The red carpet (Gala)
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City of IF -> Sojourner's Journey - COMPLETE

#1: The red carpet (Gala) Author: AlegriaLocation: On the beaches with Dr. Suess' Sneeches. Only the star-bellied ones, of course. PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:35 pm
*fanfare music turns on*

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Sojourner's Farewell Gala! We have a wonderful line up of people here today, and I'll be giving you the inside on all the stars coming up. We're all holding our breath that the King himself will visit, and we've got some ladies from Muaddib's district to... er... greet him if he comes.

I've got to tell you, folks, it's really exciting to be here, and... wait!!!! It's the one, or should I say two? and only, Ravenwing Twins! Can I have a moment of your time, ladies?

*the twins seem to ignore him, sauntering off, but you still hear a little of their conversation*

I can't beleive you bought that dress, it's SO hideous!

And I can't beleive we share blood, you're SO hideous!

Isn't that the same as calling yourself hideous?

Shut up, we're on camera.

*camera pans back to announcer*

Good old Ravenwing twins, always joking with each other. I remember this time... oh, look it's... it's... who is that? Oh, of course, it's the furry orange... thing himself, Chinaren!

Hello, sir, how is your evening?

Splendid, I can't wait to see the next installment.

Wonderous, so, how's the missus?

She's doing fine, but I'm considering selling her for fables.

Um.. sir, isn't that... well, wrong?

Hey, free trade made me what I am today!

I'll let you go then.

*chinaren walks off, very much offended*

Well, there you have it, Chinaren's going to sell his wife! but, we have more important issues, like the fact that Shady Stoat herself is coming down the carpet! A moment of your time, please?

*Stoat looks at him, blinks, and then gives a little nod.*

What do you think will happen in the 13th chapter?

Well, I got the inside scoop. You didn't hear it from me, but Our...

*your veiw is blocked by a man pushing a cream cake cart, but you can still hear, you strain to hear the suprise ending.*

CREAM CAAAAAAAAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*you watch in horror as a scuffle takes place between the small stoat and the man. The stoat scampers off, victorious and utterly stuffed.*

Well then! The Gala is beginning, but I'll stay out here to keep you posted on the people coming in. So, until something else strange happens, I'm your host...

CREAM CAAAAAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The camera falls over, and the screen goes fuzzy.*

City of IF -> Sojourner's Journey - COMPLETE

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