Chinaren Victory speech.
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City of IF -> Election Oct 06

#1: Chinaren Victory speech. Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:37 pm
“Ahem, is this thing working? One two one two, ah good.”

~Starts reading from a piece of paper~

“Minions, until the Kings' mysterious disappearance is solved I have assumed Emergency Powers. All citizens must now report for double shifts in the Idearium mines, the curfew is extended and the Death squads are...”

~Pauses and checks notes.~

“Damn, wrong speech.”

~Looks embarrassed~

“Ahem. Yes. Sorry. Ignore that one, it is ahhh... just a play I am working on. Yes, that's it. A play.”

~Shuffles papers whilst an uncomfortable silence reigns, then starts again...~

“Glorious and very free citizens! I would like to thank you all* for voting me into office. Smee has worked hard as Mayor, and I would like to thank him for a job well done. I hope to continue with what he has started.”

“I have a few ideas for IF, which I will be discussing with the King. However, I have no plans for massive re-organization. I believe that, in general, the city is running fairly smoothly.”

“I do plan to keep a close eye on the new Storygame promotion process, and would like to receive feedback from those of you who have been through it, either successfully or not, and hear your opinions.”

“I have also been pondering something new. I noticed, and it became fairly evident in the voting process for Mayor, that there is a sizable number of Ifians who are... 'younger'. I would like to hear your views on creating a special SGame section for younger readers/players.”

“It is well known I am pro-Fable. I believe they can add some fun to the site, whilst letting those who are not interested in them still partake of the activities of IF. However, I do feel they could be used more, so I will be encouraging ideas for use of them.”

“As soon as I can get the stains out of the carpet, I will be moving into the Mayoral Mansion. Once there I will spend a little time becoming familiar with the Mayoral chambers before taking up my duties.”

“Finally, a more personal announcement. For the past few months I have been... struggling to maintain my SGame load. Hence I have decided that several of my stories will be put on hold. They will not be abandoned, and I will finish them when the time comes. Maybe even chapters will be put out if ideas come to me. In the meantime I will be concentrating on Tired of Death and Lords and Ladies. My sci-fi stories will be put on hiatus. Real Bananas will be finished soon. I will conclude Smee's part of 'Tale of IF' then put that on hiatus too. Garden will continue, but probably very slowly.”

“This isn't because I have been voted mayor, this would have happened anyway.”

“I enjoy IF, I think it has great potential, and hope I can help it expand further in the next six months. Thank-you for listening. Have a nice day!”

~Goes away and orders black swivel chair and white cat~

*Except the ones who didn't, who are even now being raided by Correctional squads and being sent to secure locations for 'education'.

#2:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:33 pm
Oh no, dont turn Dr. Evil on us now. Cuz then your cat has to go bald... And thats just scary to be frank.

Nice speech!

I must say, Im actually glad you won. I mean, I wanted to win, but Im glad that this isnt going to be run by someone who wants to change the entire site. Not that sax was going to I dont know exactly what his views were... On anything!

Im pro-fable as well. Looking forewrd to seeing your no-doubt devious plans to get them used.

#3: damn Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:25 am
Oh ****!!!!! I better run away before I get re-educated!!!! lol, nice speech chinaren, be seeing you after the Correction squads lose interest in little old me.

#4:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:43 am
Uh, Chinaren, did you want the remains of your Correction squad back?
Anyway, nice victory, and I humbly request that you ressurect GvEvM sometime soon. If nessecary, I'll put in an offical request form.

#5:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:57 am
Argh! It's the squad!

*cowers in a corner, looking around wildly for something to hit them with*

Aha! A chair!

*manages to batter quite a few, but is eventually dragged away screaming*

Nooo! Don't let them get meeee!

#6:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:54 pm
Hey wait wait wait when did whitey become a City council member? Wierd.

#7:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:41 am
Yeah, loads of people are now on the council. You missed sign ups.

#8:  Author: chiacutie PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:02 pm
I dont think Id make a good council member Shocked scary thought...

Wink Ive decided to stay unpolitical for a few months...

#9:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:06 am
Note here that if you look in her dictionary 'a few months' means ' to whenever the next election is'.

City of IF -> Election Oct 06

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