Chapter 19: Time To Finish The Fight
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City of IF -> Virtual - COMPLETE

#1: Chapter 19: Time To Finish The Fight Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2006 3:14 pm
Chapter 19: Time To Finish The Fight

Summary: Let me bring you up to speed. After about 14-16 chapters the Freedom finally linked up with the fleet to discover that the final battle against the Boragnians is finally upon them after more than 30 years of war. Right now the humans are destroying the last few forces that are attacking their fleet but the Boragnians have a very powerful ship which has survived the secret weapon bombardment the humans had for the Boragnians. The ship -Called The Serabus- is continued to approach the humans and the Federated Earth Navy is anxious to destroy it before it exterminates anymore of their ships but it may be too late.
Meanwhile the Boragnians have 100 Destroyer Class ships, half of which are filled with nuclear material and the humans are currently launching a counter-attack with their bombers to detonate the destroyers before they are in the explosion radius.
Also, all the squadrons of the fleet have been spread out into small squads to take on the Boragnians.
Enjoy the chapter folks!

His fighter was re-armed and his wing mates were ready to go back out there with them. He looked to his left and he found Anne sitting on the last step of the metal flight of stairs that lead to her cockpit. The captain was grateful she was still alive, smiled but Jack placed his visor over his head and ran to his fighter just as he saw one of the engineers sliding out from underneath with a tool-kit. He didn't have time to go over to the woman he loved and share a sentimental moment for everyone in that area knew that more than anything. They wanted to finish these sons of bitches.
As he climbed up the steps he heard a transmission from command directed to him
'All members of Phoenix Squadron are now to link up once out in the field. It's time to finish off the stragglers. Good luck pilots. Seventh Fleet Command Out.'
Jack jumped into his cockpit and got on the squadron radio channel to gather up men. He wasn't surprised to see that half of his squadron members were not falling in and as he looked outside the ship from his fighter that lay on the hangar floor he saw the nose of a Phoenix Class fighter drift past the ship. He bowed his head and then started up the engine.

Major Reynolds was flying the lead Dragonfly bomber with his squadron behind him in an arrowhead formation as they all approached the destroyers that were moving towards the human fleet. The bomber squadron was intent on stopping the advance of these destroyers before they murdered their own fleet
'Ship status?' the major asked his co-pilot while he checked on the weapon's status on board the ship.
'Engine one and two are fully functional, rudders and flaps are functioning normally and the cockpit interface is fully adjusted to the correct settings sir.' Airman Cameron informed his superior as he went through the procedure.
'Good. Weapons are ready to be fired as well. Alright Flying Yakuza Squadron, what's the word?' the Major responded to the airman and switched onto his headset radio
'Dragonfly Squadron. Nearby bogeys are well out of range but are heading toward our position but you have the green light, you are weapons free.' The squadron leader of the fighter escort answered the Major in a cool and croaky voice. The Major acknowledged him and looked at the cockpit interface to see that they were only 20 metres away from firing range
'Okay Dragonflies we have a green light, I say again we have a green light! Let's give command a real fireworks show. Fire on my mark over,' the major informed his fellow pilots as the targeting computer on board the Dragonfly bomber selected one of the destroyers and the Major selected a nuclear warhead to launch at the destroyer but as the targeting system locked onto the destroyer he pulled out a portable audio recorder with a holographic disk inside. He pulled it close to his headset so it would broadcast to the entire squadron and as it turned out. The squadron was listening to an orchestra.
The missile locked on and Reynolds pulled the trigger. The weapon dropped from the underbelly of the twin-engine spacecraft before accelerating and heading for its destination. The entire squadron launched the warheads from their bombers and lights coming from the missiles could be seen for miles in the formation of an arrowhead as they closed in on the destroyer class ships. As the nukes got closer the Boragnians started up their turrets to try and shoot them down before they could collide with them. Almost all of their weaponry was being put to use, trying to stop the human’s counter-offensive and half of the nukes were destroyed as they moved in for the kill. A few of the destroyers we exterminated but only one nuclear destroyer was eliminated but it wasn't close enough to the other ships to do any real damage.

The Serabus was moving toward the navy and some of the frigates in the 3rd FEN Fleet and, the 4th Royal Fleet were going in reverse and they were on the verge of going AWOL. The ships were charging up the Zeta Rail Cannon but even though The Serabus was missing the bottom half of the ship it was still looking defiant but what really scared the crap out of everyone in front of it. Was the fact that it was charging up three large guns that were on the sides and the top of the ship. Three red lights were charging up. The fleets were asking for instructions and suggesting that they should engage into hyperspace right there to avoid being evaporated by the three large guns.
But then it happened. One of the most horrifying yet fascinating this happened. The three lights emerged from the guns, creating beams that connected a fair bit ahead of the ships nose, created a large wall that extended out to the human navy's position and then moved. Anything that was caught in the large wall of red light was evaporated and there was no trace left behind that the ship ever existed. The third fleet was getting massacred and in a minute 3 quarters of the fleet was eliminated and the wall was moving to the 4th Fleet which stood it's ground. The fleets kept charging up the Zeta Rail Cannons and fifteen seconds before the flagship of the 4th Royal Fleet was going to be evaporated when Alterar gave the order to open fire. Another barrage of Zeta Rail fire bombarded the Serabus but not in perfect unison like the first barrage that destroyed half of the Serabus. The wall of destruction the Boragnians had created had ceased and the Colossus Class ship had been hit extremely bad by the human forces but once the barrage of green light had finished everyone was shocked to see that even with barely any of the ship left. It was still moving towards them. It had been pushed down the extended line from the 4th fleet all the way down to the scattered formation of the 1st FEN Fleet and the once large spacecraft with defying weaponry was now just a small frigate like ship with one large barrel on its side.
Many people asked how the damn thing could be running after taking a beating like that but the commander ordered everyone to be silent and to charge up the Zeta Rail Cannons to give it the final touch.

'Jesus... Look at that thing,' Manuel commentated as he observed the remains of The Serabus charge towards the human fleet
'Persistent little bastard isn't it?' Anne answered as she watched the navy begin its last bombardment of the alien spacecraft
'You bet your ass it is. It took us days to finish that bastard off when it attacked Earth the last time the Boragnians had one of those things,' Jack contributed to the conversation as he let his fighter drift near Manuel and Anne.
'Sir this is Flight Sergeant Haricks. We have finished off the remaining stragglers in our sector. Requesting orders over,' he heard the NCO ask over his headset
'Everyone shut up and watch the navy finish off our old friend here.' Jack ordered them as he relaxed in his cockpit seat and watched as the remains of the Colossus use its last gun to take out a few of the ships in the 1st fleet.

A dozen ships detonated as one destroyer blew from the bombers attacks. The fighters were engaging the stragglers that had come to assist their comrades in a worthless attempt at intercepting the human forces but The Flying Yakuza's ended up intercepting the interceptors. As more and, more destroyers detonated more white lights sparked out from across the battlefield sending shockwaves and radiation into space. After a matter of minutes Major Reynolds was hailed with a message from the leader of the Destroyer fleet pleading for the humans to except their surrender but the Major cold heartedly gave the alien a "Fuck You" and sent one final nuke into it's bridge.

The last charge of green beams came but thirty seconds before the Zeta Rail Cannons assaulted the Serabus one final time. The alien spacecraft ceased firing at the human ships with it's only weapon and accepted it's fate. Once the fluorescent Green Beams finished assaulting the alien ship there was no more than a few pieces of debris that would remain floating in space for all eternity. It was strange for all the men there. That with one last group of shots the entire war in space was over. No cinematic finales where the ship blows up in a climax and the audience applauds it but instead a blunt ending that would hit you suddenly but in a subtle way.
The Federated Earth Navy had almost lost 2 fleets in that battle and, the Boragnians had almost escaped the clutches of Mankind's revenge and into another galaxy where humans probably didn't exist.

Chapter 19: Part II. The End Of The World

The Royal Fleets and the Federated Fleets gathered around the Boragnian Homeworld which had never been properly named. All the pilots were in the frigates, cruisers, corvettes, battleships and flagships watching from the comfort of the friendly spacecraft with fellow servicemen and servicewomen around them. The entire navy had formed a perimeter around the planet, even the ships that were guarding the wormhole was there and they were happy to announce that none of the aliens had escaped during or after the battle. The ships had all their weapons online, lasers, flak turrets, nuclear weapons, missiles, rail cannons the whole nine yards. Commander Alterar stood on his bridge with an unlit cigar in his mouth and a radio right in front of his lips.
'Commence Firing.' he spoke and all the ships in the entire navy commenced firing on the planet. Not one inch or millimetre remained un-touched by the arsenal the navy had released upon the planet, every building; everything the Boragnians had written on and everything the alien species had touched were eliminated. Buildings crumbled under the reign of fire that was released by the navy and cities fell into the ground. Matter of fact. They went through the ground, through their sewage systems and deep into the ground. Everything that had to do with the Boragnian history was eliminated and no one could survive such a storm of power. The polar ice caps at the top and bottom of the planet melted. Water flowed over the land and washed away the ruins of the civilization but the navy kept firing upon the planet. The atmosphere and O-Zone layer disintegrated due to the radiation of the weapons and the heat caused by the large arsenal.
Yet the navy kept firing. They continued to fire upon the planet for hours. The crew members, pilots and marines could see the nuclear detonation from where they were in space. They could see the lasers going through the planet and smacking into the water. They could see water separate and cause massive waves that went around the planet. They could see the lights that came from the cities the aliens had constructed be extinguished as the weapons hit the ground. It was all over.
The war was over. It was time to go home.

After 26 hours of firing every missile and round of ammunition the navy had the 9 fleets the navy had in its command was on it's way home to Earth.
On this journey home the commander of the navy had a meeting with the admirals and captains in command of their ships to commend them for their efforts in the final battle against the Boragnians. One of the officers raised the commander a question on what the military will do now that the war is over and the Commander Alterar of the Federated Earth Navy said this.
"That is no longer of our concern. We have done our part in history but now it is time for most of us to rest and settle down. Many of our forces will be leaving the military once we reach Earth and in a year I will too. As far as most of you are concerned, the military no longer has anything to do with you. It's time for the next generation to stand and defend Earth as we did when we joined. Now gentlemen. It's time to go back home... To Earth.'

1 Final Chapter to follow and finish the story that is Virtual.
I hope you have all enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it for the past year.

#2:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 6:44 am
Well the war is over. :biggrin: I think it's about time Jack confided in Anne.

How much of a home do they have left on Earth to return to? I look forward to the final chapter.

#3:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 5:10 am
Where the hell is everyone!

#4:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 5:15 am
I've been busy Sparta, sorry but patience.

This story has been going on forever, and now we suddenly have chapters falling out our ears with your rush to finish it. Just because you've changed your schedule doesn't mean everyone else can.

I'll read it as soon as I can.

Bye for now.

EDIT: Also bear in mind - that not once in your last 30 posts (and 6 weeks Shocked ) have you offered a comment on anyone elses story (and that wasn't a storygame, but an RP). You want people to read yours - then return the favour.

#5:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:40 pm
Smee wrote:
I've been busy Sparta, sorry but patience.

This story has been going on forever, and now we suddenly have chapters falling out our ears with your rush to finish it. Just because you've changed your schedule doesn't mean everyone else can.

I'll read it as soon as I can.

Bye for now.

EDIT: Also bear in mind - that not once in your last 30 posts (and 6 weeks Shocked ) have you offered a comment on anyone elses story (and that wasn't a storygame, but an RP). You want people to read yours - then return the favour.

With writing this story and posting it I rarely get the time to read others stories. Though you are right there.

City of IF -> Virtual - COMPLETE

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