Bushido: Chapter 4: Poll
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City of IF -> InterFable Stories - Bushido - COMPLETE
What kind of test should be given to the new Samurai?
Test skill and trustworthyness by tempting with gold and asking to show their skills.
 50%  [ 4 ]
Test nerves by throwing knives at them while they stay still
 0%  [ 0 ]
Test fidelity by making him swear that he has to always fight against the bandits, then tell him that the bandits only want to bestow a great gift on the village, and see if he still will fight, like in McBeth
 0%  [ 0 ]
Test skill by fighting with wooden swords (this option will also be carried with the others that say that they will test skill, vote only for this if you ONLY want to test skill)
 0%  [ 0 ]
Test endurance and trust by having a staring contest, whoever draws ther swords is unworthy
 12%  [ 1 ]
Test intelligence and skill by giving them a hard problem to solve, and skill by laying in wait , so when they come inside the door, they'll be hit if they have no skill and don't react.
 37%  [ 3 ]
And hrrrmmmm...well..Testing sillyness by...having a pie fight (although this will be very costly, to buy all those pies...wait, did Japan even know what a pie was back then?)
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 8
Who Voted: D-Lotus, Smee

#1: Bushido: Chapter 4: Poll Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:05 pm
The choices above have been created from readers’ suggestions to the previous chapter. This poll will be up on the site for about a week. At the end of that time, the choice that has the most votes will become the basis of the next chapter. Anyone is welcome to vote, although you must be registered and logged in to do so. You can only vote on each poll once. You can discuss the voting choices below, or try to sway people to vote one way or the other.

Ok, here's the poll,which I tried to incorporate from people's answers.. if you want to add anything, tell me...

Anyway, right now I'm going to make a promise that the next chapter, The test, will be very polished and very studied...Tell me what you voted for. Hmmm, looks like this poll will also be hard like the last one...

#2:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:55 pm
this poll is hard....

#3:  Author: Random PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:34 am
I voted the intelligence and skill route. However cool and historically correct the staring contests were, that would not make for a very exciting chapter. Smile

#4:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:49 am
Hard choice because we don't know exactly what his weakness or strengths are. Why can't we test them all out?

#5:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:55 pm
Rw- Simply because it would take too long, remember there are many samurai that will want to be hired, especially masterless ronin. Also because after one test, they'll probably know that there is going to be another one, and there won't be any durprise in it.

- D-Lotus Roll

#6:  Author: Mordok PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:08 pm
I voted the intelligence and skill route too, although passing on the pie fight took every ounce of will power I had.

M-Lotus Very Happy

#7:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:49 pm
Anonymous wrote:
Rw- Simply because it would take too long, remember there are many samurai that will want to be hired, especially masterless ronin. Also because after one test, they'll probably know that there is going to be another one, and there won't be any durprise in it.

- D-Lotus Roll

I know that. But it is really hard to choose just ONE test. Oh well I go with the whichever one goes with trust.

#8:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:28 pm
Confused what do you mean "go with trust". Are you a hippy if you dont mind me asking.

#9:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:54 pm
I am not a hippy, no. I just happen to thinking about the first option.

#10:  Author: alajaber PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:42 pm
I will be voting for the test and skill part...it is the best way

#11:  Author: Random PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:29 pm
Anonymous wrote:
Confused what do you mean "go with trust". Are you a hippy if you dont mind me asking.

Out of curiosity, what would being a hippie have to do with anything? Hippies were proponents of peace, free love, and fighting the government. Trust had nothing to do with that.

Just curious as to where the analogy is coming from. Smile

#12:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:44 pm
I had the same reaction. All I know is that that question came totally out of the blue.

#13:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:55 pm
There seems to be a tie... Hey RW, don't you like hard options? It would be stupid if the optiions were really simple....

-Peace , man

#14:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:48 pm
Gracias chico.

#15:  Author: s1lents0ul PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:38 am
i choose the staring contest. It seems so weird, and i never heard of it b4, so if you write about it i will learn something new.

#16:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:09 pm
De nada jovencita, espero que me entiendas.

- D-Lotus :wink:

#17:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:50 pm
Comprendo, chico. Su espanol es bueno.

#18:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:21 am
I'm looking forward to seeing the result of this one. A close vote, with a lot of options. Smile

#19:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:32 pm
Me entendiste Raven wing? Como? Mirando en el diccionario? Tu Espanol es muy malo, pero yo lo hablo bien porque soy de Espana.

#20:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:36 pm
Que! No es mal!!! No soy de Espana, si, pero tomo espanol en el colegio. No necesito un diccionario cuando estoy hablando. Cuando solo estoy escribiendo. Ahora, estoy hablando. Espero que tu comprenda que yo he escrito.

#21:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:40 pm
haha, not bad for a begginer, I must say.
Hmm, if someone else would vote, maybe I could tell if everybody agrees on one thing- if you know an active member in this site, please tell him to vote, thank you!

Any day in christmas vacation I'll actually maybe be home for an hour and maybe able to write the next chapter...

#22:  Author: s1lents0ul PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:35 am
I dont know if what D and Ravenwing were talking about was revalent to the topic or not, but i dont habla espanol, so i have no clue what they said.. but i guess that dont matter Laughing

#23:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 9:14 am
Well, I started yesterday, and I've done half the chapter (although the chapter is not nbig, it will be poliashed....)

#24:  Author: Mordok PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:05 pm
Good I like it when a story is poliashed. Very Happy

D-Lotus wrote:
This poll will be up on the site for about a week.

Hahahaha good one D.

#25:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:02 am
Sorry Mordok, but it's christmas vacaton, and I don't feel like sitting around in a computer typing, I'm only checking in now to see if anyone wroter anything..... I'm too young to make it my responsibility to write stories, but I promise I'm trying. I am being inspired by this book called Musashi Miyamoto. It's great!!

- D-Lotus

#26:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 2:19 pm
Allll....moooossst....there.....alll....moooost... done...
Story will be up by today, tomorrow, monday, tuesday, wensday, thursday, friday, saturday, or Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing
This story is better, more complex..... I don't know, it's just taking me longer to write about the Way of the Samurai and Kihachi's feelings and al that....should I introduce a love story?I'm also having problems fixing up a decision, so I'll probably end up doing a bad end....

#27:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 9:24 pm
Don't worry Big D. Going through the same problem as you. I just posted a first half, and then said I was going to post up the second half soon enough. Meaning it would be a week. Good luck! Very Happy

#28:  Author: Mordok PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:00 pm
Hahaha. It looks like we are all trying to raise the bar on our stories. Thats great. While I look forward to both of your stories, I would rather wait and have something good, than get a weekly installment of crap.

Its great that we all want to better our stories. Keep up the good work.

#29:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 6:11 pm
The same to you Mordok. I think a lot of us here would like to write just as well as Keavney. His story is excellent, and is definitely something most of us would like to try and achieve.

#30:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:06 pm
Actually, I was hoping to compare my self with someone like Tolkien.... Sad Very Happy Oh well. No, really, I'm almost done. I did 6 pages, and still going. I'm not looking forward to polishing it... I'm at the part where someone is telling a story. Unfortunatly, I'm not good at giving characters characterization and details, so it's just normal speech. I had problems, but I finally figured a good way to end the chapter for votes. It also corresponds with Kihach's fellings.

- The big D

#31:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:11 pm
Maybe I would try the same, but not Tolkein, what he writes is too dull for me. Too much description of scenery. But for now I just want to see how far I can go and do well.

#32:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:49 pm
OK, tomorrow night, 5th chapter, the second response ( I always get a kick out of naming chapters) will be up, with it's full eight pages. As far as my knoledge would go, this is not a weekly piece of crap. I also wanted to adress a small problem. I decided to change the date of the period from the late 13th, to the early 17th century(as you can see I changed in chapter 1). I hope this is not a problem to anyone, but it suits the story and my purpose for the story better ( not that anyone is really caring...I need support, please.... Crying or Very sad ). It will change the ending and some of the middle, but nothing else. Now that I remember, Ravenwing kept saying
" God, it's been so long since I heard the About the Meiji reformation..."
Actually, in the 13th century, the Meiji's were way off, as I have found out. Sorry raven wing, but the 17th century is the flowering of the Tokugawa era. The meiji restoration was not until the 1800, and by that time, samurai were getting shot down by guns, so I think you were somehow confused. Oh well, anyway, I'll lock this chapter soon, so post up!

City of IF -> InterFable Stories - Bushido - COMPLETE

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