Chapter 7- Warriors Prime
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City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

#1: Chapter 7- Warriors Prime Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:15 pm
Okay so I'm a little behind my deadline but still...Enjoy.

Chapter Seven: Warriors Prime pt 1

Gallaeni seem to organize their structure by wing color. White wings signal innocent Gallaeni or those bonded to the High Triad. They hold positions of high honor in the society. Blue wings signal those bonded to the Even Triad. They serve in a lower capacity and deferr in all things to their white winged cousins. The rarest, and lowest of them all are the Red Winged. These Gallaeni are said to serve the Savage Triad. They are murderers and villans, stopping at nothing to carry out their orders to their dark masters. However, through extensive reserch, I think I may have discovered something even more terrible. They call them Black Wings...
- The Ancient Writings of Balthis
- Balthis Damaldin High Priest of Vathos

"We must head for the beasts themselves." Asalia knew it was the right way to go, the only way to go. Her heart said so, leading her onward as if some invisible string was guiding her. Darith looked at her as if she'd gone mad, as did the dark figure bundled up in the strange skins. Callix cleared his throat.

"You must be terribly confused. Let me get out something that will explain..." Asalia held up her hand, her smile wide and raidiant.

"No Callix, I'm perfectly fine. It seems I've been given my memory back." Darith was on his feet in an instant, arms wrapped around her, hauling her off her feet and spinning her around. His laughter clouded around them, joy etched on his face. Asalia couldn't help but laugh and hug him so hard her arms bruised against his armor.

"Have I missed something?" The dark figure spoke in a woman's tone, as harsh and biting as the wind around them. Callix began to speak to her in low, hushed tones, while Asalia told Darith all about her dream of Fallon...well except the bit at the end. She was still a little too embarassed about that to tell Darith...wouldn't he think her silly afterall? And it didn't change the fact that Fallon would never return to her physically if it had been him at all.

"So you're saying Fallon broke your Curse? I wonder why mine is still active then?" Darith bit his lip and Asalia tried to think of something reassuring to say. Patting him on the cheek, she gave him another hug as he ruffled her hair.

"I don't know...maybe it takes a lot out of him to do that from beyond. Maybe it wasn't him at all but something using his form. I don't know Darith, I'm not a dream sage or a mage of the mental arts...I'm considering myself lucky to remember that I'm Asalia, you're Darith, that's Callix and," Asalia frowned staring at the woman. "And who's she?" Darith shrugged his shoulders, stepping back a bit.

"She's..." The woman stood, rummaging through the massive lump of furs strapped to her back. In moments she had brought forth a bow of some unknown make and material, a strange bowstring, and a quiver of equally strange arrows. Stringing the bow with deft movements, she slung the quiver onto her hip. Her head coverings slipped back enough for them to catch sight of the pale eyes and hair, the deep black skin.

"There's no time. Even if we wished to head for the forest now there is no time. The Cabodise are nearly here. I shall pray to Elonia for our safety and for strength in this battle. If you have any Gods close to you...I'd call upon them now." Callix opened his mouth to say something and found himself struck on the nose. "Save You! I know what Gods your master served...I'll want none of their help!"

Callix bared his fangs at her, a strange light beginning to course through his eyes. "You would dare strike me part-blood? Me? My family line is unbroken back to Barranus himself, the steed of Faelyon! And you would dare strike me?" Then and there the kession ceased being Callix, faithful companion, and became Carrius, Fallon's war steed.

His form seemed to grow impossibly large, mane and tail becoming shadow-fire, several rows of fangs extending to drip venom that put a pit viper to shame. Spines as sharp and long as his obsidian horn rose from his curved neck like the armor of a barbaric culture. The silken feathering on his legs became shadow flame as well, talons became wicked serrated daggers, small grooves running down the sides suggested a poison of some kind would be present in every swipe.

His wings arched above them, fading onto the enternal darkness of the sky. Yet they could almost feel the razor sharp edges every feather bore, feel the crushing weight a blow from those wings could deliver. Seeing him now as Carrius, not Callix, sent Asalia staggering back several steps...especially when he spoke. Before his voice had been deep and it was as deep and chilling as the dark vault of the ebon heavens above them. "You have picked the wrong foe."

Neverstar and Stormwing were, by now, too tired to bolt. Instead they squealed in blind panic, truely blind now that connection to the kession had been broken. Darith held their noses, his Windaggers free and dangling on their short chains. Rubbing gentle hands across soft noses and whispering gentle words in velvet ears he managed to keep them from dying of fright.

Asalia, on the other hand, picked up the staff she had fetched from Fallon's bag. It looked like a beautifully wrought shepards crook and positively seethed with magic. Stepping between the woman with her bow and the enraged Carrius, she thumped it into the ground. A shock wave reverberated out around her, rippling through the soil, churning the lichen as if some great creature had just passed under her feet. She ignored it, as much as she wanted to drop the staff and stare at it in awe now was not the time.

"Callix...Carrius...oh whatever you're called! Those beasts draw near do they not?" The massive creature, fully as large as any of the Cabodise, bobbed his head. "Then turn your anger against them, not this woman. There will be time for apologies and repentence later. Now is a time for survival." The beast snorted.

"Indeed...can you see how many there are?" That was Darith, his tactical mind taking over, trying to get a grip on the situation. Asalia was glad to let him, as much as she loved having her memories it was going to take time to sort through them. And she didn't think she'd ever recived any training on tactics or command...


That's part one...please stand by for more.

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:43 pm; edited 3 times in total

#2:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:09 pm

Chapter Seven: Warriors Prime pt 2

Darith waited for the kession's head count. He had a picture in his mind, a wholly inaccurate one naturally, of what the beasts looked like and where these 'sweet spots' might be. He thought he had a way to beat them figured out if he could only get an accurate count of the herd...all it involved was a lot of luck and more than one suicidal dash into their ranks.

"I count the herd at around fourty-two, give or take a few youngsters hidden by the adults' feet." Darith looked up at the kession.

"Any chance you can boost me up for a look?" Almost instantly Darith found a wing touching the lichen infront of his boots. He scrambled up as gently as he could, not easy when nearly all the joints of his plate were frozen solid, and peered into the twilight world framed by the kession's ears. Slowly a herd of beasts resolved themselves...beasts he would never be able to describe should he live to be three hundred.

Sliding back down he gripped his weapons, Windaggers he firmly told himself, and looked back at the group. "Layla?" She looked at him, perking up a bit. "What can you do?" She knew what he ment, it was a common saying amoung warriors that ment 'how good are you?'

"Give me clear shots and I can bring a Cabodise down with three arrows to the rose. I can also get arrows into their leg joints which we've found slows them down but it also angers them an is really very little gain in the long run." For a moment Darith was puzzled then Layla explained. "Oh and the Rose is the sweet spot on the's local slang sorry."

"No harm in that. I've no doubt we're both going to be needing to know more of the language before this is over. Carrius...what can you do?" The kession looked down at him with a derisive snort, the superheated steam from the blast fogging them in as if they'd been standing on some lonely sea coast.

"I'm pretty sure these things like the cold in which case I can really heat things up for them...I'm also sure that if the part-blood," his tone was still chill, if civil, to Layla. "If the part-blood can distract them with arrows to their joints I can probably flip them by hooking talons into them from above. Then you'll have access to their bellies. I'm also sure that, given the right angle, I can skewer them through the rose." Darith nodded.

"Right, Carrius get airborn, start sweeping over their backs and harrying them. We want them looking up and exposing their mean roses to us." With a single paw of his right forepaw, since he didn't have hooves, he left several deep ruts in the soil. He kicked up quite a bit getting just airborn enough that his wings weren't in any danger of bumping something. Layla gave Darith an arch look he was too busy to bother interperating.

" you know if you can get your staff to produce another ground tremor like that? And if you can, could you direct the force in one direction?" Asalia shrugged.

"I can only try...why?"

"Because if you can then it's possible that you could aim a blast at them and destabilize the ground under their feet. If you could generate enough vibration with the blast, you could liquify the ground under them." Asalia flipped her hair back over her shoulder, pulling her hood up now as the wind howled over them. She placed the flat back of her hand, palm outward, on her forehead...the traditional Maldon salute.

"I am at my brother's service."

"No...I am at yours. Layla." He rounded on the strange woman. The thought that maybe she should be giving the commands hadn't even occured to him. It only seemed natural that he would step in and give orders...afterall the plans seemed clear in his mind. "Layla I want you to concentrate on striking the rose every chance you get...but also don't pass up shots to the leg or across that sweet spot on the abodmin either. Any discomfort we can visit upon them may be well worth it." Layla snorted.

"This is all well and good but you've told us much of what we are supposed to do while speaking little about what you yourself shall do. My Goddess approves not of those 'false leaders' ones who would place their charges in danger while they stay safe. I will not follow such a man." Darith could see Asalia stiffen as if someone had slapped her. He knew how she felt...someone calling a du'Maldon chicken.

Darith bit back a laugh. "You would eat those words if you had known my father..." For a moment emotion tried to break through but Darith wrestled it down and continued. "None of my family has ever been much for leading behind the lines. We've always been right there in the thick of it and so also do I intend to be." He held up the Windaggers on their short chains. "I don't think that these, no matter how I throw them, will reach high enough to do much damage to the rose but I bet I can gut them from underneith."

There was a bellow in the distance, the beasts had finally found Carrius, or Carrius had found made little difference. Running up the small hillock that had given them shelter they looked at what seemed to be a sea of shiney black crapaces scuttling at great speed toward them. A bolt of darkness plunged from the sky to strike at their backs, making several throw their heads into the air.

Quicker than thought Layla's bow sang and, in the space of three heartbeats, three arrows flew into the rose of a massive Cabodise. With a hissing rasp it toppled, a noxious miasma caused by the smell of it's spilt blood soon engulfed the hill where the three of them stood. Other Cabodise turned upon their fallen foe, ripping into the caracass and beginning a grisly feast. Asalia moaned faintly at the sight and smell and Darith spit bitter bile out of his mouth and onto the ground.

"The Surface is a harsh world. Nothing is wasted, nothing is left behind. The Cabodise know this as much as the Strangler Trees or even the lichen under your feet. Very little about the surface is hospitable and nothing about it can be considered nice. The only reason we bother with it at all is because of the ruins and the riches to be had from certain Surface species." Another three arrows felled another of the beasts.

Asalia swung her staff around and slammed the head into the ground. A massive wall of earth raced down the hill, slamming into several of the Cabodise that were still following Layla's scent trail. It bowled them back over as they squealed and clicked in their insectile language. Many turned toward their direction. "Cover me!" Darith charged down the slope, narrowly avoiding the massive earth waves Asalia sent after him.

Soon enough he was into the nearest ranks of the herd and he let his blades fly. He hurled them like one might throw a stone, expecting the chains simply to keep them attached. Instead he found his fingers curling into the chains, his wrists swinging in unfamiliar ways. He knew if he twitched this finger then, these fingers here, kept this little bit of slack pinched, and flicked his wrist that way the blades would do an amazing set of commands.

To his amazement the chains began to extend and compress giving him range he never though he'd have. The sweeping arcs of the blades didn't just scrape along Cabodise armor, annoying them as the plan had been, they sliced clean through it. More than one beast bellowed as lower limbs were severed...more than once Darith narrowly escaped being crushed by falling bodies.

He aimed a wicked crescent cut upwards and was rewarded as the innards of the monster sprayed down around him, covering him in guts and gore. At least the emulsions were warm, thawing his armor enough for decent movement. Now he had to worry about the other beasts as they stampeaded closer to those he had crippled. To his horror they began to rip their downed fellow's apart, bits and gobbits falling from their snapping jaws.

Carrius speared one on his horn, sweeping down just above Darith, and snorted gouts of steam into the face of another. Before the creature could react Carrius's horn punched through it's rose, exiting out the other side of it's crainium. Darith lept nimbly sideways, narrowly missing the snapping jaws of a small Cabodise that had mistaken him for a juciey tidbit. His blade flew upwards from the ground in a verticle sweep. The creatures halves did not come apart from each other until it tried to follow after him. Then, and only then, did they slid away from each other to drop, twitching to the ground.

Bellows were coming from everywhere when the ground under his feet lost it's stability. Darith felt a surge of pride for a moment that Asalia had figured out how to accomplish the task he had set her. Then he realized just how deep his danger was when the ground solidified again...and he found himself encased in soil up to his chest. Unable to effectively swing his arms his Windaggers were not quite the weapons they had been. His only consolation was that all the Cabodise around him were dead...and the others were sunk far deeper into the earth than he...


That's two...

#3:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:12 pm

Chapter Seven: Warriors Prime pt 3

Ceddon smirked a little when Fallon returned to his side. "You left pretty quickly...forget something?" Fallon didn't even glance at him. "Might it have something to do with the sudden...effeciency of the little chit with the yellow hair?" Ceddon was delighted to see that got a response, a slight tightening of the muscles in Fallon's jaw. It was the little things Fallon let slip through that gave him away. Ceddon knew that once Fallon was back to normal that these little slips wouldn't happen but for now he delighted in their presence.

As the battle joined the pair of them remained motionless, Ceddon occasionally glanced over at Fallon to see how he was taking it, but the mask was firmly in place with only Fallon's eyes flicking back and forth as he watched the tide of battle shift. At first it seemed all was going well for Darith and Asalia...the creatures were falling upon their downed herdmates, ignoring all but Carrius. Then Asalia sunk them into the dirt and all hell broke loose.

The Cabodise turned en mass and stared at the direction from which the powerful blow had come, abadoning the corpses they had been savaging. Throwing all their massive might into their trapped legs, the beasts managed to break free, throwing soil up around them in great sprays. "Well...that's not a tactic I'd use again. Speaking of tactics were's the brilliant young commander himself?"

Fallon nodded to a cluster of bodies half entombed in earth at the edge of the spells range. "He's down over there." For a moment they watched as Carrius landed, putting himself between the advancing beasts. Suddenly the heat could be felt even on the far hilltop where Ceddon and Fallon stood...a summers breeze in the winter land. Ceddon chewed a fingernail, his free hand twitching. "I know you want to go down there...why don't you?"

Ceddon turned incredulous eyes on Fallon. "You're kidding right?" Fallon turned a level gaze on him and Ceddon shivered...Fallon never kidded. "By the grace of the Divine Nine! I never thought I'd say that!" Before he'd taken even three steps Fallon had faded away.

Standing alone in his spirit-space Fallon placed his had against thin air for a moment before making a circular sweeping gesture. A shimmering surface suddenly existed where none had been before. With silent eyes Fallon watched Ceddon through a world mirror with disinterest. He was more than capable of staying alive in this battle.

Instead he turned his attention to Asalia who stood on the top of that hill looking sicker by the minute. She'd never killed anything in her life and here she was contributing to wholesale slaughter. She was holding up well under the circumstances he concluded.

He gazed breifly at the bundled figure next to her, the woman who'd plauged his dreams. He wondered if she'd come again, come and try and put and end to her. I almost wish she'd succeed. Now where had that thought come from? Now was not the time to dwell upon wishes and dreams, indeed his peering at the battle was procrastination of a kind in itself. Still he had to check on Darith.

The mirror showed clearly the young man had given up all thoughts of escape and now concentrated on staying warm. He was wriggling and had wrapped his cloak tight around him. Fallon knew that Darith would freeze long before Ceddon reached him. That put Darith's continued existance squarely on his black garbed shoulders. Closing his eyes he exerted himself again, feeling that odd pressure as his spirit manifested itself on the plain of reality.

Darith must have sensed him for he twisted around to get a look at Fallon as Fallon knelt over the top of him. "Hold still." Reaching under his armpits Fallon pulled back, well aware he was breaking one of the three cardinal rules about Astral projections. Namely the one that said he should under no circumstances be able to affect a physical substance.

Yet he pulled Darith clear of the soil easily enough...and was gone before the young man had a chance to say anything. Opening his eyes before his mirror once again Fallon almost smiled as Darith picked up the single feather Fallon had left behind, tucking it into the pouch on his belt. Fallon banished the mirror...there was nothing more on the physical plain that would require him for quite some time.

But there was a watcher waiting just outside his walls. Not quite like the one he had slain earlier...a Savage Triad servant no doubt but not from the least god. No this was one of Prima's servents, one of her death dealers if he wasn't much mistaken. He allowed it in, the walls of his space thinning to almost nothing to let the creature through.

Unlike the other, which had been grotesque and malformed, a by product of some incompatible mating, this servent had enough Gallaeni blood to be formidible. The man stood there, false red wings twitching, as he took in Fallon. "Well?" The man swept into a low bow.

"My mistress sends her greetings to you, the Black Wings. She also sends the message that Isul can be very foolish indeed and that he is willing to repent of the actions of his...late...servant." Fallon felt the tips of his right fingers going sharp and noticed the slight flick of the messenger's eyes as he saw the points. "No need to be hasty m'lord! I am not about to do anything so foolish."

"Of course not. If you did then you wouldn't be able to claim that prize you've always wanted. To have pure blood." The messenger struggled to keep an even face. Fallon's words had been flat, matter of fact, hollow and emotionless. The messenger must have thought that Fallon was mocking him, something Fallon had no need to do. "I don't see why you sold yourself for that."

The messenger exploded. "Of course you wouldn't! You and that spirit you displaced are the last two remaining! You were born with the privilage of pure blood! You don't have to suffer knowing there are things you'll never be able to do because you were unlucky enough to have a grandmother who was mortal!" The fingers on Fallon's right hand were fingers no longer...they were talons each as long as a man's forearm. The fingers on his left hand started to sharpen.

The messenger lunged at him only to see Fallon's boots flash past his nose. Before he could recover Fallon doubled over in mid air, plunging his long claws through the messenger's back. He pulled them clear as he continued into a somersault, landing neatly on his feet. Blood dribbled down the pale skin of his left hand. The messenger groaned, in tremendous pain as Fallon walked back over to him.

Kneeling down next to the messenger Fallon spoke in a low voice. "I don't serve Gods. Any Gods." With that he plunged his right hand through the messenger, pulverizing ribs. The messenger got a good look at his heart, beating in Fallon's taloned grip, before expireing. "And that is why."


More coming.

#4:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:00 pm
I only have one thing to say....Wow!

#5:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:59 pm
It'll be a few days before I can finish the chappy...just keep watching. Sorry, stuff has come up.

#6:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:05 am
WOW once again another bunch of papers to read through. I'm really liking it rai -- Very Happy Wait it is very good. I'm glad you love typing the story.

glad you have one road to take. I see you took the one of the weapon Wink and you added each charrecter their own feelings and thoughts.

I can see you take our comments also seriously. Razz

#7:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:33 pm
Since I happily have a moment I'm going to write the last part. Enjoy.

Chapter Seven: Warriors Prime pt 4

Layla knew her Elonia had answered her prayers when the young Gallaen with the broadsword entered the fray. One moment Carrius was in danger of being overrun by the angered Cabodise...the next a star fell out of the sky and struck one of them down. The youth had surged back up, twisting in the air, a tangled confusion of dark cape and white wings. Then he'd suddenly landed on the head of one of the beasts, stance wide and planted.

He'd raised his massive sword, an Heirsword if she wasn't much mistaken, in a double handed grip. With all the force in his powerful upper body he'd plunged it downward, felling the beast below him as the blade easily punched through into the brain. Not even the armor of a Cabodise could stand up to one of the legendary Heirswords. Layla wondered who this youth could be that he had one in his possession.

Darith suddenly appeared after that, weilding his blades as only a master of the art could. Next to her Asalia had figured out another facet of her staff's power and was hurling down gusts of sharpened wind. Air-blades they were called and like true blades they cut through the beasts as if they were nothing. Layla shook her head...Elonia's blessing alone could not explain all of these miracles. Either other gods were looking out for them

Layla pushed aside the thought that maybe the Black Wings had ment it when he offered the help of his mount and companions. Yet two who'd been traveling with the kession, and the kession himself, were better warriors than almost anyone else she knew. They were almost as good as herself. The white wings Gallaeni he was beyond her skill. He was a force of nature, a very deadly one at that.

Soon enough the last of the Cabodise fell leaving Layla and her companions in a lather. The kession, having no strength left for anger, faded back to his more agreeable self...the one known as Callix. "I have never fought such a battle in my life...I didn't know I could do half of those things."

"You and I both and I both." Asalia trembled, leaning heavily upon her staff for a few moments before turning to the side and falling on hands and knees, violently retching. Callix nosed her hair. "I don't think it entirely agrees with me either." She said weakly. Layla walked over to kneel beside her, pointedly ignoring the kession's cool gaze.

Putting a soothing hand on the frail maid's shoulders she cooed to her softly. "It's alright. Some were born to be warriors, others were not. You have a great heart and a fine spirit, no doubt you shall find your purpose soon enough. You're young yet and, Goddess willing, you'll have a long life in which to learn your true nature. I didn't know what I was supposed to do at your age and I'm sure even your brother had his moments of doubt."

The girl mumbled something under her breath and Layla cleared her throat. The girl blushed, Layla could feel the temperature change in her skin, before saying it again. "I bet Fallon didn't." Layla arched an eyebrow. Who was Fallon? The girl's lover perhaps judging by her reaction.

"I'm sure even he did."

"No he didn't." That and a laugh came from behind her. Turning and standing Layla turned a thoughtful gaze upon the Gallaeni youth who stood with an exhausted Darith hanging off his shoulder. He grinned broadly at Layla. "Fallon hasn't put a foot wrong in his entire life well..." His words broke off as if he'd said too much. Layla was suspicious but it was Asalia who spoke up.

"How do you know Fallon?" The Gallaen winked.

"I can't tell you, not and keep hanging around." Asalia would have asked more but Layla stopped her. The girl knew nothing about serving a doubt there were things the youth could and couldn't say. Whoever this 'Fallon' was he'd been a powerful player. "My name's Ceddon, and don't go trying to shorten it any. I've no wish to be called Ceddy or Donny or anything else you can come up with."

Layla took his outstreched hand and clasped it tight. "Well met Ceddon of the White Wings. I am Layla Elonia's Brand and these are..."

"Asalia and Darith du' Maldon...I know." Callix, who had been standing next to Asalia now snorted. Ceddon turned an eye on him. "Don't you dare." Callix snorted again.

"Fine, fine. I won't." Ceddon turned a grin back on to Layla.

"I know you were born on this world, or have at least lived here most of your life, but some of us havn't and I'm pretty sure that by now the horses are mostly frozen and so are the people. Is there anywhere out of this wind we can go?" Layla could have kicked herself.

"Of course, get everything ready and follow me. We've got to go back Below and tell someone about the bounty here before something else gets to it." Putting her weapons away as fast as she could she got the party moving quickly enough back the way she'd come...even after they circled around the slaughtered Cabodise.

She knew they weren't going to believe her when she returned Below. There was no way two humans, a kession, a Pure blood, and a half blood could have slain a herd of Cabodise. And yet it had happened by the grace of Elonia, it had happened. She tried to think of something else to say but nothing she could dream up was any less fantastic than the truth. An odd feeling tickled her, making her glance up.

She shivered. That had been magical. The was magical. The Windaggers...they were magical. And the Gallaeni...she didn't even want to think about the kind of energies that had to come off of him and his blade. All of that had been unleashed against the Cabodise. For the life of her Layla couldn't figure out why the Dark wasn't after them. Then it hit her...the disturbence that had brought the Black Wings and these others into the world must have sated it.

But they had to hurry...the Dark was too greedy to let them alone for long. She hustled the group as fast as possible until, at last, the crevass that was an entrance to Below became visible to her sight. She led them up to it and pointed the way. "Becareful, there are loose stones. I don't want you to trip." It was then something occured to her.

How were they seeing? The youth, Ceddon, was a Gallaeni. She was part Gallaeni. They could see in total darkness naturally, as could the kession. The kession was keeping contact with the equines so that they could see. But the two mortals...they could obviously see and there was nothing special about them. She wondered but kept it to herself. She'd ask them later when they were staying in her home and were, therefore, guest-bound to her.

As they made it through the upper tunnels toward the lower entrance Layla allowed herself to relax a bit. Not even the gruff guards of the Lower Passage could put her off when they lept from the darkness calling "Halt!" She raised a hand in greeting and they lowered their weapons.

"Hail priestess." One said softly. "Who travels with you?"

"Warriors Elonia has sent me to." That was a lie and a bad one. The desturbence had gotten her onto the Surface, the Black Wings had told her of these others, save Ceddon. She would have to confess that to Elonia tonight. But the guards didn't notice, they only smiled and waved her onwards.

As the began to enter civilized tunnels where the Fyrlume moss grew and provided light where none should be, Layla began to wonder. The Elders would want to see these warriors and the Scroungers should hear of the Cabodise, but her companions were tired and in need of rest. She could take them home and then make the necessary visits...or should they make the visits now? And if they went now...who did they go see first?


There you go! Hope you liked.

#8:  Author: PolokinLocation: It seems that I'm not physically capable of visiting a forum... damnit! PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:37 pm
Great new chapter, Rai. I especially liked the battle with the Cabodise, it showed that there was something special about Darith and Asalia (or atleast their weapons).

I think she should take them back. The first thing they need is rest after being out fighting the Cabodise and everything else they did.

#9:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:59 am
It is best for them to visit and then a healer of some sort. Then they can gladly snore away. But someone has to keep an eye out or there might roll trouble in when their sleeping.

#10:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:06 am
Very Happy I most sertanly agree on what Tara said. They have to visit a healer or layla if they have time to do so. Probably a healer they know or a white mage--usaully use to healing magics.

Then they can rest, with body gaurds awake with their eyes pealed for anything sispicious -- just incase another monster follows them, like a spy.

Then they can sleep where ever thjeir going. Very Happy

#11:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:43 pm
Can't do that Shade. The only person, besides Darith and Asalia, with access to magic would be Layla herself. UnderDark is a no magic world. None at all thanks to the Dark.

#12:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:45 pm
Personally I hardly think Darith is going to be one to rest while their is work to be done....but from Lalya's point of view, she should at least offer them rest even if they refuse.

So I say, Lalya should offer them a rest and let them choose wheither or not to take advantage of it. If they don't...well go from there.

#13:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:54 pm
Ah. yes i see ok. And i agree with Din's answer. Very Happy

#14:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:50 pm
Any more suggestions? The poll's going up tomorrow.

#15:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:44 pm
Poll is up. Votes must be made. Thanks.

#16:  Author: Mother GooseLocation: Connecticut PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:05 am
First vote - winning! Let the humans rest while she makes the visits. If the Elders want to see the others they can go to them when they're more able.

City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

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