Chapter 5: Gold of the Gods
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City of IF -> Pillbox

#1: Chapter 5: Gold of the Gods Author: Ravagerrr PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:16 pm
:biggrin: Pillbox - Chapter 5

Gold of the Gods

Now hang on just one darned minute! If I'm going to be signing myself over to some shadowy organization, then I'm gonna want to know what they are going to be doing to me, or I'm out. Tell me whats in those pills or I'm walking, screamed Mack, inside the confines of his mind. He couldn't help but doubt and mistrust, but the soldier within him stirred, arguing to press forward, supress doubt, have unyielding faith in leadership, show no signs of waivering.

So, instead, the words that came out were, "Alright then, Sydney. Lets see more of this base. But I'd still like to know a bit more about everything. How will they be healing my legs, what did we learn from these tablets... and for God's sake, Sydney..."

"Yes, Mack?"

"What is up with the PILLS?"

"Oh... yeah, them. Look, I get the feeling I made you a bit uncomfortable back there," nods from Mack confirmed Sydney's statement, "but I assure you I'm only trying to put your much needed education in an orderly fashion."

Mack's face pleaded with Sydney.

Leaning over and winking, Sydney declared, "I just don't wanna spill the beans yet."

"It just makes me a bit uncomfortable not..."

As Sydney's chair whirred to life down the hallway, he interrupted, calling back to Mack, who spent little time following his lead, "Did you ever play 'Spill the Beans' as a kid, Mack?"

Catching up, Mack replied, "No Sir, can't say as I did. Spent too much time playing with toy soldiers and G.I. Joes."

"Too bad... it was a good game."

"What are you insinuating Sid?", Mack's patience was beginning to wear somewhat.

"Spill the Beans was fun, Mack. When the Beans spilled, we all used to laugh and roll about the floor in mirth. What I'm trying to say is that the Pills, Mack, are a very special suprise, something I'm sure you will be more than delighted with. Your concern is unnecessary. Still, they are based on all the same technology sources, the stolen secrets of the Annunaki."

"Alright then... The Annunaki... I'm not sure how to take all of that legendary stuff, Sid. Makes me a bit uncomfortable, that. But I guess it doesn't really matter if you're feeding me a line of garbage. The fact of the matter is, you've proven to have technologies that not too many people are aware exist. A quick explanation of how the healing works would help."

"Sure, just as soon as we get through this next stop," Sydney glided up to another door and, as quickly, the door slid upwards.

The room beyond was an almost indecipherable tangle of cords, wires, computer equipment, and again, blipping lights. Dominating the chamber, in the center, was a gadget happy surgery chair, bringing painful memories of dentistry to Mack's thoughts. Still, no dentist Mack had ever been to had been so well equipped with tools of a bewildering array, and mysterious nature.

Seated at a desk at the far end of the room was a man who looked far too big for his chair, perhaps far too big for any chair.

The hulking, faintly hunchbacked individual, who's size was a matter of height improportionate to his girth, was draped in a lightly brown-flecked, white doctor's robe. Appearing to hear the arrival of his visitors, he slowly, laboriously, stood from his seat and turned, with a lack of enthusiasm, to face his company.

His turn to face them revealed deeply sunken, pronounced, angular features, a large, stocky forhead, and a completely bald crown. Smiles must have been rare to grace his visage as , though he seemed to force one to his lips, the struggle was certainly visible.

"Mack, this is Beck, our surgeon and cybernetic augmentation specialist. Beck, meet Mack our newest addition to the team.", announced Sydney.

Beck seemed to grunt a bit while offering a head nod, but Mack doubted his sincerity. Mack nodded cautiously in return, fumbling to say, "Nice to meet you... Beck"

"Beck doesn't talk much, but he's a genius Mack. He had been working out some really advanced designs in cybernetic research before we met him, and ever since, our new technological discoveries have served as a keystone in his work. He can now achieve what people have been dreaming of for centuries."

Beck swivelled his torso a bit, his neck remaining stiff, to face a bit closer to Sydney's general direction. An eyebrow rose a half centimeter and his eyes released a yet unseen, albeit brief, sparkle. Perhaps this was in response to the compliment, but Mack couldn't help but think that somehow Sydney may have offended him.

"It's good <breath in>, <breath out>, to have met you, <breath in>, <breath out>, Mack," Beck said at a laboriously slow pace as his eyes flickered back to the Sergeant, "but if the two of you don't mind, <breath in>, <breath out>, I'm very sensitive about my equipment, <breath in>, <breath out>, and I have a lot of work to do." At the completion of this lengthy monologue, Beck snailed his body back around to face them with his back and descended back into his chair, reslumping himself over the reef of papers on his desk.

"Good to see you, too," said Sydney, cheerfully as a duck, "c'mon Mack. He's a good guy, totally harmless, but his work consumes him. Lets not delay the master at his craft."

Whirring their way out of the cybernetics lab, Mack and Sydney paced down the hall smoothly, the door sliding shut behind them with the same, supple, grace.

"Whoa... he's creepy.", said Mack bluntly.

"Yeah... gives me the willies every time. But I don't doubt his loyalty... just not really a 'people' person if you know what I mean. Some guys seem to really excell at one thing, and for Beck, that's making artificial intelligence communicate effectively with real intelligence. He may well understand the body better than any human being alive. It's an irony to me that he seems to have disdain for it at the same time."

"I fully agree. I'm glad I'm not working with him... I think...", Mack's tone implied he was ready for some answers.

"Alright, alright, just a moment..." Wizzing through a door, strangely on the right side of the passage, while all other doors had since been on the left, he led Mack into what appeared to be a common, every day, break room. Glancing around, he noted that the room came complete with vending machines, a billiards table, seats which looked far too plastically uncomfortable, and... a TV!

Wow, thought Mack, TV... didn't realize how much I missed it! Maybe it was the connection to the outside world that the television represented, but Mack was comforted to be in the realm of the familiar for a time. A gnawing void at the back of Mack's mind hinted at him to look for a phone, which, as he suspected, was missing from this otherwise usual scene.

"Welcome to the lounge, Mack. Take a seat!", joked Sydney cynically.

Mack couldn't help but chuckle. It felt better knowing that he probably would need a chair in the conventional sense soon.

Sydney sped over to a vending machine, stopping and rotating on a dime. "What do you want Mack? We've got...", Sydneys list of items rattled on until Mack finally decided on an apple pie. Pushing a button, strangely without any deposit given to the machine, the apple pie spurt out of the bottom hatch, soon accompanied by a turkey sandwich and a couple sodas.

Whirring back to the table, where Mack sat glued to the evening news, wondering why they never talked about anything of real importance, Sydney tossed over the pie and soft drink and took up the retelling of his tale.

"Ok, Mack," chewing through his first bite of sandwich, "to explain how we're going to heal you required that I explain about the Sumerian's account of the Annunaki and that we only have this technology because of them leaving clues behind. I've also been attempting to let you in on the real purpose of what our mission here is, but I'll get into that more later. For now, it seems the driving question you've got here is how we're gonna fix you up, right?"

Distracted from his television, Mack leaned back in his hoverseat, turned to face Sydney, and said, "Yeah, thats right."

"Ok, look, the most valuable of the secrets they left for us has so many applications it's startling, the key to so many discoveries and full of so many uses that we've dubbed it the 'Philosopher's Stone'. In fact it may be exactly what the alchemists were trying to get at.

For a long time, after its secret had been forgotten, or erased from the minds of man, or whatever happened, the legend of it has surfaced time and time again in many forms.

In the Bible, it was rained down from the sky to appear over the ground like morning dew when the Hebrews were starving in the desert after their escape from Egypt. It was called Manna in that scrypt and God instructed them to bake the powdery substance into a bread that would sustain them alone.

The Hindus called it Soma, a drink only the Gods were privy to, and claimed the Moon was its source.

It was the chief ingredient in Ambrosia, the Nectar of the Gods, in Greek Mythology. Ambrosia, Mack," Sydney leaned towards Mack to whisper for dramatic emphasis, "was rumored to be responsible for the immortality of the Gods!

Furthermore, in Genesis, as soon as God, or the 'Lord God', Yahweh, or Jehova if you will, discovers that man has learned the secrets of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, a.k.a. his sexuality, then he immediately declares, 'Let him not discover the fruit of the tree of life, lest he become immortal, like we.'"

"What are you saying, Sid? That you've been given the secret of the Tree of Life?"


The silence was deafening, even the babbling TV vanished into its mists. Their eyes locked, Mack scoured the back of Sydney's mind, searching for any sign he could be deceiving. The resolute, almost smug look of indignant satisfaction which Sydney returned was perhaps the most convincing thing Mack had heard all day.

"So," Mack stepped into his reply like a cat pawing unfamiliar ground, "does this mean that you plan to inject me with... ambrosia?"

A smile as wide as the Golden Gate Bridge burst onto Sydney's face. "Exactly! With the scientifically evaluated formula we've put together with the Manna we've been led to discover, yes. Its a bit complicated, requiring knowledge of DNA, and we've only begun to scratch the surface of its potential, but it works! I swear to you, Mack, it works!"

"Wow, so many questions... again! Does this mean you plan to make me... Immortal?"

"We're not sure if we have the formula down to that point yet, but studying you're reaction to the elixir should bring us much closer to that goal. I'm certain it will prolong your life a great deal, yes. Remember how the first guys in the Biblical lineage lived so much longer than it seemed was possible? This stuff was certainly to blame, making what used to seem like an unlikely claim in Genesis's lineages much more reasonable." Face aglow, Sydney seemed to be loving the sharing of this amazing secret.

"Ok, so, Manna... What is it exactly?", Mack was feeling a welling of power like a swirling storm rise inside him, making him a bit dizzy. What will I become here???, he wondered incredulously.

"Funny thing, that. Its been here all along! Have you ever wondered why we value Gold and Silver SO MUCH? I mean, they're pretty and all but do they really have any value?"

"Are you telling me that Gold and Silver somehow mix together to make Manna?" Mack's doubt began to return.

"Well, yes... and no. Of course it goes deeper than that. I'm not sure how to explain it to you, but I'll try. How much do you know about chemistry, Mack?"

"I flunked in high school. Wasn't interesting. Did really well in explosives training though... does that count?"

"Not really. Ok, the layman's explanation then. There are 7 minerals which can take what chemists call a 'monoatomic' state, where each distinct element at the most fundamental level is in a completely balanced electric charge. I'd love to explain further in depth, but try to understand it like this... its a powdery type of gold, silver, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and/or platinum. Used properly, in chemical processes, it has a lot of special affects.

Its hard to lay it all out for you because its so complex, but here's a few tidbits. When you take Monoatomic Gold, or Manna, or Orme, as its discoverer dubbed it, into your body straight, either by injesting it or by injecting it, this stuff acts as a superconductor in your nervous system and begins to work to repair your DNA sequences.

This can of course be dangerous if it isn't administered correctly as it can break down some of your DNA, but if used properly, with the right mixes of monoatomic elements in conjunction with a little bit of this and that, then it can cause you to become highly regenerative, among other possible uses, thus the method we will be employing with your healing process is based on this technology.

Another thing you should know about Monoatomic substances, Gold being the most drastic to react in this manner, when heated, they actually lose weight density. Until now, in nature, we've never found anything like this.

Matter shouldn't change weight under heat! Usually, a molecule under any temperature is the same weight, but Monoatomic gold is different, it loses weight when heated, and gains weight when cooled.

Monoatomic Gold can even be heated to such a degree that it begins to take on a 'less than zero' weight. In essence, it begins to levitate, to have a weight that works in inverse to gravitational pull.

That..." Sydney patted his chair affectionately, "is exactly how this thing lifts us, and the chopper... I'm telling you, Mack, this stuff is so powerful that it can achieve things unimaginable. Its the source of the 'gods' power!"

"And you're about to shoot me up with this stuff???", Mack stated incredulously.

"Yyyyyup!", Sydney smiled excitedly.

"So, you mentioned its discoverer named it Orme. Is that the name the Sumerians gave it?"

"No... no," Sydney recovered, "Monoatomic substances were found earlier in this century but their uses and attributes baffled scientists until now. The Sumerians didn't even really understand it I don't think, but they knew what it could do from witnessing the Annunaki use it first hand, and they left us pieces to the puzzle that we've been putting together. Thats why the archaeology in Iraq is so essential. Once Sumeria was discovered, and their astounding understanding of the uses of Monoatomic Gold began to surface, immediately there were forces at work to ensure control of the region."

"Thats why Saddam made so many mentions of his 'charge' to protect the heritage of Babylon, eh?"

"Exactly, except that Saddam was a much more loyal servant than America has been told. He and George Senior were all a part of the group that planned to put America firmly in Iraq until the secrets could be derived and protected. I can't go into all the details, but suffice it to say, we're in Iraq now, just as it was planned decades ago, to gather more clues and protect this critical technology from falling into the wrong hands. Unfortunately..."

"It already has... hasn't it?"

"Yes. Some of it has leaked. That's what you're here for Mack. The Army is going to need you, your skills, your attitude and your loyalty, for some pretty dangerous missions.

The power of Manna far outweighs the power of Uranium, and its secrets are being unravelled by less benevolent forces than we. But we're not going to send you in without being prepared. Your healing will be the first step to getting you there." Sydney completed this last statement with a somber look.

"Wow... sounds just like what I always wanted to do when I enlisted..." said Mack in an almost wistful tone.

"That's what I meant when I approached you back in Iraq. You see how important this is now?"

"Yes... I do Sid. I do."

They sat in silence for a moment, finishing their snacks. "Well," Sydney started abruptly, swallowing the last of his sandwich, "If we're going to finish this tour, we ought to be moving along. There's still a lot to show you."

A stifled yawn from a seemingly subdued Sergeant was Sydney's reply.

"Perhaps we should call it a night and pick it up in the morning?"

Sergeant Mack felt tired, for sure, but under that fatigue, he also felt something more, something he'd been waiting all his life to hear... the call of duty, the rally to arms, a purpose awaiting him that he had so desperately needed to fulfill his life here on Earth.

Sleep could certainly wait, he felt, but was it wise? Should he just continue to tour the building still, or lunge, headfirst into the healing process? Or should he just get some sleep and let it all soak in first. Adrenalyn pulsed through his weary, wounded body. He knew Sydney would answer to any of the previous options he'd been given by the General. In fact, he wondered if Sydney was testing his enthusiasm for the job, or perhaps his temperance and wisdom. What should he do?

Last edited by Ravagerrr on Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

City of IF -> Pillbox

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