the woman one day on a riding mission. He had found her on the road, severly beaten and close to death. Juric healed her the best he could, but knew that even with his help the woman would die. The woman told him that a band of bandits had attacked him and made him promise that after he finished with her last request, he would see justice done to the bandits. Juric promised and then asked what she would have. In a weak voice the woman asked for her, but not using Rain's use name, but using Rain's mage name. The old woman said the name was haunting her, and then she had been looking for the woman by that name when she had been attacked. Now, those who know a person's mage name's traditionally hold great power over the person given that name. This why very few except for the most powerful wizards ever go by their mage name. The problem: Rain wasn't a mage so no one knew her by that name. Juric as her brother, did, and when he heard it, immediatly sent Gilath for her. The rest of the tale is too long to tell her, but in the end Rain had been forced to live through visions the woman had been told just to her. These vision's were many, though not all, of what could happen on the quest. Although they never should Rain her companions, the memory of these vision's had given Rain much wisdom on deciding her course.

Rain's memory had been hazy over these vision's, now however, she remember them crystal clear. Holding her head and clossing her eyes, she really rather she didn't remember them. It was like revecing them all over again, and the three day headache she had when she first received them came all over agian only ten times worse because this time, Rain had no magic to control these vision's, no where to put the vision's in other words. Looking at Gilath, her eyes pleaded her cause, but she quickly turned away. As much as she would have liked too, Rain had never trusted Gilath, at least not completly, and she wasn't about to start now especially after what happen earlier with Celebrin. However, she had to do something before the visions became to overwhelmiing and knocked her unconsicess for the next ten years or however the length of time the vision's covered. Instictevly Rain's hand went to her belt, to the pouch she had kept her herbs and other healing supplies, and found something she almost forgotten she possed. Smiling, she let the vision's and the shard of light Ariana had given her slip through her hands into something she knew could not only contain them but keep them safe.

Then the door bust open. There in front of her, was Rath, and Rath had indeed changed. Rain knew what Rath was, knew what Rath had been and now was again, but only by rumor, only by the hints Juric had given her when he constantly told her not to trust the dragoness named Rathiania whenever their path's crossed. That said, Rain hadn't been expecting what she saw now.

Rath's wings had changed from their glossy almost reflective black to a dull black leather like skin that stretched over the bones of her massive wings, the kind of black Drakes wore as their skin, the kind of black that the dark things of Cree possesed. Rath's long talon like nails were the red of old blood, and her mouth possesed that odd smile that Rain had often seen on an assaisin's face that did their job a little to well with a little too much pleasure. Rain wanted to turn away, to scorn Rath like she had seen many others do. After all what kept her loyal to this creature, a thin secret and a few years of a couple days meetings where they had been causal friend at best?

But Rain didn't, instead she forced herself to look into Rath's eyes, to confront the dragoness' soul no matter how dark, no matter how poisonous. Rain was done listening to her insticts, done listening to any body's advice be they living or dead. Looking into Rath's eyes fully, Rain was glad that she did, eyes seldom lie, and Rath's eyes told her that though she had given over to fate, Rath felt guilty if only a little bit guilty, and that Rath wasn't about to fully give in to anything, not even fate, not even a very cranky wizard named Dulin. Hiding the smile that Rain was tempted to allow to spread across her face, and then proceeds to play the part she knew she was expected to play.

Rain played the part of the tearful pleader, the player who strove to convince the now half-crazy Rath to rejoin the now apparently failing quest. Rain wasn't surprised when she failed, she was surprised when Gilath spoke the hateful words he uttered, and even more surprised when Rath took the DragonSword. Rain hadn't known what to expect when Rath came barging in, but definetly not for Rath to take the DragonSword. 'Apperently the thing is giving more trouble that she thinks it's worth.' Inwardly smiling, Rain continued her train of though. 'I know how she feels, the thing is about as annoying and as stuborn as a mule.'

Rain watched as Rath disapered and watched as Ariania healed Gilath of the scars that he fully desevered in Rain's mind. Then when Ariania stepped back, Rain stepped forward and slapped Gilath across the face with all the force she could muster.

Gilath glared at her, as he rubbed his jawline, momentarily raising a hand to strick back only to lower it again, and then strangely he bowed.

"I am your severant, my Lady," he sneered, "I see you treat me as such, I had hoped it would be different, but apperantly I was vain to hope. As I know full well, you are not even half the man Juric was, in fact your not a man at all, but a sniviling brat who thanks to her thoughtless has lost her magery and perhaps the only thing that can save the world!"

For a moment, Rain stepped back lowering her head and shoulders in shame assuming the subseverant position she had alwasy showed towards both Gilath and Juric. How dare she treat Gilath like that? Juric had always taught her that dragons, though treated as severants by many, dragons were the equals of mages, and the superior of many. Yet, Gilath wasn't done with his speech yet.

Lowering his voice in tone one speaks to child that has done wrong but that you are humble enough to forgive, Gilath continued. "But it is alright, I will forgive you. I know you do not mean to treat me as a servant, and that you were only defending a person you thought was a friend. You have been through a lot today, it's natural that you should overecat after being so stressed," clucking his tongue at Rain like a child, he raised one claw strocking in her head in a demeaning way, but Rain jerked away towards Ariania refusing to let him touch her. "And I am sorry too, Rain. I know Rath is your friend. But it is so Frustrating! How can she bend the rules like that? It is Dulin's Day for pete's sake, and I happen to personally know her 'Lair' as she calls it is about a hundred miles hence. She can't just go breaking every rule in the book without being punished. And I for one, am tired of her acting so superior around me. I am a mage dragon, for goodness sake. If I know one thing, you made a msitake when you chose a thing like that to be your friend, and Ergos, poor misguided fool, he left his sword to the wrong dragon that's for sure.

Rain listened to Gilath's speech almost unattached, it was like she was listening but wasn't really there, but when Gilath started talking about Rath, Rain started getting irrated. He had no right to speak to her like that, or about Rath the way he did! He's acting like he deserves the credit, the presituge, the honor the he claims that Rath holds over him. Gilath may be one of the highest dragon's of his order, but wheither he admitted it or not, even if Rath was bond to Cree's rules, which she wasn't, or even if she was a dragon of Cree, Rath would still outrank Gilath in the magical sense of things.

"How dare you talk about Rath like that?" Rain said speaking in a low voice without anger, she wanted Gilath to know she was speaking logically not out of anger or was simply being sentimental as he claimed. "You know full well that Rath is not bond by our rules, hindred by them maybe, but not bond by them. You just don't understand Gilath..."

Raising a hand, this time Gilath did smack her and smacked her hard. Rain reeled half across the room, where she landed with a thud in the corner tears spring to her eyes from the force of the blow. Ariania, who had been proctevily sheilding herself so she wouldn't have to listen to the convensation taking place, dropped her sheilds when she saw Gilath hit Rain. Ariania had made it clear that her loyalities lay with Rain, and she proved it by what happen next.

Although Ariania was probably about the half the size of Gilath, after rushing to Rain's side to see if Rain was alright, she pulled a dagger from her sheath and rushed towards Gilath trying to defend Rain vainly against the changed dragon. Gilath, who had intended on picking on Rain up by her hair and after a good spanking giving the girl a good talking to, found himself having to defend himself from Ariania instead. Laughing at the tiny elf, Gilath easily stepped aside, and pushed Ariania using the elf's own momentum against her.

Ariania caught off guard by the beyond human strenth Gilath possesed even in this form, Ariania was thrown into the wall and hard. Almost immediatly bruises sprung up along Ariania's cheeks swelling at an incredible size.

Trusting Rain to remain quietly where she was as she had done a thousand times before when someone questioned Gilath's authority. Gilath knew he could deal with Rain later, after all he did promise Juric never to harm Rain, but he never made that promise concerning this elf. Licking his chops, Gilath silently promised himself to resist killing this delicious morsel, but he could break a few bones, and maybe a limb or two.

Gilath stepped forward.

Flames spread infront of Ariania, burning nothing but rather hung there as if supported by an invisible force, forming a shield between Ariania and Gilath.

Gilath turned, and was surprised at what he saw.

"Don't take another step," Rain said emphazizing every word. Her purple eyes reflecting the fire which protected Ariania. She stood there, feet shoulder width apart, one hand still raised from the gesture she had made a minute before. She didn't know how she was doing any of this, but knew she didn't dare stop. After hearing Gilath insult Rath, after he hit her, and especially after Gilath hit Ariania, something inside her had cracked.

Gilath had the guts to look shocked. "Rain, this all a msitake, I didn't know what I was saying. I thought this girl was a demon, I am sorry, I was just protecting you."

Holding up her hand, Rain spoke, "Not another word. Leave. Now."

"But Rain, I am your friend. Your brother's bonded. The last part of your family. Surely we can work this all out, this was just a misunderstanding."

"No, you are the one who does not understand," lowering her voice Rain spoke in a voice that was almost threatining it was so calm. "You have misjudged Rath, the swordbearer. For that I can forgive you. You are blind so many of the other, judging only what you can see on the surface." Rain stepped forward forcing Gilath to step backwards out of Ariania's cabin, and continued to walk towards him until they both stood on the upper deck of the Red Wheel for all to see. Ariania followed close behind. "Rathiania has her own destiny to fullfil, and she needs time to fullfil it. She still bears the DragonSword, and it still submits to her will, so all hope is not lost yet. If you cannot trust the decision's of those who choose in the past, at least, trust the sword, it knows what it is doing. Second of all, do not question Ergos' wisdom, not in my presence not if you have any intitention of living. Third, You are not my Servant, you never have been and I am not yours. Have you forgetten Juric so soon that you raise your hand to threaten me? How dare you slapp me! Fourth, you know Ariania is not a demon. She healed you, and you know full well she is a chosen, but you claim you didn't know what you were doing when you hit her! Fifth, you will never raise your hand against any one or speak of that which you do not understand. You were right, You don't know what you are doing Gilath. And you are no longer my friend. Now leave before I am forced to have my companions make you leave."

Gilath snarled, momentarily hissing like a snake, but then he smiled. "Clearly this girl is demon possesed. Do not listen to her claims. We must kill her before she learns all our secrets."

The crew and her companions hestitated clearly not knowing what to think of either Rain's word's or Gilath's. But then Gilath rushed toward Rain screaming, [color=blue]"Die Demon!"

As Gilath rushed towards her, Rain felt whatever force help her create the flames of early falter and fade. Grappling with it, Rain managed to hold on but barely. Drawing the only weapon she wore, a rose handled short sword named Thorn by her father, Rain spun out of Gilath's way, causing him to rush past her. As he spun wildly around, Rain heard him whisper. "I hate to break promises, but you must die Rain. I cannot let you live. Not when you defend that soul-taker Rath. The Sword should have been mine, and it will be, just as soon as I get you out of the way."

Gilath stood still, momentarily chanting in a strange language. Rain recongized the spell as the transforming spell to change Gilath back into a dragon. Unthinking Rain sang a rune, casting forth the strange power that had made Gilath so subertent to her just moments before. As long as she held on, Gilath would not be able to change. Rain justed didn't know how long she could hold on. Then the unthinkable happened, Morzan rushed past her shoving her behind him, his twin swords drawn. Rain couldn't believe her eyes, Morzan was defending her?!?

Touching the necklace the orb Rath had given her, Rain sent a momentary thought towards the dragoness. Get your rear-end down here! And I mean now! I don't know how long I can hold... Rain let the message drop, forced to concertrate on Gilath from the fact that not only was he resiting the bond Rain had placed on him to stop him from changing back into dragon form, but Rain was know forced to focus this force, that she didn't know where it came or how to control, in preventing Gilath from using his superior dragon magic to slaughter Morzan where he stood.

Rain didn't know how long she could last, but knew she must. If Gilath was allowed to change forms, his weight would overwhelm the ship's supports and Rain wasn't looking forward to the swim that would surely follow such an event.

'Rath,' Rain thought, 'why do you always have to choose such good timing to disappear?' and then she was focused on Gilath forcing herself to hold on to this strange new abiltiy as long as she could.

(( Please not that Kalanna Rai's next post marks the begining of Chapter 11: Death in the Astral World

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:28 am; edited 1 time in total

#181:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:44 pm
Morzan lay on top of the cabin that Rain and Ariana were in. He couldnt quiet make out what they were saying but he was just happy that Ariana was out of her trance and had started talking. There was another voice in the cabin, one much deeper and seemed to be speaking with much more authority than the others.

Probobly just the captain or something Morzan thought to himself. He hadnt notice anyone else enter the cabin. Until Rath showed up. The entire crew moved away as she landed on deck and stormed towards the cabin. Her new form caused many to whisper and shout. Getting up he didnt manage to get infront of her in time. Rath enter the cabin and disappeared.

Cradleing his damaged arm in his lap he dropped off the roof and landed on deck. After a few mintues out stormed the unknown speaker, Gilath. Rain seemed to be arguing with him. She seemed very, very ticked. As she pushed him back his face grew more and more distorted by anger.

The pill that Rain had given him earlier was still working and was allowing him to think more clearly. Morzan was worried, an emotion he hadent felt for a long time. There was something wrong with this Gilath character. He seemed larger than he realy was. His eyes were dark and hazy to Morzan. A dark air hung about him as well.

"That's not a human" he finaly concluded.

After Rain was finished Gilath hissed at her and began to talk then moved to strike Rain. She moved back and managed to block the 'mans' attack. When Gilath moved back he began chanting and death like song that echoed across the deck. Soon Rain began to sing, shes trying to stop him from doing something.

Drawing his weapons Morzan charged forward. She cant fight him alone. I must protect my companiions. I must be their shield here on out and not just a blade. With his change of heart he felt the sore throb in his arm disapate and almost vanish.

Desperatly moving across the deck he reached Rain and pulled her behind him. He thrust his blade at Gilaths stomach to make him jump back. Rain seemed a little astonished at Morzan's sudden behavior. He may had been arrogant but he was not going to allow someone to bring harm to a companion. Especialy if it were a lady who hadn't brought harm to anyone.

"Please step back Gilath or suffer the consequences. You cant take us all so I suggest you give up." stabbing at him again Morzan pushed Gilath back.

#182:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:09 am
Ariana watched the conversation, even if she couldn't hear it.
Part of the way through, Rain stepped back towards Ariana. The conversation had been very heated, and Araiana had felt rather surprised, but not dissapointed when Rain had slapped Gilath. Then Gilath slapped Rain. Ariana's eyes widened in alarm, and she felt something rise in her. It was bad, it was black and she knew that it was most definitely dark, but this time she didn't stop it. She didn't even try.
Dropping her shields, she was by Rains side, checking that she was ok. She didn't seem too hurt, but Ariana knew that that could change if she left Gilath to do more damage to Rain.
Later, she would curse herself for her foolishness, but she could not think, she did not have time. Grabbing her enchanted dagger, that had been given to her by the elves from a belt that was hidden on her leg, she rushed at Gilath as a mad woman would. He dodged her - what did she expect?
Then he swung at her, being a dragon, he was very strong. As an elf, she should have been able to dodge, but she was not thinking and he caught her, sending her flying to the wall. Everything blurred and went hazy for a moment as bruises erupted all over her left side.
She didn't know what happened yet - just that there were flames. The flames revived her somewhat and allowed the healing light to kick in. Ariana had hoped that she wouldn't have to use the healing light for herself quite so soon. She had always been fascinated by fire. And its a kind of light. I wonder if I can use fire, not just this light which I have now She thought, but dismissed it as she found she could stand. The fire had gone, and Rain was backig Gilath up, out of her cabin. Looking around her, Ariana frowned, her cabin was quite messy now - but not as bad as she might have thought.
Annoyed with herself for thinking of something so trivial, Ariana got up and followed Rain and Gilath.
They went onto the deck, and Ariana hovered by the doorway. Leaning against it for support as her healing magic had not yet finished.
Rain was still speaking heatedly to Gilath, and he was talking back. Obviously his loyalty was being severely tested. And was losing.
He was accusing Rain to be a demon. Rain replied that she was not - as Ariana had not been.
So he accused me of being a demon? He thinks I am possessed? Something touched Ariana's heart. It was black again. With a gasp she expelled it. Maybe I am possessed. I was supposed to have got rid of all the darkness in me when I found the light - but it is still here. Will I be fighting it for ever? I am not a true carrier of the light. There is a mistake. Or if I am - I have mucked it up somewhere. Panic filled her heart and she watched what happened next as an ousider, hardly feeling the breeze on her cheek or noticing the strong smell of the sea.
Gilath was singing, a low, haunting tune that held much magic. It flowed around Ariana, trying to get in.
Then Rain sang. A lively tune, that was pleasant to listen to and dispelled the dark fingers that had been groping at her a moment before.
Morzan stepped up, pushing Rain out of the way, his swords drawn.
What, is he so arrogant that he wants every battle to be his own? Ariana thought for a moment, then groaned in hatred for the thought. I have got a demon inside of me. What other answer is there to the darkness I still feel. When I first rid it, I felt as if I could rise up on a current of light and join the stars. I felt as if they were talking to me - as if I were one of them. They were my friends. Surely now they shun me because of this evil inside of me!
Sense came to Ariana. Does it matter? The problem with elves is that they prefere to ponder on things and let life carry on around them than to actually do anything. By the time I work out why Morzan is fighting for his own benefit or others, by the time I work out if I am possessed or what is happening inside of me - it will be too late! She thought wisely.
"Come, doubtless we will each have seperate struggles, but we were united for a reason. If fate wishes us to work together - than who can go agaisnt him?" She called to the rest of her companions, and walked over to Morzan and Rain. Standing there, she shone slightly again, and laying one hand on each, she let her power flow into them, giving them added strengh. "Do not lose heart." She murmmered to them before builing a shield around herself. Being a healer, she didn't really have anything to protect herself with except shields.
She was glad that Morzan had decided to drop his hautiness and join the rest of them. He was a really decent person at heart, she decided, and could be a very helpful and considerate companion if he tried.

#183:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:39 pm
Rath hadn't even made it halfway back to her Lair when she felt the blows that landed on her companions. Glaring at the sword she gnashed her teeth together. But a song now sang in her soul, a chant echoed in her blood. "Gilath today you die."

She reached out through the sword and when she found what she was reaching for she pulled. At the same time she spoke, or perhaps sang is a better word, six tones that echoed across the sky. The world slipped and shifted and abruptly Rath found herself as well as her five companions and Gilath hanging in the middle of this nothing. It was obvious they were shaken since this was a place outside of Cree.

"Rain, release the dragon. Morzan, stand aside." The two companions did so, allowing Gilath to unfold into his dragon form. Graeme tended Ariana and Crenla stood with her centaur bow before the two of them. Morzan and Rain moved quickly to join her. Gilath, meanwhile, had roared once, shaking himself all over at the fury of having Rain inteferre with him.

Then he turned hate filled eyes on Rath, and froze. From tip of nose to end of tail Rath was covered in what looked like a steel spiders web. A massive shard of a deep black gem pulsed from the center of her chest, slender crystal veins spreading out from it and vanishing into her scales. "Do you recognize this place Gilath?"

He looked around, eyes beady with hate.
"Yes Soul-Taker, I recognize the Astral world.""Then you can't fail to realize why I have brought us here. Gilath you have something I was promised as payment to my services. Give it to me now."

"Do you take me for a fool Rath? If I give that to you the last straw between me and death will be gone."Oh no Gilath. The last straw between you and death has long been broken. I'm offering this as an exchange for your soul. Or would you rather suffer this fate?" With a twirl of her claws Rath produced something that made even Rain gasp.

Strung between her foreclaws, like some cosmic game of Cat's Cradle, was a long chain of golden thread with what looked like beads of blood strung along it's surface. When one looked closer these were revealed as dragonstones. Hanging from that thread like jeweled drops of rainbow, were the souls those dragonstones belonged to.

Gilath paled.
"You're a monster..."

Rath laughed, a sound chillingly like hounds baying for blood. "Kyarse-karvo, Soul Taker. What did you think that meant Gilath? I certainly don't eat souls, I keep them. Like a collecters item you might say. Would you like to join them?"

"This is where you get your power Rath? By damning all those dragons you steal their power for your own! That is worse than any demon, worse than anything ever before spawned by darkness."Rath shook her head. If Gilath thought that was evil then he needed to hear some of the stories her Grandmother and Grandfather had once told her. Tales of the Eternal wars and the horrors spawned by Madness himself.

"Gilath I don't use their powers, that would be cheating. I'm not a power hungery dragon, I don't kill to possess more power. I kill for the sake of killing and I keep trophies because it thrills me to do so. Each time I look at this I remember the battle that brought it to me, the blood spilt that day. You should feel honored I'm even letting you have the chance to keep your soul." Rath tucked her trophies away.

"Now what is your choice Gilath?"

"I offer you this." He hurled himself at Rath with a mighty war cry. Plunging the sword of Ergos into the aether beside her, Rath rose and scornfully met his challenge, slapping him away like one might an overeager whelp. It seemed an insane challenge of Gilath. Rath was more than twice his size and easily double his power.

As dragonspell hurtled toward her she let it hit, sneering at Gilath as it was absorbed by the darkness of her soul. "Spells are but the will of the Soul made manifest. I drink them as greedily as blood young fool." They circled each other twice more, Gilath swiping and snapping, Rath dancing on her toes like some great cat. "I grow weary of this...let's make it fun."

With a blur of movement Rath wrapped herself around Gilath, pinning his limbs to his torso. One emmense forepaw clamped down on his head. "I want what I was promised. Just because you have proven a traitor does not mean I should have given it to me since I don't need you to tell me where it is when I can rip the knowledge from you mind."

Gilath thrashed wildly, trying to speak a transformation spell and break free at the same time, yet as Rath's icey fingers plunged into his mind with white hot flares of pain. Finding what she needed Rath pulled back. Craning her head around to stare Gilath in the eye she smiled. "Goodbye Gilath." Swiftly she clenched her coils, crushing the smaller dragon like a constrictor would crush a smaller animal.

As Gilath's life faded a shimmering green orb fluttered upwards from him. With a cruel smile Rath reached out, a slender golden thread twining about her claws. With a delicate flick she captured the sould of Gilath and brought forth her trophies, adding yet one more. His dragonstone she didn't need though. "This should be buried with his rider. Gilath was faithful to him till the last. I do regret that he should blind himself to the truth...I almost liked him once...or maybe that was simply my connection with Paith."

Handing the gem to Rain and taking up the sword once more, Rath spoke the six words in reverse order. She had thought to drop them back abord the Red Wheel. Instead she found herself standing in her Lair with five rather horrified companions. With a snort she sealed the inner wards of her Lair more firmly. "The way out is that way. You'll have to use the stairs to get down though...unless one of you feels keen on flying." Curling up on her throne of stone, Rath's eyes drooped closed.

In her mind she was happy, dreaming she knew, but happy. Her Lair, not this one but the one she had left behind, was lit with a million colored threads, each playing their own harmoic notes. Paith was curled beside her, tail twined into hers, and their kits played happily on the floor before them. Paith turned his face her hers and nuzzled her.

Soon....When I walk the world again our children shall wake...Soon...

#184:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:28 pm
Rain was rather surprised at where she was when Rath decided to return them to the real world, knowing Rath's moods she expected Rath to drop them off on the Red Wheel where some harpy could attack their ship fulfilling Rath's list of things that I don't care about.

Rain knew Rath was probably the only thing on Cree that could kill a dragon, and as much as she hated to admit it. The things she felt radiating from Gilath was everything that indictated a dragon whose time of death had long passed. The feeling of relief that had come from Gilath the moment he had died made Rain wonder if that is what Gilath had wanted, death. 'Why didn't he tell me?' Rain thought to herself, and guessed the answer before she finished her own question. He had felt bonded to her, and in a way was, such bonds although not magically legal or even real, bond a dragon's honor in a way that unless Gilath either died at another's hands or found a bond mate willing to take the bond for him; Gilath was bond to live no matter what the official 'rules' stated. Having failed in his effort to find a dragoness to bond Rain for him, Gilath took the only way he could, through Death.

Grasping Gilath's dragonstone tight, she bade him goodbye silently, 'This is not what I would have wished. Despite that, Rest in peace, my friend.'

Rain still didn't know what had happened. Or even what had enabled her to control Gilath for a time. Or what had made her not only recongize the place Rath took them but to feel at home in it. 'So many mysteries that I know of, you think I be able to solve the riddle of my own soul, but no...'

Walking to the enterance of Rath's Lair, Rain looked down the stair that would take them down. Rain hadn't the slightless clue where they were at the moment geography wise, but knew that this quest wasn't going to finish itself so they better get started.

Looking down the very steep, and very long stair, Rain took one glance at the so called stair, and backed up very, very quickly. Rain wasn't afraid of heights, but even for someone who was up a tree all their lives, it was a long way down from Rath's Lair.

Glancing at the sky, she knew at a single look at the stars that it was still Dulin's Day, and although Rath could bend the rules of Cree, neither her or her companions could.

Actually running back inside, Rain bent as she strove to regain her breath. "I don't think we're going anywhere until Dulin's Day is over. And unless any of you like the idea of being caught somewhere on Rath's 'stair' in about ten miles, I suggest everyone get very comfortable, because we're not go anywhere, anytime soon. Dulin is not going to like having his rules being broken, and after what ancient lore says was promised to him if his rules should be broken on Dulin's Day, I don't want to find out what will happen after Dulin's rules have been broken not once, but thrice."

#185:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:10 am

"So, we are to sleep here?" Ariana asked, looking around disdainfully. It wasn't that it was dirty - well, not much. But the shadows unerved her, although she couldn't say why.
In the place where Gilath had died, Ariana had felt dull and empty. She knew that she could not have joined in the fight there because she had felt incapable of doing anything except watching.
Not just the fight. Something had unerved her there because, like a shadow or a ghost, she had seen herself. She had been sitting on the other side of the fight, silently watching, and yet Ariana knew that there was no mirror there for she could see none of the others.
At the end of the fight, her ghost had held up two fingers and mouthed 'soon'.

Ariana was now on edge, not knowing anything about what the ghost had meant. How soon? Were the fingers meant to mean something? Two days? Two hours? Two minutes had already passed, so she could rule that out.
Shifting from leg to leg, she watched her companions nervously. Were they going to do something to her?
She knew that they were exactly the kind of thoughts that the Lady of the night would want her to have. To turn her against her companions. But this had been herself, albiet being a ghost. Why would she lie to herself?
She didn't imply that it was going to be something bad. Thought Ariana hopefully but somehow she didn't think it would have warned her had it been something good. Fretfully, she leaned her back against a wall for security and built a shield around her. It occured to her that if she trusted her companions, she probably wouldn't need it right now.
Am I turning down the same road as Rath? She wondered. Then a thought quite seperate from her own spoke into her mind.
...Or worse.
She decided to get out what the elves had given her but before she could do so, she saw one of the shadows move. It seemed to be a vague human shape and there was something sinister about it. As soon as she saw it though, it dissapeared.
Shivering, she put her pack away and instead decided that she would keep watch for now.

#186:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:06 am
"Well, I for one am going to prepare myself for a long journey. We may not be able to travel today , but we can at least prepare and plan our route. Rath, do you have any maps?"

"Yes, somewhere." Rath was sprawled on top of her hoard. "And before you ask, there probably won't be much game aroound. Last tie I was hear I sevrely diluted their numbers. However, it has been not a few years. They may have bred."

"Thank you. However, I may be able to find more game than you think. The entire land of C'rimith~way is on the mountainside, and I used to hunt a lot as a child. Surprising, I know, but I know how to get what we need for our journeys." I replied. "Rain, would you please find those maps? We'll need them. And Ariana, could you take stock of our supplies. We can add to them whatever I bring back. Morzan, could you take inventory of our equipment and check everyone's weapons? Oh, and if you have the time try nd make some arrows. There are a lot of feathers just around on mountainsides, and I could only find a few arrows in the supply cabins of the ship."

Without anyone saying anything I had taken command. Here I was in my element. Organising things was what I did best, and as Head Librarian in the Lord's Court I had had plenty of practise at delegating responsability. Once I had seen everyone set about working at their appointed tasks- Rain searching cupboards for the maps, Ariana looking through the packs and Morzan lightly drawing a thumb over the edge of one of his blades- I picked up my bow and went into the forest. I was a good shot and I hadn't forgotten as much as I'd thought. When I came back I had several goats over my back and I was carrying a few birds by their feet. As Rath had thought the numbers of the game had restocked.

#187:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:07 am
[Your are about to see a rare sight, well acutally read about a rare sight. The following scene is from the Council of the Destinies, a group of higher beings, who are the servants of neither the light, nor the dark, nor quite themselves. A group of aritist who route out the destinies of their favorite playtoys, a group of map drawers who draw the map of those who serve in 'fated times', and finally a group of judges who sit in judgement of every action which demands a judgement not of human making.]

Chapter 12: The Seat of Destinies
Somewhere north of what could be called the north of the north of the place north of the Northern Reaches, is a ring of mountains called the Calliberin Chain. In the middle of that Ring of Mountains is a mountain so tall it became part of the stars. This mountain was called Alipherian. On this mountain somewhere not quiet at the top but close enough to touch the stars themselves was a large circular ledge, and this ledge was called the Seat of Destinies.

On this ledge there was built by the dwarven and elven artist a great building which could be said to take after the Greecian Runes of the planent level named Earth. On the far side of this beautiful and graceful santuary was a large horse-shoe shapped table.

Behind the table the wall of the mountain had been painted to look like a giant map of Cree once called Mian. Torches dot the various columns filling the giant room with shadows. In one of them, if you looked closely stood the barely detecable form of a cloaked figure. Towards the middle of the room stands a great circle of stones. Within this circle a great pile of wood stands obviously waiting for a flame. A young red head girl dressed like the ancient greeks steps forward with a torch and lights the flame.

Suddenly at the table there sat the various characters that made up the Council of Destinies. A brief moment will be taken to describe the various beings that now sat at the table. In the middle, on the higher seats if you will sit the beings known as fate and destiny themselves. Fate takes the form of three weaving women here all equally beautiful, all equally powerful, all equally as young as they are old. Destiny is also a woman who takes the form of that friendly slightly chubby libarian you often see in the libaries of very small towns.

To the right of Fate and Destiny sits the group of those who determine destiny. A cheesy and cheeky man with heavily oilly slicked hair that holds a pair of dice in his hands goes by the name of Chance. Next to him is that old face of Lady Luck, who looks slightly like Marlin Monroe only in a red dress instead of that famous white dress Marlin wore. Next to her sits the twin brothers of Circumstance and Happenstance, who look much like the old explorers Lois and Clark. Death, who opposite of the old grim reaper your doubtless expecting is actually, a woman elegantly dressed as a victorian lady who is neither warm nor cold, neither young nor ancient, but all of these at once. Chance, Luck, Circumstance and Happenstance, and finally Death represent the beings who make the judgments of Fate and Destiny occur.

To the left of Fate and Destiny sit totally different beings but who as equally powerful. First there sits the lovely enticing figure of Love, who in this world appears as a rosy grandmother whose cheeks are still dusted with the flour of the mornings bread. A strong muscluar young man sits next to her, and his name is Determination although many call him stubborness and he perfers to be called simply Will. Next to him sits the silent figure of time, a buisness man in his thirties with more watches than a salesman has ties. Lastly sits the old weithered figure of Dulin himself who despite being five thousand and thirty-three today looks no older than a hundred and two years. These beings represent the few things that can defeat both Fate and Destiny.

"What are we called here for today?" says the rich alto voice of the second weaver of Fate, known only as the Spinner.

"For Judgement," responds the red-haired child. "And for resulution. Dulin's Day has been broken thrice but not by a creature that we can rule. Fuliment of the promise you once made to Dulin must be given, but since the breaking was not done by one of the creatures under our rule it is up to you to determine how both the punishment and the promise be made."

"What is your name child?" said the even deaper voice of the third weaver of Fate, known as the Weaver.

"Promise Fuliment Honesty Fairness Hope," the red-haired child said simply implying the kind of judgment that would be ruled that day.

"Thank you, child." softly whispered the young tilting voice of the first weaver known as the Puller. "You may go."

"Dulin," spoke Destiny in a voice not to be messed with. "Step down, since this judment envolves you, you will not judge today. What have you to say concerning this issue?"

"You did promise," Dulin said in a creaky voice, "I came and you promised. I asked for it when I cam but you refused. I insited. I had the right, I climbed this mountain. I found this place. I claimed the promise legend said you would give. You refused. Said it was to dangerous, said that the Author would not, could not allow it. I argued further, demanding that I recieve my due. You refused and said you couldn't give it, not then. I asked when. You never answered. I asked, and asked. I asked for a hundred years. You never answered. You said you couldn't tell me. That no one could tell me. I gave up, but I asked what you could give me so I would know you would keep your promise. You didn't answer, but the Author sent the Child, and she answered. She Answered and then she shut the door behind her forever. She gave me Dulin's Day. She said and Dulin's Day I could do whatever I wished, but there was a catch. I could only do on every Dulin's Day what I did on the first. So I did the first thing, and I did the smart thing, I did a good thing. I made it dark on my Day. I made it so all everyone could see was the Stars. Then I made sure the everyone had to see the stars by telling them they couldn't go more then ten miles. You promised me, the Child Promised me, and even the Author promised me that if and when Dulin's Day got broken I could have my Reward for climbing this mountain. The Day has been broken, I asked what I was promise, I ask for what I have waited for five thousand years for. I only regret that it is too late to do what I would have hoped to do with that Reward."

Clearing her throat, Destiny turned to the judges on the right side of them. "Doers of that which Fate Decrees, What say you?"

"We say that the Day has not been broken by the laws we established. Promise declared that the breaker of Dulin's Day could not be ruled by us. Why should we fulifill our promise when Dulin's Day has not truly been broken?"

Looking to the youngest of Fate, Destiny asked, "Is this statement true?"

In response, the youngest of Fate's three, stood up and laid a book on the table. Tapping it once, the Puller waited as the map on the back of the wall resembled a large image of the page she had pulled up in the book.

"Dulin's Day was broken not by will alone, but by magic. The only beings strong enough to break it are the Dragons. Tracing the spell, we learned that it by the Dragoness called Rath that produced the spell to break Dulin's Day." The image on the wall was now clear, the picture was of Rath and the rest of the Companions in the Astral world. "The Dragoness took herself and six others including a dragon named Gilath took the Astral world. By doing so, not only did she break Dulin's Day by traveling a distance ten miles but she broke many other of our rules. However, the Dragoness is not from Cree."

In addition she is our the tool of Fate and cannot be judged on this act.

This last part seemed to come from all three of Fate's apperance all at the same time forming a new voice known only as: Fate.

"She can however," the youngest fate continued, "be judged on the fact that although she took her companions to the Astral world from the ship known as the Red Wheel, she did not return them there thus forcing them to travel a distance greater than ten miles within the land that is indeed under our rule. Although Rath cannot be judged herself, the fact that she took her companions over a distance greater then ten miles, results in the fact that even unwilling they traveled a distance greater then ten miles within the rule of Cree."

Destiny spoke again, this to all present. "We must send a messenger to determine the guilt that should be placed on each individual. Depending on how guilty they are will determine to what degree Dulin's Day was broken, if Dulin's Day was broken to a degree beyond which it was agreed that it should not be broken, Dulin will recieve his promised Reward. Is this agreed?"

Everyone present echoed Agreed.

Gesturing to the shadow in the corner, Destiny spoke to their favorite toy and servant known only as Le Ranil, which if you must know was who that old seeress was truly asking for that day Juric found her. "Yes my lady?" Ranil asked in a voice that although not bearing any unique characteristics was at least female. Ranil cannot be described at the moment as her apperance constantly changed according to Fate and Destiny's wills.

"Go to the Dragoness Chambers and perform our will."

"And if I must be seen, what form should I take? I cannot always be the shade of a cloaked shadow." Ranil questioned.

"Since Dulin's Day is being judged. Dulin will determine the color of your skin if you should need to be seen."

The cloaked figure had only one minute to think "Oh snap!" before she was in the Liar of the Dragoness named Rath hopefully to fulifill Destiny's will.[/color]

[To be time on The Sword of Ergos...]

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:29 am; edited 1 time in total

#188:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:08 pm
Ooh, it's just like Lost! Except therre're no kidnappings, deaths or mysterious hatches in the forest yet...

#189:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:26 pm
((Sorry, I will post properly soon. Just want to alert you to the fact that yellow is extremely bad on the eyes Surprised . Muight want to change that.
*edit* Yes, Whitey. I highlighted it - but it would still be advisable to change it.

solus. Wink ))

Last edited by solus.serpen on Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:18 am; edited 1 time in total

#190:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:37 am
Did you highlight it sols?

#191:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:32 pm
Rath came awake with a roar as her wards shrilled alarms. Around her the five companions turned, hands on weapons, ready to fight her if need be. Hissing, eyes narrowed to evil red slits, Rath's head whipped around and fixed on a spot of empty space. "You violate my Lair aethreal one. I suggest you speak your buisness before I show you how well my claws rend spirit."

The companions stared at each other. Surely there was something there Rath was speaking too, after all her eyes were narrowed and her tail twitched in irritation as though she did not like what was being said. "She's off her rocker." Morzan whispered to Crenla who only snorted in agreement. But then Rath hadn't been the sanest in quite some time now.

Digging her talons into the stone beneith her Rath glared poisonously at the empty space. "You want to argue technicalities with me...fine. How's this for technical. Technically I am not bound by the rules of Dulin's Day, thus the first travel I made is null and void. Second when I took them to the Astral plane I did not actually take them any distance at all, so that is null and void. Third, though we exited the Astral plane here, some hundred miles from the Red Wheel, we did not travel at all through the space known as Cree once called Mian. Therefore we did not travel more than ten miles on Dulin's Day. All traveling was done on the Astral plane."

Rain caught on. "We're being judged for breaking Dulin's Day. Oh no that means he..." She clamped a hand over her mouth, not wanting to alarm the others with details. She had to leave it to the dragoness to determine the outcome." Rath was sitting back now but not relaxed. She still had that 'deal-making' posture that all dragons assume in tense negotiations.

"I see...would you prefer that I had fought Gilath in the mortal world hum? No I did not think so. Thus my actions are justifiable. As for them...I had to bring them with me. Normally I would not answer your questions woman but I feel I must. I had to bring them with me because I foresaw a disaster that would have doomed them had they staied aboard that ship. Kindly veiw my mirror." Rath gestured to the mirror. "Show me."

Even as Rain and the others watched the Red Wheel bobbed up and down in the water, like some child's toy. Before their horrified eyes, seven large serpants, of the kind that had nearly killed Rath, rose from the sea. With loud roars they fell upon the ship, their huge coils splintering wood and pulping flesh. Rath gestured again and the mirror went blank. Turning to a spot of empty air beside her she hissed again, softly.

"Now if there is any fault with the situation then the fault lies with me. They did not choose to move themselves, nor could the Priest perhaps, have fought my spell. You may assign me guilt or blame but what I did was done with the well being of your world in mind." Rath turned to move before pausing a moment head cocked to the side. A smile showed fangs. "Yes that too. But any good craftsman has pride in their work. It's bad habit to leave things half done. Now go. You've worn out your time here."

Rath lifted a claw as if to slash at empty air...and then settled with a snort. The spirit was gone, back to her masters to spin whatever tale she liked for their ears. "Humph it matters not. Let some wrinkly old sorcerer come against me...I've delt with worse than his kind before."

Turning she faced the five companions. "What are you standing there gawking at? The maps are there in those crevases and no doubt you'll find even more game once the sun rises again. I suggest you prepare yourselves to leave...the sooner the better." Grumbling she moved herself to the precipice that served as a sort of landing pad/sunbathing area just outside the entrance to her Lair.

Curling up with her tail draped over the edge she stared upward at the stars.

#192:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:28 pm
((Note since it was mentioned that my previous color was unreadable, the following will be without color. I also have some pictures of Rain. While it is obvious I am no artist, it is all I have, so deal with them. I will post in character, ie as Rain, soon enough. Please be patient with me as I recently went a little off my rocker by joing NaNoWrMo.))

'At least I didn't have to show myself to them,' Leranil thought to herself, 'the last time Dulin chose my form I was stuck as a ten year old blond girl in a lacy pink dress, and although I pretty sure the scars I gave him for the last choice would prevent him from doing so again, one can never be sure.'

'I did like her though, I can respect a being who is fighting Fate and winning, after all after a hundred years of trying to fight Fate and losing I can respect any who has won that war.'

Leranil was half-tempted to stay in this world further but the strings that bound her to her mistress would pull her back eventually and not so nicely either.

Standing before the council of Destinies, Leranil said nothing, not that she could anyway as Fate had taken one look at the rebellion in her eyes and had sealed her mouth, but rather pulled out a small glass sphere she had in her pocket. Flipping it in the air, she watched as the scene replayed itself for the Destinies.

What followed was a rather long despute between Dulin and Destiny, which take it from me you don't want to hear. In the end, Dulin insisted on getting his price anyway, and with the twin parties of the Child and Defiance on Dulin's side it was only a matter of time. However, it was ruled that Dulin's Day hadn't been broken by the rules of the book, just been broken in the technical sense, so Destiny and the collective Fate who was wearing her unified form at the moment of a woman neither young nor old decided to only give Dulin half his prize.

The ruling in the end was this:

Dulin although granted half his prize at the time would recieve the rest and the full price at a later time.

Dulin, despite the fact that he should be allowed to choose his own reward would not do it this time, Destiny would choose his reward. On the same token, Dulin would also not be able to choose how to fulfill his prize.

Destiny, likewise, was forbidden to fulfill his reward therefore Dulin could pick another being or beings to fulfill his reward according to there own will.

So what did Destiny grant Dulin as half his reward?

Dulin could do three things to right three ancient, mortal, or recent wrongs but only to justify the balance of the current time. Dulin could not right any wrong forbidden by the ancient laws.

Dulin, a cranky man who was taken as a joke by most including the Destinies, was no fool, and once again he showed his wisdom when it came to the fuliment of choice.

"Promise Fuliment Honesty Fairness Hope," Dulin mused aloud half to himself, half to the council, "that was to be the ruling of this day, then so be it."

"I choose that since death shook the balance, since a soul has died where it never should, death shall again right it. I choose that deaths corrected do not have to be a death in the sense that a spirit departed the body, but can be simply be death in the sense Dragons convey it. The Deaths can be the death of magic, the death of love, the death of an old life, the death of the part of the soul, the death of sacrifice, the death of departing, the death of giving, and/or finally the death in life. I chose that the three deaths shall be in the accordance of the following: One Shall Die in Place where they should have not to right the death in Astral, A Death not quite dead shall be returned to full life, and finally a frozen soul in death shall be warmed in the flames of the Death of the First and once again return again." Pausing, Dulin took a breath, "Does any debate this?"

Cracking open their book Fate Smiled and nodded to Destiny who looked at the others on the Council, the council spoke as a group, "We have no debate if it is the will of Destiny and Fate."

In a singsong unified voice Destiny and Fate spoke as one, "It is our will that this should be done."

Determination piped up in a squeaky voice that bellied his bulk, "Who will fulfill this wish to right the balance?"

Clearing his throat, Dulin spoke confidentally, "Love. Leranil. And another of their choosing."

"Leranil is our servant and cannot act against our will." Fate declared in a disapproving voice frowing at the shadow that Leranil was.

"I guess that's about to change now ain't it," said the unconcerned Dulin rocking on his heals.

Grumbling Fate turned to Destiny who after shrugging, slammed down the gavel in her hands, "So be it."

((Pictures of Rain should be below this line.))

#193:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:26 pm
(( Shocked Shocked dies, one is returned to full life, and one who's soul is cold is warmed and returnes again.
I can only think of Rain as the returned to full life with her powers restored. Maybe Rath to have her sould warmed and to return...
...who dies? And where does Love and Lerrenel come into it?
Confused Confused Confused
very good post though, I'm intrigued...))

#194:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:24 pm
((You'll just have to wait and see won't you. I will post soon, I promise, however please be patient with me. I'm going to be wrapping this thing up soon, probably sometime into next month. My post may be few and far between this month but I promise those I do post will be interesting at the very least. So, keep watching this thread as we starting hurtling towards not the End of The End, nor the End of the Beginning, but perhaps the begining of the End.))

#195:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:21 pm
I too will be very quiet this month, NaNoWriMo afterall. However I do know what's coming...if I can jump in and coordinate a little bit with Din....

P.S. Solus if you read back through Rath's posts you'll learn more about the frozen soul.

#196:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:30 am
That Rath's hubby then?

#197:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:09 pm
*winks* That much is true but you'll just have to wait and see what he's like...maybe I'll put that up in a post sometime soon.

#198:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:14 pm
((Okay I've been gone awhile, so this may get a bit lengthy so here it goes...))

Chapter 12: Part 2: An Assasin's Price

Rain stood in against one of the icy walls of Rath's Liar patiently awaiting the sunrise that would mark the end of Dulin's Day. In her hand she held the green dragonstone that was all she had left of Gilath, silently conemplating it's depths while her mind was toiling with larger issues.

A pile of stuff gathered from the various piles, nooks, and crannies was being distrubted by a very happy Craema, a nick-name Rain had started calling the Centaur female very recently, who was apperantly very much in her element. Like everyone else of this small mixed group, Craema was one of Rain's many worries. The Centaur female was intelligent, proud, but more often than not silent, lost in the contemplations of her own thoughts. Rain worried Craema about that issue, what if they were attacked, contemplations had no place on a battle field, that much Rain knew.

Morzan silently paced back and forth his hands occasionally reaching for his blades out of the way of everything and everyone. Morzan amused her, angered her, upset her, and drove her insane by turns. Sometimes Morzan didn't listen to orders, other times he did. Sometimes Morzan was a simple solider, othertimes he seemed like more. Rain wondered if in the end it would be enough for Morzan to be a simple solider of wars, or if in the end, he would become more than he sometimes was.

As usual, Graeme sat muttering in a corner, turning in his hands some object of interest over in his hands contemplating it's orgins as he sat on the ground of Rath's Liar. An endless sorce of sacrastic humor, Rain could relate to the hunchback in more ways than one, however the hunchback's swining moods between depressed, power-hungry, and suspicious were enough to worry anyone.

The largest part of her contemplations, however, were Rath and Ariania.

Ariania, who sat shivering on the ground cloaked by some many shields both physically, mentally, emotionally, and Rain guessed magically as well. The elf was so worried about becoming the light she was supposed to be, that she had no time for anything even apperantly dark not even in herself. No one could become a pure light, Rain knew and trying to become so was dangerous for everyone. Maybe she could talk to Ariania...

Shoving Gilath's dragonstone in her pouch where kept other small items of simalar kind, Rain walked over to Ariania and said in silvan, "Come with me," as she gestured to the others to stay put.

Walking Ariania outside, Rain let the elf go as Ariania with her head tilted back twin reliefs of being able to see the stars and being out of Rath's cave obvious by the very way Ariania now stood.

"Beautiful are they not Celebrin," Ariania said smiling as she pulled up a rock nearby to gain a better view.

"Don't call me that, it is no longer my name. I believe I told you that, correct?" Looking at the stars briefly, Rain allowed a faint smile to pass across her lips. "And yes, they are beautiful."

"Yes, you did, but I do not understand. Once an elf-friend is given a name in our tongue, it is their name forever, unless another silvan of higher authority than the first gives them a second one."

"Ah...well, if that's the case. Celebrin doesn't qualify as my name anyway, for it was given to me not by the Silvan, the wood elves of Light, but by the dark elves," Rain said continuing in the silvan tongue loving how the melodious words felt on her tongue after long years of neglect. "Besides, they didn't really name me, they just gave me the flute which had been named, and I took it's name as my own. I will never be such a fool again, Ariana, as to name myself again, but perhaps you come up with a name that you and your kind may call me in your tongue."

"But to give a name, it is a honor usually given with the change of gifts from each party, do you really wish me to name you truly?" Ariania spoke softly her keen elven eyes reflecting the stars glittering light purely.

Thinking for a moment, Rain looked at Ariania, and then answered, "Yes I do. I grew up with many childhood friends, and a name to us then was simply something that friends could call each other since my name did not translate in their tongue, nor theirs into mine. Since only a Silvan can name, and I know no others of your kind that I can call friend, I can think of no better person than you Ariania. As for the gifts, any name that will cease me being called by one that brings back dark memories is a great enough gift for me. As for my gift to you, I offer a gift of a name in my tribes tongue which although after your own translates differently, some advice, and an answer to a question that you cannot answer yourself."

Ariania looked at Rain wondering if Rain spoke true, but after a moments thought, shrugged, "I will call you Randril, after the common tongue for Gyspy since so many seem fond of calling you that anyway."

Rain smiled laughing softly under her breath, "Randril, that will suit me fine. Now for my half of the bargin." Raising lavender eyes from the ground, Rain once again look into Ariania's own refusing to let the elf go from her point blank stare. Touching Ariania's forehead softly, Rain released her from her looks and spoke once again her tongue tilting softly as she spoke in the gyspy tongue which although simlar to elvish was slightly different also, "Be named Malen 'de-Ele Sokir nolre Terikerian Randril," and stepped behind Ariania her hands held losely at her side "Which losely translated simply states your name, Malenele Sokir, and that you were named by me under the calling name of Terikerian Randril, or Terikerian Gyspy."

"Now for my advice. Look at the sky. What do you see?"

"The stars."

Placing a hand over Ariania's eyes, "Now what do you see?"

"Nothing. Darkness."

Turning Ariania gently so she faced the mountains range where Rath's liar was hide, Rain made sure that the view was mostly blocked but that it contained some stars, and opened Ariania's eyes with a word, "Now what do you see?"

Ariania shuddered at the dark view but as Rain forced her to look she saw the stars hiddened admist the darkness, "Darkness, but there are stars within the mountains."

"Are they brighter than the stars?"

"Yes, and no." Came the answer this time in common tongue.

Switching to common tongue herself Rain spoke to Ariania soft and low, "Listen well, Ariania Elven-born, named Malen 'de-Ele in the gypsy tongue. Light is pointless where there is no darkness, and there is no darkness to dark where there exist no light. Consider that piece of wisdom well. Look to the East, the sun will rise soon."

Turning to climb the stairs Rath had tread earlier, Rain made as if to walk away but then turned when Ariania called, "What of my question, will you not answer it?"

Rain smiled mysteriously, and held up two fingers, "It will be in two days, what you fear. Know that it will neither be horrible, or particular good for any, but it will not be entirally pointless. Now stay here and make sure the others don't follow, I have buisness to do with our Dragoness that must be done alone."

Bonding up the stairs, Rain left Ariania to her own thoughts, thankful more than once that she often climbed trees in her childhood as that skill aided her well as she made the long slow way up the mountian. The sun had begun to turn the east the delightful color of twilight when Rain finally made it up and saw Rath laying on her sunning stone.

"What do you want?" Rath grumbled having heard Rain far before Rain ever made it up the mountain.

"The Sun rises in the East. We must leave soon" Rain said casually.

"So, what of it? Leave and let me be."

"I would. But buisness keeps me here."

"What buisness do you have with me?" Rath said opening one eye to glance at Rain.

"The buisness of your price, I have never yet paid you for what you have done for me, and it appears now that I must."

Rath glared at Rain flexing her talons on the bare stone, "I have never done anything for you which would require me being paid. Why do you speak to me as if you were but another of those mortal lords who had hired me assassin? I was your friend, and no assasin to you."

"I would remember it that way Rathiania always, but you left. You took the Dragonsword, and made it very clear that you want nothing else to do with any of us. So here I am waiting for you to tell me your price, so I can pay you and be on my way, out of your mane forever."

"Why?" Came the soft growl. "I told you, there is nothing to be paid for."

"Dragon's are bond to code of life, honor, oaths, and debts. Although you are not from here, you are still a dragon. And by Cree's law I owe you something for all you have done for me, especially and more so the recent occasion of you saving not only my lif but our companion's lives. You could have left us to die, but you didn't so here we are probably being judged for breaking Dulin's Day at this very moment, and I have to pay you. You wish to be free of me, no? Then I must pay you. Remember how it felt without the sword being near you, without it being at your side. Annoying wasn't it. My bond of debt will be the same and more so if you don't let me pay you. While I owe you my life, we are as bonded as surely as you and the sword, if not more so."

Grumbling something Rain couldn't hear, Rath raised her head opening her eyes. "What would you pay me in, last time I checked you had nothing in your disposal that someone of my skill would ever consider taking?"

Rain smiled, know she was getting somewhere, "Three things in between which you must choose, each contected with an object in my possesion. All of which I know for I fact you will want."

"The first lies connected with Gilath's Dragonstone." Rain said pulling out the said stone, "There will be little time in the months ahead for this to be properly buried, but you will have plenty of time. So, I suggest you use this, which connected Gilath even in death to Juric, to find my brother's grave. Bury Gilath's dragonstone there with due honor and you will find two objects of great worth in my brother's scepluctar. These objects are a stone rose and a ring like I wore on my finger abord the Red Wheel. Within one lies the knowledge of every spell Juric knew, including the one Ergos told him, the exact spell that you need to exit this world back to your own. Beware however because this object will only tell you the wording/runes of the spell, not how to use it. The other contains the Knowledge of the spell you need itself, but only how to use the spell, not the words itself. Take one, but leave the other and never try to enter to take the other object least ye be cursed."

"My second offering lies with this," Rain pulled out a small uncraven gem of unidentable shape, kind, or even color. The gem was filled with the light Ariania had given her and across it's surface colors darted with the visions Rain had placed in it's depths. "I forget what color this once was, or even what is for, it has been so long that I recieved it. I do know what it contains, however. You pulled the knowledge of what Ergos promised you from Gilath, but only in part. Ergos was sharp, Rath, he never gave anything to just one person. As for what you gained from Gilath, Ergos gave as he should be following ancient tradition, to six people. You now know that Juric contained one part, Gilath another, and I'm honest enough to tell you I have one part also. I don't know the other three people that know of the other three parts of your spell. I do know that somewhere admist the many visions an old seer gave me, this gem will reveal where the other three people are. A word of caution with this gift however, this gem contains all the possibitlities of our quest, and although your actions have elimanted many of the things from this gem, many of them still lie in the form of visions across this gem. I no longer have the ability to acess these visions since they were given in magic with magic to the magic I once possessed. It might however, if you can search through it long enough, prove useful to you."

"The third thing I can give, Rathiania, is more complictated and with it I can only offer you this," replacing the small gems in her pouch, Rain pulled the short sword she once again wore at her side and presneted it hilt first cermonly to Rath"I never knew how to use this, but it is called Thorn. Although it is only a plain sword handed down from a father's mother to her granddaughter, please respect it and the thought it represents as you would your others. I have told you, that I possess one sixth of the spell you need to return home. What I have not told you is that I can no longer give it. I only ever had was a song enfused with magic given to me by Ergos alone with many others. I still know how to sing the song, as I do the others, but the magic behind them as is obvious is lacking. So there is now only one way I can give you my part of your spell. The magic I once possesed, at least so I have been told, lay not in my center self only as must other kinds due, but in my blood itself. Although I am magically drained, unfit for any task I was once meant to complete, a certain amount of it most certainly lies in blood. If not, I would not be talking to you now since I know from Juric that if I ever completly used up my magic I would die, and I am not dead. However, I cannot reach the magic I have left, not even brush. Therefore the only way I can give you what you need, is by giving you my blood itself. I do not know how much of my blood it would take to complete your spell, therefore I ask that if you choose this payment to wait until the quest is over and done. A word before you refuse this gift, if refused, you will never gain the part I possess of your spell, and will not be able to return to your home without it."

"So, Dragoness, still think I have nothing of which to pay you? Choose, and choose quickly, the sun warms the Earth and I must soon depart hopefully to be out of your hair forever."

#199:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:02 am
Well Rai, the stage's all yours.

#200:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:07 pm
Rath snorted at Rain's speech to Ariana. 'I am darkness without light. I am the void of the soul. But then that is my problem, not the elf's.' Staring dismally out over the lands she controlled Rath bared her fangs. At the edge of her vision she could see the mountain of the Demons...almost taste her foe's dreams. 'Soon you and I shall clash and then Lady you will know what happens when you jerk a dragon by the tail.'

Her head whipped around as Rain walked up the stairs and she hissed softly, a warning to the gypsy she was in no mood for weighty conversations...yet that is exactly what Rain gave her, much to consider and much more to frustrate her. With a shake of her head she listened to Rain's words, a chill smile curling over her features. "So, Dragoness, still think I have nothing of which to pay you? Choose, and choose quickly, the sun warms the Earth and I must soon depart hopefully to be out of your hair forever."

Rath stood, noting the faint light creeping in the east, far beyond the range of mortal vision. Turning so that she faced Rain full on she brought her massive head down until her nose was but a handspan from Rain's fixing her with two massive eyes the color of blood. "Yes Rain, Ergos was clever and I am sorry he has misled you as to my price...or perhaps he ment to give me more than I asked for. I had heard that he had found a spell which might send me from this world back to Lodris but that was not the price we agreed upon."

Rain stood there stunned and polexed, her eyes wide as the dragoness's voice rumbled on. "The spell which takes my people from one world to another is hard to cast, requireing four mages, three to cast, one to be the focus of the spell. But it only requires so much effort the first time as that is what we call 'laying the line'. Once the line has been laid it takes only three dragons, or two of great power, to open the gateway and travel the worlds. In promising me my way home Ergos promised me something else, an object of great value which I should even now be retrieving."

Taking Gilath's dragonstone from a still stunned Rain she walked to the edge of the platform, raising her wings as she prepared to launch herself into the sky. She craned her head around, catching Rain's eye again. "I will, however, bury this stone. Payment...well I will take my payment later...I'm sure I'll think of something before you die. Do you now see why prices are agreed upon in advance?" With a massive lunge Rath catapulted her into the sky, the stars vanishing where she passed.

Rain stood there for a few moments more before shaking her head and starting back down the stairs. "When will that stubborn dragoness learn, she cannot fight everything that comes her way. Or is she so bloodthirsty that even good fortune must be shredded and cast in ribbons at her feet."

Far away by now Rath sped through the night, her massive wings churning the air at a rate that left a trail like the tail of a comet behind her. First to a grave, hidden in a grove of trees with a small spring curling around it's steps. She stared at the green dragonstone. "I show no defference to my victims Gilath. What I do I do for my own reasons." With a flick of her claws she hurled the stone with such force it slammed into the stone of the tomb door, embedding itself against time, tide, and greedy bandit.

With another sweep of her wings Rath was away, winging through the night toward a place she'd been to only twice in her lifetime, a place she'd been welcomed once, had burst into the second time. The ruined and crumbling walls of Ergos's hall. Landing infront of it she ducked her head under the low archway and made her wat inside, talons clicking on the broken stones, sending little chips clattering off in all directions.

Through cobweb shrouded galleries and halls left too long to the elements Rath eventually came to a place she'd been allowed only once, Ergos's private chambers. More because she wouldn't fit as a dragon than out of any feeling of respect for the dead king, Rath shifted into an Eroki, padding silently into the chamber. She wasn't the first.

Looters had come before her, stealing everything of value from these once magnificent chambers, defiling the wall carvings that had once depicted the great battle of the Dragon Mother against the light. What could Rath have been looking for that had already not been stolen? But she moved with purpose, occasionally stopping with her head cocked to the side and her eyes narrowed as if she was looking for something.

Bending down in a corner of the room, where rock chips from the vandals had collected over the past five years, she began to brush them away until the wall itself was revealed, the carvings that ran just an inch above the floor intact and little damaged. Running clever fingers over it she found a hidden trigger and depressed it. The flagstones under her feet shifted, opening into a little crevass.

On one side were holders made for a sword and it didn't take great intellect to guess which sword. On the other were a few small shelves, empty now save for one thing. A simple river rock, polished smooth by an eternity of currents flowing over it. With gentle hands Rath lifted it free, taking a moment to look at it from all sides, to touch the tip of her tounge to it's surface, before she nodded and it vanished into her jewel.

"Now to return home and finally finish this travesty." Padding back out of the ruin she not once spoke a word to what spirit of Ergos might linger, if indeed this was the place he chose to. Returning to the outside and her own form Rath loosed a happy bellow as the sun came up behind her, casting her shadow for leauges down the slope of the valley that spread benieth her.

Many Eroki hearing that sound and knowing exactly who it came from darted to the doors of the dwellings to catch a glimpse of Rath's shadowy form before the dragoness lifted herself into the air and vanished over the horizon.

#201:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:40 pm
Shaking her head softly at the Rath's departing tail, Rain shrugged and whispered, "This is what I get for dealing with dragons, eroki, and prophecies I guess. Still you should have taken your price will you could, dragoness, I might not live much longer."

Walking back down the stairs, this time with leaps and bounds as she jumped from stone to stone. On the landing below Creama was handing out packs, and taking the one she was handed Rain went into Rath's cave and then began to search her many pouches for something. Smiling when she finally found it, Rain pulled out a small silver dagger of plain make, the only thing her father had given her of her mothers. Rath might not want her payment now, but as much as Rain hated to admit it, she still owed Rath and if Cree's magic was left to itself it would pull her into aiding Rath just when it was must inconvient for her and with what Rain guessed was ahead the last thing she needed was for that to happen.

So she had at least pay Rath cermonially at least, to patch things up temporaly so fate, destiny, magic and who knew what started pull around trying to make her repay her debt in full. Besides, what she intended on leaving would probably drive Rath insane at the sight of it, and just the thought of that right now made Rain smile as she was in a very, very sacrastic mood.

Laying the small dagger aside, Rain looked around in the various piles around in Rath's den until she found something suitable for her uses a small silver bowl, a glass vial, and some paper and pen.

Taking the dagger up again, Rain cut a lock of her growing raven hair and laid it the bowl. Pressing the dagger on her palm, she winced as she drew blood but then carefully dripped the blood into the glass vial. Laying the vial in the bowl Rain procced to take Thorn completly from her belt, sheath and all she laid it blow the bowl. Then taking up her hair again, Rain carefully wrapped it around the dagger and set back aside as she filled the bowl with water from a nearby trickle that ran against one of the walls of Rath's liar.

Picking up the paper and pen, Rain wrote, "We are still bonded Dragoness," and then wrapped the dagger which was wrapped her hair within the paper. Placing the whole bundle on Thorn's sheath and after checking the stopper on the vial, Rain made sure it was floating upright in the bowl of water.

Smiling, Rain turned and met her companions with some that if you were nice you would call a smile and said, "Shall we? It's a long way down."

#202:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:55 pm
((Yep, although I'm going to sneak in a post now Very Happy.))

Ariana continued to sit on the rock watching the sun rise long after Rain had left.
How had she known about the ghost like apparition that had appeared to her when Gilath had died?
And how did she know what it meant?
Out here she could see no shadow, and shehad no wish to go back indoors.
She wasn't sure if she believed Rain completely on the 'light is nothing without darkness'. Well, that was true - but why did she have to have darkness?
Why couldn't she be the light that faced the darkness?
Looking up at the stars again she sighed longingly. She wished she could be like them. Ever since she had first cleared the darkness from her, she had had that wish. To be with the stars.
She knew that that would not happen until the quest was over. could not happen until the quest was over. She had to make sure of that.
What use would she be as a star?
Feeling a tingling sensation behind her, she whirled around to see the same ghost like figure she had seen before sitting on a rock a few metres above her.
Alhtough it did not speak, or even move, a wave of fear rushed over her and she backed away.
It smiled, seemingly amused by her antics.
"What do you want?" She asked, tryng hard to keep the fear out of her voice.
Rain had said two days - so nothing bad was going to happen now.
Standing, the smile gone from its face, it pointed to her, and then back to itself. Then it pointed away from her, turned towards where it was pointing and beckoned to her to follow.
Nothing bad. Rain said two days. Nothing bad. Rain said two days. Ariana kept on repeating to herself, adiment not to let it get to her.
She followed.
It seemed to take days, but was actually only two hours. Still, Ariana thought. This is a long time. The others may well worry about me. I shouldn't have followed. I should go back.
The sahdow stopped about two metres in front of her, at the edge of an overhang in one of the mountains. Beckoning her to the edge, she advanced cautiously, carefull to make shields around her as she was coming so close to this horror. It was then that she realised it had changed. She hadn't realised it at first. It used to look like her, now it looked like a man. And elfin man, but not her. He was wearing a cloak that whipped in the breeze, and had long hair that flew behind him. colours were indistinct as he was a shadow, but she thought that his eyes were a deep black that was reminiscent of dark elves. She shuddered. They had always been taught not to trust them.
She only stayed because he was a shadow. Not whole - he couldn't do any damage - could he?
Even so, she strengthened her shields.
He was smiling at her indesicion, but as she came to the edge of the cliff, he pointed down. He needn't have, for she could see for herself.
Down below was a flat plateu of rock, about a hundred-hundred and fifty metres below. On the rock, outlined with their own blood, were bodies. She didn't know how many - but there were lots. Each one was weraing light clothes, and had pretty faces. Or used to, for some of them had been mutilated terribly.
That wasn't all. What scarred her maybe the most was that they were all elves. Light elves. Silvan elves. She gasped and held a hand to her mouth, sinking to her knees. Even though the scene was terrible, she couldn't take her eyes away from it.
She didn't even notice as the apparition moved and came to stand beside her. A moment later - he spoke.
She wasn't sure how she heard him. It wasn't with her ears or her mind. Neither was it with her eyes or even heart. All she knew was that she had heard it before. It was the voice that had spoken to her in her vision, and it struck deep inside her like a sword or sharp knife - while at the same time it comforted her and somehow made her whole.
You see down there, Ariana? That is what could happen. He waved his arm over the whole scene and the grisly bodies vanished. This is what it is now. The rock looked no different than the rest of the surrounding rock, except that it was still a flat area that was uncommon in the mountain ranges.
Ariana had a quesy feeling that the apparition at her side was growing more lifelike by the second. It no longer represented a shadow so much as a fully alive elf. It smiled as it saw her looking.
You are not listening to me. It said. Ariana sidled away because he was near enough to touch, and althought she wouldn't admit it openly, she was extremely scarred. She didn't know why.
'You were in my vision.' She said falteringly. 'Who are said......' she stopped. The voice of the vision, his voice had told her that he was part of her. What did he mean?
He had not moved, and he was smiling again. She wondered whether he could read her thoughs.
Yes. was his reply. But as much as I regret it, they will worry about you. I do not want to get you into trouble.
With that, he turned and began to make his way back. She noticed that he seemed to fade the further he went.
Why? she wondered. It was a question that applied to much at the minute. And there was so much that she wanted to ask.
As she came to the last few minutes walk till Rath's cave, he stopped and turned to her.
I'm going He told her and faded into nothing, blinking she looked around to make sure he really had gone.
Why had he chosen to warn her this time and not the others?
Why had he talked to her this time and not the others?
Why had he acted as her friends, and yet had implanted such fear into her?
Why would he not answer her questions - why he would not even give her chance to ask him.
Who was he?
Was he part of her? But then, how could they be so different?
If he was part of her, then surely she would know what he was going to do - what he was thinking, what/who he was, and vise-versa?
She shook her head to clear it as she entered Rath's lair. Then she wondered where the others were, for they were not there...

#203:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:18 pm
Rath landed on the ledge outside her Lair lightly and wandered in with booming footsteps, her mood relatively good for her. Then she saw the elf standing in the middle of the main chamber with an air of confusion. "I thought I told you all to leave." Ariana jumped, whirling to face the dragoness. A tic jumped in Rath's jaw and her spines were rising in irritation.

"We were, I mean I was..."

"They left without you...why?" Rath could sense there was something Ariana didn't want to tell her, the conflict chased across the elf's face like a play of light and shadow. Rath held up a claw to stop her. "It matters not. Give me a moment and I will send you to them." Rath chuckled a little at the expression on Ariana's face as the elf reacted to that statement. "Peace. I'm not going to drop you from the ledge outside." Not that she didn't want to.

Walking toward her perch Rath stopped, spying something. A closer inspection sent the fires of hatred burning through Rath's veins causing her to rear on her hind legs and bellow loudly enough to crack the rock celing. Ariana hit the floor, covering her head to protect it from rock chips. Glaring pure malic at the tiny note Rath ground it into the floor.

A spark reached out of her jewel to sooth her but she was having none of it. Pulling Paith's soul free of it's resting place she settled it on a high ledge. "I'll have none of that from you. I'm in a temper and for once you will not snap me out of it." Walking back over she reached down and took the back of Ariana's cloak in her teeth pulling the elf upright.

Then, with an air of disgust, she shifted back to Eroki form. Gone was the black outfit she'd worn that day when they first met. Instead the web of steel had become armor, sharp and wicked looking, the DragonSword belted around her waist. Taking Ariana by the arm she led the elf to the ledge and then, locking her arms around her waist, took them both into the air.

"Don't squirm so or I'll drop you and see if you've learned how to float like a light ray yet." The elf went limp in her arms and Rath concentrated on keeping her breathing regular and her wingbeats strong and steady. Eroki were not meant to carry passengers no matter how slight the weight of the elf.

In a few moments she caught up to the party, not far from the base of her stairs. Giving Rain a dirty look she flipped Thorn's scabbard back to her. "Fine, if you insist on paying me I'll insist on finishing my job." Not that she hadn't been in the first place but she'd wanted to finish it the easy way, waiting for the rest of them to die and then cleaning up what was left behind them.

Now it seemed she would have to put forth effort again. Graeme looked at her mistrustfully before rolling his eyes. "Couldn't resist a chance to play the hero eh?" Morzan sent a clear message, pulling his swords clear of their scabbards an inch before ramming them back down.

Crenla's fingers flicked as she muttered to herself, figuring Rath back into her plans, and Ariana still looked faintly airsick. Rain alone smiled, reaching out to put a hand on Rath's shoulder. She quickly retracted that hand when Rath glared at her, one fang clearly exposed in her half snarl. "Make no mistake gypsy. I would not be here but for my own professional pride and a certain knowledge that where this group goes bloodshead shall insue. And it is blood that I crave right now." She looked meaningfully at the bandaged wound on Rain's hand.

Turning sharply she took the maps from Crenla's hand. "Those are no good, I havn't much use for maps. If you want to reach your gole in two days you'd better follow me." Walking with a purpose she turned her back on them, more fools they if they didn't follow.

#204:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:23 am
Rain looked at Rath and smiled, looked at Ariania and chuckled. She was in a mood, a very bad mood, but still it was a mood.

This wasn't she had been expecting when she had left the items of Rath's floor, but then again what she had been expecting had been something alot worse. Rain almost admitted that of things she had once seen, once knew with a sure instict, and know couldn't see but kept in her pouch in the form of a small crystal, she had almost been looking forward, for once the darkest possibilty of all.

((Oh, you want to know what she was expecting, don't you? Well then, I'll tell you, but only because I'm feeling nice.))

Her visions had once told her than her future she could only die one of four possible deaths. The first death that could have happened, happened long ago, and gave her nightmares still, and it was one her many secrets. The second death another had died instead. The third was a death alone, having failed some task another, forced to wander from home since all hunted her, in a nation she knew not posined by a root she knew not. The fourth appernetly wasn't going to happen either, since that possibilty had just left.

All her visions of her death had one thing in common, she wasn't wearing Thorn and she had lost or had given to another her mother's dagger.

When she had wrapped her hair around it's silver length, stained the metal and her hair with her blood, instict told her to put it back, but logic, and a pretty mean attitude told her to leave it.

Visions said it was possible that if she left the dagger with another, as she had left it with Rath, that they would pierce her through with Thorn and take the dagger for themselves.

To tell the truth, when Rath landed, eyes filled with fire and death, she had almost expected Rath to peirce her through with Thorn or shallow her whole, and Rain had looked forward to that. As she told Rath, magic was in her blood, and maybe just maybe with Rath just angry enough to make a dragon of her, her blood would meld with Rath's and her magic, the songs Ergos had told her along with them, would mingle too, and as far as Rain could tell be the only way she could fulfill the task Ergos himself had asked her to fulfill on the night before his death.

The other possibilties had also had some charm, Rath dropping off Arinia, relizing the bowl could be used for visions,Rath relazing that the blood on Rain's mother's dagger was a clue of the greater prize Ergos had planned had giving the assasin even though it was beyond what they had agreed. Rath rampaging the demon hordes, making it a little easier to pass the borders, Rath showing up the last minute to complete her task.

All of those possibilties now gone. Death no longer possible, as far as Rain could tell for her, except for the third death visions told her of, and that was a death she wasn't looking forward too. Only having that death left ment more than likely the quest would fail and that the Lady would be able to sit back and laugh as Rain's own friends hunted her down as a witch.

Muttering half in silvan, half in the language of her tribe, Rain followed Rath, caring not if the others followed or not. Right now she couldn't care less. "Gilath, old friend, your were right. Death doesnt' seem all that bad right now, after all. It is too bad that I seem to have the odd talent of never suceeding to make someone mad enough to put me out of my misery."

Back in Rath's cave present dispite the wards, two shadows slipped from the crevices. Taking a look at the bowl, the vial, the note, the dagger, and the soul on a shelf, Lerenil and Love gave each other a look that spoke of understanding between them.

Love picked up the frozen soul. Lerenil took the note, and then stepping aside they let the cool presence of Death entreached in her cloak pick up the dagger.

They had what they needed, and without a word they left, their task complete...for now.

#205:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:31 pm
"They left without you...why?"

Ariana wished that Rath hadn't asked. It made her feel insecure. Didn't they need her anymore?
Din't they want her anymore?
She found herself wishing that she was back with the shadow-elf in the mountians, but this time he would talk to her properly and tell her what she needed to know. Or was it just what she wanted to hear?
She was taken out of her reverie rather abruptly as the ceiling started to collapse. Crying out, she fell to the floor and held her hands above her, her mind busy casting wards.
Luckily, she wasn't hurt.
While she was flying, she felt strange. She had levitated once, when she had still been with the elves. Although she did not have much magic, she had a bit in her blood, and had been taught some by an elf mage. She also remembered that she had been lifted into the air not by her own will befre too. It was when she was being made an example of in one of her classes when she was still the age to have them. Most the time, you weren't taught unless you wanted to be, but she had lived in another elfen home for two years when she was five, and had been taught there. The example wasn't a good one.
This was different. She had never flown with someone else before, always she had been lifted off the floor on her own. But when Rath threatened to drop her, she stopped strugling immediately, quashing the rising fear within.
She as aware of how weak she was, and hated herself for it.
When they landed, Rath said something that she didn't understand to Rain, and she replied like wise.
Then Rath told Cremla her maps were useless and stalked off, telling them to follow.
Ariana stared after her in surprise.
We are to trust her after this? She will break up the group! She doesn't even want to do this! But she knew that there wasn't much hope of stopping Rath from coming so she followed, albeit slowly.
She regretted spending so much time away from the group. As a result she hardly knew them. She didn't think there was much depth to cremla. Granted, she may be clever, but there was no depth to her soul.
Graeme gave the impression of a secret past, and a sardonic humour. She doubted she would get much out of him though.
Morzan was still an unknown character to her. The real him was hidden behind his swords.
Hanging back, Ariana fell into step with Morzan and glanced around to see how she could start a conversation. Her gaze rested on his swords and shrugging, she forced herself to say something.
"They look powerful. Where did you get them?"
She thought that it sounded pitiful, but it was the best she could do. She needed to talk to someone, if just to rid the shadow-elf from her mind.

#206:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:54 pm
Rain's mind was brooding. Things weren't looking well.

Her memories of visions were fading, but what she could remember, the paths they had taken would led to no good, no evil either, but certainly no good.

Looking back Ariania, Rain felt a twinge of gilt. She hardly knew her, yet she had given Ariania the right of naming her, a thing vastly important from she was told admist the elven culture.

When Ariania had disapered, Rain had taken one look at the vague images she could detect in the stone and knew that without a doubt, she couldn't interfere with Arinia or what had taken her away. Rain had also known that there wasn't anything she could do about it, and that the elf would return, and that if they didn't leave Rath's cave, it was equally certain Ariania would never return and neither would Rath.

So she had went on, letting things take their course, for once keeping her own nose in her own buisness. She wished she could be the person she once was, for all her companions sakes, but much had changed since Rain had been anything like the girl of her childhood.

Memories haunted her, her own people hunted her, and more than anything, Rain found herself yearning for the deaths that others had taken in her own stead. Sacrfice, that was a word Rain was well acquianted with, she just wished that instead of others sacrificing themselves for her it could have been otherwise.

Memories flood our minds in times of darkness. Regrets also. We cannot change the past, but we can remember how the past was and instead of wishing it way, remember why it was so.

A small sacrastic smile began to hint itself in the corner of her lips. The second saying of Ergos. The second prophesy of her life, the contast companions that always stood in her shadow. Regret. Memories. Pain. Like everything Ergos had ever said or had done, Rain could never figure out why Ergos had said that to her, but then again...

We cannot change the past. We control not the future. The present, well, that's a diffferent story. Those words weren't from Ergos, but from her father.

I guess it's about time I started taking my father's advice...

Slowing her pace until she was abreast to Ariania, Rain touched the elf's shoulder and smiled.

Rain knew she could never be the same, but she could certainly not let herself wish herself dead either. Time for a change....

#207:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:00 am
Ariana started at the touch on her shoulder.
Morzan hadn't replied and a rather awkward silence had fallen between them, so Ariana was glad of the distraction.
Turning, she saw that Celebrin was walking beside her, smiling.
Randril she reminded herself sharply, and smiled back.
"Randril." She said quietly, a bitterness showing in her eys as the name reminded her of the past. Reminded her of how she had thought of the name, and given it. Only truly great elves should be able to name. Randril had said that she had been named by a dark elf before - or at least, she had encountered them, and been given a gift. A flute. Celebrin.
"Malen 'de-Ele Sokir nolre Terikerian Randril" Rain replied, also in aknowledgement. It looked like she was about to say something else, but Ariana cut in before her, still speaking in the silvan tongue so that they would not be overheard.
"You said that you had met the dark elves." She said, feeling guilty at reminding Randril of her painful past, but she felt that she must ask.
"I have heard much about them, but never met one. Are they all what the ledgends say of them? And...and now that you have met the silven, the light elves, what do you think of them?"
She hesitated before she asked the question that she had been leading up to. "And, and do you think it is possible to be both?"
Her voice sounded feeble as she asked it, but she hung on the answer as if her life depended on it. It was unfair to ask Randril this, and yet there was so much more she wanted to know. It was the seconed day. Tomorrow would be the day that Randril and the shadow-elf had said something would happen on.
Something. But what? Randril had told her it wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be, but Ariana had no idea's as to what it could be, so how could it be worse?
Biting her lip, Malen 'de-Ele Sokir nolre Terikerian Randril, or Malen/Sokir, waited for Randrils reply.

#208:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:08 pm
Rath was in a dark mood as she slipped over the rugged terrain, brushing branches out of her way and scraping talons across rocks heedless of the noise they made. She wasn't trying to sneak up on some fat nobel what was the point of silence. But old habits died hard and soon she found herself padding noiselessly through the world, sliding through boughs and branches like a ghost.

I don't belong here. I should never have left Lodriss and my mother behind. I should be their now ripping the throats from my foes...and your family... The last thought rang with more truth than many words she'd uttered and came unbidden to the forefront of her mind. Don't kid yourself Rathainia. You'd kill each of them and enjoy were so close to killing...STOP! Rath put her hands over her ears to silence her own voice.

Mocking laughter echoed in her hollow soul and she felt fingers along the edges of it. No those fingers were not touching her soul but..."Paith!" Her head reared up and she turned to spring for the sky...but before she could twist free of the branches the feeling of fingers, the feeling of Paith himself, was gone. Someone had stolen his soul. "Who? Who could have bypassed my wards..."

Even as she said it she remembered that she'd been in such a huff that her wards hadn't been as strong as she should have made them. And if she hadn't been so angery with him she'd never have left his soul in her Lair at all...Memories slid into the focus of her mind, sharp and clear with harsh truth.

She stood nose to nose with another dragon of emmense size. His scales shimmered alabaster and blue his points gleaming silver. He lacked the feathers on her wings but his were patterned to mimic them, like sheets of patterned silk spread between flexible ribs. His silver-blue eyes were wide with shock as Rath snapped at him, black scales glimmering and red spines flexing angrily.

"You're always in my way! Always stepping on my tail Paith! Just once I wish you'd keep your nose out of my work!

"Dearest I only seek to help you. If you keep using yourself so you'll..." He pulled back as her jaws snapped inches from his snout.

"Oh yes I listen to you every time you preach. 'Keep control of yourself Rath or you'll slip back into madness.' Well maybe this time I want to be crazy! You can't ignore the danger signs Paithaeron or do you think that damned mix breed...that Eroki Ergos is going to be the salvation to all our problems? Think again Paith!"

"Well at least he's trying the best way he knows how instead of losing himself in meaningless bloodshead. You're so wrapped up in your own image, you're own head Rathainia, that you can't see your way clear to help others! Maybe you should stop being so selfish and start trying to see the world from someone else's point of view!" He'd looked at Rath with such hurt in his eyes but she ignored how much it pained him to say those words, concentrating only on the pain they gave to her.

"If that's the way you feel Paith then I'll go. You can feel free to take up some Eroki wife and live a simple life until darkness falls upon this land as well. Don't bother with me any longer since I'm such a burden and I don't care about anyone else in the least. When the kits come you can stay clear of me because YOU'RE NOT WELCOME!" She turned and lunged into the sky, flying as far and as fast as she could, the sounds of his voice growing dimmer as she out flew his pursuit. Then she heard it.

"RATH!" She felt the wounds rend his flesh as if they were rending her own. She sped back towards him, a roar of fury and, yes fear even, bursting from her throat. But she was too late.

'Rath...I love you...' That was the last living thought he had, hurled with his dying strength before half of Rath's soul froze over. Someone had taken Paith for a trophy. Landing next to his body she nosed him several times, knowing that he wouldn't move. It was then that she noticed a terrible. sorrowful sound surrounding her. The sound of her own keening over him.

"Rath?" Rain's soft voice broke into Rath's memories, a gentle hand resting on Rath's shoulder. With a vicious swipe of her arm, Rath brushed tears from her eyes and snarled, causing Rain to back up a pace.

"Someone has just upped the ante. They're going to be very, very, sorry." Stalking off and leaving the others puzzled behind her, Rath once again succumbed to greif. 'I left him behind once and he died. I left him behind again and he's been stolen. He was right.'

#209:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:48 pm
Chapter 13: Vale of Memories

Rain allowed herself to look around them as she walked slowly step in step with Ariania as she considered the Elf's question.

Before them the mountains gave way to a small vale in between their heights. It was a vale of history, legend, and sorrows. Rain had felt it coming with a dread. Knew that no matter what they would have to pass through it if they wished at all to make it to the path Juric had shown her in her dream sleep.

It was called the Vale of Memories. In it, the land was covered with a thick fog. Many had been lost in it. Yet a few had come through.

Every hero, or heros, in Creeian Legend were forced to go there like it or not. In the Vale of Memories, the heros were required to relive their past. Sometimes the past would help them in their quest, sometimes it made them stronger, sometimes they were required to forget them, sometimes it broke them.

This passage was not without a prize however, and many throughout history had gone just to the Vale of Memories just to gain the prizes in store for them there.

Within that vale, if you could find it, was three things. The first was the Key to the Chamber of Heros. The Chamber of Heros itself was a thing of legend in it's own right, but it was also a force that many thought would be needed. Whoever could find the Key to the Chamber could release the souls of every hero of the ages, every magical creature of everything good and right. A fearsome force to say the least. No one had found the Key, yet.

The second was the Lake of Serenity. Far beyond the recall of any mortal or immortal mind, the Lake of Serenity sat in the Vale of Memories there still despite the fact no one had found it's waters or that few if any knew of the place. Home of the Legendary Mage Illrendil, if you could find the Lake of Serenity, you find a rest on your journey. The waters there were supposed to grant you peace and a great strength. However known could stay there forever least they were dead.

The Third and deadliest was the Mirror. A small pool situated who knows where in the vale, the Mirror was rumored to be able to show you things, but uncertain things. The Mirror could show you something of the future. It could show something of the past. It could show you something from the immediate. It could show you nothing. Whatever it showed, the Mirror always showed True and never false, and always something special to each vistor that mananged to make it there. In fact looking in the Mirror was the test of the Eroki kings. Finding the Lake of Serenity, the test of many dragons. And trying to find the Key of the Chamber of Heros, the death of many a quester.

Looking around them, the traces of the fog from the Vale of Memories were wafting up causing Rain herself to momentarily shake off a memory or two. And they hadn't even crossed the Door of the Vale yet. But they would, and if they entered as a group, none of their memories would be sacred. The Vale had an uncanny way of showing some memories to just the liver of them, had sometimes showing those memories to everyone in the Vale. There would be no way of knowing until they entered the Vale.

Turning back to Ariania, Rain looked at her friend sadly,

"The Silvan I have known all my life. They are all that legends say and more, but I cannot tell you everything I would about them as time wouldn't allow that. As for Dark Elves, not all of them are as the legends say, as not all of the Silvan are all that is said of them. To be born Silvan or Dark, is a fate of birth. However it is by choice that any being becomes Light or Dark, and I have known a few who have chosen to against their birth." Sighing a little Rain looked at Ariania, "As for the last, I know what you ask, and it is not what you asked in your words. I cannot answer that question for you. I have told you all I know, Arainia. I could answer your question a few weeks hence because I possesed that skill and the memory of my old skills still. I no longer have that. I have lost it. I have lost it all. There are many questions which none can answer but yourself, Ariania, and that's the best answer I can give for now."

Pushing forward to Rath, Rain touched the Eroki's shoulder.

"Someone has just upped the ante. They're going to be very, very, sorry." Rath growled, leaving Rain puzzled and confused. How she wished...

Rushing up to Rath, Rain said in a low voice. "Rath it's not that, It's what in front of us." Pointing a shaking fingure at the object partial obsurcured by the mist Rain waited until Rath saw what she saw.

Before them stood three stones placed as if they were a door. Carved on the top piece there was written in a language beyond time, "Beware the Vale of Memories. You must enter. Beware to enter. Beware not entering."

#210:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:59 pm
Ariana listened to Rains reply, but could see that there was something else on her mind. It was not particularly helpful in all, but as Rain ran forward to Rath, Ariana was able to look around her properly and she saw it.
The misty mountains - or the vale of memories. Whichever you would chose to call it. She had heard of them in the elfin glades. Tales of death, of fear and yet also of peace of harmony and fulfillment. But whichever they would find there, Ariana was not disposed to run headfirst into it without some thought.
She supposed it was simple really. Having come so far - was she really going to stop?
No. It would be uncomfortable, undoubtably unnerving and maybe even embarresing or harmful. But necessary.
Brow furrowed in thought, She apporached the gate to read what was written there. At the same time she gathered as many memories to her as possible. As many good memories as she could.
If they were at the forefront of her mind - surely they would be the ones that would be picked out first?
She knew it wouldn't necessarily work this way - but one could hope, no?

#211:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:14 pm
Rath swore, some old draconic curse that had no meaning but much power here in Cree. "Oh goody it just had to move right into our paths didn't it. Oh well, come on sacrifical victems, line up behind me and keep all hands, arms, hooves, feet, tails, anything else that might stick out close. This is not going to be pleasant."

Rath walked between the stones without fear, not because she unafraid but because she no longer cared. Behind her the others followed, or maybe that was only the hollow echo of her own soft footfalls. She stooped low, placing one long forearm out infront of her, the other curled up like that of a hunting hound. Her tail and wings quivered and she peered through the mist, stretched out like some preditor after it's prey.

Her nose caught something and she was off like a shot, ignoring the rest of the party who were still whirled in the mist. It wasn't going to be pretty when she and Illrendil met up, not with her like this. She twisted around trees that all seemed to loom, running on all fours like an animal, keeping low and quiet. If she had to be here, and it seemed she had to be here, then she was going to choose the time and place of their meeting.

She burst out of the trees and stood tall, picking bits of twig and leaf out of her hair. Before her stood the shores of a silver lake, light quietly dappling it's surface despite the fact the mist blocked the sun. On the other side of the shore a figure emerged, features breifly illuminated before his face turned away.

"Why have you come back." The words carried no louder than a whisper across the lake, soft and gentle.

"Not by choice I assure you."

"No, no the fact you walk my soil again, the fact you've lost yourself Rathainia." Rath made a sharp gesture.

"You don't need to remind me. Every moment of my life is running before my eyes thanks to this stupid vale. The mist is taking the shape of moments I've lived, some of them not even of this world. Do you realize the power in that?" A nod from the distant figure.

"Of course. I lived all those years with her did I not. Lived all those wonderful years until you came and you killed. Now I live alone within this Vale just to be near her." Slowly the mist near him took shape, the shape of a dragon never born on Cree, but on Lodriss. It was the shape of the young dragon mage Mythree, the one who had died and allowed Rath to regain herself.

"Oh that's nice. Showing me the past is not going to help your future."

"It's not my future I'm worried about's Cree's. The whole world rests on the edge of that sword you wear by your side and you play with it like you play with the hearts of those who love you. One day Rath, you'll find that it will be your undoing." Slowly the misty dragon-form faded and when the mist cleared the mage was gone.

Rath turned from the lake, no rest lay there for her, and pressed ahead. It was some time later that she bounded over a ridge and came to a complete stop. Before her lay a simple round pool a few inches deep, lined with smooth black stone. Blinking Rath peered into it, thirst making her check the fresh water.

Before she could drink one drop the surface shimmered and she cursed her stupidity. She hadn't wanted to see anything, should have known that this lonely pool was indeed that very pool. But she couldn't stop now, not as the water resolved itself into an image that made her reel back in shock.

Splinters of light danced through the bows of massive trees. Threads of power hung everywhere, running through everything and illustrating the tapastry of life. Rath, as she had never before been, stood near a pool at the center of it, a great shadow falling over her. Reflected in her eyes was something indescribeable.

Then the vision was gone and Rath was left stunned, thirst forgotten. She wandered over the ridge, and the next one, parting the mists in no certain order before finally collapsing in a small clearing somewhere in the Vale. "Oh what a fool I have been. Grandmother...tell her I didn't mean it."

#212:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:32 pm
((I wasn't going to post, but maybe I will, just a short little one though, the rest I'll save for later.))

Rain wasn't so fool hardy as Rath however, who stepped in the Vale of Memories without a fear or care in the world. Looking back to her companions, Rain tossed the rather lengthy rope that was her pack thanks to Craema. "Everyone tie themselves togther and quickly. Rath was right when she said this isn't going to be pleasant. I may have to share my more unpleasant memories with you, but blast it if I let I single of you get lost in this Vale!"

Waiting until everyone was tied, Rain tied the beginning of the rope tight around her waist. No one knew what lay in the Vale, but it looked like they were going to find out.

And Rain had an odd suspicion that just about every memory she didn't want anyone else to know about was going to be dragged out in the open.

Stepping forward, Rain reached her hands out hoping to find Rath in front of her....

#213:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:49 pm
Rath's form shifted while she lay there, becoming a man-size version of her dragon self. She lifted her head, tounge lolling, before getting to her shaky legs. Tail dragging the ground behind her, churning up three long furrows, she started wearily back toward the rest of the party, guided unerringly by the power of the sword.

In a few moments she was alongside them, hidden in the mist which was now quiet, having dredged everything it could have from Rath's long life. Pacing wearily beside them she was kept at bay by a bank of mist. Obviously it didn't want her to rejoin them just yet so Rath merely plodded along, watching the terrors that sprang from the minds of the others.

#214:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:40 pm
((I told myself I would wait...I told everyone else I would patiently for their post. Guess I lied...oh well. Boredom and impatience may get me critized, and scolded, but I'm sure you'll forgive me, eventually.))

The fog of the Vale of Memories surrond their small party completly except for a tiny clearance which allowed them to see before them and little to each side. Swirls of mist went to and fro each person making them experience pieces and moments of their lives all over again.

For the most part, the memories each of them experienced were in their own mind. Sometimes however, a faint image of what one of them was seeing appeared in the mist. Scences of battle from Morzan, Elves from Ariania, an old man from Graeme, a libary full of books from Craema would from time to time dot the scene.

Rain, however was a different story. The mist had left her alone, so far, and Rain could only guess as to why. Where as none of the others had made their past a secret, Rain had. Granted the memories she was experiencing from her childhood brought tears, but they were nothing to some of things she had kept hidden even from her own brother.

They were only on the edges of the vale however, the memories would get more painful, more sharp, more pleasant, more clear, and generally stronger as they made their way through the vale.

Then it happened, standing in front of her, clear as the day it had happened was a memory Rain remembered all to well, out in the open for all to see:

A much younger Rain is the picture, her clothes tattered, her hair a mangled mess, a heavy pack swinging on and off her back. 'I was only 10, my word, I was only 10.' Around the youthful version of herself, the scenery was becoming atonishly clearlier. She was in a wood, the Kaldr wood that dominated most of Andoria's western land which the Terikerian often traveled, and she was running, clearly out of breath, clearly afraid. She looked hunted.

She was hunted. But by what?

It had been hours before it had happened but in this vision, the event happened in minutes.

It happened just on the border of the wood, where the tall trees and heavy underbrush had finally given way to a clearing. The child version of Rain appeared, peering in to the clearing, unsure if she should cross it, unsure if she could allow herself a rest to take a drink of water that she so surely needed.

She took a step forward, out of the darkness into the light. There was a blurl, and the elder Rain could almost feel the pain of the fall as the vision of her childhood self was knocked over onto the roots, tackled by the very enemy that hunted her.

Her childhoodself was on the ground know looking up into the unforgiving sun that stood behind the equally unforgiving face of her enemey. Rain now saw what she once saw, what she saw as the first death that she could have died, and know that everyone saw also.

Above her a female face once beautiful was now scarred by the unmistaclble evidences of fate. A cruel smile was on her enemy lips as Rain felt herself try to weakly struggle against the pure weight of the woman who kneeled on her chest gloating. Hate was her eyes. The woman who held Rain down was enjoying this. Words were exchanged but none could here them.

During this time, the child version of Rain did the first smart thing she could have done, her hand had finally managed to release a small silver dagger that she fumbled with in her hands. Raising it to slash the Woman's chest so fast it even surprised herself, Rain watched as a gash opened from the woman's shoulder to the almost the top of the woman's chest. The Woman shocked by this sudden and unexpected effort on the girls part lossened her grip and raised a hand to strick the child back.

Another blurl, and something, Rain couldn't see what tackled the Woman to the ground saving the girl from a very bad beating.

Rain, not to surprised not to follow the first instict she had, stumbled up to her feet and ran into the nearest bush. Then she hid.

Screams, yells, and curses filled the woods until suddenly the stopped. An errie silence followed until Rain peering from the bushes saw the Lady stumble past heavily wouded.

Carefully with the silence that came from being a gyspy raised admist the elven kind more often then not, Rain followed wanting to see where this Woman went, hoping that the Woman would seek selter for her wounds and thus be unable to hunt her for a long time.

Rain watched as the Woman stumbled into a convent somewhere southwest of the glade, watched as she was welcomed freely, watched as the Woman collapsed weakly into the priest arms. As the door shut, Rain watched and then waited until the natural sounds of the forest resumed.

Then with the same caution she used earlier stumbled back to the glade. Walking into the glade what she saw was a bloody scene. Taking one look at the person's face who had saved her life, Rain took three steps away and threw up her lunch with a weak wrench.

Taking a cloth from her bag, Rain cleaned the body and then with branches and leafs made a grave the only way her small ten year old body could.

As she tied a last oranment of a white flower called the everlest on to the pile with some ribbon, Rain spotted a bloody dagger on the ground, the blood making an eerie contrast to the green of the glade. Picking it up, Rain cleaned it up and stumbled out of the clearing, her feet and mind in a daze. As she left the glade, the vision began to dim only allowing a glimspe of Rain's face before it completly disappered.

Rain's childhood face, only ten and yet acquainted with grief, was filled with a sadness beyond words.

The person who had saved her life was a silvan, a light wood elf, one of the many who had raised her, protected her, and had taught her. A elven man who in his life had been called, Aerilian Celebrithil.

The Woman had been the one who was now known as the Lady of The Night before she ever was the Lady of the Night, but a Terikerian Gyspy woman of legendary beauty.

Closing her eyes and holding out her hands as her mind reeled from the vision, Rain breathed and in a voice that sounded grieved whispered in a voice that seemed to echo in the thick mist, "And that was only the first. OH my, that was only the first."

#215:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:44 pm
Ariana had tied the rope around her wrist so that it could be easily taken off, yet strong enough to keep her to them should she trip and fall. The memories were not unplesant. In fact, you could say she was quite enjoying the experience. Being an elf - she had a good memory anyway, but from the depths of her mind were coming visions from her early childhood. So young that she could scarce remember them without this added help. It was also a surprise to see herself in some of the memories. Normally she would see through her eyes, and watch the scene as she had then, but some of them showed her as if she was an invisable force watching instead of actually there.
She had expected more of them really. They were still not so real, as if she were watching a play, or seeing a reflection in a pool. Occasionally, she would see glimpses of the others and wondered if they could see hers. So far she didn't mind so much and began to wonder whther her 'think good thoughts' technique was really working. Soon she was even smiling, humming slightly as she observed the mist around her for more glimpses of the past. Whether hers or others.
Then it came. The face of a small child. She had had glimpses of Graeme's Morzan's and Cremla's but not Rain's. Rath, as far as she knew had gone ahead so she did not expect to see hers - but she had been wondering why Rain's memories were not coming out.
Something about the face told Ariana there was something wrong. The eyes were wide and held fear, too much for a child of only...ten?
She was running, stubling through the trees. Soon she came to a clearing and stopped, hesitating, wondering whther she could afford a rest. As she did so, Ariana had a prickling sensation on the back of her neck and felt like shouting out 'No! Go on, don't stop!'
She knew, however, that it would make no difference. Hardly a second later a beast had flown from the trees and wrestled her to the ground. At a second glance, Ariana saw that it was a beautiful woman, a gypsy by the look of her.
They stayed like that, exchanging silent words for a minute or two. Then the child Rain drew a dagger and slit the womans chest. Ariana winced. She knew that she should not feel sorry for the lady - that she was evil. But somehow she did.
More than Randril? A voice whispered in her ear. Do you like her better than your friend? She dismissed the thought with an angry clenching of the jaw as she resumed watching the memory. Something told her that she shouldn't that she should turn away and refuse to see because it was personal to Randril and was undoubtedly being shown unwillingly. Another part told her that Rain had seen her memories, and would see much more.
She had been watching the vision on auto pilot while thinking this. Now though, she was jumped back into the present and her hand flew to her mouth in an involuntary gasp as she saw the deformed and bloody face of Rain's silvan saviour. A minute or two later and it faded into nothing, leaving behind it an image of the 10 year old Rain's face.
Ariana continued to stare at the part of mist where it had been betrayed. She had always hated death. Always.
This didn't mean it had evaded her though - more like haunted her purposely because of its knowledge of her fear.
At the moment she was finding it hard to breathe and she knew instinctively that she could hide her dark memories no longer. They must have been walking for a long while now because when the vision came she felt it strongly, and she stopped walking. Somehow, she knew that that the others could see it too. It was too real for them not to. And it was not just one.
It started, washing over her in waves and she stood swaying slightly as if in a trance.

A light forest glade not unlike the one of Rains memory. A woman who vaguely resembles Ariana is stumbling through it. She seems in a hurry, but it is eveident that she is not being chased. It is not an immediate danger, whatever is driving her with such determination.
In her arms is a bundle of cloth. Ariana knows who it is, but the memory does a close-up to make sure. It is an elven baby and it is crying. The mother though, does not seem to hear. Either that or she ignores it, continuing on her way. She looks tired and has evidently been travelling for some days, if not weeks.
Not even Ariana knows how long it was.
This continues for several minutes. In which time, the mother elf becomes increasingly tired. She is stumbling more often now and if one looks closely, there are tears running down her face although she makes no noise.
They appear in a slight clearing. It is a different one from Rain's memory, for this one does not have a pool and is more shaded. Now the elf stops although not of her own will for she trips on one of the roots and falls to the ground. As she falls she twists so she falls on her side, carefull not to hurt the baby which is still crying loudly. Her ragged breathing comes clear and sounds above the babies howls and there is a pause and the memory halts as if it does not want to continue. A second later and it resumes.
Now though, the baby has stopped crying.
Another close-up and the mother holds the baby closer to her and brushes her lips against the babies forehead. Then her head lolls back and her eyes glaze.
For a moment, it seems as if there is another pause or standstill, but the sounds of the birds can still be heard and you realise that it is merely a significant moment as the veiw changes to be shown from the babies eyes. It is blurred as she is crying, but it is tragic. Even though she is hardly of age to understand, somehow you realise that she has.

"And I have always cried silently since." Whispered Ariana, still apprently caught up in the memory although it has now faded, leaving the image of the glazed eyes and blonde hair of the elfin mother. Tears are running down her face now, proving her point as she makes no noise except those words.
Before she can see the others reaction, or even get over her own of the last vision, another one pops unbidon to her mind.
Again, she is painfully aware that all can see it.

This time there is a much darker auror and Ariana is older. It is not altogether clear where she is but she still looks young, and the human equivelent of three years old. She is clad in a rough grey cloth which could have been a sack in earlier use and is sitting down staring mournfully into nothingness. This continues for about aminute and then a change comes to her face and her ears prick up as if she is listening hard for something. Eyes growing wider, her head shoots up and she looks around widely as if searching for something or someone with her eyes. Still, she is the only one who has heard anything.
"Kyler!" She calls quietly. This could be a name, or it may just be garble. The Ariana of the future winces as she hears the dependence in her voice. Even through that basic feeling though, a stronger one shines through. Fear.
"Kyler!" She calls again, this time slightly louder, but still in a hjushed tone as if afraid of alerting someone to her presence.
Nobody comes and She begins to fidget. A moment later and she is on her feet and walking unsteadily through the gloom. You get the impression that the space is not very big, and is almost reminiscent of a small rounded cupboard.
This notion is thrown aside as you see her stumble and fall. The vision has switched now to see through her eyes, and you realise that she has trippied on some steps. They twirl upwards and give the impression that wherever she is, goes up a long way. Next to the stairs is a small trapdoor - no doubt containing more stairs - this time descending. Getting up, She hurries now, making her way around the steps until she comes to a door. She hesitates. The door seems to be carved into the room itself and is hidden, so it is only when she stops and peers through a small hole no doubt used for spying on the ouside world do you realise what it actually is.
As she looks, you can see that she is in a forest. The view is shaking slightly and you realise that she must be very afraid. "Ky..." She stops. She had been whispering so law that whoever Kyler was wouldn't have heard anyway, but now everyone can hear a noise. It is an indistinct noise, but reminds you of movement. Someone or something is coming. Turning, she runs, stumbles, trips and generally makes her way back to the steps. Although she is old enough to climb them, for some reason she crawls up them now, and her vision blurrs yet again. A shift of view and yet again you are the invisable outsider watching the scene play out before your eyes. She stops about ten step up and peers out of another small hole that has been cut there.
For a split second you see the veiw from her eyes. You are still in the forest, but higher up now, a good vantage posistion to observe what is happening and yet not be seen.
Then the view shifts again so that you are seeing the other side of the hole. You can just about see the watery blue of her eye before you are whisked backwards, and you realise with a start that she is inside a tree. A large old oak. The light has also changed. Instead of the darkness which you have now got used to, there is now light. It is filtered through the branches of the trees, but at first it is blinding. Nothing happens for a few minutes and the light becomes less bright, showing the scene clearer. The lack of action is made up for almost immediately though, as everything seems to happen at once.
First the noise becomes louder and you discern that it is coming from some bushes a few metres away from the house-tree. Suddenly, something emerges from the bushes. It's form is hideous. A long thin sleek black body with equally long thin sleek black legs pretruding from it at several odd angles. Its head is melted into the rest of the body and the eyes are glassy and black with red veins. Just below them is a mouth. Or at least, a gap. There are no lips but like a vampire, the top teeth jut out and are pointed. Unlike a vampire though, instead of two teeth, there and a whole row. At least eight, and more like ten.
It is, then, a mix of many animals, and would be classed, I suppose in the 'too-large' insect catagory as it measures about five metres.
Another one appears behind it, and another after that. Luckily, that is all that come.
For a moment they just stand there, sniffing the breeze. Then they begin to jerk their way towards Ariana's tree.
Even though the future Ariana is expecting the next part, she still cannot help marvelling at the timing and wondering if it was more then mere luck. For at that precise moment, there is a whizzing sound, and a knife whirls out of the forest to embed itself in the side of one of the beasts. Immediately, they all stop, and with deadly accurecy, all turn to face the exact direction from where it came.
The vision wavers a moment and once again the sight of the following events is limited as it is seen through Ariana's eyes.
From the same direction as the knife, a man appears. Or at least, his basic shape represents a human, but on his head he wears a mask that covers his face. It is a long beak with black raven feathers stuck all around it smothing his whole head from veiw. On his hands are similar feather forming a strange kind of glove. Also, these feathers cover his feet. Apart from this, and a similar grey sack tied around his waist, he wears nothing.

"Kyler" Ariana whispers, her eyes wide. In her mind, she has already relived what comes next.
At first there is nothing. A truce exists while the other does not move. He is whispering under his breath, and a moment later he raises his arms. It is not a peace gesture and now you can hear that he is chanting. The words are not clear, but they would be unknown to most as they are not a language of a people, but of a force.
The insects realise what is happening too late, but when they do, they move forward instead of away. They are not stupid, and it is better to use your last moments for revenge than a pointless running away, no?
A blast. An explosion. Hissing. A shout. And dust...
dust that seems as if it is never going to clear.
Ariana has moved from her posistion and is now groping her ways down the stairs. There is no movement from outside. No sound either. The door opens and there is a feeling of the end. Of ultimatum. Of significance and of Freedom.
Down on the ground the dust has cleared slightly and she can see what remains. Not much. There are various black body parts lying around and as she searches for any sign of...there. By the trees is another body, the face still covered in black feathers. Hurrying, she finds herself by his side, and can see the gouges along his front.
The vision fades.

A black cavern, total darkness. Silence. A scream.
A lake. Underwater. Hair entwined with the seaweed and an arm. Stretching out. Help...
A small room sparsely furnished. Happy laughter and raised voices from another room off the side. A rat, dead in the corner next to a partly open cupboard with flies buzzing round and round and round...
Night. A ...

NO! Too much. Gasping, Ariana stared at the mist. How had that happened? She hadn't been in control at all. She had only heard tales of this place, now she wished that she hadn't even had that. She wished that she could be normal, and ordinary elf who would skip happily around the peaceful forest glades singing with her friends, attending feasts and exchanging pleasantries. Not trapesing around some misty vallys reliving a past filled with despair.
Lifting her head up, she faced the others. She wondered whether they had all seen, or whether they had been too wrapped up in their own memories.

#216:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:45 pm
((Okay, I guess I better get this done and over with. Hope you all enjoy this little tour of Rain's past and the many secrets that some know, others guess, and others have yet to learn.))

Rain stood there for a long time. How long she couldn't have said. All she knew was that her mind was realing from the memory she had first experienced. Everything, every feeling, every hurt that had come with that memory including the memories that had made that memory now were inprinted on Rain's mind clearier than ever. Why? What had she learned?

Then the mist told her. Remember courage. You had it once. You lost it. You think you are alone. You thought so then. You thought you had no defense HER but you fought. Remember Courage. Courage.

Lowering her hand from her head, Rain's eyes peirced through the mist ahead. She knew that voice. She had heard so long ago, but now that she heard again, why couldn't she place it.

More violent memories played from each person, each taking turns, as memories some to horrible to look at played on the fog. And while that happened, there was a breath of relief for Rain as the fog replayed some of her more pleasant childhood memories.

The memory of her mother's smell only stronger, and more clear than Rain could remember it ever being. It was a complex smell, made of some things Rain couldn't even put a name to. In it was: the subtle smell of sulfur hidden beneath the golorious smell of wood smoke that seemed to cut through the cold air which hung around those twin smells, there was the smell of nutmeg, the stong aroma of cloves inbeeded into a ripe orange, the smell of steel that seemed to hang on one's tongue, the smell of spicy of apple cider just coming to a boil, and finally the faint smell of raw meat and the blood of it still fresh on the hands just moments from the kill.

The memory of laughing through the woods, boundled up in a fur dress as her and her elven friends played hide and seek under her elder brother's eyes. The memory of holding the reigns of the wagon's two horses as her father sat tall and proud beside her, and her brother Juric riding beside them at an even pace. The smell and sound of the sea as it crashed against the bark of the Red Wheel or My Lady Love. The memory of old Mat laughing at her along with Juric as she stumbled for the first time on board a sea vessel. The bittersweet memory of her brother being bonded to Gilath and becoming a dragon-mage.

Then there were the painful memories. The last memory Rain had of her father as his sad eyes watched her leave from the scene as she walked away from her brother's grave. The memory of standing in front of the whole Terekerian Tribe, both times. The first memory which the Lady sat as the main judge, the second memory when Marlbrin accused her of killing her own brother by magic and trickery. The first memory was not a pleasant one and luckily it decided to stay where Rain had placed it deeply buried by the other memory of the forest Glade under which had hid it. The second memory wasn't perhaps so bitter, as it was brief, but it carried many other memories with it, Memories that Rain feared to have shared.

It had been after the Terikerian Tribe had cast her out, at the age of 18, that Rain had taken her name of Nari and also her name of Arian. Before that, Rain had believed herself safe. After that, Rain learned to her grief that not only wasn't she not safe but the Woman who had attacked her, who had accused her as unnatural, the Woman who had tried to convince her tribe that Rain was a witch, was not only alive and well but was much more than she had remember.

The memory of that first meeting, the memory when Rain had learned what that Woman of her Tribe had become was fresh, and it was that memory that began to form vaguely on the fog... A young woman between the age of eighteen and twenty walked throughout the carvan trading city she had come to dwell in occasionally for the last two months. She wore the dress simalar to the one Arian had worn at the Dragon Inn. Around her, merchants at their stalls called their wares claiming that their's was better than the others across the streets. The city in which she walked was an infamous one, one as full of merchants as it was of theives. Many an assasin could be found and bought in this city. Indeed, it was in this city that the Rain had first met Rath when she had accidently stumbled onto the assassin's camp. Why the dragoness hadn't killed her then, Rain didn't know, and though neither of them knew it they would become friends some day. This city, although free with it's reputation for crime, was also free to who it welcomed within it's walls. The City, known as Kaliven, located just past the first mountain range that made the Western Wall, opened it's arms to all kindreds, all kinds, all professions. Centaurs, mages, elves, dwaves, nymphs, niads, fauns, Eroki, dragon (if it could fit), and many more were all welcomed here without a fuss.

It was also near this city that the largest convenant of a group that called themselves the Light's Chosen was located. Although Rain didn't know it, although Kaliven didnt' know it, although history didn't know it, this would be the first casuality in a long war.

Late that night when Rain was playing her old flute, not celebrin but the wooden one before that, at a local inn for some money, a few of the Chosen crept into the city while many of the inhabitants slept quietly in their beds. The next morning posters declared that there was a new prophet amdist the Light's Chosen, and that they simple called her The Lady, and this prophet speaking the words of the Light for the Light had declared that all 'Unforantes, Unnatural's, and other Damned beings' were not only a curse on this land, but the Light had made it very clear that it was displeased by it's Chosen not taking the actions it should. It therefore urged the city to refuse shelter to these 'unnatural beings' or the group would take 'unforantate but holy measures to purge the city from it's blindness'. The notice gave them until nightfall the next day. The notice also declared that any 'concenred citzens' or 'interested parties' who wished to hear this prophet's words could see 'the High and Esteemed Lady' on the Kalvien's Treasury's steps.

Rain had went, more curious than anything else. Although she disagred strongly with the groups feelings, it never hurt one to be aware of new movements of such a strong group, especially when one was traveling through a country it had heavily enfluenced.

As she arrived near the steps of the Kalvien's Treasury, Rain was surprised to see the vast amount of men and woman, all human and normal surprisingly, that had gathered there. A large part of them were the radical memember's of Fate's Chosen set apart by their long white robes without marks and their faces covered in viels, their hair with hoods.

The steps themselves were guarded not by the group itself but by what appeared to be Mercenaries from the Western Country of Sel-Nia. Rain watched as several more memember's of Fate's Chosen walked backwards before their 'Lady' who was hidden from view by a large white veil. As the woman reached the climax of the stairs, she tossed aside her veil turning as she did so.

The Rain in the memory gasped. Before her on those steps, stood the very woman that had hated and hunted her so all those many years ago. The woman had changed though greatly. Her face had become thin and angled, and her eyes once a beautiful sapphire filled with laughter were now an emotional black filled with a inner power. Where the Lady had been stunnily beautiful before, she was even more so now, and more than one man in the audience would have given all their children alive for her to eat right then and there if she had but glanced at them kindly.

Luckily for Rain, she was well hidden in the group, and from the Lady's Causual Glance over the audience, the Lady didn't see her or to recongize her in the least.

Raising a beautiful sing-song soprano voice that won many hearts over to her designs, the prophetess of the Fate's Chosen spoke, poision in her every word. "Dear People, I know that for many long years who have lived in worry and fear. You not so any longer. And although we have no doubt that the many long years under the lying falsehoods of Politicians and Taxiatians that tax you, lie to you, and steal you very livehood have poisioned your hearts and minds, We are here today in the hopes that you may perhaps be won to Truth, in which their is the only way of Living for the days to Come.

I do not speak foolishly, for I too, was one of you. For I was once a gypsy of the land, roaming contently, never resting once, little did I know that my true wandering was in my soul. I once lived as you do know, unknowing of the truth, decieved, and I believed myself happy, I believed myself content. But I was not. Deep inside my heart I believed that the things the other's around me were true. I could not believe that I should be required to Pay to those who call themselves Kings, that I must reverence these beings whom I never saw as gods, that I should at all times respect my country who at the same time stole our livestock, ravegaged our farms, and deprived our young men of their youth for their own twisted purposes. I knew that magic is not a natural thing, after all, the only 'magic' I ever saw was mirrors and tricks. I knew that it couldn't be possible that some damnation of a half-horse half-man could be natural and that the logical making of such ambdimantions was to be blessed by the very King and Queen I was suspossed to serve, Even though I was a Gyspy, Even Though I had neither King nor Queen!

Yet I surpressed this knowledge. Until my nights became restless, until my soul began to awake to the truth. I owed this awakening to a very small young girl, who with the magic of her lips, decieved many, and won the love of others through deciet. I saw this same girl paint a picture of a sunset on a waterfall, and knew that magic was real.

Then one night, when in bed, I realized that if Magic was real, if real it could be called, it was a deception a tool of the darkness, to win souls for it's dark purpose. I knew then that Girl had to be punished, that she had to be killed, for wheither a willing victum or no that Girl was a tool of the darkness.

But the Girl had enrapped my tribe so that their eyes could no longer see the truth, and I knew that it was the end for me. So I tried to kill the girl myself. She fled and I purcude. Such a fool was I to think I could wrestle the darkness and it's tools! For one day, I met this possesed Girl, This Witch whose eyes haunt me still in all their unnatural color, and I gained this!" The Lady shouted, revealing the scar Rain had given her while yet a child. "I thought I would die that day of the dark posion that flowed through my veins from that wound. But Mercy, and Praise to the Light, The Light saw fit to lead me still. It lead me to a group called the Fate's Chosen, and they taught me the truth.

I learned, and I drank deep from the well of truth. I was to them a simple daughter to whom they had saved until one day, I was graced by a vistor, an angle of strange sight, whose face I couldn't look upon whose wings covered the sun, and he told that I was to be a Prophet and that under me all of the forces of the Light would be led.

So I stand here now, undesevering prophet of the Light, calling for a reveal. Calling for you to throw out these trickesters, these tools of the dark, these unnatural beings which darkness itself formed, and I urge you see the Light!"

There was a bright flash in the memory and the stairs were filled with visions of angels, or at least that what they appeared to be. Rain, her trained eyes looking past the illusion, saw the truth, these angels were not angels at all but demons, dark demons. Knowing the truth, knowing the danger she know had accured on herself by listening to long, Rain began to make her slow way out of the crowd and eventually out of the city. Rain had every reason in the world to warn every person she knew, but she also knew that she was a Criminal in the eyes of her own people, a wanted person in her land, and that no one would listen to her.

But perhaps they would listen Arin...oh why was such a fool, no one would listen to a stranger, either. Rain knew that the only thing she could do was warn Juric and anybody else that would believe her and then run as far as she could. Her mind kept reeling wtih the same thing...if she finds me...I'm so dead.

That night as Rain looked back from a high ridge she was attempting to climb, Rain looked back to see the city of Kavien go up in smokes, watched and remembered that what she saw that day was the first act of war. A war against all that was good and pure in the world going under the same name that was supposed to protect it. The young Rain, otherwise known as Arin at the time, shook her head a single tear gracing her gentle cheeks as she turned back to climb the tall mountain before her.

Rain watched the memory play in both her mind and on the fog and wondered if the other's saw, readjusting her pack, Rain began to walk forward in the midst as memories of her life began to play in her, around her, and in front of the group in picture clear clarity.

It was night. All around it was darkness, but slowly hazily the picture reslolves showing the scene. You are in a large cave. All around the cave refugees from the war surrond you. Switching the view, you see Rain, about five years hence, standing near the entrance of the cave. Instively you that Rain has joined the group and that she had come to them hurt and bruised, it was the begginnign of the history which she told you some month ago. In her sash Celebrin was displayed proudly and from the shine of the silver, you can guess that she had just received it not to many days before she joined this group. The group in the cave is lead by a strong brunette, a daughter of the former Marshal of the west, and her pleasantly round form clothed in an attractive dress that although ragged with tears and dirt made her no less beautiful. Around her neck she wears a silver necklace with a large green pendant.

She approaches Rain who stands near a commonal fire that she shared with four other people, including the leader of the group, whose name was Naomi. Naomi smiles at Rain, and accepting a loaf of bread from her enfancied, a muscled beared man named Will. Amoung this group at this fire is a young eroki male whose blood red wings, haunted firey eyes, and nervous glances marked him as a victim of the attacks from the demon hordes in the west. There also sits a falidri mage, a mage who took after neither light nor dark but of the earth, whose sparkling grey eyes, winning smile, blond hair, and the blue tattoes you could see on his hands seemed no distrubance. The final member of their group was a pregant healer whose bulging stomache declared that she was soon to be delievered. Judging from the go-go eyes the healer and falidri mage were giving each other, they were at least mates if not husband and wife.

The scene fast forwards to when most of the group lies sound asleep, including Rain. The scene rushes forward to Rain's face who suddenly dartes up, her normally lavender eyes turning a deep trouble marron as sweat drips down her face. Nightmares still fill her eyes, as the Faldri known as Yrondi also dartes up, his face much the same as Rain's. Taking one look at each other, they rush to wake up Namoi, and they tell their of their nightmare, which sounded unerrily semaliar. Yrondi told her that Rain, who they called Nari, had a vision and he had the same one. According to what he could gather, a very powerful force of demons were coming their way and there was no way of telling how soon.

The sounds of people getting up and being rushed down a small tunnel procceded this scene, followed by scene where the eroki male in order to distract the demon hordes from the group steps forward and with a spell became what the demons themselves had made him, a wall of flame, a haunted flame which the demons could no touch nor cross.

Taking one last look behind them as a few strong men rolled in front of the passageway, Rain knew she could hide her secrets no longer.

Two months latter, the group arrived at the Capital of Andoria.

~ ~ ~

The scene blurls and switches. A small group made of Yrondi, an old man, Naomi, and Rain stand in small hall in which stands a small table with several chairs. Many ambassdors, upon hearing this groups entrance, turned their heads to see what they could.

As Naomi and the others were escorted to their seats, Rain took her's, a simple stool in a corner.

A trumpet's call annoced the Queen's arrival, and Rain turned to see the first truly beautiful woman she had seen in her life. The Queen was simply dresseed in a simple dress of brown cotton that any farmer's wife could afford. At her side held there by a simple golden cord, was a sharp straight sword, it's lightness depicting it as ment for the Queen's hand, but it's sharpness telling that this was no tool.

The Queen herself wore her shoulder length straw colored hair down, it's curles outlining her kind, sad, heartshaped face as she looked to each person present and gave a small nod as her soft brown eyes crossed each one. The Queen was short, but no shorter than typical for many Andorian woman, and her bulging belly only hinted at either to many chocolates or a hope beyond a kingdom's wildest dreams.

The conference lasted long, each of the ambassdor's giving their opinions each in turn, and at the last they listened to the Queen's tale of how the King had died and then when she was finished, the ambassdor's listened with horror of the tales of the refugees from the Western Border's of Andoria.

The whole time it had lasted, Rain had sat quietly in the corner, her flute, not celebrin but a wooden one she perfered for it's softer voice, playing a low southing melody barely detaclable to their ears, but present to their minds.

In the end, the ambassodor's were willing to declare war, but they only had one question: Why did the Demons wish to attack Andoria of all places?

This time, for the first time, the flute music stopped, and the ambassdor's turning to see the raven haired purple eyed flute player in the corner started. Then Rain spoke, "I know, If we could speak alone my Queen?"

~ ~ ~

The picture of the memory shifted on the fog becoming clearier as it should Rain as Nari and the Queen in the Queen's antechamber not far from the hall they had been in.

Dismissing the servants there with a simple"I believe she said alone," and a raise eyebrow.

Accepting the seat she was offered, Rain told the Queen everything. And I mean everything.

The group listened in the fog as the memory broadcast not only the picture but the words of Rain's memory.

Rain sat there and told the Queen how once long ago, a woman of her tribe had found her playing her flute and how this woman had discovered that Rain could with musical notes, songs, and sung runes that the elves had taught her cast minor illusion spells. Something that could perhaps be called 'magic'.

This woman had then dragged her before her tribesmen and declared her to be a Witch. When the Tribe refused to believe this woman, she had gone mad and more than one occasion Rain found herself avoid near attempt on her life from this woman. That this woman soon became mad.

Rain fearing for her life, ran away, into a nearby wood. The Woman who was soon cashed out of the tribe as an insane woman began to hunter.

Rain told the Queen what had happened in the glade. Told the Queen the Speech she had heard in the now destroyed town of Kalvien.

~ ~ ~

In the end, all the Queen told the people of the council was that 'This woman believes herself to be a prophet and will kill any who will not join her precious cult, or harbors or supports 'unnaturals'. Do you know who she calls unnaturals? Elves. Centaurs. Dwavres. Mages. Dragons. Normal people. People on which we all have in our land. People who even know sit as representives in this group. The woman, this Lady, will not rest until our countries are 'purged' and I for one don't intend on standing around waiting for to Killing all my people of my land. It will do you well to remember that if we are conquered, it will only be a matter of time before your own countries are conquered. This is the report this girl, who calls herself Nari, tells me, and I believe her for she speaks with a truthful eye and an honest soul."

Thus began the War....

Rain brushed the memories aside, trying to concertart on what was ahead, but more kept on coming....some her own....some not....

#217:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:53 pm
The fog wrapped like fingers around Morzan's ankles and soon rised to his knees. Looking asround he lost sight of everyone else. Infront of him he could just barely make out the solloetes of people. There five in all and they just stood there.

Sprinting forward Morzan tried to reach them but with each step they moved further away. Soon the figures disappeared into the fog and he was alone. Standing still he listened for sound, any sound. But all he heard was the beat of his heart and a ringing in his ear.

"Where is everyone?" he said quietly to himself.

In the distance the sound of hooves could be heard but not just one. Hundreds. Then the cry of a thousand soldiers reached him. The earth shook under his feet and the sky became red. The sound came from all directions.

Drawing out his weapons Morzan slashed at the the air. The sound grew steadly.Figures began to appear in the fog. The were moving towards him with frightening speed. Whipping around he tried to run but there stood a thousands soldiers to greet him.

Morzan could soon see the details on the soldiers that moved towards him. Seeing the sunken faces of the fog warriors Morzan felt his heart freeze and his soul vanish.

The soldiers gave another cry and finaly reached Morzan. They ran through him slashing and proding him with their weapons. Falling to his knees he screamed as pain flared up through his entire body. Old wounds returned but this time all at once.

When the pain past Morzan fell forward and lie on the cold, hard ground. Sweat beaded his forhead and made his hair stick to his skull. Is that the anguish I brought on people?

After a long while he got back up and vomited. Everything I've done. All the acts of killing I've performed where they all in vein? Thinking again about the attack of the fog soldiers he winced as the pain returned. All those people had families and I killed them all. Without a thought and all for King and Country.

Looking into the fog he grimaced. The sky returned to its pale grey color. Whiping his lips he stood up with shaking legs. Looking around he felt warmth return to his bones. But the cold weight of the dead was still on him and it refused to leave. Staring down at his hands he watched as clear liquid fall into his plams.

Putting his hand to his face he realized "Im crying..."

Tears continued to run down his face and fall off his chin. Continuing to stare down at his hands he watched, to his horror, blood began fall from his finger tips. It ran down his hands and pooled on the ground.

Watching the pool of blood he saw his reflection. It was no longer the face of a young, promsing soldier. But was now the rotting skull the undead. Blank eyes and sunken cheeks.

"What could this mean? Am I doomed to die from some fallen enemy? Is this my faith, to eventually die from a blade when Ive killed so many with my own?"

Turning to the fog he observed the memories of everyone else. Thier tomes of books, music and poetry.

Soldiers started rushing past him again. This time they were his own. They came from behind him and shouted as the moved to attack the invisible enemy. Watching as young men and women ran past him to die he started to walk forward but stopped.

"Do I realy need to kill more in order to save Cree? Do my actions realy amount to that much?"

Turning around Morzan walked against the flow of soldiers. Dropping his weapons Morzan silently vowed to himself,

"I will only fight to defend my friends and allies from harm. If someone wishes harm to me they will be ignored. I am now a shield, a defender of the peace. Only to bring harm in the most serious of times.

#218: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:50 pm
Graeme wandered the mist. He soon lost sight of his companions. What memories shall I remember? I done nothing wrong. I done nothing sinister. I'm a hunchback. Nothing more, and from my decisions, nothing else either. My memories are my own, no stupid valley shall take them. I'm a priest of power. No, I shall not be arrogant. That was my mistake long ago...

Graeme spun, seeing the nameless faces of the citizens of that long ago city. He revolved around, dread slowly creeping through his body. No. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Living through it once was painful enough. The rejection still burned him. That bitch. He waited for her to appear, wanting to see her face before he unleashed the full extent of his rage on the woman who destroyed his father. The woman, who made a great man of high standing into a broken man with little love to give.

A shadow drew slowly closer to the priest. It began to form a shape. An old, dignified woman of obvious high standing. Three servants followed.

"Who is this cripple to be in my path?!" she bellowed at him.

"I...I am your illigitimate son you pompous old windbag. And this is for my father!!!" he screamed at the woman, releasing his power, all his vast strength at this being who ruined his family.

The woman was destroyed. Graeme grinned. He then felt a presence behind him, and to the left, and right. Hundreds. All of his mother.

"You worm are not my son, I am a woman of standing. You are a crippled hunchback, a poor one. Leave me now," said the voices in unison.

"You destroyed my father!!" Graeme screamed, spinning, trying to face them all.

"Your father was a worm, a failure who deserved all he got. You are my curse in life. Your father saw you as a blessing, you were a runt who I wanted to smother at birth. He stopped this, the fool is now a cleric in a hamlet somewhere. Shows the ill fortune that happens when people assosciate with the likes of you," they chorused.

"DIE!!!! DIE!" said a crying Graeme as he blasted again and again at the women.

"No, you die, just like your petty old grandfather did. The imbecile," they replied snearing.

Graeme broke down and bawled hysterically. He was spent. He was a waste. A curse. A....Failure. He had betrayed his family, he had went seeking something he was told not to. He had caused his grandfather great pain and his father disappointment. Even now, he was doing a task he was not meant to be doing, he was meant to be leading his faith to greater heights and helping the poor and helpless. Instead he was chasing glory and fame. There was no chance he would succeed. I should abandon this stupid dream, I won't make a difference. Rain's face came into his mind. She was frowning.

"Your an idiot Graeme, of course you make a difference. Would you be here otherwise?"

Rath's voice piped up," How many times have we helped each other my stunted friend?"

Morzan's gruff voice broke through," Don't leave me, one man surrounded by all these women could drive any man insane."

"Who can I huff at now if you go cripple?" said Crenla with a grin on her face.

"Who can I laugh at as he pokes fun at Rain and Crenla?" said a shy Ariana.

My friends....He stood up, wiped the tears off his face. I've been a fool. This is my destiny. Fight the evil and help my friends. For that's what friends do, help each other.

#219:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:38 am
Sorry I've not been on, tons of homework.

As she walked directly into the mist Crenla shivered. Being in mountains agin reminded her of her homeland. It wasn't that she had bad memories of C'rimith~way, but some of them we're ones she would readily experience again, and being in a valley without centeurs bustling about on various tasks made her nervous. She could hear the sounds of muttering and soft crying from around her, but, as she had been trained to do, she stared at the ground to check that she didn't lose her way in the mist. That had hapened once before and, well... the memory floated to the top of her mind.

A young centeur, too young to have her Joining plate, stod alone in a valley. Not even the birds shrieked their bland message here, here in the place of devils and wraiths and half-formed things. She had been stranded from the group on a training expedition into the mountains, preparing for the Joining ceremony. The centeur had been thinking of some point of philosophy and had wandered from the path. Her feeling of fear and shame was almost leaking out of the memory, paining the air around a dull kind of gray.

A noise. The centeur whirled around, grabbing a tiny dagger from her underbelly. A pityful protection, but a protection none the less. A ghostly shape drifted out of the trees and came to stand beside her. It looked like a centeur, but it was darker, wavy at the edges. It was full grown though, and it had to bend down to whisper something into the girl-foal's ear.

The child stiffened. And expression on her face betrayed much grief and confusion for one from the normally unexpressive race. Then it hardened to one of fear and determination. She backed away, then reared and yelled at the ghost.

No one who saw the memory could hear, but Crenla knew. Knew those words she had shouted at the form of her mother oh so long ago.

Her mother. Those words brought forth a stream of memories, most happy and a few sad.

A tiny centeur foal stood with her arms wrapped around her mother in a city that the foal was too young to know the name of, too young to care. Her mother was doing business and the elven merchant was trying to get a cheaper price on the shipment of centeur bowstrings by complimenting the mother on how well her foal looked.

The same foal was playing in the streets of the same city with some other foals while their mothers looked on. The houses in this part of the city were made for centeurs, and there were only a few elves and humans walking down the street.

An angry mob burst into the centeur quarters, led by a messenger of the Light's Chosen. He had ridden into the city yesterday on a horse that died from exhaustion later. The foal's mother had covered her daughter's eyes when she saw the cruelty that the man showed to the horse. He had immedietly begaun denouncing the centeurs, who had fled and started barricading the streets leading to their quarters. They knew trouble was to come.

The foal being pushed down a secret escape tunnel into the arms of her waiting father. A mob bursting into the house above, and the last expression on the mother's face as she turned to face the mob, holding a longsword as she would a snake.

The foal and her father, exhausted, being welcomed into a centeur glade as the only centeur survivors from the attack on
that city.

The foal struggling to learn the knowledge that had been sang to her classmates in their cradles, acompanyed by the laughter of the mouintain foals as they easily outstripped the city foal who knew nothing.

The foal crying in the dead of night, as much from shame at not knowing the ways of the mountains as from grief over her mother's brutal death.

This memory repeated itself, over and over, until Crenlamin, now fully grown, was walking along aimlessly, wishing only to escape from the jeers of the mountain foals and the awful, stark truth about her mother's death.

#220:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:29 am
Rath stumbled along next to them, a part of the memories yet seperate, until she suddenly stumbled into Rain, the wall of mist dissolving away. For a moment she looked at them tiredly as Rain looped a coil of rope around her neck. Rath was too tired to complain about being treated like a common animal, and to worried as the mist grabbed hold of something within Rath herself and pulled, painting the memory around them...

Please Lady, if this memory hurts anyone let it hurt me. There was much in Rath's life that should not, could not be seen by this party without great damage being done. What passed for cruelty amoung dragons was legendary, what passed for cruelty in Rath was myth.

Yet as the scene around them became more solid, more real, Rath recognized this particular place with the clarity of young eyes. It was the day that had changed her life...

Rath couldn't have been more than a thousand years old, barely half grown for a Royal Skye dragon. Dominating her feild of vision was the awsome form of her mother, looking every bit the regal Queen she was, descended from the blood of the First Dragon herself.

Ariania Tala'Kuul had to have been close to three thousand feet from tip of nose to tip of tail and stood about half as tall a third as tall at the shoulder, her massive neck craining far above that. Her wings were triple that in span, the largest seen on any world, save, perhaps, that of Rath's Grandmother, Kyro Sh'Alaidin.

Her scales were translucent, like a diamond, posessing no color but every color at once was thrown about her in a cirrus halo, a difusion of rainbow lights. She gazed down at her headstrong daughter with aincent eyes.
"Foolishness my daughter. Put it from your mind and speak of it not again."

"Easy for you to say mother, he dares not come against you. But every day I have the people cry out to me, begging me to do something since you seem so loath to do so."

"You're young yet. The war we fight has been going on longer than you have been alive, longer than I care to remember indeed, but the Lady has said it shall end and I wait upon her words. When the time comes she..." Rath's point of view suddenly jumped and red and black forelegs came into view as she pointed a curved talon in her mother's face, her wings lifting her to the great Dame's eye level.

"The Lady wouldn't want lives wasted mother! She wouldn't want, can't want, to see mothers weaping over the shells of their smashed brood! Not all are so fortunate as we, to give our children life directly. Their children must wait encased in a thin, vunerable shell for months before they can endure the world. Even then they cannot defend themselves! Every day more noble skye dragons die because of that Terre lunatic!

Mother even his own people suffer! How many terres have come to you of late, begging your protection from his presence! And all of it could be stopped overnight if you would but loosen your..."
With a blurr of motion and a mighty crack Rai's tail whipped around and smashed into the earth, sending tremors across the world and buckling the ground around her feet.

"Enough!" The bellow of the Skye queen knocked Rath from the air as her viewpoint went spinning before shuddering to a stop as Rath impacted the ground, her mother staring down at her with pained, angery eyes "This isn't about our people or the wants of the Lady, Rathainia, and you know it. This is about your own petty vengence. You feel guilty that Dracos has fallen and that you alone have survived. Well throwing your life away will not help this war, nor will it bring back your slain companions. You, Rathainia, have your own duties as a daughter of this House and those duties cannot be fullfilled if your head is an orniment for His Lair! IS that CLEAR?"

"Crystal majesty...crystal." The cruelty in Rath's voice rang, the condemnation of her mother as she emphasized her mother's title as if it were a grevious insult, indeed the very manner of her speech making it so. Then the mist blurred as time passed rapidly until Rath's viewpoint steadied again. This time weariness seeped through the memory, and a strange excitment.

They could all smell the blood and feel the sting of Rath's wounds as the young dragoness padded down a long tunnel, her wings flattened against her sides, her steps like the stalking crouch of a cat as she forced herself through passages designed to keep her kind out. Slowly she slinked out of the tunnel and into a massive room. Coiled, sleeping soundly in a corner, was Himself, Arro Qu'Vazirri. The terre king was massive, more than double Rath's size though he wasn't even half her mother's size.

He was dozing slightly, tounge between lips, eyes rolling benieth his lids. A killing rage overcame Rath. The war would end tonight, with this mad dragon's blood on her claws. She wouldn't survive, the certainty of that fact bled through every movment of the memory, the feeling pulsing as strong now as ever, even stronger since that had been true in a sense.

Her viewpoint was steady as she slunk silently over to where the massive terre lay in the grip of some dream that made him twitch and mutter darkly. Rath struck, blinding speed little more than a slash of black and red across her line of sight, talons biting deep into the elder dragon's hide. Arro came awake with a bellow of pain and Rath was yanked painfully upward as her claws lodged in the folds of flesh under his jaws.

He shook, bellowing louder now, trying to manuver his short legs to scrape her off but her tail slashed at them time and again as her wings beat ineffectively in the confined space, trying to leverage her enough to free her trapped talons.

"Filthy breeder! Skye bawler! I'll tear the hide from your flesh and use it to clean my tail with! Rath was fighting to maintain her training against her fear, but they could sense her frustration as things were not working as she had hoped. The massive terre flipped over, trying to wrap her in his coils, tearing a long gash down her chest.

Rath roared in pain and redoubled her efforts, her back talons caught on something that protruded from Arro's chest, something not consistant with scale or bone. With a malicious twist of her hind leg she got her talons under the edge and savagely kicked back. The terre king bellowed in the loudest pain yet, head snapping back so fast that Rath's talons jerked free, his tail swatting her against him.

Rath got a look at Arro's massive chest before she spun away from another attack. Amid the deep bronze scales of the massive king was a sliver of black crystal that had been embedded deep in his flesh. Her recent attack had nearly torn it free, leaving it hanging by a slender strip of flesh. They felt the sense of triumph that shot through her as she manuvered herself for the swipe that severed the gem completely.

It spiraled upward, hitting the celing and lodging in the soft earth. Arro wavered on his feet for a moment, looking like someone had just landed a massive blow with a warhammer between his eyes. Rath was panting but not willing to cede the fight, especially as her vision swung around and took in the terre warriors crowding the tunnel she'd come through. They stared with mocking grins clearly expecting their king to wipe the young skye across the dirt floor.

Arro suddenly lashed out and Rath leaped, avoiding the blow with the skill and ease of long practice...but she hadn't counted on the fighting tactics of the terre king who snapped with his jaws from one direction while his tail caught her by the leg and swung her up and around. All the air in her lungs was knocked clear as her chest hit the ceiling...worse than that a stabbing pain lanced the full length of her chest.

Instantly power surged into her body, flooding her veins, madness flowing freely in her mind. Arro seemed to realized his danger too late as he pulled her clear of the ceiling. "Now your greatest treasure is mine Dirt of Lodriss. You have lost.!"

The memory abruptly ended, leaving Rath a little stunned with growing anger in her heart. That was a memory she could have done without reliving. At least they had not seen what happened when she had returned to her mother, triumph turning to ashes...but that was another tale for another time. For now it was all she could to to stumble along with the rest, ocassionally tugged by the lead of the rope.

#221:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:01 pm
((Great posts everyone. Sorry I've been out of the loop for the past couple of days, but I really enjoyed your post. I do, however, have good news....

This is almost over. There are few memories that I need to include for sanities sake, and I think I may perhaps have another surprise or two for everyone up my sleeve before we get to not the end but the beginning of the end.

Here's the skinny: One more chapter in the Vale, and we're out of here. A secret Conference follows the chapter after that and Graeme finally reveals what he saw in the orb (I hope! Crosses fingers and toes.). Another Chapter is mustly just a long journey, but ends in a Mighty Confilict (more limps are crossed).

Chapter 16 (if I'm counting right) will find us all on the backside of the Lady's kingdom, and by the end of it, in her or on her Mountain (the eneterance of chambers). Chapter 17 will discover a loss, but another shall gain, and Ariania (again cross fingers) will shine the brightess). Chapter 18 will see the end, and before it is done, you will gain a few new friends, see an enemy dead, and wonder how in the world you are getting out of there.

But all that of course, will only happen if everything goes on schedule, and only if things go the way I hope (crosses remaining things that weren't crossed before).

Wish me luck! Wish us all luck! And I hope you all have fun.

Btw: Finally found a picture I liked, here it is:

Click Here.

This was done by Tessa of Elfwood. Full credit is given to her for this wonderful work and thanks to her for giving me permission to use it!

Here is a link to her personal page. Tessa of Elfwood, artist generous

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:25 am; edited 3 times in total

#222:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:49 pm
((*smiles* Hello, I promise to post soon, but only after the holidays. Until then, enjoy the preview I just realised for The War of the Kindreds, the first part of the rpg we are now playing.

I would also like to thank you, if it hadn't been for you all I would have never dreamed on doing any of this.

So Thank you.))

#223:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:17 am
Wow... I've just seen that Ergos has actually been second bottom in the Games forum for once... Spooky, especially when you think that in normal circumstances it's top.

#224:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:00 am
Hey can I join? Please-plaese-please?

#225:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:01 am
No-one can join this. If you look on the first page there were requests for five, possibly six, players, and all of those slots have now been filled. Also, if you were to join then you would have a lot of reading to do, as it is impossible to post in this without knowing the entire 'Story so far'.

#226:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:01 am
There are lots of other RPG's you can join though, so I wouldn't fret, weaver.
This one though, has no space, soz.


#227:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:54 pm
Hey Weaver why don't you join The War of's connected to this one and at the moment on hold because of lack of characters....

Or you could talk to Din and see if she could pencil you in for a villian spot...but I don't think you'd like that, especially when yours truely here comes head hunting...

#228:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:32 pm
((Masterweaver, I'm P.Med you, but incase you didn't read it, no you cannot, absoletly cannot join this RPG this late in the game, sorry but it's just impossible. As for the rest of you, shall we continue hmmmm?

OOPPsss...I edited this post leaving it more open ended so everyone can respond if they wish...))

*clears throat* Chapter 14: Seren Waters
Silent and brooding Rain had walked through the fog of the Vale of Memories steadily until Rath bumped into her. For one split second, Rain experienced a flash of memory from Rath, and in that split second it was enough for Rain to understand that she understood nothing of sorrow, pain, anger, hurt, or terror. A lesson that had begun with Ariania's memories and finished with Rath.

Taking one look at Rath, Rain knew that the dragoness was in no condition to walk by herself, so as much as she hated to do it, Rain slipped a rope around Rath's neck and crossed her fingers in the hope Rath wouldn't abosutely kill her when the dragoness returned to her normal butt kicking assasin self.

Walking on, Rain couldn't say she was sorry the quest had taken them here, to this place. Although the guilt that was always present at the back of mind was now clearer than ever, Rain was kind of relieved that the memory of her part in starting the war (or at least most of her part) was now over, relieving her of the painful duty of having to recount it again, in full truth, to the others. In fact, Rain was now more determined than ever to see the end of the war that she had begun.

A great lesson to be filled with determination, to be able to fully put away her guilt, after all why feel guilty when these few knew almost all? If they hated her like the rest of her kindred, if they decided to kill her, abandon her, Rain didn't really care, after all what they did was there accord, not hers, and for once Rain felt she could do exactly what she had to exactly the way she needed to do it without caring one speck what anyone else thought.

These memories had made her stronger...

So why did she feel like the Vale of Memories wasn't quite done with her, or anyone else here for the matter?

Rain's questions began to melt away however, as the fog of the Vale began to thin, and Rain stood forward with a quiker step as she began to hope for the best. Happy for the lesson's she learned, yes, but Rain would be all to happy to get out of this place.

As the group stepped forward the smooth rush of water going back and forth met their ears and eyes as they stopped halted by the edges of a great lake.

Stepping out of the mist, a man not quite old enough to be in his forties, strood forward the soft grey of a mage wisking around his legs, "Greetings, and Welcome travelers to the Lake of Serenity. It has been apointed to me to welcome you here, and to inform you that everyone of you except two are to take a rest here, and although I don't know why this is so, I welcome you here and offer my roof and provisions so that you may rest both weary mind and weary feet."

There was a collective sigh as the party began to untie the rope around their waist and to follow the Mage Illrendil to the two trees that made the gate to his house. As Rain went to go into the gate, a little shake of his head, and a gentle hand bode Rain to wait as one by one Morzan, Ariania, Creama, and Greame went into the Mage's small house.

Rath curiously, stayed behind, her glazed eyes momentarily clear as she shook her head and backed away from the gate.

Once the others had gone in, Illrendil turned to Rain his brown eyes filled with a gentle smile his mouth didn't share, "It seems to me I remember you, may I ask your name?"

In his question there was more than a request for her name and Rain knew no qyspy traditions would shake the man's real question. "I cannot give my name for to give it would grant you power over me, and though without power of my own, I will not give that power to any beyond those whom I have already given it to. And yes, I remember you to, I believe you were at Juric's bonding."

"Aw yes, I remember know, you bore the Sword then, and you didn't yet know this Dragoness who you haul about on a rope."

Rain turned to face the man, her eyes filled with shock as the mist around her began to hint dangerously of showing her own memory of the event the Mage spoke, lowering her voice so none could hear her, Rain leaned forward her eyes filled with suspicion and fear, "How do you know of that? I should it to no one."

The mage raised an eyebrow and his mouth tugged at one corner as he began to smile, "No you didn't but you used it, and you gave it to it's lawful heir, and there's power in that missy, a power that all mage's can see by simply glancing at you," his smile spread as his eyes saw the memory that played on the mist behind Rain showing exactly what Rain had done with the Dragonsword with Ergos' sword before it had belonged to Ergos. A chuckle escaped the mage as he returned his level gaze to Rain, "And the thing's you did with that sword...Strange isn't it? That a daughter of Eve should bear and use the sword of Dragons after the manner of interesting puzzle which I hope to persue...but later. You cannot rest here, Rain 'de-la'Nari called Arin, sometimes Nari, and Gyspy. The Vale of Memories is not done with you yet, and I pity you for it. Be back her by the dawn of tommorow though, for your group must leave my house with every member of your party, including yourself by tommorrow by noon or else."

Turning to Rath, the Mage's eyes kindly with something akin to both hate and pity, "As for you, I care not what you do, but as you yourself said, there is no rest for you here by the Seren Waters."

Making as to leave, the Mage paused before Rain, "You must go alone, you cannot guard her as she has guarded you. For one, your not strong enough, for Two, you are wanted elsewhere."

Raising her flashing eyes which now swirled a deep purple, Rain spoke evenly, "I am bonded to this Dragoness by the laws of honor. Surely you know what that means. How can I leave her alone in this state?"

Sparing a glance back at them before he closed the gate to his house, Illrendil spoke without emotion, "That's your problem not mine, but perhaps this will teach you to beware having a bond of honor to those who have none." Then with a slam of the gate, the mage was gone, and Rain stood in the mist alone except for Rath, at a loss of what to do, wondering what would happen next, and above all why in the Vale was not yet finished with her after all that?

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile inside Mage Illrendil house the rest of the group was....

((Feel free to post responses on anything you have seen or heard, take a chance, and make things intresting...))

#229:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:50 am
{{Seriously off topic, but this post is just to notify everyone that I edited my last post as to leave it more open for response for everyone, and to say I am sorry for my last post as I was kind of sleep deprived when I wrote it.}}

#230:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:45 pm
Rath was tired, tired of it all. The quest, the sword, the destiny...of living itself. The hollow ache within her craved power, more power than she had to give it, more power than it had to give her. Her empty mind was now so filled with memories that it made her sick and dizzy. Shock was creeping into her body and soon, too soon, she would collapse and fall prey to the Veil, caught in an eternal sleep that seemed to overcome some dragons sometimes.

Do it. Take the strength. It's open to you, they're open to you. Take it and be done with it. Rath tried to shake her head, to clear her mad voice from it but had not the energy. Take it. Take it from them or from your tormentor but do not wander like this, a half dead waif. Rath tried to fight, to muster the reserves of strength she knew she had. Yet something, maybe the Veil itself, was blocking her from her greater self. Then her madness struck the deathblow, whispering insideously What would your mother say of you now?

With a roar Rath sunk her talons deep into the soil around her, her fangs latching onto the fog in an impossible way. Rain whirled, afraid something from their nightmares had gained a physical manifestation. She watched in horror and awe as silver tendrils of mist curled up Rath's legs, flowed over her muzzle and down her back. Power, the power of the Veil itself flowing into Rath.

Slowly the creepers of mist resolved themselves into something odd, slender silver threads the exact shade of Veil mist. The covered Rath, wrapping her in a cocoon of silver light, of mist, save that sliver of a gem shard that shimmered dully on her chest. Rain peered closer at this having never seen it when Rath was sane and not caring to examin it the few times she might have had since the day on the Red Wheel.

She was only an inch away when black light spilled forth from it, ripping the cocoon of silver light. Rain jerked backwards, stumbling and tripping, landing on her butt and scooting as far from the fell light as she could. There was no mist around them now, none as far as the eye could see, everything from the shore of the lake back into the trees felt...real, solid, unmagical. Rath, however, looked as if she'd just woken from a nap.

With a disgusted snarl she ripped the rope from around her neck and reared up on her hind legs, dragon form shimmering into Eroki form as she did so. She glared at Rain, an open challenge in her eyes. "A word of this to anyone else and I shall see how well your power siphons." Rain stood, shoulders square.

"You don't frighten me Rath." Slowly Rath stalked over to her like a cat hunting a mouse. Her eyes, which normally blazed bloody fire, were now a flat dead black...madness seethed in their depths. Her wings were mantled behind her, her footsteps hushed, claws gripping the ground under them. Slowly Rath extended one talon, swiftly placing the tip in the soft middle of Rain's underjaw. Her other hand wrapped itself in the gypsy's dark hair.

"I should Rain...I should terrify you." Rath could never recall what happened next but suddenly there was blood on her hands and Rain lay at her feet, a throat wound just shy of fatal pouring blood onto her cloak. A crude dagger had been plunged into her ribs, just below the armpit. Luckily Rath was not built like a human or the wound would have ment instant death. As it was it was wedged deep into the flying muscles of her left wing.

With a snarled curse she pulled it free, hurling it back into the ground next to the gypsy, so close to Rain's head it shaved a small lock of black hair off. In moments the wound healed and Rath neatly licked the blood off her talons. "I wonder why I didn't kill you? What stopped me from going an inch deeper?" Rain just looked at her, one hand pressed tightly to the wound on her neck, violet eyes wide.

"If I could I would hate you Rath."

"And if I could I'd apologize Rain...but some things are not ment to be. Your emotions, my mind."

"Are you going to finish me?" Rath looked at her thoughtfully, remembering a day long ago when Rain had asked the same question and Rath had only laughed. She wasn't laughing now. Instead her wings quivered a bit and her talons twitched but something stopped her. Staring over Rain's head, out over the lake, Rath inclined her head to something and moved away from the gypsy.

Standing shakily Rain turned and looked in the direction Rath gazed. All she saw was a swiftly fading cloud of mist. "I think it would be wise if you did not try and help me in the future Rain. It would be wise if you treated me like a wounded wolf. I'll be greatful for your guidence but not for your presence."

The gypsy turned to look at Rath again, to say something, anything, to convince the dragoness all was not lost. But Rath nolonger stood behind her. She was just one more shadow lost under the trees.

#231:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:24 am
Is Lodriss what you mean Weaver? Lodriss is Rath's homeworld, not connected to Cree in any way save by the spell that brought Rath to it. It's a world inhabited by dragons and embroiled in a war that's lasted over twelve milennia already.

For more info on Lodriss please see the thread located in the Linear Competition district.

#232:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:05 pm
I meant how do I join the war of lodriss?

#233:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:40 pm
((MW, please don't post here, if you have a question about Lodriss, just p.m Rai, it would save me a lot of headaches.))

Rain made as if to get up to go after Rath. So much depended on Rath, so much depended on the Sword to be in the right hands at the right place at the right time. Funny isn't, Rain's mind began to suggests as her thoughts became increasingly more fuzzy, that the fate of the world of Cree and the oldest relique of this world should lie in the keeping of being not even from our own.

Pressing her hand tight against the wound of on her neck, Rain wondered what in the name of Cree she was supposed to do.

She had to go somewhere, do something, meet someone....but how could she be sure, all the mage said was 'You are wanted elsewhere.' That could mean anything for pity's sake.

Right now, however, she wasn't going anywhere until the bleeding stopped. The wound was just short of being lethal, and if the bleeding didn't stop soon, it would be.

All of the sudden the world flashed and spinned causing Rain to blink several times. In front of her a small patch of fog of what remained of the vales powers began to swirl around her...

She was a in forest. She was on the ground....she was bleeding. Her mother's daggers was gone....

The vision passed with the fog leaving Rain's mind and strength sapped, leaving her in the exact postion the vision had showed.

The third death. Her vision of the last die she could die...but it was to early. She hadn't completled her mission. She hadn't done anything Ergos had asked. She owed him...she had to complte this.

The mist whispered.... You owe to owe these souls your blood....die restlessly gyspy, die haunted knowing you never paid.

In front of her eyes far off patchs of mist showed those whom she owed, those whose purposes and memories she was bonded to serve to the end of her life: Aerilian Celebrithil, Ergos, Rath as she once was.

"No, not here, not now....I can't....not now" Rain muttered as she weakly picked herself off the ground once more, the violet of her eyes nearly hidden by her expanding pupils. "I owe to much to die."

Pulling various herbs and a scrap a cloth she carried in her pouch, Rain stauched her wound the best she could, but she had already lost too much blood.

Her mind began to swirl with the etherial winds that carried patchs of mist which played memories of her life from her unguarded mind. As she struggled to stay awake, struggled to stay alive...

Go ahead be angry. Be angry at the dragoness. Be angry at Rathiania. She betrayed you, she betrayed you. Whispered the Vale, angry at Rath for taking too much from itself...

Suddenly Rain's eyes snapped open, their depths ablaze, "No! She was just," Rain muttered to herself, "I am bonded to her, and she can take my life, it is hers to take, it is her to keep. She was just."

The mist scattered away rebuked by her thoughts and words.

Rain smiled, her mind now clear from the heavy and drugged influences of the mist, but no less weak...her life was still hanging by a thread. She could live...she could die but either way, she would die having honored her debts.

Pulling herself up to a nearby tree, Rain removed the small rock she had stored the visions and the light Ariania had given her. The vision's were gone, but the light was still there.

Perfect she thought.

Holding the stone in her hands, she began to squeeze it until it pulled blood from her hands. More blood lost, more life lost, it was all hanging by a thread, a thread that could sway either way.

The blood did not go past the stone and onto the ground but instead strangly it began to assorp it until the blood stopped leaving only a small scar on her hand. Holding it up, Rain could now see that the stone was now filled with her blood as it throb a ruby red the light in the stone illuminating the thing strangly.

Taking a risk she wouldn't normally take, Rain spoke a word, a rune. The stone flashed but it didn't change. The stone would now if she died, asporb every drop of her blood except for the last drop....the last drop was hers.

It would also asporb anything she gave it. Slowly she began to pore her memories into the stone. Every word Ergos had told about the quest, every thing they would need to know if she died here in this place.

Rain closed her eyes, she was so tired, and reached her other hand to her neck she knew the bleeding had not yet stopped. A all hang by a thread.

Sing. Ergos voice said her thread, his last instructions for her. So she sang, and sang. Sang every song she knew, until she came to the last song, the song of the DragonSword. That song she wouldn't sing until her last breath, and it too like her last drop of blood would be her own, the only thing she didn't owe to Rath, instead she owed it to Ergos, and it would only be in her last bit of life that she would be willing to sing it when it wasn't the time for it to be sung.

Sighing, Rain let the stone drop. She felt so empty. Her mind began to fuzz more and more, as her life blood trickled away despite her best attempts to stauch it.

Rain's world began to swirl as the bondries between reality and illusion began to blurl...

#234:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:06 pm
As Morzan watched Rain and Rath fade into the mist his heart sank. The others had started to follow the hermit into his home. Taking the hand of the last person in line he too followed the hermit to his home.

"My name is Illrendil if you did not hear before," said the mage, "I live not far from here."

Following Illrendil they came to a large cast iron gate. They passed through it and into a large courtyard. There Illrendil departed for a few minutes then returned. His face dark and creased.

"Come." beckoned Illredil to the party.

Reluctantly Morzan took a step forward. It felt different here and the feeling of not following Rain was different. Since the start of thier journey they had been following the guidance of Rain. But why were they following this man? Where were Rath and Rain realy off to.

Feeling his discomfort grow Morzan slowed down and started looking to the sides. There was grass beneath his feet and the air was cold. The passed statues of gargoyles and demons that sneered and gazed upon them. Moving quickly again Morzan caught up with the others and almost ran into the back of the line.

They had made it to Illredil's home. It was large and build into the side of a hill. There were no windows and the only thing outside was a chair and a small table.

"Come." Illredil said again.

As the others moved towards the door Morzan stood still. His feet rooted to the ground. A dark light was in the mages eyes.

#235:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:53 pm
I nuded Morzan inconspicuosly and pushed him towards the door. It wouldn't do for the mage to know that we knew of his deceit. 'Come on .' I muttered in his ear. 'Move.'

He semed to get the message, as he started to stalk slowly to the door, hand on his sword hilt. I cursed my companions, one and all. The only one who noticed was too much of a warrior to think of a way to get out other than mindless slaughter and my other two companions were too absorbed in their own thoughts to notice. I had to get outside, and soon.

'Pardon me, may I just excuse myself to attend to some, ah... personal buisiness?' I made it sound as whiney as I could. The 'personal buisines was getting Rain and Rath to help destroy the building and whatever the mage had inside, but he didn't know that. Now, I just had to wait for consent...

#236:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:59 pm
Mage Illrendil looked at the Centaur heighly annoyed, couldn't it wait or use human facilities like normal beings?!? Opening his mouth to say no, he closed his mouth and apperently changed his mind.

"I guess, but I warn you not to exit the gate, once you exit you will not be able to reenter my home and will once again be subjected to the Vale's whims." He said in the nicest tone he could manage. After all he couldn't follow through his plans until much later and wouldn't do for these people to suspect anything yet....

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile in the Vale leaning against a tree, Rain was slowly regaining full concisis as her blood ceased to flow as it clotted up.

Reaching her hand up slowly, Rain added another banadge to the ones she had already applied and then pulled herself off the ground.

Waiting for her head to stop spinning, Rain vainly looked around for some water to drink. No mortal being could drink from the waters in the Lake Serenity, Rain knew, but she was desperate.

But as she began to walk towards the lake, the mist once again surronded her but feeling somewhat different than it had before in almost friendly way. It seemed to welcome her, embrace her, instead of tormenting her and chilling her to the bone. Rain step forward and found herself elsewhere.

She was deeper in the Vale far away from the Mage's home, and the mist of the vale once again surronded her shading her surrondings to a dull grey. Picking her way carefully through this strange surrondings, Rain was surprised to find herself in a small pool.

Bending down to take a drink, Rain found herself face to face with the legendary Mirror.

The surface rippled:

In front of her eyes was a woman not unlike herself, but she had the scales, talons, wings, and face of Eroki. The picture was of a woman who had long raven black hair, purple eyes, purple wings, and a knowing smile. Blinking at this vision Rain's nose was met with that strange familar smell full force. "No, it can't be."

The mist around her formed itself into the vision of the pool, "But it can." Next to the beautiful woman was her father as he had been.

"My name is no longer important, Rain, but I am your mother."

"It's true." Her father's ghost echoed. "We cann't explain but you may be in trouble as only a great danger could drag us again to this place."

"You have to look again Rain," her mother said gently as their etheral forms began to appear. "As painful as what you are about to see, you must look again."

Turning back to the Mirror much confused, Rain looked deep into it's death and vision's began to ripple across the small pool at a fast pace.

The vision of Mage Illrendil's eyes, but darker than before. The vision of her companions as harden stone. A vision of Rath drinking from Mage Illrednil's blood as the Sword of Ergos tainted with his blood dripped on the ground. The vision of a mad dragon rampaging the world, doing far more damage than any demon had done.

The vision of the Lady's armies swarming the world following this devastion.

Of a dark mage Rain did not know laughing as thunder boomed and lightened flashed over a dark world.

Of the mage's death at Rath's hands as she made her last kill before taking her own life. Watching as the world of Cree died in bloody madness with a swirl.

"There is another way, but it will cost you your life." Her mother's voice whispered in her ear.

Still gazing at the pool, Rain whispered fearfully, "Show me."

And the pool showed her.

A picture of Rain standing beside Rath, the Sword of Ergos once again her hands, her wound healed but the scar still there, in the Mage's home.

In her other hand she held her Blood Stone.

There was a struggle, but the Mage somehow managed to gain the stone. Smiling grimly, Rain slashed the stone, and watched as the power naturally in her blood overwhelmed the mage's own and as the light blinded her eyes.

Swinging the sword once more, she watched as the Dragonsword pierced through the Mage making his cursed soul disapper in the blink of an eye.

Rain fell to her knees as the blood from her wound began to once again flow set free by the shattering of the stone.

The pool became dark and all was still.

" I dragon to bear the Dragonstone? Or I am swordmistress to bear the Dragonsword?" Rain smiled grimly. "I am neither. I cannot do this thing, yet I dare not try. This quest lies in more than just myself alone."

'You can do it,' her mother's voice whispered softly, 'you are my daughter.'

"Let it be so." Rain whispered whirly away from the Mirror her thirst forgotten.

The mist surronded her once more, and if Rain could have seen herself she would have found herself changed.

Her eyes were now silver changed by what they had seen in the pool.

"Rath!" She called striding forward. "Rathiania, get your royal dragon self back here right now!"

Rath didnt' come. Rath wouldn't come. Somehow Rain knew that.

"Rathiania of Lodriss, please!"

Still no answer.

'You are my daughter', The voice whispered for the last time. "A half-Eroki of royal blood. You bore it before. Call it and it will come. Farewell my daughter, I wish you well.'

"I swore never to do this, but you asked for it, Rath, and if this make you come running, nothing will."

Smiling softly, Rain opened her right hand showing the scars there, and called softly in dragonish tongue, "Elizabeth Eroki will you help me?"

There was a hiss and suddenly in her hands once again there was the DragonSword, and it answered back in her mind in a voice strangly familar, "Yes." It was the soul of Elizabeth the legendary grandmother of the Eroki whose soul rested in the Dragonstone.

Rain held the sword ready for anything, nowing it wouldn't be long before Rath showed up...

#237:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:03 am
Rath had been walking with purpose since she'd left Rain, led onward by knowledge she'd absorbed from the mist, led onward toward a small clearing. The mist boiled away from her, recoiling in fear and horror from the creature that lapped it's power like a cat lapped cream. Scanning the clearing with her eyes Rath found nothing unusual...scanning it with her power she found something altogether too rare to comprehend.

Buried under a few inches of dark loamy soil was a small star shaped pendant on a crystal chain. It glimmered and pulsed as Rath picked it up, singing soft songs of glory, bravery, honor, and nobility. Rath knew it for what it was instantly, the Key to the Chamber of Heros. She spat, a foul metallic taste in her mouth, as something flickered at the edges of her mind. She gazed down at the sword next to her side with narrowed eyes. "Go." It jumped like an eager puppy and vanished.

"May you choak on cold steel Rain, I wash my talons of you." The feeling of the Dragonsword faded, the contact became all but nonexistant. Unlike the time before, when Rath had left the sword behind, she felt no compelling urge to return to it or compell it to return to her. Something buzzed in her head, like carrion flies, and Rath scented the air, nostrils flairing. Her pulse sang and her blood boiled...there would soon be bloodshead.

"I want no part of it. May they rip each other to shreds and spare me the time." Her belly rumbled. It was all well and go to feed on magic and energy but what she needed now was prey, live and fighting, with rich red blood. But there was nothing in this Vale to hunt save her unsavory companions and that blasted mage. Rath wondered if Illrendil had even noticed the madness that gripped him, the changes that had taken place. Probably not. The insane did not know they were crazy until they were too mad to believe it...Rath could attest to that.

She could now look at her insanity with cold, unfeeling, contemplation but she'd lived with it most of her life. She smelled the mage now, his rush of anticipation, and then another scent caught her keen nose. "It can't be." Rath wasn't about to meet this new surprise as a mere Eroki. For the first time since entering the Vale the dragoness allowed herself to ease back into her own scales. Moments later mist boiled from everywhere, churning and whirling, thickening until the shape of a young skye dragon took soild form, even her colors painted bright and shimmering.

"Come to torment me Mythree?" The spirit of the young dragon had tears in her great eyes.

Hail my princess, it saddens me to see you laid so low. Rath snarled tersely and the spirit backed away, well aware that Rath could even now choose to resicend the one kindness she'd granted all those years ago. Why do you insist on making things so hard. Return, ride to their aid, save them.

"They are no longer my concern, nor are they yours. Let them spill their blood for this worthless land. It is nothing but a pale shadow in a land of twilight." Mythree shook her head, wings drooping in sorrow.

But my princess, you shall also be lost if this world is. Your lady mother will never recover and the Line of the First will end. The Lady has little power here, what power she has is granted through you. And you choose to channel the energy of her fallen foe, how low you have been laid. Rath lunged, talons raking mist in threat but without real intent.

"Go away Mythree. Save them yourself if you are so worried about them all use your powers to save them. I truely no longer care. I'm only waiting to spill the blood of the Tricked and once she is no more then shall I rend this world from sea to sky, tear down it's mountains and raize it's forests until I find the terrespawn that stole Paith. Then we shall go home and I shall never again look back at this bastard world spawned of no good deed."

But Princess, I have no more power. I have used it all to speak with you this last time. It is you who must save them. Rath looked the apperation in the eye once more and even this long dead ghost was chilled by the fell look in her flat, dead black eyes.

"Then they shall either save themselves or die heroically. I'm sure the minstrals will have a banner day composing ballads of them until the world crumbles around their ears. Their lives are their lives...I'll meddle no more. I do not belong here Mythree, I never have. It was folly for Mother to send me here, greater folly for me to stay. Now I will rid myself of this world, even if I must rip it to shreds in the process." For a moment the shade looked at her then began to dissolve.

I never thought this day would come, when one of the First's blood would crawl through the dirt on her belly like a worm. Now that it is here I do not think it can pass without killing something innocent. You've damned something Rath...I only hope it isn't yourself. Rath lashed out in fury but the shade was well and truely gone. Her anger boundless, her fury limitless, her thoughts madness, Rath turned her attention to the Vale itself.

Moments later an unstoppable blaze raged through the sacred place, boiling ponds and reducing the misty forest to ash. Above this conflaguration Rath hovered, a grim, ghastly smile showing her long fangs as the sparks leaped and the flames danced...all in her honor. "The past is burning and perhaps the future with it."

#238:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:30 am
Rain waited as long as she could but somehow she knew Rath wouldn't come, not this time.

It had been so long she had born the DragonSword, and then she had magic even it had been a little to help in baring the sword. Now she held it in her hand, more aware of her lack than she had been in the last few weeks. In her hand the sword sang of power, of glory, of a sacrifice to insure of the life of others.

In the vale, radiating from what had once been a dragoness named Rath but a dragon who was now lost perhaps forever and from the Mage Illrendil, a song of madness hummed and pulsed breathing of bloodshed of ill laid plans doomed to failure and more death.

From herself, Rain heard nothing. Not a song, not a tune, not a whisper. She was just one speck here, she could do nothing, but it wouldn't prevent herself from trying.

Looking down at the sword, Rain found herself slipping into the gyspy tongue as she whispered both to it and herself, "I wonder if she will miss you, miss me, or anyone else for that matter."

'Hush,' the sword said in the grandmotherly voice of Elizabeth Eroki, 'You called me to do a job and I will help you do it. Then I return to her, mad or no, wheither she likes it or not. Then she will taste for herself the edge of her own madness, and linger over the scent of her own doom. I will deal with Rathiania myself, I'm not about to have my bearer go around ignoring me any longer. Now, shall we Rain, daughter of Narin and Faenarae Eroki?'

In answer Rain turned, raising the sword to her neck by some instict as she did so. Instintly the wound she recieved from Rath was healed leaving only a pale scar.

Walking in between the two trees of Mage Illrendil's house, she found herself face to face with Craema who was running full speed towards her.

"Rain," the centaur breathed in relief, "your okay, I was afraid. Well, your fine, but somethings wrong with the Mage."

"He's mad," Rain said unbliking, "Yes, I know."

Looking towards the other end of the Vale Rain was surprised to see flames spring up in the forest slowly eating there way towards them. It was no ordinary flame. It was a magical flame and it was burning the power of the Vale as it turned the west a blood red.

Looking towards it, Rain remember the last prophecy of Ergos before his death, and the Sword she had in her hand brought it to her lips as she began to whisper.

"The Mage's power is ending.
The world hangs by a thread,
as the west turns to red.
Innocent blood will be shed.

The Destinies no longer speak.
The councels debate within halls,
while widows prepare death shall.
War is coming to overcome all.

The axe of Warin will be found.
The key of Heros cannot defend,
sacrifice can only this amend.
Into the Ladies Mountain descend.

The Mirror will tell an apperant lie.
Truth in visions of the pool,
logic can no longer rule.
Love can be so cruel.

The Dead will live again.
The past will be made clear,
all was not as it did appear.
The end is now near."

"What?!?" Craema stammered.

Turning to face Craema once again, Rain hastly spoke, "There's no time to explain. I have to go back in there to get the others before this whole place turns into a charred ash heap.

You cannot go back in having exited, so wait here until someone returns. No matter how many or how little come out of this door, you must leave this place the Vale before the sun reaches noon, so start making your way out by ten no matter what.

Oh, and Craema," Rain said handing her her pack, "Take this, you may need the medical supplies before everything is over. And if you can...oh never mind, just stay alive and get the others out of here."

Taking the sword, Rain strood into the courtyard of the now mad Mage Illrendil wandering what in the world what was going to happen now.

#239:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:59 am
Rath pondered over Mythree's words. How can she have no power left? Surely it did not take that much to manifest herself? Such should be mere child's play for her. Casting about ever so slightly Rath's forked tounge tasted the magic of the long vanished mage. It lept and danced in glimmering arcs from her dragonstone, shimmering in brilliant violet hues.

Rath had been kind, truely kind, all those years ago when Mythree had fallen victem to her bloodlust. It was that death, the death of her close friend at her talons, that had snapped Rath out of it the first time. Realizing in horror what she had done, she had fled, commanding the corpse to burn so that she might not have to see it's bleached white bones year after year. Now she realized that she had never taken up Mythree's stone and put it into safekeeping.

It all became clear to her why Mythree's spirit clung to Illrendil. Why Rath had felt workings of Mythree's power all throughout the mage and his workings. "Little bastard. Too weak to fuel your own desires so you must steal her power to do so." A grim smile spread across Rath's muzzle, making her look demonic in the hellish light. Slowly extending her hand she sang a song of summoning, putting a quantity of power behind it Illrendil couldn't have matched with double his resources. In moments Mythree's stone rested lightly in Rath's clenched grip.

Pulling her trophy web from within her jewel, Rath strung Mythree amoung the others. Peering back to the east, her keen eyes making the scene as real to her as if she were sitting in the middle of it, Rath watched the mage's frantic look. Watch her companions, save the centaur who'd shown a true intellgent moment, march right into the jaws of death. Behind them, coming down the trail with that blasted sword in hand, Rain looked grim and determined.

Rath settled back, faintly wishing there was a feild of sheep next to her. A good battle always required snacks to truley enjoy watching. The mage continued to look frantic and Rath's grin broadened. "Let's see you fight without her, you little weasel. Let's see just how strong you are on your own."

#240:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:11 pm
Somewhere in the valley a herd of sheep completle with a shepard wander into the valley near Rath. The sheperd takes one look around the place and then runs...leaving a certain dragoness with munchies....((sorry, couldn't resist)).

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile Rain felt via the sword the sudden decrease of power within the mage's house.

Rain's lips curled into a ferral smile as she enter the mage's door to find him with his hands mid spell and oh crap expression on his face.

Striding into the house casually, Rain turned to glance at her companions who were looking extermly confused at the moment.

"Lose something Illrendil?" Rain said her voice taking on the sacrasm she was well used too.

"YOU!?!" The Mage said swirling towards her, "What are you doing here!" He said as his eyes went wide seeing the Dragonsword in her hands.

"Weren't expecting me or her were you?" Rain said taking a step forward as she felt her hands being guided by the Dragonsword so she held it at the ready.

"Her?" The mage said smiling, "I don't see the dragoness with you, and as you know only she can bare the sword or another dragon. I see no dragon, Rain, how do you expect to defeat me when you have no right to bare that Sword?"

"Oh," Rain said smiling as she looked beside her to see her companions gathering beside her, "but that's were your wrong. Besides how do you expect to defeat us without your helper?" Rain said her smile becoming tauntilly crue.

"Come and dance with me gyspy, you are no match against me." The mage said rushing at her with a sword he conjured up from nowhere.

Rain met his blow with the skill of Elizabeth Eroki who channeled her knowledge through the sword, "I should warn you mage, we don't take well to people who use others powers."

A struggle followed showing considerable swordplay on both parts but when they finally parted, the mage held what appeared to be the Blood Stone Rain had created earlier.

Smiling, Rain slashed at the hand that held it knowing full well what she was doing.

The mage was caught off guard for one instant causing him to lash out with his conjured sword reopening the wound Rain had gained earlier.

Rain lifted and parried a moment to late only managing to knock the sword loose with his hands.

The spitting at the mage, Rain twirled taking off the mage's head. The once illustrarious but sadly insane Mage Illrendil disappered with a small pop.

Turning to the group who stood shocked behind her, Rain spoke casually, "May I sugest that you start Running," as the foundations of the Mage's house began to crumble.

Rain staggered as the Dragonsword disappered from her hands with a pop leaving her magically exhausted and then she fell to her knees in a dead faint only managing to mumble before she did so, "Run blast it!"

In her pouch something glittered red with the light of blood...

#241:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:30 pm
(Ok, sorry I havn't written in a while. I have been following - just couldn't think of anything to write. I'm going to have to keep this pretty short actually, as dad won't be too happy that I'm up this late. And I have an exam tomoz Confused.
-- Can't do tonight. I'll try and get something out tomorrow - or some other time. Anyway, I am still here, and still very much interested Wink.)


#242:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:34 pm
((Please feel free to post. Seriously, things are begining to look dead in here.))

#243:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:42 pm
Rath looked at the flock of sheep that stood milling and bleating in terror by her left foreleg. She curled her tail around behind them to make a pen of sorts and prevent them from escaping. "What kind of idiot would be driving sheep through the Vale of Memories in the middle of a forest fire...My kind of idiot." Spearing a sheep on the spur of a wing she roasted it over the blazing trees before popping it into her mouth.

The battle between Rain and the mage was short and sweet. Rath hadn't crunched more than three or four sheep before it was over. In a gluttonus moment Rath wolfed down the rest of the flock before shaking and standing. Suddenly a sword sized just right for her dragon form appeared laying next to her. "Oh no you don't. Not this time."

So saying Rath tore open a long strip of turf and dug down until she was up to her knees in rock. With a huffing noise she dumped the sword in the trench and recovered it with dirt, rocks, and grass. "Rot thou blade of ages. I can finish this without your help more than easily." Still there were the others. Peering at them she wondered if they'd show initiative and start off out of the Vale or if she should just head toward the mountain herself and finish it...

#244:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:12 pm
(Sorry havent posted for awile, busy with real life. Hope my post doesnt alter the story much. If it does Ill repost it.)

The second the mages head was severed the building began to shake and rumble from within. The party turned and started to run. A piece of cieling fell and struck Morzan on the head. Throwing his hands up he tried to block the pieces but was failing miseribly. Trying to urge his legs to move faster he jumped over a pile of debris.

Behind him he heard a loud popping sound over the rumbling of the building. Shuddering at the sound he dug his heels into the ground and came to a dead stop. On the ground he saw Rain, her face pale and she was saying something. The next second she was out cold.

"Rain!" Morzan shouted.

Sprinting forward he reached for Rain but something stopped him. A large piece of rubble fell between them and struck him hand. Just before the rock fell, through the dust he swore he saw a glimpse of something red.

Trying to break through the rock he struck it with his face but was forced to run when another fell next to him. Screaming in frustration he ran started to run towards the exit. Taking one last look over his shoulder he leapt through the door frame and landed in a sprawled heap on the ground.

Rolling on to his back he stared at the sky. His vision was blurred. Putting his hand to his face he brought it up too look at it. Blood covered it. Feeling tears sting his eyes and crawled away and lay on the ground at the foot of a demonic statue. Morzan slipped into unconciousness.

#245:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:02 am
Ariana had sensed something wrong with the mage - a taint in him, but she had not wanted to abandon the others - and did not know what to do.
Everyone and everything had a taint she could feel nowdays - it just depended on how bad it was as to how dangerous and evil they really were.
Every taint though, could be exploited - and it would change. Ariana was confused - she was always confused now. So she was glad that Cremla ran, glad that Rain came, despite not bringing Rath - and glad that the mage was dead.
What? Glad of death? Yes.
Then the roof bagan to fall. Instinctively, Ariana ran - and if she hadn't stopped, she would have been the first one out (elf reflexes).
But she did stop. There was something behind her - and a shout. Not everyone was as fast as she - or as agile. As a slab from the roof narrowly missed her head and made a gash along her arm, she began to move in again - ducking and weaving to avoid the stone - a tactic that didn't always work.
There - Morzan, and was there someone behind him? Several metres away - she might just reach him before...
No. The roof was very nearly gone now, why didn't she just run? She could still make it out of there.
Morzan turned and ran.
Well, some people have sense. Part of her mind muttered sadisticly, but she dismissed it. Insted, she continued onto Rain - for she was sure that was who it was, even though the slab now seperated her from view.
It was then that the building really began to collapse, the roof coming down in chunks big enough to squash a person, and the floor shaking so violently that you could hardly stand.
It was miracle that Ariana didn't just fall and lie there - to become victim to a piece of crafted rock.
Instead, she continued to run - although it was impossible to dodge, and she was forced to stumbling for her energy was being used up in healing herself. If only she could get to Rain - then she could try to heal her...

And why would you want to do that? It would waste you powers - maybe even kill yourself. Rain is too far gone for you to do anything for her. If she has another party trick up her sleeve - then let her play it. She seems to revel in cheating death.
Ariana whirled around and saw through the clouds of dust a familier shape. She couldn't make out whether he was shadow now or not - but he was definitely visable. The dark-elf.
She backed away - just in time as should she have stood there any longer, she would have been made to pulp.
Why are you here? She thought, knowing that he could hear her like that - even though no-one had told her.
Just trust me - I'm here to get you out because you are so stupidly worried about others - that you disregard yourself.
He had come closer now, and Ariana could see that although the rocks still passed through him, like he was a ghost - he looked more solid than she had ever seen him - even more so than when he had shown her the dead elves.
"Leave me. Help Rain." She replied, aloud this time.
You see what I mean? Silly girl. Look - that rock you are next to. It's at an angle. Get under it and you will be safe. Well, as safe as you can be in this predicament - hopefully, it will serve as shelter.
Another slab narrowly missed her and she wavered.
Why do you hesitate? The voice was clearly annoyed, and before she could do anything else, she felt and icy touch on her arm, and she found herself being pushed down, and into the space which would serve as her shelter. She cried out in pain. It wasn't hitting the floor, or her cuts that made her cry though, it was something else.
Her head was hurting so much, and she felt like she was going to be sick. But she was so empty - it was as if there was nothing left, no comfort, no light, no nothing.
And then it was gone. She tried to push herself into a sitting position, to see where he was. But she found that she was too weak. She didn't need to do that though, for she already knew.
He was gone.
For now.
Despite all the havoc going on around her, Ariana rested her head on the floor and closed her eyes.
For some reason, she knew she was going to survive, even though the odds didn't look good. Did she trust the elf then?
She didn't know. All she knew was that she just wished that Rain had another party trick up her sleeve.
She drifted into sleep.

(Ok, post out (finally). I'll try and post more on this, sorry I've just been on a blank. But I'll have to go for now - school. Byes.)


#246:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:21 pm

Aw yes, things did look grim for the chosen few, but that gyspy did have a trick up her sleeve, she alway did, after all she was a gypsy.

What you again?

Yes, me again, I got hired back on after things started getting boring around here. Apparently you can't do without me, Purple said feeling smug.

Quit bragging and get back to your job while you have one!

Okay, Okay! *clears throat* Needless to say, the DragonSword was none to happy with being stuck in the ground again and was planning a way to kick a certain dragon in the rear without getting herself melted in the process when she felt a certain something. Distress. A plan go awry.

She also felt war not yet started. A War brewing but not yet coming.

She also felt the companions quest slipping through the cracks due to the carelessness of the dragon Ergos had stuck her with before he up and disapeered for the last five years.

He would return. There was no doubt in the Swords mind about that. After all, they never did find his dragonstone, and as long as an eroki had his dragonstone, he lived, so it was only a matter of time.

What she couldn't figure out was why in the world had he stuck her with this pain in the helm and not taken her himself.

Aw well...the Sword thought.

Meanwhile, Rain was awakening in more ways then one...

Rain wasn't dead, she wasn't even close. She hadn't even fainted. She was just drained. Bearing the sword had given a sense of power she hadn't felt since she had lost her own, and the quick loss of such power had knucked her out temporarily.

Rain felt herself awake with the heat of a fire. It was enough that the mage had to set his house to crumple at his death but he had set it to burn too....

Pulling herself up, Rain was surprised to find there was no fire. But her skin seemed to burn and her body once again sung as her ears was filled with the music of magic...but it wasn't her own magic.

Looking up, Rain was in for the shock of her life for standing next to her was the one person, or should she say dragon she never expected to see again.

"Gilath!" Rain shouted above the roar of the house, "Aren't you dead?"

Smiling, Gilath spread his wings as a shield to protect his small friend. "Why yes I am. But all ghost come to this valley sooner or later if they leave something unfinished. Apparently I left you unfinished, so I'm here to see out of this place safely so I can get out of this sticking place. That mage wasn't exactly pleasant company you know. Now, let's go."

With that, Gilath began to run picking up Ariania, Morzan, Graeme, and finally one kicking Craema as he went.

Running still, Gilath never stopped until he reached a small crack in the wall of mountains. Next to it a tree grew and a stream flowed. Rain recongized it from her dream.

"Go, and don't worry, Rath will follow. Us ghost managed to find something living that can deal with her attitude. She will meet you in the carven of many doors."

Waving goodbye, Gilath disappered.

Pushing her companions into the crack, Rain looked back just in time to see the whole valley of memories go up in flames. The group slowly pushed forward until the came to a large part of the carven path then they turned to face each other, at once at a lose of words about what just happened.

#247: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:31 pm
Dragons, always with the flames and burning. Can't they make a quiet exit. I'm gonna have to say no to that one. Isn't their style, especially this dragon. Best way to approach Rath is to be...Invisible. Let her boil over, and when she's calm again, talk. Ha! Like I'll make much difference. Everything has went...Smoothly for me. They have had hell. I've been non-existent. A tag along. It suits me.

Rain stumbled along away from the fire. Oh, her. Forgot about the gypsy. She's probably done the same with me. I hated her one time. What was it again...Oh yes, the orb...

Rain stood beside Ergos. Around him the battle raged. Blood. Demons. Screams. Graeme stood amidst all this. A ghost of the future. Seeing the past. A spectator. He strode to the summit. It was happening. He saw his grandfather lead the clerics into a desperate charge at the demons. Brave, was his grandfather. He crept closer to the hill top. The action would begin soon...

"She comes," said the eroki king.

"Shall I prepare my spell?" enquired the young Rain.

"No, you are too inexperienced my young friend. This is between her and me. She made her choices, now she must pay,"he replied.

"I want to help, defeating evil is my quest in life King," she pleaded a bit.

She is coming. Bugger, I hate this bit. Suddenly a howling wind swept in, along with screams and a a terrible drum beat. Low flying demons came in their hundreds. Anytime now. Wait, the fireworks first. Magic flew over from both sides. Flames, lightening, shields, everything. The hill shook. Forgot that part. Rain stumbled. Ergos stood, almost disinterested with the battle. Scary, like a normal Rath. Dragons always scared me. Especially this one. Hurry up and arrive. I hate waiting. Oh, here she is, coming up behind Ergos. And here is Rain, gonna be taken out, supposedly. The beautiful form of the Tricked walked gracefully up. A vicious back hand to Rain spun her off her feet. Unlucky. Soon a momentous battle raged. Gods, they are good. The best. Soon it would end.

Ergos broke through the Lady's defences and grasped her throat in his hands. Graeme could here the sizzling of his flesh. That's got to hurt. Ergos grunted. Inhuman. Right, here it was. The Lady screamed and unleashed her power. Ergos stumbled and the Lady fled. Smart move. Ergos wearily leaned on his sword. Why didn't he use that to kill her? Gods, the idiot wanted to stangle her.

"Rain, get me some aid. I...Feel, weak. I...Need healing. Rain?" he pleaded.

Rain got to her feet, glanced at him and laughed a cold laugh," You shall die King, and your sword shall be mine."

She stepped forward, lowered his head. He feebly tried to push her away. She slipped out one of her precious daggers and slipped it into his heart. His eyes glazed over.

He returned to the present. It had to be false, or he was in trouble...

#248:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:37 pm
Morzan felt the sensation of flying as Gilath picked him up. He hadnt known it though, his thoughts still a dark blur. As he was set down he stirred and awoke. Pain shot through his head like an arrow. Sitting up he clutch hsi head and drove his thumbs into his temples. When the pain subsided he stood up and stumbled to the entrance of the hole.

Looking out he saw tha rest of the party staring at something. Walking to them he followed their gaze and saw what they saw. A gigantic gold dragon flying into the distance.

"Well I be damned..." he whispered.

A flicker below caught his eye and he saw that the Mist they had entered was now a blazing inferno. Feeling his jaw drop he joined the party in their awe. To think I could have died down there is'nt hard to believe. Ripping a strip from his cloak he bound it around his head to stop the blood that flowed from his wound.

Morzan also noticed that his shoulder guards were dented and scratched deeply. Sighing he striped them off and tossed them into the hole. Clapping his hands loadly he shouted,

"How bout some food and a nap since we werent able to depend on that old wizard, hm?!"

#249:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:47 pm
Rain smiled at Morzan. "Sleep and food sound like a good idea to me. However, we should probably heal that cut of yours."

Pulling out her small handbag of herbs she made quick work of Morzan's wound.

Then she sat down to take care of her own taking a quick glance over her companions. They were close now and many of them would be tested beyond themselves soon, and to think she was absouletly useless!

Oh the irony.

"Juric," she whispered, "why me?"

She trusted these people to a point, and each represented something special to her, even if she didn't show it sometimes.

She needed each of one of them and they thought they needed her.

They didn't.

She was only their guide now, she was not the Music of the Soul as spoken by the prophecy, and as everyone knows guides could be replaced...

#250:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:08 pm
Rath watched as Gilath swooped down and scooped up the weary party members. As her small clearing became embers Rath took to the skies above him catching his eye for a moment. "For now...but remember you belong to me..." She watched the shade of the dragon place the battered companions into the crevass in the mountain side.

Her vision swam back to her along with the sense of guilt. She'd taken her payment and yet...the job still wasn't done. With a booming crack of her wings she plummetted from the sky, shape changing while she did so, until she was a tiny creature not bigger than a cat. Landing on the mountainside she took a moment for her scales to take on the exact color of the rocks around her before climbing in.

As she hung upside down from the ceiling Rath watched the others go to sleep. A grin split her muzzle and she continued on, racing across the ceiling without anyone being the wiser. With any luck she'd be in the Lady's throne room before the others even woke.

#251:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:28 pm
((I'm sorry Rai, couldn't let that happen. So invented something just for you, took it from Morzan's post though. Make of her what you will.))

A gold dragoness of massive size flew across the Valley of Memories snorting in contempt at the damage done by that youth of a dragon.

Swooping down she easily picked up the DragonSword and gave it a curesties hello before stashing it somewhere safe admist her metalic scales.

Following Rath, she was surprised the other dragon didn't hear her coming.

Going into a twirl dive, the gold spread her wings wide and spinning a spell a gold net captured the dragoness before she knew what hit her.

Pulling back on the rope, she brought the dragoness to a dead stop and then let the bag drop to the ground in a not so gentel manner.

"Where do you think you're going missie?" she said causally as she began examine her nails carefully.

"Let me go." Rath growled lowly as she stuggled against the net.

"No, I've been sent to give you an attitude adjustment and personally I intend on doing it." The gold said bring her muzzle close she growled at the younger dragoness, "I am much older than you so I suggest you don't argue, it will go much quicker that way. Oh by the way, you forgot something." She said pulling the DragonSword out.

Rath growled. "Keep it. I don't want it."

"But's it's yours." The gold said, "And unless you give it to the heir of Ergos or Ergos himself, you're stuck with it so I suggest you deal with it. Besides without it those people you left in the cave are going to get very, very left" Unleasing the spell, the gold let Rath but kept a tether nearby just in case, "Now where was I oh yes, An attitude readjustment."

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

#252:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:46 pm
Fire, smoke...blood?
Ariana awoke almost feverishly and clamped a hand to her brow. She though she must have been sweating much through the heat of the flames - but when she pulled her hand away, she saw that it was red.
"Oh Gods." She whispered softly in Elvish, and wondered where she was.
She had been moved from her slab of rock, and there was silence all around her. And mist. So she hadn't left the valley yet - great shame.
Ariana placed her hand back onto her forehead and tried to reach the light within herself so she could heal. Tried being the operative word. For when she reached out, she met resistence. A barrier around the light which she found inpentrable.
Maybe it's because I am weary. She thought, but with little hope.
What hope there was though was crushed a moment later.
Or maybe you just can't reach it. Always the optimist, aren't you? The voice cut into her mind, and she had the strange notion that he was mocking her. Well, maybe not so strange a notion.
Which makes sense, considering you are always the pessimist. She replied, then puzzeled on her words. Why had she said it maked sense. Surely it was not linked at all.
Who are you fooling? He replied to her musings and she gave it up.
No-one. Ariana though helplessly. Not even myself.
It was true. Uninveiteably they were linked, although she wasn't quite sure how. His was the voice she had heard in her visions. His was the voice she recognised from so far back that she thought it must be the beginning. But why?
She saw no reason for it, why no other elves had this. But then...maybe they did. Maybe all elves had a ghost protector, but they never told anyone - fearing that they had gone mad. After all, elves are a rather secretive race...
It was a nice idea. Ariana sighed, and tried to lift herself up again. But just like before, she found she was too weak.
Why can't I get up? Why am I so weak? Ariana asked, sure that there would be an answer.
Sure enough, moments later and one came. Because you hesitated.
What kind of an answer was that? Ariana threw her mind back to the mages house, reliving the memory so easily with the aid of the mist.

Just trust me - I'm here to get you out because you are so stupidly worried about others - that you disregard yourself.
He had come closer now, and Ariana could see that although the rocks still passed through him, like he was a ghost - he looked more solid than she had ever seen him - even more so than when he had shown her the dead elves.
"Leave me. Help Rain." She replied, aloud this time.
You see what I mean? Silly girl. Look - that rock you are next to. It's at an angle. Get under it and you will be safe.
Another slab narrowly missed her and she wavered.
Why do you hesitate?

Why do you hesitate?...

She shook herself, and the memory floated off into the mist. She did not want to relive the next part. Not the pain.
The pain...was that why she was so weak? What had he done?
What did you do to me?
A pause. A long pause.
I saved your life.
You know that is not what I mean. You are avoiding my question.
This time, the silence was almost audible.
No, it is what you mean - but you don't know what you are asking. I saved your life. If you had not hesitated, you would not be feeling as weak. If...
"I don't care about If's!" Ariana hissed, still in elven, as she pressed with all her might onto the hard rock and finally managed to get herself into a sitting posistion. The fury had helped her, but now it was gone and once more she felt drained.
Ah. Well done. You see? You are not nearly so weak as you first thought.
He said it like praise and she wondered. Had he meant to hurt her? Maybe not. Maybe that was an accident. After all - he had saved her life...
Try that again.
His voice startled her and Ariana looked around for him. It was not hard, for he was only a few feet away. He was sitting at the edge of the rock with his legs dangling over the side. And he was watching her intently. Almost...hungrily?
Ariana shuddered, and it wasn't the cold.
Was it just her imagination, or did he really become more alive every time she saw him?
And in the house...he had touched her. He was no ghost.
"Why?" Ariana asked, still speaking softly for she had observed not only him, but also her companions. They were asleep, and not far off.
Why not? Do you not want to move? Do you want to be parylised all your life?
No, she didn't. But...
...No, fruitless. She may as well try.
Focusing all her attention on getting her muscles working, Ariana tried to stand. Nothing happened though, and soon she fell back to the ground, a small sigh escaping her lips.
You are going about it the wrong way. Think about how you did it last time.
Ariana did. She had been angry with him. It had been that anger - that supressed rage that had spurred her to move.
But now she felt none.
It can be provoked though, no? could...
What if I told you that the barrier around your light is caused by Rath?
You have a link with her dragon sword, no?
So, it is her dragon sword. She also has a link with it. That is why you could send her through it before, when you were still on the ship.
A pause.
There is the motive and the ways by which to acomplish it.
"But I do not have the sword. Surely it can't reach me when..." Ariana trailed off, fully aware of how feeble her own voice sounded.
The dark elf waited, a strange smile on his face. He waited for her to work it out. And he prided himself. Prided himself on how clever he was.
"Oh. When she didn't have the sword, I could still send her the light. And even then, I wasn't touching the sword. So I suppose I don't just have a link with the sword - but because of the sword, i have a link with Rath." Ariana held her head in her hands, barely aware that she could move again. "Oh," She muttered in silven, "This is so confusing..."
Or relatively simple. The voice hissed in her ear. Rath made the barrier. It is Rath who has made you feel weak. And until you get revenge, you can cheat the spell by feeling, ironicaly, rath. Rath, fury and hatred. It is the only way...
The voice faded, and Ariana barely realised she was nodding in agreement with it. Rath, fury and hatred. It made so much sense. Why hadn't she though of it before?
She drifted back to sleep as a small, cat sized dragon clamboured up the wall, and continued to sleep when a golden dragon caught the smaller one and gave her the sword.
She slept, and she dreamt.
She dreamt that they were travelling. They were on the ship, all of them, but Ariana had eyes only for one. Rath.
She looked so proud of herself, scales gleaming in the morning sunlight, wings poised for flight, and yet Ariana was on deck. If she had been thinking properly, Ariana would have realised this didn't happen. Almost couldn't have hapened, as she had been in a trance for most of the journey, and when she had woken, Rath had gone.
But she was not thinking straight, and to her, it seemed real.
Oh! Cruel, twisted reality!
Ariana felt insignificant. And indeed, she was, wasn't she?
She couldn't even move, and yet, Yet rath could fly around the boat in circles. Just for fun! Just like she was doing now.
Despite herself, Ariana felt anger start to boild inside her. Hatred even.
How come Rath could do these things and she couldn't? Now jealousy joined her hatred, and the knowledge that somehow, Rath had disabled her, made it impossible for her to move, made the whole dream worse.
I suppose, I should call it a nightmare, to be more precise.
Anger, jealousy, hatred, fury, rath. Rath.
Rath alights on the deck, looking smug. When she sees Ariana, she gives her a haughty look, and turns.
This is her chance, Ariana can feel it in her bones. Rising up, for she finds that she can move now, she runs. Although he legs are long, although elf runners are quick, although Rath is plodding slowly, and although the boat width is relatively short - as sometimes happenes in nightmares, and even dreams occasionally, Ariana found that she was running to no avail. Occasionally, she would find that she had got closer, but then Rath's lumbering form moved out of reach again and she had to redouble her efforts.
It didn't help that Rath was walking lazily.
SHE MOCKS ME! Ariana thought in rage, and gave one final lunge. The dream faded before she could see what happened next, but she though that she caught Rath. Thought that she saw her hand close around one of her scales. And as she thought this, she found that she could imagine what would happen next.
In a state of mind where dreams and reality are all mixed into one, Ariana found that she was stabbing Rath, again, and again, and again.
And it felt good.
She drifted back to sleep with a smile on her face. I would like to say it was contented, and to a certain degree, it was. But it was not a nice smile. And had her eyes been open, then we wold have been able to see the malice held within.
With them shut, however, the smile remained contented. Contented with something else mixed in. Something that made it not contented, but something else entirely.
But as we do not know, we shall, for now at least, say it was contented.
Contented because, to her mind anyhow, Rath was dead. She had got her revenge - and it felt good.
Contented, because she could not see the blood on her hands where she had hit them repeatedly against the stone, envisioning it to be Rath.
And contented, because she knew she could overcome this feebleness. She knew that she was back in control. And it only took three things.
Hatred, fury, and rath...

(Ok, not sure how long this is...but I've been writing for ages. Got a little carried away.
Can I just say, so no confusion emerges, that Rath did nothing to harm Ariana, or at least, she did not put up the barrier.
Just Ariana is disillusioned, poor elf, and dosn't know any better than to trust her feelings. Now that her source of comfort has been cut off...she needs to find a new one. One that can't be blocked off.
And by god, she has been trying...)

#253:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:23 pm
(That would almost have worked Din...if you actually knew Rath's age...The only dragon you've got that would be older would be Elizabeth least the only dragon on Cree older.)

Rath struggled against the golden net then slowly let her muscles go slack. "Older than I am...I very much doubt that. You'd have to be my Mother for that to happen...or one of the Sages and since I know them personally I can vouch for the fact you're not them." Rath lazily allowed her eyes to crawl over the spells of the net. Finding just what she wanted she threaded a claw through and yanked hard.

In a moment the roles were reversed and it was the gold dragoness in the golden web. "Dracos rule number one. Give yourself the time to find your escape route." She looked at the dragoness wrapped in gold and at the sword. "You are an indordinate amout of trouble but since I guess I must complete the job with you then I shall take you for the ride." Stashing the sword in her gem Rath returned to being the small rock creature and bobbed her head at the dragoness that hissed at her from within the golden net.

"Dracos rule number two. Always do your opponant one better." With a flick of her talons she encased the dragon in a second net, this one woven in black thread. "When you manage to free yourself from that tell your master that I am not a tame dragon. And I'll thank you to remember that yourself." With that Rath skittered back into the cave, back to the point where she had been before the net had so rudely pulled her back.

She tried to take another step and found her way blocked. Tapping the barrier she found it complex and highly entertaining to play with. "I could just tear this down...but I'd much rather like to see how those pitiful excuses for destined warriors try it on their own." With that, ignoring the protests of the sword in her mind, Rath found a handy rock ledge and curled up to sleep.

#254:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:59 pm
((And who said she was from Cree....? Or that she isn't as old or as old as Elizabeth? He, he, he, he, oh I'm going to like this.))

The gold snorted at the nets Rath had tossed her but let herself be trapped.

Spinning magic, she created a barrior to stop Rath from going any further and then took her time unraveling the net. After all one never knew when these things came in handy.

In the meantime, the Gold was having a long converstation with the Elizabeth, who ironically was her younger sister but was born within the same litter has she had been.

The gold, who had forgotten her name since times past, had spent the last thousands years in a nice nap in a place that neither time, nor spell, nor anything else effected curtesy of someone that if Rath asked she would have known, and the gold highly doubted anyone else on Cree knew either, but the dragons knew. Dragons always know.

Then making sure the barrior was tight and unmistakalbly hers, the gold closed her eyes and called. So Rathiania didn't want to deal with a tongue lashing, well then, she was about to get something much, much worse.

Immediatly next to her stood a small brown hair child with big brown eyes in a roman tunic, "Why?" the child asked in a small voice.

"Because I called." The gold said gently, "Is that okay?"

Looking up with big eyes the child played with it's hair as it looked towards Rath, "I guess. May I ask where I am?"

"In Cree, my dear."

"Never heard of it," the child said looking back towards the gold.

"But you will when you grow up." the gold said patiently, "Now will you do me a favor? I'll give you something in return."

"Okay," the child said shaking her small head.

"I want you to stay with that dragon, her name is Rath dear, no matter what. If you have anytrouble just close your eyes for a moment, and I'm sure you'll no exactly what to do."

"Will I have any help," the child whispered, "She is big."

"No, child," the gold said as a very evil smile spread across her face, "Trust me, you can deal with her and whole lot more too."

Spreading her wings, the gold bowed to the child who curtesied in return, "I have to go now, I have other gifts to give." and with a whispered spell the gold was gone.

Walking up to the red dragoness, the child tapped her on the shoulder.

((Take that! And I wouldn't recommend eating her. I'm sorry Rath, but I couldn't resist handing you a challenge!))

~ ~ ~

In the meantime, the gold invisible and considerablly shrunk, snuck into the cave.

Reaching Ariania she touched her head and a star appared there. A necklace too was added to her neck in the shape of a star. The Dark elf grimicaced at it but didn't leave.

Next she stepped close to Morzan. Next to him there suddenly a shield, plain in apperance but strong. A helmet also, well remember as Juric's own, appeared next to the shield. The shield said in latin, Loyalty never need lack.

At Craema she paused, but settled on giving her three of her own scales and whispered in the Centeur's ears, "When wisdom lacks."

Reaching Graeme she stooped close and whispered in his dream, "Thou seemest small for a purpose, Doubt not your friend for she fears to call attention to thee lest she endanger the end." She had no gifts for him except a small bag filled with something important to Graeme only, a white cloth full of blessing, and on second thought slipped him a small vial with a label that said not to drink it till he reached the Santuary.

Reaching Rain, she simply smiled as she saw the glittering red stone. The other, the one Rain had destroyed, had been an illusion. The Gold simply touched Rain's head and Rain began to dream a song, and then Rain slipped off in the only true sleep she had had since the begining of the trip.

Her task done, the Gold left.

~ ~ ~

((I'm not posting in character because I just want to bring us along a little quicker.))

In the morning the group traveled far marching grimly through the narrow length of the cavern until the reached a opening. Stepping into it they found all their tourches extinishgused and they where in utter dark.

They had reached the room of Night. It was the begining of the Lady's kingdom and stood as a warning to all who entered this way.

Although forgotten the spell once laid here still worked and until one of them broke it, they would stay in the darkness forever.

Beyond this was the final passage of the Cavern Way marked by the Chamber of Many Doors, but to get there they first had to defeat the Room of the Night.

This is Ariania's trial do not interfere.

((p.s. Anytime I mention a specific name for a specific task, I ask that no one interfere with that person. You can offer advice, consolution, and even fend off other threats for them, but you cannot help them in the main trial that they face.

There will be a trial like this for each of you. I appreciate everyone's help and consideration. Thank you.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

#255:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:24 pm
Din are you even reading my posts? Rath took the sword and has it with for the challenge. Not hardly but I won't go into that just now...

#256:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:22 pm
((Sorry, I was feeling like myself yesterday so I did the best I could. Will fix my post though. However, I wouldn't underestimate her if I was you.))

#257:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:33 pm
(( Due to lack of involment, this thread is slowly dying. Personally, I will be the first to admit that I have serveral crucial mistakes that may have led to this threads untimely death:

1.) I have been to controling over several events and my character has been too promient in this RPG.

2.) The plot has been overdrawn, especially the Vale of Memories, and should have been considerably shorter.

3.) I have been to controling over some characters, while ignoring other characters.

I ask y'all to forgive me for these things, and I will personally guarentee that not everything played here will be included in the SG version.

If you are all are willing, we can continue this rpg, as there is not much left to do. I would throughly enjoy it if you all did.

If however, you are feeling as I am, that this Rpg has become to drawn out and is dying, I would be content to end this without further notice and leaving the end undetermined to be found out upon the release of the SG.

If I end this, I plan to host a looser sort of RPG until the beginning of next year as I don't want to get envolved in anything as large as this has been over the holidays.

Next year however, I would (if everyone is willing) be willing to invite you once again to play another RPG that would take place (Setting Wise) before or after this one.

I am sorry that this RPG has been too drawn out and I am sorry to see it dying, but I do acknowledge it is my fault entirely.

If you wish to continue, either P.M me or Respond ASAP.))

#258:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:58 pm
WHAT! I have to finish this! I don't know about the rest of you but I've been having fun doing this...I've just felt like I've been monopolizing replies lately. If that's what it takes then I'll keep doing it rather than see this end without ending.

Plus if I don't finish the grand surprise will be left undone...I can't do that.

#259:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:10 pm
((If solus responds, and you get your but in the carven with the group, I think I can manage to get us to pretty exiciting spot ie the Santuary. The Santuary is the back door to the Lady's mountain, and after that it's all down hill or should I say uphill. But I could manage to end this pretty fast if I have too, I just need solus to respond, and GRAEMe to particpate and soon!))

#260:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:06 am
(*Hides* So sorry, no doubt you've seen that I am still active on the site, and seem to be tactifully avoiding this thread, but I don't really want to.
It's just that as it is, I havn't been going on for exceedingly long periods of time and well...since it is my part, I have this big cloud over my head telling me it had better be long...and good.
And really, I'm quite afraid of it. *takes a quick glance upwards to see a huge black cloud with sharp teeth glaring down menacingly - somehow reminiscent of a shark.*
I will however, try and get it out as soon as possible. In fact, I'll start it now...maybe.
I've decided it will seem more friendly if I do it in parts - but actually, I'll probably start it, get carried away, then finish it in the same sitting like I usually do. Ah well - now it's the holidays I can afford to do that... Smile.
Anyway, i'm fine with the continuation, I'm also fine with the dieing and the wait. But unless there is an overwhelming vote for killing it - I'll assume it is going to continue.
Anyway, expect it out soon-ish Confused )


#261:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:13 am
(Sorry for double post)
Ariana awoke to hear a sweet, melodic tune playing somewhere, and to see lights flitting this way and that. She wondered if she was still asleep, for her eyes were closed and the music seemed to come not from the outside world.
Gradually, she opened her eyes to see the cave. As she did so, the music stopped and all the former light vansihed.
Confused, Ariana frowned, then looked around. Several of the others were awake now, and were examining things which Ariana assumed must be new.
Hm, we do get a lot of presents on this trip! She though with a smile, then wondered if she had got anything. Glanceing down, she saw that her hand was clasped around a pendant, and when she freed it from her grasp, she saw that it was shaped as a star.
"Stars...the most beautiful of things." She whispered in light silvan, putting her head on one side to examine it.
Whether it was the rest or the light and music that she had seen and heard, Ariana felt much lighter now - much more carefree.
Getting up, she felt like skipping and dancing - singing to an old melody that she had heard at a feast when she was a child.
is this what the star has done? Ariana wondered, restraining herself from moving more lest she make a great fool of herself. because this seems more trouble then good.
I pity Ariana for being too full of dignity to trust to the gift and simplicity of its meaning.
She felt someone watching her and turned to see the dark elf still there. Immediately, some of her light-headedness vanished, and she remembered Rath. What did she feel? A mixture, I suppose, which uninvitedly led to feeling slightly sick. She felt guilt though, too. Her anger had dissapeared, and although she knew that Rath was not dead, although she knew that it had been a dream bought on by this darker side, she still felt guilty knowing that she had believed him and had been ready to hurt Rath.
Turning away so she could not see him, Ariana allowed herself a deep sigh.
Her fists were still bloody where she had hit them against the rock, but she did not heal them.
They shall be reminders Ariana thought quite bitterly. Reminders of how frail I am, how frail everyone is when they want something to be true. It will remind me not to do it again.
A tear glistened in her eye for a moment, and she looked back down at the star pendant. Clasping it in her hand again, she closed her eyes for a moment and wondered whether it would ever happen, whether her dream would ever be fulfilled.
Then, the moment passed, she swiftly wiped the tear away set about waking the people that were still asleep. It was time to move on again, and her face was set in a grim mask.


They had travelled far this day, and all were tired, but at last, things looked like they were about to get more interesting.
The cave systems that they had been travelling through were dark, and all had had to have torches to light their way. And, like in the valley of memories, a rope had been tied to each of them so they would not get lost. Not that you really could as long as you followed the person in front of you - but better safe than sorry.
It was as they ducked through a small opening into the next part of the cave that things started to go wrong. All the torches, simultaneously, went out. Total, utter darkness.
Ariana shrunk back from it, but it was everywhere.
She heard the others exclaiming in surprise and trying to re-light the torches, but somehow, she knew that it was no use. That it wasn't going to work.
"We have reached the beginning of Night's territory." She whispered, and her voice carried over the stillness of the room. "Torches aren't going to do any good here."
It was stated as a fact, and the others gave up trying to light them.
Ariana paled slightly as she realised this was her job, her task. They were all relying on her, and if she failed, then what would they do? They could not proceed...
Ariana shivered, then gently released herself from the rope. As she did so, her feet tapped against the floor, and she started at the recognition of the echoes.
You know this place. The voice muttered in her ear. No, in her head - and she remembered her vision. The same voice...and now the same place.
Biteing her lip, Ariana tried with all her might to think about how she had gotten out of it in her vision, but the darkness seemed to cloud her mind and stop her memory from working right. All she knew was that it was the same voice. The same place.
the voice helped you last time The thought rose to the surface of her drowned mind and she tried to shake it away. The voice had caused more trouble than good - she still didn't fully understand it, it just didn't make sense. How come it was good and bad?
It could help you again This thought was persistent, should she listen to it?
Sinking to the floor in a kneeling position, Ariana held her head in her hands.
I am always feeling so sorry for myself she thought angrily, another tear rolling down her cheek as she felt the darkness close in. It was cold, too. She wished it could be warm.
A warm touch on her arm, but she couldn't tell who it was. She turned, but could not see anything. Despite the warmth now spreading through her, she felt scared. Yet, she didn't want to speak. She didn't want to scare whoever it was away, and she didn't want to alert the others as to where she was.
Remember you heard the echoes, and followed them until you came to the door. When you were out of the room, you realised you had been blindfolded. The voice told her, and she remembered it clearly now. How come he gave her warmth and help now, but took away movement and embedded fear before?
So I am blindfolded? She asked silently, her hands flying to her eyes and feeling for any king of blindfold.
Yes, but not physically.
Oh Ariana let her hands drop. Then how do I get rid of it?
I can take yours away for you. Ariana felt something change in her eyes and a momnet later she found that she was kneeling in a fair sized room cut out of the rock. Although she was not blindfolded now, all but one of the torches had gone out, and a moment later, that one flickered and died too.
Before it did though, she saw the rest fiddling with rope that tied them together and trying to work out what to do.
That was fairly pointless. Ariana told the voice (who, in the faint torchlight, she had ascertained to be the dark elf), I still can't see.
I can see though, I can lead you out of here if you want.
Ariana hesitated. This was supposed to be her task. Why was he doing it all?
Because...I am part of you, and you are part of me. I have told you this before.
Had he? She vaguely remembered something of the sort. And indeed, he had been present for so long now that she couldn't really remember a time with out him. Ariana took a sharp intake of breath as the warmth reached her fists, and they called out in a fresh burst of pain, reminding her of why she had not healed them. She wanted this to be true. She wanted him to be part of her. That way, he could complete the task for her and she wouldn't feel cheated. That way, she could stop trying to fight him. It was the easy way out. The lazy way. Gritting her teeth, she pulled away from his touch, shivering as the cold hit her.
Why do you chose this? Why do you go for the hard route? You assume I am lying, yet you have no evidence of it. If I am part of you, it is pointless to persist in this fight that will get you nowhere.
Ariana didn't reply for a moment. Then, very quietly, she repeated what she had told him before.
Ariana closed her eyes, and once more found her hand straying to the star pendant. When she touched it, the faint, sweet music that she had heard that morning began to play again, and with her eyes shut, she found that the lights were dancing again.
show It was an order. An order from her to the lights, and they obeyed her, dancing now with more purpose as they flited about so fast that they became a blur. A moment later, and she could see the cave. This time though, instead of a dim light, it was filled with different colours, all light colours. Yellow, pink, red, green, blue, purple, orange...and if she looked carefully, she realised that the scene was made out of lots of tiny, flitting lights. Almost as if millions of miniture fairies were dancing.
A faint smile tugging at her lips, Ariana moved forward, and watched as the lights rearranged themselves to show what her eyes would, except the obvious colour difference.
In this way, she managed to make her way over the the group, but it was tedious as, after every step, the lights rearranged themselves.
You don't have to do it this way. She told herself, glad that it was herself giving the orders this time. And she knew it was true. Although the voice hadn't said it, and she knew that he had been purposely and rather succesfully avoiding it, she was the essence of light, just as he was, she thought, the essence of darkness. This would, however, probably not help the others too much.
Opening her eyes and letting go of the pendant with some relief, Ariana fumbled in her pack. She didn't didn't know what she was looking for, but there had been so many gifts that surely one of them would help.
Sure enough, her hand clasped around a little pouch, and bringing it out, she opened it to find that this was what the elves had given her at the inn. A little bag of stones. Thoughtfully, Ariana tiped them out onto her hand. After wasting so much time, it was easy for her to see now. She had to just open her eyes. The light seemed to come out of her eyes themselves, but she hardly noticed as she counted the stones.
There were six.
One for Rath, Rain, Cremla, Graeme, Morzan and herself.
Rath was not there though.
Holding each one seperately in her hand, Ariana let some of the light which was in her flow into them.
The she came to the others, who were looking decidedly bored, which made her feel annoyed that she had taken so long and wasted so much time. Moving along the line, she pressed a stone into their hands. Then, touching their eyelids with two fingers, she visualised blindfolds, and they appeared, as they had with her in her vision.
"Take off the blindfolds first." She told them, then walked toward the door where they had come in. It was closed, and she could not get out that way, so she bent down, and left the stone at the entrance. She could not take away what she had done last night in her dream, but she could try and help her. Somehow, it made things better.
Then she retunred to the others, whose sight had now been returned, and mroe so in that they could see, even though the torches were out, just so long as they held the stone.
The though that Rath might acidently step on her stone as she entered did occur to Ariana, but no knowing what she could do about it, she left it. Then, tieing the rope back around her middle, she looked at the door at the far side of the room. She avoided the others eyes though.
The first challenge had been overcome. But what lay ahead?

(Ok, sorry, Ariana's feelings represented mine a bit in there. I'm annoyed it took so long and that the answer was so simple, and that a lot of it seemed entirely pointless - but enver mind, hopefully I can patch this side thing off soon. Well, at the end of it anyway.)


#262:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:17 am
((You have done well Malen'de Ele.))

Rain smiled as she walked after the elf, feeling proud of Ariania for some strange reason.

She felt more had been done in the cave then a simple task. Rain was also more than pleased to hear, even if faintly, the soft sound of music and tiny multicolored lights dancing in the soul of the elf.

More had been done indeed.

In her own head, a faint tune played, and Rain was suprised to find herself humming once more. Something she hadn't done since she had lost all the music she had. It made her glad that Ariania's song had awoken her own once more.

Something bewildred her though, as they traveled Rain was becoming more and more aware of a very faint light immerging from her own skin but not a pure light like Ariania's. It was more like the light of a very low fire and Rain was aware a faint burning sensation underneath her skin. It bewildred her and bothered her.

It wasn't long until the group once again had to stop. They were in a caven and in it was three doors. One to the left, one in front, and one to the right. Rain stopped. She knew this place. She also knew that only one person could help them here.

The one person who wasn't here.

Above them, a small child stood next to Rath and she began to whisper. "Wake up, Rathiania Skye Princess. Awake and Arise. They need you.

They stand before three doors. One will lead them underground, underneath the marses into the Lady's powers. But if they take this door they will pass through Fire and Flame, they will not survive there and they will become one of the many corpses slain by the Undermarsh.

Another will lead them high upon the mountain tops, but the icy mountains suffer never to pass and they will become lost, lost until they feel their bodies covered in ice and snow.

The door they seek leads to a vale where once good did prevail. Santuary it is called, but no longer. A tower and a hovel, where Greame must make his choice to either be a mage or priest. If he choose rightly then you will find the company at the Lady's back door will Morzan must do a chore.

Then Creama must nigotiate a chessboard that doesn't appear but to any but her intelligent mind's eye to take you to the place where the Lady's own heart doth lie.

Sacrifice will not be a choice to reach the thing guarded by flame. One will appear to die where none should.

Then Rain will not sing her song, but she has known this all along.

Rathiania then who is she, be she swordbearer or the song of the soul? Her choice will effect her immortal soul.

You will see one you did not expect and who finishes the job you will be determined by Rathinia's choice.

They need you.

The Axe of Warin has been found and if it reaches it's finally bearer, war cannot be stopped. But Morzan may perhaps slay the beast before the Axe reaches it's monster's hands.

You have burned the past, Rathiania Skye, will you burn the future too?

If you ask who I be, the gold sent me with a quote. Tell your master Rathiania is not tame. The gold has no master, but I was the closest thing she could find, and I tell you we wish Rathiania not to be tame but perhaps gain her right mind.

I am innocent but before all is said, my blood will be shed so you may remember yourself instead."

The Child waited for the Dragoness to awake knowing well Rath had heard her words.

This is Rathiania's trial. Do not interfere.

#263:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:55 pm
(Humm tough choice. Normally I would have gone with everyone having their tasks but since I don't know if the others are still with us physically I'll have to pick a different route...Sorry guys.)

Rath looked at the small child. "I'm in my right mind small one. Unfortunately it's not the mind many would have wished for." Leaping off the ledge she became once again an Eroki, padding softly up behind the rest of the party. They started as she appeared, as if from nowhere. Turning her head she adressed the small child behind her. "You may go now small one. Tell the gold I'll have words with her later."

"As for you, you who are destined to save the world." Rath shook her head at this. "Tis a good thing my world is not riding on our shoulders else I might well bemoan the situation. Still Ariana, Grame, Morzan, Cremla. You all must go through the right door. For three of you your challenges wait, for the last you must light there way. Rain, you and I must take the left door."

"Wait, why must we split up?" Ariana trembled a bit. "I don't like that one bit."

"You've got everything you need to survive, your tasks will draw you forward. Graeme shall heal your hurts, Morzan defend you well, Cremla follow the tunnel markings, and you Ariana shall be their single light in the darkness."

"But should we reach the Lady before..." Rath smiled, fangs glimmering in the dark light.

"You won't. I'd stake my wings on it." Turning she took Rain by the arm. "I wouldn't be bringing you but you've chosen to call us Debt Bonded which means leaving you alone for any amount of time would inevitabley come back to me. Remember...I gave you all gifts long ago...use them well." Turning she drew the sword and tapped it against the floor three times. Slowly the doors swung open.

"You can follow me and Rain, if you must, or you can go as the Destinies would have it. I know which path I must take, I cannot say the same for you." With that Rath, still tugging Rain, stepped through the left doorway and started down the obsidian steps the descended into the darkness...

#264:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:48 pm
((Please excuse the briefness of the following post, I didn't have much time, but I wanted to make sure y'all knew I was alive out here.

FYI: The Tunnels will lead different directions, since that what Rath chose and I won't contradict it. Rain will follow Rath whereever she leads, however it will the other groups decision on where their tunnel goes.

Beware however, to go under the Marsh ends in certain death. To go straight brings danager but almost certain successe. To go upwards means possible success but slim chances of survival.

But like I said I will leave it up to each group to determine their fate, I'm keeping my hands out of this one because quite frankly, I'm enjoying myself and what has happened so far. After all, a girl has to no when to let go of control. Smile )))

Rain sighed rushing forward into the Darkness following the mere echo of Rath's footsteps. Why was she doing this to herself, she mentally asked.

Her mind didn't bother to answer. She knew why.

It didn't take long for Rain to catch up to Rath, and when she did, Rain showed some stupidity as she caught the dragoness shoulder turning Rath to face her in the dark.

"I didn't choose this, Rath."

"No?" Rath hissed through her teeth. "It was you who said that you were indebted to me, not me."

"You don't understand, do you?" Rain asked her eyes narrowing as they became accostemed to the lack of light in the cavern tunnel. "I didn't choose to call myself indepted because I wished to show myself a friend. I did it because it is a fact, I owe you my life in more ways than one."

Rath laughed, "And I nearly killed you once or twice. Indepted indeed."

"But you didn't. Kill me that is." Rain said point blank, "There is more to being my bond to you than what you think. My life is not all you have held in your hand, ready for the taking, and refused."

"Like what?" Rain could almost hear the sacastic bitterness in Rath's voice.

"Like my name. You know it. And know more besides." Rain laughed softly, "You probably know more about me than I know about myself."

"And you know mine." came Rath's response. "Fair is Fair. Equal is Equal, and we are equals in that." There was a pause. "What I ask is why bond yourself to me at all when such a thing isn't neccesary."

"You do not understand Cree, nor it's ways. You have yet to understand why Ariku bond with men to become servants to them. And you have yet to learn why a man would call himself bonded at all." Rain let go of Rath's shoulder, her hand falling to her sides. "Until you understand those things, do not mock what was only part of my choosing."

#265:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:42 am
(Ok, one of my 'going no-where' posts, but at least it is a post.)Ariana stared after Rain and Rath as they dissapeared throught the door. Why? Out of the whole party, Rain was the closest she could have to calling a friend. And now they split up? She thought back over their travels.
I thought that in a group of people, all going through the same perils, that we would have bonded more. As it were, we hardly talked. We were reluctant about our past, and when some came out in the valley, we did not talk of it. We pretended it had not happened. Why? Surely we could have benefitted more from talking about our troubles?
But you did not talk about yours. It takes one to make one.
You wanted me to talk about you? The reply was incredulous. Ariana had always had the feeling that her dark-elf follower was a secret. That should she talk of him, something bad would happen.
No. You believe that if you talk of me, that I will no longer be a secret. Although you say I am trouble, although you openly defy me when you realise what I am doing, you don't want me gone. Imagine how empty you would feel! You have got so used to me that I am a part of you. I always have been. no?
Ariana shook her head, not wanting to continue this train of thoughts. Glancing at the others, she saw that they were all standing around the door Rath had told them to go into, but none wanted to open it.
I guess, when they are so used to having Rain leading them, or Rath sweeping them off their feet, that they don't quite know what to do now they have gone. I am not much better though. I, too, do not want to open that door.
And you do not have to.
Some-one does. We can not stand here like scarecrows. We were put here for a reason. We each have a part to fulfill. Rain would not have gone with Rath if it was not her path. And this is our path. So we must tread it.
A pause.
Strong words, Ariana. Or is it 'Malen'de Ele'? Ariana flinched at the sound of the name Rain had given her. Why did he torment her? But you have such a closed mind! Think over what Rath said, 'You can follow me and Rain, if you must, or you can go as the Destinies would have it. I know which path I must take, I cannot say the same for you.'
But she has told us how the Destinies would want it. How can we disobey the word of Destiny?
She was not talking to you, elven-born. She was talking to the others. You have completed your task. What more do you have to do?
You say you must go through that door, but really, you can go through any number of different paths. Why limit yourself? You can go after Rain if you want. You can even turn back. It would be easy to go through the dark room, now you have conquered it. Do you really want to face unnecessary danger?
And for what? For people who don't even realise you exist half the time!

That's not true!
No? then why do they not even look at you? They do not notice that you are troubled. If they did, they would come and ask what the matter was. After the dark room, you were nearly crying, yet no-one said anything. You still think they care about you?
I...I..I don't know.
Then try it. We'll see if they really do care.
Go back into the dark room. See if they notice and try to stop you. You can wait there for a while if you want, but I bet they won't come.
A frown crossed Ariana's forehead. It seemed like a fair test. But was there any real point in it? Did it matter whether they cared about her? Surely her biggest problem now was deciding which path to take.
You can consider that while you wait for them to come. You'll have plenty of time.
What harm would it do? She may as well try it. Ariana wavered, then nodded.
Ok. Biting her lip nervously, she glanced at the others once more. They were still looking at the door, wondering who would open it. Angry that no-one had noticed her just as the dark elf had said, Ariana strode to the door that led to the dark room, and rested her hand on the knob. Forcing herself to calm down lest she make a fool of herself, she slowly opened the door and slipped through, letting it close behind her.
She had forgotten how dark it was.
What, did you expect to light up for you now you have conquered it? Although she could not see him, Ariana had a distinct impression that he was mocking her.
Gritting her teeth, she took out the stone which she had infused with light from her pocket and smiled as it began to light up the area around her. Sitting down on the floor, she got comfy. If the dark elf was right, she could be here for a long time.

(Ok, maybe this wasn't such a 'going-nowhere' post as I thought it would be at the start, but I think that if I am to be travelling with 'the others' that they should actually get involved. I am going to wait three days. If there is not a reply to Ariana in this time, then she will safely assume that they do not care about her, and they havn't noticed her dissapearence.
This is basically a decider as to which path she should take, which could have potentionally completely different results.
Wink ))


#266:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:28 am
((Very, very, interesting indeed. I'm glad in a way that I choose the way I did. Perhaps I should have given more reason behind my choice, but to tell the truth, if I had, it wouldn't have seemed very much of a choice at all.

All in all, none of this has gone the way I planned it to go, but then again perhaps the way it should be.

Can't Wait to see what develops out of all of this *grabs a bag of popcorn and begins to munch.*))

#267:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:44 am
Rath ignored the gypsy. True she knew about none of those things but she hadn't really concerned herself with Cree from the moment she'd first winged through it's skies. At first she'd been as she was now, cold, heartless, bloodthirsty. Then, when she had calmed, she'd been brooding and distrustful, disdainful of the native dragons and the half dragon Eroki they mingled with.

Things were so different here from Lodriss, and not just in scale. On Lodriss there were only dragons, of many types albiet, but nothing else of even half so much intellegence. Here there were elves, and centaurs, and men, and many other things besides. This was a world out of the old legends her Grandmother sometimes told. And like her Grandmother's tales it was teetering on the brink of destruction. The gods of this world could not have chosen a worse saviour than I.

The sword burned in her hand, an image shimmering on the metal surface. Glancing at it Rath saw darkness with only a spark of light within. So the elf has turned back? Is she faint of heart or has she come to the conclusion that this world is not worth saving? The sword burned even hotter yet Rath ignored it's painful plee. Lifting it straight before her face she snarled. "If you want the elf so badly bring her here."

She'd not ment that but there had been a flash and a pop and suddenly the elf, or elves to Rath's eyes, were sitting on the next landing on the obsidian stairway. Slamming the sword into the sheath, were it's power hummed pleased with itself, Rath bounded down the last few stairways. "Well it seems that you shall be joining us and that it is the others that must continue in the dark...I'd speak words for them but their deaths are not upon my head."

Passing by as the gypsy caught up and began to help the elf to her feet Rath let one last barb fly over her shoulders. "They're on yours."

#268:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:38 am
The sword burned in her hand, an image shimmering on the metal surface. Glancing at it Rath saw darkness with only a spark of light within. So the elf has turned back? Is she faint of heart or has she come to the conclusion that this world is not worth saving? The sword burned even hotter yet Rath ignored it's painful plee. Lifting it straight before her face she snarled. "If you want the elf so badly bring her here."

She'd not ment that but there had been a flash and a pop and suddenly the elf, or elves to Rath's eyes, were sitting on the next landing on the obsidian stairway. Slamming the sword into the sheath, were it's power hummed pleased with itself, Rath bounded down the last few stairways. "Well it seems that you shall be joining us and that it is the others that must continue in the dark...I'd speak words for them but their deaths are not upon my head."

Passing by as the gypsy caught up and began to help the elf to her feet Rath let one last barb fly over her shoulders. "They're on yours."

Rain winced as she extended a hand to Ariania. Her face contoring as she was experiencing physical pain. "I know," she heard herself say almost detached from the feelings that wracked her within, "Believe me I know."

Rain wished things could have been otherwise, just as she had a million times before. And like the million times before this, she wished it had been Juric instead of her.

Juric would know what to do. Juric would know the right words to say. Juric would have been much more friendly than she had been. If it had been Juric, the company would laugh more often, perhaps even be close friends, and the company would still be togther.

Juric wouldn't have walked off like a coward to join a dragoness he clearly hadn't trusted in Life since Gilath didn't trust Rath in Juric's death.

But then again, Juric was not forced to serve anyone, nor would have he placed his life and the life of others in anybody's but his own. Juric wasn't bonded to any but Gilath, and even then he was the Aruka not the Aroku in the relationship (the bonder not the bonded). It had been Gilath who served Juric, not the other way around.

But Juric wasn't here. She was. Juric wasn't bonded. She was. Juric was the master, Rain was the slave.

Not that she had much choice in the matter. She simply choose to accept the choice, which is choosing but it is not the same as choosing.

Juric also hadn't had a lick of magic of his own, Rain did. Juric had been human, Rain wasn't even sure what she was.

Her mother had been an Eroki, that's all she knew for sure. She knew that, and knew that without Rath, she was as good as dead but she was probably no better off with Rath.

It had happened so fast. Rain didn't even understand why it had happened until it happened. But it had happened, and she couldn't change the past.

A slight tug jerked Rain forward causing her to jump away from Ariania. An apologetic smile was all Rain could give, as a small invisible chain that was her bond to Rath, began to force her to follow Rath leading her own just as if she had been bond by chain and rope.

"I wouldn't be bringing you but you've chosen to call us Debt Bonded which means leaving you alone for any amount of time would inevitabley come back to me...." Rain remember Rath saying. It hadn't been a command, but it had been enough. With those few words Rath had become the Aruka and Rain had become the Aroku. Those words had been enough, just enough, for one command to become clear in Rain's mind.... Follow.

So Rain followed, her head hung low as her mind turned back to the events that lead her to this moment.

~ ~ ~

It had all happened the day Celebrin had revealed himself as Malabrin. It had been the day were Rain had practically surrended her powers to that foul creature. It had been the day she had almost given up.

Then with strength not from her own supply, Rain had won the fight, and with Greame's help destroyed the thing that had taken her power, but not before everything she had been lost.

It had been true that Rain had known thanks to Malabrin that there was a part of her power she hadn't yet accessed, and the crystal from the visions still puzzled her.

But it was also true that Rain had no clue what the crystal meant, why the Lady wanted it so badly, or even how to access that power she had left.

She had achieved it once briefly on the ship to protect Ariania and to control Gilath, but never again, and Rain still didn't know how she did it.

She also didn't understand what she truly was. Now she did. She was a magical being.

Dragons, unicorns, and many other things beside are magical beings. Their magic lurks in their blood. If they loose blood they loose their magic but only if they loose all their blood do they die.

Drain a dragon of magic however, and without drawing a single drop of blood you can kill them. This is because a dragon cannot exist without magic.

It turned out that neither could Rain.

Rain had just enough, just enough mind, to last of magic to keep her living for a few hours. But just barely.

Gilath had known this. Gilath also had known that Rain needed a magical creature, such as a dragon, to bond with. As long as a bond existed between her and a magical creature, Rain could exist off the magic they radited kind of like how a plant draws its power from the sun.

Gilath had only two hours that day, Rain released now. Gilath hadn't even arrived until after five hours.

What had kept her alive all those hours?

Simple. Rain looked down at the branclet Rath had given her. It was a magical object.

As long as she wore it, she was able to live, barely. It was enough just enough to keep her living, but it wasn't enough to keep the music in her head, it wasn't enough to allow her to still use magic via the branclet.

But the branclet had kept her alive. Debt one to Rath. If Rath hadn't given it to her, Rain would have died the worst death imaginable, but Rath did and Rain lived a little longer.

Then Rath had killed Gilath. Gilath owed Rain a bond, a bond that being a male dragon, Gilath couldn't provide. Rain needed a dragoness, but Gilath couldn't find one. Gilath had died owing someone.

In Cree when this is down, it is the killer that most pay the deceased debt unless the killer was a king and the deceased commited a crime, then the king was accuited of paying that fine. Rath wasn't a king, or a queen, so when she killed Gilath she had unknowingly taken Gilath's bond, Rain.

Rain could have refused it, she knew and chosen someone else. But bonded already, Rain couldn't unbond herself until her own debt was paid to the person, or dragoness, that she bonded with.

In all fairness, Rain had offered to pay. Rath had refused.

This had sealed the deal. All Rath had to do was take command of Rain, all Rath had to do to make the bond permenant was to ask something of Rain that Rain herself didn't wish to do. If Rath did that, Rath took charge of the bond. Rain hadn't wanted to leave the others behind, she didn't want to split up, she didn't want to follow Rath, but Rath asked her to, and this made Rath the bonder, Rain's master in more or less of the sense of the word.

As long as Rath wasn't openly in charge of the bond, Rath was bond to serve her bonded to guarentee her bonded didn't die until the debt was fulfilled. The way many avoided this duty was to make their bonded their slaves, as their slaves the bonded had to do what they were told, and the master wasn't obligated to do anything for it's slave. Cruel sometimes, but it was a fact.

The magic of Cree rode on honor, tradition, and costume. To have magic, one had to be able to learn how to draw from natural sources or to already posses magic, and in order to that one had to follow the exact traditions of Cree. If they didn't, they couldn't use magic. This left the dragons, especially the Aroku, (pronouced ar-a-cUe) who being the other half of the Eroki (pronouced er-a-kI) were their exact opposite, possesed no magic, unlike their Eroki cousins, so had to depend on men who could provide or use magic for them, so they bonded to men and because of the depency of tradition, the Aroku were unable to betray their bonds.

Rain was in the same situation. Now that Rath had taken control over her, Rain did exactly what she said. If she didn't, Rain wouldn't be able to access any magic whatsoever and would die in a way that is the magical eculativant of sufficating.

Death wasn't a big deal, not to Rain at least, but at the beginning of this whole thing, when Rain had first declared herself debt-bonded Rain had known that without her to guide the group, no one would know which way to turn and the quest was certain to failure. But now that it wasn't really necessary for her to lead any longer, Rain couldn't willing die because that was betraying her bond, but the only way out of the debt was to die. A catch-22 indeed.

So Rain followed Rath. The bonded to the bonder.

#269:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:39 am
Sorry, I won't be on much and so may not post on this as often as is needed. I do, however, vote for continuation. I just have a huge list of things to do (skiing, history project, get a Wii ect.). I will, however, put up this short post.

"Ariana" I said. I knew she could hear me, and I was relying on that to save the group. "Ariana, we're wating for you."

"Why? I have done my task, I have nothing else to do." She had turned from the top of the stairs in the other corridor to talk to me. "I am useless to this group now."

"But you're not. We don't have the morality to open this door. Graeme is a pessimist. He doesn't think it'll do any good, so he won't open it. I'm a pholisopher, so I won't believe something unles I've seen it or otherwise know it to be the truth. The destinies that Rath spoke of mean nothing to me, as destiny is a religious thing. Morzan... I don't know of his beliefs, but I can tell they're not leading him to open the door. You're an optimist, so you will believe that opening the door is for the best, if the Destinies want it. You're the only one who'll open it."

Sorry that it wasn't in the 3-day deadline but will you accept it?

#270:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:24 am
So now they speak to you. And they speak too late.
At least they did speak.
And they spoke utter nonsense. You are not going to fall for that, are you?
She spoke perfect sense. If none of them can open it, then I must.
And who is to say that you can open it? Ariana, you were an optimist. But you didn't open the door either.
But I see no problem in doing so.
And neither do they, except maybe Graeme. They just do not see a reason for it. And do you?
Yes! It is what the Destinies want. What they have chosen.
But the Destinies do not have to be obeyed! What they say does not always happen. Do you want to be owned? Do you want to be controlled? If so, then by all means go and open the damn door! Ariana recoiled from the harsh tones. She didn't think she had ever heard him this angry before.
I'm sorry! Don't be angry. But what should I do? She glanced the way that Rath and Rain had gone. They had disapeared into the inky blackness and she shivered. This was not where she was meant to be.
"I must help them...I am needed there. I am not needed here."
And how are you supposed to get there? Rath bought you here by magic. You do nto know your way back.
Graeme could take me to the door.
And you think he would? If he had that much will or optimisim in him, then he would be able to open the door himself. Cremla sounds like she wants to open the door, maybe she just needs a bit of persuasion. Those stones of light you gave them to move through the dark room...
What about them?
Not wanting to displease, Ariana thought about the possibilities. On their own, they were simple and shone light and warmth in small quantities. But all in all, there were three there. Cremla's, Morzan's and Graeme's. Maybe if they put them together...?
"I need to see them to perform any light magic." Ariana muttered.
Then don't. Just tell them to put the stones together. Surely they can't be that stupid...
He was getting exasperated. Biting her lip, Ariana sent a message back to Cremla
I'm Sorry. I cannot come, but you have a small part of me with you anyhow. Tell Morzan and Graeme to put their light-stones together with yours. That will provide all the optimism you need. Good luck.

Turning her head back into the inky blackness up ahead, Ariana paled slightly.
"How am I supposed to go in there?"
She felt something touch her shoulder and for a split second, she saw the darkness differently. It was only grey, like a haze, but she could see in it. There was a bridge up ahead. Although she strained to see, she could not find Rath and Rain admist the grey haze, and before she had time to observe everything, the view returned to normal.
I will lead you.

(Sorry Whitey, but I really need to have some more co-operation from Morzan and smudger, as well as you. I don't want to be in a position where I am having to dictate everything that goes on because not enough input is coming from my fellow RP-ers Confused That should sort out that problem though...)


#271:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:23 am
Rath stopped dead upon the stairwell causing Rain to bump into her. "Listen, the elf is following us." Sure enough soon the soft footsteps of the elf caught up with them, Ariana herself stopping a few steps away. With a nod Rath began to descend again, drawn onward like a moth to a flame.

Behind her Ariana and Rain conversed for a few moments and while Rath could have listened to their conversation if she wished she had no desire to eavesdrop upon them. Soon enough the elf, emboldened by whatever Rain had said, drew abrest of her. "Why did you bring me here?"

Rath didn't appear to move and yet suddenly the elf was gazing into her own eyes as they reflected off the blade of the Dragonsword. "It asked me to." For a few more moments there was silence and then Rath spoke again. "It seems I'm not the only one with more than one self...would you care to introduce us or will you keep trying to pretend that your shadow doesn't exist..."

Ariana started. ""

"I'm not blind like the rest of them. In my insanity I see the madness of others clearly." Rath shot the elf a cold smile. "You're not crazy, if that's what you're thinking. The answer to your problems is much simpler than that. You represent light and without light there would be no shadow. It makes sense that you have two halves, one the brilliant flame, the other the shadow it casts..."

Lowering the blade the party came to a halt as the stairs ended. "From now on the perils only grow. I'll travel no further until some peace is made. If I must have companions then I'll not have their moment of weakness spoiling my blow." Staring into the haze before them Rath waited for an answer that might never come.

#272:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:34 am
Ariana stood stock still, heart beating fast. She knew. She had seen - how long had she been watching...listening?
And she wanted to be introduced?
It was a laughable idea. But why? Why did she find it so ridiculous? And Rath said she had another side - did she mean the sword, or something else?
Can she hear my thoughts? Almost unconsciously, and certainly unintentionally, Ariana turned to her shadow elf for help.
No more than you can hear hers. He replied, somewhat grimly.
What should I do? Ariana asked in quiet desperation, hands clenching and unclenching nervously. The movement made her wince, and looking down she saw the red, unhealed nuckles. The reminders. She remembered how she had got them, and why she had left them to pain her.
Glancing back at Rath again, she paled slightly as she remembered the lie that had been fed to her.
Don't blame me for that. I was helping you - teaching you a lesson. You were weak, you still are. It was as much of a plea as she would ever get out of him. And it was justified, just as everything was.
What should I do? She repeated, more urgently this time. She could feel the stares and avoided them, fixing her eyes upon the ground instead.
You must... He seemed to be thinking. Ariana wished that the darkness would swallow her up. It was the first time she wished this, and showed just how uncomfortable she was. Something touched her shoulder and once more the warmth she had felt in the dark room came to her.
I must go for a bit. Rain will help you.
Don't go. But she wasn't sure she meant it. This whole business was giving her a headache. Maybe it would be good to have him gone. That was what she had been wanting, wasn't it? Why the sudden change?
The warm touch vanished, leaving her colder than she had been before. Ariana continued to stare at the ground until a voice bought her head up timidly. It was Rain.
"Leave her, Rath. She will tell us when she is ready."
It made her feel worse. But at least the stares had stopped. Rath merely grunted, although Ariana had the feeling she would have liked to say much more. Turning, Rath left, Rain following behind. Ariana walked a few paces behind Rain in silence.
Ariana concentrated on walking, ridding any other thought from her head. She had thought about too much already. She felt like if she thought about anything else, she would just lay down and die. The headache was getting to her.
When can we stop?

#273:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:15 pm
Glancing behind her, Rain knew Ariania needed help, actually from the look on the elf's usually unexpressive face, Ariania needed a healer, a comforter.

Two things Rain used to be. She had been a silent comforter, and only a minor healer, but still, she had been one.

Right now Ariania needed more help than Rain could give, for Rain knew that with her herbs she could stop of bleeding wound but there was no cure in the world for a bleedng soul.

Even if Rain could find the heart and power to do something by some miracle, what could she do?

Ariania had everything she needed for herself. The essence of light just beneath the surface, the shadow of dark who in himself seemed made of light not of shadow, stones to aid her when her own light was not enough, not just one name but two names that gave her a meaning and a worth, and finally Ariania both now bore and wore the mark of the golden one.

Rain knew her touch comforted the elf, but in this dark narrow tunnel, holding hands wasn't exactly an option in more ways than one.

Why did Ariania appreciate a simple touch or gesture from her hands anyway?

She sees you as a fire, a flame. A form of warmth, but also of comfort. The thought came from Rath. She couldn't be more wrong. You are no flame, and you certainly have no fire. Fire is wrath and destruction, quick and burning, always hungry, filled with hatred and malice. What flame you may have is held in the branclet, a gift which you have never used.

But a flame can also be in the hearth fire. Rain thought in return only to recieve the mental scorn of Rath. But you are right, I am no flame, and I have never been despite my name.

The flames of my only fire died long before, Rain thought to herself, I have no more. I only wish I could conjure a small spark to warm you soul Ariania, to whisper in the dark a song to comfort us all....I wish I could find a song to heal your souls, wish to find a song that could heal mine.

Looking down at her hands, Rain starred in the dark where her feet should have been, then glanced at the darkness before them only weakly broken by the torches they carried.

'One spark' she whispered in thougt to no one in particular. 'One small flame once more. A fire for the soul. A song for the heart. Just a spark. Please. Just a spark, that is all I ask.'

Humming a low note, Rain held the tune low and steading hoping, wishing with all her heart. Suddenly within her hands, a spark so small Rain could barely detect it began to glow a pale red. Another and Another grew till five firefly like sparks glowed in her hands.

Blowing softly, Rain watched as one flew towards Rath hoving uncertainly around her and the sword before settling undectecable on the Eroki's shoulder blades. A second, then a third, and finally her fourth flew towards Ariania. One providing warmth, another provding comfort, another seceretly enter the elves heart whispering the same lullabye Rain had once sung to Rath.

Another hoved in front of her eyes, causing Rain's eyes to sparkle with a smile that never reached her mouth and then disappeared.

Rain had got her request, and it would be her last, she thought. Rain only hoped her small gift wasn't wasted.

'Take this comfort, Malendele, small thought it be. It is all I can give you.' Rain thought to herself as she trudged only her wherie way following the footfalls of the almost silent Rath.

#274:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:02 pm
(So its just Creamla, Greame and I going to the right and we get to decide whats there?)

Morzan moved forward slowly and cautiously. Feeling the path in front of him with tip of one of his blades. It just too damed dark! he thought miserably. The darkness was pierced his thought and played hell with his hearing. They seemed to be following a path but it was difficult to tell.

With one hand on the wall he continued foward. Black blotted out everything. If kill for a torch or at least a sound to follow. A coool breeze suddenly hit him. A small gasp escaped him and echoed deep into the tunnel. Behind, Greame snickered.

"Quiet, listen."

Far away, faintly, Morzan heard dripping water.

"Perfect. Lets get moving."

With that he begun to jog lightly. The dripping became loader and loader. Suddenly a light broke at the end of the tunnel. for a moment it blinded them, being in the dark so long realy messed with Morzan's eyes. Squinting he movd forward, trying to see what was before him.

(Realy, terribly sorry that it took so long. I had things to do and people to see. Anyway Im not very sure what was going on so I sort of winged it. If theres a problem I will fix it.)

#275:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:37 pm
Rath smelled the magic the gypsy cast. The fool, if only she would use that bracelet...if only she would forgive the debt. The smell of sulfur and fire bloomed before her nose, making her fangs itch and her talons quiver. Her tail slapped the ground as they rounded the corner and found a bog from which burning methane plumes and sulfur vents cracked the surface. Rounding that corner enveloped them in the heat of a smiths forge.

All well and good for Rath, whom neither frost nor flame could sway, but both Rain and Ariana looked like pale northern flowers, ready to wilt. With a snort of disgust Rath looped their arms over her shoulders and set off, delicately picking their way across the wretched cavern. Crossing to the other side they came to a massive stone archway blocked by a stone that looked as if it was naturally there, as if they had never cut the doorway through the mountain, only carved the arch.

"I havn't got the time for this." With a swift movement and a single strike of the blade the great rock was split in two. Lashing one side with her tail it caved inward with a boom that must have alerted all the creatures on this lower plain that they were there. "After you two." She kept a watch as the pair slipped inside, following a moment after.

The room was a beautiful mosaic, a set of crystal stairs curving upward to where a dim light flickered. Ariana and Rain both stood in awe of the room. Passing them with unhidden scorn she was halfway to the first landing before she turned around and said "Coming ladies?"

#276:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:49 am
"This is the marsh of Erial." Rain whispered hoarsly as her skin burned from the sulfur in the air. "We weren't supposed to come this way. There is death in this place. Not to mention two hundred legions who probably just heard the knock on their door thanks to your sword work."

"So? What do you want to turn back or something? Like you said I'm sure the legions here would love to show you the way out. But if I were ou I would shut up and pick up the pace."

Rain growled but followed.

What had Ergos said in his second prophecy, the prophecy she and Juric alone had heard. The Destinies no longer speak.

Perhaps it would mean that what the destinies had decreed no longer applied to any of this?

Could it mean, they could stride what had once been certain death and make it out alive?

Rain certainly hoped so, because right now she was not in the mood to see Cree go down in ashes because a headstrong dragoness decided she wanted to try the fires of the Marsh of Erial.

It sounded like they would soon find out wheither demons were really as dumb, blind, and stupid as legends said for already Rain could hear the many thundry steps of guards coming to see who broke down their door.

'What I woudn't give for the knowledge of the sword?' Rain thought softly caressing Thorn which had been a gift from the Queen. 'I don't particular treasure the idea of being roasted alive by a hoard of demons just before my still being heart is ripped out of it's place.'

((There is three possible ways you go Morz, actually two now that Rath, Ariania, and Rain are in the Marsh of Erial. You can either head to the Santuary, where Graeme tries his luck, or you can go up on the Peaks of Western March to try your luck in finding the Top Door of the Ladies Kingdom. Either way, we'll meet you in the antechamber of the Lady. Good luck and have fun everyone.))

#277:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:55 pm
(Ok, not quite sure what to reply...but I think it's about my turn so I'll have a go Wink )

The sparks had made Ariana feel different. More like her old self - but not even that. Lighter, and more herself than she had ever felt really - more like she had felt on the boat. When she had banished the darkness from her soul.
But not all of it. She knew that.

The answer to your problems is much simpler than that. You represent light and without light there would be no shadow. It makes sense that you have two halves, one the brilliant flame, the other the shadow it casts... Ariana remembered the words that Rath had spoken to her. She believed it was simple - but although that made some sense, it was only one possibility. And it didn't quite ring true.

The sparks had allowed her to think again - riding her of her headache and her weariness. But this, Ariana realised, should not be wasted on such trivial matters. Not for now. Rath had said that there would be ever increasing dangers along this path - and Ariana had a feeling that she hadn't been in jest. She should concentrate on the task ahead. On the dark path that they trod.

Except - it didn't seem so dark anymore. And it was so easy to 'concentrate' that it felt like she wasn't. Ariana wondered as to just what the sparks had done. The was more of a spring in her step now. More like an elf. Lately she had been wondering as to the slowness of her reflexes - but she had put it down to tiredness.

At least, she thought to herself happily, I will not go down without a fight. I do not believe I sat in the dark room. I was ready to turn back and desert! At least - I will not die dejected. Morbid as these thoughts were - about death and such-like. they seemed almost pleasent to Ariana, and a smile reached her lips. Even as she shivered and paled at the sight of such heat and as she had to cross it, one arm wrapped around Raths shoulders for support -a faint smile still lingered there.

Her inexplicable happiness faded slightly as the noise shocked her into a more waking state of mind - but still she almost laughed at her foolary. From one extreme of mind to another - can't I ever find the balance?

It had taken her into a more sensible approach though - and as Rath asked whether they were coming, Ariana's cheeriness faded to be replaced with a more grim resolve. She could feel the danger, and her common sense would have told if those other simple senses had failed her.

Reaching up and behind her, Ariana took the bow that had been given her from her back and held it in her hand, feeling the balance. It was a good bow - she could feel that. And yet it was still unused? Ariana could not remember a time that it had been used, come to think of it.
"Well, now it is your time, Selindril - last of the Dracbows."

Ariana took the name from her newly refreshed memory. She found that her mind had become clearer, although she could not explain why. There was suddenly more space and she felt more refreshed - this helped the other changes, she assumed.
If she had thought, she would have realised one obvious change - but for now she left it. Philosiphising was for later.

The memory she took this from was not far from the start of the journey. In the inn, before they set off again. Rath had given each of the companions a gift. These were to serve them well. And Ariana had no doubt that it would do just that.

The arrows fired have the unique ability to turn arrows into bolts of pure light. When fired upon a foe the light is black and destroys them instantly, or severly cripples them. When fired upon a friend it invigorates them and heals their battle wounds. The quiver, if in friendly hands, cannot be emptied. Use them well.

That was the description Ariana had been given for Selindril. The arrows were still on her back, the bow now in her hand.

Ariana stepped through the doorway just after Rain. Although she did not know what kind of enemy they were to face - she could hear them coming. And judging by Rains face - whatever it was, it was going to be bad.

(Ok guys - seriously, we have had so many gifts along the way that it might be worth searching your memory and reading through those parts again to see if you've missed anything. As the stones from the elves helped Ariana in her challenge, so can your gifts help in the challenges you will have to face Wink )

#278:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:17 pm
((Since this is so close to the end, I have some final questions in regards to the Storygame version of this RPG.

Please Vote in the Polls as their results will impact the storygame.

I am going to wait a few more days for Morz, Smudge, and Whitey to respond as Morz and Whitey still seem interest in the RPG, if they don't however, Purple our Narrator will accelarate this RPG a little to bring it to a little closer to the bound to be interesting end.))

#279:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:40 pm
(I frankly think Smudger wont post for awile. He hasn't been on much to my knowledge but I would like to continue into the Sanctuary. Just because it sounds like the better way. But if he doesnt hope it would make me feel better if you had back-up plan Din)

Despite the chill Morzan continued forward. As he rounded the last corner, the ground became softer, more desolate. Cracks zig zagged all over the place as if the very earth had shattered. Shuddering he moved forward.

Dead trees and grass occupied the most of the area. Morzan stepped on the twig, a load snap echoed through the area. Everything, dead or living seemed to be gazing at him.

"I got a bad feeling about this."

Moving further in he could hear Greame coming out of the tunnel. Turning around he waved to the old hunchback.

"I think its safe but I believe we should stick together."

Greame seemed to nod in agreement. Morzan turned on his heel and look at the sky. Even it seemed dead, no clouds moved. Only a wall of grey. A great dark spire pierced the sky. Tall and ominous. Looking down Morzan saw that he path to the spire was blocked by massive thorns. Damn it, we come all this way only to find the passage blocked!

Clenching his fist around the hilt of his blade Morzan stood. Trying to burn a hole in the blockage with his eyes.

#280:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:59 am
((Rule number Morz... always have twenty million back up plans. As for Smudge, I'm contacting him and Whitey if they don't respond, oh well....plan C, section 21, pargraph z.))

#281: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:37 pm
Sorry people, I was on holidays during Christmas and I will be off mostly due to preliminary examinations in February. However here goes...

Morzan focused on the grey wall with such an intensity Graeme expected it to crumple. Well, he looks like a wizard with that stare. However the stare did nothing. Figures.

Graeme put a hand on the warriors elbow to draw his attention.

"Morzan, I'm the Magic here, let me try this. Heck, if you are weakened then how the hell am I meant to protect you? Magic is great but too much too quickly runs out. Swords don't. Let me do this."

Morzan went to disagree but thought better of it. That's what Graeme liked about Morzan. He thought with his head, not his heart.

Graeme stepped forward and expanded his senses. Its just a solid wall of nothingness...I don't even know what is beyond it. Well, lets see what is.

He went deep inside himself to the core of his being. He wrapped his mind around the vast magical energy riven with clerical power throughout it.

"My Lord, I shall need you in this grave task. We are trapped, our trials have led to this. A deadend. You, the Master of Paths, have made it thus. But as I, your ever faithful servant and warrior of your cause request aid. Help me open a path."

Graeme waited in expectation.


Graeme felt something drain away inside himself. His God's favour. Graeme was desolate.

"Why?" he whispered.

"You have rejected my offers of clergical rise, you have besmirched my name, you have scorned your fellow priests. And most importantly, shamed your great familie's name with your actions. My favour is denied."

Graeme felt rage burn through him. All his life he had done what he believed was right by his God. All that was just thrown back in his face.

"Morzan...We might have a problem..."

#282:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:59 pm
Rath stopped cold in her tracks. The threads around her were stirring, as if touched by something great and mighty. Such dissonant resonace could have only been caused by one angery divine. Rath knew of only one reason a divine anything would be anywhere near them. Sure enough, the moment she lept to the conclusion in her mind the sword burned in her hand again.

It wanted her to help the priest. I already have. If he's foolish enough to forget the staff then he's worthless. Ignoring the further protests of the sword she continued her ascent into oblivion.

#283:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:58 am
((The following is a narrotal fast effort to speed this to the end some events will be don't panic.))

This is so slow....

Oh, shut up off topic, your so annoying....

Yes, but you love me anyway....

Yes, I would just love to be stuck in the trunk of car about to go over Niagria Falls too.

Hey, I think I was just insulted!


"Stop it you two," Rain cries from the distant Marsh of Erial. "Now, if your done fighting can we please get on with this story?"

I guess so.

[color=purple] Alright, Alright. I'll stop it if she stops it.

"Purple..." Rain scoldes.

Fine. Here it goes...

~ ~ ~

In the infamous Santuary, Morzan, Graeme, and Creama stand infront of a border of throny greenery in a bit of a condrom.

Somehow, someway, they use something to do something which managed to allow the greenery to part into to two clear paths.....

Now that they could clearly see in front of them, they discovered that infront of them a tall tower dominated the scenery.

Guards that looked like parts of dead bodies sowed together by someone with very poor eyesight potryaled infront of the tower and the whole valley.

Forantly for the small company, they soon discovered that these guards were somewhat deaf, nearly blind, and a little well...brain dead. As long as they moved slowly and quietly the party had high hopes to pass the first part of the valley.

Yet that tower worried them. Completly surronded by windows, if the person who controlled the tower would be able to easily see them if he even glanced out the windows.

Also to Greame's magical sight, the Tower was surronded by the magical equaltivant to inferred beams. There was no way they could get pased that.

From the power raditating from Tower it was very clear that a powerful mage controlled this valley. Recongizing the magical signature Greame suddenly realized where they were, they were in what had been his first vision, in a place called the Santuary. According to the legend, this had once been the Tower of a Powerful Order of the Mages of Light until this evil mage came and took over with his army of the dead. The third hand mage to the infamous Mage Meril himself, Mage Faundril as he was called was doubly as powerful as Graeme at the best of times.

Greame looked around and sure enough, a small village made of desolate cottages stood to one edge of the valley in a relative safe distance from the Tower.

One cottage, exactly the one he had seen in his vision, covered in vines lay closer than the others to the Tower. Graeme knew what and who he would find in that cottage. But could they receach it while staying out of the sight of Mage Faundril, and did he really want to go there?

Beyond the cottage and the tower clearly seen by them was a crack in between two mountains, and far off in the distance lay the Mountain of the Lady.
Graeme really wanted to challenge the Mage inside the tower, as a point of pride, and a way to rube the noses of everyone who had everyone who had doubted him. However, Greame was in short supply of magic and they were running out of time....

What does Graeme do?

~ ~ ~

Beneath the Firey Marsh of Erial, Rath, Rain, and Ariania were making their slow way throught the underground place called the Wuril...the legendary stronghold of most of the legions of demons who hunted the Western Waste. Their way was slow because they were constantly having to hide to avoid the being seen by the many demons who patrolled the place.

Now they were in a oval room that seemed to go upwards for enternity. Two stariwells, one going clockwise the other going counter-clockwise wound upwards.

In addition four doors, one the way they came, one to the north east, one to the north west, and the third to the south west. Suddenly from behind and before the group hears footsteps....they're in the crossroads of Wuril and two legions were coming their way...and because of the echos they didn't know where from?

Knowing the stairs led to above ground where there was realtive safety in the bolders that scattered the grounds of the bog that came after the Marsh Erial and led eventually to the same back door the other group was heading towards even now.

However if they went upwards, they could possibly be seen by the legions who marched below. Yet if they choose the wrong door it would mean instant death.

What do they do?

#284: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:28 am
What to do? Risk the lives of his companions and him? Try and defeat a mage of astounding power without his god beside him?

Graeme grinned. Sounds good. I could crash and burn but that's what life is about. Taking chances. See how He likes it when Graeme succeeds without his favour.

"I'm going into that tower. You go ahead to the village. I have a little job to do."

Graeme went ahead towards the tower. Come on you git, feel this!
Graeme sent a pulse of energy at the makeshift guards. They crumpled in on themselves.

"Graeme! What are you doing! Get out of there," Morzan shouted at him.

"Screw Gods! Screw the Tricked! They have made my life a misery from the start. Now I'll distract this here mage, you get to the town and through the mountain. Find her and kill her. I'll follow as soon as I'm done here. If I'm not back in a week, then presume me lost...

(this is to let others continue, I shall post the results later on)

#285:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:16 pm
((Thankies Smudge. I'm giving 2 more days for everyone's else's responses, if nobody guessed another Narrotal Fast Forward.))

#286: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:22 pm
No problem din, sorry I was a little late. My SG just finished polling and I am writing the new chappy now, got distracted Wink

#287:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:34 am
((Sorry, I havn't got enough time to write a proper post right now...but just to let you know that Ariana would opt for the stairs - even though they might be seen. You may as well take that risk. It's better than getting killed instantly if you chose the wrong door.))


#288:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:16 pm
Rath hadn't gotten where she was today by being a feckless coward. True maybe that wasn't the best example, she was mad and alone in the world, but she was still alive...which was more than many others could say. Shouldering the sword she vaulted into the air, landing on the second spiral.

Looking down she snorted. "Legions of demons shouldn't be any problem, not when they've got those two to distract them."

#289:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:58 pm
((Narrotal Fast Forward: Please not a lot is going to be skipped, use your imaginations to fill in the blanks!))

*Clears throat* Well, why Greame was sacrificing him in a stupid, impossible task, Morzan and Creama headed for the nearby village.

Okay, so that's not exactly true. Creama was heading to the village, with an unconsience Morzan on her back. Morzan, although intelligent sometimes let his loyalty to other get in the way of his brain.

So he had all up for dodging in danger and helping Graeme, after all what could the hunchback do against whatever is in that tower.

Creama however, knew that such a thing was useless and sucidal, and as she needed a body guard to get whereever they needed to go next she promtly used her battle wisdom to knock Morzan unconscience, slung him on her back and started to head for the town.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile in the Marshes of Erial, Rain and Ariania were in trouble. Rath who had decided to either play the coward, or the intelligent one depending on how you looked at it, had left the two relatively helpless girls by themselves.

Taking a helpless look at each other, they bolted to the nearest stair. Luck or something else was on there side however because apparently the two units of demons were both heading the opposite way and neither unit wanted to move aside to let the others pass.

The resulting chaos let Ariania and Rain miraclously escape unnoticed.

Emmerging from the long dark stair, sweat shoaked and tired, Ariania and Rain stood blinking in the sunlight for a minute or two as their eyes adjusted to the light.

"Blast it!" Rath cursed. "You two are alive! When will my luck ever change?"

"No thanks to you," Ariania muttered.

"Malen..."Rain scolded, "Hush before you get us in more trouble."

"I suppose it's my fault that I'm stuck," Rath said turning to stair at something that Rain's unadjusted eyes couldn't make out, "If only I had spent more time learning your stupid mortal games. Like this one for example." Rath said gesturing to what was infront of her.

"It's called A'Racque^ (Ah Rack a Ka)," came a familar voice from behind them.

Rain twirled and smiled as her eyes finally adjusted enough to let her see, "Craema. I'm so glad you made it."

Ariania frowned however, "Where's Graeme?"

"We're not sure," came a rather gruff voice from behind Creama as Morzan stepped in view, "thanks to Creama here the last thing I saw was him heading to his doom in the form of a mage tower."

"The Santurary," Rain whispered in awed voice, "so he chose to be a Mage in the last. I only hope he lives to tell the tale."

"That's right, but how did you know?"

"It was his destiny, either way he choose, but I always hoped that he would choose the other way, but it was his destiny, and his choice." Rain said in a finished way that broked no questions.

"Excuse me people," came the rather annoyed voice of Rath, "May I ask what we are supposed to do now?"

Looking back the landscape before them that Rain couldn't see minutes before, Rain saw a awe inspiring vision in front them.

A'Racque is an elaborate game very simlar to chess. However instead of being two colors, there are four. Red, White, Black, and Silver. Red always being on the right side of the board. Black at the far back, Silver to the left, and White always in the front.

A'Racque^ was also multi-leveled. Steps leading up and down uneven terrian that represent an a-typical battle field. More advanced types of the game featured as many as seven different layers of different landscapes all layered unto of one another. In front of them, forantly for the group, the landscape represent of Child's version of the game.

The landscape was as such: Each color was slightly evalated from the main playing field which in itself was relatively flat except for a few unlevel spots. The colors are each on varying heights with white being almost level with the playing field, silver a little higher than white, red being higher than silver, and black being the highest level of them all.

The A'Racque^ board is commonly labeled with spots dedicated to each color along with blue spots representing lakes, charocal gray represent large hills or stones, and green representing grass or marsh depending on which form of the game was being played.

"Ah Creama, do you know how to play A'Racque^ Malenerialion Possesion?" Rain called shouting back at the others.

"The game where the low level player tries to reach the Santuary of the High Level player while all the other colors try to defeat, crush, and possibly destroy the lowest level player."

"Yeah, that one."

"Excellently, but why do you ask?" Creama said stepping beside Rain, "Oh."

Morzan who had also joined them, moaned but then said, "I hope you can play with only a four players, because I think we have to play across that." He said pointing the field in front of them.

"We do."

"Why bother with this!" Winging her way into the sky, Rath tried to begin to fly across the A'Racque^ field only to be thrown back by humogeous force.

"Now do you see why we have to play?" Rain asked.

"No. I don't."

Morzan was the one who answered this time, "This is the board of Valon A'Racque the ancient board set up before the time of war, countries, and men beyond recall in even tale played here on this field. Their united blood binds all who step foot on their feild to play their ancient game. We are a white, so we can only play on the white squares and there are no squares in the sky, Rath so don't get any ideas."

"Besides," Creama said who was now scribbling on a piece of parchment furiously, "The only way we can cross the field unnoticed is by playing the game."

"I can't play," Ariania said nearly crying, "I don't know how?"

"I am only a a'que player on the second tier, I have no knowledge of playing on this level yet." Rain said looking confused at the confirguments that Craema was seeing right through.

"I can help a little, as a general I made it the A'Raci^ level all the way up to the fifth tier. But I'm not familar with the Malllerion Possesion form of the game."

Rain brightened a little, "That much I can answer, do you see that mountain?"

"Yeah," Morzan echoed vaguely.

"That's the Lady's Mountain. To defeat her, we need to get there. In order to get there we have to cross this field, unnoticed by the red demons, the black dragons, or the silver orcs. All while those other players try to find us in order to organize our immediate dismise. Get it?"

"So we have to cross that field filled with people trying to kill us?"

"Pretty much."

"Yes," Creama said beaming, "But here's the good news, as long as everyone does exactly what I tell them, we should cross this field relatively unscathed and completly unnoticed."

#290:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:16 pm
Rath snarled. "Games...pah. The only good games are the Bloodsport...or perhaps the Tentalon." She gazed at the centaur. "Well then, orders madam."

She might have to play but she didn't have to like it.

#291:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:29 pm

An A'Racque board, to be exact what's infront of you. This shows the board only, it doesn't display the player pieces as I couldn't work them in.

((Totally of topic but: Rules of A'Racque Malleion Possesion.

The Goal: The Goal of Malleion Possession depends largely on which colors controls the 'Possession' or the 'Win Spot' on the board.
In the interest of brevity, when black controls the possesion as it does on this board, the 'Possesion' is always a geographical feature such as a mountain, lake, river, or forest (here the Ladies Mountain).
In the Malleion form of A'Racque Possesion, three teams are united against the enemy of black in this case white.

The Colors: A teams color limits to what that pieces can do. This is usually done in the form of declaring a race---once a race is declared, the pieces of that color can only act in the normal way that race would.
Black is always a flying race. Black can move on higher levels, and jump large distances, but are vulnerable because of this.
Red is always a groundbased race that perfers to be underground rather than above it. Red can only move on ground level spaces unless there is a stair or a mountain on the board, and in that case they can climb. Red however, tends to be a territoal player and only actively controls a few if any of its spaces.
Silver is always a race of opposites. If for example, the race came move fast and are brutal attactors (such as orcs), than that race is also usally slow, dim wited, and near sighted. Silver must move as it's race would, and tends to keep to level ground.
White has the greatest advantage. White can pick multiple races, but only one of each race. They can however choose multiple human players but only if the humans have different proffesions, i.e. mages, generals, farmers, etc.

Mallieon Possesion Spaces: The colored spaces of a Malleion Possession Board are pre declared usually based on some battle before hand or natural borders of the countries. In this case, the spaces are colored according to the spaces were possesed when the orginal players stopped playing over a thousand years ago.
Subdivision A:
Unlike chess, however, players can move on squares not their on color but the pieces must stick to their 'pattners' sort of like specific pieces of a chess board can only move a certain way.
The following color movements is according the board being played, be aware it changes according to different versions of the game:
The Black Dragons can only move diagonally on their own squares, unless they 'take over' another square of the whites. The Black Dragons can move up to three places at a time, unless they are stricking a player in this case they may only move one square.
The red demons may move on their own squares, silver squares, and any white squares they may take. The red demons move from side-to-side, or up and down, not diagonally. They may move up to one place at a time unless stricking and then they may move two places. In addition, if the red demons have a black dragon in alligence to them in their group they may move on black spaces but only if 'their' dragon is on the spot first. This is a risky move because if the dragons 'player' decides to move the piece elsewhere before the red has time to move to the black square, the red group losses their dragon.
The Silver Orcs may move only on silver and black squares, never ever red. They may never occupy the same square that another colored piece is already occuping unless they first strick that square. Silver may move up to five spaces at a time but for every place they move they lose one turn.
White may move on any unoccupied square, and may move up to three spaces at a time depending on what 'race' a certain piece is but it has a great disadvantage in this game. In malleion possession, white most keep a distance of one square from the silver, two squares from red, and four squares from the black pieces.
Subdivision B:
Units: Each color is given four-to six units of groups. These groups number in varying degrees from 1 to 1 legion.
On this board you are face five units of dragons, numbering in twos.
Four units of demons, totallying to 1 legion divided between the four units.
Six units of orcs, each unit numbering 100 each.

Turns: Black gets one turn for every two of the other players.
Red always gets a turn.
Silver gets a turn according to their last movements.
White alwasys gets a turn.
Turns go clockwise around the board.
A turn counts for moving one unit

Subdivision C:
Occuping a square: As soon as white begins playing, or as soon as our characters step on the board, play takes effect.
In this game, a square is possesed as long as one piece of a color remains on their own square. If this piece is moved from the square and it is not replaced in one turn of it's player, the square is declared unoccupied.
An unoccupied square may be declared anothers by a different colored piece occuping and keeping that square for more than one turn.
Another way to gain a square (in otherwords turn a square from red to white) is to stricke a square. This is done by 'killing' the piece/s that occupy that square.
Normally 'killing' is done by numbers. Each piece is number according to skill, rank, and important position. The lower number takes the higher. Numbers range from 1002 (a farm boy handed a sword), to 1 (a king, a queen). Only a high ranking spy (s1-3), highly skilled assaisin (a1-2), or a specific person bearing a specific weapon (h for hero 1-6) may kill a number 1.
In this case however, killing will be done for real.

Normal Stargery in Malleion Possession:
Normal stargery for red, black, and silver in Malleion is to keep large numbers at their 'home' (their side of the board), and to send one or two small untis onto the playing field. These units will then disperece setting up even smaller units (which may be done as long as the color doesn't add any move pieces but only breaks up its units into smaller ones) to occupy their 'colored' spaces. One unit of a fairly large size (A free roaming dragon for black, a unit of a 500 for red, and a unit of 100 for silver) will openly potral the board moving as much as they can while the other 'pieces' sit still.
The best way for white to 'win' the game, is to move as fast and as quitely as they can across the board. By learning to attentizpate the other players move, a skilled 'white' player may know exactly what spaces will be 'unoccupied' or 'weak' and when. By taking as quick as strides as possible, and by 'stricking' weaker squares in open unoccupied areas, white is usually able to make across the board. In Malleion Possesion, White's job is simply learning to 'know' when unoccupied and unnoticed squares are open and getting to them as fast as possible, using whatever advantage their 'races' give them.

Winning the game: For white the game is simple, make it to the "Possesion" without being noticed/killed.
For the rest it is even simpler, find and destroy any unwelcome, univinted people on the board.))

Same thing as before I will allow 2 days for a response until another Narrotal fast forward.

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

#292:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:10 pm
Morzan scratched his head and looked at the board. IT had been awhile since he had even seen a small one but one that actualy ment life or death...

"White like...sheep crossing a field full of wolves. An impossible task unless we work together."

Taking a deep breath he stepped onto the first tile and tested it with his feet. It seems safe enough. But wait a moment. Wouldnt it be easier to just go around the boarder until they got to where they wanted? Morzan debating on whether to suggest it or not but thought it was a stupid idea.

Without Rath flying it would be very difficult to see what they were they were going up against.

Suddenly his thoughts turned to Greame. Turning to the tower he stared longingly at it. You better come back alive Greame.

#293:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:35 pm
Rath, unable to wait any longer, decided to test her luck. "I might not be able to fly across the board but what if I did this." Lofting herself high above a white square she found nothing inhibiting her wings. "It seems as long as I don't stray out of the white space I'll be fine."

Scouting around Rath spied something in the distance. "Hey Centaur...move your hooves into high gear...unless you feel like coating yourself in demon blood. Here they come!" Rath grinned to herself. If she had to die on a giant game board she'd take as many of her foes with her as she could.

#294:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:58 pm
It's time for...that's right a narratal fast forward...

~ ~ ~

After what seem liked an enternity to the others, Creama had succesful guided the group across the board with only a few bumbs, scratchs, and a couple dead enemies to prove that they had been across the board in the first place.

Rath confidently leading the way with the Sword that seemed to pull at her now, lead the group up the back of the mountain up a long stair.

Until finally, they were at a black door that seemed to burn with flame as the inscribitions glowed in an errie light.

Morzan knew what was behind that door. The door Keeper, it was called here, but in the mortal lands it was called the Shade of Fire, and it was admist the most feared beast.

Pulling his swords free, Morzan strood forward first gesturing the other's back saying simply, "I know this is my task....stay out of my way if you can."

That said, Morzan opened the Door and strode forward looking for his what could be his final foe...while the others kept a safe distance behind him...even Rath for once wasn't fool enough to dodge her way past the experienced solider whose fate had called him to this place at this time.

((Same thing applies here as always....two days people...two days.))

#295:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:24 pm
Chapter ?: The final Chapter....?
((Narrotal Fast Forward take 2...))

*clears throat*

Morzan led the group through the beginnings of the caverns beneath the Lady of The Night's Mountain...all the way upwards to yet another door.

Looking at the door, Rath whispered harsly, "This is it turning back now. And whatever happens, stick together and remember the prophecies..."

Morzan nooded and opened the door. Inside the door was an almost completly dark chamber filled with the noises of a snoring monster.

The monster barely visible was a dark thing, that seemed almost like a giant guard dog, only it had smoke coming out of it's nostrils.

Nodding back to the group, Morzan began to lead the way across the room....all was going well until the group was just across the half way mark of the room. one was sure who stepped on a trap tile, and something clicked.

The monster open it's eyes...eyes that seemed to burn with an inner flame and roared, leaping forward to catch it's midday snack...

Morzan throwing aside all caution, all vows, met the creature face to face, his swords bared....

His swords met the hide of the thing, and amazingly the edge tips slid of the beast hide inflicting no damage whatsoever. In fact the blow only seemed to anger the beast, further.

"Go," Morzan shouted, doing his best to keep the beast at bay while not losing his own neck in the process. "Go now."

Herding the staring ladies out the room, Rath once again took the lead as the sword once again began to pull and tug.

Up stairs, through halls, she lead them until the came to a great stair well with five doors. Rath having been here before knew this was the place were the Lady kept her most precious was the place were the Lady kept the only thing that could kill her.

In side of these doors, there would be a box on a stone column. Inside that box would be a small diamond vial filled with the blackest of blood and a small dagger with a snake for a handle. The blood of the vial was the most deadly poison, the same poison that made the Lady, the Lady. If someone could stand to handle the blade and to touch the posion, and to coat their own blade with it...they could kill the Lady.

Marching to the right I said, Rath had been here before, Rath opened the door, and saw something she didn't expect.

The room was the same...empty...dark...with only a singal blade of light to illuminate the box, but something was different here. Some presence was in this room that wasn't supposed to be there.

Using caution and producence, Rath gestured the ladies behind her flat against the door they entered, and stricking up a flame, Rath looked at the columns next to the door.

"There's a spell here...." Rath said, pushing the girls further back from the main floor that was decorated in black marble where as the enter way was just plain cobblestone tiles... "This room has been enchanted so by touching the black marble the room will be entrenched in Flames."

Something stirred, and Rain stepped forward...."Rain, no!" Rath and Ariania called but it was too late.

Flames spurted as high as the ceiling, as Rain stood in the midst of them helpless against the onslaught.

Rath turned her face away from the heat, and covering the fragile Elf with her wings, Rath protected Ariania as the flames roared.

Striving to open the door to escape certain death....Ariana felt the door swing free as she landed on the floor with a small humph. Rath wasn't too behind her as the eroki-dragoness landed on top of her.

In front of the pair, Morzan stood his swords bloody but his eye's shining.

As the pair stood, Morzan asked..."Where's Rain?"

Just then a box slid across the floor.

Rath picked it up and glanced at it. It was the box they needed. Striding over to the door, Rath strecthed, and pulled the key off the top of the door frame.

"Rain's gone." She said as she went to the fourth door in the room.

"Gone where?"

"Morzan," Ariania said her eyes tearing..."Rain's dead."

"No." Morzan said making as if to find and save Rain from her already sealed doom.

Rath swirled and grabbed his arm, "Don't even try it foolish mortal, she's gone beyond all of let's go, we still have a job to do."

Herding the pair to the stairwell she revealed, Rath only paused to look back when a strange voice uttered in her head...

"A death where none should have died....."

((Same rules apply...I'll be back tomorrow for a more personal perspective of my apparant death and to serve in my narratol faculty.))

#296:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:09 pm
(The final confrontation...Enjoy.)

With tradmark briskness Rath popped the seal on the vial, smearing the poison the length of the blade. Turning she walked toward a set of massive doors, doors she'd entered once before when confronting the Lady the first time. With a bellow the dragoness within ripped free of her Eroki trappings. Morzan and Ariana stepped back as with a blow Rath shattered the massive stone doors.

Standing within, form twisted beyond all beauty, was the Tricked herself holding a blade bloody and black from the sacrifices of much of the demon horde. Such power could, and would, deal Rath a wound nigh on fatal if it landed. "So you have come at last...ever honorable to the end eh Rathania?" Rath snarled.

"It's not about honor any longer. It's about revenge...and blood." Slowly and with deliberate malic Rath's forked toung reached out and caught a drop of the lethal poison, smearing it along her fangs. The Tricked hissed.

" will kill you as it will kill me!" Rath's grin was truely chilling.

"I no longer care." A crack of dark power filled the room and the Lady suddenly doubled then tripled in size, becoming an opponant on par with Rath herself. With a roar the dragoness charged, the Dragonsword howling before her as it cleaved the wind. The Lady's blade flicked up in a parry but was unable to avoid the sweep of Rath's whiplike tail, the rake of the talons on her free hand, or the snapping jaws with their poisoned fangs.

Despite it all the Tricked had no chance, the Lady had never fought a dragon like Rathainia before...maybe that was why the Destinies had chosen Rath in the first place. That last battle of Ergos hardly counted, Rath had not been kyarse-karvo then. She had not been the death dealer of her people.

It was over in an instant, the Dragonsword flashing in an arc that brough a boom of thunder to follow it's silver lightning. The Lady's head flew from her body even as the grip on the blade reversed and plunged the length of the sword through her heart. Rath bellowed to the heavens, a victory bellow that every dragon on Cree heard and answered, a chorus of dragonsong igniting the very fabric of the world.

But though Rath had won a great victory she herself had lost her private battle. Eyes that were nothing more than bloody flame spilled bloodlight along an ebon muzzle from which frothed fangs glimmered. Morzan shoved Ariana and Cremla infront of him, shoving them along and out into the sunlight, down the well worn path so many victims had trod. In the bloody chamber of the Lady Rath wheeled about, looking for any victim remaining to sate her blood hunger.

Only one presented itself...Rath's own reflection in the blade of the Dragonsword. Turning her grip into the suicide pose Valdi, Rath did the last good deed she could have. The poisoned blade of the Dragonsword met and shattered the gem embedded in Rath's chest above her heart, an explosion of power flowing outward. For an instand both sword and dragoness were framed in a cirrus of power before the fragmented into so many sparkles of light.

In the instant before her mind met its end Rath felt the madness leave her, the gem causing it finally shattered. "My lady I have done your work...grant me my final rest...."

(so might end Rath's tale don't do anything with her just yet last thing must happen.)

#297:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:27 am
((Time has soon come for Ariana's final post then...but not quite yet, sorry. I've only just managed to drag myself out of bed for a few moments because I've got a fever from my dad...but I do have something in mind for Ariana's end please don't end it all just yet...
...thanks, Wink

~Solus ))

#298:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:53 pm
((End...oh no...true tales never end. Here's Rain post enjoy...or should I I'll just put into two parts...))

Rath wasn't far from wrong...there was some presence in the room that held the poision that would mean the Lady's death.

Actually there was three...if you didn't count a few invisible presences beside those three...Love, Death, and Lerenil were in that room. The three in a place they should have never been. To accomplish a death where none should die.

Rain had entered the room, her mind full with the anger she instictevly felt radiating from the Lady of the Night.

Rain had patiently listened to the first part of Rath's speech about waiting...and something about a spell, but then some unseen, unresitable force pulled her forward. And her world was flames....

Fire tugged and pulled at her, seeking to eat at her flesh. Holding her arms helpless against the unslought of flames...Rain saw Lerenil holding up her note to Rath.

Suddenly Rain knew she would die...but she was determined not to go down alone. Throwing up her arms, Rain raced into the flames straight to the column.

Fire consumed her clothes, burned her flesh, Rain could even hear her own hair burning.

Her lungs filled with smoke, and her eyes watered, but Rain only wavered a moment before grasping the box Rath would need to acomplish her task.

Coughing hardly, Rain threw the last of her strength into sliding the box out of the room into the hall were Rath, Ariania, Creama, and Morzan stood.

Falling to the ground with a smile, Rain pushed herself up again...her flesh was burning, and she was dying...but she no longer cared.

Instead, she opened her fire chapped lips, and twirled her feet in a gypsy dance, and sang the only dirge the Gyspies knew...the same lullabye they sang to their children at night, of a lady who danced upon the flames, and thus met her death.

It was only fitting, Rain thought, as her steps failed, and her voice stilled. Falling to the ground, Rain finally gave herself to the flames of the room.

"So this is how I would die," Rain thought momentarily and then all went dark as her mind screamed with the pain, and the fire sang in trimuph over this fragile human form. Rain knew no more....

~ ~ ~

Thus ended the story of Rain 'de-la'Nari, eroki-gyspy...or did it?

Rath, and the group went on to defeat the Lady...which ended in the tragic death of Rathiania Skye Princess of Ladriss, or did it?

Morzan, Creama, and Ariana who had exited the room before Rath's death were not able to see how Rathiania had ended her life...but if they could have looked back they would have seen a strange site.

Death, that old trickster, swung Rain's dagger idly in front of Rath's prune form as he shook his head sadly over the sight.

"Aw and you would have been a jewel for me to add to my collection my dear, it is too bad you are not mine to collect." Throwing Rain's dagger so it landed in front of Rath's muzzle, Death turned walking away from the being that another being greater than he had already claimed. Walking over to Love, Death shrugged, "Well that's two."

Love smiled, holding the crystal soul in the palm of her hand as it sparkled with an unnerrie light, "Only one more left, or is there?" Love pundered....technically it wasn't possible, but could it happen. Love didn't know but somehow she suspected, it would be just like that old gezzer to pull another of his tricks over the fates...

#299:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:05 pm
(( Okay I'm giving everyone two days before I post a second narrative explain what I hinted at in my last post, and perhaps....a post from Rain strangly enough. *looks at everyone's shocked looks* Oh, so you thought she was dead....well maybe she is and maybe she ain't. I'm not saying.))

#300:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:51 am
((*pant* *deep breath* Well, finally managed to write this, and all in one sitting too! Shocked Got a bit carried away, but then again I spend more time on sword of ergos than on DESTINY anyway. Surprised
lol. This is Ariana's last post. Hope you all enjoy Wink ))

Ariana hung back as Morzan, Cremla and Graeme hurried ahead. Just ahead, and on the right, was a small wooden door set into the wall. As they hurried past it, Ariana watched them with sad eyes.
This could be the last time I see them, but we have had such good times together…

Ariana walked to the door and rested a slight hand upon it.
Morzan, Graeme, Cremla, She turned to face the way they had come, a tear sliding down her cheek. Rath…and Rain.

"You were the only friends I ever really had." The whisper was so quiet, it was hardly audible - and now there were many tears, causing her eyesight to blur. Standing there, shaking, Ariana searched for more words to say. 'Goodbye' came to mind, but she did not utter it. Rather, could not utter it.

"I only wish I could have been more, done more for you. But instead I was so wrapped up in myself, I was a stranger all along." Her hand moved down the door and found the handle. Still looking back, she turned it and pushed the door open. A sob wracked her body and she turned into the room, stumbling to her knees as she heard the door shut behind her.

I’m pathetic, she thought with another sob, really pathetic.
Only if you think you are.
Ariana jerked her head up at the sound of his voice in her head once more. Where was he? The world was so blurred though, she found it impossible to see. Shakily wiping the tears away, Ariana let her eyes adjust to the light.

It was a medium sized, dark room as far as she could tell. In the middle there was a circle of candles, about two metres in diameter, and in the middle of that was a large horizontal stone slab. It was lifted several feet off the floor by two large boulders made, seemingly, of the same type of rock. It reminded Ariana of an old agricultural stone table, and he was sitting on it, legs dangling over the side.

Ariana dropped her eyes back to the ground. This was not the time - she felt too weak to see him again. If she was Rath, she knew she could just wave her hand and it would all be over. But then again, Rath thought differently from her. Rath thought she was invincible, that life was a game in which she held the winning cards. And everything went smoothly for her, even when it looked like things weren’t going well.

Am I mad? Ariana remembered thinking that before. She remembered that she had come to the conclusion that maybe this was normal. Maybe every elf had this, but they all thought they were mad and so said nothing. Maybe that is how the drow, the dark elves, had originated anyhow. And the continual fight against them was really a fight against yourself. But then, how come all those that claimed they had killed drow were not happy?

Maybe because they would have killed part of themselves.
But It would be the bad part that they killed, they would still have the good part. Surely that is something that someone can only wish for.
Yet you were unhappy that I left.
It was true, but now…
Yes, but that went. Soon, I felt nothing about you leaving. I didn’t want you to come back.
Not everyone has the comfort of good friends and a spark of love to help them. And I was not killed.

I have never had love. None that has ever stayed with me. My mother…she died before I knew her. Kyler, he died protecting me, and the mask he always wore was not just limited to his face. He masked every emotion until I did not even knew what the word meant. People I met on my travels - they were strangers. And my brother wanted nothing to do with me because he was afraid of responsibility, and looking after me was too much. Even being my companion was too much.

Rain gave you the last of her magic to help you when you felt low. Kyler lived to protect you, to the extent that he died. Your mother, she ran away to protect you, and as a result, she died also. Your brother was afraid, not of you, but for you. He spent many night awake crying because you did not listen to his advice. All you have ever known is love, Ariana, but you have been blind and missed it. You are…such…a spoilt child.

Ariana could not speak, could not find an answer to that. It had held emotion that she hadn’t heard him use before. Especially the last part.
Am I really spoilt? Ariana thought, and a tear formed, threatening to overspill.
“I am not spoilt.” She whispered, then repeated it, slightly louder this time. “I am not spoilt!”

He laughed and jumped down from the rock, the smack of his feet hitting the slightly damp floor echoing around the chamber and mixing with the laugh. Immediately, a stab of fear pierced Ariana, and she stared up in shock.

She shouldn’t have heard that. She shouldn’t have been able to. Always, he had spoken in her head. Even laughed in her head.
When he had shown her the dead elves at Raths lair, when they had travelled across the rocks - he had glided then. He had been a shadow. She hadn’t even been able to tell what he looked like then. What colour his hair was, or his eyes.

She could see that now. He had short, black, untidy hair and deep blue eyes. The opposite of her self who had long, blonde hair and laughing, light blue eyes.
Well, laughing is hardly a way to describe them. She thought sadly. They were more often filled with sorrow than happiness. The eyes of a loser.

So…you’re going to give up just like that?
Ariana frowned and looked back at him.
He has the eyes of a winner.
“If you can speak, then why do you still occupy my thoughts? It gives me a headache.”
He mock-bowed, an amused smile hovering on his lips.
“Sorry, your majesty, I didn’t realise you were so delicate.”
He mocks me again. Does he still believe I am spoilt? He treats me as such.

“Who are you, if you are not a manifestation of my mind?” Ariana ventured, for it bothered her. She had doubted ever since Rath had told her she could see him, for how could Rath see the hallucinations of a mad mind?
“If you mean my name, I am who you want me to be.” It sounded as if he had said the same thing many times, which worried Ariana further, but the heaviness she felt soon led the anxiety to be replaced by tired submission.

“It was unfair to pair a winner with a loser.” She said matter-of-factly. “I never stood a chance.” Ariana hung her head. She had lost, now maybe it would all end.
He laughed again, but this time it was shorter, and it held a bemused note to it.
“A winner with a loser? On the contrary, if the winners were paired with the losers, then who would pair the winners? A loser to a loser, a winner to a winner. It is more interesting that way.” He paused for a moment, then added as an afterthought, “And more fun.”
“But that way, no-one can win. One must win, while the other loses.”

Ariana kept her head down as she heard him approach, then crouch down at her level, hardly a foot away.
“You have already decided which is to be which, haven’t you?”
She didn’t reply so he continued softly, “You have so little self confidence, Ariana. For one who says she has never felt love, I am surprised that you do not rely on yourself more. Who do you think is going to save you here? Your mother, your brother, the one you called uncle, they have already died to save you. Do you want someone else to die for you? Don’t you think it is time to fight for…”

“I don’t want to fight!” Ariana cut him off angrily, and lifted her head to show the tears once more rolling down her face. “And I don’t want anyone else to die on my behalf. I just want this to be over. I have no more purpose in life. If you’re going to kill me, then get it over with now - I’m tired of bantering and playing games with you.” She took a deep breath, then finished quietly, “I’m tired of everything.”
Then she looked away and waited.

“You’re wrong.” His voice was very quiet, but she heard it and turned back to him. What did he mean? “Look at these hands.” Ariana looked at his hands. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with them, but as she continued to look and he continued to talk, she began to see blood form on them, and they became stained with it. Somehow, she knew it wasn’t his.

“I have killed…so…many people, Ariana. It is my job. One by one I see them fall down and cry. I break them until they believe they are the worst crap that has ever set foot on their world, and then they die. I - ” He stopped for a moment and gave Ariana an opportunity to interrupt.
“You’re an assassin?”
This time, there was a bitterness to his laugh. “No! No, no, no. I’m a demon of sorts.”
There was a little pause before he continued. “I become their best friend, and they learn to rely on me and trust me, but I have grown…so…tired of this. Do you know how many…” He shook his head as if dismissing that thought. “It shouldn’t matter, but it does. I don’t regret killing them, not a single one, but the only thing left for me to do is keep on killing. All individuals, all fascinating, just like you.”
“So you don’t want to kill me? Why don’t you break down on your next victim? Or do you do this to them all, and every one of them tells you that they don’t want to know, that you should try the next one…
…They probably had futures, but I’ve completed everything I need to do. Everything I want to do. I’ve never seen the after life, and you were right. Everyone who has ever loved me is there. I have no reason to stay.”

Although he said nothing in direct reply to that, Ariana saw that his jaw tightened and a cold look came into his eyes. As she watched, he lay down on the cold, damp floor and closed his eyes.
She stayed where she was, but he just repeated it.
“Go away.”
“And where would I go?” Ariana sounded as tired as she felt, which was more than she had ever felt in her life.
“Go after your friends.”
Searching in her pack, she finally found what she was looking for and pulled out a slim dagger.
Now I think I can finally say goodbye.
Ariana tried to pull the dagger so it was hovering over her heart, but found that something was stopping her. Looking down, she saw a blood stained hand clamped around her wrist.
“Unless you intend to kill me with that, then I’d drop it.” His eyes were still closed, but it was him who had spoken.

“You are foolish.” She whispered. “I might’ve stood a chance of killing you back then, when all I knew of you was that you were evil. Was that you were bad. That you had killed thousands, and I was to be just another victim in an ongoing routine. But now…” She shook her head. “How can I kill you when you lie defenceless at my feet? How can I kill you when you have asked for it? Even if you have killed so many…now you have repented, I can’t kill you. I banished my darker side at the boat, and you were a replacement. All that is truly left of me, is good. That is hardly a requirement for murder.”

“Nor for suicide. But if you’re not going to do it…”

Ariana felt the grip on her wrist tighten, and then she was being pulled forward. Hardly knowing what was happening, she felt her hand come down on his chest and she turned her head to the side as a few drops of liquid attached themselves to her hand. His breathing was quicker and shallower, and as it began to slow, he tried to speak. Ariana turned horrified eyes on him as he whispered his last words.

“I - I…never………repented.”

As still and stiff as a statue, Ariana watched as his head rolled back, a contented smile on his face and eyes closed.
She stayed like this for a long while, the only counter of the time being the blood that slowly seeped out of the wound and spread across his chest.

How can a demon die?
Was her first thought, and slowly, she loosened her grip from the dagger and let her hand fall to her side. Then, getting up, albeit unsteadily, she staggered a few paces away from the body.

“I didn’t kill him. I didn’t kill him. I didn’t kill him.” She wasn’t capable of more than a whisper, but she just wanted to get away. Seeing the door, she stumbled towards it and pushed it open. Hardly realising her surroundings, she slammed the door shut, then turned and leaned against the rock wall.
Except this wall was different and the fresh air hit her face like a proper wall, suffocating her at first before she found she could breathe again.

She could breathe! Although a simple fact, it seemed significant to her, and Ariana took big gulps of the fresh air as if it were life giving. Soon, her breathing settled back to normal and she found that her senses seemed to be enhanced. The rock which she was resting on was rough and jagged, and it was cold, but somehow even these things seemed good to her, and she laughed. It was a proper laugh, of relief and freedom, and it seemed to make everything even brighter for Ariana.

They’re beautiful, aren’t they? Rain’s voice replayed itself in her head and Ariana looked up at the stars, enthralled.
“Yes, yes they are.”
Feeling a light sensation as she had on the boat when she had banished the darkness from herself, Ariana instinctively reached for the star pendant that still hung around her neck.

“I want to feel this always.” She whispered, and in return, she thought she heard a chorus of voices reply,

“You will.”
Throwing her arms out in jubilation, Ariana began to spin, and from an outsiders view, they would have seen a sphere of spinning light, for as on the boat, Ariana gave off a light that seemed to shine from within.

And as she spun, she rose. For her dream had not been to stare at the stars all day, but to be one.
And for a happy ending, which I do not normally denote, her wish was granted.


Staring down through the clouds, Ariana thought of her companions. Of her friends.

“I never gave you a proper goodbye.” She whispered. “And thinking of it, it was somewhat morbid. But this one will not be, and as I don’t wish to ever say goodbye, I will merely say this:
Wherever you are, and whatever you do, I will watch over you.”
She paused, then finished softly,
“…My friends.”

#301:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:55 pm
Rath felt like herself again, clean and whole, like when she was little and everything was new to her. The place she was in shone with a light not of itself...but of the one that ruled over it. Turning Rath saw the heros of her people. The Five Talons, including her Grandmother, sitting and watching her.

But it was the firey figure in the center of them that made Rath bow low, nose sweeping the dirt. The Lady laughed.
"Rise my noble warrior. There is much yet for you to do..."

#302:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:12 pm
Rain felt herself being picked up by something...........

"If they think that I spent the last five years being locked up on their stupid mountian just to watch you die...they have another thing coming." Said a familar voice.

Where had she heard that voice before? Rain didn't know. Her brain was to scroched to know anything.

All Rain knew was flame and fire, that ate at her flesh and seared her every breath...a few moments and all pain would be gone, and death would be over...but why was death so slow in coming?

Slowly her head she felt her head fall back, and she knew she lost concisness but why did she still se those flames...and a pair of brillant blue eyes that themselves seemed to burn.

~ ~ ~

Morzan and Creama had finally managed to get of the area. Having reached the small mountain village of Antoria...they had decided to rest.

It had been a long journey.

They had lost Rain, Rath, Greame, and finally Ariania herself seemed to have disappered.

Morzan had worried frantically but finally decided that there's was nothing that he could do about Ariania...and that to go back now would not only be sucide but just plan beyond his already streched abilities.

The past few days had aged him greatly, and Morzan knew it wouldn't be too long before Rath's spell wore of completly and he would be back to his orginal age. So perhaps death wasn't cheated so utterly.

Creama, the sager of the two, had purchased a small cabin at the edge of the small mountain town not to far from the Lady's Former Kingdom.

Even with the Lady's death, the Demons would still be unrurly, perhaps more so than ever. With a close position to the border, they would hopefully be able to obverse any changes in the demons movements, and quickly report it to the network of people in place for such things.

Which is how, about three days after the Lady's Death, Morzan and Creama sat at the same table eating dinner when a knock came at the door.

Unhappy with there slow response, whoever knocked at the door was too impantient to wait for their answer.

A blast of wind, and the glare of the setting sun met there eyes. Shading his eyes from the blast of sand the wind brought from the mountains, all Morzan could detect was a pair of leather wings.

Just as Morzan pulled his swords free, the figure bent down to lay something gently down. A soft blue leather wing, shielded the beings face as it's wing tip gently carresed the package it had depositted on the floor, and then before Morzan could even close his mouth, the being was gone leaving the door open behind it.

Striding quickly over to the door, Morzan carefully avoided the bundled figure. The creature was flying away, but Morzan's sharp ears could hear the departing creature mutter "If Rath's not dead, I'll kill her."

Behind him, Creama gave let loose a shocked gasp.....

#303:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:19 pm
The wind was not a wind at all but the might currents of air stirred up by the wings of the giant dragoness who was gently landing on the edge of the clearing. She was larger than Rath had been, her body much more senious and slinky. Light seemed to shimmer off her glass-like hide, a tinge of red coloring her translucent scales.

In one hand she held the fragments of what had once been the Dragonsword. The swift flying figure backwinged to avoid hitting her before landing at her feet. She bobbed her head at the creature before her.

"That had better not be what I think it is." The massive dragoness bobbed her head again. "How could you?"

"Keep your wings on Ergos. You're not the only one being sent back from the dead you realize. I've got a plan."

"More like a trick up your sleeve." Rath grinned at that, her smile a wide and warm thing.

"Watch and learn little one, watch and learn." Bringing her hands together swiftly she began to chant in an odd voice, in a language never before heard on Cree. There was an odd noise, like a thousand instruments being played at once, a thousand strings in harmony. Then the sword fell from between Rath's talons and into Ergos's grip.

It wasn't the Dragonsword as it had been...but a new blade forged from the ashes of the old. It's blade was longer, took more concentration and skill to weild than before, and sharper. The hilt was beautifully wrought from what might have been glass...but was far stronger. Atop it, a single ruby gem. "I could not retrieve Elizibeth's my Grandmother gave some of hers instead."

Ergos looked at it strangely for a moment. "Why are you being so nice Rathainia?" Rath grinned.

"Because as soon as my shadow arrives...I'm going home."

"You figured out the Spell so quickly?" Rath shook her head.

"No but I'm being recalled. It was fun to stay here with you but..." The wind picked up again, another shadow fell. Looking up into the sky, the massive form of a skye dragon could be seen. Rath grinned as Paith landed next to her with a thump, eyes wide and sparkling.

"Are you ready to go home?"

"On last thing love." Raising her head to the sky a long slow note echoed from Rath's throat.

In the skies above, a small symbol appeared on Ariana's brow. In the heart of the fire, a small symbol appeared on Rain's right hand. In a tower of magick, a small symbol appeared on Graeme's left palm. In the cabin, a small symbol appeared on Cremla's left flank. In the doorway, a small symbol appeared on Morzan's right shoulder. And standing before her, a small symbol appeared on Ergos's chest.

"There that is done. Light, Music, Magic, Wisdom, Strength, and you Ergos...the puzzle solver and sword bearer. All is in balance once again...for as long as those of your lines walk the soil of Cree." A shimmer appeared in the air, just a faint circle that flattened the grass.

A wind full of unique smells from an exotic world wafted through the clearing. With a smile to Paith the last two skye dragons left the world of Cree behind. As the portal vanished Rath's voice could be heard faintly.

"If every you need me again...ask the blade..."

#304:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:15 pm
((One last post...then a short epilogue for memories sake. Thanks everyone again for sure to be on the look out for more adventures with Dinranwen RPG Inc. *smiles*))

Swirling quickly to see what shocked Creama, Morzan found himself momentarily puzzled. "No it couldn't be," Morzan thought, "it's an eroki, but....they look so alike."

On the floor, a female eroki lay. The eroka's body and wings lay prune on the ground as she slept fitfully where the winged creature had left her. Something about her face struck reminded him oddly of Rain....but Rain had been human, and besides occureding to Creama Rain had died so it couldn't be.

Even so, Morzan found himself starring....and wondering why exactly that that...thing had dropped this eroka on their floor.

Her face was what struck him the most as being familar. Soft and gentle, the female's face was tanned by many years of being in the sun and wind. Spreading like a halo from her face, her wild curly raven hair was highlighted with many different shades of purple streaks. Her body, turned oddly so her wings were on the floor but her legs were turned toward her, was covered with a thin gauzy frabic that tied around her throat and rode low on her back to allow for a pair of large purple leather wings to move freely. Finally, purple scales dotted her face, arms, and legs sparkling in the sunlight that came through the open door.

It was impossible. But there she was, a female eroki (who were called eroka) the living image of Rain. Granted, things had changed about her, but aside from the wings, and a few amysest scales here and there on her form, the eroki looked exactly like Rain.

Suddenly a shadow was cast over the figure on the floor. Morzan spun his hand on his sword.

The creature was back.

"Easy solider, I mean no harm." So saying the figure stepped into the cabin and out of the harsh light.

"Ergos?" Creama said her voice ringing with shock.

"Ergos?" Morzan questioned turning to Creama. "I thought he was dead."

"He is. I mean he must not be." Creama stuttered. "I'm telling you Morzan, this eroki is Ergos."

The Eroki laughed, folding his wings to fit into the cabin more comfortably as he lent against the wall. "When you all are done arguing about wheither or not I'm dead, I'll explain everything."

Morzan and Creama soon quited down, and Ergos sat down to tell a tale beyond all belief.

~ ~ ~

Ergos stood on the ledge of the mountain, the still sleeping Rain gently craddled in his arms.

"Are you sure your okay caring her?" Creama said worriedly.

Ergos laughed. "I'm fine. Believe me, after five years I'm enjoying holding her again."

"But will she be okay?" Morzan said sternly.

Ergos frowned, but then smiled. "It's been a rough few days on her. I'd planned on training her elsewhere to get used to being an eroki, but she is still not quiete used to everything that has happened. And after that mage fire spell she 'accidently' cast in a fit of anger, and shock after seeing me holding her in....I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't wake up for another two days. Even then, I think I'm going to hide beyond some rocks until she gets over the shock. Once she gets used to this, she should be fine, you can me on that one."

~ ~ ~

And So it Was.....

But our tale does not end here, like all other true stories, this story continued for a long time to each of the members of the orginal five met there graves.

Ergos carried Rain to his country, where his return was celebrated. Rain after waking up to a pair of wings, and strange new powers, was soon consuled into accepting the fact she was truly her mother's daughter. Ergos and Rain were married a few months later. They live still with lot's of children, and although Ergos is the King, the reforged DragonSword that held the Bloodstone of Rathiania's grandmother shows a paricular liking to Rain. Shrugging, Ergos set about forging another DragonSword with the blood of Elizabeth.

Then in elaborate cermony, Ergos named the swords anew. From that day forward, the sword from the ashes of the orginal blade was called the Skye Blade. That sword every generation would make a choice of a bearer, but somehow strangely it always ended up in the hands of a child of Ergos' and Rain's line. On the other hand, the sword Ergos made using the blood of Elizabeth was called the Sword of Ergos, or the Eroki Blade. It was this sword that every eroki king from heneceforth would bare.

Morzan the Solider would slowly return to his old age over the next few months. However not before he had some adventures that would make him a captin in the Prince's of Andoria's personal elite force. Morzan and his line would serve in the land of Andoria having swearing to Ergos that as long as his blood flowed in another's veins they would watch carefully over Andoria and the border it held in common with the Western Waste.

Creama would return to her country-men only briefly. Finding that the wild plains of Centuria no longer suited her, Creama took the hills. In the wild mountains of the Divide, Creama would set up a school with the help of a male centaur general. Their school would soon to become known as having the highest standard in battle Stragery and miltary teaching. The pair of centaurs would wed privatly a few years later after a few interesting episodes that they still won't talk about.

Greame, much to the surprise of everyone, came stumbling into the village below Creama had set up her school. Apperantly he had survived the mage of the Santuary, but only barely. Greame was no worse for the wear other than his back being more crocked than ever. However, Greame was magically useless for the rest of his life. Relucantly gave into his new life, and became a priest in that village. Although well loved, Greame was often heard muttering...."If only...."

Ariania having abtained her highest wish of becoming a star was never heard from again. Yet, the elf known as Malen 'de Ele meaning Heavenly Star in the gyspy tongue, kept her promise in watching over her friends for the rest of their lives. In fact she watched after them, their children, their children's children....

Rathiania, and Path returned to their homeland, where they had adventures of their own, and spun tales of which we have no record being on Cree. However, we trust they are well, and that they too achieved all their dreams.

And I know somewhere on the Destinies Mountain, a certain old man spent a good century laughing at the trick he had played on the Destinies.

And the so this tale ended, but in ending, another begins.....

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