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City of IF -> Elvendor

#1: Maps Author: JezSharpLocation: The middle of anywhere... PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:40 pm
The new Chapter Grave Trouble will hopefully be up on the 1st of September (timed to help kick off the PPP as solus pointed out Wink ) and promises to be a good one, as our hero gets his first taste of adventure/danger upon his travels Very Happy.

In the meantime I've had a go at trying to piece together some sort of a map...which was rather flustrating and not entirely successful. However although not really to scale and rather hard to read, I've pasted what I've managed to produce below in an effort to paint a better picture of the land he finds himself in Smile .

To help - The orange circles are elven settlements of which the one with purple writing near it is 'The Forest Glade of Evertian' - Elvendor's home.

- The black circles are human settlements - unfortunately my attempt at portraying farmland on the map has made trying to read the actual names of the smaller towns near impossible. Going from left to right they should read 'Timburton, Kennelton, Taloth, Haifa'.

- The red lines represent the red cliffs, the blank grids represent the sea (and those brown things near the bottom were meant to be boats Embarrassed ) - oh and finally the dotted lines represent the boundary of the known land (from Elvendor's current point of view).

- If there is anything else on the map that needs clearing up, just post it on here or PM me Smile .

Last edited by JezSharp on Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:01 am; edited 1 time in total

#2:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:22 pm
Excellent effort Jez - maps are a real pain in the proverbial. Very Happy

I have to question the upside down compass. I'm assuming it's so you can track Elvendor's progress left-to-right but I don't think that's necessary.

However - really not worth re-doing the map just for that - this works really well for what's needed.

Looking forward to the next chapter Very Happy

Happy Writing Smile

#3:  Author: JezSharpLocation: The middle of anywhere... PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:09 am
Ah, the upside compass yes. That's because the World is reverse polarised - a compass would read North pointing to the lower hemisphere and South pointing to the Northern hemisphere (also shown in the story because the Sun rises in the West and sets in the East - althougth if the World spun in the reverse direction to Earth as well as being anti - polarised then it would still rise in the East).

I thought I'd throw the directions upside down to make the world stand out a bit from Earth (although for some reason I have a feeling Earth reverses it's polarity every x thousand years). Therefore it seemed more accurate to have the map that way up and reverse the compass to make the point that the North pole is the 'bottom/lower' pole on this world.

maps are a real pain in the proverbial
- Laughing yes!, I stayed up until 00:30 creating that one, and it still looks messy Wink.

#4:  Author: JezSharpLocation: The middle of anywhere... PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:00 am
I will probably leave the poll up until Wednesday of next week.

In the meantime Jezza Inc Publishing has been working on special handcrafted map making. Currently the below is what I've come up with, not sure if it's clearer than the previous version though, missed the name of Taloth from the map (town between Timburton and Kostenton but otherwise is all there from what Elvendor has explored. Details such as the name of the main Island aren't present as there is no clear name for it as of yet (one will almost certainly be formed later on by the communities). The compass is upside down for a purpose, the world has a reverse polarisation from that which most compasses are set to within the galaxy and so the directions were set as such.

City of IF -> Elvendor

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