Mayoral Elections Coming Up!
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City of IF -> Election Oct 06

#1: Mayoral Elections Coming Up! Author: KeyLocation: The Royal Palace PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:31 pm
Good Citizens of IF,

Almost six months ago, I gave up the role of Mayor and assumed my Royal Estate. At that time we had an election for who should assume the Mayoral Powers and Resposibilities for a six-month term. Smee was elected Mayor by nearly a two-thirds vote.

Smee has served commendably, and has my utmost gratitude for his dedication to the City and the cause of storygaming. However, his term is nearly up, and our illustrious Mayor has decided not to seek re-election. So we will have a new election this month, and at the end we will have a new Mayor!

I am now asking for any interested candidates to step forward, either announcing themselves here or PMing me their interest. As before, once all interested parties have had time to announce, we'll have a few weeks of debate and discussion of the issues, then an election of all announced candidates (assuming there's more than one). If no one wins more than 50% of the vote, we'll have a runoff with the top two vote-getters. Last time the election process was a great success overall. The debate and discussion phase allowed lots of very interesting commentary and ideas for how to make the City a better place. Hopefully, the same will be true this election. Very Happy

Below are a list of all the powers and responsibilities of the Mayoralty.

- Creating a new forum for the SGotM winner each month.
- Disbursing fables for all prizes, including SGotM, linear stories winner, completion of storygames, etc.
- Bestowing all appropriate honors on the Honor Roll and the honored citizen's profile.
- Setting tax rates for the forums
- Forcibly collecting taxes from those who don't pay voluntarily
- Moving storygames to the Hall of Legends when finished or when they go on hiatus, and back when they're back off hiatus
- Warning, banning and deleting inappropriate/spam comments and users as needed
- Bestowing custom ranks when paid for
- Creating new groups as needed
- Selecting new City Council members as needed
- Putting out a reminder for the monthly storychat
- Moving the storygames with the most recent chapters to the top of the forum
- Setting configurable forum options, such as inbox and signature size
- Managing the money supply, including setting how many fables are awarded for what activities. This includes deciding how to spend the City of IF Treasury, and potentially coming up with creative solutions to our inflation problem (ie. there's not much to spend fables on, so we just keep getting more and more).
- Being the path of escalation if a citizen is unhappy with a moderator's actions or decision.

As you can see, there's a lot of work involved in being Mayor, so please don't volunteer for this lightly. But if you are dedicated to the City and want to help set its course for the future, being Mayor is a great opportunity to do that. Very Happy

I hereby open the floor for announcement of candidacies.


#2:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:04 pm
Smee quit? That's too bad, he was doing a nice job. Well, good luck to the future candidates. Very Happy

#3:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:46 pm
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Crying or Very sad Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Oh well, If we have to have a new mayor...
I'm definitely not going to come forward, but F5 D-Lotus, good luck to our new mayor, and I'm sure they'll do a great job Wink.


#4:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:59 pm
*thwacks bob*

Well, our tame* apedog is interested.

I don't want to be it either, but I think it would be good if we first have a reminder of who ran last time.


#5:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:39 am
Mmm, I am really going to have write chapters faster in my 'Tale of IF', he has only just become Mayor in that story!

#6:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:34 am
*thwacks bob AGAIN!*

Lol, well done with the timeing of that c'ren. Maybe he could dye in the forthcoming attack, people quickly elect a new mayor and then he gets resurected?

#7:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:32 am
Nice to be appreciated guys Smile

I not so much quit, just my 6 months are over and I'm not seeking another 6 months right now.

It is, as Key said, quite a lot of work (although fun too), and I just don't have time for it in the coming months. As I'm sure some of you have spotted, my own writing has come to a standstill and that's something I want to continue.

Who knows what the future holds though - in another 6 months after another mayor, I may look to have another term (if I'm wanted Wink ).

Best of luck to the new mayor - don't think I'll be going easy on you during the election process Very Happy

Happy election Very Happy

#8:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:08 am
*uses his hands to try and catch the laughter escaping from his mouth*
we all saw what happened when key gave me the linear stories forum, imagine our city being like that
*wind blows an old copy of the IFQuirer through a dirty alley between two tattered and shabby buildings, theres a small fire in one end and the sounds of screaming and gunfire in the distance*
yeah, pretty accurate
anyway if no-one else can be found and key is partly suicidal and im not required to do any programming i'll give it a shot, ehll if i'm no good you can always have me beeheaded right?

#9:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:29 am
hey im a pollytician, my word is as good as crack

#10:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:32 am
Is that good or bad?

#11:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:39 am
its honest and straight forward

#12:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:46 am
The White Blacksmith wrote:
Is that good or bad?

In my country is more bad than good... but we are on the City of IF.

#13:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 6:03 am
*hands jnmrcs some extra crack while no-one is looking*

#14:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:29 pm
I could run just to get diversity it would be funny. Id have some nice little slogans Smile

And I might get like 3 votes!

Dont get me wrong it wouldnt be a JOKE. It would be me trying to do my best to help the city. I just wouldnt expect many votes. Like the presidential candidates every four years here. Theres usually a bunch of people who are serious about it but know they wont win but run anyways.


Ill run!

[now who wants to beat me? We have Saxon and I in it.... Good luck to him!]

Unless theres some requirments for running that I dont fulfill?

-edit-his words are like crack. Mine are like the special olympics. So sad ot see someone try soo hard, and fall on there face, and yet you cant stop watching!

#15: press release. Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:20 pm
Chinaren Inc. Media Relations announcement, with everyone's favorite host, Bob McBobsky!

~Bob taps the microphone~

"Ahem, hello everyone and good morning*. I am here on behalf of Chinaren Inc.s beloved chairman."

~Several people 'boo', others scream, and a couple cheer~

"Chinaren would like to say that he appreciates the interest shown from various parties about the possibility of him running for Mayor. He has already been to the palace to discuss this with Kingky, though His Highness was busy in a meeting with several working girls from Muaddib's district at the time, and couldn't speak to him."

~Waits until a slight scuffle in the back is resolved, as a 'Save the Apedog' campaigner is dragged out by the guards.~

"Our esteemed Chairman is considering running for the position, and will be announcing his final decision very soon. Thank-you, that is all."

~Fighting breaks out in the front rows as pro-IF SGame campaigners clash with Anit-IF Sgame critics~

*Or afternoon/evening/night, depending on where you are.

Last edited by Chinaren on Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

#16:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:33 pm
*realises he wont win*

#17:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:49 pm
*relises she has the chance of a snoflake in hell*

Hey the odds are better than I expected! Wink

Good luck chinaren!

#18:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:16 pm
I am still considering it. I haven't said I will definitely run yet.

#19:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:18 pm
Well, then if you choose to then good luck.

On one hand, you would make a pretty good mayor. Theres no denying that. But on the other hand, wouldnt that distract you from your sgs? Is it you that has toruble keeping up with them or am I think of some one else? nyways, just commenting, pretending I know what Im talking about.

#20:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:25 pm
I was busy in the last two months, but that has ended now. I believe I could handle it.

Plus, Murder by Magic has finished, and Real Bananas doesn't have much left either, so that will be two down. I am also considering suspending one.

#21:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:31 pm
Okies then. Well-just so oyu know-im not trying to keep you from running Im jut making sure you dont get over loaded and cranky.

Hell hath no fury like a fuzzy orangish tihng without his afternoon nap and blankee. Wink

I htink Ill vote for Saxon (it seems selfish to vote for myself Wink )

-edit- I think I have my slogan

"Im not as accident prone as you might think!"

Whaddya htink?

Any better ideas?

#22:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:18 pm
chin would start stealing government profits i think, i wouldnt trust that moneymad lunatic anywhere near the state coughers
just kiddin chin you'd probably do a better job then me at mayor
by the way i think i have my slogan
"i can only be as good as you let me"

#23:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:38 pm
I reckon if c'ren gets elected Key will have to set new guards on the Treasury.

Although on the plus side city inflation would be taken care of.

#24:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:37 am
with chin in charge it would probably wipe out the need to have a currency, he would have it all

#25:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:44 am
I rather resent this slander upon my character.

"The man with high Fables stocks is less likely to need Fables than the man whose Fables supplies are low." - Slighty ajusted Homer Simpson quote.

#26:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:20 am
awwww chin im only kidding, i know your not really greedy its just an act to be funny

#27:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:57 pm
yeah, seriously, we know youre not. Its just fun to poke at you with a rather large stick every once in a while [its an analagy, okay?!?!]

But if it bugs you I wont Wink

Damn it1 Im getting off topic again! *slaps self on wrists as punisment* bad jenny!
(sorry smee Wink )

#28:  Author: AlegriaLocation: On the beaches with Dr. Suess' Sneeches. Only the star-bellied ones, of course. PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:44 pm
I'm thinking of starting a political party, but not running for the office myself. I don't have enough time, especially with school.

#29:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:39 am
how bout start a political part IN school
hmmmm the posibilities seem endless

#30:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:15 am
Okay then. I have decided I will officially throw my hat into the ring and announce my candicacy for the post of Mayor.

May Grom have mercy on us all. Shocked

#31:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:19 am
Sax, chi, you have no chance.

The mighty Nerc is upon us.

#32:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:50 pm
Yeah we all nkow that chinaren is going to beat us by a landslide Sad nobody wants to vote for me anymore Sad

#33:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:38 pm
dont worry chia i will

#34:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:23 am
Thanks. And im planning to vote for you. That makes like 1 vote i guess...

#35:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:58 am
Good luck to everybody, running! I have abousetly no interest in being mayor, but look forward to elections.

Plus I have the interesting choice between,

1.) A Saxon (your remember the norse raiders right?) Who apparently is a little well...let's say crazy.

2.) A cutie (excuse the punt on your name Chia) who I have worked with before, and have appericated that work highly.

3.) An orange fuzzy greedy munster who would love to have me from dinner....(an old joke between myself and Chinaren)

I wonder who will win my vote? *hmmm*

Again good luck to everyone, and can't wait until the race for Mayor begins so I can decide on the more important issues! Razz

Well, until then, this has been


#36:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:08 am
see, thats the kindf of dsescription i like

#37:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:44 pm
dinranwen wrote:

1.) A Saxon (your remember the norse raiders right?) Who apparently is a little well...let's say crazy.

but dont you think you'd need to be just a little crazy to run a city like IF?

#38:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:55 am
Dont you think you need to be a little crazy if you're on a city like If?

#39:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:48 am
see, my sentiments exactly
crazy in the fact that none of us is a boring mundane person we all have powerfull and highly immaginative minds that can construct whole other universes and people and time lines

#40:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 6:26 pm
You know whats crazy? I dont think anyone noticed that your campaign says chia inc at the bottom Wink

#41:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:14 pm
I noticed, but didn't say anything. A nice piece of advertising there Chia. Wink

#42:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:36 am
ahhh well i found it funny

#43:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:43 pm
I sent it to him and I thought he probably would want me to take it off- problem was that I would have to start all over again with it. So apparently he doesnt care lol. He thinks its funny, so do i. Wink

#44:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:17 am
hahahaha i dont mind it one bit
plus i think it says a lot about the city, even when we opose each other we still work toegther, which really makes little sense but hey

#45:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:05 pm
no no it makes lots of sense i think its a really good POV.

Good positive thinking Wink !

Id have made one for chinaren but he does better ones than I do.

City of IF -> Election Oct 06

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